prom tlio IUIoi((li Democratic Pro.. Attompt to Elopo with a Slave. We lrn that last week, a young ludy of fjtriordius'J bewuty aud upoiior attaiu u,eiitt tbe daughter of weahoy and ro- ,t.uVile parents, of Sampioti couuty, at tiI11p.edW elopo with a negro fellow, tho, iropef'J ' 'icr colH'D- T fr'nd we lire indebted for the following pnrlioulara Their elopement bad been pi it lined for varal weeks, but favorable opportunity ,, t presenting, " potpued from time t)l;.'ej n opportunily offerinc favorable t, ber ucfttt'ioua designs, aim told the Di'jrro 1 1 be i readinemi at the deijDld place (J timo. Wbco tbc hour arrived, abe cr,.pt "iletilly from her father 'a house, and po mi joined the negro, bo wan waiting with , lior'fl and buggy which he had atolou from , neighbor oarryiu the buggy oo his , boulder t kumUetl yufJi to tins main roi'l ; tbe two then left and proceeded to .irils the railroad. , Utiiijf abort of find., it nt-aeaeary for thu Lttltj to call upon uDi" of her father friend, telling him that ,(h'r fithrr) wished him to loan her an l.milred dollar at the aauiu tune baudiiiu; I, ,.n a note, which upou e lamination proved i) be worthl. it bad ookignature uflix iJ '111) gentleman informed her that be hju'.iI have willingly loaned her iho rupir f, fiiMi, if ber fatber'a al": nature bad been li liie note, but ad that important part wax , looted, ha oould not do it Sbu theu went n t iic negro to l.i-oii Ih'pot, (on the V. W. K H , where .lie expected 10 take the ,.; and offered the hor.e and buggy fur ..If at terniH o low, that at ouro aroused iu.pioiouf tbat ll wn not an it abould bj. .i ,-ri (fientlona were put to her, ail of .i.u-ii nhe auswered with ko much, il,iit a byutder volunteer, d to lend 1,,'r money, bul bt-for doing no, urairt.-l to the bill of U for the negro, which h lirmed t-he bad. fhe produced it, but ! ,e the note, it uot .iem-d, and alo ( .t.iiued ..-vert! other error. 1'he citi I i flieU dctermiju-d to arreat them, and y.ti accordingly, whereupon the Jouog ., ii, a le clean brea.t of the whole affair ; ubiinly i-xprenMU: that ber lictermioa ..j to marry the black raacal when .... got to the North The. negro was im iLluti ly taken and lodged in Clinton Jail, ,t ba nuc been carried off .iud di-poed : The joung luUy remained at I .i. i. a i ; d, and then returned to her fri. nil. A- he i ''Ulig ami beautiful, of rupetior i ki: ii-KuieiU, and h a 4 numerous reia ,. ahd ftiend", and lieritofitc moved n the niot re-peetahle ociety, it i to I e r ."rttrd that tie acted o improperly ami ui.rieeotninjt lady. f eoure,hen tb irrpreible eon S t j urnali"t hear of it, tbey aiil r ! i ber ( I'll vnUnt to aaiet, and u.i ,.e a "real to ilo, eriieraU. ' JNO tJllt-LK UU-Muri, I'rb . TiiKti In aU agea the number of tlircr i i had much myteriou" wgnilieanee, ui;l il aid th it tLe Arable ehaiaeter U igt,i (. in thai lanuae, tbc Tiiuiiy io the I Mty li, ai'ti r lh: may le, the i hnracior liolil hi'b pofiiiuu iti many nf the oret orJcra lie preaent day, and one of their p'U ir.iii ha gnen ttm foilowirg deduction. M.e'paliy from the ancient vcripturea : " W hen the v ii I a cr.aud. Kii Gud ! .i, water and ky ; auu, iii juu aiid atar. N il, had bul throe ion ; Jonah wan three cij lu the whuU'a if'.ly ; oar aviuur pa id three (jt,ya in th lou.b. lli.r U.rUieii i.i. .-'nijur thrive. Tuere were thrie p nucha Abi :biu, laaao and J tcob. Aura t. a in fiitntJiued ttiree augeU. f-4iiiuel rim I ibree tini ; himoti 1ovit th iy me ! wj- r. ; t' 1 three litnei Pri;el in throw u ,: i a din with thr: lion, f ir pri) ,ng three !: day f-hidrach, Metbaeh aiid A i :iM-g-J were rei"wed I r tint the fl ittira ot I - if in. The Ten I'oiiuiiariflnieiit" were -.lured "li the third day. Jib had three f !, ! St l'.u! peak of faith, bopw au-l i-:.rilj-tbee lliri J'hoo faiiioun dreatna oi ti,e baker and bull, r irit to come lo ,n iiinr day; nil Kjah pro-tral- d him t .1' three lime on the b .'ij of the dead ri. , I S in, ton deceived I'eluai. line- l,ine ! : ,r" ahe lli-coere l thu aecrel of Ilia Ttiiiih. The aaertd letl, r ou the t'ro are I !I S.; o al-o tL ' li'iinau luuiti a r li. p i-ed of tbrei) worda, ' lu b )0 aiglio ' i i,-re are condition fir man the earth. I in n and brll, Tbtre t al a liny irn.i'y. In