intotlid world to are tinners.' Kttrj mind ; all soil, for they all potest a certain r-ow. j trained fo tbiuh, koowa tbe itrength and re-'er of absorption which could be brought frh.niitit a Treat ihonirhtcan rive. 'Giro into constant activity by these or iuiilar j crvvc'trSr Vnn lU we ' aaid one on hU death b-d, 'give me a luran. j .IrrhU.v. treat thoitjjlit to dio bv.' What tbe thought ' These facta are gathered from aereral ea-1 arc to, many, I fear greatly, -ho . (a re.'Myf -D ,he Journa, of tbe Kjy8, AericoL, .a.,v notb.UK of ero-.-hearmg, or sun.r.t.g him,,f ; death, I do not know. Hut tur.l Society of Kugl.od, and are tufficient fr Jrif. anl -hat -h-H I sajMo tucm . God. tbe Oeat Thinker, has to show that the atmosphere is an iuexhaus. ; My frfemK I do Lot a,k you cn ' ,LOUL,hta till reservoir of ammonia, aa well aa car- ' an! 'iriniit tar wlf etfntnl", , ,. , , , ' . . i , .1 -v-it, . V, ' both to live ana to (lie ut, ana one or me pon, mn hDgi-M tuc imjunj .ui-.ui. greatoKt and sweetest, and yet simplest of the yse of auisablu crops und proper lillago a'l i- just this: Jesus Christ came iuto tbe wo cannot draw from it such a supply aa riiiiliiip.oiiP Almniinr. f inter tru Mifi are itn-v ital-li- j l!e norlJfia hun t! n d in ttty r hTe lit ono ( and tbe londnje impo-rd by tbe pa'sfons U intole rMf,' Wtj'W forced upon o, while tbe , joke of CW'rst is made easy by the love . b'cu choce? it. ' If-ut are you bearing crosses and naakiDg world to save sinner.' would reuder us independent of guano and other amuiobial manures. A TEH ROU TO EVIL POKKrf. The guardian of several orphans, who licriBecs tV .Testis and his cause ! If not, 1 were heir to a laig and valuable estate in yon are prefrring some idol tbin and what title deeds of w bicb there as a material must be tbe end ! You will soon have to ea- d.fec, wishing to pet tbe estate vested iu tr the furnace, and who nill deliver yon? himself, aought to secure the distinjruislid Why, th why. should such a doom be Alexander Hamilton as counsel. Joursf Ho much wiser the choice of three ton noted don bis statement, and then )l.Ues; ho much bitter tbe decision of said to him, -S.ttie with these unhappy in- Moms "choj-in? ratln-r to suffjr affliction fauts honestly to the lust c.t.t.orl will With the people of tio.l, that) to endure the hnotyou from your akin, like a bare,' which pleasures cf sin for a season, esteeming the aiirice was strictly followed, reproach cf Christ "rrater riehea tliao the HOW 10 GROW l'KACHKS EVERY YE All. The following, by a correspondent of tbe Ohio Cultivator, i- worth a trial by all Iot er.v of the delicious fruit : l'roeure your trees grafted upon the wild plum stork. Tbe tree partakes of the na- Iff iff IS i ; a ! x c j ih l, I, Sl ; t Si T' U, a iii?ii:u'i.vi4i, J I WISH! :i ss -. ' s 71 ! iru uts'ts.i ;9 i 21 S3 a "il'shil"?' Jl llllt'll 11,15 is is ai-ii.s si t in u u IV IS 17 Is IS J J4 i,, :a.xi.-'... ... . i I. t s: ! T w, I H'U ie 17 Jil 21 21 Jl iZTilS jus; i'.f f in : 1C '! 4' S II II mm 4 fij ;1 s in ll Jl3. I.MIA, HilStlSlWltl j: si it ':.. ... ... L.'ii'is iiiiis rintlll Wisll4is "i'ij 'h "i 7I st twins 11 UilSII7!ISI 19. Si ..;...! I, S i i, Tl s in iru u imvis .17 is 19 Jil 21 CSS U Its i cam .v.. 1 ' o1 7' S II 12 II II 1' 111 17 is'i' 21 1.' 2.1 -'I 2A MS7,2S ' lilt a mi tour. 11. w KNKKAL ID.MJIISJKIN MKBt'HANT. Jf W ILHIKOTON, N. C, J Olfice, Suutli l orner Market aud Wlr Su. ture of the plum, being hardy, and will Lev- Jtttittt jgij. Sllf it winter kill; and putting out lute in the, - - Spring, will never be injured bj the frost ; 'I 111' M ."t 111 IJt!f, I'urtirr. 3l(irictiituraL fressures of Eyp'." You adunre tbec aainted heroes, ui ike them your models lUvo faith in that God who say, "Them that honor me, I will honor," and he "fj! lowers of tlieui, who through faith aud pa tience, iniieiit tbe promises." I sjff-r, 1 ealure for Jc-us; but what a privilege t bear anything fir such an ado ruble Redeemer. " I take pleisure in inSr mifits, in reproaehe, in necessities, in persecution-, in di-treses for Christ's sake." I auff t for Jeaus ; Gh, what honor to be iden tili.-i wi:h such a cau-e. to in.tnolate any thing for truth, for the salvation of a ruin . 1 .-1 1 ... ff - T enAur.. f.-.e .1-. m.d it is a certain preventive agoiust lie working of the peach-grub, while tbe natu ral iile time of the tree is beyond that of our owe ; so you may depend upon peaches every year, and for a long pcrol of time, witliout the destructive aid di.