Til K AT THEM AS NURTURES. Mr. Cbryn. nhov. memory io fragrant in all tlie churcs, when on his way lo P.iletni-, met. while in France, aiih a Jew, with whom he einiiiMiin.- itrd freely reject- lua 0,,j"ct ol '"" j '"""')' '' remembered by tli.se who are aeq ian.ted with hi, history, that be a sent t-y the Free Church of SootUnd to nuke inquiries respecting the condition of the Jews in the u(.Ilce t,y eoumeting themselves with the The young birds must be kept from raius hast, with reference to the missionary eff irts e.v-iti mt nts of the day, arc meu who aro and heavy dews as much as possible. By iu tbeir behalf. Tin; Jew above aPudeil to dividing their own Churches, and who are ' raising carefully from first to last the size aiJ, ' Odb ru!h I will give you iu dealing csting around them fire brauds. a.-, ows ' of the birds aud their marketable condition With Jew, treat them us brethren." ; ,,d .loath to the cxt. t,t f ibeir ability are very much improved, affoiding, full re- The rule is one of Tcry wide application. Their pro'reas is marked like that of the niuucrutioo for the labor and attention be We ahould all tve! in accordance with it conf) .ration or freshet, by the ruitu they stowed. Country Cnit'rmnu. We should obferre it iu our intercourse ; leave behiud tLetn. Without benefiting any . with meoibcrs of hurcles di.7e.riug from human interest tbey destroy their omii ue- PUIYING iYITHiJI'T 1LINTS. our own. Strange as it msy seem, there fulucss, and bring approach upou tho eutire j Tie Liverpool Albion contaius an ac- aeems sometimes to bo a greater distance ; between Christiana of diff.-rent denomiua- tious than lelAeen Chri.-ti.ms and those who make no profession of religion. W'heu j this is the c-e, soiue one has failed to oh- , acrte the rule. Let those who perceive ibe reserve, break n down by applying the rule. A Calvini't met a professing Chris tian who held hul is caiied Calvani9) io abhorrence. They were trave?ng, ami were to spend tfc day together. The Cal- til if! made a reuiark, which led his com- panion M infer the nature of bis religious views, lie was at-po-e.i to enter into eon to Eioke up the a.i,ts ol plants, or other trovery. But the oiher bad no fonduess wise are found within tbeir orgatii-iiis. for uipu:ing. ' Would it not be better,' said $iiil, but fourteen of these siity-four prima- tt, " bfore we get to deputing about re- . 71,'ioD. to see whether we are both profes- tors of religion! This was assented to, and fact- dcieriuiued. 'Now,' said be a- j gain, "before we di-pute about religioo. would it not be well to M C whether we have any religion ourselves. In order to deter- ' mine that w. must sew what we tLink of Cbrist, and bow we feel towards bim - No j oFjection being made, be btd led the eou- I tersatian to top es of deep personal interest to everv converted soul, and so awakened - ' j the love of Ohri-t in the heart of his bro- thf r.tbat they found it far more interest- io ,a.a auotis ...e iru.u. - T wh en Uev reed IW lot Hi A in Inviiip man aoout tnan aoout J... . . l : .k ,t.- Ait ' ' i-r a. We should observe this rule in our in- tereours wtih b nnconverled. They are, in on-: -n-e. the children of our heavenly Fatlier. 1 tuy are our brethreu. should s and trrat them as brethren, net as ouiea.u The solemn truth- of tLe gospel spoken in love, have a power which few k M ean resi-t Tbe reason why so few of o-jr atreals to lit uLconverted reach iWir hari-. is that tUft atpeals are not prom; ted by-love tod enforced by b-bitual kindness in ail our intercourse. We sno'i d adhere to this rule even iw re'atioo to the H9-I abandoned cf our race We shoijil never de-air c4 dovwa go tvetj to the nrnt wliacd' aLd hardened J ar'- M- ', t itst. IL'KNIN'J MEN ASIDE. In a thicket, by the side of a small stream, which was o'.ieu visited on account of tbe wild grapes WLicb grew upon its hanks, a yuog man di-eovercd a vine which was laden m.L grapes of rare excellence. lie wished to appropriate lL-.ui ail to hiiiiseif. To tt.i end, he carefully couceaied the p:h by which be had gained astes- lo tl. int, atii opened one to a vine iu the v, du lly, w:i,e.ti was la-Jen wan c.usters, fair lo tbe eye. but sour to tbe ta.te. It was a e.ba act. lie iept otters from the good grapes of which be had par- tken I'rofitz ChrV-tlans sometimes kerp sjj'.s frum salvation. It would seeru that tl.;. is an act of far greater selfishness than the ot.e above notle-ed. They do il sou.-e Xiitti by tbu;uties levity Ao awaken ed signer seeks tijt company of a profe-it,g Chn!