1 THE UN'SEKX HAND. Tfc biographer of tbu Uov. John Newton aye that ha p-.sseft.erl IS remarkiKle hub it of attrihutintr every rirr.utiiatnnre, how ever trifling it n iv.t eem 10 otlirrs, to ihi v. -..,. ...,g .,.,., 01 irot nre. wouiui aay, It ma seem a luht matter that l'. ' 1 . , ' , take one street instead of enothrr in ontnif , .... to mj ebureb, and v.-t that lntle act may , ' ' produce an effect of la-ting cousin lonce. i . , , , ...... It is aad that such a peculiarity should seem o rema'kable, that there are so few, even among professing Cliruiiaus, who hbitu:il ly recognize the power of God in all that occur to them. O! be bas well aaid. " However long the chain of accond cause may be, lb rt link is alwaya in God 'a band i" And 0 ! what a joyful thong) I it it, that God doet rule all things according to bin pleasure, and that those who lore bim bare tbe precious surnce that " all tbinga will work together for good to them !" llii sources are boundleaa, and even in tbe titre of our greatest need he can supply our want from unexpected aud eten unkaoxti ourees. A venet able friend, now residing within an hour's ride of New York, was early left ' iuignificance, are always intereuiij aud a widow, with several cbildreo depending j valuable. It may scarcely Feem neee upon her. She possessed a powirful iutel-1 ry 10 urge upon farmers the value of wood lect, a strong, energetic character, and a 1 :hes as a manure, or the advantage ol bopeful Christian spirit Still, depite her their application 10 the soil ; a both leieb wonderful energy, it was a difficult tak to : ed and unleachud ashes, within the last rear, unaided, her youthful family; and few years, have become better appreciated when the time came to send ber bo)s to cnl ; for their fertilizing properties yet it is the lege she was often very g.ratly s'raiieued j province of the aericullural press to give Atone time she owed forty dollars for ! " line upon line, and precept upou precept,' tbe board of one of them, and had uot even ' to bring forth " thought ne aud old ' for dollar with which to pay it. The person the reasonable consideration of its rca to whom sbe owed it was also a widow, dcr. and needy. Her distress was ereat. and iu ! A.hes mav be used with adrantaue to i.i- . j angut.-h of spirit sbe brought her caue be- lore toe Iord. After a season of earnest prayer ber soul grew calmer, aud with a peaceful heart she wa able once more to t... r.n.;i. 1.... 1... i;..t. .1 u : J v- ler eutered, with a bit of dirfv paper, tol . 1 . j- . . . ci -it deJ up aod directed to ber. the said a ! boj brought it aud directly ran aav. Shejr-e q lanmies ui.lest vegetable matter is I nrvn.d it and i..d nf bee oenri on find :. I ..,...,.,..,.. ..... ih. fr.t ij r.n 1 .. .. Ing etac.lv forty dollars, mtu this oote : , " Enclosed you ill find forty dollar, which j i for the benefit of yourself and children ; Stelf not to aacertain the donor, f..r jou ill aearcb for tir in va n." And r-h did rearch vaiuly for several years, aud eternity lone will rereal tbe eeret to ber. Hit whoever brought the mouey, she was well assured tbat the Lord sent it. Surely the ear of the L-rJ ever open tothe cry oft:..- rubt-oja, ani be deluereib then. Out of all toeir Jilr-..-a A'a 1 ark- , Chionicle. : STEER STRAIGHT TO ME, FATHER ' Lat week we attended, at the bou-o of a ( friend, tbe funeral of a little child tbat. af- . ter suffering for many weeks, bid takeu it ' departure to th "better land The p4 ' a habile clover plant was neer kuowo to tor offered a few words uf consolation tothe have existed before. bereaved parents. Hi referred to the often Au application to the corn crop, ashes aaeipeeied dealing of Providence in taking bate beeu fouud lo be of much value ap away our innocent prattlers, when we can 'pied as a hill drc-sing about the time of sea no reason itr tbe di-poatmn. Une eaa.n Ua.n Baa ikit il l nll n..irt ' - to renior our most priz-id treaaures to hea ven, tbat our hearts may be turned thither , Ao illustrative incident be gave wr,s new to qs, and left a deep iuipresaion. ; A fi-hermao wss accuatoiued to go out in a boat with hi family, and pend the day at a dia'ance from the shore. As there ere freuetit fogs, one of the number was; Usually left at borne, to ring a bell as a sig- , aal. On otir occasion a little son remained ; on shore. During the day a thick fo.' set-' tied down upon the water, and tbe fi-'ners attempted to reacb the land ; but the mit grew deeper and darker, and after roinj Vilely io all directions, despair bad o-arly sapeuded their efforts. Just then a little voiee came through ibe dai kues, " Father ! steer strait for u.e, father, and you nil! get Lome." , Ihe father renewed bis efforts, aud by t'.tering strait io ibe direction of the oft re peated call, reached tbe de-irt i haveu Not loop after, tbe little lad was taken a way by death. The father, a wicked man. Laving no hope in l i- life or that alii.