t.ml mot precisely, sir, the attitude which occupied l.e the to treat m J f.irinnlahle c riatiitaticu Inch it in our duty "tni desti ny to ofipo-c in t li einiini: eaint. .ia-n What i s tin' p.jMli. n ocrnpi.-il to H.iy hy the Ho p'li'iicttti ami ili; L'etiionrnic parlies on the. oth.T Mac ? It is uu'li for u- iu shut, our ' t n to vfi fuel that tin- only is-ue tluit ha. 1 n,;ro"d Hip liole m f t-iii ion of tin? people , " of lie United ?!t, in .-o far i they have t actcl tliroii.-ri ilieir Liji-lstiires mni t l.vir gn at Naliitisl I ' o ii v t ii f i mi at I ,;. .it 'c-ton, i one single riic-lion, which invoices toii.itie W'jre nor li- tlmu lli inti rpri lation sinl nii aniiijf of I h- t'ou-iituti m ot the I'liiled i S':i--; ri'l thst n ii..moii j. thi-: Whether or not t lie t-,11(,'ci"i of ihe United States, un rii r Iip oon-tit itioti, li it or uas not a n'l.t tv ii-i-Ute in regard to the u!j ct of si ! 5cr in tin1 Tci ritorii T 11 i ) I am not goi'iii to tntroluee this at nil ( Lii(.'litT ) What I moati I.J that, Mr l'hirtii:iu, is tlii, tb.il we may avoid tuts liole ciitJi u ty ri-n- : pW by rnutoHtin)!, before c go ir.t.i a no luinatioD of candidates, a plain platform of principlui which shall leate tot 1 y out ol i'-r this distracting qm'stMii. ( ArpU i-e) I wart to chut that q u sli in ei.ttr.-iy out of. thin comini; contest, in so far a the Cons i tui.onal lp.! o party i c. l.o. rtic'i ; an I tru-t that, before we a; p -mt a c.'tninit'ee fir the put pose of coin-; into a n uninntiou of a candidate fir llie I'ri-idetcy ami Vice Presidency, we -boiii.i, ritt.rr iti pi-ncra! C invention ot hy a si-U.-t eninninee appoin t -A f.r the purpose, declare that we are fur, the Union and the Coiiiitution, as ifer preted by the Supreme Court of the Unite J Stales, and the cnloi citiicLl of ibe laws.1 (Applause.) .Mr. N tj Pendleton, of Ohio, offered the f.illuwiii anierjdrtirnt to the resolution, ' Br.in; out all after the word revolted, and ' in-crting llrsntctl. That the delegation from each i St:i he re"! 'jested to appoint oue of their number to constitute a central committee, anl ihat eicli per-on thus nominated shall, bri'.iif to that committee, the general opin ion of hi delegation.. , Mr. Harris, Missouri, desired uot to be misutider-lood as desiring to obstruct the aetiou of the Convention by the proposition he had introduced for t'..e appointiu ol .i nominating committer. I desire sucli a cunrui tee with no tew of having a p ai firm reported, as I d t not de-ire a platfjrtu There are delegates from fjur .ir five Mate-, I ouU further remark. Dot tio represeu ted, who arc now in ro ite, and will r,e here. t morrow. For thi rea-oi., al-o, 1 t In t: K we should cot 00 proceed to hailot, so that they may have the opportunity of joininj i:j the noiuititioti. Tiiia 1 regard a- e-seu tUl and proper, and in the weal. time we cu d appoint the committee prop-J-ed ti nominate caudidaten fvr Proidei.t aud u-e 1 Pre.id-nt. Mr. Hre'er, of Per.Tilraiiia, a-ked the readinj; of the reso ut on of .Mr M.ipsjen. and, on in b' -imr rea ). t red thit the would preface hi. moll n with ti,e retn .r. t hit he mi litt'tnu of C .S'itij the vote of l,i- dis trict on thii floir. and not to vot .iat - in tnakii.g a nomination lie therc-f ire prj pened an amend ineiit : That we ahou.d i a mediatel) proceed to n i"i'i.ate candidate, f r prr.idcft and Vice P--ide::t, witLout the ititrrtetiii.it! of ai y c u.uiwtee. Mr Wat-on, .f Mt.-i-. pi. th.KJ.-tit the el cor-e tT purue "'to nwke ha-t-!o'.j." He would, tier- fore pr-.p i.e ih it we. rrfile to proceed ta baiit at ten c,'. ci jtk to tuorro Ail we want i- to he bet ter aequaioted iiii inrh other i.. fire we proeecJ to hu-itie. I ' n wlete I .ire w Lave been ) Iol abii:tf Ma.ach i-i t' atvl !a-i.-l....-tt ha. be- n o 1 ahu M-,; u- that I thought wl.t ti I arrived 1U liil timurr I 0'J'd iiie n a-i.ertaiti fir tuy-ei! w r,at kind i,t men t tie re were y i j n Ka-t ( I. i'i.-!.t' r ) In aceor ' itir-e witti thi d ter:i:irjtioii. I p.iid a t'-it la-t tii.'l t to !) M..aen,.et'- d-I. ga'i in, and a n -l.ier t cf mm I ha.e r.t nut ith lately We al toe ii,;-ated v i. a en t h i ieiti-:j ' - ( ic 0'" lie day, a:.d I found ihit tlieir ii- wer luV iie, at ! that my tiewa were th-tt ti-tH. I C"Ul 1 Ut fi'.d !.- p'ilil e.f li ff r rrj'e between ! All e wit. ted i t! r Union at it i-. nJ the l'on--it ;j'i r anl las. I th. r fire call...- to the co-.tl u- oi. that we !iov,.! r- tr-iin fr a itV fini-, to etf-u'.t tog th' r, ait i ail ii; r.- a-il I tt.i ytit, ir. th it tb-T- i 'in iip ';f the p'-pie, Noeih. S-iutb. K-t-t. ati-l , hn-i we are delegate.) hereto p.-rf-.r-n no or h wary day L;t u- d n '-thin.' with u' d-i-Li-te.'ati-l f-jr aeimri L- r- r e "-ucti a- ca'ii, jt fi! j p--ipetu.'e n.S'iit-'v t.-io-e in ktitu'.iofM wt.ich. by f ' i'i i-m, bav-j ' ti n r peatedi t eudr'e'i 1 L t ti,- i'-j-et cf a p a fartu be ret rre 1 to a win i t - V-iC.-," We want no piatfultu. J W. lei tti q i- atiou ht referred, and lei the c Minnit t-e consider il.e u'je"t, ari l rrp'-rt thit ai.t no piatl-.rtu. if a-irl! i- tl.e will of th'-l'viiv-.-i.tion. I want 'j.-b committer t r i'iic together aod con-'j t. and i-- r ,in bet l.-r ac quainted w ith each ' tiier. Iiiibe mean lime he hoped li-at bit t.n.pot.iioii to I'O.r p -tie the b-ti "'ttr for P; 1-'. ut a.