CVUHVIIU .owtAtlUlltlt I WAS (.LAP psalm txxii. " 0!od I" why that is the very thing that we a 1 want. i All, oil lin'l something to moke them ghi, j whether that thing be .-o vile ns ti i--b.iss ; then to tin? I, vol of th- lii ut',1 er" r"r'' : ami cxuiled a to lift ti . ru to If f-pbere of j augeU. There Is, therefore. uo Mlcr test of character than this, wa-' have a rood key wherewith to orcn tile secret of our owu heart in observing what it is that j m:tke. us glad. Hut who is this that says, " I was glad." It was DaviJ, the man after God's owu beart, the kin, the conqueror, tbo beloved of his people, whoso word was law to mil-j lions, end iu whose seivice thousands were ready to lay down tbeir lives. Was it lis that made bill) glad ? No, not this. It was i David, the pott-prophet, tho sweet singer of Israel ; but still it was not evou these lofty attributes and gifts that made him g'ad" ; But be tells u what it was that caused this simple and eloquent burrt of joy : I was glad when tuey said unto me. Let us go into the bouse of the Lord." Here was a man who bad reached the highest riiitiac'd of human greatness re was rich. . f.l I 1 .-.I I. -...I ... jiunmui, utnuuicu, an , I be is g.aa wlien it is uu re.y propose.! " go into the bouse of the Lord, a privilege! which the poorest and humblest of t he i people of tod eiijoyed iu cotnmou with hiiu. lie was glad at th it whicb so many of us cstccui so lightly aud anticipate so coldly. Why did that make him glad ? Recaose there be would meet and hold communion wi'h God, " bis exceeding joy." In an other place be says, " As the bart panteth after the water-brook, so panteth my nul aft;!r thee. I) God." And aain, " How aftr thee, I) God.' And .gam. " Mo- j amiublo are thy tabernscles, O Lord of-gul b ls ? Mv soul lou"elu, yea, even (-tint eih for the court of the Lird. A day in tby courts is better than a thou.sauJ. I bad rather be a doorkeeper in the hou.-e of mv ' i j J than to dwell in the tents of , , ., v l . keduess. Now webegio to unuer.t.nJ r the simple propose! to go tnto the se of the Lord made him glad- U was him to be gl.d at this, pcrf.ety ,u sickeduesa." ahy house Ike him to be jjltd at this, per ft etiy keeping witb his character. He fixed bis heart, bis !ote, his joy upon no tran-itory o) j'Ct. liod was his centre, hu sun, bis hi- Id, bi rest, and his exceeding great retard. He loved tin pia'.-e wnere bis honour dwelt on eartu. Mid Le is tiow in the eternal ti.ansimi p r. pared for him by llun whom ha loved so ardently io the day of his flesh " I will dwcil in th- house of the Lord f;r evi r,' is i,i. xuitin Uncuae afi r speaking in giowin t- ru of the bless in.'s with wlii.-h Le was lnourcd in lh pra se r;' lite. Pivid's l.oavcu lay on both siJe of Jor and ao ount ouri lo do lie was glaJ nbeu he entered hi eternal and glori ous home, bat he was glad before : aud it was the same thin ihat made Li in glad iu Jerusalem on earth tbsl now g!iid tn bun in the Jer;.:t.lcm abote Ail was Jerusa lem to bitu. 1 hind him, around him aod before bitn was Jerusalem S Lt ri , i Jerusalem !"' exclaim Krumiuicher 10 a fii.e rhapsody of jiyous dev&ti-.n. "Uiiere tear of mourning; after God start the eye; where the kuee and the besrt arc bowed at the throne of grace ; wheie the lip of sincerity utur their jrar aui praic there it Jerusalem. " Jerusalem ! ), it is good ta be will, in thf .ail, to ait together as a fellow ' i cititn, according to the privilege of tue new birth ; to siug together in the wsjs of tbo Lord, that great is the glory of the Lord in the tuidst of u ; to speak one with anothsr upon faith's btifht prospects that r " . . , I lio before us; to number op our j j wild wbioli tbe stranger im. rincciuletb not; or, to place ourselves tbe wioJow towarJsj tbe Ka-t, and breathe tbe tnorniiip air of) tbe ever'a-liu day, and refresb ourselves . , . , ,' ., . , , . . inure; to treat our compost Leaps in such witb thoosbts of Ibe llissful futurity ibatl ... . await, us. O, Jerusalem, if I forget thee) let tn rigbt Laud forget its cunning !' " 1 " I'raj for ibe pcaoe of Jerusaiem, sa) j I'sviu '. .'