held aeries of meetings, in which there I.hvo been over a hundred hopeful eonvpr f o i. And I lake pleasure in saying that a great portion of thi. gjod work in owing 1 1 God's to'essing upon the readit.g of tbe S"iety's publications in distributed." Their labors have also been much Mess. ', in hiiiiii' up and increasing Sabbath Horft Carolina SSlbin.! I crats from the non slaveholdinff States whoi iod is attracting .- :,...1 e-,-'ci:.!ly im.'Pir the poorer fami-) 's .i V. K i -""-'' :V i in which inanv children, snd ncn pa- j t-r-r"'? vCi frVsfc? :''"';-'' r. :.t-. .. learned" to sp.JI aDd read A- I i.,,? '"f v-: I 4 thee Srh.v. now e,i. in one j TlA H county wh- re there wi re hut when the j i''SV V" 'J itiV'.VI C iiportHur b can to wi-.it from house to I TV.li''lC,, '"Vi'V I i bmiv, in wlech visits he pot them interes t -il in bok-, si iid got pious, intelligent tucn and women t r cngnge as teachers. SKKD 50 VS AD PROPUCINfl. It is mo-t cheering to witness the enlare ei' views ou personal responsibility, and the i',rreae of individual christian iff)rt. A !:. ly sent me ? , which I Inid out iu tracts, a part of which I pave in a country neiirh horbood, on;! of which was blessed of God in the conversion of a young lady, ho-e fisher iufornicd me of the fact eight months tfurwards w'en he called on uie to buy tr icis for this daughter wbo wished to be a regular di-tril uter. A gentleman who sent me ?-r0 to mike l.i it; st-i f and wife life member, says, " Smce vour Tery welcome t to our neighbor hood, I have been trying to ouke myself useful by Ti-itiap and oii..iributrtiS"trcts a mong the poor. I feel an increased interest in the traet cause, seit.g it to be a great deans of winning sou's to Christ." CHARLOTTE: have eo nobly co-operated and continue to; learn that tbii qui co-operato with them, demands a oorvliul cood deal of attention both from Whiis and heart felt recognition at our hand. ! Bnd l)OUlO0rltS ,d w;igbe the tneana of a. urso-rtrt, I nat naving tne lulicst con-; c(Uj)jn chan fro b fidenco in the patriotism and ability of the causlnS c ,ng rora . tiatioLal Democratic Convention to assemble "einooran biiouiu nuppor at Charleston on the 2 3d of April next, wo are not surprised ; but fa hereby pledge ourselves to give to the gainst it is most surprSMtj.. Tt scms to os .that the correctness of Wi ad raldrem prin unwavering support. . . . .1 . in Th.t T.m. u.,.1 ...n ciple ought to be s plan an a man a nose PresiJcnt of rbe United iMates deervea the in bis face to those who ill fairly examine thanks of tbe South and of the whole enun- the question. Now, som of the opponents try for the broad constitutional i policy 'which of ,hi!t pnneipb, try to tj ow ridicule on it , . by saying that tbe tin piles, eupa and sail Ad Valorem-gain. i CONGRESSIONAL. Washington, Maroh 12. Senati. Mr. Iveraon, of Georgia, inlro- iduced bill to extend the provision of a h parties. That a t land act to Florida, for Iho benefit of the tli. nrinninln wn I i'lODllO and I MllO if UllFOad. Whig to go a Mr. King presented a petition from cor j tain niercbanta of New York, praying the establishment of a line of hteanishipa from i that city to Cuba, via Charleston and Key West. The ease of Thaddeus Hyatt was taken up end disciisnd. lie waa finally commit ted to juil for contempt of the authority of the Senate., by a vote of 44 to 10. Mr. Toombs, of deorgia, gave uotiee of Turn day, March 20. 1500. II. RmoW, That we are opposed f0 ' e, nies nd forka, of poor people ; """" "-. u.. u.,.,.., nisiuroing 01 me seciionai couiproniise ot win oe laxca. iow, nose wno auvance II o. or RKPKRriKNTATIVES. The Home- oar I onstitut.on, Mate or National, and that ,aeh , ,rgumrnt know ll well such thinSa I gfelll hi w.s p.Pd by a larve majority, we especially deprectate the introduction at ; ; oo, fce A fcu .L wou,d , M Morri;of Vermont, endeavored to this time by tbe t lppos,t,on parly of North . . ... J . .. t . J ro,lie. . i,;,, tK(,uUti' iinor. Julie.. rill. .: 1(1 : l. I! R. W.K.fi.-W. K-q.of l-rnoir.haa con. Croi;,,, i't0 clir f5t,lfl polities of a nuestino not ueh "fiicles belongkg to the rich, be ur uthf.ru.-ci agrut. Hei0f constitutional amendment affecting the also taxed, and as thej an effrd to have i.r i.r. ilais Upon which our revenue is raised, ' K preat tun tit artu fobf the kind, these yprraonajLelietinpittofce Prei..atre, i..poli.io, dan- j ... fc , f , h s miM reee vr nroers n.r llie W mo. W liM-nientP. i.ne rectrpt fur llieajin su br r ibm ;r wlio jmv Ii him w.ll a ill rvceivc the Whig fur two c'nl e months gerous and unjtit; at ti e same time we iir reduce a bill regulating import duties, for tbe purpose of increasing the revenue. March 1.1. The bill offered in the Senate, yesterday, was for tbe continuance of the mail route The Lato Terrible AflUray in Pittsyl- nauia. Pittsylvania Court TTouib, ) 1st March, lHOv). J To the R litor of tin Examiner i ' . ' You no doubt have already heard of the lalo affray wbioh resulted in the death of James Clements, William Ulemoqis, ana lUlph Clements, tho wounding of Olivor Smith and Smith his brother) but yon may not be in possession of all the fnats and circumstances therewith connected. Some two or three years since, Jamea Clement married Miss Victoria Smith, the grand-daughter of Captain Vincent Witeher, who was a lady of extrrni beauty and charmiuif character. Shortly after the mar- rinve. Clements commenced a course of harsh troatment to his wife, which tormina ted, aoine four months niuce, iu her being compelled to leave his house at mid night, in her bight clothes, to escape from his fury. It senna ho waa the victim of wild suspi cions of her fidelity, and as " trifles light as air, to the jealous mind, are confirmations ' -t ti.i- '.;. I,. .n..n r. strong aa pruoi ui nuijr FUR OOVBRSI'H, I'T PASyLOTANK. deem it the duty of tbe Legislature when i l"" ,n"c ,r" D01 '"fS" ,D0 ,r.'",aa 01 j from Charleston to Havana, on the petition "' ue, 7 V T 11 .1 ih I passing acts for tbe raisinc of revenue, so " Tatorem oesire to seataxea. n nat they or the ew iorx merchants. In the Sen- "VI '"" ."