-an. ill t'i" ln-pe tLit rOUiethibg will be sai i tmi cnaii give him euco jr a,'iuent and iifec;i'u I'erhaps he earne-ily de- ad is lo wate r their resident an J increased ' a.res to u.ake his anxiety known. He has p0er as a .oiveiit, eaui-ing more inorganic car'.td it ion iu silence. It needs but a matter in turn to b elevated to thu Leci.s-: word of inquiry and sympathy to ciuse sry statui for feeding future crops. Jt is Li in to uf,b?'iUi his sorrows, ai1 ask what fjr iatur reason land-, alter being sub be must do to obtain relief. Let 'j?h a sU,;,..iJ fIiay he surface p. owed to a greater soul meet with the uijt:in-h j--l instead of .lpib with pioprii-ty ; .r indeed tne sub-' tbe kind in jany. In c .ii,- j-nce, the ii - -on, by lie posit and by tbe efl-.ct of nature's arc eaiel and tue heart etrugile tu If r !, cobseijueni upon tl.e atmosphere, is j off au anxi-ty w Lich ; irn to hud u ,iu.e rendered eij ia; in quality to the surface soil, sympathy with profe--it,g Christians. : and thu- the surface flowing may gradual-1 Aain, o -uLrs are tu'ned a-idc from the y be dtt pi-Led, prewnting a greater area pursuit of alva:ijn by the example of pro lor the travel of roots, ani con.-eijuently, :-. I,;: Cnn-iao. 1 ue awakened sinner augmented f rolit to its ow Ltr. raads the U. tie, and sees the standard L very farm C jt.tat!is auot her beneath it, j tbeir set up. He strives in vain to reach which should be developed and rendered I it Wearied at length with Li fruit',.-. s ef auiiltar to a p;aLt groln. He that culri forl to work out bU saivation, he turns to vatea the surface to a depth of ten iLchesj the txauipic of profes-ing Cnristian-, and aL'l is coLtented therewitu, knows not ofj interprets the Bible io the light of their tne blessings which Pravidei.ce La. fufbiaii-j x ample. He had rad that a,, mu-t be and of which the progression of' u up for 'bn-t and in bin own strei.i'th, bad vamiy rtr vtn togivo up a.i for s 1. Cl iist. He now sees that some profe.-n, Cl.ri-tians d not give up all He find .it I f diflicj'iy in fallowing th'ir example lis deems linns.: If a 1 hri-tain. JVrnaps he jolus tne chureu. iie 1. numbi red with the people of Ood, but is a stranger to the di vine life. There are many ways in wLicb siunM are turued a-lie fro.n satvaiiaU by ' f. ss in Christians. Jt may be done wttno at design, but the Conseqiier re mil be no 1. -t fatal. We should be wat.hfil unto pray er, not only that we u.ay be the instruu.ent of .aviut. tome, but tl. .1 oi Lei aiidn from the I. may not le way. A', 1'REACII CIHU T. Dr. Murray say, " tho tucn who preach j('hrit" a.i dii MThiteGr-M, Wesley, Hen- 'son, Atibnry, aod oilier " aro those wlio litter of egg' unJer largo hous, and permit ! were a llcssina to the Church. And cuvhltl.e turkey to cover (he second. which she .re the n,i t w bo are a llrs.-ing to it uow ! xc ,, .fc0 rtiniit not themselves to be dran 1W,V frcm ,l,e crolj , , crusade ; .j,,, partivular fios, or iu fvor of cer- ta,n scl.eiius of fecial or political reform ,,,1 .,, u10 ,U1U (rcm ibe preaching of Cliti-t, to preaching ft tbe tin,e, l.o aie .Hiking to rise to promi - opal ministry i raicultuniL iitli'A l 'H'N UK CUtir'S. The necessity for a rolntion of crops nmy be tbus uuder.-tood. We have iu nature ix ty-four primary subst ui.ees, all ol wl.ieh go ry tubstsnees, can be found in the same! pUu;. Thus, the fourteen constituents to ' be found iu the ahes of the cabbage by the as-i.-t aucc of its organism, and their a.-siuii- j l.tioa is di-pecdetit ufon the organism and, grounding eircumsuuees i the cabbage, ! however, as a mechanism, receives all these ; confluents, iu solution ; not onlj what it requires, but others, are present in solution, auU duiing its growth it ia coutiuually par-! ting with the unrequired constituents of the j sixty louririmaries.as txcrementitieu- mat-1 , ; ter, which iu turn becomes pabulum for! ' ' ail luiure crops, ana tnus nurtures tneiu, aua .urnunr.nw c , iho rl. !, ( xra nartr-d with to an advan- i the cabbage, arc parted with in ID adiran-; . j . !.. V.1 -f t .. ' ' Oi-bing pabulum too.her plants. This may be thus clearly understood. Suppose a cal - j J ' ' ape pilled snddenly from the soil, and i attached uirt be washed frow it by a stream of water; then plurce the stalk of the cab bage iuto a glass jar, coLtaiiiing cLcmi- caily pure water, auu tbe exeremcutory process wi.i go on. The water wi.l soon become milky, then flocculent, then this lorealiBt matter will be deposited in the bottom of the jar ; if this be poured arouud 1 4 another cabbage that is growing, it will kill tl ; it poured about a teet. carrot or parsn'p, it win prove pahuluni to the growing crop, and n.aterialiy iicreaie its growth. U U th's that the exerementitious mat ter cf one err p becomes j a ulum to anolfcer Ltl thitefote " a suceesicu of the crops is the true re-t of the soil.'' This principle ii. ay be carried tii further, as iu the rais in.' of L'reeu crops fur manure. Clover, buckwheat, peas, ami other analogous crop-, are often r-xied lor the purpose of