Scfcrreiy Articles. AD VALOUR1! TAX VTIOS. a . P"- MMMi.n- IKe Liiiob rai-e iheir revenue, urn rend Cil I.enber riurinv the ilcltverv of hi. sm-eeh L- in Ahilte Mthe 9,h. It ai'l be seen that in all iha aa.r... ..........r A ...... . ri..f e,n...lil i: 1 " , .". -f- ,., wvi. v. . i.uic, nave r.isen u.elr . r " -'. aince they became nicu.bira of the coufeile racy. In no Stale ha the system been tried and rejected iu no Stale has it divi ded the people and arrayed one class a paintt another, or resulted in any of tbo-e dreadful conrqii?ners we are asured wiil ensue if we disturb ' the aicred compromi ses of the constitution.' Noo Upholder, in all the State. South I Me oW j (Xpe'ct it vM t, ,he j,,. rote or os are jn-U. loyal to the institution as ; Kn, ever xxe lor , rreidot of the Ui are Don slave holders (V nd it ; . n . j . j 1 c 1. . . , - - ira oiaies, anu 1 icu 11 a consci- uiious at- ....uU to man', common sense to tell,,, X 0 t'0 B1- country, ife, children and iiitn tnat exempting oro property from regulated by ijegilalion and not by the iiii'ioD niHiie ot any portion of our peo I le the most xea!om frieuds to the iusti tutiou : J.ioJe l:'i'tr? TI'O 'Revenue sytein i (V'j-titntiun. Tlie direct tare; uiion re ai.d personal estate are rubied to tbe sstiif rate of l uation. -V- .7t ' No constitutional provis r 1! t.-o-.-rtv -vl-'iier re-.i or n r il is tax.:! tax fifty c . I: a. 1 txnt S!ves rr? tixed a n vaioreui wuiiout regard to aji condition. The Con-tituticn provi let for the r m system cf taxjiiou ot' aii dei i! properly. 1 l.e I.. 2i-iatur i, aii'iw, i ! exeni: t li .ftn t'lX.iiinn 11 or:ii oi i i- t.ol i aud kiteheo furniture ot every i.:il. 11. J" ''1 ? are t:i 1 a.J va'o r- n. Ti.t-y re li-t- i sp-ciaral'V fir tut l: n by nn-ue and tK- t n on thr in is rea ia'ed a to imn'Ot bv their f:im lie i aiue H!,'v!. J lie .v-rn n. left to the iii-crtti.L ot ttifl I, 'I he (fci-eri! p:irpo-e of the '-t i t!.i 'l tlx- shai! I - U'i:Mr:;i 1 tttrt. I o' ( ''tin 1; 1 a v ; teui. SiiVtt tf tiwb re- l i: .ti a 1- .:,-Lts p. r res is p- r X !''": ixeeii r, . ,10 a i a i Tjo ti f-'P'T'y I: -Ni d.ff i per, JJinois Ml property, both real arjd p fsOHa1, taxed ad valorem. rrmonl. Taxation is fiir-d hy hw. by which real estate it sppri--ed every five years, personal every year aud the taxes are assessed each year such per cent, at the Legislature votes. Ileal and personal es t'e pay the same ad valorem Ail per sons pay according to tbe valus of the pro perty they own subject to certain exemp lions ho j-el.oid and kiteheo furniture, clo tun jr, mechanics and farrtin' too! it. i . f , j,. i- . i Ve li t.t aV A ' V 'VP 7 tne list at a fixed value Which IS put III with put Hi Willi tbe valuation of lis property to make up the list for a-ss.smei.L r , Oto lifto real and personal propirty according to its true value iu money a tii ly uniform rates of as-es-uit m ileal e tafe appraised every four years personal every year t-oulh Cwckita Slaves are taxed per capi'a witho'it Terr-! to age. Col i f urn ii lie t, Bd personal proper ty pays tax ad valorem. Maine. A valustiou of real and person al e-tate otce in ten years aud taxes a sessed according to value upon real and per tonal estate. Louniana Slaves are taxed as proper ty io proportion to ibeir value, the value of -ae j course is ascertained by regard to age, sex, condition, Ac. The constitution provides tbat no species tf prep, rty shall be taxed at a higher rate th.n any other t.x-d poper.y ' E.c-p- a. to eLtritable iLatiluiiohs, ehurchts. As. Arkantat Slaves are taxed as proper : tv ad valorem. Slave under 5 and over r' . - , ni o i years CI is dot into. i tie l oi-Wu t 'jo provm-s Hi at all property sbs l b'j lai ed ad vsiorr-ni. Tin- law pTOiid--s wnat spegies of rri5rty sdail be subjvet totaxa t.otl. Ibe la desi-;rure. -lave at ttii-iie r roperiy and t'.e C i r ad va, reui. ia tuak' , -lave'. I-..J. ii ti, i brie tixt A Cl'Lf . L s .iBll'U IV .-"TAi J O -E.-.i " -. Vi'j.i.i-ii -, 'jorre-j -!. Jesat of tLe L'j.s- V ' : C-ali'l- T Bl ile : J he I -t IhiUif. Lo.ev- r. I hi e h.-anj a ' .t l.iue 1, i- ei'iie;.. ii mti, ... r- e'.r.J i ri n,-:i,ttf of C:ijrss iu 117 II. .'. - vi r- stir', tie '. -in-ri! ij ri t.' L.uc-:.- ma'y L ll; ;L f-ri. : ; ' z: "it is t. '.'i'y ir;-ts....n r,t, ri-" i ' I ( : '. : i vi a - ' v . - -j r-- : i a - i' i ; S li s r- ; - ! t i-. '" . -I ' dis-r.- ! I , - '.. ! . r f . r . I-..,. --, -.r. of n.i 1:1 ... i i t. i till ii. " ' tL i' t'.