Mb. Pol oh lf,AL Impovisibt8. .Id tba Uutborford hnqutrtr we Bod tbe proceeding of mediae whioh reoemtlj canto off '" ",t count io which C. T. N. l)ai, Kq-t n"l', 'pceo'i froui 'be report of bicb e extract the following J . ii Mr. Dvii then referred to Mr. Pool a an internal improvement man; aod ihowed (jjtt ha ia tJiuoli more reliable for our inter ,t than Gov. Ellin ; that Got. K. had been io (be Eat, and although western man )j birib, had lined such language in bis. tpcecliea ai area calculated to drive Kastero wea aaaj from the support of our iolerna) improvements. Gov. E. baa compared tbe Went to the home leech, which ia ever cry. ing gii g'l d to the prave which i ever "ay'iug more, more ; that the Kant a the poone whioh lata golden erua for the sole benefit of the Went. Mr. Fool voted for the amend mentfto the Wilmington, Char-' loite and Rutherford Charter and wbile he was doing ao, Gov. KIIU descended from hi high position a Chief M tni-:raie of North Carolina and went into the lobby of tbe Leg'flaturn and did hia utmost to defeat the hill in aid of our rord. This he (Mr. 1) ) tited upon the authority of our late worthy deniocratio Senator Dr. L A Mill, who was ao dii;n'U-d nilb Gov. K n conduct that he eaid on bia return from Kaleigh lest year, be would never vote for lit iu acjsio." Thi Hi.ack. RruBi.icAN and M. Uki.l. -The Kepublic.n preesee at tbe North are , , doo upon Mr. Hell on the slaver question, , . r, , ' and declare that instead of being a con- I servative," aa be baa been represented, he ia an out and out " slavery defender and , eXteniotiiat." The N. Y. Evening l',nt lia a long article on the aubjret, and da rouiteea Mr Hell in no measured terms, for) the seniinient uttered in bis speech u t!i enniproiniae, that " the soundness of the doe- ' trine, that the constitution, prnjiiin Vig'tre, that the flag of the Union, protecla the ritt-l-n in the etijoynient of hia rights of proper ty of every description, recognised aa such in anv of the Statea. on every sea and io every territory of the Luion, cannot be que a Such is Mr Ret! among the freesoilera II. re at the South there are those bo are iin-rrnpulous enough to aerrt that be is not ot I So f 1) le trusted on the slavery q'l.stion. .So nmch fr P' ty. ivannalt RrpuUicn PimiTivn Mj I Cm mull Th Ati (.!,)fw, i. ....hori,.d,o;:::;rn,:v slate that there I a 'Jisn Bow living in At- l.fila sho will lht the " Uneeia H.v." f'ir the sum of "ten thousand dollars," the fi.-lit in rome off during the present yetr, J at sn j piitit Sou'h of Maon it Duot '- litis, j 1 he person spoken of is a native of fleorgie. i ttnla all feet one inch in beifht, aid weighs two hundred and ten pounds, lie1 i jii-l in lb prime i f life. Should ileenan 1 not secpt the proffered challenge, the At-' lanla " Hoy " ehslleivca tnv man in Kurnpn i or America to fight bitn fjr the above mo'iiil. i I 111 I A IV I '..Willi I M'lli fBVIE i-n ( EE tlTPB II Mrl.EOi) so His. t i -(. by motii-t t in-ei.l, .i Ike yst laU T - N I s ml Aceouoia dns the Una will K, f in.l in Ih. b.orts. of f, peasler r.r E A Me-. I.'.il n-r immedi.te eel llesnenl Cl.i.e.s il,, Ky l-e fim must by praseiit. d to E AM' la for p 'inent. I. KEASTKR. K A. M.-LKon ' T.s in-ts.tensH w.lt reentinue tie (ild) ER V ' AMI IH HU I K IHK- t tha oi.l stand , A e'lif 'if s.lninsffe is reaneelfullf aolieited. A e.i 4 stock of Eainily (rua;ertea always en E. A.Mt LKnD. ' f. at. isf). ti j riiUMaOTTi: S T i: A M UK FINK I) CANDY MANUFACTORY, i nm: m und - ti.i: u iki in, Ar. analrrs.j.ed reaprrt'nily inf' si nirns oi t r lti-.fl-. Me b.isJ surrounding c..un ' - ' ' 'e has jti -1 emnin- the suove husi. al Ihe corner of Trs.te sod Cul. hg. ,lr,et,..., hr perpessaiol Miaou lr luring ( 'M)li:s.f;.KI-:s A: !Jki:ai i eb articles he Will I) vv'holrsalc snr" Retail. e l.a all lli. wo. k hiin-elf, Kelail M,.re s w.iu d i-.o well to purchase lh.tr Candies I k. "I "e. ,1U 1IM ,, Br ,, f , ,. I "i"n Is.th i ii.ice snd eju.lity. I 1 r ll IIHUEKS fmn. a dt.tanee, enclosing he i!l be puuctaally attenited I... snd n. ar. ! hy picked and forwarded accrding ; Direct lo IIIIIVC n I L'ICL'n I r J, '"'.v ' laMhH, rar rsafe aa I atlege Bfreel,f krt41r. .V, C. . . 4 I rP.,v Al llltlllj iOI n find the la.ges . Uuns and Pislola i-.r'menl of Tul all the celel.rale.l '.I. M. f all s t'S li d qu .l,tleah ,th fresic. "u .Vl.'i;'"1, '" Pu" ' T keg ,.r pound. W'XM.KN WARE. BIH.KIVIH.. ..f.n" .,.,o.. .ope! lUmll J ' ft sf f. M. mil., Jet lou Hope, Iron. inch lo 3 i ,. TAYLCRS Tin and Japanned WareT A '.TptVirrjrv,,:". iVS, Ih. l.,ge.lSl.H-k, of .11 .,.., at T.WI.OUS ltiu,,r,. Sla,. ..a 7-,, H r, r)fp), OpptBilt tht .Waanaa llmttr. ll,H"fiS(.uttiTlii2sJ(ibVork, m . a- . ' ' 1 J " promptly attended to st K ll-iut Slor TAYLOR H , appwils tht .Waatias. Ihuot. TATE OF NOUTM-CAIiOMNA, '"'ofl'lfui 'n,t Quarter Srtttont, Mitj . 