-Couraging ii.flucnces altiuding the growth of the com uiou poach. Tin y enn be obtained at froiu tilty to avvcDty-five cents per tree, aud jou hau better pay live times tbe amount, tbau not to ctlaiu them and be certain of peach es eveiy year. Try it, and our word for it, you iu be sati-Ced with the result. Fr .m tl.e V.ilrj F.rm.i. AMMONIA OF TliE AIR There arc two nibilcs iu which an.n.onia ! -is added to the toil frcm the air, aud lyi IZ" J .N Ot ICf which a very high degree of fertility fun, niAVIM; !.t n iVri:fc,u-.iii,il t e attained without the use of guat.0 ; tb. y . nJh'l'-.Ti'.iKuf K.'.-mi'' I he'.'.' b v't are the water Lieu conies Irouu tbe atiuos- 1 llut 1 ,u nr., k. ;.le Loci; itKRe-.,n;it:.Mii. i-. Him-m, will u l.n, me 110i.l1 ' Al Lul'' .NUK I II I AliOl.l.NA r IT,.., ser.l lti.ui.lHr,u auUcribe to llieCeuulJ Agri.'i lt-r Nei l-aiK" niul .li K ' 14 -ti . A11J jou w ill get tlie wln'le Suit, wilti Iwr, Uailiua.1., i:.iU, 'oiiel. Iau, I lull and t-'iml Mi:ie, l.l lU't'iliea. Towns nl V.lljgun. Iier j noble Mounluins and Springs, aud tier Fields and Fiomers. Ii you wsnt alii tiOLUKN PUIZF.. low i , lite time. Sls" sen t'etl by 6vo. IWder mens i ol Ihe SiUle HoU, lni-uue Asjluni, Hill, J Male and Female Collegia, & e., ,Vc, oll ul III j rAniwst and lt Mau ever nuuln.Ud. l'EAKCE i BEST, lliihboro'.N. C. AC. L.N I S WANTKO tor every rounljr id lli Slate. Term iberal. Ai'ly aa aiiuve. July i lC'" I A Great Battle to be Fought! 'IIK subscrihera ii.form tin eitiaanaof t'bar- Inilc and vicinity, that they have on hand anil rouatantly recaivmg, a Uwrb aorliiwnt if tiegnnt 1 FUJ.NITURE, .mriar to a 11 v Ihina tliat da ever been nflnred in this aeelimi. 1'heir stock euiisiala In part of Ihe following a Ulc-lea! Sofas, Telu Ti'tra an-l Pivaaa, Cone Rut iiiii Keking (iiaira, Maln-giuy anil Cam S. al Parlor ( hair and Kash BoII.iih Chairs, Mahogany sod I'tix B"Hi" kocliiiig lhaira, WrdfolH and BlirruO", Marble ami Wood Tt I 'litre Table. Marhle YVaali dtanda and Milika, fard ami Work Table, Mahogany and Walnnt Fxlenairn Tables, Malii'gaxv, French and Kliaabolh Ueilateana, dm Nola and Parlor tfctka, laiokii.a Glasar from 4 to (711 a Pair. S. ll Cradle and Ket-limiig Chair. Tueker'a Patent Spring Btiltmn Bedatrada, Canouie wllli Nelling, and Mouelo Bara, Cottage rurnilure hy Ihe ct. Ir. uand Wood llal R..ek., I Gill Moulding of all a ilea lor uiakng UUa audi Ficlur Frame. I ALSO F.vs-ry i in f niairr.ola f.f l.t I 1. 1. 111. 1 M., soeii aa JihL' w aim.1. M..i i.v..iiy. A r., Ae. And la. I, Mm all mil 't. e krvuaiway i...iiii a auppi ol r m I 1 1 , , Va 1 1 II I Tl ll I' r- ml l S.B. RANSOM. 0.C4V. "Rfk - I I ACt ANT. A Will! 11 Y i. it m. Uacauae ha buy II Slovc. iliu,t I. n Kii"ba. ' w'ould re'lM-rtiully u 11 net nee to the inli lilaeu ul ( II AM ('! 'I I ! n 11.1IJ ,ill l,r !,, fjv ' tr..n. 11., 11 Uhi M.,'iin. I., No. I, Ceramic Hew , w hire I.e Ut new on taluhilioi., ju.l nciiv,i (,kn, , i'isk's IMclallic luriiil J. M. SANDERS CO. (Walie, .Va, 3i, lt51. 'tf r. e in Ni rth.C l,, I""-' 0 inr, f.r ; 1 hari"ttc ( ve notire ;,te ( erli. u bv ll.e ' 1 u ; but ii is tie way to tne crown; ' through lunch trii uiation wc n:ut enter l:i kin 'dju: ; there is no ether aver.ue, and tr.e loot-t. 'is c f tny LotJ lead through this. Ou'i t not Chii.-t to hue suffered thre 1i.-hj.-s .,J to r into l,i- plr !" It s as a suff ti:ig aiour that be pacd to bis coronation, and I must fallow in tbe path he trod Unto tne " i". is given, iu the be 1 a t" of Chii.-t, not ouly to believe on him. I it aUo to bu?.t for Lis sake." Welcome, thvti, the Cross! let the fjr b ice be hlti d sev n tin.. .-. I t'orJ truss by which I si-fLr with him ibal I may be g'orified ailh him I triunph amidst the rea through which 1 shall a.-cecd to plory and hanor, and itun.ort'ili'y beyond the .-kits. Tioigii nigl.t to. if nt. And tin.u.'h. to :..ort .. ( rt, 1," (uif., a pal! -f -aene.a e..r. ... nwr.luis! Cl.eer. li.e g III "I til,, i.ignt fi. , T...W u..l a s(ii.i.g i'ol.. w. krigiil ai.u ck.r liir.-o.ih -a ti erw.i. Aa. 0 . t.-y - Mocslioitrt. .Jo, JOHN H M.ISS. . 3. iei'.u. 4 2-1 1 A snow, and tLe cb?crt in,; p ier of the soil it ae'.f. lJrof Way f.und, by analysis of the witcr collected iu an enormcus iiiii g'.'-j (1 lliOOtn of an acre) at I'.o'.hamted, tt.e farm rf Mr. Lawes, twettj u.ilcs from Lon- n.,,1- I''ii ! Vt t! Ill II iit ...... J J V'V' I. limiting la--liii.'U- inj E, R. STOKES CUAHLOITi: HOTEL, .9 KB JD-aVaiCB BK f i V1F. Proorieto, of th,. Hotel 1. brvyMlit,i, ,,. kUU Iu,.,g oaarkeUCa CX JJL till at his Ki.l ready to tut- ; igijrj SJjit? 