Carolina tirue to 6cd. io uouSr Scuniri;, and to ijour Sqfij." THO BIAS J. HOLT ON, j Editor & Propriitob.. TOMS: Tlie North. Carolina Whig willbesfTorded tnsub. cnbers at TWO IM.U.AIt in advancs TWO UOIXAftl1 AND niTV C KNT8 if payment be delayed for three mouths; a nil THItf.K DOLLARS ' at the r nd of the yesr. Nopsper will bo discon tinued until all arrearages am paid, except al the ptin of the Kdtlor. Advcriiactiirnl inserted at On Dullar per square ( lli lines or less, titia sued type) for the firm inser tion, mid 2j cents lor eech continuance. Courted. verli.'menta and SherirT'e Sales charged SIS per ', rent higher ; and a deduction nf 33J per cenl.will , lie made from the regular prices, for advertise r by i (he year. Advertisements inserted monthly or quarterly, at $1 per square tor each tun. Semi, monthly 75 cents per square for each time. t Pevaone when eendinf in their drerliaomenU moat mark the number of inarrtinna desir-:d or Ihey will be inserted onlil forbid and charged ae. cording! y. tLTPoetiiiep tare area at humeri If art aa a gen It J. G. WILKIN" SOX &ro., DEALEBI IK IWATCHfcS, JEWELRY, CJJSillEI IRu riilbU ttbb. AMD fi.i. i.tiranue Range, oppoaitc the Mansion House, CHARLOTTE, N. 0. Attention t urn toKepsiring W aUlira It Jewelf. ' Jmm 7. !.!. I3lf .Mecklenburg Hotel. Xrzt to tit Pott Ojpre. 111 P. tubaeriber informs Ihr publie that listing purchstaxJ the building known as Mecklenburg Hotel, he has r-lurnislie) ll ami la flow pfeparsd to tccoinmiiualc Iralisteiit and rrgular ftMforrs. He has fo-.d rtlablrs and rftVirnt Oilier. Ilorsts will kc ki pt by the month r day, or fur. tiiahrd witb a single Mid, on niorii'rale irrms JOHN IMJKAN. A' J.l39. 3itf 1 1S IIP, igirfrnbcr lakes uhaiura ih annoawring 1 In hia frifima, and th. public geo. rally , thai Ii has taken this long established and Well known Hotel, and baa mad every fosaibis preparation la areunumxlile the bmineee, IruVilln.g sod iail,hg p , iti. .in of tht public, iu Ihs nsnl sattaf-etoiy 1'arliriilsr ttttnlina is la hit TABLE, and every nun tort ed.d 1 kit ItOOMS. H i STAni.KS are abuadanily supplied snd st-trnur-d ky rarrlul o-l'era I and l all ilee.r tnirnla Die pr .prtrtnr gitea hia asra.nal allrnlon. A cxoi'ei.biellM.MHt'sl runa rig i'arly tn tht drout on lUe arntil ol ths e.ra With Ihrae rtT'WU to plrsa. a liberal .hare of the public patronage is Confidently aulii iu-d. WM HOWZKK. AerraUrr 15, 18'9. 3blf THE UNION," AIM ft'lRKKr Alto!: HIIRO, PHILADELPHIA. I PTfN . KKWti.MER, Vtmprutmr. f IHK undrtf nd iiny purrlia Jl art. the iulrrt of hit former partnrr. Knn Kvana Hi ! , llolrt, woultl call ilu sittrnlitin tif lh public in ita conenienc (or ttinae viaitinf -dflphia, ftlher on hufcmeu or plvaaur. i ailuitton Hfitif bat t (Vw atrpt from tlir principal uitnoi i ol trade, offtra lAttuctrnf iita to thoae on buatnea; irhii to Uiom in acarch of plvaaur, lh ronaUntfj ptnf nW r,""'; ri wy car and thu in clua prititmity, afford a pteaaant nrfe fut ttic ritTi! rmniinal autn of half a iim tu all piacra of iitrt-at in or about th city. Tha Vttttlt gtvra aaauranc thai' Tht t'ai- " ahatl be hrpt with aucL character will niret puMic apt,rjtatiuR, and would rtmjm xtiuilj hctt North Carnlina pitromje. 'lVrma 9 1 50 pr imw. UPTON S NKWCOMEK, Ag$t Iti-iU. PnoriirToP. 4 iirr for Trllrr A fernl.l llrntl. f B1IIK tubMrfbtyr mannfarriiritia; and krrpt m. aonaianiiy n hand, Huap ftir Trtlrr, Kcald II. hi. or Ring worm, and food tu tnh Willi fur any otlicr aain diaruar. It Will iIpo like aiaina nut of any kind of f loltnng. If any prra.u dn airn in hra it to t-l -jrain, il er n b hd at a rr. tiutfed pna. 1 lie Soap haa been tried by rvpii a i blu pcrauna and ta atd lo Ik crrum cure. Tba K-..p rn l.c hd at Dr. K. N. Mulcluaun St. Co. 'a lrug Xtjr and from tt' aubacriber. CHAS. T. KBKRHARD. .He, 31, l9. Iltf J. S. PHILLIPS, .Tf tt.l.VT T.III.OIS, lit ATl.Iti located tn ' Charlotte, rrsprcllul- ! ly aolirite a shsrt of public patronage. A comptelt saaortment nf Clutha, Casaimeres snd : V eatings ulwsys on hand, which will be uisde la ur der st Ihs shorte.l notice, slier the Istest fashion Hhop three doors rlouth of Hit Mansion House. S'Jtf at brHrmtmr til, in.'J WIIKAT WANTED, il U" r' planting eoinnianity will take notice lint Jk Iheir Wheat Crop will ba purclisscd at lha ( harlolit Kteam Flour.nkT Mill, al market prices. Those having Wheal for sale may find .1 lo Iheir advantage to call at the Mill before elosing a sale. JUII.V WILKES & (JO. I is.',9. fjuif I .... , i Houses and Lots for Sale, i f E SulncriiM r orTere for sslt the oast and ' M. Iici aa which he resides, adjoining the I M'.Hiodi.i parsoiiagt. I'he .. it eoml'orlsble f and ia on the prrnna. t a kitchen, dairy, sits. We and a Well of eioelleut water. 