- t- .v t in. ht si. j I. I Mr. 1,1 (' in lib t. :; '-. .rt a i, a ' uiiinei.! .uual is reiu.ius to tj cvu." Cati this be true T That IkfT Sri.Rr. The Albany Art'u, c n.D.'entiiij: on the story aboul Lincoln's boots wbieh were reported to have been in eluded in bit Couresaiooal stationery bill, Siva: Whither this etory ss true or tot. w . are disposed to believe tbat o far as ' 1 re.iitiitial ruunin? is concerned, when! Tu '.Vashinoion Monument. A move the race is over. Mr. Linolu's boots " u'ul " ou ,J0t lu 'he House ol Kepieseuta- ill actually be fouud lo have beeu " .ia-; f jr l" P--ge of a bill donating tn.uary.' ("' ' )c,r l'' 'B ,u conatruciion of the it anbini'ju Monument, The receipts from 1'KOVIUllS Wokth Fhescrvino. Has tv people drink tbe wine of life tcaldin. Lot. Kealb is the ouly master wM takes b.a servants without characier. Content is ti.e mother of good die.tlou ben pride aiid poverty marry together, their chiidreu are want add cuuie. Where work km.s ten, idiruest kill, a LunJrad men. Foliy and pride walk aid by side. lie tbat bor-r-ii kinds luiijseif with Lis neighbor a rope, lie that ie lod nod for ood adviee, ia loo I '.id lor hi. neighbor's cotnpaoy. Friends au I photographs never flitter. Wisdom I- always at I. on., to llm-e who call. The : I t ibest In. lids ask lie fewvat fareis. The Kiout SrittiT. A gentleman in Ala bain a, oeirly threescore and ten years of age, writes the Montgomery Mai! as follows : If Hell anil Everett get two rotei in AU Iisim I expect to eive one of tbcm i fst !,. I believe the .re is pure, i ..,.;,.. ... .... , f .1,.,t I , 2.1. R. cv.5.e ih. ir whole life and action .... . . are now. ,,t lnvs have been, as uroau,; j-.1(.k K, publicauitiu aud Disutiiouisui ere .rvwht-re. ' 4 1 h Because nicy oppose Squatter bov , L J v- -ci.iij, .. uv, .,,U,1I5 growing out of sectioual and party platform. '"; li. Because the Constitution is their shield and guide the whole I'uion their eooiitry and home and the laws their, and our protection. 'fill, ...rl 1..1. ILr.nunn. In m, f.. t fHend.,' to vote for John 1M1 aud Edward Kverutt."' o-- , , , 1 , , , , , tV A great deal has been said and argued . both fir aud ihe propo-ed system ..f."r,.,Ww. lJutasMr U.ddcll remark- ...i ;,. v.;, ... .1,- 1-;.. 11. 11 k.a , neduv ni. ht, a siiiiple .-tateiueut of iis r.irun. ! i". is one of tbe strongest aruineuts in ii Uvor. To seuib!e men, and tiiose who.-e i i.l.niiei.t. ha not Uama itiJ h in. 1 i, the . ieion is j .lain and sinifie. At net; II, e lit ; it. tin; l.).ni !;ition arid the fundi prii.eipii s of tbe e-t:;!tuti.j of any 1" .v t.tty aie Uvpebdii,', upou one ai, ! i;. it 1-, iu.-tice loa'.l. . A.i uiiJer t iiio.If ot taxation, yi'i - Csimot j tlieui with ba t ot a raw potato. 1 hire ap o ;t to all. That two neiihb.ira ' pears to be some virtue in the juice of tbe ii.ii..- side L si-io, one posse-sin;; Si U11O 111 I n. 'u i -t'.-.e. ai .1 t!u- other th ti.ouht it., sh---u!.-i.etax-d uirLrent- ( ly, is, iu itsiit, au ui.j-ist aud au unreason- ,' a tlie t:.iii.-. Ut.e of tl.o-e rici.'hbora, the ,.li.-r ct t lie i.i'L-roes, is taxed but til) cts I I.) the ?l-'i-t. at.d the other, pis-essing the I i.ti'l. as ii.ueii a.- ? - on the nii aiiioi'jt of j 1 rty. Now wc ask aii same men if this ; tt,!o i- 0', or ..;.-, and we cnailenge a-.y 3 .1 every opp lli-l.t ot 'fi f tljrr r'l iii J t . s;a,e to an-xcr l!.i- r j."iment ilirr ' ,, J Itii ii-. I'.ir fiienda, Is itis ju:iea ! " j :. (.'..; -vf J ,'Uks a NifTE Amm; the list of Vice l'ri -1 1. i t- !,d ,sVrretiiies of the lilack Ke ii u't .in-in C'jt--enti in, late in session at Chi- ti;o, we oi'-erre the names of H G. Hazard j and ii. It Hazard, both of Rhode Island. j i tie objects had iu view by that Convention fere declared in their charuiinj platfirtn of I procedure laid vesterdsy before our read- ' er lli-h 1 anil. Internal Improvement - - ,(,iniHtiii, j Aboli-ion. These men, K. (. Hazxard and K. R Haward, father and sod, are the I m.nuf .c.uiers of that article so extensively ; tecu . .'very aever. bt of .:H.e... when about n-ed throu2hoiit the Soulh " II azzard S "f.'f. J hair commenced lurnin, erey, Tiains" These men have become rich thro'!'"'1. eommueu t. grow until it Ucmi pe,;,, . w u aud here they are prominently enrolled moosl her orjanized and avowed enetuies. ouid it not be well that , be, should b. . , . . -,.... , r i.i . i i . ' , . , . - , " . fie"-r' exclu-ioo from the Southern msmet of all : goons couiin iroin meir Manufactory, by a simple refusal of a. I Ibe plauters to buv anmhe, e.rd nf- IU ard '. P. .1 . " II. A , it rouod Ch it. Mercury, I Remarkaule Pkeservatios of Two LlVMi We leeeived a lttier from Mr Win. Carlisle, of Uideway, statin? that 1... T n . r . .,;... , c j I. . i .! u "'"UF"- ed over tho Djtcbaien s Creek plautaiton, on the estate ot . A. reay, during which M rs. Campbell, wife of the overseer of tbe plac, was endeavoring to briuj one of her children to the hoje, and in psssing a dead oak. a forked limb blew off. each prong pass- , . u . i j . a .) i j j i ng over her head aud shoulders, and siruek both arms a litile above the elbows, knock- ing her down, while she stili held ber child by'tbe hand ; and although the limbs would have me.-ur.d. some ten ,o twelve inches "i circumference, tbe child was not iu tbe least ii j jred, and Mrs. C. escaped, with ' only a Very slight flesh wound os each arm. Except the bhwing down of some fences, our iinorniaui uat uoi neara ot aoy lnj iry loue by the wind. II mnsboro llegnler. Tbe Ci iea ro Herald of May lth says tnat a ilele.aic I u Nw York ciiy bad f clJ yelerday, w hil p uki l c iij' out of ibe a lr t.d Vi I j s a am hen caution- out for piekpockett, j ! ,-.