7rt, 160. ' ' ""ia. A t...', i T. "at .,od, dae'd. Petition fur Sale ol Land. Th' H-. , l.iw ofaaid de Ceased. .... ..' ."nl",r mf o Ihe satisfaction of Ih. '" thai I Luthe, Fre.twond Mniney Pre.t ...7 " wif Polls, rea.d. b. ""'-ed 11 , ' , ,lh ('"r"l" It thntfort '"e N m .. " ""on ne inaile lor an weeks "i th. . ""J"" Wl,, "evrapaiM., publish to h. a n"l",. f"f Hi aaid defei.. ""' ...rl u'k- V''" " "'" "rtt " Coo 1 11 ' '"' ,h" r-n"'1,y of Caldwell ' "f U sail. Ii'"" '""0,r. " t'1" ' Monday '"7 ""s I to- m I" ahow eaua. ' "I not I h1 U" prayer of Ilia iietilioner w- ' grsnlea. r- D ila, clerk of our said Court, ai n I,, '"ir. tho'Cik v. ....... -r... .1.. a. 1. r,e... 1 . 'f"50. nd in ilia 1 tlh year ol ".cpencrnsr. 8 P. DULA.c.c c. 'r-C US MstaU'-MMrii). iter' IIAKDWAREjUARDWAIIE! A. A. N. M. TAYLOR KEsPECTFUl.f.Y inf.irma In friends und the public generally, that he has added to his extensive stuck of Sfobcs siqD Ifyhire, a large and complete aloes of HARDWARE, eon. sisling in part as follows! Csrnenlers' Tools. Circular, mill, crosscut, hand, ripper, pannel, pru ning, grafting, trrinon, back, compuss, Webb and hun her f.AWS. traces and bus, Drawing Knives, ('hisai Is, Augers, l.niilcle, Hammers, Hatchets and Axes, llrick, pi . storing and pointing TKOWKLS, Iti artlera, Krn w plates, flocks and dies, rlanc.nl all kinds, Spoke. shaves, Steel-blade bevel and try Panares, Spirit Levels, J-"1 "'".V1 ,',e, Uw'ing Machines, Gouges, . . . ., . . , end in (act every thing a nirehante wants, in great ,nH p,, TAYLOR'S r.ia.rc Store and Tin Ware Depot, oppoaits the Mansion .use, Charlotte, N. C. . I6i9. 1 1 If Blacksmith Tools alnlr .miner.. Vices. Uultrrsaea, tamers Knives, tacrew.pr.lea Mocsa Bt.ckaniith's Pinchers and Tongs, lUs- per a anl Files of every kind, cot horse sh.ie sod i'h Naila, Biras, lion ..fall l. both of n .r. u ail eouolry rnanufaelure. e.at, plow, bits ' p'nie "ii a.c, Mr s.te v.ry ci.e..p TAYLDK8. Op poult tht .Vnasiosj Houtt. Carri:i5:c Materials, JST'SPS. K would call spec A?, '"' ,lntk "' I, "-'J consisting of S. rings. E would ealt speeisl attention 1 ab.ve good Axles, tub H'.wa, SHikes. Snalts, t'urtain Freniee, Knob Hands, L.nins Natls, Damask, Sallinel.t lolhs, I. e. s, r rioess, E iamelril and Patent l-lhrr, Sn. I ' . ' .' . ' . " ' "' I .ami w.at iro.i, ll-.n. i iveryining in ihew.y anil O.al r of ferriage Tr - t ""'f e I r..nm.nC., at p.ieea H at c.niiol I lo please, at the .runr 1 1. .l ot A A. N M TAYLOR, Agricultural Implements OP ALL KINDS. 4T!tAW I uturs, Corn Shel- I rs. Plows. Il.sr. Kl.ovels. FiuaUes. P f as, A Ira, Picks. Mai. uVi, (.rubbing Ho- s. Trace Ci VS .r 1. 1 l.'inv I...g I'hains, Pruning and ll.:.l. M.sar., pee t and Ruildiog Koiv nei, Htsa and Kaaee Ih haaiilra Israin I ra. Hies; grain, grass sn.l liner esrylnra. Blah , .ks. W .(..n l.aea ; .l..w ware, audi aa pole, . uxna and lid., skill.-ia. spiders, slew pans ami kel. tl.a. '.'auhtrtoa frmn 8'l l I'lU al.,na each ; lr..n and braaa Preserving krltlss, rjtieep Sheers, 4.C., TAYLORS farafirarrs D'fM, sfsosife tie Vsaf isa See at. ff I HLOW'S CELEBRATED SELF SEAL. lil I l.Ma CANS, of sll tbe . IT rent sitea. at 1 AYLUKS Htrdvit Sift, sjrsasis las Uasstaa Ihatt. I mil in I'.iriirsil 'jJMIE BOOK of T. II BR EM aV IX).. must i. bs eled. T. II. BR KM. I Jit .Vs 29, leO ). 4:i so. or lr. I WILL sell to the highest bidder, st public auction i. Hie Villi of June n. XI, 14 J shares (I it) par sh.r-) f I l.arlntle lias Light Mock. L S. WILLIAMS, 6ec. dj- T'tat. May y.), Ibbll. X I. a S. T. WrUon, M FA TI II ER of. snd dealer in Plainand Tat. J-'panned I inw .re. Sn.v.s, Woo.ien Ware. Hi n.oi-., Ilrustick, jkc, in South wing af sjpringa' Corns: Huiluii.g. J.bVors,auch aeruofing, Out le ring, 3lc. done with espsti h. Tills NOi TH CAROLINA wiinii lsuli'huu sriaiaNJJs ILL BE OPENED Pol! VISIIOKS BV Ine Isl ol JOE next. Tuey are situated ,n "-''y "" "'"' eounwy , lie IhsuihuI I A I A HA Kl MC, willim leas ih.n , -u h,.u,', ,,. u,. j,ri wi lerounua of the v.E.ILlt.N N. C. K All. KDAl). Willi wllichdai- jlytlnieaol Oniuibuaea sou Stage Coachva Colin, CI l..e storing a. plraaura vehicles and superior saddle hui es ill t the Call ol g ItoM iinK .Ml ) ninl llilli.