CHKISTIAN IlKUOLSM. It is to die in a battlefield to cod front death there. There earthly nrizes are won stars, bright honors, are glitter ing amid, that sulphurous titir-ke ; there srtliij passions arc to be gratified my sister was wronged, my mother butchered, my little brother's brain dashed out against the wait. I am a man, ard could believe the story told of our countrymen ; how cash, baring got a bloody lock of a mur dered woman's bair, sat down io awful o ntinous silence, and after coupling the num. ber that fell to each man's lot, rose to swear k the great God of heaven, that for every bair they would bare life. Amid such scsces, witb passions boiling, rengesoce calls for blood, burling me, like smsd man, on the edge of steel ; and where the shout of charging comrades cheers him on, the oldicr is swept on blazing guns and brit ling bayonet, in a whirlwind of wild excite tnsi.t. But to lis pinitii; in a dungeon, and never bear the s.eet voice of human syti,- j path, ; to groan and shiiek upon the rack j where cowled ant', shaven murderers are as devoid of pity as the cold stone l' j aronnd ; to suffer as our fathers did, hen, , cairn ana latreia, tt.ey roarcDea aown ti,at street to be hung up like dogs, for Christ's crown and kingdom, impli -s a higher cour age, is a far nobler, manlier, holier thing Yet thousands have to died for Jesus. Theirs has been the gi;lie, holy, heroic spirit of that soilJier boy, whose story i- oqo ot tbe bright inctJents that bare reiiev- ; ed the darkcess of recti-t Lor.ors, au.l hcd , U:o ol glory around tbe arenilui trout of war. Ira-;ed frim the j-inio, raK- with of blood, wau-d to a shadow with fa.r.iiie atid hard-Lip, fir aav from father or :u.;;sr, or s;.v a'':i y send, ud - ir rounded by aeiomi ot biack inearfitr 6 ud, be saw a Miuat; rtv dr. c;.ur:, ifj:..l-..i at the prrparanons t .r torture, a .out : to renounce bis la.tu Fa-t dyiug, almoi-t j k'yood tbe vengeance of bis vue-uiies, this i good, brave boy bad moment more to live, ' a breath more ty peod, Live to Jesus. I the ruling passion, was strong iu death ; aud ; so, a the gates of hoav.n was roiling open . to receive his raosoaied spirit, he ri-.-d 1 biwsaelf up, and ca'tin.- an inipio. in,' louk . on tke wavering couvert ' (, do not deny yoer Lord ! ' A nohle death, and a ril.t aoble testimony! Dr. uulkiies Inhrri lance of the Saintt. I TI1K DANOKR ()V HALTING. What is it you ar wavcrinj KtwLen T V it aid asl.-cs and a crowu cf 'ory that fadcth not aiay." On your riht hurl i Christ, heavea a':d an immrtaiity of lies sednea-i; on your left hat.J it diol.cdienc , reVie 'Hon, di.-eii.'ert, remor-r- despair and sn inmorta.ity ot mi-try. l:nco these you are halting I While you halt, the " guif " i farming that will soon be " fixed ;" char aeter ia deepeoia that will soon be stereo typed for ever. ludeciaiin becomes decis ion ; yoa deciJe for bell while you waver a fcejt heaven. And bow imminent tbe peril of thoae that are wavering ! It if now, or it is never ; ii is here, or it is nowhere. Tbe doir will toon be sbuttbat will Derer be opened sa l a dfrr-kabys set that ean never be cros.ed 0 I that I could bring home to every halt tog man tbe position tbat as a sinner, with occupies. He stands on the arrow Wge of life ; above him is the tt-rriSc mountain of his guilt that bf: ha no pow. r' in bim'e'f to ccale j be-low birn is the fearfj aby of death, -tt.e death that never iie. 7te-e is lot the breath In bis nj-trils b? tweetj blm and tbe bottj:r.!i;as pit. O, awake, f.-lbw-aimr-r : awake to thy true and p'riious po-'ttbn ! It is late, not too late. There is yet the hope thu ban; from the cross of Jcaus or rath-r from tbe throne of God ; that Lope can iif -i . . -i .i .. .. i i. j thee over tbe mount of thy cu lt, nd kod tbe on tbe brink of th shore of efroal safety and peaee. () leap and live. " Fly for refuse and lay hold of ll.