61 the dune of "mine I.0.1" lolln 1 " .','hc' vlllll4iM llHl ha. larg WASHINGTON HOTEL, (cuanui or ruoruiKioiu) ) liltO AD VI MI.1.T M W Ui:i4N, N. t J CH F. JOKES, Proprietor. . UK lnuern(.ned rt-.wctiwliy . to tn.irliii.f nub Ue, lb. I be .a las" ibalge ol Inia old aud o.ular caUuu.mucKI. ami I. m.w ifeparrd to accou.u.odaU u.velvraand ffl vale Limliia with boaid by Ihe o.y or woulu.uu .1.. ....i .p-..i.....oUaln.e ll rill . I Ilia 'I A bi t Will alwaya be fumishrd with the '! lil'a ft-ef t'l 1 etie-r to-, if ngla." in. bill ' A N b UE AH XK AND CAME TO His KATHEIi.' Ilave you all up your miiidi to a re a'id go to jour Father? WLy bnvr tere! U'Ly pariah ? aud if you have mid; cr. vur mii.'ls to com: bcm awaits, wly L-'. iiUc at oi.e 1 Ly not turn your f.c h; ti.'. Can it be thityou are eiiU aiiureu Ly tLe world, and iltc i cl by Satau! What', you perish sf:;r ii'.l T No. God forbid '. See Low Carist WjjII uud; ccive j ii Ly tc.iin you tlj truth, and a lure you Lome ly sueainj yol t'je luie (f Gci. II ar Low He describe, the way God receiv.-a a penit.nt siuo-r when Lc r.-turti " A 11 1 h' L Li w j et a gr.. at w ay off," ears CLri-t, Li (a-Ler saw him. anl Lai, at.d ran, and fell on Lis tec-a, and kis-..d Liu. '' And can it be that G jI wili reevive yjj tLas! Wui; 1 will lli- i-i'.h lel tun to ran itn opn aru.- ,:i-r ou W.i, wLal a r.-v COQ - (Tr -: L.- Lere nude u'. ihe love 0; A 1 V""' "' Ju -' 1 j . .1 . ' erv l .rt of it iu ontact i: t tf t..t-c jl ..scetidin.' eou 1 aseioiarr, ti L'J-r, . J r ea'.U-rall love tf Gad ! Hut, can tLis le , lU)iJ"' true ? wiii G ji rjo with open armi to em brae rep nu-.t inner ? h, yes! th t noiili 5 !-n th.u-a:.d times t. n tl9i t n ! hive jrvtdthr: lulii of llc-c L e( r-ri wird.. Caattless tii'aH.tades Lave a. r a : esj-t ta Gad oud fvuui th-ui true Jtvult LOfct-rv T: s poor sinner, wh.eyoa can be made tj al.ora amuia, ' ' . :. : t I ... 1 .;. ' . A ... V o: m:i ';e y"d 1 J"," """ ' .-.t... .t comes. n a9-e" l) 1 don that the naaiitv of ammonia and n.tnc acid brought down by tl.e riu iu tLe years 1 r.j j aud was cq ial to about o.' its. of guai.o for each acre, a qtantity which, as he say, is not su&cieht to account for the whole natural fertility of soils, but which must contribute to it materially. The iq iiv a'eut of lbs of uaiiD i.-, how evtr, by no tntaus a Hue indit-aiiju of the whole qiantity of ammonia and nitiic acid which a.tuaiiy cxisttd iu the air, fur if it were, there wculd be a much larger amount -i the salit coiitctfd after a toLg inteiia! without rain lLau afur a short one, si:.ce they would have Lad time to tccumuiate I5dt I'rof Wity found there was no such ac cun.ulatlou, there lei;,g a f;encral though tot uniform relation Letwei d the quantity of tbe.e fertiiii Ts and the quantity ot raiu, irrespective of the interval", whence Le iti fers that there is a constant and extensive urn .1 ' ijii Lick pie te bti this aci-umuUtiou. 'J'Li- be a-crilts, in part, as re Lave seen, to plants, but iu a n.ueh greater degree to the soil it-. if some kii;d) of wLitL, Le has fjund ly experiment, possesses tl.ia proper ty of ab.-orptlou to a very great extent, those with a lare qiao'tty cf clay beioj li.L' highest ii, the -eale of I'.-.-.i.-i ee, and sauu the lav .-i-t ; tl.oujL tLis sliorla more than we would suppose. !, , With the lain aud dew to assist ns in ' "nriiiin down the iiitilix-rs, ai d the una uitraLle tuoiitlis of ti.e so l aiaay-. ready to " .... - . '" uni:( Hiem, It niijbt Le supposed there ( would Le to K-casiot. f-jr any iCjits on our i' . 11 part to extri'-t a still iarg-r suipiy from (H he air ; but iu order 10 reap the full teue- St 0: " ibis dc ly discovered bounty rf na- te.- tare," I'rof Way say, the farmer sLou.d j' resort to drills;, which promote tLe I;, eqjil 2w of watsr through insleaii of over J" ins i-Oil , and deep c'aitivatiob aid tiotouh n, L ring. t. air Ti.e re is to the farmer ri'e the sea ta tbe h-berinau be wio S( rtaus in let te an iitst wi.l catch the tuisi.'' TLe u.ot reu.aikahle ii.tanc. cf the bt-n- fit cf tl.ia iL.toutb ulv iiatioi of tne land, as veil a the lu'wt strikitg i..u-tra tun of the ex .it to si.uh a eui:..ile s, 1 ii; tl W. II. Slauhy . ( liina II ill, 1 01.1 '.nm , &. t'. isj! Uaveliina public and older who . . i i.rLier th, Iik tourt.lM.UM-, on hun. ano he tUllera Inn. fell that a ltlr (, alreels lnu auy otoer in tne eilj. ........,!. 