Letter from Hon. Wm. C. IUvob. Tbe following letter from Mr. Rives, re ferring to our lata glorious Couveotion, will bo read with interest i . , Castlb Hill, 20to Feb., 1900. My"dar8iri I bad the pleas ura of re ceiving in duo witoD jour letter of 10th iuitint, I am very sorry it will not be in my pow er to be i(b you and tbe rest of our friend on tbe It would be grent personal aatisTaetiou to mo to bo sblej to commune with tbe large numher of our patriotio fel low cititens, who, I hope, will be assembled on that occasion from every part of the Slate, and to warm and cheer myself with the generous teal they will bring with them in tbe eause of the country. Having very recently bad ocosmou to express fully tbe views entertain with regard to tbe puulio questions of lbs day, and well know ing that there will be Lost of noble spirit there tar more capable tuau myself of tak- in part, with usefulness and effect, in tbe 1 proceedings of the Convention, llierej will b ao cause lor regret at my absence, l aw sure, but in the loss I aball myself experi ence in not being able to participate in ao animating a socue of patriotio fellowship and communion. Thrrc has never been a crisis In our na tional history which appealed so strongly to rood aod true men every wbere to rally to .U. A..rn nt ft,. I'.llrnlmn ,nA th. ITn. ion against tbe destructive fury of sectional strife. I fervently pray that the several Slate Conventions which will be assembled on the auspicious and hallowed birth day of tho rather of bis Country especially tbat of bis natal State guided by bis spirit aud An experienced Nona and Female Physicians to immortal counsels, will eall iulo existence a I sttrntion of mother, her pratid committee oftnittj, consisting of tbo ! O A A 'M I T T 1 O Ar I IT I) body of tbe people, uuabackled by tbe ll:OW V 1 II I A I O 1 ll U J. ters of party, who will coruuisud the peace j t'Olt C.'ll I I.IHt t'.X I IJIM belaeeu warring factious, and Hiatal the I which greatly faeilitatea the process of teething, sober and rightful supremacy of their own aoliening Hie cumi. reducing all infl unniatmn will in an edmtni'.tratiou of the government, tbat will restore dignity, moderation, justice aud purity to the national eunsels, and har mony, security, confidence and coutentinent to tun eouotry. llelieve me very truly and faithfully your friend. V. C. RIVES. II. II. Maoeidih, Kj. SUPREME COI'KT. from Mecklenburg, judgment reversed aod I venire de novo. In McUee V. Davis, in equi- I ed. In Cox r. Williams, in equity, from Jones, dtsmi'Stng tbe bill. In 1 aimer Giles, in eauile. from Orsniro. dimissinir ' the bill. In I'.ul P. Nl.on, in equity, from I , , . . iii Orsnge, decree for plaintiff. In Johnson V. j Johnson, in equity, from Yadkin, directing the seeouut to be corrected. : Ur lUiri.t. J. lo Hewett W'ooUn, from (.umberlsnd, smrmtng the judgment lu Male r tuts, irora vnowan. aecisriug ( there is no error in the record. In Jenkins ! r. Troutmao, from Rowan, affirming the I judgment. In MeCulleu . WbitforJ, in eouity. from Craven, directing a deoree fol plaintiff. In LKlJe V. IVrkius. in equity, i ; t.: v .: .i.f. irora I I", wu'iaunug iu ricrpuuu 01 uciru- d.nt. In FeimsterV. Tucker, in euuitv. from Iredell, slaves belong to next of kin. Ur MAJ.I.T, J lo Hsrrtnger Hoyden, ; from Kowsn. amrming lb judgment. lu White . Clioe, from Cabarrus, judgment reversed and judgment here for plaintiff. I k-..l.F e V.rbl... from Rowan, affirmintr ; 1 - the juJgment. lo Mutu e. others, on peti tiiniw .un.iii, ' . todoaer, decree for a sale InGaither, r. Albe. ineq,iy.fro,nIredc!l.d,.u,i...ng.be bill. In i.u nn r. hmibrouih, m equity, from Yedkio, directing an account. , IalPI4 RMIMT Ot Jtl'il STl'MP The) Committees of both Houses of tbe Mary land Legislature have reported, charging Jii'le Stump, o( Rslliinore, aitli misleliavi. our in office, aud rOBinieDHitig his reruova!. Irl'hs Annual Meeting of the Meeklcnhurg Tinls Soeialy will bs held at SliaroS) Chureh, in this county, on the 3j Wtuneaday, the 21 at March, at 1 1 o'clocl.. A. M. ,lii r lt Trns-liri-si. FlllfrSF: wishing lo obtain eertiliratea as Teach. I ers of Common Schools in Mecklenburg co . ars requested lo stlend foe elimination at the Vert House, on turd.iy, the 3lat instant. ( J P ROSS, fh m'n. Committee ? K NYE HUTCHISON. ( M D. JOHNSTON. .Wart 11, lfO. ll GREAT ATTRACTION AT TUB K.MrOI.!U.MJl)F FASHION. in:ov.. iMTi wv co. tlv ,,w receiving their M'RING and SCM. MLw (;(M(,)S, und in a few dys. will be prepired lo em,(,( ( I.,ira and (ienllemr n of Mecklenh STOCK 0? GOODS ui.surpisaed by