THE PETERSBURG EXPRKR8 AN. til 0THKRFAI-8K RUMOR. O A cor ro-pondon' of the Petersburg Er. ' I prtu, writing from Louiburg, N. C, o-er , "i the "ignatur. of Vent..." use. tl.o follow ' 1 iug Uogug I" pekg wUoremt ' l, ; ourrentlj, nd lo eitensi.elj ciroti , ' tr.-.k it.. i " JateJ. U" r" "u" s..yiier, uua. jli. Cborrjr, Col. OatUw, and oiLt-ra, will i,oit fro u pr,y 00 lD,, 1 SU8 na TOIe .i.. n. nnerttio ticket." We bve it 'id our pamir lo oontradiot tbe obove report. We i... it from the iioe of Col. Outlaw, that I 1 vote for Joliu Pool tod we speak authoritatively, when we my that J on. 15. Cherry will do the eauie thing. We bare every reason to believe that Mr. IUyticr ill also vote lor nr. i'ooi, though we bave not heard bim lay to recently. We do not nee why these report are got ten up aud circulated by the Pcteraburg llxprest, unlets it be to influence the elec tion in this Stato. If the Petersburg lie urrsi desire to take a band in the ptener.t campaign in tbiit State, why not come out and enter tlio political arena in bold mau jer, and not do it clandestinely ? It in very atrange that all the disaffection that the llrp'tst can find out, eiisU in the Op position party, and none in tbe Democratic party, " JStrawa ahow which way the wind blow," and our Opposition frienda are be ginning to ee it. Allieinnrlt Soulkren. Lnon Out. A daneeroua counterfeit ten Jdllar bill is circulation io this latitude : it I in on tbe Uink of Capa Kear, payable to James Heunctt or bearer at Fayettcville, So. 103, Letter A, dated April 4 ib !";. li is well calculated to deceive. Millun Chronicle . CONSIGNERS I-BR ( ll.5' "IT AMI C. BAIL BOAO, IBUM THE I0TII TO THE 23d AI'BIL. W. U Michal 5 packagea, J. P. Hender son 7 pkges, J. ( A J li. Jiallew 7 pkges. S. T. Wriston, NTFAtTI (t KB of, and drlrr in VUin an.i ,.! Jpuind I'inwre, Ku.s.s, Woo.ieu Wars. . I;.- ,.iik, Hrn.hra, Ac, la Houtli iD( ol Curuifa' j ..mar Bildin(. j J,,; Vrl,,auv.b asrnufin;, Cutletiojr Ac. done 5 .in in (jiiii. Vi:s YOU MAY I SK Oil HECUMMKM) lleimstreet's Inimitable ii vik roi.oi:i(;i its risD it to sa A PERFECT HAIR RESTORATIVE, ' promoting lbs s'rcnflb snd growth -if Ibe Ha r. ' ml fivuif it all () txaaly of y-mili. I yuu ; UUIltl Itrail! i:ml! Kcntl! I hcuaoo Lisa. Easel Co.. N. Y., I j Aie.ssi, , iBa. ; W f. Ilaoss, Troy ti. ., Ofr .Sir lining used your lit .r t oim n.f ur lit si. -. snd brirf mueii plejfteo with it. i take pfra.ure .a makilif I Sai following slstemenl: Frooi Ihs el'- ' ir it ol vi-ry aV( rs bl ol sieknrrs, ultra about i H yrrs of ar, my Ii4ir cnnornccd (urmng p rey. : ami so eoiilinqvU to grow sari til li mremmt ftjtfl.j wtlr, bcins very hsah and ci.srse. La.t umlller : I li.j rr.rii.d my hl.y third year, worn I in. U' rii ty a I'icnJ lo pyrrliaae two butlles of Hsini. : i i-l's 'lair Urili.raii.t prrprd by y.u. I emu. I ii.rurrd asifig it accoldinf lo di.'t e lions, and in a . ! is days was surprised to And thai my hair fron il, roola outward Waa mining back to its orif i na I . i,i.r. It ao eoolinucd lo (row aulil it waa ss liu ' ,r Lmrn .s4 l-s-V my yMklal amy. ',ad u sl rtfrti la lit '! roltr. MV...' uKAMAN Tat'S ( a ,ss Myla fteaman earns tM-lor me and ' ,. iigly sworn, ana t tusl the sImiv at.lvoicut true. Ihia 6'h Say of Prbruiry, Kilt. JOEL F. lori LK. Asiie.sMi. react. Pimroso. Vi . Aug. I, iii7. I I er-by e.-rtify, that my hair h.s.iif Ifnmr i r jr.y. I Il-I.nslrecl'a II ill lialor.n.r, r ..r.i by W. K. Haeas, ol" Troy, .V V ,) lor ur ac.ka, snd niy liir was in lhal lime re . Inrrd IO Ma orifill'i Color. I caa fuliy rttom ; iiitnd tht article lo b all it claims. i WM. k I.MiSl.F.V, ! falls' l Ht Tlaftllt ( ir. I'll ito.J, Yt. Mr M. K lliuis: I lists uaatl JL imaliee t's II ir flraioUv lor ihrrs years, snd l.avs found , i be a moat eaceli.nt srlicle. Il mil only rr i ai. rr.l Hi eolo: r.i my Imr, f 'ving il new lite sou 1 Wriiflh, but ll euri-a myssll ami wit ol a i tt.i.o. Ir er u;liort on tha scalp, which nf.'iin s-'ar "'is'd Is arnrtit. I fu ly tx-!n to ll to be His -Mi. le , us. Vours Its. peM.fiilir. I K.Niml.loN HOWLANi). ! Tis shore ara bul a Irw of ihc Ii iirra of f rri-ommei.ilatian which hate bern lin-.rrrd In the ." Ho.tHos!' Colorinf Ol lira ; I l .lits. l ha been uti'd by Ihooainda ol proplr. no it ni ter fails lo rcalr Ihs color and growth j ii' li e '1 Ins rmgular i IT, i I la not pruUucedj a. mhan dirs are dim for it aria up.n Ihe uatu ! rt' -rratina of ruloriug m liter at Ih ruoia, ami Uiti. fTi-cta lha ritarg. 7 r rir pradwti i not 1 a r.,,t. out tht natural aAuds yol. Ill :. n..l io!or the akin. j I'ne 5 'e a,l l 0)per b-illls S.ld etrry whrrr. 1 W. K. II (iS A Co.. I'roonelors. Troy, N Y. ! v, il in ( It .ili.ll by Dr. F. Srarr. and all Drag t in Ihe I inr, Suit., Van and liner. ! in, I hifltaloo. holcsala AgcnIS. Apul ISliJ. 