-.d Vie pre-itent until L0QU to inorro would Le aJ - ted. . n. L""'ie Cimba said : Mr Prr-id- n', I Lave pi-. 'i much thojel.t to the q 4e.:i..n l ,w pre.nted for the cn deration ut tiie ,m vei-t ion So deep') have I h-en i n pri.-ed with i'.: import. ne of a (iailirm to a fjr. at p-Ui.ca! party that 1 b-tve t ik--n u; ii myrlf llit- labor of pr- a'nt t re-, an. but, Hie f,r t tie Larinni ma l'euio cra.-y, who Ii.r lairiy are. J t -..-inrr - l eajtifully at t h irie.f-i, aunti r ; on fjr the " irr ret-it l- cm R..-I ' ; i , -i,. n, who 'e shout ! a--n.'.iu at t'niei), ( aui.- it ;) and another for the Natiuuai I'oiuniata now before and aro-ind ut (Applause) Kirtt, then, for the barmoni u 1etooeracy, I propite tne Virginia and Kentucky reaoiutius of 0"- 'J'J ; one in fa tor of exciudiiiL' slavery fr-nu the rerrit irie and the other in favor of f rcin it into tberu. (laUjfbler ) both to b- adopted unani in ei.iy, wiibom debate, under ti,- p't.iiu ij e.iion, and DO q le-tmm a-ke'l alter nd (Laughter) For the " irrrpret.jnli r H fl ct," at.oul to a-euit'ie at tii.ici.'O. I i the li-ue Lawa ol 0 mtiectie'it : ti' -t. in refrrence to the rijrhl of a mm to ki-r bi- wife ou Suud ay . (lauetit.-r ;) ml tin- (-t- nd. in refermee to ttie burning of w iiehe. ; piuvided, that wtvea shall l.ave tt,e privi-i- ge to Le kissed and wiiehe. to le burned (La'fhter) 'l lie third i- the Cm-iit-ni u of the l ulled .S'alra at if ii. and ibe l.ln:-jt, Uii ler it, now aod forever (lmmeu-e ap j. aijte ) will not speak i'b reference to ibe first at lar'r, but 1 will venture to -) that it will b aa infelliib'e brreafu r I i the w d.- -prtad I uiocracy at it bat been Lrre. t il re, (laughter ;) and, beiii at mie liil.ie. I ii nl j re la state, ou all that I am worth, r it n l on out of fire butidrrd ever read li, - rrsoiutiotia. aad jof iho-e who did, not em in five bundled understood tbeui i (l.i ifc liter aud applau-e ) Iti reference to j j . tifjiui, tba leniatir- , judicial aad ex rcative departments shall be independent ndauprema. I think that will bo platlorm nouL-h for a Union Party to staud upon. etioilL' ( Applau-e) The Congress Of the United tate. to indicate ttie law, the Judicial dc- J-ta partnietit to interpret them, aod ibe Execu live to have tliem executed. tbia in all we need. W hy, sir, if I were in an assemblage of Christian about to e-tublisb a platform, do jo-j think I would take " spriiiklini! " or " dippini: " for its plaukt? No! I would take no'hinjf. but the I'.ible as it is, and leav in.' all to cqusirue it aud be responsible to tiod for the construction. (Appiau-se ) The Chair announced that the delegation i n 1 aylor.a canuniate wno was noi from T.xas were at the door of the build- j 1 l'e country except for his brilliant ecr.i in - and detired adu.iitanco. Thit ani.ouiico- ! ees on the battle-field, and he led ua on to un tit was received with deafening applause, briiliaut victory. W e uow want a uiau of and the del. cation proceeded to the Secre- , military reuown. (Cries of no I no '.) l rietde-k and presented their cre.letninU. ubmil it to Kentucky, to Indiana to the The chairman ot the delegation, A. 1$ Nor- Smth. I appeal to the North, for hs has ton, wore a beard reacbW nearly to his fought the battles of our cmtnoti country, wai.r which attracted great attention J aud althoui-h you may oppose him because whereupon )'oa oavc 0,1,er ,"J lunre vor" oaudi- C.u. Leslie Combs rosc.au thou-ht it dates, you must admit his hij-h claims to pr -per to account to the Convention for the the nomination. With the hero of Huena extraordinary hairy appearance of the pu- Vista we drove the Democracy fro.n their ti, man from Texas, fvjuie fifteen years ago stronghold, and with the hero of Jn Ja he had made a vow that be would never cut ciuto a similar victory may he obtained , if his beard until Henry Clay was elected With such a platform as I bare proposed 1 Pre-idenl cf the United Slates ; and it will ould (o back aud tell the planters ol l.eor be perceived be has iuotreii6iou.l kept gi bat H.tti Houston is the platform on Ins in . ( oci erous UDIHaUse I Mr. Ssvittr, of Mi-souri, said that be poke a. the represent, .ve o, a o ... w-. . which had beeu overridden for the last " . . . , , twentv five years by poiiucal deinagoeues. .... 3 " " J J r , , Ci. l ie q iestiou now wa platform or no pi it- " , , ii .! form, and he would say in this connexion i L m- i i i , f, i that the Mis-ouri delegation stood two tor and twelve a.-ainst adopting any platform. TLe people of Mt-souri Wanted no better j idatforin thau the Cou-titutton aud the Ln- , !,.,;, ,,, ) i, .,, ion, aud ilb eucb a oue it wouiJ tie au ., .i:.- i i.. derers at Washington, lie was not oppes ed to discu-sitij; uiatters relating to tbe puiiiic welfare, but this question of plat- ' firm was disgraced befored the country j The people considered them mere humbues, j designed only to catch voters. As, for in i -tine-, wnat was the Cincinnati platform ' (A oiee, " Nothing.") It was, in bis opiu- 1 ion. like a pii-ce of guttapercha. (A Voice, j India ruhber. ) It was eapatde ol bciNg j cut a:.-J put together agatu He hoped the ! I'oiiveutiou would not peril the succe.s ofj i he pre.ent uioremeDt by adopting any plat- t nu ; hut take the Cou-titution and the Uu- ' i)ii, aud itu that go before l-a CJUiitry. (Af-plu.