Y paid, low ein we justify the Legislature! id Bringing in new totgects or tnaxation, or in cr-mn.r tis ixi on tha old, befjre the put.Iie debt i ji(if And if lint prince pU we.r. inp'H )(iierlly by the states men of North Carolina, we should hare but for another General Assembly ; for if our lav are to be nuciiangpable like th f the Merle and Pen-ians, we hare q iti tMKViujh to lst us for all time to come H i I t,iii"k ih objeielioti was better adap ted (o lli.i vii !. ol tbe Merle and Per-ians than to tht ciilihtetie.l free men of North ( erolina in liiu nineteenth century. I might a--k, Mr. Spoiler, if a partial imuiunity from taxation for twenty 6ve tears., by that class cf properly holders who have derived the ehief benefit from tbe public debt, an not fj'iite long enough to satisfy liberal men ! Hat I could hardly Jiope for a satisfactory answer from one who would raise to flimsy an objection to a change in a revenue system which is ad mitted to be unfair, unrqial and unjust. Tbe fourth objeetioon to the passage of tbe bill under conideration is, that if the constitution should bo altered, negroea as we!! as other property, hill be taxed t.d V.i'irem. Well, Mr Sp-akcr, I hare met with no nifiiber of the Legislature or other person, w: o doe dm admit th rorrectnoss of the principle of taxation ad c I'orem, upoo eve rv older sp-ci-! of property. Now if the principle be correct in its application to oth er property, why not in it application to leva proptru ? Are not slaves property? This is a qurf-tion of vast importance not o".!y to Int Carolina, but to tbe whole S.'-'Mi. And & it ia aot improper fwascer- tMu the ppitii.iiis of otLers in reference to a ii's'.irr in n:.;!! we are so :iai I V lolt-res- , ,,or tiie-oai. v.,,1 p.rdou tue 1 or rra,ng a p.rtmn of a speech recently Je !-v te.l .., the cuy of New Orleans by oo ol t:.e abW-i M .tesm.r. not only m this coun try, bat of te world, upon this subject.- r"tor l'..ir;a. in mluressing tlie cittxeus cf ,w upq the qie-tion of slave- r i:i the tertworie of the Unued Mates. say : " I he deniocratio psrty snys that Conress bss no riht to eslabli-!i or to pro libit slavery. U' fay that the territories should be open to the cititvns of the L'ni ted States to co thcri- willi there property, and aulje.'t alike to the laws, alien tbey ariirt there. Kut an o!.jction is raised by some of our southern friends, and I have leeu a-ked here .ind at home, wbat I meant ; .- t e .5-c;r!:'e P"PuUr oereignty trie territori -s, ,ud wi.. ther we abide by the j Dred Scott d, e,..on. In a di-cuss.oi, .,.h j n J opponent, Mr Lincoln, at Freeport, II I liricis, the ouestion was put to me whether, ! in tbe event that the Deor,B or Legislature r k cf a territory .-ere hostile to slavery, there 1 was any lful means by al ieb slavery j eouM be excluded I said yes and procee- dud to state tbe means I will stare tbem 1 Lere to jou. Tbe D. micrsey of Uiiooi. io ; tbe Crst place, accepts the decision of tbsjmi,nt wbicu ,ffJrls equal protectiou to .if supreme C 'Hit of the Lhiteq State in the . w;, j, f ,...,. v ca-e of Dr d .-cott, as an authoritative io-i tcrpretat.or. of tbe constitution. In aceor- . er a government wnere mere auoum stored lo u. ..ng.a .1 eu .lor. I can rui.y recom d!ce witb tbat decision, we bold .but sav P"f"" P01."'"1 q'J. - -rt.cl. lo b. all m . .,,- o. Uhtr kt,-.s of pr,ety. and the owuer : Mr. W. E tl,o.s: I have u.ed Heiiu.ir.ef. OI a Slave lias llie tauia n Dt to move into j M-rritO'T, tai Carry his slsve property with him, as tbe owner of SDy otber pro- r.rr k.. tn ,n it p t i: .1 . I xj All eitiiens of tbe United Stale-,' no mat:er whether tbey come frotn tbe North ! or It. Scu.b. from a free Stat or a slave Sl.to. eao euter a terriiorv with their nro ennal fooling nut I snrire. I . . ' 1 ' peny oo bird, when you arrive there with your pro cf l'b.' t.iritorv Ho. e.n vour .I...!led io land, wiil pay hid. a larger profit , . , . . , . prcpeity be proiected without oesl Uw : 'il . . i.. i . .L . , . j . i ' tv w.th foil : t.ut it daea not r..n.th xiiw . Wan for steaiifii; jour slave heu vou L'el there. It does i.ot i.uu.i-b a man for Heal ing any otbef property whit yoo eet there. CuLgresa bever yet passed a law to puuisb triuie or protect property io any oraoited terrirory fougris never yet passed a criminal cr-ile f.r any ort'aii.'z..-d territory. It l a. sin. ply o.'atrziiJ the Wrriforj and e.'ta'vliil.e 1 a i. lature. that legislature be ii , ve-Ted ith li yis! atii e poaer over all ci .t.;.,. ,.t ...;.!..:.,. , . ' , '. i i. . to ti.c con-i iii'ioti of ti.e l.mted A it.a Iletif-, sintnrir j jrU.ltir,ri the Lei-i-la ' tuie po-i-.-es over om.r f-roperty.it has oi i-r -lave property, i o iiue, i.j less. Let u a-i )ou, as southern men, can jou bold I lint- any bere unle.s protected by the ' toe .1 law? Would not tJ e iuaetijo of th- 1 cal L"is! jture, its nf-j-ji to provi'Jei a 'iv !, -r t3 p ii.i-h '.?-.-nc a;;io-t' tilt I'c.ts r f p. jperry, i icl'j In i-iavery jj-L a- ll'.tl'Ot. I-,- is Will 'I- r- .i v as a c hi I i r u t : o a . I pro- , ? Wo ni ai.J d it lie thit e !To"t in it -i v. if the .... a s.afe t d", 'io are yi-i pun ma thero do :t Wh-ri ;. 'i i j"" th.-'o" ier tolei-late a' rv'i.'