; Bnhv Beating PRAYER. ! eeery thin, by prayer end supplica tion, it h fhank'gftina; let your requests be fnele enow ueto God. Fbil. if. (J. OWrve what the Apostle says. He does not say, make your complaints known to men. There is enough of this in tho world The world i full of com plainer and mur nturere, and it tnut needs be so as long as t are over-actions abotH the things of ti;o and sense. Vutil they learn to be careful for nothitrg in its true and proper seoe, they will be drsconteeted and un happy, always miking their complaints kuown to men, instead of making their requests knewn unto God. TbU is whst Peal exhorts to as a remedy for careful & and over solicitude. And you will no tice the extent os brs exbortstroo. It ex tends to every thing In every thinji, by prayer and supplication, let your requests be made known unto God. In erery thing every thing temporal and spiritual, plea, satit and psinful iu every thing make not complaints to meu, !tjt requests to God. o the $aviour spake a parable to the end that rata ought always pray. Paul exhorts in another place; Pray without ceasing; and. Be instant ia prayer, and I will ihstjCbri . t btd occa(iion ,CTerit ,ilnM ,0 ,ai mea pray eve'y where, now happy for teon E J0ong woro,n of fioe ,alcnti ,od of if we prsyed in every thing 1 Then we; b;gh eoiliTa.lion 0f m;na. I spoke to her should Late off sinning for we could not ; ,,rDf,.tj 0f h,r ,oai tn(j urged ucrtoseek be praying white we were sinning. Yet we salratiou, until finally she requested me sbouid pray in erery thing. We ahould I never to mention the subject again. A fur have a prayerful spirit and we c.n then ,be "id ,0 fr.ieDli -ho as spe.king pray at oar work, on our farms, in shops, and all about our daily business. ; And only think what a bsppy and conten-1 ted world tbta would be wbat a very bea- vea upon earth if all men every where prayed ia everj thing ! trttbtrtian. EFFECTUAL PRATIXG. ! Prayer is not a cry for help to the sun, r tbe stars in their course. It is a petition I addreseed Iliua who made tbe sun, and; aeoon, and stars. It is recourse to the ever-; . j ii k . n A t, r, , i present sad sll sufficient God. It ts frail i ' . . I t, Seetng to omnipotence. It .. misery at j thedoorof mere,. It U Jacob at tbe lad-. ,nQ ln" '" P , j- i j. I f'.lb:n lB September, and tbey stand the fij ini cima siridiis ft rf ail r onen ior n!;r, iark'1" " -en "rye-"d mi,re ,w ih'YT'drTtoxuT 3 middle ofjune (about the same time cf seed-1 squeesd, and then tied up in a cloth kept pened, and tbe legend over harvestios as our rve ) i 0B PurPei ,n hoiled in plenty of water, shall be given thee." And' J ' when done, wbich will bo according to the them both. The the eovenaat opened raver is iurt tbe eiplorio2 eve aod the be-1 lie -in hand se'ectioj from tbe "ocarch able ncbi-s of Cbrist" the sweetest mercies and the costliest g fts. Jscob compared Joseph hie soj to a fruitful tree reside of a lofty frnee ; but though he grew in a gar den inclosed,' bis growth was so luxurisot that bit br ancles rsn over the wail, and tbe wtodering ithmaelites. sad the hungry pas aeugers shot their arrows and Sung their . . st the laden bought, and caught boughs, and eaaght up t-seh elu'tert as fell ouuide tbe fenee. The arse A lift grate now io socb a gar den. There is new aa ineioeure around it, but tbe branches run over he wall. High over oar heads we may perceive tbe bend " ' i iT'' Ghost, assurance of God's love," 44 gentle- ' , , e , Bees, goiiuest, faith, miekoess, temperance " ..... and prayer is the arrow which brings these far ttf fruits, these lofty clusters, down to the destv cash, and the Car t .....ii..-. r.. tt.r. . h. mW.. y:,..,J w prayer it " use jouaiban iw, wlicd never came empty back.'7 , 1 THE TE3TIMOS OP AS OLD MAN. A genilemaa arose in the Falron St. y.,. j, .... , old, and all his life he had lived without re-' pf-otaaee. He had a praying wife aod be ., , ba1 prsyiag uaaghters, ami Uey prayed lor bias. There is no mittafce tout that They prayed believing that God wouid har then in bit own time. And he did. ' My heart was bard as a nether millstone.; It wit to no purpose tbst thy labored with. me; I resitted aiL One ughl, however, I went with them to Church, they had ' making me a specisl subject of prayer a!l day the minister took for bis l'X : ' H Ii;hj, J I ttand at the door and knock." It was a knock of terror at my heart. I' never had such a knock before I went from the louts is agony I never bad any : tore such peace as I faal before sod I pray God I never may. l'.t I have a peace now tbst pasteth all auderatsaU.og. I wa k continually in the liv'bt of God's eouul aat.ee. I eaonot describe thi peace ; it Llt my whole soul bigbt and day. I of- ; ten pray in my dreams, and I g-t so ioter- j L1..1 