-' r ' , , I to adjust taxation as to bear as equally as ! principally desire to seetfairly taxed is tho '. to day, Mr. Toombs introduced a billhe. cr,me- "" ,cr "u.r8e; .ro,,,ei,,.,b. jpraotieaVdeaitbin the limits of the Consti- i Mgro propertv of thc IJu there any " -1-"L".;... ruZ:lo vu.u.,. upon ,e various ""ere.s.s ami ciaa- : - ...... .nOOO in ne.o ." , ' , 1 1( , .r. ... fil.J of the State.! e ,ea to revive the bill, previously tabled, in- j " ". f lru.;.,,. ihu .nnrnnri.han Snr srn.l.w. iknlUerDIII 10 1110 Vtiancerv V.IICUII 1"" t AMllA'M.s KOK SlltnitK. re 9 ui. rit ii In snnounre A. H. liliOWN- ! such t ses nf nrprprlt in all seetiniis ! 1 tiev.'iW Tl.t. ..- i property -o pays noUyie cent to support I ereasinir the arnronriation for arniintr the ! bl" 10 ,ho Chancery ; the different sections of tbe State fostered be governmeat of ihiMtatet while every militia. . The bill authorising proposals for I Franklin County, praying ON K MAN M ri'nRIi A t' OI.rviRTFl" II. Another gi-ntleman sent me S .'t O by mail, and says, ' I give tbis to support a colpor teur in th's county, if, with Cod's a-sistanoe , you can cet a man If you cannot git a col. j rteurto work in this county, I am willing that the money sbold be used for some oth tr destitute countv, but I hope tnu will ret one soon to visit this, for we have minv poor I " ' .-4 4. L. k. I L J.OL.'t.- :. r SS.Vk letltturi .-irg to pi-ices of worship, and unies tbe go-pel is carried lo them thev mut perish! in their sirs and their biood cry out against! c"":",'lf u. who iw have orrortunitv or means to' M-i-si. nhurg county carry it to th.-m. I not onlv fee! it my da- ! t. t.i ive m.-nev to spnd ont a t.odlv. prnv. I e re autl oriie ii j col port.'-ur to scatter printed truth, but! MaXWI.LI.. !-. i -hall scaiti r tracts aiv-eif, and try to iu ! SMirniTi.i' M.cki. i.lurg t -est tiers to fupport e ilpirteurs and give 1 August e. i ". t-T"s P'ea-e witboH my name from thej Wr re tul'mnrcil I pa' lie as I do not watt, ly tbis. to tain ! J Harris. 1 s . as eii t riot w amon men. t ut to do good to tbetr fva! and olorify tJod, to whom I b-lon, ilh all I pos-ess, ar.d at whose bar I iuu-1 r nder an account for my stenard-Vip ." A few we ks after tLis free-will off.'ritijr w.ts made, Hod, doubtless in answer to pray er. provided for tbe above county a pious, j o ;re man. who was awaken, d and led to! . . , , , , . i . , ,. , v. ,. j- I (.Attention is caned to the advertise I i.nst. tiirou'h 'iol s piessmt-. oson tne tritt 1 Come t., Jesus ' ;re bin, b a oil. ' nient of Messrs. J. M Sanders Si Co porteur that visited him a frw yer aeo 1 have just received a supply of New Fursi He has beer, laboring .ffi.ieLtly and finds. tar(, Cj; al)j e,irjJi,,e lt. u sutution a-i J negieet o: th go-p. I. .f tt r hi arrival, the gentl.-nian surportinj h :n, writes in Ins visits in. one tho ro?r. to whom be i-! tot kr sale i'i . ;'I speciil attention And oar ministers ' pron.in nt men five t,im a warm re 1 Awftil Tragedy t'.-i'kful to God foreoah im vou to send u l.-u.. ri. 1..UU lor lec vltue ol Mirrn ui wur M.rklmLu't county, si thc nifu.ne August . nal improvement already begun, and the trleeii.'ii. construrtion of such others as may be deem- Ue nre authnrii.d to auuoaiice STF.I'HKN ; ed expedient, as the credit of tbe State and J. 1.1 1. 1. V H 1 1 L. r , a a cjtiu.iitite wr the ui". the means of her citizens in ay permit, ith fee of mu r-6 u i. k.al ui( c.ui.i), the en- , out irjuriou-ly affectiu.- the one or imposii g tuuif Ausu.i ei.ct.on. 1 toy onerous burdens on the clbt-r. ve i,rc tuthorit. d to announce Ft. M. W IIITK, i It will be seen by the 3d resolution that d i jn .i.ic lor li tirticr ol Mienit nl tiurg ct-ui.ty, st the rinsing Auu.l de veloped, at.d to that end believe that 1 owner of a half acre lot is taxed more or i ,he ovrlnd mail between the Allautio and """" ' ,1."r. i"U0 t. aid should be given towards tbe for- . , .rJ,nif ,n ..,. f fK. I'miho was passed. or the taking of deposi i- i r t . - less according to the value ol the property- ..... four months mice, at Sand ding to comploliou of thc works of inter-I ... , s ... , March 14. I momo siuoe, . .nu divorce Avtioes were served lions, and soma ndy Level, in this ooiintv when the takir.ir 01 the Uunosi- cr.snn. urn p" .u.i..s hino eonduelea. flir. J allies j ... .v.... . , .. ''" Tampa, Fla., a port of Juiivcry. Also, one ! clt.nlellU mai Klpb, bia brother, got into! j .V,, ,.,!..''' " ""It in a free figbt -i.h Mr. William Gilbert and : bu brollitr-. aid, .bared the same fat" Ln his brother about tbe charges against Mrs . Ul.cbir of , in lh. ' j his wife and that of Mr. Wm. P, Gilbert young gentleman present, whioh was resout ed by Mr. Gilbert on the spot. l'Utols Wer" drawn ou both sides and nine shots cxekan ed, five of which took eff iot, itijurinB m?" Gilbert and his broihur, as well as two f the Messrs. Clomcuts, but none of tb seriously. em Tbis seiious aTry, of course, greatlv i creased the ill feeling which bad been gendered between the parlies, and the m' t ter finally beoame so much talked of i most of liio oiiixens of the two ooutitiea a " involved iu tbe difficulty, eaoh party havin its warm and tealoua adherents, Add to other eauscs which bad so entran ed tho two families, somo time sii,ce James Clements, tho husband, by aom means obtained possession of a ipri.lii child, - tbe only issuo of tho inarriagclj placed it with bis own relatives. 