r.nm the " Nwl Enquirer. (a De. ' ar winch undervalued the Ire whit wrMPV"l 1(J ,IllUe- ,u Ubu, jti n,en proceeded f !'". ". in "gricul. And iw """. r.,. i. bur araaimniaiiavlr mum Tula. ur'nno r'r-'' " "" n "ii-''';VU,J " ,ud '"'l,r"' "reeenl - . tnOUSSUU.v. r n Ir7vin tiM 8lW " ""d" " Zntal'i M-MlI d.iuoer.ey r shed rrr over lb.ir d.rure w MM lo g ... . ,.. fairer, ami eitue.. but '' ".aehowl. ,i (I,, b.re pio.pecl "i"" l"'K '' Male. asked whether 80 el. aiore ui. . ,,., worth l,00U.eould "- - "om m. State. Every bod knew K wuu a not. We went on lo warn the pwF1" " twin, die th.il w lo be pracliaed uii tlww in tin cur. p.ign. Tno Dcmocralie Convention bad liken wuare position against EqUalTelalion Cine. 1. ,s had taken euch poutiou y. H'e face of tine committal, the Democracy were going to run candidates for the Legislature in many cuun (IK about here, end universally, he had been lold, beyond the mountains, who wr out and out fur Ad Valorem. He aaiil the ieoile never would gel Una jut meaeure in that way . These candidates only wanted votee and would deceive Ihcm when they fit to Raleigh. No one kliould eeek lo b I repreaeiitative nun. who did list adhe:e to the cuoimiltal o hia parte on line subject. Mr. II closed by alludtiif to Ihu late disruption of the Democratic parly el Charleston. It cuuld not eome together at Billimore without one aide or the other breaking down from principle, and umt.pg again upon eome infamous swindle like tin- Kills.. Uilt or the C ncinii.li platform. The pirly eiiiwe a uiere fraction uowerleae for any goo. I lo l he country. Mr, Himnger was repestedly and enlhuaiaati. rally (clicered during the delivery f thia speech, and nlired from the aland aniidat a thunder of apf.lue. The I'nmmitlee en business having relorned while Mr. Barnnger was speaking, when he hao concluded, t'ol. Palmer, of Hlaiily, ae Cl.aiim.M ol said Committee, enmni ted the following report i Your CornjHttee en business, alter due cut-std-tralion. lunml I he following reeolutiooe and re. coiiiiurndaltoiia : ('We'd, Tnal (he prineiplce eel forlh ir the plaif .mi of the Convention which euiblcd in Kileigh on the 32.1 of Feb. I..I, roininend llirm eeltee lo the fjor of e'ery eoneitalive nalioual mn. lY-Wivd, That the principle of FU)el Tantmn, aa iri.iiiulgated by I lie lialeigk I'oMvcnlioii. la eon. D-iitly jul;and la the only pyalrui cf Revenue emMI to the geaiua and li e luUrtala of a free l-..p'e. Mrte'erd. Thai in John Po l, of Paaquotank. we rccioipe a ganllcuian, a etuniaa and a eUu ti .roheirer worl'.y nf our e iue ; lint we hereby pi, tl,.e hin oar hearty tupporl, and we appeal to li.nt nu n errry where, who lo lh. ir country more than prlf toaid iu aeeurnig Ilia triuuiplianl K'ic'rtJ. That laiilioe) and reprraentalion 'i.,u lii go together, as now provided by our organ c l.w : that Whig reolimenla of he Weal ie un .1. r.oly nppoecil lo any change of Ihe b.eiaof rLlTf and' that all we seek or dra.re la lo a. ore ihe conelilulionai recngniuon oi a eyaiem TiHtion, which shall operate jullyand tqully u.n all la i aayera, and auk'-1 seelosos. Rtttlrti. Tnal the appointment of Rofua Dir. rmg r mnC S. II. Walkup, aa del. g. lis to the ( on. aiiiuiional Loom Convantien, which Una day aa a-mhlee in Bllmi re, be and Ihe as me ia hereby ratified and rxn. firmed by tl ie l oineninia. Ktttlrtd, Th-t eitr.v. genera, pr. fl.g.. y. e..r. rui'tion. and im Hicicney pervade every Uepsrt. oieut of Ihe e-'ivernuieiil a oiler I), morralic aula. rul. ; that Ih.i parly be violated every pledre given lo l."e people in iua inn "ijs wwnre in. urnal lraoqoilnyi"0 Ihe el .very quealom, end ! reiienehinebl in Ihe paid e einen-iilurea end j in.', now. hy the late disruption at Charie.t'Hi, II remains only in toe from ol faclnme piwerleaa to euve the L'nn or Ihe Conetitulioaal righteof the I K.,oih. ' K'toltti, That the et rnire. af the pab.'ie wel. fra in.perslively demsad a el,, eg. of admiaiatra. lion. Slate sr. I .Nation. I; that lo Ihe nomination of the Con.liiutioii.l L'aioH Parly at Balliinaie, we hma lor a guaranty which wi'l knag peace .ud proapenly ia the whole eouelry ; sad th.t. as I Hist p.rly sfforda now Ihe break. waier lo Black j Reiiahlicaniem, we laeite la ite banners good swn sn.i true men everywhere. j .etea, lll vriw. r njsaia, e.- . mi sin. eolaenmiy ae ep,...t.l K eelor l..r Ihie D.elriel ,Wr.d. Tn.t Gen John A Young, of Meek lenhnrg and M I. MeCswkb. E.q . of t ....... he .(.p-onled AaaMlaal Klrctora for thia Ihstnel. H:.'t,d, Th.t we recommend Ihe following I r-nt.en.e. .. gukHl.ct,a for Ihe.r re.prcl.vei "..,... I j A J. Dirgan, E-q . for Anaon caaly. 1 Kaius B.rr.ngar, E , for t'abarres county. i Win Prgraaa, fc-q , lur Giata e .ualy. ; Col. Win. M Gner, 'or Mecklenburg county. 1 C. M T McA'aeley. E-a . lor Union '" j Win C. L .rd. E.q , l.er Rowan II. W Goion, V. q . for Lineola M 11, J M .nifoo.iry, Esq , f-r Stanly " I Hflfd. Th.t we rccoaimend oar frienda in , the eoaolies of Cleveland and C.Uwa., by t'nea. i ty ui.veslf.na or otWrw.sa, 10 6ii the position vf saa. elector for iltentMlvea reepecttvel vas we have ru means here of knowing Ibair wishes in this res- pari. Untltfd, Th .1 Lake B'sckmer, N.lhanwl Bo v. en, i. M '.'