-inl .Sa Iimuis neatly filled up. a mi; iinDur ni ici ia engaged for ills sesson, and (1 iUUlLL AND UUTILLIII PARTIES each rveun.g FKEE OF EX III A CHARGE. HIE Dt II.DIM.S are new and apaen.ua II i: IM E1.M ItK I.IIOIMW etlenaive; and in hne, every thing wialied fur at tn IX . I watering pu.es, will tie h iind lieis to re. tresh ine inner man anu lo cbesr the spirits. 'I tin l.i-ml4l Kriilaliwta ..al the MUlk INU. properliea of the waters almost ULtect-asitjie Isi-lora llle cumpirllMn ol Hie tV.atrrn N. C. K.ilroa.i) now hail the auk sud atll.cle.l Willi a cor.llal weiconie. 'he experienoe ol lue Propiietor justili.s liie seeker ol lieaith or ('. a.uie 111 anticipating a "giiou tune coming." J lie I ropneior has Oven at veiy g xpenee 10 filling up a Vvaienng Place mull a urate s. 1 1 11 ine wains ol the I A Kill. IN AS and con ti.sci.ti jr re. ties on lli-ir gaueroaity lor eiicouragem. nt. II. L. KOUARD3. .Va I. IBlii). ill JIONLV I WIT! AND " BIOBJEY I M U NT HAVE ! no vim o 1: JONAS IC II 1 I S I Is Is? IF so emits snd psy htm. He hae many Drafts Hion bun every day lor lumber and labor llicse sre Cash articles. Men can't work without eating Hour, bacon, lard, Ac., sre Cash articles. I cannot do work without lumber j and have to pay lor what I gel, on delivery. I have luige a. omnia due me lor work dona, soma base nern lue lor a long lime and I now, most POSITIVE. LY HAY, those accounts Ml'ST be cloaed. I atill continue lo carry un lbs business at my old stund ; and have for sals 1 K tftll, IIODIta, II I.I IX. Ac, j and run manufacture to order, at short notice. I trOrdera respectfully solicited and 1 promise, 1 as I alwsya have done, to aell Cheap lor Cash, ens CASHOSLY, JONAS RUDISILL. Caan.'asss, Jaf.ire 27, IHoO. i CANDIDATES FOR SHERIFF. Ws are auturiaed to announce R. II. MAX WELL, Esq., as a candidate f..r the office of Slier irVuf Mecklenburg county, at the ensuing As. guat Election. We are aullinrixrd to announce A. II. BROWN Eaa . as a cunilidnlu for the oflice of Sheriff of Mecklenburg county, at the ensuing August election. We are authorized to sunnunee STEPHEN J. HFRR YIIILL, Em , is a candidate for I lie of. rice of Sheriff ol Mecklenburg raunt), at the en. suing Auguat election. We sre authorised to annoonre R. M. WHITE, Esq., as a bandidute fur the office of Hieriff of Mecklenburg County, at the ensuing Auguat eleelion. We are authorized to announce W. W. GRIER, Esq.. as a candidate Tor the o8ice or Sheriff of Mecklenburg county, at the ensuing Auguat election. We are authorized to announce WILLIAM MAXWELL. Eso,., as s candidate for the office of Sheriff of Mecklcnlurg county, at the ensuing August election. We sre authorized to announce RAM'L A HARRIS, Eso.., as a candidate for the office of Bin rifi'ol Mecklenbuig county at the ensuing Au guat election. We are authorized to snnoonee J. P. SMITH, Esq, , as s candidate for the i.ffice of Sheriff of Mecklenburg county, at the enauing August election. Sprcial Holitrt. I nil'i;PMt. I There is perhaps no disease which destroys the 1 happiness and eomtorl nl individuals. at:U t'uiuliea I lo 'he aanie extent as Vijtffitvi or ndgttlon. rr.viuusly lo the discovery ol tlis x v . i: a i k o n 1 1 1 Kits. There exiMee no meotcme aceeasible to thoe lutTi ring Ironi tins wide spre.id Uiaeaae. whicii re. I uved it in any marked degree. Tns p-iwer of these Ui Iters nv. r the above nam ed disease aa well aa over all those hifing Iheir origin in imperfect digealion, and funeinniul rtis case of the stomach, aa sve'l as .4sfAmi end i.rner. I al Dtbttlly ia beyoli.l all question. Ita efiecily si.d tternianeul cures ol some n thr severest sntl stubborn cases on recoru is sufficient Iconfirniaiion of Ihia fact. Copy of a Letter from a School Teach er ia Detroit. DrreoiT, M'ch., June !6. IP',7. M-eire S. W. Fowi.c ('.. O -sToa : re. ftreoee to the Uitvihtiu Kirress, I em s.y. thatsfter having the Dvspeusla (r several months, land almost dying with pain ami heaviness io my stomach, I was pnv .lied upon by a Irienil w!pi had he. n eurri! by tiie s.in. m. dicin lo try a bit. I e ol l.reen's Ui asin.tr.t B.Hers. Beh.re u.! ... lircly well, and atlll rem. I ar al cases more distressing iftn than awn, ml n-li have been entirly sored by I Ins. tuva'u.bie me.ii. cue end it gives me great pleasure lo rC"ln. menu it to eny snd ail wiio may lie sutf-Tinr from tots dreadful malady. V . A. UAt'ON. Te .i.ll er ol Detroit Selrel I, ho. I. Prepared by S W . pole i Co., rl..ston. snd sold by E. Nye llulchis.u. it 'o., I harlolu, N. V. The use of Dr. Uogtetter's Stomach Bit ters, lor Dyspepsia, Pi .tulfl Ce, lleavines- ol III tiloliiae .or any other like sAWti m, is see.. mi I nous in America or ahmad, T be able to .t-.te cnntitlenllv lust Itte It, Hers" re