-ptrcirw. , Work aud Think. " niinrr, lnga and anvil ringing, V 'Waking echoes ah o .v long, Id a deep lotted voire are .mging Thritty l.aur iron anng. Frn-n a thousand fly.wlieele bounding, F'onj tli.iu-.nj limiMiiiiig loom., N glit and diy Hie nnlee ir Myiitlinf Through the nutty fac t'ry rowii. L'atdn ! wn-kinan, lu tlirir playing There'e advice in every elm k ; Still they're tinging etill tlie v 're airing J ' W bilat yoa labor, team lo lata ." Think what power lie witllin yon, ( 1 F"t what trinmphe ye are formed, ( ' If, in aid nf bone and amew. llearla by emulation warmed. Mighty though ye o mtl cheriah, ' What akall hold your epirite down f What ahall mate your hih ho pea periah ? Why .null ye mini Fortune' frown f " Do y wiah fm profit, plea.ure t Tnir.t at learninj'. fount to drink f CVeve ye honor, fjmr, or treaaur T Vc the geruta have wort, and think! Think ! but not alone of living. Like tlie horse, fr.un day to day ; 7'hnt! bat not alone of giv ng IKaiih ,or pelf, nr ...ul inr pay ! i Think ! On, be m.ehtuee no longer Engine, made of rKh ud hloito ! r Thins ! 'twill make you trr.her, elrenger t Link TuU to the great and good ! Thntigbuea.lta aim iignlrtie l..bors 1 Thought tin-bide u. e ..iul In .ink 1 8. if.r afM ct and love for iirigtib.ir. M-irk tne men wnu woia-eno think! Tlunk I iiid let the thought newnerve you i Ttni.k of men who've ginie before; Leaving tu.troua n-amee to aerve you : You a tfte pala rAea'cc p'odtied n'tr! FreeOorn fight and'wma her Charter With theowoMoi thought the pen! Tyranny ean find o qu-irler r In the ranka of t.'niiaing urn. Tiimfc ! for thooghC. , w.md of power Poeir to make nppre.sinn tlinnk ; Gr iap ye, then, (he or c:oue duvrer ! Po.te ii Wield il w ik, ana fAint .' iolH your heada up, toiling brninrra; .il .i.g.l m I Lrahor. tor aura Jin' lorgot vm and tiliura. la fur man a bobit: Nobler far, .nd holit r, i Tr.. v.n Usury If but m iui: ,.rt i An.: :.. i-r., f:. t r , r t,. em.,,11 t ,,a Pvi til t forn tin i given- ink Twill mi uprifhl men a .u lic.Kli. Hit ui bit-jl power trie ft wer to tMtik ! liliscfllancDiiSa JOWDS ATM J3HNS0.V. El M.illlA B. ib'SHMA.N William JoUueon and Edaiu Jones were 1 both of tbem farmer, anl tbey were also near neighbors. Their farina were beaati fally situated ; tbe soil naturally productive. So far there waa not a particle of di Hire nee between tie to places- Yet tbey were a vert difTerent arpeet. Jbuon tuildinga ' ' e looked nice and tidy. 11 is door vara! aa clean, Lie Louae was neatly paiuted, his W uooas vihoie. Ilia barn and out build ings were snu and comfortable, hi or chard locked thrifty, :.d the trees were carefully dressed. Now Mr. Joues bad no more of a family to support than bit neib kor, yet tbe S'peci of bis bouae and farm were very different. Old rubbiab sj kick ing around in tbe yard, that should have bees in less unsightly plsces ; bis bo se looked weather-beaten and neglected ; rags were aeeo in pot wbere panes of glsta were espected to be found ; there were lrg. era... . ot. nam mrougu -u.cn t , Mr thnM wind.of heaven bad free eourse. Ilia sp ipWoil.110iitjrei,iJiBiB tU eJi(,Bd,hort. pie tree, were ..Uigur, b, old b.rk andj ftM hj Uu M limns i in snort ev.rytn.ng seem., to , wear a look or dilapidation and neglect EJwin Jones was , Lard working man, jet J everytn.ng war at iooe .no. aim ii.ru, .do be often caogat b.m-elf .ondentg bow it j .a. th.t th neighbor J.hn.on kept aion, so smoothly anJ q-jitt, jet bad everything 1M perfect or.jj.r. Sow that he had the ability lo fix gp his One rsicy day in the fall, after Lirvrit- j building witbont borrowing tools, he began ing waa over, Johnson was at work io bin j to take .ride iu duiug it. Lie reset Lis iu tool cbamber when bis neighbor Jotes en- oj-u, roofed L';? bee Lcu.e, Luilt new pig teed. j pens, tigLieued tie tarn, and in rainy weaih- . Jjttiiiu,'' oaitl the latter after Le hsd'er iu iitm auhcul a ieasaiit aud proS watched bis neighbor's p!sne a few mo- i table employ mett. Hit eos do not brek n-eLt-, "how much did that eUd of joura . iLrsagh the baru floor now, and'ttij give Cost? I have got to have one this nifjter. ' iirn. .t... ..w.h: . . I tt.. i 1 ,a..tv., , ,.,,,.,.-.. mjveif. I got out the limber lat "inter, so ' neighbor Jobniub's ao, aud ail this ia be that u.a'ttr's disposd of; slcI I f--cl prjud esu-e he stopped his gro,j and tobacco ex of it too It, my firat ayi u.pt.' I peuditurea, bought Li loo.s, left off depend- "Well, te:glbor JvLs-od, I don't pee H'g up on bin ntighhors, and so Le i now bow lo the world you get aloiy e. Your LfpJ thriving and contented farmer. rami don't prodaee acy n.ore than sine wo, ftii I (isn't Ifline y,u mo J I do. 