LETTER PROM MR. EVERETT.', ." liobTON, June H, 1600. tenr Sif ' Your letter of the 13th u ; of I lie aeccdere in attempting. t Charleston, rfCeiverl by M r. Kvrrett thie day. Wheo ' and actually aueocrding at K iliiiuore in dig. ht .e.,p.ed tbeDor.i...tiouof tbeW.ltin,nrj,r,clill lU moor.lio par r , Ule Ilnioii Conreiitioti, it utidemtDdinat . .... . . . . ouiof it bould devolve on ttio Union Com- uiittp here. Your letter of iba'. lC'th liee .ceordin-ly Pw ' 'J -;'. jou rqit Tou lij return of mail, I bt but few moment to prcpeta it. Tlicconiproniiie meaetirea of I Sri were fffurdcd end wave been aupported he eon Krviiiv men at the North aa a fair end ra0,irahle ba.ie of political eetion between the t0 great nrctionn of the country: To three mee.urea Mr. Everett. gave LU full eancurroDce. ... . Thepapere eneloaed in your letter, n : th rrnol'f" of the Masaachuictta Legi.la lure, Mr. Horden'e letter, end Mr Everett' r,plv, dale (rom the year H39. Tlicy were brouxbt before the Uutied Siatea Sen ate in 141, the time of hi uoniination , Minister to KnitlanJ, and tuade the ground ofauiition for it rcjeetioo. Henry Cliy onpoed that motion with (treat warmth, and nid, ' tha if through the iulluMiee of the Souih, the appointment of a in bo of Mr. Kveretl'a known coiieraliTe opinion w r'jeeled, the Uuiou w already duwlved." At the clone of a fertid apeich by Uufu Chote, in upportof Mr. Keriett'a appoint meM, llialale lon W. C. I'reilou eicUiin , " I am afraid I have oonuniiU-d niymif to vote apain-t him, hut, by Heaven, be hill not he rrj cted I" Mr. I'reaton tfiiTrd heard toy that " lie regretted that vole more than any ever given by him. ' Mr K-rit' nomintii j'i at the fir-t .Miui.i. r to China, two yer later, wa, I beliH, lininimou-'y Roiitrmrd, in the tame 8cnxlu, of aliicfi Mr V.ee I'le.idt lil Kiux auil Air ('lboun were tueiubrr. Ill uoii.iiiaiion .S or.nry of Htl4 on the death o' Mr. WVk.trr, w uuiiiimouly confirmed in fn the folloainjf year he w elect fi.ij t lie eon-efvauve mriuber nf the bjiliure of M tMebuetta, to the Si-onti' o lh Untied Ktate). ' "Mr. Everett' view with refrrence to tli' eclioiil agitation naw di-trcun the ei'intry, if left in any dootit by tin own tti'r, are auffioiently kou by the bitter ki.nlity of lb entire anii lrrry pfe. TiirT arre f ait rni'd, to the) great asei-p tanee of food piiiH tbrow.'haut the Union in kn p-eett at FtOeuil Mall, 00 oeeai-iuii of the aitewipt at (Iarper'a Ferry; and the) tt re stated iw hi Inter irixfi'i(; lii r l.it iut tcerplaue of Clear lilliuiure uomiui I aill only uerve, in eoneluaion, that a it tri m to u here no good can re.uk from a review af all that baa been aaid or written North or South, for trenty or tnirty year., on the qteatian which Bow mora than ever d -irx-t-tlie country. Kota.onaMe men will oil, iu either .ertion ripeet tr Sod entire oaturreuee ia the other; and if .entinient :k 'hoe entertained, and on all proper orca-iou. avoided, by Mr Kvrrrtt, fail to win tbe confiJrneo of 1'niou louog men al i the Sooth, M r. CI ay ' ecnph.iio el plan. Hon, ! in l"tl. may well be repeated j ' I rruitin, dear ir, very t apeetfjlly vvir., KvEMETT SaI.TiimiTaLL, " I'reai. lent State t'euKal ('oiuinttlce of tbe C.in-liiu'ional Unioo I'.rty. , l oJi-rt k W. Taylor, E.q , Kutaw, a:. A WSing'on enrre.poudent of the Piiil t'f'rh rxrntng Uulttti aty: Tit llepabiieana r alarmed, and tbej fear an 1 tremble, le.t It II and Kvrreit Miay 1 r ijpporied by maay of their conservative I n.-n, and thu wralea tbeir aretional par- ! tJ The D morrita are jarful that puny of I h. ir conservative uieo aill go for i Ib-li and K'eretl. and thu deprive thrai j ef three or f)ur Northern, atid lour or fiii j 'i'b -ro State. I ; a i the grand occasion for ail men , j a'ot ibiuk the old political parue art too i orrupt,Jid o ight to be trokt a up, la jmo ' ; tu inervativ, and vole for Hull and Us-i ' tre t ; ad depend upon ii, they aill. f A eirre.pondenl of tha Laui.villt Courier J (I' mocralic) write j j " If biuglai. ia oominvted at L'altimore, I li.-. 1 aill car y Kenuoky by lU.utlit over i th united vole of Deiboorat and H ack ' j llepub'iean " I iha M jbile A tvertitert al'uding to the ; aimiiiaiiao of Rail and Kverrtl, .ay. : ''Never, .inea the day. of ll.rri.on, in j Hin, anl Taylor, in bevt nomioa lioin been made whied fell ao favorably up ; en tha p-tbite ear, or which awakened o I l iirli h iue-l etitlittaia.rn aa I pleaaure In 1 tin. .eriioo, we have -en nithing liU it : '(' Hit, an4 we are daily grat.ae I with j f' -h evidence, of the .trenlb and popular ity "f Oiir Candidate Tbe .Vbaay XUlewt tn (Repub ) aaya; n old ahjg, mo.lrr.ie in hi. advocacy j of Uery. known to be friendly to the d, j ""I" of the tariff party, and nil I be par i '0il ailribute. of a clear, ami j iduieui, : 6'.e ai.cial qialili,., tlid courtly addre-e, , U ha au'!eoihl reeonnnendationa for ihe : P'-t'nti wbii-h bit friend aeek to give bi:n Ir lle I. f.ultlea, and hi recutuuieuda li'a unoi.iionahle.M j Ihe Times publi-lied at H'oomington 111., j -U the J,1 n,i Kverell flag,, and ..). : , "Tha 'in, a. far a. they caa be di-cov ) ao e.rly fter the nomination, are 'eroigy fverbl for tlio National Union : tr'J- II 'th the platform and the nomi I B"of ike II .In mora Convention .ati-fyou : ,rtiva men all over tb country. " " Occasion!," lb Waahinjton aorre Pnlrnt of Forney ' p,ea, who for year P'"t b been tho cou'taut and grateful taloj-iaiof Mr. lireckiuridjre, now make tba ioai,,K ravelalioua i rior to tba aecetaion demon.tr t:on at "llimoro. and it ta . K.I....I . ..... i k. I '"ore, ,,! jt l .r,nfij0,. atate.l h. 11 "u the Ch.rrV.i,,- Kt. ....I :.. .i.