! . :'j - f ) ji-!ition, it te .;., -s a ii .i. l ii f r tb--ti t d c.iie, and i.;t f.r i; . Ir i .. i L ne i:iuio-e- isi on i a.i.ri, or on anv oih.r Lind of ''prty, yoi msy lim it it a lnrJsinp, Lot hj are you gyinj to i: -p it ? Just o it ! .itb r. -jini Irjftu- in I q iors If jru a'C tleaiio in li.-i ira, you in- e the same I'giit to t . jour I (j iar int :r.e ter ritorv that t', b id j e!-e ha- to lake any oih r pi-e'es of properte. Vou may pa.s thro.ij-b an! tke jour li(jirj in ti-msitu. and you nil! I t protected in your rij;i.t ol pro,...-iv u.i I r !., e-vii-tii iiioii i.f il.e (Jul ted Siate.; but if ynj ep.-n the package-, tbey beeoiuo ..lj-ct to the local Uw, and al oui'i tbe .Mii Uw hf ;.eo lo prevail in tbe tt rritory, jiij had better travel niih your 1 qiora ll.-uce if ihe local L-i-la-lure ba. thcaain right over slave-property evm orher species of prop wbat right l ive you to eompUiti of that eq u ity T li at ir you 1o complain, how sre you going to help il! And let me y to yo.j i list if you oppose thi j it Ho.-triin;, if jnn atleinpt t j exempt slaves fr. iu the lain rui. tbat af ply to every ot'-er kii.d of pro I.riv, vou win aoaiiUiii your stronesl ar ".ji.d of il' fence aoaili-t ihe the H ack i'.ep.ibiieaua a'ld Ah ta of iti Jinsia " Now. Mr ."'pi aler. while I introduce S.-n Hot iJoujIaa .p-ech io n.n the posi tion which I bate taken th it .l.v are pro prrty aud ou,.'ht to be tax 1 a property, ii In j-l vol be inferred that I uri jr.. bia o uiori tbat a territorial L",i-lature eau ie f 'ly exe.'u le .laves or any other kind of i l i . . . ' of which tbe eoriatiluuou proleots tue, f:otn tl e c uimoii territory of the United Slate.. "wii. n .a cani.'.t eotifi r upon the territorial L g aturs a .lower which it -ioea Dot itself p.M-. -a Jo ."uma, tnerri re, tbat a ler r.icr.-l Leii.Uiurti, the creature of Coo rrr- o.n I, g.Ily f j,,C;., a po-er wbieb it1 l- i i iited Coiirra. cm. .' . aerci- under U uLsiiluliou, la a. i . ia absurdil j for it it conceding to the territories, while ' they are dependent upon tod under the con- trol of the general government, a power which cm onlj he eieroised1 by them under tbe coistiiutiou of tbe United Sure, after they have been admitted into tbe Union as sovereign Slates. If tbe Legislature were to pass a law excluding slavery from a ter ritory, would not the Supremo Court of the United States declare it unconstitutional T Aud would not the general government pro tect me in the enjoyment of my property, in defiance of the law of the Lt'ti-lature ? lits not Congress the power to abolish a! ply with equal loroe to forest, waste, oia tRrritorial gotertimeut ? If so, and it exer- fields and worn out lands, untenanted boil ciscs it, what becomes of the law, tbe Lcgis-' aes, and all other unprofitable property! lature and ths doctnuo of popular sov :eignty in the territories ? But to return to the discusion of the sul ject under conside- ration. It will be seen, Mr. Speaker, by tbe admirers of Senator Douglas, that bo sustains my position that slaves are proper- ty, and ought therefore to be taxed as pio- perty. And he admonishes the South that wheuever you " attempt to exempt slaves from tbe same rules that apply to every other kind of property, you will abandon your strongest ground of defence against the assaults of the Black Republicans and Aboli tionists." Therefore, Mr. Spesker, those who attempt to exempt slaves from the same rules that apply to every other l kind of property, have, if senator Doug- lass views arc correct, yielded their elroo- gest ground of defence against the assaults of the buck Republicans and Abolitionists, and are, to that extent, giving " aid sud comfort" to the enemies of the institution of slavery aud the South. But, .Mr. Speak er, I am not only sustained by tbe high authority of Senator Douglas, in tbe posi tion th it slaves are property, but by au- 1 . .:.i4. ;i i ,Mct ,hsn en 8enor Dott,M. I am susl,ine(J jo m posilioili Mr. Spcakeri hj j con--t it.itioD of the United Slates, by the j .he (iecision of ,ha Su. J Oourt of thfl Uujted SfMcs jD b preme lred scoit case, and the constitutions and s of , ,he g0UthcrD Stl nf .h- h , ... ..,.: States : under all uilt'd and treated j as property. If it be admitted, aud I pre 1 sume no Senator will deny it, tbat slaves are property, why uot tax them as proper ly ! If ihey are paopcrty, why should they bo txd only a persous ! Tbe Black lie ' publtcaos aud Abolitionists say tbat slaves are persons only and not property, and l,n that ll,.. .h.ll t,. , ptr900(l) IuJ Et,B1pt to exempt ,bem from the ,atne ,uies " of taxation .. (bt , ,3 0(her k d of , ,. eitl jmit tbe truth of what ,h ' ii, :r i.. ... ... (h. . '.. ,,i . .,..;,u4 ,n . ..,'.i;nn trn' i ' . - - . axanon, more man any omer species oi proper,y j Upou what reasonable pretext ! ' .i.l r ....;. It , ,aim 10 havtn,e 0Ter ,be 0WI1. crs of ever; other kind of property, io pay. io (ha taIe, 0(,Cessary to support .'govern : . , ' , . ' , ' . ' " ! ",,uul ' V'J " aX for ,uPPort of ,he goerniueot tbao J. VDCIO lUB IU veKluieill. nave oeeu 11 '111 '0 ""U0, 'd """" fre .'