'j it wife d iini'c butter than mio-; )'uf timp any better woiil. Yoa riis re. be sure." " I have not ao mtay trees a von " "No, but tbe fruit is of a better qulitj. and finds a ready market." M Tea, because 1 bave taken paiui to ob tain tbe let grafts. My trees vers tb same ae jeur wbB we stsrted. My coe ' give more milk than yours do in winier, for they have a warmer barn. I raiae more pork than you do. because H y pens are t tit and e irufvrtat'le, ami so on " " And I a p i.e yoj ar laying up ma ne) ''' muttered Jonee aith a creit fallec look. " (ertsio'y I am about ?.") e year." "So tuurb !" eiciaimtd Joi.ta with a 1 . si t I lo ik of surprise i " why, I can t lay up aitgle cent ; iu fact sm rutioicg belnud." "la.t sue teil you lb. secret, tiJ .y., ,Uiicct. aball be taxed, ne bav a war Juhiiajn, is the kindeat end mo.t tirigLLor- d.Lt upju u-, we have unr t ij.es. Let ly sir. "L.t SUfiiiLi-r I caw yeu buy I u ,Mv" 'diu lu iti revenue Kjtt,i oj the two new rskee and t piteL'oiks j bow I bow much did lley al) cont yoaf. I syr, v...i. , . .... ' ' 1 Sl-etil arly two and a half juiiiicjie lt s two dollsrl and a tslf 0f dollar, uf aprei. , .jpurUid from H Well, my fore baiadfa got broke latjw 'uik lat week. winter, so did sots of my reketv" I bro't them Tfght op here,- tod wbeo at leisure jtiat fiacd them up. , There wtl 10 much 'tared. Now you hate nothing at all to do today." , ' ' , : " No, indeed! it rein too hard." "But I am at woik making mj tpplu boxes; how re joa going to get jouraf" " Graiuison uiaket tbem for me, and I am to giro bitn a barrel of apples." " Which U as good aa two dollars. Now if jou hire as good a sled as mine made, it pill cost you at least Iwilf dollars. Yoa tea bow these little things count up." "Aud all this comes of jour kaitlg tools to work with," returned Jones, whose ryes were beginning to open. " Vet, neighbor." " Well, if I bad tools I might sate a good miny suius in tbe course of a year, but I never bate the money to sp.r. for theu,. I Why tbesa era tools of youro must cost: -or -fifty dollars' " Just about that." I " ibeo I in mighty afraid I shall bare to' scrape along with boi rowed tools. I shall . nerer'bare that sum to ipare." " You don't understand. Let ma explain tbe secret. I should never bare goue with a fifty dollar bill and bought these things, j I have produced one at a time with my grog ' and tobacco tnouey." Giog and tobacco money!'' repeated Jones, with a look of blank surprise. Yee," said Johusou with a smile. " Now ! am going to give yon a lecture. I ain go- jing to give you the benefit of tuy experience. 'I he tirt year I began on a farm I used to have tpi:it by me, aud every now and then take a drink to keep up my strength, I said to myself. In (be long, warm days, in hay ing and hsrvetirjg, tbe bottle used to be pa- jtronii d libera !y. But I finally began to 1 iee that it was growing bard for me to resist ; j snd so after deliberating upon the subject j 1 came to the conclusion that rum and tobac i i did me no good, and might do much evil, ' tud I would leave tbem off, and I did. So l cou.mebceil laying up the money they cost iue. I eaw Low tiiucb might be saved if I , couiil do the work myself, 1 had been oblig ed to psy for, and so I began baying such toois at f thought would come handy. At the end of the first year I fujtid I bad quite a collection, and it bad all eome from money 1 might otbereiae bave drank and smoked up, and I fell healthier and bsppier than tbe year before. 1 kuew I bad laid tbe found - . ft, IT A ... 6 w-, j grog and tobacco money kept coming in. It now a hammer, tben a taw, then an aui'ur. arid an other nlane a bit-stock Aft . j -,. , . ,. , . , , .... - - " and tbey are not ouly a source of great pro fit, but solid eomfirt iiato the bargain. I believe, frieud Jones, in giving op my grog and toLacca I have been a preat aincr .. , , ,, , ,, Now. do vou not think vou would da as wall , - j aitbout it !'' j - Johnaon," said Jones, at length, after a ' protrscled eilttice, " I aisb yoa bad luld we of this Ion a-O." J . . , , " I "as afraid it might offend yoa ; it is a delie.te matter at best." j - I know it, but Edwin Jones i. not ,h. man to be offended with a neighbor for friendly advice." . Well," said Johnson, with an extreme ; look of gratiSestioB, " it's never too late to mend, and if yu gc, ia a pinch .her. fifty or a hundred d. liars will be of ase to jou, come to me.'' lmB b( tb tQ of rtfilliDg ui, br0.o ud enipJ boi b, bought borne MW suger 1lJ ,proudnd happy man ' u ,yfk bU 0B ..j and Le soon found bimseir tbe ' 0uer of qjll, . , f jrxplerner. ' TLis tbijg c.r,er,,ea iu m.nyaays far good ag much milk, hia bees make as much bo- I.;- . .:i.i f ...i . - l- ! ..c. j.e.ia g..u ajpita ai im ; From the FtiytlUtuU Observer. 