-J tut "Lai travi. vd." lia J i-uu brei-j, .1 up iu ew York, wherd , txf .its j it upou scieiiiiiic pniicip'es, i 1 h.s ;"i'-f l 1. 1 I never b-en r ieaed. lis1 is tiieitfie, t,o siiarp fir l.'i.icao pick- ..-sets, lid sail that when Le. entered a fd l.e li'.;-! h.s baiids upou bis pocket! -.-v. , tn'i iii-.- ravels k'jew Letler than' a':. M.j-t tlit-ir rjperati'jiit on In m At tiiis ' iiui-ul e.iw. oi, e fuiu t.-fi rear drovs hia, t doa I. vver i.,s eyc, a-jd as be was read- J tin ll ti.e money Wat 'atracted. The I Y -.rk-r was noriplu"-d ai.d freely con- I s i l.ial lure -a.r..- i ,-. pfetiy aLarp : .tfla In Lui';a 'O abOal tbat lilii. 'I V.i V.i I K.TS i'.t i nk J iha D De-1 t j lue Iu i. a iia; Juurna! v. jrs a'i i at a vy. '-r on st I i. .i.-ri -s 1 l.e t. tuci. wbo d .. ; r -t... i t.. tic.-.t .tter.tiou were William i; j .i.,- .., if Maiyliiid, aud Ihomas F. '.I'm.., of Knitu'.-ay. 1 bey were tbe ii. ot i, ii. Usui ui ators the ' obierved of all ouserers.' Mr Johnson died iu .Maryland a lew a ays a.o, a pauper ao'J au ou'ca.l, uuuoliced and ui.i amcuted. The papers, a few days a-j, luform-.-d ut tfiat Marshall is su inmate vf a iio-pital al Bjffaio, diseased a i.i luiseraoix, aui about to die! Intem perance, of ourae, i. the cause of all this." the o.Deitbl po.t OIL cts iu Ibe country make but a small rev -nue. and it will ne- cearily have to receive aid from Congress, ur 0f ti9 eoUutry Keti.'m sj Ca'i Made 1,'f The Norfolk ('a ) pipers auuouuce that the return ear- go ol ibe " Loua Jstar," made up I lor lijrdeaux, aid shortiy be placed on I board, aud ia i fanher fieiut offers are no j taken. I W Mrs. artinirion wai.u to know when ' lli Aulo saguu race, about, is to con bff. au muck taiked Drought in Nrvt Enolakd Broken. The Boston Traveller, of the 1 9tla ult.,saya : The first raio for forty-one day commen ced at Lynn, at about seven o'clock thi morning. Although tho drought bai been of to long continuance probably without a parallel at tliia season of the year vejd ration generally looks well and ia as for ward an u-ual. Grass, perhaps, is an ex ception, although, should we hare occasion al showers in the future, even at that there will u , fllir crop We have fortunate!. The Japanese Opimon or American Women. It in raid in Washington, that 1 ,nl ,r r-accncDcies, too 0 apauesa numii dor, t think the American women vety hand some, very cuiious, and very bold. They are particularly atruck with their style ot waltiiug aud dancing the Polka. Ttiis last, it i said, quite enraptured the orientals Tbey Ihibk, however, that our women ire allowed too maiy liberties not under suffi cient restraint. In Japan, it seems, it is1 difforeut. Every geutleuian there keeps j , 1 . tbtm UDdcr COniplete CDtro1- r- 11 T. :. .....J .1... tl,. A rKll- l lclUL. 11 laaiaieu iuii pistol which the friends of Mr. rowler, late rofn.ailer at iNew lora. louua unuer oia s,"'r,ler f I P"low i" o'tn' 1 I tlie weP0U "hicb was presented to him bv Hon. Kobert J. Welaer, and with wuicn ro.ier .ctn.eui.i. j --o .- F. Uutterworth. Fowler, at the time, made a present of it to the ii jured party, which en one ol the weapons used ry I'nuet , Sickles in sliocting liartou Key, in butter wortli's To Clean Knifes Tho most simple , and best way is to rup Ibd brick dust on potato which aei is in ckauilig them. Hour. 11. v t, i KNF.i; AL t OMMlSs-loN MKIJ IIA.NT, . H SVii.iutos, N. C ij' OiKcr, South C01 i;- r Market auu Witi 'n. no t iirs VctuOtr 11. 18.53. 31lf ys:s you 35 ay L?li UK HLCO.M.M1.N1) Heimstreet's Inimitabi 11 n ( oi.oki:,(;: AD Fi.ND IT Tu IK A PERFS3T HAIR RESTORATIVE, promiitifirr the tfet"jlh nd growth of the l!t r, and gitii'f ll atll luc benuljf of jr'iUtJi. jqm uoubt Hi I.c-iil! I.'! Schoos Lake, K.nti Co , N. Y., t'etiiuarf ii, leja. W. F., Troy, N. Y -Ver Mr: ! u"d 'ou.r ,U'r "l"rlne or, '"iSllZi ZL,l'.71,ll t . i-V.""." 1 bad reached uiy ntiy-lhirdvear, when I waa in. ouce.i bv a tnend to purchase two hottlca ot H treet s Kair Kesiorative prep-red by yuu. I "."" ' ,l ' few daya w aurprised to find ibal my hair L com. , and in a the root outward waa lurnmg bjca to ita oriirinal eolor. Ii , e....i,uued to grow until it wa. .. tru- ly brwn and g'uy u an in my y.oilitul days, "';"" 'ul""1' " 'K"l '' M VLA SEAMAN. fii'ifi,ii Myla Seaman came bef.,re me and uuiy laiirn, anu sy mai me anove eiaieuieut true, this 6Ui day .if Februarv. IHjd. JUEL F. PUi TER,7u(ivoM We. PlTTsroaD. Vt., Aug. I, l:7. I hereby certify, that my hair heeoine qi'le quae gruy, 1 u.ed IKiinslreel'. Hair , (urepire.i by VV. E., of Troy, N. .Y .) for ,olir week., and ,v h,,r w.a in ui i,. ,.. stored lo its original color. 