A Lad IUsctjkd from th Savaom. Utter from Tusood, ArioD Territory, 2 tb following information respecting JC rewue of Mr. Pg, rcceoltjr o.rried Mrs. I K ' 'ft' t mni she bai passed through ual trili "srdnliips lod difficulties du i..t fortniuht. eicefdinir in thril- Jig interest the DiQ! bighlv wrought pags f fiction. iiSSI Dlglis messenger lim jlre from tlie Sant : Hit Pinery, with l,vt from iir. ifoiin I -age, svuiiuj; mat nm ife bad come iu liv, after enduriuft almost nredi!)l trial. Mr- Haga itumedialeljr It out, accompanied by a physician, and j,.ryiliing possible to be done for her re Sf will be done. It seems from what me if learn, thut Mr. Page probably tbe day allowing ber xrisure uy me luaianx, duu .r that her frieoda were oo the trial, re- ,ed to go oo, uu per savage masters nood her io several plaoea, aud left ber r dead. Alter come time aue revivea to d herself weak from loss of blood, with . ..mli ati'.l onen. foot lore from ber ore- ous trials, without food, and niilei from y habitation. What a poaition lor a ung wotnao of eighteen aunimcr a bride . n.nnilii wtioss life hitherto had en all sunshine T Through all these trials p.ifa strum-. iJ for two weeks and Jigged ber emanciated form by degrees ward tbe borne from which alio bad ao BtelybeeQ rudely torn by ruthless aarages. 3., nna au'nrcted ber Dreserjce in tbe nooun- Sinn, and those who were lookiug for lutul- ence from her tbougut ana wa times a y amid the b aunts of tba red men. ,w tlia waa rniMeo io suner so mucn sua .i . i . l. : . : i. ;i i- '(lieu DOID9 Ss leiijfiu, ie iubuui)huoiiuib. llWNtw Istoffices has been established the following places io North Carolioa. Meat Camp," Watauga county, bdaard iidges, Postmaster. " Youngs' lurooul, latawtia county, usnuel Sigmore, I. M. " Wsluut Shade," Gaston county, Janice W. Freeman, P. M. Till Ca OP ClUI.DRtN WITH RiriR- t I T IHsVCNTIMU Til a rAui.iii vr Bri.et FfVKIL THat tba scarlet fever n eax of the oiont fatal dioaf to cbildreu wiicli prevail in our land, the anguikb of tea) mny parents' hearts can U-stify. Any t!dn". tlieo, ahiob ean guard lb little one frl niis fatal iffteti will be gladly enibrao aland cheerfully resorted to. 1 b mofit fatal point of attack of ibis dia eso is, first, the tbroat, and arcoud, tba air aa-j;es aud lung. Wbeo general dieaa oEaoy kind is reeuived into iba system, it tallies upoo the weaka t parts. Scarlet fafor beiug an Inflammatory dixta of tbe sl&n, sod tba lininir ojeuitirane of the throat, ia paaa!e.a and luag being a continuation part of tbe akin, it oeceasarily attaeis ., it any part ol tuts mrmorane is too 3 tit to witbaland the a'taek, and throw it by what pby-ieUae call desquamation, lay membrane ulcerates in patchea aud tbe atilJ diet. Tba membrane lining the Itkrott is almost always the Brat point of at ftsr k. from tbe fact that thia U uual!y weak fael in eliildren, and les able to withstand tk- disease. Anything, then, which l eal ittrd to strength and toubea this mem bfcatie, or the nimbrana liuing the air pas ear's snd Ian;, is calculated to enable lbe ek I to wcbnlaui tba attack of acarlet fatr. f l'o do this wa mut e'U.ia'Dce when the eat 'i t Ural Dorn. toe uriua inn vr j ( f a)t t rink it receive into its mouth, uolesv j It - iu moiber'a milk, should be cold water ( Jh food shoald ba entirely drawn from its tm her's bret. if poible ; if not, it should 1 Mc)Oiprcd of bealtby, fra.b ,:w's milk, aa tbird water, awaetaned will, pure wbitaj taltr. Tba child Uo be suffered to drink I alt the cold water it will take. Tba sprue, 3 gum and eliildren a sore mouth cause ility of lbs tncrabrsnei of tbe throat and aft f.iiij(r, and rrndnra thin mora liable tal'tie from acarlet fner Uld water frra lylaoii frrq-tently given one of the best ntive of and remedies for those mfsn ti difi.es. t I'lit nrtt beat means of strengthening sad tofhening tboia membikOea ia by frequent wi-biRs of the back, throat and breat I i old water, occasionally O'-iog soap, aftl wiping and rubbing tbe part dry. Tbi sir uld be done tn'iroing snd evening and 'an two or three Umes a day tbe better. If aabing abould never be done with wnu water altr the child la a few days It hoiild always be cold water and tbe re ftietioo ased in drying the akin after (tie thinir the better. 41 he tbird bt means of acromplisliinir ol jeol it by tha dress. The cliet v '1l be lightly clothed with fltnnel, and a- neck, top of tha cbesl and head ba en- lil'-It expowd to the air in warm weather, 11 hen in tba bou in winter, the. alms and legs should never go uncovered. 3 ? iues the blood to reemla from them.) . her in too large qisniities around thai -l("t sod ehsat, producing uunslural ea . 