1AX UlLla", )F 1HK UKVOLUIIUN, A L VALUKKM ! At the ti auaaiuu of tne General Al aemLly after the Lcelaralion of Iudepen deuce, our fortfalbera smarting uuder the L"laitou t,Jt b,lu of ,b,: l'o) al government, panted the I'jlioeiug Alt aLuaa.M itevenae bill. Alter tbl preamble : " U'bercaa, the leniii a lax on proper ty by fay of Oeneral A-.ea.uieui, ntil lend to ii.e cue of lb inbabiiauts of tbe cute ana WILL OtkAlLV MXLIaVX TUB Fuuit I'i'il Lt tuereut, aud as it la absolutely tie ceaaary lot ILe euppurt ol tbe Goicruuaebt cbargea tberecf, lual a tax Le iuiuiedijlely levied aud moueya ejiiected as souu a tuay be " It a cuattvd ; 1 bat ol half a penny be levied on tbe pouud value of lauda, lul-, Louaea, feLAVta), uniiity, Uauuey at lulera.t, slue iu trade, u jr .ea aud calt.e. U'bite poi.a not owning jCl'ill value of Property tj pay fiur abiding, LuUcr the ati Valium ayatcm, while the Lsj iature cau elerci a direreiiun u in Why is the horso the most miserable of animals? Bceauea his thoujjDU are always on the rack. , -' , ' joiia iii:m:v wait, surgeon ttentitt, (Gt4DUTI IN MiniCINI 4NB PknTISTSV.) OFFll lf in Bra nirT'i Building, t'p Slain, Oppo , ' liic Krrr't UjIcI, ciii.oiTi;. nr. c. Cjl'RUlCALOI'F.RATlUNS, aueh Tyyiiar3 at i left palate, hare. performed. I KAC'l UKES.nd DISLOtIA I IONS of tlie Jw. treated. Teeth filled with OOt.l). AMALGAM. AKTIFIUAl) SILVER, TIN u 1 tK'l II inielled the beat manner. l, i .u.r..,r 'I'llllTIl POWDER and TOOTH V A!H eonatanUy on band. IJ" Teeili Kitrarteii. LTPKH 'r MODERATE and all work done saiialacinry to the patient. IT FAMILIES wailed on at their houtes. IT A stuck of Dentiat'e Materials always on hand. - srcnr.D and SILVER Plate tnd Wire of any fineneaa gotten out. 7 ''""l ' 'r- 1 Git A1D OPKiMiNG &JE3ELTJSTGr AND Q TT JT TT V n 1 tT OX TUESDAY Til F. 3D OF '5 III AS & COIILN" W1LLOPEX IT THE STOKE FOEXEKLT OCCUPIED IT T.H. Brem & Co, ONE OF TUF. FINEST l.D LABGEST STOCIS OF EVER offered ta the public is thi vicinity . A utoug our Ladies Ureaa Goods will be loaad Flounced Silk Itouet, Crape AUrtle, do. Bange da. Plata and fig'd Bareget, do. French Orgaadira, beat French Urgaaaiee, do. do. Jaekonf t do. O.m.iiliea, Ribea u Eugenia at Lea- Hcluiae (jreuadinea. bia. dn. do. Iinrratriee, Black tnd Col'd Silka, jJ'Conet Organdies and Ismartioei, Rob,, variety, Grenadine Poplins, 1 French J .eonria, Silk Warp t'halhee, I Fngliah, French and dumeatit BRILLA? S hiu rrench talM.UA.MS ot iiAW.-vS. litStli, 1'if in h ami Aittrricaii riiLM'S in every variety and aiyhu VIiite Goods. - i..m .-;.. U. ..L k . ..A T...l If .. . iin Bivh..P. Vietoni and L.ne.Lawoe, Linen and ! niton Diapert. Linen Table Cloths and l. caaaka, Uolaa, Maraeillet IJuilta, 4te. ... .. ... . . t'l,.....!., , Mntle..L. feint, it Shtwla. Lice Miella Shaw la, EniDraideri-d Lace rem la, Burnnia.ultanna and Pieu'ioitimini da Silk and Li . M mtlee and Mantilla of every dcecription, Linen, Barege and Cotton latere. .,1 n 11 c n it blCCVCS, ColhrS & SCttS. 'V;' IWEJZZ Handaerelneia, Inlauta Waiala and KoBea, Floun. eiag a, ttig ing. InecrUngt tad Dree. Trituuiirg. UOIlIlClSi I" our trimmed Bnnela our taata is acknowl. & Xm;e; A" FRENCH IMPORTED ( Parasols, Fans & Head Dresses, with an uuuaually large ttoek ef ATOKI-:iUY and D.lhllLSTH DRY- GOODS, CI.OTM.YG, ll.t 11 L IZ I , UUO I'M .tOl'S illltl lliT lnd jeneral'a.eortruent of Merchandise, which 'o ffenng iur Inenua and cu.iomers .t prices wuicn dcly competition. NO CHAItlaE FUU bliUiVlNt; G(X)l)ri ! Kcuieuiber Ludies, Tacsduy Aptil 1, j ELIAS & COHENj j a4t T. il. Lrem f Ce $ Old zland. i . WE 11AVK A LA KG IS SlOGK OF ! GROCERIES tin Store ilouo. lonuerly oetup.ed by H. B. w 'li. , oppoeiie. CA.rtle.Jieiei7. I860, hf ' (rDissoiution. T lilt mm ol T. 11. B'i dt Co. la lint da die- toiveu by muteal eou.eut. Tne Bovae and paper ar III ttav InaiHie r T. II. brem, at in liaruware Store a I Cue lira oe at S.mpie. All per auua inuebua lo aiu bra will call and ami. tne tame witu hii; and ail per .on. having cUiaa will prtacnt lucut tv faun lor p. yrn.pt. T. II UlifcM. J. A. SAULER, Jb. T. L. ALEX AMi 11, arc2C. IB60. llt '.. IL JU1J.N, Gtnerul 4 ollecUng lgenl, fuiaauwu, ferry Csuiitr, ilubama, 'VV TILL attend pruinptly to the collection el all V W cUiiua plavcd in hi banaa. E.late Claima looked after. Land Claim, ferret led out, and aaacoouing deblore iajvkca up at rea. aou.bi vhargea. TLXAtJ CLAIMS. f r Colleciione io.ee m Teta. a heretofore, thruagh my allurrtrya ia tuaiaiuu. Pruiupme.a may be aately depeuiitd oa. Frora ry 29, ! BhU. 49-1 y Vm. J. Kerr A T T OU A E Y A T L A W, cu ahi.o i 1 1:, ..t.. UflLLpraolire in Hie I jiurt.nl Meeklenbarg, C'Hun and Caberrua eountice. ' J'Orine ia the Ui.nl Building oppoeiie lw'. Hotel. Jilt H.llf.O. 44tf JeinovaI. II Y Friend and Cu.'omer re r'icl fully ill mUirmrt lift I lure removed my aSliop t priiig If.ii.' Buiiviiig, 3d door (rum to mar mrr. on l'ru street, wl.tr N will.b pleated l'i aeetberu. ' S.T. WRI3T0N.' wary 1), tCeO. 4Jkf A. W. ALF.X ANDI'It, SVIl G t:o. Bii.VTM T, pv-r-j..-, "kFFKRS hie services to the eiti. m 'if X1'" ' senaol' tlua aud adjoining coun 1 I J-J tiaa in the t'ealnienl ul' Irregul.iri. lire of the teeth, "Uiaenaea of the iimuth. . Teelh Hih'rf in a wh i II I ul and aiifctnry manner. Ar. tilicial tee Hi inverted on Kold or fci ver plate, alan India lUbher vuIcjiuKiI base. . Tina atyle of work haa many advanlnge" over the Swaged Work. Il eaii lie adapted to the mouth with leva irritation I than the Swaged worit it it alao oheaper. Il it free rrmn any unpleaaunt ounr or laaie. Having become agrnt for the American Hard Ruhber rompany he will supply D.-ntiala with of j " ''hl'ia I A,,l,fic1,1"' ? "lH ""l ' J P' I hi lee and tuine for aralua and Material. , n" ive "'"cl""" ' " "" Aa heoprcla te do a travellnif bumr.iaa per tone detiring done, can be attended lu at their residences, by aildieaaing hiiu at Tucka. verge P. O., Mecklenburg Co., N. C. IT All work warranted. AjH 3. I860. 