A Paris letter in tb tnrhpemlenc.0 $tjn ( ii The riain? o( the whole of Sioil; in the 0f 0rribldi U no lonpcr doubtful Miin nJ riermo, the former with on of " tvcP",,n "Oloier, tnd V .i -if r of h" King. The rtml troop, li-.lipr neittercd ovef (lie oilier pnrta i .11 .1.. : Jhftiia lrn". u..- ... j m .,., ..-u,r,..n, ri'iii ia not til. 1 bo movement h oertniu. f ' i J .1.. Al.K,...,i r,A ...I j, (aid to Le broken out ni mill t ana jkIj In Oiuliri end in the State of (he Church The opinion generally Mitortinint'd tli nt (iirrilinldi i not l.i msclf in Sicily, but bun Untied on the main land ( it it even stated that lie ia io Umoria." Land lor Sale, f f V"': subscriber having determined In remove fl In tlx vi,n(T. lor sal the Planlalion un winch lie now residue, lying, i'2 mile from Char. ilia, on tin Stalcavilie road, anil within a mile ,1 l ho A. '1 . 4 O. Railroad, containing about 1711 ICrea 70 e'enreii ami tin balance all woodland k. II limbered. On tile prrmiaee ia a mull com. f.,riabl dwelling house, with all neceary out. building in fond rep r. There ia alaii a Well of neellnit water ia the yard. It ia suitable fur I , .it hi, Ci.im, Wheat nnd Tobacco, II) acre being nnw in toll ire.ii. Person dtemng In purchase aueti a f.rni aiuuld do well to call and .mm- the .r. linses. W.J KILIOUGH. t!. IHCft. .1m A I la ni ir, 'I'rmewt & Ohi Hail Konil. TaEiavaea'aOrrif a.A T. aiO It It C UaiMi Jun II, lf60. 1 m'tlTICE ia licrchy ifivni, that Hie Third In. 1. 1 mriit of FIVE HOLLAliS per alia'v of Hie I . , . 1 1 1 i Stuck ill Una Cinpany, euecritcd in , kl. i.b'itg county and at Mount Mourn", Ire. tVi riMintv, ia mu da. and payable on tho 1 Till i J.ilv i it. I he Trcanrrr will attend at Davidson College uming lha 1 iimoeiieenirnt, and sincerely ihil -ll Mroiia mti rested tn the progre. and tlmlltt E for lock enhacrib. d, wl' mc.l lion 'I that place aud i t irtrtplt far thia mifal M. L. WRISTO.V, Tta$. ., t.U altrf J V u i-. W la Hm V OtLU respiel'ull- n. . r , v B- o.mi.ealolh. puilu-. ihul t ii ii m receiving aid alTenog Htr al m tut wi tlrrcjcs Stogies, m'utlurrc, tu N- II ivr, ('iiu.iclirui, ft yr.i tor I-1 ?Huibt,fn HitirRet, r r t-.i mttH fir.f in inyOnbf ol th kind rvvr brfor I'tTt rrd in i n iHif L I. Call muit ten ((cm m kt l.i t h4 C OVKUMAN. Jnnt tj, IfCO. t)4 Helper's Hotel, . itaridKOH 4 olttgr. 4'. f flHK sabserilH-r h-s jot com jLJTL,lfc JL pieteal a g..l, large of Coin. PrTrJjtJtl lort.bw II O I 1. 1, and llrui. g m$3uitii&ff House at lloa pUte, wliare ail he. may tritli ji fini! mot aconiniu.jaliuna. aitr I i ff r ht aU V.DV'i. and LOT 1 ihi place, nica'r locAted aa amtakle lor a soisll fanm. II. I'. lltl.PKlt. y.se IJ. I6D. Ilk CJ .Notice B KereKf given u th liri 1 nil of kin ol I 'cnv H -.unl. dee'd.. Lie I .S ('., Ih.t I am ready la s.-lli ..I iifi ibey pilv fr the ' I n ..ii eounly tbv atd estate me, cesffdng In ; lu.t I will rt lust. In py I, r, ii.r Die nxtnes Ju to ll '.m, ai.d wlucki a.rt I ham llt'i.H M norsTov. AJm'r. f Attkf Blnmt.d.t d (ay 8 H W.) Junt 12. trail. Il( ij-;! Dissolution, rji'ir iitei of Jt s,,.v,i, by i VIT n reiof FE4STEK 4 M. LEODwi.di Niotaal f.liM-til, on tha tflst iat. . S .lea and AcbHioia due the Ann will b ' una in Ihe lianas, of L Faasler fir K A. Me. I.hI r imrnedtste aellleiiienl. Ctanii aue by i s rum meat by ptaaenled lo I. A. MilixJ for' P')int. I L FKA8TKR. ! K A. M LKilD. I Tms nnersirned will continue In GlfO' EHV i AMI I K lHI I E BL'SlSEVi at tha old at.nd A aa .re o! pttronsf is reapeeiiullv aolieited. I A great t'eea of Family Grorerie lw.y on E. A. MrLKoD. 119 fv in. I860. ( ii Awi.ori i: STKAM KEFINKli rANDV MAXUFACTOUY, nRi:titntt C'tKi: II tltl ltt, Ar, T!,,r; 'ers gned respectfully informs Hie ci of t barlotle snd surrounding e,un has ju-t roinneneed the above boat I'T. I"' in ii, house at the corner of Trad and Col. I'ge stn-eta. lor lb- purpose of manufacturing AM)IKS.IJ.Ki:s Ai 1IIM : A i. aVcK if, W1 M Wholessle sn Ret.il. d,os all the ar.ok hinl-ell. Retail More ai.Uid do . to purchase llo lr Can. lies a tr..m him, he will give entire asl.a oh in p.ip and aqalily. ' R HEIIS from a m-isiice. eneloaing Ihe III be pino-tuaHy stlended lo, and tna ar. K ! I'Vi ' 4s( , "e r,re!Uy packed and forwarded according '''....na. le,t.i JOHN 0 C. I.KISKH, af T,Jt mnd r.Wt strl, knUit. S. C. a.lal(e. Junt i f,fi )U- Fine Silver Plated Ware, J' f"Pned a large and aplenuid aasartment Silver Plated Ware, itiflered to I .e public. Csll and upply J 'ur ..!,, i, lc yu can gel a good article chi. p. R. W. UKCKW1 I'M. "v i i, i'f.3. mr SITMMBR HOODS. I'llR uheefibe, B ,.eaj,J t ,fg, ,ncJ rj. "I a..rio,enl ,f p " l Sunimar, which for cheapness and "'""a.cannnl b. -u, h , tu... . r - r l and Colored CLOTHS, (Hack and Fanea rmmrnri '''!. Hr.b I)' KTFS. Black and Figured Silk VESTINGS. a' ,,' I","n l'IILLS, T.,1 """J ''""" a)U'Hj found in a first rla.a ol, o ' ""'''"hmenl.. All ol 'which will be tin, x,,, " "a bJ 7"r,) nn accommoda. J. 8. IMIILLEPS. I,'" "1,,"ing my lhank. lo the eiliicn of Char. " ae"i "" '"" ,lb,, "'ronaga they in,, "wed on ,H, U, r quest a ..ntinu ' "' u, with Ihe wraiie that all nr. 