.., Was. Murphy, J .niee B. Bread, be a central D.etrtcl Committee lo attend I'j the afT.irs t' ilia party in lbs district, with power to bit vacancies in any of the eppuintmcaie above tin motion, the foregoing R.-port of the Commit. le was uiiaBinmualy a.lopted. Col. Palmer, of Manly, waa then sailed not 11 esid the leading question which was to engage in. a ilea. t on of l, . p.aplv la tin. esnvass, was nl;l at' practical and direct pa-cuaisry mtere.l lo esrry I.. 1 pater ; and what waa better anil. It was . simple, and the principle contended for by hi in self and friends, s. manifestly ju-t. Ih.ta'l could uitdrwa'and it and would as certainly appreciate it N 1 man aare .land up before the poepie end d. fend an uvqu.l , 1 Deoioeralie palisans may it-'.npl to mislead and d.eeive;bol Ihe honeal, w.rSmg men of the Country will catch I hr 111 at !rir tricks, and will rebusa I hem al Ihe bsfh.l D mcracy ae a parly. sio, had seen its day, in .a irlli I arolma and His cuntrv al larre 'in ia aetiing, and aa it declines, lei p.lri .ts arise ..i ft ng in tin breete th. ir banner inscribed wun " t'.e Union, the t'on.lilulion, and the mfurcement f h. law..' On m .ti .n of R. A Caldwell. E q , l a Prcsi. I'm waa nquaalrd lo thaignala a. itnliilltee of H.ree tn in h.r. 11 Mr. Hrneol his ape.int-oent ana r. q.ia.l hi. srcrplai.ee. I 'm. Ch.ir appointed, f..r that pu'p.n., ths f..l. lOW.ng erarailleeU,. J.(J, R.ro.sy,R. A. Caldwell, ml I al. D A G. Palmer. On motion, the Whig papers in this District ere req.i..isaj to publish Ihe prrsreedinga of ibis Cnvenliun. On motion, the trunks nf Ihe Convention were ten rered l!a president snd Secretaries for their 'ruees, Ac. And the Convention then adjourned tin die. WM... IIARKIS, 'rrs.drai. r srroa, J 'la. ... I SertUru$. 1 1 II. 1 U'AmiIMfJTO.1. My 8 Tin Editorial Ext uhhioivibt .The 'icur-iion. of tbe Weitero editor lo Mount Vernon to Jsjr delightful affair. There wr eo ceremonies at the tomb, but ln ,he rclurn meeting was organiaed on 1 r,i "0t, aud . long eerie of rnolu- 'oil. were adopted, trongl eiilojrt.tio of "ilitmor aod Ohio, Railroad, and com P".euir, t0 WillLnj p. Sluilh Kq , the. r"iieiiinl master lo trao.portaiioo. A- jone the speaker oo the occasion were "" A- htuor. of South C.rolio., Curti. ' ", Ford of Ohio, Beo P. IWi cf 'chu.etta, nd W. I'. Smith of I lit Bal x'" t.d Ohio R.ilro.d. Tb. meeting "K" It I BOW progree.iog. Aitrntion ! Mecklenburg Dragoons, JjH Ure hereby commanded In appear M " onr Parade Oround, (neeiaely) at Tr-ald'clncs,.,!, FRIDAY, the loth In.laol, ii """'d and ermpprd as your laws direct, with . h. By 0,dr of Capt. J K. H.r. A. J. ORIl, O. S. ' U. 1 8C0. Fine Silver Plated Ware. Jl'ST opened (large end epic nil id aitorliiient Silver Plated Ware, vhirh tendered to the putilic. Call and eupply youraeleea while you can gel good arto-lr cheap. R. W. UKCKWITI1. Jbr 15, I860. a etf FLOW Hit' WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, Caldwell county, W. 0. 'MIR Proprietor of theee Springe infi 1 public generally, that he ia preparin inform the preparing to re eeie end entertain lliuee who are deeirnue of tee. ting the eurallee qunliliea of lliie water, for the eartona dieeeaee to whirh human nature ie liable, lie ie making large additiona to liia buildinga and will be ready for the rrerplinn of couipany be. Iween the lat end middle of June, and all who no coma muy reel aeaurcd that they will be accommo. datrd and every ri.irtion uaed lo render their (lay plraaant and comfortable. I'eraona coining to theae Springe by Roil Doad, will leave the cart at Hickory Tavern Depot, on the Wealern Eiicnaion, where conveyance will be in readmeea to convey them In the 8pringa. KLKANNAll FLOWKK8. Muy 15, IHCO. Rtf ff The Columbia Carolinian will ineert once in daily and twice in the Saimer, and the K iUigh Kegieler will ineert three weeka end forward ac eounte to thia office. They will pleaae Call alien, lion lo the advertisement. Mill. nm J. IliiiKriiun .V .' SELECT SCIiOOL, Oaks, Ubamj CtiUNTr, No. Ca. fBIIK neit term begin a Auguat 2!lth. Rrxon jL for averl new Schnlara. Much ae arc pre pared to begin Latin Grammar much preferred. May 16, I tiki). 113 Town Tax List. WiV. Town Tai Lie! for IHCO ie t.ow in my ! a cula for nolleclion, and aa it la imnnrlaiit iIimI your good credit ehouid be uiaiutined, you will eee the neceaaity of iM-tting at onre. H. A. II A fill IS, Tai Collector. Jfey I. I SCO. IS S, T. Wriston, ill AM FAfTl'RKR of. mid dealer in Plain rod ITU. J j panned 1'inware, 8iov s, Wuoden War-. Ur mjiiii, Hruahes, ate., in South wing of Springs' I U.l.... . .e f i- j I .. . .', : with despatch. Second Stock OF S'F A I' I Vj 4& A a C V IHIY lilHHIV IIIJOW.VTATi: A CO., S mneeqnencc of their very larre and inereae. el Ir Jile Una Kprmr, found II neeeeaery to ra the Win lee. Ie Markets, an4 arc now ia if. eel(, of l(,eil SI'CONl) S'J14tCJIvV ' of Lnlna Pane style Trimmed HATS, .lgh - en. Utr.w bu Chip tHINNh I B, kioaua, F owera aod Houchea, la rreal variely, t'ra; and B.rsge Ml AV Ls and Lace Points, Pine Apple M.Ik, Oreuailine, fclarrge AneUise, (eomelhiHg entirely new.) Mils, Barege end Mualin U'JBES, at fcieatly re dca.i arieea, Prmud MI M.INK. in endleea var.el;, hlack ilk Mermng oiruun. Koihrmuery, I. sees, f ringes end Tri all kinds, inimm gs aad many alber Feocy " and " Neral articies, Uigetller Willi their use. I atock el ,rvf,, ST AIM K IlOOllS 1 l UUUJJO, II ITa jkllfll'.! ami llarilH.