51 Y ni:ioKi:n ki:ii:dv .r-f if ' AN LNFAILINli CI RC FOR norrhtia k all )iwan or the I rinary Or;ani. e HI l.S REMEDY cure, when .11 other p,ep.. I ral.o.,. fall. ll ,., i ... I. . 1,1. ........ I, ' 1 mo .unit ; eonl iinioing Mi Mi issl 1'ol.on ne ii. tot. ,,,u. (J p(,,,e,l ,,ry ironi: ""'". Haaaa and, and I, a a been lunded' an. fun, an, generation lo anotner, l.t Hie I ""'"' Isousa li i. nrT. red lo ihe puhi.c on ! ' "wn n nieni. t pi-rlorms lis duly I J'' 'k'f "", tborougbly. 'I'll I rnaTi s.ts, ol ',''"" ' "iH be by n-.iig this Krwapv, ' "ind.. puling tiieinaeltes si llie n.rrey ol some i nek u, r,i,i,.,B,r. Jnia Kasjrov alnkea al I lie I 1 H.iot uf Ih di.ea.e ; It lenilelii y la not Sim I ' f to Bu.peud Ihe poieon, but to Rmova Tiia i inch it depend., Full in I 'lei r... mnpany e.eli boMle The ie, I rein f alfi-dnl by Una Kemedi ' 'i.i,l tiososaii.m,I.Lrrr,i;atai.,Sraii U '''loa a, ( V hi rr.s is Fku, and a "' s nl tile I rinary O g .na, baa a.l.i.n.lie ' ''oal .conl.fio men of Ibe age. Tins Reilild ids. II bed line men of Ih .tr. Tn.. K-O...I. .nH er.die.4l., .11 'UP, fri it,. Srms raa Ihe nt.Hit ilelie.U- Constilulion. ioT Arrrrr Ihe IUsatii or iNraa. y t'l.a.e of Ih-aiNaaa, or require anv ''li ,, " will. lie li.Ual diet. ll 'luirn i no a.aialaiic from other medi- rAn,l what Pv... .. I.. V .e. t- " A.V(cf , Stvnvt being' i li.iciouavaur h'iV,-?. ""tti. o l Ma no-rri as n.a i. ' " MKkWIN.Holii Proprietors, Mi..,- , tSi. uis, Mo. harlotts, by Dr. F. Searr, .. ,, ," " K. Nye Hutchison & Co. I. folqnibis. ir..i. ' a. ii......i. (i J I'rugei.t. ,n Ihg enuntry. Uriarsou, Charleaton, I8I.U - j W holoaale Dealers. ATVKS TICKETS, for tha County anil Saperior Court, for aal here. Tm Japan Embahst. A bill ii before tbe House, appropriating $50,000 for the entertaiument of Ki in me. Prince of Kooxen, and Mooragaki, Prince of Awadsi, who are aoon expected from Japan, aa envoya to ratify the treaty of Yedilo. They are ac companied by a suite of eighteen official a and fifty one aervanta, who will make quite a party. Id tm suit there la a enter cen sor, a vice-governor of the treasury aod two treasury oflioera, a vice-governor for foreign affairs, two inspectors (or vpica) of the first rank, and two of tbe second rank, two doc tors, do. This is the first embassy sent from Japan 10 any Cbrialiao power, and aa our govern- merit Urst contracted treaty with them, they choae to pay US the honor of first visit, although Lord Elgin tried to bave . . . , , . , them go to hngland before coming here, They will return by the way of England and France, taking the Suez route. Ti...- ;n t.,;n.. . ;... ...i .... i .i a. . i . .i apeak Dutch, aud the State Department lm - secured the services or Mr. fortmsn, who accompanied Commodore Perry aa a creta- rv aud Dutch illtcrDreter. N. J". Cum. A Li her al Gift Pbeted in a Queek MasnEB III New Orleans the day before the inauguration of the Clay ntatue, tbe Clay Monumental Aaoociation received a package, which, upon being openud, was found to contain an earthenware limao, in aa old- fashioned aurtout aud peaked bat, the latter bearing on tbe front tbo letters M. K. C. Tbe chairman, while examin- iug the odilly-ahapcd fiirure, and rouder- i ing what could be the significance of such; an ofTering, beard something rsttle inside. Kemoving a ribbon wound tightly about it, be found that the little creature was in two pieces, and taking Lim apart, out rolled three hundred gold dollars, and a note tell ing that the gilt came from the association knowu as the " Mystic Krew of Comas." I jim i:si: A iTK.vti io AT THE (2-Tent Clothing lEHFOEIUm i ot FUI.MMIS, riiIXK.S k VI). k II K V art now opetiiiif at ilirtr lr; paicioiia Store Iiot-rn . ibe tt iinimuw R22ADT-EZADH I LIM II I l, etrr off- red in tbe Sisle. Tbi-ir stork rnmpr.srs all Ihe tliff. kinds of Fancy Cut I.nirn and M,r.iil-a huail.raa suits. Engl, ah and FrMictl llrap o'Ele Slid A.pacra rroika and Hack . . lugir tarirly ol black ,- alao. Fane t'a.aimere l.ints r and neyan H lliaek Siik. t ss.imere snd M iractljra t'sBla lu cndlt a. t.ricly , GINVS FUFKISHO GOLLS, Trunks. Valiaraa, ll.t and Cap.. Air , Ac- AM l tlir sbutc guot-s are of Ihc laleat alyli snd I Manufacturing Dcparliiicnl, HI. LINOS, hi I; IN l.S V ( O bate also airl.