- hope set he fore Jan," and aa God liveib, your soul !. !! live ! He is " slow to anger at,d jlrtiteoj in mercy.' " As I live," sai'.b the Lord Go), "I have pleasure in tbe death of a nmr. but ra i . r thsit be should rep' n: sn i live Tarn e. tarn ye, for why !!! y,- i;e I" Rev. Jl't Sw!l A 'j' '! ) i ' '.l. Tls true eiiibie j of a ."f.i u.iai-ter are, sbepberd at the bead uf bia fiSck, ainl a parent at the bead of bia family. The ibopberd has an equal regard for ail the fljek, for tbe lambs as for tbe sheep ; he aeekt tbe wandering ; be applies re ir' dies to tbe diseased ; he gathers the lambs with bis arms ; be collects the in into the fuid at night, and counts them as they enter, so that lone may Le left without ; and he leads them fjrtb iu the moriiifi,j p-t-jre auJ oesi'ie the tt! I water His care and watchfulness Jraeenl to all the Boclc. And si the father of s family cfe-cial Care over every tu. niLir of it, and seek., efjua! care and uilir'euce, the Lot eood of llitiu all. He exerei.'s a (fetitral care ever all, and a epeciaJ care of each .uo tlat a good ininiklcr should care for Lie people as a sLeplierd car...- for Lis aLeep as a father tarns for Ins faiijily as joi pronii'ts lo care for lararl wii.a be says, I will feed uiy Docx , I nl esuseltiem to lie down. I will seek tbat Licb was loat, so l ilS bring aaiu tbat wbicb was driveD ay, and will bind tbat sabieb was broken, ! aad sill auctigtbea tbat w Lie b was sick 'V A 1 if tbe Ureal 8bepl.r.l eondescetids to ut siaUes, on wbat yruuuJs caB under- shepherds excuse themselves from it. Dr. Murray. TUK HOLY SPIRIT GRIEVED. When the Spirit is grieves! first, he bear? with us. He is crieveJ again tort again ! anrt ai'ain, anJ still he bears with it all. Hut at last bis grief becomes so excessive that be nays, ' I will sukpeutl my operations ; I begone ; 1 will leave lif.- beL'ml me, but my owd actual presence I "ill taV" way." And when the Spirit of God goes away from the soul and su"ptodj all bis op. eratinns ; a miserable Kate we are in. He supeutls his instructions; we read the Word, we cannot understand it ; we go to our com- merit aries, tbey cannot tell m the meanin we fall on our knees and ask to be taujbt, but we get no answer, we lsaro nothinj Agricultural. IMPORTANT TO WHEAT GUOWKUS. j,rom geries of .lpiincnU w.,ae jD zUj,toi and tbe United States, fcr the purpose of ascertaining the proper period of re.,pirj(, wheati it hal ll8t.n fell, d lb:lt t,0 bcft iu)0 fjr pcrformin2 the oporatiua is when it is in a raw Mate, or when the straw, from a, has a greenish appearance lot on a closer examination is found to bo approximating to yellow, and the grain, se parafd from the chuff, is pulpy and soft, but not in the milky state. It is now I be Priicn cf intelligent wheat growers tint j,.,., from sTe ,0 fjx J0uars p,.r ,crc , lon liv aijjn? tf,e wheat to beeome ripe l.f f,.ie it is cut, and that at the same time ,t- tp s ii.jurcd. Jiy reaping the wheut n a: oil-, or at tin- time directed, a greater is - il.t cf jji aiu is obtaiiio.l, v. hie b produces in -r.- rl ur, of a superior quality ; the riraw i' nt.ii:iinj more nutritive matter, and is b. tK-r for stock, and tbs-re is more time and eon-eq icully a better opportunity of secur ing the crop, aud theie is less wa-te by haTtriI:g out the grain. Like all other operations in the ve -table kiud--.iii, the ripening of the seed con its entirely of various chemieal pr3cce, th uatuie cr modus operandi of wl.i.h ual being genor-illy un Icr-tood need not be .-x plained, their rcu!ts i-liojld be carefully obaerved io order to delermiuo when ttie resping j-hould be performed. When an ear or head of beat rt fills, it ii then said to be in the milky ftale ; in seven or ten days after, the seed bccoinei more so lid, aud the straw bigins ti wither and as- suu;e a ye, low appearance from the ground ioaM tin bead. At this period tho straw ill be yellow for twtlve or fifreen inches above the grngnd ; in seven or ten days more the crop mil be perfectly ripe; the straw wi,l Le yellow up to the head at ibis sta-e the grain ean be rubbed out by the hands On examining the seed, a per- eepti le difference which has takin place since th lat period, will be that the skin vill have bi comes mu ch thicker an J har der, which diniiiiishes the quantity of flour. N'ow, this f roves it at the last change in tlie seed -reduces auii.crease of bran, and a relalice diminution of Sour, which will be the continued tffict according to the time which elapse between the ripening and harve-s'ing of the crop. Then it mut le the interest of t he farmer to eut bis wheat Li fore it lecomes thoroughly ripe. The millers will not pav as much for wheat cat afier it is thoroughly ripe as for thu cut in the proper Mat-. It has been sug gested Ly some speculative writer that new vari1 '.i-.