- . H i , 'Mohumenu, Mr. Viea-I'raaideul gc wa in tba kahil ef aaauriog tha 1). J"jlaa men i.. il.i. .... .1... 1.. ..i.i ..k. J "U'lip ia every North. e.tero Slate for J'Ma .hould La b troiuinated. There " bun lred, whe will r. member hi dec roj" ,o ,bi ta'ci ib u,h b " elV "m,J of bein "J " lul by hia t""tred oeujy, J.rne Ujchaneo, auiil ""' lo.ed around him and put tha P to hi, jp, lo, 09;upefj hilU w , ed " i ,u'eou do". l bey bad arrsug plao of di. union long before, but he . " ignorant of it. 1 have no doubt that, in k"" k"n b d"P'y deplore tha po "" ht reluot,nily aUtued ; iudied, it ia '"'ed that tinoa he ha aooeplad tha die """ tuiuiuatioe, I.- h.a i.. f j c"iUdei I ""Ji '! J "d ia '""lidenae to I.;. r.:....i . .i. . j . ... - t.ieuu., iu lam ueepe.v eg 'Kretled tba attp ha ctrniillud him- laka. The CharWon (3. C ) Newt eotifo.aeB Bubataotiallj. tli true matoing and design fu"o,,l " " ' It may he a.ked what hope hava we from rri.i truggle. (IN thi. point "" ".. lime, ii-nay. to otiaie in lull w..r nur up n.giicr i mi any 10 ne lounrj- eu or a inero rrenieiiiin reult. I tie con tut will leave the South uniinliti ,i pith, uniUtl m ,t $rl.ion, ? in the pitijme oj ritflit ami $f tUt ,,re, eurf leady, if eer, under arou-ed nciti mcnl and oomuion in H it-n l ion, to mnvl the real ai:etional i-i-ue, brought up uud.-r forci-d aeciional array, to aolve it by either euhtni.Hion to lilack Kepuhlioan rule) at Wn-liinaton, or tt rr$,irl to hrr own $rlf govfrnmeitt in a separate anil imlejienilent oim. Bcix aid EvtuETT i Alabama A uh'flrilier writing from 'iVeiumpka, Ala., under date of July 7ili, inform u tha. many of I lie old line Union Democrat, who c i n ttot aupport Hrh KINHID'ie, arc wheel inu into line for tho truly National men littl.l. and EVKHKTT. And ao will it be, we bonei.lly helit-ve, with many of the cotmer vativra all over he enuntry, who aill eome to n clrarly that ltH.I, and EvKKKTT are the only ehanoe to d- fi t LlsCul.M ami ave tbia Union. We have been inolmed to give our ai-ter State erro-n the ('hata hoodie to liittU KlNHiDuK and La., hut the matter ia rtci-ediriifly doubtful at present, and every day lirl.L will train, while all o'liem are lo itit. The defection of the Montgomery 1.ii7 will nor, wn think, remit in a lo of more than A lit vote. It i an entirely lucali infliience, for the brnrSi of Mr Judh, that .... ... . I. comroliiiK il.al movement, aod n not at ' all aeriou.. Gis. rxrkun$e. Affray at the Depot On'th irriv of the Wcotrrn ir.iu at the D pot in lhi ('ily on lat Saturday raorniii an alierea tinn to ik plai-e between Mr D.vid.on, iha t'ondue'or, and a pa-aenger who-e name we under.tond to he Herhemont, of t'oluiuhia, 8. C. Mr. II , we Ie.ru complained ;ht the Coodnrtor had not given notice that pa.aenger. for Weldon would ehaog cara, lid bairg.ge) at Rileigh. Mr. D erted that he had given uch notice. Mr II. aaid be had not. At length the lie paed by i wboru fir-t t'iven i uncertain, a (be t'"'i-I niouy i eonfliefino;. .SViTal blow. p"-ed, j when Mr II deliberately dre p)to! and fi-ed at Mr. D.lhe ball pa-iii!? through the fl -ky part of hia arm and .lightly gr.i tilt bi aid. 1 he wnand iaby no ni'an a dan-1 geroue one. Mr II. ia an old man. hut halo and heart, and able to defend hmi.elf The Kev Mr. Molt and fiber, te-lified aa to bi character and bifb landing Ha fir nf tear tl.rk of tha Court of Appeal, iu South Carolina, and at onetime wa- 11 a t ou-ul at Genoa lit , wa. immediately arretted and taken hefora hi. Honor, Judge Maltle. who, after hear- ing the eiidei.c, bnund Inai in a hnud of 8 '" 'O appear at the lie it term of our ! perior (!ourl. to an-aer the change of aa aailt upon Mr David. tn. hi J.m-a T M"rel ed and II (' J. ne., K q , inime- diaiely rffered I lieni l ie. at auretie., and the t ri-ooe. a r. Ieaed j The matter aill undergo j'l-lici.l invea I ligation, and we do not deem it prnrwr la give Iha evidence elicitee I . fire lb. J.idge at the eianiin.t'on i .a .n nn'erlun.ia ff.ir, to aay the lea.t of i', thoug iU con-e li .u .i Uath tl.a q u tir. a were not tcry .eriou. panie. are, .a lr a. we ein l.arn. hih Blinded, hotiorabie nien. and probably oma aii-undertandiog ocea-ioned tb abo.e aj if 6eally J.'arigk standard C'hnniLers, Hirncs & Co,, Fac lorsanj llcnrral ('oraraission MKKCIIAXTS, ni AK i, i:sto , s. v. N.C. Military Institute, j IMIKCooin.eoeen.enl Kferai.. f tin. In.ti. toti-n will h hi I I iu II. e n-l't jte Cli.,l, i foil the '.'7 1 ii in. Imt, h. ginini.g at 10 '. i' A M. Certt PnT.tT I llllalor y. Cad, t x'H'ru'ao -O i Si!.. -li Literature ' Cadei Kinuea 3n, (Vnlury an . re of im. pe-i ot Caiiel (iwaia N. Ca, worthy of tbe love of l.. e r l i .... Cadrl lh. kiss Influence of Literature on Na- ti..n a i nr et- r P.d.