-irr. , ' , . 7 ' ene af the ndvanee in the n, J i oeer Importation of all Foreign G.ds, we able aa to aell them Irom IS to 50 per cent, cheaper than Gooele beaghl early is the Spring. Our pre eenl etnek ia VEIIY LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE, ) math admired because ea eleg.nl ; helling rapidly, because o ven cheap It' yoa wiab la AVK MOXKY, call si ai he Emporium of Fashion." lillOWN, TAI K ti CO., J'roprirton. Ckmtln, Jf.v I, i860. is THE NOhTH CAROLINA WHITE SULl'llUi; SI'Iil.XGS ILL BE OPENED FOR VIS1IOKS BV IT the lat al JOE neat. Tiiey aie situated in a meal Healthy mouniainoua country msr the keautliul CATAWBA KIVKK, Wllllill lesa than an hour's ride of Ilia prceenl terminua uf Ihe V E.HIEKN S C. KAll. KOAD. wiih which dai. ly liuesol Oiuuibuses aim ftlage Coaches couuccl tear Hpnnga. Pleasure vehicles and superior saddle hoi sea will be al Ills Call ut gueala. IllsM IIIIK milt-Jits llilli.ll ll .k.tltrt.la) neatly 6tlcd op. .4 t'li: UUD UT .Til MtIA. eugsged fur the sesson, snd QUDKILL l.ND CUHLLIOV PAKT1ES 1 each evening FKEK OF EX IK A CIIAUGE. 111 it.KiM.s era new and spasmus I I. i: IM.KAkl HE (.ItOODM ailanaive; and in fine, everything wishes fur at Ilia beat watering plaie., will be louud here tore, freeh Ihe inner man and lu cheer Ihe apinta. The l;ilrMcirft ltrsnlal.oii and Ihe MEDICINAL properties of the wstere (almual inaccessible belure Hie completioa ul' the Western IS. C Railroad) nuw hall the eica and alflicled with a cordial welcome. The experience ul Ihe Proprietor juslillia the aeektr ul health or pleasure in anticipating a ' good tunc coming. ' The Propriiilor ha. been al very gre-l eipenae 111 Ailing up a Watering Place coiomviiaurate with the wainaul Ihe CAUoLLN AS and conlideutly re. lies uu llieir generoaily lur aucuuragement. 11. L. 110UAKD3. .Wasl.lctl). All 31om:v i AM mmf . V'rll I y jxS X " MONEY " I MUST HAVE ! JONAS KDDIM lalat IF so eotne and pay klm. Ha has many drsfts 4 Hl ,,u .,,c in.trucliuna In ll.e srl un mod opun him every d.y fur lumber aat labor aratu terms, these era Cash articles. Man can 'I work without . Aa he . lieeta to do a travelling bu-ire,. per sating flour, bacoc, lard, Ac. are Caau arlielas. I ,n, deairiug wolk done, can lis tliti.uril lu al 1 cannot do work without lumber; and have la pay tor what I gel, an delivery, I have large a. mounts due me lor work dui.s, sums have rssea due for a lung lima aad I nuw, most POSITIVE. LY HAY, those account. Ml'ST be closed. I ati 1 1 continue lu carry on the busiuesa at my old aland I and have for aale 4ll. nooill. 11.11). Ac, and eaa manufacture Ie order, at ahnrl notice. ITOrdera reeptctfully aoliciled and I promise, sa I always have dune, U aell Cheap tor Cash, ano CASH OAXY. JON'AS KUDISILL. Cknkttt, Mari-hll, iem. 113 CANDIDATES FOR SHERIFF. We are autorixed lo announce R. II. MAX WELL, Eiq., ae a candidate f. r the office of Slier, iff of Mrcklcnburg cuunty, at the enauing Au. guat Election, We are authorized In announce A. II ItliOW N' Ea., aa a candidate for the nflire of Plunff of Mecklenliuig county, at the ensuing Auguat election. We ere authorized to aunounce STEPHEN J. m.RIIYIIM L, Era , aa a candidate for the of fice of 8htnff ul Mecklenburg county, at the en. uing Auguat election. We are authorised lo announce R. M. WHITE, Esq , aa a oandidate lor the office of Mierilf of Mecklenburg county, at the enaaing Auguai election. We arc a ut homed to announce W. W. GK1KK, Eia.aa a candidate for the cflice of SI.enlT of Mecklenburg county, at the ensuing Auguat election. We are authorized lo announce WILLIAM MAXWELL, Eiq.., aa a caiidinale for the office of SnenlTof Mecklenburg county, at the ensuing Auguat election. We aia authorized to annnuiue SAM'L A HARRIS, Esq., ae a candidate for lie rllice of Shenffof Mecklenburg county at the cnauing Au gust election. We are authorized to announce J. P. SMITH, E4 ,as a eaiidiilale for the i (Vice of t-lienff of Mecklenburg County, at he cnauing Auguat election. Sprriil .Vuiiffi. Dr.Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. This preparation la a certain cure for hll diieea of the Thitat and .vns, tug hi, f'e'da, II en. CAi'ie. S ltooitg t might t roup Jncipirut loutump. Ilea, ej-c. In coi f.r i.-lnoi ol Hie l,,t h. .1 ihc.jii u authority that " ontumptinn cue be cured," nuine. roue inauncea of cfiimt rtoiriilioii irom uia. cae by the uae ol I' e U.ilaani Can be givtn. The lolli.wing letter waa retiiveil irom t'oluiiel .M irkliaui, ol toe Uritiah army, anil :.- the i s. Iiiimlion in whieh the Bilami ot V ilu I herty i held abroad : I'lKB HuTZI.. 1 KI.K Cir WlOHT,ElOLD.Sepl 3U IS.'