.io sauid Psalm io whiett be says bo was glad. ' Tbey sbail prosper thai love tbe." And tbe more tbey pray tbe more will tbey be gia l whenever it i isai J , " L'-t u (o into tbe bouse of the Lord.'' ! Our bouse of tbe Lord is any plaoe wberei two or three rg met together iu tbe naniej of Jesus, for be is tbere also-tboro to g've l pardoo and p-aee, aod males bi people ' glad. S. read, "1 bea were tt.e disciples gfi wueo .uey saw iu. aao. , J are glad yet wbeo Le breatbes upon tbetu ; Li. life-giving spirit. Tbey may come bur ; dened. bat be gives tbetu rest. Tbey come sorrowful, but be makes tbetu glad, pute suob testimony as tbi into their lip, an-1 ; cauet tbem to sin witb lull hearts. j 1 heinl tlie voce of i ails aiy '(riiic uii'' an. I rest; Lay down lo in writ) one, lay Ili y heml up.fii my i-.iciat.' I ci me to Jean aa I wr n, Weary, sod va.irn ; mil a id j I fiiund in him a reeling pUce, Aud U ha made uia giaii." J. c. NO II IND.tANCE. How blessed to remember tbat there i bo bindrancfl in coining to our Lord but tbat which our own fears aujrgest 1 lli words are "look Ubto me all ye ends of the earth, and b(. J swved ;" as if our Lord would speak lo every individual between i : If a V.. ihat .r ear f. e ' ufl", au l eay to eaeb, " Tbere i tnercy for Now iu this hole, under this shed and with-yo-i only look and live " And then to'io tbeae planked up sides, throw the ma eucouraje tbeir approach, be aaya, "Hiuajnure from your stables aud bupuu, tbe that Cometh nolo me I will io no arise cast out." No extent of sin, no abuse of privi legts, no real or imagined difficulty can prercnl, ' I who have aaid tho word. ' Come ouio mo all yo that are weary and heavy (t(1l,Ui I , will give you rest ' I will fulg niy proniiso ; it shall bo done ; only oon)(Ji y(J ',U1 ,ave TOtlt vour ,0ul " (), ,ow wr,t'. ,t10 proniitf how surn the f,,ltili.,eiill Thero i, indee-J, tio promise for Q .10rrow yVo know not. that when trial ,i(i,ro niolm.nt Kiven to come to .Teus ; hut should that ninmeiit (.raciotisly be afforded, do not dot pair, but . ,0v0 ,0 your nI1j ju j . ir .. i answer to tlio ninny prayer oucri-oj ior you, your Lord has, watched over your j course. FHLY HOME ! Almost well, nuA.nrarli ut lumie,' said . the dying liaxter, when anked bow be was hv a friend. A uiartt r, when approaching the stake, beiug questioned a. to bow he frit, answered, "Never belt, r, fjr now 1 ; know that I am almost home." Th-o look-, ing ovrr the meadows between him and ' the place where be waa immediately to be i.or..! Im .ml OnW to more .ttka to j su my Uth.B hou,0. . (iJ U Rtf y .Modoy . isi ,wtl.t w . wptl wofk Lome , Louje Ano. , . j ,i i i Ju:,i it ,,;,,, . ........ Lome as fast as I cau, end 1 ti (iod I tllt ( ta( to go to.'-Jlrralu f.rirnlfnrnl HAnN-YAHH MANL-RKS. 0cc,hiolllllyi tn0,0 .ho find it easier to. faui, Wltu cur (Joctrines than to oriji-1 uate in investigation, charge us with re pudiating the use of barn yard manure I This is not true. We belief e that ail ihe' We belief 0 that all the ' minure ma le upon a friii should be care-1 1 P11"' " ' imi"iruiii - , kuij, cl it t U-aas-t lo.a. We , ,b,tbe ,,lieof,uHt BllBlirt dort. pM,iti ,be ,,.,;,, of it,orw,.;o mat , coMaine. ra.her in the ton. ler which il contains, but rather in the roi. iitiun of that innrganic matter rnist of its cni atituf nta bctti so Conditioned as to he immediately avtiublc to plants. We do Hut believe, however, that any farmer, whatever may be hi style of farming, cau troduce enough barn y ard manure to obtain the lar gi t and u,o-t r olilable reault by its uio jiore ; we know tint other amendments are neeerary, and that these uiu-t bo imported !i il.e firm 1 Le slock farmer certainly pro. ducts ll.t larger amount of barn yard man jr as compared with othrr style of farm ing ; but what can r place to bis soil a.i those insitria's which go to Uiaka up the weight f bn f, loi. e, blood, etc , of the ani In.iis whicii be Whateter care he may lake of Lis barn vard manure, that por tion at lea l so ex: -Tl) I is lost Ivr ever IfOio j f -j We admit that the value of the it.organlc rot.siitui nl toLtaintd iu the mi nure left on the farm, is matenativ incroased ).Bviin; pa s-d through plant life, aud v -i.tuaiiy through tae auitual. lijt some dr&citncy in quantity u.u-t oi cur. No new j untitles of phosphate of lime, and other necenary cntituents, are creatid by lie proco-s of digestion, and therefore Uw rj-lan-title should replace those parieJ with. Vc n ti-idtr the importation cf guano, ' the matiufacturcl if tut err. host. hates, the ua re. . i .i . of fact irr wastes, aud other substances which formerly failed to tind lueir way back ti the soil, except at very long periods (as ail aul-'uLCcs must agaiu reach tLu soil,) as a Lii ssinrr ral.leh 1. 