-ii i. ccme, as filled with dependency. Clouda, Uii-la, Slid tiaikut -ei lu-1! U C O e il aroajitd hiiu CU ery i-i,le. While Ihu tiluated be seemed to hear heavenward. " Father! steer straight far me, f..iler, a.id yoil will get Lome." lie obeyed ll.e ad monition, and turned I.14 frail bark, la-s.-d upon life's boisterous billoas, towards the laven of eternal rest. our no, saiJ tne spaaer, it is p.-.b little one ar often takeu away to that higher sphere, whence w may Lear their cherub voice calling mo. her, aleer towards me, and Lome." A'litt tcun tcullui i mem ah ' l'a.her, you li get "I W ANT TO 1;E AN A NOEL. . . 1 ... eorreapoudetit bas .eut u the folloaing q1,r. i. vi . 1 . . . " Will reme one be am I 1 i.ou-b toi.ifoiiii ys who i the auihor of ll,i beau ilm a.,d popular cuii lreu a hvinu T 'nere und when did il ur.t appear ? M b " As far as we can understand, " waul to b ao angel " is a voice Ir-Jiu ibe spun land." One (isobath, tome ten years ago, ia on of tbt churches of this city I'biia- tie.pniaj a young lai.y waa fscning her id . ncu tueir f.nu Lit 0 it this source offer fsitt scbuol stout lb "hspy laud " where. ' 1 ' JT be ney'cud, ao I let further experi Cod aud bit angels dtaull ; aud as ber fan ; ments be made iu il u ttural Amrr,. ey, guided by tbe word, of S'ripture, de can. filed the glory and the l.!ea.i-due.i. of tbo.e aim MaoJ rouod tbe tl.roue day and uiht j A EOUL CANXJT l!K A FARMER, piai.iiia; the Lamb, m.n v a childi-b faee ; 1 here it no profession among men J. T. $ wsd wah aulbusiaeiu 'u Utile dark- Biekingbsm very aatusioiy "tj, that ilj. 'ejed girl, not more thin jein old, w' to engrofacd unconsciously to clasp ber hinds together n. looking wistfully iuto ber ttfclifr" face, exclaimed aloud, " Oh 1 I, want to be an angel." A few days, pass - ed, and word came to the teacher' houe that little L was very ill, aod wanted to .ce her. Au inflammatory ilineaae had net in, and before tl.o teacher could rench 4. , n , ,. .,,. ... . i.u , . , , , ,, .. , , she had irotie U be f.j mtdcl. ' The little , , i I bunii taujht the next balbiith iu tlmt ssme ; . . , , , , . ! u.Uiii i-chool, came from a heart deeply in i , ... , , ., , , , Ivinnathy ait!), that angel child: aud the 1 " .. -.w... A.....,m b.t -.... 1,, . VI S.t.J ...... 1.1. O learns it may be able eo entirely to appro- I j piiate it to itse f, as to feci that the thoughts j and oi ils are its own, uutraintueled by who disparages firming a beiDi an umu any as.oc-i.itioo with the name nf an adult telleetual pursuit, are both alike fools, and author. Sunday $:hool Times. Agricultural. ASHES AS A MANURE. Facts in agriculture, though of seeming , , . . ... i luio-t any class of crops, but e-peeully as, a dressing for gras, grain and Iudun corn. though the immediate benefit of ashes is mo-t perceptible on le.'uininjus plant, such ..... . ... ai ciover, peas, neau, 0.0. Aues in suuie . re-pt cn act like lime, consequently on tuiu, ... ... . .... poor oila they ihoula uot be applied 10. ' I aiiuiuiatiiig aud exbaustin. 1 hey act lite, liuie baring a tendency to give couipacl- Dess to li-ht sandy toil.', and render heavy 1 clay soils light and friihle. Tbey serve ' to-"., to nejtraliie whatever super abuudaueff of acid there may be in any toil. As 1 trn drecaini? to prasa. a-.hes are v- , , . ,1 rr Lentficial; as it roots out t b a moss and ' ' 1 iirotnntea tbe croKlb of white clover. M OS-' ay mea.ioaa aud pastures may be reuovated applying a-bes aud pia-ter, (Uyp-um) ' I 1...... ... i . ......... I J. . .. .. . ..c ..w.j, u..o... .0 v.s- Tj toil, liug ready for geimiiialiou and roWib as sooo as tha manurial or feeding L'uieuts of the soil are ready for their deve- lopiuent. Oo this pri-iciple it is, that a dressing ofejiflue or ashes and pU-u-r, wi,l bring into actiou seeds of wbjte clover where tbe ur-t hoeing en.iiliug it to uet a tai'.ir ..... I- ... r.l.. ...J F...o. .u, .U..UU ..... tbua preparing it better to withtaud the drouth of mid summer. They uot only caue the plants to start vigorously, but enable tbiu t j bold that vi.'or until the roots at- tain izs and strength 10 seek, over a lar- per pioportion of tbe soil, the elements needed. We have uoticed a materials dif- ft-reLce in the yield of coru fields, dressed aud uudreaeed, which couid onl j be attri- buted lo this fact. S jiue farmers practice mixing rait aiib ashes as a top dressing fur com, hut whether beneficial or not e can not nj from experience ; but tbe better aay, e abould think, would he to usu the sail iu tbe compost heap, where iu email 'j 1 iuiiiie-1 it might prove beueSvial iu pro. iiioting the dt-compo-itiou of auituals aud leg'-iable eu'ustances. li bas beeu asserted that ashes at twen- ty-flve cents a bu-hel are cheaper thio plio-phaiu of iime at aix cents per piuud.- !tv, ral aalts are necessary for a full roatli and luatuiiry of the wheat plants. Iu us ing the super pho-phale of lime, the farmer ues but one of the salts necessary for its , p.-rticnou, but in the use of a.l.as, he ap- ' p.i.