'ueiiioi in tiianas, aua oiner nuu; re, sud cau-ing a corresponding debility ij i liability to diass. libs neat bent means of strenirthcninc fte membranes iu cliilJreo is free etpo- w' to tbe air, and by inducing then to ex- ?i-e their lungs and tbroat by giggling, t'hiue, erowioit, orrinir, and other means jpsil'U. Laughing and crying are very Mueficial to a child. A child that rpeudsooe plv without tbe one or tha other cannot ba f'thy. At aoy rate, their indulgence io 'e practices atreugtheoa and toughens ft ort,'aiia moat necessary to ba strengthen J to guard them against tba fatal influence H eariet lever. " wj io gife ctiiiuren eieroisa ana . whether they are five daya or five years . it m i . lr . it... ik. .:. ... N e the air blow on tbsin, but tska them M it, and have tha pure air of heaven all rf und them. Wbeo tbns eierci-ed or et- H-"1!, their feet, legs and arms should be nruily clad, but their bead, face, neck and rl 'll'lera .nn..,l r...l . , .1.. .;. V... N--I .....J w .U. ..I. A . not. or sl...l.l nn nr...n ,u. -l,l being breslba i into their lungs. This N 'baolulely ncoesaary to strengthen them, p .ro"i. at tba earn time, let tba air of the r"l temr. ...... u... t .. .. .1.. K" oftha chest, neck and throat, you pre ttheiei.wi. i.i " r "ie simple means1 which we hsve now 1'iierated oan ba applied and used by 1"ry mother and nurse. If the '"" nsed r'1 'PPIltJ diraoted above b all the -h-rs aoi nurses jn our lod, they will et (be scarjet fever from becoming fa ' i thouvaoda of oafea wfaere plbrwiao ' J- 'J Less jjieaus ars as applioabls to s r oi ins country asfo anoibe, ana to iiiricts it well as tootties. Tina la y'tass prevails in all those localities, ( reierence to olass or oircumsiaoos "Mod these preventive mesne abould I wrted to by all. Lu. I'ufrr, Sufferers from Scrofula and Scrofulous affections, clean np ! Why wear youf Pim ples, Blotches, Ulcers, Sores t Wby bars tba life twisted out of you by Dyspepsia, lllieumati.-m and Gout! Why suffer by pbilitio and Mercurial disease to rot tbe tiC'nes in your body, or tbe floh off your bones I why let your tlupgish blood drag, snd scatter its distemper through your veins 1 Avxa'g Ct'MP Kx'T of Sarssparilla cures these coniplaiutt, and cleanse them out of tba system. Una it faithfully and you bring to society a healthier, cleanlier, and far mora acceptable member,--Democrat, Jialtimore, Mil. I nm in I nnirsil fU!E BOOKS of T. II. BREM & CO., matt JL be closed. T. II. BREM. Afuy 8!, ihco. iotr Una Murk for Male. I WILL sell to the high"! bidder, at public suction oo Ilia 20lh nf June next, 140 shares i.0 per allure) of Chsrlntfe G i Ligbt Slock. L. S. WILLIAMS, Sec. d Treat. May 39, leGO. I S. T. Wriston, ANCFACTt'fi Ktt nf, and neuter in Plain and XTJal Japanned 1'iuWHre, Biuwi, Wiwiien Ware. UtMiux; ltruhB, Ato., iu guulli wing ul bpringi' Ciuncr Builliiif. J.ib Worn, auch ruofing, Guttering, 4c. done Willi denpulch. THiS WOttTli OABOLIisA WHITE SULrilUU SWINGS tt 'ILL HE OI'ENEO I OR VfellOKS BY 1 f Hie lt at JUAE neil. 'i'liey iluned in a meat heliliy niuuniaiiiiiua country iiwsr I lie oeauliuil CATaVV UA ItlVEIt, witmu li-.a lliuo an hour's nue l Itis nreaenl ternmiua of staaa WtSlhitN N.f. ItAiL KUALI. wnli wlncn il.i. ly lines ul Ouimnus.-s anu Ble,e Cuacliea c.luiecl ti.e Suriiita. Pleaaur vehieli und aupenor saddle hwstia will be at the call ui gue.ta. liuHiitiK .! autl Itilliard tjltIIISI neatly fitted op. a riita uni) or MiMtiA.t eugaged fur tile acaaun. and QUI DUILL iU COTILLION PARTIES each evsiimg FUEE OK EXTRA CliAL'UE. nit: 1111LUI.GS are new and spaeiuua H E I'LKAM IIE GltOLMIH eiteniive: and in hne, eery tliins wisiied fort Ills beat wdlerii.u uU a-, w.li nc h-UMil l."ie lu re. Ire. n His inner m.n aim l cluer lliw ajnfiU. 'Ilm i;lciilrl Itt-pnlitliota and Ilia MEUK1NAL pruM:rties of tlic waters (almoat inaeceeaiuie bvlofe toe cuinpUti.jn of I0 Westeni N. C. Kailroau) now hail Hie aica and' lilicted Willi s coiuiat elcunte. The exu:rience ; ul Hie Proprietor juptiliia lue aeeker ul liuitli or ' pleasure m antic. tUnf a -good tune Cuming." j T he frupncuir uecn al very g'e-l x e n e m 6iung up s Vt aleriny Puce coinuienaurate with lite wauta ul ins I AHUIJ.1A3 auu cuMnuenviy rn ties ou llisir (cueruaily lui ei.cour.,mnil. 11. L. KUUAUD3. Ma, 1,1860. 5; i SiOAliY l"WAT! AND " OTONBY " I .UU.ST HAVE ! uo i ul iim i: JONAS It II DIM 1,1. f ft' as come and pay hlra. lie line many drafts apoa him every say t..r lumuer ami I a o.r Iheae arel'aah srtu-tea. Men can't work without liiifi-fl.ur, bacor., lard, alc, are t'aali articlia. I eafuint du wnrS without lumber ; ami have to pay lor what I gel, on delivery, I h. trgs s. mcanie doe me lor work iluoe, auuia have in ( s aa; time and I nw, n.iMl I'tlSl I IVfc. LY HAY, tlioae eccounle HLT be clo.eU. 1 etill eoMinae to carry on I lie bueiuess at my old stand ; sud have for eale n iXMiiis. iii.ii. Ac, . and can manufacture to oruar, si short notice. t T Orders reapeelfully eolieited srid I promise, a I atwave hsve done, to aell Cheap tor L'aah.sne VASU o'my. JONAS KUDISILL. Ckntlf, .Ware 27. ISbll. tIJ Thouaani! sre daily speasing iu the praiaeof Dr. baton's Infantile Cordial, and why f because it never faila to ilf .rd ii.alan lanenua relief hen gia. o in lio.e. It aeu aa it by mafic, aud one trial aluuu will cuiiviiicc you thai wh.it we ay is true. It cnnlaina Sn l'AUKi.OWICOIloriATK. of any kind, and therefore relietea hy removme the