-e) The Hon. Thomas Swion, who on taking tho Q.jor, was greeted wifl great appiau-e, sail: I arie, M r. President, for the purpose of sec iii'ling the motion of the geulieuian ; WI.0 lia. Jl-l i .i pi.u-e.; ?t'e of Maryiaud is here to day, air, pre pared to ma.e a nomination. Sne has ael-eoiu- d, sir, the, delegations from the differ ent States of this great UnioD, aud jhc te lieve. that the tune is near at band when t'.is I'ouveiitiuu wiil he able to agree upon - jh a platl irtu that will give confidence Dlhis uhole country. (Appiause) Mr. President, jentleinaD have taiked about plat'orm We have a yreat deal to say up on the sut j-et ot piattorrus, II mat question :s nf.nsil up; but, sir, for myself without ii.eat.iii-.' to represent the sentiment of those with wlniii I am as-ociated here I say, , sir, mat wnen me n isuafuisutu wicu wuo inaugurated tliis t'ouventioti appeared upon that r'atfTnu to dav. at nlau.e.) that was p at' .rni ei.oueb fir the Rtate of .Maryland. ( liniueii-e applau-e) bo US tbe man, an i we "i l ! II you his platform. We want uir'i whostaud up in the Constitution and tne xecntion of the the law. ( Appla jse ) We w a lit uo other p' ilform here (applause) .o far a. ti.e ,iti;e .--tate of Maryland is cou-C-riii-d ( Appi iu-e ) Mr President, we are here at a aiist im- -rtai.t p. nod of our political history. It c .nuoi he denied, sir, that for mouths past a l-i ntiJ of di-iru-t and groiU restiess-ne-s as to our political future nas taken -'r:t:' hoid upou ti.e minds of the people uf this country. 1 he q lestion is asked, II ) I in. is t !. iw ttat cf tbines to contiu- 1 Is this giorioua Lnin reiliy in di.ii er T" We ..re here in a period ol caliu to ike our r-ckiiiui. and a-c-rtaiu hi fir ::ie oil ship of Stale Ins drifted from its ;m- eur-e '0 e-timale the dangers thro' uliieh e ''.ive pas-ed, and by which we ire u -w s u toui.'itd. nun to calculate the iin-ic that lie befire us in the f ilure If e ot til! wi.li t i give conh ii nee to the people . cjuntt). I ray. repre-eutin, hs I he- r eve, the vui e of the Stale of M itylau l, t nit e -honl'i repudiate ail platforms tjut " 'lie (' in- iiunoii (Applause.) No, ur, u f Jill the distine .:-l.td n anus that lii.e -en pre.-ut. 1 t-j tne eou-ideration of the it of Maryland, are prepared, in a r -pint of compr jini-e. to make a judicious -.-lection. We are here far tbi purpise, ji r. pudiating ail u!trai-in, both Nortb and I Suili 1 here are good men, constitution- j at iik n. and tiati mat men in the North as ril as the So nh, aui me are nit i.iliiuida t.d in tne ci.oice which we shall make hy li.t cr ahieli is raised hy the IeUiO':ralie pir'y ahetie.er a gentleman is presented who may be supposed to afiiuate with N-i'thcru senti.jiei.ts. We d.-sire to stand il, iti a c iii-erv ative plat form, and we ay, w.-.-ii )'-'i repudiate the Supreme Court of t,.e L 'iji'Hd fttte, an 1 its decision, we are at sea, and we itii.-ht as wed roturo and go h line to our c iii-titueiit. (Applause) Wnii t'.i vi- w I f-iei bouud to say that t e ,'te o! Maryland is not prepared to po iii io a li jinin a i in at the present moment "li a-k- fr 1 1 ne. Sin; tM be wilimg to- iiri'row morning, after she has had an in- i I -t'.-l.aii.".- win her LreiLren, North and Soj. il. and I am ati-fied, air, from the in- tiuiations that have been given here to day, i that we shall be able to present a man with- i out a p'atfiriu a man that we can tru ti upou bis aiit. cedents, and upon the position he occupies bef.re the country one who po.e.es that -pirit whi;h has been dtpar- ! led from by tho-e who are now in pooer, anl whieh w ill gi ve eouS leuce lo our co'in- try. bun Norm aui Sjiih, Ka-t aud West. Mppi.u-e) J Mr. Hi pkiri", of Oi . desired to say a few w -,r.. on tne q u -stion ol piattorriis, and be wujl-l, in so 'l Jing, detain the Uguveuliou bit fe liiiiiutes. IIu would suggest a: pl .tf inn iu a v. ry few w !. repre- ! setiu- l the fir-t di-trict of jeuri, and bo ; as iii-uueti d, by such men a Judge Lord, I and t.y C'-iusuilatioii with the most intelli- I i." nt citix us in bis aeetioq of the rjtate. to ' demaul apUtlurm. Afu r sounding publu; op ni jti in 'ie iria f'tiietis of N rtn lial Consulted with .'arrjiliia, ami thev lia.l p. ti. fiiy c iiii.-i'iel with him; not ou1 that we alnnd have a p!atfinii, but we ajfiee'l 10 sil it- uunii.. Tin v iLr.u?ht thst there womi l,e ., d.ffieu'tjr m givi'njf tb Hjutb ! a p.sifitiu a jila'f.irui that three million.! of voter. eou:.l -tan ) upon, without reiard 1 . .1 s . , - . fc I to the section of country iu wbieb they re- side That pUlfuriu was tbe rtcjrd of tbe hero of Sin Jacinto, General Sam IIouMon. (Applause.; i "" tucky. fvom Indiaa. from leunessce, if he is u-t tue man tor m time, i tinuiahed gentlemen bate been uamed but they are I lie representatives of a defunct party of the old W tug parly. " e cannoi rally men to the support of a candidate who ha been resuscitated from a dead body We want a live man who, like (!en llatri son, will lead us to triumph. We tried the gallant lleury Clay, but, uotwith.