-.i to his laud, besides the several salts of p jtash. more or leas of 01 ber talis, 110 ieas valuable, according to the ashes were produced Lhtforeut wools have a Very dill- rent proport on of mineral con.siiiuc.it, ' hi-Lce their valuv as manure is variable. I Jeached ai es produce ni-ariy the aauie ! ! effect tilth uuleacbed, but a larger ( nnli- i ty is generally 11 quired. There aroaO.U' u wineiiui ich aua.i aires ly exista such the soluble pvts of ashes will be of hliie vaiu-; and the leached remains miy he altogetiicr superior, far fw suils contain so much nbii-nhoria neidas tint in l.a . ., ., i id by it, ad imou as manure. Jbey are j of too valu .114 a ctiarac'.er to be auff.-red i 1 '0 remain uueuiplored at tbev bava been " ' " 1 j .-..-. - .-.4 uaatuBuv aueSj of o.d aaticriea io luanv places lu thu coun ! , ... m tun eouu ( ' " bs.e out tt.e.ea-t doubt that every j lirui' f fi id it more prgfiiable to apply ll.e aobes made ou his premises to tne .oil, iliaii to n 11 tin m to manufacturers at (jlieeu or even twetiti cents i,er bu.he' ! Farmers are be ; more that th.-y inning to feel more and :Jst do something to en- trotes mora clearly tha beneficial effects of j varied iutelleotua! culture, sua scienuuc knowledge aud research, (ban thai of the farmer. 1 We once heard a venerable clergymau I playfully remark that wheu be was a boy " bis folk thought ho did uot know enoi g"i 'to be a farmer o they vent Utn to college." Without '-resuming to iutituate that there . ,. I . . nn, .., oeounaLtS , , . , , . iti .i, of the learned profession, so callel, alio , . . . r .. i, I do uot know i nough to he fanner, we have i .... a- . i: e ,i .. no hesitation in affirming our tieltel tuat . . u j ... u 1 the not college education cau bnd ample ... .... . 1 ,., fnr . ... i. ... r, r i- n II I nf all!. eilltura .-. .w. .... ... and attainment on the farm. The farmer h dispises learning, and the young man do not know enough to pass judgment on either. We hope aud belicvo a better sen timeut ia growing iu tbe cotnmuuity, and that it trill not be many years before agri cuhuie will "ecure the cn ojieratioo and ad Tantage of acadeuiioal or collegiate edu cation. YKS YOU MAY USK OR RECOMMEXI) Heimstreet's Inimitable 11 lilt COI.OKIAU! and ri.vo it to aa A PERFECT HAIR RESTORATIVE, ,ironirli.if the alren.tti and erowtii nf the Mi r, tiifi ifiTin it all lite beuoty of y-iulti. Do you uubi it r i:etul! IIc.nl! i:rl! Sciiaoos Lak, T.r Co . N. Y., I V. E 114041, Troy, S. .,Vrar Sir: li Hg used yuur Mair t'.i'ur.nff er Kelnratitr, him tx-iitg nine. 1 K-as.-d will, tt, 1 l.iMe pl.'iiiure in ..luktug tue f.ill.mie aiileineitl iJKriMi. ihe rf. led ot vrry a. v. re til of n k..r, wtira bnut In ye-ira of,)..-, my li.iir co.mi.eneed tor.iin trry. cttliiiueU l grow until it ttetmr pefjecily tpi.if, iMri.ig ttr harsh ni.il era. me llaU ,Kltlirn ,y nf7.1ln1.iyMr. I. .1.1 bi.i.ifi.er .. 1 va. in. I lo utirehuse Iw.i kuitlt;f u'Mg acc..r.liMU t.. ii.rieiions, and I ,'w 4y w . ur,.ned t fiml iht mj imi from I., ita original cllir. I. , e....i,nu.d i L-row .mill .1 1 ly hr..w.. a.i el.,a-y il a in n.y yoiliful dye, d l ttum JuiJu restored In tl$ orti;inal rolnr. MYl.A SEAMAN' Ett'i Ce.at Mrla n eame iM-fttrr n.c an. I V aw.irn. and r. Inal Ihe atw.ve atlemcnt ia trur. Ii.l Km dV f Frhroarv, IC5H JOEL F. I'oriER, lu.ice of iht I'tate. FiTTfrosD. Vl , Auf. I, 857. 1 hrr. by certify, that .17 Imir havin; herome (,,rep.reu' by W. E. lUo.t, of Tm, N. V .) f..r t, nml my 11 .ir was in tln.ttn.ie r. il nx. nil color. I ran fully ruiui. artiele lo be all il rl .iu.a. W.M. KIN'tiSr.EV, I'uttor nf Ihr Riptif. Ihurtk, I ifilud, l't. ... . ,, , , ..... Mr. V . E lltCin: I have ue.l II-i...i..f i l II .ir lt-atiaive tor three vrara, an.l lu found it I.. Of a ni..-t exi-cilr-nt artielu. ll 11. .1 only re at feu li.e e-.lor ot nit I. -.ir, giving it new lite an. airi-naiu. but u ml 111; u.i a! wile ..I a ..mat .... the .ealp, wl..rl. noa.nf ea 1 t...ly Wi.-.ve .1 to be ll.e heat nb-l.o a-nird lo tttnrtit, ftssTcie 1.. ue. . ll.-oTii.iliy, kSU A 1 1 US I IO V LA N 0. ve nre but a few of ihe many lellera of il..tl-n vtlneli have been lenuered lo the I t lli'li.i-lrecl'a II .ir Coloring n. Kea. II hat Oct-11 uei hy ih-.uainda of pt-op'e. Til a reeiimiii projirit-l' I it uevtr i-.iia 1.1 rt-at'irt- ll.e eoh.r and growth ol ,he Tina siii;tiii.r erT .1 ia not prmlueed hen .1 ea are urtl : tor it ..ell uo-.n lli ll.tu- ;l e.'ati'.na of .-oiii.iog matter al the r'.t, 11. d tua. ff cl- the c.i.njjK. 3'Ar eoior jnodu -ed if moi C'tuHtfjcit. but tht natunl shade uf youth, ll in.t color li.e kkiii. I'rie -5:lc nH ft OOoer Roltle Slid every whrre. E. HAliAV .t Co.. Prnnnelora, Troy.N. Y. Sold It. I ll .rl.iltr bv Dr. F. Se.rr. a .1.1 ..II llrov. girl 1.. me L...I. .1 fiai- laack and Urier. !, Ill . r It Imii. W l.ulcaale A en ta, .4, :4,101. S I y Important to Mill Owners. ( I T THIS Ol T.) J(). A. .lie. II AX i:.'S CeUbratfcd fcinut U fcCieefliug Machine -Nl TfR El ai .,uil. L..weil, N. C. ami aiupped in all parlv of Ihe L'niteu 81:. lea. t-.ur -I rc.iuelioii u.aoe to tl.ot-e wno hiive uwed , ., , , , u , is 1 thru. cl.,nired. I lie ruh . . i M -ein..e Utlxne.l ug.!ll r u.ne Qolesa accompliiKd by my toll ajtd by my i---uiy auliiuiiacU .genla, J.SO. A. M i'M ANNEX, Soulh lAiweii, N. C Marek 2(1. Itbii. s. t. wiusmx fT Flips tor.atanllv n hand, wl.o'rtale and rs- l. tail, a lull a cmiplele aaaurlment of riaAi.v and jaim.m:i tin-waiii:, inch tai l be uiu LOW. M ,Ul.N I El! SCALES, F. eo ,-s.,q-e ana . ta.ue Pot.. Waffle 1 on., Ve.f j i'jr aaie by S. T. WRISTOX. T 'EIS. a superior article, for sale S. T. WRISTON'S. CI ASH, l)eed,S(.:te .