1 w.kt .. ai.d then I kern rii!,t ' on praying Lsif the night. Oh! what a treasure I have ! What a aalvation I bare ! What a Kaviour I have ! U bat a glorious brotherhood I Lave on tails ia iaeaven. What a glorious rung baa been pet into Dy lion aau 1 esprra to tiny, is loieter a Mg of prsiee to Jrsut. Ob ! bow much I cat lo Him, and under 11. m, tu lbo?e pray-! era which acre offered for me. j 1 WILL YE ALSO GO AWAIT! , Wha ean tell tbe untold anguish of the heart whieh fouod vent io these words, , Will ye alto ga away !" Metbibkl I see bim as he stood there; tbe Mao of Sorrows fiilintly and sUalth- ilr that larce congregation, which bad but lately listened to the sweet ee eenta of lote 1 and anerey, ae tbey fell from his lips, were j patieg from bis imploring gsse. At the form of the la-t one has disap-1 pesrrd ia the distance, he turns Lis sad, I o. rowful eye npan hi. own ehoseo twelve,; with the earnest ion " Will ye also go ' .way?" Perhaps ho saw himself in the jral eeonoroist, in commenting on the En-far-off future, deserted by every one that glish taste for a country life has tho follow had appeared ao faithful, alone in that ing : hour of need, which he knew must cams on' The national literature, as expressive of bim, ere hi mis-ion on earth was accotn manners and customs, contains throughout, plished. And hit besrt yearned for poor I mark of this distinctive trsit in tho Eu burnaa sympathy, which U so grateful in an hour of trial. Whose heart does not roelt when memory carries us back to scenes like this, in the history of man's redemption. These words, although uttered centuries ago, are souoJ in in our tin to day. When we are tempted to set our afT.'O tions upon things of time, let as take heed to the gtntle voice of our riseu Redeemer, " Will ye also go away !" Jf. S. Ttmrs. THE HARDEST THING. Some years ego f happened to meet a young friend, and to be aloue with him, be - tween tun and eleven o'clock at night. Af- ter conversing faithfully with him awhile. k U - i. t. .. -.. IVUII UVI HCOIJ, IU1 HO C,J Ol lUJ, WUU l.llgiUUU, UVS 1 It , t'tgU godless and profane, I prayed with him and to be herself, that all, her writers became then left him. He afterwards became a deeply impressed with the lovo of country Christian, and told a friend of mine, allud- life. It was then that Gray bdJ Thomson ing to that scene, " I just left, while be was appeared, the first iu his celebrated Jllrgies, praying for me then, that I could have kill- J among others his "Country Church ed hiio !" This hardness of hesrt and en- yard," the other in bis poem of the ftasons, niity is not confined to young men. In the striking in deligbful sounds the favorite discbarge of my duties as a minister of card of the UritUb lyre. Tbe Season' a- : of the i-o-nel. and with starllinir emnbai-is. I hnle the eosne'!" There are a cood niinv t ti.iog, in Ibis world, but I be-; iiere tbe hardest thin io it is the human , u imoeuucucjr. SUricuIturnl. " WolLD IT BE MORE PROFITABLE TO tints ars lums or osts roa raarie 7 j jf fc ht of o(j We b.sre here, io North Carolina, the Egyptian oats. We SOW . . ''" ; and heavier than the common spring oats, You may sow them on land that would not. make more tban ten or twelve bosbels of ' I rye per acre, and yea Will get from fifteen , to twenty buhela of oats. Tbe oat straw j I wi.i be better than tbatof the rye, acd Cail-! ly as loot?. It may be the best plan to tivc' 3 u . t ... : mj raaiaian ,a ,-o .a a t.u -in.oB mnro for infiirroarioh than far m nrmium. ' , . , jr. fint, of rye : second, of oau. .' ' .. . . , .. . . ia ijra v. iruiiui, rjc is uu jiiijc ri- j ed say more. It will not yield more than : ten or twelve busbeis to the sere, according! to tbe land. Tbe average is about twelve' bushels to the acre, and weighing fifty eix pouids per bushel, worth eighty cents, t'hich '"ut Brn dollars aod sixty cents per ..r. for r.;n Tt,. ....... . . , ' . . , . ' food when eut, if tt be cut very short, bat , ,. . ., , . , .. . , unless it is well Sailed to thrashing, the straw is rather bard, and rye strsw never has as much fodder on it as ra oat vtraw, which makes it less useful as a hav fur eattle. raised by most farmers io tbe southern and middle counties of North Csrolina. They were introduced into this (Stanly) county by Dr. Crone, some eight years since, and instead of failing, as most new seeds do, oey improve sno. gei cener. JLey yieta from fifen to forty bushels per acre, ae- ordit,s to tbe Und-a sure crop on any o r l ijiu(t jnf. ., bi?h enoogi, l0 aaTe mv on yim of laud, where the common spruig oats woaii have to be pastured, if ,ired ,)L Oo g00, thfJ grow fronj . fi ieTeo fee, ti.U) (aud i hlte ber( 0f UIIIt nine feet,) and have hesds from ten to eighteen inehes long. Theae oata average about twenty five bu-be Is to the acre, weighing forty five pounds, and worth sixty ave eeau, thus making sixteen dollars aod twenty-Sre cents per sere of grain. Tbe strsw is tbe best of food when mixed with meal. The alraw is soft and baa large blades, which makes it a good bay for cattle, and horses will cat it from tbe rack more heartily tban they will bay , One bushel per acre is seed enough lo tow,! and some farmers have raited three crops I from one scediuf, by nlowm? in tbe scat- tered beads, inttead of pasturing. Mr.FUb. ef MJi h- eorp for l1!, which was the r. .; : 1.. l.