1-. i. more rir.i l. . . . " ' . ' 'y ri a;iietl by lt,u Unoi r who males it hi '..u-iiiias to rc fujilj lii farm witb all sub stance contained in the crop parted witb, from cbeiper sources. Our rule basl.ciu lo take the Lest care of our baru-ard mi- id a i ii- r as to make loo decoiupositioo cf the manure a-i-t iu tbe decotnposiu of larjje sinounts of chtiip organic tiiattcr, and to add to tbese potasb, pboaj bates, ele , in tha cbeapeit fortu tbat we eould procure them from progressed soutces ; so that a btlo they furnisb tbe necessary LaLuluui fur pi lot, tbey uiibt also furuiaU tbe oacesaa- ry eheiiiical condition nf a thorou-b dis- n, ti -ration of tbe various inert Diatter iu . ail conitiosis. In andmotj to these, we bare jjU(lll u.tJ ,iB .Niiroireiiiied Suner-i pi,Jf pUBt, of Lim. . oni m.nur. lur Qar corn p,tt0t ! r0ot corps, and Lave applied it broaiicaat lor grass, grain, etc.,, u(jul hy hj ,ucb 1(J,i lul) ,01)i,)( uu& under drainiu j. w fiu(1 fliruiil botb l,il..ur,. b(J 41jJ pru(jul,!e compared witb our e,i,t.r tipcrieiiotj. UWAiiia' Farmer. I SAVE VuLU sMAaNUKK. i. ... ia.. r,.i ..i:..n i I " " h 1 b. jsce a farmer throwing away all the manure ) about bi lot and stable. For throwing it. I into a heap for tbe auo, air and raiu to ruiu, 1 ia truly wasting it. j We propose a plan for taking Care of il. Iwliicli if faithfully followed, will cubatioe j tbu friu of every farmer in tbe country. liuild a good abed, plank lip tbe enJa , and sides some four or 6va feet. Then i di,; out the dirt within the enclosure aoiuo throe feet or more, taking off tbe aides i and ends, so as to make it slope inwardly from al! sidus, looking, wheu completed, hire Ihe half of a arco Lorrshead buried. i wet straw and leave from the lot, the refuse ashes from the lye gum, tbo aweepinga of your yard, Slo, &c. On this, as conve nience and opportunity will permit, pour all your strong soap suds', hich will aid fer mentation, and our word for it, you will have a manure heap worth its weight in guano or anything else as a fertilizer. Try it. Franklin Olisnver. TOM ATI IS IN TKXAS. Kendall, the editor of the New Orleans ' I'lcay une,' in a recent letter to bis pap'.r, writteii from bis homo iu Texas, baa the lo! lowing l huvo HTiokfti nt fresh loinutoa. more lor r be i urposo of giving tny experience as to ine Hi one 01 Keeping lu winter Uiau any i thing tUo. I was iu San Antonio on the 0th of November, aud informing a gentle I i -.i . i -r i i ' he told me to cut off the vines close to the ' , l'-never 1 ant.cp.ted . fre.xe bang them up iu uiy cellar, and whenever 4 "'-u lo "I" " " "". F"aco oul tLa un' Ju"1 before the f.ot of the l .'th of November, I followed this pbn, and now bave t uhci. of thciu in my cellar whicb 1 cau ripen a, I wish lo net thctu. . FKKDING SHKK1'. Thim is no .....nil nf ihx vrr mlieni1 cheep are more liable to lose nearly all they i! ... ' have gtiriid, than the present and ni'Xt month, and if they do, there is an end to ' the bopts of a crop of wool, for the want of; , , , , , . , , food has the rtTect of stopping the growth ! f thoiwool, and the mr,uin,t the growth i atoted, the end of the fibre is oomplctad, g Uk. place, it becomes dead .i r analogous to tue stein of ripe fruit, i ....I r..r,. .l nf ,i f...,l ,tt..r ll..-. ' inontbs, aud a'ter the growth or ti e wool ' I baa been once stort.ed, onlT prepares the skin to send forth a new growth tbsl pushes j off the, nd eta, il lo U h,t Uefor. , shearing lime. ; TO I LL.VN CAKI'KTS. Take them up, and lii them le 1,kc l"tm UP. lli t w.l. bea- ' Q "b long smooth sticks; then Isy them down, and titusti on 1Mb si.lis wil l a band brush ; turn lie nhlM ic upward, and acour with o gall and ao.p .nd . atrr, rub with " clolL.losi.k up much of tho wet a. I b.w on the pra-a, or hang them acro-s a line tni tLorougLiy dry. Lay tin in down in their propt r place, aud bru-h the way of the nap, or pile, if there bo any, with a stifiisli brusti. EB AIVi ol:lt... tone, f, r' 8 IIU. M'll.l i M.ea . ,: , I..,., in A ...Hn I -r - U ... l: I I. H! e.k. ni.t r, lli. I I i ,'. i.r .1...11 I, r 4 hu, u 1 uli. li'.ii, cr..r.iifijr i, rtsiiu'.nn p.ii l.y n.t !l.ilUi.o. JttllN II M.S. ( arrrt'v. Jn 3. t.-t 4 - I A j E. R. STOKES' liiHik' lliiidiiiir l-l;)ljliIi!!i('iit, 7 Ilwr iibiJit CruH.h in V w tui'd- in; i a nar B. Mauirj il tiua Hail, oi l vim I, . . T ,e (, ., li.ub! .1 in ml is n,,w in fu.l .irs- li'iH, II. I if. JI..I iti'l liAII.Df a toil allp.i'V iif H- t.,i I.I.WK I' A p lilt sn.l lilMHil:.-- MA I Kit I M.S. ., .t .11 .. ti-uj l.i nil ail !( ..I sl . re i.! j.,l.i. ,v . My ( .. i... al l i 1.. n w - li In ' t il I., -i! ,,ri;i ra Willi wtnth I maf k. Ijfile.l 1 ni h.u I H. f ...i i.e. i riiarenr. in ihe ui.n ' et.ire at 1,1. AN h III- ihS in It btnCU'f am. i'Kt.S I Kll V, ul.kN, I ll.lier n.ys.lf i t 1 tali, ii tl easts, f .t ' bl.A.Nk liH)kS, ' a S . ell-'. .1 una' I. r Pialricl tllTi-es., i.jry'. an. I 4 .Miinii ao.urr in lui. i 111 I. I I) si.u b',t M ti, ar.y ,..1. ' i-r r tf. at itw i.tier, ol auieiir pper, I iio itii wi an rrq.iirrd. I Is 1 N I I II VMM. KS, .. l'tri..ic.l,P-n.,.l,iels,M .s.ara "j oeaci ipitou, uuunii or rai'sirait. sou pse,.