7Tie situation It t good one for a family. ALSO Another oust and lot fronting opposite lha Istt residence ol tht Rev. J'. M. r arrow tod alto adjoining th i'araonage. i'oaanssion given tlie 1st of January nest. H. W. HKCKWITfl. A'enmiier I, H59. 34-tf .UUSIIIaMIIOTELJ i sjw ,itv m .m fm iiJia a I I Mano and Music Store. r 1 1 K Kuliscribtr keeps continually, on hand L. KIKRIHdS, HIRMAN h. LEIDINO KKintisov Ac i.kidix;, IMPOU I Kits Foreign snd rrmestic Dry Goods, VYIIOI.F.SAI.K AND IlKTAlI.. MasrL STSITT, OSS IXH S WHOM IIM, II A it i.i.vf y t,. , April 96, .8.l9. 7-1 1 ti Ti ' Tk"' v l Vi.U."" u b c,"n"ur',. 1 Bt venture, w.n( jniJ1?cd, there is nothing going on that yelping j tut to man alone is left the do- the sago advice of the men who l.-an.e'i ctr will mH. lite Iwoi. could entertain any one with a middling lightful and beautiful issue of smiles and . Government, and gave it its gran d impetus, per. Also, the luteal Mu.ic on hsnd. at Nu. 160 condemn Muy of these narll are mere aow,ce 0f niind. That act of silly, laughter in sleeping and dreaming. It may ;(.,) 0f advoc itini- doctrines, endaneer- Mainaireej I between the R.nk and the mattefH 6f mconvemencc. We meet, for raPaIlin:0M is the ouly appetite I be safely believed, in view of these facts'. ., , .... 0f the (V. A.,ll-I(y,f .stance with many persons who, at the ,,av0 ee, m,!t hat feeds most voraci- nd especially of the fact that laughter the stuh 1, y and perpct.itj of t he ... mmj una imia. ii whicb is of course, no moral nefect, Imt a - - and the Creator, in this, as in every similar I liai'lnllt Htlllial 'ir- 111 Mir. cae, has so arranged the muscles as to J 1 1 Hlt l;ill tnke the right uc of them the ino-t natur- I, II 18 COM PA NY ..,t.n0c. to uk. r.ak. ..!'.. hi.s fork improperly ala j.m.t io njr iifr.on iiuum, boodt, I'm. Mr..c.,.i.-lr.i,.. .oJ fcV o" M-ft-Ne Hotel,.. "nkt0 i.iiii inn A. 0. STKKLK, frrmirnt. C. OVKKMAN, r: i-mvlent. K. NYK HUTCH ISiiN, cy. f Trrax r. MRE tckh. A. C. STKKLK, J. L. HKOWN, M. IS. TAYLOK, 8. T. WhISTON, C. 0KKMAN. F. St'AKK, V. JOHNSTON. John L Hbown, F. Scarr snd S. T. WataKiN, Kirtuliv (,'utiimitter. ApiU Jii. m:i9. 7tf , my . ri, C'JVUjUVU iU. I flUIl 1 ri't'S ion nam:. WESTBI tCKS b RENDEKHALL, . , ' 1 ' AW'.,' "7 '"'Ti."4!! :'1lr,",";n y i,l lli nhniii ul the N.uthern Slates tu ll.eir ei .1.. k of n.t... and acei, mated r'ruii Tn'i a, lor H't J all and W inter Traiie. This large .nt hnndaomt aasorinwiit hat been propagatxl Horn thritly healing Urea, slid W.k td upon the beat ea-edlmg storks, which . a sure guaraltlic of Iruillulne.a and longevity, 2 pronil. nrnt ehara.-i ri.tirs in orcharding wl.-h should Wot be nverl.a.ked by person. to plant or chards lor marketing or Utility u.e. 'I he st'ick ronsials ol the following trees: onorrsT nisai i'i,., .mmi N'.ri.ntiM itKio Aiiii.,11,1 : i lunf) Mu'i rr ; UIKI (arao- un a. Heai.o-.s a very line a.aoiiinrnt of t urrsnts,"..t....bc,,,...r-...,,,,i winch will be aula un vrry reasonable terms lor tish or s(.provert paper. All pai kagea put up in superior and a complete nnoire snt u. each patr. n, and so sr. ranged llml me mv.iire win lie ine r.g ism r ,i in orchard altr In are, il tn are Irsn.uiai'lt-d as Mr. T. J ll .il..n mailing nf llie pr.-pl rb one appears on tiit h.t. ill irt se agent for l'' fur. r.t Mt I Iri.l u'g snri m gh! the a bore (lull 1 rres ud enunl will ukt (-Itasurc in furwainmg orflera lor tht Sanaa. Oft. 5 I'SS. S-,,f' Dr. II, M. Tritchard (,. i i ma-, i im.'j IHI.MM. tothe s.'heilation ST friends, ri sp. citully an cts liis ileirrniinslion lo resume the l'rns-l irr t el-ll-ii-. av Ix riili.iiil. "1 SI Inaiffire. I I'The p.x" prerril'ia! for without rl.srge. Amf..l 31. If.'.st 25lf in i: Mini: i " V I il 0 It A T 0 1 ! rsKrRi;n mv ia nsnnii, (ompoindrd rnllrrly from COIS, p nss .r Tilt nrur rra.isTiva nu i.ivmi a prlairat relaie ot Ik. rTtiy a.taiMMi tyas-.a r lha " ai P'tM-U t.ha M To ., Ota. ikMramMl. 1. saw , 1tmi rnaaS any Iraa bias auk torn- atk pla,l..l, la t m faiart, ba . a Wola a- a than . 1 .an..., all a. a)-.... a Iwt R.-IW I'MB nurir lost (he, S1...I. v .an.u..u arfri.,.. a ,a.l"-al ..... Minolta Mttarke Hetl.r. l.lvee l...l..lor. Hn.tfaan faaiac la aal mM a-.-aa. la. I.wd t'.Mn I Ihilr an. Saaa takra as at a. Mwaack Hlrh HealiUelie. ,H,a Sou-, lata., lo io, i holer aa f Itoleraj. i U.S .la,uitillee tam.cM .ileal t,.... il ... lima w.. aa'lne l-aa -I t.a-l ....-si a-ll ram ( lirol.le lllal- Ikuwel enai.lai frr g leasy, ky ssrtttng Ilia .".I .11 Kevers . IHI- All wtoo w.e 11 a re gltlng llielr nnwiilinaut leallmoi.v In lla fnrot. ft- Slit nlee In Ihe innuth sallh the Invl giirnlwr, wii.1 avantlos. Im.iI. I.MC.Hier. THE LIVER INVIOORATOR la a e. iKSTirir vi ol. at. l.isem krv. s..s m "ait. ra anlila la raltw. U af hi.Hl 1 l.ltee f'-ra Ihr SnrM Jai,M,ie. nt K.