cscntation of the ooMerii opinion I '''o0 country, d 'be ealtumiaa, gravity ' nod fueling w ith which the proceed. , B r. couducted, cannot b loo highly: . l iii-J . t..f .1., r,.:... i,,L.(ioptinR ' plf""n ' Conlitu--.i.i... i.nia or eoiDinr lit. the dnven. ,n Wlliiou. . . . No oilier courxa wa tbo't .iriolio coW- .i.. .arliff dy of the Urpublio. K- 3 .peering pl.tfortite .re almo.! without .piion ro'tivoenl od delunive. It in ob- '.(erf that men differ aa to the ninaninri of , fundamental law out inpy tuner not a (i to any glo or commentary. The M.iit.ition, in it fair and naturul interpret inn i the only lai on which good citi- i ii in every part of the country can tow i1(. ; end any attempt to go further will uaMy hare do other effect tlmn lo oauae l0,e wlm agree on great practical princi to differ on tnetsptiy-icitl aubllctiea, or i briny together, by artfully eoiistrtiotd 'ira-cjand from telfih moltvea, thoae who 4ve nothing ele in common. The candidate for tbu I'resiJeney preaen , by the Union Convention, i every way irthy of coii6lence and aupport. 1 fpeak nm personal knowledge and long anaocia ,n sith him in the publio aervice. ! -tili(;uihpd tatptit, larpe eipertence in ar ,ir, proved iiite);ri:y, and aterMng pnlriot- iii fumi-h the auipleel pledge for an lion- t and efficient administration Of the gov--iimctit at home and abroad. A cii'ueti of :, South, and loyal to her eotimitutiouul hta, hi impartial and conciliatory couiac i a public man afford ground ou which e can be aupported in either eeetion of the iimtry, without dereliction of principle, vl hy uten of all partiea, without a pjinlul i.rrifiee of former prtferel:ca. 1 ,.. ply regiettinR that the tonvcntioD ha i t DJt il I" niy pnwer to pay an ram it v ir.lial and enipbalio libute to eonie wultby I fdidate for the Vice I're-ideney, but feel Ik. it a li'Jty to L'ivej the diVired proof of ' - ?" . I :. . ..;; . fT,iri in telr,re I t't""' " rm I bppy " J 01 Dromeriy conroru Ke ren the d.ffercnl aeeliona of our beloved ! wki'try I rtmaio, dear ir, aincerely voara, K I) WARD KVKKKIT. r j,n,,le lor tbe eoiiiing of tht .nibble tbelll t'l their. a Taker a read) ' , tlie tune of both : ,i tli r.iut-ii will C'tonienoe tkur IhatVq , u 4 ui oi J uoc. l w ciiia.-na til .VI. c a h m i ,u, 1 lii"g n !' iue ui Ilia line ol ,, .ii wiueii eitenOa IroiH the i.abirroa line l,i S.,,.l,ur) lO.a lu I ll.llolor.Uir Ull :m... auiu te I lr-UJ li,m-c noun I.. .11 Fufd nwd to tlt .VjuI'i JI,o,n line. , , d ,;.kc oet m lil wl unatra tu liie loi ( ,)u, all. a lo ml : r n.e ot i eery y raon mtme jU'1 piaffe ol .ii II,. I at Jui.a. !", a.l in II,,. Uio.lj ; . i, I lur, fn.iraaui.., lei eiition or Ir.o. I, f ! .1, ottr fillei n Jr ol agr ; V'.lue ol V.loe ol I'criooal Ki" , II, Mo , ii, .ni.o durikg lata year ruiiing lat Jane. .ll.,. .0,,l daring tl'ayrar; Kia..i o rr lm c iioot rve Tii rilc; No.nitMr comb, blind, iriaaee, itlwlie, pautiar, or rraiag tin f HI lol.u Mi iii; ,S.m l ' -i ! ft U nib, liiiBd, . r,.,,, tuii.tiee of mnrt .lily, Ike filluw. ie t irry poaon "hi noil I'urmf I , f i fio.iiif Juoe 1. If U. aluw pi c ol abooe a I t4 I lop ..tain w.a in llo 14,0 l ; -f, a, a. ea -,c a nlion, m irrien and el ,o..J. tirtopUi , i - , I ur ill. oecupal.oa, C4ub of tie lii, dura- t -I ill.i.aa. 4 a . i,,..r A gin rieu'ture, the ojlloa gj.oii'y of i ai.riuoery ; luleli -..., ir.e; T. lal . ol W ,f4l la la, rye and ol h. mil ol lor elM k ; on r.rm uoi , , r..und. ol ; .No. I,, lea ot :a of a and i.l..ol 1,-1. .1.1 ,t.utn, V.I on ol Ulo. H : r r of , f-r., ,l.. I., I.. . pouoda of wo.,1. ho.lo i I -,l-.t and p i it in w e, I; ..of gall. 'u of orci iir.vt g.rder.a; o. nl oun.ia ol bullrr ' ; lona of h a : bu.hla ul eioarr aeil. j l ; pouiida ol huia, ot hcllip, '1 -ma I, r mllcd and otli. r pr pir. l linn ol fl 1 J Itj.lo l. ul fl.l ae.u ; I ,i,i : ol m.p'e aee.r; ol cane No ""'I ul 10 ID Iba i (..Iomi. of n...l...c Tooi i. . I', .an, l. ol beeawn ; .litm ol ho,.e y , i, one luanul.rlairca ; ditto of an, m. I. Wl I 4 ,, r, nrlucta of lm uatry. the follow, 4 onip.iiy or Individ. Id uf It Mine; ai r . "ph.y.d; w. - tw l..,(M-d that every head of a fum -lo- toe aljoaa qu- partiruUrly. a a correct li-t el aiiter'l, an llial it in to liioil lo Ihe M.'ahal all it liir.r ra.pecli) e placea ol ab.ola. Il .t oi. r.rb cititeu of the county to t ,' ! nt M ir.h.l all th.- .id they can o. I aa it la of Ihe u'm -t nop. I ur ,h.;i il,,l,n .1. ,.,.!. I be lo 'y I ,1'orml. our repri a. ntatnm n I '..ngri I ' ni.jr g.n, a Krprrarnlalite if the I e y I, km ; it not uti b corn ctly alie nt Yniira, rcaclluliy. J C FLOW. Ant Mirihal. 'uiiiir('us((;iiifrs. your complyi rl a,,d Irrma ih In nil nd It to a gr- .1, :ounla to April ate dm-, p,ti O ATKS k WILLI A M.S. 114 fc?" Dissoluiidii. ' I'. Sruiof FE STEK Jt ,M, 1.1.1)1) w . die. ,,l, I,, mutii.l cn-rlil, no tha yl.l m. . '" ni l A, Count, llu. the film will lie V "" '"''. ot E F.