Sun-tan $caVratu KTI1?KM ANK. Resort to Geihs mane, inj readers, when yon tand ane rtaio which wj to jio your elva lo Ood or the serire of ihf world l.c'riarmaii will wake it vi-li- tit to yon hl in i 1,nok at J -'i ! He Hiil i.o fiii. Vut on'y took npvj Him tint of others. Mow did it fare with IlimT ' Now is the biur and the power of darkue," aid He. ITe wis gtcn up to the as-auim of the in fernal ho-l. How they Ml upon Umi I How they tormented Ilia boly soul ! What horrible coinpauy ; what uamele.s terror." ! But know that which tortured Iliui for a time menace you forever I Think of bein: eternally doomed to end-ire the society and the courses of the infernal powers I Je an piayed that the cup might pass from Hint, but no aoswer trai afforded Him. God beeded not Ilia agonizing cries; and yet Jesus was ooly the siuurr'a represiota tire, whilst you roust answer each one for himself. Remember the rich man in the Gospel, wbo tainly besought a drop of wa ter to cool his patched tongue. Who a Dion"; you can bear to dwell with devouring fire, or abide with everlasting burnings ! Be irresolute no longer. On the left yawn, the pit ; on the right chines the crowo ! Sin begets death, but the fruit of righteous fceaa i life and peace. Krumttlucher. lllf.tlh la M'U.M. '.Vhat glorious declaration is this in re- pard to the gospel. There is room ! Mil- lions have been aavrd, but there is yet room. Millions have been invited and have cme, and have pone to heaven ; but bea reu is cot yet full. There is a banquet soils, without being previously sub-oiled, there which do number can exhaust; there ae fit for ibis iu. mediate increase iu defth. are harps there which others can strike ; W e ki.ow that even clay subsoils, which and there are seats tber" which others may ipproach within a few inches ot the suifaee, occupy. Heaven is not full, and there is alter being thoroughly sulsoiicd, become yet room. The Sabbath nchool teacher so ameliorated as to be capable of admix may say to his class, there is yet room ! ture with the immediate surface-soil ; and The mercy of God is not exhausted ; the 1 we are equally well aware that sub-oiiir.,; blood of the atonement has not lost its eS- cannot be peilurmtd with any profit iu clay ci"y ; heaven is not full! What a sad subsoils containing txcissie ainouits of in. it would be if we were compelled ! water; that such soils must first be utiJ. r to hear and aj ," Tbere is to room ; heaven drained, before aubsoiiit. can be pursued i- full ; no others can be saved. No mat j with profit, as well as that subsoiiing must t-r what ihe'r prayers or tears, or ttihs, ' prt cede an it,crnse of depth in surface tlity cannot be saved. Kvery place is fill- plowing Hut thtre are u.ii.ioiis of acres ti, every Seat is occupied''' liut tbaDks capable ot b- tl.g plowid to double the d. pth to bod '. this i not the message we are apt to which they bate ever received an incis ti bear, and if there be yet room, come, iou from a tool of any kind, with increased fir.uers, young and old, and enter into hea- i pront. hveu in the Stale of New York ?c. Fill up that roo'D, that heaven may ; there are thousands of acres at this tune, le full of the happy aud bleased. If any ' which have Liver bttu plowed to a greater fart of the unirerse is to be vacant, O 1 let depth than four inches, comprised of a loam it tue daik woild of woe I Barnes entirely ready to be disintegrali ii by a sjr- i fact? ploing. to the dtpth of twelve or Sf- 7I1F. PUKCIOU?NK?S OF PP.AYKR. '"eu incheawuh increased profil ; aud there Prayer is a haven to the sbipsrecked i re ' r0t tuat ""J cot be at once plowed mariner, an anchor unto tiiern that are sink ii.g in the wave-', a staff to the limbs that t i"cT, s n,iua of jewels to the poor, a secur ity to the rich, a beai -r of di,ea'e aud a gaarriiao of health. Prayer at once secure ti" esutitfua! ce of our lles-ing,, and di-t pates tb i cl ud of our ca an.i'.tes. O Pray er 1 O blessed Prayer! thou art the uu wraried conqueror of h iman bippirie. the source of over helming joj, the author ',f philos p'ny '. I he man bo can pray truly, ttiout-h laoguisbitu in extreme it. litence, s richer than all be-ides; whil-t the b-it,. who never b tid the kt.cp, though proud'y seated as a monarch cf natiuis, is of al. Bita uiot de-tit.te Let us, then, direct our thou'.'bts