?ull. P'terl bj he goverooieut. ' not b' deD,ed " of our e,''Ieu' , blTe lh.e "bt to invest thetr roeaos, and as a ........1 v.iU Ha (hum in Ih.l IrmH I e property which they believe to be most re munerative. Now if A thinks S1000 inves- tbao tbe sarue amount invested iu bank , . , .. .. , .,,.,.. stock or saves, aud B tbtoks S1000 inves- ' ted io bank stock will pay hi in a larger profit than the same amount inve'ted in land . . or slaves, arid C tbiuks StUOU invested in slave property will pay him a larger profit than tbe same amount invested inland or L'Snk Stock does tbat furoish a satisfactory reason wby A should be taxed Sl 30 oo bis mveKtment, is E- 4i) oo bis, and u only Sl 20 oo bis ? This is the practical opera tion of our present sy"ttn of revenue ; ful ly il! ustrate tbe inezpedieocy, inequality and injustice of tbe sy.teui ; and furv hes a con clusive argument io favor of the change pro- posed by tbe introduction of the bill before r J .... .. llie Senate, um ttiis is uot an, .ir. speag er, slave property requires and receives not oiil; as much but more protection, under the gorermuent of North Caroline, than any O'.tler Species &t property. 1 bey are pro- tected, both as property and as persons. Ibis is as it abould be. but wbile tbey are, ! and ought to be protert'd as persons and property, they should be taxed only as pro perty. If niy r ;ighbor inflicts an injury upon my slave, i may seek redresa iu the c'jort. of jutice aud recover damages for the ii.jury done to my property, but I cm recover nothing for the paio aud suffer ing inflicted upon my ulave as a person ; tbl is a deed for which be must be indic ted, convicted and punished at an of-.'uee a.' a lust the peace " and dignity of the Atate." U, therefore, slaves require and receive more protection under the laws of tbe .State tl.au any otber kind of property, iL'ir o tiers certainly ought to be willing to pay a. much tax in proportion to value a. the owners of other property bare to pay for the support of the government liit there ia anuiner fact ahieb abouii not l.o overlooked. Slavs property is not only as we'.! protected as any other kind of pro perty, but is eq ially as prufUnlA-, if not more ao, than any other kind of property in the State. And that is not all, it is uot on y as well protected and at profitable lo its owners as any otber kind of property, but is in ich more easily convertible into mo ney than any other species of property io this .State. If then, Mr Ppesker, tbe principle of taiaiion a.l vorrrn ia correct ; if it be cor- its application to every otber spa eie of property ; if slaves sre properly ; if one species of properly as aucb is not enti tled to superior advantage over snoihr; if .laves are acquired aud di-po.'ed of iike other properti ; if the ownera of one specie propertj are not entitled to greater priai- 'eafes ibau tbe owners of every other apecie of property ; if we have a ribt to mve.t our oiooey iu whatever kiod of property we choose, and choo-e to invest it io oiher property than slave., becajse we uiay think it will pay ui better j if slavs property re q lire, aod receives more protection under Hie laws of the .State than soy other kin 1 of pr'iprrly, aud if it is more easily coovtrii bis ss any othur kin I of nroperty, can anv . . " K ' I and sulii-ieut reason be yiven why staves auoui.l wA be tax-d ail tuMem as well a. auy other kind of property ! Tu fifih objecliou to allenog the consti tution is, lhat young; ne 'roes ouiht not to b uj eea. th.y e.noot m.a. a .up- r u(i.uuuu,t all, ilr. 8ptaar, if this objection fur- nisbea an argumoot against the passage of. tin bill, it turmsbes a tuucD stronger argu- I ment against tbe present svstem of revenue, for it involve the pritioiplo of taxation on profits done; md if no property ought to be taxed which does not yield to annual profit to its owner, it must be conceded that our present revenue law is based upon an erroneous and unjust principle, and the sooner we abandon it the better, But if young negroes ought not to be taxed be cause thev cannot make a support, und are j unprofitable, will not the same objection sp , If, therefore, young negroes ought Dot to be . taxed because they yield do annual pront , , in cash to their owners, why do you tax uu. j ' cultivated lands, untenanted houses, vehi-j cles, silver plate, jewelry and various other kinds of property which yield no annual profit to their owners ? If we should adopt the principle of taxing no property which; does not yield an anuual profit in cash, and tax all property in proportion to its annual profits, the result would he that industry, energy and enterprise would have to sup- port a government affording equal protec- tion and benefits to indolence, ignorance and alotb. Hut no Senator will defend a prio- ciple so palpably erroneous and unjust. 1 he property of tbe State is tbe only login- mate subject of taxation, upon which tbe CONTINUED ON 2.ND PAGE. YKS YOV MAY USE OH HECOMME.ND Heimstreet's Inimitable mm oi.oium;: AND FIND IT TO II A PERFEJT HAIR RESTORATIVE, promoting the strength and growth of tbe Ma r, mid giving it all the beauty of yuulli. Do you doubl it? I.e.-)! ir-:wl! V.r.ull ScHROON L It at, Kiarl Co., N. V., ) February 6. 1 60(5. W. E Haoa.v, Troy, N. Y., Demr Air; II iinf Qerf jour Hair ('oinring or;!letrative, 4iid bcinj iiiuci (leuKi-d with it, 1 t.tke pltiure in riiitstiiif tite filljwintj Utenirnt :Jt'foin the ef. ict oi a ftrrjr tvcr til uf an knco, when about 1 y.r o(e my hir ci:uiiincetj turn in y grcj, antl t conluiueii to pruw until it btettme perfectly white, bvtg very harnh ami coarse. Lat Siuiinncr 1 titj reached my hTiy-thirdyenr, when 1 was in. cut-ei hy a Intnii tu purchtc two butties uf Hcint I reel Hair ttralnrative preprt-d by yu. 1 com. menucd usittjf it ccordin tu direction, and in a few days w surpriiaed to find that my Uiir from the roti outward turning buck la its original ) color. 