-..t. r or E A. M.-. ' niniifili . Ir Mltlimrnt. CNlll.a ouc I. '" 'I' i.i by praaaiiled lu E A Mi Led l..r i L KK ASTER, ; K A. M. LKtU). 4 ;,.'!," '""'"ed will nu. tne t.lttll Ell V ' l lMlil l K ll',NKS4 .1 lh. ..1.1 ai.nd I "" nl I. rr.,vr. Hullf M'l.OlUd. t I ,J .1 ... L- ........ . ui ra.iinj wrucerie. aiwaya on f'V 21, HBO, E. A. MrLKoI). 119 t'l I A II I .HTTP. '-.M KKKINK I) A h V IAXUI'ACTOKV, luul 4 tKi: II llil lll, Ar. v'Ku,l, I irn. . ra.gnrd re.uccKullv inforn.a Ihe ci. "" "I t .A , ( , I1"' "oiniiienced the above bilai .!,.' ."a"' comer of Trade and Col. s ".lor Ihe purpoarol iimhuI ,rlurn,g ,,i:s.i;.lKi:s ,t mtr.Ai). 4 ' "licle. he Will ..'II Wboleaal. and Ret,,:. i "" ' win. him.eli; Itetall More " ' ,..'l""d ''" 11 ' P-rcha.r llu ir Candiea ,,'"" he will give entire ealie. t , ,..! .'"..'"" '"' ""ality. i ,,, . "H '""n di.lance, enrloaing (be ' 'irn ii l"""''u',l!y attended lo, and tile a r. . ' ""r packed .ml forwarded according " i'lrcci John 0 C. LKISKR. IT, "r and t.lleg, ,l,eel, t Aerlolle, N. V. t Scarcity or Corn. Tht Jokonville (Ala.,) Kepuhli-xin autea that ooro ia no ellinjj in that nection of the country at from 81,33 to $1,50 per bubel, nd er cnro t I hut tbu deficiency" bavitiu to be auppli- oa'-IUU UCUUieilCy UBVIUir IU IIO KUIIUI1 . r . ... j -i- ' ed g ahipnieuta from tbe West aud Teuuea ce sod Georgia. IIAKDWAIIEKUWAHE! A. A. N. M. TAYLOR HE.-I'Et TFULLY informa lua frirndeund the l.ulilie ireiieruily, that he haa added to hie el Una, vu atoek of a lurge and conidele alick of IIAHUW'AUE.cun. aialing in pari lulh'Wei I 'arciilera' Toola. Cirsul .r, mill, vroaa-ut, hand, ripper, pannel. pro. nine, rati. ten noli, back, conipaaa. webb and butoiier HAM .S, Kraiea and bilw, Prawing Knivra, hiaai la, Aucrrt,, Uimlela, llnini fa, H ilrheta and Ai'i, llncfc, pUateni'g und (Kouiing 'I IKIH KlJi, S . arllrra. Sen w Hiocka and diea, -Une of all klnda, Sonke ahavea, Steel btude beri-1 anil try qiiNiea, Spirit Leveta, l',.i:eC Itela, Spirit U rl Viala, .Uaehinea, j..uge. nd in tact everything a mechanic wnt, in grrri -"etV and at eery low prin-a, at TAVLOH'S y. r.l. .re Store e...lT, Ware Depot, oppoalle the Mjoaion H r, I harlotle, N.t:. ;ir 3, 189. Iltf Blacksmith Tools, (' II lU llowa. Anvil.. Iiand and ) alule ,.o in. ra, Vieea. )ultteeea, ll'- riera' Kiiivi a. bertw-pl-'li-e Moeka i,d oi. III . i k. null, '. Fiuehera anil Toot;., Kaa. p- re ami For. o rn. ry kin I, eut lior- -Ilk.- mid V,i!i, II ir.i, lion oi '11 hi, bolli l i,i. liii'iu aoil eoin.irjr noii.uf.,eture, c ,al, pi", blia ler alio apring SUwl &c, for a.ile v ry che-,p at TAYUiK'S, Opptnte the Minin Huute. ('arrive Materials, jr 11 v It ' would C4ll .ureidl -It. litioi i,)fta. -s i? coii.iatiiig ol Spring., Ailea, Spring, Azlea, uba, a, Spokea. l orl.m rrine.. Knot... i.. I. ,n. n N' .il., Uanoiak, S .lliot 1,1 lotlia. La. Fiiogra. E i nieled end U-ll,rt, '-.n. ' " t'l ,il -rp. I, J'-inl l -II kinda.dry in on. -r. i. ii, i u,w- r, Linaeed Oil, ' re jl Iron, II..H.. and everyllmig in U.ew .jr nae TMililitina, .t prlcca tllt Cannot fall .. .1 the y.i i. e l. iot or A A. N M. TAYLOR, (JffHiiiU Ikt .tunaiee l.ui(. . ( . AirkMilttiral Impleiiienti OF ALL KIM'S. I II AW t Ltier., forn k I r. How.. Mora. I "--"""-fojdea. Frka, Ale.. V . Mat ' fjj! IfcaZTjw uki k a. lirulibing llora, Tr.Ca t'n-ftoa rt .k ,,i I tiaifia, l-g I blHa, I'r u wing .nd lleti( Miear., Pruning lluddiog KniVk. t.' .r ileii llo-a .a, I Kikaa, with lueillea; (if. in I n. d'e; jriiit gr-aa an-l bnrr Scylnea, tlii.h .fka. W on bolea ; dl -w ware, aueh aa pote, ot. n. bii.I l.d.,killrla. .(J.l. r., lr p-n. .no krl. II. a. '.'.ul.lrooa Iron, 'i II 'HU f.llol.a each ; lr,,o lid braaa Trc-avl vn.g Kittlea, Mieep Slieara, ite., " TAYLORS yartirare ftrpt4 appeair far M im$mn lweia. II'IUjUV'S I I.LEURATKI) SELF SEAL JIM. CAN, ..I' all Hie io,l -it. .. at TAYI.UIIS lUidifit Sltit, a;;ri' Iht .ljajioa al. I ill in i;.ti n l 1IIE lltnikSof T. II. UK EM A. CO.. itia.t T. II. KKKM. IUU A'a, 21. leud. 4a.le) aila iltf ;llc. fll I. ai-ll to the h.ghe.l bniiler, nl piibl auclion Q Ihe Villi, ol June m II. I -4 I ( ,0 p. r .'i-f ) nl I h.rlo'.lr O i. Light Mock. L S. W ILLIA.M8, stc. r-tut. .Waa I Mil'. I 'i S. T. U riston, AM FAi'l I II El nn I'.jio.nd l ed I una ., , SioVt a, M otHien W are. Swutu wing of rijiriega' II. ....ii". Ilru.he., ec. I nuiuniig. Job W or., uch aa roofing, Uutteriiig, &c. done Willi Ueealt II. At Taylor's . If can find Ihe I wg. ortiii nt of Col and I' i .11 liie Ccieoralcd , ilea and qualitir both Frencii no American. A'an.l'uUv by H'r Li(nr ml. W(H)i:.N W AUK, UKOOU i, Ac .ol all k'..,:.. Hope! Jlopi1!! far ,'oui.daul .Nl..nill i, Julu ami Col. 9W )tVf ton Hope, iron. inch to 3 in. TAYLI-IIS dtrr Slor, eppoitt Ihe Manetom Ifau. Tin and Japanned Ware. t large aa.orlm. nt J Block Tin, It I oik Zilif, I n II. hi,. I ixelal, Ac.. Lx, tue jigc.c.