to Him that was poor, yet rb: r eh because He was poor. Let u, ovf-riook tbe enj,yni ot of the pre-ent, aud de.lrt the bleiLtM of the fu'ure ; for a ahaii we obtain the ble-!'igi of boib the pre-! sent aud '.be future. Ob. may we all obtain ' them through the grace of Christ our Lord, fi whom, wi-.ii tbe Father aud tbe Ho'v ip aribtd a,i g jry, now and eve i u jra! Amen. Chi ysofo'ii. LAP.K IJOCR3. Tbere are dark hours that mark tbe hi, tory of the brightest years For not a w o'e month in many of the million, of the p p-rhap,. ba. the jo ,bou-f brl.iaut'y al, toe time And tbere have bin cold and rtormy days in eiery year. And jet the mist and shadows of f,e d.rke-t hour di appeared aud fled heeiiea-ly. The mo-t cruel ice-fetters have be'-n broko and dis aied, aud ihe mo-l fjrious stonu lose- its pvacr to bariu. And stint a parable l tbi, of human iifa of our iunle wor.d, where tbe heart works at in ha Sowing ut the dark hour, and many a col 1 b!a-t chui, t.'.e b-art to its coral 11 it what mtter it Mao is born a b-'O, It is only in tu-djrktie-s and atorms that heroism gain- it, grtste.t and tbe bet vel ipuient, and Ii.e rtorai leara it more rapitly on to its d stiny. lie-pair uot, then. ISever ;ive U ; while one giod power i, yours, u-e it V appoiutmenl will not be realized Mur til) i.g fa.iu'e may B'teud this effort and tn st one but omy be houtst aud atrugjiie ol , aud it wi.l work well. tilUISl l AN COMKOIIT. !. t the eour,e of jour inbuUtiou he wha; it will, " id inn ye .hail hire peace " il , i. it, then, irrhaps jou will a-k, that f.'ori lia.,i are not al'ays r. j m:iu ' II, i. r that e have no ofteu r t'.eui Oat lie Uu tear., and ac.reely bear anylhui j fi om t le u. lut gh" aud complaint- ? It is ei-i,y e buaib tu Le accounted for It i. t.eea.i-.-tii- y lov the world, and the tlnu,'. of tl.. Bur ,1 o much, that thry have 00 rootu m r.Ii-'i f ir d i v i ne coo-o! itioria. To he aur. hi re Christ i, there i al y ground f i v -.tijri ; hut Christians are not always fit t i he ejtuf irte I Tby m iy, through merr i ,'ieLt.ou tu .foiiiua il ii.c-, er too fobJ attention to temporal pefessioos and enjoy. so sadly declined a: to reqtire reproof rather than comfort, and wbit tbey want Christ gives Lut'ington. RELIGION' AT HOME. " Let tin in learn first," says Paul, " to how religion at home " Rdigioti tiffins in the family. One of the holiest sanetuar- ie on earth is lu tne. The family altar is i the utmost cotifideuce in producing the finest more venerable than any altar iu the cathc- varieties, in perfection, upon boih stocks. dral. The education of the soul for ctertii- ' To or three years will settle the question, ty begins by the firesice. The principle of j and until thi n we will not dispose of trees, love, which is carried thorugb the uuiver,e '.The Mabalcb is a Southern tree, ami senil is first unfolded iu the family. jed to acquire acclimation here. It grows jthiiftily on any dry soil, though quite poor, A GOOD AN.SWT.R. ;lut, to sustaiu fruit, would require such soil A young lady in a Sabbath school a few t0 be enriched. It has the iflvet of dw-r-aiornings since asked her class, " How soon fing and throiu! into early bearing any of a child should ive- its heart to God I" One little girl sui aid, " bon thirteen years ' Ten ;" another " Six." At old ;" another length the laH spoke : "Just as snon as we know who God is." Could tbere be a j better reply ! SUriniltural. l'KKI' PLOVINi. It has been truly said, that an increase jot one inch in the average depth ft -;owit.g throughout the Coiled States, would pnv duce a larger amount of profit, as compared . with present results, than all the g;id re- !ceived from California. We believe iu this ! of one inch iu the average depth of plow it.g , ; assertion ; but we do not belitve that to an mcb or mnre beyond the former dej tli. The ad age ' Hi at many farmers o u anot.ier tiiui iiiiiiiediately uii'ier that which they tin culti ate,' cat: uot be too ofteu repealed , aud the junicious farmer whose will has t-trii so o;ten quoted, as having intormed his tonsillar he had buried a sum ot money at a d. ptii of twelve itches some here on bis farm, and tnat they must find it, iu, prov ed !l,e quiity ot iLur product" by the tii ot the soil more than he would have benefited them by the su po-ed ie.ja- J by tiir-ct It qu.eatblM.