aufT rings nf your i hild, inale.d ol by deaden, ing Ha aenillliliea. ftt this reaaoli. It commends It'clt'ae I lie only relmhle preiarallon H"W known f. CHILDREN TEETIIINU. IJU liRlli K K A. tlVSK.N I Kit Y I.KMIMi in the KOWKI.S. A I I IX IV of ine M I IIM ti ll. WI.NU, III, II IN lilt. HEAD, and I hOl'P, alo. I..r aoiti innf the gu lie, rediicirg iiirt'iiiillialioll, regulating the Bw. aiv, and relieving p-.m, II haa no iqu il being an anii-epaammlic H la naed with unfuling tieea in allcaaeant t O.N Vl'f.MO.V.S t l( OTHER FIT. Ae you value the lite and health ol your ehihiren, and wtah to aave llu-m from tli iae d and blight, ing conaiQUeiicea which areeeitnin to retiill from III uae of narciliea of which all other remedira fur Infantile I n..lin-l are e.nioel tnke none but DR. EA ION'S l.Nr ANTI I.E l t)K Dl AL, line you can r.ly umn. It is perk-cliy harmleas, snd flaiimil injure the nioat ilelirale iutunt. Price, US centa. Full Directum accompany each bottle Prepared and Sold by CHUKCII 4 Dt l'ONT, Druggists, No. 3fi, Maiden Lane, New Yi, and by E. Nye llulehiauu ot Co. snd V. Scarr, Charlutls. N. C. ilesllhy human Blood upon being a. ai,yzi:i. always preaenla ua with llie a. me eaaential el. n.enl., and gives of eourae the TKl E STAN. DAKD. Analyae the Blood nf s peraon surlering from Cnnanmplion, Liver Complaint. Dyppaia, Snrolala, die, and we And in every inalance cer tain deficieuciee, in the red globulea of B'ood. ."upplf llieae ileAeiencee, and you sre made well. The BI.OOU FOOD is (bunded upon Una Theory henee lis aatomehtng suecess. There are Five Preparnlions sJaptd In llie rieneieneiea of the Blood in dilT'r. enl ill.e.va. For I Ol Ull.-t, I OLDH, IIHONl II M' Af. or any atTection whatever nl the THROAT or Ll'Ntirt indui ing CONSUMPTION, uae No I, wluuli la alan the No. for Dipreasion ul Hpirita, L-isa of Apielite, snd for sll Chrome C-oinpIittnls, onalii),' from Over-ue, General futility, and Ner. v.iua Proa. ration. No. 'J. for Liver Conilninla, No. J, for Dyapepaia. Being alrrsdy prep. red for sbaorplion It is Taken by Drnpe and carried immediately into the circulation ao that what you gaio retain. The Nn. 4 is for F'uinale Irregulari ties, llyaleris, Weakneaa, dec. Men epcial mrto. linns for Una. For Suit Kheum, Eruptions Sero futoils, Lidney sml Bladder Complaint, take No. I. In sll C'aeSthe direelione inu-l be etreclly fnllo'wef Pripe pf the BLOOD FOOD, tl per Sold" by CHURCH t PPfONT, Drujrgista No. 3(i. M iiden Lane, New York, snd sold by E. Nys lluichiaon fc I s and F.Searr, Charlotts, N. C. A'sn. 13 ly '"" CANDIDATES FOR 8HEHIFF. . We are autoriied to announce R. II. MAX WELT., Es.,ss senndidate f..r the office of Slier. iff of Mecklenburg county, t the ensuing Au. gnst Election. : ' ' - Wb ars sailinrised to announce A. H. CROWN Esa , s t enndidsto for the fcflice of Bhcriff of Mccklenbuif county, at ine ensuing siiun election. Wa are authorized to sunoonca STEPHEN J. BERCYIII! L, Ki . ss s candidate fur the of. Gee nf Sheriff ol Mecklenburg cuOniy.ui the en-suina- Aueosl election. We are sullmrited lu snnnunce R. M. WHITE, Em.. urn m (.amiiduls fur the office of hhcrilf of Mecklenburg county, at the ensaing August election. W e are autlinrited to announce W. W. GRIER, Esa.. ss a caudidale for the tflicc of Sheriff Mecklenburg county, at the ensuing August election. We sre sothorized to snnnunce WILLIAM MAXWELL, Esq., aa a candidate for thetffieeof Kheritfol' Mecklenburg county, at the ensuing August election. We are authorised to announce 8AM'L A II A fill IS. Em., aa a candidate for I lie office of Slienffol' Mecklenburg county at the ensuing Au f usl election. We sre sulhorixed to announce J. F. SMITH, Esa . as s candiuale for the ifiice of Hienu Mecklenburg county, st the ensuing Augurt election. Spttinl Kuiitei. DVM'tl'sII. There is perhxpa no disease which destroys tlie h ippmeaa anil comlort ol innivnl u-.U. 'nil families to 'lie auiiie el lent ae Ov'P'f"' er Indication. 1'riViouely U the diecwery ol the tXYOE. A'l tU UIT J I.KS, There eii.ted no nieuicine sccesaible to thoe suffering lioni Una wide ap.-ead uiaeaee, which re. Iievad it in any marked degree. The power uf tii'.nc Bittera uvi-r the above nam. ed ili.eaao ae well se over all thoae having Iheir origin in imperfect digestiou, and lunciinal dia eaae nf the etoniach, aa well ss its'Asu end Oener. al Vtbility la bey-in't sll queatmn. lis speedy and permanent curea of amne nf the peverealanil etubriorn caaee on record la aufficient eonfirnialinn of tins tact. Copy of a Letter from a School Teach er in Detroit. DiraniT. Mich., June !6, 1857. Metara. 