.U j tr; I have a ilaugliler in a ui-iicle tte ol health, who has, I think, received siunul hen. fit ' from D'. WihUi'i lialaaiu ol W lid II erry, three ' bottlea ol which were ecnl her by her biotl.t r in Canada. Pleaae put me up aiz b.atlea. and lor ward them by Ihe ftrat atednn-r lo Knulhuiupton or Liverpiioi, aa you may hr.d inoal convetnrnt. wth any account ul Ihe men:ine you DC Ml .l m i0 t-nd me. W e have aearcotU Iind , Believe uie yours, Irulv, WM. MAIiKIIAM. Teal I l.ni y il . lit Da FaiLriuH. of Ba uerlies, N. V., says he cur ca Liver I on.pUiiil ul lour years' eluuuing, Ih'l Wonlu not yield lo the uul nn..n.s. AsssHsH MciLLSIaN, M. I), of H lundbrnok, N J., aiya it a lite heal medicine fur 1 fitieumptioti in every singe, thai kooaoev tieed r it. None genuine uiilea sighed i iiC ITS of tlit- I Prep.red by 8 W, Fnwle . Co , Boston, and sold by K.tijt Hutch i soi. Sl "u., Charlotte, N. I". The Great Drawback to -r.on emigrating to ll.e ellreoic s .ulh and Wealern Culinir., is the fear tney h.ve o! Ilm Fever and Ague l ie most rtinful of sll deaessi e. Every d.y we he.r of p. r atns ell. eked by line i:leae and made lelpli.s in a short time, without any meaiia of . fTm itif relief, lo vu w ot the gret d m.i.d lor a leo.i d , Da. HosTsrtia has pnei U d I. is ce hrated " I i lers, whose curstue povets tor all dlae.aea el toe stomach h.ve bei n umveraally CHii.wiei:gtd. The M UiUtrs," ji.-ep.rid after a h ot ioriiice and deep study, have received the encomiums ot the nioet eniiliei I poyaicuna, aa well aa all class, es, Irom every perlol our country. tl ose who doubt their ai.ny virtue, all we c.n a.y is to try then, .adjudge for lirms. In s, n afnclively. 8iild by Orugg.sls and ti".lera generallji, every- ror sale by t. rt Hutchison a to, l.'ti.rloile, N. C THE CHEAT ENGLISH REMEDY. Kilt J KMtJi t I.AIIKI S a-ii s a . a . aa a-. a . . . ...a . k --..a... . ..m a a., a a a. a. a a a. a.;-, frtM,rrd ,,, . pfrtrilllll ' Sir J. Cl..rke, M D., Pnvaici.n L ti.orcin.rv U. ll.e Uuien. This well known medicine is no iuiih..i a sure and sale remedy tut Female lulu u thsii ucliuus, trom any caure wh.uvir; though a powirtul remedy, tl. ty contain burnul lo the cuiislilulion. but i Hung To itlari ti d l.iMli. a It i- peculiarly suited. It will, 111 s short tune bung un Ihe n. 01. 11. ly period wnli regularity. Inr.i I'n laa ant aavsu aaasj ksokm to fail wntss tms biaacTn.As os tu Vu raos or rsairii lst saa wsll am.vtli. Fur lull particulars, gel a pamplikt, Iree.oflhc sgem. N. B. $1 snd 6 postage slumps encluecd to sny autliuriteu agent, will insure a tH.ttle. ooUnin g nser JO pills by return mail. Job MOSES, Kj theater, S. V., General Aint lur the L.Sial.s and Cenada. fold in Charlotte by SCAKR II Co., and all res. pecubia Druggials. .! its. unsLinv, An ripcncnccd nurse ana ft msle physician, has a exxiiiiing .yrup l r children tei Hung, winch great, ly laCllilalea Ilia process ul teething, by solleliing the gums, reducing all 11. 11. .ion. I ui. will allay all pain, aud ia sure lo rtguiate 1 lie bowels. De pend Upon it, mothers, it w ill g .ve n l lo your seises, .ud rem I sou health I . your n.l..i!l lYrlcclly sale in all caae.. See advertisement in anulhca column. ITS-.e Ihe sdvertisenicnl of Sandford's Ii ralor, in sni.tlitr coIuiiil. XT See the advertisement of Wood's Hair Dye, ' 111 auuther column. I IT See Dr. Aye luinn. 's advertisement in anuthcr Co. j TANTED to hire a good Cone, and Washer W W Alao, w de.ire lu purchase a good Cow. Enquire. I the Whig Office. iKV I!0Ti:ia7 I'S'P Opened h.r the acLuinmuiiatioii ol ranaient t, usioiuera anu day Boaroeta by. W. W ELMS, April 3, I860. at.W. AlilW.NDIlK, s v it ii i. m;.v i i r, ?er4"r", 'kFEEKS his aerviccs to Ihe cili lens ol tins and aniuimng couo in tlie treatment ot irreul.m ''es ol lh Ie. Hi, Diseases ut Hie moulh. l.ell. fiil,u ,n skilllul and aall.laclo.y in.nner. Ar. uncial teem instTteu un eauiu ur &i ver f....!, ' ... India Hubber vulcaniied base. Thia style of work lias many advantages uvcr the eiwageii work. It can ha adapted to toe moulh with lt irntali. u than the Swaged work it taal.u ci.eap.r. It tree from any unpleasant onnr or taste. Having become aent lur Ihe American Hard Run her company he will supply Deulisls with uf hce righta tu maiiulaclure t'laiea and (inn.s lor a.rl.i;,...l l'..ll .ml Ilia, ln.ur.la. ..... II . .....1 their resideneca. be aadieaama him at Tuck... aeege P. O., Mecklenburg Cu iN. C. If All work wsrraiited. ApiU 3, IHbO. j. v. ii it v i : eV o., iiiai rat in COTTON and all KUMDS of PRODUCE, Tittui: rin:i: r, CHARLOTTE. N. C. CTAII orders attended la wilb despatch. AprtHI, IWO. !( HYMENEAL. Married. In this place, on the fii instant, hy Ihe llev. Mr. (ftiffith. Mr. EDWARD (i. MOB. LEV. of t healer Dietrirl. K. t:., and Miss LSI.A A , ilnuit liter of Alex. Gruhani, of ihia place. We acknowledge the reception of several slices of nice ('ski as o-jr fee. We wish Ihe new ci.u. pie health, luippiness and a long He of enjoy .iicnt. Also, in this ciunlv. on I lie I Clh inst int by Die Rev. J. C. Cl.almees.'Mr WM. E WALKER mid Mies MARGARET L. DAVIS. Also, in Ci'liarrne eounlv, on the 15th in.tnnl, by Ihe Rev T.J Kl.inn. Me. CALEB IIAGLEK and Miss MARGARET TUCKER. AIo. in aao.e c.lin iv, by the same, Mr. TIL. M0. liUWEL and Miss MAR Y, daughter of Mr. Joshua f InrlH.