, lime to '6bd. fo iieul 6obtiru9 and to ijour CHA-rLHiOTTE, 0.:, anCTXjTST 17, I860. VOXjXJOVEIIS 9, 1 THOMAS J. HOLTON, Editor &. Proprietor.. TERMS : ; Ti..V.irlh.CafoliB Whif willbffiwdtitoub. .t TWO DOLLARS in (ii.i.cii TWU toil I AK! AND FIFTY CENTS if p-y ...enl b. svl 'vet if- '' antl..;no THUEE DOLLARS 1 ine end of m vr. r"PP' will be disc.in t'nu.d ant.UH srrmra.es r paid, except at In .,li ,o ot lle Editor. ; , ' tl)rrtiinHiMeOn'Do1lrpriqnij ,16 linn ..r li .1'" 'Sc -r) f" 6r"1 '""f li,.n 4nd!.S e.tNl for eric..uliliulie. Uu",i Wru'wi d '' I' ernt li i if !-r i ii'i deduction of 3JJ pr lent, will b. ,.i;.de lrm the rr-f ular ft ten. for aitver lias r. by tl, vear. Advortismirwla inrrlo n thly r ' .i,,lr, .1 $1 per I"'"' r",' """ 8r",U prriflheo fcudihf m their der tisrment ! m'k h number of insertion drsir-sd or Ihrr "ill inserted until forbid and ch.re.rd ae crd i By- irPi'lmnlff" r anther iert l set fiil. .I.C. IVI1.KIXSO.N fc .. DEALERS ur WACTHf S, JiiWELRY, g;LTER tad r 1 1 T E 0 Wile, ft ' AMD ' fi. J Uravil RaBfe.npposil lU Mansion IIum, CHARLOTTE. N C. A't'nt.n. '" IstlUpairing WalcbrsaV Jrwrlry. y.7. li. " 13,1 ' I!. IilXKWITIl COWT4KTI n It ISO vf ATG H St- J v E L K Y , PUTED WUE. If, or rat mr iMiiiii d uriicu nsi;rc-ria, (Ml ind enoiins bis dock bators purchasing Site Srie. 3Iccklunhurg Hotel. "f tHE soW""' inf."... Wic ' J J that h.n f ifrl...i thr bmldms; k-wn MrcklMbiii( tlotrl, hn has rrlurniahass II (Ml ! "W Irfrlwr Ul COMIIIUKll KalURKl ud i.(.;.i u -'. ' II. lift t""d Sl'blr ml rffi'i'lil O.llefp ll..f .!!( Ml lj I'" ni-i.ib if r.nf lur- i.hc nails !:. ni'fi i'""'' JUILN IMUIAN. A 7. ISiS. ' "f . -ae73a. II f; .ursMfinar takaa pl.a0' in aosiiiUiretTif lo k.s f and .ne ssfh'ir finftly, lb I .. i..ig lltta kwif l-ali.U.4 d Wrll kliooa I, .ad hs M't a-o-ihle prrp.r.li li ,,n.J-l the bu.maaa, lr ,r!lu -g al.d H.ltll.f -. ol U s public, in tilt' omal saliaiaclui y " I'.rucu l aU'nlii.n is paid ta hi TABLiE, ttrry luiraiofl ia prundad in bis II liTAHLEM an sbsndanily soppliad and at t..d f larrla) otl-r( and lo all uroar loU li. ar-p.lrt. (ira b.a ta-raanal alU'nt.ua. A l....fartl..ta )MMHIS ru..rauirlj Ul U.e C-M u U arr . .1 al lh cars V. is Ihrae rrl .rl. to praaaa. a I. If ral absrc Ol lur puklie f.lfull Je Is coBfi.i..lly a..l.rlril. WM IIOWZKK. .Vav.srW 15. IU.9. 3b f THE UNION" ari ii ai iikirr Aiinu; iiiiitn. PHILADELPHIA. ITTliM H. NKvsfKV.kR. fnp.inr. fflllK nndrraifl.rit LaVm; fltrrh J. aaj IHa lulrri'at of Ins f.WMirr r.rl..cr. Kv.n I'.vaua, in I lie ab..s , H url, o.ilil eall Il.e aj-..ti-in "f H.a pus, in I., na a..nviiH-nre o lli.tae Vlsilmf I'i.lla. s-'r-h.a, v.tlire on bua.nraa vr pir4sute. I illusion Iwii j but a Ira. alipa from Il.e p-nn(..l ntHu.aof irarte, ..flVrs m.i ue. ... Ma l. lli - ..s h.i.i,.r. ; nl.) la In II... aa in MarcH of V " -siirr, Ilia roulnlly pa. sing and rrp4si"E r.n ar.j r.ra and lli'iae in tloar prt.iunily, afl..rd ii..,bi nor f.,r Ilia m. ro n...unml shim nl lialf iu.e la .11 placts af mlerral in r akut Ibe dr. I'.a fmarieb f tvra aaaurance tllal - Tkt L'si- " alull Ua k.-i,t oilii aucll ch.r.i, as will u.erl po'dis l..rrkiiino, and would rpetiutljl solicit .V.'U. I . ...Ii,.. p.ii.,n.a. Terwa HI SO . r n.y. UHltiN S NKWCOMKR, AngtH 16, Isij'j. VJ-lf raoeaisma. nrr lur I t ltt r A llv.nl. '1IIK tub.rrihar is ni.nif.crori.if snd keeps i"iisn(i. nn hid, 8.iapfor 'rrtlrr, reld i..J . Riiiaaorm, and (osd to w.sn will. l..r "f otlitf as in d.ac.a... ll will lilM sum l "f ny kind nl t It.tl.ms. If any prison de. lo haa it In aril . iln.il e.n Ur Inid st a re s.a4 pf.. n,, jjp has be. n tried by nwe-m. 'M, prraons its if i .in l be a err lam cur a. I'm "'se n ba ld , D,, k. N. Iluieltiaon cV lo.' u't X'or and from th iub.er.ber. , CH A3. T. EliERIIARD. Otf 31. 159. J, S, PHILLIPS, HA V I N (i hx-atrd in ( h.rli.lii, rrsp. nliil. ly .ol. e.ta a sb.rc ul poblio patron".. A .'MiplUi ssanrtmrnl nf l'l..lhk, t aaamio'ea atd Vr-.tinc" alsv-iys on hand, whirn will br made '.Or der a I lbs sltortftsl notto. ali. r th latrst f isbmn Mtmp. hra uio.ra Sa ulh ortbaALinal.rtilli.ua. U9U JVHEAT -WANTKI). ' sOIK pls..ti..B ertnimonily will Uks nolle that I ' b'a I C rop will ba purchased al III Tl. l "'bmring Mill, at market prieea. M,'. . H h'" f-' "-ay find il to llitr .re cll.s.na, abl. JOHN WILKK8 K CO. J'1, I8ia. Bi'tf j -V tL AUG K J3U.1TL Y OF . : ('nstahle .M'jirrahts: "eHmbrril, Inu. liailill VI I l iic Inom. I 1 ai'ic 'iiii;inva !y HllIS COMPANY em.t.i,ur to tk, ,ik. . ' aak g-iuut h by firr, nn Hihiki, Uood, Fro. tluee, A.C., a t tiellal ratca. . Li Olli m tlia Drug flora of E. Njt llutclu. A. I o. orrn r.B8. A. 0. STKELK. 'renet: C. OVKHMAN, 'i't I rnxdtnt. i E.NYE HUTCHISON, Aec'y.dJ- Trtair. 1 DIKICl TiMM. ' A. C. STEELE, J. L. HHOWN, 1 M. U. TAYLOR, 8. T. U HlrilON, I C. OVEKMAN. F.SCAUK, WM. JOHNSTON.-; I John L hMnWk, F. 6cbb and S. T. W'EfSTON, Errtutivt Vmtmiit.ee. j Afiit'16, ih:,9. 