8. W. Fowls A. Co., 11otoi : In re ference to the OiroNTo liiTTsss, 1 can sy, thai after having the l)f M-nMj lor wver.il monlha, and slinoat dying with jiii and lieavineaa in my stomach, I waa pnvjited uhhi by a friend who had been eured by the safs im-dicine to try s but. lie of lireen'e Oifgeimted Bilirre. Before uug half s hultlo I tell greatly relieved, snd by the timel had uaeii two botilea and a to.ilf I waa en tirely well, and still remain so. I know of never al caaes more diatreaaing evrn thsn own, wl ich have been entirly cured by thia invaluaole inedi. c.ne ; snd it gives me great ph-aaure to recom. menu it to any and all who may b putTcring from this dreadful malady. W. A. BACON, 'IWh er of Detroit Select Sclio.l. Prepared by S. W. Knvle Ac Co., B .atnn, and sold by E. N ye llulchiaur. Sl "o., Charlotte, N. C. The use of Dr. llostetter's Stomach Bit ters, for Dyaprpaia, Flatulence, lieavineaa ul i he riloin.c , or any olher like alfreiiiin, la aeend t" none in America or abroad. To be able to elate conrideuliy thai llie " Bitters" are s oriain cure fur dyapepaia and like diae.ete, la lu I tic proorie lores source of un'-illoyed pleaaure. It removes sll morbid mailer from t:.e atomuch, punfiea the blood, j-nparls rs.iewed vitality to the nervous syalsiu, giving it that tone in I energy o loriia penaable for tue reatoraiiun of health. The nu lueiuus acknowledgements nf ita suerior excel lence snd benencutit rf.aulta, tiave aaaured the prn;.riel'ra that it cannot but prove a great cure to the alfl cted, and imparl vitality to the thorough y aiein. Sold by draggiats and dealers generally, every, where, r or eale by E. Nye Muichiaun & i e , CharlolU, N. V. TUE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. ftl K J A M SJ CLA It K l. ci:i.i:iiiui t.D Fu.ti ii.i; Pil.tn ! Preuned from a preacnption nf iir J. Clarke, M. D., Plitaiciaa Eitrjordinary to the Queen. Tina well known medicine 1a no mipnaitioii but a aure anu eale remedy lor Female Dithcullica and Ohaii uctiuoa, from any cau.e wlialtvir; and al. though a powrlul remedy, they eunlain uulliing hutliul to the conatilutioti. To luriiitl I.ikIks It ia peculiarly auiled. ll will, in a abort time bung un ll.e inontiily period V.1O1 regnianty. 1 ntaa PiLia sin sivis srt.i snow to vail WHSSI TIIK niSICTIOKS UN THS V PAGE OS nUTM- let ass waix oaaiavao. F or lull puriiculara, get a pamphlet, free, of the agent. N. B. fl and ( poalage stamps enctoaed to any uthurised agent, will uiaure a tHjllle, coiitaiuing iter 50 pilia by return mail. JOB MOSES, IJ.) cheater, S. Y., tieuei.i Aeiil lor the L'. 8utes and Canada. No 1.1 in Charlotte by St. ARR Sl Co., snd all res. peclable Druggists. .flit 8. UIMsLOW, An eiperienced nurae and female phi airian, hue a Soothing Syrup for children leeliung, winch great, ly lacililates llie roccsot leclhiiig, by solteiiing the gums, reducing ail mflaiiiuiai.oi k ill alLy all pull, and la aure Io regulate the boWi Is. He pend Uion it, nioihera, it will give real tn your ilvee, and relief and Ilea It li to your ml.ii.la l'i rlielly sale in all cases. Sec advertisement in anolhca column. IJ See the advertisement of Bandfnrd's lnvigo. ralor, in another culunit.. CTSee Hie advertisement of Wood'a Hair Dye, in another Column. U See Dr. Ayer'a advertisement in another co lumn. illiatu J. Itiiitfliani A. .' SELECT SCHOOL, Oakh, oua.nub CouTr, No. Ca. fllHEnest term begina Augnet I )i . Room JeL tor aever'sl new Scholaie- ciuch as are pre pared In begin Latin Grammar much preferred. Afay li, IBt.ll. U3 T47 ANTED In hire a good Cook and Washer V V Also, we deaire to purchase a good Cow. Enquire at the Wing Otlice. NEW HOTEL, 1 I'ST Opened lor the aceoniiiiodalion of iraneicnl Customers ana day Hoarders W. W. ELMS, 17 April 3, 1660. Ae w au;am)i:k, .s i n i: . i ;.v i j r, yrl if"1,FFF;RS hie services to llie cili. of this sud adjoining coun liea in Ilia treatment of irreiruiari ties of the teeth, Dieeeaee ol the nioulh. I'cetb filled in a akilltul and siitiafuctory manner. Ar. tift.Mul teeth inserted on Gold or Si ver plnle, also India Rubber vulcanised base. Tins style of work lias many advantages over the Swaged work. It can he adapted to the mouth with Icae irritation than the Swaged work it ia also cheaper. It is free Irotr any unpli-aeanl odor nr I isle. - Having become sent for the American Hard Rubber company he will supply Denlisln with of. fiue rights Io manufacture I'lulee and (Junta tor Artificial Teeth anu the Apparatus ami Material. He will alan give instructions in the art on mod. erate terme. Ae he - apecta to do a travelling buair.esa per sona desiring work dons. Baa be sttended to st their residences, by eddresamg him st Tucka. arete P. O., Mecklenburg Uo, N, C. iT All work warranted. April s, ipso. an Murried,nn Hie I7ih instant, at the residence of the Rev L. E. Culver, nrar Union Rprines, Ala., by llie Rev. 3 W. " illiams, Mr. M. M. TVE to Miss LAL UA C ULVER. iluiven sends rnun a faithful wife, Li e without her is not life. And when lite ie o'er, tier Inve Oilos a brighter scene above. In this place, on llie SStli instant, BAR AH E LJZABE'l II, daughter ul Mr. W.U.und Mrs. M. A. Eiiiis, ui;eu 8 yenra anil 16 days. Her con. plaint Was Dux. and although her sulli rmg was ejtlreme, yti are reuine.i ner reason anu seiu lor ncrariioui leacnerunu several 01 ner menus luci.nverre Willi her. Death seemed to liuve ne terrors for her s and a lew Hours in lore ner ucuiii, sue Called nil the fain.iy, whilu und culored. with the