it TO TIIE EAGLE. Bird of the broad and sweeping wing, Thy home i high tn heaven, TVhcre witie Ine storms Ihtir banners fling , And tenitest cloud are driven ; Thy throne iii oh tuc mountain lop; Thy fiel.'e, the bnntidless uit ; And hoary peak, that proudly prop Tn skiee, lli j dwelling are. Tli sitlcst like thing of light Amid the noon-tiae Mare, Tup mid-day tin ia clear and bright It unmit dim thf guite. Thf pinion to the rushing blot. O'er the bursting billow ,ired, Where the vee-1 poiigca, hurry patF Like an augsl f the ail. Thoa art perched aloft on the bertl-na; ersg. And rite wsve are white below. And on, with a haute that rnnnot lag. They rush in an en l.r- flow. A fain thou hst plumed Hit wing for flight Tn lauds beyond the sea, And away, lite a enirit tvrrathed in lijht, Thoo hurneal, wiid and iree. Thoa linrriest over ttie myriad urn, And thuu leeveet them all behind ; Thou swecpest that place of unknown graves, Fleet aa the temne.l winil ; When the tits-lit al rnt gathers dim and dark. With a thrill and bo nnr; iH:reaiii, T nil rushest by the 'ouiidfrihg bark Q nek aa passing dream. I. ti of the btsondlc.s renin of air, In thy imperial name The heart of the bold and ardent dire The dangerous path of fiine. Beneath the shade of thy golden wings Te Roman it-pinna bore. From the river of Kcvpl' cloudy springs. Their price to the Polar hore. TisccIIaiifjous. From the Southern Field and Kirefidv. THE IT ASK BY LAURA LINCOLN. Ilirrj Hill a great teats. He never meant any barm by it, nor really intended to hurt anybody's feelini:" ; but it made biin very unpopular, atiil oft' n got bim into d is yrace at school aod into 6lts with other boys. It led him to tell white lie's, too, 'ju-tto plague a boy," a. he said, intend- in?, some time or other, to tell him better , j which be sometimes forgot to do, thereby j giving himself the ch.rseter of a story teller, j Hil friend and school chum, Ji"""ic Gates, used to remonstrate with Harry a- bout tbis bad practice, but Harry would j answer," Ob! Jimmie, it is such fun I can't I belt) it." ! ' 1 M Xeer mind, Harry," said Jiroroie. one ... . ,. , . day, "you won t listen to me now, but the ... . ... , , time will eome when yoa will be sorry that ... , . , JOU did not ; fjrjust as Certaiu as you keep on tearing the boya so, you will get vour- self into some serious trouble." And'., it nrnved as I an eoino ti tell von There was a boy named Willie Brown, wbo rett to the same school that Harry did. His mother was widow and very poor,." noil was tn the eharitv of some fi iends ! that Willie was indebted for h schooling j Willie's clothes a ere often patched or thread j bare, but always clean. Harry was the son i involved themselves for the cause of liber of a rich man, and be fooli-hly tfcou;ht it a ' ty ! Who nursed our forefathers when sick, disgrace to wear patched clothe. He had j ong Doodle to their babies; wbo nicknamed Wiliie " patched knees" Cj l.i intimate associates, but had never yet call ed him so to his face. One day Wi lis came to school with loth elbows and kce -s patched. At recess, Har ry Hill wbi-f ert d 10 Jinime Gates : " I'm going to have sitce fun out of Wil-1 lie Rrown ; eome along and see i "Take care," said Jiininie Willie! v : ....,l.J . 1,. .i.n.l It ! be il knock you flown. ' much the better." replied Harrv ; ! ' j I I ke to see a boy when Lis spunk is up i!,, . . I rave v and i afraid of n 'thing I greatness 01 toe U.u Uomiutou; and our I must pau.e a moment to say, that I ! staid Pennsylvania Quakers, too, like to feir my yourg readers believe, from whatj plume tbeniselves alj ly upon the merits and I hsve toH them, tLat Harry was a very i doings of William Pcun and bis a-sociates ; b.d boy. Bat be was not. This habit of i but with all the " blarLey " so pier. fully r-az'n,- pro;l was bis greatest fault. He distributed 00 all side, what do we hear or was kiddbeartad and gn rou, and el ways ; itather about ou- foremothers ? Didn't they ready to beg any one's pardon when be aa laud on a rock too ! V: lo t thry tncouu be tad done biin any wrong. tr perils aud hardships! And, after all, Ott the day id question, be wsnt op to'didu t they, with their kiud hearts, eu-tuio where Willie was standing, in the midat of tiie flagging spirits of their male com- a crowd of boys, aod called out : "I lay. pitched knee, from what tailor ioe your toother boy your clothes!" Wiliie lo .ke 1 up, at first in surpri.