-.. I. . h .mn. urla, SU sf sklak ar. Ih. rraall al a Ilsenae4 l.lver rstrs oss rta soitis. SASFoan a ra . rfs1..s, Sat Kaa Tart. VA Holesails Aasnlti S.MM tFiNI krV-'k TW l tt S Sna. Ptillaaat- skis, H m Jeaa II r ria.uio llaoaaa H lalsna. Sf rU'SH a . KoaOMi . II II lla A li.eaosa. rl.-.lad ; t. a i si l.uui : a, nallhsnre A a. I 1" a.'.. .s..l!aJ. F. 8CAKR Si CO., Charlotte, i" C. A LARGE SUPPLY OF Constable Warrants JUST PU1NTED. Ms in baaiitiy Be lisctHancmiSs BV REQUEST. From Ike llnmr ( iirU. FOOLISH 11 ABITS JIY REV. L. PIBRCE, D. D. Foolish habits : what a text ! One hardly Von-a l,nw fo nroceed with a theme so mul. - i , ,. , . . . tilorm ; but as all looiisti nanus oeserve 10 thiug. And to the extent to whicb an easy, I graceful manner adds attractiveness to alady 1 or pent lenian. the want of such a manner , i n , ay be deemed a defect. I will not under- itske to describe this wrong way of holding a fork in contrad.stmct.on from the r'pb' and more graceful way, but simply remark that there is but one natural, eay method ; . Mrr.,,, nnthiritr: r,ut pf-a inir is iisH fnr peculiar 10 man mat tDe wise Creator im . - i -'"i 11 'tame that it is, in tuttr case , a cultivated (the grasping muscle- are not at ease, but I fij It wa8 l0 ln, IIlind very apparent ; Mr.ltlPfi ! be muscles naturally to , , J L b ability to gener- 1 rrssn th easv firmness: herce. n order, . ... , ... ' .. b. .. r r . . . to acquire a proper manner iu most of the little graces of life, it is only needful to ohservelhe way in which the generality of genteel pcrsous do, in order to be correct. It is a remarkable fact that one of tbee abnormal fork holders will eat at a table where be alone ho! this ankward way, and neve others pcnrtrn the same act, while every other person present will have observed , unnatural crip. It would really seem as if some jiersons have innate impulsion" towar ungainly ways ; ana ii so, now mipnrrant the guardianship that might prevent the foolish habit ! Other foo!ih habits msy be seen in the exercise of walking. Artificial movements of good native taste. Th-y are tolerated ljusi because they have little or no moral 'quality about them. Tiny, mnre the , ' i- t t , r , , ! quality of the brain than of the heart, They are all artiioial babits j some of them, indeed, very foolieb ones amounting to a libel on the graces of nature. .( h however, some awakened motions evhibi.rd by young and guileless girls on their fir-t appearance in a laMnooa .1 assembly, and in some cases through life, which they tax our svmrathv. increae our hi.'h of' corrupted purity of the hlulniig flower. 1 I have seen cases in which tho power of modesty and ingenuous shame were so eon- , produfe ...vnlut tirv and irre- , r .' - Pu!,r M'eu .T action". Hut there was grace even in those spasmodic st p and in tli B ush w 1, ieh I etr s ) i d the nt r vou- ir reg u larity oft guileless gin's heart II may be a sort of personal relief to a daring woman to wrar off this native velvet of her femin ine, innocence; but if my fair readers will ptrdon me, I will venture to say, that if ladies were off-red at auction for wives, those uf tbem alio had worn off at th' aires, circuses, horse races, d ancing saloons, and card tables, this doanv coverimr nf mo,l... ly would not run up by" a first rate bidder. i. . l . i . liut my business now is with wrigglers. I . i.i-i i i , do tnt particularly like the word wn'gg'e. but for my l.le I cannot find another word that will so well express what I am after, Hy it 1 shall mean any and every mode of ..Iking in a bich is used artificial or onna- 1 ....:... -. .1 .e. ci.., bend" ..a .11 .ho .A . ! : ioi obseiving wotnsu walked with an incli nation forward of five or ten degrees, there j by straining one set of mu-cles by perpetual 1 tcn.on, and relaxing another, to their dam I age. This silly habit tended constantly to (stoop tho shoulders, thereby destroying, piecetieii. one of the beauties of a niajestie, j well-d-velopcd woman, uprightness of per son. Aft.- this appeared among wrigglers an other yle of walking a curious bobbiug motion kept on band mainly for entering parlors, churches, or assemblies of any proud pi-tensions. It seldom appeared in tt.e iir-t tht cntereu a room, hut decani abundant when there were the f iire. There is a sho met with tl many places; but I think it j, i .ooaeu uprm now as an nf vcpl ancy It is founi in the utiinitiated, the mere pursuers afVr fashion. It may be a very harmless halit, but it is certainly a very foolish one, hilc it i mortifying in the ex treme to sen a piece of Divine worktnan- Stlip, as '.ft, ... .1,. f m llul.