company Wailing; on her, to come and bid her farewell. Tina wus a moat solemn slid intcretiiit otcusioii. Mhe waa a very affcclionulu child and her parent, oou leu loo tidiuly ou Iter, and Uod bus taken her to himself, Unit they may loi.'ow ber to lout blest abode in heaven. In (. Iiel. r, SS. C, nn the 19th instant, LL'LA, daughter uf Kev. A. la. und Mrs. C. I. Sucyugeo I yeur ii munths und SU days. Ere sin could blight, or sorrow fade, De.itli came wan friendly care; The ripening bud to Heaven conveyed, Anu hauc it blossom there." I ux. Fine Silver Plated Ware, a L'ST opened u lurge aud spleuuid sssortiuent of Silver Plated Ware, bieh is nflered tn the public. Cull snd supply yourselves while you Cun gel a good article cheap. It. VV. HECK Willi. May 15. If-Gt). blf rtJIHE subset iber lias received a large and vari JL ed avsurtment of Vst ar af SuS for Spring slid Siimmar, which fa- cheapness snd neatness, cannot be aurpaaaed, emmsting in part of Black and Colored CLOTHS, Back DOE-KINS, Plain, Black and Enncy CASSlMERE, Krenrh Drab D' ETEs. Plain Black snd Figured Siik VESTINGS, Faney Linen DRILLS, and all other Goods usu-illy found in a first class Tailoring Etahlii.huicnt. Allot which will be msde to order ur sold by the yard on sccoiinuodu. t:ng terms. J. S. PIIILLEPS. In returning my thanks to the citisens nf Char lolle, for the erj kind a no libersl pitrniiage thry have bestowed on me. I would nqnest a eon ti nu ance nf the sme, with llie sssranee that all nr. ders entrualed to me will be neatly a. id prninotly eleruted. J - 3. P. April 17, IhG. 4tf I? i V TH la? V I Yefi 1)ru O'Ete and Aipacea Kmrks and I Ulsaill JM. lil'IHW,!,,,.,. eanetv of O-ssimere Punts Et SUMMER. OS TUESDAY TIIK 3D OF KLIAS & COIILX WILL ()IK. AT T II STORE FOKSERLY OCCC PB 3Y T. H. Brem & Co, 0E OF TIIE FINEST AND LARGEST STOIES OF I1VER nffereotoihepublie in this vicinity. A. j Ji mottr our Ladies iiresa (oods will be found ( Elodnred Silk Kobes, Crapv 'lirels, I do. Barege do. Plain and fig'd Bareges, do. French Orsan.lics, Beet freneb Organdies, do. do. J.ekonet uo. Osmaiihes, Itobesde Eugenia Sl Les. lleloise Uieiiadincs, j hi a Imperatricr, Black and Col'd Silks, Tainartiiies, Grenadine Poplins, Silk Vsrp( nalli.s, Jaceiiel Organdies and B ireges. Robes in evetv variety, French Jaconets, Fngliah, Ereueli snddi sue BIOI.I.IA.S 7 S.ltu French O I Ms HAM A At LtW.SS, i:lllll, I'l'S'lM ll ami Alllt riiail in every variety and style. J White Goods. Mull, Swiss, B'k, Nans.wk and Jaconet Mua. hits. Bishop. Victoria and Linen Lawns, Ltni n j and ( nil.. ii Diapers, Linen Tahle Ciolhs and Du. . musks. Do) las, M-useillcs Quilts, Ac. j Shawls and Mantles. ! rhantilly Lace Mantles, Lace loints & ShawU. J Lace Slielia Shawls, Embroidered Lace Points, Burnots, Sultatina snd Piculuinmiui du Silk and Lace Mantles and Mantillas of every dearripllon, ; Linen, Barege snd Colsmi Diisti rs. .sleeves, Collar!? & Sett Val a lace. Book, Jaconet Mou'ning Linen and Pique with a besutilul stock of Euilroidered Handkerchiefs. Infants Hal-1- -no K dee, F'loun. cings, Eaiginga, lnserlings und Dreaa Triuiiuings Uonnets. In our trimmed B-ninela pur taste is seknoal- fdged. H'e have a fcesulilul aupply. Alsu in French rlosrera, Kuches snd Kibbons. FRKNCII I.MPORTKD ranisols, Fans & Head Dresses, with an uiiusuaslly lurge tock of roi;t;ia.y ami no,m:sTiv Dili GOODS, a.oTiii.YG, it.utn uii:i:, IIUO I N, s20l .'iixl H AT, nd a general assortment nf Merchandise, which wc intend offering to our frienda and customers st prices which defy coinfietilion. NO CHAKC.E FOR SHOWING GOODS! llemember Lndics, Tuesday April 3d, ELIAS & COHEN, At T. II. Brem dj- Co.' OU Stand. WE HAVE A LARUE STOCK OF GROCERIES in lbs Flore House formerly occupied by II. B. Williams & I o, opposite. f tov.Vfe. ftarei 87. I8M. Itf "ELLEN CAMPBELL; OR, Kir.G'3 MOUrJTAIN." in"t7ik YOKKVILLE ENQUIRER FOR THE 7TH OF Jt 'NE, will be commenced the public i lion of Ibis THRILLING snd beauti. fully written ROMANCE OF THE ItrVOH TION by one of the cleverest and most promising Iniiy. writers of our Slate Mrs. MARY A. EWAST, ot Columbia, It ia a suirtl-stiriiiir slnry nl nluenj i intra . f ,., r ii.. ,...i,,i .l.l.r'i h.ri snd devotion a glow ng trihuls to the noble char. scter, the pi.tienlcnuurancellie terrible sacrifices. and the christian virtue of tlie woiiien of Caro. . Ijnii in the duva of ITHll ll should be read in every bnusehnld, where a memory of the past ie cherished ; snd with those who appreciate native liilenl, will create a sensation! Besides this, the Enuiisikr will present each week, a fulid of resiln g, maturely und cure'ully writtm. It is edited by Me-ios. Ssm'i. W. Mix to., Wm. W. East, aim Jas. Wono Daviuson : sr.d has upon its list of cniislaiil cuiitritulurs, several of the heal pens in the Sulci IT The price is Two U l.ul per yenr ; for six months. On Dallas, rii ud immednitely to L. M. GUIS 1', Proprietor, Yorkftlle, S. C. FLOWERS' Willi Hi liULMlUli biiunuis, GalUWeil COUlllV, IS, O. rPJIHE Proprietor of these Springs inform the JL public