- Music It-H-.s. I. II Is I 0 .1 il. rut.. with dispatch, K. U. s r KK!i. alUlf Juntim y 17, letiu. S, T. WINSTON V-tT '-1 i lilil: .i,i: v i.n hslid, whoa.ile and re. full am! e.iinpictc s.siirlnienl i-f risAI.N A N I J lA!N.M:i) tix-waki; oi h tti'.l I i.o w. till .SI Kit t-i. wr T ,n aic by .if i:x. i-, Oius I'. .la. nni-M fsjiice ai W Sill, lions, aV S. T. WKISTON. uj.rritjr ftrlirlt, fur 8. T. WUHTO.N'.S. .nd ta....a.. L'l iV fa SI a f ar f ( i t. ti 1 nl. l.-i M. - a Aa:il. Ii.asl, Q . .... i.. 8. T. Wl.LSTON. I'Xil' 1'1'S V VI .(a I yi'A It Ll s.N. ..w s -st. ; m : HTtr A . for p, HTlINK 4 Cn 'i tserew T.ipf.l.AP JARS rn. r ruita, V.-ij. I.ibl. a, Ac., tlie III use, for sale by S.T. WKISTO.N. - .1 H I.I. ASsinttT.MIiNTof CtH)KId and I her S IOVI.-i, will ha ruii.l.t.tly on hiind. nl,,i ,ld aa low as tbey can b ailurOed ia tin maraei, ity S. T. WKLSTOsN. Aarl.Me.Jaar 14. IH5S. Hit BLANK DKUDS for sals at this oftiee. 0inHiiK!ltMi' I in n n no. mm t j-'"sll 6 s; "7 S l III IIUllll II r.'i 'i7,i ii'iai'-'i HI '! i ivira Si ,!lil!.,, Jul) . t "I 6 ll II r.'imirni I t 1 H Hell II ISIIlllS ir.. 17 I- i a ii,n,-fi;?4 i'. .;.. -lli... ' ILli 1 1 I Jl 1 .! 1 1 1 Hi ir.isiit.ri'si : i "i "sl '!"I"'"t Oct l s! 61 7 s I" II li'l' H !. li: I. J Jl 4 8 S 7' 1 II I J uii.'i i II II 16 10 I :i :,!: -a ; ICOHT. II. C I KNMIAI. (OMMISclt)N MKKCIIANT, J W'll HINI3TOR, N. C IU (lllire, South Corner Msrktl and W.tcr Su. "p ' ' octiirr II, Ih.iu. 31 tf - 'I lit- l ot III Malr, l'orrrr. W IK IIKKK. H;il.!M!, olid Irllnw cililf ns li I A IKII.l.N A 7 1 1' ..i, . i ud Iu tin oicritH r, or uiWnt lu li.i- (unlj A(rnl, tor this .New, Litter aod T.-iiiilit til TJ;ip. An.i you w'll pi t tliawlmle Sutr, with In r Itiveri, Uiiliuaii, Oi.ld, ( "(iei. Iad. I n.ti aim t il Mux. 't H tuv ili.,Tuwn sue VilLtj.. htr ini-ile Moulit.iiiis unit Kruie. nd In r ruUi m.d - 1 I . ,i,t lh Cdl.DI N rniZK. i.ow it .l .,i si . ii let t hy lno. li .rii. r fiei I.. ,.u.r, lii. sue Astlwm, I'h.url Hill, f'i-llliitit Cullrirrs. Vc , (Vc, ull uf the "! hl rlraii mi ltt Mi wt poolisiicd. 1'KAKCE & HK3T, H.llsboro', N. C At.liM.-s WANTKU tort very r-.uniy 10 SHir. T. ru.s ibtr-l. A.piy 0ote. J't U 18 " ' " ' " - JJ J JfJ j j. H(jHJ ' Bv m-zmm t II Hi, .. ' I u rglllK Proprietor if I sf-y,! . J. Willi at bis post I V. Proprietor of this Hotel la A tL; 4fJ i ly I., fill- lullrtof mi hr.l" li.lln lr,irlllli( public and others i .and liellalltra tun. self thai a i Colli tort lor qusrtera can Ul feuod Willi hi In as aev wiirrr III Una v.eilolf. Iteil.e sitilMt'd litsr- ' ' - .-.'... " it : ,,'.... Mr . (,.. ,t..crd ,n ti.r hi at Una .lauu n.artf .igiiir.-n, li,c i that ,i,M- lie haa nia.M aevarai a.loilior.a I.. In. f..r nn I ,,,. h.. beegreati,, pr-.r Pr I,,,," , t't'. . u. ,1a. .-t P,,;... .1 all h..or. ,,t the u.y. v haa bran tinirnue hiy turn i sited t nru out, juiI -n every pari of it re-luie cnmfi.ris are : abn-." ! I snu ler'ble.csiM-riaCy i ft Ihe M.N i M. IMiiM. sii.rr It;. 'ini.t msn" la "rrscatd " j .1 . liy d-T. I .,i,,ri.f wilu this Ib.trl are Htal.lea alT..rdinj ; room ii.r loo liuraea. aliuio-aniiy lurmshrd sjs iili , rrfinan-1 iirnsrnuer, atiein'cd by faithful and , bi.fihf h"l l. j I lis I' i..r f. elaeiifirti nl Ihat with his Vng elpririci shilinany new Maf aoiirij ttihit o.sne In ulnar, be is or. o.r. .1 In i.ffir iua Irienes ' and I ti r " rest .it msnk u,i.,'' aa nwny riiii.lnila and i as ..tucli riHi cheer sa will u ffiund any w ntrr, t I r Al aay rsi. vaf th t'hirlolle II. id I. U. K K K K OrraSer It. r-. 311 r.ri t,.,r f. u w,l!i Ml I.A1DN S IM AS. Til. I. I UlilMAl.. aar .Ir.'f. t.. stale if 'Uiali"' ll est rv umtruin tlisl i.urae i.r ou.i a has era usr.l f a rr.ulr pny Uaiirir,!. Irna e inla. lo pea.-f Hi. .ly in. irom f id f-iiiarqut flliy ,-h 1. any k. r Il.e ai ; lis sen I'V m,, 0, ,, t,ri I . Ip ,.,,. f.,ra a ti.i.o Ugnf ,., bil.lisa. I liinllj It isp jl up w ill. care, aa a rifiuif .rimi ol it Willi any eliirr ar f..r inlanlile rompitinla Will sDnsr : ihr . ry il. mi wlnrli It is alialilled be. eg dug from Ilia la ui.ilrr Hie din nf lr. Kslon, ni-n? of 1. 1 li.a i.aai, La ii. is. l ourlSly Il is (nrltrl. ruilrsa and cannul injure I lac luuat delicate in. is a rerl-in cure and relief in all tor M. g rases, wtncit is ila chief merit user .aery I lis Islit. loaan rul All. I OM I I. A I .' I H ATTKM'IMi TI I.IIIIMa; audi aa UVsKMlKV. ll ' . Ac ; il..., lur a-.n-innj li... ruma and relievn.f is. in Kif fjlll .tiif tue bowels It is liniqn illed. F. r Ion! in il.e lle.d il isa sure rrlirl. I .r I lit l I', tur tsl.l and Iryinr ot tliaeaaea. it r, s.