-e, and then, when he unden-tood the meaning of Harry's rudepeeeb, bis face, and even lip-, grew aby pale. It was the insult to hit, bard-working . stlf-deti; in, Ijvin mother, , Bi jre than to himself, that aff e'ei him . But Willie bravely reais'td the i:; lo knock Harry down, for a-nonj the uiany neellent lessens taught bim by hi good L,i our 'pecbes, our songs, our toasts, and Br-other was this, which bhe got from the our pubiic dinners, ceiehrating the wonder ut. ! ful deeds of our forefathers, but whero are ' Do good lo them lht drspiufulhj us, ihoac ia h ou jr of our foremothers ! Wejbad yiju." ' belter he getting them ready. We talk our- A lie turned away, Harry, in spite of,e'e hoarse, aod write ourselves round Jtramie'a Bu lge at hi elbow, again cried shouldered, while boiling over with enthusi (,ut : I 'm ahojt the nice thing our forefathers, " Patched koees ! your eioihes are some ! did, and yet ti'tthiig is tali about our fore thiu lika Joseph's coat not of many co- ! mothers, to whom many a tiituous act and lor., but of many pieces " brave deed may be ascribed, such ai any The spunky boy could ataud it no longer.! hero wouid he protl to own. With one bound, be ji roped upon Harry,) We ih not to dotract. All bail to the threw hiui to the grouud. and then ahwer- ' ukie old men, our forest rn, say we. ti down blow, thick and fat upon bis head, ' May the glory of their dc Js never be les. ; and face, aod body, until Harry bean to' but the gool Jitok telli us to " render ULto think a few more such would fiui-b bint i Ca; ar," La , and wi.h to speak a word in A soon as Harry bad some bat recovered j sea.ou fjr women generally, and esptoiaily f-nm hit eurpri, be endeavored to throw fur our nolle and self 1; 1 ilicing fjrcmotii W litis off of bim, but the pale, alight lad, ' ers. I -at li ne, and the one aided page o andrr the fiiflii':uce of hi-1 passion, was mani j history, ball blot thitiu fjrevr from our; ft .iing a Strength that ti out would have Lolii ved be possessed. I11 li's fury be knew j low tost be was d'aling bloss that, if coo j Lie J much lorrr, ojld kill bis tormen- ttor. Harry writbod and twisted, but 'could ! . r... i.: if ....I : : ..: ,. some of the boys call d to Willie to get off of Harry. Wiliie did uot hear tbctd. Sud drtiily Horry put bis hand into bis pocket, and drew out bis knife, SDd opening the sbsrp, bright blade "ith bis teetb, before any one could interfere, plunged it into Willie's side. With groan the boy rolled otor like a log, and the warm life blood spouted forth io jets. Hi bon ified school mates gathered around him, and raided him up. " Take roe home oh ! my poor mother," he gasped, and thco fainted. Who can describe Harry's feelings when ho saw what be had done ? As he slowly and painfully rose from the grouud, aMa- ted by Jitr.wie, and looked opoo Willie's 1.; face n.i the red stream drin the ground, he thought Willie was killed ' and , , , , , ' oh, how sorry and unhappy he masl Tears rushed to his eyes, and poured dowo bis and wrong he bad b-en, and though he on- ly did it in self defence, to keep Willie from on n jn fkm ,., bove killing bim, perhsps, he felt that this was nerc jf our friei,d has no objection, we hut a poor excuse for him. It brought no will place it iu ihn Femalo College Muse balm to his conscience, for be felt, too, that um, as contributed by hitu lAiurcnsvilie it was bis own silly fondness for teazing that era- had caused all this. As the boys slowly bore poor Willie to hi 4 humble borne, Harry followed them, thinking of the poor mother bereft as be thought, of her oaly source of earthly hap piness. They hail not gone far when Wil lie opened his eyes, and seeing Harry over whelmed with grief, held out his hand to bim, and said, " Never mind, Harry, you did not moan to do it ; I was to blame for being so angry, and fjr beating you so." Harry elasped the extended band, and while tears of siucere repentance rolled don his cheeks.he cried: " Oh, forgive 0 mc, fjrire me, and if you get well, I pro- uiise never to leaxo auvhodv anaiu-!" And be kept his word. Willie was sick a Ion time, and Harry came to see him every day, and brougut him fruit and flowers, and speuf, ail hi pocket money in buying him nice thing to sat. lJt, after awhile he got well, ami he auJ Ilirry bectiuj warm friend: aoJ from Willie li.rry learned I many a lesson of Christian forbearance, prQyed of inguite leryice 0 Lim ud wbeQever , Uj!lt or jlJst M.boJ elpe0J(J kf0 ,a hu llo4( 009 glince frjin waiie's mild blue eye was enough to check . r.,RonTHVBS ' c 1 ...... t .. - . 1 . r - " ( , . . 1 'honor of womanhood, bas given utterance 1 . 1 to the foilowiLz tribute to bis ancestors 00 i b T . , , (the female side. It IS Well done, and well j j r 'De ' I We bear enough about oar forefather,.