-ll. Aiso, in Mnrgiinton. on the L'fiili ull , Dr. R. ('. PKANSON and Mise D. EM MA, daughter uf Col. B.S. Gailher. In Ihia i.lnrce, on the 10th instant, LOUISA, inl'nnl diiughtcrnf Mr. John and Mrs. Margaret Letter. Al..i.n I ho I2lh. MORRIS, inr.inlsonor B and Josiiuah KKi.iian, aged IU nil a. AND 1 Mie uimci i wr hut rv Ved a large and vari. 'ia-- ed e.uriiiiil of ft j s fur Spriiir and Summer, mliich for eheapuesa and neatnesa, cannot oe snrpaaed, cons.stn.g in part of Black and colored t LOTUS. Iliacs DOE-KINS, Plain, H.-ck and Fancy CASfel.VEKE, French Dr..j D' E'l Es. Plain Ul..ck and F pored Sk VEST1NGS. Fancy Limn DRILLS, and all uiherG.HHis usually found in a first class Tailiirmv Iul.hr lnnei.l. Allot which will be made to order or sold by the yard on accommoda. i.ug leiuis. J. S. HJILLEl'S. In r tursing my thanks to the citizens ofChar. loll. , er) kin.l anr liberal p..lronage they i have Im-sIiwi.1 on me. I w ulil r.quesl s eohtinu. ante of :i'e same, wiih the aasurame that all or. i tiers entrusted lo me will be ncstiy a.td promptly ' eiecut.d. J S. P. j Apn. 17, I SC. 4tf ; GUAM) OPEMiNG AND Ulllllll II oxtli:m)avtiii::iiof iiijl lOuJ alia ilaii u I-LIAS & COIILX WILL uvi: AT THE STOKE IBK11ERLY OtttPlED SY T. II. Brem & Co, UE OF THE FEST tD LJKCEST STOUS OP J IV Ell tiered to ill! public in tln vicinity. A. Dress Goons will be found Crape Marets, Plsin ami I'i;'.! Darrgee, s. Best Fr. lit li Organuits, . Omii..i.,xs, II. lo... Git n.ilmes, ig our Lad.ra Silk Holers, do. Ill h Oitfandie j.. ;uncei In. Hi do. Fr. J Eng.. Impel trice, niack s and Tamar md Col'd Silks 1 J.c.mt O g ti.l.i 1 ll.reees, I R..brs ir eve. v v . riety, Grrna.tmc Poplins, j En och J .e. n.' ts, Silk l nrp Challies, j Engliah, Erin, h i.ml domestic Hlil I.I.I AN I S.lid French (.ING1IAMS 4. L NS, linltoli, I r im Ii aii.l Aiiirrican i in tcry vinelj and tj. j White Goods. Mull, Swiss. B k, Nans.K.k a 11! Jaconet Mils. Iin, Hisnop. Victoria anu Linen Lawns, Linen aiidl'oit.'ii Diapers, Lmen T.n Ie C.i.Mi. and Da. masks, Do) l..s, .Marseilles IJ lints, Ac. Shawls and Mantles. I hauti!') Lace M int'es. Lace I units Al Shawls, ' Lice Mniia Sh. wls, Eii.bi.niii no Lace I'ointa, Uuruois, iillanna and Picoluioniini do Silk snd : Lace Matitite sue Mantillas 1.1 every description, . Limn, tlaiiguaoUCotloli Dust. ra. Sleeves, Collars & Setts, I V.I. nd P lace, li.Hik, Jaconet M'.uriniig Linen 1 1 be . 11 Ii I ul stock of Embroidered , lotaiits Uai.i. ...0 l(.,k, En un- i que ercl. Log I lit rtlligt pu On Diuiiiets, In our trimmed Bonnet our taste is acknowl edged. We have a keaulilul supply. Also iu French Flaers, Ruches sn.i Idblwie. FRENCH I.Ml'UlUKD Parasols, Fans & IK-ad Dresses, with an unusually large slock of IOtl.H.V ami ItO.llHSTH 1)111 (IDS, I.O i II I. Mi, ii ..:., ItOO I , l:Ol iiinl II A I , and a general assortment of Merehandite, winch we i.ite. d .-tfVtiiig to out In. no. and customers at puces winch dely competition. NO CIlAlil.E FOK .SHOWING GOODS! Ileiiiember Ln dies. Tuesday ,iil3d, ELIAS k COHEN, At T. 11. Diem J)- Co s OU zt.iml. WE HAVE A LA lit: H STUCK OF GROCERIES in Ihe Store House Willi, Hi. A. ' o, o." l harlullr. Mairh V formerly occupied by II. B. If 00. Itf (Dissolution. f 1HE firm ofT. II. H em At Co. is this day dis JL solved by mutual .on. nit. 'l l.e Hooks and papers are in Ine haiot. of T. If. Ilrein, ul the llarilw.re Utore sf Cochrane A. 8. mole. All ier sons tii.lt bleu to sai.l firm will cull arid settle Ihe same Wittl hiuij anil all fieraoha having claims will prta. Ml mem lo him lor .a yoonl. T. II Ull KM. J. A. SAPLKR. Jr. T. L. A LEX A N I' K II. Jferrt 9t, lew. 1" j I M M KXSK ATTRACTION' AT TIIK (i r c a t Clothing FUIL1N(JS, SP1IIXCS & CO. ' E IIEY are now opening ut their large I pneious Sti.ro Room, the ilnndaoiu and ca. ndaouicat and Chruiesl Stcck ol f ever offered in the State. Their stor k comprises all the different kinds of Fancy Cut Linen and M iraeillra business suits. English and French Drnp d'Ete and Alpaera Frocks and Sicks; s large variety of Casaiinere I'nnla Fancy and black; also. Fancy and Black Silk, I ssMinere and Marseilles Vesta iu endless vanity. GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, Trunks. Valise.s. lints and Caps, &c, Ac All ol the above goods tire of the luteal styles and pal. terna. Manufacturing Department. FI LLINGS, SPRINGS & CO. have also added lo their Ready made Clothinir Stock, a Mercl Tailoring Department, to which II ey call Hit especial attention of their iiiitny friends and cue. turners. They intend innking Hue department sen, nil tn none in the State, either in style and quality of ! Gomla, or in the manufacture ol G irinenta. At all limes will I found a good slock of Black nd I 'ulored Clothe, English, French and American 'aaimerea, and a variety ul Votings Also, au I assortment of IttXIi. MLi.U) tUM.TII lt l. They feel confident of their ability lo undersell any oilier house in the Stale, front the eovantnges t In y have in getting their goods. Their goods are bought hy the quantity, liv one of the Film who reaiues in Ihe Northern uiarkcta, w hich gieea him the opportunity of taking ailvaii. lare of the prices uf goods, thereby s.vmg ut least Twenty-FiV8 Per Cent. I To Hie consumer. O Dilnta saved are D..llara inauelrj So try ua. E FULL1XGS, JXO. M M'HINGS, JNO. P. HEATH. 