geuerully, that he is preparing to re ceive und enlertutn those who ure ccsiroUH ot tea. ting tiie curative qualities of thia water, for the various discuses to which human nature is liable,. He is mukiiig largu additions to his bull. lings and will be ready for the reception of company be. tween the lt und middle of June, und all who oo come muy rest assured thai they will be accnn-nio. dated und every exertion used to render their stay pleasant and comfortable. Persons coming to these Springs by Rail Road, will leave the cars ut Hickory Tavern DeKt, i n the Weslirn Extension, w here a convey. nice will bu in readiness to enuvev them to the Kpri'ipa, ELKANNAM FLOWKUS. May 15, I8CU. 6lf ITTThe Columbia Carolinian will insert once in daily aud twice in Ilia Sinner, und the RaUigli Register will inaerl th.-ie weeks and hVw.ird so. counts to this uflice. 1'l.ey will pieane cull utlcn. t.on lo the advertisement. 131 31 i:.Si: A TTRACJi AT TIIK (ircat Clotllillff TlYKJPnVLIIim OF HILLINGS, SPK1NGS k CO. 1IEY arc now npeniti nt their large und cs. 1 A.NNOi K lilVEK, ubovu .nu belo pucious Store Kw.ni.the Iland.oniesl and- f El)U it KStt L'M U i.V YUUilSl.i. pest Sleek ol I . .. . v.fPiiitNMK k'.i... 1 itk.oisiiiVaLiJ 1 a Ji ever offered in the Slule. Their stock comprises all the different kinds of Eancy Cut Linen and .Marseilles business iuiu. i.im'.ihii aim rrencn and Sack uiicv and black ; also. Fancy snd Black Stik, Cassimcre and Marseilles Vests iu endless variety. GENT'S FURKISHIKO GOODS, Trunks. Valisess, Huts snd Cup-, Ac, Ac- All ol the above goods are of llie latest styles and pat. terns. Manufacturing Department. FELLINGS, SPRINGS tt CO- have also added to their Itesiiy-nmde Clothing Stock, a Merchunl ' Tailoring Department, lo which trey call the especial attention of their many friends and cub. : turners. j They intend making; this department second to none in the State, either in style and quality of ' Goods, or in the manufacture ul Garments. J At sll times wiil be fouod s good slock of Black j snd Colored Cloths, English, French snd American - t'asimeres, snd a variety uf Veslings Also, an ! assortment nf j not K ilad cjssiMritrs. j They feel confident of their ability to undersell any other house in the Slate, from the advantages i they have i ss gelling Iheir g.-oiis. j 1 neir goods sre bought by the quantity, by one of the film who resides in the northern in ' which gives him the npporlunitv of taking ; luge of the prices of goods, thereby saving I feast TTw8n.ty-Fiv8 Per Cent. To the consumer. Lf Dunes saved sre Dollars made '.J So try us. I E. FULLIXGS, j JNO. M. s-PKINGS, JNO. r. HEATH. Apil 17. ISfiO. 411 Z. IJ. JOHN, General tolled in g ,lgent. Caisnuwj, P;rry Cojily, labsma, j "V V 7 ILL sttend prnmptly lo the collection of all claims placed in his hands. ! Etatc Claims lunked-alter. Land Claims ferret. led out, and ubsconding debtors luuked up at rea. i aunuble ohurges. TEXAS PI.AIMS j J rcolleciions made in Texas, na heretofore. , through my attoineys tn tnat Stale. Proniptnesa : muy be sufelv depended on. ! Fibrua re 2s. 'htill. 49-1 V IFURNITURE HALL, ciia itLQ'i'TKs f 9 iHE subscribers having jut returned from s .IL visit to the several popuiar rurnt'.ure Mjiiu faciurers st Itn- north, from u. horn ihcy huve unuie large purchases of most lushiotiuble. convenient and durable furniture, beg leave lo advertise their friends snd the public, that tiiey are now opening for iiispictiun and sale some of Ihe best, most fdshiouable ami duruble FURNITURE ever offered in this inarktt, consisting in part ss lollows : Mahogany SOFAS, TETF.-A-TETES and LOl'M-. ES. M.ihognr.v CHAIRS. ROCKERS, and OTTA MANS. TAlll.ES,-ltEDSTEADSand Bl UE.AIS. W AHDROHES, SIDEBOARDS snd Centre TA. IJLES wilh marble Inps. Mantle snd Parlor MIRRORS. Csne, W iiulor snd Siruw ( HAIRS, Collage sets, very hainis'iiiie, French andfilatn Bedsteads with bedroom furni. lure tn mn fell, CRADLES, CRIBS and WORK TABLES, W A-H STANDS, CABLES. ml WHATNOTS,1 II IT a,,J I'M lilt ELLA HACKS. i T-gethcr with a large variety of other Furni. lure necessary lor nnue seeping. ALSO Fissk's Metallic burial lasesiV ( urfiiis.! of all qualities, snd of ths most approved style are alwsys kept on hand, and especial care given to Iitterinenta. The subscribers will be pleased tn exhibit Iheir new stock if Furniture, Ac, 10 the public und their pa Irons especially, Holing confirfeut that Ihey can furnish them on more favorable terme than can be secured elsewhere. J. M. SANDERS A CO. 1 rtarfor.. Mo d. lt). fltf I j Private Surgical Hospital. ? 'I'V E, the undersigned, having opened a pri. WW vale Surgienl Infirmary in the town of -Cherlotte, are now prepared to furnisli cnutfurl. ( able quarlera tn those I'.i lien tn from a distance nu may require our prniessionm services in ine trentmeut of eiurgicol diseases The uuove Institution is located on Main street, in s quiet pari of the town. The buililih" sre few and well venttlliiled, Willi' good out-buildiugs nor the urcommodation of negroea. All diseases of a contagious character will be strictly eseluded, Cutniiiunicutinn thr.