suito Uaimtg. , Far the American Messenger. who 13 MY X ElOnBOR ! . In the Bible the word neighbor not only mean " one who lire near soother," but it ftlso mean one who staoJ in fi'td of hn'p , it include! every one to whom we have as opportunity of doing good. It it in thii eiteeded seme that oar Heal ed Saviour made us of the term, when be aid to the Jewish lawyer who asked liim boat the commandments, that the first and jrrH eommandmeDt is, to lore God whh all the beart; and the seeond is, to lore our tirigklxw as ourselves. Matt. 22 S 3-5-40. On another occasion, whea one aaid to hitn, " Master, what shall I do to inherit e ternal life?" and when Jens bad referred hitn to this law of love, and the man, will ing to joatifv himself, said unto Jesos," And who it wit neighbor f" Jesus told him a beatiful parable, which you can God in the tenth chapter of St. Luke's gospel, about a man who was travelling from Jerusalem to Jeriebo. The road was through a moun tainous and barren region, and on bis jour ney the maa was attacked by robbers, and left by them forsaken, wouoded, naked, nd unable to help himself. While the poor man was lying there, a priest passed by, and then a Levite ; but they aid not aid ; him. And then there eame a Samaritan, who bad compassion on him. He bound op bia wounds ; be carried him to a place ef safety ; and he promised to pay the man into whose care he had committed him. When oar Saviour bad related the para ble he said, H Which now of these three thickest thou, wss neighbor unto him that fell anion thieves T" t .l:s. .11 .t.. .v:u v A ..:. ;n I a .u.u ... iu tu., "'" j ixyniilKS ABOUT FKIJT1L1ZERS nd OTI1-1 be able to tell what the man said. ut if ( n?K,1Kcn or runon Faomhi. i not, yon can find out, and you can also find net) - . .. '. ' , . i Pn. Clocd Dear Sir : By answering what Jesus said to bim, by reading Luke ,..,. .,, , ! 10. 37 ' ."be following questions, you will confer j And now if you think, with the man,!?"" f"or uPon tbc writer "d llao-1,0 ; that the Samaritrn acted the part of , ... . . c 1 ! nngbbor, and that the Savica: approved . 1,;. ,nd.M f,n Ut it b. isar rule, aeeord- ii)T to your ability, to help all wbo are in 1 want. Children can do good as well as older people. And it is a great deal better to learn to do good when you are young. It ia easier to do good all your life, if you j make a beginning in children. I ...1 ..... k.. ..J .i.l 1. nt in f. J : J J 6 r J . . I for heavenly wisdom; aud to resolve, in the, and for the sake of Christ, henceforth ! ta live as Christian boys and girls. I want to nr.. that von m.v love God with ' J , j V J all your beart, and your neighbor a your aa'if. b. c. THE VEIL UPON THE WATERS. I crossed the river a few mornings sgo. wheo a thick fog obocored the atmosphere. The boat plied her saifi way over the it ten ; but the other aide was shrouded in the auisty veil, and the city spires were seen dimly, as through a glass. Beoeaih, the blue wavea shone in serene beaaty. Far up the shite clouds piled themselves a gainst the deep asure of tbs sky, and the esnbeams acattared their glory. But all a roand, thick gray, and imr eoetrstle, brood ed the morning mist, ethereal as the veil wbiob floats around the bride and ber sa ered dsJf bopeleaa as that which the aad an binds upon her bead whn she seeks to !,. jj Sod bapptnesa to ber cloisters, and 'ed-, herself to a lite of weary disappointment. Through the gloom there eame constantly the ringing of bells and the shrill whistle of the steam, aa the boats with their pre- eious freight berried to and fro. 1 Christian ! ia not this like tby life ? Out in tby little boat upon Time's changeful ' stream, bow often the gray mi.ts fold their arms around thee, and bide from thy veiw the Father's bouse to which thou art has- 1 teuiog over the blue waters 1 The sun of thy Redeemer's love is shining, in its eonataot brightness, abort thy bead; but: faith droops under the pressure of earth-' born cares and trials, and the dimness gatbera. Yet through it all, these are an-pel-calls that cheer thee on, precious pro- : taises that ring like ailver bells through' the darkness, and heavenly hopes that thrill ' throagh tby aoul, leaving it stonier and braver. Aod by and by thou wilt reach : the end, and there aball be no veil of mi-t to dim the light of the river of life. CUru turn OOrrver, CRACE GIVES A3 NEEDED. ; When Christ told bis disciples to feed the ' fiv. loaves, they did not and say. " Lord, let . first Ke '. the bread multiplied j if we begin and have not enough, .. shall be put to shame hut they distributed what tbe, bad, and it in creased with th. distribution. It is related of Pr. Doddridge, tUt on a tertain occasion, a. he -a. passing along tbe street. , r j i .it- i of London, be was greatly discouraged and , . l . i : u. i.resied in SDirit : when friin a ce.lar ai nhic'o was open, he heard a voice embody ing there word, " As tby days, so shall thy tiupg'.h be." He regraded tbem as life Ii'jui the dead ; bis spirit was refreshed ; bis aoul strengthened ; the clouds di. appear- i ed, and he wai t on his way rrj ijcing, because of this precious proiuice of vie Bible thus unegpvstcdiy wafted to his tare. A CITIZEN OF HEAVEN. A Christian does not turn bis back upon the line thing ef ibis world, because be baa In composting stock-yard manure, I have e natural eapaeily to enjoy them, no taste used both lime and abcs. I believe, Low fir them ; but because tbe Holy Spirit bas ever, it it bei-t to rpread them on tbe land show kin) greater and better things. Ie separately, at least the lime, w.ola dowsra that will never fade, be want.' I prefer spreading compost manures broad aoiueUiiog that ft man eau take with bia to1 cast, liy this mode of applying the ma another world. He is like a man who fcia notice to quit bis house, and having secur- ed a new one, be is no more anxious to pair, much less to embellish and beautify the old one; bia thoughts are upon the re m aval. If you bear bta converse, it is upon the house tojwhicb be is going. Tbitber he sends his goods ; and thus be declares plain ly what he is seeking. JESTING UPON SCRIPTURE. The evils arising from this practice are gTeater than appear at first. It leads, iu general, to irreverence for Scripturo. No man won'd jest with the dying words of his father or his mother ; yet the words of God are quite as solemn. When we have beard a comic or vulgar tale connected with a text of Scripture, such is the power of as sociation, that we never hear the text aftcr- ward without ihinklno- of the ;t TU effect of this is obvious. Ho who is much encrsned in this kind offals, wit will eon,.'00 sucl soils- at length to bave a large portion of Holy Scripture spotted over by bis unholy fancy. A PLACE FOR PRAYER. " Sam, do you find a spot for secret prayer?" asked a minister of a stable-boy. .. (j yCt sjr . ,hat eoact, j, my costi ;t js the best ,pot on e!lrth. Wbero tnere js , hesrt to pray, it is easy enough to gDj t psce. SUriruItural. T""" he Col,on ,nd i'- M"., upon many owier. Fi.iy 1 requested that vou anawer them youraelf, 1 ' ' ' Bl ,e,T1D? 11 10 pBu 1-t. Is it true that the use of Guano will j ultimately impoverish land I Some think , that after ,h. strength of the Guano is ex-1 hauled, the land is much poorer than be-1 . ore. 2d What experience have you with the! Manipulated uuano, ana now win n com- P with the cenuino article? 1 11 u :n 1: j ..!. k. :: "' , c "J-" w "' ' ".xcd wan them in tae mpon neap : 4tI Wil1 our ""VJ mB". lot ! scrapings, ic, pay better when applied broadcast, or in the hill ? Supposing I wish to make the most of my manure, which irnut I do! 5th. Suppose joa had an old field of stiff red land, grown up in broom-sedge and sas safras, and designed to take it in, tie ensu ing year, w ben would yoa commence with . it ami bow would you manage ! 6tb. SuFpo5e you bad such a field grown up in pine, bow long previous to taking would you cut it down ? And when you pro-, ceeded to put it in cultivation, would you burn it off, as it is called, or would you1 .11 il, n? .Ir... in V.. innifrl .... under by the plow . 7th. I have an ucland nond. which, al- , .. j- j i j ,, dry and hard to dry weather, and equally et,7 l0 get wel ,d boge, in wet weather, ilow shall I manage it? Would lime proba bly help it ? Would sand ? I notice that a round the edges, when sand soil from the hillside washes into it, everytbiuij grows finely. ; 6ib. What is your opinion about the plowing of land in winter! Some advocate it some repudiate it. 0th. Would it not be an advantage to turn over stubble land in the months of Au gust and September, while the grass atid weeds are stili green ? Or would the hot sun on the land do more harm than the vegetable matter turned under would do good ! Very respectfully, A Youno FAKMta. j White PUint, Cr'cn county, (is., lei'J. I Our eorrepondent " A Young Farmer,'' requests us to answer thejabove inquiries. In reply to the first, we have to say that we introduced into tbe State the first Guano that was used in Alabama, as early as )':43, and we bave been using it every year siuee,on both fkld crops and garden vegeta- tie(. ud according to our expertise aod ' d"' "ything else but impoverish tbe mL The use of Guano stimulates the eP".t, of the plants to consume plant food ,n lLe ,0'' ,U re,ult ' UrSe or ErellJ croP- 15J lhe ue f tbere " t0 le" f ferti'" Ul1 (ood oul of iU bud lUt eoBS""d h erop.