being plowed undt r. In sub-soiled lands these crops throw down their roots and receive the iunrganie suhi-tautes they require from ihe aub oii. a lid l lie Lotoniv deuosite their excren.eutilious matter iu the surtace-soii and iu the sub soil, but by iheir decay such , , , , , portK,u- ava have been eievateu iroui tbe sue- ,0 ibe surface-soil are there depo.ited ;L a progressed him. Thus the potash, given up by the le.uspar particles ol the n sub soil, is progressed and deposited in the surface as a pabulum for the future crops,' ready for a-siuiiiaiion aud capable of in- 1 crea-iug the growth of future crops. Tne -arte may be said of siiex, lime, soda, and ail other constituents of the plant life. , Whi.e the deposit of excreujeniiijus mat- ' ter iu the sub suit giver such prox. mites, patt cT which are aggregated frnui the at-ino-phere, so by their decay iu the sub soil mat.iind sb ju.U teach biui to ataii. l .- j '" l''ir liter. I kai.sI.m; Ti;i;KhVs. "luikeyi har.'ly become fu.iy grown ar.d mature tne Cr-t year, a:il increa-e in vi'or aud atrengtu of constitution an weight far tbn e or tour years. J he egg- of old t ark. y, th au.'h not so namerou-. are mote liki ly to produce 'troi.g bird-, ab.e to with-tan 1 tl.e cLanges (,1 weather wh.ie young, an I grow up to ma tafity, tuat! tno-e of young bird- The praet n an breediLg ,r, and in nhoij.d b :.y a.i. voi.i. d 1 ir earl) ilf, very "'' ' '')'....(.;.' t I,.- I -titution su-uli Le ken tLe c L'uar.jtU a ! The bons may be kept soven or eight years with advantage, and the molt about four year. Suece.-s.fulbrcci!ers place the first ' niil usually bring out in July, wilt D grass I is cut, and if allowed to wander about the ' fields they are not destroyed by running ' trtroi-:b the tall wet i;rass. Do not be cou- 1 corned ubout their eating for a day or two ! I-'rcd at first on bard boiled eggs, cut or j gi tiled finely. The cutd of lour milk or hard stale bread is very good food for them count ol the method pursued by tbe owner of a pair of very spitiled horses in gradual-, iy doit! a:iv with the use of bunkers. . tie had a air made for earb horse of com uiou leather, aud every fif'y day cut a slip cf lha width of a quarter of an inch, and soon removed them altogether. Two years have elapsed, aud the horsrs have behaved idmirab!y. The gentleman uses a patent break for all hills, and employs iu harness, only collars, b.idles, and traces. Ha has never bad an accident, though be has occa sion to drive over the steepest hilts, and the advantages ri suiting from this course, are that in hot weather the eyes of the horses are cool, while before they were not, the (jorses ire nicre ca,j aB,i ,s restive, and are reiCTed of many pounds of harness. LIME AT A MANURE. A farmt.r io Chester co , IVuu., says he Cndl ,ine tbe ciea,eilt mauure ,o can purcha,e. Ue pays ten cents a bushel for j anJ drajrj h lllir,eerj niies ow loBg caQ (he ferliJity of B firm bfl kept upo aoue - ,, FliT, wtil savs : " Keep your cows in ... , . , , , food condition, should be thu motto of eve- i rv farmer. niistaJ un over the barn door , over the stalls and over the miik room." ! ..... . . . . I ... . . . , , , , nlacards j truck off " in large letter", for fc j i 1 P fc . 1 FKF.I'I.V; TUKNIPS TO COWS. If this is done morning, aud evening im-; . 1 mediately "JUr mnking, no t.vte of turnips , will be diseeruable in the butter. Aotiee. nA VI Mi ..i a Certitieaie. issued ti me, fr i IIVK MI RhS ., Si..rk in tne ( ban. tie Road. 1 lien bv L'ive notice i 1 l will limit lor a Uuyiicute Ct rti msi(r)1inn atmcd by Un JiHN B. MOSS. . 3. l-t,l). 40-t! A Catitrrui county, J. E It STOKE " Dock Dindirig Establishnicnl, Two D tors above Branib Bank, in New Build in; in rrar of tt. B. Slanlrj'i hma Hi II cum .mil t, . :. Toe I'-.t ibiisl.rnenl is in full op-ra Hi); h lull suppi v of i no Ill .N UKkS' MA j i re.ijy to fill ail or. j linie lime ."lieit a nidi at'tiit.ou will be j n I may be favored. I t liLA.Niv FAl'tlt 'I'KRIAl.si. 1 ,ro! p,'ir,j tiveii lo ii on and at tin . My per. uf.cturei.i lil.ANK BOiK.and in toe Bnidin ..l j "' I'KIM LU VMjJ.'K.S 1 U-.iier myseil j li al 1 faun, 'Ii .ill cases, give rnlire sa lis Uctiuli. j UI.A.VK HOOKS, , I lerks' ft i'i hi i. tii tor District Offices .o,-s,on.r in K.,a,. t' 'I .NU lo any pat r, ol .up. i lor paper erifl.'. 'I s ll-ak-, rn, in to. id l-jged Mu.io-li. 1.1 li,.R. I'll IN I Kl WCiKk.s. ,k., l'cri.,nieals.P..ii.pi,lels, Mij.ium I every (icsenj.lioli, iaound ur repaired I. ly of al vle. ,;era w.li b es.euled with despatcii 't'"'",UhSriKK3. 'v 17. i-cn. 4:m , T, W lilSTON ITk. Ian, a luii oiitd cooipkte atttorlntertt of IIsAI ami japa.m:i) iix-WAin:, w'.irf, ia i ! i ld U)W or.NTER S.'AEE, Enam-lfd .S.