-l,,i a, ol all a ..., at TAYLORS Hardttftte, Stor and Tin r D'pal, it l (utile tht Mtmtum iiouee. I.oufu. ( Work, o V kit kniiUt pfuitiptljr atiUuiitd tu at TAYLOIIS lalui-rir Store, o;iNMie tht Mmivn oeae. ST ATK OF NOItTlI CAUOU.NA, 1' COUNTY. Court of I'ifas unit Quarter .Srtsiomt May Turn, Infill. C. V. Cl.rkn, Adm'r. of VVni. T. I're.lwood, dee'd. I'etilion fur Sale of Lend. I he lie I Law of aaid de ceaaed. IN th ia eaae, it appear ing lo tne eati. fuel ion of hi I 1 net. t In. t l.lith.r I'realwiHid Snlnev I're.t W hhI. J imra Mi l.a'rd. and wifu Polly, reaide he , jond toe linnta of North Carolina, Il it therefore I Uidetea. Itiat pnhlicainin be made lor an weeka in the iN ih Carolina IVIna, a uew.iKiner uiihliah. e.l in the town of Charlotir, lor the aaid de danta, to lie and apiiear at the negt term nf our Court In be held for Ihe county of Caldwell, al Hie Court llouae 111 I- ooir, on tlie bill Monday alter the 4iti Monday in June iicrI. to ehow eauae if any they bave. why the prayer of the petitioner eliall not lie (ranted. VV'ilnc... 8. P. Uule, rlerk nf our a. id Court, at nfrUe, in t"nir, the litb Monday alter the 4th Mood 1 a in M .reh, IMIill, and in Ihe 84th year of Aineriean independence. 8. P. IULA,o.r.fl Triiiter'a Fee l)J Ny -SI, lefn). ... CANDIDATES FOR SHERIFF. I We are auloriied to announce II. II. MAX. WELL, F.q.,ae a candidate f- r the nffice ul Slu r, iff "I MeckleuhurK county, el the en,.uirijr An KM" ww w. ... u,i....:...j i. A. II ItliOWN E , a candidalo for tlie ofliee of Sheriff of Mecklenburg county, t the eiieuiiie; Aii(Ut election. We ere aiilhorind to announce 6TEPIIF.N J. HFKN YlllI.L, Eft .ee candidate (or tlie of. flee ol Sheriff of Mecklenburg county, a! the en. auing Aiiguel elrction. We ere authoriced to announce It. M. WHITE, Eeo... ae e candidate lor tlie office of Mierilf of Micxlenburg County, el the eneemg Auguei election. We are authorized to announce W. W. GIlIKIt, Ka , aa a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Mecklenburg county, at tlie enauing Auguat election. We are authorized to announce WILLIAM MAXWELL, Lag., aa a candiuote for the office uf KueritTof Mecklenburg county, at the enauing Annuel election. We ere euthoriird to announce SAM'L A HAIililS, Fen., aa candid. te for the office of Sheriffo! Mecklenburg county at the enauing Au. guat election. We are authorized to announce J. P. SMITH, Fao, , aa a ciniiiidule for t lr i tlicc of Sheriff of Mecklenburg county, at the enauing Auguat election. Sprnul oiim. Ut'kl'lil'UlA. There ia perbape nadiacaau wliielt deatrny. i the h ,p,ine" and con lor l ol iniiivniunle, inn l.,iinlna lo 'lie a.niie ell, Ml ua 'al e luiiijtiUun. J'r.Viouaiy lo liie Olaeuteiy o! tlie ox v.i:na i v.u mm us, There eiiled no nieoieine aceeaHible to lhoe autf, rui); Irmn t iia wioe f,:e ,l uncut, which re. Iieved it in any marked degree. Tlie power oflln-ae liiltem ov r the above min ed dieae aa well aa over all lino li.vini; their oriem in iiiip'-rlecl diireation, and ni em- fif the atonoith.aa well aa Asthma und t.rnrr. mi Dtlniily la beyoinl all qujenlioli. I la ,,co,ly anil perinainut curee of aoine of tin- at vereal an.i alublmru caea on record ia aullicient : eaiiifirniatmn ol llila tact. i Copy of a Letter from a School Teach- er ia Detroit. ! litTeniT. Mich., June !0, IK.',?, j Metra. fl. W. Kowi. . t'.i . H.htos : l,i re j fi reiica Ui the UxrorMaTiu ItiTraaa, 1 cm any, , tlmtalt'-r hlll( Hie UyapepkU lor aeverl 111" 1, 11,11, I ami almoat dying with pain ami Inavineaa in mi I atoinaeb, I waa prevailed upon by a fill-lid who j lid betn eufeit hy tlie allir nn dicilie to try a b.,1 i lie ol l.lien' Oljgeli ileil K,tlere. Deli. re U-, g I li.ilf a I,. ,llio I lelt jr'e-Uy filieacd.and by Ho ! tune I h.,1 naed two bol'lja anil a IkIi' I w , en .tirely oi-ll, and alill remain ao. 1 know ol nevir ' al C4H-I more diatreaallifr I leli l,-e born ent rly ruieii by llu- n, ,lu ,u.e nit Cine J and it givea no; great pi. mum to ric n nu it In any and ail wlio may b. nitl. riiii; tr, Una dra.itul iioil.ny. W . A. UAl DM, leu er ol U'lru.l S. lecl .lin ,1. frepred by S V. Fowl A. f . B alnn. r nd a by E. .N ve II olciiia.n. A. 