1 1 so continued to grow until it was Iru- brown nnd g Umj i it in my yttuthful days, ind i now fuUi rutortJ ta in nigiul roiar. MY LA SKA.MAN. ttt't T. , Myla Seamiin came hcfi.re me and ou'j ,n T" in.i ineiuciic .laiemeni llial tl Irue, Una bt'i dv ..f fchruarv, Ifoc). JOEI. F. POI TEIJ, Jutiicteflke Ptact. TiTTsroaD. Vt , Aug. I, i8i7. I hri htf f-prtil' tli.it itivh:nr hamnv hef.tn. qmle r.y, 1 u-ed H. nn.lr.ef. Il.ir ie.t..r,t,ve. (prepared by W. E. Ila.i, of Troy, N. Y ,) for '"ur week., and my li.u in in. i time re 11. ir Keaioraliae lor lliree yira, ml Uave lound it to b a mo.t excellent article. It ool only re-1 ,i..red the c.lor ot n.y h.ir. giving ,t new l.le ...d .... uu. iii.iu ...;i..i ...u w u. . ,u.. 1.1, lic. , u. Y,Jr, xcui,, KNO.VLTo.N UUW LAN J. The ,b.- ar. but a few of ihe ra.ny M.er. of, .....mr.i.i,,i. ....n t,.h h... 1 n ,un,.uPM.l ... .. proprietor, of Heim.tieei'a It ur Coloring oi Ke. lor-iitvr. It h-ia bet-o u.u by ih'.ua.nu. of pe..p'e, and it never fan. lo rolure the color and rruwih , the h Thi. anigular tlf-M I ia not produced a. when d'C. are uard ; O.r it act. upon lUe ualu-1 ral aecrali.ina of coloriug matter at the root., and tiiua efi'eel. the csarge. 7'ar eW.r produced ia not i a C'lunterjeit. but the natural ihodt of youth, ll dui-a nul color llie akin. j Pric-: 10c and 1 1. O.J tier bottle Sold .very where. W. K. IIAUA.N Sl Co.. Proonelor., Tmj.N. Y. old in Charlotte by Dr. F. Scarr, and all Irug. ' "' th!! tinted Si.ira, Van Schaaek and Gner. : April IBbU. S I Y Important to Mill Owners, ( t I T TiliS OI T. ) J N (. A- M c 31 A X i: S ' S Celebrated Smut b Screening dachine rAMFAITl RED at South Lowell. N.C. and . lipped lo .il part, of the l aited St tie.. Liberal rc.iucliuna made to Uiom who l.ara uaed my M.ehine and wi.h then, changed. Tlie Pub. ' ,c are cautioned again, t nuMliont and Jmpotitton None genuine uoleaa accompanied by my bill, and card, ...d aold by my Ugally authunieu .gent.. JNO. A. McMANNKN", feoulh Lowell, N. C. .Wore 20. 1C0. s. t. wiiisto: ffT" EEP-S coi..tantiy on hand, wiiolei iiole.ale and re- , Vwk. tail, a full and cuuiplete aaaorlinenl of PLAIN AM) JAlM..i;i) tix-waki; which will be .old LDYi. J M lOL'NTER SCALES, Enameled 8auee ,d y riuw Pan., Glue Pol., Waffle I'OII., Ac, I for sale by S. T. WRI-STON. lOILET t'ETS. a euperior .rlicie, for .ale X at S. T. WIUSTO.VS. ir 1ASH. Deed, Spice and Drc.ing UOXESfor IL .ale by S. T. WRISTON. Fi.L'iiSiVvi:(. riAiiLi:s. A RTONK A (o.'a Kcrew TopGLASS JAKR i m a tr prfti,.e Km ila, V--!,, bira, tc.t Ihe b' .l at.icle now in ue, for ale by 8. T. WRISTON. COOKI.Xf. MOVIES. wmm ' '-4 FL'LL AtORTM EST of COOKISf! am ether HTOVES, will be eii'.tanti y on hand old aa low a. Ihey can be aJTurotd la thi market, by S. T. WRISTON. C keit lottr. June 14. IHi9. Mil WITNK33 TI0KKT3, for tbe Cbonty aod Kaperior Court, for salt kare. 0jM Onntiii(Mloiic aliiimi.ir. Hill I 11 Sl 4! 8 lit II IVI'l7!lll ? l It ''I,I7!I .' Jil'JI 1 a ; .... 'Will 4 tl'ij'u lis! laj. ret H 7 8 ! IJH4IIS llj'JIliEI 19 fijl H r l! iv t fii 'ifr s ! i" ll llS!lll IS.I7 IrjL Mill 11 ! 12 ,IJ'H IJ 5 l7itS,ls!JMl t! I 21 11 'i "ir's rTi'T 'i ; Oct r 8 siltfi IIUII .171 i e u ii ..... I II iM 3 I 71 a iJn u i Hrr. ll 1H 7 121 1 31 14 13114 15 Iil7ll 19 HI H,3 SKUi 37 ja w i; ji;...; . ! .. ... ... ... ...i ii i Sl 41 S 71 a a ln;llJIJ ll li Hi imsusaiii t: it as S7,3a.v JO I RORT. II. CW41, C GENERAL COMMISSION MKIM'IIAXT, ft WlMUNOTON, N. C. W Office, South Corner Market mi Wier 8ts. up st.nra October It, 1859. 3Uf 'I'llC Oil! ftoi'lll I'olTtfr. BT OOK HERE. FniKNDS. and fellow cilixen. ii wiil yvu buy the noble STATKUK NORTH I. AKOI.1NA f ll'so, end lo the auhacnbem, or ubaenbe lo llie Counr Agenl, (or lln. New l.ii I'SC and .Tajigniii e-nl .Ylsip. And you will get thewlmla Stnte, with her Rivers, Rilruails, Umd, Cifier, I.e.d, Iron and Coal Mi:iea, and all the Cilx .Town, anil VilLcea. her noble Mounuiins and Serines, and her Fields and Flower.. It vou wnt this flOl.DF.N PRIZK. i.ow la j the tune. Map seven Itel by five H'.rurr view. : of the Stale House, iuriaie A.) lum. t'hapel Hill, Male and Female t'oll. r, Ac, Slc, one ol tha CRtaprtt nd lit It .M ip" rm publialird. IK A KUK KhSr, iiaboro,?i. tJ. AGENTS WANTF.U loi every entiniy id Ihe State. Terms iberal. Apply above. July li 18 Em CHARLOTTE I10TKL, IIIAIIIAUT I . C. fSIlllK. Proprietor .flint Hotel ia .XafTTva. -SL ami ai i.i. Po.. n.u7 JL s pVf f"lya fil the dunes of "mine boat" to Ihe ar35ia'iISl- travelling public and other, who may call on h. in, and he flatter. Inn. aril that a. comfortable quirter. Can b found with hi in a. any where in Uu. vicinily. lieing aitti.tm near. ly in .the eentrc of Charlotte, Buamr.a Men will i find tin. H"tH a nmt convenient ur.d iliairable locution. He ha. been enK.ged in the buainrea : at Ihi.sland nrarly eighteen yeara, and in thai time he has mur'e .ever. I adaitlnns In lua former tint,., and ilhua been t real! enlarerd and lin- pt,va presmtinp in front a Iwo .lory YEK A.N I'A ;qq ee ,n ,.nFIl. hf 14 Tret In Wldlli. handaoniely .haded by tree, on the mde-walli, affording a plea. J .ant promenade at all hou'. of tlie day. The House haa been Ihnntughly Idruishcd tliro. out, and in every part of It crctu'e eomli-rta ire abundant and tangible. eaaecially in ihe tIN I.N( ROOM, where the linner man" I. renewed' day by dav. I Connecied with thi. ll sTel are ftnh!es fT,,r,,g ruom for 100 hnrHi, abandantly t'urninhrd wiih I grnin and provender, attended by faithful and o. j bilging hoellers. The Proprietor feel, eoofiilent that with hia'ong esperienceand many ntwad vantage, a nerd l"hi. draire to pleaae. he ia pre.irtd to offer hi. In. lnj ,he re.t of ni.nkinil," .a many coinluria and ,. morh good cheer .. will re f-und any whera. prrha pa a liltie more .o IT At any rata rav the Charlotte ll. iel. . B KKRR Oclthtr 19. IB58. 