-ut. Less mauure Will produce a iare auiouut of ciop, in a dcepiy disintegrated soil j and il ia uot truo that th-j deeper you p ow the more ma nure you ri quire, ll i true that tbe mere 'borouglily manure is divided, the greater i i be th.j amount of crops podueed ; and ,ula " Certainly brought at,out ly oe'P :Lan shallow ploaing. J practical farmer can doubt that, in deeply plowed .oil., crops are less aLt.oyr-J bJ "tnutb and by in.-ect, ; and if plowing is u-efil at ail, it ii u-t le u-ifu! prcci-ely in the rati to the amount of soil disturbed, provided that root- are caput,. e cf appro priating grrattr amount of ,-oi! ly it, dis turt.aoce. Who doul t- that rovs will tra vel to the d. ptii of twelve or fill, eu inch' s, or even double that distance ? U'l.o d r,' ;i tout lime passing dow n thro jgh ti.e sou wi.i ret in- rt on the surface of a cold and uti-di.-ii,tegrt d a-ib.oil ! W bo does not know I) i many faui.,, suppo-t-d to bo wotrj out, nave been revived bv the increase ota few Lch'sin the depth of plowing? Ai.dwh) i.i lunger te c. nl- nted 10 u-t a j inful one '!' pb, skaiit.g it tbr ugh the o,i ik.j a harrow with one lootb, and rtarvn.g on the continually dccri a-ing product if 'jrk. 1'Uniti. stJ.'L.S f'Dli FKL'Il'd. Of the proper soil for tbe several fruits, the Apple prcfera a strong loaiu.or .oil iu t.ich clay preponderate,, and w hieh con tains lime j if Lot, then lime in aou.e rhape mu-t he applied ; and if the toil i, natut al ly sandy, add cl.y or MitTi-b awa:i.p uaui.-k. VS el lands mu-t be drained. The iiposure i, of hits moment; alihouh, iu tbe hi,i-, we atiuuld prefer an H..-1 m kul-n-lv, and in the level la land-, we should ruu the roars Ka-t and Wc-t. 'Ihe Tear loves a similar .oil, if worked ou the Quince, il will inrne inai..iiot too sandy. 1 i.e 1'eactj and Nectarine l inn be,t iu a liht, warm, nen .oil, even though ijnte handy, if the -o.i v. ry el IS, a j;ood deal of aoi at.,1 enj-iiei cnarcuai muit he .ij,(. lied , jf lieu- (oiur-d that are worked on i'.uo, -to,-, when we find .ucceed heller than, t om- lime, wo believed po-ible. The Apticol and the I'ij'u both lo.e .4 . s'lth-u soil. Where the -oil i tin uy, try then,, .oik d uu tu.; I'each or A! j ujoud 'J'lio A.mond aeeda a aandy kuil, ..... t..e i.:.vii, ami jr-.i, well wli-TeV-r it has been tried in the .S.nji!,. 'J:,. ,'(,,,. IJ wants a dry, tiiellu. t-.l-rahly ne',, and not too sandy soil. The tree grows most thrift ly with us, though as to its bearing qualities we can only as yet say, tie have iomr fruits. Hut we hear of bearing trees and One fruits in vnriour parts of the coun try. Our jouug trees, both those worked on the Muhaleb or St. I.uciu and ou the strong growing Manard Cherry, ate as pr. nii-ing as we could desire, and we hae the varieties worked upon it. Tbo Muward is a strong growing kiml, aud those budded ou it form large trees. The Fig thrives well in any good gaidtn soil, bearing most abundant!, and least likely to be injured by frost, or tbo fruit by continued wet weather, il hijli and not too rich. The Or ange requires a good, mellow garden soil, in clined Iikii. 'j, a:;d with a good proportion of leaf mould and strong manure slaugh-tcr-hou-e, partially decayed, broken b.iijt's, ou-ter-shells c, are good, this ap plies more particularly to the Kuropean varieiits. The native American Grapes, as ihe Catawba, I-al.ella, Cape, Madeira, ic , I should have a similar soil, though uot uc !cc ariiv so rich. The improved ScutDer- , ,,t,;,!1 l!llive Bc; h, ,nj I110dt.ra,c y t,ood, AfJ aoj, . jf very ricb;t)(. gro.,b bf.cmeH tog grf tLe proliuc.llv,.us i, itftta. t,j Vor (ji llaIberr;y. provide a deep, cn.j atj s t ; ffi . j, 0j for Strawbcr ry a similar soil but inclined to sandy. I11ISI1 1'OTATOKS I or of ours, the most successful A nci grow er of Iri-h Potatoes that wc know, gives ' us bis method cf cultivating tbeui. We have ne ver seen fim r potatoes than he year-1 ly ( xbibits, grown North or South. i He gathers autumu und win-ti-r, a l.ire bum of leaves, throwing over them pi a bru-h ,.nd other tra-h to keep ,. ii . . i . tin m iioui t owing awav. At autiug tune e 1 c which lor the maiu crop is about the first r iii . i i . of March, he dig, a trench tight or ten in- dies deep. I he width cf the spade, SLd iu , . r , t I . , e the b.