7tf 1 MRS, WINSLOW An t-jafHriieiii t iw na K n.nk Hh)ii( iin j-re-m iila Ui the Mltriilion ol mjUtt;n, Iter south i xusYiiur, . I'tili 4 ltltll.l. I Ll itl.ii, ajrhicli f rraily Ltcllillc lite proctaa ul U-vlliliig. bf aolli'iili.g li-r g uii.a. n i.uruiy nil h.A .inii.aliou ill allay ALL J'AIN anil waiutuir. aclian, nu i r-l Ul. lO It l.l.l LA I L 1 1ll. IHiU I l. DrN-hil Optl It. lltulbrr. It ill five frl lo your, aaifra, w l.ti Relief and Ikalib lo vitt lu'apli. H'c Mi Ul up ami w.lo Una ariirle fur rr ten 'I I, I I II ol II. li a... It.fr I.. pf In ch sola to . tny lln r btl n li a I.N A M.NOLL U Kir L. I a .' lll.lU tl t. I. CI. , y u know ai iHaianvc. ul i.i..MCiin ly any one al... uarrt ii. Oa lbs tx.mr-.ry, all are Witll lis optfallol.s, sua W.k III trivia ol llirMiiilii'l. ot Us u..g.ci 1 11 rta anil uicoicat 4)r. lur. Me S'.a-ak Una m.lltr "Vill.lT K l KNllVV,'' ail. r leu yr.ra rjp.ru i.rr, AND I I Kl (.K I'l It Kl.tl'UI IU.N hill I Ilk III. tll.WI.M Ur HIIAl ttkllklik UfALAUfc. In .m.ut tairy .n.l-.i ci miwir t..a iniaoi i. ml. t. rii.a Iruru pain ami ii.huI h, rrl rl oill.br (i.uuti lo iiMrru .4 l i.l) uunuiia lu r ll.a ay r up I la a4lit.iiilw4.rra. , 'J l.ia naluahlc preparation i Ine prrrriplia.n of una ..I lln n .l I XI LblL.Nt LU -uo .-KlLllL M l(l.f in . ti,jl...c,...u ii-a btru umu aiilii f.l.V kit r'AlLl.Nt eCi l kl i 1IIOIt.M)9 r (AIX ll a.. M.l ri'ii. a ti.r cluld In in p.m. but in. vif'riea ti.e al'W. el. abO bo I la. r.ofr..ta al-ltll. If , aim a iV a li'Of aua an if tu il.e Wnoe ay alarui ll tl.l a.l.KMl lt.UIli lrla bnpii'l m the Bwrli, and Hind Colic n4 trVarc -lfa. 1 hirlr. H lio j d.ru, rod li i cwii v Hi lifts. I-, tony la Mta 1 iil lill Iltl. I k. lliM.. . s., r AND 'H'T Ili. tiki-V I.N Tl i.iT Ol. LD. m ail ir. ol IIVslMKsV AS if WakM.U-.A I.N !'l llll.likk.N. .n..f ii arua ii-hh toaiM.n, or Unui mi j other e.u. Hi noula aay to a.rry n ol... r a. to. 1.4. a ru.lii .00. rioy lrn. -ny ot Il.e , li.r. y oi.if r...i,.l.inl. M .Mil I.KT VOL ll I RKJllrli k. Milt 1 Ilk I KkJIDK ka Ok Ol IlkKti. aUu.i otiwarn y a alio your aodrring cl.n.l, ..... lln- lr... I liaal a. .11 ba tllit. ). Ab fOLl'IKI.VM'lik- to loilow li.a w oi th,. ...a iribr. it tin.ity ii.til. roll ..in . I1"..' liaiuf; srll .rr...n..l.y . arl. b..lllc. Nnur (si.u.l.a mile.. Hw lae .....nt oi I I II I li aV. I'kkkl.Ns, .N Ywk, l.ai. Il.r I'Sllli.t SlNflsl. ISi'lu by 1 li UK g i -1 a l.i.uu.l.oul the .4ld. I'aiM H'ai, tnrn c. 1U Cear SibxaT, N. Y. 'ic tiy i!j irif fit Lutlit. For a! iu I li.rioiic, by k. .Njs Hui.i.iM.n V C. .i.u r. Jir. M.rn. IJ ly IIF. Taa'Li-la l-r 1 1.. .re u. in mvhunils re4y h,r n.a4-rli. n. and I irqn. al a!t pr. i.i.a I. . i. lorn. ol any '1-l.Ui.. wi.ul. m.iy i.ot km ii.uu. Umt no aim p.y y..ur T-Ia t C. UlUtU, the. iff. Afixli. eCO. , -in Dr. II. M. rritcfaard sa kt.DINC Inlbt .nlii iialiorof ma. m n.V HWI.ua. rr.,.ri.io..J aon-.n- gjl ea b.a determination In r sume the I'mriin nl .TIi lOr uif. II- .... be e.lult. n at hia ..Birr. IrTl.e p"l prrarnUd lor without el.sfge. A.ra3l. Ib.ls 9Sl( LIVER IHVIGORATOn, KICVKH DIBII.ITATKt. IT Is eons Ma -.nralp f-om f;jma. a4 a.b4wM.a.i..!.ioau lacl,a .--t.u-l.r oa-l.- .i... MO a-Mt .ni.r.i.l .1 Ut.li OltM.lH lWBI.4f . rn. l m . . ra.aaaura m -J lali la. lor auck SI ra.i.iaS-.l4-l. D I II la i-l on "7 .SI,'. Sa S a aa. ...aa aa i ..-. t4hi ft las M ... .. un,., J .ij Mai acl au u uaaata Sl at 4J4 atawja oC ar 4f '.wlrsv. aaaofaMklVKRIV-lCf Vllil l,rlrv.t f'rts. ymt raa a.Usura Mrar Un- W l.lal..a, hi la.ua Al ls, k a, U.".4"a, (J hro. tie Irt .l.Unra. laaiH.r C'WM-lbsl el I'.lt, lr'".lr IT, t'rr.-r. naor1 l "omarw,il.ioal rvas-' VIpl.H ..la,' (3 hro M -I bat I'l I' .Mr1 l t41SH Irra'fa li.ra. lea.iW K. a. C sail '.', t'ts rn Morl.na. Cholera Inora, JirnSlr., Plrla- Ir VV . .kii'M i. .. u n.ai... a. aiMI auf t aaa4 a.a rr issii r ! IIKtUS.III E, laa Itaat.lf mloalaa. If SUarl. a artsw sw It ore. in Han,.,. 1 pjj . I..r. ll.U.vasj( K U -J-t4.Mn.ta MS taaur) I In P I ara or thrra I'm P in s aoana4raata.n as H Et1 UHr "silliaa f MIX U'tTKH ll Til It MllfTH WITH TIIK l Vll.Olt A IOU, A.NU SHALLOW aHTTII TfHaB'l .ISC St. Tile On tsal r par tBoltla. OApTronD'is r ssin. CATHARTIC PILLS, t. unit si'kii ra. u ' Pan Vratb.r p.ilrarls, m rl nt WP l .!.) Air II. hi. a. .4 will aaB In nr ril"tr. Tha I-....I.V f.-t lsarll'rMf b.f. It. as aru.a raiSartk Jl al.sS la" pns"s" kas ao-.l I. kK prsllsj ot.44. . . ll.... !..;, ,!.. ha wt4U..0t l.'t-f. M S.tll.fV. f4 lr.4MS h aa.ro4,.ua..4l'll.l. lA '' a..-rii. 4 . ,...,,., ,s-,r - mm MMutdifau loaa 1 a. 'r.4M w.il K' ,n"S itikanMs sol "ikaKAM I ITl" '?' l'liA"TC PI' I. . fca whh a.rt wnw'l O.l la-a a -It ealMilLSM Sl.s. Waa anatrttiaitda I frflta at P4 isil44 nl la aur-sl Vr- lai.ia ktUsrla, whih aiSi .Ilk. rm a.ry p.r. IS 11.4 anoomur. aan.l aa arai M ..l a.rf aaV all s-a-a. .Mr. a lalk-iu. a L.1 a. !- ra t.ar asr tl. af lr.1 llnmlrh, s'r.i I- itra", Hal. a In Ihrj t Bark a .1 U.. ., .ra-, f.l..a In li (ntMrtoiat, rait. Iht at ta tt I a bmily, frt.ia Nl.o.n an.,1, tta ana a. a k-., ositras al fa lllr. a itri.lt rtt- P4atoas.i,, n aariatta... ar. I.O.S wf A.p aalko.l V atl'l oarr nr. 4, llraa)art-, ar all I n nam .oat.iy hhl Ittrrn ar All '., .trlllrr ta-Uia HTiuvl r frtrltrl, Hrallraa- U o,l,k.lSlkr..l, V, ........ W.r.n. a aJJ Kh4...all4..t,. r-M W 1 Uotaaieruaa- SkaaS. alO.a, m l, PHItV THHF-Wl PIS1W. Ttt t.l.rr l..Tl .tal .r sh.I fa..f r thatllr CI I la ara r....l..l ... Iiri.trin. (....r.Ily, Stal SW4 asalsaala S ISa tra.a la .11 laa lara. tuaa . , . a. t. w. a a si n.ii. si. n., 33 Bt r.tsnar, nvr t lb , . - ' !. SCAHR A CO.- TO .HE VOTERS CP (Cabarrus and Stanly Counties. WH10 At) ' VALOREM Dem't 'ad VAinntM ' IW,W. Ii.-twe.re oiH.ai'd to dtalurhinf a. ..,ofti.e.eci......lCu.... XZrS?yZZ. ..l.an.iil,twee.prc. .lly leprecte the n.iri.duc. 1 W num. Glial mr qu-ilny ixtala in the re Mil mime nl t.ilatirt and it la juat uiiU rij;lii that all p'r.ifx rly alinulu eoiitribola ita pro(iorlinit liiwarda tl burdrllt Ol hi.. I. I ' Rmlwd. Ta.t it Comiiiviiil a (Jtiuventtoi. tat Ilia proplririhe8llr j t b eallrd nn llin ledr ral buaia aararly a a pra8 lino at tins tune by iiie licabla fur ll.a purfH.aaol erx-D which arr.fnii j aa iHOOilyitlf liar I onall tulmii nut rvrry aftvrii'i. ! ol proKTty may bm taied 'accorduif In ita Taliie, j Willi powrr lu illa.'rniil. r..d.b .1 to he premature, pohiie, ,u.nKrr,.Uai,dui.ju.i.i lt.e..ii.etn..e worrii. it it., duly of ili..t onl v in fjtor of Ihe lurt alien uaaainc acta 'naliva prmiuRIa nf oar ;fr the raiaing "I reva. buie and llie induatrial our, ao lo arljuat t.ti4 puruila of ur illl. '(lioti.UK to bf ar warqiLilly TSulfmlh Rriutmiiun aa paue4ble wilmii Ilia of 111 i Vi'pwuu plat- limit ot llif l.'i.M.;ilu uikii! the vuri.'Ua ' iiderrfta and clel ol i pr.'perly in llafili"itl li..-8iiB lli'.(ia , i tf DtmeciuM f Unjoin, Fillow Citizen! ; I find I cannot meet with you.ia til pro bability, at aeveral of the principal tax rsihennes. The Sheriff of the two Coun- ties have made their appointments so aa t eoi fl.et both with each other and with my j tie State waits a loiig time before she comes J confidently affirm, with the Punoeracy of Courts. Under tbrite Hrremsiance, aud . td rf f kons with him for t!.i constantly Ubarrus, that in such a tanlr-d, ill arrn( t'pecially as 1 t.u pervjiislly unkti0n toj j,lCreai-iiig wealth. She gives him twelve 'erj ,,tt.m aiHANOBIS imperatively de- many of my fellow cititeus of Stanly County I derm ii but re.pt cilul to submit to you in ibi form, as brii fly as I ean, my views on the important question of Taxation, in volved iu the presaul cigva. There ia no other, comparable to this in magnitude, wbicb demand your attention at tut Au cnat election. Let aa advert moment to the state of tbe q..:liou. It ia very important for you lo clearly understand the precise issue iu Viepuie, as It win serve to put -nit) a great deal ol frivolou matter with which a His ussionoftbesolj-clis u-uIly enoutnber j ed. It is MiT, Ihrn. a proposition to in j crea-e or diuiini.li tbe laxes. Nobody ot, either parly desires to raise more money , than is nees.ary to meet the puhlie wain. andliabiliiies ; nor have we any rrp.idialori among us, ho would be willing to raise less ( loan l necessary lor this purpose. A C r lain sum of uioury mu-t he raised by taxa tion and of ooursit no change lu the system of H-venu can either increase or dimimsli 0I1(! of ,l)e tllB trulIlp C4r(j!l tetntst ,,,1 me"a, ,.-, that because a mm thioks ii; am more tbau if a uiaa owed a debt, ; r.xation . And certainly, when e recollect jt right to whip his child, therefore he is Ibe mean which he mi.bt adopt to pay it, 1 ,b ,bc rc.VMIU, (or (Jounty police is derived opposed to whippinU' his servaut at all. It eoaild not affrd it amount. " 1 aoll from the land and the polls and that would be wise, indeed, to suit jour manner Nor I it a q le.tton as to WHAT shall ,,., ire a, ,,, ,tcf, it.r.!i.d in the mainten of taxiosr, h well as that of whippinj, to the be taxed. 1 here is, a great cm.fu.ton of 0. Df , hat poiio,. a. land, e should look for 0,ture of the particular subject. Nor be ideas on ibis poiot. You are foretold of ,0iet,ini: like equa.ity b. uvcu real estate cause you favor the application of one rule what tfi be taxed nd of what will not be ld tl)e (.lack poll iu raisin.' County revc- t0 property, are you thereby concludad to lazrd under lie fjronosrd system of AD u'u.. l- .1.. t v l' ..I. CA.r.,.. 1 i.L i. . .. vai.ua aM with as mueb ooitfideuce aa if Il.e . . in' K.venuw Uiii were already pas-ed. 1 o my mind it ia strange that any man should be lool enougn ioii.ihk n was pmriiig i thiug f;r or against ID VachheM. when ,,e was fabvliiiK nil lb while ouly about tax ing or not taxing particular articles. Vie know what must be laied under any sys- leui. It is the PKufEMTT of the Stale that must ever b tbt ti. nu source of publio re- Vruue. ll DSrda do prophet to tell us tnat. You may get something from circuses, pri. vtleges, license and Ibe like- but ll t all as th dust of the balances ootupared tu what th. PttoFERT Y of our ou iitixns must eontribuie. Some Slates have public lands or other fund, to relieve their people but North Carol.ua baa no such reaourc. Tbe real Issue now taods out. It . purely a q le-tion oot-ceruiug the MuDll of tsxaiion. He diner about the mauner 01 doings thing, which all a,;re must b done. A givsro amount must be raUcd for tbe Treasury thai is admitted. It mu-t be raised chiefly out of tho property of the State that is also admitted. How shall it be raised! that ia the disjted