3lf The Corner DRUG Store, CII.4ltl.OI Ti:, X. c. F. SVK HUTCHISON t CO. " SHOULD reapeclfully eall thealtention of the f T public !o their Urge ano complete Muck now being opened for the Spring Trade, ennaialing ol Uruga, Mediciiwa, t'lienucala, I'erluinrry , Fancy Arnclea, Oils, Tarenline, Burning Fluid, Alco tiol. Pure Medical VYinet and Brandiea, L'antnn Tea a. Field and Garden See da, 4c, 4.C. Jannarv 17, 1660. 43tf HOW AKH ASSOCIATION. 1MIII. AOKIIMIIA. A Btmmlrnt In'tilulim) rWi,rf hy soeriut F.n doicmt.l. for I Kelt, uj Ikt hick and I Hull Mill, tfflictrii iruh Vuulrnl eaal A.pidanc iaeuaa.ad itjttUy Jvt tkt I arf tj Vitemrt oj tkt Snxitt (Jigana KlIICAl. ADVICL (iven gratia, hy the Aet- ing Surgron.tuall wIhi apply by letter, with a iiearription ni t'.cir eonuitiuq, l,ge, occupation, habile nl I He, A-c ,) and in Caaea ol estreme pov erty. Meilicioea flirmahed free of eliarge. VAl-LAULB BFI'URTS on ISperniatorilioiJ, and nllnr Dieaera nf the Sexual Urgana, and on I lie NEW REMEDIES employed in Hie Dpen. vary tcnl to the atH eti d in sealed letter envei opea, tn e of charge. Twe or three Slanpa fur pot tage will be aci-epUble. Adnrr.., Dft. i. KlLl.I IIOl'OIITCX. Ae. ting Surgran. Howard AVMrfiiatinn, No. 'J Soulli Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order . of the Diaectnra. tEO. FAIRCHILD, Sftrtlary EZRA U. HEART WELL. PrrtiJnt. Fr. 7, IbM). . 6-IY ciiEnoKr.i: ki:ii:v. AN IN FAILING Cl'ltB FOR Gonorrhea & ill DiwaaCI f 1 tit frinarf Orjint. . it is i, n.v t . TH'f MEIiy when all o.her prep.. A r.lio... tail. II ,. entirely ..like eve,, nth. er rnria... i eo.ta.mn.ng no Mi.vc.l Pu.aoi, . NavsuHft Duo; at it ia prepared aolciy tmru Koora, baaaa and Laavas, and has been banded sown, Ihhii one generation to anoluer, hy tlie reoatl lauin It ia uC-red lo ihe public r.n Ua ..I Ultimate merit. Il perform Ua oolv ,uiekty and tburoughty. Tle ISruaTTimTa, of either ni will be repaid by uaing thia Kimvdt, inatead .f pUemg thetnaelvee a I the aierey of eime Iuiich' mt Paolar. 'J'hie KrallDV atrikee at the very koo-r uf Int eiaeaae j ua lenueney i not eim. ply lo vuaaena) Ihe poi.on. bul to K I Move vug Causa on which it depend., Fall dirertione in patnphlel t.riti, accompany each bottle The vpe rtjr and permanent re.,,, .Horded b, lh Kemedy. II eaaea ol Uowa tllOla, Ul.rtT. lata VSL, fri lo Tcta. Fuioa Ai.tt a. ( whitks in Kbli), md ait Uiw.aee ol the Urinary O-gaiia, i. taliMii.iied tne -tna.1 acieulitii! nun of the age. Tti Reimdy not nnly eradicatea all Poison irony tit vavaai but Ivviooa.TCS ihe mal nehcate cnnalttuiia. U'li 5oT Arrtcr the BaiT nr Iirraa rraa with any t Law ol Bvaisua, ur require any deviation fruni the uaoal dirt. IT It require ae aaaiatanc fnm other mrdi cine. i.r'Aod "what Fanaarita iia Vat.tt. i the Ex TH Asaetacanl all Nacrsa n 'laaTt, being a PLaaaaarnnd IaLicieva iSratr Psica i ran Boms, ea I nsts Bottli roa f t, Pol I fcK Jr. MEkVi IM, Sol. froprieuna, Bl. Louie, Mj. a.:u ia Charlotte, by Dr. F. Kearr, " a . Nie Hutehi.na .V Co. Colnmbia. - Fiaher at li.init.a. And all Dvnggi.t in tit eountry. Van Seia. ck II Urieraoa, Cr: ;rveloa, April Hi, I86U.-IJ Whowaela Dealer. YES YOU MAY UsiS UK l;hC'UlML.NL Heimstreet's Inimitable 11 UK oi.oki.n(,: im nan it tu as A PERFECT HAIUKLS10RA 1VE, promrstifi the B.ifrii(th fend growth uf the ii rt iouoi il Kr.til! i:-.'ul! ICrntl! ik'Haooa Lata, K. a. i Co., N. Y., Ar.y b, ifcjd. tj W. E lUo.x, Troy N. Y., Unr Hit: ll .ving uaeij your Hir C'ulwrtng or Ue.toradve, ana being mac.i (ieaaeu w KU it, 1 laae pp-a.ure lee la ui a v.ry srvert bl of ai aueaa, wueu about Id year, ol age, my h.ir eomineiieru lurning grey, ami aj cniitiiiueii lu gruw until it btevma pt.Jtcnu w'ur, heiog tery oai.n aim cuarae. l.a.l auiumer 1 Had reacued my any Ihireyear, wnen 1 waa in. oQ. tn by a Irienu t. purciiaae two bottiva wl tieim. tieet'a Hair tleaWeitUVe prep.rad by you. I cum ineoced uaiog it accuruing to m.-tcuwh, and in a Itw daya wa. aurjiriacd lo riod thai my uair trwiu Ine rouU outward w.a larm. g baet Li ita urigiii.1 color. It ao .iilmad tu grow until it waa aa tru ly brown and gl"-y aa ll Ma in my youihiul daya. aad ia new Jail realortd I it ig iai rtlnr. M I LA ofcAAIAJf. Fat' C , My U .Seaman came be lore meaud a ouly a worn, imuji lual tneauove aUuiucul true. Una fiin d.y ul February, lo.'rl. JUfcL F. PUlTLi!,7iiKri eee. I'lrraroan Vl , Aug. I, igJI. I hereby cerhfv, that my hair having become quite gray, I u.ie iiYnntrt.ele llitr Ueaioraiiva, (prepare by n , rj. rlaoan, ol Iroy.N. V ,) lor lour weeka, and my toir wa in tfaat tini re. stored le it original color. I ean fuliy rveom mend the article to U. all it c.'aiin.. WM. kl.NUMLFY, fitter mj tkt Bmflitt ( kurek, i'Uerd, Fl. Mr. W. K HaOaa; I have naed llnimalieet't Hair Se.toralive tor three yeare, an.i h.ive lound il lo be a moat vaeeilent article. It not Vnly re at. rest tne color l my Hair, giving it new Ine ...d .trength. bul .1 core n.y.eil ... w... a moat ob.l.H.u.riionoo liujaealp, which tjotAinc n,medt,b,M. 1 lull, believe .1 bib. be., ruci iu uae. V-.ur. Re.pettfuily K.NUALION IIUiVLA.VU. The above are but e lew af Ihe many leli.r. of reeommeuoation which have been tenuvrei! tu Ih proprieture 1 lleiinalteel'a It nr Coloring m ft. a. toraiive. It bae been uaeij by thoaaanu. ol popi. and it never laid lo re.lore Ih col .r aud growth l Ihe hair. This aingular etTuet i no1 produced aa w hen d e are need ( fyH it aela up-n tlie uatu. ral aeer.tiona f eulenag mailer el lite root., and lliu efleet Ihe enange. Tne ceer ytmUwtii i not timmltrjttl. hut tkt umtmrat ekmde uf aoula. it due a Out to lor In akin. Prie . tile d 1 1 .00 ur bnl tie Jtald t ver v where. W. K. IIAGAN at Co., ProiN!ie., J iy,N. V.