-nch the Post Office, ml dreased tuCuldHell Sl Gibbon, will receive prompt altentior.. P. 0. CALDWELL, M. D. KOBKRT ftlHlWJN, M. D. J. W. CALDWELL, M. D. April 17, iaf.0. 4lf JOH I9I.M.V WAY1, turgron Dentist, (GSADl'ATK 1.1 MtDICINE AND Df.NTUTSV.) 01 FILE in Brawlry't BuHiling, I'p Slairs, (Ippo tilr Ki rr's llilcl, Cll lit .' TK. .'. ,, fcjL'liGK'Al. OPERATIONS, such iF3 as I LEU' PALA TE, HARK- I.I I'. TL'.MOR.S ol inoiilli .mil J.w performed. I K At '1 L'RESnnd DILOt'A'l IONS of the J.iws treated. Teeth fiiiid with GOLD, SILVER. TIN or AMALGAM. AltTIFKIAL TEETH liner l-d in the best manner. I If A very superior TOOTH POWDER unil I Tt it rill WASH constantly un In. nil. I (J -Teeth Extracted. ID' PRICES MODERATE and all work done aaiiourlurv to the patient. FAMILIES wait- A n nl their huu.ea. tf A atuck of Dentist's M itcn.ils always on bund. a'GOI.D und SILVER Plate and Wire of any firienes gotten out. ITOr.iers from a distance utlended lo promptly, lebruan, 21. IBu. 4eif The Corner DRUG Store, C 11 Alt I.DI Tl , V. K. - V F. 1 1 U'l C 1 1 1 SO N &. i . m MIL'LD respectfully cull the u llenliun ot llie I 1 public to tin ir large arm e pick Nail now j being ripened for llie Spring Trade, cnnslfl'lig nl Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy , Articles, Oils, Turpentine, Burning Eiuid, Alco-j I ol. Pore Midical Wince und Brandies, Cuiiton Teas, Field and Garden Seed., A.C., &c j January 11, ibGU. 43lf I ! iiowi:vii;.i f $10; HOMESTEADS F0U 8100; AL.SU- iiur.iiLiLLnUs!) run oi.uuu M OVEU. situated mi, and near KAl'l'A- reee-illy been laid oul, in Culpepper cuunty, iu the iiiulsl uf the GOLD REGION OF VIRGINIA, ; surroiinni d by .ii. rt.uMii.oamu.in. N I KSj und Eurtiis und Town Lois iii alternate iii- vismns or spheres, can now be had lor u ".iicnE. ONU." simply to ihoucl seiileininl in this uem. ruble region, tl.i4,0tiU worth ot lanu is to be dt. ......d ainniiest nuicliusers or sn inducement lo come on und make iniprovo. nnnts and the land is of llie most unprovable qua. lilies. Many hsve slreudy sellleu and scores ol others ure coining. . (Ollll Fal'lllillsa I'.'""'; in tracts of any siie to suit purchasers, can l-o be hud st t'rnm'tlO lo $20 per acre, puyubie lu ea. sv quarter yeurly installments. I'tiqueslioitablt titles u ill in all cases be given. O" AGENTS ARK WANTED everywhere lo sell tticee Unr'n ; lihtral iiKluceuivii . ; lc f, en. Fur uurtiCuUrs, nctiretit E. BAITER, March 20. IsCO. 19 ill i: uoiv i: i: n i:n i :i v 1 : AX INFAILlNt. CL'R E FOR ' Conorrhira & nil I) ir;i cs uf the I rimiry flrgans. HV,IIIS REMEDY cures when al! other preps. I JL rations full. It is entirely unlike every nth. er ccmjKjund ; cont.tininiiig no.Minkr At. Poimin or . Nacskoi-s Dsi'G ; as it is prepared solely troni . Roots, Basks and Leaves, and bus been handed j conn, fioin one generulion la another, hy ti.e ' "iif.kokee Indians It is c Acred to llie public on its own intrinsic merits. It pi riorum its duty quickly snd thoroughly. The I'nfortinate, of I either sex will be reputd by using this hr.MK.nv, instead .t placing tliemselves ut the mercy ul some Qnuck or Psofissor. Tnis firMiDY strikes at the vcrv Root of the disease; Us leuflciicv is tint sun. ply to suspend the poison, out to Kimove the f Cacsk on winch it ticpends, Full directions in pamphlet form, accompany each le.ttU 1'lie sine a riy snd permanent relict uflbrdetl by this Remedy, ill -.11 ei.eu ol tio.NORSIIIKA, (.I.EKT, tiRAVrt., THIC. v tire, Fluiis Albi-s, I M inns IX Fkmai.es), uim uil Diseases of the L'riliary Organs, has astum-licd ti.e -nofl cienlitiu men jf the age. Tins Kemtily not only erailicatcs sll Poisox from the vsteh but Im'-.oosates llie most dcl:"ate cnnslitiit U ll does Not Aviect lue Hkkatii or Inter. rtRE wilh any l L.-s of Business, ur require any deviation Irani the utu t! met. lrlt riqtiircsnu assislance fromothir incilt J?"And what Enhances its Va li e, is th Tl RK ABSENCK i.t all .N vl'SE l"S 1 AsTE, bcl Pleasant and Deliciocs Svrip En 1! 1 Price ver B .ni.r, on I iible ISorri.rs eor 3 PvJ'l'TEK MEkW IN, Sole Proprietor-, Sl. Louis, M i. Sold in Charlotte, bv Dr. F. Scsrr, ' " ' E. Nye Hun hi son & Co. ' Columbia, " Fisher Jk He. nitfii. And all Druggists in the country. van Schaack dt Onerson, ( I April S4, iBCUIy ,s IV Wm, J, Kerr A TTUJiyE Y A T LA If, c ii titLon i:. . :.. ' ILL practice in tue Courts of Mecklenburg, t I lid Cubnrrus cotiiiiu. llie ilruwly Building opposite ilj" Ortice in Kerr's Hotel. Jan. 34. IIUI. Cotton Saw Gins 4i' tbe best quality with 1(1 men n t. F Mi- cmiie.1 rilis, liuii.d brush ut d al i sury i.npiov. tin nis, deiiver-o ui any uaii Landing III tlie Slate, at 2 er saw. Pi. tnten g to purciu.se ijinsol ine stii-scrin.-i do well to senu their orders eurlv.us there n ""J e'"'i ork u'" V J. M. ELLIOT", Vtnuis burn',.'. S. awarded at the Slate Fair Nov. nd in. .Merc il), 1S60. J 0 II IN b. WILLI, MANCFACTCRIta a.vb istroRTrs OS I HAVANA SEC ARS,! A NO DEALER ll Tobacco, Snuff, WAtchss, Pper. &c, XESSl UaL 1 rtTEs, Kt., ronUuily on hand. ssiss3.I8fO. :;tf 1 s rtSfTr i : v-IX. rkela. a...' ft," x r- ' I ..; v, - i . The 9S:trt.