- Tbe btxi "r frora ,he ,4,"e Uo1 "itboui ,b use of Gauo- D,oeb 8rualler croP mtJ be estberi.e, .11 other things CQ'jal: Lv tbe s . 3 use of the Guano, vou obtained a larce cron k r the first year, and without it a smaller thej second year; Lad you usd no Guano ati all, you would bave gathered a small crop both years. Under a proper system rf cul ture, deep and level plowing, rota'.iou ot crop aod compontin?, as far practica ble, luth as is taught in the Cotton Plan ter and Soil, you need bave no fears that (Jus no will impoverish your land. I bave had some experience with the Ma nipulated Oiusoo, which induces me to pre- ler it nure, results more certain and satisfactory are obtained. In wet weather the crop is re-'not grown so rapidly as when applied in the hill or drill, and in dry weather it ia not so likely to fir. With the ' old atiff red land field," I would commence early in the fall with a two to four mule plow and turn it over with all the vege table matter on it. If it was grown up in pines, I would cut tho pines down the August or September previous to the plow-1 iog, removing nothing but tho uudeeayed bodies and limbs of tho pines and them to j the guiii-s, (in which Georgia old fields bound,) allowing nothing to be buruod ; and this thorough plowing I would have done on the level. I On another page I have answered tho question as to the culture of your pond or ; basin. The soil of pouds generally, abound ! !; ........... u. e....u .h. i 1- v of P0,ib. h" M D1,uure t do ell the plowing l can in toe tail auu winter, but ou no account on wit Intnl. If you can spare time from picking cot ton you cannot turn over your btubble laud at a better time than in August or Septem ber. A good hand can now pick from three to four huudrcd pounds of cotton per day SI 0 11. None but a good hand can turn over stubble land, at which he would hardly make so much money t There i no more erroneous philosophy than that wbioh teaches that the hot sun injures plowed land. No land is injured by the sun when I plowed up deep and a good coat of veg etable matter turned under. The real ob jection to this work is not in the injury done the pocket by the loss at this season of the year of a good hand from the ootton picktDg, at $10 per day, to plowing in stub ble. This subject we hive discussed at length before. Editor. . PLANTING, The general princes have been given which should govern the mechanical and chemtoal preparation of the soil. By plow ing, and draioing, it is opened op, and moisture, to receive such chemical applian- I ' Ces as will improve its composition, and also, lo be penetrated b y the roots of cultiv ated crop.. Br .ppropri.t. manure, it i, sup-! ple(1 t0 abundance of all the food r ; wan toil fir the nniiri,hmoiit nf theaa ' whfB ,hc crouDi t,us m,de ready. t(ie Dext 0fcjcCt 0f ttteotioo, before we .,,: ,, ,.J ,J .1. ..m .--..i... ; fn . 9 . . . 6 . ' 7 know that we bare seed of the best kind aod q,JalitT AVING 10. t a I'crtificotr. i.pued to me, for HVt SIIAKKS m' 8l,k m the 1 liarlolle dt. buuth Caroiioa K ul Road, 1 herrby gite notice tht I will make application tr a Duplicate Certi- ficaie, aeciirmng tu a reaolulion paaaed by the sluci,u JOHN B. MOSS. Caberrv count , Jan. 3. letiU. 4 2-1 1 A Q T fl 17 P Q Lt, XX, b 1 UliliO JJJ. Establishment a-.. lllhll.. llilll. 11 i Two Duort above Cranh Bank, in rw Build- ! ia; iu mr of W. B. Stuultj't China Dull, I COI.I .TIU1 4, S. C. Th. .h. P.i !. ; r.,ll ..' The alKite Eub!ia!iment ia now in lion hiinv .....i .mi ,..,. . iii .i, f hr lil.ANK PAt-Ek .! IIINDHIIS' MA. '1ERIAL.S. 1 at all ii,..a rd. t I'.il all or. jj lint snd at the aame time solicit a aUitre ol o.- Iron Mv mr.nnii attention will be 0 1.. . i.. .it. i.... i l.. i il.vinghad long pracliclcipcnence in the man' ufjCluftu( iijA.N K BouKS.Vnd ,n th. Bmume ol uMtmrt ui sUiA. i tijjnr, arid m me untuin new and ulu Fltl.NTLU WOKKS, I flatter my elf t 1 il caaea, give entire lialactiuri. BLANK BOOKS, Bank Books, ( h rK.'Book., f..r Diatricl CTicr., SneriflV, Ordinarv'a and Coniiiinai'inrr in tuui. I.'