- . Hold in Charlotte by LY. F Jcnr, an.) all D-ug. gi.l in th liuil'd Slaiea, Van Seiiaack and fVrier tun, Cbarlt.loii, Wiiol.aal Ageul. ' April 34, im. - Y f iTk i-.?-i ta fmh&T&M a t''iiMtlii-ll"Hr jtlmnnnc. Mm e el 7 si will uiu it I4i i;iic wUi '.'I'tiln it'll l...-71ll,JU.tlo... "i "sTi "i " 'V iIimii nil til is Iil7'ii l'S!!fl:t: IVK-iSJll.r i!i 7 m siio iiii? ti Il!.l'l7l!l ' ulijliiijijl S 1 7 Si VI I! S ! 4 t 7 t I . in I a n iiii,u 'iriilis i ' 17 H U'Sf.ll t-' SI I 'riii'iv") ars: 'IFIE tuhaeiibrr haa received a large sad Vari. ed aaaortment of for Spring and Summer, which Kr vtiepnee and m-atneaa, cannot be aurpaaed,cuneieling la pari ol Black and c lored I LOTUS, -li.aca DDOKI.NH. I'lain, buck and F.ncy CASSlMEUE, Frrnt h Drab U' E l E-S. Plain Hi.ok a n. I Figured 8,1k VEST1NGS, Fancy Lmeu DI1ILLH. and all other Uonua uaw.lly f und in a (iral elaaa Tailoring Eaiablo'hiiienl. Ail nl which will be iii-do to oruer or told by the yaru on accoumioda-L-u' lerme. J. S. PUILLETS. In returning my thanka te the cititene nf Char lolla, lor Ilia very kind ano liberal patronage they have beaUwed on ne. I would nqural a tunlma. ancc of ii aaaie, with the atarame that all or. drra anlruaCed to me wilt be mal.y cud promptly eleeated. J S. P. April ', 1860. 4if CUAULOTTK HOTEL, C a9 CIIAKLOilt, ft. '. 'H E Proprietor of this Hotel i ft I the du tire of "mine boat" lothe ravelling public and otliera wbe may call oa hun, ana he flaltvre hiinawtl that at coinrurla tile quirlira em be found with bio as any where in tola vicinity. Being ailnatea) near ly in the rautre of Charlotte, Buameaa Men will find line HntelM niot convenient and oeairabre jluC'tuk. He baa burl engaged in the buameva tat tbia Blend nearly eighteen years, and in that ' tin. ha haa mail a.-aeral adnilinna lo faia former bouae, and il haa been greatly enlarged ann im- proved, preventing in front a two "tory V t.KA.MJA fnn etPB , JrJ ,, , dlh7. ha..-.mel, fc . , .,u..w.m, .,, . p,... ,n7..d, , h(l0f. of Ul. 0.y. The lioueehaebawslo-oaghly aim.hed Ibrn. out, and in every pari of it y .luie romf. ri. are abuodantand tangible. especially in lb l I.N I. Mi KIMJ.M. where the "inner man" ia "renewed" day by day. Connected Willi tbl Hotel are Stable. affording rtrom for 1U0 bnraet. abondaatly lurm.lied with gram and provender. etf,ended by laittttul its. atiging h.vllerv. The Proprietor frel.eanfid.nl thai with hjeJong experience and many new advantage, autted to bia dere tu pleM, be i nrepared to offer h frienn M fM- fhM,f ', , (JBi and th M real of mankind," a. many cmnforia and perhan. a lilil more o f A I any ralernv th CbarloMe lloief J.BKKRlt Otfifr 19. 185i. if Tlinueind are daily sneaking in the praiaeof Dr. Eaton'6 lnlaiitile Cordial, and why? becauee it never faila to a(T-rd tt.etan. Linevie. relict hen giVi-n in lime. It.et..ilby magir, and one trial alune wnl cunviace you that what we Bay ia tree. Il contain so I'Aitiif.niticoit oi'i ith. of Af kimi, and thervlor lelirvr. by rroiting the aurl ring, a.1 your ehild, in.led ol by cir.UeM. Ing H. a. n.il.ilili.a. Fr l In. n .ai.n, it rominemla itaell .. ll. e milv n liable pr epar .. I in now known for HlLDrlKN II Fllll.St;. DlAKKHONCA. L Vsr S I t.h V- t.l.'ll'INt. m tne HOW U.S. A t IDI I Y ni tne MOM At II VMM, i ULU 15 l ilt. IIKAt) .Ml ItUl f',ai.. i..i..,;un i.g th guiia, redocirg U'H jiniiiatiriii.ri'guluiiiig the Bw. iv, and re.ievuig piin, it ha na quai be. an i an! Bpaainoi:ie II ia nacd with llulail.ng .nee . in all e,.e. ol t O.NVC..Ju.VS U OTliLK Fl l. A. yon value the Me and linlln ul )ur rluiuren. i and wtah to aave them Irnrn liriae aad ait blight, j ing conaiqu'oee. nii.i b areeninn torcault l?on Ihe .e ill narcotic, uf wmeh all wilier remcoiea for Infantile Coin'in.ta are flompiM l take none bul UK. fc AT ON SIM ANTILKi Oil DIAL, Una ( ; can r. ly upon. Ii ia p.rleei y hariuUaa, and ealinol li jura tlienioal ilelieata liil-.nl Price. 