'o , t li.rlotle, .N. t;. The use of Dr. Hostcttcr'n Stomach Bit ters, lof Lyaio.,, Ki. lule, ee, lie. vine., ol III. SI,, III. c .or any olhrr like .Hreli .n, i. air. .mi I none in Aut-nra ur i.h-oi'i. T be bli- t,i t t conlidr'iUjp inal tlie U'Uere " re a ci rt un eun for dyap-paia and iiae u,.c a ., la t-i nu ,.ru.irie lor a a a-iurce ol uiiilliyrii iU.,ire. Il n-'o-.v- i a t e.oilod in. tier Ir hi rl, m en, pin, In . lm blood, t np.rla re.iewi-d vii.liiy In the nrraou. ay.lcu, giaioir il th.l 1,1111- in i eii-ri'y m imu. p. na.ble I .r tin- re.l ,rli I In -H i. I he nu lliaioua ackl-,a le.ifenienla ot 1 1, a u .e r i,,r ei:cl Imca and bonetieiil re.ulla, tfa.ured llo-p'-i(rtL-l' a lOiil it rviifl'it bul prove .4 pre. I eiir lo toe .111 cle-d, and mipjr I vill'ty to tin. limruiigh ayaieni. Hold by druggiata and deilera genrrMltr, every, whrre. for aale hy I.. N'je lluieliiaon 6l a , ( lialiolle, N. I'. It ELI IF IN IIA .11 1 M ILS. BRYaTS I'l'liMOV 11' V A I'MIS, Tm Oaioia.l. MmiriM EeTaai.laurD l l..17,a, j fiitl miticlr ef (ar iiad erer m-inJurri vnitr Me J urn f ' I'l i.noxo W iriii." i- ii,n at an at. erreaari),- all oll.rr 'im.eic H'a'ri.n.t .r'eif. 7a f-n.iM na te ia-ara In, II,, name Uii V A.N erin; Humped emek tt Al Lit. j lilt 1 AN 8 rt I.M"MC W.ri.ll. KclieTe foofl.a. Coin., Tr,ai, ..nrncne.a I 1K ' rt I.Mii.MC l AKtKS 'llelice A.lhma. Br-wo.,1,., l ;,!, Hrdhing 1 IlltV AN PI I.MiiMC W M KUS lleiieve .i tini of II I. I'. iii. in i he Cheat. UK V. Ml ri'I Mii.Mr WMTItrl Relieve Inrip,,,,! Coii.uiiiii' n. I.uiij,' I),ejiea. PHVANf I't l.M.iMC IVll l.lli Relieve IrrilJlion of the L'tol. ami I'onalla, ItllVAMS Pt l.MiJ.MC WAI Ht lli-l.eve the CmiipUim. in I. n Minute.. rilVA.NX riXMOMI' IVAI'Pllr' Are a Ulea.n.g I,. ..II f 'Ij... a and I ..n.lilulior.a. IIKV l.N'H I'l I.M'iNH' I K.a Areadaptrd li.r Vocniai. ami I'u oic Speakers. IIKVANH 1't I.MmMi' UI.K Are is a eno.le form and c-1, aa i to the taate. PRVAN'! PC I. Ml iMr WM (KK Not only rein ve, but erii ct rapid i,,l lasting ("urea. PIHA.Sfc Ii I.Mii.Ml' l M I Krl A'e warranted to give aati.l'aetiuu lo every one. No F-nnly aiiould be Kilhout a ii ... cl Hryaii'r I'uIiiioimc Water, in the Imuae. Nu Traveller ehould be without a aupply ol llryan'a Pulmonic Wau-ra in lua pocket. No prrnn will eacr object lo give for llryan'. Pulmonic W.i. ra 25 eenla. Jt)ll .MDSiv, aoir I'ropii.lor, Kocheater. N. Y For aaie hi Charlotle, by Ui . feai r, aiu ail rea ieelabie llruggiula. M its. WnsiAIH , An experienced nurae and female ih i .iciun. h rvioihiug yrup for cluloieii leelhing. which gi Iy laeiulalca Hie proci aa ol leelhing. by aolle, Ihe g uoi., refluciflg all inllaiiiinntioi: will a all p.m. pi nd up I la aure lo ne.ui.itc Ihe bo. I. lie ll, lliolhl ra, l a-lll give rel to your- a, and reliel ami licallll to your llilanl. teclly aale in all Caaca. See auvertlaeiiitut in the. column. II 7 See the advertiaement of Satidf.irda In rator. in another eulumi.. 117 See the advertiaetiienl of Wood'i 1 aliutber column. I lair Pye, IT See Dr. Ayer'a idvertiaemcnt in anothc Iuiiiii. a. w. Ai,riM)i:u, f !jt a 1: o .1 in:. vi s ", Or r r.K ma aervicea 1,1 the nti K-na ol tli 1 at aud aoioiniiiii coun iMtf,o in tbe treatment .i ir.-euuhtri In a of the te. th, Uiae i.ea ol lm- mouth l .elh fi.hd in a a k il 1 1 11I and a ..ti. factory rn.nii.r. Ar tlli.'lal lerlll lllaerteu on tiolo or Mi ver plate, i.lai India llublier vule.iim.d U,.e. I'm. aly.v ul work haa many advantage, oyer the Staageu work, ll can he ed.pled to the mouth with Ice irrit iti,,n than the Swaged work it ia al.o eheapef. It ia tree from aov unpleaaaut odor or taate. Having become arut for Ihe Aiioiicni Hard Rubber eoiiipany lie will aupply Herniate with nf 6ce righte lo mantilaclure I'latea and Guiua lor Arl.fnial Tee lb and the Apparalua ami Material. He will elan give loetruetiooe in the art on mod. erate ternte. Aa he ipeete to do a travelling buair.eae per. anna dcairmg wink done, can be elicudcd to al their rrvidcnore, bv addieaamg hnn at Tucka. eeeCa IV O , .Muck le'nburg Co., N. C. , ir AH wnrk war.-amce. A put 3, lbbO. 9lf SUUI'ENAS tor aal. at tbia Offio. I tu Ihia pl .re. nn the lOlh iuala nl, Mrt. ELIZ ABETH EUERIIAKI), wile l Mr. i;,.rl. Lb. r i.o r-i. in the ;hlli ye of tier Hue. She lenvea a liU'h md In inouin hi r lo.a. She eiprmaad to her niini.ter a giaU hope ol a nii.'uurulity. lied, at Ix-H.iir, Caldwell rnunly, on II ull.. Mra. M A Kill A A. IXXiLK, wileol Mil Ii II. Hog Ir, in the -"Jtu je..r of In r i.(.e. The oe. cvnaed in early Ii e joiind the M E. t'hiireh, and toon utii-r euil r,ci:ii religion. She waa ardently ult.ichcd to the chuieh ol her choice, ami ulihi,' till- auiuiuolia of il.-n 1 h emit when iillle Xhei-ti d hy her frieiuia, yet it loom: hor re.idy. 1 hue hue u jewel pja.ed from a l.ind ol' dia-ippoiiitiiieiit, toila und cure., lo I hi, I i!i litrMlul havi n of the good, and home uf the bleaaeii, where the wicked reaae lo Imuhlc and the weary are loreer 1 rest. She Ift.ivea two aweet little children, kind tiua. hind, and a large circle of frieuda to mourn her loaa. 8. iiliam J. Iliutfl.sviit .V .atarnt rnt r.inm finip"! UJJjLiIIjUI Oakh, Okanok Cou.My, No. Ca. reMlIK next term begine Augut SMili. Ilooin Jt lor aever il new Seliohira Such aa in pre pured to Im (;iii Lutin (jraiiimar lllueh pre'V-rred. .Vuy 15, Ifb'l. t!3 Fine Silver Plated Vare. JUST open-d u 1 irge and iplt-niii ft.ortii.cnl of Silver Plated Ware, ehirh ia oflered to the public. ll and aupply yuuracltea v. inle yuu cm Kei u oo,i ..rlo-le ebeup. ii. v. jjECKwrni. fov is, 1pg. mf 3 XT JSj1& jE3 JE3L y n n n ii l,.r,,l-r l.aa oirtllielil of ruCfived a lurje and v.iri- nd S 5 k , for Spriin; ami Suinntiir, which f.,r ehep lieallt.i,,i.