-ttom tf be mark, a litlle furrow with the hoe. that the Dotato sets ma? all be in a line In this fair the cut p ita- r toes are covered with a good coat of ma- nurr tin n and then the earth is hauled over leaving the surface of the troneb below Ihe oemr.l love! in or,lr eliera that the otito p'ants m ly and re- tain near them all iIk- rain that fall.,. When all datgir of frost is over, a good thick mulching of leave, is thrown over tbe whole put It is better if djue sjoii after a rain acd some tr:i-h thrown over to keep the leave ii, place. The trenches should be a b rit .hree feet apart from centre to Cui.lio. I lie leaves tnu-t nut be put ou too early, a, if applied before the frosts are over, the plant, are tn ich ujore endangered thereby. The evuporviori from a bed of damp leaves tna',:es the temperature at their surface iiij.-i, 1 Kir than in utimulch.-d ground ; so that a trust scarcely perceptible elsewhere may prove fata! to tetniert lants if luu'ched. ontU I'l'.'i titiil 1'tii.un'e Iiiiportiiiit i .Mill Owners, ( I T THIS Ol ''. ) .3 ). A. ! M A V i: S Celt br-ttd MTitif la ht reeniug flaChiae 1,3 M ( l I l I.' f;i at S-.ulb I ell, N.I.', anu ' -l.ippell lo .,1 p .ris ol tl.e I' Sl,,l. ' i.c' A.. I..I.H llia.le t., to .se oil vt I I , In. ,o eh r, .1 ii ,n-1 Jm.iaiiom i,y my I, al.y anil, oo mtttitltii y "'" JXO A M. MAXN'KX. ISoulii I. ..m l., .S. ll J. s. T. IIISTON WjT f:'-l's ' r.slanl y on b .no, w ho i ...le M re. I ta. "li. dill ' d ' niitl. te as.ortlo. i.t nf 1'IaAI.N AM J I m:I) ti.-wai:i:, M Kit I. w Fan Alls. l.,ue ' Kmirro-I.., is. WaUle S. T. WIIISTOX. T'. I'tli.f.T sei S. T. '.VKISTON'S. a::d Dre.ainir HOXf.S for CI ASM, He y .!.! by S. T. WP.ISTON. till ! TN A VI il AIIM.N. A. r. w T ,p f;f.AS JAKS il.. Ve... lal.l. ... A.c , tor - by 3. T. WKISTON. i ooiic; siovi:s. r- yi." iwa . ) fjt . I art i.i. 1 " I mil or I'XIKI.MJ and . . 10. f SlIU'l.s. W I, , r.l ,, ,;y , , -" ) r"l Or Hin tin. ,.-..t,tir S. T. WiUSTtJN. j . a...,r,...,,r ,. ,1u HXKCC'l IONS for the S Court for aale. mis if. a ijtA i.t ' r li 1 J; 1 S, Si 7 it m ims'l-' si -'I .-.' - :i is Is i!,i aijuji'...!...'...!... ... ... ... I II .il 4 6 . 7 l (ill)1 1 1 12,t.VIlVI IT H i ji'ji i-j a ji a Hits a.. -.1-...I... ...I... ll 1 .1 4 t r si ro It'll 11 II 1.1 III I" is'u'w ur: n .-i a, H 12 1.1 It'U li:l April (Vt i I ij'r'j!' J ' I 7 S IU. II I.' I.' II li'lii 1 r ; I - l'i .1 j hi a'-.'i ii a,x. I. iSr.JUJII... S in 11:12 1.1 n 1VI'I7 s-t : Jl a a u 15 ii.7 . VI r s ii II 12 IJ Hill Hi i: i in ji ii .-; :-i li to ' ' ?- - , i , V 7 I IJ II IS If, 17 I- In II I'J 13 II IS 15 , 17 is n si 21 1: .n I m,u,M . a t. IttlltT. II. -OW4, i:m:i:al co.m.mis.sK).n mkbi iiant, WiinisuTus. N. t:. If tll'iee, Snulh Corner .M irkel anu W jler Su. II, I B33. 31 tf ' ,,. (, tii :i If, 'll'l'i'. IIH)K II K. li K, FR I K.N US, and fellow rumen.. J w ill y.u buy then.. Lie SI'A'IKtiK SOUTH IAKOI.I.NA7 ll'ao, .end lo Hie .unrrili.r, or mu.-crihe lo the County Agent, tor this New, 17;Klili4nl .i.i. And you will gi ttliewlmW State, with her Rivera, K.ulroads, liolil, Copper, laad. Iron ai.u Cojl li:ie, und all tile ( llies.TuWna anil Vill..(e. ber iioi.le Mounuin. anu Sirirg, and in r hielua aod . Klowera. I li y.,u wmt this GOI.DKN PRIZE, i.nw ia the tune. .M .im vi ii leilbyhve. U-rin-r view, nt Ihe Stale lh.u'e, lii.aiie Asylum, t li...el Hill, Mile ami K. male I .ill. je, A e , c.,..iu ul Ihe rlirajftl and brlt M .i- evir iu 111 I .bed PKAKCKct HKST, H .lUboro. X. C. AtltM's WaNI KU for every county iu the i Slate. Terini ikral. Apply a. above. Jmy 1-J IS 6m ' CIIAKLOTTi: 1IUTII BV ( tl A It 1.(1 I I U C. rjallK rr.o.r.etorof tb JL 'till at hi. post n fil llieluli, or-mine hi Hotel ll r n. I uU " tolbe Ir.ivelhlie public slid other, who y call on bun, aim be Halter, III 1 1 thai a. iifortable quarter, r.n br found wilb him . y where in link v, entity, lii uij situalrt. nar in Hit, centre ol Cimrlotir, Bumnep. ,M. will a 111,. Hotel .' noo-l Conv. 1,1. lit ali.l . ..,r..hle location. He his been ene trri at tbi. aland nearly eiB'iteen v . , . J , ; tune h baa made ieveral udiiitn the busiinss , und in that In hi. mrinrr bruse, and it h, ucen greatiy enl.rirrd aim mi nr. Veil, uresi ntiii in front a two "lory VKK AX lA ,n by r,a ,n width. han,t... iy .b.idi-u by irei ion tlie ide-walk. nffordinj a plea. sant Iir.i.l.i n-Hle al a :l hour of the d ; V. The ll-u.e I,.,. U.eii i.ior..U,hly furn'isl.ed tliro1. out, and in every part of it ere .lure roint'orin ire "l"""' '"' t .t.a.ti e..i-ei.,lly in ll ROOM, wnere the -'inner ni.n" la ' DIMM. t-newed " d y bv day. .neet.