(u. COBRftCTED BY OATE8 & WILLIAMS. CHARLOTTE MAY 28, lefiil. ' RACON, llama. ...lb ...ib , ,...lb ....lb .. vc ..'lb ,...!b..... in r II (, .. dides in Hog rnunu, Shoulders, . Buffing. Gunny Hi. 1 Butter Leans,...! Branny, Apple " I'd el il -' (', an ...aiisi.i n t nn I'm... ' (., nr ?al- (- lt'O b SiJ (, III ' I (' 14 lb 17 (o iiO i b (.ij ;,o lb -IO p. IU lb JO In; i.) ....bushel I?5 till eui.-n u (,, On - ...yun I i In ICJ Vii re (i 3 i loien li l,i nu bhl (H U,j it) bK -IU I,.. 3 2 In in 3.i lb 6 f.; J l I U ib 1 1) U Ib o I.i. ti ...bhl. No I t 0 f.i, 00 Kills .UI (;. 4 '0 gal in ( gal Ill (., (I) .... I' II tit' i fj f..y Ol) i ; -- bhl :i (o I .) lb 5 (' 00 lb : (', 6 iiu. ne. ho f,j ' 74 Iiusl.ei t.H 711 btihl.e; i.i.' ( f. busl'd M . S.i ....bushel t la 1)0 Hi 15 0' till I! Ml l". f.'S .fill H '', :0 sac l.'0 ('.' HO !l, I.i. I'll niishe. tt- ij.'. .....b.ln ! I-M ( 15 gui Vi f'i .ia ' i' SI (- M I rt..in-l f'Jf nn,,.,;,: -U f'i, 2:) In it I HI) ii, t'O Cnlton Cotlee, Rio, ' i Java, ; Cuudles, Aiiuitiiintiui J Sperin., ' " Tallow Corn I Chickens jClnth.Copperu " Liinisey 1 Egg I lour, I Keather. . Hides, Green, Dry, j I.iir.1, , Mutton, M;;ci.erel I " Molasses, N.O .... 1 Meal MulleUCVVtiiiniij: .Nulls. Northern,. " Knutiierr,,.., Out.i, Pork Peas, I ?ntiiloes. I rish,.... Sw.ei,.., lliice j Sugar, Loaf " lirown u.W Wheal. n Whtsi,..1,1' .Nor I N . Ci REMARKS. week. N'j rkf ll, COLI .MI'.IA M A V. K IT. Coi.L-MSia. M ij '.'G, IffiO. COTTON The sales lor the week umcunied to I.i - J b.ica. l.i.i-.-iucs li a lie. liAl II.N.i t i; n , . PEA.- O.VJ ...... ELOLK, . Hi ( 1 1.0 I-. $1 .. 12 II21 CHARLESTON MA If K ET. ' IMHI.Ct-TON. M I f 2.7, (OTTOS'. The tr.nsie ,s in cotto wi re t in 1 1 .1 lo M..iie 4 )0 li.n.i. al exlieili tn-Cny mB ir. in ci j a 12.. MoaiLC. M iy 2j S ties to.uay of 2,ni() bales.; nilnill.nj; M J a J.J. The suies o: the 'tek tool up lU.lUi! bales anu the receipt. 3,160 baiv.s. Nkw Ocikans, Mir 2.7. Tue cm n market wus quiet lo.u iy, w.th saieA o: 2.JU0 ba'ts ; mid. dimgo iu.j a 1 lu. Niw Yi.sk, Ma dU'l to lla v, Willi ti.e past 3 u.iji sl The cotton ni. i,.solU(l ha.es. Ti II ULI j.M II baltS nowi Havana i.oniai.y. Thf next oniinary (juiwint; of llie Rnyal H lia Ltilt. ry ruiu.'uctt i i t:u ap iin-ii under Ou- mpcr vmoit ul tin t'upli t'uba, win tut,, jtl-.c: t ll..v..it.t on LAlUlliAV, June 9. iMiO. 0,000. SOItTEO M'.MEUO W,7 OltDINAKIO, t 'ATI'S AL rt.i.i. M(lO.00 :! 1 prueol l(O.Ui iij 1,000 iio aoo jj " 4vl i'u Apr'jiiiii's h.MlO 1 " OU.Outl 1 " 1,'lVII I 1 " i,Oio I 4 Approximations lo tin Jlllll.l I'll jijiil) each, 4 ol 4iKi to sjij.i'un: 4 ol -toU to 3n,(i'Jt 4 o; il1") io i!i,i,i'U; 4 ot viuu la vie, '"ii,. Vni.i.-TiKetswilt llaivsnj yuarl.rslo I'l r.cs e.islieii at hi ul 5 per ecu I. dmcuu'il litlis oil Uli SOIVcnl ti II Ks laKcll al par. A drawing will ue torwardeu us soon a.' the rc- su.l heuolnca KIIom n. Coiiuodniealions addressed lu DON I10DK1 l.Lf.Z, (caie of Ctiv t'osl, 1 i.urlestot., j. C.) uu til llie lllli nl J II n I , will be uttci ded tu. Per .n ordering lie nets w i i I p. case v r.te their iiuiiica plain anu give Incir poi.1 ollice, county anu stile. Dissolution. rg 111 E niio uf T. II. li i ui A. Co. is this day di JL .oiveu ny nple. All per. aim si llie l:ie l' ,l.g ciallus lor pay. ml. r. ii iuuvM. J. A. bADLiLK, Ja. 1. L. ALtXA.Nl'ER. lu h'arc'i 'JC, l.-CO. j. . tiiivt i. a ;., nt.ll.LK4 IX COTTJi1. and ah HixuS of fAutUJE, Tft tlHl II Ki l l'. i ii.iHLurrt. a c. I VA I oulets allco.iiu to v. ill. uesp.tcb. .4pnl i, I'td. ! i.OU .iltl) AJOt"IATIO. 1 I. II Al 1 1 I'l.l . A lit r.rrolmt JmttU.,uou fauliixt'itd t,y sfitctal . ili'rn or ii.f titi'ij u) l.t twk ui.a L xatirssttt, oji'iijrd iriM 1 liti'e.l aiiU I pid.flitc DltKtKs.unii rsj.ir.ulie Jin Hit I mr X'isiujrs itj Kit Atiuu! epulis. C.Dll Al. ADVK E civ. ii gratis, by ll.e Act 4,1 3. ii-g oi;ii.u, lo all wi... apply by h u. r, mi a i:i scr.puon .i l... .i cnuition, v-.ge, ociuiiain.n, llubils ol lite, J.C ,) a lid III Cusea il elirtllie po . eri . Mcl.1 -iocs tiirn.siieo !rie ol cliurge. V.W.I Ai.l.li l.tl'UUl on Spiiu.atorri.iBs, SHU ellur D.s.as.sol ln Si X Ua i Of g a uS , a lol ' U tiieiSEvV Ki..VlEI'IES tiupioi.u m the Dispell. sa: S.UI to t ic ub'.cl.d in s.al.O teller euvcl. epi, Ir. col t-nurgi- i Ho r l.ric Maaips iur pus. t..ge ..! be uc.piali 1'L. J. ILLIX llol .U KiN. Ac. .s... a s.uitt oruer ul me in.j Surgeon, Howard Ninth Mm t, Fiilluuelpl ll.i Pa.' fil U.alJI.-r.. t.EO. FAIIiClllI.D. ,V.-r,r.ii EZ1CA U. HEAI. 1 " Fb. 7, Imi'J. Uemoval. ! BSY I.ul.os and Cuainineis are rcsnccl fl! 11 ill I'llorino; tnat I hve removd ii.y T.u 8m-p lo .sprues lines lluilou.g, 3d .:-.f n.-m I".-c.-.-. tier, on i ryjn suc.t, ;u!" ne c ''I te p;e..scti to see r.. in. 3. T. WIIlroN. , 31. II W. JJKCK Willi (KB Cosl AN I Ll ON II !' or THE SEST E Call and ei isi isrmi.10 si.ir.CTtm ii:s stock b rurs purch

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