311 Inprenting you with )l. E ATON'S I N FA N. T1I.F. i:OIilIAl., we ur...-e lo .Ute lla alljenor. ily over every noatruui tii.l nurae or quack ha. i. . .i- A ..... F.r.t ii it the pr.p.r.l.on of a rsol..r phy.i. cian, who ia well qual.tif.l, Irom n.ueli eaperune. in infantile complaint., lo pr-.cniM: for l.i.ni. Se. te of .ay kmc, and c.neqnatly reiievr. by re. moving tlie .noVriug nf y-.ur child, in.l..d ol d-a-dr mug ila naib.lit.r. I inrdin It i put up with great care, a. a enrnpr.on ol' it witn any ntuer ar ticle fur infantile eoiop.auiu will ih : lit. very root, from wbieh II i. ui.iiilcd b-mg dug from tlie f.re. I. under I In dirrrt..,., of lr. Kl..n, many ol them by hia own band., f ourthly ll i. rl. ct. iyi mi lea and cannot iniu.'e lor oto.t drlirate in. f int, and is a certain cure aud rcti.l in ail I .c fol lowing c-iaea, wMieh n it. chief merit ov:r e.ery preparation, v t . '." A'; C O M F I. A I N T 8 ATTKN Dl NO TEETH I NO; audi il nr.ii i r.ii i , 1.I.I , Uio gum. "i.'J rehe.u.g e bowel, it I. uni q.l.lli-.l. ..urerelirf. F..rt HOC P. mr w.ui-n. " I tne mo.t fatal and trying ol diaeaac., it can be re. ' lied on with perfect eoi.ti.trnce ; and t-ing a pow. ertui .iili.ap..nM.eic in ail r.c. orcot ui.ion. or ' Ml., an- tarnr.i y ree.io.iii.rd you lu j.e no lime . in procuring it. Lilv Il r.l. ao roiich enire I than oilier preparallolia ol Ihe km. I, that we cm ' not arTord .u -h long acvrtiai'm.itia n can tlmac ho whole eipcne ia I'.rii ao.eriistng ; for tl.. aarne reaiit, it enmmer.i. il.ei! aa the moai relia. bie to all motlirra. Ill a. I Ciaa, tlie dirrrti"n. wrap,d arooml taeh bottle, muit h. atriclly fol lowed. Price. 2.i ceni. per b-iille. Sold by CHURCH 1 DL'PU.NT. Druegi.ts, No. 3fi. M.id. n Lane. N. w Vra. ,d by E.Nye llulcl...on II Co. and V. Srarr, Charlo'lle, N. C. Dr. Bromon, having bern far reduced bjt eon- j umptiori, lu be cmiUfr'ii tx-jrunti mil Imp uf Trc'iVtry by thcoiont emiiifnl at (tw medic.! pro. 1 tV-iifn, and Hlsm by linitu'lf m rig ul tt kici t n of' twenty ycarf praciirc fi a t I, emt. -.ed l.c f.!c-4..( AaNALYINti '111 K UUXJlA nd 7l) it-g Die mbject of UymmUf lo Hi': ift ( irnurdiile eonosrclion, sod t-ffVel ol' tt. pt-ile uf! tne MoMi uprm Inc I.;hIHi and -y-lnn. Tl rm t i U Urn the pn.iuctinu f thia " HU)ti) K.XJlV' fr-no tUe ue nf wiufrh. Or. tirttt.n w . ri at'trrd lo perfect be-jlttt. Witlun an nmntliB stftrr tla in. trodu':tiun,ucr tww thofajnd eoniuitistit wi re j effectually curra hy it. 1 1 yu H n rotiiplinla of CfHiHiimjMife lentleiicy ,( yvgh. ( ntd, lt nd ?, Palpitation of tU0 Heart, Jba of Appies ar put in the Side, M.iui,:in prucurMj- iH.me m Li. HtAJOU t'H). li yu mr autT-ring from AVrvouc Debility, or your olp t$ hr ok' ft and dt turhrd, if your SptrUe mrt lepmed ut your Or. fna Htlnztd, yna will lino m ltia an u'ltJiitt.p rniifdy, tiy coiimieiiciiia; with tern drupe If yuur Jstver isi t'KiiMi '.r diciaissti in may 11.41 nt-r whiti r. r, one orftt0 bvttlet will be attre lu luvifMirsitf, nd bruif il into lively and h-llMuI aclit.n In lh mat invL'tertit: e.nws of Dyprptm tlie pttifid on Uf tm find the mut t -lIii:it til ami giateful ft'lii-f A benefit ia nlwit j i'fn '"d miUt t it. 1 ( if onyarn OottU. la Mite nr Female (' orrtp! at ntt and Wruk n$$egt the Bull' rr, ai.fr irymg Mtriei r-mf iii- in f Jin. liny ft miaiiirf lf (fiat m rirlmn t-ure will raait (rut. hm J tut r three bvttlee 'I Ur UiAM)U FUfiU ia ttT.-rtii. in ail c- a f E ruptweSelt Hheum SrtofuUe mud ulhrr lista dun. pUinta. 'a? mnd erne tutted eUldren and dult re imtnrditiUljr bwruelitltrd by tla ue. ll ifa trcrriti to thn if-tj, and ').. r ij bt-u(r to !' mn. i'hyttcxmnt 0 mil mchwit ar utir.g it with wonderful tucc-o. Vot full dirrctiona, e circular. Pnre $1 prr bottle Sold bj CUVnril k Dr;rONTf lJrnU No. 36. M-iocm Line, S w Y.m, and flofd by K. Nye llyicbiaon A i . and K Sc.rr, I variolic, W. ( , Awt). 1 i J 1 WASHINGTON HOTEL, (CHANGE Of PltOPBIETOKS.) BROAD til HKI'-T NMVUKHiy.N.C, JOHN F. JDNES, Proprietor. fpjUl; Uniieriiiiel r'eetrully announces to JL the tritvellmg uuiic, ilmt lie ! tukon cliurge of tin olo n.l uoiulor eslubli.liniont, and in now irored to ncoomiimilnte travelers and pri. vii tv I'rnuilies Willi bimrii by llie duy or uiontb, on tll IIII"l UCCnuHlilllI'lllllJ 4-'tll. Id. I'A ULt: will hIwjvs be rurnislicd Willi tne best iroviion Ilmt lnuno nd lureign iiiarkutaeun 'i'lio il)inat'i !! I bos large roonm. i nei-rer the depot, tho court. home, timl (lie hii'iiirss utrm-t. than anv otner in llie cuy An Oinmfcuf will alwnva ho at the depot and Unilinir. on tlie arrival o! lite cuts and steumboHl, lo convey paaaengi-ra to tha Hotel tree of clinrga. II aliippiHK ul ihi I'olel, paaungera will havi nnnilc lime to ohuui ihhhIb. 