'W,!r'a'"1"' lo "''I b !! a.id promntly Jif IIAKDWAUBjUAKDWARE! A, A. N. EL TAYLOR RESPECTFULLY inrnrma hia friend and the public generally, that lie liaa added to hia eilenaive Block of a large and complete stork of II, AH DWAKK, con. lahng in parte lulluwai Carpenter' Tool, ! Circular, null, crnsaeut, hand, ripper, pannel, pru- J mug, gra fling, lennuii, back, cumpaaa, wtbb and : bulkier SAtt S, Brace and bil, Drawing Knives, Chissi Is, A ugcra, Gimlei, M nino ra, Halcl.t Is and Axe, buck, pi . ali ring and pnifiiing TROW ELS. Hiw aellere, Screw plalee, Slocha and die, Hi.ne. of all kmda, Mpoke.ahavee, Steel blade beel and Iff Squares, Spirit Level, Pocket Envois, Spirit Mtel Vials, II nirif Maehinea, Gouges, arid in fart everything a mechanic wanta, in great variety and at very low pure., at TAYLOR'S irdaare Store and I'm Ware Depot, opposite the M .mi.oi i.uae, flmrloite, N.C. JuntS. IBj'J. IMC nd and Blacksmith Tools, Jl't 11 in H llowi. Aim nliUi- iiiuiit-rt. Vice Buttreasva, ' Ki. v-a, Screw. pl-te. Moeka Hlaeksnnlh'. fincliera and lolia, Raa. per ami j clinelj ' Iheru ao Fnea of e.ry kind, cut horae shoe and , ule, D-rsa, Ironot'all an-, both of nor. try iiiaiiularture, ct, plow, till, I1 let and pniig Meci 4c , lor bI ry clie.ip a TAYI-dJfS, Oppniitt tfit Muntiun uase I I ! M .1. -! .1.. t'lirriiixc aUiiiiTiius K wnuld calf spec I alti ntlnn n sloi k o the above gomla, g of Sorings, Alii, iiihs. How.. Hnkr, Snills, t urt'in hramee, Knoha, t H.nos, I.,i,,, N ,,,, ll.ioi.isk, Killlliel.t lolhs, i.a. I li s, Frilirea. I- ele.l and I'tint lallier, .n. I soo Ha ( ...III, Oil I arpi t, P unl of all k inns, my i and in oil, Vafelsll, l u'a , I.meeed tfil. Tyre sod Ural Iron, II .ll.. so. I veiyt.utig in the way of Carriage Trimmings, at price that Cfillot h U plt.se. .1 the .ma ate Ih-pol of A A. N M TAYLOR. Oj p-it thr hlmnsitt tUutt, Agricultural Impleinents OF ALL KIN US. . TKAW t ultrrs, Corn Sliel. vrs I rs. Plows, Hoes, Shovels uaUr. r,rks,AIes, ricks. Mai. rSXT&XZTl': lirubbmg llo'S. Trace i llaloa. vVM.iiil liains. I g ( baiua. Pruning and HeO( Miear ., Hraolog anil llildolug KiiiVi a. (tar. tfen lines sad Kakes, with bandits; Grain Cr. files ; gram, graaa and brier 8eytnes, B'ish .inks. v .f i.n bin; M"ll,'W ware, such a pots. and tuts, skilleia. spiders, sti w.pans snd k lo .ul.iro.. irem H i to IVH gallon each ; lr.,n and bras rreecrviog ht-ltlce. Mist p Mteara, lc, TAYLOR'S ifltMn Dewat. epnMir .Uinsiaa iloutt. flULOWS t I LEI! II AT V.I) SELF SEAL. all.SU CANS, ol ll in nidrrrnl sii.a. at TAYLOR 8 II, diMrt Slort, ftpaii't tht ,Uaai aae. I .tin in i:.-iriiril .' I'llF. FOttKS of T, II. flit EM aV CO., mail b cliased. T. H. ItRKM. lutr " ' 4.;iai it U for ;ilr. MILL sell to the highest bidder, at public w V JL mrlii a i.l I he 2111 Ii iiaOatn.n)i i i,.r ot June nrit, 141 shares .lie liil L'ght Stock. L. .S. M.LI AM S, 6ic. si- T'fut. Mty XI, IMbli. 1,'J At Tavlor's t)U can find Ihe I lery. Gun and P t sawrlrrtent of Cut a, uf all tlie ceiecratad Ilia sea. tsl.ASS, of all 'i'l and qualities Ik. Ill Frencii no American. A so, Pultv ly Ihe keg or pound WOODEN WARE, UKOOals, Vc .ol all ki...:a Hope! Hope!! iXtliy. ia.ui.dsol M ll-.J f)W jT,F 1 W too H"e, ir.oo inch lu 3 iu cots.al TAYLORS lUidtMrt Start, ippotilt tht .Ifunsisa Ihtnt. Tin and Japanned Ware. 4 '"'c s.oilm.iit; U'oek I'm, liluck Zm ile, B btiil ll.slal, Ac. tue laigeal block, ol all sues, at in r A7WI.S I A I LOU !S lljtdrt, Stmt and Tin Wart I'rpot, 0;oi( tht Manawn sate. Hoofing G'uUcringi Job Work, F all kinds, promptly slUmird lo at TAYLORS Ilariteara Start, appoint tha Munawn llautt. S. T. Wriston, ANt'FAl 1 t IIEK of, and dealer in PU.n and if 1 Japanned l inw.ire, Si .v. , no. rn Ware. In -.il , Hruhes, etc., in SuulU wing of Opringa' Corner lluiming. Job Work, such roofing. Guttering, a c. done with Utans ti h. Toourt'ustoniers. ' K muil tnnint n oor rr.mlyi0 with our rivt-rt'fttHl tt-rma. V e mrl on J month : tunc tnii iioi.'l wish to tiiriiU it to gro.iicr Irhgtli. Our nccuuiili tu April ate due, pl4e Cat 1 1 oiiti i;UI. OATES & WILLIAMS un 12, 18H0. 