-lniidine his briiliaut civic services to tho countty. we were doomed to defeat We then tried wnicu l eiaini, aiiu i r" v of succe-s. so far as the vote of ibat Stale . j was concerueu. . f . N Yoffc j,. ei'Btion.said : Mr. I're.ident, toe ttiscus- " . .. , ' . , siou of the ouettton", either of men or ol ,uc I .l,..H.in tilaiforms, eveu to the extent alreauy in , ' '. , , .f,,' dub'ed in. is premature and unfortunate '- ' ' , . , . Mr. Pre. idem, tbe discus I think 1 may be permitted lo say for thir . n i i ... i r s.. J c ' tl U floor lcl " ' v . r . , 'from the State of New lork with one heart i , .i..i , and one voice, that tbev have resolved to sk this Convention to present no platform CONTINUED UN IS BOON D PAUL HOIIT. II. COW,!, "i ENf'.l'AL I'OM MISSION MKRl'flANT H NVll HI.SOTON, N. Jj' Otfiee, South Corner .Market and Water Su. up sl.ira Ott-btr 11. 1853 31tf Yi:.S YOU 3SAY USK OK KECOMMKM) 1 1 eims tre et's Inimitable ii via ( ii o;ii.N(;: l.ltl VI.SD IT TO is A PERFECT HAIR RESTORATIVE, pninioiini; tin ' t 11 re.tgti land p rowiti if the Hi r, ', the bejutx of j'lUlli. D you Kr.id! I.'r.iil! Kta.l! Sciiaoois I.tae. K.sex Co., N. Y., ( t'tbmaiy li, 163. W. E IIaos, Troy, N. ,-Drar ir: II iiiij usi it yur Hair '.. -, run' or ltest.ir ilivs, anil i 1 1 iiiue-i pleased witti ii, 1 t-isu pietsiirc III iii-.Xii'K llie l'ullewili sl.it' III. hi : Irani tiie el. tti it hi t vt-rv s'-vere tit of sickness, wiit-n ' iul 1 1 vc r i.t .i' , my It iir Ctininieiieeil lurninir cr y, ueU4 i ii'ii until it Letimr ptiftttiy If 'IIS, I' r, Iw I... I : Kiln it my hl' r tliirnye ly a ir lend te purcliase ti nen 1 cu. K i.y 4 ,Viend t.. purciui iwiilr ut H treel'a II, ir l:en.r..iie iii-p.rtu uy yuu, I "'-"eel it -ee..r t t.. uirccLn.iis, ana ' ' . . ' ' tne roil, outwird Wis lurmiir b-.r lulls gnu I c,,r Ii cm. tuiu. d t. grow until n w i .n in ly hr-wn n.i gu.m-y it was m my y.uihtul Usy u irnif fu.iu reiluieU to i oi iinul rolnr. ...-Mj-la .-J nid n came he turr me ur i tn.il ll.eaieilc .1, Uiiii-i JUhL Y. I'll I I Kli.VuitireW I'lTT-rnRD, Vl , Aug I, irt., 1 hen hv certify, that my hair hiving hee.une quite gr..y, 1 u-.u II. i.i. -!..' I'. II ur li.-at.ira li ve, (i.rep.re.l by W. t. IIao.n, Ol Troy, N. Y .) for hiur wit i.. , ami toy n.ir was in lli.it time re aiore.l lull ..rig.n-ii eo.ur. I can I'uny recom. ln.ua Hit: article 1-. Le all it rl..uii. WM. KINUSI.KY. fastur of O.t Hapiitt (Saica, 1'ttuJuiJ, It. M- V. K ll.ois: I have used II l in. I r i T. II. r Keslor-.tive tor three yvars, an J n.ve lound it to be . in it n'tiirnt artieie. Il not only re st red Hie i:. our ot toy ii-ur, riving it new lite a..d ir. ritn. I.ni it cur. -it iny..;i; aim wile a i,....i oh-1 .11. le er i. q ' inn on II. e .(.tip, wtneli Ufithtn t.tt irrni'ii lu l,rn'M. 1 In i y n ! ... ve II to the nest arlime in use. V -ur I! -is-rlliilly, KNUiM.IU.S lii'.V laA.N.). The abive are b it lew uf the in my I. tiers ..I ree..niuie'-.ialioii which lia.e been t. n.ierc.l li. the p.-aymMrs of IK-iin.lrtel'a II .ir i ..lorii.j; n, Ke t r .1. lt h Or-, n u -ei hy liious-irus oi iooe. d it nrvir t i lo reaiore the color aim growin ti.e h-.ir. Tina singular i If el is nut p.-o-iuccd I..-II d es are U.et ; for II acts Up-ol Hie llatu- ; ... r.ter.s of roioriug 111. tier al I lie r..ol, nil ua . if -it - the ea ir-ije. The rolttr ptwlu -rtl is no C'tttnlf ffU. hut tht naturtll shude uf youth. It Pric ."nit I'. K. II and It OU r uHlle S ,i .AN A 1 .... Pro .riet..rs, h .rlott,: l.v )r. V iSc.rr, t..ll..lMalc.,V.ll ISU.ia -' -.'. Wniiiesais Agents. Is.bl. i. Y. Crier. r KKPSrr, y on hand, who'cs-.le snd re. complete assortment of l lali, a lull ijaAi. ai jaiba.m:ii Jix-WAiii:, li will ill he ..Id IX) W. KiiM f::i ' AI.KS, En .nietr. (alue Pots, VValTle . Par by S. T. WRISTON. openor arlitle, for aale S. T. WP.ISTON'S. :io Dreasiri; HOXi.S fur S. T. WlilSTOX. T vtII.rJT SETS. run is Ai v 1 m iyva 111 a :s. A fr'T' N E i Co.'. Screw Top cr.AS JAMS, tor presirvil.g tru its, Veretahlea Ve. I bust article nu in uie, lor ale by 8. T. WRISTON. rooKiM. si'ovi:s. tl!is mm -y. A e v- V4 1 TVl.U A-t'iRTM EN T of COOK ISO ai4 "ther H I'liVES, w.ll b constantly on hand, ""' " lo " th'f be ff"ru ,h" market, bf o T u-otuTfiV C'isr.. ',4.Bi. Mil 0T Oiiutioc.lIiMiwr Aliiitutaf. 1 3 3 SiUii ii l mm , , Nt Jtli elMt -i ii ii aijo.ji ...... ...!.., i SI. !:, 7 I Slllll mivuTiliali: ' istii:tt a i ii ... ... ... I Si s s r m :u llhlil.TU'lllln i: n 19 Al 4tJi-0 : .aj.7.fc,iii3i "i ') s "i sl "si' i t 9!10'lllU II II ivwiivhIh :i :i ..t... ... 5 II 7 s jll.1 II 15 16 m ji'ii .'j n! t-Hli.li' is 3-.'!'ih S IHi'.l 1;:I3 I ii' 7'l.19i ji iltljipliSiJ I'l5it"i;iifp in ?.' ii jij!je,s .ai,.w3i ... .. .. 1 II S! 4! t 71 e! I! Ill' 11 ill 1314113 14-17' I U i si ;i t: n :t ii ji In i:ii.i'i4iivi,r, lit ni'ii.si'' .-i ii 115 2s ii,.i,... -T.M 3U 31 . 1 I tt-! 