- the first. The time aod labor for raising 1 oats wiil not cost any more than that cf rye, j and i much plcasanter work io harvest. Tho farmer ai'l make tix'y seven per cent.j iu weight per acre by raining oats, and if; j9f sale, seventy three per cent, in mony. At tbe same tiute, oat straw is worth fifty per cent, more tUaB rye straw lor food as a bsy, and much belter for euUiug. j If you think this will he of any ad van-1 tage to Northern firmrs, you may piiliihj t' benefit, and if tbey have not got! Egyptian t winter oau, 1 sd rite them to get some and try tbem, thy am tHUcb tetter fjr feeding than rye, aud Uete tb 1"'J l'eUer 0,det fa'!o I"' ' j Soub:rn couutry. I J"HV I IIowxll. Leo, Ssuly Co., N. C. JVtjtrl (jnrtse furrtii.r. AG MOL'L'I U! K IN KNGLLSH Ll f KKA-1 ILKK. Lvertne, the diatiLuiahed French re lish character. England is the country of descriptive poetry; almost all their poets have lived in the country, and sung of'it Even when English poetry look ours for its model, Pope celebrated Windsor Forest, and wrote patorals, if his style was not rural, his subjects were. Before bim Spenser and Shakespeare wrote admirable rustic poetry the song of the lark and nightingalo still ! resounds, after the lapse of centuries iu Ju-I ! lict's impassioned farewell lo Romeo. Mil-! ton the sectarian Milton employed his; fiuest verse in a description of the 6rst gar. j den, and in the midst of revolution and . business, bis faney carried bim towards the ideal fields of Paradise Lost. lint it was nrinninallv after the revolution - ii e... k bound nub admirable descriptions, it is suf ficient to intatice the hay-making harvest and sheep sbeiring, tho latter being already in Thomson's time a great business in Eng land, and among the pleasures of the eoun-1 try, bis account of trout fishing. Tbe ang ler, at the present day, may find In this lit-1 tie descriptive picture, bis favorite art fully detailed. Tho feeling is everywhere lively tD(i spontaneous enthusiasm, real a nd deep, for the beauties of nature and tbe sweet of labor. To there Thomson joins that quiet, bigh religious feeling which almost always accompanies a solitary and laborious life, in tbe presence of the nevcr-endiDg wonders of tbe vegetable creation. It pervades tbe whole poem, especially in the concluding pan, win' re ne iiaeus toe awaneuing ot tlie human soul after death 10 nature after Fill' IT PUDDINGS. Fruit Puddings are best made in a basin, , , . . ,. , ... . to be buttered and nued aitbthe patc, and ""cu luo iruis, iiiicq coicr who in-lrouud ,ue thickness of half an iccb, and i ' IDC pM me paste snoulq DO roilea a- nature of tbe fruit you put in it, serve iter iher turned oit of the basin or not. The cover should be of tbe auie thickness as ,be id'', Sugr slou b tei before beinc covered b """" "V X A, YT" 1 V OllCC . II ATING i...t a 11 HVE Sll AK K: trlinciir. isturd to me, Pir Sol Sine m the t h.rlolte & ulh Ca ,,, K .ii R-ud. 1 beeeby tiee not tht 1 nil ui..at aoLiiiCittnn for a I)niitnii. I Vn. ' ficatr, n-c.a.nr tu . retoluiiun patted by u.e ic.,,,,.,:,.,., ' r ' "r.. u ii .1 U. iiJUcc. faWw env. .,. 3. 1?C0. 4.MIA ZT IT T ' Tnfil- UinAinfr t.tf,hlkhn,Pnt. " a..u... - i4. uiui. .11 j Two Dsert thou 3nm.li Bank, in rw Build- in io rrar of W. 6. Slanirj'i btoa 0 all, : beremfore offered y..u. COI 11B1 t s C First It ia the preparation of a rtgolar phyti. ' 1 etan, who it well quslined, from niBcb experienrt ' in infantile complaints, to pretcribt for thern. Be The abore KsUbliahmenl ia now in full ooera- ctindly ll la enurely free from paregoric or opi t.oii, hih?. and tlill i.cnnng a lull aup,.iy of 4U ,ny kinH lod c,.nMqocti', relievwa by re- I. .;. best BLANK PAl'Ell and BINDERS' MA. ,,,, lt,, .0fT,r,og of , our child, in.le.d ol dr.. ILKIALS. 