-l.v.l female, attemp.jng to heighten her grace by bobbing up ind down across a room like a fisherman's ork when minnows aro nib bling at bis ban. - e 'ay ui una generanou ; a generation l advance of all that has ' gone celore it : , ii foolish than its ' ailly and slavish predecessors! No in no wise. It lias only exchanged o!J t ffcte hah- j Its for new ones nolcss exceptionable. The present fashionable atytu of walking is a rotatory swinging tiotion ; and it is hard to say wueiuer me pre.ent stym ot dressing suits the motion, or tho motion the style. One thing, however, js palpable the two synchronic admirably; H0 that if it is an accident, it is a very t,,tural one, so much so as to stamp it with slron; presumptive evidence of tho artistio touch it evidently : has nothing to do wit. the benutiful simpii- city af natui-e. Its use i he srrn. It is fit for nothing but hi-aro. It will not do j tor Dusuioss, lor travel, or lor nurry; ana sne wno ones it ner, raist keep tier mina on it. It is not a natural mtisci.lar action. I Naturally, the muscles act iu a strsighfor- I ward, graceful, direct li1Pi nc must be 1 constrained and disciplined before they j will perform fantastio nations. What a 1 shame it is that girls aro Bjt tauglt to be- liove thai the charming ar0, 0f motion is prove that sympathy witb others baa notri fonnd alone, in the tasteful .... ,1 nature I i inu to do witb its appear-inoe ia tbe cradle. If ladies will not fall out orj9 of their greatest admirers, I will raf.r ,hem to tbe I third chapter of tsaiah, where they can see t the mind of God concerning some of the j follies fthichlnow affectionately rebuke, : and also their low origin. Hut my purpose was to Write an article on Giggling ; that is, a sort of habitual and : irregular laughing : it is, sometimes called ; sniggering. 1 he very terms aro oT degrad- ,,le sneeze or laugh must ana will come out. wiles into p3ruuise. ing import. This dissusting practice is The sensations or emotions which lead to . The Brotfnsville sometimes thn evidence- t.f a. tniai.i mlnl smiles and laurrhtcr are nrnbuhlv rieculiiir to ' , , , ., . .. ' me poor ining giggling o acep up ine so- prar,iricn 0f being deli.MtAfullv entertained. slv on nntrnnrr rut rt -a linn il.iu v..r mimi.a f:;ff, mi nA r,nm. ,0B a h0 ia intellectual food, and it dies of emptiness. It is due, however, to truth to I that 'j :, t)0t confil),d entirely to !i .i...n. r empiy skums, una is merciore, m many ! in,1IieM Ulcrpl, one of tl)C fooli.h Labits j a,l)ll(;(, ,0 jn the t(,xt j haTe in DliDd I aj t(js IU0Icm evcral ladies, well known to me, well descended, well educated -.:d to pervert u is a morul aeraication. L,au?.i well endowed with mind, who are yet the tpr provoked most readily by fine hits ino-t inttlershle givglurs I ever knew. , f w'1 ad humor, and is then natural, un They carry it even to sniggering, giggling offending, even pleasing. Hut whenever it at things sacred or profane, pretty or ugly, degenerates into giggling, and the producer in season or out of season. Indeed, it seems f 'l H 'be time keeping his giggling- ;fiIy ,;ling mjJht ne(,j r,J(7 cou,d 0) by ((ic daynd by the niht, and, the i ate tnii icvnv !! in auv auaniuv mat the '"j occa-ion past, neither they nor any one else nation. .o one can gigg.e at any thing but sovereign to onoiner. invou me o be coffc'. : co,,d tell what it was they giggled at. foolishness. The moment you hegiu to ' support in the Cotire" in favr of th niim one of lhe-e Inuptiin, id a ajob-ibl way, is a pleasant talk upon subjects of solid worth subjects tetiancc of th right" of soven i.-i.ty . ! 'lie V ,l,in!i bl,t P'ffrTliKR i wearisome. It is worthy the ue of mind every pig-ler is Holy See. To that appeal, hi. .-trdinia:. ds his fork in jlnj,0;jt.i f jeeedint'ly impolilc, for tie per- '"' off- Hut giggling ileif cmnot go M .jestiy replied by a lonL' and d. t o- d b t r notice how son (o be De g; ,inJ ,nj tittering on witl'ou' company aud talk ; therefore, ter, in which, while pro'eMing his dev t-I- 7 in company, when no one ele has seen or !' heard anything at which to laugh. Indeed, it seems that giggling cannot proceed '.'' good laughing begins. Giggling is fed by " fun awav down below the aeii'ible lauoh- inj point. It leeds on it-elf I would give a dime or two soni. times if I er.uld aseer. tain what a giggler sees to lauh at. 1ut how is this fooiisli habit to be ac counted for ? It is h-ird to trace it to iu origin. The propensity to laugh is evident ly constitutional in some, and being a pro pensity, it may very readily degenerate into giggling. 1 he wish togratily a propensity, evidently natural and apparently harmless, H is no small temptation ; aud as it is imposM lle ,,ial ''" of f-'rve importance and value can furnish thu natural ' r acters under il.scu--ion uas been reduced to a roit of laboratory for the generation of a evity gas for the entertainment of g.gglers sn.i'is drsfted into a senseless chit chat, which is mere gibberish. And h. re hang- a m. ra!. TLerc arc only a few things on which giggling can rely for enter tainment. I iil reler to only two of them. 