Mythd.j.'j, three tirafea : Cr irj, with hi three heal ; Neptuin; hoid " bn three loitbtd ai-.ff; and the oraeie -.1 I' iphi ehrriabed with Veneration thti tri pl; and the nine Mtea aati Irom threw, lu iiaturo, we have morii moil and iiich. I rrea group their leave iu three, there i the three-ieaved clover. Kvery ninth ne a groiiu l we!l. We have fi-h, fleh n I li The uiajirily of in an kind die al tii.rl; What could be don.' iu liutht ina t.e wiihout the aid of the tri allele ! Why ri Mt i n ltrAi.Tt' im I'oi.ankT l .ue," a)a lt iyard "laylur, " tburr fi' it do not jump from infancy lo younj l)honl. They are not aeiil frnm iho cr- ' t tbc parlor, dreaa lo an atiil an I iouk ;r-tly No, they arc treated aa chililren, uiuid be, I'urin cliildhoo-l, which n i iiU thro igh a period of aeveral year, ti.ey ar plainly in the open air. They are ii ii lonlrd d in, girdid wbout. ani op rr.ed rv. ry way w i h counties fiiiU and 'Uper-abundant flounce", o a to be admir ' I f r their clothing. Nor are they reu d'T, , delu! 4lo ir djapi-ptic by e intinual 'l ilbiig of eandie anil aaeet cakea, u are th inaj .riiy of the Amerieau ehil lreu. Plain, ii. e fond, fren and vaiiou elereite, and n abundance of mil,. bin. daring the wb!.' I- ri" I of L'bihlboud are the atcreia of beau 'y in after life." A Can i.i' Oi.i ins IiiAsKKii A Virai In tin-iii hi-r of the lluuv- of Kejre.eltta who nmnhur auiiuc hl eutiaiiiiicnt" '.im. who hav never -n or ta.t.l tli" .li-liciou, hivalve, purcha.el a can of I ' lt.i .l 0 eater the package lnl'liu pr a pa ah.iut a u til on at..l hani'i; tliem '""fully envelope.! and ilirected, apneiide.l ' , t'riiik in nli.i e.triicr, and llie i:iekue . eoi.vejed t thu Po.t otlieo to atari on '"i'S0 t- thu nioiiiitatn ol Virginia " I' a queer littla world we li vo iu, Pt ; '"l tin-re) are, aim,.) miglitjr rjuuer ienjlti in II ' H ash. St,ili$. "in l.i'l reported from the Sena'.i cun t.ntl,.,. on priniiiiji, to provide for iho public I'Hiiinj, hiiidiii.., cntaviuii and liihouraph ill, it ia laid, pa both llon-ea, to the v "ry k'reat relief of (!oiii;re. and llio yov 'r""i nt. Thn bill provide, for the etab ''li'tieiit of a bureau in tha dep ir. uielit of )''e ttitnrinr, to bs sailed the buruau of pub " P'lntit.L', under the charge of a couniiis ith a aiiUrj of S.IHXl. Correaondcncfl uf the Cincinnatti Commercial, Hon. Wm. Pennington and Henry Clay. Lkxinuton, Feb I. Perhaps it would I interoat noiue of our reoder lo know why 1 the election or Pennington, of New Jersey, , a bpeaker, gave aucl. .ti.lnotion in Lex- ington, I think it wan either iic H15 or lbdfl.tbat Henry Clay became cmbarraaaed ! to sueb an extwiit thai he bad to luortga-'e 1 Aabland. Iu the uieaiititne, a inovejient ' had been fttHrted In Wi ne1ivnt,a t... I I of Mr. Clay fiiend.t, that they would pay! uia ui in nnu relievo tits etnUarranMiienU, j and Mr. A. II. Trolter, the Agent of the j Northern iiaiik in New Urleau , waH hunt; Hst to confer with Mr. Clay'a friend 4 I The wa. that about ' fifty I il ...... 1 i li i l j i , ; thousand dollura were nubcrir,cd, and the lion. Win. PunuitiKtoii waa amit to Ken-1 tucky w ith, money, and came to Lexington without feurcely any peraoil knowing hiiu. He walked into the Northern B ink. asked i r, ii. o i. r., ,, , . i for .Mr. beott, the Calller of the Hank, and, ! j upon be itig shown that gentleman, Baked if! 1 there were notaeviral iiotea of Mr. Clay a 1 that were due iu a fuw days, aud wa.t an-! I .wired tk.t Ikor. w..r Mr S.... . .. ,0. i jiuesti!d to give thu whole amount of Mr.! way a iiiucuieuucs, wlncli Wiia done, , aud a d raft on one nf the New 1 ork Hunka 1 wa handed him, and Mr. lViiuin -ton left the Bank with all Mr Clay'a notes 'paid. ' I In i. few days Jlr. (.lay eaine to town to I arrange for a renewal of Ihu Holes, if pos- aible, and was ehown into a room of thu liank. After Mtiing a fuw moment-, he M.Wd Mr It,., tit If tl...r. n... .1.1 1 ur ' . rangement to run the note fur a longer time. Mr. Scott looked at Mr. t'luy lo aee ! if he Waa not je.-ling, and Ctiding that he ; was not, told him ihut a geiilleuian fmmj New Jt-ri-ey bad culled and puid the whole . of bia iu'tubtedne.a. Mr. (ilay blarted ! wheu Mr. Scott M.oke, and looked al him i- i i i r . few necomU, I ur.