-;d Dressing ltOXEaSfor j .k'e by 8. T. WRI3T0X. ,,,,,,,, . .. I ill. I rt Qi. t I .la I j 1 .mlJIal'aa I A STONE V Co.'. R.-rew Top CLASS JARS" ft . f..r prr.tr.ing Fruit., Vrrel.blea, 4lc, tne "l'c" for .ale by S. T. WRISTON. coo kim; sroi:s. I ' .. T.r-s.if3f.- a ru.l, Asw.Ki ttr.siro, f.rfJt ArV and i . m. eiimr n 1 tivcsi, anu tM eoo.taotfy on hand, .r and eold as low aa they eta ba afforded in thia market, by 3. T. WRISTOX. CkorUlf June I4.I8.',9. Htl WITNKSS TICKETS, for tbe County aod Saperior Court, for aaie bare. fat Vhi'M OiHtliiiff-llnuftr Almnimc. j iil3rjl3lr!!;?iii Mm i iliMsin,ai i is i i7ii w :! n'n'-jt a5,niJ7 a! kishsiuj a a 3ii... ... ... ... II . a joi n U tjVia'lslHllTIIA II IS I4 14 II17I i f;i a,B ji u isIju.si c iri v--.....jw.., i jji s. ti itiiSu is iair , ioii Uisu is it ijai ii'js'c-i i!i7 ii'iJi't! ...I... ... ... ... ... .. " ' Ipril M U 7 Oct I ti 3 111 hI(1;I7Ih!i1I lllVI,l7 ll ... ... ... il tiiai ji ... ... ... Lt ... ... t Itii 1af ... ... ...i... I t 3 ' t 7 S lUSll'll 4 4 7 1 lslii 13I1H17 Kits iiln is:u isli:i: uintii4j i'i:' si Rin:i Ji3s,Jl)13i...l... 'I is aSiS.ls )!:... i J ,! il-i'-a , 4 4 f T n:n is 11 5 U;27 f in II I! IV n iriii it?i 21'r.' 3 S4ii;ij" w HOBT. II. COW AX, d i ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Sf Wll.MIXOTON, N.C. U' Office, South Corner Mirket aud Water Su. up vt...ra Octohtr II, I8i9. 3Uf Tlie Htl ioilli Male, l'irvri-. IlKK II ERE, Utl ENDS, and frll"- eii.tena, J will y..o buy tha a..bh-STAl EOF NOK I'll . AKUI.IN A t . ll a.., aend lo the auhacr.bera, or .ubcril to ilia County Agent, lor llna New, Large iiml eit M;i. And you will get Hie wh.dr Slate, with her Rivera, ll.llrol.la, U..IU, Copiwr. Iad, Iron mu t.'ojl Mi:.. ', and all the ('il.ea.Tawna and Vill if. In r iiolile Mountaiaa and ur.nga, aud her F.eias l o Flowera. Il y..n want thia GOLDEN I'HIZK. i.ow ia the tune. M ... aevrn teel by five. B-.rder tiewa .il Ihe Suie 11.. uk, lu.uue Aayluui.t l...pel Hill, M .iean.l Ken.alc Coll. gea, itc, ice., 011a ol lha tktiprll and 4el Mnp . v.-r pulili.he.l. FK AHCK Si KKST, Uill-boro', N. C. AGENT WANTED for every eounly 10 lha Slate. Terms iberal. Apply aa above. Ja 12 I I"" CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CIIAHUm K, . C. f fj til E Proprietor uf Una Motel it JL still at hia poat ready lo ful. . Gl ll.e duties of' .nine boat " to Ihe travelling public and ..there who I ""f c" n0 all':, hin.aell thai at j f..r table qu-artera can be found will. Inn. aa any where 1.1 Una vieiuity. bring tituat'U near ly in the eentie of Charlntle, Buameaa Men will find Una Hotel a moat convenient and n.-airable location. Ha haa been engaged in the bu. iht. .an.l narl ivl.r-n ve..r. and ... that , . . , m,.j, ' v-.- aiidlf.(,a lo i.ir rriuvr hnuae. and .1 haa been treeUyei.lara-.-d am. 1.11 ul: (. preaentinc l.l front atwoalniy V'EKANUA ;i)0 le.-t in length by 13 fret in width, handsomely ahaded by treee nu the .ide-walh, affording a plea. The llouae haa bn thoroughly furoiahed thro'. out, -.na in every part 01 11 ereaiu.e ri.n.i.T.a rr abu.nla.it and tangihle.eapeeially in Ihe HININIi KOO.M. w litre the "inner ntnn" ia "rem weu" day by day. I oi.nrclrd will. Una lintel are suoiaa auornmg room lor IUO horaea. abundantly furnitned with grain and provender, atieoded by faithful ana o. biijinc hi.jlirra, The Proprietor fi ela confident that with hia long eioenence and 1na.1v new advanlarra anued I.. hia jr.lre lo he ia nrerurtd t.. off. r hia irn-noa in(j lh1 of m-n,,nu," ., m.By con.forla and ,,.,, fo) wU( found .,.,,,, pcrha4 a Itulr more an. V At any rale vav the Charlolle II.. tel. J. B KKRR Otimkn 19. ISS8. 33lf In .eeenttr you with DR. EA TD.N'S I.Nr AN TILE I .IU L)l Al.. wa dra.-K lo alale .la aupt-ro.r-ilt over everv aoatruu. 11. al naraa ..r aMaek haa nrrrtuibra offered y..u. l-i ral ll is the or. p.r.hno ol a reeular pitfi Clan, Wi.u IS Well qualilir'l. from u.ueh eSH;ri. net in lol.utile eon.plaii.ts, lo pn-aerin for thru., tie Condly ll is entirely lr.e from paregoric or op. ale of any k.m and cnaequmily relieves by re. movinc lite aurT-. r.ug of your CI..1.I, inalc.i o uea denirijjla avnaibilitiea. I lurdl v lt lapul up mil. grealVare. us a ewtip .r.aon of .1 wiln any otl.er ar ticle f.o- infantile enmuUinle will ahow : the very ,r"m which it is di.iilied being dug f"tn. ii.i under lle direction of lr. E.itou, many 01 by hia own hat.ria. Fourtnty ll ta p.