'I'I.m fir.t ;.-.i ,f nn; h .b.o ir' and motions, which failing sometimes to find fools enough to keep up the supply, the de- mand for sen-elcss talk becomes immeu-e, and the desire to meet the demand has ab- litelvmadethcartoftalkiiHMion-ensehoth a fa-hion and a pa-in And by thus per- circu more rctive than a prayer mcet veriing the great faculty of speech,' religion, lnS as i divine reality, seen.", by the general ' s Fser....s,0,. u. u.ii. sir, anoneu .c uwinu.e, , consequence of the everlasting jruhalation of a neutraltiing vapor, and religious exam- , . . , . ' , , I'le to be nie.cly dramatic. In the absence Ul a lli'uu aimuiir viii'or, tun reniuus exam- " ; 1 l r ( "'" obr,e.y of p.jnoes'are meretrieiou tCrarrl?n'sa ,"" r ""Tctncous trappings. . bave now reached a poitrt from which : it is cav to see the reason whv sreec;. is li'l ""'ler such strict surveillance in !od , noiy uook ; ami we may see, aiso, auoiuer reason why the ton.ue is untaraahle. A silly, vain fellow, or pjrt, unblushing girl, wi.eno..ceenamoreaoiarepu.a..o.oriur- nishing amusement to a room-full of gig glers, could hardly meet with a more op pressive law than one proposing to tame tbe tongue, I'rive them to seek currency in words of wisdom, and you make a run that breaks their bank. In the same neighborhood will be found e reason why foolish talking and jestings the are so directly rebuked : they create a od ,uspicion. ,,! 0id stories of travelers of whjt., de-nair and horror were da pestilential influence utterly uncongenial to having suddenly disappeared, feigned great uelreotvped, burst through the surroun deep aud genuine devvion. Heligifin gives ind;,.i,ation. and at once denounced his ae- 5: .'..1 - t.:..i. ,,a,,,l 1., eyes to behold ! pU admiration, or is metamorphosed cser 1?llt Ut daughter, who had hung ; affj-rd a ' , I0 0tf who-e apr.c .r r of it yet to be h".1" Vnne butterfly, frisking and bob- herself few months before without any an-! t0o sur.-i v tToci-.imed her right to.x- bing about in a garden of poppies, roses, and tulip", showing itself a thing of littie instincts. , ' In this connection, and in further clabora- tion Of tt.e moral under Consideration, let ... 1 en.- us proceed with our scheme of reflection. As duiue authority settles all questions of I.. ... j 1 110 Dime. Solomon says iu his Proverbs, " The ton- family. It appears that for more than thir guc of the wise u-eth knowledge aright, but ty years the more common sort of travellers. the mouth ot tools poureth out loolishnes . What a picture of disgusting gibberish ! A " ' soc ..nts . u..ii:i used as a laucet lor pounug out lochshness ' roo'.ishncss is not used here, as tn some other laces, to denote a high grade of wickedness, but iu its most simple and com- mon acceptation of nonsense useless talk, It is, in my view, one of the most humiliat- : ing aspects of society, that social pleasure j . .. I . I. a. ,al, J.,.,.! U . alt)., if talk- that is absolutely so barrren of thought, that if Freak8 of a N,!Er,,-" -?ix siaee a man of mind fall into its current a while, ' a lady living at North Sandwich, New Hatnp by way of keeping himself from being shire, swallowed, accidentally, a needle thought an incubus upon the foamy hilarity 1 Xh fl nceJ1(, wa, a .hoe-needle, aud a little of the hour, he feels as if some desolating . , , . 1 . 1 1 wind had pa-sed over bis mind, leaving it dry and feverish and if ho has goue i u ( f. cidy, nusaiuing hiaisolf well, and is a , stranger to the lookers on he feels satisfied , ,iumo win not vo r.ieu a ..ierr, uuiw. 11 mesa premises no geuorsiiji nuc, mo. way is uow opcu to bring into notice some facts not heretofore drawn out of their hid ing plaoes. The faculty or constitutional quality in us which loads to smile and to laughter, is iunato. lleuce it is seen in healthy infants at a period so early as to It therefore has its foundation iu our sensi- 1 bilitios, which, whon acted on by the pro-1 per stimuli, smile and laughter aro as na- : tural as in sneezing and the ordinary ex- ! citant. Certain muscles are always called into erorcine under these natural laws. If n individual is able to suppress the mus cular contractions protoked, there is noth- ing scon but tho effort at control; if not, i 1' : Vr. . . Miaujr. fugn, in ureaiiiuijj, one inie be musculcs u used barkin" : Dl a n ted 1 1 I a us for some iiohler Durno-e toao me mere prouueuoo or a souun vm ' resemble "the crackling of thorus under P'-" This is what the laughter of a fool i. i. n,.,!.). ! . ...nJic. ;.. -J " - " "'"" But if to laugh be to fulfil one of nature s ! pn'ry laws, it is, of coarse, like all other ' of this kind, under law to God; and punip lu motion, it becomes an evil a nuis- There id a fact in its h.