-t Into tears, and left tbe Hank Overwhelmed. No In an ever bad auch friend. Such, air, is a brief uarrative, i an incident iu the life of the .Si.eake r elect ; I , . , ti .t. i- i i - and here, h.r, where Mr. day livi d, In, per- jouai irit-nua atv rejoii-ea mat lie nas rem bono) iil with thu Spt aki n bip. ' I " ' A (i ALLAN T OhkUinsr The fjlluiiig ' i , I mtidn.t, lo be well attested, and taken from a 1 inch work ei.ti.i. d " Lilian e !',U,""'''t")' 'l0V,S 'Ul " "lU: j educated dog, under tXa.i.i circumstance', Cannot only refoli and ait villi wonderful di .-it. , eeliluii and preneuee ol lullid, l ul can ai-0 r ,, , i l , tuamleht n feeling of revenue, which i not . nt eeanarily bia natural character, but whieh ! can baldly bt urpa--cd in intensity t y a Cbrirtiaii w artiur : j "Mtii.laph. a atror.g at,d active grey- bound , belonged to a captain of artillery, ' ,.i.d from it l.irtk in rk. u.ll.l nf ealit.a I i , acei in allied iu master, and . lhiLi ,A ,i .:.,., ,i . ,,.1,1.1 r.t i,.nia T.. V V bolttst engagemeiit it retunineri near the Caiilmii, and carried the ma'cH in hit nuuth. i At tbe memorable battle of Font, ony, tbe luarirr to Mui-tat ha rtcein d a mortal ' wuund. At the no liK tit when about tj file uioi, the ,-neiuv, he and several of hi. corps - .r. ....... k '.- ..,,1, It- . ,ti ..1 ,( .... ' ' . . I , artili.ry ..n,g hit ma-ter e V -i.ded li.e I e and bl. . Unit', Ine dog hecalne ti. -p. rite I ""jull" t thTt Uu ' body of Tr-Tch ! iliera were adtancin to gain po-ie ion of the p it c , w l.icb a ai,.,ed at then, from the l,pf a .,.111 rUmg trontid. A. .1 ..h et,tU II. mailer ileal!.. il.-'U- I I llf ll.l 'r f muli Ii th An ) . a I, ii t hit !i Hit rinr,i)t iihlil'it a i't mi' hat ! f"'eve.-,ty nu n fell on the . it, autl the r.-tnailiiler took to flight. After tin hold Mroke, the (ir.j Uj (lo.B .llv, l.ear ti e ilea l l i .lv of lii u.a-ti r, Iickt.l I.i. w.jjt il- anJ ieu.aiii.le l l:u twen- tv-lo hour witliout .ti.c. He wan al len'tli ri inovtil witb l-!!:culty ly l!.e eoiiiraJci of t tie c. a-tl Thi-i e-i.latit waa eatri. .1 tj Lou. Ion, ami pro- II t. li... ..V. .. tiled to (i. or II , who tia.l Lim tali, n cure ol a a l-rave ami f.uhlul j u t ; i u a.-r-v writ . M.rou tLua apo9lrol,i..c, thii at.i- Tl,e . The ti lti,. tr ,t..p ! n -t lu weil.l 11- il '. .1,1 Si-iiitii-.u lM.ii.r .1 .V. ..V j Sjme week. $ , a friend in CCytm favored j with a ft-a I of hit tin-' pack of i. -., n I, it'll j pumued a wounded buck noine eiuLt or tell i ' 'j and were fjund, arime tbirt li'iura after the t ch con, me nee.!, quietl Ui., ' aroui. J ! 3.1 their ganie, one vim ralue nul loliow .tnml- tug gu.r.1, and preventing thu iel though ; ail wtie in a alrt iu' c nJ,U in from I icii- III,- il With their teeth. On a u!.-i ( lent hunt, durin.r (S ' ets ' ivel, e..M auap i.i January, t!,,,, f I.M 1 r 1 i creature tli-4.pore I from tlio liuutuM in , . - . t t f , a " nihar maiiiier, i,d after day r l ;earcli, 1 were given up f ir I.i. t, A lt)-.-r reo-ivej ! I ., I , , which bad come to ll'l,t. It i- coiitaiued in the follow iiip. itritet . ' W have at la. I heard of our noble pack of hound., whieh were found all loiten on the iiirir!tl. thu dead buck. We .ui po.e Hit y had run down and caught it, in the tateietive iimrrii tiiey (ot into alter swim- 1111114 several oreem. I believe it h the on- (IH II V. ill lira wiry" llllllilill", i Siairs, (ljitn ly il.-Cinee on record of .even b.iuuda, two sjlj (., tin- property of Ir. Irup, one beloi,,nu- to. ('II I ic I. Ik I II' r IV. Wil.o.,, and four wrfJ our.a immitiV .. ..Ktvi.-.u. ..rntATIONS. .ch ilou a hue iu an t xu-lt-tva liiar.h, awini-: -Vi, w .. t I.KKT l'AI. I I K, IIAItK iuiii( sevel ul er.ekt and Cali-hing it w itboul li-XL- ijp Tl VDKSni niouth ihi.I J,w a .-uii l,-ti.k' tired at it, and him,' by it until I" riom .-.i. I l.'A. Tl lli:snn,l )s.rt'ATIi.s . larnWlH ,,r-rW of II,. J ,. l-eat.-d. T.-lh filled Coi n, , . , ., ,. , t . t SUV l.H. TIN AMAl.UA!. AKTIKIt I Al, 'It roaU the fainoui clm.e related by --KK' II ,.,.e.;, d in the be.t n, C'ol ll iwker, tlm celehri.ted Knyli-b aportK-' 1CA vrrv aupenor Ti HI I'll I'OWDLK and man, where unti of ill" st I.' hound wai loutnl To O H WASH conaiantlv uu h.mi. dead on the, Iwo with broken Innbs on T,. llie Hi.