any llous in Western North i.'s. rohna.our purch.w s being much Uigcr ttian any previous season. In our Dllr:ssr;OOIS DKP ARTMKNT. which is very ritensive, embracing all ol lhe latest styles, ws Imvs Th ee, live, apven and n ne flounced Robes in Silk, llareife,tlrgoilie wild J iconet. Creps d'l'jne, t h III, Black and Printed Lawns, Flam sad prinled J ieonet, and Swiss Muslins and Unlllelite. W hite and enl'd. Tallinn, Uotted Swiss, t heek. Mull, Nainsook snd aift fin ished J jennet Muslin. Mohair Clolli, t hambrey and oilier Gids for tri. Telling Presses. -lliglisin Flints, h c , & c. llarege Sh.wla an.) Lace Points. BONNE IN. Farasola, Kaos, ILa-iny and Glovs, Lmbroidrry, rrss Tninmmrs. Kiilins Ac. Ac. Ill AIL IHwtF ShIKTS from 3l) foiO llm.ps. B sides many other iniiisisensahle and ' Knncy ' ar. tide., not enumerated. We will keepour slock ol STAPLE WW GOODS, II. UCIt IIUKE, II T, ISOO 1 Hllll !0llOI, full snd complete, ss ws have made arrangements by which we will le receiving additions to our slock in i he Viirious departments every week dur ing the season. As we were first ia market, we had lhe advsn. tigs of selecting from full stocks, Hie moat fash, looable and desirable (loods and as we made our puiclu.es liir CASH, we are prepared to aervc our friends and the a bl'C, mill the most elegant and fashionable (io.ni., at the very lowest priees. With thanks U our natrons for past favors, we respectfully solicit them and all buyers to give us , a call. BROWN, TATK k CO. Opposite Kerr's llidrl. Chvlottt, Marth 13, I MOO. 4 1 If Last Notice! I IIAVK placed my Accounts snd Notes in the binds of Wm, Unity for collection ; lie is fully suth.irisrd to Collect them pesceably if he can and ay Law if ha must. L. 3. WILLIAMS. Moeoh 13, 1660. II BARGAINS! lire; Wi GOODS at I ho countors until il Tuesday nest, when the remainder of our lock will positively be sold at AUCTION in front of our Store. The sale will continue from day In dny, until all is aold. They mutt and thall be told, bring what they may. T. II. BREM & CO. Match 13, 1660. . St Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio K;t i Iro.id. I3Z Orcica Atliktic. T. Ax O. Kail Kod, J Charlottt, March, 13, 1 60. AT a meeting of Hie Board of Directors of the Atlantic, Tennessee at Ohio Kail Road Coin, puny, held in Charlotte, it was Retained. That IheSd installment of FIVE DOL I. AKS per Hhare on all tho filock subscribed in Mecklenburg county, be made due and payable on Ilia 17th, April next. In Conformity with the above Resolution it ia "I" """ ;'ck..older. will he prompt in found at theOrlice of the Kck I'sUnd Minufac. .lunng Company, in Chsrhtte. M. L WIUSTON, See. t- Irtas. March 13, lc60. 5I-U7A Attention ! Mecklenburg Dragoons. TOU are hereby commanded to ap:,ear -n ja si your rarauc iroiinu, (near the Me. I J in inataiit, armed and equipped as your lu ws ui. I 'j. k. Harrison. j nd inspection By order of Capt. A. J. OUR, 0. S. MRS. WINSLOW, will allay ALL PAIN and ppn and ia M it t: to it M.ri. vi k rut: iiiimki-h. Irend upon it, muthara, il will give rett to yuur. fleliea, and Krlirf and Ucallb to yoor In'anli. aave pel up ana soin una arneie lor over ten j ears, aud CAN SAY. IN I O.NHUENC E AND, U' save pet up and sold thia ariiele for over ten i 1 Itl I'll of il, whil we ! never been able to Scdd by druggists and dealers geneially, every ' a.iy ' any other. yt lc imedicme (where, ror sale by E.Nye llulchiaon At to., IN EVER II AS M , ", r.k..a. . II 'FAII.EI M I ULIMV") j i I N A MM.I.i:! IIN'STAM E ivsViI. 'XRr:.i.e. i v tiaeu.l Aevereia we know ai maunce of oiaatiaucuon by any one h' uard it. On the contrary, all are oelighted j tiieihialiKn of its magici tn;eia ann nieuieai vir. !lue. We speak in tins matter "WHAT WE DO KNOW." after ten ' esperienes, AND PLEMjE Ol R It EPL' I'ATIi IN F' lt TH K KLL r OF Vt ll A I E HERE LfKl'LAkE. In aliuoat evi'ry inslinee where tlie inlanl la suT- frfin. m l(J ,,.,, w.il be found in fiitern or twenty minutes slier the syrup is administered. Tins valuable preosral.on is the preaeriplinn of r ik. ...... i XI Kit IVSI V.n nd SkllH I ' m nsft,, ,,w Englnne, and has been used with ,k,VER FAILING M Ci. ESd in tUin ANUS OF CASK. , nni olly ,i,es n.e child fr..,n pin, but in" , e.g. .rales the stnmu li aod bo els. corrects scidi" i ly. n.i gives tone and eoercy to tl whole syaleoi. ; ,l "'" '"'nllT ''.. j .r n hi in tor novmn. ina n n tone 1 o and overcni. ...... convulsions. ItlH TtKIIIIM;. ' d.e.J. 'end T., ' S.xH. W. be! t ll,.! 