point. How aball the PHorEKTY of the Stale be lWfor I come however, lo state the posi- that thev iumlore u not to lake it as tne host thr. will do. if thev are onlv continued power. E-peci.lly has lb Democracy .ii. k !.. .,,1 . i i. n,..,. ti ir u. v.o..... rr. a change in our revenue po.tcy. At a : Democratio meeting h.lJ oo Tuesday of last January Court, over which Col. Colo- man pr.sid.d, il was resolved, with one so oord. "that our present revenue sy.le.u isj unjust, oppressive, and imperatively de mauds a change.'' Aud nocordingly the delegates from this County in the Demoora t io State Convention last March, cast the vote of Cabarrus for AD YALtiHEM With (he Democracy, therefor, of this County (unless indeed they meanly eat their Own word-1 I have no oontroversy. Many of ihei'n, I n joice lo believe, iu contempt of parly leader aud maobinery, will go bravo ly forward aud vol fur tha clisng-, which they resolved was ao imperatively demaud ed. Hut for fear aome of them may be in cliced " to turn their backs upon thiiiit selves," let me bef thrin calmly lo consider a few facts aud figures touching the in qualities of our preseut tax bill. Look on the following table, containing aome of th principal item from which Revenue is derived, wiib the aggregate value and amouuta paid by eaoh i (Coiapl'r Report ISfta. Slave property, worth ?nn,onn.'.0. p'.l "IH-Mn I.. ..d, 9-s,IUM ll3, v. Jbltt.l4-' .VI .y stinhjrut," . . 3l.fiKrt3IL, . . 7h,ii3 M.irehi'aiJspil.S, ,,l-.7i 10,. ,6j 3bi Biilinn selilol-' ' t1, l.B-tl.3.7. 1 1113 S''. ney cou.iuu.r our ouiei sources o. noun the povver 0f the Legislature in respect to V , i, k k r ' , ;j i:tt 1 - B0.h- ' that way. the whitauiat. s labor, worxio dressed to your intei.igence in ibe present and revenue, and it ta especially important , ,d ,,. ou1- requiring ."or,,!, lUU " . L J Jl.ired of by his s'i le at the rate of one per Cent . a. canv.-s. To this question each of tb. polt- to secure eq tality between them. ,hcso over 1-J and under 50 years of age to . ,uf' 00Jie P t0 tbc ProPortlou r J,red 01 1 -n'u thi. t .y ! Can't evryhody see it will I iieal narties has eiveu a diffcreut au.wer. liut tbev nresent bv no metns the onlv or :., t.. a., .u -i,;.. other property. ,. i. ....... ,i i, , , . -o.iiiiar ...u,lii,.. ..... . ...... ..u ' -r ; ; .i- ",ur" . And this is the system, fellowj-citixens, ""r . T . . . .7l.. tiont of parlies on Ibis question, you may ample, which is one per cent, oo th mcoine. fof ffae purp0.e 0f i0 modifying the Const!- luc .DOons t lUw debt is already well ui-h 8:1,0llJ,nUJ. It ieq iire whether there really be any ooca- You sic, st one-, that a clerk in a store or tut;on ,ht f Tery .peciei Qf properly MT a our j'tV bonea "wherewith to af ,'nuot fall far short of tioe that sum by mob (orchangiua ourpreseut mode of lax a working man 10 a shop, who cams $M, b Uled .orajnj, ,0 ii, Tlue, wiih power 1 ',ea" blJ0 J :oin,, ; the time those groat public work are cem- tioo! I'ut politics a-ide, and you .ill p "oi4 into the Treasury than a .lavs- ,0 i sc ri ml n s t e only io favor of the native 'r,SD ) "."r-'u 1 ,u' ' . . f a'illMlli i ' plf.ed. t whiU the faith of the Slate is scarcely find two opiuiou a.uon,' well iuV holder ou six taxable o-gro fallows, that produola of tbj State and tbe industrial pur- I poun.1 wttn auo ner lor , "j.u . pled.-ed. Now is it pos.ible tnat as slave formed men on ibi. point Iu .pne of ths pre- br.ng hi.u iu ilOOj or SI.OJ annually. Lp- J,. of b(.r cilit.u,.-. 0,.r proposition. ' "or k"' 8 h" U P ,e" ' TJ " Lwi -t. wtll.ng lo laden the shoul- judioe with which p.rtitau xeal and alt.ch-: on ht principle, too, is it that LABuK is .. j, ,irnpyi t0 arnend the Constitution ,D - , h,, ,1,. ,his eo ob i -or is con tle" rf our Mlow property holders, each uiei.t iuve.t the aubj-oi.evrn the l)4Uioer.u taxed more than fojr lnuos as high a mo- t0 ,s ,0 put ,,ery speeiet of property, with i U0,,1,!,U,?t" , ..,,., 'on. half of according to his full strength, with this eouoede that the pr.ac.il tax bill is so giar-' wry ."'rreit . Ihe eapiialist has a bond fc e flJepiion of home products, on oeIln.-? """"f 01 J"'.' , ' f', ",,,. . grievous burdm, when we scarcely touch it io.-U defective aud unfairly burdensome,' well secured for 810.10, and pays tbe State f Mor; tbe Lei-i-lsture in m' S""n la luo a""". ourselves witu on of our hin-er! 1'hink .,b-,?SS,4 ' Kow oWr. 6rt peneraily, how at each of theae il. ms di preciates in value, it aua- tail,, proporlionablj heavier weight of taxation tioi unlixea huge building art up - ' on a wooden foundation. That is ooh aland drink and wear how the rich are able aystem hut couipelling thweak to bear the to avoid it by purchmin for themselves in ; bufdena of the atronj? I Wiat in ill lenden- ! the large cities, while the poor must buy c, bu, ,0 nMlke lll0 rich richer and the poor frora the retailer at borne oonnider this,' - Jo1 WbrM.illi..d.ifpW.,.5i.,:.oa UIIU. whether our merchant, and but in the prostration of all our feebler in- their cuntomers have not cood rea.on to duMrial iniere.ta t IthankD ocracy and take courage T . j i)i,,,f.e. more rraeticularlr. the . " V .....,.... j '" 'V ..