1 am at all timet ready lo till all or. drning ila aepaibilit.ea. Thirdly It is put up with ocrt in my una, end at the same tune tolint a f real etre. tt t eoinpinwn of it with tny oth.r ar tnareol p.iroi,a!ie. .My persona, attention will be ,,ce (ut if,nlle compUinis will ahoar : the very g.een lo .11 ordert with wmeh I may be latored. rum wMch j, j, u,.,,ed being dng from Iht II. eina h .rt I'.t.jr !.r. lic,leiperienre in Hie man. fft, unoer i! dirtrtion nf Dr. Katon, many of , , . ,T , """'S new and old TltlN I t.0 VtOltKS, 1 nailer myself tint 1 ai, . .11 ca.et, gic entire taUaUclion. HI.ANK BtXJK, Bank Bookt.t hri at' iloiiki, for District Offices, Sheria.', Ordinary "t and Coiomirsioner la Earn- lya books, an It (.LED tnd BUl'ND lo any pat. win. m Hit eri bc.t manner, ol .ooeimr o. m'"s and li.oesed wnen rcqurrt. ...,. 'V 1 '.t,,1.WJ,"K1l4: , M .Mnsir ISiHikr, rcri'X. leal!. r mphlett, Mffii.in a B.k..,i ery descriptor., bound oi repaired, ty of atyl will be eircntcrt with dctpatch, and aa low aa can be a..ne tlswnere E. K. STORES. Junvaiy 17, 1 t-CO. t Jlf r. wiuismx r EEP ur.aUi.tiy i.n hand, wholesale and re. . Tm. tail, a full and complete aasortinent of IMaAI.N AM) JAIM.NMll) TIX-WAI.I-; h will i h will 1 sold IiW. OL'NTEK M ALES, Enameled 8a net tnd Steva P,na, C fur 4.lc bjr 8. T. WUISTOX. fJIOII.ET SETS, a superior a r We la, for sale S. t. WRISTON'S. if tA-sff, Decd.Saice aad Dretainr BOXES for ' y bl! by j 8. T. WIUSTOS. l'Jl L I 'I'JS tV VI '.tt I IT 11111 IS. t 'a Here Top OLAKH JARB ior prcrtrsing rruils, Vrgrelablet, Sit,, llie i brtt utkle now use, for sale by 8. T. WRI3TO.V. (.'ooki.m. ,srovi;s. 1" 'v- 1:0 I A Fl .1.1. AORTMEVTof COOKI.yt; .nd ) .X ether HTllVU. m.ll ka cut.. ll. . tnd told tt law si tncy can be afforded ia tin. m.i.ct.ny T. WRISTON. itit Cr-tt.Jw 14. W9. crrfv-a nna. Cnnntittff-iloiiet A I man no. gilliii I 1: jl 4 s! nil:: J J, si i in 11-12 11 it ,"v ia! te in tx I H IS H ' U IT'IK I lilt IT1 IS lijn,: ...... I., I t 1' r sIik'u ltlis!l!lsll tills 19 m il r m ji u r,B'jiisi... 'it sr ri"e "r s l,li II u'l.VH'U is uliS'iois'r.'i'T; ...I'iTsi's ' 'it's 7 hj I 10 r.U 13 ii.isiie i7i. is ii 71 R XI ',lMaiS7 S,a ki.JI ......... "i "I'i"t m 5 ii! ii in Willis' it i; ii hi is Mitslisjir i i si i s s' i OA S 91 10' 11 ! t3l I i JK,J7"ll 19 SI tl ,1 t 7 v. t io iru 19 It 15 1 II !-! sj.it.B xi si ,a; 11 St J7iS. 2 ---l-l-J ! !,.- l(!ll l?'IS II IS 6 i?ISil '3) 31 ti n tnu jtiniwiai .VSII...I...I...I...I... KODT. II. COW A, gi F.N Fir AL COMMISSION MF.IUHANT, VJT WlLMINOTOH, N. C. IT Office, South Corner Market and Wler Su. up alalia. Oelsser 11, 1859 Jltf 'I'lie Ohl Iorlh Male, Forrvfi'. LOOK HF.RE, FRIENDS, and ftlluw.ciiisrnt, will yu boy the noble STATE OK NOKTil l AKOL1N A r It so, tend to the sutneribrrt, or tutwenbe lo Ihe County Agent, for this New, Large ami M.tgiiilicent ll;ip. And yau will getthewhole Sule.withhrr Rivera, Kailroadt, Gold, ' t: pprr, lad. Iron and Coal Mmrt, and all the i lira. Tow nt tnd Villagtt. her noble Mountains tnd Springs, and her Fields and Flowers. If you want this GOLDEN PRIZB. tow U ' . . , .. . . .16 t lie lime. II J p soeen lettbynve. Border of the Suit Houte, Insane Asylum, Chapel Hill, Male and Female Collegea, Slc, otc, one of the ciuapett and bttt Maps er pabliahed. FKABCEA BKST.UilUboro'.N. 0. AGEN TS WANTED for every eoanly in tkt Slate. Teraii ioeral. Apply a abort. JmltVi 18 CHARLOTTE 1I0TKL, Is XtVISlK e t HAHI.01TI M. C. f fJVlIF; Proprietor of this Hotel it JL a till at his pott ready to ful. II thedutieeofuunehotl" lolht trttellinv nnblie and others whet m,y call on hita.and he Batlera bimtcll lhaiae ! eomfbruble qnartera can bt foand with him at isr lure in this vicinity. Being tituated near ly in tin etnv of Charlotte, Butinett Men will fiiio thit llntfl a mmt eonvenient and deairabte ilomtma. lit iu brrn engaged ia the boamrta ! ''' nearly e.ghieea y..r., tad in that time he baa made aeveral additiona to bit fornwr 00t ,.d h frwj. ,llUrr,d ,d ,m- proved, prtaenting in Ironl a iwotlors ckava iuu leet in lengm y n leei in wium, nanotooieiy s"" l" ln '"1!-l,''','d,f P1" t . n r ,1.. a out,tndin every part of it creature eomfcrta are abundant and tanriole.etpeeially ia the DINING HOOM. where the "inner man" ia "renewed" dav bv dav. rnom iur 1 ik) horara. tbundtnlle furnished with grain and pruttnder, attended by faithful anna- bilging bottler.. " I 1 he Proprietor freleeonident thttwith hit!ong 1 eiperience and menr new advaaugrt added In hia ; "" .' 'fni "' '''"" tnd the rest of manklad,,, tt mtny eomforlt and . at modi good eherr ts will be found tnywhere. pe"l"f" " '"" , " raie Ttr miinirinur nmn B. KERR Oclrbrr 1. 158. 32tf In seienting yn with DR. EATON'S IN FAN 7 ILK CUIt DIAL, wt dni.