-t t.a.MM Ap;rat on orr imnort. lily A B n I l M l'ie will be in attendance. Th frieo.l..,f toe I i -1 i i ma and lh publie gen er. lv .re inv.led I. attend. July 'H. 11-61. It t d ropirt!icrs!iip Notice. IIF m..ler.ig..e.t h.v. thi. diy I lioin.. I.e., f.,r the tr.n.ac'io i f tha Faclor ig ard Qnerl ConrnLsIon BUSINESS, in Hi nl j if I h irlr-l n, S (' , unrtff lht ! jrl? or I'him'e-!, H.rnr Jt i'tt , vtult1 iimuI r - rtu'Iv BMlirtt tliff atlrtumg r nf tlirif frt-ii'in and tlic f,tVi. 4'iina rinirfi ut' Pntrtu , Mnuf-ie. tura p ir M rhu iti-tii tu nl tn t. ir lour. will i. eeifv prompt it ion. JAMES S CI1AMHKHS. of i h,ii.ti'. S. r, OEORr.K W. li KN Ks, f f A'er'..ie Oit'tirt. S. C JOHN VV I'll A M HKKS, Of C.eil.t'.a S C. t a.ilealt. 5. C .Jjly 16, HiU. lit iK(iI.()ES nuisAi.i; amiiiui:. fglllH umleraicned, .a K.Xerul .r. of tilt la.t I. Will .nl le.laol. nl ol Jill... South, d.c', I. lai. ..f M .ealenbui e e.,unlv, will off. r tin ..le, at Ihe re.ulen -r ol .aid d rea.ed. 4 nile. ...ulli of Divi.I-om t oil. . on VV edn.-.Ua., llie J-Jd ol Au- l'vd.w l olleg nr" i Likely Negroes, three girla .nd I child. AI.HO ill the aanie time and place, will b lured out for the b .lance of the ye r f Vnf-i.rtr.o 0 UNl f.v nH girl.. Term, ai .al. .nd hiringm.de known .n the day ol .ale. Pera-.n. I .debt., I tu ...id cat. I. will pleeaecnme f.HTW rd aud aellle i aud tl- havil.a claim, will fire.ent ihniu h.r i lyiuent, or llna holiea will b ule.d in bar of their recovery. A KANSOM I ,, , K U. UUNIEll i Uxr- July it, IP60. 3 j: OB PRIN I IM. of .ie.de w.ll k. n-a'lv .na eaw.eiiH.aaiy aaeaiaa al lb. Nor.h Ca riiiua Waif lllbe Notice. TEun'iOrricK.A T.&.O.R R.l I 1,0,111- july 14. I 'GK. 'il BY order nf tlie B a.r.1 nl Din Hum nl the At-In-. T. nne.io e cV O iu ll.ilroud. held in lotle on lle ill F. bruary. If 6. it w order. ' thit c..ll. l inning f ei.rk ij..l.ttr. In - i;;,';,'; , ;,k. llu-....-.. ..t ,'. ,.lcl. lM ,,0 .....ci-d and it i. necc.ary IH..I the .tik be repre.. nled In .e-roo ..r proxy M. L. W HIS I UN. T-tu. Cbarlotte Barrel Facte ry. A I.I. H-r nua Intviii cl iima anainul llie tlir l ii.ttu Il..rrrl F ct..ry l I mrfinl llirin 1M M Kl)l Tr.L V to Ilia uinleri(nnd. Mr. I'. HAflt.-i aa no luriber cunnrelion will. lie euneern. JOHN WILKES, i iailolte Sltam Mills July 17, ItlCl). it COGIIUASE i SAMPLE DEALEBS IN. , Hardware. Gnng Cutlery. Ac , tic, at th' &igi of lilt Goliltn I'mt Lock, Ol'I.D rwoctrulty invite the public to WW c II n I emuiine tlteir Hhick belure pur eemr rUnwIn-re. IT nh-r eolirili d ami promptly attended to. Cull and $-t vt. CUJI1RANE k S.iMPLE. Jyly 10, 1800. Tools .'Tools! Tools! at the &ign of the (Joliltn Yal Lock It. A e-BMi Miply of 'ipkjt :1 ii'fol rircul .r, I f' I. ii"n. baml, r'jH-r, g.HNt aupply of Tool., eon.i.t. . mill, rn.aa.eut, b.ek and om, p.aa S.iwa; bench and uiouliling t'l.xiea I tiling. ahinglii(. and broad II itcliel. ; II ill.ilirf. j bevel and ateel e'quirea i lira wing h intea ; H'aeea and u . A ,., . Ulir,.. t,nek ,d pi... Urawing Kiiivea; HHCeaaud u-rmif Trowel. I -rew riai.a; f w rv ! ; -u ke. Stiiwaj File.; R.ap.; I'oehet Itulea; Urj'go- IdxJa : .1'irit and pocket lutein; b.nng Ma- ., etc. COCHRANE k SAMPLE JM;u ksmith's Tools, at the of the Gol len Purl Lo k, Law A gond anpply, cnn. idling nf An. Blr XM. vil.i Hel'ow. ; hulKl H I Vi Land 'ini ..edge ll.ni.im-r.; Miek. on Die.; Tmie". Bultr.-.. Ilp, File., and a g.Hl aupiily of ll'ir Nail., Ilor.e and Mule ttllore, at luW prl'e.. COCHRANE k SAMPLE. .ricu ltti nil lirpIcnK'Nts, at lht Sign of the Goliten Pa7 Lack. Ire aiiiip y of the a.ve. C rioi.ling nl I io,nie.ii . cel. bratr.l Ph.ugh. ; al.i., I 'orn fhrllera; Sir..w Culler. ; Sfmv elajPpad.. u-" ! i f 'i'i II. V all. I Ili.liUIC F..rk: hrt eai.t. I'm I.., H tiock., Grublung ll'. ..Triee Cham., loig Chain., Wagon Cliani., G irden II.m-., Kakr., He.ige i.ear., I i.i. g and Buidmr Kaivea. A- , Atc. CUHIVA-ra & C.A.'illaC i.t- in. 'l. in. nd Carriage Muleri.iN, at ihe Sign ot Ihe Golden Ytd Iock, Ing'o M..Lk nf the ab..ve, coir f Si. inr-. Al!r. tlval I II Baggy Pule.. Ujggy Palrot .nd Fl.ilii. ll.il Leallo r. Kuan cued t loin. 11,1 t riel, t .rriage It-dt-. sir ... -i Sllv.r B.li.l.. rliV.r M..nl'.l..g ..ce, T..el 1 iiioeu bin.... i-.e.ilr and h amr N.ih. it. CUCI1UANK it SA.MPLK. yyi?.- . A T t- 'gn f the - A. I'U Un k will ytJTltSf , . ,.,,., GOI.DK.N be ..uiiU id well ae. Ire led ,S.ak ot (iona. Pi. lot.. I' .wo. r noma. pumd.r fl I'.w,.er, en..l. Lea..; Freorti and Ainelie.n window Ula. j Pol. ly ; . laige .luck ol tngliah and American Iron ; ( a. I MUel, (ai.ruian .liel. Bll.ter .teel, Ph.tlftl eleel, rng alel ; Niiof ah kind. Iien.p and m.eiiU K .pr j Anea.-r B aud B-ltni t ..tn. ; M .1 brew.; M.il Piek. ; Spike llai.iiin r.. St .ne ll-oi rrnre, Duuole and Single H'.-k; al.o, a luge Mii al C.xniea., Curtain B .no., Curtain rio.. Pielure Cord aud Ta.wl., Ac. COCHRANE A SAMPLE. . Superior fti.iit Aiachines, ml lite Htfn of the Goldm Pi. Lmk CtXllUANE A SAMPLE. STATE OF NOUTII-CAUOLINA, Nd KI.KMIUKU l.'UUNTr. 2.X EUli y, lig J'rrm, 1S6U. J .nn Irwi... P.