-d to li.e.l Kr.dy nude t lolhillg Slock, a Merchant Tailoring I)., ur Ion i, I. to whli h tnrr Call 11.. tspreial atl-niio ol tbeir many friends and eua- TheV intend miking this department second lo none in Ih Ntale, either in si) le and quality of OihhIs, or in th mkiiufsrlurc nl G.riiirnla At sll limes rill Ih loui.d a good stork of B'aek sed Colorrd t ltilps, FngUatt. I'lrarh sod Auicrican Catim-r, snd a tar ly of Veajsg AIm, an aaa-aflnirot of IKK li. 11. .D ( UMII Ill s, Tli- V feel eonfid-lil of their ability In unilrr.ell any other hotiftC in Ihe Slate, from Ihe adtalitges Ihry hate lo gelling Iheir ga.da. 1'Seir g.ida are b.,uht hy the qoinlity, bv on of Ih Firm liu re.HIea in the .V.rttie'H lln Ihe of tiki raeis, ottan- tags of the pricea ul g-iod., thereby sating si least !Ta Twenty-Five Per Cent. '-!21 l'o llie eonsnnier. ii Ilimes sated sre I'.illars ms,.e!jl S-i iry ua. E FUI.LLVGS, JNO. M M'Ki.NtJS, J.NO. 1'. HEATH. Ap'tl 17. IgfiO. sif m GOOD'S AT LVtk Willi's KAdLli Jewelry lorr. it. w. HriTlvwrrii EOS Irate lo inform hi Vienil an1 Die public ' generally, that he has just re. I'L V ' i':t cited Imm Ih eily of New t4 V ) sWj&L Y,"k "' u'r'1 sTJ-Ve-.'Ls fine. I alocaa of Watches, Jewelry, &c, In whli I, he intiles Ibe sltentinn of Iboae wishing to pnrebaae ar.y srlnl in his Ime. Hi. .li es III pirl of Ihe following srlieha, til : Gild Hunting Pair al Lever, t5l tu tlftO Ladies IJold llunlir.g WATCHL: Sitter l,g I. etrr WATCHL I '"111 30 to IOO 1 1 1 10 I I I.epme WATCHES, If.oii IO to's f.'uill Hunting Lirme WATl ll'-aS only 1 IT Silter WAT'. HES only 'J .ir.U'FMlY SFTS. Lidie. Fin I' Sets, I nun s I OO lo JJ. La i 1 amen els, flout . Coral S. I., Irom . Lata M. la, fn J.-I Si is, front any others, I'lsin sr.d F's :l AO tn it t'O lo J AO io :t oo it 'at.S And i 50 tn IO ,.a or IM.b e, K-y., Seels, anil I harms variety of liold and Silver Hi-eel.ielee, Willi i (..Id sml Vest I bains, tin Ribbon, Sinie. Lu. kel.. Chain Mo ot every de.eription, and en eniil. luo nuincruua tu mention. Cuinmuriion SrU.'JVa SrU, t'alom, Hultrr VhA rm, ritr.icr. 'kc li.titki tf ISyrup l'uii, Itutlcr Cu,', litiUrr Kuivrft, I ble Kiuvra and K.f SiNM.n.. sr-y L..dU-, S..U StiuU. c , c, Ac. .h very rliclit wrrntrd aa rrprrwriitcit. ii v. BKCKwinr, Opposite the lit. Bunk of the Mate. Csa.lul., A,. i, I 17, IrCII. alt j. v. iiui t i: sV o., uati.tai in COTTON and all KINDS of PRODUCE, Tit lr. . iti:i:r, CIIAKLOTTE.N.C. I TAII oulera attended tu with deapilch. Apul 17. lebU. 4if Dissolulion. f MVllE linn of T. II. II reus A. Co. is Ibis dsy die.' JeL solved by mutual consent. The Books and pspera ara in Ibe hand of T. II. lireni, al the Hardware Hlora af Cochran sV Sample. All per- j uu indebted t ssid firm will call and aetlle Ihe asine Willi biwtl and all peraona having claims will present then! lu bun for payment. I T. II ltllKaM. I J. A. 8AM.ER, Jr. T. L. ALKXANDKK. I Jtfer SC1660. Uf Ocbam and Naval Intelligence There are at nreaent 2i8 -dini midship men at tbe Aunapolia Aoademy, one hun dred of whom aro on board the practice .hip Plymouth, moored off the Academy. Tweoty-five young gentlemen, who bave at tained tbe bigheat profioiency. will graduate ! in June, and then be warranted aa midship- Sptriul Kutitn. Dr.Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry Thin preparation i a certain core for all of ihe Throat and Liuift, l ough; ("o'di, limn. ,;.. Wkuotiine Cmrnh. t roun. Inrivitut Contumn I Hon. itc. In co fir.-nutiiin it the l.igh.-.i medim.l j authority that " Contumiliancanbt eurtd." nurt.e. r,,u" I'"'"""' o("'""''' d"' I e.ia hy (he u.e i.i the Kilsniu can lie given, j Tll ll..wing I. iter received Irom Colonel ' Mirkham, uftl.e Uritisli nny, ami ahow. ti.n es. I liiiu.tiiin in which the H.lsaiu of Wild Cherry i held abroad : 1 Fir Hotki., or Wioiii,E.noi.and, Sept. 30 8.10 , Slr.. wVB llBU-lllBr , u sine of , health, who Ims. I think, received signal benefit I from I)'. Wi.liii'e ll.ils.un of Wild Clcrry, three bottle al which were ernt tier hy her brother nsda. Please put me u six botlles. snd lor srd them by the first steamer to ISouthiunptnn or iveriiooi, as you may find most convenient, with ' any account of the mt-vicine you nu-y be so od ss lo send me. We Inive sesrehrd London fur il in Villi. Uulieve nin yours, Irnlr, WM. MAIIKFIAM. Ti slimoiiy il I'll ) m lii ii. Ila Fssi.Kimi, of Suuc-rties, N. Y., saya he cur. cd J.iver i'uiiiulMint of lour yesrs' stanoing, that would not yi. lil to the naunl ninrdns. Assaiiah Mili ki.i, M. 1) , ol b iiinilhriKik. N. - 1 - , siyait a the Ik-si ilieine fur (:oniuinption every niri, tlul knowocv hei-u r ha. Norn? ciiuint uti It six rig lied i. HUT I'd of the r-,r. Prepared by S W. Fole A. Co , n .alon. snd sold by K. tijt 'o., I birhitte, N. C. The Great Drawback to person rmiirrstini Ihe exlftrme soulll slid western CuUnlri , is the j is- r tiiey hite o! ihc Fi ver und Agui the niost direful ol ail tiesesses. Kvtrjr d.iy we hear of pi-r-aona all il'kt-d by this (lli.ea.e inn) nile Irlpliaa tin a short time, wtthuut sny means of . florin rig j 1 ri-ix-f. In Titw ol the feret d m.ilid lor a rcmed y, ' la. Ilotin-raa li-a prist-r.ird lua ce'enraled ' Jiil I lrr," ho.e curnlite