- rr. iieo oh with s( iecl cm. linn. c ; snd being a p..,. rrtui anli spa smasilic in ali raara cf a mis uisiona rr tils, sv,. larne.tly recnuillirno )i.ll lo hs nu tieiif in prneunug ll. I j.i ly ll cat aoioiiih inore loin i.lliar piepsr.ln.fia of- the kind, Hint w can in. I nfi..rH audi ai!i rlis. no ma as e.n lliose w ! w'hi-le iK use ta llieir .,. rl.ainf ; It r tlie I 1 1 ' nits ll.ell till l.Sl bie t.. all tl.i rs 111 sll w r :p.-rd srnuli't such U.llii ciaia, Ihe direrloois , inuat lee slricliy ful lnwrd True, 'i.i rem. per buttle. .old by CIll IK'll .; DI TONT, Iru.-p:.-ts, N.i. .lli, M.ida I. sue. Niw, ami tif K. Nya llutthieou A. lo. and V. tScarr, ( bsrlolte, N. ('. I'r In. ins. .n, )iairi; been farreaiured by con. suinpllon, aa lobe eaiusidered beymid all hnae ail reciffirj by Ibeuiisat a-milielil of Ilia- medical pro. I'la.ioli, and alav by hianaell a regular pli)aiei-n ol twenty yeara pi.eure .a a last re.ort, cm. eived tic I .list.) ASAI.Y'.IM; 'Mil-: HI.tHlll, a u.l appl) llig tlx lo ji tt ol pli valuing y tu the more in, n. i nula ... iiticrt, ..ii. and i tii el of the el-l- ul tue liesllli and iii. Tbe result has li. e prii.iaetn.iiol Una " l HhiI," Iruni thr use of which. Pr. Ilr..ri..n waa n.tnred la perlerl hc.illh. W illtin ais inontha ifler Ha in. Irmiui lmn, ovrr two Ib.tua.nd eim.uniptivea were r flci ttully curi-e l-y !. 1 1 ytiu In v. an y ol . c.ilisiiniitive tendrury.f eaf . t'tld. H'md area, 'eairaliaa la learl, Apjflttt, r frntm ia rite ,Si,, lu.r nn lime in procui ing a buitle oi lite "III.IHJII I-1 M III." If UU I," eutlirilig frailll ! AV i eei 1 V' your sierjn i hi oi,m anal aia I tuilird, if your ..iims at trprttid ut your Or. iil Krlttnl, sou Will And in Ihia an unfailing remeiiy, by eniiiinci.cing witu Irs di... If your .rrer la tmplil nr diai.aaed in any manner whatev er, ene ar lira Ulles will lie aure lo Mivigoiate, and bring il iniai Inely and hrslllilul seiiuw. In the nn.s I in Vi li raleeaeae of lyi",: 'he patient call here find llie moal ellii telil and giatelul relief A Im in til ia alsvuva ein rienced alter t-iking nlnr .Kfe. In Mil e fVaial tirmpfaiaa as,f Hrair. arts., Ihe aotl. rer, afirr trying othc. ramsdiea in v nn. may rest assured, that a certain ears will result fruiii ihe ue ol 'ice ar thru bulitri. The lll.tllll) K(M))M isrllti in all esaea nf .'. rupifHi.tiaU H'lrum SrtoluUt amlnthar tika enii. plaiiila. f'ae ad tmmrfliU e'lhira aaa mdullt are ilium ili.lel? bam tilted by Us use. It gieea atrr ngih lo the bmj . and eolor and beauty lo the .a n. i'Ayairisns aw ail scAoa.'a ars using il with wonilerlnl siicetss. Knr full direclltiiia, sea circulars. Iiica tl par ly Climtril A ULTONT, Drugista No. 3b, M.niin I. sue, Niw V.s, and a.. Id hv F. Nya iiuUbiai.n A I . and K.Scarr, I barloita, N. C. Aiwa. 14 I y fgllllll In r. Scrofula, or King's Evil, U a eon-litiilli.'.ml diwivse, a corruption of the blood, by which tliLs Hiiid keeunie vittnti-d, weak, mid tioor. iiein in the rirculatinn, it pervades the whol.- body, and may hurst out in rlisea:H.' on any pui't ot it. No otan is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not d stroy. Tlie scrofulous taint is vuriou-ly caused by mercurial duteiise, low living, dis ordered or uuheullliy food, lltiMiio uir, tilth and rilihy l.alnL,, the depressing vices, mid, above all, by the venercnl infection. What ever be it origin, it is hereditary in the en atitutiou, de'ceiiilin ' i roui parents to clnhlii n unto the third mid fourth riition;" indeed, it iu:eni to be the roil uf i i tin l.o wiy-, "I will visit tli iniiiuitie of the fathers ui,iou th: ir chili In u." Itsill'ects commence by d' po-ition from tlio blood uf corrupt or ulcerous nuiiti-r, width, in the lam;-, liver, uud internul nruaus, is termed tiihir.ies; in the ftlunds, welliiiKi and on tho surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, w hich genders in the blood, depresMes the energies of hie, o that scrofulous constitu. tion not only suifiT frmi scrofalnu com plaints, hut they have fur leu power to with stand the attack t'f other disravs; ronse quently va-t numln-r pcri-h by di-orders which, nlihuueh not scrofulous in their nature, aro still r. tid r d fatal hy this taint in the yt in. Most of tho consumption which de cimates thf human tinnly has its iiri(on directly in this Mrofulou i onmmiiutiuii ; and many dextrin five chsen of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, imlisl. of all the organs, arise from or are arnvated by the same cause. One iinarti-r of all our people re m rofulous ; tie ir p' r uns are inv.ided by this lurking in f ciion, anil tin ir h -.