-C with tht. Mote .re Mal.1. lt..rd room lor ion horses, abund nitty farnisbed w ram and ndrr. atiendeu by laill.tul am bilfineh, b fr. nrie' I". elsaihiblrnt t ha t villi hi. 1 it.r new .rtv,nif'- m?dro n. c i. nrepartd n. orT- r hi. iro i...nsiil," ii..,nycni,, ier as will be loiind anywli. experience aim sire to pie .se id the " rei.1 o rhap. a lililr rrore n 1T At any rule nr the ( h rlotlr II -l. 1 J. IJ KKRR 3-2x1 OctohtT 19. I '.. Iiip-c.ent,ne you with Pit EATON'S INI-AN- I I II. K I H; III Al,, wo -i to i-ijtc its .utiermr- i iiy over every i.o.lruin t:. .1 nur.e or quae baa . lo-r. ioiore orl'ereil y-u. F.r.i Ii ia 11. pn par ,t on of a rrrular phy,i. ' ,l,fi, ..III ll.Utdl eaperii ll e -crme fur thrill. Sr. n.ii paregoric ..r opi. j ni iy rei.evea by re. . hit.l, matt ad ol UI M ny Il i pal up w.lh it with any olner ir will .how : the .-ry il ! inf Hug from ll. e j lr. L.. l.oi, many ot irloly It i firrtt et. i .11 If, I 7-" l 1 r .e,,.,l,,l,l,.- it.litile eon w ich it i. lei- the mrei y'JZt f.nt. al'd". lo:,ifCs.i II I . ..I. 1 it cinef merit i -very oli.. r ii-e ,r . tion, v.l ; foil A I.I. O M I' I. A I N Tt ATT f'.MH N'J I Tf.tlilllM.; .ucli a. liisf.Mf.RY, tol.l , A i: ; t".,r gol'tt-niiig lh jruiiia ami reio n,R ! p. in. f',.r r.'LMl'alioir I ,e b.,, I. it I. urn qii .H'd. j KM ol.i in ihe lle.,d ,1-a .., relief, fori It'll I', ' the in.t talal and trying c ilipra.r., it can be re- j li. il on wit) p, rleet colo'i ii'i' ii .' ; n fitl beinif iil.eriil you lo lose no , It . ost. . much Hi ly reeo lij; It. Liisti al be stiieliy tol ft t- p- .Sold by I'llI'IK'II A IU fMNT. Drti-reists. ! N. Uti, Vf ..i.e I. me, .N. V.,rk, j and bv fl .Vvr Hotel,,. ,,, A. l o. . lid F. Me.rr, ! t l.aro.lle, N.'r. 1 Ilr. Ilion.on, having been no f,rier:uerrt hy e. I rreovery hy Ihr li,',-t rail l fieri t ol lite al pro. It. si, ui, anu a I., . by liiuiaell n ri'ifillar p'.y.ienll lot twenty year. .racuer a. a la.t re.o, I, eon. Ier, vert tor ie ot A.NAl.VIM' TIIK lll.'IOll. ami apiiyn, the aubjrt-t of physiology to the more iiiiinriji,ie remit, l, on, aud i tl, cl ul tl..- .i .te ot Ha: Mom llll tin Ii-hIIIi and .yalrni. 1'r r. -ull ha. hern int proilii. to.ii of "n. " Hl.tlUIl f ODD," Ironi Ihe u.r of wiiieh, Ilr. Ilr ,,n waa d In perleel heallii. W itlini .i mmili,. alter i la in. l.o.iu.-tiofi. over two tiiofiaaari enn-ump ive. were erT.-i l.i.illy rurrii by it. Il'yoa I. .vr any eoinp aint. of .. e,.ii..iiiiiitivr I. ri.lriiey.f'iiiffl. (Mil, ll-nd arnr, I'llfjiitiiuiB uf Uu ..nt, joi. of Apprtiir, ur pain iRllit ulf, l-..e i.,. I,,,, proeurii'i; a i-oltie ol tl,e "Ill.'XJIl fix III " f y,,u arr .nfr.-riiig from MrtpiM. .VWilty ..r yur aUrp ia tnukrn and l'i tuilird, if your .N'nn'ia are .rr.rd ..r y..ui Or. limit Hrlnxrd. yuu will fin, l in tin. an u 1 , 1 1 1 i.j; ly, hy eoiinoeiirnig wild trn din I. ll your I. loriiol or ili.frfvrU in any lliaener Wllal, V. r, ear r lira liilllrt will be .urr lo L-,,r.le, a , brinif ll nil,, litrly Klid brail llll aeln.n 111 In. Ill ot III VI. rale e ... a .ll' I) yt p' pHlil , the p , f ,. 1,1 eal, lo re fii.fl Ihr , efli'Mellt alirl (iilelol r. ll. I A h- lit in al . va ri per ir need a i. r V km y lih' if iitir '"I'll' In .,,. r I, ma it ( and It. alt H'M.rt, Ihr aurf. rer, alier tryni otnri remr.lna III v iii may r. .1 a-urr.i, r. run: will re. ml Iron, Ihr n.r of lra Or llurt Imllhw 'I I,. HI. "Oil f'O'll) i. ,rt'. .Illal III a I ......,( ; riiplt ,ut. Salt lihtmn Srinftitut and olbi r liar ram. plan, i.. i'tilr and rmartattd cLlldrrn nl adullt are lino -.11,1.1), l,. ,ell.l l.y II. uar. ll give, aln riell, l. laaiy, li,l rlr ami beaillv In ,, n. I'hiimriant uf alt rli w.oxlerlul .nee, -.. ' " ""lh ; for loll lllieellona cireular.. Priee per illie- Sold hy Cliri'.CII k M'l'ONT, Drtit-rrist. 1 No. .'!'.. Mal.lrri l.inr, ti. W V ,1., .n.l ...Id by K .yt Ifuichi.cin A ' o. arm f .Kcarr. t'liari'ilie, N. ('. ,Vo. lo 1 I WASHINGTON HOTEL, (CHANUB OV PKOPKILTOHIl J lllttl l VI lti:i 'l M M I'WK-N, JOnN F. J N5S, 1'rcprietor. rl!, l.'iii:i-rMiiii e runtiertlully annnunces to S. Hit triveluim Ul.lie, llut ! l'J !" i hai-ee of tins ulil aim ". (.ill-, r i-slnbli.limeiit, ami i. n.iw iri-.nreil I.. cc t.