1 1 .i v i nar aluo a l.irpe and eonimodioua Stable, and sii en ?HeM Onl!er, lie is fully prepurad to bourd horses hy the duy, week or uimitli at the must reasoimblo rules. JOHN. F. JONES. Altr.-k 1. 1859. 61U' r. sauus, At-t liilt ct :iitl lluiltli r, y ,,'' puii. BuiIuhics, Priv.le li,m,l then and Villus. furlieuUr alu ntwn will be p id to , buih inu Klourmg MilL.t'om Mill., 4c. Orrici iu 3d story ol Aln-nuir a ouiluing, trooi rwmi, over i nina nan. Octobtr 96. let-'S lilt. li. ?l. til UK I I.L be piea.eo lo reeem l'role..K'1'i t'l hi the ieparinrnl ol M f 1K INK and V Sl'litiFUY. tmt. umlnaii ii inn v be tound at York Uisliicl 6. V.I J. hS6. ireamencc. r ori ,n ill uepoi, 1 If Wanted, 1,000 : t OIIDb OK TAN-BARK. Inch Ihe eaeb will be pa.l. M. B. TAYLOR. U,3I.1H.8 Cash Paid for Hides, IV & M. HOW F.I. l 3 dooa Mouth ..f thi M9 Maw.lOM II. u... t ri.i. April h, IPX Stf Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a con.titutional cliaeaa, a eorruption of th blocd, by which this i'.uid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Ilring in the circulation, it jrvadt-a the whole bwlv, and n.sy burst out in 'l-M-aae on any part of' it. No oriran is fn-e from its at!a k. nor L there one whu h it may not d.-troy. The serofuluus tinnt is vanou-ly causc-d by mercurial dieuse, low living, d;a orileTcl or unhealthy fuod, impure air, hl'h and tilthy habits, the dipring vices, and, above ,-UI, by the venereal infi-ition. S'hau ev,T be iu ori.n, it is hereditary in the eon. atimticn, dcaeending " from par. nta to children unto the thud and fuurih g-n. ration ; " united, it seerna to be the rod of Hun w ho saya, " I will vi.it the uiiquiuea of the tuhira ujoa their cluldren." Its ttTeits commence by depoMtion from th blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, whu-h, in the lung, liver, and infernal organs, l trmud tubercle.; in the glands, aw-etlifigi anil on the surface, eruptions or sorea. 'lhia foul cor viption, which gmdi-rs in th blood, ib-preMc the energies of life, mi that scrofulous contitu tinns not only sutler from acrufulous com plaints, but they have Cir leas power to with, stand tlie attacks of other ducaaea; coiut quently vat numticrs pi-ri-h by diaordera whkh. alrhnugh not serofiilona in their nature, are anil rend, red dial L, this taint in tlie sy-.Ufn. loat of th consumption which de cimates the human family ha. its origin dirrctly in this scrofulous contamination; and many d--itTuctive diaeaaes of the liver, kidney, brain, and, indeed, of all the organ, arun from or are aggravated hy the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; their persons are invaded by this lurking in f efion, and their h'ullh is umb-rmined by it. Ta cleanse it from the syatcm we muat renova the blood by an alterative medi. nie, and in vigorate it hy hialthy fond aud taeruae. Such a medicine we supply in AYEIVS Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most efTeetual remedy wbir h the medical skill of our time can d-vie for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the moat active remedial that hare ben discovered for the expurgation nf this full disorder from the blood, and the rescue of th. system from it destructive eonm-quences. HTre it should be en.ployed for the rure of not only Scrofula, but also thoe other affec tions which arise from it, such aa Esi ptivs and Skin Iiisraaas, Br. Axthohv a Fiaa, Kosr, or KarsiraLAS, Pkhh, I'tsri Lss, Blotciiks. lii.AiNsand BoiLa.TiMnaa, TarrtE and Salt Khsix, Scald Hkaii, Hisowork, Khci hati.m, Sythilitic and Mescihial Iis Iasv., Dhoht. DrsraratA, 1shilitv, and, indeed, all CovrLAiKTa Anisiiao vhom Vitia ted ok Ixrtaa Ilioon. llie popular belief I in " impurity nf the blood" ia founded in truth, ) for acTofula ia a degeneration of the blood. Th j particular purpi.ae and virtue of this naraapi. I rill is to purify and regenerate thia vital fluid. without w huh sound health ia imposaible in couUinuruited constitutiona. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FCR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are ao compoaed that diaeaae within the rnp of their action can rarely withstand or evade them, their p-r.i-cratiMH properties aeuch, and cleanse, and u.riKorat. eery p.rtinn of th human organ dim, eorrectmit iu diaeaaed action, and reatonn; ita I ral 1 I.j vitalities Aa a conviuenr of tliea propertiea, th. invalid who i. bowed down with j.ain or phyiical delnhty ia astoniahed to find his health or encriry restored by a remedy at ouc so simple and inviting. fot only do tliey cure th every -day complaint of e.ery body, but .lo m.ny formidahl and Sangerou dlaeaaew. t h aiccnt below namc4i t pleued to furnish ftratia my American Almanac, containing certificate, of their cure and directiona fur their u.e in the following eompl.ints : C'oalir. mat, llmrthurn, llradnehe aruing from dtlorderrd t-tomack, &au$en, inttuyeitton, I'aminaHd ilnrtnd inaction of the liowelt, I LUulrnry, Lou of Appe tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaint.. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, rua ths ftAnu cuaa or Concha, Colds, Inflaenan, llosirseae Croop, Itronchiti., Incipient Conomp tion, and for the rrlii'f of Coasamptiva Patient in advanced stage of tb diaeaae. So wide it the geld of Its tisetu'nes snd o nu snerous are the caae of 1 1 cunt, lhat almost erery section of eounlry abound, tn perwms pub iiclv known, who have been restored fr.m alarming and even desperate diseases of tbe Iu.h.' by its nae. When on re tried, its superiorly over rtvery other metiicint of ita kind ia too apparent mi rap otiaerTution, and where its virtues ar known, to public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for th. distressing and dar.Krri.iii affections of tha pulmonary organa that ar. incident to our climate. While many ii ferior remedies thruat upon the eommunitv har failed and been diaardrd, this has gained fnruda by rery trial, conferred benefits on th atflirti-d they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numeroua and too leiziarkabls to b forgotten. raerARED ur DIC. J. . AVI It A. CO. LOWELL, MA.B8. For sale by K N'YK HIrcHlSON CO. ) , V. H'AKK A rC, CharU-f. II A VILAND, KTKVENPON A CO., Charleston, S. C, &VUVKSAS for sal at tlis Oflcs. WAIT. FOR 1ITIIY ia it jmk. m''"a.rsl,-rmmr sells BUves eh..f..ir ?f Beeau.eh.buyeahi.4!7UtJlfroiiit1ieM.nnfacirera. t A.A.JJI. Would re.peetrullv announee to the inhabitants ol 11 At I VII F. and vieir.ity.lkal he ha.ramov from their Old Pl.'no, mNa. I.Granite How. where be has now on aihibitiori.ju.t rsaaivad fr.ni u i norm, oua oi iu nioai ciien.io ..." ffi E 0) varoflered ia Nortb t arolma,aiiioii wlucb will m at a. mm.' ' which ha. gained ueh fa moo. reputation in the Southern Country for th I. I eight Dion 11,,. This Stove he wsrr.nl. superior to sny Cocking Plus tii in ose.lt i. .in Ir in il. srr.i trn ni, consume, leas fuel, .nd doe. more work la a given tin.r.tl an any other fclcve now in . )e put up on bidc any other Stove of th same eiae in the I mien Kltc,au if it do, not do airs work in givea liine.h will forfeit th price of th Stove, and quil .ellmg and g. bis dssih hi th helier on. ALSO, ALL KINDS OF ; FaE10E & BOS SIJOES. II. haa, and constantly keep on band, an sstenaive nd v.ried .lock f I TIN AND SHKirr EKON, ' Bttt.IsS KI'.TTiel-:, f.lST SRO.y REUhTms ! HAT HACKS, CRADLKS, &e., &c., All ol which aa-MI asli. Wholesale assd Kt liill s lt-aiM-r Ihstss kns r r breiti nlfs-rsaf in ihla TirtMily. I would r.lurn any thank, to my friend, and cu.lon.rr. for th vwy liberal patr.aagc Ih.y bin br.lowed upon ua. aod they may rest a.aurrd, that I .hall enur.sor, ky elo alteiili.a I. tb,,(.a ti.getlier with a drtei mination to plrsa. tu try and aienl a coiilmaanee of lb a.m. i : m ii(riM is "(vat iziiz i math nmm.n Ladies and .lenllfinrn arc pulirularij iiiTtted to call and namine kh Nork ! .N. J, will tr II y.. why I head a. y ai! aer tin r 1 W aiv re vn t W . ," 1 i. Laeaw. wr hav thre waggons eon. unliy trat ciiii g ihreej I the eoui.try with ttlove. ; V . onl' ru trill be faillilulltf ami prettiplly mtltmird lo.a i I A. A.X.3I.TAYL01J. ' ! Cbrllte,June Ifl. fS1. IT IS.X)TTO(l ll II TO SAY SINCE ALL, OLD AND YOUNG, MTLHUi ITS TMTfl, Vii : Ihdt Profetsor Wuod't Uali Res toratlr . I ........ ..'.U.S. il,. m.mlk ..J etlur ml in. hair.. I uwd tw.ior inrve l.u.r. . week, to iy im gin.bi. ( f.i'Tt y. rt.l'.ie tl r gr.y.coter ..r li.il! Willi nslur.'. own ocl.allii.ai, in. hair i iii. a ii mora .nil and keaa.nal ill. ii any ail, ana prr.- r?e I l.r Kl lB Ire. fr, ill ail S'lfiw lo t-- g'at al.ge. Hl.lr.inrn, Ja ri, .lltMllilll, IhniCora, t lergyrnen, Froicional wra an tirnl.rsiitn an L.di.a ..I all cl ...., .il uv. r Ih. wnd, kr.r tr.. t.m.uiy I. l wa do n.'t aay loo much iii il. I.vor. Head ti.r toiloWH (. and jttugr, Hica.af (..... St. I h.r.r.Co.. t.'7 I'aor. O. J. VkooB De.r Cir. Ii...i.. Im last a.ioui.rr w war. im.qcrd lo M .or?., of iur II. .r lt-.t..r.tivr, and il. rff ct. wrr. o aoocrr. In . we trel il oar daty la you and In alii. Clad, In ,ru.,rt n. Our lnilr eni't head f..r ...n. t.in. had kra per ti v covered Willi aorr., and M.wr c.lli d il .. .Id Led. The hair .lirol ii.li" r rsn.r I ia en a, no, er., wb, n a fri od. rrn g hi. .tifTerti'g, ad tv. ll . to tt.r y.'HI Kr.t. tier, w. did ao with Oil Ir hope ol atfccr.a, butt' our .ur r l.r, and Hilt .it all mir In ii., . . ty I. appiu an... rm"Vcd lh. di.r.ar rnl.rrly. bd a new . nu l.iur.ml n..p .1 h.ir w,o .larlro .ul. and wc r now a-y Ih.l ..Uf Iw.y I... a. l.r A 1 1 Ii a acalu, aarl aa luluriant a croii .f hair i. ant oibrr ebi d. v e ean,iir.. s lore, and do berrny , rrro,,rnd y..ur Raaiora'iae, a. . p-rfn l rcmriiy for all c..r.a of In. sclpi and hair. We are y.'wra rr.ri. c'liih V. J t.y.ti. w. Mii.i.iMHnriiAM hAltAII A. HIUI.I.NIK'itlAM. J Taor Wooo l--r lr ! .My hair ., Ir ve. ) r i yrara, b en lac r, m..,urriy gray a. c.ii j... n.rd by a baral.no. wh.eh rrndrr.d II. t. n.l.nl .upliealioo uf .il a.rraa.ry in sir it nlun I coiiinrncrd a.ing yonr lia.r Kiiimi tire about two inooil.. mgu il w. in that ronm lion ; and having en I.e.. d il. ... 1.11 within ihv la. I ll. rrr s..ki, it h .s larard l.. it. n.lur.il eol. ui, ...umrd n.lme.s .ml la.ire greatly la be prrfrrrrd lo those sn.ui M ky th .p.ie.n..n i.f oil. or .ny oilier pri p-ir.li'.n I hv. ever u-d. I r.v .r l il . an in.l.