4lf April 17. 1800. z. it. John, imciifftil 4 olletliiig ,igrnt, liiionUH n, Ttrrj-Countjr, Alabnmn, ) i T ILL attend prnmpily to the collection of all i V V claims placed in hie hands. E.tate Claims looked a't.-r. Land Cluims ferret. ted out. and absconding debtors looked up at rea. son.bie charges. TEXAS CLAIMS. Vf Collections made in Texas, i through my attorneys in that State, may he safely depemud on. heretofore, Prompllleaa Fitiruaiy Sis, !8btl. 4U-I y FURNITURE HALL, CIIARIaOTTi:, ..f f BHE subaenbers liaving jui-t returned from a M. 1s1l lo the several popu.ar Furm'ure Manu facturers at th north, from hoin they have made large pnrrhasea ot most fushionbble. convenient snil dur.iiile furniture, beg leave toadvertise their friends ..nd the public, that Ibey aie now opening md ile nimi of the best, must FUJ.NITURE ever offered 111 tins market, consisting in part as loliows : Mahogany SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES aud LOCNGES. Miliogat,T CIIAinS, ROCKERS, and OTTA M A NS. TAB I. ES, U El 1ST E A DS a ni hi U E A I S. WAHDIiOliES. SIDEBOARDS snd Centre TA BLES with marble lops. Mantle snd Parlor MIRRORS, Cune, Winder and Straw CHAIRS, Coitage sets, very handS"ine, French and plain Bedsteads with brilroom fu ture In match, CRADLES. CRIBS snd WORK TABLES. W AMI STANDS. TABLKS.nd WHATNOTS H IT and I Mill! Ei.'. A HACKS. T gether will, a large variety of other Fori... -j p'"g. Fisk's Metallic liurial Casi& Coffins. of all quulities. und of tlie niot.1 approved rtvlf ore alwMjr kept on hind, and especial cre pi ven lu IntiTiurnU. The auacribTi will be plcmeif to rzhittit lluir nt-w utock if t uriulurt1, A c., tn tn puWIic und tin ir p-itmns i npi-t niliy, Itc.n-f coi. fifit iit that tiu r call turnisti ilitm on in.iru lavoiubic terin thiiti cam be ecurt c1 elirwhere. J. M. SANDEKS & CO. ( harlotlt. March 2 ', lt-ti'l. 5i!tl' Uullimorc Southern JuLbing House KBISa Xa, ejasj;,, mn mb mm9 haw, ANU, sSTUAAV GOODS O.N THfc NE J T v AMI iSVSTK.M. u. is. ;itirri & !ios A RE now oft'cTirij yrrai int'uci'iiient tul'ASIi Xm. bl'VEKS. We Uave tfinicd no fi.nn in gt-t-liny up a iiiagmfict lit hlck 01 lim-un, mho cmi. all cituritifiict call the p.irlit-Ur attention nf dealer a to l.:e PplenmU aacoi tint'iit, us wt-ll at. In tiie UNTRECEDEN'ThD LUW FKICES, at which we are now ttfllin them. We h?e a. doptttl tin 1'ash SvsTrM.with Ithali. rRoriTn, and no tibk, ticlit-Viiig it tu bv denmntirti bv tlnn Urge Hunt of dmler. ita 'reedoni from .ttrr, und tlie iott ptictt at which we are eliitig, niut Urjct fund beeurc thiA trade. j All wcmkiHiii rxqminatira nf Stork and Price, 1 and we will gu.trantte a..ra in every iiixtunce. at j No. 17 Sill TU I HULLS ST., (op ilitiri ) I K. R. (UUFF1N k St i.. j .Vmr 27. I (560. IB The Imported Funrh Canau'iun Horse, .NOllill SIAIta r tk H7 II. I. be found al the st.i. of Dr. J M. Strong, m Cliarlotte, on toe 6 niihs fr. 4tar orsville K.iad. The siibscrihi rs having recently at cnusirlerable expense imported direct Irom Canada. W eel a hue ll-.ra.', now off. r hi. atrvicea to the farmera and .tock-raia. ra of Weati ro North Carolina. The t rench-Canadian horoc la descended from the justly celebrated Norman boese of Eraiicc Tney ere long lived, easily kept, and exceedingly hardy nice. Very gentle and docile. A vicious or kicking horse ie rarely ever found amo.igt llieiu. They are known by the fallowing maraa : lead ahorl and wide between Ihe eyes, ear. .hurt and pointed, well-farmed neek, imrl and well pro. portioned, made heavy, shoulders oblique, aack .1. oil, quarters very broad, chesl deep snd wide, leiidooa Urge, muaelea eteeeo.ngly well develop- i ed, legs Very short, particularly trum tlie knee. ml hock lo Ihe tetlock. ISortn tar is a true rcpre eiu.iive of his race, IAJ hands high, 6 years old, ie! black and well broke lo harness. J. M. STKO.Nfi, M. N. HART 4 CO. .V.y I. 1680. 19 RBADY-BZASsB mi mud Private Surgical Hospital.! V I'E, the undersigned, having opened s pri. WW vale Surgical Infirmary in the town of Charlotte, are now prepared lo furnish coinlorl. able quarters tn lln.se Patients from a d.slunce wh'i may require our professional services in the treatment of Surgical diseases. The above Institution is located on Main street, in a quiet part of Ihe town. The buildinga are few and well ventillated, with good out. buildings nor Ihe accommodation ot negroes. All diseases nf a contagious character will be strictly deluded. Communications thrnneh Ihe Post Office, ud. d rc.se.l lu Caldwell Sl Gibbon, will receive prompt iillintiur.. P. 0. CALDWELL, M. D. I10BKRT GIHIJ0N, M. D. J. V7. CALDWELL, M. D. April 17, ItHU. 4tf joii ih:m:v wavi, Surprint Itciitist, (Gradua t in MrniciM and Dentistry. OFFIIE in lira w Iry't Building, tp Stain, flppo anc ncil s inn i, (lltltl.OITi:. !. '. arwi-r-sisx