- truveler. and pri- v.ile l.iniilies Willi himrii tiy the cliiv ur iiii'iilli, on till- si ce"'llg ! . Ill TAlil K Will I'lw-Tl lie (llimslird Willi Ihr hel ir..uKiii that Iiiiiiic nu lure ig ii inuikela cm ulTn',1. The iihlitj;l'n Mn l !' I';e nmiiis, i ne..rer tile drl. Hie C"lirl limine, ami the l.ii-iiii-" nireeti tli.m unv nllier hi the city. An Omnifaa will always he l the '"a" "'i l.iniimc, "" " "rrivi.l nt the ei "u leuinli(Mit lo r.invi J .netij;. r In H e lli-tel tree .f chure By 1. . ppiHg "t ihi. Il.ilel, p..M-iiger will him Htiinle lime to iitil-iiii mrils. Il.ivinj i l-ii a l .rge u lid cuniliinilinlia Stable, and un eiei Hi nl Osiler, he i fully im-jurm to board In. i n hy Hie d .y.wii kar monlli ut the mud le r..ti . JOHN. F. JONKS. .V-ireA 1. I H..9. I H S:UIS, llt liitt t l .'til ItliiliN r, a II. I. luri ish l'i aigna, l'l..n umi Urawinf lor I'liblin IlilllolliK", I'uvale Itesldenci .urn Villi". Particular Hti.iiiion will Ih-paid lo buihittit! KlourniK Mill., (o in Mill., Ac. Urnei iu 3u lory nt Aleiamier'a,)., Irolil on., over Cliii.i II .11. Otlvhtr !i6. IS..S 33tf Ilt. It. H. 1 ii I, It a M.I. I.e I.H-..M II lo ree. m Trot, Call ?f ii, Ihe in nil. . I MU'K INKoid SI l!.Ki:V. Ilills nrote..!. I .lit nbsel mav be in .inn l iiisrenioenei , Knn Mill Depot, York Pi. I let S. . P-k li. 1 if Wanted tOUHs '!' TAN BARK. ' lr ea.h will br pa. I. M. li. TAYLUK. iatf .Wv3l. I58 (Vh raid for Hides, ll VS. M. HOW I'M., 3 door. South II, u. Apri; h. Is.'.". "ill Aycr s Sarsaparilla A r..-n;vmnt r. n- ly. in w'.i ti !a-bi.r-.l to pru-1'.e the mo-t erf ,'tual alt. raUvo that .an lie mad,-. It U a . oneeiitrateU ejttrifc. t of Para SarMjwrilla, u i-u.iibiitej with utlu-r lu'i.f.t:,; es of ,r,il ri-at, r alii rative jH.svr ai tu arf.inl nu irf.rrivv antidote 'or the il. ..- Sar-apinila is r put.-d to cure. It v, ls:h, v,-d tluit sii,-h a T'lnily is want.-d by tlui? who stirt t f: otn Strumous euinplaints and that one w lii, h vv.,1 3' i-0;iipiish th.-ir cure niu,t provs uf limn nsr M-rvue t. this large clai.4 of our a:!!.. ted f ll.i.e-e:t: n.. Ho comple-'ly this compound -in .t has b ,!! prov, n by etp -r-in, -nt on m my of t!i .- wor.t i ac, to fc.uud of the fo.iuwiii eomphents : N kofi li a; S,mrii.,m Cowi-hiits, as d Mm itivb Diseases, 1'uim, I'imiiis, liLorciu.s, Ttn,'a.s, vlt Khkiw. S, u.n Hi i, ami Svpmii.itic Ar ri.' no,,, Mkhi-vhi l Dnevsr, Danesv, Nsi w.iA on lie Dot i .ii mm, DtHiuTV, Iv-i-ri'sn Asin Isimi.i.tion, Khtsii-h.vs, 1!o,b or Sr. An'Thonv's FtHR, and in l e-l the whole cl;s of romplauiU arising from Imi ikui or mr Hlooii. Tins coitipti'inil will he found a uri-at pro moter of health, wlieu Uk -n in the np. n, tu evp.1 the foul humors whuh t-t-r in tbe blood at that an of tlie y. ar. Iiy the time ly expul-ion of thetn many ruiikliiiif d..-ir.l.TS are nipped in the bud. Multitude ran, l.y tli" aid of tins remedy, .pare themselves) fiom the enduranec of fad eruptions and uleeruus wires, throuirh whuh the y,t.m w.,1 tu n l it-lf of eorrupriois, if not a-i .' d to do tin. tiin.i..'h tin- natural elnni-l. of the body by an alleratim m'lluine. ('lean out the -d blood whenever you find tu impuntp-s burst nut throujfh the ,a n ui pimpb s. eruptions, c ior -, ; eleausfi u ih,n you lind it n oV stru-ted and sl,i'i,h in th- veins; cl ane it whenever it is foul, and your f- i.n,'s w.ll t.ll you when. F.ven w b. re'no partif ul ir d.ord-r is fit, people enjoy IsH. r health, and live lonirr. Mr eh-aii;h the blood. K-p the blood letllt'.V. and all is w.-U ; but w.thth.s pi'iolii'n ofU- di-or.l r -d, there tan V' no la-tin Sir hi -r or lat.r one nnnt i! vvron , and tli - tfreat rna. ruie ry ol l.f- is dw.rd r 1 or ovrrri.iuvvn. Suripaidla 1ms, and de-rves rr.u-h, 'he repiiMtiori ol" aeeompli-hii. tl,e-e "Il'lk Hot the world has ty n eZ.-e. oo.y d', . iv. d f,y pr-'pira'i ins of it, partly Isiao ll.e ithj alon,; has not all tli" v rtu that i, iLi.ri.'d for it, but n-.ore b"ea'.ic jip-inrn'i.-ni, pr-ti ndi:i4 to V- e..n -n'r io-d' ii'.-i, t, f eontT.n lri of tie: viitu,; of Mirs-'ipaiilia, or any tiling i l.v.-. Iuiui4 y ai s the put.;;,; ).av" 1. . n n,is leil by pi :..i:o...,- to e.v, a i, ..irt of K.v'trai t of s.ii..i:,:ir..i i 1', on .;,;. t. M ,-t of tle-'M! hv" r n U teU u,ain tie- i, k, f .r t!.. v not o.ily rooiaoi i-il". :f an, s.u-ajiv riii.i, but of:. n no luiariv" prop.