p . sua lor all dial jacs ul' j Ihe alomarh bat Inn u-iitrra.illy uekm.wli etd. I The M Uiitcra," in p.irii afl.r a h.nt iX.inti,re j ..nddtip sillily, liste r.'Crin i! lb rm-omiuins of i Ibe moat emiiiei't, as Well ss sli cus. I e, Irom utiry part ol our cnur.try. To Ihoa,- wl o doubt their m-!. viriut-". all e can say is lo try j lln .il, andjuufe lor thrmsilvi s, r'apeclitely. ! Sold by oru'gials and ti-.ticra gi-neinllt, etsry. jwhtre. rnr by L. N;t ilulchiaou 4 is, .Charlotte, a. C. ' THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. Mil J A M I S t I. AIthl.'IS IJI.I liUA I l.l M.V ll.l. I'll. !., ! I'ir..n d hum a pr- aenptmn of Sir J. Clarke, M. j 1)., Fhyaici.n Ltiraordiuury lo the lmcn. ' This wi II known medicine is no uunoaiiion but i a sure and le reincey lor Fi ioali I) llicuitite and ""an onions, Irom Miyc i U"t pow.riul rnoeHy, tluy c lain iiuruui lu uie To ,Va a 1 1,. .ii.s ll is peculiarly suilid. ll will, in a ahort time g on Ihe iiionloiy nrrioo with rei'ularilr. iiii.s riijai Mtta srii nsntvs to nil wniaa thi uiasoioss o Tut Ju rsoa or rssirH. Lar aaa wti i. ua.savru. Fur lull parlieuurs. gel s pamphlet, free, of ihe I N. U- 11 and 6 poat if atatnpa enclosed to sny auti.orii.-d agent, will insure a Is.ltle. roolsinii " oer 5u pilla by reiiirn mail. JOB .MuSES. rbrau'f, N. V., General Aent lor the V. Kiates sou Canada. Solu ill Charlotte by S Al.R A. Co., pi Cl-.ble illU'gial. li res. .tilth. I1DI.UU, An r aperirnred nur.e ai.o f, male phfiinn. In, a Soothing yrup tor cnil.'reli lee thing,' w Inch great. ly l.cihuiea lua pruee.s ot lei Ihn g, I y aolleiiing Die gums, reducing all liiflamin.lioii will alliy II p. I and i. sure lo regal .le ihe b..wi I. li on it, mothers, it isill g.n- re. I tu yi ur nd relief anil heal 11, 1 tour tr..,'.i r.rl.eily .. in all cases. See s'uti rli.eim nl in s uollia . culutue. adtertiaen.ent of Sundfnrd's In Ihrr tfuluml.. I r S.e llie I auolhcr Cu ertielt,it of M w Hair live, a r See Dr. Ayer's au.erli.i m.-nl in snolber co. "ANTED to lure a food Co and Wa.hrr a gieiu Cow. we di aire to pureln NEW IIOTKL, i.-rj- ,aULr 'i'li ia ff 1,'1' lened lor till I'lfl " Transient Cu.tuinei oH.iliou uf Of) day BuarUets W. W ELMS, Apr, I 3. 11-00. A. W. U.l X VM)i;, si it u r.o.y it r.ovvts r, ktrERS his aertieesto ll ill. ol tn and a Iioiiiiig eoun I ir.-eg uluri. .uih. Tee I li i '. Ar. lie ll. the treatment lo s ol the lei Ih, Diseases ol the n fl led in s skllHul and sullhtaclori lilieiul Im IIi inserted on ( or Si plate, India I. nt. her tulu.iinxid hi.e. Tin ork haa many ..v. r the Sta ll ek.n he to the n.oiilli with le. slvlt of s irrit iln .p,r. i i in .n theSsag.d work it is a iiee Irom any i.u,.r or t.sle. lining become ijiiiI lor the Auurici i ui.ln-r company be will supply Dent. .is i be rights lo manulaelure I'mle. and On lliird lb of. ! is lor 1 Art fteial Teeth and the ApparatllB ail.1 M ilt-rial. He will slsi give instructions in Ihc art uu mod erate terms. As he i ijircts to do s tratelling bu.ii ess per S"ll. desiring wik done, cull Oe alleotle.l lo al their residenee, by sodiessing him at 'l ucka. seege F O., Merkle'iihurg Co,, N. C. a r All work w.rr.nie.l. Apitt 3, ISKiO. 2if I aUtlli(nlist Ihitrilt Itiiildiiis ' Id the Town of Concord. I oi 11 c. 'OTIl"E is giten. Ibat tbe min.llee IS l .iw reaily to receive proooeals : ae. Ilu.ldii.g. D inen.ion. 41 by 61) M el, ton atones biifb, with .ul and e nl Sai.l liu il.l mg lo be built of bnck. Any persons j i.. lo :..akr proposals lor said lliiih ing will find ihe plan and .peelliealloll ,n the ha,,,,. w. Ki. I kin a. Chairman of lbs Cnmn.lllee. Cuotiact fori a.ud building lobe closed the 1st day of M it. WILLIS KLKIN, Chan man af tht Commuttt. Afrxl 10, lem ui Land for Sale. 1WII.L SF.LL.on Tuesday nf MsT Court, si Monroe, 100 ten-sol illttl, (it not sol.) iH-tnr,) lying on e wfitera of Rielisrds.iu's t'.-et k. dt. Steg.ll, about two inilea North tna Store. A credit of three years at. leaat will be given. KK.SIAII KELLY, 1ST J. A. McNiilv, T. A. M yn-iMO. Iff.0. 16 jj'-lVoticc. s-HlllK Tsx Lists for H.'