-ilJe, ttini Hi.! let on the out- j.,,,,,,,, !,,,.,, t ,., Ia t n-ri t. er wall of the Park, the buck bad been let j r K.MII.IKS waited n nt their hnu.e.. out, rail off aud found in.idt. with h th I " A atuck of l, ntial'. ,M .terial. alway ul, foreleg brokcu. .Sl-i4 I.'rm'-i.:un. ; ,.,.,. , a ' J riJOl.l) and Sll. KR Klate and Wire of any - ' fine.tea. irotlen onl. c'mtVKti llKlt Kit. ii r . A fashionable ' yotiiij; lady a lew day. riiim.i went inlo a at. ire in N.,rlo,k, , and alter a thorough ei iimiiatioii of tta content., bought a dime worth of thread, which t.ho ordered to be! .nut to her lent. lenee, over a link- distant, l bs proprietor procured au cxjirca waou, ' Hut driver of which took thu puckae, back ed up to the door, lowered the tail board,! delivered llie pm-kie, aud collected tifteetl eeiita, the u.unl charge. .v I I It ii believed that tii!i!l pox prevail to J . greater extent tbrotu. New at the pri.etit tinia thm at any period for the pa.t.tfteen jwar. I . ; ' Special NoliCCI. 'l " , -1 ' i V : ttltEAT HtniiDIIlS ! To cure a aevcre Cough or Cold u-e viHtal,B Ba,Ba!n of Wild CTierry. T t.urK Wno,,ig Cough, Cm, or llIB,,M,i..Ue Dr. .WISTIR'S llalsillll of Wild ( UFRKi. To iirwiiapoaiinni tu CofnuB, ue DR WISTAU'8 UAl.HAM OP ll.U I liEltllY ToClue JvunftiHta or ItidwrKtiim. usf Till: iXYtii;.V'ri.D KITTi:iC. Tu t'ure Atlhmu, AciJilu or U'nrl Hum, oe ' HE OXYUKN.ITKII ItlT'l Kits. Theae llemediea perliirm ul) lliey prouuac. T'liey relieve aull'urni)!, coir diM-uae, reature licaiih, lliua 'f.'"J"'! e""li-n and eomlurt lu the : .,ck ,.nu atnicu-u, where ui. euuniceiiaiit, and aulli-riiiif ii. i.u . fnua, VVnyno co., N. Y., Murch 1, 18j7. .l,;ara.S n . t'uwle ,U.i ; 1 am luppy toan.te "Ial 1 hsve uaed Inu Uiygeimted Uiltera in my f'"' '"" three year, in the treatment "I Uyapepaiu, Utnerul lelnhly, i ,,tl ,ir mlior. and ..r tne i.....r m.u. uL J. ..1..1...1,, ry reauli. j and wuuld cliterliilly retumniend In t''ae auili rni ir im ihte diairuuani uibtjaea n, K1" k"" -'ubie ineuieme a trial. i.oapciiiu.,, j- S. t. SMITH, M. JJ. HxRTKa, M iiiie, Sept. 3D. Thia c.rtilie. that have reeiimiiien.ied lue ue 01' 11 i.M'i Halmm of Wild ( lurry lur Uiaeui-ea ul "'" '-""B. ' " J' " Pl. i"J buiilea, ' " i""? b) "'y f"'1;"'"' ill Willi lieiielieiul reult In twu cut, where lt , tliunhl culiriueii Uwiiaumptiuu luu taken plaee, 1 tat. It 1 d ( Amy elluetud a eure. HoVUKN. ,, . ''''V""-" " 1 "" 'i'nv nly neiiuii.e llnUam ii.ia llie u-rUltii miv. nature ul "1 UV V I'lS " uli the wrautier. . ,. , .. hf K jN v(: i.ei,,,. & Uiarlo'tle, K. C. ' , Jr, n.iein r'a Itinera Imve received the wrum. e.teucaimiuciii. lniu llie penult iliruugli- l.'"in. Aa a valuable n.n.c lor Hie euro ,ul 'J"l"1i... Kuti.!. nee. t un.lipatu.n and Ku,. -"-f l" rvuui ctimitt tie ttiipruiiclicii. ,.;(ry uv ncw CJ', , (U grcal ,r chru. lelut thruui;li our public juuruaia. Tnere ia nuth. "e 'iual io the unj. jmeni, tu tnut whieh uu- ui'- l!";t"1' '" ""'g vlu,i,le .p.:i. ti-. It. mild telle, iia eure ami viiriroua ai-liun U, 4 uul,R..a lllat,1. ,lU c(t.11PlllB , i ci.uie l.u.ii.ii, liiy, ah.,ulil rec.uiimind il tu ";i r'lt.raof our couiuiuniiy. Ail thai will be io er...,ry to eniivmee the aaeptieal ol lla lie.illl.y ttieela. ia lo purchuae a buttle slid be cetivitiCt-il. l,J '! t" 1 e...ler, every. where, lur aale by K. fr e II u at la, ( h.iri.ttte, N. (.;, ' its GKEVf KNULISII HKMEUV. MltJAMlJaCLAIthlrt III. I ill It AT l.I I'l-H t I.I. I'l I.IJt J freperert lium a,pti..n of Mir J. Inrke. M. II., rnvaician Kztraro,ni,rv tu in Uui tn. ' . Tillr w ill known 111, dieii.e ia no l In i,a ItliO hill , ,uri. Jf, , ...;t . ,. ,-, ylm.,u. u.iiicoltu-.mi Ouji, niHiuna, from any cau.e whatinrj and al. S,"", u arcnu.lituTi.'u.' ' C"''Ul'' "t'""'! It U1 Tu .Vliiriittl l.sxliea I- p. ruiiai ly anil. d. ii Will, in tune ...t on tne inuiiliily perioo with regularity, ' inaK Fn.i-a Htr. m.vii aiit. mnw. iu rui. wniaa uik Mai,, rnss us -ma yu r.ti.E or iit m ii.i.i,irvin. :. i.,.t .... . . .... e-. .v...... r v., , -.' , ,. . u'(1 V Zti Mil wTl f ure a I." ill. "e. i,lo"r"ii "';,u llt""y Velum "h,T,1. JuU Muli! R f tiirattr, N. V , (Jtoeral A tut lur the f. Stake an,i ..11.1J.1. 