-.v. tnan tnrfB timea a Dipn a raie aa aiaves. Ur.idea, you most reo.ember that, under ... r..., ....irl.r. bl . nmr th.n I bllifof lb ,,V, i iiuwt.tr and not far; Oipo(itn.n l..iiv "I No. ' ... ' . . . .... . .. . ..i;n . i .i. . -..r .nt kiiii Korif a man Dave not t-rni.n, mi.. ..ir 8l.it. inequalities among llie-' 'ius. 1 no aggre- inequalities oi tne lax uni 10 any tui , i--- ,,,in he ! according to value. 1 hey .'iiia..f quertioii of pale slave property of thr State, you per-j but it is not deemed necessary. 1 conclude ' speciuu ...UUo. only on his 'get us near equality as e-n an lutH.nai nieiu. ceive, is taind le Ihan 0 ""ents on tbe I oil with a single general oDnervaimn. a ueri- f-r "", r--r -j' . tnm to. They expressly u mentan clinic ino oiaia -nr,, landed nrerwrlv at 20 cents oo out svatem not seouiim? soiiietlnni like neu. iim d..uratn - - , ,. short of half in value, pay no tax, at all, J nf," that all the Revenue officers in the while land freru the start aud of whatever State can't see through It, nor do they pre quality, ia isxed according to valuu. ' To i tend lo soy uniformity of practice under it. iiluxirat the practical d ffirence : here are It embraces a list of articles more in num tao m. n, one ona a piece of land worth j brr than the letters of tho alphabet " twice-J-itMl : by his own Ishor be puts improve- t.ild " over, and almost every one is taxed at a merit unon it. which aroreciate its value to different rate and in a different war come e,0u0 Th. j;tl). makes haste to send the Jax galherer after him to compel him lo pay ; somelimet on capital sometimes oo profits on ihU enhanced value the prod uct of his j sometimes on purchases bile slaves are own labor. The other man own, aay, a j taxed as white men. A part of the sul j"Cts negro womau or two, giving birth to chil j is listed a part unlisted Ine Clerk col li reo and thus addior every year or so, one lects ibe tsx ou tome the Sheriff on others. Ct- two hundred dollars to hia wealth: but yeais helore be is asked even to. return . !uiandfd. cent or it for taxation. Let me reiuiud the 1 v'e come to consider now what that Undholders of this Senatorial District, bo I CHAN0P, ,10uld be. I bc2 each voter to own no lave, that the outrageous inequali-1 res(1 carefuT 0,.er for himself the plat ty of which I bive off, red an illustration, fortn, of ,hc tw0 ftTteti herewith published, is toinir on, in ever varying proportions, all j ia b struck with their remarkable a arouud them throughout the Slate. How i preeIn(,nt ; tia ,hat they undertake, each lone wi'l they suflVr it! ( of them, to prescribe a mode of taxing PRO- ISjtis it much belter as between tbo8 pRHTV .Inn. U'. driea rocenne froin oth. bo are both landholders and slaveholders ? Here are two men, worth each gi.j.OUO in , aIld .es one lias SIo.O.iU ir. slaves ,J io Oii.l in land-ll.n other 815,l)il(l in a, attd Slll,.rfi() , Kvery body would ssy that they ou'l.t to pay tho same stu0uiit of taxes, and under ml valorem ,,, BUd do so. How i. it now? At the prel ra, 0( 0 cent, ou slave and 2U oo i.lJ, , WOll,I py 830 on his property ! tie oth r S-'iJ-a difftrence of 8, ror no reason that is worth a two pence. - Uut we bear a treat deal about the taxa lion of slaves fornauiitv mirno.es. This is -i,.... . ... , ;........J u.iu.f. -..w,o iu4i cai.n n si-jc..i ... ci 75 j Vti4. end slave r.roo-ri v is n lite as .,u.ble. Land will pay this very year. a.uau.o. o.ii't .ill pay m... 'J J'-i. " ;.i.. ...i. f .r r, .r n.,mu. S . -2V2 07 'snJ "lave. 81,73-' 10 Is that any ,pnr0,ch to eoualiiv f l'uttinc Slate aud (Vittty taxes together, every thousand dol-' wortll of Uud ; t'abarru will drop, :,,,. t.x box, at the next circuit of th: gh,riff, five dollars, while a taxable slafe ,1,., ,.,. ... ll.rJ T ,..et Ulie. ,r, b,d or aor.e ia gltu. (unif. I h.ve not, however, the facts at balld Taknii! tbe whol Stato over. I find tb. ,m0Ilt borne by each species of pro ptrl, t0l,,rds Couuty purpose. wa, iu 1 ?5"3 in routlll nmher.. for laud S;)13,U0J aud for u.e, 45 1 vJ--.UOil. Thu we see that slave property is doing very little moro for the County Treasury than it is for tbe Male Ireasurv; and lor thsrcason that the same constitutional ob- ligation, which binds together the whita head and tbe black head as with a chain, li.-s alike upon the Jusliovs and the L latore. I have compared at tome leneth the taxes upou these two kinds of property, because tax bill. Take the tax cn Lauoh, for ex thereou ' he laborer earus 810.10 by the aeat of hi face, aud the Sial takes 81" of il-TI.e cspitali-l ha. something laid un lor a rainv dav. 1 lie noorer. al mo enu 1 J ., . i.i- .:..i. : ..ii oi ino year, onus ma .nun iuouui an gi.uo to feed hi wife and children. Their very bread and meat is l.tx-d I give th Demo- cratic party j,.y of this s.l.u.r.hleoont.ivance for iho benefit of .he laboring classes. Kq i illy oppressive is the tax on inereban- di.e. It is imposed upou all purchases, no matter how olteu mule or whether for cash 0r upon oredit. What is the effoct of such a tsx but to drive out of the business enter- prising uinti of small mean, who have to , operate upon the mouey credit