2 cent.. Full uireclinn aceompaiiy each but I i. ( rr. part and Sold by CllUIiCIl Si DL'f'ON T, Drujgiita, No. 36, M i idi n Lane, New Yrk, ' and by K. Nye llulchiam Av Co. and F. flcerr, t narlotle. n. I Healthy human Blond upon bring A A 1.171 Is. alwaye preaenta at with ihe s .me ...enti.l el, inenl", ann give, i.f eoura. the 'I lit K HT AN UAfiU. Analyse Ihe lll.wd urs person saff ring Ironi I nnaumptii.n, Liver (VinipUiiit, liy.pepaia, ftcinlula. Ac., an it we tint in every tu.unce cer. Ian, ilil'ieirncie., ia Hie red globule, of B.o-id. Xup(i y U. . ae .lefieiane. , and ynn are made well. The hl.t;JU Km Hi la foundr upon Ihi Theory bene ite aalooi.li.ng eureeae. There 'reptiralions ad.pUJ to the iteCeienciea of the lllix.d in diff. r. em nl.eaae.. Fori OLIallS.t UIMA, HUo.Nt II. ITAJvnr any a if. el ion wjm t verol the 1 IIIIOA T or Ll'Marf mduciiig I .UasL.nP I 1S. uae N I, whicn l alao Hi. ,. I Ll urt avion ul hninla. f,, f Aur,Bf ,ll4 ,,,, , l h,OH10 . . .,,. ,, um o.c,.u . General Uea.lity.and N.r. tM N a fo J, Nft 3, V.,.,A. ije,g,r,.d, plep'td or .na.rpiien u it taken by lrnp. and carried imrnrdiaiely intu In circulation an that what ynu gam retain. Th Ni. 4 i. lor Female Irregularis lie, ll v.liru, Vteaknr.a. Ae. H-r apeial mne. tion lor tint. For S.ill Klieu.i., Lupt:nna Sor fulou., Lidnry and Bladder I umpl .int., take No. 6. In all cite Hie direction oiii-t be .Ir.eily foil .wed. Price of the ULUOU FCHJU, II per bottle. Sold by CHUftiMI 4 DUPONT. Drugi.ts Nn. 36. Maiden Lau, iVe York, and anld by B. .ys lltalclit.au it I n. and F.tW:-rr, uariuit.. n. i.. fi 10 If EXBCUTJ0N3 for the 8. Court for le.,' SCBPKXAS for sale si tLis 0&e. tVH'ir'nli!) '-V-'i .. r. 5i i4,jjrji , ii!ij'iiiis!i7iit ,i 1 i iiiri? u.iiiii il . II UII.1 141116117 . It' IS aHI'3'n'M , Stia7SaVIW 31 II iilw!iliv m tl i I"t ?ijjili5 , I- Ullllls'lSllTH H tn'itn n.iiisaH S;S av.aijsii... ... il ...... MI L. -Important to Mill Owners, ! ( :VT TlltS OUT.) ' JXO. A.'MeHAiVENJS" Celebrated 8mnt Screenina; Itlachin MANUFACTDnEUat South L..wel. N. a o shipped to all parte ol the I'tiilco Sutet l.iU ral reiliicllont made In thnae who have oaed o.v M..ch lie atid with them cnnneen. , n. . .... . i...-..ii..n.di.in.tmillwniidi,'Psiim Ne. f e.,r ?..ie 'r.??h !- caul, and told by my legally author A ce". . . . J JJJO. A MrMASNKN, " .'-.' - ( . 8lUth LilWell, N. taa , . idrcA 80. IbfiO. . tj?l- WASIIIltON HOTEL, (CHAMJl Of PBOPRIITOHB ) lilt OA U (il Ittl.T NKV Ufclv N.C JOdN F. JONES, Proprietor. fSjlUfc Underaigned rcepeclfully aunouncee to M. the travell.ng public, that I.e hat lekt.. charge of this old and popular eslabliapnient, and a now urruarrd In accniiiinodate truteleraand pri- I vale laiinliea with board ly the day or mouth, ua Itl.. ..o.,.oHulira ia rtlia. Ilia TABLK will alwaya be lurnienen wnn me beat provieiunt that home and loreign niatkataeaa afford. . ' Tlie 'nhlliln Ilolt I has largr rnoma, is neurer the dr pot, the cnurt houae, and the bnaineae atreeta than any other in the city. An Ominous will always be st the depot and tanning, on the arrival ol the ears snd steamboat, lo convey paesi njera in ll.a Hotel tree nf rharge. By slopping a'l line Hotel, passengers will have ample lime to obtain meala. Having alao a large and enmmndinus Stable, and an eaeellenl Oaller. he ia fully prepared lu board lioreee by the day , wetk or nivntb at Hie moat rcaai. cable ratee. JOHN. F. JONES. . JK.rr I. IP.'S. 6llf Art ltilrt l nml Ittiiltler, " MT ILL furniah Deaigna.l'lana and Drawing V fur Public kuiluiiigt, Private lirameiia. s and Villa., r.rticotar atlmtien will be paid la builuing Flouring Milla.Corn .Mill. Ae. Orpins iu 3d story of Alriandcr's Building, front roufu, AVer China Ma.. Oror2. 18 ' 33lf Wanted, CORPS CF TAN DARK ' Inch the e.ak will be' pa, I. 11. B. tatlur. I9tf Key3l.ia.18 fash raid for Hides, J Y S. M. HOWELL, 3 doora foutk tf the H 9 Manama It.. ore t vararrr. April . ias ' Slf Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a ron-ti'.utiorutl diaeaie, a e rruptioa of th blood, by whih Ihu. Hunl beewrurt vtliatetl, weak, ami poor. Being In tha curtilation, tt pervad. the whole blv, and may buret taut in (Itaeaar on any pan uf it. No organ 1 frea .Jl:l ita atrark-.' nor ia three one which it may noi l atrny. 'l"h vrofnlo'ii taint I vsnon-ly cauartl by menuital rlt-t-fiae, low l.vtng, dia oid.re.l or unlnwithy food, impure air, filth and tilth tutiU. Uic dt-preaauia; via., and. alxiva ell. by the venerral infea Hon. . What evrr b- Ita origin, it i hereditary tu the con tlifnrlpri, draeending from parriit to children Unto the third and fourth c-vw-ration inileerl, Jr went to bo the rod u? Him wbe aaya, I v stl t ait ti e imijuttiea of the (athera u,xn tti.tr ehildn-a." It. .fie-ta nonmenc by oVpottiasi from the hliHxl tit rmrupt or ulcerous matttv, which, in th,- lungi, liver, and internal organs ia termed ttihert le i m the gbinda, awvthnral and m tbi- auiface, ewnjittoits ur wire, i bia f .ul cor ruption, olitrh p-nd ra in the bluud, d.prraaa t!ir i-ii. ifui of life, mi that rofulout eonatitu- pu"t.nu.r,'riy U J L.1r7ZSZ. anil Ih atlaeba nf nlhaa. iliau.. -.. quently va I nunWa pen-h by tti iirdeea clihou-l, no; acrofuluutln their naturav are al.tl renl--r.-J fcfitl hy ihi. taint In Ih y-t'-rh. Moat of the rut. sumption nl ii huV e.mare ih hnmaa fimily ha. it origin dir elly in 'hi. acrafulmi eon'amtrwlinn ; and many -d Jructiv5 diaraar of the liver, kailoeya, brain, i t I. in lecd, of all tin otjtana, ariae flora or ' a:e a r.-ra eared by tbe tanae ran. I ii.