-s of wbeatcso be producad by cross fecundation, io other w jrds, a mixture of severil varieties at.d sown tog'ther. The ituproveinent of agricultural p ants by cro f-cuudation is a suj-.ct of the Lijj'.t-t importance lo platittrs. It would st' m (j jite us feSkibie as the hybridising, or cro-s bre-tding in auluiais. Wi Irom experience or any iiif.jrtijation .u our j o"ise-siofi, venture to give any adiiee upon 1L1- t.-w an 1 in.j ortai.t -u'.j- ct. VV woU ; nke for roiue ot our w beat-grower to mke I lie 'Ip. r i me lit atid c iumui. it-ate the result ; '.Ve kn o, however, tbat ua iinporlunt sai,. u of li- iicii. corn tan be proiJuced in mis vsa;. come years uo mi obtained ai.-J to.i. d 11. e u fT.utit kinels of seed corn, i 11 .i 1- la ay, eed colli selected Irom dif- 1 ! nut Uniis in ei.Ji,.ieut ne-ithhoihoods j 1 -.- ic .s.i 1 u,.iii-;il ditference in each va-I r.. ty pi .Lied the whole iu ene tt-ld. The j reruit wns, a crop of corn not exactly like, but sup'.rior to tit ber variety. We contin ued Ij plant this eroptiii it lout ail appear ance of th original varieties, save one, tbe beat of the family. V. C. I'lan'er. CRAMJEUltlKS. At a recent meeting of thj Americia In stitute, Hie stated tbat Jee (J. i'ueii, ehu-aeu him a receipt for one hun dred and fifty six dollars, the net result of one- mud of au acre of toe acriib-Oiik land of Ioug isiuini, cultivate'! ia cranberries. I J lis ia the thiid year, lie saya : lie soil i is saudy loam, ti.e ar;d 'jiite car-.e. We ' Lave to aibk our weiia ii.'iy ii-ii feet to get ( water jitH wlicre tbe cranbi rnts gro. j I be nues acre tak' n from the snamps ou , tbe, I-ilaiid, aLere tbey en.w jld. I set) uiy titi'a iu eirii.a tbirty iutbes apaits m tbc eini.s, and kept Ibem clear Ly Laud ' eeeiiu, uiilig to tuauure. I act W tiuea,' any tiuie iu tbc fail or ririiijr, u Leu con j vtuietil. I slu planting tLem at this lime. LI VK IN 'J K A N I' L A N 'J I N j '111K1..S. Ati lliijland j utlieastlou ay a a larj-e plsLtaitou uf ireea Lab bsen foroicd ia tbe country tsitLio a few years past, witbout tbe lo.s of a eing'e tin, ly putting a tniall quautity of lime io tie hole when planting ttle tree, rour bufhcls of lime ire said to be sufficient for so ncrc. Tbe lime is thoroughly mixed ith the (oil, in order that it might be reached by the roots, with qual facility io every directions. its prin cipvl efftt is to push forward '.ho tree dur ing the fv'st precarious Maij.-a of growth. CULINARY DEPARTMENT IToT IU'D Cu?uibers should lesytinf ed niort.itig uud evening in fine weather. j Allow the Lent to raue between and : So dog. ; the latter degree of lust, when the sun is shining on the glass. If tho plants suffer from tbc sun's rays, shade ''" lightly the hottest portion of the day.; Egg plants should he pi need simply iu small pats and allowed a warm corner i the cucumber frame Tomatoes should also be potted. The few required for early use do pot need so high a u uipersture ... the E,-g pis, its. A general sowing of seed should be made this month. Let nothing be forgotten, as this is our principal month fir sowing all kiuds cf small seed. The middle to tho end of the mouth will be time enough fur he main crop. Keep up successions of all crops uecded most. va:s you siav L'SK (ill IlECO.MMllNl) Neimstrecl's Inimitable ii Uit rin.os:i.;: 1M) F1M IT T.I A PERFECT HAIR RESTORATIVE. riroiii.ilin tlie slreliftll an.i yr-.w-lii nf t'ie ll.i r. ii. ,1 giving it ail tlie titan lv i.f y -u;.i. I)., you lit-.ul! !!e:tl! Heml! 'iii W. K IIagan, Troy, N. .,I).ar .- II ing jeii your lluir t'o'onng w' tor .liv. , nun t -at.ff muen nil' -I, I I...4- pUaaure in iiiiiknijr lop loll. . ;ii2 si .li in. ol .Jr r i . I ol :. very s- vi re ft: nf -,. kii.n, w I." ye..r of.-.i;.-, my hair C.iu.lni nen1 tur iti.-i if, r-.iitinueii t. r,row u-i:l it Lerume ;r-f'ftiy - ir'nfi., itii; v. ry Im-i-li ami comae. I.ahl i I r.neli.i! in v ti: v thini when 1 a in.! .11 (-1 by Irienfl l i pi'irrhiae Iwo bolllei" ol II. ini. lic t'a Itrrlor-itivi! pre(i.tirt by jr. .p. I coin. i m.-oci-d uwit il uccorillnu to ill.-FCtiona. nml in . t. w .J.iya w ii. fiir,Ki-c.l In fiuil that my Ion.- from tlie ro.,'i outw in! was lurninL' b .ck t-. its or . ti In j;r.iiv until il ( i i ii. I j ,.y . i It i lb'-. I .In hud in nuir fvlti rftfortti to ill mirinvl rn!r. .MY LA m:.i .'X re, si M)!.i Seaman cine mi-ai w ii. only aw -rii. -. n-t r- In-.t the anove al .leme i t.-u.-. nn. I'.'- : v .r'Fei.rii'.rv, Ir-.lrt. JUKI. F i'' U I'l. II,. lut iff uftht I'rirf. I'itt roau. Vi , .ue 1, i -:,. I l.