'I rr.l HIM.. BEHT AND sl KH-rl' Rr MKnY IN'TitE WOMLH c.t. .1 lYSE.MERV AND DIAUHIHEA IN s s .a r.i. wn ""J "'her , from leeth.ng. or We would say lo every utfenng Ir-.in nv of I ha 'mother who tijs a einti auoefiiig frr., , eo,i,,damts xi NOT LET Yot'R ....... . t ' ' MLI(! .und iMween you and voar suflerii.g - " - - ' Uieioe ;, u.,d. f ul ttireci-on. f..r ..iug wil1 areompny' ach b-.tile. None iih unless j ' the lac. simile of l l If I IS St r t-l(r I ore, Is on Hie outsice r.iptr. rv,lil by I'ruggists throughout the world. I'aist li'Ai. Orrir i, 1 3 Cedar Street, N. Y. J'rue unhj 'Vi cents er ISotlle. For s.le in Clisrlolte, by I. Nye Hutrhuon A Cj. isu 1. Cwrr. Mrcli 13 ly (-Notice. Tsssaeasa's Orrua A.. T. Sl O. R. R. Co. rmVif- first insUlment of five dollars pet share A. on all lhe stock subseriherf to this road in Mecklenburg county was made due a id payable un the 16th January laal. A great many came up promptly and pn.l. The Treasurer still hss blana receipte ready, anillng smaf eiinf lo fill them up. Call up. g nlirrtieii ; you know you subscribed, sod you firther know the work cannot prioress without money ll...s are at work, and we have every protect of s spedy completion of the road if you will onlv do your euty. M. L. WRlJSi'ON, Treamrer. Match fi. ISftO. 151 SHOM tl" auhseriher, living on lhe liesd ws. 1 ters of M .IJ.ird I rei k, on Friday last, a bar I mars Mu'e, with Inrnmed mane and tail, three yeara nld nest August, ab-'u! 14 or 15 hantis high a number one ammnl. Any information will be j Iharklully received and all reasonable eljienees pa I,. I .ell. rs can be directed lo me it I hirlolte. II. AMZl HUNTER. Moich 6, lff0. 50l( Not ice. (hllR celibrated Jack, U I.I (IN, will slways HSk he loiind al the slnbie or tt.e surjsrriocr, v miles from ( liarlotle.on Hie lorkvillo road. J. M. POTTS. SIIOUTKST KOUTE to FLORIDA. iiiituii.ii in i inn.s not its. THE uTsMAIL C A HO L I a AND C.'OltDOVv ar EAVKCHAIll.KSTON DAILY (SUNDAYS M J eicepied.) al 6.31) F. M., (or Kernandma, Fl., connecting through the Nortliearlern Rail Road. , with lhe great sea hoard lines gong North In Fort land, snd ifoing Houlh, connecting st ternnuaina ,mi.. Bf ,ia town of Charlotte on lhe Kiral with Kail Koad In Juckaonvillc, I.aka City, and j1Jr ot- February, INKII.nr who had been principal, (alncasillr, snd by singes lo Cedar Keys, Mican. I t rip,,yed in any pmleaaion or vocation in said opy, I train, Tnmpa, s.id other points in the mle. j ,ow tor ,ree nmnllis or more immediately pro nor ( Florida. Also, ot Cedar Keys with steam. eejig the said First dny of February, and all ers lo Havana, Key Weal, Ht. Marks, Apalachico. ., w)0 owned or were possessed of Taxable la, TensiicoU and New Orleans. Property within said town on the first day of '.i.sengers for St. Augustine and points nn me S( j,,),,,-, J,r, will laks steamers at Jackson, j ville. Tl.a "CAROLINA " snd "CORDON " sre Grst clsss steamers, commainled by experiereed sea men, full branch pilots ol this port, with fine slate room sccommodiilions. snd every milnrt will be found on them usually rcqmrod by the travelling public. FnHHtlgO 5- Freight taken st lowest rales. For aiifigeineots snd other particulars apply lo II. L. CI1ISHOLM, Charleston, S. C. V. 80, 1M). 4l-3m Special Notices. gre.it iii: hi: Dins t To cure a severe Cough or Cold use Dr. WiF.tar'a Balsam of Wild Cherry. To cure Whooping Cough, Ctoup or flionc.ilu.use Dr. WISTIR'S Bulam of Wild U1FBRY. To srrest predisposition to Consumption, una DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY To Cure Dytptptiit or Indigettion, utt run oid(i:u iii niTTuits. To Cure AtthlM, Acidity or Heart Burn, use THE OXYUKNATKD lUTIIItN. These Remedies perform all I hey promiae. Tli'y relieve suffering, cure diseuse, realure lieulth, thua affording consulalion and comfort to the sick and alllicled, where discoursgemeiil, and suffering es. isled before. Ctroa, Wayne Co., N. Y., March I, 1857. Messrs. 8 W . r'uwle &.Co I I am happy to stale that I here uecri the Oxygenated Hitlers in my practice for the laat three ji-are in the treatment ol Dyspepsia, General Debility, Indigestion and Affections of the Liver, Willi the moat salisiactu. ry results; and would cheerfully recommend to thoar suffering from the distressing diseases to give this valuable medicine a trial, Respectfully yoora, J. E. SMITH, M. D. Exitss, Maine, Kept. 30. Thia certifies that I have recommended the use of llnto'l llaltamof Wild Cherry for Diseases of the l.ungs, tor two ye-rs past, and many bullies, to my knowledge, have been usea by my patients, all Willi beneficial resulla In twn eaaea, where it wua thought confirmed Coheuniptiun had taken