1, 1 nu.rlrr. can be lound with him aa , . w,ll . .,i La at I lie ueoul ana Ti DiXTa lil'OVr Lfdll. h Bulik, iu .r liUild- j ,, m,cre in Una vicinity. Us ing ailuaud near- ' ljnil,r,0i, the arrival ol'lbe cara and aieaiiibo-t. ly in tiie centre of t hariolU, Buameaa juii win ; ,0 rnll,tj paaaengei to the Hotel lire 1.1 t-narge. rii.U Ihn Hotel a moat convenient and diairabic Jj ,i.,Mi.g at thia liolel, paaaelgel will Lava location. He haa been engaged lu ti.e buailien t,mc to oblaiu locale. !t tin. aland nearly eig'uie-n years, and 11. tnat , .,,i,g al.o a Urge and coonuodioua Mable, Tlie i, i now in lull ra- ,me ha baa mauc aeveral addition to hi former J 0ll m.H.ut O.Uer, be ia tolly pie-pared to I1..11, i..iii.. ar.i Hi. I nciivmg lull .uppiy of houee, and it hat been greatly enlarged and im- 1 .u,,) ,,, by the day, week or inot.Ui at th in. le.i til.A.Nk rAl'KK nei IUXUKI:!' MA- proved, prewnlinp 111 front a two alory VFRASUA Ulu,t reaaouabi rati. I Kf; I Al.S. 1 m .1 .li iui.ei re-.ij to tul il or. ;00 teet in l..i.gth by l a1 liit in widti.. handsomely : JUllN. K. JONEfj. itra in 11. 1 im. , rni .11 ll.e a H.c lime ...leit hai!ed bv Ireea on tiie aioe.Walk, affording a pic. Mrcj, J Ifijg. 5111 tiar. o. j. . M v ! -r..n.a. af.ei.tion i.l be t pn.iii. n au t a I all hours of the da y . f:,ni... n r. Willi w inch I inaj he lav-red.. Tn. 0.e li-- been tiB.roughiy lurmahed tnro . , tl in n ,e I n t i r. i.e ! eiiH 111 tne lu-n out, and in every part ol it erealuie eooifori are ; ui-.cturcot M.A.NK t.ii ii mine Kiiidiiigol .humlant and I jngiblr. e.prf ia ly in the U.'M.Nti nd oio I'M.M I.U v. Hi;h. I d .11. r iii v .e . I Koo.M. where ti.e - inner man ia "renewed , ,H p ,or,.crio.ra re.. lluliy mlorm th. pub- lil.ANK lllHlh-s. ! f , k J.-...t ie;a.'leM.., I. Ili.lnel Utlicea, la,U, (i as o r k s. ty'a Ii . hVi"l KI.I.KU and U jI.M) to b. rt 1 i.y pit. p. per. 1 i. IN I I I) W'H.hS. Mj-ic Bo.4.. IVrio.e..i..l'..i!.p:.i.-tt,Magaaia u 1! i,1 i ti n i.. i r it in. ti, bo'aud or rt.1 ired. HOO.M. w here ti.e -inner man ia reneweu . . ,) f. ,0h.cno.r. re.iw. lluliy mlorii. th pub- " ,,, , aayby.y. . ' 'l I.e. that they ... prepared l erect l.a. W ! WtUtU tCtll he faith Conneeled will. thi. Hotel . re Stable, affording fur , , f,,,.-.. Town., Village a. fol niii for HO b..r.ea. abundaiillj luiiii.hed Willi ni. Ur en-el. d worL. erain and prnve r.der. al.ended by ana . 'h.rl -lie .nd ll -le ,gh, N .1 .. . h h h.v e given ; , bl, ring hostlers. I t,.fct.on to ib.cii.t.f.. ..f tl.. pi.e... 1 'r'. 1l,eProprieh,re:s.,,C.lentth.i.,tr.l.,.!o,g ' nc. ., , , toh1. (7ui, e,,ir,.i. entered n.u, tbty refer U, c. to pi. ass, I,.,, prepared tn offer hi. Ir.end. , foilll , . j tfifVtf and the -re.!., in.nkm.i," aa nn.r.y eomlnrla and itr -; V 'at' -1, good ehee, a. .... be f-nnd anywhere, (r"; l.. i hV A" K i. ' I FOR T II I WAGGOI. lil HIV IU from th. Mauulaciurri. A.A.I.1I.TAYL0R In. a, among w liitli will Le fulinc III. celebraleu wh. I. Ii,.. game., .ue -I. a fainou. reputation in th ulliem l eiuhlry for lb. last eiglii., i, nu.i.n , Thu &:. In warr .ol. superior to ny ( oe.king He v new h. um .1 1 i .in Ii u. n, ,, ,, eouaiibiea I. a. iui I, and ooe n.oic wolk in a given tin e. II an any othi iHni now in ,t, lt s 'f put U pom beanie an; lbt floVr nf the ..ll.e sue in the I lute Sir f It ii Cue. liol n. 1N work in scivrii Ini.e.he will forfeit tu prict of the Move, and C(uit aelln.j and g. b , Il( the belief one. ALSO, A IX KINDS OF FAEUliOR & BOX STOFSSS. Ho ha, ana e..i....mi keep on hand, n ealen.iv. and varied .lock of TIN AM) SlIKICT IKChX. ui:TTt,i:s, r.tsr lit o.y m:iTy.u, NAT HACKS, CIlAllLKS, &c, &c., Allot M iii ii Mill ! was ll, hasla-waili- itiid Itrlall Iiiiimi IIiuh iua a-tt-r bira asllrn I its I la t Vla-lnil). 1 would return y tl-ank. to my friend, and ru.i.-n . r. foi the eiy liberal p. t r..t .j , u,.j be. to wed upon u, . uo they may real a.aurru, Ih. I 1 ahall endeavor, py i utt tuair.. u together with a ueteriiiuialion to pleaae. to try and mrrti rontinu.nee n( the aaoic. sis mnan "(.ukj: imle i win, imm.n Liiiiki and lirutlrnn n arr piirlirularl inil i! Iu rail an d laamiiir i.i Mork timsiji ot jos wobz iint.iru 10 thiiz visum. S. II. I will tell JOU bj I head HV ad vc I Ii.. I"ln rn 1SI W aoooa,' il ,. U..,' wr have three w aggona con.ian tly travrllu g il.rul Ihe euui Uj will. Movea. .1 vrtUru trill be faithfully ami allnnlnl lu A.A..N..M.LW1.01!. . can be 1 1 cult u w ith d' tratti 'k"h. sri'KKs. 4a. I Dwhia a liltir more o Ij" At any lale tsv the Charlotte ll"el. J. 15 KERR Of ii.r 19. Is ig. 3-Hi STA'I Jl OK .Mit ril-C'.M.'OI.INA. I y.i' K-t i.iini 1 oiMV I In Jjjuin,. 