. H. k. .n u i t u ..... Ilnl .i .... tern, m the very t-.t maimer. ..f supcnor papur'. and hagcJ and Indexed wnen required. I'KINTEU WOI(K. .Mime r .k ., i'eriudicala.l'jriiplileta, M.ig inu b-io. a of every description, bound or repaired, nely ot alyie. IT All oroera will be eneuted with deapatch, id aa low aa can Be Bone i-Im-w Here. E. li. STAKES. ' January 17, 1S60. sllif ' rF W IISTOV '..t It I I 1 1 li J 1 V.l Hi ' . t.r.r eor.alanti f on hind, whoiraale a nd re. 1. tail, a luii and complet? aasortmentof risAiM t.M) jaia.m:i TIX-AVAJIE, wl.ieh will be aold LOW. ClOL'N'I ER SCALES, Enameled Bjuc. and y Sue 1'ina, Glue Puts, Waflle lona, dec, for aajc by S. T. WRISTON. T.t lOILET SETS, s auperior article, for sale S. T. WRISTON'S. CI ASH. Deed.Sple. Kd Dressing BOXES for akle by S. T. WRISTON. Fit r its a i:(;i;taiiij:s. TOXE Sl C, i Screw Top GLASS JARS nt ttrrmrvine Frinta. Vrvrfhha. An., the beat article bow ,n u.e, for .ale by 8. T. WRISTON COOKIVfJ STOVFS. ?i-:. ORTME.VT of COOKISO and 1 ' ES, will be conatamly on hand, i r.ther MTOVE. and s.ld aa low they can be afforded in thft market, by 8. T. WRISTON. CAarUltr.Jtnt MAH'j'J. Mil EXECUTIONS for the S. Court for sale. l"flifntiii;rfloiie AMmnnac. lilpitiiilf ilL s e'liui iSu ui, " s'lwii it:ts;i IVISII.IsIrS S'SI : WnVrM IWJIllI it a :,, r-'n si'js ;: . , a ju.aii... ... ... ... ! . i'iVkIisIikIit is : uiMi'Siiri'. i si ?t a on is . 1. iii!t"u .'is a ..1... 'I w:i-ii- itwi.vit is:ie 17 I 10 niiilisMi'is 1 ails m it is.iwjs 11 e Iwil ! i " "4 "M " Oct. ...j 'iffi sl'Vsfi I si !lil!lU IJ l( 1 7 OlOill'lJ 13 17 Wllv ' 51 Ull.lll 17 IN'. ' ') ... I t UK,) 111... ...1... ItT ...I... I 1 J ; ...I- -I- i 1 7 i t u!n 1: ,M- 4 i ! T sic 11U4 IVI4II7 l l I llluhjiHIIlllSii; si ii'a a u js 2 i is J 11 10 ii-n'istit'is n 1 in' it iMfti n ITIIKllV 'XI'1Z SS :l l I7H l.'.w'il'r.' ... ... ... ... ... ...I... MI!...I...I...I KOBT. II. CO WAX, iKaKRALroMiiifMun '" . S .a- Wilmington, N. t . C'"" 8"' Vtlobtr 11, 1859. 31 if The OUI IXortli Hlnic, roif.t' IO()K IIKKE. FRIKNuS, and fellow eilnrna, 1 , ,, . ' ' . , ;.,,.Ti..,v itouTH 1 J will you boy the nubleM Alto fiOK nd fallow eilurn I AkOl.I.NA 7 1 lfao, und to the suhaenbera, or ubaenbe to the Counly Agent, lor thin New, li.-irgr and .l.ij;iiifiteiit .llap. And vou will f rt inCVh'.le Sta le, with hi r Rivera, Railroads, Uld, Cupper, l-au. Iron and Coal Mmn, and all the ('ili.-a.Towni and Villagea. hr nobis Mountuma aud Sprniis, and her Fields and Flowers. If yon want this GOLDEN PRIZR. low ia the tioie. Sl.i sevi-B feet by five. B-irdrr views of the ftt.'tr llouar, Imane Aayluin, Chapel Hill, Mule and remale ( ollrges, c, die., one ot the rhraprtl and bett M pa ever published PEARCK & BEST, Hillsboro', N. C. AGENTS WANTKU for every county in the State. Terms ibcral. Apply as above. Jul, li 18 6m c-UAKLorrE iioti:l, BT Beta Ml. BlCsiaralIa CHAltLOITI . f. f l!IF. Proprietor ofthis Ih.trl is , i still at hia post ready to fill- I til the duties of " mine hoot " to the j travellinr public and others whoi may call an him, and be flattera himaell' that aa , comfortable quurters can be found with him aa , any where in line vieinity. Bring aituatcd near ' Jh. wntre of trh.rlotte, Men wt find this lli'Ul a mot convenient and Hi airabl loeat'on. He h been eniiaeed in the bumnrM ,l a"'lJ "" ,h,,j r'alTitr.' yZ' proved. prent,nt in front a two. u.ry .ka.ia ;0O feet in length by 12 ftet in width, handsomely .k..i. k. i,... n ih. .(T..rrl,n ! Bt prome04d at ail Jw.ura of the dy. out, and in every part of it ere.iure eomf..rta are abundant and tangible.eapeeially in the 1IN I NG ROOM, where the " 'inner man day by day Conneclrd Willi this Hotel are Stables alfurding room lor 100 honee. abundantly furniehi with; grain aad provender, attended by faithful and o. bilging hofllers. The Proprietor frels confident that with his !nng rsperience and nmiv new advantagea added to hia . deaire to pleaae, he ia prepared to offer hia Irn-mia and the " rrat of mankind," aa mi'ny eomforla and as much good cheer aa will be found anywhere. prrhipe a little nmre so. IjT At any rate tst the Charlotte Hotel. J. B. KERR Octolr 19, 1P58. 3-Jlf In oreienting yon with DR. EATON'S INFAN TILIS COKU1AL, we ilea re to aute its aupirior. Hy over every nostrum that nurn or quack has beretolore otfe red you First It is the pr p iraiion of a regular phyi "' '" qal'6o. from much espemnee '" "'''-utile complamu. 10 preaenbe for th C""UIJ " "''J ima nim. au"" ,nT "'"O ,no e' nq,ienny r.i.etea oy re. niotine the aulfrrioir of your cltilil, ol dra- """ its sensibilities. 1 innlly It ispulupwi'h ! gre-t aa eoinp.nn of it with any .r. ; tide fir infantile comulainia will ahow j ihc vr-ry runts froin wiiich it is uuiilled b:mg dug from lha i forata undr the direction of Dr. bdlnn, sijdv of'1 them by hia own hamii. Kourtnly It ia p-rnct- I ly hurmlraa and runnot injure the ninat delicate in. j funt, and ia a cerum cure nA relief in all tne fol. i lowing eaaea, which ia ita ctnef merit or cvrry other preparation, vn r FoK ALL COMF1. A I NTS ATrKlVDISO ! TEtTHlNU; such UYfLNTEKY, IOLH', ' dtc; alio, fur softening tho gums snd relieving ' piin. fur regulating toe boa-rla it ia unron illrif. ! Fur (old in the lleo n ia a .lire relief. ForCKolT. : tne moat fatal and trying ol diieaeee, it can be re. I lied on with