'Ji grsudfathcr, Capt. Wilcber, and a Ur! party of friends, deeming this act an out" rago, and believing that the mother waa the proper custodian of iho tender offspring by duo process of law recovered the infant and restored it to its maternal parent. ' Last Saturday, the Vfttb instant, ,t,lt,4 yesterday, the parlies all met at a localii. in Franklin county, (some aay Ilrook's and others Dickinson's store,) to take further depositions to be used in the suit now penJ iug for divorce. A que.tion propounded by C.pl. W. icher so exasperated Mr. J4Iuej ( lemeots, the defendant in tle ,uiti ,h he resorted to tho use of his pistol for an answer, but fired loo q iickly to make sure of his aim Capt. Witeher returned tl,9 ., .m- .mi-- .u i.usosnn oi hi. er.n,. We think not. Even the last revenue law is unjust in some parliclars. For instance, gold watches is taxed 1. A poor man who ; for ,he protection of female emigrant pas happens to own a gold watch worth ouly j seneis no packet ships. . a. i-i .. . . Ti. i;:..... i ..A t.:i! :., M. ... .... " " i.o nasio pay i, wnne ine nen man o -J , - Clements, which there were some nneeo or. wljpll ,,, ppJ tbe me.senr of death .i! Ml.... aim k...it'faM e amendment, appropriating a sum .-.,.. tints fired and three or four menL... f df,,h h to fvsv onlv tlia asms amAiilit ' thev still oppose distribution, a measure, it: j j . - ' ' ' I Some persoas are so disposid to which in our view should have been adopt- i,,. . . , I vuis priucipie oi laaivioo as w siy i j ... if va . uh u eJ Years av'O. and then the povcrnment : ...... rr uiiitiriz.-D ... oii.'i'ut'sc ...... vi... .... - r . - , si Mf thu pltoiit I, irrit Ihannnp iAitn.1 i-n. i.uiii, ui ihb., iu.'.d .rui.v fnr - .l.til. strni'i.il WI1KD 1L allOUlQ i I , ii ... flieeot fti.cr.tr oil ou!d have been saved from extravagance;1., ..... . , . ... , inc on the protection of slavery in the ter- I " . ' eo "rc7 , , " ,n ."" "houl.ler. Th ril-ries. I !. Satordav. at Dickinson' atore. ,-. - v.- ' , .onnton Mr. Vance, of N. C. made a sncceh ini, . .dl i... .k. ..t,i... r ' - ' c ' " ."ow,e " "'! .fi , , j - miin wrsi ui iuii f iv, ""'. w" fatal thrust into hit bowels ""i" ..ivi.ii.i- c-iiiiiiiT ii? inn rirsm i- oi money ,or .ue ac.rsc. o. .ta.s, w woun,,ed. Time rolled on, and each party brolh(;r j,m Johnson Clements . .h IP'"-'1- . I the Clements and their friends on coe i,ro,,,rr fir1j a. v. i lh A..u:.r oppose j i the House a bill -a. reported suppres- j Me tlje Witeher., Gilberts and their friend. ' Jn cf Mr J ',ct, ? A' " ' that it j sing Polygamy in Utah. on tb. other-swearing vengence, and arnr j br,jticr lo Mr,. Vietri. (Wnu'?'' lh. rloh If .nnbJ tnr n.r i,.., ,...' A V.... l. .!. J.L.. : ' J-" .'ft"".. I measure as their plan is to pav those who ,. ted to announce WIM.T AM I . ... , ... ,., , , ., - ,. j L'gbt wrongs 00 i support the partv " turoujh thick and thin, .- i :, eniidi.tite fur thc orti. e oi l . " ' - . , ' ! tiee in a man a la rt oi M. ui ty, l llie ei'suni) annouiire S M'I. A eiin.iii..te f.r liic oif.ee o g cout.lv at ll.e crsfcuirrg Au it was very convenient to have that fund at I ccmmsi 1 to reward its friends by au in crease of offices. In thc 1 1 ib resolution, they man, and there is no i'- nd being a!ays taxod and negroes going untaxed for 12 years and theu from 5ll until they die. We think ev ery man in moderate circumttauces should rT. 1 .1 ,v,;. A.nr ... h..i r .7 , ,. ---". unrona- i l .....-..--- , nate vicum tailing dead on lb snot Th March 15. coudueted, when one of the three ( lemci.U. p,r, ,0 1() lff vnx.lt", 00 , , of Georgia, Las been g Captain Vincent Witcberthe d d lie . Witchei stde, was a Mr. Sam.i. S .,' Robert J. Cowart, eon6rmtd as Indian Agent Hutle', whose term has expired. The Senate bas passed bills charging F.'Q lUlh. i.tiur' unty, nounoe J P. SMITH, i.e . rt.ee of Sr.. nfl" ol the tiisun.g Aitfu.t express i . i , , . i sunnori me au vaiorem orincme oi lazaiion. i . . . . themselves opposed to disturbing any of the I i eo.i,pet,a.ici. tor L niteu plates ..i ar.ta,s, , . , . ,, . I District Atloitieys, iic , and the eolarae- sectional eon.prou.ise. o. our state ( onst,tu- I Potcrson for Aprii nient of the Louisville and Portland Canal, lion, and that wecpecia.ly deprecate the in- j T. 0B ou. ,,v,u ,DJ it. f-..lin matter ii! Th. Hou-e was engaged chiefly in dis- i s 1 1 1 am. iiiiineuls to lules, add have v api. n ucner rose iro.u ... ... i j, ,,, , dl.tut,j .rinJ,on cf Mr w , ' ed Clement, to repeat what he bad said, aoi Mr s wouni, , bu, , rteofef iu in- miru UM.-HUUI, ....... i ."