-e to sUle itt tnnerior ity oeer every nostrum that norte or quick bit tnem by hit own handa. Fourthly It it perfeet. f htnolettand cannot injure Iht moil del.etlein. , (ntl ,nd ia a certain core and rrlitfin ail the ful. lowing cseet, whieh ia its chief inent over every other preparation, i : i Fort ALL COMPLAINTS ATTENDING TEETIIIN; such it DVeENTEKY, COLIC, &.c; iImj. fur toflenuig tho gumt tnd rtlitving pain, t'af regulating iht boereit it it unequalled. Fur Cold in the Head it it i sure relief. Furl KOlP, t'e moat fatal tnc tryirg of diaeatet, if can bt re lied on with periect confidence; tnr being t pow. rlul inn tptsniodie in all easet ef lonsuiaions or fiu earnestly recommend you to lote no lime ia proranng it. I.aatle It eottt so winch snort than other preparationa of tne kind, that at can. not afford turn long ad'ertiaeni. nla ta can thoat bine whoieripeiiH it liieir adrerliaingi fur the tame reaton, it commeoda il.tlf aa tht mutt rrlia. bit In all aiotncra. la a'l eaars, tne direction! rapped amend each buttle, must bt ttiletly ful. 'uwed Price. V5 eenta per boilie. Sold by CHURCH k DUPO.VT, IWjists, o. 36, Maiden Lane, New Y ork, and ky E. Nye llutcluaon Sl Co. end f. Kcarr, Charlblte, N. C. Dr.Bronaos, hating beta to far reduced ky uon. aumpliun, at to bt routidered beyond all hniie of reeotery by Ihe rt eminent ol the medical pro. fentdoe, and slto by liimsell a regular physician -, "V ' " a vV , Tu "nd P'l1"" ssbelof physiology to the more immediate eoouetiion, tnd tCcct ul ll,e Hale tut blood upon tht iMitllh aad aystcm. Tin regit hat kirn ihe produclma ol Una BLOOD FOOD," Irom the est of winch. Dr. Bronson reatorcd lo perfect health. Wilhin six monlht after ita in. trodnciion, uter two Ihnntand consuiuptivet were effectually cured by it. If you hate any romplmnta of a otrtiuiiiitift If nuiey,f't4r. C ltd. Ihad tcsc, fulpiolttn mf lit Hurt, Lt t Apprttlr, tr peia twite Aids, hie no time in procuring a not Us 01 lur BLOOD FOOD." If tee sr. turTcnnr from ,-irreout unnMv.nr loaf sicca is troirw nd die rW, if your Spirit art Vrprrtti in tour Or. f Htlmtri, you will and in thu in aiif.iln,e rcmeuy, oy eoiiiinrliemg WiIH few rt't. If your 1 A it loipit or uiaeated ia any manner whalit. tr, tnc tr a- Unit, will bt tare lo mtigorsl. , and bring 11 mm iiteiy and l.etltiiful action In tut , moat intetcialocatra of Vtjtprptim. Iie pitir.i,tcan her.- rii.o ins moatrhVient xnd gialrlwl relief A ! bcnWil ia alwayt tip rirncrd alter tiking tnysw j VfI. In MU frmalr Complaint ami Heat. : wctsct. the aaflntr, tiirr trying uthci rcmeiliea in , tun. may ..l at.urcd, thai a crr'am euro will I re. nit ir..oi the u.e -if tice tr tAret InMtrt. Thm UUH1 Fix H nvci.,,1 in .11 f I rnoioaa. Ki.ri.m SrttjuUt and other like com. ! plaiott. I'ttr and rmarvutrd t'lJdren and oduilt tra immediately bene hi tea i,jr in tae. It ti.., ttrrugth lo tiie lnwy, and color and beaaty lo Hit sa.n. rhttvutntaf all acheaia art a. ing it with woliflerful fuecr.e. Fi .'"nil direction!, tee circaltrt. Triit 1 1 pr bolllt- Sold lyCHL'Uni i DU PONT, DruPgits No. 3S. M-idra ,si.t. New York, tnd tiid bv E. Nyt Jltiiclii.os A I t and F.Hcarr I Utl.rluUa, h. C. A-a. 1J ly i WASHINGTON HOTEL, (CHANGE Of PROPwIlTORS.) BROAD rt'KKI-.T MiHUKKN, . ti, . JOHN F. JONES, Proprietor. rfptiti Unitcrtigstd respectfully announces to JL llio travelling iublir, thai be hs lasts charge of this old and popular etlabliiliment, tnd it now prtparvd to cooHnnodate travelartand pri. aU families With lxurd by the day or month, on the iix.pt ., iiui.ooutinf i rill. His TASI-U will alwaya be furnifhrd with Ilia bral prnriaiort llialhoiiie and foreign niurkrtt es -fford. The U'lishiliillnil IlnK'l has largr rooms, ia lir-rer Hit depot, trrn court house, and the business ttrwrta than any other in the city. An Omsiins will always be at tiie depot and landing, on tile arrival of Iht eara and tteamboul, lo convey pnatrneere to me lloiei iro or rutrft. Ky slopping at this Hotel, paaicngera win nan ample tune to obtaia meals. Navini also a hirre and eomraodinua Stable, and an cscvllmt O.iltr, lit ia fully prtpari-d to board borate by tlw day, wewk or month at the moat reatonablt rates. JOHN. F. JONES March I, 1859. 6ltf P. SAUKS, trt-liitecl niitl Iluiltler, I I.I. fantith Deaigna. Dana and Drawin II i'nr Public Builomgt, 1'rirstt Krssdtuers ana Villue. Purtirultr tll.ntion will be pare ss buihiing Flouring Millt.t'orn Millt, As. Ovrics e 3d Klory ol Alrsanoer's Builuing, Croat room, otr t hin Hall. OriBOtrSO, I8.i8 33lf raorssnosAi cjlbd. 1K. U. .TI. 1 SHI II m rll.L be pieatra to receive ProlrasionsiOallt , 7 7 Ilit.RV. In cii urnfritliilial T abarlil.ns may be found at hiareaineucc, fori Mill Iepot, York Dieuirt S. . rrk.Vi. IP54. 1 f Wanted I 1,000 COH 1)8 OF TAN BARK. lr which tut ettb wil! bt pa.J M. B. TAYLOR. ISlf X..3I.1K50 Cash Paid for Hides, WY & M. HOWELL, 3 doort South ..f the MM Mansion est. t kmrttttt. Afrtl t. I5f tf Scrolila, or King's Evil, is a con-titutionnl disease, a corruption of the bloixl, by which this fluid become vitiated, weak, and poor. It. uig in the cixculatum, it pervade tlie xhole biwly, anl may hurst out in Uiseaur on any part of it. No oreaa U free from its at'urk. nor U tla-re one whuh it may not uV'atrny. 