r.rl.nn cure fr dyspepsia and nks n..e.s.., is lo the proline tra a source of unalloyed pie. sure. Il removes all morbid mailer from Ine elnmach, pur, firs the blood, i-nparts rsoewed vitality to I lie nervous eyatsni, giving it that tone an l energy ar. to. lis peos.ble f.sr too restoration of healih. The nu cbnowlengemcnta of its superior excal lence and beneficent reaults, have assured the proprietors thai it cannot but prove a greal cure lo lue .111 cled, and impart vitality lo the thorough aysteni. Bold by druggists and dealers generally, every where, rnr aale by E. N je UuUhieoa 4. a , triiarloila, N. C. it F.Li pp i.w mni las. BRYAN'S ' L3io ic v.vri:its. i 1 Tue Ostot!,,!. MrDiriHt Kst.ii inrn 1 R37,J . oiluir of tht imd rear inn adored unJ-r lur warns of " Ft 1 sioaic V srraa," ti tl it or ens oti. tttoonlry; mil mArr I'u'mtmc Vtsfeis, are c aa t-rfrilt r"lr ra Iff laaj-a hv tit Ha mt BUY AN ising ttmmptd om nth V A f ER. HKVAN'M rri.M1.1Mr WAIlKri Relieve roughs. Colus, Sore Tnroat, f.orsencss. mVA-VK IM'I.MMMr WATERS Relieve Asthm-. Bronclulie, H lliru't Breathing. IIUVN 8 Tl I.MK.Ml' WAPI RS Rel'eve Spi'lmg of Bi.sod. P.tna in the Chest. HR VAN'S) prl.MuMl- TA'FI".IIH Relieve Incipient Coni.u motion. Lung Diseases. PB.YA.Vr pri.MnMr WAH.HM Relieve Irritation nf tha L'vul. aim J'unsila, liRYA.Va! 'l I.MilMC V,U I KS Relieve the above Complaints in ten M notes. flRVINK PI I, Vi IN If wn:u Are a Blessing to all flis-.e und Constitulior.a. BRYAN H 1 1. I.MliMl' VIIHS Are adapted for Vocaliete and Puhhc Speakers. BRYAN'X ri'l.MOMC W.M'KRS Are in s simple form snd .l. as' t to the taale. BRYAN'S Pt LMONir WAtT.R.aj Not only relieve, hulefl. ct rapid and lasin.g Cures. IIHYAN'H PI I.IMl.NIC WAFKRM Are warranted lo give satiafactiou to every one. No Family ahould be wttttout a B..X of iliyan'a Pulmonic Waters in I tie house. No Traveller ahould be without a aupply nf Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers in Ins p.H-kcl. No person will ever object lo give for Bryan's Pulmonic Waters 25 cents. JOB MOSES, sole Proprietor, Rochester, N. Y. For sale in Charlotte, by Dr. Stair, anu ull n a pectablc Druggiata. mis. wnki.otv, An experienced nurse and b in ale physician, baa a Soothing Syrup lor children teelhing, which great ly lacilltalea Ilia i roccss ol teething, hy soil, g the gums, reducing all n.fl .0.11,1.1. .1 will uil..y all p. 111, and is sure to regulate the bowels. D. p, nd UHin il. Iliolhi is, 11 will give rest to your stives, slad relic I an.l neallli to tour ioi..i,ts Perl.elly safe III all Casea. See a.iverllselln lit 111 aiiulbea column. IT See the advertisement of Sandlurd'e lnviro. ralor. in another coluniL.. I T" See the advertisement of Wood's Hair Dye, IT Scs Dr. Ayer's advertisement in another co luma. A. Wo AIai:XA.Mi:it, iFFFRS hia services to Ihe citi. X na of this aud aitioiiiinir couil tisa in Ihe I'eallnriit ol ir-eiMil.iri Ilea of the teeth. Diseases ol the mouth l .eth filled in a skilltul and satisfactory manner. Ar. tili.ial teeth inserleO on Gold or Si ver plate, a I a,. India Hublier vulcanixed base. This style of work has msoy advantages over the Swaged work. Il ran Ha adapted to the innulh with less irritation lhan the Swaged work it la also cheaper. It ia tree Iront any unpleasant odor or taste. Having become srnt fur the American Hard Rubber company ha will aupply Dentists with of. fice rights to nisnufaciure Plates snd l.'ums lor Arl.ficial Teeth snd the Apparatus and M iterial. He will alao give Instructions in the srt on mod rate terms. As he. xpecte to do a travelling buairess per ane desiring wink done, can be attended to al tlieir residences, bv addleeeing him at Tucks, seere P O , Mecklenburg Co., N. C. IT All work warranted AfiU 3, 1660. 3if KLANK PKKPH for al at this otDea I Married, in this place, on 2th ull.. hv the Rut. J. W. Mill. r. Mr. THOMAS J. H ANCOi K. I'nn. ler, of llillsoorn, N. C. (an us.it ,ni in tin- N. C. Wiigiflici,)aiid MiaaSEI'llllOMA SANDERS, of Clisilfel 8. C. Ilill.bnro' Recorder please c. py. In tliia ciinty, on the 3Uth ull., Mr. KOBF.RT F. BAIINET. In this county, on the ff!th ull., .Mr. J05I.N T. RKID.nged ahuut '5 yean. In V n count T, on the 2.1th oil.. Mrs. MARY C. hTEWAKT, wife of Mr. E. ('. Sicwurt. I.. Lincoln couotv. I-H w.ek. suddenly Mr. C. W. HAMMtR.