.9 are now in my hands JL ready ti.r jnaeetin, snd I requeat all per. anna to inform not he listed. C ot any Isxal.les msy i now and p-iy your Taxes. K- C. UKIKR, Mrefi. air AfrUi. IbtO. 1 reeiiy on nr ILiueoi Valuable Town Lot for sale, EY virtue of a Deed of Tru.t, executed lo mc MM by Henry Cephas, lor eertiin purposes thcra. Ilou""''" Cl'i'ii r'oUe,' o" Tuesd n y" of A p'ri' cTm. being the Still duy of the month, a loanable Tvim t.ot, situated st the corner of Mint snd Church streets, 33 feel fxuit nnd 5H buck, and non-isite the Court House and one of the nml eliihle liuidinK lots in the buine part of this Persons desirous of engaging; in business in ( barlolle will do well lo examine Ibis property as they will not have such snolber opportunity of erttinr a biuhI location. Terms easy and nude known on the day of sale. Al-l.r,.1 V;iUJ"ti. ta March UO. W0. Private Surgical Hospital. ft7E. tba undersiened. having opened s pri- vaitt Knr;ical Iiifirmury in the town of I h rlolle, nre now prepnreJ to turmsli conilort : uuirtera to tliose Putients Irom a distance hi may reinir our profesion4l nrvicoa in the tri iiloieiil of Suririeal diseases. The sbove Institution is . eleil on Miin street, n s (iin-l part of the town. The IiuiMmik sre few snd well ventilUted, with rood uut-buildinga ,i-r llie urciimmodulion of Iicjrroi-B. AM disi-naea of (Contagious eharacler will be strirl y exeluded. Coiiimiitiic.ilions Ihrnnch the Post tifli-e. ad- drensed In Cul.. will ec Gibbon, will ric. ive proinpl altnitiur.. P. 0. CALDWELL, M. D. LOUKRT GIKBt.N, 1. I). J. W.CALItWKLL, M D. April 17. I8C0. 4tf r4 SJ XJ JXL JL IEI JFL fBVHE subaciiber h;i received a 1-irge and vari. i ed u.surliiitiil of 5k Q Ma.,al a .u. ' for Hpriiijr snd ctummsr, wlii':li fir cheapne.a snd ma liu ss, can not be .or iiasri, ronaisling in part of liiack hd Colored ( LOTUS, Duck l()E-KI.S, ri-iii, Hl .ck and Fi.ncy CAS.SIMKRIM, Fr.nrh Dr ib I)' El F.S. riam lll .ek ami F.or.;d Silk VF.8TIM.S, Fain y L.nen Dlill.LS, and all ntlii-r Irooiia uau illy f'tind in s first eia.a Tailoring E-ijIiIi-Iimii ul. A.I ol wlneli will be mad,- lo order or sold by the y ird on accuuiinoda. t:ng terms. J. S. PIllLLi PS. In r turn ir. j ny tli tt U In the r;l'fn of Char Ititle, fur ihe terj kind ano I ur-r. J j4lr .nap tliey tiac .lficd mi nir, I wnu!tl rtqtirkl runtmu ncc of 0wr, wilti the ;r-ranre Ih-t all or. rirr rnlrus-Ud to me wiM be ntatlj . ii prornittljr , rlrTlltffl. J IS. P. I April 17, 4:f GUAM) ()im:nlg AND Ga TT TaT TVT 7f! S sT (,!H!I. () TUESDAY tiii: ni OF iij aR sliui Jij llj u J-LIAS & COIO WILL OP FX AT THE STORE FCOEELY OtflTIED BV T, II, Brem & Co, ONE OF TBF. F SUT M tlSCCST STOl ES J aJ. ..r CI fd to the public ii itirinitT. A will be found Si:k R.i Crape M-.r i, ,ge oo. Fi.nn snd I t'd Circges. ii h Org.niiiics, ll, .1 Fnneli Organoie., J.iekoni I do. O.niai.ln ., Robes lie E uge Les. Gieliadinef do. do. Imprratrice, TlUck ti nd Col'd Silks J-icouet Organdies and Taniarunes, B.reges, Robes ir eierv taruly, Grenseinc Pnplina, Fn i cn J , Is, Silk W arp Challiee, Ei.gli.h. Fr.ii.l, ami domestic RK I I.I.I A.N IS, S....I.I Fi. Ol.Nt.llA.MS k. LiH NS, Fnlivli, I r'ii li iiinl American in ctcry v .riely and slyl". j White Goods, ! Mull, Swiss. 1) -ok, Nansook and Jiconel Mn. ' lin, llisiio., vILuriM ttnij l.inen Lawns, Lmin and I i.ll, n Diapers, Linen 'labie C.utb. anu Da. li.a.ks. ll .) las Marseilles laNiilta, ir. Shawls and Mantles, h.intiily Luce M int!pp, Lcp I oinU Al Slitw't-, I. ice Mm Ha Slu U, Kmbrniiic r (l L.-re l oinln, HuriHun, Sulthrtna urttl Piculoif umih do Silk ami lfit-r .M tntiri ami .M.mltlUa of every duacn jititin, I. men, brcfT atj Dti ' :s. Sleeves, Collars & Setts, Val.l.r snd 1'iqii ll.ii.akel eng.. F.. aee. BtMik, J icmiet M'.urning Linen i i tieaiitnu! .loek of Kn-.lir. mn ri d Wall, ami li. !-, Floun- , In., rting. and Uiesa 'I'riiniii.nga. l)0iinets. lit cur Irininied Ilonm-ls eur last is acknuwl. edged, hate a lieuuluitl .upply. Alao in French Flowers, Ruches und llibhona. I'HKM'll IMl'OKTKD Tiirasols, Fans k Head Dresses, with an unumtllj -re atock of iOi:i lta.V and lUKliV.STIV vi.oTiii.Mii ii. inn nn:i:. HOOT, I.OI a nil II T. end a general assortment nf Merchandise, which we intend uttering tn our friends and si price winch defy competition. NO CHAKC.K FOR SHOWING GOODS! licinciiibcr l.iidies. Tuesday April 3d, ELIAS & COHEN, At T. 11. Brem .) Co 's Old Stand. WE HAVK A LAU0K STOCK OF GROCERIES in Ihe Slnr House former Iy occupied hy II. B. Willi.. 4 I a, nppoail. Ckarlotlt. Marok 87, 1M0. Itf MONEY I WANT!! AND i rr ss'sjssssssisssji asj MONEY " IT m "Bf TrBl IB a "7'"f1 I iT U W i l li . i VOU "W'K j I I n t V 1 IT 11 I V I I f i " ' n ' i t j V so come and pay htm. He has many drnfta I upon dim every duy for lumber nd 'lahni these are Cash srtielea. Men can't work without cu ling Hour, h.ieor., lurd, etc., arc Caali urtirli I cannot do work without lumber; and Inive lo fay tor what 1 gel, on delivery. I have lurjte . """ u ni ior nr. none, some imp j '""f n"w- mn"1 P"HTIVK. 