-.inii,,1 he .1IT pa-i II, con, ia I ng III piirt ot' Hl.ick and Colored ( I.UTIIS, ll,ck OuE-KINS, l-uin, lli .ck and F-.nry CASI.M E(!E', Fr. nil, Di. h IV I. I E. Flam lli-ck ami F VKST1NGS, F.ney Linen Ml ILLS, u il .' ("und in a firat cu.a i lit. ' Ail "I wl.leji will be by the yru on aeeoiiunoua. T..ilor.i.(r K-i-l. iii.iut: tu trutr ur 1:111 ltrni- j. s. rniLLEPs. In retu-njrp nv I Inlle, tor tin vtr ii llRVC bfailfivrrij on M to the riH; . :tHrnl )., i of f'har. i iiift tin y .tiite ul tie tiiic, wild int. nil r ut t-d lo n.t n f ir riitfil. April 17. IfcfiO. i .til (r'Miiitiy J S. p. GUAM) OlMONLNG AM utniui OS TUESDAY Till! 3I OF M & El Ik Ej u I11AS & COIILN will ori: AT TRE STORE FORMERLY OlUI'lED CV T, II, Brem & Co., ,U' nr TIIP I IUST 1D LABCEST STfll KS OF X2 public in till- v: A- , I'rtta liooo. be luund Cr-ipe ,M..n ta, I'l'in ami l-g ii B-rcgra. , Heel Fr. in II tlre iiiou r, rioiiii i li Dig.. ..uii K jbee (le I'.ui in , A Li. ikloiae li do ,1... Imp J . Cull. I ll.g.,11, U.neis liobea in ee, v French J.cii. I K.neli.b. Finn Plaek ami CeiM Siiki, Taiiartinea, Grenadine P ;'.l,. Silk W ri I'h .l'i. a, in, flic 111! I I.I.I A.N 7 3 Fr. ni ii t.lNt.ll AM.S i L . N, iili'l), I rnii I: :iimI A i.h ri"n I'llLNTS ,ely ami .1,1-. While Goods, 1 1 M ii , Li ii i I. men I.o i 'Ltd, C oili , Viuiua.Xi. i,..r. IMI '. M. Shawls and Mamies, I...... M mi'.a.L.. 0,1,1- i Shi .1 1..CC I. I.-in Hon !..,. Ion, Silk and M ,tit,i ,, U .re M , ot t'o r v iH'cri,'liun, and l otion Dilati ra. s, Collars & Setts, Valcnreiiii a hue, li.H.k, J, cone I Mourning I. men anil I'lque Willi 1 bculmil r-loek ot Kililii.nili reu il inokerciiK i, I' 1.- W .,i-i mi I! : t-. Floun cing. , Fugitig., In. 1 rlingi. ami D.ea. Iriinuiniga Unnnets, In our trimmed ),ui,ilniir taate ia acknnwl enge.l. e have a tenutitiii riifidy. ill French Fl-wera. Kucliea ami I! hliona. FKKXCIl I.Ml'tiKTKI) PiiniSllls, FilllS ' Head OlTSM'S, with an unu'ua'ily large atock of ron 1.1 u.v ami nooimsrn iii!) laiiiiiv i'l.O Till. ., II. lltlHWI i: lt(M !, wi:ll .mil II A l, j and a gcnernl aaaortincrit nf .Merchtindise, which j we i.Tliu d 1 if, rm g to our Iru nda und cui.lom.ri al pricee winch dely ccm(a-titton. I NO UlAllliK FOR SHOWING COOPS! I Itt'iiH'iiibcr Lmlit's. Tui'Mlay iiuil d,) ELIAS & COHEN, At T. II Brem .J- Co i Old Stand. WE IIAVK A L.O.GK STOCK OF GROCERIES in Ihe Store llouae formerly occupied by H. B. Wlllinna A 1 o, .,pHHita. Ckm'totf: Mieteh 97, lPflO. Itf HE OPENEIJ FOK VISIIOKS BY lat nl JIJ.NKnext. Tney arc rilualed in a meat hetllhy country near the bculllul LA I A I5A ItiVf.K, Wlllllll leaa Ulan hi h'-ur'a fine of Hie preaent leruiiuiia of the WESTEKN N. C. KAIL IIOAl). with which d.n SAth 'y Imea ul' Omnibuaee alio rstjge t'oachua eonnect toe Springe. i'lcifuru vehiclea und auperioreaddle hoi at a will be ul the call of gutale. lion lius All y nuil llilliartl ;tllrill neatly titled up. A I'IM: ItAl Of 7ILAICI li eugnged for ihe aeaeon, and QLMIlRILL AU COTILLION PARTIES cch evening HIKE UK LXTliA CI1AK0K. iiif: III ll.DIStiS are new and tpii-mui il i: ii. i; Asm k i;iiiumis ritenaive; und in fine, every thing wialiec for at tlie beat watering plai e., will be h.uiiil beie lo re. I'reaii lliu inner iimu and to cheer lite apirilia 'lilt: i;s.l-iil;l Ki'iaiilalioii and the MELlU'lNAL propertiee of the w itera (iililioat iniicceai.ibla Oelore the toinpli lion ot the Wi-ali-Mi N. i;. it.ulrouii) now hull tne aick and .ill,eli-'l with wtlcome. The experience ol the Proprietor juatil'na Hie aeeker of ht-.iith or ;.Ka.ure in aulicpaling a "goou tune eoimug.' The I'roprielor ll.ta been at Very gle..l expenae io lillllig up a V ulerni i'l.iee coinitielinlirdlu with liie wan, a ol the I ALOl.INAS uinl con hueutly re. Ilea uii their geucromly lor encourai;eiiii-lit. II L. KO IS AUUS. iVvl.lBGO. ill FLOW KUS' wliiTE SLiLiiiuTi SPRINGS, Oolcwcll ccuuty, iv. j. rflllE Proprietor of llieae Sprinira inform the A puhiic uel.erally, ll,al lie la ,rep..ring to le eeive und eotcrtuin thoae who lire ueeiroua ul le. t,nj; tile cuialive quuiitiea i.i' Huh w,.ter. lor Inc v.irtoU! diae.'Mea to whicb hu'iun riulure ia jnibie. He ia iiiiikllii lurge aildlliona to lua buililuiga and w ill be reaiiy for the reception of compiny be ttteen the Ul and inuhlle o J une, ami ail Mho no C'-uie ni-iy P t aaaureil th il they tail he neeoiiiino. ithili i! ,ni,l every exertion uat d lo render their atjy .Hid Co' ,'orUhle. I'traona cm ,ing to thix Spring, hy Rail fioud, 'will leave Ihe care at HicM.ry T..cni I), pot, on die VVei.lirn Exlem-ioii, where a oiiveviine will to 1 ELKANN All I'LOWEK:;. -V-iy 13, IrCU. tu 1 Tlo Co'umhia Carolinian ni!l inaert once in .,i.y and tune in tne U. inner, und the KiLigh ill inwrl ti.rre w 1 iUu ami In nU tu iln iiilicc. 