1 ' n-ri-le by SCAUR t 10...I.U all re.. !"'" fiugSLU. I , See .e ..... r I ,., ,t ,.. of S..,iu1.i,u'. Invnu. r.u.i, in ai.ollur ..,luu.;.. I S. e ihe niveriiaeiiuul ul Wooii'a Hair l'ye, "' ' NotiCl' t() BlliUUTS. ,u..,v ,..,, .. ,,...., H.,.1, Ihe lira rli tle, ii a 11.111., eli B. at .Si. at CI.. fl- r.i prop.., ' ' ' l',.,'. M.r.-u. '.Ii. fir proposed builil;i.b' eh U.' l.eti uu lu l!ie ii:ll iay ol lira, Hi L. TIIOS. W. DKWKV. Casiur. fiUumu , I "Oil. til z. it. .joii.v. ti t II r f tl I 1 ollrttillU ml " f H I I uiiiiiluwn. Prrry t "onaty, Ahiuniin, r II, I. attend promptly to ihe coliecoli ol'aii i-:. i .!. MM ..l,arKe. looked il-lr, I., lol flii TKXAS CLAIMS. .lei-..,ni luaile in T.-i, aa lierel .r.Te, li. V altorurva in Slate, Pfuiiip : lira a-l IV il, p. l,',!,,l oil. iu 'Notice. 1 I.I. p.r....a Miljet to pay a I'!l Tax to fie : . m si ,t.- ot N .r th Crohn, whj wi'Ihh ,"' ' ''" ." ut ' ,h ";"''"" r'n.i rt.iyo! t fl'Mury, I "l.'l. .." w l.o hi.,1 h, en principal .y em; pera.-ii mi iii any pr..i, -ition r vocation in .aid ; three in ... Ii f.r more in,mem,-ttely pre ie mil Firat dav of ry. i.nrl nil i ho ..i ,l or were poa.raavd of T.xabio l''...eMy with.,, ..,.1 town ., ,l fir.t y of Town 'V.k, b-! in.- I. as r a V OK l Vl.'rll, 1 "V " rl" "'," "" n T'' " filf I lie .u.i li.l .hall alute the nuio'xr an. I i..e..l .itu.tion ot liie I.., ncn in, w th the va'ue of wtiieti thev are aaaea..,! lor l-iatiolt I.v tlx- , , ,, . - , . M .le ; the ol while I, liable p.. i, ol l.. aide :..e.. and ..' tree necrue. r..i.nt i.n the I.i ol K. b'v or. ihe I ami. of ih ra.ii. ..ivmi iii aaiit all al tl, . Ii LI, nk iii N irtu t T. W. DKWKY, 7-iit f''i.. V.,ni.V I -IiU. li.-.' .JOal eii: tiv 1 A V ! , Nren Sfiiltst, (Caiiu irr in .Mhiii in am, IIixtistrv.) li roreera Ir.un di. lance attended U. promptly. Irbruurf SI, Ifoll. 4rtlt' liidiijew.iy Acjulomy, li MII.KS SOI TII OK t HAM iH'I'K, UK lirrl ...ail. II i K.l... It'll of- ruury ti. Term. p. r I, .nth.. X f jU Kl. mi Kl. inentnry Ki.. Draiichu. $7 HO U" 0. J I'll i, .i.n, tin It c.i, be l.a k. tVC, tVe., l-i ..II 1 cilivelliei.tly at reart.l.itble ra lea. . i in." in ....-,'.... 1HKll ' ' ' ' ) . . - , WITNK8S llCKKIS, for tbe t'outity audi Superior Court, for Vi bcr. ' Mnrried, ill PeterBhurg, Vn.. on the lrlli iti"t., hy llie If. v. liotiirl Mielmela. JollN fcl'KLM A.N, Kf , Kiiiinr ul lite ulirburr Cmm r, uml Mint MCll.I.IK, dougliltr i,f J.,uief city. AUcnlioii! Mccklcnbuij; l!r;isootis. j .Tt)l'nre hereby ronnnHnifrd In iir-pear at yuiir M. TiirildM (Jnillltd, ftlelir tlie lern.l, ,,t 10 0. , ci.,uk, i.n SATDIi DAY, the 3 i uf M ircli, irined , iinij tquipped at your lnn itireel, l-r drill and in. , mclnrn By ordtr of fapt. J k". 11 irrion. I A. J. UI1K, O. S. I r;E df.fv OMPKTITION as to stock 9V AMJPKUKS WehveeHTVlliinirliei.t in audi Store made of IKON (r STEKI., mid wo intend keeping, nt all lun. a lull aupply in our line, at the ery lowvt pricen Wc invite all to come nd nee. "aw COCHKANli A SAMI'LK. At the Hardware Store will r.B found Vic-.. ..w. Nad n.,d Screw., Ilint-ei I.oeka. f! m L r.B Ft.UND Vic-.. Nail llineea. Anvila Bell I'lieket it T, r!.nvel..Af .&e..o'ev.-rv variety. I'OCIJUANE & SAMPLK. 1. I 1 i. hi I.MK.K Stock of Trace, I. .f. lirenat. Slav, l.oek. Well i.n.ll' I Sin.. II CHAINS, to he loui.d at the H rHwn COCIII'.ANi: .'c SAMPLK Tools, OHI.S OK A I.I. KIM'S at the IIAUDW ARE t'lttlii;. COC11HANK c SAMPLE. Carriage Materials, fVKKV variety of COOIS lur ' 'j lnt.'.at jrreallv reilueeit puce., .1 the Hard- ware Ste I ! ' of COCIll'.ANK .V SAMPLK. Picture Curds, Tassels. I s tlTtTAlN Pl.N I IITAI.N I1AMIS. WIN. !y Siurt. I COCHRANE & SAMI'LK. j i Fi'i'ill IIMI. ! -giNtillsll and AM tl(H 'AN. of t-il .ixe. u ud : Mli lie.,ai tltr il.truw.trr More. COCHRANE tic SAMPLE. I . j ( Villi tSllC I iCl'Si SIFuW ClltlCrS, i Tuumpauii' I'ltiUL'b. t tn llun'ware Mute. i COClIKANr: i SAMPLE. i f..' . "' I I IS ; A LAIfGK k of UtNS, tr. -,i i -ii in ii. ! liur i.i:.u. ' At the II iruw.ri- Slore- ioi'llllANK Si SAMPLK j To the Ladies! rgiio' .xeiu.iv.iy litiiiw:, 0. we il.. not .li iu .e the I. , t , ,., Wc, I. our Sl.,e of full y invite tin i J u'"" '" '"' ,'!"'r !'' Wl'J' "' " " "'. " l"rt"! i itol II....... kienillijand Olo.rl. .ti.i.le.,1. i.e t. I 111 Vina. Ule. ail ul ttliiili wi.l Le aolil LOW tor CASH. COCllKAN'i: Jt SAMPLK. Uutiiiiig Mamifaeton' AT Titr 1 1'l.l.lMIS. M'1.I.; iV "ft I K HAVK KOCM) IT M'.i ' KSS A I! V TO t A I'D A Mcicliatit T:iiioi'iii2 l r!irliiiciit to cui laree and exl. n- vj ukapy mam: cloth im; norsi:, and we r. Miecllulv li vile our lr.nt.sand pationa to call an. I ex inniir our Slock ol itiim ii, i:x;i.i.i, a .i:ic.ri ti (LOTUS. hi. k, ii i..ii .a:it'i i Doeskin Cn.iiiU'res. rUICM'U. li.M.I 111 OIITiK l Fancy Cassiinorc. A lieautifu1 lot ot ri. i: silk ' i sri.s. I! oca and Color, d. Ail "t which have juM been rcct iud. autl are of tut iateal alylea. A too.l al.rt;k of !