-.-r. by e. rlii'v, il. .1 n,v l, h.vmc l.-.-cii q nte (.-r .v, 1 ii.. a II. iiimir.'tt'. il ir lie....- ,: v f,..-i ,i' i.y V. K. IIaos-i, ui Tn.y, N. Y .) I i..iir s, . !.-, ..ii.i o.y waa in time r i. re. I Io H- .-r i n tlm lirlieli n.l color. I cm luliy rte-r it el. W.M. KIN;-f K V, V"-i' Tu.iiai (harsh. 1:1 fju-j. I t. IUC: I l- ive n-ej Ilel'ilklrr. I 'a(er Mr. w. i; ,lr R-i'iii, i i l. I.Kl.iU h i.( i !! Ill . h i-t t i at, red (lie e--.lor nl n. n , in, but it cur. .1 oit iell ami H ill- a i.mwI 'i... 'Ol t !ic "C:. I. hi.. Ii uutJitrlg r'tif it. I In.'v i.liivc it t. be II. t beat y,,ir U.,-rll',itlv. KNO'A I.MIN' IIO.V J.AXi). re bit f.-vs i.f llie- m.liv !. I'.cra of aa'wrf lo I arli. le in s The rc comment; ..lion projincl-.ra Ik Finch lute been t. in. tree!', ft .ir (' -en ii-eii bv ihon. . the , lies. I lien d . ea it . Ii u. . tf el. , c.i :;,. 7'j, tuWJ.J,-,J ( nt 4 r mnln frit. but lr uaturjl n!iade vf yutli. It do. a not color tbe ekm. Pric -50e inc t' C'Si jer b i!l!e Sn.l r ver v wheie. W. K. II At. V.N i t:.... pr....ri, t ,r., Tn.y.'.N. Y. So t ir, I li.rlotle by Dr. F. Sc.rr.aud all lrz rri.ii i.i lie L'oile.. Sij;t-, V .n Jkc.iiuc ana liner. eon. ( I. .r.e.l VVl.oln .ie Aaeiil.. Afni :. I -li J. 51 Y Iiiipiirtaiit to .Mill Owners, ( I T THIS OI T.) J O. A- M M A , i: 'S Cekb.-attd fcraut bt fcciieni.tti Machine AM FACTl llKD -iSou.ti L - well, C. anil hipped lo all par la of the I uited Ule r.l ri.luetl'.ne II. ." to til. .kC who h.Ve urd .M.chii.e. a.,d imi u.eoi eii-.ned. 'I'm- Full. recnili -neilaraiiiat Imilatiruu mil ImpmltuM i -lie JT' I1U-I i-iltka accompnte i.y luy legally iuii I by my s,, F'riL:U JNU. A. Mi. MANN KN, ..utli Luwi-li. .N. !(;). tJS S. T. H liIST( KKI'S loi.kUnliy on h.nd, wi.o . s.,1. mid re. Uil, a fuii .1,0 complete a .or tin, .. I of ITAI.N A.M J A25 A.j;i) tix-wai:i; wi.ich wi;l be Id 1.0 IV. CeO'M ER v eitew F-l Si ALLS, Kna.oeb.l S,. is, aiue I', Walile Imm lr ..le by S. T. WHtlTON. rSIOlI.tlT SKTS. a an:.-nor .rt. .e, f-r M. at S. T. Vi'KI sifi.VS. CI ASH, Iee .-le kv ASH, Ieeii, Spice and Drea.mj IIOXrfr S. T. WRISTON. rii 1 1 ts v 1 1; i vva iiiai :s. -'aC' A.1 ST'lN'i: tV Co.'a fterew Ton GTAS JAK.S; pr-.. rtn.i Fruita, Ve?eNbis, Ac noia in uae, lor by 8. T.WHISTON. c ookinc; sTovr:s. A Fl'f.f. A"srtRTM K.MT of (OOKISO and ' 0wm ft riber SIOVFet. wll I-: win 1 1., ly on l.snd.l '""K'b ' 'nwly, ! eoli.r .1111 bcauly In n.e 1.1 aol.) as low as Ihey can U in tin.' '" i'kytwuino of u'.l kWi are eamg it Willi W" eiici , .a. j H T WITSTfiV I F01 lull ill" ctioua, ee Circular". Fnce $1 uer 1 fk.rUtt. j,4 if-w MKIJ54')U' iuir- 1 . ' " " . ' JSoi'l by CHCIi'lH 4 DL'I'ONT, I)riir;i;i..ts I WITNK.SS TIl'KKTa, for tbe Couoty and Superior Court, for sale here. I'!' I t) Si 4 4 . r.Jgl) t'lll llllj'l-l 14. is,.' i;iisiis' ii 24 a n.r.a t 7 S ( lt;ll I u'lj'ullJMS'lT I' I 19 91 II .'!2J II ti ,1 51 1 ; 12 1111 ISl 20.21 I SI 4 t 10,11 i i; is ;liS. indicia ... ss.siatiiJwijai.. if 's "i "i "s "ti p'inlu!s2M3 14, n II ll'lJIUllJ 1 I 11 -IZ & .'4 u ss.7jSai ai j "ii'i "s 4 "! ' H S lo!ui12l3 II i Hi'l7'i'-lili2s,si:i2 fl J4,j.ii;SS '!i s"a!"i 4 i i 7 1 S 10illl2 I! ii tslisiirii'iis '21 H-JS 2l;23i'. 2; Sb.i,JI ......... 7 81 9ho;ii ii HIUllS Iffl ST-S- li , ': 4'S 24 I a, st o skiisi: h I Sj Si 7 S 9 I'; ll'H 21121 '2.,!2.S 21 Si,jJIj " 'ii'li'si'ii1 V t t IIMI 12 n IS i' lis it'is is Ji 2i t: 2.1 21 2S 20 2T,2 tl l .'.II I. I... 1(1,11 12 I.V II IS IIS I 17' I3.1J SI 31 2.' 11 ...... I...1...1...1...' . I ItORT. II. ' t. FNF.IIAL roMMlSSIOX MKI.'I IIANT, Wiljiisotoh, N. C . iU' Office, South foim-r Market ana Watrr Sti ; -r; , , 8,3 3, lf The ltl Aim l!i Male, I. ci-r. W (KiK IIKRK. FBIKNPS, nl Wl-w e.nj-ii, &J buy tin- noble fcTATKl'K MMITII i A KOI. IN A 1 li so, M-nii t tl' sui.-cinbrr., or subscruie to ilii! ( oun') Agf i.i, tor this Ni w, l,;irg :ttnlijL:i8iiilirriil -TE;i. i-.H y.'U will X' l ihli..le State, with h.'r Rivera,, tii.ln, '..pwr., Iron nn.l (V.I Vl n. s. nun nil ttic Citira.Ti.wna ana V II ;r. I" r iio'ilr ii ti i Si'rini;", aiui Iki r'u ilia ji s Fiowi-ia. Ii you wurit tins t;OI.I)KN H!IZK. s.nw ,. the ti'inr. .M .i stv. n h i t by ti. B rit. r v.i ol Hip Home, liifaiir A-vlunl, I I, Hill, Mi-i-nn.1 t . in . m- ..II. Ai r , 4. out- ol llu rhrjpett nml itttt M il rT .utlli.lli i. I'KAIU'K d l!KST, ll.lUbovo', N C. ACKN'I'S XVANTKI) lor .c-iy euanty iu the ! Trnts ibrral, A pl V aa Jin. Jii 13 ' IR ".n CIIA11L0H K 110 1 MI ' j .So BE tVUCBC Etta I II Altl.Ol'i rmllKI'r .one; rnf I IM. I .. tul. I he Sk-';'i i "1 tiniluliea of " mine lin.