- riunrlrr of ill our people rv arrofnlmja f lS.tr rxr-on. arv invsiled by flii !urktng in f efinn, ami their health ia undermined by iu Ti i !i-to it fr.uq tli .yrtem w wiuat renovate tVe bl.Hid by sn alfi-rariv meiiu tne, and in. vi;ir'e rt bf healthy 61 mai eaeruae. Kuth a med-cine we supply in AY I' It'S foinpinnJ Ktlrcrt cf Sarsapariila ti nwH efT. ttual remedy whkf) th tnrdiral aVi'l of our time can d-.-via? for this rerry-w-re prevailing and fatal malady. It it corn bin. d from tlat moat active rrumLalt that have h -ti iliaeovernl for the eipurgatmn of thia foul dt-nrder rroert tree blood, and Ih rrarnw of th svatrin from t's dtetrurtiv eon-equence. Il nee ir .bn.ild be rwiinyrd f the cur nf not on'y taerofula. hut alao thoaw other afTeo tun m ait b arive frora il, such aa Eacmra snd Sail Diastase, fir. Ajtmosv's Fiaa, Flnar. or FavaiPTM, rinrt a. Pi art in, IlioTi nr. Til aiosand ISoii,.Ttrw.i., Trma sod mai.v ItMe. a, Hi i.t llran, Itmowonvi, Cii.i va ii-M. St rniMTic and Ml Hcuaiat Kit ara, liaor.r, Iitaiirvia, UruitiTV, and, in.l-til, all CourtMai. ARiaixu raoai ViTla vr.u ok iMPcra Union. The popular hclnf in impurity of tin Wood " ia finmiUd in trutku fur scrofula ia a d. gi Ti-ratton'of the blood. Th pal tu uiar urpo- and virtue uf this baraapa l..,rt u lo put liy and n generate thia vital flu. d, witlnnt vhi-h round hvalta i trapoaMhle in ! cuutauunatta couatilutiona. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FCP. ALL TI.E rU.lFOSES OF A FAMILY FliTSIC, rr hi cinir4 liut diet ftiltitB Ui f tti.r iiun ciii FiiTfly wttluUiiri or .. tl.m, their fbri.rtr.iittK njfrttp mrrh( nJ rltnf, itd Ust KufMi irjf Hirtiim pi the tiDtotia nrrntv ,-in, twiiM iiiitT iti ditran?d artiffig mia rrttiHiij it hralihjf ttt!ii'. Ai ft coiisqurn( of Uis? proprrlir, the iitalH who ia tawed dirn wiitt tain or I'uiitu-tl dr1. ilitf i. ((nnirfi lo And bia a,!th or i tirriry realorrd by reiitrdjr t oitft o inn.le a ltd hitiliiihf. IS.it mil Ho Ibr; cur lh ettrjr-'Uy riMnnlaintc nf rtry .Udr, Lut lo u.i,y (ontiidil.U mad detiiirrntuti ltr. 1 h ugmt tSotw urid plrawrd to fun.i-h gratm nijr AmrncaH Almane, roi tiii'ttiK crfiirtrairaiof their cum and dirr tiont fur tbrtr uae in tN fdltow m conjpilainta : (Wire ' Nf.!. JIeii fOum, tendatheuruimfft amdstordrfftl httimnrh, Mr.tv-f, lttjrtrm, I'aiH tnanti St or 4 J'.arlien uf tht ItotreU, lutuUwy, Lot of Apf tttr, J.tttnttcr, and oii-r -wnlrrd cutitsl.inta, r aiiiR from a uw atat of lha Uxly or uUUucttwa of iu funcUoua. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, roa th aapiu ecus or Congha, (olds Iafluesxn, Ifoaraearta, ( raap ITroBcbitia, Incipient Consump tion, and (or the relief of ( onaomptive riilirnt li advanced stages of the diaea.r. Ko nirlr ia ihe field nf iia u.efulnraa and an nu meiuiia er Ih ce. of it euree, that alrnoet ery aert uu nf rountry alaiutida in pereon. pua. lirlv known, a hn have l.evn riatnrrd from alarming and even deaperal diaea.es ef the hmn by iu ne. When oar Irird, in auprriiihlv over eiery mher innlii in of ita kind ia too apparent to nriia oi.a.-rvi.li.. n, and where iia virtuea ar known, th nul.lie nn lunger heaii.te what entidot to employ for the ilMire.amg and danpuruui atfei lion, of ll.a pulmonary nrgana thai ere ineirlrnt lo our rlimtf. While many inferior remedie. ihruat upon th eomiminilr have failed and been diaeardrd, Hiia haa gained friends hy every trial, entiferred henrflta ' on th alllieted they ean never forget, and pro duced en rea to nuineroua tnd lo rcoiaikaUe to b forgultfn. - fRITAPKn BV mi. j. v. avi;ii & to. LOWELL, MASH. For tale hy K NVK TILTC1IIS0N k CO. ) , K. 8HAI1R A (V., fV !' If AVILaND, STKi'DNFON k VA):, ' ' " ' " ; , Chtrtntoti, 'S. CT BLANK DKKDS ornle t.Hia oSc." iionT.ii. cowitii, ar-FNElIAL COMMISSION MERCHANT . , ." "'"itoMI.V P' OITice, South C'ner Market and Water Su. up al.'li" OtM6er U. J839. 3llf "TT ONLY 'iPKEPARATIOK . MUltlHV (II Universal riifii!ri,fc and Palronie. For Staterm!, Judges, Cletgymcn, I.allles -u vaeniieiueo, in n pan ol i,e leallly IU in tliiwai-y oi a loi. vr. J. Moou'i II. M Kiator.li c.biHi geull.'ii" n ol the I'riae are un iiiioub in II. j.luiae. A l' w tt .liiiiniiial. uuly ci nenere giv.u , maii mo mure, end it a be iinpnaaibh- lor you lo douht. 47 ! Slretl.NeW Yih, Iic. 80ih. Igis (.ItTimia i Yur note ol the liih in.t, , Been rto nuu, eaymg iifii you nag uuard iHat bad beau brni filed by Hi Oaeof W oou'a 11. It , atorativ and liquating B.y ccitiicale of u . 