'Ilie n tufuloua taint u ranoitciy cauM-J by nirreunal disease, low living, dis orib riil or unhealthy fiKxl, impure air, tilth and Klthy habits, the depressing rices, ami, above all, by tlie Tcncrcal mn.tion. Whit, evi r be its orif:n. it is hereditary ia (he con stitution, dearvndtng from parents to thuMicn unto the third and fourth generation ; " undr-it, it miM to be the rod in Hua ho sayt, "I will visit tiie iniquities of the btthira upon thetr children. Its crfpi ta commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulei-roua matter, which. In the lungs, liver, and int'Tnal orinv ia termed tuDrrrlt-s; in tlie gbanils swelling; and on the surface, eruptions or aorca. Tlus fmil cor ruption, wha-h enck-ra in the bltx!, di-prrwacs the eucririct of life, so that tcrofulout ronsutu tions not only suifpr from trrofulotis com. pluinU. hut th t have bir less power to with sr.ind tlie all ks of other discasra; eonte qmutly v-t numbers pcrih hy dimda-Ti sb htch, aUhnsnrh not act ofulous in their nature, are tuU rend-red fatal by this taint ia the systim. Most of tin) consumption srluih de ctnui'ca the buiun family luta its oriui directly in this acrofuious contamination : and many dc-siruiTivc dicast of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the orirana, arise from or are azzravatrd hy the tame cause. i )ne quarter of all our people art scrofulous J their p-raona are invaded by this lurking in-f.t-non, and their bralth is undermined by it. To cleanse it bom the sysUFra we must renovate the blood hy an altera live wtedicuie, and in ngnrate it by healthy fond anil cxrrcwe. Such a medaine we supply in AVER'S Compound Extract of Sarsnparilla, the most effectual remedy whiih the medical skill of our times can devite r this every, where prevailing and fatal malady. It ia com bined from the most active remeiiialt that have hern discovered for the ei purgation of thu foul disorder from tht blood, and tht rescue of the tvstem from its destroruve consequences, limce it should be employed lor the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other affec tions which tr ae from it, such as Kai pvivs and Haia liitntia, St. Axthovt's Fibs, Kosi, or F.KTsirsLxa, Pimpiis, pitrcLrs, IIloti hss. Ri.AiMimd Boit.a,TtMat,TTTta and Halt Rhus, Scald llrao, Kiaowoau, Kmsiuatisv, HvrMiLivic and Mr.aci'KUL Iis lasts, Ilnopar, Drarsrsia, DrwitiTT, and, iiulud, ai l CoarLaiNTS aruiso re'H Vitu vao oa Iwrtaa Buion. The pojjular belief in impurity of tht lloud " la frundd in troth, lor acrufula it a dcuetieration of the blood. Tht particular purpose and virtue of tint Haraapa rilla is to pin-ify and rrgr ncrate Ihu vital fluid, without which tound health is impossible ia contaminated conttitutiona. Ayeis Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, art so composed that diteast within tht rantt of their action can rarely withstand or tvndt tnera. Vlieir penetrating properties search, and dean at, and inriirorala every portion of tht bumta organ ism, cnrreriiiis: iu diaeaMd action, and restoring. Ut haaliky nuiitiea. As a eonaeiuenre of tbeta properfies, the inritid who ia bowed doww with pain or physical debility it attoniahed to Ind hit betlth or eneriry mtwttd by a remedy at euce aa aimple and inviting. ot only do they cure the every-day compUints of eiery U.ily, but alao many Kirmidahlt and daogaruat distsat. l a, aa;aa,l helow naiaW ia pleaaed to fiinuah trails my Amenoaa Alrouat, eotitaininir eertiHcautof tbeir eurtt and diraetmaa lot their uh in tht allowing tnmplainu: CW111 west, lltmilntrn, UteZtt'itaruirjiframdiarrtUrri frtvmnrh, .N ausea, In ivjrrtiim, 'an in and Morbid lnacttun of tht Bom It, tlatulmry. Lotto Appt tiir, Jnimdiot, aud otber kili'fred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obaUuctuia of iu functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, roa van aario etas or Coughs, Colds, IaAueiMta, Iloarseaess, Croup, Tlrouraitia, Inripieal Ceasampa tioa, and for tbe relief of Consumptive Patients In advanced stages of the disease. ki wide it the field of itt uaefulaeaa and to nu merous art the cases cf its cures, that almost very section of country abounds ia persona pub liclv kuown, who havt been restored front alarming ana few deaperatc disease of the lungs by it as. When once tried, ita topi riority osv every other medicine of ilt kind si too apparent to escape narration, and where Ita virtues sre known, tht public no lonver hesitate what antidott U tmolor ,r tne oiatreaaing ana dtngerout saeettowt or tht polmonary onrane tiiat art Incident to our climate. While many inferior remcriu-t thnitt noon tli eernimnriity hat gsined I ' have failed and beta diaearded. tr, is) I friends hy every trial, conferred brwettls oa tiit mieiea tney ran avr mraet, tna pro duced core too numerous sod tuo raroirkibie I tr forgotten. PRKPAiro r IK. J. V. A Vi:il Ac CO. LOWELL, MAS S. For sale by E. XYK IIL'TCHISON & CO. ) , V. SCAUR if... IIAVILAND, 8TKVE.VSON A CO., Charleston, S. C. WITNKSS TICKETS, for the County aad Saperior Court, for aale here. 3 ' ' ' ' ' " ' ""Li '..jL""?'