'i tn y lo the n.(ivt'rlirimiil. till plci-ave Call uttfii. 1 3U)M:Y I WANT! AND I JiUST HAVE ! uo vor on i: JOVAs IM DlSll.lit I' mid pay IjIiii. He U m nunv drifts upon iiiiu evrry ujy lor ium ir aim labor I wofK Without f Caah arliel.a. r ; Bud bave lo 1 have lalge a. re ( aih nrtifl--. Mm c:t eating (l"Ur. btof:, 1 .fO, &r n I C4iiiKt tiu wtrk without Iuiiil nay lor I ifM. on u.-livt-ry. innuiiiH due me lor wtrk iimie, pome hnv h.-t-n ti.- t'.,r m liiiiy lime diid I in.w, moot I'U.l I 1 IA' SAV, IImi bCUiUllll MlT be ClUMJtJ. 1 h'. ll cii.linup tu rurrv on liie buMht bb at my oiu statnU ; nu t ie for txtte j kii. ihmiics. ni.nnv ao., - triH Ciin niuiiufucture tu order, bl uluirt notice, f IT Ordt-rK tch cti'uiiy tiuhntrd und 1 (roiniif, ap I jiwavti li.ive Ouiie, tu tell t. htjp lor (Jath.unu CASH OALV. JONAS KUDfS ILL. ( Cha.totte, Marek 27. ItitiO. tl J ; The Corner DRUG Store, j til UCMMTI , V C. r:. vr. in i ii iso.x &,co. L I.U re.p. . fuilv call Ihe attention of the public lo tiit ir l,irj;i- anncnnipiiie Slock now being opened lor the p ring 1 rade, connt'iig ol Irui;, Mcdiriiiea, Chemical., I'erfiimery, I'ncy Article, Oils, Turpentine, liurmng Ililid, Alto lol, I'nre .Medicil Winea und B.ainiua, C.inton Teae. F e d .nd tiarutn Seed., ic. Sic. I 1 Junuai 17, iSOU. 43tf I 1 3i 3i i : V s i ; A I T 1 1 A CT 1 o s AT 1 II B (J r e ii t C I o t Ii i n g BIvlPOBalUIM OF ITl.l.lNCS, SFIalNfiS & CO. . i t their large and cn. .the Ilaiidauiiii.t and Cheapeal Steck cl . mnriaee en nllll French ckaj a eTer off- red in the State. Their tm k jail the ..lrt'rrelit kll.iiaof KncyCulI. , M .ratillea butoncaa aoita, tingiiall am Drap d'Fte and A paeea Frocka and S.,ckj a j variety ot I arsimere 1'ant. Fancy and fclaea ; aim. Fane? and lllack Silk. Caa-llncre and ! M .rueiliia Vet. iu enuloe variety. GENT'S FURNI5HIKG GOODS, Triinka. Valiaeaa, II ita and Cnpa. & c , &c- All 01 Ihe above guooa are of the la teal aiylea and pat. ' It rm, ! Mamiiacturiiis; Department, H I.I.l.NliS. Sl'KINliS Cl). have alno added , ,1(ir Ke.niy IliaUe I lolliing Slock. Merchant I'llioiliig l.,r linent, lo which tier call tin '.iccia! allention nt' ilieir many fruinia and cue. i v intend innl inn III ihe Stale, 11 1 In 1, or in th" in . tun'. rpirtmcnt 1 quality ol nl. k of niack I American AIo, an 'lure 1 At all lm am! ColureiM'lotna. Kiiglii.b, F-eneli am Caaiuitie., an,i a vanity ..I Ve. tinea aaaortnient of iu k 11. yn asi"i 1:1:1. Tin v leel eonfi lent ol their nlulily lo uudi r.eli .ii.y ,,'ii, r lioii.e 111 loe Stale, from ihe uu va 1, 1., ; . tin y have 10 felting their Their go.a:. are hoUahl hy the iUatility. by one ol tna Film who rean:ea in the Nortliem market, w huh givi a In in the npporl unit of 1 1 k llg ..uvaii laaa ut Ihe pricca ot goude, thereby aavuig at lea. I aj'a.. Twenty-Five Per Cent. "-;s To toe eoi.Miiiier. Li l.inea laved are Uoliur. uiauelxil So try u. K FULLIXGS, JXO. M MMilNCS, JNO. 1'. HEATH. April 17, I860. 4lf Z. II. JOII.X. iitnrral t ollecling .Igenf, liiimiliiwii, fcrrv fijiinly, Alub.ima, II. I, attend promptly to Ihe collection of all 1 placed in hie liamla. Fatate Claima haiked after, Lnnd Onima ferret, leu out, and abieonding debtor, looked up at rea. aunable ebargea. , TEXAS CLAIMS. j trrollectiona made in Telia, aa heretofore,' through my atlmneye in tnal Stale. Froniplneee may be af. Iv depended on 11MLL f T tlie vule Sorptcil lufirniary in the town uf Charlotte, are now prt-preJ lo furniah coiut'ort. able quartcre lo tho.e I'atieitta Irnui a di.l.ilice who niy require our profeaaional aervicea in tlie tretitmi nl ol Stirgicul diaeaaca. The nbove Inatitntion ia located nn Mainatrert, in a quiet purl of tint town. 'I he buililuiga are few and well ventillaled, with' rood out-building, nor the accommodation of negrnea. All diaeaaca of a coning luai character will be atrietly excluded. CoiiiiniiTiiciitiona throni'h the Poat Office, ad lire. ecu lol'aluvtell A. (Gibbon, will receive prompt attention, P. C. CALDWELL, M. I). 110151- KTO I BHDN, M. U. J, W CALDWELL, M. U. Arrill, r?(,0. 4tf JOIIA l!lvi:V IVAYI, burgeon If enlist, (;nni'Tr. ir Mr.nn.iNa and Dkntitr r.) OI FIlE in liriiHlry'i lliiihlin?, 1 p St.iirs, (lpo. silr Krrr't ll Mel, ii Uii.o i ri:. . r. ""r l'Iii;i'AL Ol'KltATIONS, ,ucl, Viia li a. I' l.EKT PALATE. HAH E- LIP. I I MORS ol mouth ami J pcrforn ed. I IIA' 'I EKES and III -I.OI A I X INS of the .1.,. trcited. Teetll filled Willi (itll.H. SILVER, TIN or AM ALU AM. AKTIFIl I A I. TEETH man ted in the bet innno.