K HOYDEN, Fhyttcian ml txtter Corner. The only genuine Baltam has the wrillrn sig. nature of " 1. BUTTS" on the wrapper. Prepared by 8. W. Folwe 4c Co., Boston, and aold by E. Nye liulclilsor. &, '"o., Charlotte, N. C. Chills and Fevor ! Chills and Fovcr ! I - One of the greulekt remedies that haa ever been laid before the public, fur Fever and Ague, and which have receivea the higheat encnmiuma from the preaa and t e people, is lilt. J. IIOSTET TEK'8 CELEBRATED BITTERS. Who would endure the torlurua anaing Iroin this ternhio dia- I ease, when ll can bs sneaaily cured ? W ho would lemlure sleepless nighls, burning fevers and ire I cnills alternately when s remedy can be obtain ed fur a mere trifle T And yet how many families linger out s painful esitence u.ider this deadly blight, snd do nothing hut gulp down quinine, un. j till it becomes as common as their daily ineuls, and j yet they are not relieved. None but the foolish nA weak vnlild liMiLau In ..i.nrfl llka aninahle e " themselves intenae g ony. CharlotU, IV. t;. 148 THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. Silt JAM IN LAIthb'S ci:m:iik.4ti.i rm ti.i: rn.i ! Prepared from a prescription of ir J. Clurke, M. 1.V Physician Extraordinary to the (ueen. This well known ntedicioe is no imiKitinn but a sure and sale unedy lor Female Uilficulties and Ubati actions, from any cause whatever; and al. though a powerful remedy, they contain nothing burtiul to the constitution. To Married l.iidira It is peculiarly suited. It will, ii a abort time ""'t un lhe monthly period Willi regularity. irii.iJ stvi nives ssin ekown to rail. whxsx the niaac-rions on tui2u nuior rinrii umhwiu.sih.il, , fu" Par,lcu1."'. Kel Pmphlit, free, of the '.v b.h ,nd 6 posies ,tmp. enclosed to any aa( tiorixard sgent , wi II insure s bottle . ronta ming , 50 pilla bv return n, ml. JOB MOSES, Ro Chester, N. Y.. General Aent lor the t. Stale. ""' fold in Charlotte by STARR At Co., and all res. peclablc 1'ruggists. Tiits. tvni.ow, An experieneed nurac and female physician, has a h. il.... . u..r. . .... nu.i..n . ,.1.. ..1. I ,. .,' .7. , ,.k. w. .,,' r(ueing all inflammalivr. will allay ,, . i... ,1.. h.,.i. n. pend upon il, mothers, it will give rest to your. etlvas, sad tenet end he.illh lo your inUnls ferlrtlty t. , cel See uvertiseinrnt in lret the advertisement of Sandl'ord's luvigo. rator, in anouier culumt. VT le lh advertisement of Wood's Unit Vye a another eoluiua. fcJTATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, ME KLEMiUttO COUNTY. Court of I'leat and Quarter Sessions, Jan uary 7'trtit, liCO. John Henderaon A M. M.rtiu and Elisa beth his wilu, and A. A. Moore and Jane Ins wile. Petition for Self lenient and Distribution. iN thia case it appearing lo the aa I is fact ion of the Court, that the defendants A. M. Martin snd fc.lisabelh Ins wile, snd A. A. Moore snd J.me Ins wi e, are not inhabitants ol this Stule, fl it Inert fort O deted. that publication be made for 6 weeks in the North Ce.'oliua VVhig. a newspaper publish, ed in the town of Chirhme, lor lhe said iieten. dants. to be snd sppear sl the next Court of Fleas and Quartrr Sessions, to be held lor the county of Mecalenburg, st the Cuurl llouse in Charlotte, on tne 4lh Monday in April nest, then and tnere lu plead, anawer or demur, to plaintiff's petition, or jU'ignieul pro confesso will be rendered sgainai them and the rase heard ea parte as to them. Witness, Win. K. Keid, clerk of said Court, al ofTioe, in Ch.rlotie, the 4ih Monday in January, and in the c4th year of' Auicrican Independence. WM. K. RKID.c.c.c. Printer's Fes G. l3 Match 6, lrjf.0. Notice to Guilders. flM Bu-rd of Ducctor. ul the Urunch H-nk M- of North Carolina, nt ('hurlotlr, itivii rj. fd propo9iU (or tbe erection uf BitiW u. Huiikc in tin town. Tung and pc'cifir;tti'in for proposed building curt bu sr-rn at the Biiincli K-ink. I'roHiali will he rtceiTCt' up to the 15th day of March. THUS. W. DVY, Cashier. h'tbruaiy 2e lrtiK. ioi .. ii. Joii.N, Hentrul i vUeclittg olgeitt, I'uioiilown, Terry luunly, Aliibunin, llf ILL attend promptly lo the cullectioii of all V V cImiius placed in Ins hands. L.tate Claims looked sfter, Land Omnia ferret ted out, and bsconuing debtors looked up st res. unable charges TEXAS CLAIMS. IT Collections made in I d is, ss herrtofoi through my attorneys in lltetSWle. Proniptuc may be safely dfpeiidcd on. Fthruary 11 n, lttbU. 