of their friends T Is It not a uuvic lo exalt hia jt lt ll0l possible for me to make our post wealthy merchant over bis poorer rival! tioti plniticr. How much mur sensible it would be to tax There ara aome men who can look at no be capital employed at au ad valorem rate,' public- measure but t'jrougb a mean person whioh would place all upou au equality 1 j a eifihneas. There aie others who can This tax is levied, be-ides, at th rat of tee no truth, though i bo as c'ar the J of I par cent upoo purchase of ordiuary light of heaven at uoon, that niak against raod 11 Diirecul on clothins 6 per cent! their own party creed. To such of either ou liquor bought in the Stale and 10 per cent oo forei-'O liquor, aa tak a case for illustration: Suppose a merchant has mad this spriii2 a purchase of . 0.10 worth a follow. : 8 't'" of ordinary goods $500 of olothiur $"tl0 of liquor of wbicb one htlf li as) been bought io the Slat and the nikar half out ol it. What tax doea It pay T Jast $Ti. on that purchase, of more Iliad 1 percent.' He woald pey.did I y ? I should rthr have said thecrtime-r It must be aft. No mao will submit to such i a per cent oo hit purchares without talsing account of it in hia aalea. And when we Coi.idef how this tai reachei out he huu- i dred arois and fastens oa all that we eat I could citeud these remarks upon the 1 uT. ...if J .ln.l It anl.i ,,..,...... j- li jr',:..' ti ... i oe conceueu, i rKiHinuy um-BHi". v,u.-, as we have partly aeen, is not only proesiy ' i.n.n.i.l h,.t it m K.-iiles. oomnlioated and involved "in a double oiL'ht of dark- 1 times specifically sometimes ad valorem I Tallinn it altoi.ether I think we tnsT all pr .ouree, besides property for example, froln musem'nts, such as circuses and oth- er lro),., from fieri,,., such as retailers, p.diar Ac ; front privilepn such as Bank", kc ,Jut p,rI, has pretended to ,. d,.0 all rue r,,pe(.t to amuse- m,.nt9. licenses or privileges Prnpertij and jirop,',t,j .Uue is alluded" to hy tbem. Now what ,he jum inference from this omis- ,jOI) Wby, evidently that the mode of txinj such thin-t is to remain unaltered. To r,le lbllt beclli.e lbey are io favor of taxing property, therefore, they are against i.i.,. n!.n.... at.tl tho lib i. iiint Ilia . l- u . i.:..nn.n there be a church, of which fifty of ttr, wnicn are u'jv pr'.pei.y ui .uu.i ; .M h. t ahsnrdl. .r.ni. heesuse a 'm.n tbou-ht it well to feed bis child with niWU lUOUllt 11 well tu ICtu un CI. I.u nu l . ....r,.. i. . r.t;k;. r-i. ' 0 the same way. At any rste it must he ,,,,if..t to all who can understand th Km-li'li lan"ase, that every argument, dra"n froinhWbi . platform, to the ef fect that wo do not intend to tax amuse- met licenses aud privileges, or that we : J . . .L... 1.1.. ........ .,.. Lome to ,,e DcrMOCrit. 'it docs to ua. There is not a word more in one plat- form than io the oth-r. touching such sub- j(.ct,; hull dotottbinkit would be reason able or honest to charge on that account, that either party meaut to exempt tbetn al- together or to tax them as property. "Let us do go back a little way and re Bfw re!1, qu..tion here the ouly q ies- ,- , i,:.l n-ni.. ham snoken how ,bouj( ,he properly of the State be taxed ! AccoKDIMJ TJ VALUE say tho Whiis -j. allswer drives the centre. ft . straightforward and can't be misunderstood, liut it is unconstitutional at present to tax all property according to value. That is The Constitution puts a limit. lion on poll. I herefore say Commend a Convention on the federal basis ,,,..........;. Sol to Hi evert, thiiir.t. w k.,ir,r... f.Uelv a.sert. but to cive the L9gUla,ur, ,he same power over slaves as :. . l.. ..... ...ii,.,. nn.....iAn. as, and ii. wis o v ' .. ,0 Jegne the principle upou which it shall proc.cJ io Uxing ever, kind of property. yc d(J uot di,.ru,t ,be people, speaking ,hrou,,b ,heir representitives, in the matter ' 0f tax ttion especially when their band is bel,l back, by an eq ml oonstitmioual pro- t,.iao, from pre-siog harder upnn oue spe 0f nrooertv than auother. We are wil- iD that our slaves shall take pot luck with 0ur laud, our tiding sahioles, our merchan die, and (if Ddinocrat will have it so) wilh etrQ our household and kitchen platter. sort. I have not a word to say. To all of nobler mould and more enlarged views, I would urge, what ean be jutr in a Mat than the principle of taxation whioh w pro pose f Can any thiug be mor simple, uni form and equal in its operation ? Suppose our proposition earries, and the Legislature eotus io frame a tax bili under it, what will 00 ue u isr ... j-.-, i --, .: . ..,n..,ii.d r Attes ezamntins aito a f enaia amount for ash tax payer, nothing will remain bnt, lo fix lbs rat. jf cens which must U laid on the other Pr0P"'J' order to rai.e the desired revenue. oa ( the amount of thie exemption abouia oe, i. a matter of detail, which must be octer- miutd upon a lull Koowienjie ui .