1 can fully recom- mend the article to be all it cUun. W.M. hlNGSI.EY, Va,t" " Ba'"" ('"- l'HJ"d, Vt. ,rMr w- E 1a"; , have used lleiuiatreet' " "r Kesiorative lor three years, anJ hve found l0 , , eaccileni article. It not only re. .t, red ihe color of my hair, it new lite and airengih, but u cured myaeli and wile of a most ob.iin.teeruuiion on the .calp. winch noiAmf ,' ZT ' y" KNOvVLTON iluvVLANi). The above are but s few of ihe msny letters of recommendation which have been tendered to the proprietors of llenn.ireel'. Il nr Coloring o. lie.. l.irlive. 1 1 ha a been used h v Hin.i.jnilB nl' i.M..e . i ...., f,.i, .,,.,., ' " i. . . ,h 1 ol thl: luir. Ti. ngUar elfe. i ,. not Prduce-1 1 a. wnend e. are u.ed ; f ,r it act. up.... the u.tu-1 '"i""." colu"ue ,""l,er ,"' ,'"0' '"' cnttreU. but Iht natural iWr of youli. 1 1 i doea not color the akin. I PnciSOc and 11.00 aer lesiile S .Id ever v where. W. E. II elAN Jt I .... Troy.N. Y. Sod in ( 'ht-lotle hy Dr. F. Sc irr, and all llrug. gist- in tne Cntli-n Miles, V tu SeuaaC. and laner. I li ir:t..ii, Wnoiesjle Ael.U. April Jl, 1-6). Y S, T. WlilsSTON rr i:eps Vk U..r. full and -id, wholesale and re. .e asaortiiier.t of i'lsAi.N .mi j aia.m:i Tix-u'Aiir; .i-di wi!l be i id LOW. ioi..N i i:i j m. pui. s.le by Al.ES, i;ns.n.-i.d s., O.ue I'.ts, Wti!e 1. ! f..i S. T. WHISTON. article, lor aal. rjvori.ET KEls S. T. V.'IUS ION 8. JASH. Iieed.Sp-ee i:nl brinmr liOXI..Sf.,r ''"'' S. T. WIU.STON. Fit f I tn 4VV i :c; i i'l'A ii isi :s. 5? 4 STONE 4. Co.'. Screw Top Gf.ASS JARS l for preserving Fruits, Vesetables, ec, the lest article now in use, for sale by g. T. WRISTON. COOKI.VCJ STOY-;.S. fS' a It..' -..y-i 4FLIX ASiKTMENTof COOKINO and ether MTOVKil. will be eonatantly on hand, id sold as low a. tbey c.a be afforded ia this Israel, by 8. T. WRISTO.W tfWrofle.y... U.18J9. Mil Cii.iittis$II"ii ,11 n. -mac. Iff -1 iff MM ii'mi .") lr'isln ii si 1 I rl s ilw 11 : UiUlltllTiK I iili lt Ju. t'li 4 a io n 15 lUMi'.l ?: ji 31 an 1Xf.ai1.111...... ......... 1 S S 7 8 1 li IS It 1SISII in :i!m siiii 3J in t aim ! .1 Iu. 39 .m .ii ... ............ 1 4 t r 7 k II ll) lt;l.1 i.iimijn ji 33 SjiailiriJss ...1... ... ...I... t .1 t ' J 1 10 una, 1.1 l I s 7 1 tno II il'Ulu!l5IISil7 'iln'ai iib'jj:s4 : i ' t "s "i . OrL S loUllll 13 H i I.VtsllTIIHH ' 1 1: a:j ss.wsr.a ll!Hil:17lll -it! 31 jiiiSiao;:; ... ...1... 1J I I7 H IJ Tl ll!l H a j 11 4' 71 v 1 12 is 1115 1 19 HI 33 il N J7.IVJ9U Important to Mill Owners, ( t irr mis ovt.) JNO. A- MfMAXE'S Celebrated Smat S. Scieenin; nchine m t ANL'FACTL'REDat Soulh Lowell, N.O. and ahipped to all pans ot the Cuiied siuiis i.toeriti rvoueiiuoa maue si iimnti winj m M ictime a..d ...h u.e,,, choBed. Who nave llartl I'lii! Pub. ncrecauliont-dagainat ml:io and he are cautioned uouin.l inila.'iiifit and Impotilntiu Nune genuine uoleaa aetnuippnied by my bills and card, and auld by my.legally aulhurmd i-i;niU. Addieas JNO. A. McMANNKN, Soutll Lowell. N. C Marek SO. 1 HtiU. tst'S I lie Ohl Awrlli Maw, I'tir-t-r. LOOK IIKKE, KKIEMXs. and ell..w cin.. n, will v. 11 out Uie U'.bie STA'I'KuF Mlt I'll 1 akoI.I.n a 1 l-'su, send to the inwnb r, or sub.criue to Hie louniy .eni. lor 11... w. Hi- .laHi(it Tl;ip. And ynu will get the wlhiie Slule.witli her IJivers, Kailruaas, liidd, I'onpci, Lead, Jrim 01,0 t'..i MiiK-, ind -II the Cities, Towns ana VMI ges, I,, r imiiiIi- MuuiiUma and Springs, and her Kirula n d Flow.ra. ll y,a want lina tiULUFN PRIZK. row ia the lime. Mp aetta leel by five. U ,rdi r views of I lie fl(.it,- lUse, Insane Anyiuni, I hapcl Hill, Male and Fringe 1 u.leges, oVe., Jtc, one of the rktaprtt .md bent M p ever pubh.hid. l'KA Kl'E i BEST, HdUboro", N". C. At.i-.N I S VVANTfcl tor every cuuuly in Ihe Sute. Terms lovrni. Apply as aouve. Juiy i 18 6m UIAKLOTTE HOTEL, BV mOm JIB !B4k aVs BK HX9 ciiA.iLorri-:, n. c. K . rflMlF. Proprietor of thii Hotel is JL si till at hia post ready lo lul. fit the dunes of ' mint host" to the iraveiliny; public and others who may call on him, and he flatters hiiiieelt' that as j comfortable quarters can be found Willi bun as any wnere in una Ticmiiy. oeing aiiuaieo near- , , celtrt of cll.r)oUei Mi. will "..u this H,.tel a mo.t convenient and 1 any where in this vicinity. Being situated near Z:::' ,il)le ,n,oe ilal adduions to In. former' hoBM j (l n , reatlv enl.rred and nn-! proved, presc-iilmg in frit s two atnry VER l) ;i)0 led in length by I'i test in width, handsomely I haded by trees on the MJe. walk, afT-irding a plea. I aant promenade at all hour, nf the day. i The M ime ha. been thoroughly lurmshed thra'. : out, and io every part of it creature contfVirla are , abundant and tangible. sapeeially in the Pl.NIMi 1 ROOM, where the "inner man" is "renewed" d-y by day. Connected with thie Hotel are Slablea a ffording , room for IUU horaea. abendanilr furnished with i grain and provender, attended by faithlul ana o-I biirin; hovtlera. Tne Proprietor feels confident thatwith hi.long esperienee and nianv niw advantage, added to hi. deaire lo pteaae, he is ore oared lo offer hi. lh .m"nl,i,",V ".ny con.iori. ana " "",c" che'r " "'" ,uun'' nywnere. peril.)