114 ISTATK OF NOltTII-CAIMJMNA, CAI.DVgl.t.l'HUTV. Court f Virus and IJuurtrr Sctsions, jljy 7Wm, 1SIJ0. r W ('lasti. Aftm, .1 W ... "I T. I'rcel w,.ud, uee'd. I Petition fur Sale of Tha lleira at Lawofsaid de- I Land. ceaaed. I N llii aan. it appearing to Ih atisfacti L Court, thai Luther Preatwond Smnei fthe is.d. J.imea McLaird, and wil'u Polly, l lie yond Hie linma ul IHorlli l arolina , it i turrcjoit Oidtitd. that publication be made fur six week in the Mortli Carolina Whig, a newspaper puhliah. d in lb town of I harloliu, lor the eani defen dant, tn be and appear at the next term nf our iiit Court In be held fnr Ihe cnunty of Caldwell, t the Curt fluuss m Luoir, on the Clh Monday alter Ihe 4lli Monday in June l"ll.tn nhnw cause ll any Ihey have, why lha prayer of the petitioner alia II not be granted. Witness, H. P. Dale, clerk of nur aaid Court, al nfTwr, in Lenoir, the fiih Monday alter the 4lh M.ma.y in iw.ren, lm.u, and in lha Bath year si American Independence. I S. P. DULA.O.r.O. Printer' Fee Of). Ill May TA, ICftO. I . CANDIDATES FOR SIIEKHT. We are autorized to announce Ii. II. MAX. WKLL, Ko.,a a candidate fi r the nflice of Slier- iff of Meeklenhurg coanty, at lha ensuing An goat Klecdon, Wa are authorized to announce A. H. HROWN EsOi , aa a cuniiidntc for the offire of Sheriff of Mecklenburg county, t the ensuing August election. Wa are aiithorired to annnnnee STEPHEN J. PI RK YH1I.L, Kro., a a eondulate for the of. fice of Sheriff ol MecUlenbarg coonly.Q! the en. uinff Augual election. We are aulhnrited to announce R. M. WHITE, Km., aa a oandidute for the office nf Sheriff of Micklenburg county, at the ensuing Augual election. We are authorized to announce W, W. CRIER, Ka., aa a candiiiulo for the kfliee of Sheriff of Mi-cjilenburg county, at the tnaoing Auguat elei tion. We are aalhorited to annnnnee WIf.MA.M MAXWKM., E.., a caiidinatc for the nflice of Sneritfof Mecklenburg county, at the enauing A uguat election. We are authorized to aiiriomire SAM'E A HARRIS, I it , aa candidLte for the rffice cif Sheriff of Mickli nhorg eoonly at the ensuing Au. guat election. We are aulhnrited to announce 3. P. SMITH, Ki4,aa a candidate for theiff.ee of f-henff of Mecklenburg counly, at the ensuing August electn Sprria I Koitre. M 1ST A It's B ISA OF WII D C'fll'R It Y Tim remedy haa long been cherilied by the. community for it renrirkuble efficacy in reliev. ing, healing and curing the moat ohitin ile, pain ful and long aUtiding caaea of Cong ht Co', Injlu. lew, .S'are 7'Araar, Uronthilia, Whooping VvuqH, ( ropu, Alihmu, Inljmmilittn of the .; wii.le Wen (ooiumptwn itself lias yielded toil :nngic influence wtien all oilier llieana have failed. Ila '.,,,. l.i.l,,,. nr., t!,.t the os.l n., rd e i , , , 1 """"I H ouoier. uue and dangerous pulinoniry affection winch prevail all ner the land. Col. J J. Hit Iter, A well known citnuoi of (iijlcipooro,' N. C., mrke the following statement of ti.e g,w,it results aria ing from the ue of Or. Wiilur'$ Ifaltam of ll i.'d ( Acny. Ont.nstnan,' N.C, March 2. IrCO. M-aira S. W. lowi i A I n., Cieotlenieii being .'lii:ited, I cannot refrain from tiiiresstng an opinion ol nuir M,pulir and rvniarkahle lung reineuy, Ih , ll iiai't ll ilnimvf Wild -rr I have b en ob.i rt i nt ol il.,,u. lary eft. ct in cases of aiiiitifilt cov.l, anil fid with many of my niiim roua Ini mis, ii,r more than ti n yesra psat, and the :eult ha aiwaya be. n sM-euy and certain ; and vniii mys Ii anil family ll I CjU with confidence Certify thai it haa accoln-p-i-hed more goof IITaii any otner nieilieine we have rter uel. In fa t, my ierieiue ha lound It to be an onfailing r uicny tor cought ami put- msaary remp'otntg, ami I tlii reh.re r. i nn. men. i n. I Very l.uly your., Ji-.SSK J. HaKKU. j 17 C antioa to f'vrcAoer. Tue only gefiKine Wfiar'a liititttm has the vtrxlttn signature ol I. IIvtt ' nd the pruned one ol the Proprietor on the outer wrapper ; all other ia vile unit wrth!e. Prepared by S W. Fowle . Co., li .sini,, and fur aler K. Nye llulcliis.ir. Il "o., Charlotte, iii bv aii druggists. A 'line cV t.rny, ;tu iio-.i.d, ,M &. C. A. Santo, Norfolk, Wholesale Dealer It is a common observation thut there r iioir sutlVrer lri.m in i.iitty, among Amen cans, thso can be found win oig any nlm r civi.i- 1''' nation. T' reason i ul. We lake too illle acrcisc, and lorget the sinli ni the bod? in the ahsolbtng pursuits of business. In all uh esse, ordinary menic ne. e n du little good. W hat l required Is jut such a tonic and itivign r. lor as Dr J. Hosteller has given to the world, in lost ELEHKA TFl) Hi l l EliS." I he weak nd nervwtta dcniien of ihe roiiniing.itoua, t e exhauatvd loiter upin lha ahnp board, and tl.e prnairaled sluuenl ol the midnight lamp, have lound a wonderful regenerator in the Jl;ms." nd preier il to more pretentious, but less i rli a ciou medictiit. But it shoiil,. not lie forgotien tlial the agent wh.eli la so magical in it uillu ence upon a frame which ia merely dciihiatcd, i equally powerful III assisting nature to ex; I the ni.Hit lernl.le forui of disease. IV no will not give it a trial f S-ild by droggita anrl deslera generally, every, where, rnr s.le by t. Nye llulclnsoo a lo, Charlotte, .V C. THE GRKAT KNGLISII RKMKDY. Stlt J AMI-S 1 LAIIKI.'s j n i.l llltl ll l) I I. V , ! I'rri-itH from a prHtnpltom of Air J. Cia.tr, Af. l , i'aysinua xliaoiunon t lu iit Quttm. 