4' i I i I I ll ll a. 77 K .1 w 1 Important to Mill Owner (t IV Till Ol T.) JNO. A. 3131 ANUS'S CeUbratid imut Isi bcreeni:i5 ll-ichine I a AXl'KAl'TL'R ED t South L"ell, N. aim 1 if A .iiipneil 1.1 all par' nl' the l'l.ile.1 !t alls I il ernl re.iuctiniia mad. I" tlie wn iiy M .chine and wish I mum e!i,.njed Imvn il-.d Tiie Huh. ; uln neil against In.lanont and mjs.siriusa None genuine unless ae- uinp- nied by my lulls mid card, and sold by my legally authorised meiils. j Auutess JNO. A SIc.M ANNKN, South Lowell. N- C. Afore SCt. 1B60. t-'US Tl:f ttlti .oi llt Malt-, l-orr! r. 1(H)k' HF.KE, KP.lliS DS, anil fellow eiiirrns, A will vou bur the iJ.blein .Vl Mr" NOM I II l.VKOLl.NA? Ii'su,atinl lu lh auliscrilii rs, or subscribe lo llie Coonii Aeeul. lor this Nei", j la.irgf anil .Vligiiititritl l:ii. I And you will get the wj.de Si.. Ic, with lur Kivt-rt, KailroaJs, li-.m, t'..pp. Lead, Iron mm Coal I Mints, mid all the ( tiie. towns siui V ill .te. her ' noule Muutita ma and fariiija, and her j-'icitia and Klowcra. It y.,u want llna ttlLDKN PRIZK. row ia j the tune. Map seven if t by five, border views i of ihe Sin le House, Iu-(ne Asylum, l h .pt I IMI, Male and Female i ullijea, ic , Jtc., 11110 ol lh thtap'tt and lift M ip if er puhii.hcd. i'KAKCE A- T, HiH-boro", N. C. AtiKNTs WANT KU fur every cou my in the Slate. Terms literal. Apply aa above. C 11 AilLOT 1 LOT J.L, BY EEs JEXk BO B9t i t iiAui.tu i 1:, s. . , rjJ'Hl Proprietor of this II. te I is -I -fr - al sjll.lhi. posltisuy tolui. fT i''?5 fil lhetlie sof " mine host" lotlic BCV2Ss,aSw irafcU( g public and oil. era wuu may call on h.in. anuihe flatters himsell tliskas foint'iir I il.lr fju.rters ..n be foui.n w.ih Inm as any wherein llna v.caity. Being siiuile.i near ly IB Ihe eentre ut Cilrlotte, busiut ss Men ill huo llns Ili.tt I a n-iwlconvlfnierit and . .sir ible hie.ition. He has b.i iiigiced 111 loe hu-.iuss at this slaiiii near'y (ifhteen years, and in tii 'l tune lie naa made several aduitious If his i.inner house, nd it has Ikh- ijcreiitly nila.-j.l anrt no. provm, prest-mnif in Ov.i two .tni y VF.lt A N lA ; 00 leet in leoetli ay I -Jf- ct i width, han is. n.. ly shaded by trees on the j.ie.wals, affording a pita, sant pri'iirnsde at all Hurs of the Bay. Tne House has been M -roUtf illy fiirnisl.. ri turn', out, and id every part Ji it tre au'e . omn rt. .re abundant and t a neibie.lspecislly in the I'IM.St. KOtlM. wmre the "inier man" is "rem wee" W .y by day. I ouiiei led will this l-ilel are Btahles srT .r.ii' if r.i'.iu lor IUU horses, aiuiulaiiiiy turnishe.1 si.tii lr un mi'i prnvt-nder, atq.den by iaitliinl mil n. bi 1 emir boslle rs. The Proprielor feels enC.irnt thitwith hislnng eiperieii'-e .uirt many n advanlapes aoil'il totiia d. .ire to please, he is ni-pired to offer hia iriinni and llie rest i.l inalikini," as many con.lorls .nd as much e-wid cheer si!l be found anywti. re, perhai.s a lltiie more So lJ"Atany rate Tav lie t'harlotle M-.isl. J. 15 KEIL1. Oetol.r 19. IH.,8. 3--'tt tl 'I h-,usin.l are daily aeaking in the praise of Dr. Eaton's Iif uitiie Coriiial, sod woy ? h'-caose it ne er a lo srT.nl 11. siui. ,.e. l ae. ..s it i.y : canviuce y..u II. l trial . 1 true. wli .1 . li cut. tn Ml I'AIlEIJOIilCOIt til'l ATI.. of ai.v mini, .ml Iheit -IE nil. .s I.y removing ll" ...If 1 V'-ur , 11. 11-s n.it.tiiiis.. F-ft.'.H r. as..n, it c '.a 1 1 -1 I ' a B I l.e r.i.l V O I' Ll pe...r .lion '"-W SI ..all fr 1 II1I.HNKS Tr.F."ll tN, Ll A II II ll' K K t , UYSr.MI.hY Ui.'IPl;ii in 1. 1. l;OvS Kl..-, A IMI IV oi u.c nlnvJv.ll WIN I', till. K IS 'I IIK IIKAl). -loll liOlr-.a,-., I. r soiUn . e Ii. e If U lis, reiluC'f lofl tiiiit.oi.il.. rt. a ulsllllf toe B .' e.s, -mil re 1 1.; v 1 i.g p .111, I in- no . 'j u . be 1 ng an ll I llf.l ti.e. ol t ONVt'lINhit otiiki: Fll. yon value tilt- lie Sim i. 1 1 1 Ii ul tour children. lo ..1 V.- I lh-.se S...I - eeit .in lo eh ll othe e e imposed TII.F.. o : '"If c.Mis.nii'-i.ces llie 11..- ., ii.,re,ill for 1 1, Ian Hie I oo. b it liii K I its ; y- u e .11 r- ly uiso INF: Ii .. ie ritt-i y I. ,1 .leie .! iiif .iil acoiupauy e..e t li.jil I llie nnr ..irt-ttn. ild by CM UIICII ADUPMNT. l)ru-i.l-t. No. :).;, Mi.l i I..,e, .N Y-.rs, ...I hv K Nye IIuitln,i. 1. r... .n.; I', ."tarr . ar o'lle. N. C. lleIlh iiunmn li jo4 apnt being AAlaY7J:i, ! alwiys presents us with ihe iiie e.s. niial .h. menls, and g-ve of course Ine 'I K s IMN. UAKU. Analyze Ihe lii.s.d .fa p.rs.o. soli ring ' Iroui l'oii..iuipii.,n, f.nef ta.iipl ui.t. Ily.p. psi... Seroiuia. oic.. and rind mi-very m-l-....-' c. r lai.i deficiencies, in ti.e red l..l.nles of II o ... Sunp f lltese d fluiS'iota, and t..u are made w. ,1. Tne BI.OOD FUnI) 1. laund'S upon mis 'I t....iy leence ita aaUjiiisi.inif sueceis Tm-re ..re . Tive 1'rep.irnlioiis i. .i ir. 1 1 d. f.f ,1 ne.es of ll.r Hl.s.d in .1 If F.r 1 OLGIM.I OI.lJ.-4. IHJnV II ,,,.eJ.. 1 M'A...r any alf clmn what, v-r.,1 tn- TllllOt I' j..r I.LM-S n..iu.ir I O.NSfePI l"N. us. A., I. which is also tne No. t-.r ll.i"-'"" l"lu. j I "f A lite, and h.r nil tihrooic ' . I arisnn, troin 'v. r.u-r . (ii-rn-roi Il - i.l.ly ,.pi. 1.1 N I v.. us Pios r .t.ot. Sit, i, for l-.v. r 1 ..i,,,i .,, so t iyspep.ia. fsiriis .ttr4ily prep l..r all. ..-pii.iii ii ia Taken by 111.. p. .. nd c.r 10. 111. iti iiely 1 r.lo loe circulation so lo .1 arhs 1 g uu r lam. I ne N.,, 4 ,. f ,,,. lie., Ilysli ria, Arskneas. tc, S. e s(.c lions l.-r tin. F-i- S.,it I'm u . , E'uot ".gUl. tul-.11.. I.idney ami (I! iHosr t o,u,,i , , l.ke N.. it. I.i all e.sesllie uir. -I.,... .... I V etr, loilisred. Pr.ee of iht lilaOOU F'JOl), $1 le.lt I sMcl ty CHiritCH A DUPo.NT, Urm-i-l.t. ' .V..3,i.M-L.-e.New V-.r.. sn.l s .Id by K Nye llui. i t;iisri..'i, n. :. on A. o aui r . iSc.r. ti l ly VnT.VKfS TI'.'KKTS, for the f.'out.tj and riapenor Court, for sale bare. WASHINGTON-HOTEL, (CHANGE OF PII0PR1IT0H8) . IlltOADSIItEl.T M-:VllKKM,N.Cn JJ i i ''. Proprietor. i (i . .. I'micrsieiic il r. sieeliuliy unniiunces I it the lr-.vell.iit! puhli. Unit ' has lake rh.itKU of Una i.IU aim pupul-r n.iiibli.linient, an. i. now .re,nireu to iicciih-ni"tl"le travelers nl .ri vale ..indies wilU b.iar.i hy the Hay i.r ni.iulh, .. the ll.