-,0rs and M. w P-tna. O.ur P..a, Waffle l.oi.a, Ac, Ut a..t hy iS T. WRISTON. fjlOII-ET SETP. a aupenor article, for late S. T. WKI3TONS. C1ASII, Deed, Spice and Dreaaing fiUXEMor a-ieby S. T. WRISTON. riti its v vi:.i;taiiij:s. 1. 'IN K A C.,.: S-resr Top ta'I.Ai-f JARS ore.. rvit, Kruit", V. eetulilea, Ac., Ihe i art.. ,e I, . in use, lor snie l,y 8. T. WUIsTON cookim: si'oviis. H'f.f. Asi-mrcr MCNT of t )KIS(1 and i .m .i.rM-.,r.. wi, ne coo.ti.y on i,.d.i in. y afforded i H. T. VVMSTON. t hl,l.,ll, J me 14. h.Vj. Hlf KXKCL'ilONs f.ar ti.e S. Court for al. ;etrn Coiiiitiux.ll"iie Almannt. mm Ju. 4 i My ;! !rS!"l 5i s!7 S HI ll'KilS II I. ;ii6ii7i!mi.tji :: ii !! hm 2;,is II, ) si.... ... ...I... I I1 II 4 5 T H (:M II llllS ll'is isll? i.vni!ir.Hii'j;j a 11 ji a 2,'ja i sfn iui. 9 10 II i 3 t 7 8 tl' tS'14' 11 ll I7 IS It 30.il K XI U IS 41 5 S T 8 Still l SI l! 5 I 7 iio'iinri" .7HI !' Jl 11 ii ttii!is it isits'tr ' isIid in jr. I si a u ill JI li 2S(ris JS ..'"i!"t' "i ll":"l 7 SI 10 I. Ill IS 8 1(12 IS. 1 4 I.VIS'17 W JI ' hi a n is is a x : J....I...I......!... lit i; s i: j II 1S:I6 I7il:l'.i ' j i a a ii hm s Its JSJUJII... l 7 s. 10 .ill's 1.1 11 15 IS, 17 Is 19 l II 71 11 11 a HI 57 1 X SII...1... 3. I 5, 71 ' 9 10 ll.lt IS It IS IC I? i" is ai ji e tl ' 1.1:11 is is i; i in jii ji r.Mi Ji v J. j; JsJs.iMj .. Jim 9 in !i ij'ij ii n i: i it si r ti 21 U J6 ,S7,H,0 3U ; It OUT. II. OtVAl, fF.SKRAL COMMIION MF.Kl ItANT, P W II.H I NO TON, N. C. itj Oflicr, South Corner Market and Water 8u. up nt.iirs October II, I8.M). ltf . . 'Mi (Mil Aoi lll Mall', I'lU'Ciri1 w CX)K IIF.RE. KRIKNPS. and fellow ciiiirna, I i will y. u buy the noble STAl KuK MHiTII IAKOI.1NAT ll so, trod lo tbe uhacribe r, or subscribe lo the County Agent, tor ihia N'eW, l.aii' niul .tl.-iiiili tut .Mii. And you will fd Ihe wlle State, with her Rivera, K.ulroada, liold, t'uppei, Iad, Iron and Voul Miura, and all Ihe ritira.Tuwna and Tillagea. hef noble Mounlama and Springa, and her Kielili and Klowers. i. . il... n.H hi v pqi'p .. the fine. Map .even te.t by five. Border views f the Stnlr Houae, In.ane Aa) lum, C hapel Hill, ! Male and Female College, sc., Ac., one of the i hrjnrsl and 4er Map. ever paulished r'KAKCK BEST, Hillsboro'.N. C. At.ENTS WAMTKU for cvry county in Ihe State. Term iberal. A ply ia above. Juiyil 18 6,,, ClIAlUOWllOTI BY ,m mm- w " c mw. m C'llAKLOTTI . C. V!K rroprielor of trii Hotel i till at hi post ready Iu tul- fil thedulie of " mine ho.t " lo the travelling public and other who may call rn him, and l.e fljlli-ra hinnelf thai a ermfrrfnble qoarter eaa be hend with him . any where in thi. vicinity. Being attualrd near ly in the rrntre of Cliarlotte, Business Men will find llns Ilolrl a most convenient and deairahle location. Me ha. been engaged in tlie buaine.t at thi. stand nearly eighteen years, and in that i time he ha made several addition lo hi. former houae id il ha. been irratly enlarged and nn proved. preMntinf; in front a two story VKRAMDA !00 lert in leneth bv l feel ia width, handaomrl v .hadrd by tree, on tne idc.walk, affurdmg a plea- ..l promenade at ali hour, of ,h. day 1 lie llou.eha. been thurouehly lurni.hei oul, and in every part of it creulure cumin lurni.hed thro'. rt. are hu'iclant and Uifib'e. especially in the 1'IM.NU ROOM, where the " inner man " i. "renewed" day by day Connected with this Hotel are Stable, .ffordirg ruom ,r ,l)0 horses, abundantly furnished with gram and proeonder, atiended by faithful and o- bligm; hostler.. I'he Proprietor fee is eon 6 dent that with hi. long eiperience- and many new advantage, add-d to hi ne.ire lo plea.e, he i prepared to offer hia friend. and the rest ol mankind," a. many columns and a. mrh eood cheer as WiIT b foaird awywliere. ix-rhans a lit tie mors tr Al any rate Tnr the Charlotte Hotel. J. B. KERR Oenrfer 19. 1P59. 32lf In -cipntir; yoo with DR. EATO.N'R I NFA.N. TU.K (.1 'Ii i) AL, we Ur-,-.- t., Mwle ita iuperior. it t over ertry nuiirum l...t nurae or quick haa ii'r.-iu!bre oifrred y,a. F. rat 1 1 ie the prrpirtion of a rec'a' phyti cun, who ia wt 11 qunlifivij, irm much rxieiieure iu itifjuttte compl unU, to p'- wi-rihe for tot; in. Sc. Cfnilly ll enlirljf trie from paregoric or opi ate of ny km and coriM-q'i. nlly reicri hy re. iii.'Vinf the iufTrTtug of yout rtii.d, intlead ol dea dening lit fleufituhtiea. 'I Miril It m pjt up with gr'-at care, aa a com pinion jI it with anj other ar t rie for infantile compuuita will ahow : Ibe tcry r-sota from which it ia n-tJuij bring car from Ihe i-.r-ati untier the direction ,f t. Ktton, nmny of tein by hi own hand, fourthly It ia perfect ly hurrnlepa and rannot injur- trie moat drliraie in. f-ii.t, and in a certain cure i n n relief in all tne fol. lowina; Cimi, wh it'll ia lit en rf merit ocr erery other preparation, vnr KoK ALL COMPLAINTS ATTENDING TEETH IN.i ; aoch aa D V.ENTER V , t lLI' &lc; a Ian, for fienirif tho fum ond relieving nun. Eor reguhttma; trie b-i wt-M tl m jinequnll'-it, E.