perfect i 'mridence ; and being a pow. J erful anti.apaamodic in ail ciiies of convuimuna or j '' are earnestly recommend you to loae no tune ' in procuring it. LaHr It coata so much more j than oiher preparatina of the kind, that we cm. i not afford such long sdeertiaemeBts as can llioae ; whoae whole esmnae ia thnr adeeriiaing ; f'T the i same reaaon, it conin.enria itlr as the moat relia ble to all mi.lliera. In all eaaea, the dir-etiona wrapied around each botUr, mual be atucily tol lowed. Price, lit cer.U f.r boitle. ( Sold by CHUltCH ci Pl'I'ONT, Druggists, 1 No. 36. M.udrn l ane, Nrw Y-rk, ' and by E Nye lluiehiaon iL Co. and F. Srrr, I iiariotte, . C. Dr. Btonann, having been so far reduced by con suinplloo, as to be euuenlercd beyond all hope nf j recovery by the mt eminent of the medieal pro. feaaion, snd alao by Inmaelf a regular pli kici-iii ol twenty yeara practice as a laat reaoit, cm. eeived the ides ol ANALYZIM THE IlLtJtJU, andapplying the inUjectof pliyaiology to the more uiiinediuie eonnei twin, and tff. clol the state of the blood upon II. t lieullh and ayalrm. The reiull , ha. been llie production ot tins lil.DOl) F'J1," ' from the ue of winch. Ir. Bronson wa reaton d to per I eel he.illh. Within an montha aTter ita in. troduetion, over two th'iiisand conaumplives were ' effectually cured by it. If you h-ive any eomplainla ' of a coiiainnpttve irndency.f.'avgA. C.tti, H'td imr, I'alpiimtitn Ih, Hrarl, Lott of Apprlilr, ur poi Bise .Side, h.r no time in procuring a builie m the , uluijij j-imju." II y,u are siiffrrine fr V ri.i.i.. .... , , , , jl.,W. ,f your .V.,.s iJprnJd or v'our 11, vour geas Ktltxrd, you will find in Una an uol.ili rrniedy, hy coinu, racing with Un afrais. If your .leer ia I'irpid nr diaeaaed in any manner wliti v er, sue er tut l.miltt will be eure'io nmgor.l., ar,d bring it inio lively and healthfiil action. In tnr moil niveU-ratec.aof Dyiprptia, lot p.ticnt can here find the moat rilin. nl 4i.d giat-ful relit-f A b. nefii ia alwaya esiricnci d alter taking en.'y mr ; 'Hit. In Ahilt or female Cmpi. .nd It tui ! the aurTt-rer, alter trying othei raiHedn a id may rot aaaured, that a certain cure will reeult from II. e iiK ,,f lira r (Aire butlirt The "BMHil FtMIIJ-' laeiTciual in all eas of tl nHimt, Sail Khrum Srtofulal andolhrr like com. pluiiia. I'alt mud rmmcijtrd r'llina ji.d adulit are imiuedulele keneliiled bv ita Il .. . atrengih lo ike body, and eolor and beauty lo tne aa.n. 'Ayirin of mil nWi are uaing it with uaing derful euce. For full directn. bottle- , see circulars. Price $1 per Sold by CHURCH A DCPONT, Druggists No. .lb. Vt-iiden Line, New York, j and aold by E.Nye iluuihiaoii A ('. end F.Kearr, Charlotte, N. t . AW. Is ly j WASHINGTON HOTEL, (CHANGE OF PBOPRIKtOBS.) BIIUAU St ItEtT K t UtKN, K. JOHN F. JOMES, Proprietor. ffiHK l'rfcriB rcppcctfu'ly unnounors tu J. he tr.vell.11g iublie, tbl he Iu. Ikt clmrge of tins I1 snd popular stblihmeiit, and in now prfMirru to iccuiiuihhUU tmvclurssiid pri viitc fnimlii-s with burd by tlx uuj or month, on tlit- nicnt sCP.iiniiioiUliiig lfril. Hit TAUIK will always be furnishrd with tlie bf t provisiuna that h-me ntl loreign mil km can sfTord. . . The Whi!ti llnts'l moms, is ntii-rcr th ai put. Hie eourl tiouw, auu the bum slnf tt tlun soy ollii-r in the eitv. An Ommiiis will lwys be t the depot and landing, on the arrival 01 the esrs snd atimmbosl, 10 eonifi-y pasai-neers to the Ilutfl free of elmrge. Ily slupwiKK at this Hotel, pasaenfura will have ample time to obtain nieala. Having alao a Urge and rommndioos Stable, and an tscellinl Ollrr. he is folly prepared to board horaca by the da;, week or month at the moat reaauiiable rates. JOHN. F. JONKS. March 1. 1859. Sf P. SAU11S, Arcliilrct niil llnildrr, "tt II.l. furniab Deaiiii,riais and Drawine If lor Pulilie Buildinga, Private Residences . . '.,'... 1.....I .. . In . - . buil.ime H. urine Mills,! urn Mills, tie. Owes Al,,...,'a Uuil.o,. Ironl r.K,iii. ,.. ,, ' Oc(ir26. 1858 33tf 1 monnmn cabe, n. .11. iinu TBi 1 m ' ILL be nlraaeu to rrceive Prnfraaioi a iCalli ) 11, tli v urpuriiiii mi of M KDH'IM K and ' SL'KliLKY. luleai prott-ssinnaliy abnt. ne 111.1t be iounoal hiarcsioencc. Fort Mill lepol, ' Yn'rs Diaiucl S. . I V li. Ih56. 1 f Wanted, 1dt g COR MS OF TAN-BARK. It f which me caab will be p.. J. ' M. B. TAYLOR. May 31.1 858 1-itf Cash Pnid for Hides, 1Y 3. M.IIOWKLL, 3 door. South nf the J Manaioe llu... l ri.. April 6. 