... '1 r.B.RANSOMtttsV' t-J(V bastJ 1 I 7 atCtaMT. s .' ' I . t WAIT F Oil TIIE W A (J (10 L Vf MIYisttaV Asm,ler''i.W stile It-tea ehttr..tf II Btetott ht boyee hia.V7WI A.i loni the Mannlariurira. lAJilLTiVVLOR WouM rrtpvctrolly eannunee to the tnl'sbiiaMt cl I 11 A d I (ii 1 F. and n n.ily.lhal be kaartnot,! from their Old Plana, to fo. I, Graoilt Row, btre be hat B n cjliikilum, juat rcceittd Uua North, one ef Ihe tnoat salenaive atsortiiienlt of met to the tnhehitiMt el I tl A Ii I (ll 1 F. and n io, I, Granila Ilow, w here bt hat B w a tjlubili entive ttaortmenlt of SS'(D WE S3 ver oftrcd la Ntrth-Ctrolma, among which wil' v mm.rn.mfx , '-mm,i tb.'sjc!" which hit gained auch a famous reputstinn in Thit8love ht warrants superior to any took ing kir saw in a.c.ll I. .111 le in 11, an ti.gen tttt cowaomet lias futl, snd doct mure work in a given tin t, than tny ether Pu.vr now in Bat. lit oil put Bp m bands any other Utovt of Iht saait list tn the IMtrr Plate t, tad ll it deea not do a... work ia a given lime, be will forfeit the ptiee ; the bettsr ens. LSO, ALL PAHLOE & BOX STOVES. II baa, and eowtlawtly keep on hand, ta eitcnsnt and taiie.S ttnek f TL AND SIIKKT II.OX JAsPAST AWID IDiiUirAWilsIA fAaUai tut.iss Kr.TTii:s, 1'tisT it:t.y it i; its ri., HAT HACKS, GRADES, &c..&c, All ml whlrh will b amid, Vhs.lalo it lid lltlnil ikiaprr Ihsn hsi rrer twm ssllcrrd 1st Its la vlrlitlly. t would rttara my thinks tn aay friewdt twd eutiooitrt hl tht very libetal palrritrr Ihev have bestowed apoa ut, tnd tbey may real aaiured, thai I shall tadetsor.by tfotv atlenlioa tt bannrst tu; etlier with 1 dt Urmmalion la plea tt. to try ane mtnl a continuance f llietama. I EJS IKCTTO 2S 44 QUICI SALES i WML I mm." Ladies anil (Jenlfmrn are pirtirolarly invited lo rail and fin mine his tort i AlIZISDI 01 JOB W03K lltt$in 10 V-I1E3jJI?11E. I N. II. I will tell yea why I htad ssy sdserlisen.ent " Vt air ros vm Waounn," 11 j Uiuit wt bttt thrvt wtf (one ctnslanlly Irtttllm, Ibroegl. tht canity will, flow. fST till order trill be faithfully nnti prtittiy.lly vllrtiAeil A.A.X.M.LYI.0l!. CkarUlt.Jmma IS. 1927. 1TIS.OTTOO irrn tosav SINCg ALL, 'OLD A iS I) YOUNG, "It t intt rrutesaor Wood'a dan Ites I torttif I Will preterte rttiay lot f"r sad nitr af ItK hair, if HH Iwooe three timet a week, to tny 1 mMgiBebtt s(. Ptrftcliy, rrtl.irt tbegrsy, cover tut bald wiui aaturt'i own ornann.!, Hit hair ; , mail it osort toll tnd beaeuiul llai say til, ana j urraritt ini aCatSi fir IVuan til dittat to Ihe (leal, til . statcwitn. Ja if et, Attorarys. Iluetort, t'trigyww, Pruftatioaal asaa and tawattewien ana liUitt i f ill tlatMt, all over the world, bear III. i tiwaony that ".a da lm y to siul h In ita favor. . ktae th SalluWinf, tnd Jo(t. 1 MiraotV t.soet, ML i'harleatV, Mo ,15. 1857. I Paor U. J. Vt oue fsear Sir . Ktw Inn taat t ii miner wt were inflated to wsa tawi of your Hair Uealofalitl, and ita iftVctl Weri a wander, fai, w feci ii our daty to yow ani tht ifflicttd, to report it. . Our lillit ton't htsd foastam tima had baa a per lecr'y covered wiib aorta, and tome eslled it staid he.-l. Tbe hair a I moat tnlirely ciutt B I own. quenct, wbta a friend, tetins; bit tuffcrinf , ad na.d wt to at y-ar Btatoiati.e, w did ai with htilc bopwwf sueeeta, but loowr swrprise.aadlhst , l.lloVtr,,au..v.yl.w.ppi...l....r.a..'.dj ihe dieeaat entirely. sad ntw tnd laianinl erp of bair suow ttarled lot. and we cat m,w isy Ih ear boy hat it hcillhy a icalp. sad tt laswrital a crop af hair ae tny olb'V thud. Wt can, there, fore, and d awreby. recommead ,if Uraloraiit. a a per (act remedy fnt all swtfW of Imr.e.lp aad hair. Wi ar yar reaBrcirnli y, t.:o. W. IIII.I.I.NMirilAM. StAKAII A. Illt-I.IMIUI HAM. Tsor V ooa Dear site i Mr hair hs, ! u. rl yaarv, Ueew weeomint; prrmsiwrvly grsy . eoiMianied by a henhnaia which rsautrtd lh eonalant application of oil neceaasry in ditssing IL tt Inn I me need asing your kl.it Uiilan tin tbual IwA bbowiUi tfn it w.t in Ih.l eondi tton ; and hstmg cortinaed its use till within the Isat thru werkt, H ha turned to it nalnr.l col or, tnd tttumed a ao'loeai and lu.ire greatly lo be preferred to those produced by th application of oilaoraay other preparatntn I havatter used. I rrg.rd it at an io.tipeiiaabl article hr every Udy't toilet, whelhar to bt a acd tt t llsir Kcsio rail? or lot llie timphi prpa of dntimg ut hesutilying the bsir. Yow bit prrmis.ioa b m all who euurlain tny doubt of