1 0 ij riti! 'J'trni , A. 1) 1 -O,). I 'i .11 li.., ul L....p;-...l ol l:.e!.arel M., li.iiiiil!, aaiNSl, i J ;.K. ..m, . Sim., i Twyor.ti.. Biik ..f ..;. r- i.ili.ol UK (uuh'y-i! .Mt ea.e I t urg. J-jlili Ail.n, .I I; e foun!) e 1 I ri .: ii, -f..l 1,Ik it llafi i.,uf ti.e .! S .1.1.1 1 aii.l.l. I, D.l. m.alila. I 1 I'.i. c..M-. it apue inng t.i th. ajli.f.el nn of I t M.aeer. llie Den ml. Robert H.rri., w .. li . I, .1 li.e I. I,.- ot t.i. fi .i.g uf 11, e piimlifl". I. ,i. anil i- i.-.l ... w au 11,1- .i..l.i,l ul li.e Male i.l N .fin I Jri. . ..I'M. ..i.l.e-, .1 li e ll n. p ol Im ....a W .. t. f'' ' (-oh. .1.. a in li.e U. woof I .u. in .ti l m.i.-, ii, ei.n;iir...ily to toe ai l ol" ii . j v ri ui'i e .. . and provided, h-l ,..; 'I. ..ii ll lljrr... l r...i,.i.j t,. U a n. i ap iil l ie l.i it Mm ol In.. II inorau e oi.f I, l-i ti . I .r I....- e..uniy oi .M. e-..i i.i-eii, at n.e I II ...i.e in Cm. rl..He. ., ti.e lllh M..m,-y a I", .e tin M'.fieij in I '. i ;r A. U. leo", mJ uti-l t .ere, Ul.' ti l.i. e. rpi-rl i .In, l.i i,.w. i ai.o Iru y lie liie etiun. ol Ihe V tifi'" ' i.i i.t-i w i.r. pf-.! o' tne -ulJ-i.ti'in nl tin. i. Ii. .,iu C..o;t wi.l pri.. d aa if prirf-.-.a rr, and will i.rd. r tne ee.l.'. O j.1.1. i.r'.rs klie. ii... I. -r of r. ll., Ihe I 1 Ih M n As a.t. A ll. ljJ, Inf. e. tin. voa w i lb lK KATtlN'8 IN I A X- T1LK I'OKUIAl., w. ..e.ire l. .tat. Ita .up-rn.f. lly over every nostrum l-'i.t l.uae or quaca haa herelofore oil, red y..u First I: is the pr. j ir.iien of a rejul.r phy.i. eian, w I... ia well qo li.fied, from much uperirnet in ml .it ie oinplaints. lo preserihe f .r them. He. enn.:lv It i ei.iir. lv Ir.e from pan r'.ne. i.r opi ate uf ml kmn, and e .n.equi -nil y relieves bi re. im. V ne the auffi riug nt your e-bihl. tnale.d ot (.ea o. lung ll. ; Infill It i pal up w lln rrr.i care, as a eomp i,.o ol it with any ar t rk l'..r ii.i.iilile eomp'aiiil. will .how : Ihe very r-r. from wi.ieh it I. . ..lliled beinr dug liom Ibe foreai. uimer lhe dim l..Hi ol Ur. li, manv of ti.ein by In. own ham:., lourliily ll ia perfect. If larmie.. and Cam.oi injure Ine 1.....1 oelirate in l-iit, and i a certain cure ami reiiel m ail li fol lowing ea.ea, winch ia i!s chief nirnt We-r .very nri-ii Dr. T. U ll. gg. Pre. Kal liaa A. a. Italeigh, Col. IJ I. Young, W.verly, Jl.aa. I A. t.. Hlorv, I'na. uai M orb., I.illl l alla. N. Y. : i Y. T. fsiory t-upl. (.. Vv orka. Wateriow n. N. Y. ' j Vs. S. V t o.,al I'earl M, New York. 1 Aoore.a the .nUenher. l It-I'igh, N. C. I WATEK1I0USE 4 liUWKS. , I AVyat. H, lein. '."711 j THE UNLV ARTICLE ! I'MMVAUED l MAIIKKT. , v um uaisis ! HCPIi; All- 1 Uit-ii h.14 LLKAKD. l l l.e l I. Wl ) , i. Ih.l t-J Nature'. . wo pioe.-.a il M.I..1.. li . .ior .i o. iu.. j all. r loa hair be.i.i. t' ) i 'ppl" thru. tur.l flama, anil Ihu. mak.ia n gin i.a b.lil lit ana. ien.i.v.a ' ail ll. i.l. f .iiU lo -.1 lr..m lite .c . Ii, f)il. if'tTsW CAXDY FACT01tY. FitIi ('oii.t'ctio.itrk's, Fruits, f I MIKaub 1 lent n 4 I iit. Crieclir.irv ,.u I. it. ny lina.rt So-it ol.MIXlDV NIM1I.1 I... u.i. r. ...... - u It.- .t.MJ i. .ile Hit I rr. j t. ri. n I I i.r. I,. , . Ihey are rteeising umtl liom New Y-. .'t addiimna to their .loek ol C'OM-'I'UTIO.MJItlKN I Anil. 1 UllUt I.Kll.V At. Au.i.i-g tlu ii aua m.. j be I. .una cv.i)ii..e i. ally krpl ll. a ll.i. In il A t ... ... rt n.ebl si I kt 'I g, Vv i.h.w W .n , Ae . ., a.) ill h.aal. A. , Ac. I ll.i tin . be-d . hail l. b. I . Vv i ii-.. A. I on rt. sl ifli..-, in ler II.- 4 1. M .li.. . l.,e rtn. vi ,r m' A t.V WILLIAMSON. t i. I'ri..ler' fee t. lit Jn IT, lrci "s." T, WillSTON r IKHS e .r.l.if.l v . n h. Hi nM f I. A I N TS A ITI SMNu' lo, op my 1Fr.TIU.Nl.; uch a. LiVeFN'l I K Y , COl.l . , wult, , , t. Ae j al.o, f.,r anltin.i-g tn.. gun. and relieving f . lit. for r-gu'atmg lot fcnwei. it I. lime, 1 . lied. F.,r t oiil in li.e Head il i... Uie relief. Ffl kOl l tirt n.o.l l.l.l and Iri nr ol d:se.iea. it i an be re. lieu mi with perfect c..i i and b. n i a p.-w. crl'ul antl apa.fiMidlc lit ail caac f.-f tin v or f.t. w .- earnestly reCxii.mind you to he lo tune in pll.euring il. I.a. l.i Il tita aolnueh more ti.-n i.iber p euaratn.l.s ol Ine, in.l we c i. .01 m.y be ft in d uo.ii lucure ail ... a i.i toe acalp .no J 11 i.l an.p ..' keep il Iiom, f .lin g e r! ; mmit u , ' ISa and (...alijal, .no it la .. I) ll.e young Iwoot inne Line. . wnk.l wi'l . v.l Ul. ol Ueoa.t gr.v ; I. u le.ei. 1, rt-.u li.e lull. -wing .nd juoga lor v uuiHitn ; Niw Volt, Jar. B. IsiB. M tjUo. O. J. V liol) & 1 1 Ci. ml im ; II .Viiig hcarei a guo.1 e.ta about I'fole.aor Vv ou'a Hair lie. I ,ruve, and my be ing quiue a'. ivertiM no nla aa e. liieir .livertiaine ; lli I. r tin ! not afford aueh long 1 w 1.. ae hole Ipe-Ua. a. ni.e re-. 