!. . .!,,,! ' JT At any rate vav the Charlotte Hotel. J.B. KKKR OefafWr 19. 1658. 3.lf Thouaand are daily speaking in th. praiaajof Dr. Eaton's Infantile Cordial, and why? because it never niile to alTird ir.atan Unco us relief when given in tune. 1 1 acts aa if by mtgic, and one trial alone witl convince you that wh.l we ..y i. true. It contain. NO 1' A It Iilt'O It I C Oil OP1ATK. of any kind, and relieve, by removing ', j , i". ai n" itself as ih fliea. reason, itcon.ii.end. Ihe only relib.e pref..ri,tii.n known t-.r (CILUKEN TKhllilNU, Dl All It Hi 111 EA, j DVSKMEItY GlilMMi in in. BOWELS. A. mi i y ot l .e surd vn. wind, t old in THE HEAL), and t IiUl H, bid. h.r aolltnii.g Ihe g u us, reduc.rg in'iiii. in t.on. reg ulating the bow- e.a, and relieving p. 1ft, it ha. no rqtl it an 1,C ll .a ilaed wtln unl's.Hf si.-- -a III a. I Oses ol I ON VI I.-IUNf. (Jit O l llIlK Fl I s. i Aa you value the I lie aim he.llh ol wur . I . . r. n , , ai.u Kith lo .ie them Irmn lh'..e ami 1 . . n I . t - I f f . ar C'.ii'i rj-iei.c. a wi.u h are eeiUin to resi.ll (r.,in ihe ii..-.,1 lureolict ..f which all otlo r r--.ii. 'in a , f-.r liiuntile l'.r,,.lii. t j.e e.,ii.pi.. .i lae inme b it U.t EAIO.V .SISFAN TII.Ei OdlflAl., tin. j -'u c .li r- ly Ue.n. Ii .a perleetiy li .riiiles, and i Ciilii.t injure llle llemt delicate Price, U.'t ''nil. I Jii ai.cuii.pauy escl. bo. tie Pre;,, red and j Sold by CllUIiCII it DL'I'UNr, DruL'gists.i No. 3i, Al.idtn Lii.e, N.-w V-ra, j snd hv y. Nye dr. Co, . i.d . Searr, I ( Healthy human blood upon being AAI.VZKI, always present, ut with the a.nie essential cle ment., and give, of eourae the TttlK UTAN IMKD. An., lyxe Ihe. IJIoud of a perann sufTering from Consumption, Liver Coaiphalnt, Dyapepaia, Sie.rolufa, Vc, and we find in every matance ccr. tain denciencira, in Ihe red globules of Bland. r'upp'f ll.rae derieiences, and you are made well. The UI.OOU FOOIJ ia loui.ded upon Una Theory bene, lis astonishing surccss. There are Five Preparations adapted to the deficiencie. of the Blood in d, (T r ent olaease. For I Utlillsl, ( Ul.lS, Hid I.Ni ;. 1 J'AM.or any arr.-ctioo what, verm ti.e Til BOAT or I.LN-J 1(,d;,f (XlNfiCVlP J'luN, ua N,. I, which i. alao U.e No. t..r Deprexiun ait Mpirits, I, , .a of Apuetite. and for all Chrooie ron.i.l ariaiiig from Over. ae. General Uehilitv. and Ner. I V'.u. Pr'f r.lioe. No. a. for Liver Complaints, I No. 3, .,r iJyapep.... Being already prep. red: for aba.irplioo it i. Taken by Dropa and carried! ininiediaicly int.. tne circulation to ll. . t what yuu ! gain reUin. The No. 4 ia for Female Irregular.. ! I.e., llyaUria, Weakneaa. Jte, See dir.e. nun. mr una. r..r Nail Kiieam, Krupt i.n. hero ful.. u.. Lidoey and Bladder (Jo.i,p.,int., No. i. In all e.tti Iha direetton. o o-t be .ir.eil. lolh.w.d rr.c. of II.. KLOOD ruOD, 11 per boltl by CIJCUUII k DUFON T, Druogi-t. .nd a,.ld by E. Sj, llichi.o Sl i o. and K. tsc.rr, l.harlolte, IS. C. tin. t.t I y I KXECUTION3 for tb S. Court for sal. WASHINGTON HOTEL, , (CUANOE Of PROPRIETORS.) liltOAU S I It KI T KWHKUN, N. C, JOH.M F. JJM33, Proprietor. fgHK Uni!erigneU re.iM-riruliy announces to B. the lraell.i(r iublii!, that t.e lia. lull.-, elinree ol'llm old anil popular raUblinlimeiit, and ia now prrpured to occciinim'ilute Inivclem and pri ut lamiliv. with Ixi irti by 1 lie oay or month, on llio nioal arpomiiioiliilmif li'l'Mi. Iha 'I A L.I.K will ulwjya be furnished wilh the hrstprovi.ion llittlhmiie uil foreign niarki la oait itr.ird. The Vlillltfl ll'ltl has larBe rixiiiia, ia i.eurer the depot, the enurt liouae, and the bu'ineaa .Ireeta tliun any olhr 111 tlm eitjf. An Ominiws will always 'be at the ilepol and lanilii.t, ' Hu arrival ot the e.ira and steainlioat, 10 convey p-isent;era l the Hotel free of charge. Hy atoppiK I Ihia Hotel, puaaengera will have ample lime to obtain meala. Having elo a Urge and commodinus Stable, and an cii-ellenl )ller, he ia fully prepared to board horses by the iluy, week or niontli at the moat reaaonable rules. JOHN. F.JONES. Marti I, J 859. 5IK" P. SAUJIS Ai liilc l iiiisl ISnilttrr, ttB' ILL furniah Draigna, Plna and l)rawin f I ti.r Puhhe builuin(a. Private Ueanleiic. a and Villaa. Particular atlenlinn dill be paid to uuiliiing t lourmn Milla, t'orn Milla, &. Orrics iu 3d htory ni Alexander' Uuilumg, Iron t room, over t'hina II 1 li. Ocioier 26. 1 H.'iB 33tf UK. It. .ll. -V ' I I.I. l.e pie.sM It. I'luh ssiol a Talla V 9 ll' H e -.1 n.rllMi Ills ul MFllll INF.and sUI.'I.KKY. Inu- pr..ieHi-lly l.i-i V Ix fount; at nir roamelict.. Furl. Mill Depot, Yi.'ra lisn n i . . t'rh, i. le.Tf.. 1 if Wanted ) 1,000 Mat 31. 1 4.58 ( llKDs Vf TAN BAR K . I" wnieh I lie eah w,!1 be pi. I. M. li. TAYI.oK. l-jif Cash Paid For Hides, , 5Y a M. HOW KM., 3 doora South ..f ihe P Miisiin. H., i ( 6. 1-jH 5tf ' , j Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, in whieh we have la bored to produce the most effectual alterative that can he maile. It is a concentrated eitrart of Para 8arsaMnlla, so comlnned with other suhstariees of still greater alterative pow.