-i "I 1 i6Vi.JwV- Irvrl.tnS t"'1'1 1 nmy call nn iniii,-..iiu lie II..II. r I Coin fori. lile nu-irlrrs inn be loiiiii hi ' nny where in tl.ia vicinity. Il.-ing iliutn! lv in Hit cci.l'r of I ui.rli.tic. Iti:m. M- fina II-. Ii i a ii .ikt t.mti nn ii loe.-l-Ht thi tunc i n. He ii b. en ii e; .. c r .i . alanii nearly iiphl.-i-n yci e ban mutie krveral a.l.iitioi MC bil-.! -. and in 1 . hi. Itouae, unil it h ia t.een jrcutly eni..r.-.i m. jrove.l, preaeotir f in front a Iwo klnt y V Fit AM' , idO i--t in I. .o'H. n Ii feel in wiilli.. .y kh .iji .: I.i 're.-t. on ilia aidc.wnlk, i.rT-'r.nn a iea. ..i I i- .nn n .ile al -Ii hour, nl Itieiiay. 'J in il iu sc lias bieiiliiorouuiily u.n.iii,. .i thru, out, iili-t ill every pirl of It i-o-.-l-rl. a-e t:hiini!.ii.t and t..ntrtb!e. crteciitllj in tlie l!INlVti KiKi.M. wiitrt t:.e cr m.n'" i. "r-ii. ..i" i:.y ov ii IV. loonecil..' wi'h Hiii Hotel arc Sul.'.ea alT.-r.ii. f r.-.iii :.r i"i h rsea, ibuioian'-y furiii.l.ed wnii r un ar.-! provi-iiii.-r. -it'ei'.ici! bs laitbiul unit i.. tine I evp ' P'oprlet,. IkCmifnli nl thil ' aew aiiv.t rilapep i d.-.ire to p'e.i.-e, be la l.r.'p .riu to ofT. r hi an-! '.' e r .t of mankind," aa many con m n-ue!i nf,d cheer aa will be found ai i Mil XT At any rate Tr the Charlotte Il.-i.-l. ;. ii. KKiut Octd.rr 19. lf.'.8. 3i'tl In p.eseiilniir you T1I.K l UI.UIAl., we .ii ity over every noatruin hereUjiore oiicrcd y..u. F.r.t Ii 1a the ,.r.i..., wi.o la well q-i.l ti. in nit, nli, e compl. inf. I eon.jly It a emir, iy ;r le of any kine, and c..n ti..v.ri; ine autr. nug ot i dentil it. aenaibilitiea. care. a eomp.ri. t.clc lor inUnlile r-mi, r la from wl.icii II la ,., f..r. l- under llie dir. eli. i Iill. F..TON a I.Nr AS-.I-.- lo .late it upn-.r. 1....1 nurse or juck l.s .- Iru.n paregoric, or opi. 'ii.-niiy rehens by re- '. ,-ji cl.iii'i, iri.le .dol i.. a - I mr.lly It ik pjl up with j i ol il wilo .ny ar- I ola will show : ine v ry 1 ii:id iK-ins; liuj; from I'.e ( i of lir. Kilon, many of F.nirtnly ll la perlccl- tlicin by I I v li irinle t int, l, d la a cerlain i-ure 4111I reliel in a.i l,.e l"l- , b, mir con, wl.icn 1a ft clnel merit o, r tii-rv j o' l-r i.'e . . r 1 1 ion , v n Fuli All, I'UMN.AIMS ATTF.N III N' TKKTIIINit; ucli ..a I) Y f K.N i'FKII Y . ' l. 1 . -., to '.fl- i.K l-i t 1. nn.q 1. II. .1. rf. Fol IC'I r. nokt IrfUl 11 nd trying ol 1 ..II With p rlecl eoi.n-.ei. ; .nti .i,.n,.:ie in m! e mrni-ktly recti. m. .. roeuiing it. I.... Hi -Il olher preparaln-i.a oi 11 jlford a.ich bin .. rt h .1. ll-elf 11 I 1 . I c i.e., l-i Sold by CIICKCH A Dl. l'DNI a... -''., M ...i-i. 1.1 , nd bv V.. Nye l!eit..nioo A I o. I ...r.olle, .N. I.. '. I'r Ir. Bfonaon, h.-ivin be. n an f.r re.luce.; n . ..n- ; suiii.ti.jn, d. to be e iilali;-r 'I beyoioi hui: f recovery by ll.e ino-l eminent of loe in.-.lie..i fcuklnn. .ii.l al.o oy hllnaell a repel. r blkiei .11 l tar. nly yurs .rielii e a a l.t r. k ..t. . .... eei.e.i i,- :e. .,' A.NAl.VZIMi '1 11 1 i i.i.uDll. ami i;il s llijf the fcu'iject Of l.yalolo.y lo loe .i..,.'.- .,le eonnei liull, Ml.ll 1 If. Cl ul the kl . le of! lilt b.OHj Ujloll tne l.e.llh an.l ay ale III. Toe ' IU. b. .11 lue nrouiictlnu ol tins ill,! I'll) 1 Ol llJ," . ir .III the u.e of wi.i. ll. Or. Hr-.lin-.:i w .. n.loreil , lo i.rl.-..i i.e. Iili. Wiliim .is month. .Iter ita in. ' tiouuetion, over two tli..n.ii!J 1.-011... mi.l.v, . a, .-re erT.-c'unlly cure.; by il. If you :. ,.'. y 1 ..i ..ola ol 4 C'.n-.titii.tivc l.-n.Ieiiey.f 'ouch. old. II ml urtit, I'cluiltitiott of tli llrart, Isill of Apliflttr, 01 Mrfr, 1.0 lime in procuro jr .. w.n.e ... i-.e. i "SUSm rmiu." II )..u a.e a.ill.-rili lr...n A'ke.. 7e.Wiv or your tt'rt it lunktn nii'l lia J litihrd, if your .V.nls aire 'eir'Saeif or your Or. ff'i'ia HtUxrd. you will fiis.i in tin. nn u"!-ilinE i r. n.eoy, l.y colon. 'nielli Willi ten dto. It your l.inrr n Ion. 1.1 or diaci.ed in any mil net UH..I. v. e.. orte 0t tiro tott'r wili be aura to n,v; , a-.d 1 br.i.sf 1'. II. '-. liveiy and bei.lll.lul lieln.n In ll.e moat inn. ler ne ca. of Dyi'l'tlu, Ihe p . li. i.t . .11 -i.e.. ho.l the ellieient ami (lalelul relit I A bfi. f,l hi .:w.iv. eiH-rien.:ed tlltr t.kins 0.0'y one Lot 1 It. In ,1if or frmole I ompioiiilg and Wrulr si'aaea. joe .iitV-r.