-liiuib, the brother of Mrs. Cleme,it 111 rcpij lO mis, jsme v.irroeno .uruvuer ,V,oogl ,iildio of the severe ol the oiio who gave the a -a uej nreu a ed jn h() r.l01l,jer it is ound reeviv- troduction at this time by the opposition ' :.,,.,: nnr Tpl,i. ,.. i,... j;.. ! jpartycf NortbCaroiin.mtoourSuupoiiics:cowe(, . ,,,, u,0 g, ,,n et.k of ' Ped ,l,e Ihoi.n appropriaiious. ,ofa question of eou.titutional amendment j , GtfJf cho,e bg .ifJi rch ! i affecting the basis upon which our revenue ,: l l l 'u . i. . . j , i , n , ! Nothing important in the Senate, except bo is raided. ' No doubt they do really depre- i . in the Kx.-cu-.ive Scs-ion, when ihe N.cara- - J r : son. 1 his nerioilieal la alwavs mterostim- ' ..... ....... . i.:.i nn ,v.. . . eat. th ntr.-i.i,.,..; Af , ,.,,, ' . . ! " anil we wouiu lie piraseu vo oruer u lor any shot from a five-shooter at Capt. Witeher. This waa tbe signal for a general slaughter, and each one cried " bavoo," and commen ced firing nith five and aix shooters aud slashing witb boie knives. Capt. Wilcber drvw his Coil's navy six shooter, and com menced tbe aork of death, l'be to Smiths fbrothers of Mrs. Clement") snrunir to the The psrlies, as previously stated, ars tl! afllutiit, occupy high social positions, ;! veiy natiraliy, exert a most eoinmindin iiifliirnee in the section where they h,e. Mr. James Clem-oU was about 'J-J jers of ag, and tbe younge-4 of five brolurn. lie waa a farmer by occupation II, i brother Kalph was a Ii.ycr, and John. ij'jestioc into tbe present gubernatorial can- of our Lady readers. To new aubscribers, .re ".. uvuvr uc- .uw., r-r,.. . . - J ,he W(jij. ,n,( ivterwn will be afforded at, OurCo.port.m is ei.courag,d ; espec.ai.y the or.eon.riog a vaiuaMe town uumon oi .lie t rce Sunrage question several g3 ,,- ge0(, in Jour nlnjes. lean i-u. .sui mey. n was UlSluriilllg j one of tbe eouiproiuiscj of the coustit'jtion. I L. ,, i ... , , The Wheat Crop. v. t nn n ..Fi nn n,-A k. ... nt .V...... ! ... . - " . . .! on and wiil co coerate beartilv lam' , ., . ' . . tn . c ' : e learu from some of our acncultural l-r,il t-iTn fnrr, l . , A I " anniner column we nave giru .- .u the dilt.rcnce was this, the I b!e The treaty is now defunct, tbe lime for its ratification having expired. The House proceedings were unimportant. r-scu, with revolvers and knives ; Addison tne0J(,r brother killed, w.'s. like J,nie,' inner (wo i v ) . " j .u urU n, , , .uc fir01Pr i we other brothers stiiijra- scene of b.ood t- save hi. atoer ; whi.st oB) ,rd Wf ttfhl J(,r, Jlf of " -- lb unlortanate voun.. men aim h... -i ... Further Particulars of tho Great Tiro at CuqviHo, Ky. In our extra, of tbe 23d, we gave, n 'e' tre friends that the appearance of the Wheat at ;ou'"'e. er harried and imperfect su -h a roan to help us extend tb ipel l0! "count of the most awful tragedy that it in ,he m uji.rity and the Democrats desired ' tli time jt b(1 ,nd tb.re s f ,;.. ,eeount of the terrible calamity by fire by 10 ge. lue coi.i-m or toe --tate ami there- ,loub, ,be ,.re fro,t of , wefk L ,,,, wbich o-ir town was vi-ited, on the evening fore sprung the Freo .Suffrage question upon jt ;Ve bope ,he rija wbicb felj 00 0f Ihe Wid. It was, however, .be best we be people aiihout any jjs:ice, fr every Saturday night and Sunday last, will have " -e to prepare, amid tbe excilement has ever fa.icn to oar lot to record. are uot io tbe habit of publishing such ar but frjoj tiie eb-racter and staudiuir evvry class anT lami t tn our countv. as christians of nhfferer.t derioitiinatioijs united ly atiDg, which nil! give il gre-iter it fl i s ' , i j"...;. r i l n i 1 of the parliea we ibink it destrs.. mom u.imenta! ccrr'ne of st..vation I shall a! I r wsvs be !,; r to do eeervthirt I ran to! tbau a pa-sing notice. Capt itcbtr ha- er-r.-jurac" aod aid this cau-e There are r.. .;.y bo t!iis support a Colporteur. ci.is fob Tfia vVi'BK. that in bis last years so serious an occur An active, j.ions pt j-ician who aids this rence should ovsrt Ae biai i aud althou .i.ju... .ie. ' the tenrtsor; to eeviv.. i l.svn ; s Senators by obtaining a free hold ; but the iufferjnL. for the want of rain. The Wheat l . ;.,.i U'l,!., .( Vlrr!.,;.. . U., r.r. L i- ... , . .. i Vu .r"' "- oppos.tiou i.emg ,5.rous ot oing an MioiihlI tU0 been injured in Georgia and Ten : series of vears. and it is to be regretted i,,.ii. t.t th t ,,, k hxin.. tl.. I w-rk groat v, recentiv wroie me savini' " I wi-h you to vi-it us soon. Co porteur r ork is sadly needed among us. A majority of the people, so far as I can so... or learn, do tut attend ch irch. and are not reached bv tos una! c! ristiuo means Can jo i not I'ipply us with a good laborer! Aud can jou not find some ricb tr sn or wotnan who W'Uj.j py tb" salary of a t'o'poreur to vor' Lore?" A prominent Diiuister in another c iMy writes. ' Since being Rector of ibis Pit i ii I have fti an crpirtuuity of seeiu-.. that Tracts di here. And I t-'re'ore respectfully petition a dotation of Tract frcu. the Am Tract Society to ec-jf. r for tie 'Jpf'J10? ' tbirsiiru people.' AI'IEAL. la view t t Lat this cause, as an ai ! to tl. - ministry, has done nt.der Goi. and, the eortiiiued L d fjr it, its g-eat ?..-i.r ah i (COLon.y, i-ur..!y w may eonS leptiy r. ly upon niatij weaitly mo ar,J womt-n. e .oi:, to suj j -rt a colpor'eur to labor iu c jr. tie not y. t supp'ied. who can vi.it an E't-.l'y al-.ut a, mi fau, in tl.s s-i-it r,f C'.ri-t. the n ward of which, to the doiio m I '-iLg the in-tiuu.ent cf makiusf ba'jpy bo'io-s atd saving ou:, will ei-rtair.ly be inS'.itely ir' n-r thsn a few dollars intere-t fr the Uet accounts 'rotu that section of tbe Stite rcprisent tbnt be bas been committed Ly the fcXJtnii.iL.ing court, to take his trial i jt the murder cf tbe Clemens, Le ceruin iy acted ia st'.f deforce. slitution so amended as to have property taxed according to in value, they oljoet I P0K TUI c ivnio I , yes, these lovers of the people object to Mr. Dl.tor : Hiving I bope removed a ui on'1. 