-r i oltl in the il -d it a aurr relief. Eor( KOlP, toe mowt ; a I ; t and trying ot uiai-aaea, it ran be re tied on with prfeel coiiltct-orp ; and beina; a pow. r;ui dnti-ap-iiinMMliC in all rea of ton iiiiona or filn, e tsiro fitly reconuiirnd you to loae no time in procuring it. LaHv !t f oata ao mtirb more j than ! lie r preparationa of tlie kind, that we can j nut alford auch Iwna; advcrlicftiinla aa can tlioac lint- whole eip use m their adveriiaing ; for the I ainie reaaon, il comnieno ite)f ac the inoal relia. r) re. i hi: to all mother. In ail c-aea, tUi d.rectiona wraf Jtd arnunn each Lottie, muni be alfictiy ful lowd. Pni.e, Va centu (er ho lie. Sold by CHURCH k Dl'PONT, Druffpits, No. 3fi, M.HJ.r. Enoe, N- w Vrk, and by E. Nye II utuiuao.i tfc Co. end I". Jicarr, allC, S. C. I)r. llion.on, havin(been .a far reduced by con sumption, as lo be e, insider, d Im soii.I all hope iif recaivery by 11, e most eminent of Hie meiiical pro. t'es.ion, anil ulso hy liirn.elt a reeuUr ph)siei in ot twenty yeur. .rjenee a. I ,,t r.-.oil. eon. eeivrd tne i.iea ol ANAI.YZIM. 'I UK lil.(XlD, niul applying ll.e sul.ieelof pliy.iolof y U Hie more liriiriedlnle ti.nni-i ti.,11, and etl.clol tlie st,.te of the blood upon t :e 1 It Is and system. Tne result has been il.c prouu. i,..n of tins lil.OOli Hull)," trom tlie use of wl.irh, Lr. Hronson ws restored lo perlerl liealtli. V ulun sn Inoiill.s .Her it. in. trofluelion, over two llioiiund eoiisiimptire. were e R t u.. i I r cureo by it. It' yon Ii ive any eon, plaints ol a consumptive U nitenr.y ,i'ottjk,t rid, ll'Qd-0rhr, I'lilfjital ion of thi lhart, Im uf Apprlilr, ur pain inl.r .Virf. lose no time in procuring . bollle ol I lie -liMlOU KlHllJ." f ,ou are .iifr-ril.f from iWroo IJtlnlily. or your lj tirnkm and dn tmlU. if y Sim ill ure I'tpinted or vour Or. gwt Itrtux-d. )'au will find in Un. sn unfailinK rem. il, by eoiiiii,.'ncing w.tli ten drou. If your Liver is torpid or diseased III any manner wlidlev er, ane or far ,,lt!ei Kill be sure Iu nmi;.,rlc, r.d brine il into lively and liealtlilul action In tne most inseter ile ess. , of Dyipepna, tlie patient can atrfli. irnl and (lalelul relief A - fit i H)e ' Uk, wllle In nasiM. Ihl Mult 'ia.il Ctmtptumti and VVraiir. Her trying oilier remedies in 'eri, tliat a cerlsin cure will .y re.t result roin tl.e .eof tiro r thin Uttl'l The " lil.DCal) KKIII i. efl. dual in all u ,n f E. riipHam.S'ilt Khnim.S'iufulul and oilier I ke eon,. pUit.la. Vute mi,d emmriated children and iidultl are immediately hertcfillrd by it. u.e. It gives trei.elh tu me boa y, and color ami b'-aaty I " V'in of mil rW are usii.( it with woiu.enui -nee.-... l-'o. full dire illUl.i eircula I"c,:,l,w, Iwaltle riold bjr Cllt'lfll k bl.TONT, L'riiiau No. ill. Ma i. In, l.me. New Vora, sn.i ,ld by V- Nye llumhison A ( s. and K.Hearr, C lialloll, N. ('. We. Ii ly WASHINGTON HOTEL, (CHAMOB OF PK0PBIIT0R8.) BKOAU SI T N IA Hf K.I, N. JOHN F. JOWES, frcprietor. . fglHK t'liilerripwed n-t peclfully announces to J. tlm triivtllinir U llic. tl has lake, rli.itge of tins old ami popular l.itili.liinnl, ami l. nuw prepart d lo accuiMiiouate travelers and pri vale familie. With bmnl by Ihe day or month, on the nmi.t aecommoiMin li rm. Ilia TABl K will alwaya be fuimshid with the he.l ir,itiaii.n. thai home and foreign niaiktta can . or.. .A The M nhtsi;lili lll l has Urge ,,, la iic. riT thu drfx'l, Ihe eobil-hourr, and the tiuoiieaa atrertt than anj other in the city, An (mni,uf will alwava he at Ihe depot a Lniiinc. on Ihe arrival ol Ihe ear and atianiboat, ,n , niiaaeftrrrs to the Hotel free of sliarge By amppiiig at thia lintel, paaaengers will have ample lime lo ooiain nieaia. Having a lo a largo and commodious Stable, and air eicelh.nl Oi-tlrr, he ia fully prepared lo board hoiaea by Ihe day, week or month at the moat reasonable rules. JOHN. F. JONKS. Marc I. 1S59. SH' 1 SAURS, Art liili't l tiiiit lliiililer, mlM. furniah Dcaigna, Pluna and Drawing 11 lor Fiihlir Itiiilini ea, I'nvate lii iileiien and Villaa. farlieular alii iitioti will be paid to j buil. imp Klourmg Milla.t 'irn Milla, f. Orrict 1 iu 3d lory ot Aii suidrr'a fiuileine , iront -oom. our China M ill. Vclolxr 26. IS.itJ 33lf UK. it. .ii. siti: T I I.I. he plrauru to ree-rnr Prnlraamna iCalla in Ihe nrparinients of Alr.fifi Ir. and 81 ' 1 V""'"'l "y br luundat hi. r.aiienrt. fc. Tork Hr.uiel g. . nil. ne llepot. rt Mil Vs.li. IHSt. I If Wanted, ') IsfWfeafl t't"'ls r TAN FARh. ror .(Flf IF Winch tnr cash wil' he pa.i. 7 M. h. T AYLtK. 