-KOLD. ag,d fii years. ' In Waahinfton (itv,on the S.'ith ult.. Mrs. AL- iw.in r,in,iir.nuii, "'j n jnnn t miner- E.q., formerly of Fuyelli ville, and aeeond da uk h U r of the lute Weston R. ti tles, of Raleigh. t .1. Iliittiliniii X son's, nni t,i (TV pf'""-'T blLLilbbi iSLIlUUL, Oakb, Uuanuk CotNTf, No. Ca. flMMK next term begins Aueii.t Slttli. Room M. for several new Siiholara. Such ss are pre. pared to bej.in Latiu Orainun r much preferred, ikfay 15, IPbU. tl3 Fine Silver Plated Ware, JUST opened a lurga and splenuid assortment of . Silver Plated Vare, shich is oilseed In tns pilMsj. Call and anpply yourselves while youe ine' s good arlielceheap. 11. W. CECKWITU. Nov 15, If 60. Htf 1 h l II il fBHF; suhsciilH-r Has revived a large and vari. M. ed assorlment of for Pprirj and ummar, liieh for eheapnesa ar.d neatnesa, cannot be sorpam-d, consisting in part of Black and c-.lorefl ( LU 'IIS, Hues IXlK-KINN, l',..m, II ck and F.nry ' ASS I! ER E Kr. iiih )r..b I )' K l I. Plain If eh on.i Fu.i.re,.P,lk VESTING?, F.ney Linen Dlill.LS, aii.i .ill oilier ij.M.iis usu l"Uinl i ti a nrst class T .iionng E-iahli-hmrnl " A: ol winch will he made lo oruer or a.iiO by Ih yard on accununoda. I.ng let ins. J.S. PIIILLEPS. In returning my thanks I tl I. .lie. tin lie er) kino a nr. ib citizens of Chsr. il patronage they . I wotld r.qiicst s eontinu !' the.ssranee that all or. mil bentatly a.iil promntly : JSP. ' 4tf ante ol the same, i dera enirusl.d to n excuteit. Aynl 17, It6. GUAM): OPENING ,1 Tir.sDAvrm: an of 3 aH saj 1 1 j KLIAS &' COIIKX WILL OIT.V AT TIIE STflRC rORHlRLV orri'PIED BY T. H. Breij & Co,, 0E OP TIIF. FINEST AABLICCHST STOCKS OF IXtn offered t J lining nur L. VEIt offered lo the puiiic in I .vicnity. A- mil be I. .und ira U.ao (VP' .M. Flounced Silk Robes, Bar.-ge no. Mm an. do. French I I1g.1n.lirs. Ha-1 Fr. do. no. Jaekonet llo. Uanalill. Rabesde Euaeni. &. I.cs. Ilrl'jlse I t L''d Bircges, ih tlrganuies, ariines b,a, " do. do. linpa-ratrice. It ,ck and Col'd Silks, Jaconet O'L'anitics snd 'I nur'nica, . regis. t Rohca in cierv v.riely, (.snadine Poplins, French J .e..ni Is, Sfk rp I 'h., II ,. s, English, Fren.-h and do,,,,,,- I I.I I A.N I i Sdiu Frem h l..S(..ILMI 4 L t .S, till ;ilal, I l CIM .alllVI it'.'lll in ivcry variety anu slyl White poods, Mull. w,... I), ok, N sue J icnnct Mus. lins, lliahop. Victoria ati Linen L.wna, Limn and Cotton Diapers, L'tiif T.tde C otlit and Da masks, Do las, M-.rs,'ili,yiits, Ac. , Shawls ami .Mantles. I hantihy Lace M mt'ciLare I oint. A Shaw's. ' Lice Mi. It.. SI, -wis. Fo.l n.iered I.-cc I'oillla, ! Iluri .Suit. una an.l Kcannniini on Silk and L u e M into a an,: M . 1, till., al every uescriplton, I, ,n, II r. gc anu Coltou Dti.t. rs. j Sleeves, CoHtrs & Setts. V...'l.Cf.,.,...,f.l,(. j t Miuri.ini L Htitt I' qut Ailh 3 bfnui'ul U .uohi fClitrtf., li.t-i.U W.i CingF, Ktij; iii-jjo, ln-11 r tii It nt Kit.l.r..iil, n ci nu K'!h -, Klun- nJ Iifi- Triinmin lioinets. In our Irimmed It-mut nur tuate is ucknowl eiigen. 'e have a liiulilol stiuply. AisJ in French Fl . rs. liuclia and llihh..na. FRKNCU IMPOHTKD Tiiriisols. Fans & Head presses, with an unusually larjc stock of roiti.io.v ami no.it r.srn VI.OTtlt.YUi H I H It II .1 ill , I.IH I , MiU ami II A I , and a general assnrlircnt of Merchandixe, which we lain-d otfering to cur friends and customers st prices which dely rnnietitnii. No c 11 a iu; f. for showing goods lleuiPiiiber l.ndies. Tucsdaj' April 3d, ELIAS & COHEN, At T. II JUeri . (To '4 Oil tl.iml. VK HAVK A LAUGH STUCK OF GROCERIES in the Store House formerly occupied by II. Williams & o, opnoeila t's tVsase. Afri4 87, KfW. (if " E LL KS CA M lH E LL I OB, KING'S moUtfTAIW." in -in r: YOHKVILLE E.NQUIRKR FOR THE MH OF JINK, will he comm. nerd the public iin of this THRILLING sod beauli fully written lMU.(i: OF TIHJ HFVOl.t TION by one of the cleverest mid nioal tirontiainif lady wnt. ra or our Slate Mra. MARY A. EWAST nl ('oluinbia. It is a atiiriLslirinir sloty of oldii ""'c' "' '"Tr ' " iim Ptriot soldier's lien ""d "ev..ti,ni j glowmg trihute ..lt,e imhle ch .r. -'l-r T" "'"V" ' t"rr,H,e Oo,..., ?"1 'U"'l of the women l t,,ro. . Ima in Hie itiiys of I7e(). Il ahouid tn reod in every Imuaelioid, where a memory of tlie p.i.t ia ; cueriatied ; nnil with tlman who uiipreciutii native lent, will ere: Oeaidea this, the K-xiciurs. will preaent ench week, a fund of readn g, maturely aod c uetully writi. n. It is edited bv M.