-st '"- o.l -t''U !. His TAHLK wi.I !.!-. funi s1" '! with the hesl.r..vi Iliatlimiie - nu h.re'tfii mat k. is cm "'Vhe U'tit:ati II"'-' i. minis, is us rer the in p . I. I lie emu I l.niise, sinl the hu lies., slreela limn aV ulhi-r III the eily. An t'iniMCKS will lw..ys be at the 'le.l i.n.i ,, e on in. .iinval oi the r-irs ami letnh....l, l.i e.iuv. y piss, nu.rs l Ihe llnlel free ..I pherue. Hy SI'-ppK'K at "'I" ll.'lel, passeligela will have ample tune tn nlililli meals. Having i'Isii a l irjfu and cnniini'ilieris Stable, and an t xe. Hi nt Ostler, he ta lully prepared In b'.ar.l horses hy Ihe day, week or mi'ntli at Ihe lllusl reusulluhle rales. JOHN. F. JONES. Afire 1. 1K.-.9. Sllf M Airliilt-cl mid lliiiltlrr, II. I. luruisfi Ueaiiis,rians and Drawina h.r Public Uuiluiiiis, 1'rivate Itesnltiie. ml Villus, pjrtieul.r sll. nt. en will be paid lu biiih-ine Flournic Mills, I'orn Mills, Ac. lirviti iu 3.1 story ol Ah x-.iiuir's Builcinj; , Irunl riHiin, over t litria ll.-ll. Orlolr 2ti. 1S..8 33ti lilt. It. .V. (Iililt It IR rl I.!, be pieuseii tn rici ivi Fr..l ssk.i i ("alls in Ihe .lei.ariii.mis ol Ml Pit IM and I I.t.KKY. I mess iiri.li-si -sliv ab.eit.ns no.vtit 1..111.0 a t ins resiniiiit, t ui 1 .vl.ll UeMil. Y' - r l)ian irt S. . h .li. iK.ih 1 If Wanted, rOHPS OF TAN BARK. '..r m9b f Which Ihe essh w,l' be pa. 1. " l 11 TlVII 1 1! Ay 31 . If.-.S Cash raid fur Hides, 6V S. M IIOWKI.I., a II. use 3 diwirs South f Mf a i m .i ( kiinnlt. Aptii it. IsjH Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of th blood, by width this rluid bet-oinea vitiated, weak, and poor. IIuiir m the tu-culatinn, it pcivadca the whole body, and may burst out in dista.-as on any part of it. No oi.in is frew from it attaitk-. nor is tliere one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variou-ly cnu-ad hy mercurial di-a-ow, low Iivuik, d.s. ord'nd or unheulthy fHid, impure air, h.th aud tiltl y habits, the d. pres.ini' vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its oiik'in. it is hereditary in the con stitution, d.-sreiidinit " from parent to children unto the third and fourth niiieratinn ; " indt--d, it stems to Is.- tl.e rod of Hun who says, "I will visit the iiiiUities of the fathers U)sin tln.r children." Its eflct u commence by d.-po.ition frnm th blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs liver, and int. rnal organs, is termed tulh.-r.-lci; in the plands, swelling; snd on til- surface, eruptions or sores. J his foul cor ruption, which g.-SaWrs in tiie blooti, depresaew ti.e energies ol le, so ti.at scrofulous constitu tion not only sniftr from scrofulous cum plajits, but they have far leas power to wilh aund the attacks of other di .-; con. qiieiitly va t tiUinb rs ticiidi hy dwinler v.l.iih, ulti.ouKh not scriifii'.uu. in their nature, are still rend, red fatal by this taint iu the system. Must of the consumption which de ciniVc th hitman family has its origin din etly in tl.it scrofulous c-on'aniinatinn : and many cl-'triu 'iv? th-ens-s of the liver, kidney., brain, an l, indeed, uf all the organs, arise from or are ftravated by the sarue causi-. One quarter "f all our pw-ile ore at rofulous J th-ir pcr-ons are invad -d by tins lurking in f i-tnn, and their h'alth is undermined hy it. Tocl'-ajiso it from the sy.tcm we must renovate the lilood by an a'.t. ra'ive n.isJi. uie, and in Tijorate it by hciltJly fsid and eaucusi. Such a nietliciiie we supply ia AVER'S Compound Extract cf Sarsapnrilla, the most effectual rimsdy which the meuVal as ill of our timew csn devise f.r this every where prcvsiluui and fatal malady. It is eom limed from the roost active remedial that have rn-1-n cl.si overed for the expurgation irf tins foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of th system from it destructive ennssquence. lienee it should be employed for the cure of not onlv Scrofula, but also those other affee tinna which arc from it, such as Em-mea and Sam Dispasra, St. Asthosiv's Fiaa, llosa, or EktstrrLAs, Piwetn, PisTii.es, JtLoTrMr.s. IlLatNsand Bon.s,Ttwoas, Terrsa and SaLT Riir.tw, Scald Jlrsn, Kisowoaw, HnKinsM, Syphilitic and Mrac-t kisl 1'is assEs, Dmopst, Drspspsia, iJaaiLtTV, and, iniU-ed, all CowrLAiHTS ahisiko raeat Y'itia tkd oh Ixriia liuoon. Tli popular beliif in " impurity of tht blood" is f'ojji'led in truth, for scrofula is ad. -generation pf the blood. Tl.s particular purpose and virtue of this Saraapa rilla is to purify and reifi-n.-rate this vital fluid, without ' inch sound health 1 UULajaaibis in coiitainuiated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, are o romp(l that diiMt within tht rtntr of their arnuti can rucly witbitnd or evade Unm. thf ir !tif:tratin(! pruperUc aarch, and tlraitte, and irivitorate ev-ry pjrt:on of the human organ iarn, coTTvcXing ita tiiaWwd action, and iunnj iu healthy vitalitini. a tmtrTtwnrt of thre pr(iMrtio, the intalid who in hod down with ti in or phri-"nl dehility it afonifthd to hi.d hie .faith or rnerjcr mtorc-4 ly a reo.oti; at onct ao aim j.if ai.d itmLmcr. N.t onry du thty cure the ereryday romuUinte of enry btrdy, Lut ftJuo ruaiiy formdhle and dftiittf rnia diaim. 