3i.i;js l'-iu Casli Paid lor Hides, 1Y A M. HOW EM., 3 door. J Mjfjsioa lloosr. i'kartttt, April . I'.lf .outh of th 5tf Ayer'sSarsaparilla A compound remedy, in whieh we have la bored, lo produee the most em-clua! alterative tliat ean tie made. It ia a concentrated extract of Para Sarsapardla, so comhuu-d with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an efT.-etive antidote for the diM-it-4 Karnispari'iU is reputed to cure. It i belu-vrd tliat such a remedy ia wanted, by thoa-a w ho sufT.r from Strumous comilaml, and that uiur whic h will accomplish their cure mast prove of immense service to this Inruj claw of our atHicted fi-llow-citiiena. How completely tni compound will do it has bven proven by eipcr iment on many of the worst eaaaos to be toand of the following complaint : SeaoriLA isd Sckupvlocs Cowri.AtSTa, Eat evtoMS asd Eui i-Ttva I)isesej, L'ueaaj, PixeLns. Blotch as. Tenons, SatT Kheiis, 6clu Heao, SvruiLts amd SrrHiLiTic Ar-rr.i-Tio-is, MeRccaiaL Diskass, Daorsr, Nac atLoiA oa Tic DocLocaei-x, Dibilitt, Dvs ripaiA and I.inioesTtox, EavMrtba-w, Ka w St. Asttho.iv's Fiaa, and indeed the whole class of complautu arumg from LtrvsuTT or Tnr. IlLoon. T)iU compound will be found a (Treat pro. moter of health, when taken in ttve uprine, to evpel the foul humors which iV-sn-r in tlx blood at that season of the year. Hy tlse time ly expulsion of them many raitk.liin' disnrilt-n are nipped in the bud. Multitude etui, by the aid of this remedy, (pare tha-mv lvi-s fr'im the endurance of foul eruption and ulcerous wares, through w hich the system will .tnve to rid itself of corruptions, if not as-isted to do this through the natural chauuiel of the bosiy by an alu-rative medicine. Ch-anse out tlie vitiated blood whenever you find is. impuntu bursting tlirough the skin in pinip.w. croptiuna, or sore ; cleanse it y hen you find it is ob structed and slugirUh in the veins ; cleanve it wh'-nevti it is foul, and your fe-line;a will tell you whew. Even where no particular disorder ia fa-It, people enjoy beam health, and live kwiip-r, fiar cleanauiK the bhxad. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with thu pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later .ornithine mut go wroni:, and the sTrewt machinery of life ia disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and devrvn much, thai reputation of arromplishinj; these enda Hut the world ha been eirreTiously deesnved by preparauons of it, partly because th.e druaj alone tuu not all the virtue that in claimed fur it, but more bs-aue many pri-parationa, pretcndinu to be eonrntrated evrract. of it, contain but little of tlie virtue of fiiarsapanila. or any thj.na, else. l)unn j late year the public have been mis led by larie botil.w, pretinlinit to irive ai)'urt of F.xtrart of Saraapanlla for one dollar. Mtt of tliesar have been frauds upi.n the nk, f.r they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, hut often no curative propertu whatev er. Hence, bitter and jiainful diaappaaintment ha followed the use of the various extract of Sarsaparilla whieh fbaod the market, until the name itaeif ia justly despised, and has become aynonymou with imposition and cheat. Sail we cull thi compound Sarsapariilii, and intend to supply such a remedy n sliall recue the name from the load of uhloquy whuh rests upon it. Ar.d we think we hiivi; ground for behoving it has virtue whieh aro irresistible by the ordinary mn of the diseases it i inta-nd-ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from tlie systa-m, the remedy lliould be judiciously taken accordmg to cliructiona oa the bottle. PREPARED BY DIt. I. C. A V E It A CO. IiOWKLI,, MASS. Price, 01 per Mot. 1. Mix BottL far Aycr's Cherry Pectoral ht won far itself tn"h a rpnnwn for thu mr of tivrj variety of Throat mud Luias Cmi.l.nt.l. that it ti ei.tir'ijr unnfccuMrjr for u to r--our.t the eidnc of iU virtuM, wherever it has bsvn rn ployed. A it hu Ujiik been in ronnUnt uu throiiK.tout tht Motion, we nrd not do morn than ftwurv the petiple iu nuaiitjr ia kept up to the beat it eer has txm, and t)mt it nnr If rpliM on to do for tiicu jeUcf all it bu ever Uto found to etc. Aycr's Cathartic Pills, YOB TBI CVRX OF Cottitmru, Jaundice, l,jtprpna, lnit'-ijniion, bi9nrt, foul Stonuten, EryUfiftnt, Hrndtickt, Jthrumatum, ICruptiant and Skin ieaa, lAvrr Comjiaint, ItriitJty, Ttttrr, Tumort and Knit Rheum, Warm, tinut, Sevaljta, at a Jjinner fill, anil fur Vurxfijimf th Mood. They are autrar-cnatrd, so that the most sensi tive ran tike them l.leaaantlv, and they are Ihe tct aperient in the woild for all the purpose of a family phytic. Prica U cents per Box ; Five boxe for SI 00. fara at nii.nher of ClcrKymen. Pti vairiana, Slate men, and eminent personage, have lent their nam" to certify the unparalleled usefulness of th.