-r, al n r try 111a! ol.iei r.-n.e.:;.. in 1 s -in. ni4y r. t ..k.uretl, II. at a i.-erirfin cure wnl i ri.inl fro. Ine 11-e of tiro or thin hvlllrt 'I be 1 " 111.' 11)1) FOOD" 1. . H. elil il sn all . ruiti'mt.SijIt IC.'iium .SVo(j aodoiher like et. 11. I nbitois. i'mle ond Tmorinlrd e'ddren nd mtuUt' "nm. .1. .lely bi n. h.l. u l.y its uae. ll gives I No. 3li, M .i.len J..r.e, i. -w V hi, n.l ,M be f V.. IIuub..u.. V I n .nil V 'juiait, N. t,. Awe. ily WASHINGTON HOTEL, (rtiANOior puoPitiiTOBB.) HltOAD S't Ul l T M- IH ttN, N.C., JOh'iJ F. JKJF1S, Prcprletcr. fMIK I'in!ri(ni'il r. sputlully imincm t. t ihP iiuvilliiisr imlilsc, In- Us Ikki i o( tins ul't twpuUr iiliiUliliiiifiit, nn.i ! j w (.ri purc-ll t" iiei-.iliilll.i.llitr Ir.iYC-llTsilS..: .ll j .!, Liiiiiins Willi bi'iir.l by slu' "I ' "r iinmlli, ., tin in. .ft iii-iMiiml.'l'ns :"' HisTAKI-K will .liwvs !" ,'uMiisli-i) witl Inr iVt (ir-iviiiii'iih Hint Ii. urn' -ml I'"" U' i"'-'"i e-'i .. tr.-rtl. Tlie ;iliil4iil N'4l Lis l"r riiiMiis, i iir.n'r the ucp-.t. Use cnuil I. mini, .mi the hu'ims" klritU tlmsi jiiv ntlur in I in- nly. An Ommi-iu will nlwiiys l ul Ihr .- i. t ..i .i I .in. mi;, .mi tl.. nmviil of th. ens nini unit.... !, , , j oiri rs t ll'C llnt.'l in . nf r!i..rgc. Itr si'-i'l-i' K ut llna lintel, pais? n gar s will liuve Hlllllt' lMll lU lltltjllll IIIC.lU. 1 1 . vi hit ii 1.. a l.rgv and ciiniiuoili.iua Stubl unit an raerllrnl Ostler, lie is lull irvurrd tu Ii..;, nl httrsi lij tin' ilay, wrtk or isnmlli al tha m-.t rtaK.n-.ble rlis. JOHN. F.JONES. .VnrrA 1, IK'.O. Sill P. SAUJIS, tit htltrl ;tii(l IliiiMer, ILL liir-ni-li l. aijjiis, PL.tss uml Iniin I. -r Ful. In- Hull. in. t, I'r n.ilw l,'. i.n-i.t. i il . I .rlnul -r i. tl. nl... i. will lit twiil lo i Fl. in .i. !.; .-. .-in M.ll, c. Urrict s or v -' ,- : i s.... r lttini.iii;, Iros.t -.mih, iu 3.i i-uiiv - -i.v. r I . ti Vrlelct -I-. I l.Ew. ti.. .11. t t I I. , T,.I. ... ' i .VH'lc IM SI III. I 1! . 1 it hi. reNi'irnrr, ..ft Milt l'. -1 if 1 1 . k i i r t . . i a. ii-.i4.. Wanted. ( UKi lF TAN FAIik. ' Wlurh lei- r .ili w.i' br pa. J M . 1! TAYI.OH. Mali -H. I-'.M (ah Taid f r Hides, f 'Y S. M. Hi )W CM., 3 U....4. S-.iiiti ,,( ihi Jt i' M.m.... I: ( imrlmli . Apri, I. AyefsSarsaparilla A co'rip.niri I rt m.- ly, in wl.n h we hivj Irt hori 1 11 pro hue the 1110-t elfe.-tuaJ ait rn'ive ti st - r.n bT mJ-1. It 1. ai k.n. . ntrat. -1 1 ttra.-t nf I'aia Sa. -ajura - vi ii:..u-d o.ii-r ubrjiu-i4 of irr- at-r aiier.itm. pew,.-r as to aJir-1 an cT.ctivc nnUd-.n: fur tbe l st-. s Sr-sap4iuU is r -p ;t- d tu cuie. It is b lirv I tbat 'i li a r.-n. ay is 111.,: 1 ty th. who sis -r fi'i n S-rumnus " jni-,il.iinrj, oni tha' o:,e whi-.h will accumpli-.h their cure rr.ut p-e-v-of inn'nsj ervice this l ir tiiss of o-;r aSli.-t.-d f Ihiw-citia iu. H .iv ej:.itil P ly f!.. comp.ijiid sv;ll do it 1ms b.s n prov.11 l.yi xj. r inicnt on many of the wor.t 01 to be fuuisd of the follosvinff complaint : S. Korr 1 asd S. Bori i.oi s fllVl-UtSTt, F.HI I'TlliNJ AND F.:it I'TIVB lIlHCASKS, I'l.l l:KS, I'iMi-irs, Hlotches, Tiniiiis, Salt Iturt 14, -S--ai.d IIseD, SveiiiMs An Svi hilitic Ar 1 i.r-Tios, Mmet'KiAi. Oi. .!. I-iioi-sr, Nee. RAtoit or Tic D ii'iitnt' i, IirmitTv, Dv rtl'SIA ASli Ismi.ESTMS, Krvsicclss, Koss o Sr. AsTiinM's Fike, and inj fi th'.1 whole eiak4 of ronsplainU arisuig from Issi'i uitt or THK ltLO'lU. Thi enmpound wrHl be found a great pro moter of health, when tak'-n in th? spring, to fupcl the fosii humors which fi-.b-r m th Inoad at that season of the y ar. l)y the film -lv cipuiii-ui of them miny ranklirin diwrii -ra are nippc1. m the bu I. Multitud'-s can. t y the aid of tins rinely, ssre th srx'lve. fm-n llie-enilur.-ince of ful eruptions an I uici-rons vires, through which the system wnl atnve to rs-l I'self of corruptions, if not a.i..tiU tu do this thr.j...'h the- natural ctuiin-ls nf the to!y hy an a.t.rativ? ny-iiicine-. C'l. an-a.1 out tin? vitiated bl'i kd wh.-nrvi.-r yoa fsnJ its impurities birs'in tlir'iu'h the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sore-.; cK-uuv; it wiu-n y m find it ls ot uni't -d and alujrish in the Vi-ins ; l-anse te whenever It sn fjul, an.l your f-elinas will t -11 ynu when. Even whire-110 particular disorder w folt, people enjoy belter Inrillli, sn-l live 1'inj -r, fir cleansing the hbioit. Keep lit bio.ei healthy, ami all is well; t ,1 wi'h thj r.i'julsim of life dirird -r'-'i, tlievc ran h no i.tin h.ahh. S.ion -r or Inter s.'n h;ni mutt ir wr.jn, ani th" prent iniirhuiery uf Li-.