-.s Ssh'l W, .Mfl. To, Wm. W. East, iimi Jaa.Wooo lUvioa hue upon its list of const ml cnntithutora, of the h. sl psns in the SI . t j : verai t f The unci, is 'I's-i O i.i.ass per yeir ; for six months, OtiK I ri an. Send im.oediately to L. M. GKl.i T, Proprietor. Yorkvillc, S. C. FM writs' viiii Hi dULiiiuii cininuii, CaldwtJl county, W. C. ''HE Propiietor ot these Springs inform the public generally, that he is preparing to re ceive and entertain those who are itestrotia of tes. tin- the curative O'lalitus i.i' tliia water, for the Various discuses to which human nature is liable. : He is in iknif large mldiiions to his hui In i rj; i I Hill be rciniy fur Hit- n c pHon ol cuiaiiinv be. iwprn ita- I-t d'l miilfili I June, mm ail wh I C"IIIC llliiy Ti Hi HRRIirril tll'f tht v j ilmnl una cvt-ry f lerlmii u-il lo II.. v u ill lie imiiMin,. der tlietr sta v ifjlc.in.iiil and ci'iiilnrt'ihlf . iVfiiin vomm to tlit iip Sjiriitg hy R .il fid will !i-;te Ihp p .r nl iltckury J ..v. rn I. f!, th VVi'Mlirri Kxii iiMi.-n, win-re a convey mcc v be in reuiliiiciis In nif.vpv llirnt to firi'ij. KLKANNAIl FLUWKHS. May 15. 1.-C0. Bit 3j"The (.'oluinbia Carolinian will insert orrc dany mid twice in I lie I) . oner, a nd the lf.1 I Ifcgister will inserl three weeks and fmw.ird ; counts to this . flice. 'I ! y will please call aft tion lo the advL-rltseini nt. 1 31 31 i:Si: Ai'I'll AfJTIO.N AT THE (J re at Clothing r r. ' II tY ore now neening nt II il par 't.rc ladOUl. Cliiapt'fl Sleek ot spm - aseiaf- s-. aa-r f s s- ever offered in the Stale. Their st"' k comprises all the infferent kinda of Fancy Cul Linen and .Marseilles buaiuess suits, English and French Dt.ip n'Ete una Alpaca Frocks und S..cks; a large variety of lassnncre Pants Fancv and hl.ica; also. F..ncyand tiiack Si I k . I ussinu-re and .M.rseilles Vests iu endless variety. GENT'S FURNfSHir.G CCOLS, Trunk. V-ilmcm, Hutt and Cn & c A c All ot t tit ubuvv 'uoiit are of the Uttst siylct and pi. It t n . Manuliicturing Department. Ffl.MNGJ. SITI.(.SA- (O. hite linn H.idcj lo lli-ir Kf 't.y m.idc Cli.lluiiff Stuck, a M u ru Iu, n t Tuilnrii'C Dt'iurtinent, to wliirh t t ry c;ill Hit ftrcirtl ulUultun ol llR'ir many I CUS. intrntt nrnk inp Him oVparttnrn! ncrntnl lo I he Suir. cilhrr in sit' and nualilv of , (Joim's. or in th iinut 'rturc ot G irnifnis. I At all times will he I'om.d a good stock ofllack . aim t oloreo ( lotus, English, French and Aiin-ric m , Casiiiicres, and u variety ol Wslinga Aim, an ass-irlmerit nf 1 j ittKK M.t.l) ( tsMMi;iii;, ! 1 They feel confident n' their ahiiity to undersi II I any oiiier home in the State, Troin the advantagce tiny have in getting tiietr g, oda. ! Tlieir good, are bought hv the quantity, hv one of the F'i 111 vi ho readies in the Nortl.c n nmrlu is. h 11 tl g ves lutn llle opporliiliily of t..kutg ..nvaii. lae of the prices ot goode, therehy saving at ! least ; I Twenty-Five Per Cent. -11 To Ihe consntiicr. Xr Dimes saved arc Dollars maoe '.j So tiy us. I i K FULLIMIS, ! JNO. M. j-PIMNGS, 1 J.NO. P. HEATH. 1 April 17. I8fi0. 4lf 7a. II. JOHN, General 1 oUeeliug lgent, I n io ii to w n, Prrry fuunly, Alubnuia, T ILL attend promptly to the collection of all W W clalllin pta.-cd III hia halllls. E.tate Claims locked a'ter. Land Claims ferret- . ten out, Slid sbscoii.iiiig debtors looked up at reu. son.ible uli rge TKXAS CLAIMS. 1 r Collections in.ee in Tex .a, ss beret. .f.-i through my aitmneys in tint St . tc. Prniiipinci may tie safely ih ,it lull d un. Fri.ruHty Set, lebll. 40-1 y 'FURNITURE HALL , 1 11 AKI.O I'TH. .(. T 1HK Bub-rrit.ri ha ,-ing Jut rrturn-rl from tim l t-i tlie Ht-viTail nm ht Furiii'ure .M.niu- fdCturt-ria ut th nnrl h. Innn hum itty livvc m .iif lurgu pii re ltd ft w ot niot tanhiuiiH bit-, rimvciiicnt atiti tliir.iblf .'urntturr, bt-p li-avc in Ht'crtife lin ir Irithdn unii Ihe puhiio th it thry r niw ofu ninj, ti.r nnM r tun. hint ome of l!tc btl, niul futthiuiijitilf mid uu ruble FURNITURE, ever off. red 111 litis market, eoiiiisting in part as ml inw a : M .hoganv SOFAS, TKTF.-A-T KTKS anu I.OI M.F.v M.hogn.v CIIAIRS, ROCK FRR, so.) Ol'TA MANS. I .l'.I.l:S,.:ISI F.AU.-aana. mi. LUS. V AI.'DISOBKS. SIDF.BilAUDS andCuitre I A It I . KS with m irble lops. Mantle and P..rior MIKROK'S, Cane, W imtor unn Sir..w I HAIRS, Collage acts, very han,.a nne, French anu plain Hcdslcada w ,th bedroom fu. in. tore to m.li'h, I R ADI.KS, CR I HS and WORK TaHLF.S. WA-II Sl ANDS.TAHI.F.SanlW II.Vl .Sols II T and r.MBUFLLA RACKS. T'gcther wil'. a laige variety of other Fttrnt. lure necesaary lor li.iue keeping. ALSO FiVk's Mrlallic 1 u rial CasesiV Coffins. nf all quilmcs, and nl" the most approved atyle are always kept 011 hand, and especial care given lo interim nte. The atl'iacrib. r will bs pleased lo elhtbil their new stock 'I F'urollure, Jk c., 10 Ihe piihiio and Iheir palmiia esci,,lly, leelinj cor. rtueut that Iher can furnish lhni on mors lavoiable terms than can be secured elacarhcre. J. M SAM'KHS CD. Clurlmy, .Vrr 9 1, 1SP. 5'a'tt 1 St I Private Surgical Hospital. ! TSfE. the underaigne.l. huring opened a pri. : V? vale Siirgic.il Infirmary in the town of Charlotte, are now pn purej lo fnrniali comlorl. ahlc qmrlcra to thec I'ltienta I'roin a d.il.n.ce who m.iy ri-ijiiire our rofmaiona' services in the treiitment nf Sijririeiil nisenaes. I'ne ubove Iiiatitution is Incited on Main Direct, ! - in s quiel part of the town. Ti e liiiilniuea are few and well ventillnted, with good nut.liuiidini;a nor the jecMnrnodatiun of negroes. All dtaeiiaes of a coutaioua character will he strictly excluded. ('iiiiiiiiiiiir.'i linns thf.iH'h ihr Post (iffiie, ad. dre.net I"!'