1,1 n I , loose accounia ,u I r be clored. s'lll conlimie tu earry on the busincaa at my IIIMIRK. IIMlK,Ac., snd enn munufacturo to order, al short not ce. ICrOrdi-rs respectfully soliciled and 1 promiie, is I nlwaya have done, to sell (.hu.ip lor I'.nli, nua CASH ONLY. JONAS HUDISILL. Charlotte, March 57, I S j'l. 1 1 A Trcinciidiiiis lOxcilcnu'iit, GREAT RUSH. f.'oons akkiv; daily nt tiie new clothing c niK,riuin of J, ROTHSCHILD & )0, TWO DOORS AliOVK THE CHARLOTTE H ' M" BSC E3". or the old pi i nil of u. w it in k v n ii. Crrut J)uriiis! (in-iit Uargains! (ireat Dar.irains! ! ! aflALr J the CALL sikii ii nd (l.i r iH-ter. y 1 h.i I i- nine mir slock. You will find t rr bus been pro time superior tu ui this town or , and Hi' if III! lUth' id b-. cli.thii n tin the finest tiian the I chenpir IIm till cheapest, mm better inch I) Ter ftiil Lliriipcr lh;in Ihc tliciiprU y.ort in j mi.,; ami F. .'. uu Town Lois ui ..iitrn..te ','. .North Cliruliin. I vi.u.n. or spln-re. en now bt had lor a " Al tit E . , i , e ti ' !0.(j.'' simplv to irirMji-c .ellleimnl in tins m-i. we alsnlisveonbaiida Inree supply . f Hats f p.. ; ,,, ,,(. , , t. .,,j(,, wrt ui .,u lo bc Ul. 1-iii.U, I mbrellaa, snd I-urn, .,,,,, i-.a,,,. ..r, , , r, ..,,,.,gil purchaser, or o.srripiion. I!.iii,nii.. r Ihe KOI list LiJ.i Tu d,r. sbove Ihe Cbarloli Hoiel. sSLrU.ryjl vSa.'J .4im3, IcGd. t.i In. an inducement to come no make improvo. a. IL JOHN. titntral Collecting .7 gent, tnioiiloffn, Perry Cuunly, Alabama, I ILL attend prom pi ! y to ibe eoileriion of all , us placed in lua hands. , Estate Cla.i, a looked after, Land Claim, fern t. j tfd out. and aosconding debtors looked up at ria. i jbu cliiir''u. TEXAS CLAIMS. 1 T fuilcctioiig in side in ', n hcrct"f"rc ruugli nij alturnryi in thnl Suitr. Proiiiptni-v iy b naftW depended un. Frbrumry 2a, !Ht.O. 4f-! y URNITURE HALL C II AIlIaOTTI, x-r. TV IHE aubscribera batingjust returned frou a M. viaii In the aeteral popular Furm'ure Mjiiu. fucturera at the north, from w hom they hate m..ric Urpe pfirctiamt ot' mol fapiuonable, cn vs-n.f nt and durable furniture, in y leave loaUvfrtme Ihnr ' , friend and the public, tlut 1 1 e aft imw opening (Vir niKpt'C tin und le vuiut- ul ihe Uot, niuist fanhiondble and duruble FURNITURE ever nfTered in ibis market, consisting in part aa M .bogsny SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES and Lul NtiES. Mihognny CHAIRS, ROCK ERS, and OTTA- MANS. lAM.ES. I, EDS'lEAIiSan I'.l'CEALS, V A I; PHI li r.S, SI Dr. HUA K DS and I in Ire 'I A- Bl.r. Willi marine tops. Mantle and Parlor MIRRORS, Cane, Windnr and Straw CHAIRS, I'otl.ige scls, tery handsome. r reneb and plain bedatcaiia with bedroom furm. uVa dles.'cr i rs .nd work tables. ! U'l.ll TAllI I'S.nnUIUTMITS II IT an I MHKEI.I.A l.' Al IvS. ' Ti'fpther Willi a liire crwy v other Fi ture ncci'saury lur lmue krepmg. ALSO Fik's Metallic I'uriul Cases & Coffins. of all nuialilicn, und of the modi nrnrovrd ntvlf are always kept on imnu, und rspecia lntiTiiit nu. care given tu j The ucrib m will he p!eard tn rzhihit tlieir new tttock if 1 urnilurc, Ac., to t tic public and t'u ir fi.trtn e-K iiali v, Iieuup contii-nt ti .at tin j can luriitnh ilieui on mora tavoruble ttnns than can be ircureil rUewlit-re. J. M SANDKRS A CO. r.;ie, .Voir ill, lfCU. i-'tl I'allimore oulliern Jobbing House. ST 18 AAV GOODS ON TIIK N E l T CASH STEM. it. it. .itirri & mm, tliE now i fl'enng gnal inducement. toCASII lil'V LKS. We have .pared no p.m. II. gel. tint; up s magnificent slock ol ttooos, and can w ith conlidence call the parlielar alteulton ot' deitlcrs lo the splendid assortment, as will aa to llie U N T K E C E I - K N T K D LOW TRICES, at which we ure now xliinc llirm. We a. dopteU the- Ca?h S.hti m, with IS m all raoriTs, aim im rk, it lu be UciniiiitM.i by tin l-rgv chitto of dealer-. It 'moom ir m Ut, mid t ie lote pnce$ at which we are atlling, inut iittrict and i-erure thin traoe. Aii we fk irin examination of Stoek anu Price, and we will guarantee aulra ia ever instance, at U 17 SIII1II CIMklES ST., (upliiirs) R. B. GKIFF1X et SON. .Va.r 27. IPfiO. 18 J01L 8, WILEV, si racTLsra and mroaTta nr HA YAK A SEGARS,! Tobacco, Snuff, Watches, Paper. i.c, IKEKSI ll U M I II EN, lc.tnilanllyoti hand. January. I ,lfC0. 4-.'lf The Thorough-bred Horse, YCUWQ BRIMMER, ILLatand the presrnl ses- fjjj ra? j't a""i'""v. i.ia.ik,.!,i,.p', V g , near Wright'a Ferry; We.lues "lfcpdnrs at K V. Mi-Di weir., near the Yorkv.lle road ; Thurday. nl J. B Siewart s, six'miles from Charlotte, nn the Providence road ; and Fridays snd Saturdays, st W. P. Kohmson's, near .Morrow's T. Insiitsnee fid. Persons can Call snd ilidge for Ihrmselsea of the qualities of Yeung Brimmer A. E. OORPON. Marek IT, lSCO. jh wayt, SttfgfOH ItCUttUt, (fJasousTa lis Midicinc md Detitv.) OFFl'E iO Br.!.,', BUil,lifl?. lP .!, 0PP0- Ki I r Rrrr'j ll'lttl, ch t it loiti:. w. c. jJL'Kt;iCAf. OPERATIONS, a.irh Cr-i 't-KKT PAI-A1 K, IIARK. IAi 'prMllKS ot mouth sod J.w performed. HIAt TL'l.'KSi.nd I)ll.(M-ATIONS of the J.iws treated. 