7 he agnit bclw nanifd ia jiu to fiminh ffratin my American Almanac, crf.UniiiiH rertifiratfeof their nir fit their u-e in Uie lnHnwinn complainta : Cntf.re rjij, iimritmrn, ilrudat htarttiruj frnm dinrttr4 fititruuh, .ViitsteiT, hirivjentifm, I'atn in and Alornd I nnr (mn t,f the iUtvU, tUituU-ncy, Lo$ of Apf titr, J'ttmiiice, and other kindred cortijilait.u, an tiif from a low tute of the body or oUtxucuoa bt ita funcUoiii. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOB THI JlavrtD Cl'BI OF Coughs, Colds, lorlornaa, Ifonrseaess, ( roup, IlrODcbitis, Incipient Coasump lion, and for tbe relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced states of tha disease. Ro wide Is the Held of Its usefulness snd ao nu merous are the eases of it eures, that almost eirrv seetioD of country abounds In nersons pnb lirlv known, who have been restored from alarming ai d even desperate disease of the luna by iu use. Whew once tried, it superiority over every oilier medicine of it kind I too apparent to eaeatss observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and danReroua afteetiona of the ri'ilmonary omana that ara incident to our climate. Vhiie tyany inferior remedies thnit upon the eemrnuriitv hats fa i I'd and been diacanlrd, this has irsinerf rVienda by every trial, conferred bencflts on the sfllieted they can never foriret, and pro-due.-d rarei fss numerous and too rsiniirkalile to tie forgotten. FREPAREU BY Hit. J. C. AVI IC Ac CO. LOWELL, MASS. 1'or sale I.y NVK IU;T('ll!S0.N' k CO. i rkllrh... K Si' A l!K ( (!., y.iMtMir. IIA1 lI.A.Mi, HI hVK.w")N (')., Chnrlrslon, S. C. fcU'.i'KNAS for sale at this Office. ' ' "" 'WlTC2y V "S.''js sw 1 1 t Pp.a)astt."v, ---'-' S.H. RANSOM. O.CSs "Jft 11 aUtlNY. WAIT rOH THE WAGGOA. Til IIY is it " -m -k' "-.. aeili Slovt, tbelt.l? 9 f Because he buves his STO I 'A' A' from the Mai.ulaclur.rs. A.A.A. ilLTAYLOR Wuul'l respectfully .nn-iime t" the 11 1 1 l il. i tr . M 1 I J 1 1 V f vini ily ..1.1 l.e has rem.,..,! from their Old Sunn, lo No. l.OrsoiU II' w, whirr he bus new ok tlubilioli, just received Iron. If., North, one of the must uteiiaive assortments ut veroflered ia North.Crolina,n.on(; which villi found Ihe e.lehral.o whieh has faine such a famous repulaluui in the South, rn C untry for tl.t laal eighletr ninnl)... This Stove- he warrants sup. nnr t.- -siy t tn ail v el. i I" w in 1.1 II is s.n ( I. ii, Us arrsi , n. , , roinun.ea less fuel, and dors more worK la a rui n tin.e.tl si. any oil" r SU.tr now in use. lie s. ! pul up one beaut any other Stove of lh ssn.e sie in ll luitM Mali s, sou il il does n.-l in. um i, work in arisen lime", he will forfeil thf -prier 01 th. Sl..vc.ai.t uilsellmg and o hisetalh 1.1 b. belter one I I ALSO, AlaiL PAELOE & moil STORES. has, and e.iiisiantlv seep on hand, an eat. nnvr ami v-ricd stork of tix axj) shi:s;t iox, HAT I.An.S,l'lt.AI)LKS,&c.,&c, illtsf Mllich Will br soltl. VI lll aitl)' nixl I s II tli-r III II Ii tin. n,. ba -si ailla-rt I woul.l return mvthsnka to n-y f. iniu ami rsloaed upon os, snu Ihey any r. s .111. ll. lh ti.ecth. i d.-tern.i siioi lo piease. t" trv si liis mmv "mm .ndirfi anJ iifiilli'int-n nrc p.iiiirnl.iil) -I will tell y..u why I h. su u.) suvetlis. i.) 1 1.. we have three w segulis cost,. 1. 1 1) travrllil f Mil. W .til orh r trill bt luilhluliy Clr.(ie,yat IS, 1857. IT IS .,T TOO 31 If II TOSAV MM'K ALL, OLD AM) YOUX(i, V.z i ihit Prufjijar Wood hull Uei- I tilfdUVd Wi I p'e.etsr ,jailll.u Ihe itittk sr..! tolr '.f wee I l.itil.lesl.- ell.rji y.eov.r .lor. , me hair . If. in a-l ...sr s. I lu f Ml-"" Sl.l.s.i.en. rn. r-'-l I ell aiasse i.. I men nt.. II ovr Ihe I say tin. u.UCb I JU . I".' I II. ir K-.t-.r I. Ii4 lie . If I nuty lO nd ti-c Ifl 1 1 . il, .me ht k. r.i per . r.s-rl ll. O .r nine r ,d f..rs. I. ll , re.) WUU iff, sin hair I ll" -St .I.IU inH b cun .urJ-i s. a-l. I il.l s. Willi i a. tii. nee, wi.taa iri' ml. see ! v . it us .. us? v ur 11. i'.r- J tlllle h..oe "I isecr.1, but t .our surplis. ,as.l Itial i j - it an ..ur Ir . a V. I J It appl.c.li.ri. lu...U ; l..- ,1,.. a. e entirely, .nil a new .n.l luiu'iai.l . t.y i ..I h .ir .. slartru eat, sou we cab in w s y lh.il j .ur Ix.y i..s ss healthy a .Calo. as lulaiiai.t a j ' e.O. cf hair ss any whrr cl.1 il. V e can, lie is. I ion, and no her. j-y.rreoiiiui. n.l y -ur Ke.l. ra'ive, a p-rle t r. iity I. r oil ni- a-rs ..I Urn n 'p and hair. Wesre ,.Ur. r. . l e" .1 1 V . C.rl W . H.i. I.N I.l 1 1 H AM I H.li.ll A HK..lHnl MAM 1 I l'a..r Woori lsr lr : My nair h.o, l-r sue. ,r. .,,. net. heciMinf i.r.'n. .urriy 'y .e. I c-iiM.inn il hy a lnrsiin.ss winch r.ii..iiio H e e-.n.l ul .iiitalH.niii ml n.t.ss.iy ill .ile.si. j I it W hrn 1 e .i.ni.. i.r. d usmy your Hair Hi si..t lilt- sls.ul ttn moiiihs a(.. il was in IImI c n.li I in n ; sou h..vire r luued. its use 1.11 wiituii U.t Issi ihrte s..k. il l..s tin t,. .1 I., its r.-lui.l ".I I or. an.l assumtit solliie.s a n.l I u.lre (leal.y l. Ibe .l. Iitiril lu those pr.,.i.i-e.l I.y ll. ....IIC. I l.-n ,l oils or any oilier pr. oaraii..n 1 havasver u-n I r. g.rd -l as sm ,n.n. p. ns.hie sruel- l..r . v. iy i ' l.ry's lolirt. (In ll.er lo he used a s II .11 II..I... j rslisr o' I. f simple piirpsM i.l tin n . r , ' hr. uti'j my li e hair. You lie permission I.. m isll Win. I lilertallt any U.'Uul ul Us p. 1 1'.. ii.