'loo the constitution, not because it is one wrinkle, 1 hasten to efface another, f jar really im politic but because there is danger thai tbe first thronu my tatdiness might of the I. mocracy lo-ing their asceudaLcy iu tie Slate. and confusion which prevails tk. tin. it was written. Since then, however, we have beeneo ihied to collect statistics of the loss, insurauce, Ac, hioh may be interes ting ta our readers : Tbe fire, as started in our first extra, ori ginated if. the laru'- frame residi-nee of I'rof. M atthevts, on fourth street, South of Ulli. 1 be ria..: ul the aie, as is sui pos ing in rapid succession, eaer to do ali the damage tbey could before tbey fell. l'be fight occurred in a small room, some ! by -il feet. After the curtain bad fallen on the closing sCeue of lh tragedy, tbe room was filled mil. smoke, tbe floor puddled with human gore, and all three of lb Cle ments stretched ilemitn their hi,iall riddl.d nith talis and slashed with knives. Th lo Smiths wer both badly wounded by shots; Addison Witeher bad ball boles k.. .Uik.. A.1 ksir; whilst t'.f.' Wilcber remained uoealb-d . Tber w r eight persons engaged in tbe fight, three of l.oiii were killed and three wounded. I he deceased Clements have five brothers living, who now are coilectting tboir friends and o ii-i;i. ii for a pitched battle, hii.t me vi ucoers are arwiiiM n rrepmring ior I . ... their reception. Tbe end it not yeij and I ,,. m n n much fear that our soil will be drenched met, such violent deaths, is Ir (ioorge CI. mollis, a very wealthy and pro-perous farmer. He formerly resided in Franklin eo inty, but bas recently removed lo l'.ttsji vania, Mr Victoria CUmenU (formerly Mi.j 'ietori Smith ) is said to be a lady of about 31 years of ag. osss. rxtraordimry personal beauty, and it highly accomplished. ("apt. Vincent Witoher, is perhtps, a widely known iu Virginia a any man with in the llinli of tho Coin id on aeaiih. f r 21 eonaecutiv years, io tbe popular braoeh, as woil as in tbe Senate ofo.tr .State legis lature, he hs played no unirr.p jrlaril ptrl. His spreclies in ihs Ijgtslamre aiaavs command. . . undni li d att.-nii m of llui body, and tr eharieteriie l by force o! er of reasoinug, that rcu leic I gi. irresistibld. W have to be anointed i aaio. i dont i i k chronic ca'es, it Use, bo much time and pa- ' tience to make a cusp, and then tbe bill is e understand, that up to the tim of l. was in a d.-fectivo fle. Ur. Ayr, re- : "'lh.,,h' bl.00'1 of m"J 8J mcn ,lio tbe diflieultie. growing out of tbe o.'.f det.ee bein' nithiu a few feet of I'rof Mat thews', every exertion waa put forth, and More of the Beauties of Democracy. La-t w-ek we gave a notice of the beau ties of Democracy io tbis State. Tbis week we give a small touch from Missouri. Head the letter below it is taken from tbo Western Missuiiriun, a Democratic psper printed at Warrenxburi, Mi. The Doo-ocrats are all lure wrjcij. r by Uireet trae t0 ,( e fcouth, never have anv thing to do made by ibern that they are in some instan tivti I au ludirect and ... , . . :r.... ..n. .. i.l n. ..j nu mo anoiiuot.isi, do, noi iney, yei inis nn'(iii, ""-i i huhiij l.-tter shows that a rank free Sailer and abo- ; Vw"J- i. tbe 5 l-l'i or C20 . Tbo.-e who can give a Co'porteur. ealary, let tbero giv t!,y Biy he sl le ari'iuauy, and let a', shut th.y can, in God's strength, to ad ii I 'tis vofi, the only obji-ct f niiier ti'nri h're. and e;,t t 'V. tv s; t 'y ijod's trutl to J " sir, which is a r- proaeii and to f.-ach, and prod.jc.-, ' it rigbteousntss which ex 1 & , to i-r in tl' ... vent an ! ". ary p.op'f. cuiuvate i :h a fca'.l -ii. v.. W. J. V i Doraocratic Platform. IV; ow we give tie re-olutious adopted by the !' mocrstic Convention, which met in Ilaitigb on the "ih instant, and which forms tLeir I'litforui of pili.ciples, vi. : 1 j;ni.:vd, Tbst we cord i il ly ar prove and re affirm the resolutions cf the i.-iiio-cratis National Coiivrution wbic'a .u.U.d at Cibcintiatti io June, '.i. U. J.ryjivr-l, Thkt rj;ither Congress nor a Territorial Legi 1-gi-lation. or l.-g untriei.diy cbarirv r, possrasc the pow er to annul or in. pur the coi.st.iutioL ai r'c'ht- of any c.tii-n of tljo I'tiitod Stales to Use h i!av, froperty ir.t.o the eoiiiin m i'erritori.'s, at d ti.ere h jl J and ei joy the an. vthiie the territorial ci.dittou Tr n, -.ir. .'J Jl'iot", That we regard tbe diitri bution cf the puViie lands or their pr'jceeds, the emetine n t of boti.i stead lii.f, or any oth-r mode of di-po-mg of ibe public eo main, witb'-ut f j ii val -i.t, as uticotisiitution 1, aoti-rf'-ni'.crstiC, and iu politic t H'v't' , i hat the thieit. nir.g a'p-ct of our u.'iti Jiui aff jirs, owing to the rise of a sectionai and fsntitai (sity at '.i.e. N.ith, p ir. i:z '.g not oti.y tbe r.ghts and n.l. r s of the Sjuth, but tin; perp.