1 In invaluable nitdMnne is un atu,,g in the Cureol all ttose pamlul and dangerous uisvascs ! lo allien the female const. tut is sunjett. It. modi rates all m ess an . rem. in s sll uusiruclioo ' and a eeuv cure miv be rriieo on. J I .Villi I la l I. mils' it i peculiarly vuitrd. ll nl in a r:. rl time bring on ttie moinhly .eriod wito rcu.ainy. E.cli txillle, pro a O.ie D.. liar, le afs I .c G iv rniiirnl tlainp ul Great Bfila in, lo p.. t Vt ut toon- , Uriel la. 1'htat Villa alieuld nnt t tnktn Uy ftm-ilra dur. 'r f'Kal' llltiLi: SluS I II!, y ifj-aoaiy thry lira aair fa tring on Mtacai riagt, tut at uey l,er listf thry Mi anjt. lu ii cases ul .Vrvoua and Spinal AfT.ctionsJ Pain in toe H.ck and Limbs, Fatigue uu slight eieition. Palpitation ol ll.c Heart, If ysttr.es, a.,.i V lults, these Puis will etici l a euie hi u all otner nuaiia hav lailid, and allliuuuli a powertul remedy, du urn contain iron, calooiel, ant.uiuii) , or any thing hurllul to the con.l.liiliun. i loll tlireeliuna in the pamphhi around each I package, which should be csreiully preserved. j Sole Aeent for the Cmted Slates and Canada, JOU MOES, (Late I. C. Baldwin At t o .) i Kotne.i.r N. V. j " f 1 .00 and 6 postage stamps eio'iostd to uy sultiorilcil Agent, will insure a 0.41. t, con. tsiuing over 50 puis, hy relu.ii mail. For sale in Charlotte by F. Sc.rr and all ding giata and by Von Sehaack At Grierson.Cbaricsluii, wuolasale dealera. j .fills. ,VIM.OiV, An experienced nurse and female physieian, hi a .aaj..l Ii I ng Myrup lor cluldren leethlna;, which great, ly facilitate lh procca ot teething, by aoitening the gum, reducing all n.ll imiiikt.ui. ill allay all pun, and is sure lo regulate the bowi is. Ie pi nd Uron it, niolher. it will give rest tn your, si Ins, snd relief and heallh to your infant Perleelly safe in all cases. See auvertiseiiitnt in snotties culumn. B.rSee the advertisement of Sandford'i ralor, in another culuiur.. Invigo. ITTSre ilia nWrrtitemenl of Wood Ilnir Pyr, in another column. tT Sea Dr. Ayer'a advertUemtnt in inother ro. lumn. a. xv. am:xvmi:, . f it 4i i: tA it i;.y ti t, C"""S rfEFERS hi service to the eiti. fYi4?aA " xensnfthi aud adjominc couu ' ' ' lie in the treatment ot irrcgulan lie of tha teeth. Disease ul the mouth. Teeth filled in akitllul and eatisl'actory manner. Ar. tiBtiial teeth maerted on Gold Si vei plain, India Rubber vutcanixej base. Tin slyle of work baa many sdvaiitagea over the Swaged work. Il can be adapied tu the mouth with lesa irrit .In n than the Swaged work it is also cheaper. It ia free from any unpleasant odor or taste. Having become ent fur the American Hard Ruoher company ha will aupply Dentists with of. fice right lu manufacture Plates and Gum for Art.6cial Teeth and the Apparatus and M .ten. I. Ile will ala.i give instruction in the art en mod erate term. he xpects to do a travelling business per- lhrjr re.idence. b .ddreasing him at Tucka. seeye P. O , Meckleuhiirg Co,, N. C. tr All work warranted. alr , IfW. tf 1 M irried, in Winnahoro, f: C., on the 19th inat., ;ny ilia ncv. i;. B. Hi tt. iJ'. t vv ll.hlsil., fof ( h.rlotle.and Mrs. NANNiK J L I'M MINOS. of the lor mi r pluce. LE0.O5cla In I'll counly, on the I flh inatnnf, after an ill. urns nf IH di.y,of tve-hoid fiv.r, Mrs. SARAH . I IN liKAJM, in the L'Jin yenr ol i.er age, wife nf Mr Win, I,, ( nehraiv and daughter of Mr. II. 8. Mcluliba, oflVnuesAe. nth lie nn her like an untimely frmt i the sweetest flower of all the field." this 'nee. at the residence of her fulh- cr, (W. W. him.) SARAH E fondly and an" c. tiouutelv knowi u ' little Pinkie," on the J.li Ii of M i v, I fill, alter a dietrcaaing illness of many dii va, aged 8 years, Tim subject of thte obituary wa child of ei traordinary meutil endownrcnts and of einuisiti t,euu,1'' l''V:"ne-s--tK.loe,i ,.I1f W,er Which has resulted so hiiffhtingly upon her earth, ly proniioe, and In-pce of Iter surely berenved pa. rents, aim w.ia ajrmUaly and caitidv inittressed, at she ollen .ured I hose who-e kindly office it ws to inlhielrr at Hie side of her Mifl, r iiij; couch, that the silken Cord :.iirvt soon be Link, n. and ihnl slie Would pass nail lo btller W',rid. liny allirdsy. sj iiiploms ihnl t first g-vc no usnr.inee that the ilri'itti decree might be sverled. grew worse. nd i.t lint hinl-lird ill hone of lec.v. r ii.1 on the i inghi niintely prt ci ning 1 1 i.lution, her line became painfully rapid, and the rryealie an. gel, foreseeing it with elearer vision Ihan the prac. ticed eye of thnae around lier, aiiiniiiniieil the fa nuly, friend and ervanln'a her chamber. anr alter taking n tender and atftionate lurearell of each one by name, requested that all woulu kneel down there in tfi.it chamber -uade sacred and so lemn bv the presence nf ihe anic.halid that had come to fan her levered brow with their perfumed wines, t invest bcrm a mantle of glory und hear, elultmgly, their lillle sutcr " Pinkie ' home and pray that they loo might, !n n Ihe wmli should darken on them, have h r ifl:nt angel escort to ac. compnnr tl" m over ihe dark ' valley and shadow nf deith " and on bi int; asked by one whose ai'. feeiior. ite rare for her comrort knew iio