() K 111. !) ' lMI.Ui:itl, kepi coliblaiitly on Ii.,ii.i. ' I Wc have .eure.: ihe Mr. I I,. I! KA, ... .'utter, who ii. weil known u. a ma.:, r of 111. art. IjT Order, iron, a c, M..iice .ulieitcd. ircAi.i. and si r. i s. K FL'LLIXCS, .INO. M. fPillN;., ,INO. P. 11KA I'll. Frhruiru i, I8C-I. Wll.llll. a'" It l. BY OltDKUOK Till: HUAKDOK lilNKC. roliSt.llheilinii.;lfn'liarhilteA: Uuln.r. j lor.i It.., I It. .ad Co, i-p. iiv, me umler.ia.ieil'.-r ! lo I 'an, lalim. aa a a a le a ml Mire III v.-aloi- I.I , THK HUNT'S OK THK TO" N OK IN II. M I Mi l' 'N. lr.uc.1 loailldCuilipaliy m Ul.eliarfe ulll U (wcrip- Hon It. the l-aplla! .lock ul the a . me I hev are in denomination, ul nvj nuoiire.i iim ; one lliouaanduollaiaeiich runnii i leu auu j other. Iwenlv veaia Hon. r.aM-cl wan coupon, attat bed (... t" inlere.t I tr ol K.biu. cent Per aiiliuiltll. payal'.e on tile lat day ' i''r, ,.;. tr lb, invil. (I lo be ud- ';!' ZTr ' w. C. A K. R.'c... r It, iii it' i THE LAST 11 WE HIVE REMCD l)LR STORE TO Messrs, Elias & Cohen, WHO ARE TO T.IKE I'llSSKSSIIH ON Till FIUST DAY OP AND AS WE I)i:ti:rmii;i to closeI i OUT Ol'R STOCK OK JV THAT TIH!.:, WE WILL SI LL IIIDI T. II. (Ilil.Tl A O. Ytlruitiy 11, 1?(J(). -17 tf Vur E'lifi.i'. ;iiiI I tilniiict WILL FIND US AFTKll THK liter i iv of u'ltn. siat,' is THK STOI'K NOW ei' i Ll'lMl MV Messrs. T, H. Brem & Co, rat'M whom ws havk remi u that r.uiuus i:sT.niaisii.Mi:.NT. 'umii, THAT T r l E Wfc KII A I.I. UK PLiASi:D TO SE; Ml, AT xo- 2. (iii a in: now. i i.i i iV: ";iii:.v IV.i uanj 1 1, lsiill. 47tf iff f Police. , i nine r h, , ....... i , - that 1 uiu.t c i tfeuaive, l.u i in all kind. icii, et in y nu'ney. My clainia more than ittelte uioll 1 n lid al- v tri.l..'. eai.i ine.I am Mill l.'lt aatlalieil mat I a.'iall at a'oine to make .in invi, it i mv liieiina in Mile iolin I e n i ,no th. in I. . i. 1 want to no so. uoai' plain i.nii ff.-n-ral notice, , ,. wi ... ,e a,,, ll.i.ii. will I, me ii. lue wn "ii'y o. g. t n. control nnd e, i I tn, r. lore g hop. lie it. 'out lur V.-r , re.p.iti'ul,t , M. WITUKHS. ,v I I, Icfio. uu To lock liniscrs in Noilh-laiuliiia fleJf utl: be ht Tore the .lurilie; toe enaUllij,' Spr A. IJ DAVII'SttN. 4. .11 . v 'll, 1 1?!.". JOHN S. WILKV, llAMrACTt-HKR luri.RTLR UK HAVANA SECARS,1 AM. .Al.t:R IN Tobicco, Enuff, WAtches, Pper, &c, ; 0 H i. It 0 S 2, , 0. JlEKKSl II U H I'U'LS.iir.. ruiiMiiiiiUoiiliiiiiil. Jumiu.yl ,1,-1,0. 4'-li' j New Sk'oin S.-nv Mill, fSlll"' e cot r M...M. , J Al , ii. ,.. oper., are now pr.-p..r.-,t I-. f; in. n nil kiintr "I I. in..-., r ..I th. sn. rt. M notice . ilher at tl.e iinil.i.i in t I... rl.ntc '':.. t wi.liiui I.uii.her c.i. leave ineir tire, ta wiin J. I...i.t' .. Oa.lirove I niuiiCo. or Willi V S.ura in Cli irlotlt SAl'liS A LONG. Ciiiinoiu. Vtc. 3. l-y). :t:'t: ( il t ular ;. Ii,f :ilr. Hoc.. I...I Circular Saw, t Warrantee.) Iron ' feet I..4J f.c :iu,...-i.-r t..r ...le, i.i i HKi; Wl.l be laktu II. pari payment for theoi. p.-Anis. Chui'iilir, Ore. 3, I '$. ' ot'U 3Iecklenbui-g I lotel. ! Jfit to the fo.y' t httcr I public' building i tUV. Mibtmin-r inn I . JS that h .i n our, -lu wn aa M.ek. i nhiii i f t. I. I. il i. ,.uw picpaitu to a.eoini ,ian.n .niini lie I lloraea II 1.-1. til S;,,o.l Stable, and c Hi-ten t O.ll.-rp ii be kt pt by the uioi.tli or ua y, or lur. h a nn;ic ll'tO.i.i in tn rale t, ' ma- JuIIX DollAX. S.VI. 3.. Il .Vt Last Notice. ! -JY Notes an. I A.cnnl. are now III III V (orii ' Ji ..'