-r. j r A very aupermr TOOTH I'OWDEIl and TOUT 1 1 WA!I coni.liinl!y on hami. il I" Teeth Extruded. Ui-Pllli ES MODERATE and all work ili.r.e antiii-iclnry to the pulient. II r FAMILIES KHiled nn al their housea. ! I " A atick of Dnilieta i.lwaya ol. ! Iinnil. Ir t;OI.D and SILVER Flute and W ire ol any nci'i aa pollen out. irOruera iroin a ditnnce atleno.d to ly. ;irre al. Hull. 4etf FURNITURE HALL, Hi CI I A II LOT ! i :, X.C. HIE aubaenbera havmc jut returned fiotn Vint to the r urm'ure M mu- ; facturera at III, north, from lioln II, ey liuvc Inane large pnrclniaea ill niohl laalilonahie. continent ami durable furniture, beg le ive toadv.r'iac iheir , Iriemla and tlie public, that they me now oiicl.n g lor nihK t lion ami aale aoint: ul Ihe beat, moat fai.noli:iU!e and Humble FURNITURE, ever offered in tl.ia, coii.istinj in p.irlaa .M,.irn SOFA S, '1 -;TF.-A-Tr.TKS and i.or.v.Ks. M,h..rir.v IHir.S, IJOCKF.KS, and OTTA MANS.'l Alil.KS, I.KHsTKAIiMan lil'l-EAl S, W A I! 1 1 II I 111 li. MDKIIUAII DS and Centre TA. III.F.S with marble lopa. .M.nlle ami l'..rlor MIIIKonS. Cane, Wii.rior imu Sit'i I HAIRS, C.-ttage acta, very li.inueoine, French ami plain HcdstciiJe with bedroom furni. tlire lO ll'itell. t IUIH.KS, l lillW and HIIIIK TAlll.KS. VA II TAMS,'l Altl lis -nil W AT NUTS, II T ana- I MliliF.I.I.A HACKS. Tcgdher with a l.irge variety of other Furni. ture necessary lor lmu-e keeping. ALSO fik Metallic .-'uric! last's & i'cffins. ol'.i!i qu i hi ice. and ol" the moat approved alyle are , nlw.ij kept oil llallll, and eapecul Care I Vl I, to Interim nt. The BU'n-cnbcra will be pleased to exhibit their new aluck ,i Furniture, A c., lo liie put, lie and tueir patrona eapeci.i I: y, em. tineut tnalj they can lunns i llicm mi more lai or.ble ttrina i than call be sccuieil el, w here. J J M SANDEHS k CO. Charlotte, Mireh 2 . 1-60. 5-'ll J in:i;oivi:i; iir:isi-:Y. l-''Si- AN I.NFAII.IM; ( I liK FOR CouotIkhi i nil Diviufsuf Hit trinarj" Organs. 'Mills KEMKDY cures when all ml,, r prep.i. JB. rallm.a fall. ( r cernpounrl ; col Nai sl.ors IIrlo ; Iloor. Harks ani It i ilirel llallke every nth. .Illlltling No M I ER AL f'dli-O.N or a il ia prepared aoitiy troni I.ea es, and haa l-cen handed cown, li one generation lu I'uliar, hv the rilKHOKKE I.MIIANS ll 1 1, tl". red loll'L public on ila own 1 1 -1 r 1 ri 1. 1 e merits It pcrlorma ita duty quickly und thoroughly. The I'NroKTi'Ni 1 a. of eiiher kx will be repaid by 11-iiig tin. Lmikdy, instead -.1 pU,ir.g t tit-ma. lvt-a 0 1 the mercy ul a,, me Quack er l'enfeMi. Tins liaMt-.DY atrlk.aat the very Root ol" the fl.e.ihe;ita ttltdelicvia not run. ply to aunpeml the poiaun, but to I!fsiove THE CAi'ec nn a. Inch il deH'ndii, Full d'.reeti.,na in painphlei I'., rm, a ccumpaiiy each bottii The ai'ee iiv and permanent reliel afforded by Una H. '.io dy, 111 ali cai-e ol l.iiNonRiicrA, l!i.rrT. i.r vn., SrR '.c. TI'HK, Il.l'oR Al.Bl . I V HlTf.S in Femai.iek), all'l all Ih.-e., m of the I'rinary tlrgatia, haa aaiiunalied toe Tni.t n leniilic men of the age. Tm. liemt'iy not only er.iincatea ail Toinix iroiu the svaTEM but Invigorates ihe most ui lira te cim-t.tuii,,n. j? ll does .Not ArricT the Bbhiii or Inter rrr.r with any t lam of l!, ur require any Irmn liie! diet. L It rtquirea no aaaiatince fri.m otiicr medi cine. I'-And whnt Fmiim kh it Vat re. is tin F.s. TIRE A HENCE ol I 1'l.KASIST and Pel N'acse -i'l I lerr, Ih I'an-r rR K.tti k, or '1 1 reilTKK A MKIiW IN, re IloTTi.ra (lie l'r,r :e I St. I.oui roe. fi or.. ., Mo. A Co. Sold in Charlotte, b, r. F. Scarr, Nve liuiclii.on .her & lieinllab. e country. II. I harleaton, W lioloaaie Pi And nil lrtiKtriia Van Srhaack A, Cr April -.'4, IMIU.-ly Wm. J.Kerr A T TOH SE Y A T L A IV, 1 11 uti.or 11:, . t .. M r 1 I.I. practice 111 tne four la o I Mecklenburg, f I'nion and Ca h.irriik cum tn lj' Ollu-e 111 the Iral liuiUliuir ounoaite Kerr'a ll"ti I. J,n li. l,-t"-0. 44tf Cotton Saw Gins F the be.t qu ,lilv with 10 im hie chilled af neeea. Kail Kind C. liters i.npr nt. I any Famin g in tin ii. a I '.' h li.naol III ordern eari ' intending lo pureh I do well to aend the 1 erally a crowd ol 1 1 there R lale in toe aensi.n. J. M. ELLIOTT, W tuna boro',1". S. preinniina awarded at the Slate Kair Nov.16.iH and ry. A..rr -:n. IrfiO. ''' A JOHN S. WILEV, M A NI'PACTC h r a aid lareiTti 0 HAVANA SEG ARS, ASO OCA LER 11 Tobacco, Enuff, lUdtchas, P-ippr. &c , ti HASH OSS S, K. . j SERxrUU'l PIPES. Ut.. oiiuaiitlyou band. Jsnusry 3.1P60. 