-r is to aff ird an cn-c:ive antidote fur the duH-es-s Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It U tv-lieved that sueh a remedy is wanted by tho who sufL-r from .Strumous cntn.lauita, and that one which will aceompU'h th nr cure must prove of immense acmes to this lare class of our afflicted fi llow-citi. nf. How completely this com.iouiid will do it hat b s-n proven by exper iment on many of tlu worst caact to be (bund of the toUowmir coinplaiu's : ScHnri L nn H Ropri.oi-s Cowplaixts, F.Kii'Tioxt A.vo Eaurriva Ilisstsct, t'i.caas, 1'mrLst. liLori us., Tikobji, Sait ItmiK, Scald Hstn. SreiiiLit aud SremLiTie Ar racTioM, Mf.hci hul Ditsats. Daorr, Ntf av.on oa Tic Ooi-loi-revx, Dsbimtt, Dvs rersiA and Ismine-riox, F.attirri.At, Rota o Mr. AsTTHosir's Fiaa. and indred the whole class of complaints arising from IstrvaUTT ur ths Hlooo. This compound will he found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to evpel th. foul humor, which 6te-r in tlse blood at thst season of th" year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling di-ord ts are nipped in tst bud. Multitude can. hy the aid of this remedy, rre themtelre from the enduranve of frul eruption and ulcerous sores, through which the syst,m will strive to nd itself of corrup'iona, if not assisted to do tlos through the natural chaiin-ls of the body by an alterative m.-dicuie. Cleanse out tlus v-.tiat.'d bio el whenerer you (In 1 its impurities burstina through l)ie km in pim;.lc, ernpliont, or sores; cleanse it whim y iu tind it is ob-strueh-d snd sluir'h in th? v-'int ; cl'-an-e it whenfv. r it it f-iu:. and your f-.-liiizt will t 11 you wh'-n. Eren h -r- no psrtimlar disord-r is felt, re-oj.le enjsiy b-t"r health, and live liSiiXT. for cleansing the blood. K-:"T the blood healthy, and all it well ; but with this Eabulum of l.f-.. disordered, can b- ne istina" health. Sooner or lat.T somr-'hinif mutt go wron.i, and th irr.-! mai.huiery of lit-: is or overthrown. Sarsaa.'ii'.a has ami d'.-rtesi muih, the, of ars-oinolishiug these emta. But the world has Iks n e?r'"-.ously uV-ceiTed hy prr;iaia".ri:ia of ii. jMitly becainc the drug a,j;i- hat not all t,'.' virtue tliat is (lsiried for it, but nior.' b-.-.-i usc many preparation, pr-'end n tu is- o. n': ivd . s'ra. !s of i", ion-am h'it of ll virtue of isrsapari!iA, or any thin else'. l).iri,i Lit" years the pnVtic liave hevn mit-I.-d l.y Uie I " l.-s, pu t. nd-ii tu give quart I-. itra- tot ar-a,ianil.i f.r on" d..ilar. Most ol t:i -so ht..- Is.i. ii. t I. tlte aklt. f.r tl't y i,.it ii. i.y touM.ii L i' , if any, Karsapa r.iii, hut of;, n 1. 1 i li.i-iv- p.-..-rbe wliaiev ir. 11 -ii-e, billet ai. 1 ;,t.:..,.l disappointment ha. fi.liow -.1 tit lis., i.f i:w v.tnous ex'raets of Saisaj-nii la l... h !l i ..I tl..j market, until the i. :r. it' is ri Iv ...s imd hat bnonie syi,.,iiyrn-.iis ;rh n.i;ei ulel clieat. Still . tali tl.u . ..-.iti inn '. .rs-. lar.lia. snd intend ta su;r.:y :i. i, n i-j, !. . ,l.aj rt-s-ue ths I. i:m.- li.iin t.'i. I.u.l ..f ..l.Kuy whi. h tests u:.on it. Ai. l v.o st tive ground f ,r b it s-ats v;i!u. t vtl.n h ara u-resitttible Ly tiie oniiiry run of tl l.a.nae it it intend- " e l to cure. In ord. r to a .-.i,r, their rumplete eradii from the si, the remedy should be judiciously taken act urdj.g to Uatettkoaa oa U.e bottle. rnai-Ancti or IIl. J. C. AYI1II & CO. I.OWF.1,1,. MASS. Prlc., $1 per UotUe til Uottle. (ar 1. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral hat wm for ft self tneh a renown for the eur. of every variety of Throat and Lung Cumgd .int. tint it it entirety unnecessary fir ns ?o recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ploir.i. Aa it has long been in constant uae thronghnnt this section, we need not do more than assure the people its iiushly ia kept up to the beat it ever has ts-en, and that it nmy be r'-li.-d on to do for Uitax relief all it baa ever been found U do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR TnC CT7RB Or ' Coitirmtu, Jaundice, hyi'piil, InJiyniim, ltyunlrry, foul Slimarh, -.ryilpelai, llmtarht, J'tln, Ithmmalitm, Erupt tun i and Skin Jjutati, Liter Complaint, Itroity, Tetter, Tumori and Suit Rhrnm, Worm, (imit, Sevnljia, as Dinner Pill, and for Purifyina the Blood. I hey sr. soKsr-eoatril, so thai the most sens! tive can take them pleamlv, and they are the beat aperient in the wuild for all the purposes of a family physic. ?rlc 23 cents per Bot; Tive boxes tor $1.00i Citat ntimSert of Clrrgymsn, Physicians, fiuts nien, snd eminsnt psrsonarres, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our spare here will not permit the insertion of tlntn. The Aeents below named fur nish gratis our Annan t Almakac in which they are given ; with also full descriptions of the sIkiv. complaint., and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. I)o not be put off hy unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. lematid Aran's, and take no others. 