abate. .!"""'' I, it' eny thine niiifhl be done tor her, she re. V', rein' fo jri f.i le-iern want you to mt'l me ihtr, tin mrJ irrtcrli ! h ont there ! und ts-nl grant that all who on that mein. nrab.e occasion wrc thrilled with griefat h-r ear. ly ilrooiing, end Batomshed her intelligent ad. moniiions, may meet here thtit! She was the prole of her no iting parents their daily hope und their sweet' s! j..y " Around her slione. The light of Inte, the pilrily ol childhood, The mind, licnuty opening ri the hud, The heart whose , illness harmonized ihe whole Ami On ! that eye wa in ttseif a soul !" Thus she lived and thus si e passed away, a tn. der, beanleoua fl-iaer. tu become in ainuranth in the parterre uf Heaven ! Ooi Aaiaat, Charlottr, June H, I PRO, Villi.-im .1 . It i tc s h tu V oir SELECT SCilGGL, Oaks, ()ram;e (' unty, No. Ca. IIEnext term begin August 29Ui. Room seviral new Schoiar. Such aa rr pre pared to bee in Latin Grammar much prclerred. .Vuy 15, lebO. 1 1 3 GUAM) OPENING f&lP'JEZJLlSrGr AVD OS TL'MSDAV TIIK .31) OV il lf Uj ii Ej a in as & com:x - WILL OPI ' .V AT THE STORE FORUERLT Offt PIED BV T, II. Brem & Co,, ONE OF Tnr FIVEST AND lAECEST STOCKS OF "H V K & J u, t o.iinc. f ofT. red In ihe public in lh n i; our I, ...lies lire Giant Silk Kobe, Crape M ,i i.ge do. Plain nun vicinity. A. rill be lound lig'd Birege, tn Orgnnuies, eh Ore,.n.lie. Best Ff. i .. J ' ..I .1. A Le Omiii Hi Ion Euge fiienadinea. do. do. Imperalrice, Black and Col'd Silk, Jacisllc one and Taniar II Robes ir Frenrh J eveiy variety, Grenadine P .plina. Silk W arp t l, allies. im-siie HKII.l t A.NT English, F Solid Fren h GINCII.WIS tV LlWNS, I) it 1 1 li, I i t in Ii iiinl Aiiu riciii in every variety and tye. While (lends, Mull, Swiss, II ok, Nansiaik and JaCnnet Mil. lim., Bisli' i'. Virion., and I.,m n l,.ns. Lim n and I oil. ,n Diapeis, Linen Taide C.ulhs and I'a. maska, Do) la., M irseilles C'ui.ls, tVc. Slunvls and .!aiillos. fhanlilly Lace Mantle,, !.,-, I Lace Sheila Shawls. En.biinceri Bomois, Sull.niiia ami Pieol.oim Is & Shaw', Late loin Is, l do Silk and Lace M .niies and M mtillia ol every description. Linen, Barege and Colloli D.l.Ura. Sleeves, Collars & Setts, Valenceitm luce. Book, J . cum I Mourning Linen and P. que with beaiitiiul stock nf Emliroiin red ll.inilserchiel's, lolsiits Watsla and Rolies, Floun. ciugs. Edgings, lost rtmg n nd Uess Trim mine;. l)0I)IiTtS, In our trimmed B uinels our taste i cknuw. edged. We have a fe.nititul supply. Also in French Flowers, Ruches and Ribbons. FRENCH IMPORTED r.irasols, Fans - Head Presses, with an unusually large tock of VOItlim.Y iiml IHhlltlSTIC RY (i 4i.o mi. v;, ii. I it ii iv. 1 1: i:, ItOO I i:OI illlli II A I , nd a icneral assortment of Merchandiie, which e iiilend i ffcring to our In. nus nnd customers si price which dcly eomelitioii. NO CHARGE FOR SHOWING GOODS! liniinniVr Lmlit's. Tuesday 3d, j ELIAS & COHEN, At T. II. Brtrn tj- Co ' Old Stand. WE HAVE A LAUGH STOCK OF liROCERIES in th. Store Hsse. formerl. oceuoied bv H. B , Will, .,t i. THE WORTH CAROLINA WHITE SULPHUR SWINGS 1'HX KEOPKNF.D FOR VISITORS BY the lat ol JI'NKnejl. Thev are situated in a moat healthy niounininoDa country near the! b.sulilul CATAWBA ItlVKK, within lea thi.n ' an hour'a rule of the present terminus of the WfX'1'KllN N.tMtAllj ROM) with which d.,i. ly lines of Oinuibuae und Stage Coachea connect Spring. Pleasure veli'nla s and sunefior saddle lioiaea will tie at the call ol guest. Iloniiu;; Allrjm ;iiil I.illi.ti'tl Mil tonus neatly fitted up. A VIM: IIAin (IF Ml IC IAi engaged for the senaon, and- HIA DRILL A D CIITILLIOV PARTIES oieli evening Fit KE OK KX I RA CIlAKOtV;. Tin: nt ii iix.s ire new and sp.i. imn T. B IM.t;.M hi: OltOlMf. the best waterinir plane., will be lound here tu re ireah tlio inner man and to cheer the spirila. Til" I.jlcinlrtl Ki'imiIiiIkmi and the MEDIlTNAI propertie nf the waters (atinual inaccessible before the complttion of the Western N. t-'. Kulroau) now hail Ihe sick snd alllicled Willi si.onnal welcome. The experience ol the Proprietor just lfl tile seeker of lieallh or liaurc in anticipating u "good tune coming.' The Proprietor lias been at Very great LXfenae in fiutng up a Wulenr.g Place commensurate Viilh of the CAROLINAS sou coiifidcntiy c on their generosity lor encouragement. II. L. UOBAKDS. May 1. I8G0. 5l( wliiTS SuLFiitift SFFiiHGS, Caldwell county, u. Hlfin Proprirtor of Ihuie Spring inform the fi. puitlic c-fi. ruily , thut lie n prepinit tu re ccive and eiiturtmn Lik-hc wtin re ocoiroUM ol' leu. Hit: rnriitivt: qiiitliliin t,' tlitn wtftr, fur ()e .fiotif diii'Utf tu which hu-ii.in nature i lubir. He in ihJkiti; l-t''e t U ii i tioi ti li;n builiir ami will ht rcnor h.r tlte rt-crptum nf ciinipiiiv be- tw-en the Ut and nn'ittlc o Junr. nnd ail who no Conic muyrtut aaaufed tlut Ktf w ill be aecommu O.itctl in evtry txetUmi UHtd to renacr their tiny pU'-niriitt ami cniiortablr. I'rnini coming in llirne Hprinpi by R.ti! Poarf, ! will leave the or at iJickury 'J'.ivcrn lcpol, on , the Weitirn KiienK-n, where it convey .nice will b-i in rca-Jintnii lo ronvf them tu itmSprinp. I ELKANNAIl FLUWKH8. I M'iy 15, lsr.O. Hit I"ri)e Columbia, farnl'nian will insert once daily and twire in Ihe Dull er, and Ihe RiLig1! Register will insert three weeks and torward ac. ! counts to Ihia ofline. They will please Call alien. tu-n lo the adverlisrinent. 