5tf Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a rontitu:innal disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor, lteing in the circulation, it penrndia the hole botlr, and niay bunt out from it, stLk-.' nlr fc. thc one which t may VtZZ tl) h""" in dueuac on any part of it. o oriran u Ire eauid hv mercurial diM-nsc, low livine, do ordered ur unhealthy iuod, impure air, ruth and tiitliy hahits, tlie dcprewing vice, and, above all. ly the venereal infc-etion. What ever be iti oiij-in, it U hereditary in the con stitution, descending " from parents to chiMri-n unto the third snd feurth gem-rntion ; " indmt, tt stvms tu be tbe rod of Hun a ho uys, "I will the iniquities of the failtera ujam tiir eluldren." Its effecu commence ly diiKwtion from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lunga, liver, and inti-mal orirsna, ia termed tuberrlca; in tlie glaniis, sweilint-a; and on the stu-focc-, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which gindcra in the blood, depress- tlie eueriiies of life, so that eerofulnus constitu turns not only aufftv from scrofulous com-plamt-t, but tin y have far k-ss power to with- aUnd tlie attack of other discaaes; conae qurntly Ti-t nuinbirs pi-rivh hy disorders a huh, althoush not scrofulous in their nstuie, are atill reiidi-red ttl by thia lain! nt tlx system. Moat of the ccttumitiun which do. emiares the human miii Las its origin directly in this scrolulous contamination ; and many destructive tlisraaosof the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed. J all tho origins, arise frum or are a?ravatrd hy tlie same cause. tne quarte-r of all our people are scrofulous ; their pernios sro invailed by this lurking in f ition, and tlvir health La unih rmuicd by lU To cleanse it from the syatetn we mut renovate the blood by sn slt.Trntire medicine, and in vigorate it hy healthy fond and exercise, buth a medicine we supply in AVER'S Compound Extract of Snrapari!!a, the Biot r-ffectual rc-mcdy which the medical ehtll of our time cn di-rite f ir this every- here prevailing and tstUil maladv. It is com-luni-d from the moat artive remeflials tliat have ht-rn discovered fortheexpurgntionof this foul disorder frora the blood, and the rescue of the sistem from its dtatrnctive eonairjuencea. llncc it should be employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other sffec tintm which sriac from it, BU' h as Enrrrtrw sid Him Disr.tsr.s, St. Athosit's Fiaa, ltor, or KarsiFKLA. Pmptrs, PiaTt-trs, Blotches, ItLAixsand Bou.a.TiMoaa, Tettvb and HUT Klin k. Scald Hrn, Kixowoaw, 1(iii;i ustisii. SrcHitmc and Mcrci kial Uis f. ir, IlKor.r, Drsrwe.iA, IitsiLivr, snd, indeed, all Cohpi.aists abisino rai. Vitia ted ob lure he Blooo. The popular belief in impunty of the biood " is founded in truth, for scrofula ia a deenrration of the blood. The particular purpose snd vii 'tc of this Sariapa nlla is to purify and rrgi-neiatc this vital fluid, without which sound health is in.jxisaibic in C'&tamiiiatcd constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAJHIlT PHYSIC. sre so composed that disease within th range of their action can rarely withstand or evade then, their penetrating- properties search, and cleanae, and invigorate every portion of tne human orgam f.m, correcting ita diseased action, snd restoring ha healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these properties), the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility ia aaloniahrd to And bis health or energy restored by a remedy at once so Simple arid inviting. Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable and daiigeroua disease. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratia try American Almanac, eon talmna; carltttcatea of taanr curve ana aW nwaa for their use in the following complaints : f-'oarir-ness, Itearlhvm. 1 inula i he uriunj from difordtrrd Stumach, Sautm, Indujtttian, I'a'm in and Mnrlnd Inaction o f Iht lloveU, Hatulrnry, Lou of Appt lire, Jauitdice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low .late of the body or obstruction ef its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, roa tub baiid ci-aa or f'ougha, Colds, Inflnencn, Iloarseaess, Croup, Ilmnehitis, Incipient Coimmp. tion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced singes of the disease. So wide is the Held of Its usefulness and as nu merous sre ths cases of its cures, that almost every aedion of country abminda in persons pub licly known, who have been restored from alarming and even devperate diaeaaes of the rungs by ita use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of Its kind ia too spparrnt to escspe otiaervation, and where ita virtues are known, the pnhlie no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous afTectioBS of the pulmonary organ, that are incident to oar eliaiate. Vhile many inferior remedies thrust upon the enuimunitr have failed and been discsroed, this baa gainf-d fnenda by every