-tuity of the Lstitution and the I'uiou, dcuiai.ds that i.ii.i.ii lueij in eveiv sectiou should We iutended notlc'Dj Gov. Kilia'a speech eucb a prodigious ose that tbe operator or successfully, loo, to save that and tbe neigh- before the Convention, but have to dtfer it whatever el-e he nil be is looked unon as boring bouses, and most persons wbo work an extortioner. ! ed there were exhausted by their labors at To cure you of yosr Wbigism is a task I 'hat point ; no one, we presume, imagining shall not undertake it would look too much 'hat ihe town was iu any great danger, not like presumption in t young " too-errant withstanding the fact that a violent South- democrat." As an old line Whiff yu tie wc" blowing directly towards the deadly f-ud The charges ah'aint Mrs. Oements are, in o.j opinion, " false as bell," and I have never beard, or beard of, any person hj did not agtre with me, unless a par'::an of Ihe other side James Cemnu seemt to Live bees of a suspicious, j.-alou di-po.i tion, and had no doubt coi.j ure.l op this suspicion from circumstances oreumng di- nate marnag between thc Iwo families, lr. CI.tjj' nls and nicrrit Witch. r, K-q , were what may be termed bosom friendt Th-j fnqienty vi.itcd on another; council, d togeihrr; and interehang'd opiiii.E eon Corning all Ihs ordinary Irao-.teiioot of life Ala, how ssd.y and irrroonciially, hit" the bonds of tins friendship bed tiiifjiJ asunder. TflX IVX.STIiM TIMi Cl.MMlITris U is I' Iru V, r.'viK of Am. Tl b. :. Gen Af t. Soc. for N. C. A N'.in.r l!..v In th- A'tioi.s, , l'a , Tl.! urn-, of t.'i.. 1-t we read : ' Un H'e'in-s-day eveniLg iat, tie !oel fie;-ht train i-t.orwbe M ounlsiii I vi-ion, was ao hour and thirty ti,, i,i ites btbin l time, and c m-H.j.-Lit.y ts iiiriuii.g. tt a pre'ty Murt tp..d. east of C on. u.s ..1.. at a : rock I li ot. to-. trr-i( a.f ri u'si.M'.g on tl.- nor: i. he I'Kil fr- ight trait, wa le boy, oo bis way from d thi- rook on the trick. . snug t' ... tt n c nil- . tor k a red Cap the bead of !,. littl- -i.i. r. ran with s speed lo n.ei-t t, t;in, and waving ip aueet-t d. d In tf.r-; uie it The liiM Ij' ' r sy:i that I e. rt-, v ould bare run irtolhe r-.-- i ,. ,, , e,,;;,.H as he could i. t .ve...-ti it in time to ein.-k th- lr.ui Tin. I y who thu, .., .) Uiu lor.-tl. ju. ! , tbe k'.ow i ge of in oi si ii n : . m the c-oiisk . I.out a I. turn dis b- lc:ter : Mnsrt Dhtrs: In looking vr thc list of di-Ueates to the State t.'onvention. at pointed by the I. moerstie meeting held in Warren-burg, on tbe lllth inst , I ob. serve the name of James P. Fox, tbe noto rious Kansas Abolition Fre.-soiler. I mean Messrs Kditors the Jamca P. Fox, who was a candidate ou tho abolition tickt for representative in the Kansas Legislature during th last atrutv lor tbe ascendency bi two.ij honest S-Juti.eru oi ii, and negro steiiiiig, jay hawkn.g aoo'itioni-t, between boiitut -oti..rs who witb tL.-ir fannies bad eland togv tti-.r as a unit iu opposition to tbe emigrated to the Territory to eeurc to them- iggri-Mive and ub-,rini;tpte4 orabixation aeives ar.d fui'.ie o Limit.!) home; aud knosu a. tl.t iu acK ill p.biicau paity misciaLlu lowborn sillian, desperadoes, .'. l.n U'U, 1 hat Ue only Lope of s.-cur- pidsd up from ibe brothels, low dens, cess- log tho rq-il-ite uuity of actiu ii' d.f. nc- poo, s and hot beds of a'holiiioui-m, of the y. cotist t j, .ol .1 r.,-h's depends upon ti.e N'jrth, anJ paid witb emigrant ai l money, sui-e .- of the I. nuoorulc party, and tLut to mufttr, rob and steal, and all by meant a, i ora!.;irioiis i la tbis Male or e.sewlere, fair or fa il to drive S jutheru men wilb their witrj t:.e view o! lu.p-iinug that uhity, or fau.iii. s from their boii..-s and firesides, cs-'.ii g l:i. irati ji.s opoti lUe great cobserva H- is the man alo during the holiest of the tive La.ty rf ibe country, is cacal.ted to cut.fl.et v Ixod the lUek-baooer of abolitioo. giv aid and comfort to the enemies of tbe i-m. wbicb streamed itb ibe intvoci bt blood. ' 'ijs'iiuti on, au i th reby gravely imp-ni of d-;f. t.c-iea w-tutr, ivs ao'd cbildreu, the very tii.'i-LM ol toe guvcrnoicnt itslf. and told tho in iUucboly tale of death and ii. ird. lnat wi.i.u a Uiiif lo starvation of murder and rapine and tnr-at. an-J turow out no tu-bac-, we osvc'J it .'.i.-lientiy aver oietni.ly dec'aro that the people of tnis M.ouiiaos uo bad b .-state will roi't aggression upon their 'loo- Lon.-, to ti e .si,tamte of their Southern -tit-j i.nal r.ght.i miieii'.-ttr tue tunr.ocy nulT-rthg brethren of the Territory. This i: un i iits reierence ro, wn' r. I say tn: the name of James P. Fox, among v.-ry democrats that have It would be unjust to brand a l.tioniubasbeen appointed a I)e;egato.o.mar., of he., T(jre u ltuoer.'.e C j'i.-n:i on. This is equal to ! btg .heep in nearly every fljek. t,.e app -i'.iit.g ol tia.I liiiian. K.-ad tbe It is not my purpe to dabble in poli Hi.luH!. k',,r.i !.. h.. r...',. tbicklv built streets of ibe tilac Wbeo i 'y in the life of all marne-1 lad.ew. as to the salvation of democrats and I bus. the cry was raised that the cupola of the! ur h,,e '""".'Jf 'K"hrr wilb thi rsr.rt i,r.r.n tl.. .h,,l. th.l n. . . . r.1 h.n An lUforiO Church was in flames, the dis i.at county of r r ankl.o, is in a tornado of ex stand rather a bad c'lance Morally, judging consternation cannot be destnbed. eit. m. nt, and etery man in it ba taktn reported that Senator Toombi will rusk? a from their actions. The impression is often 1 AH fi'"np 'he awful de-truc j nJ f. b b, A."