-riVcl . . . ... (ant, and ia a certain cure and rel.ei 111 a t ti.e L.l. . . L lowing caaea, wluei. ia lit ch.el merit v we.j Oilier prep .ration, VIS" Fnrt A IX COMPLAINTS ATTENDINU TEE I'HINii j auci. at IjVEM EI V, fOl.' . Slc; iii, for atiftening l!. -.-....a anu relieving pain. For r.-gutating ll.e boweia I ia tin. ri.Mril I'rColdintlielleaU.liasaurerelirl. Fort UOCP, j (C m,,.t ,d trying 01 diaeaaea, it r 1 I.e.) 00 will, urtecl coi.ri.lei.ee; anu be.:: erl'ul auli ap.amod.c in all eaca 6ta, earnestly recon.ioend y..u lo lae no inn. in procuring it. Iaailv It c.mia a., much mor. .h.m other nrroi.rati.ina .if Die k.od. III..! we en .,i .tfA ,rl, I,.... iriii. 1. en Hi,,.. wh.t vhole eii-nae ia their averiiain ; ! r the a une reaaon, it eoriiiiienda itself aa the is...al relia bio to all moth.-ra. In all eaai-r, the ditreti'.na wr.pi.ed around eneii bottle. n.U'.,t be ati.clly fol low-d. Price, c. i.la M;r boille. Sold by CHURCH .t DUPU.Vr. Dru?ci-t. No .'Ifi M ..0..1. .u,.r ... V,.tk ... 1. . 1- Ilulchi i.d '. SM;rr. c.ar.olle, N. I Ur. Biouton, having been to fur reduced b e. auiitpitun, ... lo be e..uanierud b, yoi..i .11 hope recovery by the 'i.ost e. uloe.it ol llle medical p'o leatinn, and also li h.maell-a reiui.ir pn.iei... ol twenly yeara pr:l.ee s a I... I f, ..H. 1: ,11 eeived the l.iea of ANALVZINU Til E HI.' Kill and applying the .u0j.lt ol pl.yalolof ; lo the iu.il. .milieu. ale eui.neet.u.., and ttT.clol the tt.Ue 01 UN; Ho rft UfKin the iHsalli. and .y.tem. Toe re.u;i I.aa hero lb prut! ur: I I..I. ..I tt UUXH) HKID," iron, the dm of winch. Or. Br. ,1.,11 ... rt-.ioreo lo perlecl l.eallh. Wtllun ail nioollt. .Iter .ta 1.. trod uetioii, over lao tm.naand ea....ui.ipuv. a wt re efl'eciually cored by .1. If you I. .ve any en.npiint. of a C'tfiaomutivc len.lel.e y.C-ags . i all, ad mtnt. VulintaUon of Iht Heart. Last 0 ApprUtt. ur mm imthe Mtre, I..Mt m. lime in pr.urn g am.mcoi to. BLOOD FlXI." It you are tofT-ring fr..o, rttova Uttnltly . .r your sfrrs is broken and -. talked, if your Nril$ mr Urpretnrd r oor Or gens Helnged, ywu will 6..d in Una an y.l'.il.og remedy. By com. neueu.g With tfie.s. If yi... Liver torn. or diseased in any n.ai.ntr in Ii. er, sae sr two settles will be sure to ...vtgor.,t. , a-.d bring .1 into l.vely and lM-altl.l'ul aetn.n In to. ...t invelens. vcaae. of Dyapepttm, Ihe p.tn nt cai litre And the uioaleflic.enl and giaieiui relief A arm-fit ia alatava raperMrneed a iter tahinr o'y '.nr htlle a eir Female CumpUimii and ItruS neitet, the autTrer. alier trying othe. r.-uieni.-. m v.ia. may r-l aaaured, that a certain eurr will r.ault fr.m. H.r use of item mr three Iwtliet 'II.. HLOI FOOl)' It efl. elll.l in all of K ranUU -V.r 11. urn. KrmluUe .l..lh.r I,-. r... pla...... Vie o.d em.cu.ted e'lWren and .dull, ara imine.li .irly ber.eti.u-d by ita uae. It give. atrrngin lo the body, and color and beauty lo ll.e aa.-n. J'hyeicimno of ait tcAtsi ar using ll with wonderful auceeaa. For full directions, ssw e.rculara. Triee $1 per by CHURCH A DUPONT. Droggitti No. 3d. M .ioen Lane, Near York, and s.ild bv E Ny. Il.lal.i.an it Cat. and P.Me.rf, UwrUitaw, S C. Hut 16 ly 110 nn; 13 1415 .a i;!m, is : ti I WASHINGTON HOTEL, (CIIANOB Of PU0PHUTOR8.) BltOAU VI H I I T t!t.N, Km C, JOHiM K. J0N28, Proprietor. flHK fiiiierr-igm-il r.oiacllully announce, to M. the travelling fut.lif. that he h take cl.u.e of th.a old un.l po.ul..r e.lbl.liinei.t, nU 1. now ,.re..-r. U t.. arc.iii.iii.HiaU- iMtflera anti ri v.te -....ilie will. b..uru by the o.jr or .....nth, .... the rl are..n.in.U..liliK Hip TAHt-t ill i.lw..J he furnish..) with Ihr heslproTia thai I ' - i'" 1-re'gi. u..l k. I. el. The Wlllti:tllss ''I I"'' rKu., is nearer the dep.. I. Ihe court .hi.uer, u, the hu'-ii.ei.. lr..U than any nlher in tha c.ly. An tta.rtn.as will nlwuys b t the deM.t .11. Ian.m,(i, ..1. Ihr .rrivul ol Ihe u' aleuml-. In e.u.vey nisa. na-era lo tl. Hotel ifv l rh.rB. liy al..pping at thu ll..lel,aaengert will have ani.le lime lo oblaii. i.iejla. Having uImi a t-tfv and cminiodinua Stable, and an eieell.nl O.ller. I ia tully preo-re.l to board horara hy Ihe day, weak or nionlli at the nml reasonable ralea. ,. JOHN. F. JONES. .Herr I. 1859. Mil P. SAUilS, Ait liilt i l tintl llniltier, II. I. Ii.riiii.b IVaigna.ri.ina and Drawin h.r 1'iil.liR Builiiiiiita, Private li.-ai.lenc. and Villaa. Tartieular ullinli.iii will be paid lo buil- um KliHirmc Milla.Corn Milla, oxc. Orrics iu 3.1 elo.y ul Alexaii.ier'a Uuiluit.g , front ?., ..v.-r China Hall. OctsUr '-'6. S3lf I)H. II. .Il.tllli I Tfxm " 11.1. Im; pleat, k la. tec. it. I'ri.i. a Calls II ,n the Heparin. rni of MKMUM. and SUJI.tltV. li.ie proi.aaii nan. abaeM.na ... v hr loun.i at luirtaiarnct, Eon .Mill Orpot, Yora H.ainci 6. . .I J. Inifc. 1 tf Wanted, Seffctftall rONDSOF TAN BARK, '.-r a f W " wh.ch Ihe eaah wil! br pa. I. 7 ai l '.' i Vt i il. ill . L. AAA UUll. i(.3l.t.i8 fash Paid for Hides, J.Y S. M. HOW ELL, 3 door. South ,.f tha fi Mm.toa II. u.r Cor'a"(. April 6, Slf Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a constitutional disease, a rorruptinn of the Minn!, l.y l.uh litis tlu:J ln-toinei. vitiated, w.