-ii.iitl, 1 ea. I Palr'ck J WilauL.SydneyX J dm (.Original Bill. tun and llugii r . AlcN..igii, Helena ml.. J T IIE ..l.i.et ul ihi. B.ll i. lo .ui.jeel the eepi t.b e iolere.1 ot the uelendaiii, P. J. ii.i.n. in a lra.t ..I l.no, liel-i in iru.l by loo u. lendaoi. Ilogn K. MrKniglil, L.r In. ne, ht, lo Ihe .-lie. tarn. .ii i,l toe III -in I. ft", jil.igio.nl utbl ; .nd il aiioi-. ring lo .ho .alie'ac lu.n ol Ilia tourt, tit .1 the dc.'ni.l-nv. Hugh K. M. Kinghl, la to, I a re. I. ttent of t ie Slate, It Is tnei'fo,t O drrtd by tht ('.Mel, Il.al notu-r, bv pub.ic,l..ll lor ..X week, in llie North C.r..lma VV nig, a new. p.. per uliahc. In toe town of th.rio'le, be giviu to loe ekld tF'K" MeKaighl, i...n..,ai.dmg him per.on,.liy I., ne .nd appear .1 the m t I ourl of Y rj .illy, to be held l .r the county ol Mi e enbiicg, al the t ourl II .ue in v:harioi, on me 1 1th M.Hi.iy at. Ur Ine. aili ..nuy in Aogu.t A I) lrb-i, and tne.l aod lliere Id p.ead, ait.wer or demur lo ihe pl.inl'fl 'a 11.11 ol Complaint ; ..lli rwi.c jdugiu.-nl pro e"lile.o will be t illered . j .l.i.t him, and . decree ni.de accordingly. VVitnea., A C. W iliiaiuaon, clerk and maater ot am I ourl. at ..Hide in Char.uilu. the 1 1 Hi M onlay ll. i th 4th M.Hiu.y in K.nrunry A. 1. lel.ti, alio Iu mo e-4in year of Am rn'.n lo.i. p.nd. nec. A C. WILLIAMSON, c. M r Jul, 10, Imu. Pr. Fee fi. iJt .STATI. OF M ) K T II - C A I J I ) L I N A , MKCKLKMlUitU iuurr, JXLUL Jl l', Spring Irnn, 100. Aon It. .VM uilocu, Plaint, If, r. Petition for Ui. Milat It. Met uiloi-h, Defen. f vurce. Ualll. J N ihi.ca.e.tl apinring totue antifaction of Ihe jl t ourt. tn .t the del. Ildallt .Mil.iK Mc ulltH-n, i. not .ii inhahit.nl of llie Slain ..I N .rtn t'.i.ilu. n., Il ulerieaie Uidtird tiy Ho t Mil, that notice of llie hung t Hue pvlillUll Oe given to a. Ill de fend nil. ny publication lor .ix week, in tne ,Yrth 1'ar. 1 1 11 a VV II ig, ueW.Mper pilhli.hed III tile lowo j of Cllarlolle, Roiiim.i ding bun pera.lially labeaml pp. ,r al Ihe in it Court nf Fi lily to In- held lor ; tile eoUllly Ol M. Rklolihllig.al llie ( ourl llou.e In Cll.rloll, .. loe I I lb Monday .Iter I lie -til. .V.m j nay in AilgU-t in XI. and thru and tliere I,, plead. ja l(iiirnl pro eoiife.... will ne entered .gam. Iliim, ,i, cree unite accordingly. 'i A. C. VVilliaiii.oii. clerk and nnaler of aaid Court, at ortice, inClnrlille, llie 1 1 Hi Monday alter the tn M.o.d .y in rehru.ry. n icuu, .uu iu the eilli year A. C. WILLlAMSUN.c. M. Jul 10 lebU. Pra. lee tu. iSl Make your Ketiirns ! I W M.I. attend at theCoorl ll .ue in Charlotte, at tne Coiiio.oii r-cho d OrTi e, on K.lu'il.y ol .ch week, nuinif Iha ni'.nto oi July, for Ike ;.ur pi of t.. km tne Tax Kelurn. for ..id Beat All lhn.e eonovrnod will like notice and eave . double tax. J. P UOSS, J. P. July 3, I860. Ulf CANDIDATES FOR SHERIFF. We re avuiorixeii to announce It. II. MAX. WELL, Fai.,ae candidate f..r the ulliceof Slnr- iff of Mecklenburg eountjr, at the. enauing Au (111.1 Fleet. on. We .re authorized to innnun A. II. MtOYY'N I'.fii , aa a cannidnte fur the i.tlii e of tSlieritl' o Mrcl linlnH J county, at I lie turning Augu elii.-iiuii. We are aulhnriird In annnunre 15. M. W II1T1 Fq , a a tmiiiiilHte tor tl-t vfi'ivK of Mierifl o M clb nburg counlj, at ll-t eiiaaing Augua ehction. - U r, are aolhorired to annnunrr V.'. W. (iRIKIi, KQ , ua a rainliiiate for lht i fiii.t ol 1 tuff ol Metkii'iiburf eni.ntj, at the cliauing Augual eli'ction. We are aotlioriied to annnunre Will, I AM MAX WIXI., f : , ua a eunitioulc for the ofliuKol NnerirTof Mocklenburf count;, at the enauing Aujruat election. We are aotlioriied to annriunre SAM'I A IIAKKIS, Kao.., aa a candid-io lor the office of Sheriff of Mecklenburg eountv al the eiiauing Au gnat eleetion. We are authorized te announce J. P. SMITH, Kao,,ae a canuiilute for the i flice of SberilT of Mecklenburg count;, t the ensuing Aoguat election. . Jprrinl Soiirri. WISTAH'S B 1.8 A. II OF Mil D I'll Eft It Y Tina remeey hat. long' betn cbetibed by tbe C'linniuiitty f,.r ita reui.rknbiv efliejey in reliev. ing, liealiog and curing Ilia utoat obatinnte, puio- fbl nail long atanuing ciai a of I'uuuh, ( old, Jnjlu- I furt Hurt Thitat, iSionchiiis, H hooping Conga, Ciopu. Asthma, Jntlumm'ilivn of tha Jungs; while .-m,,n ,tM! h.a vichled to it. mae,c ' " " 'nuenee wiien an.niirr tieaiia nve laileu. iia wiiole hiatury provea tb.it tbe paat produced no fe!IUv of aoual value, at a cure lor the num-r- oil. al.H dai.uerooa DO liin.n a r arT.