- is Uisor lered or overthrown. Sara;inriia has and devrves m.i'h, fhe n-piiuti-m uf ae. onipli-hin tlu- en .4, Itut tlie- worid h.i le--n .-n-41' sb-ceived by preparations of it, pasrtly b.e.nise the drue alone his nut all the virtu.- that i claimed for i, h'lt no-re b-mi many prepsrate.'ik, pr irlm.r to h - nn .iitra' d h'i is .f it, evntjiiit hut lifle of t5.u virtue of .Kar.iparuln, or any thing eS.. Iliirmz l.i'-u y.-ars 1).' j.u'.li- have V-en mis led by lj bot'l s, pr. c ii'liner to i- v a .piart of Katra. 1 of ew-spanil 1 (..r on dollar. Mo.t of thw Ins-. h -, 11 fre.n-1. n;H,n tlie k. f-.r th.-y not only c.-:i.':im l.'il-, if ai.y, -arijrfi-r.lla, but ;f'. n no enraiis - pioperiH s wbolev- r. iience. Intt. r uiel is.i.tul iiikfipH.;nfinen b is follow. -1 ll, 11 e of tie 1 nous i xlrai.ta ol Kirwibii:lsi win h :l ...1 th-. iii iriset, uiit.l the name it-if i j-i-'.y o j;h- -1, ei.d ha, Ike. nine k nonymoiis with unjio-ition and sin at. rf - ii I '-rail thu c-orn pound Sarin-, ar. 11a, and int.-nd tu supply .u h a rtn'-ly as shall t'-stue ti.e name froin the 1-iad of oolo.)iiy w hi- h veils upon it. And we Think we huvo proiind for le hesinir it has virtu'- wl.tili are irre.siiilde ty list- onhnry r-m of the it is usU-nd fl '-i i-'ir. I.i onl-r to wcire. tl.-ir complete ern-lii irion from the sy .b-nt, the reTnuly khouid Vi.- jn lit tak' n aeeorilni to eUrex-tiuiii UH Ua.- b-jtlie. tki:i'ABi:o liV Dli. JT. C. AYiilt & CO. I.OWMI.I,, MASS. Price, $ (.et- Huttlc kill Uoltles for i$V Aycr's Cherry Pectoral h'i w iW i"'f turh a r-n ti f r t'l f r.l, l-ial tilt t.lC it ii ent.r ;y uhui-j iry f-r n f rcii tr l-'iiLk? nf it Tirtufw, nh' T'ivrr it hail bf ilo lU u r Aycr i.t .t L j tu founJ to llu. Cathartic Pills, ron T fvtirmnu, J.mnd,, Ihrntri , t'nil M'.m R rsr.r 07 .e -is, difrtfifm, rh, l:r,,,i,l., lltmtucllt. 't'-i, Itfumitf-M. Enipttutii mul .s'.ol netnel, y.irer Cnmittamt, hrfipst, 'V"ttcr. 'fttmorB and Suit lAetins, lt'orm.1, titntt, Mnt'otfHt, OS a isomer l-.U. nndfi.T 'ur.rVn th IM.tA. 'I Lev are k.i.o.r-cnn!e!, an tln.t Ihe mrist srnsi. live can t.-iise the. is ,b hwiiIv, arel tbey are tin. b. ap. rn-i.t in Use- world for ail the purpows uf a f.,i,.iy .:iy. e, P. h) 25 ceats per Pos ; Fivs boxis for 1.00. fifit rrnrr. fi to rTlifv thuntnnll.'if't uf.iIn4-4 oflh"He rriiirdir., Mit otjr ,'' t will ii'H irnnt Iht i jM-riion if iri'n. J n Avittu -ifm nnn'! fur 1 -'1 ir iiinfur Amrhi kh A i.m n k in Hhkb ti f n- (fivcn ; jt Itilt ai-4 rit'iMi .f it.p r n.'il.iirttK, and fhr trfatm-nt tli tt r.ii"uM f U 1 -w- 'I f ,r thr-ir m. i.w p-it nif hr unpriwip-H flcsWi itli oiur ir' pjirat on tUf rtxakm mr profit on. Ilcnmnd Avp.h'. mtA t;tk no othrni. J he si" It w nit the Wit nir) thrrr u for tlifin, ubi tl.r ftUmiti I) tvr it. Ail ouf matdiei are fur al tijr ynf MJ, by j,. jyjyja 1 1 1 ,'j'r ',S( )' 4 ('(I I .....'i,,. . ' 'hniluff. r r" ' n l,u A 1 11 A ILAND, STKVENSON A CO., UiurhMon, s. ('. . . yi UI'K.V A3 fur sale at tLis Office. Xu . S.B.RANSOM.ULCK. iv 1 1 t r i i U 111 I U n ny i. ,t ya , .xa.- -a 'w ll.-cniiai' be but" hi'iOl !' O' il I V,.ul.l resrHTtlnllv i.i.Mii,rr Io tl.r ii. Iron lliir Olu ti..n..-, ! No. I, t.rnnil. I-'. , Norlli, oat ut toe ..! tttnisivs aaaorln.i 1. 1 ot CU A; hj iflrrru in N. rtli-t irt4 l.K Is as a a -Cm' B a z ..J t1V, afa?. Iik Ii ha Th i a Stol i! uch a famosja rc'lif. sir,, .arrniitk suf.crir-r l- i r.y .el. -Mi r'm n.ore wm I. in in II I . k' r. . illl ii ,ii oi pul up one beii. ie ui.y oiln r tr.-vr of Ihr m.rk in a p ivcn lime, be wili f r iV 1 1 tin the belter '.III ALSO, ALL (ma, In: v Vrrp Kt lu lu! an rsjli t aitr ami v.,rn d ktoi k of TIN AN35 SlIECi'.T I5IO?, i;r:.ts tu iT2.i .. .tr tno.y itr.tfsrtuins, HAT ILU KS, C'liAiiLIISe &c, til I V llK-li Si ill i ..'l. II h..l r lis a ti '.tl. I to I1IV fri. I ll" al I t beat. '.: return n-y ibanaa i up. .. Uk. Ihey II il .1 ,i. le ri.-.e ' ' . .1 a.ri t.-gi-ti.. I s Vfi 'J I.uJii s iinJ (li'iitlcnii n me p Mtiriil.iri) II. I 14 I ' a at l irer ' tell J-aH"'l" IW . ovtU i irii bf tniU.ltilit; . lly hIHih.'hI to.jf?. t iar.'oll.. J. 1 4i. lei.. IT IS XI F TOi 3lt" I! H) S A V OLD AND VOl .Mi, V.x: lhtt Prof.sisnr Wvcf$ iU:t 11 ! t l.'a.liVJ . t .... M ...1 '. I V 1 I..I H. . ll i.u'y Iw i. -V S4..I Ilk .1.1 . In. i li.n but i ..y .... ,,l I...