00, it commenb. it.eif aa the 11 o.t rena b i. lo a, I mother.. In all ease, the dileeln.ti r,i ,ed aruuii.l eaei. le-ttle. must Ui auicliv loi , "j cel. I" (wr bu'llt. lu lay aanie lo prejuoica with a gre-l m.liy per.ona, tan maimer ol p. lent uien nine., .nd j a sni.ri I. me ig' I couiuitnecd Ueii.g y our article, , to t. .1 .t for i.,y.. !l j i .i. r.aull h .a be- n a scry eali. factory that I , am Vtrv gi.e 1 din ao.and 111 juaiif.. toyuu.aa Weil ( a. lor In. encouragement ol olnera who mas be ia : gr .y aa I wae, bul who nam g my pnju.iice 1.1I11 . nut my I .r n lling it .an e, ar. unwilling lai give your Ke.liiral ve a Irial 1111 lliey liate lur pr,,..!, ai d to .lion, I w r 1 it you In nl he Pi tl,. i.t of returuiii ' leave let 1 f-t-t in r j s o( Li at oi... 1 eel. eaCn se t ol u i-i:i.; this ' f..i m Wcara': rt. S Sa.ltl. fjot sjirt, a i.e. a a Bl.'.p three strip is eiet f ly ire y-t a gi aeetl r-t ac bs voar u.l ui, ti.e rt 1j:i,"i. afi r Ljil- at 1 f j'.'ivetieis, anJ ret tbe fa s: iiu'rt of nrro far nt. ajsn.-t au go'i a I'i,:L;r A'ji 11. will ov. tart, U s fe.- a wae iu .. r, Lut lit win turo il trjaar-i-jo j t . r V.'i., tbai i.r. t ti ..! f.-el CTup i in ' IL,t.ii ill..-? V.'i.i all Hi- t.eait anl a l Iii- bent a.e'.l with feelii.... of ta-cJir.-i eaiaapa. 1 j-j ! W 1 1 He t.i.i.. Oil. Ler.- ia my vs l. 1 -rii. c't.i i C:u''"g i.a.w to Li.' lie las laruiJ ta m.i at i-.t i.e Uas tvj,e te wetp tjou ti y I o-"'u 1 f, IK will eouit. a.i ah. ar.l a i.l run tv.alij. tlee swiltiy wi.l Ue eome at.d fall e n. il.y otvi, tlad oatea-i. iI ju giiiiy t:,t .. tl.. , tuou !aitnui. tri rj.:iiu amrj' r n t i on thv net a. ami k:a t'ltv uh, wba ,, . . . i . ,i .i i ... 1, i, t-ie aurfaCi l(-tweD the rows of wheat are . .w Odd s kisa I ut those '.Lat have I It It . i j al" ej,t eouslaiit'.j fiesii ly tuo iiart I ae ; 11.J n reat i. tbe q tabiity ol an.m.L.a al oried ly iut.Uiwtw "UiiX'ure" of tin: s'aii kti'l klUiO.-r lief-. , tiia. Mr. hullu lad, U-. t a I , J iat,!t i a c op of wheat f .r twelve su:c s-ivt years oh lie tame .a,'.-. Kl.llPS c-i.t.,r.t'v -o 1-r.d, who e.ait mid re. i... :u.l ai.o t-u.pii t. iiMirliiii ut of PLAIN AMI J A PAN N I.l) liiJ '"t"-" tix-wai:i;. w Mi I. w . I be l.U W . turu-.i i;L tLe spaie in tb t..., j a- to l: iu' up a put of tiie s its ail , Lieu is we., it, I-J wiu tiie up-r ai., aui I j'.L ar-; ti.ea kl ium'j.i.t'y f.'gsii, ly frei.;i.t w-aiwibj will the f ark ; in ti e eii-.ii. fi t j-i.ii the Hi r-jo of L..-al are San on li.e. airii, ;.i that oecjpieJ oy the L.'.-t t o in turn uo ler,.". t'ae nat j roots, cf filosii.,' as tbj otoer; Id tail ti.e strip arc a uriiiu-li iu wleat tb'l filiow. and o .ly ou la.f A l.iC I ah l is ac'.uaiiy in a iieat r li.e peca. aii.y o! li- J. ao i-, .eti.roib f j, .till il, vn of tLea.l., auj i. c-ni-taol exposure ta lie air ; far UA hly are tbefa..w tr'j,-a 9 c xpis-.d, I ut ' ii vi f.:; !!. P., I. ... by lOII.K J M.'li i a:.i.-. Ki taiue lull. fe. T Wl.ISTON. Itfir.r (.Mir), for It i. T. V Rib I ON'S. CtASH. !..;. Spi't a:.u Drra.ii g l;OXFfc for S. T. "WRI.-iTON. 1'iti ! rsCw vi ah ;tam:s. A J- i.l. IIM 'eu-liaaiip lil'j ioj -a.-iaan. (niJapuoi ii 2uiinJ fji'Oyjt 11 taiai., -ii sa s.ri.) pu jop.ii pua 'if! l oi uiZuaai. , -.n .,i iu iniiijiu 4aitii-uiui! a. a pup Mjrit.,? af.iaaaa pa a;, -aiol.d i.l Jaiiopu SBjnyaJ.a ""l liS ' hi i- nu-ija. ,.(l(iij (Mi l.. ;lpa( a.iyl a tail joa.ii a-.,, oij i,n.aj alia ui.iJ.a til 'paJlia.a la.u in) -una .aiii .j l...f Tmtilt jaila 'lu.u.l .Ml 'eaa. may .how to any I .r ii,. ii- r pm. i, XV r, li.iin.g F.I Mi hair is pri.v.d in appe.ranie ti ilid muth li g oeeuiar Ue l.t it r, I, you i ker ra.peciiwiiy iwMm. to citi k-.rl..lle and urruuaiiirig eoooiry. thai he h.a on hano and i enn.l.nlij nceiiihj, from New Ynik, Ccnfecticneries, Fruits, FA X V ;im:c liltil S,( K.'AltS '10ll.(tO, h.M IT. 'Ml VS. Iltiwical liiklrtiiiii nl, I I It i; I(lw, IMIIIItl IIOKWI W, T lax lrs fl a. It llloaa Uagaiiv, 4 hilliv, an It.wiii i. rt., A. lit ill 4 111!- of viy s.ri.iy. J. D. J ALMER. AraamSrv 9, I tsi. CM Alau, k. lutelida to manuiai Ion A M'l I nl all kimie, free pf.tai.nou. cl-rmg iiinik the New York hi. m Hi fined I .nay. I .ilmS hi j.oiiis m. i:i i.v. i It: HI AMU l. si HI II, N. 1. V8 and loiwarda every kind of n.e-reh. Mi sin nr ki i,irlril laaamut llei.r. I hi I III tiir, and are p.eprid '.I Ulna nl. t .in Ne.ilnuer It, 1P.M. i p.t-y an .., l.t,., MU'LY d M.