49-1 y 4 I.L persons subject to pay a Pel Tai lo the 111 Stale of .North Ci linn vvhn r.sol.H .lh.i. February, are hereby notified to eive in to the Town Clerk, belore llir LAST DAY OF MAKCII, IHGI), a -i( if their fid Volt and Taxulile Fro. ptrly. The said list shall stats the number and local situaUon ol the Lots given in, with the value of which they are assessed lor taxation by lbs State ; the number of white tsxabla polls, ol tax. able slaves, and or free negroes rending on the 1st uf Fsb'y nn the lands of persons giving in said lists. Call at ths Brunch Bink uf North Caroll. na from ID a. ra. till St. m. I T. W. DEWEY, Tcm-h CUrk. Vamary 38, I8b0. t9 ilLAJsK DEEDS for thia offiea. HARDWARE VI'' E DEFY COMPETITION AS TO STOCK T AND PRICES. We hue everything kept In such Stores made of IRON or STEKL, end we intend keeping, at all times, a full supply in our line, it the very lowest prices We invite all to come and see. COCHRANE & SAMPLE. At the Hardware Store WILL BK F0C.ND Anvils, Vices, Bellows, Nails. Wood Screws, Hinges, Iicks, Units, Pocket Sl T.ible'ultlery,Sawofall kinds. Hammers, Hatchets, Axes, Spades, Phovele. Ac , otc, of every variety. COCHRANE k SAMPLE. A I-AUGE Slnek of Trace, Log. Brenat. Slav, Loek. Well and Pump, and Small I HA UN'S, to be found at the H irnware Store. COCHRANE 4 SAMPLE. Tools, V.OOLP f)F ALL KINDS at the HARDWARE Jl STOKE. COCHRANE & SAMPLE. Carriage Materials. IVERY variety of UOODS for Carriage. Ma J kera', sl greatly reouced prices, tit the Hard ware Store of COCHRANE & SAMPLE. Picture Cords Tassel C1CKTAIN PINS, t I RTAI.N BANDS, WIN. ) DOWt OK.Ml ES, Jte., ic , at the Hardware Store. COCHRANE i SAMPLE. Iron, 1 ENGLISH and AMERICAN, of sll siics sud shapes, al the llurownre Store. COCHRANE & SAMPLE. Corn Shellers, Straw Cutters, Tliompson'i Plnupim, at t h? llnrtl wn Store. COCHRANE V SAMPLE. (ill II!" Illll, A LARGE slnek of Gl NS, from l 50 lo $100. a. PISTOLS, P.iWDEK SHOT, LEAD. Al the Hardware Siore. COCHRANE & SAMTLE To the Ladies ! flHO' eselusive y llnrdwure More. M. we do not i ii I line lhe Ljdica. We respect- fully invito mem u. call and examine our Sloes of Gnode for Iheir uses. We aic in receipt of a large atoek of House keeping and other Goods, that cin he fund in tins Stale, all of which will he aold LOW for CASH. COCHRANE ii SAMPLE. I.I.COIIIIIIM i. H SAMrLE, I Fehiutru 31, I TtiO. 4Stf t'lutliing Alaimfactor AT THE fulllm;s, siklngs co. E IIAVK FOUND IT NECKSSARY TO ADD A Mcrcliant Tailoring rcpailiiu'iit In our Urge nd rilt HKiT'? j READY-MADE CLOTHING HOUSE, and we respeetfully invite cur friends snd patrons to call and examine nur $iock of ; I lti:C II. i;.l.lll Sl UVHlt A CLOTHS, I Doeskin Gissimeres, ' rm:c ii, v.m.i iii a a.. 1:1:1 oak I Fancy Cassimeres. A besuliful lot of I FINi: SILK VITI..S. ! B ack and Colored. All of which l.avc ju.l been received, and are of the latest sty lea. j A g'od stock of IUK Is. KL iH) t lKM.HIilltS, j kept eoitslaiitiy on h.nd. ! J 1 We have secured the services or .Mr. P. L. fit; A, aa Culler, vno is well known ss a master I of Hie art. l.r Ordcra Irom a distance solicited. aJ"CALL AND PKE VS. K. FI LLI NGS, J.VO. -M. M'RIXG?, J.VO. P. 11KATI1. Felnuar, 21, 1(?5H. 1 1. II IX. lot ltOl. i: Y OKDFIIOF THE UDAKIMU I'lli LC. rOUSol IhrUi glon Charlotte ii Kullicr. , Kill R.Nid CiMiipin v. the unutT.iKiieu ilfcrs I to Camlallsts. as J s, add sure investment, I II K I BONDS OF TIIK TON OF VMI.MlMi ION, I laaueit lo aald I ou p my in discharge ot ilssubscnp- lion lo the capil.ii ioc ol Hie s une. Thcv arc in d, iiuiniiiatnins ol lit i hundred aim '-1J one thousand dn l iis each running, some ten ami others twenty years from Iheir rispeclive lal.-a, Willi Coupons ulMched for the inlereat nl six per cent pcraiiiiuinn, payable on the lt oay ol Febru ary. ProKssls (or these bonds are invited to be ad dressed to the uniier.ignrd at Wilmington, 1. S. CUWAX Treasurer, W.C.Sl U K. Co. fsoraarsi 14. 160. l-'2 T. ii. Uoyd 11 AVIN'li periniincnlly located him- sell in Providence Settlement, ol. s Profession d Services In the i ll. of that neighborhood and vicinity, be tound, when not professionally engaged, at ihe house o I Mr. N. M. Still, f'semai. 14, ISM. 4. if Wm, J. Kerr, a ttoum: y a t la if, ii titi.on i:, .. T ML practice in the Courts of . Mecklenburg, V V I'uioil and Csberrus counlii a. trtfiee in lhe Brawly Building opposite Kerr'a Hotel. Aa. Si, 1660. li THE LAST WE HIVE RENTED 01RJST0RE TO Messrs, Elias & Cohen3 WHO IRE TO TAKE TOSSFSSION' ON' TIIK FIRST DAY OF 13 AND AS WE ARE DETERMINED TO CLOSI OUT OUR STOCK OF BY THAT TIliE, WE WILL SLLL THM HIGARDLESS OF COST. t. 11. ititi .n v co. Felruaiy 14, 1800. 