-nk, and poor. 11. irijr in the em ulation, it pervade tlie whole body, and may burst out ui disease on any part of it. No urxan i free from iu attacks i.r is tlicre one v. huh it may not dcatroy. The scrofulous Unit is variously enuH-d ly mercurial disease, low living, di ordcrcd ur miln-althy food, impure au-, tilth and tiltfiy habits, the dcpreasing vices, and, alxive all, by the venereal infection. What ever be iu origin, it ia hereditary in the e.ui stitution, desrenilin from rmreiiU to rhililrcn unto tlie third and fourth generatu.n ; " indeed, il seems to be the rod of lhm who saya, "I will vui.t the uinjuiuca of llis tuihers upon their children." Its fifects commence by d-po-iuon from the blood uf currujt or ulceroua matter, ahich, m the Iuuks liver, and inh-rnal oriraiu, ia U-imeU tubcrika; ia the guu.ds, sweilmsrs; and on the ruruce, eruption or ton a. .'1 lu. foul cor ruption, whuh g-ndcr in the blooti, UeprcMea the eneririe of IJe. to that tcrofulout eoitatttu lions not only tulVr from scrofulous enm phiuita, but tlu-y bare far leas power to with stand the attack of ot)er diMsa.es; conse quently va t numbers pcri.h by dimrdr-re which, although not scroftilous in their nature, are still rendered bttal by thu Unit in the system. Most of the consumption which de cm. a'r-s the human family hit it orijr'. dirretly in this scrofulous ctr.tnmiruition ; and many destructive diseaaet of the liver, kidney, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs vise from or are ajirravated bv 'he same caue. One 4V.aucr of all our peoiile are aerofulout j tlieir persons arc invaded by this lurking m f s lion, and their health is undermined hy it. To cleans it from the .ystem we mut renovate the blood by an slKTaiive medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in ay Errs Compound Extract cf Sarsaparilla, the mo-t effrrtual remedy which the medical tkiil of our times can dcviae for thia every where prm-ailingand faul malady. It u. com hinr.1 from the m.ist active rrmusluthi that have b.-en cltarovercd for theexpurirauon of this foul di-orci-r from tlu; blood, and the rescue of the system from iu destructive consequence. II -nee it should be rmplnyrd for the cure of not only Scrofula, Imt also those ot'ner aftcc tions which arie from it, such as F.rcti a and Sam Ilisr.a.r. St. Avthoxt's Fire, ltii.r, or F.avsirrL, rtnei r., I't aTt tas, I) lot. hs. TIi.aiss and lloiL, Tt 'mor, Trrrr.a and Salt Rum k, Scalo Ilr.ti., Itiyowoaw, Uhi.ikstism. SvrHii.ivic and Mr a. 1 mial llis i.Asr.a, lim. est, Dr.i tesiA, Iikhility, ami, irl-ed, ..t CoiirLAiMTs amisixo vkom Vitia ti.ii or Ixri Ra Hi 0011. 'll.e popular belief in " impurity nf tht blood " ia founded in truth, for scrofula ia a degeneration of l)e blood. '11m particular purpoat and virtue cf this Sarsapa rilla is to purity and regenerate thia vital fluid, without which otn.d healtb ia impossible ia cuutauijaitcd coruttitutiona. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE FURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, rr o cnmpm4d that diwat within the ranff of thttr actum can rmrcly wiih-Und or tad ti.rnn. thfir jHn-Ul.ii pruprtj? aearch, and cleans, and invi(trate every portion uf tii bumai organ ism, rorrerunir it dtaiW(i actum, and rrntniing ita liffaiilhy vital. tie, A a ctiti-nm-nre of thr friprtia, the jnvaiid who is Ixmed down with nam or physical derl y i atonn.hM to find hi health or tnerKT rrtlurt-d ty ft remedy at ouc ao ini(itc and iitvititm. Not tnly do Ui-y cure the erery-day complaint of every Udy, Lut hImi many formidable and daiiKTnua dtMaac-a. Ihe a'nt bWow namtd ia plard to furnnh Rratu my American Almanac. nUniHiK cerlih' air-.of their curra and directions for their u-e in tlm following cntTptainta ; f.'of ire nea. Heart hum, Utttdarhearttinq tomdtfrtirred Stumuuh, -NVimj!, Jauetttrm, I'am m and MoHnd Inaction if the ItoveU, t l ttuUnry. Lou oj Ap fitV, Jnundtc. and uther kindred Cfmiplaintt, arising frum a low iuu of the body or obauu:uoa uf iu functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, roa tub Harm ' or (onrhs, Colds, Influrwco, Ilowraeaeas, Croup, lironcbitia, Iacipieat Consump tion, and for tha relief of Coasamptivw Patienls ia advanced elafee of the disease. Ro wide it the Held of Its usefulness and so an mrro.it are the csst-s of its rtirea, that almoet ery aeetma of country abmnds in nertont pub lirly known, who have been reatnred from alarming ana even desperate diaeaaea of the lungs by ita use. When once tried, its superiority e'er every ether medicine of it kind ia tun apparent to escape olnereatiun, and where iu virtues are known, lbs public no loniter heaitste whst sntidole to employ for the diet.eaaws: and dangeroas aifectwna of the pttlmnnary organ that are incident to our climate, while many inferior remedies thnut upoa the community have failed and been discarded, thia haa gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on Ihe sfHicted thee esa never forget, and pro duced enr too aumeroua and too lemarkable lo be forgotten. PkerARRD by DR. J. C. AVI lt Sc CO. LOWELL. MASS. Vort.la by K. NYK HUTCHISON k CO. ) r.r,., K. 8M lilt & I'd. iCkarhtte, I1AVILASD, STKVKNfON 4 CO., Chrtrenlon. H. C. SUUI'tNAS for at soil Ofcow. WAIT FOR THE I1Y ia it jyt. jm. a mUm rm" m m sails Stoves tha.fe.lt Veeauae ha buves hia STV I f-A from Ihe .Mniinlaeiurera. .A.L M.TAYL0I1 I WcoM reapectfultr anununee tl.r int. l.lt.U i fr their Ul.i ttlaim. In No. I. tiranil. II. w. ah. North, ana of tha nioal cx.cniv aaanrlnu-nla of E Q) il I l.irh ill i rm'mzm vr ofteren in North-Catolil s , an which haa gaineu audi a famoua repatai.en in Ihr S.