-tory of suf. ficient importance to justify its being drawn i i -n : " r..i:.i. babit destroys the capacity to love aud en- j' seni'nle social intercourse and convcr - "uv " iihukiwu. inn Kivneu 30 lo"g 89 "lls eutertaiiuuent is in vogue, eou.pauy and conversation must be chaff), giddy, puerile. High and uoble conver-a- tion, that would exalt society to sn intcl- b-'ctual status worthy of the nineteenth cen- tury, cannot oecome tlie staple o: social life, but will have to be kert as it is now, fir a sort of ririvstp sod ai.r-rial rvbtnirion ju-t as a mother would show a precious jewel to select friends iu the absence of her childrcn, because it was unfit fr their u-e. Can any one believe (Jod ever designed that such a gift as speech should be so let down as to be employed to make sport for gig- I will close ths novel essav bv savinu to parents, I)o not let your children learn any fooii-h babit of this kind. Teach them to know that genteel laughing is not an art, Dor - bbit. but a sort of spontaneous effi- , ...ui.c, ..i,..-. ruj . health and hanniness. when left to iLa na. tural use. Hut it is a Jerrradinc. contemntihle follv in anv one to he alwavs trvintr to lautrh. and unable to get on in a getferal as- uitnhl ieirhnt th .... nf t,i. a 1, i , r.1 a otor sort of currencv. Golden thoughts and sensible words drive them all out of the market. If you bring up children to find Ple""" in PP'lmg and g'gglcrs, you may fxPect fi,ld theln "''premely de- V"Xci with clowns- ani1 monkeys. The love of giggling will at all time make , ,TnsT .., r:1T( nf Ce(e, ,il(Uted upon ,h, blnks .e.i . T : - it - i . . . ' .. . n i . . j of the Loire, is a small inn entirely isolated t .1 l l-. .- j ' 1 from any other habitation, and a good quar - ,cr of mj,e from (he towQ ... or of the 'DI. and of tho field which extends before it, after hat.Dg made useless attempts to prevent the laying of a railway near the ! ,. i... 1. : 1- , ' ...,,. th. .... WllrU " f digging up the earth and making the cm- ! banliinents UDon his cround. The reasons ' for his persistent effort, although not at first understood, were however, soon brought to light. .No sooner was the spade put to the j an a;m04t i,,,i, short time, a large earth than the workmen discovered first one ! cr01Td 0f the relatives and friends of the un dead body, then a second, a third, and fi- fj-mna,,, ,,, who wore crushed in the ru nsily one at the fojt of every tree growing . ia were UpOIJ tie Sp0t, (),ie young woman in tbe field. This startling discovery that ( wjtll intlI1, j,, u,r arllli au'j a chad ap rp vested all at once so man v crimes, raised ' .1 .. 1 -1 1 Qr t, ,he pur,i;c Toice ana provoked an invest:- .,;. ,he innkeener. upon whom rested : cause ; tbe strange rapidity of bis for- tune ; tbe many efforts made to prevent the construction of the road through the fatal fipid . the condition of the bodies discovered ,,. .ridnllv buried snd bcsrinir nnon ' 3 ' e -i - tb(rn proofj 0f tlie crim8 COm tu i t ted ; all ,k circumstances combiuod to lead to the immediate arrest of the innkeeper aud Ins and especially pcdlcrs, were 10 tho habit ol 1 stopping at this inn, attracted to it by the ci.eapiiessi 1.1 me , inn .iiejr usu men, 1 it would seem, been assassinated 111 tbo night and bespoiled of their stock or money, It is truly an atrocious discovery, and one which ha excited the greatest honor and fear throughout tbe neighborhood. i J'runsatf,' on L' Eco d' It.i I 'ia . . ' '. alarmed at the timo ; but, not reeling any inoonvenience from it tbe circumstance iu time passed completely from her memory A fuw Jaj, gjuce, however, she felt a prick sensation in ber foot, and in course of time, the needlo was taken from the outer side of the foot, near tbe little toe joint the round soon bealing, without giving ber any trouble A cotton factory, capable of running twenty - five hundred spindles, just has been d pat 10 operation in Jefferson tity, La. Jh'tc I The Union of States. The advice nearest my heart and deepest j in my convictions it, that the I nion of the j State be cherished and perpetuated. Let j the open enemy to it be regarded as a Pan- dora with her box opened, u u 1 the disguised one as tin.- serpent creeping nn w-amj Jttm-s 31-1 li son. Aiiirric-in copies t'i It would he well foi ' lorecotng. .na a'.n the littlr miwh of t!i pre to read ote souated the American Heart tin- Amen ci.n .Nation wuen he utiereu u.e aoovo sentiment. Those same sentiment" csn he proclaim' d with lofiy pride hy every child in the I'nion, " Wherever the Ain-ruvm Ci waves over American poi! : the Democracy i " tne r pen enemy " of cur country by rrl vocatini; PirfJ above pitriMi.