- I: ! i undermined by it. To el-anso it from tho rystein we mint ri-novate the blood by an al' -raiive nusle ine, and in vr;irat? it by h- d'hy faid and cxvreiae, Suih a mediune we supply in AVER'S Compound Extract cf Siirsnpnrilla, the most effectual remcHv which the medical akill of our tnui-a ran devise for this erery w her. jirevailuiRnnd fatal malady. It if com liined from the mnt ai live reneilials that have been diacosered fortliecxpuraationof thi foul ' unnrricT from me uinna, nn ine n-ctie i 100 avstcm from its (kwtructive eonseqiu-nces. 1 1 nco it shouM be eniployi-d fur the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other affee tiom which nriso from it, such as Kbi ptivb and Kl! Ilir.Asa, (sr. A.sTHoav' Fikk, l'.ost. or Kioairr.LA. Pmri.n, 1', Iti.oTi lira, III alssand Itoiis.Ti woa,Tr.TTrw Slid Si r Kill I. H. S AI.D lllll, ltlSOWORW, linn s itks. SvrNiMric and.Mi.Hti aut llis rtaa, liaoi-sv, l), l'k.n:i.iiT, and, iiiOtrd, ai.t t'oneniara ahisimj rmM Vitia Te oa Inn ax llioon. llw iKipuIar bs'u.f in '-impurity of the bUud" i foundvsl in trut for ai-rofida la a l k ni-iauon of the blood. 'I lw pnrtn ular purls aud virtue of tbia Sarapa nilu u to purify ard rcjrenei 4tc thi vital Hind, without which sound laallh u unjiossibu: in Contaiumaled tuustitutiun. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, rXR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A TAMILT PHYSIC, rr cmiMHiavl tUat witinn tht rantfC of tits if tnm ran rati ijr witi,tnti or . Uirm. tttrtr cnrtrtiiiK sr s rt u nrt-h, mid rlrann. tud ii ih ricry pTiHm t( the btmn i-riran-iam, iutiri lii.kt iu iIim'amU fettion, mil rrttarutif tit tucat'tiiT ttLiIinaV. A Jlllrv4tifl u tira (r. priii th im-ilid nhfi w Umed iin lm tit .hyira t asIot.i(ird tu tind hit hr-alth or Airij rrHurrd by ft reninijf t ouc ftO ftifupie ftni tiit.tititf. Not unlf do th v rur the rTC-day frimplunt of rrj but nl iii t (omntijiMf) and drif(Fnii Ihe tit NUrw ntmcd i ii d to fun n h iirti n.y Amrrtrsn Aintunmc, rrrtib tti of tUtr aire and diwiMiM f r ihrif u in th ft ii'.winu n:iiplati.f (Wuo- S(fvmtfh .iwavi, lnif;rt,tHt, Vain tnand Mnr64 irutctt m tf the iiwri, bittilttuv. - vf 4fT lif, JuuHfiic, aod othrr kindird remplaiBtt, ar.Kina: frntwi a low aiate of lite bod) or ooaUucUuii uf u fuutUoua. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, roa ins bai-iu una or C ouxha, ( olds, lnftuewn, llowrseaesa, ( rnsrf, tlronchltls, Ineiuirwl otaaaips tioo, and for Ihe relief of t'owaumplive Pntients la utlvunred alugea ol Ihe disease. fss wide is il.e full! of its usefulness and so nu merirus are the c. of its rures, thut slruotl eaerr ael. of almir.ds ill persains pub hriv hnmtt, who I ae 'ica-n fnn slarielnfl and r"i dmierste disease of Ihe hinus .y iu use. WVren oere Irieal. I'a anenrit oaer eiery other maatiitneof it- kind is too apnaretil U escaipo oi-wrtaiinn, arid where its trtuea in krinsm. th puWir Mi Iiinuer lieaiUle what antuMe In employ fur the dislresi:.K and dsn;errfus Blfectluns cf Ihe r.'i'n.ori.rT orusns thai lire im lUeut m our climate. While many inferinr rerncdiea thruat uis.n ine crnimiinitr have failed and beeo rtisaarilrd. tt-ia haa at sin-1 friends hs eeerj trial, conferred tscnenn on tlir al1irte,t ther ran never lnr)(et, ami pro duced rum too auineroua and too rsuia.-kaLfi to 1st fori;. sties. rRITAiKII IV D1S. J. C. AVI U CO. LOWELL, MASS. . For. ale I, K NVK lit H III.--ON & CO ) V. JiCAHIt re. i Charof,. HAVlLAMi, MLVKsN-'oN .V CO.. WASSUILliiUrJ HOTEL I (i liAMi nr I'luiflillluhH ) liln-.Ul M 111 I 't .M V I.I li , . ., J0ll.. I'. JJi.Lb, Ircpttfctor. illh 1' a!ersii;nrd r. .i-tcilully ai.nouncea lo ine pulilic, that t.e haa lake- chart;, ol Una old ant! popular ratabli.hriient, and is now prepared In secim. minis t tr;i r len s ud pri vate Isimiie. wilh tHtnrd by Ihe day or Hiorith, on Ihe arriiinotoiUt'li( If I Ilia. Hie 'I'A !l K will siw.ys be furnished with the best protistona thst and foreign markets can .find. The Vt Hthittuloii I a a I has large risiiiis, ta neurtr the depot, the court house, and the bu-loesa strreti than any other in the city. An (lanml'ifi will alwaya be t the depot and Urn;iii0, on the arrival ol the cars and etetimhoat, lo ennvt y p:isst rirr-a In the Ilt.trl tree of rharge. II y aii.pHi g at this Hotel, paaeeligcra will have ample ttinr to i.blmli meala. Having also a Israv and CuliillliMiitiUa Stable, snd ii ml ll. a by Hie r.lti JOHN. F. JONES. 