. and 1 .,,,,-e more lh...e c.neer,.. le.i II. at I i I be at n. v . rfice (-'.! H.. r.) Hull. Im lluiiuiuy, until Ihe llltn .M h, to Wail uuuu lh. il liieinaelv. . ol tin. Nulieu t."' -iv.t3!. is " .4fr.,i.eV. II. L Pl.UCilAlU'. ii; The Corner DRUG Store, ; tu titLO'i ti:, I'. XYK IIUTCIIISOX it CO. TJ OL'f.I) n api etluil) call the ultelitli.n uf the V puhllo lu their h.lL"' n.'e.,ui.lete Stloek now Ik Ii opened lor the Spring Trade, cunaiiliug ol D(uc, Mrdieiera, Clieinie.ilB, I'erfuno ry, Kiney Artiele., (Iila, Tiirpeninie, linrning Fluid, Alcu-, I'-ire Medieul me iinu I! anoiea, t .uton Tea. Fie'd and (;uruui Seee., AVc., it. January I", IStiO. 431 f fcjp Hcmovnl. V Fut mla nnd Custontera are r.-rttecir.illy i.e.: thiil I have removed my T.ii Shop toSprines Hnek null. ..(., .1,1 itsir Irom llie eor. tier, on Tryun alreel, where tie will be pleured tu aeelliem. s. t. wins ton. Jununn, 31, L'-lf Dr. T, H. IJovd I AVINti peruniiieiitly loeated him. .-e- -f .-It in I rnvideliee el th inent, ul. ilAtli l' ri 111. I'rol'. nil Str.iee, to the ,-lt. GL 1 .-na ..flnti.e.g!.l.rh.HHl h.i.I viemry. lie may aiwa). lu- liiun.i. when out prof, I the house o : .Mr. V .-I- stilt. I'n.ruuru I t, Mi.". ITtl JKPURt'aIVI iGTIi;E OF THE (lOTiilNtJ K.MrOilll.M! ftMII:. ..neeraiifiied liavine a large rti.rk of WIN. i 1 TKIt t I.O'l lllMi on i .and t. ,,,".ruu ui- r trail. , i If i H.e.r .-.I'lre .-.i:& ol - .mi., t, eaa. him, re an i eloth Uv.-r 1'eltoi-h iill.iS.i k ; .Mill. I, c ,..iiiii-ii a. ..i eiolh , im. I S.,ei l,,s; I' ,iil ol .11 gra.tea i hi i.:k ...I, and ciaannuf - V. -t;, Uruwer. ami F...i...t.i..e U i. ; Trunk., Ilata, Cap-, tie.,.. fn.-uty l(,durrd 'nr.a liny- iraaud,.er. will ereallv nev-mee ih.irill. ler-al i.v ea,, ;. ami pure,, ,.i.,e tr-m "ur 1 ( W, vie lee I . .il.l 11(1 ro . I ol trout, inured that . . turn our i i i.i.i.NGS,;s .1 CO. l-rhiwiry 14. IrbU. -JTll" lidU AID) ASMH'i A'i 30.N I Itll.Alli l.l'lll A. A I'n rrnli ul limiilnlii n l.u peinl l'.u. dmrmr-t. fur lU llrluj l i:.r !ick uml -.;.... . ajlh. lnt inlli I liuUul unit l.,iui,vnr Ihnriii't.i.ntl e;..ri.,.iv ji t:.e I mt ul J'i.iu,ii llie .s.xuul li 'mm. A IDIIAI. ACVH K. fiveu ural.., I.J llie Ail Jfl MeSulg.ol. I V.! , .ppiy I' I. II. I, Will. h .hit. ol' III &e ,); irlv. Meuieii.ea tur.lialed IV- V.-m'Ai l.K IIEI'WKTS hi, Sperm, t rri.L i. iitio iiiUi-l ll'.e.i a ol toe .-.exinl Wrij.H.a. ,'nl n the M:v I(-.MI'.1H1-;S employe. I Hi tne l)ip,ii. ar v a. lit to ihe i.lHel. d in seal, a li lt, r . nv. l i.p. it. I'r.-ei.l ei,uri;t. 'I wu or "iret Mop for pm tfc will h. eFt..hle. A.::rea. UK. J. sKII.I.IN liill (ill TCV. Ac. tllt Sll'ireon. Howard A...clatn.n. No. -.' Soil!!, Nmili Str.,1, rnil.i.elpii;., I'i. II. ..r,..r ufli.c ! -.-t..r. I, i;u. KA I '.'I II I I.U. Sir i 'tun I .'.il A Ii. tlKAlirW l-I.I.. '.ra.uVi.. Fit,. 7, iif.i) 41-1 V Wm. J. Kerr, a ttoi: .v i; y a t la ir, El a ft i. o r I' i". . .. V W ir.I..r..i-liee in Hit Courtn.f.M 1,1:1. iihiirjr, lol I C.,h.,rru c. I I' Drh. e Kt rr'a II.. I. I. 111 t Iir .w :y II 41'.. IIOHTKST IHiriKio FL0i:il)..: 'I IlltOI I. II IN IICI I KN IIDI us. I Tin-: r. S. MAIL ; .c I A il O L I S A . AVO (.'OI!IMX, IT K A Vi; I'll A I.' l,F TON I.AII.V SI NllAVS !Lj exerpied.) it (I 30 I". M., It.r Ferli.iieinu, KU., Coniieetiliir liiioui'h the .N'orl' Kail l.'oa.l, with the erei.t aei.i...r,i Inn I-.,. North tu .,; at Ki rna land, ' IT K South. ( K !- fl"" ' J " Cue "Villc, nnd by I.,K opy, t io .la, Tuiiipa, nor ol Kl .ridii. Ai.o. ul 'r. lo ll Kev Wc Or-i ra lor St. AucuMiuc Kiver, Hill t.. ke ale. ami r St. Join Vllie. TI.e'.CAKOI.INA " rlas, I .... on U II bri.l.. h p iota tiOlilti 'N ' port. ill. are fir.t ily r,u pK::',:,,;,,i;,-h;.;:,r';,;: -' ror eii. ci inent. uiiii paittcuii II. L. CI1L-IIOI.M, ,1 ( lull ii i'n pp:y in t, . c. I'rr -.'il. I'-..!I. 41-:ini J. S, FHILLIPS, . tj : ; ( a. r. m.t s:. -fk Ma A V 1 I :!... I. .1 Ml li. ,v. isiXKwnit lllTLU IKK. ir, .r nit Call . WIII-AT WAMKD. !,''r. i rX;.:'MX iOllahla It. call at Hit M.H b. ,,r, e.,,.-,,, a ., .a JuIIX WILKrS .V CO. July-', l-v'l. "11 i i'iiiincis iiutl ( (iiinlry Mi Mliiiiit! J . . tllitt I.A ( IL, i.i;'. nit to the public lh.- I,'... . lout o! .,., I HIl U J'l C, si t.Ait, MOl A tmi. B....r aiNo IIAi.tilNit, KOfK -n 1-S SALT, Kt. T W 1 N !'.. t curt ti liatnu. At.O. .' 0) u. nt! f It) lidll " It a,IMIt " 1""'. of w hteh will be .old low for CASH or I try rV,.t.u.e, '. uu Sti.