trial, conferred bcneAte on the afflicted they eaa never forget, snd pro dneed cure, too numerous and too remarkable to Jbs forgotten. PRKfARP.O BY DK. J. C. AYE IK Sc CO. LOWELL, MASS. For sal by K. NYK HUTCHISON CO. i V. SCAUR A CO., I ' Charlut'e. II AVILAND, STKVENSON A CO, Chnrletton, S. C. WITNESS TICKETS, for ths County and Ssperior Court, for sals htrs. wait FjMnonv 'IIYisit jbV. m. Jwatfes T9W m ''M",J-m "b aulls Stoves Because he buvre hi SlVVtH frum AaAJall. Wonld retnertfblly announce to the ol ( PAH OH F and virinily .thst be htsremovrd (Vom their Old Pluno, to No. 1, Granite Row, where he has nuw on ealuhilioii.just rrcaived from itt North, one of the most extensive eaaortments of E E Q) ver offered In North.rarolira, sniopg which will m m m 'mm- rwimzs m which hss gained such a famooa reputation in the SnBlhern Country for the last eighteen month. . This Stove he warrants superior to sny ( ookmg tot vow iu u.i .ll is sin Lie in ils arranges M, consumes less fuel, slid dors more woik in a given liB'i.thait sny nthi r Blove now in nee. lie will put up one beaide any other Stove of the seme aur in the I'niti i. Sta ti s. son il it does nut do Bwr. work in l given lima, ha will forfeit the price ot the Move, and auit selling sad go his death lut the better one. ALSO, AJail., KINDS OF Fsm&OR & BOX STOVSS. He hss, and constantly krep on hand. SB eitrnsivs aad varied stock of TIN AND SlIKirr IKON, JAIPAil Ailli ID'iillAililUA W AIBIiij v rir.TTt.i s, cist ihoa m:nsTi:.ivs, HAT HACKS, CHADLES, &c, &c, .-til of tshicll twill ! assist, U Lulranlit mi 4 lls lnll lii i.-r IbwHasas ever brrii of l. rs d In this virtnil). I wonld return my ihsnks to B.y friend, aad cast. nirr. for the very liberal pa tronsgr Ihey bav. bestowed upon us. and Ihey Biay real as.ured, that I shall endeavor, by eltase altrhlioa la ba-smeM together with a determination lo p!e..e. to try and nieril a con of the ssnis. His ULimmz "fl$Kr nin i hull jfchte." LadicM and llentlrmcn are p irtirularly invitPii to call mid examine his Slock. AIISIHl'S 01 JOB G3JE 1111111 10 V:ITB. llllUt, S. I!. I will tell you why I head my advertisement ' V aiv sua T Vi soaim," it is beeaan wc have three waggon, eonalantly tr.vrllii g Mirougl- the rouMry with wr .11 Hi-ilrr trill br fnilUfnlly ami jnitn filly nllrmtrfi lo.t CWi, Jwn. 1, 1857. . IT IS OTTOO TOSA1 SIXCK A.'.L, OLD AND YOUNG, Vii: ibdt PioUisor Wood s iUit Ilet j torativa ; tb haiir, il uud ur llirrc erk( to my ( miiyuiaihie rr(Vcl)y, rrt.rc tw jrj,c -r t'.f ls-lil iin nMurr'i itu oriiajim n', li'r it ur ; 1114 ke il tutl ari bcuuiut iin mny o.l, iti. prttt-rvc (n rlp fff if nil ilivn 1 r( mgc. 8UtiHiltcn. Jli 'gL'a, Atui U. lor., I utgjraicii. rrolcMK and (..nil. ui. n au II claaaea, all uvrr the world. War tea . linn.iiy lli.l we do not say loo much lu II. tsvor Read Hi. following, snd juuge. i Itii xoav t n.ric.1 ., Mol'.. IS.' 7 - j I'sor. O. J. Hw. lh-r Sir . Koine tinie l-sl ; .unimrr we were inoucru lo use .nine at your H .ir K .lomtive, .nd Us rff. eta were . anniii-r. In , we del it oar duly lo you and the afflictec1, to rrpor! it. Our liiils aona bead for some liovebsdbreB per lectly covered w ith aorea, anil auroaesllrd il .c-ld he.d. The . I moat entirely eame . ff in con. a. nnence, when s fiiend, aeemg bis suff'-rmr, .d vis.d tt. to o. yoar Kcsn r.ii.c, r mu w-ih litllr hope of .uerrsa, but I i our .urprie,.Mt llwt ot all om frienoa,.i vtryfew applo reaiovcd the diseaae entirety, and s new anu lusuriant nop of bair soon sUrid eut, anu we e .n now s-. j tin t our boy h.a aa l.ea!lhy a clp, aad .a loiunant a cop ef hair aa any uthir chi d. V'. ean,llirre. tore, and do hereby, rscaniairnd your HeaiiiraMve, as s perfict remedy for all disea.ea of the c Ip and hair. We are yours rr.peelfiilly, t.VI W. HH.i..HOI MAM. HAKAII A llif..IMl HAM. Taor Vt ooo iH ar f"t : My hair had, (or aevn. IA years, lcn tieciMoing prcinciurrly gmy .e. Compiinicd by a hrhm.a winch irndrrid tlie C'ln.tunt application of ml nt-eeeaery in dte.aiog it W hen 1 commenced your Hair Ke.tvra tive about two months .go it was in that rotiui tion ; and having co: linurd ita nae till a nhin the la.l three aeeka, H h. turned to it. rislui.l col or, and a.suiued a aoftnesa and lustre greatly to be preferred to thoe priwluced by lit. applicain-n of una or any other preparation I hsva ever u. d. I regard it aa an milispenaa ble article lor ver y Isey'a toilet, whether lo ba Used a. a III -t..'. rstiva or for tlie simple purpoee ol Oiessmg or heaatitying the hair. Yon have permission lo me j all who eniertain any doubt of ita performing a. I a , lli.t ia claimed for it. M C RYMOMX, Cincinnati, O, Feb 111. IB.'.'f lltlhirdsl. 