51 tl Marth 1. Ir.iU. II IS, .. iiikh ni I iiitiiii. i-, II I. liirnish )eni n.. I'l..n. and Draw ma I ' 1 1 1 in liuii a, I'ntair hi aicenci a 1'nrtit iilur atlt at I w ill lie paid to oil. in t llt.iirnig .Mills.! urn Mill Ate. times ; il :ttl siory ft Ah is vtr t Inns H .il. Orleier i.6. I But liuiloing, front fuoin, 33tf i'SOi'SSiflOlfAI CA3IL. dk. ii. in. unit ' 11.1. be plea see to receivi I'rofi asn.i.a I'alla t in Hie iicparlmrnte of MIIHIM. and SI Kl.l.KY. I nicer prolt aaimiail y absent, na ntav be found sl lusreeiorncc, Curt Mill Hepol, Yu'rk Oiairict si. . av. ia. lH.if.. i if 'Wanted; 1,Wk IO HI S OF TAN HARK. f.-r all It IF which tbe easli will he pa.J. 7 M. B. TAYLOK. ,3I.18S8 I'Vlf fash Paid For Hides, JftY a M. HOW ILL, 3 doors South t'f tha Mtm.ioa ll.u.t t'aerfarfr. Apt l 6. If AH Stf SUBl'KNAS for a ale al thie OHioe. If S.B. RANSOM. . 1 1 iciiNY. WAIT FOR THE WACGOI. II Y is it J llecause he bo-es his STU VJM from i.iU. IT AIL OR Would respectfully nii..unrr t" thr iiil.vbiUrU rri.rn Itu ir Din Mhiki, tu o. 1, nissur in w, win North, one ol Ine oiosl txtcusive sssortmtnta of 5 Rl"1 vcr oftrrrd i II Norlh-Caroluia, among which w ill ,i;h haa trained audi a famous reputation in the Tina Stove lie warranta auprrior t uny s or a ine Tlii.SloVe in airmail tlllirrmr In unv eoiiauines leas fuel, and does more work m a pivcii tin.e.iri any innti .-in. i v n, uM. i,, , put up one twaiile any olher Stove of the as me ur iu the I nit l-tut. r. m n i: i. , ,. ,(f work in a (riven lime.hw will forfeit the once oi the Move, aim quitaeliinf ain . Ki, Iua ....n :,, the belter one. . ALSO, AM- KIM)S OF lie has, snd constantly keep on hand, sn eatrnsive and varied stock of TIN" AM) S1IKKT IKON, nf.f- KKTTMtHS, CIST HCO.y IttiffSTS .!!s, HAT HACKS, CHADLES, &e.,&c, Allof f Inch Will ! lcl. tls.las.jila- iiimI Kalilll lla ll a llillnli.i. . r b sllrri d ira thi Viariiul). I woutii return my thanks to my friends and customers for the vert liberal p.itr. i, ; i i. , , , . ,, heatoweu Uh,u us, and they may real aaaurrd, ths t 1 ahull endeavor, by ciesr alti i 1...1. . t,, ,., , logeilitr w ill. a tia It rn. inalieii to please, to try and merit a continouiicc of the ami.e. Liidifs iiiul iciilli iiit'ii arf parlirularlj iu.ilrd lo rail i i.d p.;ih il.e W N. II. I will tell you why I head uiy aiiarrtisi nn m ' W aiT so uir acmes.,- n ,f i,.,. we have three w aeeons eon. I. n lly trae!lii.i ihrouel. the country with fitmti. i fir billot th r trill be lailltlully tmt pntHjthj ttlUmhil to & A.a'.aX.JI.TAYI.Oli. Ckarlltt, June 16, IS57. 3,1 j THE ONLY ARTICLE UMtlVALIal I l MAIIKIX WITH IMMIMil j HOWE AND TEriAKD. j The resami why, is that by Nsturc'a awn proeesa It r. at.. res Ihe i.-iur.l .o!or peroi-ncnlij slier Il.e hair licci. mis ray j auppli-s tt.e natural fiuic", and lliua ma lii a it jro- on b. Id hejiia, lurii.sea u.l it. ml ru 3" ll hil ar .lid hi sl frnii, the sc.ilp, qui. ! rla aiiuli.oia up II.. nertes. .nu II. us curei ' liervnus tiesd..clii a, unit may be ri lled uix.n to . ail dissaai aol ti.e .cslp i p it Ir.. atai;ri ll tuft. Weaat. ktul. .a- 'j , .. r i.s .,. . ,;.,;,.;;;:::;;:;,, ,.1, m. ; pcT ; t "- rtJsdi r, ftJ Ue tuiluwmg and ju:c itr turtt tr ; Niw Vokk. Jn. fe. i M !-SKS O. . W Uiil) ft H Otitlti it ll-iViii; ) atti a yticed i:tw aUittt l'ru(ri.t.r wti'ti Heir hi l ruvi, i-nd my t injf cjmt: jff.iy, lr;:r,rrrri :.:;v;;zz::: iiatt mi"1 I uiintr of p.ilnl ittftitcinm. hO a ttiiic ayn I CKinuiriicttd onf J ur truck', tol..lUtori.,y.e,l. 1 or r- sun haa be- n so very satieut 'nrv tli.-il I am vary gl.d I em ....aim in juaiice t., yuu'-s well .. n.r lheii.c.,ur. g.ii.ei.oi iiU.rra wl.oin-y be as er-.y aa I Was, I 111 WHO I aving n.y p mil my re-suns I. r . Ilmg H san e, are unw ining It. give ynur keslurative a trial till lliey bsve tur iNar, ar tl tlie Iseat pr.sf tM-iiig occul-ir ue litiio.lrstiuii, I write jeu tin. lellrr. wl.uli ytiu Wi a ehuw tu any aui o. ana men inn ci im m lu n.e i..r 'urthi r piiH i, win m in .ml out t.l the NY. Vl re K.llilig K.l.ibla.hliial.1 carry cay My l.air i. in. w 1 1, ii rulor and much im pn.vid rn every w.ty, being giossier sod thicker soil uiuch lii.ire litsilny iookilig. 1 sin yeure ri.ei:ullv. IIKMIX JKNKINS. or. I tilnuibia and I arru.l sis.. Ilreokl) n. I.iviNbSToN. Ala, 1. b. 14, let. I'mf. Va ooti Dear tSir : Y uur Hair iieslor.. live hsa uone muih gintd in llns part ot ..e country. My hair has been alighily iiiiiiiuishir.g tor st v.i..; eaia. e.iu.ej I auppnr-e iruni a sligla burn when waa an il. I. .lit I have belli Using yuur Hsir lU.loralive lor ail wtika anil 1 tiliil tlmi 1 have a tinr brail of hair lluw grow ing. alter hsv. lug ueru all ottur rrmetlita known, lw no i ll'et t. I tiuna it I lie iiiiisI vsluahle remedy now eil.i.l. and auvise all wiiuarc arllicttd In. I Way lo use 4 remedy. Yuu run publiah Una if vu think pmpcr. Y'oura, sVcM S H. M I DUI.b'l OS. riiii.AnEi.rtiis, tsept. 