-ellnn. rl.,.k , r ' prevail all o,er the J..ud. j . l. J . J . ItltH ke.l I A well known cilnvii ol Uuiuaoiru,' iN. C, nit lino ndluwing .1. lenient "I toe im rv.ulla .ria log l i the uae ul Or. IVie'er'a Balsam of Hi trri Gni.n.ioan,' N. C, March 8, I860. M 'a.ra. S. W. K-iwi.a dt Co., (eotletiuo lluing licilfd, I cannot refr. in Iron, ireaii.g an opinion ol your popular and rem.r.ible iuog remedy, Ur. rV'ufai'a b'tlsam of It lid th try. X have uen ob..Tvaot ol it. .aiu l.ry eti cl in ex. ot aWial toughs and colds Willi uny of my num. -rum :runu., lor mora than tin year. pa.t. .ml tne repiilt haa alwuy. been .K-eijy and ceilain ; and wiin mya"ll anu laimly I c.n with eon li ile nee cermy Hint it haa bcc.no. pVhtd more g.Mil than any other medicine an ti.ve ever uhiJ. Ill fact,loy exiwrience ha. :oU"d II to he an unfailing remedy tor Caught mid pul. monury eamit'airiis. ., no 1 llterehtre ri e.iii,ii,en it. V.ry t.uly jour., Jt;sE J. IIAKEIJ. TT Caution to Vvrchiisris. The only genuine H'Mer'e HaisJtn tia. Hie uvuten .igualure ol 1. Bctt. and lt. printed .me oi ihe Pmprietur. on iim. ooier wr pfH r ; ail ntlitr i. vile and wurthle... Prepared by S W. Kviie &. Co., 11 ..l. in. and lor il. n K. Nya liutciii..n. Il 'n., Charlotte,. nd by orog;iu. Aooie Jk Oray, ,( it li-. oa u, M . A. Al C. I Aanlue, .orlaik, n bole.ale Dealer. It is a common observation that there are iin-re .ullerer. ir.oi m niny, among Amen can., tliaii can he li.uid aui.iiig .ny oilier civili. d iialmn. To. re i."n it ol.viou.. We take tio I. Ule . I. rci.e, ..o.i l.oget the want, ol the boCy j in toe .iiMMhing .uou ii of bii.no-. a. In all .Ueh c-i-., ordinary n.rcicine. c.. n i:o little goorl. j Wn .l i. r qinieil i. ju t .ueh a tonic aou in.igo. . r.tor a. I)r J l...'eti. r t.f iv. r. lo the wo'ld, in hi.t fclJ UliA I H"HI I I FKS." The weak .nd mroiui ...iiia.u ot the c.iiiiiing.'iou.e, ..e rzliau.lrd loiler un-n toe .hop hoard, and tha pr...ir.ied .tuoeni ol Ihe miiio.ght lamp, have l, .uii.i . won.ivriul regenerator in me ' IliTTta.,' and prefer il l. n.ore preteoliou., but lea. t Hi eii.li. nieuicllh'.. tlul it .hoiii.. nut be lorgotlen that llie i(.Dl wl.ali I. n Ol. gitalin It. n.flu. eoce uiHin . Irame wnielt i. merely dciililaled, ia .q.ially p,,w. rlill in ...i.tilig nature In . ajiel (ho nr..l lernt.le lul in. ol Uikik. VV iiu wili nut give it a trial I So.'d ny drnggiata and dnler. generally, every-w-h.re. ri.r ..I. ky fc.JSjt lluii.in.en V ti, Ctiarioite, N. C lti;i.ll J' 1.1 TEX .tllM TFS. ERTaIw'S V V I. M O.MC W A V F. II s . Tn lmotL MrDicive Krr.aLi.nrn in 137, .nd ft fit aituir of the kind rfi in iiiducrU vaJ.r the warn, of I i i.momc IV tr itf," in tins or mni) otn. er fount, y ; utt other I'mtm'jnir Waters, arre a. I rjrxis '.. genuine can te knuica bo the name 111. i A.N llng tlmyrd am racH IV A i Lit. UK W flXMO.Mr M tlliltn Relieve C ugh., ( oioa. Sore Tor. .at, .nr.cneja. BiVAN'at rt LMOMi; WAFCKs f r Relieve Aalnma, Bronciuli., Intiinull Breathing. ImV.t.N li PI XMlJMt' WAIKItS Relieve Spi.iing ul Hihi, P.m.. i,i the Cheat. UKV.VN'S Pt I-MOMr U tirti Relieve loeip.vnt Conauiiiplioii, Lung Diaea.ee. MlVAVS IM'l.Mi.l.MC VV'l'LMd Relieve Irritation ol Lie tvula n.i I'un.il., rlllVA.Nn I'l I..MO.MI- WAft'KS Relieve In. .n..ve I 'oiupi.iol. iu l.n Minutes. IIUVA.N'S ITLMUMC WAII.Ilrt Are a Ule.Miig lo all Cia..,. and t oo.lilutior... HKVA.N K ri I.VtOMC WMI.IIH Are adapted lor Voca.i.i. aou Puoiic Spa.kcra. UKYA.a I'LLMO.MC WAftlid Are in a ..mpte Mm .no pte..oi to the ta.te. BKV AN'eS I'l LMOMC V M I.KS Not only relieve, uol ctKcl rapid aou la.ling Cure.. IIRVAX8 PtX.VH.MC WAKl'.KS Are wari.uitd to give .aiiaiaeuoo to every one No Family .iidUiu bo wiluuul a UaX ot ttiyan'. PullllolilL VValer. in the llou.e. i No Traveller .hoald be without a aupply of Uiyan'. Pulnnmic VVafera iu Iua pockel. No per.oii will ever uhject to give lor Ury.n't Puiiiionin Water. a5 cent.. JOU .V10-Sl.;.-i, .ule Proprietor, Roclic.ler, N. Y. For aaiv im Ciiailolle, by llr. tcair, .uu all rca- I imclabiv ilruggi.i.. , An rsperientrti iurtr mu ttutJc plijucian, hm fsotiiiiin jt up mr rtiilun u ttc tiling, jn utcii rvmi If ('.iCIHl-ilUal UlU 1'fUVVM Ul Utltlll((, bf uUcillllgf Luc piim, rt-oucinjjf nii ii. ll .Miiimt.ui, i ii iiujr ail (.mf mid urr lurtui ite the b-ti. ij uu u,iii it, until. t r, a wmI git rmi i your pi Iviii, tut! rem l ni hc.tlui Ij your iniJitU IVrittli) III nil Cm. 2C UU Ver llM'iUi III in miwllica CU.UIUII. (Lree the arivrr tikrturnl of 8ndfurd'i lnvigo. rilor, iu Utiullirr vulumu. irSr the arivrrtiarnicnt of Voodt Hair Dj i auullic-r culumu. HT S Dr. A)f r'f aJvcrlieeintJiil in aiiullier co Imini. I.aiul lor Sale. T Ill K .ubacriber li .vmg determineil to remove III. weal, ..if .-re It .ale llie Plantation on ich he now reai.i' ., lying i'i iinl.-a Irom Char- loiir.. on ihe Malcavilie. r.i.o, a no within a mile ul Ihe A. T. & O. K iiiroa i, cont .niiiig about 7H acre. 7 i c'c.ren and the balance all w.Midland well lioih, re.l. On tne (ir. mi.ea ia a .mall com. lorulne uwelling hou.e, w l i all necea.ary out. builniiiga in gooj rep. r. Tnere ia al.o a W ell uf exeell.nl w.i.r in Ihe yard. It i. .uitab.e lor t o,t .n, Ca.n., Wheat and TobacC'., IU acrea being now in toh .ec... Pereona de.inng lo pun ha.e ucn a farm woulu no well to call . ex .mine tne pre. mi.... 1 hi. la no waa all ciearvu witiiin tno la.t 7 ye.r.. W.J. KILl.OI'UH. Jams 19, If GO. 3ui WITNKSS TICKETS, for the Couotj aod Saperior Court, for aala here. j i rrHraa-flj 1 ,hi nlaae. on the IKth in.tant. of .n attack of apoplexy, JOHN IK WIN, Esq , in Hie '3.1 ye.r of III ge, bru.g Ibeolileal cit.uu of our town t WtxRCl an obiluarj will k publiabcd, we bull ileiir auyinir more nl ti ia Iniii-, j AIo, nb the I'Jlli, UDBERT L. Met ONXEI.I-, f typhoid pin u.i.oii.a.in t'ie ai.t yenroi l,,a nge. Iter Iwn wteka of aetere and puinlul aitkueaa, vlurh be l...re will. n.r,Mi..u re.iguut.on. We ..ourn not aa Uio.c who hare no hop : for we hope oft wbi ia our loaa is bia everlating gain --Co ' Sellinff OIT at Cos1ki O 4 M HE auharribera C..1I the atienlion of I he Pub J lie ol Charlotte and the a uiroimdmg coun. iry, lint Ihey art off- in j? the b.ibnce of their en. lire New Moik ot r'li-inj ami r-ujii..i-r Iteaily. Mnie Clothing AT t (1ST, to make ro-.m by tde 1. 