-l.l.! ! ..per-.J a l.r.n. h -I i ur ! -. I...,e..,i,l.,w. l.i. Mr. X.-y wnl .u .t tl.e tu.n.i .a, and .p. a to mail a .1. . it .1 i pulrl,. pallaaage ID th.t aaelin. NOUHV A Mm;H1 Aa. It. lltaS. l)"i r. s.uiLs Am Lilt 4 I niul Itiuli.'i i, Y II I. lorn,. I. li...,. .,! ,., . .... In. Tl lor I'.blie ilwiluiKf.., I'nm b-.i.e,. nu Vill.e. P.rfiru.r allintoi, il lp-ie kuil-iut Al.lL.t -in Aim.. Ac. Inn o So .ion i.l A.ia.auii'. L..,-n . Hoi. I ..i.r I l,n. I II. Ii. Ottst-n VS. IIS.'iU 33H ti It I 1 1 -I A It 4 1 . 1 VI nutuil Lilti Iusuranct Gumia.y uFFt . h si.i.i.i A I and l.i I r.. h.a .. iM. ii )i .'a. 1 in II. ir u li, i. mi ai.o tilliCl III! M. s bo. m in and nut of to. I bli.i.mi nl every d.jr it. n.luiai coior and muej y way. bting gh toy I .in vuura ri-.ietiu,lv. III. M.Y Jl.NKINS. or Coi-m w I air,.. i .1,.. l:.k:yi.. I.ivisorios, A,., fib. 14, le.'.Q. ' V oop ll. ..r .i : Your II .if Kt.lvr-.l,c ' it- u.liili g-oil in lln. ol t e ri.unlry. g I. in lithli) i.iiini.laiiing lor aevel., i il I, Morei.iad. N. VV . H..,.lhi., J . (I.L..rnt,( . P. .M.mui.i.all. A. M Corm.i., ..s. and ll.i I. f. )..... II... V. . A. t.r.h.m, a. d I'tmlt, t I iai,.M. MiIih.ioi... Harp., t-uilal.., Siail In S.I. a. Pun. p., t..rden r.igme., Ac. A ptnied ii.l ol ail Im diSer. at n.a. ri, s ir.n ano pint a .n( ere. I'll lur nl an pb ol Hit km A.I Cap," N.f.dl.jiMl in. " t Hsao a. a I uv.iei.s, oa, Usui Lino to fiaaLiM ' I In. to i.luabh (umi.t . aruer .houlc iii iviry ll Ire. la ut all m.. ..ea, I.a cpiou. r) .lid pn etfir-t ll.i feniinie a linwi oalurt' ion. itorea, lor .Naur latrioitie. aw w.ia. 1 Ills li.u e.ej ilitkria Ibt Ine. i.l .1'..' ... lor ..... ye.r. a I. in. ol ye.i., . f n- in. lot I 1.1.1 I it, ll t ...alio I ! I titipalllg Ih ll.e pl-lila tl II.. le.Ii.r-l ) tea gr-ntiii loi lie sk.n Ult ' when tht prui.iuM. II.. fii.4 n.. b i.l. o- I-' uolt m .) b gisin lor oni hail li.t .n.-i.i.l pi. b.ioK , U.i.l.g nit ;i .1 . t b 1 1 1 in. I -wl'' "-") , ,, '1 I., I..1.HI IK Which II I ' Urn pall, b IhN. t..a...SJ,l' Ml.H Will. " f If OP l- .Oat I arlpp- .n lol.l.t l .loralive lor si. fin haa.1 of h.P I h.v n-i. a llg .1 burn In n torui., .. l i. punted on Am wl.ili paper, hand i u.n. i J'.nr ,nj bound lourlh euilioi,, JiO pu.., .no I I lino th.t I mullrd If for a an alllitltd In. ay In un r 'a - : VI Will '1 UK O'l-iFKL li.e while (jj.;.ei i. euiimari.y c' L.u.ed ii liii. suari, lut pn Ly statement, ' Jeaus Cbti -t rame il'.o tbe world to sate untrii." Aui it i, aftrr all, i it fuel sumt an 1 t .... ' i- s'aft ri. -ula as luia tuai w.tuvuta arable of uuujrt-, aijJ In nil I , ittcrs lave 1 1 ( ,l I.e u;,ou lor strength trip v.ry nearly if uot (j lite at giol sul lijjb', aii'l eau.lart, wiaeu Lara.stel ly a- an) of In- otLtr-, ti.e aiera.e l. :ug a r- it il wl. ti atrug.-lmg itl JoulU uJ Lout I .rty bu tela to the aeie. 1 i.r-, aul wleti descetiii.r i into tie tlaik I 'Jte mi. upon wl.ieL t lai- baa 1. 1 1, J.atie -111 y of tte aladow of ti-ail. The la'e , i-, of eour--, uaturaiiy very ri :b u luiii-ral. !-. ..eotaud I artel I. AK-i.ia.'.l A'-ilm ', m-r.-eii i.t. an! p se-s.-a it- poser of ab ,.. r wj. y be me U di I It ti.e Mftn. -.- -oif,c u in a r-niiktiU decree, l ut tuei i.i a I- : Iui, an 1 :. A . i my ti.ev'.-y r mt W'.ul', a -a far as tl amtiiuii' i- ejul .IJ A l o.'. Se,. lp i,I. AS i MIS r--a. rvn,;r ruila, i re laliil ., Ac , tiie n, l.i, f.r ...;e by g. t. v.i:i.-;ton. (ooki.'.c. m)vi:s. 1 ue tai.dwei ) ll a, "K ul '1 "'t u,tu " rtmeiiit known, ayof. ua Xuis.l J .i paaiiaulla mail ai luauau , I luiuait tne li.o.t Valuable remedy ! y i.u ii.teiai pu tuaiafyi laom .1(1 pny iai and cviae ail wl n tj fi d am n.o.u.., jo .aaea at.jl.aui lui ail b U'.liae nj ,lial) VUS il ")' l Xuuq ,-J ' -I a.l.a aa pw Sa(.ee( I a a a "a 1 -a .. i J ni inn So. ui pa.ta.ip io a aai' , Jtios j -ssip ua; ut" Jdla.-iiimioa in 'A ojiii ai i Z.i,i.i.n oa a.m ui puy una no! pax.jau. tj7 - if, n.os jo p.aida, a tim.v "o j. 'fimi tip ;ni t'.n( ni..;. jno jo ft.iji.,., muan noil Xuii.J),.. Pi fioi J llrfl. (KKI'lll I ai.l i. am-., e 2 ,un...jd ui auii oi. a. -a.i.y ay. ul ! aitd ae 'nia..Vs uej '' '! ipp;, j 'a p. -p:" ) (,1io j-iaupua aiiluii..iii . jo I .inc;dinoa uu aa. ( nni J -l l' pajna i eni i-jla a. . aa iiluifi.ita plliil..iU o jaao 'uoi..npn. -ui ai J .y eunn.MJ ti. Uli,l.t -ii.n 3ajjad i. naiol.aj . .au..jf -J(l 'qaniW jo Sll moJ ..'C iM (KXr-IU 'l a " U"l..noojd a.,, maj aau, I f..a. a.i.l, .S. pua l(aaq aMl main poop) a,u .. a. .ill o . pua "uoil i.iouoa ai-ipjinuil iioul ail io i2.ioial l J' l-vafijiia .11,1 X.n tplda p. timriil W III. ;I7A IVNV i- v"-- ,.,,,, ),lu, .1 twtu'V par cent ,,oa i.a f. . ..