- I They were Very nice old fellows, no doubt, j ''od to ork, eat, or fi-ht. Very well (But wbero are their companion, their chums," who, as their help mates urged them alonjr ! Who worked and delved for our forefathers, brushed up their old clothes, and patched their breeches! Wbo almost traiced up their boys 7 Our foremathers. Who landed at James River and came over iia the Mayflower, and established the other early settlements ! Were there any woniQ among them ? One wCuld think not. Our Yankee neighbors especially make a wonderful talk about the pilgrim fathers I who squatted on Plymouth Jtock, and ther. 1 iJ a j:reat ado made over it every time tbey wish to iret an a little enthusiasm on Hber- '1 1 r 1 1 , i'Jt"1 '""" "J ""'"S treedom ; and the airy of irgiuia are , , , , not a vtbtt behind tbeo, they take a notion to vaunt themselves upon the "lory and pain jus T Wbo ushered u into this world our fore fathers! Hub ' No, indeed, ii was our foremothers. Who nursed (jeorge Warh iut'ju, Anthony Wayne, J5et.jamin Frauk iui, Itrael Putnam, and a ho-t of other wor thies, whose names will live forever, and taught them to he uivti and patriots ! I lid n't ojr f'-reuiother ! And who gives them the credit they deserve ! Nobody. We have our monuments commemoratir.", mi uaonef. Fame is li.e an eel rather bar 1 to Catch 'j-1 a gool dtai hatie' :o h'id. Tin JIaonitudk or ins Lakb Com MERCK. Last year at this time, the vessels of our lakes bad literally nothing to do. The tug boats in this vicinity did not make i-nough to pay for fuel. This spring it is very different. For iustatict", during forty, ii'jiht hours up to yesterday noon, one hundred ami sixty vessels loaded with raio passed here for the East, h is fair to estimate that an aversgo would be thir teen thousand bushels per vessel, or near three millions of bushels. The tug boats have all they can do, and vessels and steam ers prospering. A mot decided improve ment has taken place in business matters. Most of tbo vessels from Chicago and Mil waukee stop her for supplies, rhicb is a great item of trade for this city. A good crnp in Michigan this year, and we are all s TNpIAN RrLIo. A very large and well formed specimen of the Indian axe bas been scut to us by a friend. The rock out: ,f ",!ic?h" "'. T", cutv'PP,c",, b J the kind from which those fouud and presertr-, ed gre uiUJ,;T .j, u u , f0rn,idblo looking specimen, and with a handle upon " the beholder of savaj:c cruelty, in yi:s YOU MAY L'SK UK KECOMMKND Ileimstreet's Inimitable ji viii ih.oki.m;: a.vp ri.N it to at A PERFEJT HAIR R33T0RAT1VE, itmg the 'ri'i';(ti and gruwlli "I the II 1 land giving It ail lift beauty of youth. I douui it f I) you Kratl! Crnd! Krntl! ScilROO.H L.AKK, Kex Co., N. T., i I'thmttry o, I Sid. I W. E IIOiS, Troy, N. .,Drar Sir: I H.m u.ed your llair t oiormg or,,ve, 'ami bring iiuic'i huieu with it, I t.iRe ple4ure ; , m.ikuig tne fuilnwnig t.ii-inn,i: ilie rt". a very aev. re til ol kiie.., when I p years of af, inv h-tir commenced turinnif grey. ami so cmitiiiijetl 11 gl.w unt l it bt(mmr prrftetiy ir'.tr, lo ii... vi ry tiarah and coarse. List i 1 Iij.I rt-ji li. d my hfiy lhinlvear, wiien I v iio-etl hy a ti iend l.t purchase two bottles of Helm-1 - 1 .. ... ..... '.. . 1 i 1 few dev. was sr,r.,ed to find liiat my h.r from -.. j . -. 1. .... . . ... . ..: 1 color, ll so coolinu' d to grow until it wa a tru ly hr.iwtt and gina.y as it was in iny yuihtul days. hud is nuic rettared l lis ominol roltr. MYLA EAMAN. Etrx Co ,ss Myhi Seaman came before me and w.ia iinl v svtorn. anil " va tnat tlie above statement ia true, tins bin d iv ol' Kebrunrv. lo5S. I JOEL F. I'on'F.U.JusiceotAe Praee. j I'lTTsroa-t vt , Aug. I, Itij". 1 hereby certify, that my hair having become ,,r..i I 11. .il ii.iiiiatri i'1'a Hair II eator.i ti ve. j(i,rcpareii by V. E. Hon, 01 Troy, N. i ..) for lour week and toy hair was in that time re slured toil original color, can fully recom- 11,.. . . .1 1 . , 11 .. i W.M KINGSLEV. , . , , ' 1'aiior of the Caput ( kutek, I'unfuJ, 1 1. ....... ., , . ,11;.. ,t. Mr. . t lUcm: I have used Ileimtireet s II .ir iicstoralive n.r three years, snd hass found it to be a....,-1 ticeli.nt article. It not only re- st red the color ot my h .ir, giving it new life and term'd la brnttit. I lu'lr bi-Ii. Te it to be lite best ailiole iu ut. Y-ur. K-.ifi-tliillv, KN J.VLTON HO.VLAN'J. The above sre but s few of the many letters of recommendation winch have been tendered to the proprietors of H-nntreel' II ur I'idoring 01 Ilea, loralive. It has been ued by ihooi.aiitis of pet,pe, and it ncvur fails lo relore the color and growth n, tk h.,r 'l l,,. .,,. I.r ,lT.... ,. riot ,,r..o ,.rd fc. when are uen ; f.,r it act opm the una. sC'Cfatmn of eoloriug in 'tier si the root, and t'ti u s eff-ei tin citange. The eulur pitnlwtd if not a C'luniefjeit. but the nalvral s.jde of youth. It does not color Hie skm. Pric :.i'lc mi fl OOoerbo'.tle fitld everv where. W. E 11 tG AN At Co.. Proprietors, Tn.y.N. V. So.d in I'll trlotlc hy Dr. K. Sctrr, and all Drug- glsls in the Loiti'd M.t son. I Inrlt.t Wliol Afiil i, l?GJ. , Van S':iiaack and Grier. "JCIIIS. 51 V Important to .Mill Owners. ( f "' TUIS OI T.) .J X O. A- 31 I A X KX'S Celebrated, fcmut & Screening HdChlne lr ANTFACTl'ltED at Stiulh I II, N.T. and , Jm. shipped to all parts of the I'mted Lititr.l rcductiw t-t those who have u.-d ( in iftem ch.nged. The Poo. '.' "d lie 4re c nitl-'llfd . N,mr c,.MU,h. OM. aCroino.n,e.i by my bid I j card, ai.u s-tld by my legally auti.' gent. Addn JNO. A. Mi M ANNKS, South Lowell. N. C. March 211. lofiij. fjt S, TVHISTON. HT EEPS cnr.tantiy 1 4V. tail, a full and c I, wholesale and re. : assortment of .1X1) jaia.m:i TIX-WAlti; ich wi'.l be sold IX) IV". (tO I NT El! S' 'ALES, Eiiatn. hd j St.