1 of September, fur a large aupply of Fall and Winter Gooda. J. R"THCIIILD k I5RO. One Duor halo Drucker Sl lli ilbrun. July 17. IKfiO. tl5 Ti:i.r rn iiviii:m. I'OI.VMBU. June M. IHoll. ) TarauRKa' Cvricr., C, Ac S. V. It It Co. fnxiiK Unard of lirtet.r have declhred a dii. I .lend of FOL K DOl.LAltS pi .hare, p .yabc I on the fir.tot July neit. burlealon atnckholni r. j will he paid at the bnik of the Stale. Stocklmld. i era in Far field liialrici will be paid at tlie bank I in Winn.hi.ro. Thoae in thei'ler and Wealern J fsVrtli Carolina and Fuelern Ymk .tuck holder I will be paid by the Company Ageut al Charlotte, ! North Carolina; and all oilier" at Ihi. office. 1'raiiafer book cloned from UOtli inatant tu lutl July. C. BOUKNIGIIT, Treasurer. Jans S6 I BCD 14 f. iiAHDWAiuii.uiDAriE!, A, A. N. M. TAYLOR KPF.C1 FIT.I.Y inform, hi. friend am d Ihe Jl public generally, that be ha. added to h eiten.ivc .tuck of a Urge and complete atock of HAKDWAIiE.con. i. ting in part aa follow: rpetitcr.' Toole, Circul. til, cro..eut, band, ripper, pannel, pru. nmg, grafting, Unnon, back, rompaaH, Webb and butcher SAW S. R-.co and bit., Pruwing Knivea, Cln.ael., Auger., Umilei., Ilamun i., Ilatrhi t. .ud Axe., Ilriek, pl.,.ter.iig and poinung TlitiW f-.I.S, S.w .ett. r.. S-r. w plate., Slock, .nd die., l Une. of .11 kinda, Koke-ahaee., Steel blade In. el ,BJ try Pqnati., Spirit Level., P .rrfet I,, vela. Spirit Level Vl.la, Bj'ing .Machine., G.iuge, and in fact everything a mechanic wnnta, in grent Variety and at very l"W price., al TAVI.OU'S .rdware Store. ml I'm Ware Depot, oppoaile llie Manin .uir, Cliarloit, N.C. June 5. 1859. 1 ' if Blacksmith Tools aol nd f!J .hde r., Vice.. Biiltrce,. Farrier.' Knive., Serew. plate. Mock. ami oie. Ill .ck.nnlli'. Pinchcra .ml Tonga, Ua.. per. and File, of every kind, cut hore .hoe and clinch Nail., D r. i. Iron of .11 ni l, both of nr llu rn ami country m uiiif.cture, c-t, plow, hlia ter .nd .prtng Steel 4c , for .ule v. ry cheap .1 TA VLt iK'S, Opposite the Mansion Ihuse. Carriage Materials, JX" lit would call p'Cial ltt-ntion 'c -e V Colial.tllig of Spring., Axle. ub. How., Spok Curtain Frame., Knob., B in.i., Lining N.ul. c .. Fringe., Fn au.eled I h.lb.Uil lama.k, Saltinel, Clothe, I. a. :d and Patent Leather, Sn. pel, Palnl of .11 kind., dry and in oil, Varoi.h, Turpeniiiie, Lin.eed till, Ty .ud Oval Iron, Bull., and every thing in Ihe w iy ef Carnage Trimniing., at pncea thai cannol fail to pica. e, at the aruw.re Depot of A A. N. M. TAVLOK, Oj'pnsitr the Houston House. Agricultural Implements OF ALL KI.NUS. LtTKAiV Cutter., Corn Mid .3 I r.. Plow., Hoe., Shovel., .uadee. Fork., Axe., Pick.. Mat lock., tirubbing llu.., Trace I h.in.. F.-g Chain., Piuncig and , Pruning and Iluddioe Kii.i.. Gar- . and Rake., with handle.; Gram fro.. die; gram, grae. nnd brier Scytne., Uiu ' ..ok., VV'atn t ie. ; .h. w ware, .ueh a. t., j ov. n. and lid.,. kill. t. .pnh r, .tew p .i. nml ket. tl. a. t Vul.lrona from 2l to 120 gallona each ; Ir, n and bra.. Pre.crvmg Keltje., Sneip Shear., ic, j" TAYLOR S I Ihrdicare D'pot, oppotite the M tnston House, H L'LUWS ( K.LKBUATED SfcXF SKAL lj SU CANS, ul ;i Llie mrt.Tf-iil fill at TAYLORS i far d tea it Slott, opyositt the M ntiktt flm$. M Taylor's rOl' can find llie Imge.l a.aortmenl of Cut lery, hum and Pi. tola, of .11 tlic celeor.leu U.aH... lil.ASS, of all aixe. and qu.lilie. both French an.i American. Ala, Puttv by ihe keg or pound. VVOont.N WAkt, VKi.IO.iKS, Ac .ol'all kn.a. J.opc! Hope!! W lfHk. r'Ui.d.of .VlaiiJIa, Juto and Cot. 99 a,tirr ton Kope, Irom j inch to 3 in. TAYLORS Jlarilware Store, opposilr tht Mansion Ihuse. Tin and Japanned Ware. A lrg Tin rtni-nt; Block Tin, Ulock Zinc, k Tin Plate, H.bn.l metal, Alc A'WVtS, tuc I TAYLOUS Jin dieart. Store and Tin Warr I'rpot, Uj'iositt the Mansion House, Ij.oofms; Gutterinj;! Job Work, P all kinda, promptly attended to at TAYLOR'S idicire S:oiet oppotUt tho Mansion llous Cotton Saw Gins OT the ac.i quality with 10 inch .w, mova ble chilled nb., tinned bru.h and all necea. ..iry improvement., delivered at any Rail K'.d Kiudine iu Ihe Stale, at ti per aaw. Planter. iiiteii.iing to purCh... Guia of to. .ub.criher, will do well lo mil their order, early, aa Inure i. gen eral! v a crowd of wora lt in Ihe .ei.o. J. Jl. ELLIOTT, YVii.a-.iwro'. S. C. Premium, awarded at the Male Fair, oN'oV.ltsid and le.Vt. Jatirc90, lfn. . tS"A l it .ii.s. V HctirrMi . Fine Silver Plated Ware, .1 L'.ST opened a hrpe and aplcudid aatorlmcnt Silver Plated Ware , hlr, flere0 (o tbe public. Call and auppl, ,oure, w,lle yoUc..n gel good article c!,ep. ' iy nvf'tf v li II .. iilr ,fW' " ' " " " ' ' I hp-Notice i r yrn tn ,he hr' ",J,,,, nf kln ot B Arcby Blount, dec'il.. In te of Union