IU pt r f:rfmii, g all that is clsiaied lor it. MB(t C. ITMilNW. Cincinnali, U . F'tb. IU. I M.7 111 third at. WaLI.IMims. Mo.. Ihre. S. IhJi7, Psor. Wooa Haar hir : II y Ih adsie nf a friend of mini, who bad beta name your 1 1 r Reaiorative, I wai iiMluetd lo Iry it. 1 had tht fever, Mmt li-t It. I May.tHd nearly naiy nair a aiy htad imi out' Sum uiy hair hit come ia a great deal thicker than ever it sn. Nllni'g but t duty snd sympathy that I leal tu c.niiinulii eat loolher wlwsrt .Iw.rttffiieled.i I hate been, to t. Ih,. public ack.wle.'f-. lefll I hats rrecittu lioui imi, would inawe ma mea" of Ih bene A I Wood' Hair Kt.lorstiv. Yours reapeeifwlly, A. R JAI OBit, The RetUirtiivi it pal up ia botiltt nf ) i, vis I Urge, medium and titiall; Ihe ainall holds g a pint, and relailt far oa dollar par bottle; th mailihm holds st Ita.t twenty per cent, mar in proportion th.a the small, rnlain f two doiltrt a Iwltltl Iht Isigs hods lil, forty per Cent, aiore in iroMirtiua and rrtmle for Si a Hoi I It. O. J. M OtlUak. CO , Proprietors, 4U Uroanway, New York, and 114 M.rketHl.. Iiuia, Mo, l..d old by all food Urarr i.ts.nii rsncy l.oooi I. tr. tnd in hsrlotu by HCAHR a CO. March 37, 1BW). I Jm .lA.IIKS M V.DSKY, I COMMISSION MEliVHAST, I 117 tllAJUUKJta rilltfl.A. Y. 1 )l'Y8 tnd forpttrdt itery kind of mcrchaa. I J diss for 8, ear eenl. ( twwisa. Ktlers lo Uova. Kwsiu tnd More load. N. W. Wuorllin, i. W, Uaborne, C. F. Mi-ndrnau.il. A. M. I.oriaio, tws. land Ht. f. V. h-nnt, Hon. W. A. tirahtm, ai.d jollier, 'tdier i tianor. McIimIcohs, Orjrtnt. I Harps, tiaittrt, Muit. Bi wing Marina, Iron Ifcifri, Puinpt, l.anlea fcngiBIs, .o. A printed llialnfall Ihe different makers, hinnt tnd pricrt lesr ret. Pwbli.her of ilegsnt hlhograph ol ("Hictiry ft'tf Cap," ti.V. md hi f ro. I sts pMrticisa ! oa. Inmate liiimt vw llssi.ra." I I'h ii m.alunhlc famtif arlntrr tlnrtild be ia every j honte. ll irealiof ill diaeatet, has a "pious I ilomry ind preofibe Ihe remedici Irom nature 'l bounteowi stores, for all nr infirm lilts ind lit it. fnrtuiiM. It it pi i Bled on fine whil paper, bind, oniely bound lourth Million, 300 psgei, tnd it suited frtt far ant dallar. New RnMwood Ptinoi, 1150. fa. 16, iei&. ty bt found lbs ctlebrtted m yx m '- tht Koathtra Conatrv for tht latttiekteea f Ihe Stovi, and quit telling and go hit dtatk k, KINDS OF Jif t irr f3 w A 'mm' C A X I) Y FA CTO I. V. FrHi Confectioneries, Fruit Ae,e. ''Iir.uk.er'bei re.ectslfy laformi tht A as r.t ot ( hsrh.ttt tod surouading cow tilt. nd aurouading cowatrr. that I t h ton h York. nd it oajtiaatlj rtrtititf from Confectioneries, Fruits, fa : t v ; it oc i: u i r:s, cm n TO II .4 C CO, SMTP. TOYS. .Ttnwirnl lualriiiuriila. R; miltli. IIOHI1V 1IOKM , ..... ... tlrl f,t d. ., III..S tngoua, (bulla, tin klakd., A Ittid t li t of esery strietv. J. I. PALMER. AWetnUr 9, 4Jlf Ale, he inleadt la aaufaelart CAMJil ! vf all k.nda, fre I com poitrnoBt edi-ing tttlilr tr.s New York Meam l( hned I andy, t all and tee. llllil ll- .tltOI I U mutual Life Insurance Company. t 't It .. HALt.ll.H a t . fBtlil.H lin p.ny inasret Il a lita af ialividi JL ais l,r uin jsar, a Iciai ol jeaia, or lot n, un Ihl Mutual I fiheipie, tini aaauled lor hlc "' ticipa'ii.g to th proiiia aif Ilia Camp'.' ' Miticiet grahlcw lor th akwlt Itrm i,vb tna pri wiiuhi Ihtrelor iniountt lo f.1, tiiite may bt givta fot out. hall tht amount "I prstuiBui, ktaiiiif iwltrt.l at a per cant. Willi'."! gust.nly. 'I lit piampt aiawnci ia which til lottet In" Utn paid by this eowipany.li.g tther Willi the rales ol p't'iuiaiM, prstrai glial lauuccunnis u suit at ale uiaMoMU lo insurt. j Masit am imaisv lot a larwi of floln .'t tt ; hit yean, lor Iwo-thiro. then taiut. All ioeaae art pa Ml WltlilH JIM . f I alUI Ucltty piuol praacoleu. UIKIl 'I ON . l.arle. I.. Johi.aln, V tl. Juwcs, V m. " llolmi., V. D lw.ki.4. t. Wiiiiims, II llu.lnl, Ouel.liot liu.ke, r. f li.cuil j,. ftUKt. h. I'. ll.iU., Luarin It. Stool, V. lunU OMirlRS Ir. ( harlcs K. J.din.on, Pretidtal. W . V . Iloiuen, Vice I'ltiidrnl. it. 11. !altic,Krielaiy. Vi illiami II. Jowi t.'l rtaturir. II. W . Iluatfii. Ailorury. Ilr. Win. II. Mckec. Mtdii al Caamiaer. Ixrrulirt I ammiUtt. H. liu.bir, Y II Kn, l ha i Its ll. Moot. ., .Ucd.cai Hoard af tarmltatiam.C 1 1" Johnton, M V., Vkilli.K II. Ate he, M. V llirh'd It. Haywood, M. ll., for fuither inforniatinn, Ih public is i''1' red lothepsmphlita.and tori... ol propo""!.1"'" Uiay b ohtamrd tt Ihl tlflictof Iht t.,n,(i"f or my of in Agenriet. t'oniinanitatiiiMi should b addrrtiiiii (I paid) lt. R. II. UATTLK, aerrflarj. Srplrmhtr . I8..7. ftih PKINTINtt of all hinds will ar e aiocoiniinaiy si.rnlec at iht N"" poliM Whig IVmea EULI'taVAS for sale al tiki Ofi-

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