1 WiLl.lKoroli. Mo., live. A, ltA7, ' Psor. noon lsr Mir 1 liy lha advice ol a! Ail loa ate paid ailliiu SO oaa after satis friend of mine, who had been neing your llir iHCtrV urool ia oreaeriti-ii. Kralnralive, 1 was mil nee. I In try it. I had the j lever, aoins lime U.I May, snd i.e.rly every hair ' in my head cams noi- Now my hair ha. come in I a great deal thicker than ever it wwa. Nothing but a duly and svnipsthy thst I feel to ooiumuni. cute toothers who are atllicltd aa 1 have been, would induce ma to give this public e knowledge. I meal of the benefit I have reee.vad from Tiof, I Wood's Hair Keslorative. j Your, respectfully, A. K J At OlIS. I The llratoralive ia put up in boillvs of 3 vise., t via : large, medium and. mall; the aruall hohls a pint, and rct iila for one dollar per bottle) ths , medium holda at least twenty per cent, im-re in . pioporltcn limn the emtill, relaila fir two do lars i s bottle j lha large ho ds a quart, lorly per cent. I more in proportion and retail, for (.1 a hoille. O. J . Vv till Ae I 't )., Irnpr Mtora, .44 Itroad way, New York, and 1 14 M-irkrl Hi., Hi. I.nui., .Mo. and srild by .11 good Urnggisl.and raney UihhI. Ieai j era and in l b. riot te by HCAKIt 4 I O. M.irch 27. ISMi. I 3in james 3i i:dm;v. COMMIXSIOS ME It I'll AN T, 147 t il A .VI II K It B rl KI lT, N. Y. ftl'YH and forward every kind of nicrch.n J m dixa for V, .r crmt Ctmmiotion. defers In (.ova. 8w.iu anil Motel, i.d, N. W. Wood fin. J. W O.lxirne.C. P. Mendenhall, A. M. Gorman, Kaqa. and Kev.t . r. IH-eins, Hon. w. ai.d otliera. iHnWr in I'lunn., Melodeona, Organs, II irps, (iuilara, Mueie, Mewing Machines, Iron hafi ., Pinup., t.unlen r.ngmea, &e. A printed list ol all It" ri fleri iit makers, kinns and prices ornt firt. Publlaher nf'sn elrgnrit lllhngriipll of ihrkotj Aal (," H.V. (ft,) and ll.e " Mao. an I'BvsiciAai oa, Isimss Imiii.s to" Thia invaluable fvmiif adetser slmuld ba in every hoB.e. It Ir-at. nf all diaeaaes, has a copious tloeer y sad prrsvrilie the remectii . from nuture's iiiiitenus atoree, for sllonr infirn.ltiaa and mis. fortuor a. It ia printed on fine white paper, hand, .oim ly bound fourth edition, 300 pages, snd is bu ileal free for en. dollar. New Rosewood Pianos, II JO. too. 16, Ifcie. ; .1 8.B. RANSOM, ttes, I I wCIANY. the Mannlaeturers. TAYLOR W E B bs fnui.ii the celebrated m K-'t A A.S.3I.TAYL0K. sir CANDY FACTORY. Fresh Conficlloiieries, Fruits Ac., Ac. r"f " llf eubaenber fesieetfully informs the eili. at a. n. ot h.rluite snd surruanomg eoamry, that In fail m hai.a b.t - ..1.11. ... , (,m firw York, Confectioneries, Fruits, r.( v ;i' i:kii; aks TOU.Ul'O. SM I T. TOYS. 11 it -; I liiBlrniitiiil, run: MiiK. iH.nitv iititi:, t Is. ilit it. , k 1 1 as t ltHaa., I luttis, s si i k-ainst,tV IIIicJ tijii ol v.ciy .arirly, J. O. PALMKR. Aosrsaser 9. IhiH. r.'tf Also, lo irSt. n.i. ta n'.nufsrlnre f'A.M'l K-s ef .11 kind., ire Iroin poiawnnus ciuriiig uniise tit. .New Yark Meam C fined t'aiMiy. laliandeee. .l 41 It I ll- HtOI.IaA Elntral Life Insurance Conifaay- HtUt t. I M.h.U.11. a t . fB'IIIS ( ua.p.ny in. u.e. the lives of isdivic. JL i. I..r one )tr, a tern, ol years, r loi li. on U. i Mutual I iifccipit, ll, ssuleu lor hie par tieiealug in tht pc.lila of the Company. I'M pollute gruhU-u lor the whole term of n" ah. u Hit pr.u.iuui then lor aaiount. la noli; may be gmu lor one-hat! the amount ot In. priiuibin, hs-i ing intcri-al at 6 per cnt. wiihus gu-r.nly. the prompt manner iu which all losses hsv. bieii p.uu by tha company , ti-tetlier with the ha rat, ui pieiiiium, prist nt great jiitiuccmaats t autli aa are Uiapoaid to insure. hiuvt. arc lu.ureu tor a term of from ta five vera, lor Iwu.thirue their value. Dili Ml OK. I harlae t.. J. I, .!., W i... II. Jones, W m. W llolo. ii, V.. l t ... it, J. (. Will..., II. VV Dual. n, Quniiii.e I i.lir, f. t . fiveud, ai II. Mehee, k. I. Halite, I I. arli a ll. Hoot, 1- loale, liieh'd II. lialile. OHIIt.I18. Ir. I'harlea K. John.on, 1'reaident, vt . VV , llolden, Vice fraaident. H. II. tiultie, icretry. VVilli.m. II. J. iies. lr.s.orer. H. W . lis. ted, AUori. ey. Dr. Win. II. Makee.Medieal Ka. miliar. lietulm lommdUt. U. liuabta, VS. II. ' Kee. t li.tle. B. Moot. Mrdunl lUord of Cnnllmttou-CUi les t..i.. X, i, .;,. . i, sj.t.. at V .-i.d 11 llava.l' y li ' For further information, ths public is rel.r red to the pan.p hleis. and lorn-, til proaat, a Ineb may be nl.luii.ed al lha Oflics af the t'ompauv nr any of ita Agenciea. oinuiunit jin.n. shonld ba addressed, (l paid) lo. K. H. BATTLE, Strrttary. Srplrmltr 8, H8lf 7GB PPJKTING. till I'K1 MhM i4.U hifnii wtH ml! . th. Norm eiteenltie a 'S.g .MS. PUBrENAS for aal a( tbia 0" f'r ' rj- W'J V s.ri.-.alaUiaaaysiaws,Via..i...' -iiswBW