eountjr, I ii in rra-'y to aetlle tbe nunl eat.ite tliey apply i t the aanie, aerordmg to and unlc- law, tlial I will r.l'uae to pay any internal tiereaf. ter, lor liie money due to lneio, ai:d wbiill la a. up.rl for them. IlU'n. M. HOUSTON, Adm'r of Archy Mount, die d (l,y S. . IV.) June 12. I860, tl6. Mr the unileraigned, having opened Vile Surgical I iifiriimry in tin- ti Cliarlotle, ure niw prepared to fiirniah ci uhle quarter, to ti..c I'.ilienla iroin a il, who iiay ri quire our i-rifeaionul aervice. mlort. -I.i nee in the treutieeot ol Sareiriil dieeunea. Toe above IiiaMulnin la li.cilednn Miin.lreet, in a quiet part of the town. The buihlng. are few and well vcntilluteil, with good out-building nor the accommodation of negroea. Ail diaeuae. of . coulagtoua character will be atriotly ex-luiied. Ciiiiiioiiic.iiii.na llivnch the P"t UlTwe, ad dre.aed loCalda tll &. Gibbon, will red ive prompt Itentior.. 1 C. CALDWELL, M. D. i;o uk ur ti i u m m. d. J. W.CALDWtLL, M. D. iiiJ H, I8f.u. 4tf THE NOPTH CAROLINA. WHITK SULPHUIl Sl'IMXCS 11 ILL P.K OPtNEU FUft VISITORS DY II t lie l.t ol JIJ.NK nei. They are uluaied in a ine.l healthy mountain. iua country neur tiie hiautiiui t ATA W IIA ItlVKIt, witln n le.a tlun .n h"ur'a rioe of the pn .erit lerminu. of Ihe WESTKUN N.C. RAIL IIOAU. with which d.i. Iy line. of Uiiinibu.e. and tilage Coachea connect toe Springe. Pleaaure vehicle, and .upcrior laddie hoi at. will be at the call of gue.ta. lt litis AUt-v mid Ilillinrd .Saloolt neatly fitted up. A I ML I1.4XD F Ml SICI - :;,;.1, and llt'lURILL AU I) riLLlOX PABTIES each evening Fit FF OF FX IUA CIIAUOF. lilt Ul H DINtiS ,r ncw "" apaeu.u. TI i; ri.KAM.ItK tiROrSDS eiten.ive ; .nd in hne, every thing wi.h.d for at llie tie.t watering pl.ii c, will be ..und here lo re. Ire.li llie inner man and to cheer the .pint.. Tllf i:il'ii!'(l Itrpiilnliou and Ihe MEDUI.N'AL properlie. of the water. (-.Iiiio.I inaece.vibie before the completion of Ihe We. tern N.C. R.nroau) n..w In.il llie a;ea and afflicted with a formal welcome. Tbe experience. ol llie Proprietor Junjitut Hie aeeker of lie illh or ilea.ori. in a n I icu.a llliir ri ' tfood tune coming." The Proprietor ha. been at very great expen.e ill filling up a W alrriug Place Conuiiell. urate With the wao'aol tl.f CAfilil.lNAS and conlidenlly re Ilea on their geucru.ily I ir encourageii..-nl. II. L. KOliAKDS. Jlfug I. 186!). On i -low r.Kis' wliiTS SuLFiiUn SFninuS, Caldwell county, U. TfvrtK Proprietor of thc.e Spring. tif-rni llie ring Iti re- 1 public generally, that he i "" " e.ile.tain in.... wno a e ue..r..u. o, linn ineeuian.e uaio.c.... ..... ...v virioua di..n.i . to whirh liu'iiali nature i. liable. II. i. nun nr. large addition, to hi. building, ana w.ll be ready lr Ine reception ot company be. Iwecn the l.t and midule of June, and all who co come may real ...uredthai tney w ill be acomimo. dated .nd every t lertion u.ed lo render their al.iy ple.-iaiint ana c. uitortable. Peraon. coining lu the.e Spiing. by Rail Road, will le.ve the ear. at Hickory Tavern lb-pot. .n Ihe VVe.tirn Fxun.i in, where a conveyance will be in readme., lo co.ivev them to toe Spriog. KLKANN All I'LUW KliS. ,V.iy ! 5, lr?C0. Ml ILTTne Columbia Carolinian will in.ett once in daily and twue in the U.uiier, .nd Ihe R .I. igh K.-gi.ler will in.erl three week, and lov..ru ac cuui.la to ihi. office. They will p!ca.e call aCco tion lo the advcrli.emrnt. I M M i: S K ATTRACTION' at in c ( Ureal Clothing EISFORIUnS or I nnxiMis, sriiiNr.s & co. j 9 t v II K Y re now oj- nmj at their Urje nti cn. p.icmua Store Kooni.ti.c II jniUuiiitft and Cltrnci Stcck ot , BEADT-IfiADE CLOTIllaltt ever offered n the State. Their .toi k enmpn.ea all Ihe diffrrent kind, of Fancy Cut I.inen and M.r.eille. bu.nie.. .uita, F.ngli.h and French Urip n'Ete and Alpacea Frock. andS.ek.; a Urge variety of C..nnere Pint. Fancy .nd black ; al.o. Faiicv and Black Silk. I'a.'iinerc and Maraeillr. Y'el. iu endle.a variety. GEN'S F URNISHIMG GOODS, Trunk.. Y'ali.e... II. t. .nd Cap-, Ac, if All ol the above good. are ul the I. le.t a Ij lea and pal. tern.. Manufacturing Department, : FI LLINGS, SPRINGS Sl CO. have al.o added tn their Keady made Clothing Slock, a Merchant Tailoring Department, to wlneh ti ey e.iecial attention of their many friend. call tne nd cue- tomera. They intend making ihi. depirlnient .ecin.l to none in the State, either in eiy.e .nd quality ot (i. ..nl., or in th' manufacture oi (Jinounl. 1 Al all tunea wiil be I'oUod a g.wid .lock of Black nd Colored Clotna.Fugli.h, Feneh and A'aiencan I'aattnrre., aud a Variety ol .Vesting. Al.o, n t.aortmenl of HOCK IMaHn ( l.VIMI Itllv, They feel confident of li.rir ability In under. ell anyolher bouse in Ihe kM ,te, t'rolll llie auant..e. ihey have hi gelling their g. oo.. Tiu-.r good, arc b .u lit hy tne quantity, by one of the Film w iiu re.nie. in Ine N.iriWei n inaraeu, which give, him thu ofiportuinty of Lining iv.,n. tae ot the price, of gaoO.-, Iht-re'.