1 he rack want the btt aid there ia for tliein, said tbey should k.e it. All our remedies art for aal. by For sale liy vj" xtvl' iii.T.'iiioi.t' 1. nn 1 p' SOAUR & ('., ( 1 Char lot: e. i A V ILAiNU, C J KV fc.t- U.' 4 . CharUtlon, S. C. BLANK LfiEDS for sale at thia offioe. ; 7 1 S.H.RANS0M.O.Cft. 3S WAIT FOR IU WjUJGOL H"IIY ia it ym. yJk.a m Ta. r M." tk. BTaiWBe sells Slovts ft Because lie buves hnS'lVYt from the Mmiitaciurera. liU. ill. TAILOR Would respectfully .nnounee lo llu :..lslil.i Is fr..m their Old M-nn, to No. l.tarsnite Knvr, v. North, ou. of Hi nio.1 extensive s.aortmciila ot ver offered in Nnrth-Carolma . among v. bil l. v. ill r l. ur.d the eelebraUu whivh has gained such a famous reputation in the rl..otl.rni'i.uiitry for the Usl eigl.lrt i, n.i.Ml .. This Slove ht warranla superior Iu sny tucking Met. v. in u .ll is air I. n ii. ..ri.i ,tr, ,,ilt eoneiiiiii a less luel, and doea muie work in a gitt n lnnr. tl an an) olht r fl. v. t.c in use. Ur , pul up one be sine any other Ml.ivr of the aan.c sue in ll,. IiiiIm M.-l- i.i.i. il H ones n. I .... n .... work in s given time, he will forfeit the prut ol tl.i-Moic, ai.d units, lime and go his oi til i, the belter one. ALSO, ALL KINDS OF PARLOR & EOS STOXTES, lis has. and enn.lanlly keep en b.nd, an ratensite and v.iitd slock of TIX AND sibe:i:t ihox. jAspArr Aiii B'tiiua'Aim-JA wsw&j mass I.'tlTTI.I S, LIST Mito.i -a 7 I.i yv, I HAT HACKS, C1LK)L!-:S9 &c, &r., ! Alt ol VThirli will be a.. 1. 1, U It. sit. it le- rtMtt It. lull i hen per Ihitu Iihs Kit Ist't-ii olliiid In I hi. Tirinlli, j I w.iul.l return my thanks In my friends .nd cu.i. n i r. for the very literal pair, tip tl ry ,,, best..v.rd upon us, and tbey may real assured, I shall er. r.,r, by cle sliei.lion lo bui.nrM win. a detern.iitaiion to please, lo try ai d merit a coi.l. nuance f IhesasiM. ! rii mri'd n 44 witt zmu, i mm, wzi'm." I.adii' and lit'iitlnnrn arc pirlic ulurly invited lo cj!I uud r lamine hi.i Mori 1 AlimiiJ 02 JOB WiE mum 10 v-n ixsmtE. ' X. U. I will tell ...uwhy I head n.y scverlin n-i m Vt sis rtitm W see., a, 'it . Utauis ! we bsve Ilirr. eon.iantiy tranilii ( n.rcu.l lit roai try will. Hiotts. J If till vrittr trill be fuHltlutly tnt pi m jJh alltHttcl lo A.a..lN. il.LY1.0Ji. f serial, Jume 16, 1837. ITWOTTO3irrilTS.lV! OLD AS"!) YOU a(;,! MTiHlll iT2 'i'lVUTii, : . Vii : Ihdt Prufd.isor Wood's Hdii Res tOfdtlVd Wi I prrsrrve isallity the nvll ar.d of Iha, il ustd tw.iur three tu... s serS, I . ai. y g. liable .ge Pertttlly, U.e gry. cover tia; U. Id Willi halore'. own ol, II. e I. ir , make ll u. "rr soft and b. uii itsl tn. i. suy oil, ai t. prrs rve th. .r.,p irte tr. in .11 Uih.h t. IIm gre.l rsl age. Klatraii.eo. Ju ges, Atli.rr.rVS, lKelor., t'ie.gyilirn, froleMioli.l mea ai.d ( and l.aUiea i.f all cI.iki, .11 over Ihe wr!d, lar lea liinoiiy we do not .ay too muck Iu lla lavor. Head ll.e lolluw ll.g. and jD.ige. III. n.v (.BOV,.t.t, Ml, 111. I Ct 7 . I'sor. O. J. Wood IV. r tt.r. rsume I. me lsl s i. i. in. r w. srr. in. u. . a l ue aoiioe ot yur II vr K.alt.r.tive, and H. t IT. els were so aoi.oer. I , we leel il our Duly lo you anu the affl.cteu, I,, i. p.,rt it. (Jar little ss' hesd fi.f et.riie lime had btea per tect.y eov.reo wilh -.,e.. ...u y,.r called ,t .eld he.. I. I l.e hair slinosl . ntnly cam e . 8 in run .. ijut see. ah.n a In. nd. .ern g hi. ufl ring, ad. v. d ua lo uae vour Hi alorativ. .etmilM Willi tittle hojie of iscch, but t-iour aorpri.e,and ih.t ol all our fri'nue, a v. ry few appiu .le t., inn.. ted the disease entirrly,.n.l . l.ra and luluri.l. I er.-p ct hair soon started .ut, and we can u..w say Ihbt ..ur ba.y ha. aa healthy . M-.lp, and as IttSur.anl a crop of hair a. any other c ih il. V e can, Ii. ere. lore, and do hereby, recommend y.ur Keior.ive, aa a pertetl rtinttiy l-.r all dix-.ars of ti..c.lp .nil hair. We tre j..ur. res citniiy, I. I.i I. VS. IMI. i. IM. Ill II AM. MAHAll A IIII.I.I.MtuI IIAM. I'sor Wool. 1 1., r .--ir ' My had, lr stvr. r t yesrs, u.en heeoi g prematurely gr.y .e. Coii'ii.nied by a harsi.n. r. n.iritti ll.e eonattnt application of oil n.caaary in iircutg it Vtj hen I eM..n.ei.ccd aainy Hair Krsior. abi.ut two in. .nil.. og.i It .s in that em.iil tu.ii ; snd having eo in.ued its use I. II wiilnn ihe I. at three week., il hta turned l ila natural col or, slid assumed a eotiness and luatre gm.lly to be prel. rrvd lo iIhirc pr.Hiuced by tit. i.f otla or ,-iny ttlhrr prt u.rali.,n I hava ever u-.-d. I rrgald It aa all lll'liapensa ble article h.r every'e lotiet, lo Isv ue-d aa a II. ir He. to. rstivr, or ...r the .iinple pu' ol messing ..r rteauli'yii.g the hsir. You Mrrn.i..i..u I.. u. all who t inert. .in any d..ubl of Ua per l., all that I. claimed lor ll. .MR. V. HX Ml IN ll.