-.'ft ttirre fir I....k. i .i.. . Ju -o . j The Marl. ft. CORRECTED T.Y OATHS & WILLIAMS. LHAlii.t) UACIJ.N, ll.ims. . .. Snlei. .., Iloj roui n Siinuiiier njr. , l.uniiy . 1( ' jull,.r ' fi.-e.wax l)tTy ,'!'!""- !t V !i7. If 60. ( no ii i,i i-jj J li ....(in (., nt ....16 (-, no .... j i ii ....);, (a Oft ....J.'i (i, 1H 'in n no 7.1 f.r III' In 1 mi ... :i i"4 14 ' li n (, -o an tn ( tu :u (,, -j;. r."l ( '.ol i-i " 1.. (" U.J J.i (, 3l) I-J (.. 15 .... tli - (.. ti..O 3 .'ij :iu in J'. I. ( i J i- Ui :a ':,l .3lli 1-1 r .. c. i ' i in ( 'i 4'l ( in :jii i- du : i.i to C tO :, i.i a i.n i.i 65 : i- 'i mi oi r-. 1'i.i (.' Il l i f. ;5 I 5 14 R 16 Ill I ' C-)J Ill '., 0 c uu ; (. im -Vi (. i.'tu I hi in. M -I.i l-i. .1.1 i.i i, trt -j; (- m ii i -j.t (o 10 lb... 11..., lb .ib -,,.t,jii, Ku jVil ( Auamaii .t Sperm., t!.i'.ow, Coin CI.illi.Copi" . 1.111.1a. Kl' Hi,;. ., tir.i l., .. Pry I .nr.!, ' .Mutlun, I Vli.eerel ...It. ahl.Nu I .Kiltr... yinZ.ff. ,, , .11 uiU tV(v,. ' ' " , !,"r" ' "n"" ' '"j"; l!ro S.. li, T. i,. ...ek.... ..II. UI'.M WlkS. -Tl.,.- .-:ie.. ir at ( iTTl... 'I ' i. I I li.V . i WATS in -V 111. 1 to l 3 , i,.r ..I JU to I,.,; - i.H.tiona t p-ICca IIUl lie, i ?l. 1.1 I" il ay l u:, i ul. I V.lilA vlAUKi.l l .11 I'.-i,ii,.r W -ULN ,.... .,, i,-t;ii. 1 Ol liAi ON, Ionium..!, i HU N ri-.As .iii .n ... if' tn WA'I -., 11. t;l I 1' Af: .!-'! . i.N M MiM.I. IIAhlK-IOS, K.h. -..n.i tui. g.l t IT I WN. To. reW ,t a MTV a. IV.- ei,.al.d li i. eiy ii.t I by i.oi.U r 1 ln.i il ..r in I ,11 lit,. rjiliet hut I ; a il4c. rt. I' -h -J I Ti -.'..'.IiU halt liin.AL i!.,v...i i.oni;iiV. I Toe . .r-1 ..... . y ..-.-wii.o ot lh. Il-yal IU, ,. i ... r ti.. -..p-r. .1.,.. ol t .t .. ol Cui.-.. will i..i. ,.i I! -.... o j FlilH.W .Vuirh. 2 IMiU. 33eO,GCO. SOIiTKO M Mi: I.O oiiKINAUI.i, I tH). IX)') 5U.O.M) tl ,.l)ll J Jo. .). I.WOU ..Oil It)U) .0 I.ot " -M A 1 I.I.UI.O i 11.11.. II. I" I, . illlll.l I'll .'!'. 4 ol ; l"0 !. it'i,'' i. io, 4 ..I r-ioo la Jill, i.n I. It.latJ'.l; llllve.llli 14...I 401. l. VI l,o . I a I 1,1 li. h- ta al pal. in i.n honiti. aloli, S. C.i '.I I--.. A V A IA' A JU. I ; WdliU. r K ,-ut. in a t.w-e,.,. lirelv tj iw w-.i.. illh A.N l MliU-'llAN It ... H!. li. lu w l . . e : . wi Kel.Si- In, ll.!..'V.C....:'. "I K-. Hi. and pre.el.t Si , .m. ..i .I-., oi ll.t It, ,tiu. ol Hie I. i t... .-1..U l-'T-.H- M..! -1 , ol M,..- .1. It. in ..... nt aim Kue-ilional A e, .r.ll. Ii.t ami lh.: I'.-l 'ill. e Aucrera of I IJi,i.tli -i -.1 . il.o....ll-1.l... .11 Ii.t I' I. i.i ..! la ..iill Colilril'Ut.,-. all.! Tt.latura to 'litV-ro o' 1 1-.. I ii. iii I'o M.mM.y lor li.e year. N.l.n.i II. ip lor uuti. i-i.ioiuii; Uu Sci ipture.. it, l.e,t,l,. .'I A..a An, a. Iteilj;!.... -Il.l ,M T l Ti of Mal.i.mJ. Sacr.u I... K.. I ail N. IIUI.S. , ..... II. I . S.t it tu a. II. h.t f- .coti.-r ol the I'n I. ti S; tei. an,: Kiirope. K. ,i.-.ou f.r.o...cai of '.ne t nii.-u i..u. ..u lol.o.t". ( l,-.,ivtu, ,,s ' 'ih'. .:. ..f ,:i N . - I ,M . I l.. ... r u.loiiir.but.-r. in I l,n.n.,!i Ki te r pi i. . .. i.r.i. t i j. .. r, &u , JkC J. i tne e. ii. i, clr.ra. 1. r of tn. w orii, thai! aa u 111. in tu.ui...i.t.ui toult V.:.. It .en wiilituuMeo U'c . , .e te i j;. n. ral r.ivru'.ihc il ia. I . ni'.ui . v. ry una.. I iu. :.,r auliKi.tit- i,.:, ll in, in t , i,..i . i. v I., i-. riViutu auu i.tiur I hurcu ..lit, t r, I .' I. n.lcrcM. u in In. io.,r..i ati.l ro. i.e ne . .n. ii t. of tue upe. It 1.4. be, u tt.w aon e-i I- . ,.n-..i.iir. l- .iipu.y tin w -.uu in in., axu.hi.'an i niti.-. 1 1 .n :it:ctitti u p, t m l, I a "ii, tt lot ,i vn ual t ti ' !m i-,, t 'ur '.liana i ,ii,i.i..riv to i.i.i.i r -lauti .ii' lol'. lull, alio -tr, -I., tn ttotfll tatti .slo.uio be dh.u t.. rei'l I! e p. .1 .111 :'.., it t. ,r V ol III. partiCtl l..r t.t L.'IU tial.U ,!i'! C u.a.,1. .! Willi '. ., ll o! 1. .1. 1 ao.l . vtn.e 1 o.l-l.l pe.celle at. Colli, e, tl ...I, Hie .rt'oltr Oi' V... i lU.IIIUUooa, .11,1 I..VM le ft.ult of llit'ir ire.-al,uu. thro'. e v.itlcire I., i Hllurillall'U . ore bet n brul iv thai ... v.M il tciig tuua auu. od p. e. i t'.MUi. in.lleu, pn ,.i,,!, on ol 1 , li Areola waiileu iii .-..I p..rl o! tut .-ountrv. W. K. liCLALKA MKr.KLi:, ,N.. t I W.,.tr at . :. ,- York

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