-y ....ng at lea. I Si:-; Twenty-Flva Per Cent. C2 To the con. inner. Ii'Pnnce ..ved .re Llui.an made IjJ " l'H K FTLLlA'ieS, JNO. M. sruiNtlS, jno. r. heath. Apul 17, I?o0. JOIIA S. WILEV, UASueACTcana d i.toitii or HA V AH A Sl'GARS, aD nx.Lxa i.a Tobacco, Snnff, Hatches, Pper. kc, SERM lim riFt'S, ir., ron!.inily on hand. January 3, 180. I?if ! with i The YlarLrti. CORRECTED BY OATES & WILLIAMS. CIIARLOTTK Jl I,Y 23, I860. BACON, Ham. it, ( 00 Sioea lb .. ( ( jj Hug rouuo, lb. ( Shoulder lb 9 j Bagging, Gunny yu 6 (., 20 Keel lb j (, n lluller lb 15 (,;. fir) lleerwax ib J.i yH Bean. hu.he 11(1 (,, tlO Branny, Appie gal.. .i ( (ilj " Teach gal In IHI Cotton b !) (; Collee, Kio, Ib 4 (., 1 1.4 Java lb 17 t, Si, tlanrile., Ailatiianlilie Ib 'J.i (., J( I Speri It ID (.ii IU I Tallow Ib .Ml ( S3 Corn hu.lwl HO (. 10 llncKOll. nael 15 (i oil !Cloth,Copperu. yum I., (.'.. I6J I.inn.ey , ... van '-'j .,, 3,t ! Kgg. doien 10 (ri, dO Hour bbl If. (.,, 6( : b,g. .'I 3 6 Feather. lb jll (.,, Jj Hide., (Jreen, lb 6 (., t J Dry,- 1 1st u. u I Li.rd ib 13 (. 10 1 Million lb 5 (.. B I Mackerel, bbl. .No I i 0 (, 00 " Kaia ::nO (,,. 410 i Molu.ee.. N.O gai 711 7J VV I gai Id ( tu I Meal bu.hel !( (.., UU ; Mullet.' Wilminglo nj ...I.I.I ill -; (j Nulla.. Northern Ib. S 4 00 " Soutlicrr., lb j (,, 6 D.it. bu.hul hi) (.. 65 I'ork Ib J 74 Ci... luieliel ID 70 I'ol itoe, Iri.h bnnliel i ill (a II " Sweel hu.hcl .'.U ( iS It ice hiiahel t4 HO i !tiigar.lal', Ib 15 (n (III j " Brown lb ID ( i Lt.. lie. Ware g:il Ml fid 'S.ll aaci. I7j fi, 00 I Tea Ib -. fo I'D I Wheat. while l.u-liel I .'III 1.15 " red ...bujlul I-'H (i 125 I Whinkey, Northern ?nl 4"i 55 j " N. Curn!iiia,...ga' ul 5d Wool,(be.t(;e.i.gi) lied il ( Ki " " " unaliii 'ii l, 4-1 j Varn Irnle HU ia, 00 R FM ARKS, i poorly mpplied anil provision in Our mi demand. cor.r.MrtiA marickt. I CoLDMBU, July SI, l60. I COTTON. Tbe .ale. of the wee amouct to I 17 l l e.. Ullrjuie. ID a lie. BAt'O.N.hogroun.l I'J fn 13 CHUN Il'.'l (. 115 PFAS, l (a. iU UATS 5 (j 8'i II.OL'lt J3J Q: $3 Cl' A R 1.1 :STi IN M A H K FT. ''iiaHt.KirroN. July 21, 1PG0. fOTlOf. The tr.naai l.oi.a in e..t..n for the rek aoiolllited lo II Hi ha e, w.th .ilea in tha I 1 4 1 4 bale, at price, ranging tr. m 7J lo U'j MoaiLB.Julv lfS.,K- of 23.1 bale, cotton, thi. Willi Mid.lling Ht aje., 7-1'J bale. ; Itceipl. iBJ dy, llie market cln I Sale, for llie llirie I ale.. j New Ort.nss. July I A. Sale, of 650 bale, cot- tnn, tiie niarh, I ei..ing rjniet witii Vliodiinga at I ID.Jc. S.le. for the Hirer .til., tf.1511 I. . le. J re. I Ctl.l. 421 hale., agiiitxt 75U .aloe t.nic la.t .e. .on. It'-ceipi. ah.-ad at llu. i".rl 4l.l,.i"0 bale. ; i at all port, at lat- t at-vn-e.. Ti 1.5(10 bal.-a. Nw V. Ifiihi b.l.i J.i'v 50 - ilea of colton In. day, e. With ule of I I .01 U L., with .ale. i.f rl UUU .-.i at 81 Com ia O.Ullll bu.hel.. unchanged Willi I :i in ii l);i iii rial M1F I'OOKSofT. II. BI.'H.MA CO., T. II. 151. EM. Ibtl ,VdV an, ihc ). Dissolution. rillME firm nl F K A f - I Kit i McLKJII . Hia. M. aolved, by inotu .l coo.. i,t, on Toe Note, and AeeoUot. due the h uilll III the llalKla. of I. Fca.ler I.eod fur inioieoiate .etilenieni. C Mc cue by tne linn tnu.l ny pit.eiilec lo F. A .M.Leod for (IIVIIHM. L 1'KASTKR, E A. .Mi LEUD. The nm'er.lf oed will cmit.nue Hie talaK KR Y AM) l ltoplt K lll INlS at ti.e .:.. .lanu A .hare of patronage 1. re.peell'llil) .oticited. A .ud eloca ol Family tiroccrtc. always en hand, E. A. M.-LKOD. May S3, ISCD. 119 ciiARiaoni: STKAM ill-: FINED I' ANDY MANIFACTOIIV, ' imci)iMid yui; laC iui in, Ac. jll? inform t urrouiiiiuijj Ci JL try. tint In- i . ju-t coniiiit need t"c ;ib .v bum. iit-tv in t tie ltuur at llie crurr nl' 'Vraiir nnd I'oU li trit Is, lor the purxi!ic o;" ni-iiiui.. during CAMilKS. (MKIIS & UKKAD. which article, he will eil VViioleaale and Retail. A. he don ali Hie w o. a tpni;!, U.tail More Ki..-.ei wi u 1(1 do h lo pureiie tneir C.inuiea ami Cekea trom hun, a. he wi!l give entire .alia, 'a-lirn liolh in ni-iec n ltd quality. JJ'.VII 1IUFK$ . in ih-taii,e, rncloing the CA!H. 11 l 0'.. -lUally alteniie.l tn, and the . tide. careu!'y puekc-i i-nd furwru.:d accurumg to airectioti.. Din.lt ' JOHN (i. 0. LKI5ER, Ctmrrof Tia.tt and toilets street, ChulvUe . A". C. i harlolte, June 5, 1 Mi J. II if 7o al Havana lotteuy. The next onlinarv drawing of thy R,.v.. lf. na Lottery conducted by the-.'.:. ,nili 'iorviiiioent, under llie .uperviaion of iie i'.iptaia Vkh lerai ot Cuba, will taac place al Havana ou SAll'KiMY, Augnst ( Im'O. 3860,000. SOUTF.O M'.Ml.KO 6 lit iHil'INAKIO, ca nr. i. rui.i. ioo,oto i 1 i.r.l. ul llO.VH0 : - I.UOI 1uo.vhx : ,l.tMO oUt,.Ot I lU .ta.'O j OH WI l.i.'i Idd .'li V.-ir'juo'..woa 1 " 1 " A . .m.il.oi.. lo loe lliU, IU l.Hd eaci. , Jji ,'iiiu; ..I t i. i, J ,ihh - of .nun; 4 ol i I Hi la 9iuvm;. ckrll)i Hiiv..iU; yuarleraJV .oeu al ailil at j per teal iiim.iu.it II .oiielil ti..iik U.eli -I par. g iv, II oe loraaro.u t.mu tna r- catH.u. .lur.aMu lo lki.N KilDKI. 4 ..i l ' i I U'V to t-. VVhoi.T 1'r.le. ea , li,,,. on. A ur..wii! Uit tlLeooi. ! t oiniouill 1.1 FZ. v.ar til li. e 4ih . I'er.ni.o po. S T. U ritoj, M KAl II KI.Kof. ..nj.iea.eri j..,,..d 'Low. re. S....... IV, If. ,ri Ware, , Xc, in wuui wing ot ar n a.roonng, taiittenog, A.p L'orii.r H I JobVVu p. i,

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