-1, Cincinnati, U . Keh In. lis, 7 I 1 1 liiir.l .t. Vt kli.iswtom, Mu., lire. 5, I"j7, I'sor. W'uod Ife.r ir : Hy Ihe auvii e .t frirn.i of nunc, whu hadbitn y..ur Hair Kesiorative, I wa. induced In l-v I. I had ti.e fever, some time laat May, and i...rly evv.y hair iu my head cut out- IN.. a- u.y l.etr ha. come in s great deal li.icser than ev. r it w.a Xollui.g but . duty .nd sympathy thai I 'e. I In cnuxuiii csle luolhrrs who are slllicli d n. have b. el., w.iuld indue, me to give Ims public alki.i.wlr. e. meal of the bent fit 1 have received Irom I'rol. V uou'a I lair tteslorelive. Your, respectfully, K. R J At OILS. The Itr.lnrative i. put up ir bottle, of 3 .it. s, vis: large, inediuiu andsiiiall; the email holtie a pint, and retail, lor one dollar per bottle ; Ihe medium hold, al least twenty iter cent, in pioportion than the small, relsiia li. lo iio iaia a bottle ; Ihe large ho lis s quarl, forty per cent more in proportion and rt taila ur t.l s l.ulle. U. J. WOtJDie M , Proprietors, fit Hroaiiwsy, rw York, and 1 14 Market Kl., Hi. Lou '..Mo. and old hy all good Uruggi.l.siid Kanry (ioods .' '-al-era and in t harlolle by hi A UK O. March 2, IBM). 13m jam i-:ls""avT i:iT."i : v, COMMISSION M Eli CUA A 7", 147 (.11 A VI II Ml! HI Hl.r.T, i. V. kUYU and lor w. l ila every kind of tpcrcli.n. M B due lor Ul per tent. sstlmatioa. Kcler. lu aim Morchr.d, X. VV, VV o nihil, J. VV . O.Wue, C. f. Meiidenh.ll, A. M. liorman, l.tqa. and Rev.C. F. Deems, lion. VV. A, lira In. m, ai.d there, t'taltr in Piano., Meloiienns, Organs, Harps. Gu.tara, Mo-ic. Mewu.g Machine., Iron Ha lea, Pump., lasr.len Ki.g.i.ea, Ac. A printed list of .11 the diflereiil maker., end price, seal fret. Publisher of an elrganl lilhogrnph ol "H-t.ry A'atl Oap," N.f. (fl,) and th. '( liseo. Tin. invaluable famny sjcisrr should he iu every house. II treat, of all diaeasf-s, lios s enpioua glossary and prescribe Ihe reim-du s from nature, bounteous atores, litr all our infirmities and mia. fortune lli. pi in ted on fine while paper, hand- j snmely bound fourth .lilion, 3U0 page, and I. . telle, rre far en. iMar. New Koat wood Planes, 1110. I m. 16, IB58. ly i.ily.lhsl he list rrnid Iietv l.e now nn rxnitii, R STOKES' Hock Dimlin- EstabliIin.ciil, Dn-ri ab.vt Rr.n.k Bank I. V. Build- in; id rrar t H. B. MuHlry il kioj D,, oi l vi i, The ab..e Ksi .bli.l i eat i. i.w iu full "J r-, Ii.lil,., .ItS Still reCilVllig a full SU(,- i ..I li.. i,. i bl.A.NK l All U ai... KIMiKks' n I l.K I A I Jl. I . hi .1 -II times rr.ay Iu hli ! Hi nt r. in m) In... n, a i u, a, i... I..,.. ..i.r.t a siwleul r.livn.bT. My Strsatt. allect.uM I :i l-s j .v,a to .11 a, ii. ahii h u, ar fa..rvu. i Itastn.- he lt, esp.r,i.r ia tn i..n I ul .elur.ol I.I.A.N h 1,IH lK. ...:i , i, r ' l j i w ..... u.e VMS I r.U V,HKI.. I il.u.r a f..ii 11. al I Hull, m all t.t.a. (, tnlirv (MllaUtliui, 1I.AM KtKlk.H, I llal.k liooits. t ltra.'lio..ka. I..S ll..l,,e. (llHrta. , , r,rl.-, li,u..r '. .ii I .m, an. ,... , hi la hi I-KU ai.rt But Ml to any m-i- l.rn.ii. in. very In.t t...ntr, i.i .up, nor p-fsr, , ,u Jajed anu I.i.k su a i.e. rtejuiieo ,,H N , t W(1 k ' Meair Id-.k., I'tintiir.l., P.u pl.l. la. ,,-i ' ' " H-.'aa ol aveiy tiriii,li, n, ouunu ul rtu. is,i. II. I..I) i.ii.i. ul st 1 1 iJ A.l ornrr. o. aiiii ti.sal alio aa low aa t.B b. Ut-na cl.twi.i re. k.. K. til'i'KK. Jaa.a.g 17, e60. d3if tilti .c tktil IU CI istuasl Lile Iasuiaact Cofiuy tfr H t. H . 1 . tills, t ou r-i. u.tuita tbt Int. f Si. lof on. ys.r, term o years, i.f l.-l li-" tl.t AlulUai I itfce.rit, u.e ...olew lll p-l ip.lil g ill ll.t pi ..Ilia ot tl.t I OU.l'ali). I' lur llil Ul. tt-ereitii .bo, ui.i. to ur one h.ii in, .i.,..u..i ..i ii annul b pti it ni. itii. u r-niy. lie pruiepl u.. . pal.. 0) ti... a ol pi.Ht.Uil I. ss .re t,,sp..i all I. a. u, H ,l. iii r. IDeult I.I. rsi.vta an 11. .on,. Ii.f a Irrili ul Ir.'Ult.ii fivt y .ra, lor tau li.tru. II, en i.iut. All lo... are aiti.fl. tfv' umym aflci a. I. t..ry prool ta i.. lit.. LUhr.l "ItiliS. I h. lies I:. Jul n. i. i,, VI i... II. Vtin iloiuti., VS. U !.,., J. t.. Vt .in .m., II. Ilu.itti, dut iiln.e l.usbte, V. I., II. Mi hie, h. V. Il.ltle, I n.rlt. ll. Kuol, l lul, kiclt'u ll. 11.11,1 lIHUK-s. tfr. I l.aiie. K. Joi.n.on. I're.iurnt. V . VS . Ilt.luell, Vice fre.iutlil. K. II. UalllC.lstClllulj . VV illi.n.a ll. J..... ..I rc. surer. II. VV . Ilu-I. n, Aitontey. Iir. VV in. II. Mi hie, .M.o.e.l Kjsni.ner. Lirruhrr ( Ka.a.ifirr (4. huabir, VV . II. kee, I i.-rir. li. Hunt. Mritirmi llouitl mf f ensulaii.a ( I i J,,,i, J,, li.t M lii.i.nt li. .Vtchct, .VI. f Kiei.'tl II. Ilayu..c. M. il.. lor further information, Ihe public is rrl. r red to tin paii.phi. la, .rid pr..j.oal,iieh nay be LbUiueu at Ihe ol the t oln.a.iy o. ".y ol ila A;eucies, ( "ii.ii.iiiiicalit i.t ahi ulil b. a.idresst dt ( " paid) It.. K. II. BATTLE, bv relary. H, le..". Htl ..ti . .' , " -"-,,-ss.ryivLN 'HHtTlHG. HH I'KIMIM. ,f all kmda will b' ''' ...e.iee ai ! N""'1 "r "mea - - WITN KS3 TICK KTS. for the f 'ounty " , . , Superior Court, for aale bere- I (HAM (11 F aid vi. r-: T. ' - v.