-rt., , v,if v er. II ii. e. b.iur m.. I ,.a., . I d.-.v,,.,,!!!.. ot 1-..IS followed ll. ; 11 - Ol I!.,- V.'..;ou,'( t. t . l.f S iripni.'!.a wh. 1. t!o-.d tl n..-,ik, t, imvl ll.e i,.,.ne it-i ll' i, ju y . , (,,,,! j,.,, , , kvaonymon, w.lh i.,i,io i ,,i and (in at. S. il weinii tin, io i,,r-iu:id -ai-. ..-ii.ila, ami inn n I to naii. liom t!. - !oi d ..f ..; o,v. u'm h r--' UOO.I it. And V? hu,l 1... ' -.on 1 f . h .i-vmrr it I,m v.fu-s v.!, ,. a;.: i.,. , 1 bv tin Oi .ol.j. V i .'li of tl.e il e.i , . it i . r,., nd ed to core. I ,,i r to -(iii.- ll. , . , .. ,1, ei.i'ii' .ition fiom tlie -i be judieiuu,iy Ukeii ui .' !.'....; .UM ; to uucuoua uu tlie bottJc. l-rtinnn, ;.r I. J. '. 4 1 lilt A CO. r.owi:i,i m -i. I'rlrr, f 1 prr llolllr hn llol I Ir a f or 1. Aycr's Clicrry Pectoral pi -.vr.. A, it ll., do for their relief a.l ll ha Aycr's Cathartic Tills, roa the erne, or CniHrrw ll nrtilr, i 'in, r, Lirrr I; J'inndi'-f, lhf,Ap.ia, fndiijetfinn, Dml tnmarh, 1:iiim,!,i, lliadiuht, malum, Hi iipti.ftl mid lilrrljrf, 'ilnint. iiriipol, J'r!ti-rt 'J'ltnUirt Oud , W:r,i, f,i, Sn. nhi, at a y,lU ltl.rum Dinner fill. I dry arr , ti.e ran tak l i i.,.. r, ,.t d f.r,,,!,, th, UU.A. ar-onl.,1. .o that Ihr rno-t WTl.i ll,. ,, ,.1, .,-onHv. and the,- rr Ihe the w old for all the purpose, of a f.n.ilypl,. Pries 25 ceuta per Pot ; Fiva bom for $1 Oa fitritn r,r. lr,nrn. I'hv.i Sialra. it ihrir lfthe, tut the rtlitliriit pi.riiliaar., l eernfy thr unp.r .lielt .fulne,' , r,.ii i of th, I he AK. nts Ih-Iow lim-ir il fur- a k mi t Ai.w , iii wl.i.-h they ii full ib'- riplim,. of Ihr .U,,, lo-ll aratiarj an- rfivrr. ; s rninjiliiiita. id Ui trr.tmctit that .hould be fol- '1 fur their Ilu not Im- pot off hv unprinriplrj ileal, rs w'tb. other irr,r.,i;.,M t,rr ,,,.,1,, ,rB t,rnl . Jlrinand AvKaa.a-rf uke no othera. Ihr an k w ml ihe beat ml there la for thein, and lliey ahouid All our rrmr.lie. ur tut aale by I'or ! f.y K NVK llliTririSON h CO. ) F St'.MlH .V CC. Chnrlnttf. j II A VILANU, KIKVKNSON ft CO., Clmi Irtlnn S. C. Si nrKNA.S for sal at tbia Office. WAIT FOR ,)! IiisA'VUW.A Ironithe Muniitariuri rs. AAIJI. TAYLOR I Would re.prrtfullv Piiniinrr to tbr i,hi.Mlin l their M.t Miin, to No. , tin rule lit w, win irre to tbr ii.hnlMliii l to. I.f.ri riili II. w. win :eiiKtve ...ortini nl. of 83 1 Q) North, one ot foe mot rxten.tve i,ortiiii nl. of 'ofleredin NnrlhC'ari' ni'j whirl, w w-bii h hat (fainril nucb fainou. rrputalioii in tie luprnor to mi luil.ri lb,. Move be warrant, superior to any i eoii.umr. Ir.. Miel, .ml doea more work in put up one he.iue ny other Hiove of the. inir .r 11 r work in I'Krn tiini.lii will fortril lb tbr to ller one. ALSO, ALL PiiRZ.OH & BOX STOVES. lie ha, .n.f rnn.ti.nlly krrp on hind, an nli ni aim v.rieo .1 k of tix am) siiLir n:ox, ;;. ut rri.i .isv nctt. iii itMi .ins, HAT IJACK.StTiADI.K.S &f .,&(, til of hi-li taill r-Ifl, t Imli il-umi s liritix r Ikuu lt. . .r l. ii 1.11 ii l In I ii i -1 ii lit I w.oild return my than., to my friend. nuni r foi Or vi ry !itr., piir.nrr they f..,, '., .t,.,,i upen u.. ami fliry may n.l iir.n. U..I I .b ill rn.lrsvor. I y riiar .Hi i.lo i, lo, logeth, r w 1 1 a a drterinir.slion to p. r . to tr v 11.11 lm rit a eoi.tieualire of tbr 'mi izvmvi "oiitr mi-: l lvjii uwmr I.iiJit's ii ml (I.Mitli'iui'n nrc p irliculdrlj iutilrii to r.iil iiiiil fxaniirir his Mor'; aiJ.Ji ILlYvi 02 JOB V- 0251. llWiVv 10 V lit Vimm. N . I! I . have ihr 1,1! 1. II ) ll II) I iir.n ll. J r w arj..,. .nl j Iran lm t .III or tit ii til hi foil hi nil Cril. Jyw. Ifi, Hj?. it is o r i ni .in ( ii tos v SIM'K ALL, OLD AM) VOU.XCJ, V.l: iu ii fiaijuai Wood a ii lies t'ir.itiV' Wi : p'r--r li.ooi'v Ur ftk " tolnr .. I.'o h or. II u-eo t'. or l orr. I.,,., I , .nli,lil .11 HO ll I.-. . I'. '. t , r. .I.irlla er ; I ' f I . .1 .1 jU.r l I i. ,n. , i I eal ll. y a w , lit, a... olio r rtu d r. ly.rrr..,, n.l ' ..f all ill.. Wr r ur K. W. llll.i.lMlllllAM stltsll A II II. i. I.N IP 1 1 III M I. I). -r .- i : l r I... i. I r .. . I.. I ll.rir i l. ll.r I I.-. a : !''