jURGICAl. OPERATIONS, sneh ftT k" CLEFT PALATE, II All E l.ir. II'I'1U0T lllolllil an. i j w performed. J RAi TURKS and DISLOCATIONS of the .1 , treated. Teeth filled With tiOI.II. "' SILVER, TIN -r AMALGAM. AKTIFIUAL TEETH inseiied in the best maimer. If'A very superior TooTII POWDER and T'MiTH WASH const.intly on In. ml. 1 r Teeth Extracted. U" PRICES MODERATE and all work done saiiahtclorv lo the patient. UT FAMILIES waited on at their houses. IT A slock of Dentist's Materials always on hnnrf. O GOI.D and SILVER Piute and Wire ol any fineness gotten out. IT Orders from a distance attended to promptly. Fehrvar 31, I SCO. 4Htf The Corner DRUG Store 1 II tit I. I Tl , C. f. xyf. ur n jiison & o. OULU respectfully cull the sliention of ihe public to tin ir l .ree snncoinpU te Mi.ek now s nm ntd lur the spring i ram , cmoirei'i Drups. Medicine, Chemicals, Perluniery, fancy Articles, Oils, Turpi mine, Burning Fluid, Alco. ho', Pure .Medical Win.s and Brumlies, Clinton Tens, Fc'd nd Garden Sieds, i.':., ic. January 17, ibGI). 43tf litMiio.1 !. $10; IIOMKSTEADS FOR $100; ALSO liuMESiiiADa FOR Si.uuu 1 D OVEK. situated on. and near KAPPA- HANNOt K KIVER, above .lid below FRtUEHH KSBIKU IS YJKOIMA. A new Town, called KAPPAIf ANNOt K, nas recently been laid out, in Culpepper county, in the midst uf the GOLD REGION OV VIRGINIA, surrounded by MINES AND MINING COM PA-' NIKS; and Farms und Town Lots in alternate iii. j visions or spheres, can now be had for a "MERE. MING." siu.plv to induce seal, n.enl in this oesi.j able rev inn, 1:.4,III0 worth ot lui.u is tu be di. vided umongi.t putcnosera or as an inducement to come on ond make improvu. nicr.ta and the land is of the most improvable qua. Iil.ea. Many have already arltleo and score. others arc coming. j taOtMl I it flll'Ut. la.'IIKI. in tracts of any size to suit purehaaers, cull nl-u be had at from I0 lo 20 per acre, payable 111 ea. sv quarter yearly installments. Unquestionable titles trill in ull cases be given. HO-AGENTS ARE WANTED c th( ,e liu.r'sj liberal ill be gi tn- j.or p.mculars, address E. RAIDER, Port H. yal, Vi 13 .Ware 20, 1 860 c 1 1 1 : iu k 1:1: 11 1 . ! 1 1 ) v me-.' AN I NFAILING CI RE FOR ConorrfefXa i llll Distilsf S uf lilt I rjiiarj OrSlllli tm llllS RE.MEOY curca when all oilier prepa. JL ra li.n.s fail. It is entirely unlike every oth. er ceniN.un.i ; cont.iininmg noMisrsal I'oison or Nai'si.oi's lKto ; as il is prepared soleiy trout lioors. Masks ii.i I. raves, and l us been hamleu Down, fiom one generation to another, hy the riiKRok.EE Indians It is e tiered lo ihe pulilic on its own nil in. ic merits It pirlorins its duty qmrkly and thoroughly. 'I'he C.NroRTfNATK, ot either sex will be repaid by using this hrir.Dr, instead .f piaeing themselves at the mercy ot some Quack or rsofissor. This Kkmepy strikes nt the very Iki.oT of the disease ; lis tendency is not s;m. ply tn suspend the poison, hut to Kiuove TllK 1'ause on winch il ite(ends, Full direetn.ns in pamphlet form, uec.inipiii.y each botti. The s(hc cy and permanent relief afforded by th:s ItYmcdy, in all cases oi t.o.NORRHUr.4, Gleet, I.savel, tsic Tt na, Ellor A.st s. ( W tiiTfctt is Kr:M ins j, .mil all Diseases of the Urinary O-gans, ha" astonished tue nosi .cietilitic men of the age. Tin. Heinttly not only eradicates all I'oison from ll.e M situ but Inviooraies the most delicate eonstitu'ioii. I T II u.-a .ot Arrrcr the Hreath or Intlr. rrRK with any I lass of 1'isimss, ur require any oevialinn from the usual diet. HJMl rtquire. no as.istance from othi r medi cine. l.e'Anil what E.miam rs it. Value, is the E.s tirr Absence ..I' .'. NatsE'-i's 1 amte, being a I'LKASAvr and Delicious Mitr Trice I'J rER B..tti.r, or 'I usee HoTTLrs r. R !.". Fi'J'TKK A MEkW IN, Sole Proprietor., St. Louis, Mo. Sold in Charlotte, by Dr. F. Sc.rr. " " E. !y Hutchison & Co. Columbis, ' Eisl.rrcclUiiiil.il. And .11 Druggists in the country. V.n Srhauck (.ricrson, Chnrh .ton, April '-'4, I coil -I y Wholosale Dealers. Wm, J, Kerr A TTOliSE Y A T LA 11, t ii titi.o r i i:, c, V r 1 1. 1, practice in the Courts of Mecklenburg, T V Union and Cabarrus countic J)'Ortice in tnc Brawly Building opposite Kerr's Hotel. Ji .'H. lr-CO. 44tf Cotton Saw Gins d V the best quality with 10 inch hlu chill i.s. tinned brush sua .11 nrces- siry i.nprnve Lantliig in ments, delivered .1 sny Kan K....I the Stalest ti Per saw. Plantera intending I do well lo purchaae Uiuanl the auhsenber, will nd their orders eariy.as there is get.- .rally a crowd of work late in tue sas..n. J. M. KLLIOTT, W inns boro'.t . S. r swarded at the Slate hair .Nov. IM' od It-jfl. .Mair '.'0, I M0. t20A JOIhV S. U ILEV, UAWrAlTl III ANO ISiroRTER Of HA V A3: A SEGARS. AND DEALER 1.1 obacco, Snuff, Hatche;, Paper he, SrSM HU l PII'LS, it., touslanlly ou hauJ. Jiujty3 ,1860. 4ilf W. Van.'- s S, -t , ,-?! ftZWiM 7 I - The Man-krls. C0BBICTD BT 0ATE8 & WILLIAM8. CHARLOTTE MAY 15, If 60. RACON . Hams lb.. Sides lb.. " Hog round, lb., " Shoulders, lb., ....!2J (5 (iU 1 1 j , OU II fry 00 ....(IU (o UO ....16 ij 00 .... 