310M:Y I WAT ! fHI I HAVE ! DO OC (IH i: JONAS Ii IJ I) 1 S I Ii Ij ? BF an route and pay hlin. He liuaumny draft upon him every day lor lumber ami labor these are Cash rl i.les. Men caii'l work w ithout eating fli.ur, b.icor., lard, cVc, are C'ash artico a. 1 cm not fiu work without lumber; and Intve to pay tor what 1 gtt, on delivery. 1 have large a. mount due me for work done, ome have bean due lor a long time and I now, most POSITIVE LY SAY, llioeo account MIST be closed. 1 still continue to carry on the busiuc at my old land ; anu have for sale fll. IMXJKK, It I.l r. Ar., , nd can manufacture to order, at short notice. IT Order respectfully eoliciled nnd 1 promise, a I alwava have dioH, to aell Cheap Iur Cash, alia CASIIO'MY. JOXAS RUDLSILL. Chmlo'te, March 27, I Slit. tlJ j I The Corner DRUG Store, j Cll t It I.O I Tl,', V C. i y i : 1 1 i TTTi i so &. ro. ' X 'OULD respeclfully call the attention of Ihe ! WW public lo theirlargt anccnnipltteStoek now bung on tied for the Spring Trade, consisting nt Drugs, Medicines, Chemical. Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Oila, Turpentine, Burning Fund, Alco. I.nl, Pure Medical Wine and Brainiii, Canton Tc .a. F e'd ami Garden Sceus, Vc, Ve. January 17. Still. 4.1tf I MM KIS 3 ll ATT 1 1 ACTION AT THE i (ire at Clothing 'EiBZPORIUIKE OF , FUl.UXdS.SHILNfiS 3c CO. 1 R ll EY are now opening nt Iheir large and ca. ; i p., cm us : .re Hot. in, the HandsoiHest aud Cheapest Stcck ol CL0TI1IIG . ever offered in the Slate. Their stork comprise , sll the different knots of F-.ney Cut Linen aud j Marseilles business suits, English and French i Drap d'Ete and A'paccn Frocka and Sacka ; a ! I.rge vaneiv uf Casaimere Panls Fancy and ' black ; ale... F..HCV aril Black Silk. Caasimere aud Marseille Vests in endless variety. a j GENT'S FUaWISHING GOODS, ' Trunk. Valiscss. Hal and Caps, & c., Ate- Ail ol the above goons are of the latest slyle and pat. terns. ! Manufacturing Department, FI LLINGS, SPRINGS 4 CO. have also added to tneir Ready. made Clothing Stock, a Merchant Tailoring lcp.irlmcnt, to which they call the , especial attention of I lie i r many friend and cus. turner. j Tnef intend making thi department second to none in tne State, eilinr in tiyie and quality ol Goods, or in its ma nul'.icture oi Girment. At I'll limes will he la good st.ie k of HI ack and I olorcd I lolhs, English, Fieneli and American , Caaiiueres, snd a varitty ut Vesting Also, an I assortment of' ! not K ii.D c M7ii:iti, i They feel con fiilellt of their ubility to uniierael any oilier house in the State, from the advantage, : tln-y have in gelling their g oca. 1 Tnei- g.K.ds are bought hy the quantitv, by one I of the Fn m w hti rcainea in the Nor I he in m irkels. j which gives him the opportunity of taking aavaii l.ige of the prices of goou.-, 'hereby saving t ' leaat j Twenty-Five Per Cent. -TE I j To the consumer. ITDime saved are Hollars , made So Iry us. E FULLlXf.S, I JNO. M. SPRINGS, I JNO. 1 HEATH. April 17. I8fi0. 4tf Z. II. JOIIX. fSruerttl 4 lletHHg .ffrriif, I'niniitflVTn, Tfrry Tonnlj, Alab.iuii, MTjrFLL attend promptly to Ihe collection of all V V claim placed ill hi hands. Estate Claim looked 'ler. Land Claim ferret. trd out, ei unable ih absconding debtors looked up at rea- ge. TKXAS CLAIMd. n-r Collect ion a made in Telia, as heretofore. through attorney a in that State, rronipiness 4-ir i Irnav ba afely depend ee ew. Private Surgical Hospital. VfE, the underaigned, having opened a pi. V W vat Surgieal Irifirinary in the town of ' Charlotte, ure now on in re J to fiiruiah comfort. able quarter In those Patients from d.si.iiice ho m.iy require, our prolevaional aervicca in the treatment nf Surgienl nisoaaes. The above InM.tiition i located nn M-iinWet. in a quiet part of the town. The builrtme few and II ventillated, with'gnod out buildinga nor ll nimnilittiiin of negrne. All diseusea of a contagious character will be Iricfly rzctuii'.d. Coinmunica'.iona llivneh Ihe Post Office, nd. drcasen toCulnwell St. Uibbun, will receive prompt atli nlmr,. P. 0. CALDWELL, M. D. liOliKKTtJIHWiN, M. D. J. V. CALDWELL, M. I). April 17, I8B0. 4lf .io us is i:itv WAVI, burgeon DruHsf, (faDiuTE m Mtno ivr ikd Dimtistst.) - , OFFICE ill Bra If)'-. Builllillf, l'p StiliM, Cppo tilt Krr' II ih I, II it i.o iti:. K. 4 t'l:(;l('AI. OPERATIONS, such EFT PALATE, II A R E MORS uf lo. hi lh and J performed. H! A 'll'IIESsnil DISLOCATIONS, of ti e Jaws tre.iUd. Teeth filled Wuh (iOl.l). SILVER, TIN or AMALGAM. ARTIFICIAL TEETH inserted in the best manner. IJ ' A verv superior TOOTH POWDER and re. ; 7'OtlTII WASH constantly un hand. O f T eelh Kltrneled ST PRICES MODERATE and all work done SAliafaClorv lo the patient. 