! ' ' I ''' I (!;,:';":,' . o lor it. Mh"s ( VM'lMis. I 1 1 u.n, i .1. , M . f . , 1 1. in .7 I W ki i i,ur.,. , ... In ,.n 1. ..r r-,r : lly ihr s:,7, m ot i II . I w... .. Ii) all II, I.Sl May. . in III y he tl 1 a great lie but a only . .... U lo nil : would indu my lis I, ., r lh t Wa.. .NoltlOjt .tinpathy tn. I I i'lM.r"'"",1., iiVlrom I'li.f. lo nll.rr. WI"! ir i III,,. I, ,1 indues III Ui itlM tin. null ol the la i,. fit I liavr ri e a ll.ur Ke-l. r .lire. I Wt Your, re.perilolly. A It JA'OIH. j Tbr li. .o.ralive .. pot up tn bolllr. nl 3 -if.., I via: l.rife, li.eoiuiii and .mall; me h..l.,a a umi, and rit . i . lor onr dollar per h.,11 r; ll,r II, e, I, III, I liolil. at lea. I taen'y ier . lit ni.,' Ill ploporlli'll ll' .n tin .l.iall, rl ill. nr ISO Ho ial a b'.tl r ; Ihr ia L'r lm n. . on.rl -iT , r oil in ..r.n lor .1 a h..iiie. II. J Will III A t II , rr.. r. 414 tr"..iw.y, Near ..r. 14 M ..ran sii.isi l...,.o.. Y i audi hy all gi-M Ur u V t il In' f "In y 11 oua ileal, na sn.l in I harlolle to ISl A I; l( & I II .Vl .reli ii:, IHoli. I 3 ii. .1 A M IS M ll)Ml, COMMISSKJS MilliCUAST, j I 17 II a 11 If 1. It M t' III-1 I. S. V. I VH and fni warda evr-ry kind of rirrcbn. ' 1 m) mar tor pn trnl. I umiminaa. Hrl, t. lo I. ..... Swam .mi ,,r. l,. a, I, N. W . W. fin, J. W . 1 II. bonir.t . f. V. loo nli ill, A. M l.ormar,, f.... 1 and Itev.l . f U.r,,,., Mot, U . A. I.rahatn, ai.ii ll..r.. D'ulrr tn I', a, M, i..... or.., Oran.,- II. -p., ', i.. M,..,r. fs.wii,( .M.ief.n... Iroul Sal.., I'uinpa, ll.r.lrn f.l,ru,r, dir. A prinlid li.l nl all l,.r n.fli r, nl o, is, i., . Hi", anil price, anil firr. I'ul.l..b. r of an rlrif.iit lilhonrapli ol .'irtory Aul t.rri," N.f. t.) ami In ' mill, ait I lira, i in ; oa. I, on. I. toon to " I I.I. iBValuahle .imi' a.lmrr ail, .nil.' he III e.ery li'.ll.': it Irralaol ill 10.1 . .1 , . a. a Cnplou. L'i.'.-H.y ii fill il-f I fie'. Ironi Raturr'. boiinirou., for i.l our in fir.i.itie. and mi., fortune.. t i. piint'-d on nnr wmte parrr, band, .oriielv hound foiir'b rUilimi, '4'IU a(eav and i. maitrd frrt ur ont dollar. New KoaewnoU I'lano.itl jfl. ttb. 16. U.',8. y '$1 7 s.b.ramsom.o.c. arri3, THE WAGGOI. Stovea clieaji'l ot I1 A I H 'II r M il vi re Ik lita now on tilubil W E ffi ot I1 A I U '11 I Mil virifilv .ilal tie lnrra,rrd re Ik lita now on ubibilii.i'.jusl recntm lion li t ill I r fouro the celebr.leo . ' - B U H ' ' Sou 1 1. ri. Colin try f, r tl r U.I n,. file, 1 niontl.i.. Men m w 11. u. . 1 1 1 1 1, f ,1 11 .! .11.1 t, , , , ,, 1, 1,11a . II 1,1 Hi) 11ll.11 KI, ri i,ii ll, n.r. lira,; aur in 1 1 I ml. . M Ii . aln if 11 ilia ml m. r, ,, ot" I hi Mm r . . 1 il quit .1 llmr and f 11 hi. dealt. I,( KINDS OF ' III. i Ii I' " V ail re. SKI W all, a," It . I., f..,. il.r.iir i; will rt.,va y tnui it j lly nllti,itul Iojh X. Jl. TAVI.OI!. JU E. R. STOKES' IJork Uindii- IX:ib!h!ini('!it, Ta Uiir abntr Rraa.h Bihk IB m Belli! n,I Ii riuf o( W H Maiilf) l bm.1 n.i,. 111 I Mill I, .'. T i.. i lit.v.Nk fAl I K I l.ltl Al sv. I . ,., .i .,1 , HI.M'l.l.n' M i all . b.rl, I in. V be II ui i iii-i ..I . , Sr. In "IK - ai .l ,r t .. H . ... .... I Kll Wiu;K. I i. r II.. I I .U, HI l t '.r. (i. ri.ur. Willi. i 111. A. Mi In w iks. Il,. ll-o..,l i. n. ll.s.... '. r l,.lr,ei Sat l!-',ll,.l,.,.ll'. .1,0 I ,..,...., to r II I, . ll-.... an Kill!!.,.. Ill I Ml Iii , '' " 'r ' no 1-4' a al.. I I 1.-.I fti.rli fr'.O.M. I n I.N I ul.ks, M.I..C II - k-. I'm- or. I. I', ill aj. I, t, f , II . ,1. Im, fc. li. fjp'KKS. 411 Ja.a'.iy 17. I .0 . tt.i: i ii- t Kiii A ritual lilt luiiirdiiit C jtti p l -i y ii 1 1 It I. ,t it. I. a . '1 hall llir , l .1 I) ,.er In. l.ll.ll II w . . 1 1 I . Il.l II. Ill Of f If Iir. I li .rle. I.. J..!.n.on. Trr.ii rnt. W. W. Ilolo.i., 1,1. Ire..,,, 1.1. ll. II. ll , 11, r,. t.ei, t,., W.loal... II. Jo,..., Irea.urer. II. W. Il.i.l..,, A lorn. y. l'r Win. II. M'lW.M.dir.l f:!.,,!,,, Iixervlirr I on.mtlltr. l. I.ualxi, W. Ke. lie. ll. l,ot. lti.aid of t ontullatum - I In J., lo ... .fl, ,M ll., Vt ,i,., jl. Ke... ho n't U. Ilaywooc, M. Ii.. f ,.r Inili 'r iriloiu,..!,. n, the puhiie 1 nu to t hi pw 11 jil, 1. 1. loin oi pr.'a.- ni.y I-. 1,1,1 1 .1 ihr lifl.e. r,l In. I 1 01 any ol il. Aat - illlil a , P-Ill) lo. 11 II. HATTLK, Sti-rrinru. tl, I r f .? -. ; ' ' vj '' j ' rtr-ai 3a. fa. Lj-t i:j. - r, Gr :r:I.'iH T-. .j::: IH CHIMIM. .f all an.d. wi' ll s W1TNKS.S TK'KKTf. for the f'ounty Superior Court, fur le bpfo.

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