43t'" '1 he ll.'irkftai. CORRKCTED BT OATO & WILLIAMS. CHARLOTTE JUNE II, Ir-Gfl. BACON, Hume lb J"j (lt) t,n " Sidee ib l (,h a Hog rimiiu lb u (; (lu Slinuliiera lb nil up Bugging. tiunny yo 16 ( "fj Hi el ib j u liiitttr lb 15 (' up l.eecwax lb J.i ( yjj iieiiin- bunnei HII ', ,) hrai oy, Apple gul. ;;, ( no " Peach gal "ii (. ,, Cotton !b il (j nj Collee, Kio Ib 14 (;. I.i Java Ib 17 (., 8) I'alidlea, Adaniiintllie Ib 'J.', (,i 3 Spi rill., Ib 40 (a I) Tilllow lb ill (; 'J.", i"orn buabel t-5 (o, (;0 e iucKuna, euci .0 in. till I. lotii.C.opperiia yuru j (,,, 16J " I.iuiiaey yuru ta; 3u Egg uozen IS (i, oo rioiir bbl thj (.i, LU ! " b..a 3iu (nj 3 -3 Fe.lthera Ib 311 ( 3i II .tireen 11. f, (., 6J , " ly ib i (o I'.' l.i.rd. ib sj Ot, t U M ul tm Hi - a ( 6 Vl..e,.erel bbl. No I fit) (', III) " Killa f.ihl) 4i0 M.ilaaaea.N.O ID 7J w i gi,i ,i ,u M- .l bllfbel C , III) Muilel- ,' Wilmington ) ...hhl til (,,'. Cd Nulla. Norihern ill 5 (, 00 " Southern Ib j (. g 'lata bualiel Ml (, 65 I'ora Ib J (o 1j ji'-.a buabel 1.0 lo, ) .'ot .ioi, Iri.-h bualiel I5'l (, t'i i " Swt-el bliahei .'i0 (n 55 'liie. buanel ft f.i, 00, Ib 15 f 00 ' " lil" ib 10 (,.,. I'J I .-lone. Ware gal 10 '., 00 S .11 aac 150 (i no IVa lb '? Cij HO white bualiel 1311 135 n n .....b'J.diel UU 125 Wln.kct.Norlhen gal 45 55 " ' X. C.iroln,.i,...j;a' 51 (,) 5d I Voi,l,;,rgia) waahed 2 Ot- '-li i " " ' uiiwaabed to. 43 ; Van bale. 1 UO DO KFMARKd. No reniarka tlna week. COI.I'.M I! I A MARKET. Coi.umi, June 10, I "CO. ( (iTTd.V. The a.ilea lor Ihe week ainouuted tu ili7 h.lea. Fllremea ti a lie. I. Ai ON.huground 1 1 j ('. 12 I 1 Hi .S Iho i'i l I 2J I'f.AS $1 ( UU OA 'I'." "j (5 B" V l.ol l( (o 3J ( i'Aia.liSTii.N MARK KT. naai iton. June 9, IfeGO. ( OT'lON. The tr..i,iitii.,i,a in (..tti.n for the W ee. ,i villi led to V.I hB b..!e., taleain the a une lm,. , ol lc3lDditaat pricca ranging tr. m 7 to i l ehta. .Mudii . Jure 5 Sale. of .'ilin balei Cotton ihn da). Hi, unirkit cloMiig u.l. Willi a (ewnu.rd Hie liry. M Kinlinga al It'Jc. Sa le" hu the tlllce ii.ji Ul OU baica iino receipLa I C00 baiea. IJri.taNa. June j .Salea of 20nO bulce Cot. Coll, n lit. uay ; inarktt eloaihg cull anu irregu lar. .,lia lor ihe three day a 6.'H0 balea and re. et.ipta '.'UUU bulea, again.! 7Ut) balea rtceievea in a .iue tne laatyar. I'i ceipla ahead al iln port 4', o. HU, I bilea; at all the pulta at last uccuulila (1)1,11,11 haita. Niw YillK. June 7 Sa'caof CO balm Cotton I lua ii.iv , the uroopii fi coii Oil ion ot the n, ark el c on. Iiiiuii,. I i, ill i. Ium. Willi a, in nl ii.uun boil. VVlnal ia tirm, wilh aaltaol 40.010 buali. Cora ,e active, wilh aaie. ul ib.t('b bu.liela. liOiAL HAVANA LOinilY. The neiit ordinnry dra wmp of the Roy at If a ta in Lottery coitiiucUtJ by the Spunisli Uuvt-riuiiei.t, uti-.t r the supervision of the I'eiptum Gcnerul vt ( uuu, will take place lit Havana on ! 11 UK 2. PAY. June 2rf, 1560. $360,000, SORTKO NL'MtlitJ VI OIUUNARIO, I A I'llAI; I'KIZi: $100,000 ! li.ric olUt).Ul I 0 ) " 1,000 1 5o.uo I on ' oOit 1 " U.WOU I 153 " 40 J 1 " ..O.UOO I Apr'xiin'a ,SI0 1 " ID, i)i0 1 ApprMXiuialiona lu ll.e $ lUO.UUO JtiUt) each, i ot 4Ud to jn,i'0i,; 4 ot tor to 3u,00l. 4 of llilU 10 'Jli.niio; 4 ul ium la IO,i'OII. VS ho:uTiekelB'-'U; llalvtailUi Quartera ti 'nn a cached al mel.t ul o per cent, diacuvit llula uii an auivi nl U hik. taken al par. :'K lurwarueu aa auuii a. the re ,1 h, j n . Cm diiH-aiiuhh addree,i lo DON RODRI- t.l Hale ul Clly Foal, Cliarlealull, O. C.) un. I.i li e .e.n ol Jui, i, lii be allcUeO ul. 1'ertonc or, u i mg 1 ,1'Kt la m ill p.eaae wrile their 1, ,10 ie na,n aou g 1 v e Hit: 1 r pual othce, cuunly end a l. le (Dissolution. L ur in ut 1 . 11. U. em dc u. ia 11111 day die. uot. by 11,, llu. I coli.elil. The .Hoe,.,, and T e i.anua of T. 11. Dreiii, at the al Cochrane & Sample. All per- auld linn will Call and Rellle the and ail per.ulia having cUlina 1 lu tl 1 in lor pay in, nl. T. 11 Jjtifa.U. J. A SADLER. Jr. T. L. ALLXAMJHR. )lrth J6, IMJO. lit J V. llliVl i; aV ., liF.lHIH I.H CCTTCr.- ai.d til Kil.LS cf PROEUCE, 1 k aim; M iti;i:i, ( HKU)TTt:. -V C. JTAil nidere attended to witn ucap.tch. .l,-,i. 1 7. l.-uu. 4.f I SOW.- Iil ASSOl 1ATIO.N. I'llll.ADI 1.1'IIIA. nt lunHlu'.xtin ist; td epical En- i-A e,U I'lSlirSleU, iiara.ri.anii , r uj tfit Atjuat i:e Uf. ,)..! I l.,u,r,.i..J I l',e . ut.J I'lfl. Jul t'l, llll I. till. A I. AUVK t(, , bv the A , Her, v an tine puv. torrhceo. i.l.l Ahl.K KtlMlll'S 1 oliur P,.ea.e ol Ull M 1 tlr M.rt 1. KM F PI F: iu toe Piapen. u idler envel- lo III.- ..Ill , I, d I w, ox liiite Maape lur poa- ,ble. .-Mi l IN llot i.H IGN. Ac. ard A..l'ut i., N". ' S.IUUI lage Vill be A.nir. HU. J. on. II..' I.nir Si Nil.lh M.iel, l i iphl. I'a. 1' order ul liie p, i, .t,,r.. l.r.H. FAllit M1LP, Se.-retary P. HhAU J'vv r.I.I,. Premie'. Ve. T, ind. -i0-' ifj- Kcmoval Try- w ill De p:cjitU lo s. r WRISrON. 4a II ,fc !.- 3.'. IVtf. p.,or arc in ll Su, auin. un.tbl.d aame Willi hi w ul prt ei ol I

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