-s renieiliea, bin our ..ace nere will not permit th ii.sertnan of thin. The Arfenla hehnv fiiuned fur nish irratiaottr Ahxkicam Al.WAiAOin wturhthey are given ; with also full description, of the lm rompl.iinta, and the treatment that should b fol Wwed f.r their cure. ht not lie pot olf hv unprincipled dealer with ntl.er prepsralion they make more profit on, !,., Mid Arena, soil tike no others. Ilia ai-k want the best aid there ia for them, and they aliouid have it. All our remedies are for aale by For aale by Y. N?K HUTCHISON A CO, K.SOAHU & CO. Charlotte, IIAVILAMl. KTKVKVSON k CO.. Charhttton, S. C. WITNKSS TICKKT8, for tb Count and 8aprior Court, for tala bcra. I I 4GI1NV. WAIT FOH T II E W,(l 110.1. ' IIY I it 7m A - m' T ' M " H Stovi. the.,, .ff I Beeau.e h buys hi SIX) VKS from the Maiiiifaciurer. iiiliTillLOIl Would re.peetOilly announce to the IrliahiiaM. from (heir tlld Mann, lo No. I, (.ramie II. , w hi North, on of In wiot eatensie a.Mirttiieiil. ot ver orTered ia North. Carol in a. among which ill I whttn hai gamed uch a famow. repat.iitMi in II. lli is Move he warrawl. supsnnr to any I oi king rou.ume le.a furl, and doe. more work iw a fivrn I put up one lie. me sn v other Htove of the anic I work in a eiven lime, he will forfeit th price Ihe b-ller one i ALSO, AJJ PARLOR &, BOX STOVES. II. ha, .nd enn.tanlly keep ow hand, a exten.ive nd varied .tuck of Ti AM) siii:i:t iiiox ' ;;. v hi i h i r.tsT ino.y m ns ri in v, HAT HACKS, Cll.l)LKS, &(,&(., All nf Whlf h vavill be mM, liols-.ulo ns Ka tisil t liriit r than Iihs -r bis-it fls-r'l In I la I. VirlMlIf . I would return my thank lo my frienda nd ru.l. n ets for u.e very liberl psln n., , if,, , ),.,, bestowed Ux,n us, and they ma V real ..urrd, tli.l I sl.sii rndralul, by close .Use In t, u bu.msst tojetlit r with a determination lo pic i.e. to try ai.i! merit a eenti uance of II, ssn.r. mi h!oto2B "fiUKt mn man mam: l.ailics ami (leiilcmen are piirlirulurly invitt d to call and exauiiiif Li.s tork. S. It. I will till y..u wny I head my sdind.rni ni " Wait mi thi V .' il i. Ussus we base Hire g on. const, nl ly Ir.veliiif ilirourl Ihr country will. Mums. W .III ortlt rn trill br fttilltlulty ami pmtiiUy nlltutlttl t J?i Ckirlltt.Jnm IS, l57. . IT IS .OTTOO 3H I II TOSA V ! til.Nt'K ALL, ! OIJ) AM) VOUNG,i ! -Al'l'TtiUl 7Vt m J:t,l'jnri I tZ.XXii.ilii I aa lil-Jlily Viz: intt riutesaut Woou a&n Res 1 tnratlfa I Will preserve tnfwltilrv in grotrth .n.l ra'sr nl ; Ihe hair, n u-. d laioor Inree Iiuk. . sr.,lii.) i un .g.nable ( Perfrclly, rr.l..re ll.e frsy.cosar ' ll.e bald Willi nature's t,,h ornsuii lit, llie l.air . iii k il more soil and l.eaauiul il.an any oi!, am. prt serve lt,e scalp Ir. e tr. in all diss a se lo tn Jjreal .taf'. ' sunn. Ju gn, Aliornsys. l,-lors. leteyrnen. ProleMional lllei, aoif ll. lit lai-u a".i j l.atlie. of .11 Clas.as. all our 11. World, kal Ir. j timony In si we do not say l.x, uiuc Ii lu its l.sor Head in. following-, and ju.iee. Hi. sosr l.sov r, St. I l,.rl. . ( o , Mo. I'I. I 7. I'aor . J. Moot I War hit. Nmk luue last j .iimuirr w were innuecd In wse miistiiI your Ifair Kr.t.aralive, and it. t 0. et were to wonder, lu , we !rtt ll our dwly lo yow and the sflliel.d, lo rrrl ,. O ir lull, .en's had for .ome tune h.d IWn per le. li s entered with .aire., snd ...n, railed it acald I.e. Tbe hair alfnosl anlirsly esu.e i ff in Con stqiirnee, when a friend, aertfg hi. .offering, ad. Via- d OS lo Use yonr lfe.l.ral.e, we did so Willi little hope of suerrs., hot t i our surprise, and thai of sll our frin!., very few appl ration, removed Ihe diaesa.enlirely, ami a ol hair ion .larla-d ut, . ur Uov La. .. I.r.liliy I luiunsnl ei..p ,m n..w ..y lhal: d a. iDlili anl Ve e.r.,ll.e,e. crop .1 hair 9 any other ebt d, V e e.n, lt.ere. tore, and do fiereSy , recommend y.ur Keslorale, a. perfrrl remedy f..r all diseases of the scalp and hair, VV. are jours resprelfullv. lKO. W. II f ii.l.N Ilf I'll A M KAKAll A lli;.MKil II A. I'n Wood Dear iir : .My hair hsd, for seve. ra years, bscn beeonung prentaiurely guy ae. cou.panied hy a harahne. sriiirh rendcied the eonslnnt application of oil m o essry in dts.su g il. W ton I commenced us.i'r your llsir II.-. tors l.ve staoul two moftlh. .ro il wa. in at rondi. lion : and ha v in e eo.-tinned it. u.e t it within ll.e laat three wren., il has turned it. natural col or, .nd .ssunied aoftnea and lustre f really le he preferred lo Ihosc produced by tl.e ppitrii n of n-ts or sny oilier preparation I h I nrrd ilia an imlispn.able arlicl l.,r itnj lady 's toilet, whether In be uaeri aa Hair R. al... rai.ve or for the aimple puruanie ol die.sn g i t beau lily mg the hair. You ha se pe; mission lo n,r all ho cnieriain any daiubt uf ita pa tl,, ru ing all that i claimed fur it. .VKS P. rVMflNDs, t'incinnati, O . FeS tn. Ii.'