-I kill) llo I.f I I . 111". .-iaiiaii a in . .ill II AM .IM.iilllA.I l y. n. . I I.v il .pp.,e ,. i,e, i.Ul l. , II. r V, . ulily ii.g liv n i..r' anv .lonl.1 o iin.i. for ii. 1. 1 1, ll . F.-ii ' . In .7 Vs tu irioTuN. ,. v.h,i, !.,., : I.v M'vn li 1 1 .. lire llie 4 . Ik.l -, I I.e. II, kit t .. e L.t M y. 1.1 .ll.e M , y b. a great ll.iek. r l' Hi IV but it duty uml aim lo other, w.-lihi induce 11 ll.e ,1 ol Ihe -'. Il .ir ll - , Ml ,.i.b'i. .1 r .11 Y......r.. 'I lie II. al. r .live Unity. I ill up viz: larii". ii.eiiiniii i.n.l no., il tin i n pilil, al.ii t bolll. 11,. 01. 1111 l.oiil. at le.i.l Wi my ; 1 .-. I in -1 11 1 1,, ri II. 1 no.14. r. I .ia I I lo 1 h..ll e ; ll.e li.-j.-e bo .is a, ! r I p. r more .1, i-r. . .111. 1, un,: r t ni. I..r .1 1. I. 1 1 , . I J Wt HID A- I'D , I'n p. . loi.,t4 I Mr.H.-ls New YorK.anfl IH.M.rkilM.el I..IH-..M.. ...I.I l.y ail K I llulf -ulk..l.,: F ..f.r I. ....I. I ei. i.n.l ,11 I lurlutu by Iks A I.K A. IO. M .rcli 8'.. leit.t.. .3n, I JAM MS AI MIsMlV, j C( 'MM I. s.Sl OS m linen AST, ! 1 1; t irv.vini i:n m i 1 1 1, . s. . YM und lom-rila . very kiodi.f i,..t. , 11. ' ai J) .use lor rrsr. I hmiti$t"m. I.'ei. ia lo I. ..v..Nwaiu Mi. r. heart. S. V . W ..triii, J W. ' Oele.nm, t . I"., A. M. liolllH.n, l-.eq. ami It. v. to F. I), to. a, Hon. W . A. .r.h,..o, ..l olbera. 1'Tulrr in Vimu.o, M. loo.ona, (Iry .n., II . in., (. .VI. Lie. M. u,r M-eion. a. Iron Sale., I'iiiii... li .r. lea Fi.jr i i.e. , A e. A prmurt I I. 1 nl .'ll l o .lill-r.-i.l i i. . ii.. nn.ik aim .rir.t t'-rir f.e. I'llbll.h.-r of an . I. ful.l II Ii n ,,f i " liirkaro Al Uip," N.f, rl,) nl Ine f in on I srs I 11 verr-i n ; ... lanisi l.t.ina to ." I 'I 1. it 1 ot . 1 11 1 ble usiiiji . .it.tnr be in rv r v ir..,i...f i isi..,4.i., I... a co,,,...,'. 1 (i... ...rv 1. H'I nrrs.-nhr the rein, nil a Ir rial nr. 'k ' , bomil ia .tor. a, b.r all oar inftr.nitie. und ml-. ! ; f.rliinea. ll 1. minted .,n bee tshite, hn '. j aom.-lv h.,i,i,, f .nrlb eililion, .'11.11 p..ces, i.n.l la j' Imnitrd fttT for out dollar, N. w Uo.ewood Fun ..,11511. I tfh. It,, H3. I y 1 3 ataAsiV. 1 HIj U il UUUJ. - a vck .riis St., c!ieiCt? .M innruriiir. rs. Til 111) II I ' I' A I I t 1 1 ' i ! .r it. 1 1 jr In U, rr n If l.-s I-' "' vslul-il.. i.,jul ftcnia Iro W VI' tj m iu ill If 1 in t:.r salt-b-ratta .v. si nit' H' m n ti, iVj? Mij J, W Staad . S, till i il. I i.iu.try f i r II Uslcigkln n rtu.i H , Mi i . I-, is il. ui .1 1 Ik !! I Ii II. ill kiri.rn . I. Ill . tl - Ml.) Il . r li.Vl li.. III U.4. ill, in H I iiik . Si.. 1. 1. aim il H il.-r-k m l ni. a tin .,,u, i.ii quit at i in jr. f a l.ia drall KINDS OF ill. .....I tl III I It I a nil 4 li mi r thini li. I. u. very Mera I pa irorikse .-r. bv . 1. 1. to t r iiivilnl Id r.i!l aiii! rxnniini- liis Mori- AA JI.TAYI.01i. E. R, STOKES Ii u k IMjiblishiiicnt. Tvf i DiTstibutt Bmo.Ii Bmk, ia Jiw Buiul-in- hi ri . r ol i . It. M mlrj il tiiaa Uali. ( ni l i:tl i, s. v. fs.:i ,.h r.M i u I -i . .1 - il In. uiNiH.i;- 1 - h : ,!-.!. ,.!. t,l. to- I I l.lNh I ' iK'.-.-d ml .e 11 i HUM t il ii;K. I A ii. r I. .,1 I M .. fil. ii, lire . .Ii. I.i I I.A Nh. Ill MiKS, . . .. I Ike.... f. r U aim , I L kk. .ii l.t LFU "' ' '- 1 ... J an.l I ae.l I F..I V I I II Is. I M' lo ... ii,.. ause imr ,i.,M, 11. II. jrKKS. 43,1' -si; i-t,). u, :. I. -I I l.t: I.i N a c.l,.'.l.f I:,s.;' Co;uia:iy t ; ; h il l a . r... ui y. li.e .imi il lo e I C. 1.1. .11 1.-.. I'll. I.I Itll.S. J. 1 i.M. 1.. Vt n . II. J,.o I I i...k,. i. I.. Wil i. line I11..1.. ., F. r 1' I . Il.ltle, I ..,,. ll. II. II. Hi. tu 1 in;i:s. I'r. I ..i Vi . . 1 1 .. l..Jol,l,...l..l',e.,1,, V ,. . I rr... .1,1. lit. II. II I. ..ll,. ,: VV ,;i, . ll. J.,1,4 ..Tr 1 1 . VV . llu. no. AU1.ll.1t. I r VS i... tl M. K.i . M.-.t.r l Kl.. l.tnuttti 4 kviBiillia. 14. I.ukbie, V Is. . . I 1...... - ll. Kool. y.. Hi.oid of inuttoliim I J 1.1 ,. I , M. il., V i,i..,, II. An be I... 1.'. l;. II . , M. It., For I. nl o r nil'., 11 ., to r,, ihe .ubiic no lo tin i.ii. Ik. miii lom.v ol pr..a. ii. f i. .-ni. 1 . I ll.e I'll...' i.t tU kin II 1.1 I I li. II. IIATTLK, rs'frrlirV Stjtrml.ti M. lis., J i'.-'i-- ..- s. .,.r'v rN, ..,rr.-.-e. a ka- . ka. 4 l IU I N I IM. of all kirda svnl ea. intiosia y eteenlee a' I'1 rioi- K.XKCIITIOM.S for tlm S. Court lor ' f lii.ANIv PKKDS for sale at Ibi" "ff' i

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