!C,'n j report iu a f. davs. from loe aebel c in- lion wntcn impenueu, ani neariv all lias- I ' ' s. ...... ... ..... s..r-, . . tet.d to their places of business ami dwell- ! .nls alou-h one of them had a mortal m",te appointed to in.esfg.;, th. famous ings, with a despairing hope of saving their! k,"'f "0Ur'4 tbe l'i''":n- i"n bJ Moumas Land t.raut, which w.'l reflect a, property, liul in vain, fur many, were all j '""h i for tbe balls of his Xtty revolver, vrrely upon, if not implicate two ditinguish tbeir iffurts Tbe fire was carried in , ! h-'ng much larger thao tho of any other', j d.mocratie olBcials, wbo, it it alleged, shower from Ihe Ktform Church to Mam i '"'' r.tmy trU,r,tt so street, the Kpi-copal Church being next 1 T"1 ""''"' showed I'm -pistol bad in Y on fire: then Ihe huildimr on block b.low OicUfd death in all three eases. The l-ie me anove . ... 7 , , , " . , . . ,... , .... u. i ei-ns eorner, anu almost simultaneously : 6" u ' the r.m iluiis kr hi thn I ..nrt linn.. II,. suuv. tics, at present. 1 iserely give as an exordium or preface to the great sub r -i.i. it .u ii.ii Hock Hill is my ibject and I w:! first f -" ,- . v.- .1 .. i. ; . .:-i.. .;, ly are the two hlocks fronting on .Main street fired Yours, norice it eeocrapbiealiv. It is a viilajremt uated ou the Charlotte aud S C. Hail Jload aud about 'iT mile south of (,'harlotle, N. C. will) Chester io the south, Lai.ca-ter in the Ka-t, liroad river on tho west and the Catawba or. tbe north. Its name is derived from the charter of the place upon wbich its foundations rest. Flint rocks abound, and are ttie chief productions of nature at this place. No doubt it will in time be a great place, being founded on a rock it is not iikely to be moved by floods aud tem pests that often prove ao disastrous to tboso places built on the sand. llock liill commercially considered. It bas been said that more eotlon is shipped from this than any other place on tbis rail road, with the exception of Chester. Our merchants appear to be doing a good bu-i h.:s. Uoddey A Bro. aud Steele &. Co. aeli I-lry Goods and Groceries. Hteele Si Jones hue a grocery and by tbe term grocery I from Fields Hotel (th. tree!, Ilatterton House)1 down to Aiken's corner, upon which there are but two business houses (those of C. W.! Mitch. II, corner of Third and Miin.oi-cu ; pied by Waggoner & Mesaick.) and oni re-j i.en- (that of Mr. I). A. Husscll, corner 1 of Fourth aud Broadway,) now standing. : The Fields House stable was saved. With those exception, the two entire Docks, through from Main to liroad way, are iu ruins. Bo.i ius these, a number of resi- j dunce oa other squares wera burned. lent their office an 1 influence to cover op an atrocious scheme in which they were pe- the first eut.ianly interested. Mr lsiwman testified before the House GL'ILLKRMO. j Committee on pt.hlic Kxpendilurcs to day, contradicting in tbe main the mo-t impor tant points te.nb"d to by Mr. Nci.dnl. S. C. Ii..) ington, appointed clerk iu the stationery roin of the House of Represen tatives, is the person anuouncrd as bating From the IVier.burg Hi.ircs J Tho Itccent Triplo Tragedy Further and Interesting DctuilH- The feud existing between the Witeher ' abaconded with money. lie ucter served a and the Clement families is of long duration ' day in othce, but a week cr Iwo s,-o be ob- some twelve months or more and grew tained from his confidential friends nearly out of the marriage of Mr. James Clements, ' Iwo hundred thousand dollars worth of who is the youngest of five brothers, witb transferable Post olbee certificates, mad Miss Victoria Sii.ilb, a daughter of the lati ' payable to him. Th report ia that b rait Ilr Albert Smith, and a grand daughter of ed upon it ia New York about eightj cents Vincent Witeher, Kq, i on tbe dollar, and left fur Kurope. At any 1 lie partita are ail wealthy, and occupy a rate, be has not returnee1 hero. II hs j o sun. uu iue wuo.w ijirsiruciion in a woru t-v -t '--t -i , - , i . r , niglJ social position in ihe respective couu- 1 been arrving the administration lor several ties which they represent, Ibe Clement be- years it. one of tb departments. Tbe Gov- longing to rraiiklia aud the Witeher to cri.ment loses nothing by him aoout seventy nou-eg are to ruins, em bracing the county buildings, three church ea, ( llutorm, Kpi copaiiau, aud Second Pres byterian,) and covering the most business part of the town. We have never beard of a town not larger than Diuville, wbicb suffered so lieaviit by a single lire Pittsylvania county. Mr. Covr do's Commute will organise for Tb marriage between Mr. James Cle work immediate! y, and probably lake up moots and Miss Victoria Smith was aolem the corruption fund for electioneering pur- mzed anout two years Ago last fall, and the i poses iu Pennsylvania, as most compluneu- l liu total lo-s IS lietseeu E 'ji O.lO and i ,l"lt'a' wero Celebrated with great fY-jf, a tary lo lbs Presidents Du'.e-ne letter ' j i j brilliant party being given in honor of the , Mr. Weudell stated before the Senate C'om- e j -j - i o j-sii nun ,. i.,,.L . . i k. Oont mean a grog abop. I always try to ' " "" "' I event, which was attended by tbe eile of ni'tte. ihst ha expended 81.',(M)() for polili- rn -ir. I' i, . tint, ar. l e Of-rnl- of J , 7. R.VO.Y" That i he recent ir.va-ion of I oos the soi! of our -i-t. r ,-;tate of Virginia, by a the u-t ol pr tana oi arn.e'l n ...to-s, .as the ieg:liint.; result of tbe prin-ij ;c auJ t'.a''h:iigs of lb li aek Jiepubi-.cab t arty . the t'iuo rh f that party wou.d he (-lowed by e-jittir.