-ii. k sll ll.al is la 1111. (1 lor It. 1 I MI!-. i MY MOM'. I ( iiiciiinsti, O.IVb. In. I8..7 1 1 1 tmrtl st. I v KI.I.1SUTUS. M i., lire. A, le J7. j I Pans Wooo jtar j-u : Iiy the .os.ee ..I 1 Ir en.i ol una.:, w Uu I. . iin.cn usiiii; yur Hair i ll.-.n,ral.v. , i was ii.iiu.-eil I.. Ir v il . I hau Ii. e i lev. r, son.., tune L. M-y.and nearly iviiy n.r i n.y He . el -out- Now it.y I.a.c..-e ,.. 'a greai or.l imeser than ever il w.,s ,.ih" g hul a uiily ami stiiipall.y H.-.I I ' I I., e. -in... mil -eale tootheia SJ l.'i sr '. Ill i. led - I have If m, . er-.ii.il mi! ui em- lo five l"i public aekuow u .k n.eal ul Ihe Is-m Hi I have rcceiv.u Iroui I'n.f. i VV oou'a Hair lt.t r.live. Y'.urs rcspecttully, A.RJ AltiKS. Ihe hral.trativ i put up in b.. I lies ol 11 .11. , six: large, linniuiii aiiUsoinll; Ihesn.sll hi. Ins ) Is pint, and retain lur one dollar per boll e j ine llle.nuiii I... Ins at leasl twenly per lint, lli.re in (ir.....riii n Ih.n the small, r lam 1'or two Uo isi Ishlli; ihe lge bo its a i) ii - rl, l.riy nr e.nl. . ni'.ri ta prop.. rtn. ii anu retails lor t3 a Im.ii;. j t J vWMlll.V I'll., Proprietors, 44 1 llr wsy, i New York, and 114 M irael he. Si. l...iiis..Mo. and ! sold by all goU Liuglslssnil Ksl.ry Ououi l. icrs snd in I hurl, .lie by ol Asa ol I it. March aT. ISMI. l-3m .1 A. AIMS Al IIDM V. COMMISSION MEUC1IAS T, I IT 4 II A Mill UN hi Kl I I.N. I. HI V H and h.iw.rds every kind of merslisn il ite lor ptr tint. noimusiosi. Ueler Ui I. '.vs.Mwaiii aii.1 Morein ad. N. W . W o Mlfin, J. W. Oebnriie, I . I. Meniienhsll. A. M. Isomisii, t.sqs. ami lies. I . f. IK. II W. A.tirahaui, and i.lhrrs. i'rultr in I'laii.,.. Mehuiroiis, tlrjsBs, II. rps, liuiura. Wn.ic. hewing Maehinn, Irna Bali s, Pumps, I... r.ii n tnginss, sVc. A print, d ll.t ol ill tne ditirrriil maker, kinds and prices sent fie. Publisher of an rlefawl lilln.r..ph of hrinrv Aui f'j," N.t-. !,) and Ihr "( . ass I' ivsk iss j na , Isniss tavina to IIssi.tm." This iu, . In il.lr .irsny airisi . h-.ok he in every house. It tresis of all diacasrs, lias a dpi. .us fl.t.ssry and iireai-rilss the renn-dies from nut lire s h'.iinleou stores, lir all on. in ft r.i. ilies shd mis. fortunes. It is pi inted on fti.e white pafier, hand. am.. i iy bound fonrlh edition, 3IMI par' snd la mmltrd free far sne duller. New rioseisiKid Pisnoa.tlSO. ". It, IB.'i. ly KINDS OF ti In I In v irl Mil ) . cu.l. li.i rs f..i tl.i vary l.l.crsi psir.- I Ih.y V. . I., tu.-i.. at I shall rn.irsi..r, ST elos. sltrnli. e nitrii a eoiiuciusner or itiresme. uin i mm mam." iinilfJ l rjil and riaminr lii Mori;. i. . s 1 aiv ri.s vnr v o..a I'JUl In will M..vs. Ujl II tttnl tnut) lly nlltm't.l to .Vi'..aN..M.TiVJ.()l!. E. R. STOKES' Dunk Diudii! KstabibliHKi.f, Tj Di'if k,ite Bran. h Biuk in . w Gun I i.j lu rmr ol YV. li. HUulrj il Iniu Hall, Ul.t .'I HI t, Ik. ... To sh.iv Ksi 1 lM.ll, IIS ..(. .IMI IL. I eel III. iSK I lit I A I.i. I is new in (ul ivm lull m a.... UINHt.1,- ' "-"t hu . s-.i.e Inn. w ul p. I. My p. c all ..HI. ,..i i-.nr I I i S "-r 'ii' - I III. . k 1 ( JH lK so. I in I. si I . w .i.i. ..i.i M.iMt h v oi.'KS, rl ii .al I sau, in all ess... fill sulil all HI A.N h liUUKrt, R" -k ii s.SS.t illss'tl...... I..I U Sill. ."it).', H im. n'. ....1 r..i..i,,, ...,i... .'. Ho.-... hll.l.ll.i .i (11 1 MM" i. -i i i.l .n. i. .1 s..ri. i.q.iiiru. I.N I LU W UI.K.t. I 11. U.C.Is.Pall.phl. IS. y ..rscriplli.li, bnuau o I; a.i w li re- esi-ciile'1 with d.s.iai llU as ton aS CSO OS d.'D I Wl'SS K. K. drKK Jjmumi 17. Ie60. 4 :i 1 1 luKI ll-( Alt4l.l A L.utudi LiU luturaucc Coui'a iy u n I. H lLt.it.lt. a i:. 1 iii. Stall S 11 I ilVl I ni ui.. a laiiu i.i jv.is, ur n.i i. i , ii. sssoieu li r in. I"' is ol th. Uu.-l.)- " HolUal litlp- its nl..litati lol the Wl.nte Inn. .-I I'1' ii in. pi, ii. .ii... lh. rsior sin. unls lu .'".' ii..,. on given lor uni.li.ll lot sliiuunl .1 huio, ui-i .i.g in u rest st ti pel t.. i.l. -nil. te pii.li.pl liislilil-r III sl.ilh all losses in" I.y I. .is toli.p-s J , li.it llutr w.ll. I l.i ol pit iiiiiin., pl s. nl lt .1 muUccioi Ll" l" i ss sis uiap.ssti to lasaiv. .. alt ll.SUtSt. lol ll IIS III Irollll.' ' y I., n.r m... II. m.e li. i ii value. i ss at pud will. m UU nil slid sat..- I j prowl is pit si I. U tt . I'lhtl MII..H. I.sl.is t'.. J'l.i slot., Mm. II. Jones, VVni " II...O b I ooke. J. tt. V ilii-.n.., II " llOSl..., Cailltlilll. tiUslMt, P- tlstU", II SileK... fc. 1 . I.-...., l.arl.s It. Il.itil, l loi. , 1.1. n'u ll. le-m. Or II I 1.118. I'r. I Iisiii t k. Johnson, President. V . v II01.11.11, Vim Preaiutnl. K. II. ISaliit..neUr. VV ini.iii.s ll . Join s, I ri.Bursr. II. V . IIu. 1. .1, A'ta.ri.1 y. llr. Vt in. II. Mi her. Mtdioal Kl. miner ixerullrs vssanllss. g. Ilnst.iv, W . H ' kei . I l.stirs ll. Knot. Mtuuut iiissiat duslad. bail's ' JoluiM.n, VI li., Milium ll. Mikse, M- ' llicn'd II. 'I.,ya,-,:,,l. l., Kor liirlfer lorn.stn.n, Ihe public is rrl.r red lo Un p .n plil. ti. sun lo.ios nl pri.pi""'. ,"rh may U i.hiaii.m at lh tllhc ol lbs h'l"' orany Ki ll Avem iea. t on. 11. un ica iioiis shi ulu be anoii u. II "1 " ' U. II. HATTLK, Hfrrttary. ryln.MiH.S.M, . 8HII y-.V-'- i'ri 4' iaOjlw'a;, run PR 1 N TI N Hit f-irrltltl4fllei ,,f all kmda will stee.ilee SI ! 'rllfc KXKCUTIONS for the 8. Court for ' ULANK DKKDS for iU aUbia o r c . z s- r