-sianaaa. iva SI-...1 Jo , ,., ,. Utv ,,, ,.,.. ,, ,u u,Ja(. u. in. l. id jili a.j a jiaeuiii) i o.. pn. u o...( New If... s6. If.. Is.'.M. Pi.n...,l3li. Hotel lur Side, AT MuNII OF, NoNI II ( ISA fK till. .ol,.. i.l,. f I.e ii.u i.t. 1 your r.medi. lull in. pu.iliaii Una if J-u think proper. V ouia, Ate, h W. MIUM.I. ION. PtiiLtpti.riiit, Kepi. 'j. lejo. I'ruf Woou Llc.r sen : lout 11. ir Kc.iof.tiv. ia (.roving UmII belli h.-i.l to pie. 'I i.e Ir .nt and .lao Iii. b.c part ol my head almu.t lo.t lla Cu- verm. w.a in saio 1 bata aatd hut two 'I li hail. pint buttleaof your Keaiurativt, aud now th Moiirnc, N I top i.l in f head la Well aludded "Ith . prouil.lhg ol Ih. Town crop ol voung ha.r, anu lhe ll out ia ai.o rt-eciving of tle tiaek of In. VV . C bunging in. hii. ii a ale in. I Ml IN 111). i U rn. hi. I hate tried olio I pri With. out any be n, I.i h. It r. 1 limik Irouiuiyowu i i.i..- Ilouw ia aiie.nd in H e ll.riv.i.a 'I own of i.v. niei.l lo tl.e bu.ine.a porlmn witl.tA ahoul -tie iiuln.reii t.roa k. k.ilroad. ll i ne.riy liaw. contain. riM-n... well lur. i.ialiiii, (;he luriiilur. Ih nig elTercd lur a.le win tiie llnuec) a fiie-pijcc tuei-ry room, a.n, ennva. mei.t out house., tstahlea, Ac. Al.o, One Hun- ij. .' V-: f v.;..'- tud.tion. I can indc m.i.y olb tr. Ik Its it. uuia.iaaictlulli, i. U.TIIUM A,M l. liif.S Actual I Nn. 4-1-4, Vine trl, Hi. age tnaiiuaiihi a turn lor hmgir pnbiio til., or The Iii ataifalive la put up in U.i ilea ol 3 .itea, h will lUtrelor tell tow, living any vn: Urge, Baiioiuiii and small; lite amall holua lime for payment, lur luiti.. r inlorim.tion apply pa a pml, ami nl. i a lor one dollar per bollti In , to toe aub.triin-r, or my Im mi, hi v. ka. A. l.i in- i. iu, lapidaii, bo. La. ,d (e-ipaiu .nu jii to.. in... t-nu ai ( lni.i.i.1 Kloo . puola l "1 .a uoliluin. oa in paanpai jhj m uaaquiai 'uoauDir Jf -If. 4 n i l. v. s...( lit t m i. n r i ; iW Pir.'VKh, W.i, he i f lOOKI.SfS ano .n l wla aa l-w a ll ....r..t,oy y iai K-d in tin. J .;aa Ittitt Cauat t lie aau-e, exo.j -rte, on ia,utVa H. Vi. T. WKIi'TUN. lln holu ly ( III Hllll A I LTONT, lrogp,.u No. 3ii. .Vl.iuen l.i-e. New )oik, .,,: ,lii tr a ii i..peei.ble Diurr"1 Ihronghoni hacoui.lry. A 13 ly V.TI NK82 TI'KETS, far tie f.ouuty aud fcup-1101 Court, fur 1 bvra a b-lt e i lite laige ho da . iiiart, lolly per Cent, more in pioporlnrf. ano rtlaii. lor 43 a ooilie. O i Vv 11' ill Av I , Proprietor., 444 llroaiiway , New I 1 1 Mal.el hl..Sl. l.u....oo, aoiu by all go-id l)iOi(iat..n.i l.ncy linla I'eai. era and In t harlolU: Uy Hi AKR A, I O. Jua it.lbai). JAMKS UICKKT. .orb .a .l oia...t to iwae. M.v.s an-iw.wicv l.r a l.t y.-i 1 two ll.irn. Um s.n-i. An Iowa .ft p.111 Wllhm lib o.v " l.t i,.iy piowl ia pita. I.l. o. HI. bl JCl..-. t i..m. I Jtl i !... V.n . 1. J Ilolo.n, V ! t .-ki. J. t.. Win. P' Ilea ... . tep.lf.e I.n.l.i, I I- I' ll. Mi k.a. k. I . I..IH.. t har.ta l. I ' Kwi., hlil. U II. klwlllt. (illlli.K-s. In. I haiiet I.. al.l Vv . Vv . Ilol.lili, V,tt t. II. I,. II,. ,1V, I lltal) . VV ill,. I, . II. Jl ..,'l ll .""!.'. II. Vi . Ilo.l.el. A toim ) lai. Vv n.. II. Ks.n.' iaerplll. I a.w.lll - V Lfcabi.. " Ki. . I li. I.ool. i.dlf.i i.auid 0 I .l" - ' ' Join ftl. li.. Vviil, .p. ll. A''1'" l.iih'u ll ll.)Wii,t, M. 1'., I... r.l.. lnl,.,n,.li.,ti. lb. I'Ubl rati It. the i...y ti al.y of ila A. in lea. , I 1 n n.unif alml.s shooid I ' 11 U. II. 1IATTLK, a, I f.S ll Vi Ii. M feifttirr, i'o- i,s he pan phli l.awd ip. ol prl"" '( ..I I.1...0 al Iht flict ol ll.a I " r- ' Jsll li j IS' C;tli Paid tor Hide, k M. IIDWKI.L, ,.,oi, II, u.. ,l, jif'tl b, Isif Huuth ii Hif iit. 11. 11 . 41 iii: L r I I.I. be plreet o lot. e. iv. I r-I a w v 111 tb nep.riii.tni. 1, HM.l.KY. I ...... pr..f. .a,.ii.i,. 1 a...M.i,c may b Ion 1. flat hi. reaiorhei , I in 1 M ill I hp, I. York Hi. Ine! r,. . P. I il. I Kit. 'It INK ami 1 if KL'Ll'tNAS for talc at tlia Office L-'aANK I'LKL'S fur aala attliaofiie, Wanted, 1,000 ('OKI F TAN BARK. which th ch wil' n I. i. c. XAVLUK. I a-i 1 j: li PR I N I I M all k ai.r eaMenit.iiiiai ..em. W b,( IIS.I. .d. '" KSKCI'TIOKS f'it tti Ccurtfof ' jii. a.f a bj IU U

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