-w Pan., Glue Pot, W'atlle e and S. T. WRISTOX. T IOILET SETS, a superior article, for le 8. T.WRI3TOX S. C ASH, Deed, Spice nd Dressing HOXESfor t-le by S. T. WRISTOX. rm !TNtVvi:fji;TAHiai:s. A. STONE Co.' Screw Top GLASS JAF!S lor pr. Er m t., V.-fetaUt s, Vc., the article bus in use, for sale by S. T. WRISTOX (OOKIXJ NTOYlsS. 1 IT'LL A-0!TMENTf COOKISd and . other SIOVKS, will be c'tnatinll y on hand, aod sold sa low ss they cau be afford, d in this market, by 3. T, WRISTOX. Charlotte. June 'A, 18VJ. lilt WITNESS TK KKT3, for the County aod Superior Court, for sale here. Coiinitiis-Ilno llmannr, ' e-te--S-'J-' fi-'f : d Hliif Ms u;,5i4!i;i; y. l ti"Si'5l si Tr' s le 1 1 i n ii i.vir..7:l' I'J J" -'1 1 at a ajii.ra . ,JUJI... ... !...(... 1 w;i.tii. 's "e s s'tn'it t s. 4 C 7 Si 9.1" II u'n'nlnii I7;n ii i.i'h : ii it . i in.ii -it a'gi'ii.ii SB'.7JSl.'i3l!... i "s "si't ?i 10 i; S "4 " " s 9 llSll Ulljll4 1.1 ii tali.ilu uit i? IfllH M JI.J 'fl '.'4 a,M,27,2s,2J .V II if. 1711'ip .i' 11 t: .V....I... ... ...I...I... i Oct '7 si siiiiliilii n a siioiiiii: i.ii U'lHIWI"1!'.! ' 51 it 11 24 15 u r i 11,13(16 17ls!ia ' H.JUI... .....(...'.., is 31 ... .. ... I Ii .1 4 s ! 71 SI IU II I J i -i m iii; lS I4!5ll;i7 I If 11 11 iiultvio r ISJS.'.V tl-WZK-it Si ,-B If iJ .V,... 21 fj 1121 J. 2 zi,2:a ii ii I. 1 .J...'...!... ... ...j I 1 3 4 .1, f 7 s in 111; .11 11 r r, '7 l I'J .J' il.J-' 3 51,23 23 2- 2J 3 4 l II 11,14 5 l I If IS 19 SI 51 .'-' 3 ii is, n : ti i ROUT. II. VOW A. CENF.KAL CO.M.MI-ION MKCl HANT. BJ WlLMI.MiTOS), N. I'i IU" Office, South Corner Market aiiu Water St. up tnirs tct..6r II, 1859. 31tf j tw , MjllCj 'or,-l' Li OO K 11 EKE, El! I ENDS, anil felh.w niiien. buy the noble STATE HI NUI! I II ubacnLe 10 I lie County Agent, lor Ihn. New, l-aie- a 1 ul il.t.nilit till .H;. And you will get the whole Slate, with her Rivera, li.nlroada, Gold, Copper, I.10.1. Iron and Coal, Mines, and all the time, Towns ami Vill .ge. her i nonle Moununia and !iriiig,and her En Ida ai d Flowers. 1 1 you want thia GOI.DEX PRIZE, r.ow i tlie tunc. .Mip seven tee I by five. 11 ,rl. r vita of the State House, In-line Aayluin, Chupel Hill, M ile and Eenmle l ollege, 4.C., Jtc, one ol the thraitftl and belt Map" ever putillshed. I'KAKCE k BEST, llill-boro'.N. C. AGENT'S WANTED for every eminly in the Slate. Terms iberal. Apply a above. July IS IS 6m cIlAirLonirilOTKL BE B T&xl IE BKa 4 UAlt I.O I 1 I, N. rgiUE Proprietor of this I is : jL still at his post rtatiy lo lul- ; fil the duties of" mine hol " lo the travelling public and otners who, ntay rail on bun, ana lie Hatters himsell that a : . ; coinmrtable quarter can be f'nand wirh hnn s 1 inv where in tins vicinity. tleing iliiairu near- 1 h.rl.itte. Hu.ine.s Men will j find this llottl a moat convenient and tit airable location. He has been encaged in tlie businera at thi stand nearly eig lileen, urn in that j time he has made several additions to lu former house, and il has been great'y enlarged ami nn. j proved, presenting 111 front a two alory VERANDA j 100 leel 111 length by Ii feet in width, handsomely J . , . 11 ." ,V. .. .. I shaded hy trees on tlie iile.waiK, anormng a plea T,e ue ha. bt.en lln.roughly fiiriii.hed thro'. out, and in every part of it creature eomfi.rl ars j abundant and tangible. especially in tlie DINING ! ItOO.M. Wlllft tile "inner mall" I "rem.! j" sant promtnaile at all hnura ol the d.:y. day by da Connecter! with this Hotel sre Stnhles affording room fur l'0 hore, sbondamly I'urT.islied wun , rram and orovender. aliended by fuithiul and o. , bligmg hostler.. j The Proprietor ft els confident thatwith his'ong J eapcrtence and many new advantages a-'ded to his , desire to please, he te prepared to offer n.s friends , and lha ' re. I of mankind," as many con. Nuts and ss much rood cheer as will be found sny where, perhaps a little more so j ID" At any rule Tav ihe Charlotte ll.-t.-l. ;. B.KERR I Oereiec 19. 1858. 33tf j In presenting yno with DR. EATON'S INKA.N TILE t IIKIMAL, we ue.ire to .t. le its sup-rmr-ity over every noatruin that nurse or quack has tter.-lotore odered y-.u. First It is the it. pir.lioti of a regular phyi. Clan, who is well quil.tied, from muell tSri. nee in intatitile cttntplaintii. 10 prearrihe for th.