., In mil 4. Uiblmn, will receivt prnmpt iiltiiitmr.. P. 0. CALDWELL, M. I). IIOIII'.H r ; I HIS N, M. D. J. W. CALDWELL, M. D. Apni 17, IfWt. 4tf aion 63i:i: v w i v i, nrgt-oH lirnlist, (fsasnrsTK t h Mfiiicie and DrsTHTttr.) 0F1 It K in Rnifl ley's llnililin?, lp Stdirs, llppo- silf Ki rr's II iirl, n v. iAt i 'i t:. k. r. i i.i.ir i r iii'i i: t i in-: .,,ci. - - ; . ......... .... ....... 'iaX I .IP. TI MOliS ol m.oitll al.l J w' perfnricd. 1 li A' 'I Cil Es and I 'I "LI ' Al IONS : Of the J.IWS trctld. Teeth fl led With I.Hl.H.: SII.VEIS, TIN or AMALGAM. AKHUi IAI. TEI.TH inselled in the (,.;.t n, inner. j Ti A verv superior TiKlTII rnWDEK and TOU'I H WA-MI runslantiv on hand. 3 i Teeth Extracted. HL PRIl ES MODERATE and nl! work dot e i S .iliafaelorv to the patient. ! l e Families si -d . n at ti .-. r imuw.. ! 1 i ' A stock of l-ii list's Mali rials always on I i id. Il GOLD I SILVER Plate ana W,re ofai.y t.ul.. finern gotten out.. IT COrrters from a d Aerv 21, lebU. tancc stttnded to promptly. The Corner DRU3 tore, t if .KI.O I TI , . '. F. WM Ill TTTllSO.N & CO. H m OL'I.D respeclfiilly call Ine i Main nl tin V T public lo th. tr l ice eni'ci.inpli le M. el now being oianert liir t!ie Si ring Trane, eeiiei.-t nu Drugs, Medicines. CLcinle.,1., Prrtumery. F.n Articles, Oils. Turpi mine, Bun.ii.g Ftu.l. Aleo ho1. Pore Medic i Wines and li aioncs, Cinlor Tens. Kn-'d and (iardvl' S.eh, it, A.C. 17, lfct.0. 4.tt f HOMESTEADS FOJJ S100 A I.SO 4 M) OVh.K. sitii.te . sitii-.tei! on, and neur KAl'l'A- alaV IIAN.Ni). K KIVEt.', above ml hi low 1 , nu:ir.i(i kuluu j. yikuima. j ' A 11. Town. -.td HAI'PAIiANMK K.na.i receotii br.-n laiu out, .n t uiptpper count , 111 ihe j iiiitisl of ll.e I I Gdl.D REGION OF VIRGINIA, surrounitiu bv .MINES AND .M IN INC. I OMPA- ! MKS; anil Farms i.11.1 T(in Lola 111 all.iri... le 1.1. j VI. ,ns or sphen s, C li now be hai! torn "MI'.KEj 1 W)Nt;." Slll.nlV to III. -he. selllelilllit II, 11 Is 11. SI. j ruble region, $l.".4,t hti worth of latin is lo be in- j viiit-d amongst purchastrs or I as an iiniiiceiiient to e, i,,e on md make itnprovn. : no nl an.l the land is of the most impr.-v ilnc qua. , Mies. .M.iny have aircmy selllcu ai.u aeorta oil oliieri are coining. ! 4. ttoii J'ai'iuii' S I. mil. I in tracts nf ai.y si" to anil purch.ii. re. can aim be had al from ;U to -Jii (ar acre, pay., li.e in c , ay quarter yeariy ilistalin-tlils. j 1'ntjHCilion'iL'r titi'fs viU in all casts Le given. j IT A CENTS ARE H ANTED everywhere to ! ( sell these lanes; iih. ru. inilui emt Ms u 1.1 b en. For i.arlieuiara, acun ss K. RAI LKR. 1'orl II. y I. Marrl, 20, I. -GO. t; i 1 1 s : ! i 1 1 4 ! : s : h r, i : i : i v . r - ti f: :'-?. - .,',.3 2 m v-v - v .V "i , 1 t ft ; AN CNFAII.INtJ CI ri: FUR. j Gnnorrhrr;! all UhriiMS of llir rin:;ry (lr:;ins. t t J" 'HIS IJKMLDV cures when all ..tin r prep... fi rain.i.s tail. It is .a tireit unlike . i. ry oth er ccnit.oun.i ; ciit-iiiiiiing nu.Mim.hu Chimin or NalKofs Drlu ; as it in preparetl s,.U .y trout Koor-, HaKKS alio I.EAVFa, and has be. 11 halloed Oov.11, lu.ii, one gent r .l.i.ll lo ali,,l,,er, ,,y Ine i 11 krukki". Imium It is off. red I. the puhhc on lis oiaii intrinsic merits ll p. rh.rn s its ; u r y quickly nd thorou-'liiy. The I NFuRTt s ate, ! ti I her six will be repaid by using tin- I.hiidv, instead -.( placing IhtniM Ives al li.e mercy "l some Q.iack or pM.hssor. Tins Kiiii.tiv slrikis al the Very Rout of Ihe Ulc iej Its ti mieiiry is li' t run. ply In suspend the poison, hut to lilM.nr the I Alft oil which II llepcuiW, Full ei.