5 (.i, 0 ....18 (nj 00 ....i:, In; as "u (j uo 'S (tj oo - 70 (., I HO "1 ((, 10 14 (ij I hi ....17 fj., ('., 30 ....40 (rj, (0 0 Qij 25 2 85 ...."0 (, 00 Li (ry I CI ...,-J5 (,;,. 3ll I () 00 f.i, 10 ....3li fi; 00 ....30 (., 35 6 (.", CJ "i f, Hi ....iS (.r, Oil (n. 6 ..."0 (, UO ...$;iuo (.., 4.10 ....70 (,,, 7S ....40 (0 ....f-j (,( 90 .... (-j Cd 5 (o; 00 5 (. 6 bo 6S .- 7 Ol, H CO (., 70 Ian (o la1 ....50 (-1 SS ....4 I, 00 ....15 Ull ....10 Cj, I2J ....10 'a. (.0 150 (3, 00 (a, no ....130 ( 135 ..U0 (.j, 125 ....45 (a, 55 ....51 (o, 5H ....27 (n, 28 ...22 23 ..1U0 (a) 00 4 liaegmg , Gunny, heel,... liullcr Heeswux, lieu ns Itranuy, Apple,.. -lb ib Ib bushel,... Kl ib , Ib Ib ' leach,..., Cotton, Coffee, It io, " Java, Candles, Adamantine, Spr nil., " Tallow ...lb lb , ....bushel each , ...ysrn yard ...doteu ... bbl -K Ib Ib Ib lb II) ..bbl. No I.. ....Kills Kl Cl ... bushel... Corn Chickens, , Cioth.Copperus' " Lindsey,. ''KB Flour,. l Keatiiere. , Hides, Green I " Dry,.. - j Lard, Mutton Vlackercl,. Uola ,N.O . W.L. ' lels ( Wilmington) .suns, Northern ' Southern i ols Pork Piaa ...bbl Ib Ib .. bushel... .... Ib ..bushel... ..bushel... bushel... ..bushel.... Ib Ib i 'oulne, Irish,.. j Sweet, Sugar, I.uai, Brown otolie. a re,. . .. I?l ...suck.... Ib ...Iiuahel. ...bushtl.. .! Tn... Wheal m hue, . ey . Northern,.. N . Curolim:,.. gu' heat Georgia) washed unwashed.. bale REMARKS. 1 remsrks this week. COLUMBIA MARKET. I Coi.umiia. May 13. IPSO. COTTON'. The sales of cotton lor the week amounted to 415 bales ut prices ranging Irom 5 to ; II centr. showing an advance of lc un the better grades Irom last week's quotations. IIAi UN.lioground, , CORN PEAS OATS FLOUR 11 (Tt. ll'i (Jl .... 1 Ot, ...."5 (r, ... 31 HI H0 II U5 till Mi CHARLESTON MARKET. I IIARLtSTON, My II, IS60. COTTON. The sales ol cotton to.dav reached fully 1 ,100 bales, at full pkices, vu : ij'a llc. Musilc, May 10 Sales to. day of 1,5110 bales of c.. iu. n, with a quiet market. Midd'iug 101 a , C(.LU Nrw Oai.KANS, May 10 The cotton market is quier. but easier and unrli..nged. Sates lo-dny uf 4 U bake. Sugar ia In 111 ut a 'ijc. f N(w Y RK MaT 0TI,e cotton market was j firm to.dayiu ijSi)U bales changed nanus ; und. dling upUuu llj HO. AL HAVANA LOTTEUY. The next ordinary drawing of tlie Rojal Iltva ns LoiUry conriuclrtl by llieJs(taniali 'joverninent, unuer tin? nupfrvtiiion uf the Co plum Ge tier til ol (ubh, will tukv iluce ut Jlavmia uu TUESDAY May 22, 1SG0. $360,000. SOKTKO NLMEliO tiUtt ORDINARIO, a ri i al ruizi; $100,000 I priicol 100,000 I 5U " 1,000 1 " &O.OUO lid " 000 I iio.OOO I 153 " 400 I " Vttf.OOO -ii) Apr'xini'sfc.SOO 1" lV,UOO I 4 Approximations lu the $100,1100 t6Uel each, ; 4 of 4HU tu tJ'V'UU; i ul 4UU tu $3U,UUL ;. 4 of tim) lu eaHI.UIIUj 4 ol 1UU la (lU.OUU. ! Wliule Tickets J'-'U; Halves IU i Wuurturs I j I'rizes caeiicd ul eight at 5 per ceal. discowit lillis uu ell solvent Banks lukeu at par. A drawing w ill be lorwarded as souu -r the re sult becomes known. Coiiiuidnicatiuiis addressed to DON KODKI. 1. 1 EZ, (tare ul Cuy Fust, Charleslun, C.J un. til the liu ot May, will Ue ulleudcd so. tVtraune ordering Tickets will please write their and give liitnr post untce, county and .tale, liOW Altl) ASSOCIATION. i l.iLACELl'lilA. A UeietolrHt Juniitutiun tstuUiiutd l.y tptcial En. tun me, I. Jut Hi ilral.y uj l.e ill A w.li Llturitcd, Bjiucirti uiia I iib.fi.i i.u l.puitmiL iVistascs.bnd isj,tcniiy jt Hit t sic bj iVi.iusrs uj tUt btxutil Ulgultt. "sj t-LUC'AL ADVU E given gratis, by the Acl fJL log f.urgton, lu an wi.u ut.piy by it Iter, w ilu a i,e.erpiiuu ol Ihcir conuitiuii, f,. ge, occupatiun, habits ol Hie, ii ,) und in casts ul ellrilne put. erlv. .Muuiiii.es luriiished trie ul charge. V.AI.lAbl.b IiM'UKTS on Spermaturrlioia, olid uiiur UiMJ.is ot Ine txuai Organs, anu ua Hit .NLtt KE.MEDiEa tmpluytu iu Ine Dispen. Bart mil to Ihe a till lid ill staleU letter envel. upes, irteut charge. I ur luree ataaips for pos. lage will be aeitplabie. Auoress. Hi.. J. aklLMN IIOLGIITCN. Ac tiu Surgeon. Howard AssoClalluli, iu. W Suulli .Nil. ill M.ttt, Philadelphia, Fa. By order ol the Lhatciura. (.to. FA I IK II1LD. Stcrttary EZli A l. UEAlil V C.LL, 1'reeid.m. lei.u. b-iV Fr6. ' (yCj- Removal. "1V h .tin,, and tusiunieis are respectfully .TjI inlvrmei: that I have removed niy Tin Shop l .-(.nuts' lines Building, Jd Uoor trum the cor ner, un Iryun Btrect, where he will be pleased la see the-ni. S. T. WRISTON. Janmrtt 3), 166). 4otf I!.'w."bi-:ckavitu HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND T 'e- ,-1 - - Ij " i- , J al w J ay, I'LATtD or THE BEST K.NULISH Al t'.lt and eXaimns ll aHIRICAN UAMEACTCRI. stock belure purclu ssing tjaNotice. I II K cfl.i.r.led Jai-k, r I L I t'.v, will alwaya he ImUii.i at the slauieoi u.e suu.eriuer, v ir I hjrii'tlr.un l .e Yorkvilie road. j.m. runs. .Vnrra ti. I860. 'Jnilo To ISluck llaiscrs in North-Carolina IHE . ibcribtf heivui pur u litj cttbfdlt;.i Mnf ellaa Hole Ui uriittj sujfrior 'uck, lll.ll I'll. H'tflHI will hi bciurr tin- puime uuiii'K lut tot iiartieuieir. tiv lret btl tug sbprmg A. IS DAVIDSON. Juaea.y 31, ISbO, 4jlf

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