-in. e. condlv It Is enlirelv Ine from nareitorie or init condlv ll Is enlirelv fn iate of any kirn-, an 1 r..ii.rqu. nlly relieves by re. j tnnviiig the eoff-rtug o! yur child, mate id ol oea I dening its sensibilities. I .lirdiy It la put up will. ! great csre, as a eoioo ri..ui of it witn any uttter ar. i t.ole f-.r infantile will show : the very j mils ''-"in which it is ili.lille.l being dog front li e I f.ire.ta under the dtrvetofi of Dr. Eaton, nuny of ! them by In own ham!.. Eourtlily '.I is perttct I cann 1 .jure tlie niei dt-itcate in. ur and renei in ai toe fol. it chief merit over every fant. and is a cert'iin owin ca,e wlneli i other orenaration. vn Kolt A 1.1. COMPLAINTS ATTENDING TEETHING ; sued aa DYftENT Elt Y, t OM ', pa,',,'. Eor regulating t..e bowels it is no. quailed. r,yf ,old , ,he ,,,,, Purl rcwf. ror t oLP, I tlie moat fatal and try 1 lied on with perfect eo erf'ul sntl.spastiiiHt ic in t fits, 4 earnestly recm ( in procuring it. La.n j than other pieparall"li i n-.t afford such long a wh..e whole exiH I 'If ot diseases, it cs .hueiice; and being he re. pt.W. all eases o' eotivut.o na . iiiiitnd you to l.we no tut v llcost mi much tool 1 of toe t nd, lhal we cal :.. rt:--il. tilt. a. c-n Ihn. 1 iheir adf-riisinif ; ( r II , il coniuie'-ri as the tonal re!u I bis lo all OMilher piMid around ea rt Price. 2.3 1 all C IS. , tns tint, li' li Itle, iniiat he atllCtiy foi llo, Sold by CHUr.Cn K bUPONT, lWgists, No :(',, M ,1.1. n Ln.e, New V r, and hy E. Ve MutfMa.ri & Co. nd V. Searr, Cliarlo'lt.', N. C. Dr. Bronson, hsvinghcen s., far reducett b con sumption, as lo be couanlered bi yoml all li pc til recovery hy the mt eiiiii.eiil of toe inejic-u pro fea.nin, and a!. 1, oy hliliaell 4 rt. ill. r pi )ici..ii of twenty years practice as a al re-oit, Co. ecived toe i.,e. of ANALYZING THE l;Llil). and applying the .object ol physiol.ig to the more immediate connection. Slid erli CI ot the .tale of the blfl'id Ukji the heulth and synleto. 'I'hr re.ull has been Ihe production of this IILOOD EOOD," trout t'.is ue of which. Dr. lironaon was re.lor.-d loerlect health. Within sis nn. nth. slier its in. t'oduelion, over two UmriBand eonaompliVt'S were ..ffeclually cured hy it. If you have any eooiplaml. of a conaiioiiiliv tt:ndcncy,i 'sv.A. Cold. Iind ar,e, t'uijiUnlirin of tin Heart. Aos 0 Appetite, or pom intha .We, l...e 11.. tune 111 procuring a boti.c 01 the liLOOU Eit'll).' If you are stiff-ring from Set eouf your al"p if broken utid dia tuibed, if your tipiiila art lrpr'ied or yum Or. gens Helaxrd, you Wl'.l find III this an U'lfillirig remedy, by with ten dropa. If your .tver is lorpiu r diseased in any iit.ti.iier what. v. ef, one tn two rjttlea will be sure to invigorate, snd bring it into litoly and healliilul action, io Ine most inveterate cases of lijap'ptia, the patient t an here find the most effluent situ gialelul relief A bcnenl is always exH-rteneed alter liking ou'-uhiie lot lie. in .tf't'f r I'emnlt Cvmii' mud Mrak n'aaea. the rulf rer, al:e.r trying ottiei reoicii.. in vnn. may r. t assured, thai a certain core win result from ihe use of fife r thiei huttlea The IILOOD EOOD" l.eff, clual III all c of i rupti'ina.iloll Uh-om S'rtifulm oilier like -on., plan. is. I'nte and tmiriotrd eltldren and nuulta are unmed.a lely'li "I hy Its nsc. It tive. strength to iln- body, ant! color aim besnty In n.e ss:n. I'hyniriant of mil trhoola are using it with WO'i.jerl'oi eoce..aa, Eot full directions, see circulars. Price $1 per hotlle- by ClintCH k PUPONT, Druggies N .. .'Ki. M .Lien Line. S-m Y-.ra. nd a-.ld hv E. Nye li,iclii.on tt 1 ... and E.d. arr, t hariolte, S. WASHINGTON HOTEL, (CliANCUOr- PUCPKUTOU8.) iiitoAi) si ui:i.T twiiKiis, N. c, JO j m F. J.).flt3J, Proprietor. ffMIK I'n.leraiRned ri acl fully unn.ionce t.. A. the In.vrlliiii: piililie, thut he lua take thiiicc of Una uhl ami Hipulur rdublialnneiit, ami i new prepared I" iieeini'ini'diite tr.iveleraand pri t.itu f.iniilii'S with b'i"rd hy the itiiy i.r muiith, "ii ti,.. miti.1 iieeoiiiinml.iliiif 4 t lit. Ilia TA ill K will.lw.ya he furnished with the heatpmviaiuna thulh..ine -lid luri iyii niuikilacan "ttTh Wlliitt8'M Ml l line large rooms ia iiei.rrr tlie, tits coiirt linuse, iiini tlio bu'.nieaa .trerta thuu liny olht t 111 tlita city. An OmnihuM will always lie at tin- nepoi lM.i,i..r. mi iliv arrivul of the cars and lf.nn!i to eiiiivit pnasingura to the Hotel free of plmrge. By alupping lit tins lloli:l, puawngora win ii'ie lo ohliiiii meal. daring also a hirge and cmnmodinus Ptnble, and un eaetllenl Ohtler. he is fully prepared to bi.iird horses hy the day, week or uienth at the muat reuaunable rules. JOHN. F. JONKS. ,llurr 1. 1 89. 5'"' P. SAU11S, Art liilccl lltiilitcr, TS"TIIX furnish Designs, Tlnn and Drawing J J tor i'liLhn Uiiiloiiigs, fnvutti liesiileiicr ann Villas. 1'arlietilar atlt ntion will be paid to buil.11111 Hiiurun- Mills, t orn Mills, Vc. tirrica iu 3d atory id Aleiaituer' Builtuiig, front room, over Cliinu II.1II. Oelhtr 26, I8u8 33tf 1 23omsioFAic.OD, UK. Ii. . Hi MS i M ' ILL he meant lo r err 111 I'roll i-noi.s Calls If , the .lt.aru.,.nts ol Ml IK INK ..II. t Sll;.EI!V. lilies proit sn niiHi beti,nej ui.i v be totino at 111 York Di.iuei t. . 1'ience, hurt .Mill Depot, 1 If Wanted, I CDItDS Of TAN HARK, '.-r winch lie e.,h w,l! hepa.J. M. 15. TAYLOR. 1,000 .Ms31.1-.M) Cali raid fur Hides, (JY S. M.IIOWELL.3 doora S.iUtb ..f th I d M.'Usioh Iliill.r. ! i.r'-.-f.v .4prit (.. IH5H Mf Ayef s Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, in which we have la bored to produce th-.