- ii..lil. art.elr l..r rvrty dry 'a toil't, whrthar lo he a.ed aa a flair Rr.ln. r.livr or lor Il.e aim'e purooM l eie.nt.g cr hrauiiiying lb hair, Vou h.se re:in.n.n I m. all who ri.irrl .in any doubt vf ila per fi.ru. in ail lhat i. claimed for il. MB C. bV.VI(IMi. Cincinnati, ii . frli In IB..7 1 1 4 ll.ir.l .1. VS ri.i iMiTo. Mo., lire. A, I.-.') 7, Paor. ovd Hear lr : Uy lb. dic .f a fr.rmi of iinitc,who b.d bren u.mg V"Ur ll-'ir Itr.loraliv, I wae inilurrd to uy il. I had In Irr.r, Mime l.o.a l..t M.y,.nd i.r.rly rvn y b.ir in my head enne ouc Sow niy hair ha. rmi.e in a gr.tft deal llucarr than tr-r it via Nothn.g but duty .nd v in u. II. y ( I 'ril lo e n, mum. eale lo other w ho ar. aflliclrd a. I lias beia, w.uld induce n.ti to ie oi. public acknow In je. mr.i of the hen fit I have reeeivvu froui I'rof. VVood'a IL.ir llr.l. r.lnc. Your, re.pecilully, A R. JAIOIIH. The Iti alnrative i. llt up in bollle. nf 3 risr., ViS! large, nirdium anil ami. II; th.silo.ll tinln. I a pint, and retail, lor one dollar per botl'e ; to niriituui hold .1 least Iwtnty -r crril. inair in pn.p..riii n limn the m:.ll, ri laiia fur Iwo dn.lai. a bolt c; Ih. large hod. a flm. rl, forty pr cnit. more in .r'..i (i..n and rrtaila for ! a h..lll. O. J WOOD t ('., Pr"prieU.rs,s4l Broad wa y. New York, and III M.irkrt Ml.. Hi. Iuna, Mo. and old hy all good Druggi.ts anil t n.ry ( imia Dual ei. aod in Charlotte by 1 AMI It. CO. M irch 37, IMMl. j 3m .1 a 3i i;s ,i i:iim:v, CUMMIb.SIOX MEHC11AS T, 117 II A Mil HIM M It r H, fl. V. B' ' - and lorward. every kind of nirreh.n- M 9 due for '2 prr cent, f vaiaiinoa. It e l. r a to (.ova. Swam .mi Mori brad, N. M . Wmwlfin, J. W . O.b'.rne, I . Y. M. ii.li nh II, A. M. (io'nian, K.e,.. and Itrv.C. V. Iheu.a, ln. A. (iraicni, ai.d , ..II.. r. frai.tr in 1'iani.a. Mrlimroi.., tli-m.. Harps, (tuilar., Mu.ie, rtcwing Marlnni., In, a ..!lYa, fun. p., (i.r.lin lingine., axe. A printed li.t of fell Ihe ditr,-r,-rit niaat-r., kinn. and price. tent fiee. Publisher nf an elegant itlii,ir..pli uf " Ihrkarj Kut Cap," XA-. (1 ,) in .1 ll.r ' t iirao an I'Hvsir iANi oa, lamaa t.uiua to IIi-i.tm " This invaluable utniiy ndriier should l.r in every house, ll irealanl all uia.aars, h is a cupinii. glo.aary and prrverilx Ihe rrin. i.i. a from nature', hountrou. atom, for all our ii.6rn.itie. and nils, fi.rlniii a. It i pnnlrd on fine while p .per, hand, aoinrfy hound fourth edition, 3UU pagta, and i. mailed free far tne dollar. N. w Ko.rwood Pi.no. IliO. feb. I. 1836. ly J S.B. RANSOM. UCS. I ALBANY. THE u A lili 01. TAYLOR W E be found tha el.brat SB BSX'-M.- flj B a rW E. R. 8T0KES' Houk Hiiidin, Establishment. Twt Own , BriOik Balk, tl It w Buils lef ia rnr ( VI. B. Suilrj il bias Hall, ci.t .mil , .t. ' T" "' K.ubl1l.nt I. .w In full prf. lion, li.ttrg, .ri'f alill r.e. ivtng . full Pi. t . ii.. i..t bl.A.Sh r A ll It .no lll.L)t.Ks ls I KltlAl.S. I aa .1 all l. rure r..y to nil . ' era ia my lina, n at IS. - i,m. .... i i ahsrecl p.irsxi.re, M y Berota. ali.rttion w il. m gisra to .11 order, wi'h wkirk I saar k l.a.rc Having had long rarirl i Krt..e ia la. ni f eiur.n.l HJ.A.Nk fMMlK.'" ia In. U.i..: ij new sou olo I'll I. S I LU UUKKS. I rl.tier .; thai I SID, IB .11 Ca... g IVa tatir .all. fact ill IlI.A.tK BOOKS, Bank Hooka, Clerk.' f!o..ka, f r Di.irtc OT,-' Hl.rriff.', ti'diaarv. and Cn.aitoner la ta ly'. i-,ka, .11 Hll.tU.i.d BuL.XLU.iy r-1 , ( 'f.f,t ,BU , ,eJ ;,,, tern, in th. very bh .1 m.oa.r, f .uwenor ft' PKINTl WOK KM, Mo.ie Bm.ks. P.r..,,a..,r.w.kl.l.,M,f. io ' H .ks of .aery .ir.er .r l.i.o, bousxl or ,.,. r. hi r.rry vanriy of .iyi. i Ail ord.r. wilt ba. r ire lad wiih drpal. and . low a .a k duo. .iMwhrr k. u. arKf.s. Jununru 17, 160. 43lf AOH1 ILCAKCiM A Hatuul Life Iiituranc Comjajr utnt l.. KALt.H.H. A V. t f S.IH8 I oapaay la.art. b hat. of i..m JL ii. I"' on year, a l-rn, ol yo.i., or lot . uu li Mutual I i il-r.pl,., ti, assures! L r III. -' liiip.Ui-g iu tl.v proi.i. ol th. luuiMiny. r puucic. gr.atai. ii lb whole lum of i'" wbi-u Hi. prim i u hi ibrreior aioi,t. iv v'u,' oule an. y ua gitau lor ooe.ii.U lbs auii.unl oi I' prtnnuoi, ba.iiiig inltrrai at per cl.ail,ut gu.r.aiy. 'Ihe piumpl aniiMl in which .11 lose. '" bjrti pid by li. i. coaip.ey, togli,cr with ih.l.' rate ot preimun, prabl gra.l iiitiuc.u.ai'i' u .ncli a. .1 Ul.poaeu I m.ui. M.v. a'e luaareo fur . Uia f Iroai i-J" " five y ais, lor two lliiio. th.ir vaiu. Ail lo..t . .ra p. id within SO asy iur s.i factory nruul is pr.vraU. l'i Kl.l 'JOHf.. ( l.arir. . J.,l ..!, Mm. II. Jour., Win lluluen, W . ll I auk., i, ta. William., II HuMi u. Wueblin lin.U., P. . Pi.cU'i, ' II. M. hir, h. p. Il.uir, ( h.r... b. Hunt, U L Kl, liitll'U ll. Ualtl. 1.1IIII.U1 l)r. harlr. K. Johnaon, Pre.id.nl. W. Vt. II.. in, n. Vice Prtaiucnl. H. II. Uatti., h nr.tary. illiaii.. II. Jones, Tr.a.urvr. II. V . Itu.tr., Attorney, llr. VV ni. II. .Mr her, Mrdieal Kiannner hltcutiri t m.illn.-H, Uuabi, W. II Ker, Cliatlra ll. Kent. Mrditat Hoard af twflli.a t I .' " J..hi..n, M. I)., vt.lh-ni 11. AuKta. M Idcl.'d B. Ilaywotxi, M. Ii., For fo, ll.tr .nr, ..,... il,. .uhlir I. rrd tu the pan.phlrt...nd fom.. .1 propel may i.a oht.ii.id .( Ih Uft'.c f in. I " nr urn. A..ur... t ,'....,.. .kaiild I.. oilri..l, ll" paid) to. R. H. liATTLK, Utrrrtn't September 8. Itt .7. I' Jgsv "i 'mi-- - JOB i'rJlsTII:G. B CHIN I IM. of all kmdi will ,h N" iiwnilioa.iy .r.ewi.e a ... W,r IWf,,. KXRCIITIONS for ths 8. Court for HLANK DRKDS for sals at this oft