-m. I he Inx of Pandora is ar admiraUe cl.i-siS-a'i'u and representation of its man; evil?-. 'I if mitiftoit Ifcrahl, King Victor Emanuel and t'a" Pore. Tunis. M .rei, 1. re hrivri been two letter- from the I' I to linL- Victor Kmanucl ; the l:r-t. wriitei iwith ureat moderation, and speakin.' - on rnten iies to the lleao'pf th" t -itl.oiie ciieren, ,.e declared that he could not aec.-pi the p-r- sonal responsibility of what had t;.ken place in Italy, in eon, q n ree of the wauis and wishes of the t-opie. The Kin.-, win' ful- ly urnersianotng iw as regards the inter of tl: nf th" latter, ft ank- Iv deeiared that be al-n tn'J-t .) lo-r out an idea which had been tri'i-n.itted to m m a- a personal inheritance ; ta-t y. titer h-na- nu"l, in iccord wild the wi-in-s expreed by the letter of the K-np'-ror Nip' "it t'- the Pope, supplicated the Holy l t.i consent, for th" intere-t- of reiigwu an I ct the teinr.ira sovi-reicntv or tt.e II to the new i-titi 'ii of the 1 rovme.-s w hie!. had withdrawn t'nemsilvis from the I authority. The King concluded i.i- I by soii.'i'ing the Ap-sto'ic b The Pone. ii,.t,-ad of by . xplana t! on til.' 14:h ult . to t't.e King, not a- reign but a head of the church ; ' ifr-rO'V.Uril Itna u-i'h ;.'''!' (. vi ' which ts tinf ot a (.': -.he hi "s ' t!r.w-n--!.int o? ti-- 'nf ' S .t"-. : t " re f'Keri lo enter into a t. V (XI 'atiat-!l- with his Maiestv. reriu.-titig iii.n dry. -ad tho Encyclical letter be d. the c iar. d that he r-ur.-s of the bad already merited C nurch, snd threatened WH cS- muntcatson on the very day b- sb;r.,i consummate d the act of spi uti-u il.e letter of Pius IX concluded t.g that be would pray to Go to etiiight.-n t of Victor Emanuel, and w'thdar l.i the road into which he had hci-r. s: led. Up to the pr. si.nt there La- he. e niu.l ii I'lvm fatally I '.Otll- V'e ia. cmioV-d - Puns sn-i.y more or icss in the an itr tt'U!) hat I I IscIs AT the Late Cai.amitv a: Cin'-INNati It was mentioned a f-w d ays j since t b n t bv the f iIlin-T of tbe w.i.I uf an ; .j , fa j Cillt.5nni ,hir,erB ner-ors ulu L,Jull-u - 1 ! "e instantly killed. Among a number cf incuenis aiienuir mis rueiancuo.y nvm e l-et tb.. fallowing; , The !,,.! ,1M,nc,! cf the disaster st.rea.i wi(b ,ht, rros,rhial alacrltv of ill new-, and 8Pkjrt Jh,T ,lre tllir diiiVvel, d, sn 1 .. ' ..i.;.t ,r i;.,..,..,,r plore the scene ot misery. nh tliLi brst sight of the mass of ruins, her eye- drank in the full extent ol her lass ; she was a widow, and her little ones were f itherK'ss. I'he 1 1 -. 1 1 .1... .-. nr.rr.,.l Mrengiu wuieu 111.1 urn- .11 -i-.u" .... v .u,i hut fir some svmpati.ixtn bystander, sho would have fallen to the ground. 'Oh John, John," said she. an I tha-c who heard the desp iii ing accents nil! not rea.liiv for -et tho s.eiie, "and 1 parted r,,,,, .'., ,i7i, mornin.. with an unkind word up0D Hiy tongue F.S A IK OF THE H.'MF.STrSAn lln.L. The passage of the Homestead Bill in the II iii 0f Representative at, by an overwhelming majority by a v i e of ll.". to f!t is au on.inajs event in the hi-fry ol the country. That bi.i is ba-ed np'U the uniust, loose, radical, revolutionary princi ple of Agrariatiism, and i", tii Te! are, at war with the political and social rights ol the people, and a1. so, intain us in it- character. It i- the 01 tne great Democratic demagogue fruti Tennessee. who disgraces a seat iu th 1' aite l State- Senate. It was begotten i -"js Andy John-on, and adapted by the united Republicans and democrats of the North. Every KcpuMic.111 in the House voted for it, too, except Montgaiuery, of Pciti-ylva-diu ; and there was. also, one .j:ithri 11 Pcm ocrat who voted for it, Craig, of Mi-souri, whila mint of th. m .o .-' . including sevo ..I ..wnliees from Vireinia. Never wa- , there a wore odious and iniquitous biil pass by any deliberative body ou earth. U-Ktg. j t IV ITIOV - IAaAIIO. Having, on Thursday, by the publication 0f a p0r tioii of Gov. Graham's speech iu the Stae Senate in ! "54, very efl'ectually dis- po,(,j f ti, Democratic pretenco that the J(, uieasure ot eij uai taxation wouiu vio late a compromiie of the l.oni-tituliou,we, propo-e now to i.fT-r a few plain matter of tdi-t observati-n- on the nature of that pro posed nie;i-ure, ami it- ..i.viou- equity. I'he folinwing is the poriion of the Wing Plat form which relates to ti.i- subject: " Wiikkeas, ("irent iuequaiity xi'-ts In pre-ent mode of taxation, and it is jo-t nnd ri'ht that nil property should contribute its proportion towards the bur d.h tate : "1. I e4''.'t'-'. That we recommend a Co, ...... e-,11,,1 tica'le b' power native trial p. The ti .iti of tin.