- mott etfrtual alterative that tan be math. It is a concentrated extract of Para Parvitunlia, to comhiued with o'.tu-r suh.tant-rs of still t-rcaur aitcrativc powet as to aff ird an eff -euve antidote for tlie SarsaparilU is rep'iti'd to cure. It is L.-ltt ve-t tiat u -h a r'tnctly is wanted by thote who sufl.-r from Strumous complaints, and tliat one which will accumpU..h their cure mutt prove of imm.-ns? scrvi.-e to this largo claai of uur allliclci f.llotv-cilizeni. How completely this coineKiund w .Il do it has b.-en proveu by exper uncnt on many of the wurtt cases to be fouud of the foiiow in; complain: : Si Hon i t.111 ScRorvLot s Coiirt.aiT, F.mrTiox Atu Euirrtvi! Di.svsns L'Lccka, 1'iai 1.1s, Ulutculs, Tcvoaa, Salt Ituatit, St ALU UtAl), Stl'HILH iss hvPHiLinc Ar racTtoN. MtuctxuL Disaasa, Duorsr, Nel avvLGtA ok T ic Dot'LouHtix, IJa tiLiri, Drs rursta and I.totoa.Tio.v, Eittsietn. Ito.s oa St. ATMosr' I'irs, an J in i-jed the whole clatt of complaints aruuig from IatriajTi ur TH R 1'LOOO. Thi compound will be found a great pro. moter of health, when takrn in the r- -lnt(. to expel the foul humors which festei in the blood a: that ea..eri of the y .ar. By the time ly cxpulairufWif them many raultling diwrdcrs are tupped in the bud. Multitud.-s can, by the aid of this remedy, spare thematTvc from tlie endurance of f ml eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the sytrm wi l strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not as.itfed to do this through the natural c!iani"ls of the body by an alterative medicine. ( tcanse out the vitiated blood whenever you finj it impurities bursting through the skin in punpla. erupUons, or sores ; cleanse it wh:-n you find it is ob structed and ilnih in the veins ; ci'.-anse it when. -tit it t fiui. and your f ..-elintrs will till you when. Even where no particular disord-r is felt, people enjoy better health, and live lorger, for clc-snsui j the blood. Kn p the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with thia pabulum of life ditonh-ro-l, th'-re can b no Ltt.nj health. ts.Km.-r or lutr nmthini m ?o wronj. and ths grent ma.hintry of life ia djaordered or overthrown. SarsaKti!la hs.4, anil dci-rrea r'ttrh, the refutation of accomplishing theae end. But tiv! wo-ld has hc-n ejrrPiiouly deceived by prsparation of it, partly bccaue the dnii aijnc has not all the virtue that ia claimed fin it, but more beeauae many prcrtarations, pret'.-ndify to b? eonrentrared extrarta of it, contain but li'tlc of tlic virtue- of SarsapaiiUa, or any thing else. Duruig la,te year the pulilic have been h d by laro ftottles, pretenilnij to give a quart of Extract of Sarinpanila for one dollar. Moat of thcte have b-m fraud, upon the sick, fur tliey not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curntive projs.-Ttic whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the u-c of the various extra, ta cf Sarsaparilla whi- h Hood th? market, un'.il the name itself is ju-t!y dcspM-d, and has become synonymous with lrn;o-ition and cheat. Still we call this cotnpmnitl Saraapartlla, and inttni to supply su' ti a remedy as shall rescue tlie name iiom the UjoiI of obloquy win- h retts upon it. And we tliuik we have ground for b.-lieviti( it ha virtue! which are irresistible by the or.Unary run of tlui di-.-as.- it i int. nd d to cure. In order to if-ciiro their complete erailiention from the system, the remedy should be judieir,-. taken accorduu to (Uitxtiuria on the bottle. MEr-AItF-D BY DR. J. C. & CO. IaOVi;i.I., MASS. Price, (1 psr llottla ( Mix Uottle tow $3. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral hn W'n fif itself ufh T'Tiown fnr th in ef every Tar in t of and Imuh CumpUmt, that It i entircTy iiniiTt4,irr fr u to recount Ui eidinr of it i virluM, whrrfivrr it hu b?ci rm p! )f'J. At it h't ln'ip Urrn in C'jualaiit Uhm thnm;i'mt tdii nation. w nwH not 4n nioru imn Mi.r the t-iI it- finality is k'-pt lip to th bf?nt it ever Utt n, ana (tint it maf 6 relied on to du (mi Ihtir reiivi ail it Km wcr bcea fuund to do. Aycr's Cathartic Pills, roa thi cum of rotrretietj. Jaundice, I'jtprpiin, Jnd'jet!rm, itynenfen, f'oij Sttimttrh, V.njii)rln, Jleadathe, I'tlen, Ttheumntitm. V.rutimn and Skin Jtinetttee, w'tier Crimpctiit, lintptif, 'fetter, Tumrrra and Silt Ithettm, H'tirmt, Gout, .'"Vnl'fia, aa a Vmner I'M, and fr fitnyine the Blmd. T hey are .