-ulliern Country for tkt laal eighteen antMilba TluaSloVa he warranla superior In ar-y Cdkms M..4 n. il. i;n .ll i m I. il. it. arrai frm eo.iaan.es leea fuel, and di.ra n.crc work (a grven tin.. . II ai. any oilier ttl... ne in ua. , put up one beaiue any other f love nf the pn aite in ll.e I nil. . Slat, a.ane if il dorr ..l oo au.ia irk in a given lima, ha will rorleiitne price better one ALSO, ALL PjHRLOR &, I. has, and anualastlly keep on hand, aa ell. n.itc ami varied atuek f TIN AND SIIKIiT IKOXi ittt.is fcnu s i.isr i.'fv.t itt.itsTiums. MAT . HACKS, ClisADMvS&c&c, til uf vwliirli will hr ll. V bnlciil.- it sstl Ittlisll tli.Hp.r I his m hat t 4 v.-r bt't-ss 4.II4 r 4l lit I lil irltall) . I would return aiy thsnks tn n.y friendr d ru.i. n.t . fo. ll.e very literal P.lr..r.. II,. y bait be.ti.aed urx.n us, anJ they n.ay real a. .un.l. 1... elh.r a.lr a dcleri.ti..aiia to ulraae. tu try 32 iMius "ami Ladies mill lieiiilrnit'M arc pirlicularly iuvilrJ lo call aod ciauiioe bU Mori; I AlimDS 01 JOB S5 0151 HlMUl 10 3.SII11CF. i J. II. I will tell job ml.) I l.e.d n.y .utrrliv M ' W iv ras vn Vt atKiva," it it Uium we hate Ihr. a a.ygoa. eon.i-ntly trav. lln f 'l.r'-ujl '.hr e. u.-trj will, tjtxvra. ! fir- .I unlrru trill br fait Hull Charlotte, Jo l, 1837. lvlyiiV"":i "'r"XY E. R. STOKES' OLD AND YOUN(.;,J)o(.knindiii-tti!b!ilinit-nt, Vitt iui fruf'diaof vVooa't iid.il Het toratiwj Wi I pfoerve ii'-y ll.e r.ari an.l (War af i U.r b-.tr. il u-.tl l-.r I hire tin., a a week, to any I Tha abnva Rrt.bli.ba.eat i. new la I all .prri in. -(..sbla i Per f.rtlj, :. .1. re He ar.y e.frf ...,, ..4..r. .I..I fee. itinf .lull up..iy -f t,e i-l: wit., n.turt'. ..nn u.ha.in n.. In. b.it ; in. ie. bl.A.NK I' A I' tit ana lil.NLlt.bn' MA make it UH.ra rot I alio be.unlui Unit any oil, ant I tR I A 1.44. 1 am .1 all l.aei lay I. nil .11 .rt.. rvc the ae.lp Ir. ir. ... .11 fl-tcn l lit r.-l u.r. to n.y In.., tad .1 ll.e t-u.r t.o.u ...l.e.i a .i.. Bl.l. t..en, Ju ., Ali..r... j., li... mu, ali.r. ul ft . u.h... . .M j prr ...... aliclodi a ill ta t lerjyn.en, s-roleiwitwl men Oe.,t .n..n .na $ ict 4. all or a ra w.ll. wu.ch I aa.f ta. It..r..i. I..U.4. ol .11 1 1 ...., all .... r II W'T.U, b ar Ira ll ... c h.d l....u' a lie-1 eSprr.ekec .a the wen l..n..i.y Inai wa do not say i.ut n.ueli lo Ha !. at. c l ore ..I lll.A.N K IMX ik. ..a .a i.H ct.asi.f 1 1 hV..i ll.e lo.i..i. ,-. .. 4 ju..ge. ... w .uwolu I klM lU VI UMkri. I s). it. r u.yrril III. aoat l.lo.l. Hi. t ..llr.l'.., M"., ly. I S.' 7. IImI 1 ,. all case., g... ra.ira aaltaUcltu... I'tor. O. i. oje Ucr .r . I..... Inns l-tt BI.ANK UiMlkH ai.uii... r wa str. .... iu I., as. m. al your . " tl.tr K....-.1,... and ... . ff.et. we,. ... .....oar. 1 U-.lr.e. O tee.. lu , wa la at I il out duly lu y anu ll.a .llliCUd. lo rrp..rt .1. Our Itllle m..'i bead l'r .hiim liaie bad be. a per teiliy etnereu w ilk w.r.'.anu ... eIW il .eld i.e.tl. Ti." hair ln..al . ..Itt.ly eame . S in eon .qi.ri.ee. w I., n a tin i.rt. r g In. wffi rii-c , a.l. . ... u a. In o y.-ur K. al. r-liv. , e ma will. utile boueol aucceas, but t .our urp. ...... d il.l ..I .11 ..ur Ir. no... Mjrl. ...i..-.i...it. retoert Ibe ll.M..e 4 m. rely, snrt a new .no lusun.nl rt..p ot hair "oetl .Url.U .ul, autl W Call 4...W .y Ul -1 .ur U.y b.a a. l.rallliy a xiiu, anu .a iasuna.il a cro l b.ir .a a") oilier eh. a. We ran, Holes loro, and .lo hrrr-y.rron..r.l t ut ke-l..raile, ..t a psrf.tt runr.iy l'-r all o.-e.-.a ol iihi . Ip ..iu batr. Wt s.e i. ...ra r-.p. ennlty. I, Kit VV. II II.I. I Ml I'll AM r A K A 1 1 A. II It.l. I.N bill II AM. I'tor oon L). .1 f.r : .My I. ..r b.a, hr .eir. r i y.ara, I...U breu..i.f pr. u.i.iux iy gr.y ae. eoi.ioanicd by a l.arai.n.a. wi.icl. r. nti.-.t-u li.e c.n.l.nt appltcslnw of nil rrt-fHi.ll e-tn.unl appl.es... of ml r-.t is err...... ': !- --' ' lion: ini having eo in.ued it u. I'll wiib.n u. , I.M tlirre wi. as, il bas luru.il to il. ratur .l eol. or, ami as.an.eii a M.i.a and lu.tre greatly lo be prr'tr.ed lo llioae pro.luee.i by tlie ....icl.. n of oil. or any oil.t-r r. pa.at.--n I bava ever h I r.r-r.l it aa an m.n--ii.tile .rue; b.r v. ry l.ry'a lot el, alt. liter lo ba Iced a a Hair H.