47tf Our I'i i'iil) mid iiIiihi WILL FIND US AFTER THE 1KST DU OF AI'ItIL StXT, IN TUE STORE NOW OCCVIMED BY Messrs, T, H. Brem & Co., FROM WHOM WB IIAVK RENTED THAT I ni'liilf'" PCPIHI PIUIPVP M Al 1UU & Lo 1 A U Ll U M L. I ; ' ' UNTIL THAT TIME WE SHALL BE tli:ased to see all SO. 2. GISAMTK HOW. IMA. & cum:. February 14, I860. 47tf ((CjNotice. "m ITIlOl'T being oftV-nsive, but in uli kind. fl in, I lnut in form till prrion indebted t me lliHt must collect my money. Mj claim have all been due more I linn twelve months, and al lliouglt many ot my frienon imve paid me, I am null in debt, und feeling tain. fir d that I thail at some time in lile wish to muke an inveMnieuf, it is my dutv to get my mean hi front e tor in tlwit 1 c.-n control and conunand tlitm when I want to do so. I tbrp'Tore give brond, plain and gem-rul notice, ht ping lltat every i.ne wlmowci me anything will Conpider tlieniseives sfreciully dunned and pay efl' wit'iuut furihcr trouble. Vtry rej-pecliully, S. M. WITHERS. Feoiuo-v 14, 1S60. t4 To Stock Kaisers in Norlh-1'aioliiia. 'OIL subscriber h-'.vinir pur M. cnaa.o the celebrateit Mur. can Ilor.e BLACK HAWK, in. Fiorina those desiriiie superior blooded stock, that this Horse will be be lure the public during toe ensuing tyring. Fur particulars, see large bills. I A. U. DAVIDSON. I Junuary 31, 1 860. 4.'uf JOHN S.W 1L E '7 HHNlTACTCRta AND 1 MTORTER or H AYAH A SEGARS, Tobacco, Snuff, Hatches, P.iper, fee, Jinrk'SI'llin ril tS, ic, roiistanlly on hand. January.) .IffOU. 42tl" inv Steam Saw Mill. F1K Subscribers ha JL Mill, in opt rnimii nmh ail Kintit. ti I.uni eittier ut tlie null, or in i. i ii p gut thier Steam S.iw art now prepared to Hir er at the slinrtesl notice, iiriotte Th.'.e vii.liing their Oriiers nh S. Lung ut Oak Crovo I'nionCo, itn I' S.inrs in i ii iriotu t'AL'liS LONG. CAarlellf, Dtc. 3, I8M). 3jlf ( i i t n l.ir fcnMi for SnU: Hoes, best Circular S.iws, (Warrantee) from t to 41 fet in aiameler lor sale, Ll .VI hMl, Will be tam.il ill part payuient lor litem. r. SALKS. Charlotte, Dec. 3. Hi9. 31HI 3Icckleiibiirs Hotel. y,xt it the Post Office 'VIE subscriber informs the puhlic fl lliut hamir niirchascd the builiiing J, a .Mecklenburg Hold, he has rrfuriiishcu , now nreiiired to sccuiliinodatu Iraueienl it and is n, i ami rcgllla 1 He has Ho Stables -d etlicienl Ostlers. . ,11 be ki pi by the month or dav, or fur- ' th a sineic Iced, "ii moderate terms- Jul IN DOKAX. . ,Voe. 7. I bSO 3otf Lust Notice. mv pica IN handl, and 1 nnce more notily those concern. ed thai I will he at my otlice (d n.r.) Huiietin Hinldint, until the 10th .March, tn wait um.n tnrin. 4U m o not avail themselves of this Notice will have to snile ici'.v '"' Anv31,m. ' JOII. II UN IS Y WAIT, Surgeon ienttsr, ((.aaM'ATC IN MSDICINS. SND I)W1 ISTSV.) t OFFICE in Drawlry'i Buildinf, I p Stairs, Oppo- titr Kerr'i Ibid, CIIIKLIIITE, !.'. r-rr--. hl'tttilCAL OPERATIONS, sueh .i'-s " Cl.V.rT PALATE, HAKE. --UlXXJ,p . Tl'MOKS of month nod J.w iM-rfonned. HI A( Tt'K ES und DISLOt'A I IONS .,f the J.i ws treated. Teeth filled Willi f.OLI). SILVER, TIN or AMALUAM. Ai:T!"M I I TEETH inseited in lhe beat manner. If A very snpefior TOOTH POWDER and TOOTH WASH eonatantly un hand. If T Teeth Extruded. IV" Fit ICES MODERATE and sll work done aliwl'iirliiry to the patient. J r FAMILIES waited on at their homes. 1 I' A stoek of Dentist's Materials always on hand. JVOOLD snd SILVER Piute and Wire of any fineii "s votten out. IT On ers from a distance attended to promptly. Frhruury SI, 1B0U. 480' The Corner DRUG Store, en lit 1.0 1 ti;, . c. F. YF IIUTC-IIISOX A: C O. Ol LD reapectl'ully call the allenlion of the public lo their lnr"i anil complete Sleek now being oiiened for the Spring Tnde, consisting ol Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, l'erfiiin"ry, huney Ariieles, Oils, Turpentine, Iliirning KIiimI, Alco. ho1, Pure Medical Wines und Brandies, I'anloli Teas, Field and Garden Seed., ic, Ac. Junuanj 17, IfeCO. IMPORTANT NOTICE OF THE CLOTHING EWOIIO! rs Ml nnderncried having a Inrge stock of WIN- I l.K f 1,1)1 III.Mj nil lllllMl, and beuif ilemruus to run it oil lo muke room for tin Siirmi; .nni Sum. m. r tia.le, ,,fT-r th.-ir enure flock ol satlini I. e... j mincre und cloth Over Felloes snu S.irks ; sitlinit. Cisslluere and cloth business S.n i,a 11I11I S..cMej : P.. til. of all graces; black silk andeasainiere'l'estsi 'Shirts, Drawers ami Furnislin t (i is j Trunk., j Huts, Cups. ic.,ui (ireiitly Urdurr.l I'nres ltny. 1 ers und consumers will greatly nev nice their ill ; teretts by ewunnning and purchasing In. 111 our i 1 slenuve .tuck. j iirWe would reanectfully uniu'imee to our ciih ( tomcra tlml their Aeeuunls arc rc.toy fir sitile. ' merit, unit we feel assured Ihut our friimis will 1 come forward and relieve our necessities and inr ; a great ileal of trouble. ! We return our sincere thanks for the v.