-.var-cnate.l, so that the moat eni tive ran take them pleasantlv, and they are the be.t K-rier.t in the world for all the purposes of a f.mily phya.e, P. Ui ii ceati per Eot ; Tive boxes for 1 00. fjreat numbers of Clergymen, Phvieians,Rtstes. men. and eiiiinent person. ires, have lent their n tinea to certify tlie unparalleled iisrfulnes of these r-iniediea, hut our spare here will not permit the in.ertion of them, 'the A Rents below named ftir ni"h irr.itrsnur Astriin-s'S Atsisttm whiehthey at- trivet! ; with alao full des. of the above complaints, snd the treatment that should be fol low. .1 for their cure. If not he off hy unprincipled dealers with n'vier preparation they make more profit on. Denial . I A vi.n's, mid take no other. The si- k wmt the Oe-t aid tin-re ii for them, and they .hould ivc it. All uur remedies ars for sals hy Por ssle by K. NVK HUTCHISON k CO. . F. SCAUR & CO. Lhurlu-e. ii a viland, sti;vi:nson & co., Chnretlon, S. C, SUIiPK.N'AS for sale at this Office. WAIT FOR II Y is it S. ..f ak ;rx- 7mm ,es In MWE1S frtnii ? t Ileeauae lie buyes luIUIM troiti A.A.L M.TAYLOR Would re.peelfully snnounce to the inl-.l'ltti.ts Iri.m their O III Mil no. lo Ho. I, I.r unite !, - North, one of the moat extensive aaaortinenta of ver ottered In NorlltCarolina. among whir It m mm.m.9 m: "mm' rmmm whit Ii ha gained uch a famuu reputsiion i." the Soulherb Country for the last eighteen mouth..' Tin. Stuvo be warrant superior to ibj Cttir( Clmi t" m list .It is nn pli 11. lit nr.i (t ,, , roii. nine, le.s fuel does more work in given tin . than sny fiber now in nae. , 1 put up one beside sny other ttlovr of the same ..te in II e I rule. State ,nd if it doc. nt I . , ., work in a given lime, lie will lor lei noe pin v the better one. I A L S (1 , A J at I I ' . He haa, and eonslanllv Veep on hsnd. an eiiemiie ami varied .lot k ef tin and siii:i:t ikon. isn.ts.s s. iTM.v, r.vr tntK in:itsTi:.U)st HAT HACKS, CH ADLHS, &c., &c, : All of v lil-h v ill b l, n littlt nl! rind Itt-lnil ( Ut ntM-r Minn hni rm t4 fit ttllt it l In Hits t irtiilly. 1 would return ntv thanks to n.y friends ano cust. ii-t r for the very liberal pa tn-nsgi tl ty k, ' bestowed upon ds. and they nisy rest sssoird, ll'l I shall rneravt r, by close attention to feu. togetlH r Willi a deternniiali.. f please. lt try an itteiti a cootinunnec 01 ioe aante. mz mvMiz "wat mu ? hull iMmi." l.iiilies ;ind IJciitlcnirn ore p irtif ularly invited Iu call iind I'lamine his ior llZUTut 01 JOB W0r,Z 10 V'llH HJl'iltt, S. j. I will tell sou whv I head nty advtrtiM n t 1.1 " V aiv fos in Vtioous'-it have three wsgg eofislal.tly travelling thrtligl otllortUrnrill be faithfully nuil m.tnt:lli nit' mini (o.jx A.a..X.31.'J'AVI.0i:. i Crjfl,ye 16. IP57. IT IS MJT TOO " SA V ;()LI) aVAI) YOUN(-,:no(k I ArTi'ftM ffi Vln 1 hit Prof mor Wood'a Hiti Res- I trtratl-j I Wi I pte.erse iafs.'.'iOs; ihe giotrth sn.i ettef of 'the batr, ll U..U 1 1 llil.e tinos a e t , ta, a ,. v u.l.i-. t'rrl.tlit li.e era Ca.Ver i ..hi., .,'. . ,.,,, ,' ,, ui .ke it it.i-rt ...It and l.e.u pres. rve thr seaip Iter (r. In all ill. ease to tin great , .lare. Sl.liln.rn. Jll (. .MI1.II..I1. D-.. lor., llstgytf.en, f roleaatoe-l Pita sed GenlU Ho l and Ladies all classes, sll i.t.r ihe world, bear lev '.. oi.l.y that we do 11. l sny 11. u ell 11. It. lata'. Head the e. Sl.d JU. ge. Hit ..s l.aiiri. r'l t i..n. .l o..M....ri. I ss."7. f aor l. J. V.O..D D. .r is.r. Jv.ti.e t.rne last w were inoueetl tw um- enne ol your Half K.stnr.tive, and It ttl-ct. were . wonder, iu , we ! el il our duly lo you sud the afll.cttd, to r-oirt ll. Oar hlllr on'. I ssd f-r s..ts.e lime bsd barm per te. liy enssrtd w ith sore., -nd call, d ll .eld lie .d. Tlie hair . 1, 11.. ly esnit t !T in cm - w lien a I r It oil. kl H g I'I" on". I tl'g , i VI...I U lo li.e loUf Itt'Slnrallvr, we did Wild litilr hope of sui .cs, but 1 1 our aorpri.e, ol sll our fri'mis. s v. ry ft w spplu ain.n. nd that : rn,.,..l' Ihe direa.e .-1. re i y , . nd s new ami Ivaarisn I ef ip ; ot hair soon sl. rltd eot, snd we tan now s.y tl t cur Ih.v I'-s . heallhy s sealp.snd as latnrisnl a) croo .1 1. 1 r as st.y other t VV e can, th. rs. lore, and do her. j , re. o.iiio.-i.d yoir lt.l..rtn,, as a pt rlttt r in. dy of tlic sc. Ip and hair. We tt re.p. cHuliy, (.in. vv. iiii.i.i.m;iii ham S.VIIAll A IIK.i.I.NUOI H AM. I'aor Wool. It. ar !.r : ,M y l.a.r had, lor n r -l ysr rlt bet pr. maturely gr.y a e..,i,,..,tned br a h ralinisa which fihuin a II Ill all. ..I f J W I., n I c attience d Using pmr Hair It. . about I, lion ; ami h.v last three o t. use till Wllrtlll Hit . tl lo Its natural eel all.! Iii.trt greatly to -.1 hy lite apii.ica lien 1. n I h .a ever u-il tile srii. le lor ev. ry l.lti .S .1 Halt Ite.t" , 11 ha. or, .tot! sa.uuietl a ott tie preferred to D.ue pr i f tola or sny oilier pr. I reysrd ll a an llldla I ..' v ' loll' I. win Hit-r I. ran- or h.r Ilie simple purp...-1.1 me.ti i beautitynig the hair, Y.i.1 tte.e (.ertlll. .it'll .'all who mortal., sny u..ubt of Us pttl..f.t.i thai is claimed tor ll. ,Mli. C. SYMOND Cincinnati, O . Eeb. I n. I..7 I U linn W xi.i.i.sori.n. M l. lire .a. I Paor. Wood Dear lir : Hy ihe aOvn- fr.enti of mine, win. had been nemg toot D.i ad tl.l ItealorstiVe, 1 Was induced lo try it. I I lever, soma tune l-.t May. and 1, tally cv.