- fe condition of our people aud tbe exigeucit of the Treasury. Maryland, Georgia, lexas States, wbich h-P 1 system, Lave nxed on various Hut whatever uiaj be done in till, particu- 1", tbe operation oi me one. i Th. .hin which should eoncera m Dr.. auit-ud uieut of the - - - ,.ii..i u, , ,.,av tax Constitution so that uo Legislature may ix rt'y atfcordiug, to this ry species of propert) just rule, ii is lony to uo .oii....0 what shall he exempted or what taxed un til we have procured the recognition of thi. great principle. Cau it be possible that one class of property holders .hould be willing to retain or seek to acquire a Constitutional protection au-sinst oppressive tnxattou, winch is oot enjoyed equally by other classes What must be tbo effect ! Let Die give j ou a hourly illustration. Suppose a half do tcn of jou undertake to carry a heavy log. If all stand 'quarely up to the work, each man according to bid strength, why the log goes right abcre you want it, nd nobody is oveiburdeued. Hot if otie or two -cau manage, while making a great ado, really to do next to nothing, of course an undue proportion is throwu upon tbe others, and it cannot be long before th excessive weight will tell upon them. Here ftllow citiieus, you have the practical effects atone of the oresent system and of 'id V iloiem. In the one case, cettaio property holders are nolo nods.y a.io.ea to .toop of the pub to debt, in mo oiuci, j m.n Willie compelled to bear that burden in proportion to his ability : the neb, ao cordiuu their riches; tbe poor, according their poverty but I am told these are mere catch-words. They are no such thing. They express with critical exactness the ve ry object which we have iu view You ask now, perhaps, what effect ad fa - lorein, will have upon reducing jour tales! Th;. r. nn .. I have stated, is wide of This question, as I have stated, is wide of the issue. Tbe aim of ad vuloiem is not to , make one man pay more aud another man , pay least but to eq-mlis- tbe taxes between j the..., so that neither w.ll pay more tb.n, his due share, bmce, however, Jou BS ( T0C,te, 0f this di-honest scheme of equali the qucstion.it may as well be answered. j bur(lrn. of xaIi0, ,hat if some Ilonn the sunoosition that tbe Ireasury, . r . , Upou the suppos.tion that tbo Ireawury require no more revenue unaer v,. - at a glance that the effect will ho to lower the taxes oo ninety out ot every nuuureu tax-payers. I need not trouble you w.iu u- , r... a...l r tils.il at inn, though I havetbein: at hand. Test the thiug in this way : Sup- - . , " members, i our preacher m ens j f00 Jr. w,,tH u? mor'; You raise -- , ' , I, it. but with pretty bard worn. Suppose, further, you get an addition of a dor.u to I your memoersuii.1, nu c.c.j I rich man, briiging with him a liberal free- ;,i ff.,rin ..in ihn church treasury, i'o you ask tuo what is the eff.ol! by, olj. course the rate upon eacn ot you is ir for the preacher a support, aud, if ueid be, J" F"re for 'h''r ",'e'ul PP0"" of the conereg.tion. Now there are iu tue Stat-, at least. 1SO.0OO slaves, worth at a fair valuation 870,00, 1.UUO, that don't pay ouc cent of taxes the remaining 150,000, worth 81 30,0.10,000, ate taxed indued but iu no justproportion to other properly or to their value. These slaves are iu the hauds of rich men, a large majority of whom, I am Dersuaded. ia willing lo have them rated j li,ke ,ber PrPertJ therefore, under .. me- aPjl'i mu! Y naievvr ia raiscu, valor r m, from this im come in relief of laud, merchandise, ke. Observe, too, that this et fect is produced, uot, as Democrats tell you, I h takimr it off of land, for example, and ! . :. .1.... I..., h an,l:.lil- t.uiHuS on oo. j - tt.n ti on each : bv maKinr. lu oilier which is to brinu the tax gatherer lou on the trivialities of oar homes and our farms ; . . . '. . . i.r,.... r.. ,rlfni1 uV!,-f . i01 n,ver ; :;, r"er from that q .lart.r lie at.ertn ii .'. ' ,.. ,1 svnn't lonv m siven a aoor nao ----- r I M not have you to .orgct the con- dud tint words ot our platform uiin pu- , ' ta ditcnuimare only tnjuvar a' the mi. Uve products ol our blMe anUtheiwu.n- " pi'ru"s qf her citizen 1 era is a- oed a blessed policy f r -lOrtU t.arolius, if we can get it thoroughly, rooted aud t'roundud in her fi-cal legislation a pol.cy which, by imparting new vigor to the arm nf home industry, will at once relieve and stimulate the production of tna plough, the loom and auvil. Ilia the old Wing doc tune of discrimination in favor of our own products and our owsa labor against all out aiders. The Democrat prale flippauily e uough about it now ; but don't every body see that thev are ploughing all tho while with our heifer! There is uol a word a bout discrimination for anybody or anything iu their platform; aud wa know thai tue tea.bing of lb Southern Democracy ar bitterlybostil to tbe doctriuu. We turn now to lb answer given by the Democratic party to tbe question. How shoul.t property b txd f I am not sure that I understand our Dsajooratto menus uere. In one respect, indeed, they havo not left us to diubt or tui.iaku. T"iy r oppo-ed constitutional ntaendiueul atf ctin noa tne nasi tipoa waiou m.au.n .. ,...