9. Ipor. Prof Wooo IVor Sir : Your lluir Ue.t.HTjIive le prtivieg llsell tfelliticial tu me. Toe Ir 1.1 slid alao the liacS pari I my head almost lasmt ila co vtriuw w.a hi f.iet asi.D. I have used but two hull piul bailtliaol yttur Kraiurative. anu now the bip ol iray In ud ia well etudiied witia a promising ertip ol' y tiling hair, and the front taal.o rrceiv-ng lla Ifenetil. 1 hsrr tried other prepursiiona wittt out any bent til wliuiever. I ihink from my own pcra.iiii.1 reeomiiit-udatiun, I euu induce many oth ers to try it. Youre.rtspectlully, O H THOMAS, M l). Tlir ,.., ,. . ., ; M(;, 3 .; vit : large, minium and email : Ihe sni.ill hulu. 1 a pint, and iiUi.alur one dollar per bolt'ej tue nie-'ium bolda al leael Iweiiiy iter cent. msre in poriioii than the small, ri luila htr two . a buttle tha laiga Itu da a quart, forty par cent. mora in proHirtittn and retails for tj a bottle. I). J. Wool) 4. I t)., rropr cUira,44 Broadway, New York, aim 114 Market til.. Sl. Ituia, Mo, and aold by all good Druggiataand Kancy loods Lseal ers sod in I harlotle by Sl. AUK & tl), jA.Mi.s .m. i:d.m:y. VOMMlbSlOS MKHCUAST, II? IIIA.HIH US 6iltl.IT, Kt'YS and lorwarda every kind nf merchsn Mm diae for ii per real, t psnanimea. Ketera lo Love. Swim ami Morrhead, N. W. YVoudnu, J. W. Osborne, I-. I'. Mt ndcnhall, A. M .t.ornisn, l.srjs. and Kev.l'. F. Hceins, lion. W. A., and othera. Valer ta I'mnos, Mcloiieoiia, Orgnns, llsrpa, tauilars. Music, rtewing Maehiiica, Iron Sail a, I' u in pa, taiirden Kngmes, ate. A printed list ol all Ihe dirlcrciil makers, a inns and price el fin. I'll bl I s Iter nf an elegant litliogmph ol 'Ihrkary Aal fc'aa," Nf. (l,) end the - I mso. ass riivsuiara; oa. I rams a Ouina To" Iua invaluable family aefrtser should be in every aouae. ll treats nf all diaa-aaea. haa a copinua glo.aary snd preaeriha Ihe remedies troin natairea bounleoua stores, lor all our uifiriititiea and ntia. fortunca. It ia punted on line white paper, hand, eonicly bound fourth edition, 3UU pagee, and ia riaWrW rea far ant dollar. New llosewood I'lauoi, 1150. . 16, lttiS. Ij I ws" - -l -I'M .-m "m '-. .ells Ste, ct.e the M jniilaciurcrs. id I'A 1H T7 K iLK Oil tllillntJM be fuuiid the celebrated Southi ri, ( y for tl i I icl.l. m tV-v j y .'7- -'.-s; CANDY FACTollY. 1 i is '....(. . r tMi t unitnnnin 10, 1 1 Ar., c. ( - ' fBflEsubiicrihrr rt-.fjrcUully m( fu,n I I M ki ns l iioriottf anri nurr-iiiiM irj: r . tlmi h? Uu nn Iihuc uud; t- t . . ifm lSf.w York, Ccnfeclicneries, Fniis, I ; f .1 T I TOIJAt til. S.M 11', 'IO. . ' .V! llM.ll 1 1) s. lli It: I II I. (; 1. II It Is.-, IIIU1V Holt I . Vlarii ( hints, U tit s, U iilnW Jl.elf. i k-sl nils. A l.ii il ; .' oi evtry snrn ly. J. IL TALMKU. r 9. Iei8. svi ilitiinis lo uisniii irluri I AM ll Al. all sin.; .N.w Ye In e !r. Meii It. tintfl I ai.ty. I I'K . Il-t .t KOI I - A lautual Life Ias.irance Coihia-., l)H H t. . I fHlll-a tl ilisuri II. li JL als fur one ytir, .. term ol it. uii il.e Alutui.l 1 in. c. pit , ti e ussnrt tittpatiig in the pit ins il I lit ti pniiiHB griittu tot lit Wl.til w l.t ii iht prt in mm Im ri mi .urt liutt may begivtn lor ei.t.h-.ii U.i prt ii. i u m, bear nig in It rtet sl 0 1 1 eu..r..l,ty. 'Ihe prompt manner in which .. been puiu ( tins (.t il i ' rates ul pi e in' Jin, plist m in auth as are Uispustu lu tur ti r ti v a lor I va t II i III sre pi within I'U lacttrTy prtsol I i cm nlt o. HIHIri inhs l, Van . i I ... kt. J. I.. 1 l.l.slill. 1'. llattle, I nan Charle. T J. Huloiii, U. 1 II usu ii, Wu. I.I II II. Mtktt, h. I li. I..-. l uwit, It h'd II. H.ll.t. OHUFKS. Dr. I lnirles li. Juhnson, Presn.t nt H . VV . it. Vice I'reaiut nl. It. It. H.iltle,S.cret.iry. H llil.ili.l 11. Junta, Treasurer. II. W. ilui-teo. Ailurnev. Hr. Win. H. Mchti-. Medical lii." Iixecafire I osisinlfi. y. liusbtc, hi t . Onirics II. Hunt. Mrdutl Haa id af Cenmitalton t Johnson, M. 1)., Will, 11. MtK liicli'd I). Ilaywuoii, M. Ih, For further uiforiinitiun, Ihe publu red lo the ivuniplilela.iind forma ot pr may be oliliui Ibe Office ol th t ,.,y tl " or any of ita Agencies. t'ommunicaliviis ahculd be paid) lu. H. 11. BATTLK, SenrtaiV sSVfXeavavr 8, IP.S,. aHl1 , : j- 'f '' ?vJ'Jsv ' " ". .'I'V'v'.--"' - tk'jyC - V'1''","-' - - stii'sU. OB fKINT!! ,1 all kmda will be i .tactile at lh ' f i itvfiittm EXECUTIONS for tbe 8. Courrlfur sale a -ri - U e ,

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