.7 1 1 1 third si. WKkUWTnN, .Mo., Dee. A, lev?, Paor. WiaoD D.ar fir: Ity the advice ol a friend of mine, who had been uatii your llair Keslorative, 1 ws induced tn try it. I had the levar, .me lime laal Mas, and marly rveiy hair in my head came oui- Now my hair ha. come in t grtd.l nueker II, an es. r .1 ..... N..ll..r. o. a au.y .no -amp...,, . oc...,., ..,,... e.l. looll.er. w.. are afllicled .. I I,... been, would indue mo la. ir this pul.lie ekn..wle.ige. meal of the beiic6l I h.v reeeireu fiwm Trot. Wood' II. ir Ite.l. r.live. Your. resrifully. A. It JA fll'.H. I he Keatoralive i pot up in bollle of 3 vii : large, niedtuiii .nd .mall, Ihe small lulu, i a pint, and retails for one dollar er tx.ttle; tl,. medium hold al l.ial twenty ier rent. mre in proportion th. a the .mull. rei...i. for two dollar. bottle; the lorj. hod a quart, forty per rent more in proportion nd eelatla lor 13 Ix.llle. O. J HIlD ff.,l'ropriel..r.,444lr....iw.y, New York, a nd 114 Market Hi., St , Uuis,: ... and Id by all good ururi.iano raney wiKjus.e.i. and in ( harloll by HI AKK aV. ( ft. March 27. IB60. I-3m .lAaiiKs ai i:i).M:r. cuMMisatoy meuchast, 117 H A VIllHtK ffl ll I.KTi M. Y. Bfcl YH and forward every kind of merch.n. M 9 dite for i fir crnl tmmtlo. Keler lo laoss. Swam and Morehead, N. VV . Wood fin, J. VV . II. borne, ('. P. Mendenli.ll, A. M. Gorman, K.qs. nd Itev. C. V. Deem, lln. W. A. f.r. ham, and oilier. er In Pianos, M. linieona, (Irpans, llarpa, (iuilars. Music. Sewing M.iiliin.s, Iron Safe. Pump, Garden Kiieil.es, Ae. A prilitnl list of .11 the ilifTi rent niuki r., kinus .nd pri. .. lent fret. Publisher of an elegant lilliotfraph ol ' Ihckorj Aul dap," fi.V. (l,) nnd tn "t nro. an PnvaK.'ia j oa. Inuia (,i io to llaai.rii." Tin. invaluable family uJ riter shonl.) I.e in every holl.e. It trei.lsi.f .11 h.. uses, ha Copious glossary .nd prescribe the renin) 1 . iroui nature. Ixiunlenu store., for all our innrniitie. and int.. fortunea. It i punted nn fine w hiic paper, hand some I y bownal four III edition, 3lili page, and K wiifsf fru for im dollar. New Hose wood Piano, 1150. M. I, IdU. 1 7 ol( II A l 1 t'H I. .i d vint ilj.thtt he ha. frn.es-4 r he Ins lie on eahibilioii.ju.l receiver: iron, ij,e be found I lie celehraleo f foulhrm Country for Ihe la. I eihlrm mo ll.- Mow in w n u.t .1 1 is sik , n n. it r f 4. , i limr. than nj other .Wi.v now in use. l .ue in tin I mlri fla Irs snu if il doe. not do Dors of the fttovc, and null .rllmr and go hi drain I. r - KIM)N OF I I it. N..M.LWI.01!. 31 1 ('AXI)VKA(T0;V. fresh ('(iii!'eciiiiiicrics, Fruits. l j fl V K.ubseriber resect fully inform, the nti. B I. os o: hall..llc sn.l sorr.-unome eoun'i r, ti,.t (, (,., (,, 'naWhtiy from York. Confectioneries, Fruits FA M l .'l. Fill r SI Id' A lS toiia x c. sm i r. 'iovs. Tl i 1 liiwlriiiiit-iilw. Mill: HUHkV II Kill lloiial, a I Im si, u ltl UnasvH. I s, V as I K H litis, A It i I ll t ll Kl f ,. I J- J. V 1'ALMKK. A.r.i,ar 9. ItiH. a!:l Also, l.e intm.is to msnufselurr f AMWM II kinus, Irre from po'sonnus rolorm uu io li s. lew York Men, K.lirnd I aimy. I .11 a n.l s. ' K I 11.4 t Kul.n A riutual Life Insurance Company. ttt t it .. mi.h it.it , i . I f V II I p. I.) il, suns ll.e In ,.l ind.in i. r loi I. l. ..f one year, a I. ,, Mutual I lifccplt, l. t assui l ( IM ll, pi' Ills , loe I 1 in ipalii g in ll, or. nts ot toe toii.i.ant. I al,i n Hit premium ll,. i.ola n ay l-i ji. n lor i I prtminio, l,a-in.g infer Uat.. i, ty . , he prompt manner km psiu by ti.i. ci.mpi rale. l pi. mmm, ,,r.s ' ,u, i, as are ui.(..,.. .1 lo I M.,e. a I, ii, s III. .. i lor .u.out.i lo I'i ball 11,. Sll, OUI, I ol I lata pel e. 1.1. w ill,. s't fir.se ,11. II.. 1. II10 UCf to. 11 1 . lu ol lr.1.1 . ... lu 1 y.t-, 1,1 .1 fi ,r y, rs, lor two. ll. ires ti.i u -n.r Ail losa.s are paid wiilmi aiu nasi l.,t lory prout la prt. iile.41. j l Ii I i 'I f ili.s I , (,,,, , y j, , ,,,,, , jj j ,,j, A . , ( ... k' J, ... V ,1, us, 11 , Vf,.,..,,, . ..,, - J . , ,, ,, 1 . htt, K. I'. i.llv, t l.arl.. ll. h.l. l. I . ,, J.'u II . limine, OIHIKKM. J Dr . fhsrles r.. Johnson, President. W . W . Iloiurn, Vice I'rr.iuent. h. II. llaltic.Serr. lary. W nii,,,s II. Joi,e.,'J i.asurer. II, W. Ilu.trii, Ailorm y. 1, v,n. II. McKrc, M, die. I Kt. miner. I Arrnfirr osnmitri. l.usb.., , II. ,V Kee, I Imrles II. lo,,l ' Medirul lUmid if ( inmllition f l.i I. . I J,,),,,...,,. M. ... Vv.ll.a,,, II. M.hee M. I ( ,'d i. Iliiywoo.;, M. ., fur luttlier inforinstion, Ihe public 1 rsl. red lo ll, 1 pun, ,l, lets nun lorn, nay be obt.iti.rd at the llftie or any of 11. A. ni 1... t omiounicaiion. .hnold l paid) lo. ol prow I. wl.irh of th t pany err sail!, (I 1 It. II. HATTlaK, Secretary September ef. IW.i". Sisil ' af, 4. - ' ..." y tt ??ieV ' y akaiastUajLiaVaaWcfc. an' J- JOr PFJIu'IIiG. H PRIN IINf. awsee eatM..iitioli.li II kind, will Ij-v. ril, I 1 1 ... Wh.. !!, Sn.rENAS for aala at tLii Offii 1 1. is will