'IVrtli filkil with .OI.I), MI.VKH, TIN or A.MAI.UAM. AKTIFK1AI, a. ! TKKTII rted in lb hurt iiutnoer. if A verv superior TtlOTII POWDER und TOOTH WASH eonslnntly on bund. 1 T Tn-tli Kxlrarled. arl'llll l.S MODI-:!! ATE and all work done s.iiil.irtnrv to lint palii nt. B r PAMir.lIN wa.t. dnn nt I i" A stock of IVntirt's Mitcrials ulways on hmrf. Tf-OOI f) ami SILVER Plate and Wire of any i ir'.iii i U ' Oriirrf I n mi a ilintanec a lleniied to prou.ptiy J tbniurt SI, IM;0. -IHlf The Corner DRU5 Store II Illl O t I I, . c. i: v i : lifl.ll r nt ; . insox it co. pnbl i d l I In l"ine ( Ik i'. Oils. Turin nlme, Hurnii 'ore Mn in , t Winia anil It Kie'd Mid linriliii S.e.l, &c. ia,y 17, iMill. l!(lll!l .A1 l Oi. SIO; II03IKSTE:I)S Toil .?1(!0; ALSO iiui'.iilSi iliAuiS run 3i,uuu t.M) OVI.H. HluiVrf and l,..,r It A IT A HA.VNOI K I1 I. II. above n.. beiow l lil.LLiIll KStVl U; IS YlUniMA. A M-w Town.c-llen B AlTAH A.NM )i n tiL-t'ii laid out, in Cuii ppi-r ruuMy, in 1 1 . e n.icst ot Ihe GOLD R KG ION OF VIRGINIA, I... l U I, 1VII MIMM.i nihil I nit nt. and the iaiiil is ot Hie most nnpri'V.ioie qua. i lilies. Many have ulreaily si uleu and Kuuria ol others are coining. i (mill l-il-i;in Ra:a itsf . in tracts nf any itp to mt fdirt-hiiarrs, con nlo bf had nt from $.0 tu J0 pi r acre, papule i.i ca ry iu-trttr year y inn.illnitntn. i'trjnrsUonaLe titles will in alt ctss be given. li'Af-iKNTS ARK WA.NTF:D frprywhrre to aril llir-t. laiipi-; titit-riil iniiuctnit-iita Hiil be til. tut prticu.-iro, uccrvn E. BAUDER, I'uit lioy.l, Vs. Marrh 20, 1 eT,0 il) Important to Mill Owners, : ( I T 1 HIS Ol T.) I I JNO. A. JH'JI AMl.N'S ' Celebrated Smut la Screening Kachlne i AM FA( TLB F.Dal South Lowell. N. i '. and ' a.VM. shipjied lo sll p.;rl. ol tile I'llllei: Stile. Liberal reductions msut ( Uimi-c woo hate o.m my Midline and w i-li them ch.uiyeil. I he I'tlti- lie are cautioned sguin.l yinlaliont ana ImriotxUont. I None genuine U'lle.. seioinp-'Uieu by n.y bill, and j cuni. ai.u .old by my legally uutUurmu igvnt. AiJdie.s J.NO. A. McMANNEN. Soulll Low el . N. Jtfure 50, !S(iO. MRS, WINSLOW An rxiteritncciJ Nume uih l-Vinkic ' pre ft nta lo the utltDtiiin ut luctht-rs, SOOTIILNG SYKl'l', roit uu iki: i i i: rmo, ol" leclliing which greatly f: tea the by soli. mug I s. ret; ucing ll.Ullliall.ih olC UCllUh will ii..y ALL I'Al.N ami . ano is M iti: to in t.! i. a i i: i m: now ns. Depend upon it, moll. sr., il will give rifl lo your. Belief nnd Iknlih lo j cur Iii'nnls. Wi .ate pul u nnd CAN 'I l.l I H of 1 1, il ol ny otiier N EVE R II A AY. IN i ON Fl PKNl E ANU .h it we hale n. ver htell .tine to nsv n;MM.M i Mx.rimt. , ',.V IN A SINIjLI IO I.H I.1 1 A "I .ll.t,1.'- !Niver,dwe ne ol ly any unc tin the cnnlrsry, ail art ueiigl.led V U 1 111 ll. with Us frulio . .e.ik 111 lei ul its magical iincis aim meuu-ai ir .leak in lln. limit, r W HAT M K M) k,)v,;' e'l.r ten y.ars' experience, AN U l'l.l ix.r. nil! I.'EII lATlON I'lK llll. ILL. Hi.ML.M OF WHAT WEHKI.L In almust rverv ni.tance where I e in I n nl i sul. lermg I - in pain and exm-, r.iet will be fuunc n. hiieen or Isi-nl) iniuuie. alur lite .ri.p la a.i.nini.ti red. Tins valuable preparation is t'ne prrferifilien ot' oe ,.r the n.-t F XI KHILNi Fl) ..t.d Kll.FfL M 1 in New Lug i -me, and ha bttn utu w ill. NL LU FAILING t CI LS.- m T KOI SAN lS l CAMS. It not only relieves ihe child In in p.un. hnl in. v:.rales Ihe und U iea, c.irrrel. acl-li. I j , nn.i gives lone an. I eiurey to llie iviioie .1 ill in It will iiiuio.l in.tanlly relieve (iripiug in Ihc li'iwds nnd Wind folic l, .,ee.lvre,e- ,j ,,. III I.EM. l: ;rM. "We hc. s Inch. ' died, e Iirveltlh, lll-IIMAt.. ! IKST ANU SI lllT I1I..MKHY IN I iiF. ' OULP, in all eases ol HW-LN 1 .IK V AND DIAUiilitKA IN ( HILDKKN, wliellier ll an. Irom leelhi.ig, or Irom any ol her cause. We would say to v. ry mother who In. a child sutlering from any ul the l'oreL.,.ing con. plaint. DO NO I I. F. I UU K I HKJI lili KS. NOIl TIIK I'RKJITMCLS nF OTHKKS, staml b.lween you and v.olr . illerieg ehiid, Ihe rein fth-t will he l KK v s. All Ml,l TEI Y Sl'KK to lolliw tne use i.i III. sine, ii used. Full uiret tiuu lor usiug y t sell home. lac ofll lillA I'LUKIN.-, N York, is on llie oni.u.i wriipp. r. S.ld hy Pruggi.ts tin nughnut the world. PrllNf 1TAI. Ot-FH'K, 13 t'EDAR ?T11EET, N. Y. J' rice only V!5 rrm er lintt.e. For sale in Charlotte, bv K Nvc Hulelnton i Cj. and Y. !earr. ' Marcn 13 iy Wm, J. Kerr A T TiHl. K Y A T L A H ( initi.o i n:. vc. m ' III. pr.ietiee in the i'nuri..i Meek I. nhnrg, f I i and Cah.vrru. eolinli... J r I itli.-e in the K.-awly Ilunding opposite K. rr's Hotel. Jn. i4. l.-l.O. 4tf Cotton Saw Gins (V sa r s l Lao. 1 1 li.len. .npn de' ay li Hi. .1 J ri.uitera g to purchase I. In s.