-., jli.viog it to ba prematur, impolitic, daa gfrous tnil on)int." Tbej re opposed to taxiDg aliven any otherie than a p'Tsoin. Tb'n is ll very plain. )5ul ui.rn they com to tell us what they are for, ihry aio not o clear, and tboro ii a dispute en among tliemaelvea. I bam turbed their platform over and over, looked at it tbii way aud that way, read it backwards and forward, and I can make nothing out of it but tlfin : that wbiio ihey are oppo-ed to di'turbing the coo'iitutional bii of reve uue in regarJ to slaves, they favor, at lh aame time, tbe taxation of ill other property crruii.ly aim to they enn. Tbej eelare that tax. .. 7 :..!.. . :-y .apractieao.e, wnniu i.umw oi j the Cou'Mtanon, "poll ano ititeteJU and clases of property r t j .ow na vjiorrm aa Kiuailv as Lrao- i is equality. U tears ticai'le upon all the intersts and cUscs of property " that it touches fu.liliing the very letter t.f their r quirenn tit. When they tell us they intniii lo get as near as practicable to a particular poii.l, and there he an excellent hi):hay right lo it, of course they will take that way, or conftss they don't mean what I hey say. Tluy tuuft, theicfore, go ' V ilurrm cn all prop erty bnt slaves, or else their answer it ' dark, an.hiiiuous and with double sen.i deluding." Some of thim, I know, in or der to get out of ibis corner, have urged, that, though opposed to fountain" luxa tion, they are in favor of 'nuiiZing the Imr Irvt o luX ttiin. Will these eulieintn be pleased lo quit tbi-ir hair splitting and distinguish for us plainly beiv.'.'eu this tweedledum any twee.lledie! If, however, I ctt gather any si use st all out of such twaddle, it means that a rich man ouht to be madj to pay a di-proporli-itiate tax on his property, simply becau-e it may come easier for him to dj it. Ho are you o- l,B.. . ,,,Ure the discretion ion ! How . - -. , J far you carry U Ag.,.,.t I. strou doctrine (if it be what they mean) I protest with uplifted hand in the name of dilution honesty and uood govt rtitni'ttt. Iu cnrnnrsti' iii i nl o our revenue policy, and .you will soon reuu r isijuou pujm.ar nu jthoae follows, who ard dowu at hc.-ls and 1 ( ,.,"Sc ,.l out at elbows. I ou will be inviieo, pcrnap to advance on your po-iiion. and to L. ,.,!,.. ...... l,....a ' ff)rJ (Q Jo You 0 (h; ihT ,he irprog!llV9 1 f fjr pu.Irin- the estates of the weat un()(,r ,1rIt of ,Upp0rtit.? 'Vnmeni. u fil t0 remind tbe ad- . of are p0or, they are also , T ( ,olt,ral(, ,J0 , j l0 lbeir j sense rf poverty, which does vio'enoe to 1 their hi.'h?r sen-e of justice. 'I hi y will sanction no s.iiem of tak ug money from k... for ,he Cn,I;,0Il ,i. r. nc, and r ...... .11 n i .11 welf.re. which does not tl. nl quail V ty all accorilini to averv tnau's ahilllv. Neitbr the rich nor the poor ciyr lL'ht to a-k for lesa or submit to more. Hut Democratic leaders j"'"?'! itrtu a- thev rifae. I Here i iceir haml-sritinsr ; and upn every principle of fair construction, it commits them lo AD VALOREM on a.l the various interests and classes of property, except slaves. This narrows the fi -id of controversy to a single 6IIAI.L SLAVES BE TAXED, LIKE OlllER Pltt.PBtTV; A'OKDIV'I TO VALUE ! We say tln-y should he. The Democrats say they should uot be. In regard to all other property, we ajree tiiat the principle of ad V 'b'em is right aud should be ap plied. There, fellow cit'tens, is the precic ques tion. Judge ye i Aud can yon. fail to sea that, if the slaveholder in North Carolina occupies a bad etniueuoe uo, fjrmi3i as he alone is protected against taxttion in our Coustitution, it mu-t inevitably ha ten fold worse under this proposed Dainocratio schema! A slaveholder myself, I should deplore the results of its sucouh. Chu you give any good reason for believing it to be " premature, impoiitio dangem-is aud un IJUst to lax a slavu aceir.ling to value; ;-h, ,,, wi ,f an, rl ,lt ,o t,x. in i ... must that load be in ths end. Tbe publio of the fairness of a scheme. u-UtJi tn'ieve- ,IJuaUii. e.n nt me hunartd and tha , 'i.djnt lu "t nil. So long as tu seat oi iu looii evil is in the Constuutiou itsoif, il i I'iie. ba assured.totalkof .pplying legi-lauve quacE ery. There is uo remedy but iu the biaiiuj virtue of the aovercign people. I close. I have passed right ou in tbe line of my argumeut to set distinctly befora you the real issue, believing that if tney see that clearly there .1,1 uot be any difference of opinion among you except on ths part of tho-e .who look into tbo pocket books for their principles 1 have uol stayed to uo tice the woru oui and eoutra Itclious objec tion lo taxing slaves, according lo value, like oihur property. 1 hose ot jecnous, in deed, run ail through each ot'.ier, tiko au ar mv iu disgraceful flight. I tuu-t reserve, however, what I have lo say of mem until I can mart yoi faoe lo face. I shall ul fail theu to notice eerisiu Add reus issued by K li Haywood .V Co wbtcli has been oarKd about tin. District. I le.ru. with e.peci il dili L.euce a d oc -jiuwih, bv m way. i" ha. been appl.u Ltd by ie lL-ck Kepubli.aa press .i th Norih or it .bomion laiiJen- cies. 1 o.nnoi oonelu l. without iuvokinc your xealous .u,.(.o.t lor .Mr. Pool, our andtd.ia lor governor a standard bearer without fsr an-l without rproscli. Tb bsuner. rr bin. is Kvii'Al. Uxation! And let ou what niJ, or let tail what way in load out tno navenioiiier s . .-u'i o.. Incunre ol luvr,

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