-i-e.) b-jody raids of like character upon ai. the b .der S uthern Stale-; tr. av t suon c Ji ll. imIi-, e veil il unatt. nd-.-d hy t !, s press hi i I a-j -r atii g cau-.s of a ..oil ' .u, oul I a. -in- d- sroy that fratern-.l f' "li';g b-.-t seen ,f e," 'he sielioii-, without which the ui.iou caiinot tbCure ). l'.'S'jt ?, That the eourse of our ' eetitly, at tbe residence of tbe bride, Democratic Representative in tbe pre-i.t ( i.octsw ilovnly, Ala . Mr Cb. W. pair, Congress of t he United States meets will, se. i about years w. msiried to Mrs our warmest spprutal, aud that the manly i. xsLth Conn, agtd nio.i) aix years and patriotic action of those tia'ioija! I:mo- to thu to I ! 1 1 il. ease it n li' only about ten years equ. toppe Conveiitlou. I d Mi-.-rs. KJitor-, that his political chame'j in, ot r present one of th on ountv. I hav been a siemo'.-'at a.i my 1 f-. and expi ct to die one; i.ut when , ij ii,.-n a. Fox, is all the r-isf; In !. eg.iti- to a State convenMori from J ,l,r,-oii t oi,nty, I f. ar for a party. V. itb tl.es,. ooterva'ioi.s I submit th iu it l -r to in y hro'.t.er U mocrats of the country '.,' iher ll.ey are te ri presented, iu Jamet Pr. bold I x, or not Your Obt , Servant .SOUTH. W'arreusburg, Mi , Ftb.i!4, I rt. caii things toy their real name. He nave a Cabinet Siiop owned by Henry A liro a the eery leads of ''''Ter"ril''h Suop, a Carriage Shop, a Tin en called from their Sil0P- 'ordon & Mark make our Boots, .vc. uooinsot. our ciott.es, Johnson auu loiu lou our Sadd'i..- and Harness, Flan, doe our palming in a very neat style, and if any of you want a good life-like oil painting of yourselves give him a call and be will five you a good picture. We have also two 0110 to o'i.u.OUU. Ky. Tribune, March 'i. tbe two ooun(ia, who flocked in large nutu- j ca! purposes in three years, and it ia known bors, by invitation, from all part of that : ho loaned out 81 "', IHIO besides among par section, to do honor to the joyous occasion j tixans, wbicb have been turned over to his ''or aitvnral mnnlli. ill. -..I.ln.t n.t. li I ! SSSIi'lieS Bt fiflt Cl'l.tS Oil til dollsi. TbtT tatiou. Moore is our attorney and attends promptly to all business intrusted to bis care. My sheet is full. 1 am nomaiicly yours Mrs, Kliiabsth Crookett, widow of tb PAfiiij M' it roR Oats, wirn rue pHivii.eiic nr Tkivnosu A liul. stTsir ! tooether with rn.i.,U k,it th. n,.t .....ii lis a widii field for exnloralii.it. as Mr. Bu happened tbe oilier day, which was too good J ed happiness shining on the roy pathway ehenan will disoovor after tbe I.eooropt on to be lost Mr. A, called ou one of our of their early matrimonial career. Aa I matter has becu thoroughly explored length the " greeneyed ' monster, jealousy, I " unnngcun lsllrr. reared bis horrid front ia tbe household of tho happy couple, and ultimately placed Too MoiiMT To ill GiATrrui..-Tb such reslrt-tions upon the young and eon-1 Liverpool Albion says that a young U'lj. fi ling wife as to render her very existence a. n,a e,u,t daughter of a well knowo Haro burden too intolerable to be borne. j Df f wi, doep ,B,,per it was al- She finally resolved to leave lha roof of Wly, difficult to wake her aud in the year her husband, and removed to the residence Mns fir. broke out at night in the family of her mother, Mrs. Dr. Albert Smith, iu mansion, when a mule domestic burst into tbe county of Pilt.ylvst.ia, where she now! b(,r r ,nJ (....ujng lcr M ly iu resides; and, by the advice of friends, dur- I ll 1,-r t, . ..U. f ssfilv. KOVKR J Tl' frB'r 'hereupon emptied th. oats into1 ing the fall of Isi VI, intituid suit against ' Htra'ug to say, the lady', high sense of I the bag without filling up the measure. Mr. her husband for dioree. Xoon after the ! Ime . c,u8d her preserver lo be dis- A. raveo, uui ic wasno ue; me larmcr had : msiitutioo or the suit, the parties met at charged from her father s sersioe The la complied with his part of the agreement Sandy Level. Pittsylvania county, for the H, is .till unmarried, but the man who risk aud, as an evidence, told Mr. A. after he purpose of taking depositions Here a charge : ,d his life to thai of l.i. mistress has farmers, and asked him the price of oats, i and was informed that they were worth 35 ...... ..... i .i...i ii. . ...... .I t. ... r.... Cl.i.reh.. t,.,. , ,.K..i ... " fV , '., , cents ou condition that bo should be per- lex, one L'.vi-ion of then.nsof li inner-: -.. j . .. . , .l .i i i i i . , , ., ' , i milted to ' tramp them in the half bushel, anoe to keep os sober. Ibe Sous of Malta ... . , r , . , , , , , r. , ., . , ,. lo secure thu bargain bo paid for twelve have also a ar.'e family of the masculine1. , . ., , . . u i- , . , , . , , bushels, and the text day took bis wairon g.iilcr here. As to their obieot I am in the . ,' , ,.,. . . , . , . . . , .. . , - ana went alter them. Ihe farmer b I Iod osrlr helfi'f r.Br.1 I. . t h. .1 .1 .. tsi rf l.n.. : . .... ..... r. ' . "I . ' th ha f bushel, alter winch Mr. A ant n and gave them a most vigorous tramping, eoniracliug ibeir proportions considerably msmor.ble D .vy," died in Texas ou the had measured , he he might tramp them ! was made b, the husband. Mr. Jamea Cle i ll! ....!u u . i "....Vr it iml Z '.'d inatsiit in ll.ulil. . L.r sn. all ds. Vrlru S Litre tin, I n..nla l.:.k A .1:1. .1 1 . ' .. r ' , . - t - -6 ! . --j- 3 ments, which involved alike the honor of ,..,iq,, l0 him by bis late master.