-n.l their or.i he i Si.enbi r, will there i. get. Crowd ol work Ule in I e J. M. KLLIOTT, W nmO-oro. i ii mi awarded at III e Mate lair Noi .Vair '.'0, 1J6.1. Sl'BPENAS for ! at this Office 'llio 'l:rl. !.. COBBECTilD BY OATES & WILLIAV8. CHARLOTTE APRIL 23, e60. ! BACON, Hams, .... ,.lb.... ,.ib.... 21 00 H (. f.u II (nj b0 " (rj (.0 16 (.t, uo 5 f.t, fl Sides Hs ro(: " Shiuliiers, IlatfiiiK , Gunny , ... lie.: duller llreswnx liealK Ilraioij, Apple " Peach Cotton, Coliee, Kio Java,, ....ib.., ,...ib... .18 Of, CO iis 00 uo I DO III lb 2i) 3D ..bushel, . ... "5 (m ib Ib 7U .... S 14 Mile A u,i in., Spi-rin., iitini ti) r-i -'i' ' M G -.o (,. li (a n u ia f..' bj n va (,t id ' 6 0, li O ri (o Ciolb.t'opperai. ...yard. !" lf,J 1- lour Feal'i'.'rs HkIc-, l-r.Mi ; - '". Lerd Mu I ton l..-k.-rc.,. .. bbl... h'K". 10 3i5 Ib... Ib... br.. No Kill. X'i- !!" gtl'.)"...hi.l... ..tllj K ..:i'iu - (' ....4n ( ..M (.,. ...t'J (.fl 4 t M. ..I Mullet. (Wilmii .SiiU.Norinirii, Si.ulneri I lillS ; Cora I', .o .... i ((, li ...bU r,j ot,. do ....ion (.., ta ....jU Oi, i5 ...t4 ( 00 ('fa 01) ....IU f.j V ,...IU i,. 00 ....150 fi 00 f 00 ...3l) (u. !3.i ...10 ( 125 ...15 (2, 55 ...51 a, 58 ...27 to, "8 Wj 23 .100 (" 00 bushel. Ih bushel. bushel. bushel.. bush,. I .. Ib Ib. .. ft ... halt IttMAKKS. rkct generally dull. Flour coming ', -alhe: a depre-aed price. I'lI.r.MllIA MARKET. CoixHsu, April 22, I860. If,e OT'! 'ON. The fiii.u-il. i. .'.tij ba 11' e. Ills. i ol eotton lur Ihe week , si prices ranging from i -IIJ foi 11 ' "UN Ihi (j 1 iO I'EAS II tl 05 iAl (t) 8u i LOL il m (a, I3J ( HAIILEM iiN MARKET. ' lusi.ri.roN, April 20, l-CO. f OTION'. The cot ion m-TK. I m..y ot a.iJ tj ate loin brought lo a aland, Ibe aales ha. liig heeii iiiiiiltd tu some I CD bales, al II J a lijc. MoniiE, April 13 Sale aies. ".mil in g it'c. of cotton to-day 3,500 New Ori kmhs. April 16 Cotton market quiet and r-nr out ui.ehaiigeu salea of lU.UUU bales. str,.,: , at 6J 7jx. Niw Y' rk, April 20 The cotton market is uu. dunged, wild saiee nl r UU balea. Flour ia heatjr aale. ol 11,0 0 tualiela. HO.AL HAVANA LOTTERY. The next or.iinary .r..winij of llie Riyal Hivi. na Lottery ((u:ucitii by the Snniflli Ctovcrnuir nt, urnifr tht- nf the ( aptttin Gtniaj-ral ot Cutis,, ijl Uke plucu at Jluvajiiaou ULILN''''"AV May 2, 1S60. $260,000. SOKTEO M.MEUO :5 ORDLVARIO, ( A t'lTAL I'KIZt; 8100,000 :! 1 nnze ol 100.000 I oil " 1,000 I " AO.OOO I tin " &oo I liw.OOO I 1.53 " 400 1 " 'a.0,000 I A(.r'xin.'ah,00 1 " 10,OtlO 4 Appriixiiiiatinns to the 100,000 B00 each, 4 ol 4UU to j-i, 'HHi; 4 ol eluo lo 3U,UUL ; 4 uf S4HII lo eJU.IiiiOi 4 ol l'u li ilU.nuu. Wl.o'e Ticket. i:.U; Halve. tlU; Quarters $5 I'nes ea.iieu al sight at 5 per cent, diacou'll 111, Is uu ail .HI Mill tlaosa Uken at par. A drawing will tie lorwardeu as saon s? the r su.l lieeoines known. I oiiili.unleatioi,. a.idres.ed lu DON HOUR I. Ol IX. (.eare ol City I'. al, Cl.arieslull, O. J.) un. til Ihe ..'lid ol -M,v, Al.l be atlei.Ued ui. I'ers'.iia orderiiig Tickets will pleii.e wrile ihtir names pia.n auu gie their post ullice, coun iy an.i st.u.. 1 1 0 A i; I) A SOC I ATI o . 1 11.1. AC11. 1 111 A. .4 UeneTo'.mi JnniUutton tnuOnttttd ly tpteial En. uu. mi, l, t ii f '.r it. e J ti) ll.t tjitmutd, tifnrtrti rt tin tiuietti unit t jnutmtc Dteutrt,t,nd rtj rriui.i jtir ll.t I air tij ImtuHt o the Atzuaf t'.gjnt. t..( AL Al'VIt E siren the Act. AfJl mg Suig.ul..tu.ll Whuappty Uy letter, with a ll.l ir coliulliuli. C,ge, occupation, l.ahil. ol l.le. eVe ,) ;,id ill Casia ol tllreliie pos. trl . .Men, e... is lurtliilieu lice ol'e. V.U Ahl.b litroKT'S on Sipern.atorrliota, a Ml i. lio r lh.eaa. ol I lie Skxual Organa, anu on Hie NLVV Ht-AH.IUbS employed in tne Lliapen. ari lo l..e alileuo in t'euied leller ensel. o-K-. Ill e ol e li.nt . I wo of li.ree Siscspa lor pu- ,.,ge W..I ueuc. I'L. Ill urgeol.. I .Vl.lll Mleel, 1 I .-KII.L1N IIOL'GHTGN". Ac Aaru A..Cl..t.on, Nu. al SoUlli adel;.iiia, I'a. li y order el tba U,.,..-ior.. tLO. F.MCCHir.P. Srerrtary L.KA I). iil.AUi V LLL, I'rttidtnt. Frt. i M.d. 4U-1 V l.cmoval. ioos ami Cu.ioineis are resictfuly .runt, thai I haie removed my 'I'm Shop .' Duck, 3u cur irom the cor- 31U lryun slreel, lnre he will 0 p.eiseu to S. T. WRISTON'. . .1!. IF61. Jlf an ln.r il w. jjii'Kwrm Htl Co.SbTAMLV ' lllltl) WIRE, it. T"" Call e,.el ar.T rNui.i .n sursicis AstrCTt;a and exaimns his slock before purchasing it Notice. oaU-il Ja. k, Fl'LTON. will always n ut. ma .table ol ll.s auosenber, 9 ! f i,ea Iron. I har.olle.un I ,t Y'ursvu.e road. J. M. POl'TS. .WjrrA 6. IrbO. i'l'ti To toil Kaisers in .Nui'lli-faroliua. tllK .ub,er;lK-r h ng pur e.i M..r- or.e HLAl h HAWK, ,n. ino.e . i.triog superior ,i ..... K, li. .1 ll.i. Horse will nog tne ensuing Spring ge h.H". A B PAVIPSON. ialf rt 91, Iff.

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