-ry libe. t ral p'.trnin'ge lestwi:d nn u- f'-jr the past ye.ir, J and Iioik lo nie'il a cutiliiiuaiice of the suine li.r I the Colillhf venr. FI LLINGS, SPUING? 1 CO. I February 14, loUO. 47lf Aycrs Sarsaparilla ound , in whi h wp hay, l.i- horrd to proil'i. . the ttwit cfi-rtunl ahi-rutive th.it run h MKi'le. It ncnnccntrutcd ctni,'t of I':ira Sars-'iparilin. ru t iin:',uiu-d with oth-r sub'iUiK'CH of still greater altcriiticc power as to alFinl mi c.f-ctivc antiJ.itc- fur the disi ann Sar-ap.irilU is reputed to cure. It i t Iirvrd that auch a r,':n,'dy in -.iut ''l by timw who stiff, r from Strumou ciHiipUiuts, and that in which wih ,'t'M oinplih tiicir cure rnu.l prov of imtneiiHi- service to tliii laric class of o ir allliitcl f llow-c'.f. in. How completely tlui compound will do it Ikih lcen proven by exp(-r-iiueiit on many of the worst cicvi to be found of th? fiKuwiii coniilaiiiM : Si liorrn ami Soitoivi.nr CoMrT.iiVT. Kltt'fTtoNa AMI Km PTIVK DisEASEI, I'll -It, I'lMri.t-S, ril.OTi.-HES, TlM'1104, SIT Hlllll H, Si .it.ii Hp.au, Stphiuk ami Syphilitic Af rt.LTtiiNs, Mlhi'i ki l Di"t:v"K. Dhoi'SY, Nkl- R M.lilA Oil Tie IliM I.Ol UKt X, DmiII.ITY, Uvi fF.PSIA AND ImiII.IsTHIN, EkYHII'II.AH, H"e oh St. Anthony's. Fihe, and indcil the whole class of complaints" arising from Imti kity o THE Jil.ilOI). This CDiupound will be found a great pro moter of li '.iltii, wlien taken in the sprintr, to rvpcl the foui humors which f-stcr in the bloid at that sen aim uf t!ie y nr. Uy tbetum ly expulsion of rhtn many rankling dUnrdm nre nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves fioia the endurance of fold eruptions ami ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if nut tissi-t. d to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanv out the vitiated blood w henever you find tH impurities bursting through the skit: in imples, eruptions, or sores ; cleanse it when you rind it is ob structed and siuiriish in the v ins j cl' anse it whenever it is foul, and your felines will tell you w hen. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy bettir health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must g' wrong, and the great machinery of lif11 is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these end, Iiut the world has In-en ercgumsly deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, hut more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of Die virtue of SuraaparUla. or any thing else. During late years the puUic have been mis. led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not r:dy contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, hut often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment lias followed the ue of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla w hich flood the market, until the name-itself is justly despised, und has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still wcea'.i this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the nar.ie from the load of obloquy which rest;, upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistiide bv the ordinary run of the diseases it is int. nd fd to cure. Iii order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to direi-Uulia on tiie bottle. rKEr.Tu:r ny I It . J. V. AY Kit A CO. i.ovi:r.u mass. Price, $t per lloltle Sii llottlcs for 1. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral has wen for itself ie h a Known for the. r'-,- Aycr's Cathartic Pills, FOR THE CVTXT OT Coirneocl, .',1 ivwiif '!, Fott. l'h'timitt. Liver t ompUtii Salt liheum. Dinner I'iU. an I, It,.. pi I Thcv arc tire can best ..pc t..ke th is.,nt!. in 1 ilie i lor lil li.e puip i the famil t1! Priea 2 cents per Box : Five boxes for Sl 00. sofOr.-win-n. Plivvriai.s.fSt.ii."!. icut iTson.ii!es, have I. lit th ir llielllioarallcicl.lscfulr. rctiu ilics, Imt insertion ot t!i nish L-ratisoiir e mil cuts bo ernut III" i.ie.l fur- m 1 ! Amkhh w Al ' ic in which rhev nsoflhenlnoe ,t should If fol- onl, lints, ins.l the treatment tli Ho t Iw put on' hv unprili iird tlealcrs with thc! C-i-t , olid the) atlOU-i cr prep.uat.oiis thcv lieu llllhd .K 1.11 s, aod taio' !' it the best nd there is for tin hav All i are for For salt' V H. X Y K HTTC'IIISON si CO chat!orr v. SCAKK Si CC, S II AVILAND. STLv KXSI'.N J. CO., Chariesloil. S. C. WTIXESd TICKETS, for tle County aud b-p.nor Court, for aa.. ber.. The flarkt la. I tlRRISCTBD BY OATKR & WII.MAMS. t:iiAi:i.oTTE, m u il ia, iron. ' vn c, oo o I I f-i (III ii- ' i"i lb fill (.,. t.o J"- Ifi fo 00 It 5 ,7, 0 ib iaj (., ii, i a;, u as bushel, Ill) r,i, 00 ?! 