17 FAMILIES waited on nt their hoo'ee. 1 i" A atock of Dentil'a Material alway on hand. I rGOLD nnd SILVER Plate- and Wireofane finen-ss gotlen r.ut. (I 7" Orners from a distance attended lo promptly. frhrvarii 21, leu". 4etf FURNITURE HALL, ( HAiu.on I', xc. rp HE ubcribera having just returned from a il visit to the several popu.ar Furmiure Manu facturers at lh- north, from h y have made larec pnrchase ol niot fnshi blc. convenient nd durable lu. o,:;::-, n 1 leave loadvt.rlise their at Ihey are now opening some of the best, most IrirndF una the public I lor iiispilliuu snd sale fashionable and durable FUJ.NITURE ever offered in this market, consisting in part a lollows : Mahogany SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES and LOUNGES. Mihngmv CHAIRS. ROCKER", and OTTA MANS, T A III. ICS, I , E f ST fc A I S a ni B V K E A I S. W Alf DROBtS, SlUEBOAKDS and Centre TA. 1)1. ES with marble tops. Mantle and Parlor MIRRORS. Cane, Wimlnr and Straw l HAIRS, I id luge acts, very handome, French and plain Bedstead with bedroom furni ture In match. I t RAPLES, ( RIBS and WORK TABLES, I W A" H-ST A N Is. 'PA III, ES and W H AT MOTS, ! II vr and UMBRELLA HACKS. 7'ogetlier with a large variety of other Furni. lure neceaary lor houi-e keeping. ALSO Fisk's Metallic Uurial Cases & Coffins. of all qualilie,and nf t!ie most approved style are I always kept on hand, and eapccial cure given tu Intcriiirnt. I The subscriber will be p!eard In exhibit their new stock if Furniture, & c. In the public iind( tin ir patrons especially, ttciing corfinent that) they can lurnish them on more lavorable term than can be secured elsewhere. J. M. SANDERS & CO. Charlottr. March 2 , 1S-6U 5ilf AN UNFAILING CURE FOR Cnnorrhira i nil Diriirs of the I rimiry Orjnnn, ! f fJVlllS REMEDY cure when ail oilier prrpa. ; JL ration !..il. It is entirely unlike evervoth. er cemiund ; cintainiiiirg NoMixraaL Poisos or Nat'shor Iikio; aa it is prepared solely Irom I Roots. Barks -nd Lravcs, and I.e. been handed riiKRuKE Iniiian It is uffered to Ihe public un its own ii li.nnc merits, ll pcrlorin Us duty quickly and ihorntii.'hly. The Unvorti's tb, ol eillier rn will be ripaid by using tins hitir.lir, instead .f placing tiiemsclve at Ihe mercy ul some Qiiiiek or Pspl'eseor, Tine Rrmuv lnke al the very Root uf tht disease ; it tendency is not aim. piy to sutpend the poison, but to Rfmovc tiik CacsR on which it depends, Full ilirectnun in pani.ihlet form, accompany each boitli The spec uyand ierinaiienl relict afforded by tin Rtniidy, in all cases ol Go.ioRRHrr.a, Gt-rT, Gravrl, St ic. Tt'R K, Fun Alis,(iV hites i Fkm ( LIS ), and all Disease ol' the Urinary Organs, lias asioinjied tne rnoti scientific nun of Ihe age. This Remedy not only eradic.itea all Poisoiv from the Svstem but iNVIODRATr Ihe most ill Invite consl:tm Hj'Il does Not Arrr.rT the Breath or Ktir riRE with sny Cj.ass of Bt'si.Nass, or require any deviatinn from the unuul diet. ft It requires nu assistance front other medi. cine. i.r"And whnt Ksiuicr its Vi.rr. i the Em. tirk Aascvcc oi all .Sal -I is li, being a Pleasavt aud IEi.irioi' SvRrr Price '' na IIotti.k, ok I hree Botti.es ..r $ i, PolTEK Sl M ER tt IN, Sole Proprietor., St. Louis, Mo. Sold in Charlotte, hy Pr. F. Scarr. ' " E. Nye Hutchiann Sl Co. " Columbia, ' Fisher & llcinilsn. And all Hrugt'isi in the country. Van Sehaack & Griersou. Charleston, April 24, Itft.d -I y Whoioale Penlrr. Wm. J, Kerr A TTOllSE V A T LA JV, 4 11 titi.o r :, . .. B T T ILL practice in the Court of Mecklenburg, Ww Union and Cabarrus couniits. If Ortic in the Brawiy Building eprmaite Kerr's Hotel. Jin. i4. ISKO Cotton Saw Gins iF the best quality with 10 inch saw W hie chilied nhs, Inmed brush irv iinprcvementa. delivered at any R.nl R Laiitiinir in the S'ale, at fl lr saw. P. .inters intending to purchnse Gtns ol the suhscnfer, will do well lo send their orders eHy. is there is gtn erallv a crowd ol work late in the season. j. m. KLLiorr, Winn boro( S. Prrminm awardfd it th Slate t'r Not. tS."8 tori 18.13. Nmrrk 30, IFfiO. i30 iii:i;oki;i uinn:iY. j : a. v$0t i joiii s. nu:v, AaUFACTTKER .1D IWPORTEK Of HAVANA SEGARS, AMD D A LEU I Tobacco, Snuff, notches, Paper, kc, CHA330TTB, H. G. SERSrBlCl PIPES, tr.. rnnsi-iriilj on band. ; Jbtirf 3 JPfO. 42rf I i 1 lie TZni-Ul. CORRECTED BV OATE8 & WILLfAM. CIIARLOTTK JINK H, 61). BACON, Ham ...lb.. ...lb., ...!2J fS. HO .. 1 1 (., i ....II (a I'U ... a i) in ...IS (-,. 20 ... j ( ll .. 00 -i- (.'., -in 'o. 1,11 ....7.1 (,(,. 00 ....7 i on ...!) I (, llij -.a (uj II.J Ii (.., U ....2.1 (.i 30 ...id (. (ll ...i'i tn. !ii f5 f... 1,0 ....0 0l (IU ...1.1 (o, IS) ...2.1 (,u 3h ....12 (a, tiO .. lij (a, LO 3 (a, 3 6 ,...:in (. s.i .... 6 f,J ....12 ( U ... 