-ecli. iia in p.Hiiplili t ..ri,i,i,i:c,.i,i,.,i,y c.ilI, iiotti. The fiat ity and permanent rein I aft'-inleil hv tins lieiindy, in 1, 11 c.i.e. ol Lionohi: n.i:, I. lkkt. liRavl l, Si kio. nur., Fi.rnit A 1. sea, 1 citi s is I'i m i.e ', ,n,: ail Ihse.sea of the I'rinarv O g-ns us -Inil ti.r 'imai scientific men ol the age. This K. miiiy lint niilj' er.lllCI les ail PolsuN trotll Ihe STalEM but IsviGoasTtrs the m..sl uei. i- c..iiftuu.'o. T? Il does Nut AriFrT Ihe IIrk.tii or lTt'R rrsa with any I i.as ot' PeaiNtss, or require any ucviation from the usual eiet. IL7" It requires no assistance from oilier merii. cine. lr'An.l what Fsiuxcrs its Vatt r. is the Fx ti r a Aat!xt-B f al! Ntie .f 1 asti:, being a I'i.kasaxt and Dklicioi s Svstr Priis raa B.i n.K, or 1 11 a re Bittivs r r. S , IV. I I Kit MKUVV l.N, Sou- Proprietor-, S:. Lou,-, M ,. Sold 111 Cll.irle.llc. by IV. F. Sf.irr, ' " K .Nic Hutchison & Cn. " Coluinlun. Fisi er 4 lleuutsii. And all Drucists tn the country -Van Sehaack Jt Li i ler son, C 11. r le l.-.n . April 'J4, I tU -I y W .mlosaie Draltrs. Wm, J. Eerr A T TOU A K V A T L A If. ( Il iil.o I 1 1:, .. A Vf ILL uractK e in the Court sot Mecsh nburg, ? T l.'m'.in and Cabarrus c, nti. .. Jj" Oilier in the Bramv Building opposite Kerr'a Hotel. J.n il. M,0. Jltf Cotton Saw Ghs gY tbe l-eal qit.litv villi III incn ,, m .ya. W hh cm i.',.,'iii,i..'.l hrusii ai.u al nerea. piOV. I "I t to Lii.c inteit S'atc, at $'- iht i. Ki.Liorr, inns, horo'.t ,c Slate Fair -Not :S0A t rm.nini awsr.i ,,11 lr-.Vi. .V.nck 20. ISfO. JOlliV IS. WILEV, m ml fac rt' i and iyfore. or HAVANA S GARS, Tobiccn, Snuff, Wdtcht5, Pper. Slc, I trKSI IIUH PIPES. Hr, ri'itiUHllytiiihanti. j Jonnaro J.IPtiO. 42tf 1 I 'I'lif Vlnrl.-Ii. rORKECTKI) BV OATES & WIMIAMS. aiAM.ui 'I K JIM; ; flACON, Hants. . "'V i'-'l '. 00 " -. 11 H (.. I,U " (.., no v.: (" Wtt ' j (.(, Il !3 tiO ' ' tie ""'el i:u ( 0 -at"!-- "5 f.i lit) el (.,, inij lD ''3 U; IH le, n (. ao -h -'1 , .,(, lb 10 ., to -'" '.. 25 "'-nei ci ( , ael ( Ull '' tij .v'ir' " 3n " n (o, mi "'I Hi (.., it) .lis 3ni ( 3j in (. a:. (.. tj l-'l "-' (' IU i (-i. h "! N" I V u (.. DO K.tl -- (... 4 iu ' ( 7J t 4i to -f-i no II " Sim tlaeglllg. I I. tiller, ... limn. lirai.o , A ;, '' I . uth.Ci 1. 1 i ,, I ..tillshel. ...hushcl. lb... . l-'J I j r. li I. MARKS, i week- No remarks tin I til. I .Ml: I A .MAI.KI.T. 1 oi.uMsia. .Mjy i!G. -)C0. . The a .les tor tile week have btr only Ititi bales soul. Exin.11.es ( til (..:te ....a... a lie. I: ( O.N . ' "I' N, '-round. ...Ilj fl. ...IhO (a . SI to. i:ei $ id PI. AS 1 1 .CI I I-1 il It, ... Cl'AKLESTo.N MARKET. Iiabi i.mon, June 2, r f,0. COT I ON The tr..t.a... t...i.s ,11 i.tton ..r li t WteK aiiioilnleu loP.ilT b.ie, w,lh s. lea III Hie same t'li.e, 01 1 ilpu u.. it a .. I pi .a. r..nbiny lr III Sj to IJ tents. Mi il,,-. al il BILE. May 30 Sales cf jl 0 L.,ll Cotton .-),t!ie 1nara.1l cioallig C ull, V. I III Miuuhtig , a u:c t'rt.r.Ns. .Mr 31 S.'ra of .1)10 bale a II l., a wi) ; ni.uulings at luj a llo. w V. SK.M'.y Sn Sa es of it'll hal-sCotton ) i Mid. I jl'ah,'.. lioMlgal i4.lij cents. Nl till.- 1 KIM Al, li.iV.LN.l l.UT'i'LUiY. The next ordinary 11, awing of ihe Royal lla.. 1 Loti rv 1 t. .i l-v the Sji.ttiifci, l.uvtirnn.er, ;on l tlie Ca:il illl laciieral 1 .'ll'liiaV, June 9, 1SC0. S360,000. S01tTi;o NLMi'.RO 6:17 OKDI.NARIO, i t 11 1 v 1. rs;i.i 1 00,000 : 1 1 -nu 1. 1 S.I HU.tlOll I ."h " I.IMiO i iO.tl.rW I ho ' o00 I ' :...t)l)D I I j.l " 4ly I " ttu.tiuu j ill Aiit'lim'lb.SUO I " lO.UUU 1 4 A.,.r..x,in., liot.s lo the tint',' lltl l'.U0 each 4 ..i ,-" i" ..'.,' oi!; 4 ..: toU I.. 3i ,uuC 4 u 4n,J t 0.,tniii ; 4 ol t lou la I0,'0U. Wholv. licit.- J.ii ; II...V.-jlij; y,iirtcrs$i per I'll 1.1 li. a I par. 1 lo DON RODS' I. aurlcsluli, . C) un hit,, l.'al. 1.1 11.. Un. 1. ol Cut I'oSl, I J Ull. , will Ue a til piease wnle their st uihce, eouti ly ai.u ijj Dissolution. P ,111. 11. ij av dis. .nd JH. un.l ot 1'. a ne A. ; 1 V. Ill t ,1 pi 111.0 l..r p . on ul. T. 11 liiil-.M. J. A. SAl'LEIl, Jit. i . L. ALh.XAM.'Lii. in .Vurcl -'u. lMit. .. . tlii VI C sV 1 o., ur..ti.t iu in CjCTrO:: anu ch UtiMUsSof PAODUJE, 1 It tDi; ! UI.LI, t U.iliLvTlE. X. C. t '".: unlets alicUUtU lo lltl Oesp .tch. f IU. 4.1 I.OW Uil) ASXK lA'IlO.N. 1 1..1 VI 1 1 1 1,1 . trirr., enl s.:u.ili,.u rsuein ,rii ly tp'ciul La. Uuu me l. Jut , t litlttj ul tlit i.-s uad i'ls.'i 1 sstd, aj'u.lr.i a n-'i iiu.ci ai.d .pu. .ic Viteutet. nd . ,.'M..i ii ,r sir uj i isruscJV lilt Sual VV t. IHCAI. ADVICE ti .111 i. g .-u,ir...t,.i 11 in gratis, by the Act. .) ..11.1 .-line tu. .. torrlna, M in' V . I I A t l. b llr.l i'K' anu ..I!,. I D..C..S- . of tue in, NK. KKMKl'lKS , 4i v r, III to '.ne utli el, .1 iu 1 u n il. r covet. .- t2ps lur pua- ,1.1.. j-KII.I-lN IH'l laiTCN. Ac. 11, Il..u. .t-.-..ei.,t o, . .... VI oS.Utll 1, t iin..,iiiii...., I'i. By uruec 01 ins F V I 'ii l!ll.l. s..,,:;,,, i .a 11. ia ai. 1 iv i l L, I'rr i.'nt. ,'-l' liomuval. 3t Ir. S. T. WKFsro.V. II. . I!l.( KllliI am r i ti ai' brh.re purthasir,-