7S u, on nni "'I Hill it ('. ici lb 14 (.'., la ih 17 I; yi) c ii- ; 3U Ill Ill (, (0 Ib Jtl ( -.'.i buslii i fcfl ( 5 "ac U'J (., 15 yr Ii ( 1 6J yuril 2o (.,, 3i) uoii n Ill (i, 1)0 bhl (i I.. 6 .0 bug 3IS(r- 1,0 Ib 30 0i. 35 lb 6 (. CJ lb 1-J ( 12J Ib lit (., 13J Ih i (" t bhl. No I till ( Kilts $:imi (,-. 4 iu gal 7U (o. 7.1 g.il 40 ( IU I.Ushel Hj ('. 00 n)...bbl !l (o, Cj lb 5 r.i 00 lb 5 (;, 6 bushel ..(ill tl, C5 1 7 (.. 7, I.ii.-hel e() ( 00 bu.liel liU ( 2 bushel ,j0 r-' 65 bnsliel 4 In. 00 II 15 in. 00 lb 10 ('.. li-'i gal I 'I 10 ,ek I3U ( .. 00 !! 7 li no bushel 1 Ml I.e. I37J . .. b...l,el I3U (' 135 45 (.. 55 ..... 55 li. fil I washed 37 (a, w uiiwiislieii -ii (o. 33 ..... hale 100 (a, 00 i. MARKS. I li.e past week about 100 " . Il-.g ro.,i, " Slioulners, BagKing.tjilliiiy. ... lie. I , I! utter Ileuns Ilrunny, Apple " I'tueii Cotton, Cutlee, liio Java Candles, Adumuiiti flperm., ... Tallow, ... Corn Chickens C:oth,Cpperus Linifscy, EfTtr Hour, Fe.ilhers Hides, Green Dry Lard Mill ton Miicl.crel Molasses. N.O W I Mi al Mu.lels( Wiln, ingtii Nil iU, Northern ' Southern, Outs Pork. Ft , 1 r i oh , . Rice j Sugar, Loaf,.. lirown Wool h. I OTTO.V Sales The I Ki t. wheal tand oats generally III A MARKET.! i.ii-mbu, March 10, I8f,0. mrsel lus been barely sup. ':, w llli sales ol oluj 3b0 IMic. ( OT'lo.Y Ti il-.l ,1,,,,,,, tc(J sics. I xlrrm. s I.A. ON. hog i i il, N, I' I. AS o.T I LOIK,... 1IJ (Ti. 108 (ii, :.. $ij ii iii I iu 3J (a, 31 I'l'AliLli.siIii.N MAKKET. tsio.N, March S, ItCO. etions in cotton to-day, c ri hrinness than had ua ,r Uic two pnvious orv e '. anil resulted I O'l lijN. The tr.ii 1 bales l l,S I, 9. The ci 1 1 j cents. .ii, M in mnrket was of SOU uales. uncli-nig orsrs, Jbi umniiort.i ales of CJllou to day New York, firm lo a., v , s 3. Thr oi.ttoii market was a of 3,liuU bales. 11 (J. A L II .WAN A LOTEKY. Tl.c nfi I .ir.. iii.tr iJfd inB f li.e Uojnl I.ttiu tv ctiuiuclcii b liit 'I'tinhh 'juarriui.T-nt WUT Ihr iiipL-rvtr.Kiii ut' the ('apuui Otjiicral o ui't, will uko place 1U Jin on TlilUSDAY March 22,1560. $360,000. FOKTEO M'Mt.llU ::. OUDINARIO, ri 111 I ftlOO.OO'J 5i.0 :t.oo iio.ooo lo.ono Ju " 1,000 liu ,'00 j3 ' 40O i'U Apr'xnn'a S,0O 4 Approxiii.atioiia lo the iluO.HIKI It'iHO each, 4 ol ii"" to ."il,IMJil: 4 oi 4tlU lo I3U.UUI. t 4 of Hui) lo -JU.iinll; 4 ol HilU t.i lU,hllll. Whole Tickets i-"i ; IliivestlU; CJuurtcrsl5 Prizes CasheU at sight at 5 per Cl u t. diecou'i t Dills on all solvent B ink. laken al p.ir. A drawn, will be lorwarueu as s.ioli as the re sult becomes known. Communications auuresBca to DON IIOURI. l.l V.L. (care of City Put, diaries ton. i. C.) un. til the -.'Jnd of Match, will be dtlinUed .o. Persons ordering TirKels wil! plea.e write their nunacs piain and give their post otlice, county and stale. 11 OH Alii) ASSOCIATION I l,il.Alil l.l'lll A. .1 Benerolettt Intnlution rj'iWiVod ly epeetal En. duvmct l. lor fir Heiiej ol Hie Sick and Vftietatd, ojlhrleil irilA Vnmrnl and hpidimic Dlleutrt.and eyret,:ii far the I uie of Ihtcutet oj the Kauai Organs I KP1CAL ADVK L civen grjlis.by the Act- ,, ,p,y t.y i Her llh itiun. n casts ol extreme pov. tree ut charge. VAl.l'AHI.h' liEl'Olil'S on Speri..lorrliiM, ami ctiier I.s. ... a of tin cxu il Organs, and . n the .NEW KEMEIHES eiiiul.. v . .i in the Ilisp.n. s.iry s, nl to Hie Mil ct.ii in sialeo. letter envcl. ope's, in c..l charge. '1 Wo ofll.rtc MtOfl lor pos- ge ill be Aunn j. kii.i.i.n noit;iri(..N. Ac. on. Ilowar.i Association, .No. Ii Soutli Mirgi Street, Phiiacelpiiia, Pa. By order of Hie I. f.O. K 1 1st M II P. Secretary i:UA H. ilEAKJ W LI.L, Vrettdent. f.i,. ipou. 40-iy Jiemoval. oners are restK-ct lu 1 1 J rciin veil my T.n Shop , 3d iloor troui tne ror. re he will be pleased to S. T. WRIS ro.v. 4.)lf olorniei. te ,l I H.ica P.u; 'Irvon street. ii. w. i;i:cjvwnn IllILl) U1KK. if, ,ir rrsT ksui.ish ano AstrniLAs. MAM'PACTtaa. stoc. before ourch jsing To Fanuprs and ) uunlry Miichanis J. V. (tltl 11 c C O., till" new oll'criiiT totiie public the l:iif-, and tvst ns.-oitu.eiii ol lil.Oi l.ttll M ever brouu'Kt lo !' niarkcl, cons ,t,ng of I lip! EE, Sl t.APv. Mot.. -ES, SALT, Slc. BAlililMi, KOPKaiiu TWINE. 15 OOO prunes omiry cured B.eon, 10.000 " " Tei.ne.aee Smea, U.OOU " " " Lint, all of which will be sold low for CASH or Cou try Proline, t unit and Se, ws aon t cbtree irr luck.sg Uem Jaljtt If "5.-11