- people of the State be ii the :' il . ra! basis' a- early as prae fir the purr"-e of so modifying the in th every species of property taxed sco'ding toils value, with l-i di-T'ininat" enly in favor of tho r.r.i.'nu-t- of oi. r State aud t.'it indus-, r- ii-- of ti' r i itizet.B." e!'ief in. q-.a'ity, if not the only one 1 r.i :. land- and other sub- C"!np. j.-e'i f.) tttXatK.n are as-eea aeoranig to their villi", l-:i-t t.i grocs, now the largest vingle -rni-ie- i,t projerty in tlie State, and t!" on.- mo'- re.i'liiy cmvertible into oash, r.av fir I. .- tb-iti t'ltir due prepurtion, ao eiriii.r i i -I'll a ii". As a shown by G-.v Grahari', -,i.i- e,.,ee-fion was made to lai i,"U- r- in l:t"i. a a c m-ideration f .r th' the land-holders of an :i-in iu the State Sen- lite coucef-ion no lon inv has wre-ted from part of the benr6tl and there is thcref ire mug the unei-j'jal bur- g.r the i of li nogroe", between 1 2 at lea-t ?HMiO each, vn t.-n -ueh negroes, pats into the State ,-m. S- :-i neigh--T'h f t o'i-1 aud hat 1 . ' State tax n far tht- itrequaiity ! ve Hath are 1 qual i -lit-., and su-tamed ."Vippoao 0 in in t -. worth ;'l I trea-'iiv a- ' bor n,':, -I' I in.'s. nnd he I- th. any r cat. pe t!i it v." ..: i,-i- r .-elive species of tl,.. i.-ry same g 11 ernment i:ta:i,. i - v ttie ciniinin fund ami 1. g's'ative atid Judicial X'.. al; e'e COtlipo-lllg thd hat protects all alike, derire W.t'.-i'it this government, their "urpcrt to protect at, 1 U. tn-it'-r 1 a value i a -.-: rvr rv it: li v i 1 cu'r i 10-e rigiii- ot prnper - t. r -laves w-nji-1 bii of 1 1 ir na. -ic p! s? far as c 1 r.d maitit iia h:s rijhu eg arm Sn.-ii being t ba w p it it to tae cau-ci-ccs n, "! i-v.rv )'.rt. sr.etiier th .t ti,--e wh cj-uliy n a" ?:.!:!.' ti their re- 1 .. - : r if. siiou.-'i -. ia 'y t .- : ;i'.-c 't i:ng u their . .:' :n'. r t 1 rotected J ,1, a;, I--- property consists v .iite that iii- ueichbor ' -,.'-'. it, 'lands. -U l pay ., j., negro property J v. it W 1 s m.; t,e .ling r --, il. j-i-tiy taunt him . -i. ,ro a' the j oblic bur- i:g !;. in up?n cue who is 1:1 : -Mi-elt to hear them, i ..: r 1 p i v bis own and n; ti igiih ar': share ! : 1, i.a: tr-.-mar. will tame .1 riv h;- 011 ant hi- e t'. .r s tax-:-' It Oijht and it W"i u-t be suhuiit- speeti pay f. r t'.at l We e. tin H that hi- 1 wi h av -i : 'ietis, and t nn 111 ire a: ' and yet i morc ti a-i n the r th. ly su' iii 1 r t qually rich no to I e de te I to. Hit the c far -tronger t'.uo we have Th- oatier of these ten ne 11.1 1, 1-. "., au average, the r", ut. lcr 1'- and over 50 ,i are worth say 35,1 '00 5 s, gr , w gr )-, w-rfi f o tier I '-'ti tears o' ag-', by r-.Vrece seen that 1'1-t to ti, ceti-us it wi.i oe '1 i f of tne negroes Ut Otll iii the -;-.ite are Ul.ue (It. el."i,t..ii worth p iay hilst his ti. worth o! r. n e-tate, it is sat i ttiat l e u are exi ti-pto-i b.o iu-.-tive. T.;i- 1 vi ti ti.nij tio.-i. M.i'.v of tiio-e Vi ai over O'J J opertv, therefore be g'lionr, with SI .3,000 ,:, , . ?M We know i ier 1 i and over 50 th 'V are n.;n-produo- knows is a legal ae-,-er 5'l are among tbe uu-t i'i c y gr--. s in tlie ?:te, car-ma-'- rs irom il 'J, to S-Jd'J it 1- s. ii known and admit- year; i, that try one nose mi'ler l is liicrea-liig in value ai .oe imc "' f I'M a v:ar, aud lin ci'1 ver ' as really aud tru.y fl"-' made by the owner up in this i 1 1 r : - i.t-grj as is any 8100 produced l-y the i..i'ir of any one of his grown negroes. Njw we put it to any fair man to s".v. wiietn.-r any pr operty that a man own- pays huu belter than this SI 00 a of tii"e littie 0-. grors : Ai. i if it I- thus con-le.-scdly productive prapeity. why should it not coutni ute it. due pr .portion to the pay ru. nt of the pjiui! burdetis If ou the oth er h ui-i, 4tiv ?i the old or young should be, bv reason 01' any u.fii u.ity, a cuarge upon ttie own. r, they ,h u-o n-it only not be tax- e,l r-ut a ntoner iie i ietim tn.-reot .-nouiU ie Ii ai tne aggregate vaiuatiou OI re tared lid th it thc-e little children may ever actually producing any v ;rue ; bjt lhat cant .i.geney those h' Hitili die without thing. Very t'liti r-. iuto Hi ue, which w, cul.l lo anv estimate ol their m.iriet val id he much higher if there laratuy that iuey wjuld not tie's dwelling or j! ue, house d.e. So a. so one' or fa.u ry. 111 y e of tit- tax it'le re.ii titutu the chtct va.ue tutc I'nat is iuble to ie-t ruction bv fire, ar.d it is as great a pe- . . ' . , . 1 .. ...... t. cuiuai v n:is . rtune tt.u- u lose uuo j lire ,i5 the other by death. Uut ho is it with the !nd ' Are there not mi'iijtis of acres in Nirth Carolina, worth many millions of d ..iars, and regu larly taxed! which do not yi. 1 1 (he owner anv protit whatever! Way should h pay . kill. .... ,e.arf..r.fii-e land whilst the slave holder lay- no tat v.- unprMuetif- negroes -uppo-ing that they were unpro- ductive, whicb we d"oy ! A per-isteot . tfjrt is mi le by the retne-