-ty hair in my head t.ui- Now my t.air ha. e.ooe in a great deal thicker than everil waa Nothing -but a duty and aympathy that I leel to C..11110U111-1 cats toothers W ho are tllltcled ss I have betn.l w.uld induce mi to give 1ms publ.c aclotiwle 'te. : oust of the benefit I have received Irnni Inf.; W uttfl's Ite.tnfative. i Yours r. . peeitully. A. R J A( OIH. j The Id .tor .live is put up in bottles of 3 .11. s, vim large, tiie.iiuiii mid .mall; the small to. In. a pint, snd titans lor one dollar per bolt 'a-; the medium holds ut les.t twonty per cent, more in . pioptirm n than the .mull, retails for two tio lsis n bottle; theluige hods a quart, forty per cent, more in proportion snd retail, for I'I s bottle. . . WOODtV t'O., I'ropr . I..r, l4.l Ur..d wsy, 1 New York, and 114 Market Hi .81. 1 ,0111a, M, and sold by all g.std Druggtstssnd fancy tiootls Deal ets and in ( hath. Us by Ht AIIR St ( O. I iM treh S7, IM6U. ' 13 10 ! ja.ii:s m i:d.m:v, COM M INS I OS Alt: 1 1 CUA S T, 117 C II. nit, It M IttKI, .Y. BUYS sud forward, every kind of merch .n. tliae for '2t per tent. I ionmiaiioa. liefer, to t.ov. Swam an.' .Mort hlad. N. W . Wo Kllin. J. W, j tfaboruc, ( . I', Mi initnliall. A.M. Gorman, f.q. 1 arid itev.C Deems, lion. W. A. ltrali.,10, ai.d '..tlitr. J 'ruler ta I'lunos, MiTo.leoiis, Organs, Harps, t.uilara, Aliiaio, hewing Acliini s, rti hafts, rump, (i ir.l.-n, Ac. A prmtid list of all li.e dilTereiil ni"ki r, V inn and prut serif fiee. f ahli.her nf ait 4 it g.inl ol lltrkarj Nut Oap," N. C. 1 1 1,) u nd the Ciirsn. ava I'liisitus; na, Lsnun f.i.ina to" This iiivnlu.ih'i'umi.g n.etrr siu.ulii be in t very house, ll treats of ull diseases, lias a Copious glossary and presiiril.e Ihe remettits Irotn nature's bounteous stores, for sll nisr inflntitlies and mis. fortunes. It la punted on fine white paper, hand. .01111 ly bound fourth idition, 3'iU pages, anil Is mmted free for ana dollar. New llosewnod f laiins, 1 1 50. . 15. leii. Jy l S.H. RANSOM. OXtk ftrSi, , I I . ALBANY-. TIIE the MunuU m Tk' sella Stoves eheaaot ne .nuniimmuiti.. of t IIAtl ( TT F and vicinity .11.-1 he hs. ren,M "t.i - " """M ill le fout.d the celebrated a .m -'' r: i 01 .or t-...e,... u , 1 m. t.e.u, av K I i 1 ) i 1111 a MM lit!) w ill. Mt.vt s. ' j R STOKES' DiiidiDi? KstabllshmcE! ! Tvte Daar. nbut llfjp.h nittk. io V BoiiJ ing it rrar cf V. . B. 5ianlrj I tiaa U.n. ' I O I.I JI II I t . . C. f ' , T,' b," I t-bli.l. men I IS r.ew (nfoll ! ' bsS.ftg, alMl flil ree. tViBg sfull ti -j is lel b L A N K fATElt s nd HINDU..- H J I il limes r..,t ti, nil 0. rs in my list, snd st the s-ttte tint, share ol patrm..ise. My prot,ai allei.t.i a tn., gift-n l, sll orda rs wiin which may be i. It ifiti). bad l.."g prst-lieal rlrience in lt.e t... ui .t ture 1.1 lll. A Nh I'.l M tk-s. st.d in to. 1; ... t ... w and ,.l.l ! It I.N I l.D MOIikS. I lUtl.f t i. tliat I San, .44 sll cate. gltb tntire Sall.tael.t r.LASli Boohs, Bank Boots. C'l.rks' Hs.ks. f..r Dtsirtrt i.T SoerifTa', O.dtoarv'a sn.t t in Is- 1, '. f.,s, sll lili.Htsi.d Hol.NDu.i,, t tit. tn ttie scry b at utannrr, t.l Sbpanof f,' aod f aged and Indited w lisn required. HUNT I D WolikH, Mu-itTi.-.S., I'rntidieaUl.l'aniphleta, Mig'I snd It-eik. of every de.rriMM.n, boend of r.iia r l evtfy variety ot .tyle. 17 A 1 orders w.ll bar eireated ith drspH' and as low as csa he done 1 I where t. H. snKK3. S.I It Jwnaarg 17. IstO. . it It I 1 1-1 A It Ol. I A FT 11 1 ti a I Life Iasurauctj Coir.iaar Oi- Itch. HA lkioh. a c. 1 ll in ti.i I.suies If. live f t it". ' , s It II.. Of )!, "I ti I pie, li.e ...o,,.i . r i..i ' 1. I") AI Ullla I UK UCipatiig ill li t p. ..Ills i.t tl.C toillf itt- aentiii rr.iiUu i,,r the whole term tlis pietnitiiii tl.trtior sutounia to I-' aula loay OS gift 11 lor one. ball the kin.. out e. i,rt 1111 uit. , beat u.g 11, tt t t.t s I ti tvi etui. guar..niy. The piontpl fimnnrr In wltielt sll lo.-n otto palu by ll 1. with H'' wt pilll.iuit., lit great mu UCt let ii aui ll as art uikj'.. b t. insult. Mailt all ill. UK. I I'd S I. I 111 if frolll tat ttv. y.ra,f..f two.tlor os their Value. I An lot's ar pai. will. in ltd mil after - laciory prtrftl is prtstoltu. j Dili f.l T Ol: M. t iiarles L. J. n. Wit.. II. Jones, Win 'Holm It. W. D t, J. I.. Will. ..ll... il llusl. .1, laluenlioe f. I. fii-em, ' II. M. her, k. I'. Il.illlc. I h.lle. il. Kool, l' fowls, itieil'U II. liallie OlHf fli.H. Dr. Charles I.. Johnnon, President. W . W . Ho Into, Vice I'rtsidsnl. it. tl. Itallie.t iit.rt. Williams II. Joins, Treasurer, il. W. Hu.lttl, A 1 lot 111 y. Dr. Wui. II. Mekee, Medical F.Tsmin'f I'xfrudre ( essetiffee. ilushte, W . I' Kee, t h.rles t. (l. Mrilieot lliMid of ( enaullanom. C " ', M. D., Wiilimi. ll. Miket, ' iiicli'd 11. Haywood, M. D., for further information, the public i ''' red l Hit font. ul prupt"'- may ! oiiUti.ed i.t the Ollice of lbs t " i' or sny ol Us Annum.. (oii.muiiieain.iis sl.titild he stidit .tti, ti paid) lo. II. UATTLK, Sfr'irV SeplemherH,n:,t. 9H" "5 A.-stv!j.ia.' :tau-' J. 1- JOE FHH7IIHG. W OB a a.. a fOB Pli I NTTNti ,.f all kind wtii : ,1.. N-'-1 Itolisiy eisrnlee. at , Whig KXK.CUTKiNS for the K. Conrtfof' UlaAN'K DKF.D8 for sale at this o" II I 11 ft A IT Tii',.1 olta

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