-.I.. r.live ur lr tlie ..lopie ' .:... n.g . r .uti lying Ibe hair. Yon l..e ki un-.i.t. lo tor all who -i..eriaiH any Uoubt ul' it" par forming .11 lb. I IS claillieU lor ll. M list I'.tYMOMls, fn.ciiiii.li, O . Feb I... 18 .7 1 1 Uiir.l i. Vl ti i.ii.oT..) Mo.. Ilea. A. leil, I'tor. Woou ! . Mr s Hy Ibe antics ol a fr.ec ol u.i it.-, alio li-u lt.ru ...ng youi II ir Kr.lorattv,. I waa loaliirru to tie .1. I bad 11. a lever, ao.oe lin.e l-.l M .y, aiol ..early .ve.y b.ir m ... I.e.d c ..... u..- N.iw in v hair ba. cm. ia a gr.al.lral I luck er I l.a .. t . . r .1 Waa. Molllll'g but a duly and atmpsihy i.-.i I 'e I lo e-nimuin. cats to i. II.. r. who are ..HI. clad as I Late lam, would induce in lo rive Im. public urkiuiwrr. te. meat of the In ii. At I have rceeivtu Iron. I'rof. Vtuou'e ll.ur llerl- r.t've. Vours re.cllully, A. R J.VI DUS. The It.aioral." la put up in boille. ..I 3 .is.., vtl I large, inrni.tiii an.l small; lite ......ll bolt.. 4 a ptnl.aiid r. t-.ii. lor one dollar per bnire; tl.e nie.i.uin holus at lea.t twenty ter cent. n.ie ia gtop.ri.cn ll.n the .....ill. relaiia h.r two u.. .ais abolt'ri the la. g hods a quart, b.riy p. r cmt. niore in Hr.,p.f l...n .tin r. U.I. lor v3 a boille. O. J. V (K)Ulr t il., I'r..pr..-l..r.,-lt Hr ..;w.y, New York,. ...I IM M-rkei Si .51 Lui...'l n aold by all g.aol IJiuggi.lsan.l Kaiiry tiouu.Ue.l cr. and in I harlulla by 8. AUK V i O. Mareb ilT, I8nl". I 3i .1 A M l.S M ,:niv, COMMISSION Mt:UCllAST, 147 CHAM IllJttl Ml III l l.l. ISt VH and lorw.id every kn U of merchan 0 mn h.r Ui farr cent, t ommisawa. Kelnt to (,.,... Isw. Ill ..... ,Vl.,rcl....l, N. VV . VV'.axIfi.., J. VV. II. borne, .. I. M. uucnl.i.ll, A. M. oru..n, Ksqai and Kcv.l . V. Deem, Hon. VV. A. Uraliaiit, ai.d ..titers, t'ealer la 1'iat.m, Mclmieoiia, Urgaos, Harp, fiuilara, ,Mu-ie, Scw.i.g Machines, Iron Mafea, Cui.it, t.r.!rn Kngii.e-, Ve. A pritikd It.l ol all tbe rtiA'ere.tt ui.k. is, bums and prices seal fret. Puhli.her of an elegant lithograph ul "Htrhory Hat Cap," N.C, !,) n. the I Hro ara l'Mr...;is ; . Ims Idii.sto IIsi.th " Ti.t" iiivulunhle famiiyj ndvtttr should be in every honae. ll I reals..!' all diaeaars, has a enpinna gl.N.ary anil preavrilw Ihe rernerli. a I'mir. nature's bounlenas .tores, for all our infirmities snd mis. fortunes. It is punted nn fine whilst paper, hand. son-lv Snund fowrlh "ditina, 3UU pages, and la retailed fret for tne dollar. New Noaawoud Planus, 11 JO. rv. it. i5. it WAG COL .It I' A I II 111- el v.i ii.!iy.ilii n i.aa ren-v. a re lie has im.v. on tahibil...!., jual rereme) Iron. In W E S 1 1 fi.ui.4i Ihr eelebraton aa.'at-sj m m 01 infeu.ii.au 9n1.ar.11ug ana go n.a satin u.i KINDS OF EOS STOVEZS. Ibal I .hall en.ir.rur. by rlnvr altettli.-a la. bua.nra. i men I a eo..tiaa.ttee of the saaic. mis i iii'ALL jbmtst.- pnmilly 01 tU tut id lo. A.,.X.JI.TAYL01!. Tne Banfisbjte Ima.k Balk, ii !lr BdiIiI- inii rurof 1 Msalrj il hinii D.ll, c u 1.1 viiii t.k.e. - ,,,,u - """"' la fa ly . I1...S., ail SII.I.U H..LS.U tat any p.l. 1. r.i.n. U.e very ba .1 u...scr, nt supsfrur papsr, at.u f.gcd s.i.i I ... mi ai.en rrt)..ii.d. Pkt!fV I t-l. AOIlKr. Mtlsie Rook., I't re-e.ca.e.f-n.pil.l.l.. Maf .si.rs an.. H ...a ..I ea.ry arm lyl- h, testS vl r. ps.rr.t. isi.ili varu.y l .tl, iJ A I or .. w.ll ba eseealeaj will, drtpalch, and a low .a eaa b. "una elM-wlH-rc K. 11. 8PKKS. Jaaaarf 17, In SO. 43if ..iKI H'CliUl.a.lA Pittudl LU Ibiuraiict Cjtniaty- nl .. H ilh.it, h . a i . I m Ills l . n ..i.) ik bit a ll.e litis wl inUKi.a a. J vM ' . hH .,, I i.c.,m.i.,, iu t...p,o,.u. , , . I ... .... . . I,. mi.. gr.oU-u lor tba wi.uia Urui ol hi ' . . . 1 ... . pr.ii .u.o il.tr. lor .aiouiti u f.'b. ... le l...y be givra lor uuc ball ll.i aiiiounl ol In r;taiiuu, ua.iM.g u.lervst al k pel tti.t. iinoul ,ur-tiiy. 1 be pi.il. pi ii.ani.il an l..cb all l.w.e. h.st mu p-ib b. It... company, logvti. Willi Hit low ral.. ol pi. U..U..., p.ea. ..I ir.! I4.UUMH.1I. I. Ib .act. a. ..e uiap.asu to la.ui. M.t.a a.t tt.. ara. lor leru. ol Irou. . a live yt-la, lo. Iu. Itillli. II.. tl ta.u. Al. Iu.e art p..u v.. ll.ii, jU bays altel ."li laci..r) prooi ta p.cMnU... Inl.l.l 'lOl.ts. I t.arl. . K J.-I ...I. a, VS u . II. Jot.ea, Vs ... Vt llo.t.4.1, W. U looar, t. l. Miiii.n.., II. tt liuat... Vu il. .nlii.i. l.o.o... t. f. f..u... Mm . lk.Ui, I b.rita ll. K.M.I, il. O town, l.i.l.'.. ll. tl. ii . U1HFKLH. tir. I li.tle. fc. Joiui.un, Prr.iU.nl. w . V . IIoI.mii, k.ca t retiuiut. k. II. li.lt.e.rHrieUry . iii.si... ll. J....I ., re. surer. II. VV. Ilu-I.ii. An.,..,.. . In VV io, ll. Mch.v. M.dieal Ki.n.in.r. iarraliir ..s.l 4. ku.lit, W . II. M ku. I ..ai.e. li Itimt. Mrdaal lUtid tj ( ntau.a K ba. Ir. ' J. .i.i, ...I,, IN. li., Milli.m li. nitkci, M. f Ideit'e II. Ilaywuui!, M. V., or lurtn-r nlurn..t...n, tl.e public ia r.l. r a a to in. p.M.phl. it.ano tout., oi pr.iH.l. Im nay be ..bla.o.u il lha DSicc I tbe t...op 'f or any ol He Agruei... t .i....iu..icai...n. .h. ulu le .cel....". d"' pairl) I... 11. H. UATTLK, Strrttary. Srpleml, tt. m..;. . an ti FOB fltlNTINti nf all kinals will b "'' off all-.lilloaat J aaar"."" a" ! . Wn.v oak.. KiKCUTlONS for tLg 8. Court for ' wwm