1 2 n, I U ... ,1 fit ti ..OI (.. till .. " !. 4 lO .. 10 (., -.1 ....fl (;. 10 .....) (. .V ...t: f.. l.'a .... j lo 110 ... 5 d. 6 . ..bil ( 6i ... 7 ( i ...U 7(1 . ..ii . (.. H ,.',ii 6.1 ...H In On .-II i .-10 f. IJJ ...III 'a. fill ....i.io fr no (,. ho ....I. HI 135 ....120 121 ...4.1 (' .1.1 ....II (o 5(1 ...27 (o, 28 ...22 fj 23 .lilt) (Vj, no : " Siue. ....... ' Hog ronmi, ; ' Shoulder, . Hugging, (unny lie, I j Itutter j lieirwaz lieans llrnimy, Appie 1 ' I'eaeli, Cnttoi Cotlee, It o- Java Cil utiles, Aoamalltliil I " Sperm I " Tallow Corn , t'hinltells ' Clolh.Copperas i i.'"r ! r'W , lour ..liusne ;, . ....gut. ... ....gal .....Ih ..btl.hcl ....each ...y a ri ....van .....lozei bbl -ogs It. lb II.. lb lb .hnl.iNol.. ...Kilt ! i , Greei Dry, ! .w I Mutton Mackerel, Molasses, N. O W 1 Meal Mullet.; W iliniimtn, .Nail, Norther " Southern, I tats, fori. Pi J ''ntaloes, Irish ..iiUsli, . bus. I I .bush. Te. Wheal. Inle, ... " reil, Wl1i,key..Northi N.Cur Wool.'Jie.Kieor iiiishe!.. . ...h-jsliel.. iral u,...ga' washed,. .. Uliwasheil. .... iia le REMARKS, arka tins wevL- No COL I MH I A MARKET. C.iI.umsia, June 16, I r1 RO . COTTON The aale for lha week amounted i 173 bile. Ea.reiuea 5 a lie showing a dc. in.e on tin uili.rior qu il ties ir. .1 il.ill.i.lS IlAi ON'.hoground i Oti.N PEAS OA I s H.Ol li i ur li t L weteit'a .IIJ fa lit (.r, II Ci 13 i IS H ( CI'ARLESIuN MARKET. r hasi.istoi, Jur.c IB, I860, f 'OTTOS. The transactions hi eottou tor the ci k aiiioiiulsd to I.C-3 b.ies. w.tn les in the auie time, ol 4.4til baies at price raninif tr..m 6 lu IJ eenl. Mobili, June 13 Tue reach SHU bales j nnu'gs. ar Tin: luarHet la dull. I' Me i lays tool up baits nn lea of cotton to. day uottd ai luj a ltljc. .e in luu pist tnree the leccipl el j. Ntw On t.At, June 13 The nles of cotton to. day art OU.I bh s. Prices sr.: nominal. The sale, in tnree d ys sum up 3.411(1 b.le. and Ihe receipt 9jU bales, against 1.IUU ri corresioiiu.ng period last y.-ar. 'I'ne receipts at ilus port are ahead of la.t year 4i.5hU bis; at all Ine pui t iJ.UtU bit. Nm Y..K, June 14 The colton market i hca. vy. ith sa e. In ti-y ol I'.'. l bales ; middling up. lauas arc qiiolin at I le Mime say bale ceclintd Jc Fiour s he. vy, with I ill.jIMI bull.; ( q iotei: at j 65 a .i 6C per ubl. ltl)AL UAAA urnniiY. Ttie next ordinary ilrttwmtf of the Ritjral Hats. n tHiit-ry ckimmmtUmi Oy thejt.iiji-.tfJtjjrninentt ui.iier Die u jMTviion ot ttie t apUin Ot'in-rtil nt Cubb, will toht i'l.ict ut 1Jjv.uiu on Uil'KSDAV, June 2S, IJfCO. S3eo,C'0o. SORTEO NL'.MEiiO i:'i ORDINARIO, rn a i. Pttizc; 8100,000 xc.il ij.IUO.OOU 1 ' &U.O1O I " U.'.WVJ i 1 " Utt.oOO 6i. " oiV 153 " 40W ill Apr'xim'a b.UO I " lu,oi i 4 Approximations to the 1 100,1'UO JBUO each , 4 of 4DU to j'l,iiuii; 4 of 4UU to 3li,iil)L 4 uf 4uU to tiu.nnuj 4 ul 40U u ill,nl'0. WliulTickilW0 ; Halves IU; Quarter tS lit at 5 per cent. diacuuit Banks taken al par. Bills on A drawn uit btcuin. ll ue. turwarued a auon a. tne re Cuiiiniduicutnuis addreased lu DON RODRI GUEZ, (tare ol I'lly Poet, l liolk-stoli, d. C.) till, til lot .Bui i, Join, Kill he utlenued u Persons orueriiig 1'iekcts will please wrtie their name plain sou give their post uihce, county nd stale. Dissolution. T Ill K 'Till Ol 1 . H. ti.tlil aV 1 ti.1T dii oivcu by luuluil eon 'J he liovmn s rid i.ituia ut t II. brti.i. at toe Ctjci.r.iiic V 6 nnit. Ail per Kiu fir tn wni fata a ii u vttiie tne uu t.i pt:(uu htiviii cUiu.t to Uiin lor pay int iit. T. Ii iiKfc.M. J. A. SADLER, Jr. T. L. ALtXANULR. March 36, !F60. in j. v. in; vi i; .v i o., ur.ALr.Rf in COTTON and all itiivLS cf PROLUCE, ric tut: i ii i. ii r. niAKLuTTt:. x c. 1TAI1 niders stleuded to Willi ucsp.lch. -4ui li, ud. 4 . i I IOW A It I) ASSOC I ATIO. . I'll 1 1. l I 1 I'lJ ( A. .4 Brnrroltnt limtitnliun tatublu'itd hy ap'Ciul I: ituwmtt.t. tor tt't tU mjlittru uill I tiut tsptci'itly for tut i ntj u lot If eased', ii i.md. ic iVuf.af. . ; Liteuitt oi th. l'iual t.g'Jut (.I'lCAL APVK E given gr.ti,hy the Acl. urgtoii.io an wi.u appiy bj litter, Wilb a o i sc r . pnoii ni l.o.r conoiiioii. ..gc. oeeufiain.n, h., b ts ..I Hie, ..nu in cta "I ulmue pov. trly. Mcincii.es luin.M.eil tree ll charge. VALlAtiLb Htl'OliTS on Sj.tr torrboa. i llnr 1W.S.S of tin Stiua. Organ, and ou Hie .N E i KEMEIHES employed in Hie Diapen. sarv scut lo the alii end in staled letter envcl. op i, tree ul charge. I wo or Hire Stsaps for po. I. IS.C will DC acetplable. Aiuiress, UK. J. 5.K.J.L1N IIOUGHTG.V. Ac. ting Surgeon, llnv.ru Ass.Mtioii. No. '.' Siutll Ninth Mrttt, Pniijuelpliia, Pa. lie uruer ol Ilia II .una. I.EK F.MKt llll.n. Aerslar K,i(A il. II E.AIi I tV ELL, rrraidant. Fth. 7, lhj. ib-i V nvJ. "no. mm Cuaiomera are rcaneetfully irmsi. Ili.il I have rem veu my Tm Shop i-k flu 3,i d.air irtoo tne cor. ne will ne plasied lo Iryon sea tin in. T. WRISTON. Hi; Ctfthma. Mrr !7. IrW. I Frlrhtrf 39. JITlO

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