111 bad no objai'liuu Ipgive it. ... I .wart) it lo Jou elutlli.I'y, becauee J thu.1 It due. My age ia buut jeaia u,( ,u( f my hair auburn, aim iiiciiiimi iu curl. eoii,a or til yaare ell.ee it began lu lulu giay, ai, ,, tea I uoii the crown ul my he.u lu l.e n. ., bility and uomlruff tu form upou it, Ij.. (- tlie.e ilimgeabilnna increaara wnn tin,, ,,. about lour uionllia sine a lourih ,a. auuia o III. ui. by hair tailing nil' the Kp ul my l(.aa lti threalening 1 Ui-ke u.e bald, , lu lli in unpleaaanl predicament, I was u.Jut.j In try Vtuou's Hair Kealur.llte mainly 1.. err, at ti. e l.llii g lH ul my l.air, lor I n.d reJ',jL, ,, prct.tivu thai gray har could aver be rraii.no i, n. nrigmal eotoi rsea pi Ironi dye. I an., ver, greatly torpneeu to liliu alter Ilia uae ai it, bolllea uuly. In at not only Was Hit la.lmg , g a reaied but the clar aaa tailored lo Ihe haira and ei..iluiiiy tu lb. .clip, and utntrht feaaeil tu lorn, nn my nun, tiry maeii i,, gral fleamm f iny wile, at SloM sxln.ll.lm, waa ii.aiu.ren U) uy 11. For Ihi. amviig Ih many obligation. I eaebj her , I strongly leeummei d ail tu-Ur.iU . value Ihe a. inn. to M of ll.nriM to pnM t, my eiample, and aae it il grewiag gray or j l lilig bald. - ,. Veiy rvpeeifully, II IN. A. I.A V I N Dili Tu O J. n. wi a ( , ft nro.uw.1, .St v, My I. only al.iit ir-ma II. city, .nu I fc.u longer at Nu, II t'.riel I'iae. ni,,..t..n, Ala, July HUm. H.'.J. To t aov U. . M vuw : Ue.r tit I Yui I!,, KeaUo-.iive" Iij. uui.e ny ban nu maei. j , aiaee I eoitiniencad t tae nl it, that t u make tM.au ta tlie PI ttf.lC ul lia.fl Ha aa ia hair, wbieh re givat. , A man or Wwiuan .ar a nearly uei rn.u ul hail, and by a re'.ft Ui )n "ll.ir Keati r.live," tl.e hair il reiura i...:i eauinnl Iban everai leail li.ia laiuy ea.m, i llliev it til ! , - Vuur. iroly. " VVM H KFNKHY. P A You eau publi.h liie above il you .i.. -By pubii.lnHg in uur rwuthra pper. y..u gal more p.u.n. toato. a.. .( v.r.l ol jv rwvuweatea (ia In aVatl Mere arj, a etroey H ait ru ptrr. n . II. fc'urar. VOtJI' IIAIK htSTOttallib. Pa. rsaaoaU. S Wa.. Ife.t hir I li ( im. ai..i.n.... - mwt po.aiow ul I n, I Iru a l el. wf in yel.ow trver, le. i 1 baa in leil. I wm tauueed I Sbaa a triai ' y- ul prep, alaan, and larun ll tat nt aa u very thing neroru. .My hair i nan tinea ati no woiu can rspre. my obi galx.i,. tu ja n ' (tVaa t tha arltieled tack Ir.a.ar. I UNLfcY JUIIN-OS j .Tlie Rraloraiivt ia (ul ap in bwtih a ol ) .im, .vis: Urge, meiouni and email i li.e mo-IJ In.iea I e putt, and (tlai a lor one dollar per ka.tlr: it medium bold at haal twenty per eut awr. .a proputlMMa Ih.s the .uli. retail .. laa . i a bull. a t- lha iatge Nail a eju.it. torly par uvt auore in prnpa.rtH.n ta eel.ii. lot 1 a b.iiHt. O J VnMllfJt CO , Prop. iv tor., 444 Bc-cn New Y ova, and 114 Market t.,m lym.. M i 'i Mid by all goo lirugf lalaan t ana J laooua Uttl era' ana i t A r tulle r ati. AUK 4k. to Ju't 3. 19ut. . . U Jet E. R. STOKES' 1 IJOOlv IjillllUi.!: til b 1 1 ll H 1 C lit a ' O Te Dueraabetc B'e,k (talk ia Arw Hsuj I log U frar of U. 1 Sltbtrj'tl hiui U.li, I Cta.1 Jllil a, a. C. ! Tli abave UataMiet.e.aat l ia in fall ay-'i taoM, kwiag. end IUl Ireaiv.ag a tu! aur,a. . I' arl a)l.A.b fAPCbt an stl UtMtt' H T .MIAUa ,m el all t.aue r.aui la. k.l all. Sila ul a.lniiaia., M a laeiauiu., Ilenlaou a... ff giva lo .11 ueucr Wltla Wlneb I U.a J laa Ul .rt. ii'Ving had lo.g prk. I val apr.aee iu l Ul.eturevl tCA.K IMAXaVt, an in la. b.nc.t ai nu .iu t itl.N t-lr t l)I.K, I d-ur wjm.i . that ..a, all (mi,in inure ..tiai.ct.v.., PLAN. liUuks. . I D.uk Ik.k., t leia.'Ho.-aa. frt Di.lric.CI Sixr.tla, J.ury' aixt t ununi-s-i-nar ia -v ty'e bouaa, ail HLLI.Uiiki but. N U lo .. ; r i lain, iw lu eeiy U..I wiaoner, ol eapuur fr' on Peg. emai touased ia lequir.u. ! rt.lM -L WuhhBv Mu.iC Book., P.IH..I..I. P.u.plil. fa, .M.('l o an Ituvaaol eeeiy u. aciptM,a.,uvuao ri iM n In, tory Variety ul atyle. iJ' Ait oio.i. will be eseeuted Willi dnpa'.r'. and ee luw ae vaa be Uooe ilatewn. 14. It. dl't'KKl, Jag IT, IraO. 4Jtl AMU I ls..tl44Jl..'iA Hutual Life Iasmauct Coiui aujr Ut r It I.. M tl.tn.lt , I T 1 1 1 r ( ouipany ui.ur ih : I. laa .1 is.'l 1'MT un teal, a ll ine .vlulu.t t -tneiuie, li.e ..aurvu l litipalu.g iu H.a pn.n.e ol in. t oaotan . I pwiaiea grau.t. toi the ntiole urm - n.u tbt: pre io.uu. liieleput aiwnuot. I. I-'1.' Nli m.y be g.vta lot eue-hall lb a..ui.i preunutai, Utal II. g InUre.l al b pel cant. '""' .u.r.uly , The prom pi ma liner in eliirh all lo..e. H tfeeu pwiu by tint coinpqny, logeltiti w.tn rate. al prettMUUa, preaa HI gruel UOUli..nt U .una aa ar utaponai taa iwaui. Ol.vee are tu.ureu tor Ivriu of from t.n " ova ye.re, lor tnu.llurd. turir v.iua. All lo.-t. al. paid ill. Ill 110 uaya a(ct lacloty pruati ia prtaenua. lllli I.I TOi. tberlee K. Juhbaleu, Vu.. II. Jnnet, Hai. Holiieu. Yi . V m.ke, J. t. H iliiaa.., " lluaieu, (Jui ni u.e lln.Wr, P. I. Iieann, rt II MtKee, K. P. Halite, t I. a r lea ll. hoot, I' 0 Puai, Kitl.'a II. li.ti. . , OrtirLBS. - Ir. ( h.ilv. b. Jultoeuai, Praaideat. W. W . II Huen, View Presioent. X. II. U..llie,!.i ril.ry . Willi. me 11. June., I'ren.av.vr- II. W. Ilu.lnl. Attorney ; lr. W,n. II. Mehee. Medical Ks.miner aVsncali tminilK. Id. bu.bit, V . II. " hi.., C'n.rie. ll. Koel. . , Medical- iiMid f f wwiratiw I'1" Johnton, M. U., VVilli.n, II. barker, M Kien'd B Haywood, M. !.. I'r furlber information, th pabbe I " red tu the pamphlet. ana loin. a al prop"'.' nay be nhumed at Iba Ciflic al lb a-'r- ' or any of iia Aitenriet, t ..nian u meat ion a should be ioir"i paid) fi. " ' ' R. II, HATTLK, tW'f A.tV.inaer 8. H.,7. : 8"" -JOB rHIHTII. rO PH1NTIM gwiaarwia all b.r"'1 t' Karat .is va-eIe St I bi.a .g e. : Sewerior'Cwwrt, for aale '

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