VOI-iUME O. C2E3:3F2.XjiOTTE:, 3NT. O., JUXjY 31, ICGO. THOMAS j: HOLTON, Eouoa t PnopaiiTo. TEH MS : .u.v..ih.('i'ilio Whig willbe. Horded tnaub. ,c,iners at TWO OtiLLAKt in lovnnct ) TWO .1 ni. end of !' y"'- NPH' ...con. l.aaed a.il.lall .rr.ar.gee .r pid,esccpl .1 ll.. 0..11 .n ol Ihe Kdilor. ldwlienirlirle! alOne Dollar prr.au.r. ....1 ) nmila for "ch C011 tinu ...1 o-, ...... 1. for each continuance. I ourl ad lion .rt'HH-iurnls sud Sl.ef.ff'a tf-lr. ca.r, r i H-r mil hislier i and oruucM"" i j f" .- b. m d" I'" "I"1-' P'.Cf a.lor .erlia. ra ot til. rwr. Adarliinl inarrud ...nililjr r iaarWir, al l per squar. for each lima. 8a..u aionihl7i eMl par aaj af for aacli time. Pernna when aeadinf in Uiatr adrertia. merto mu-l nMfk Ilia iiumbrr ( iniwrlK.iia dcair.-d or ,lrf Kill ba macrud until I'm bid and clurtd ae. eurdinjlj. irP.nlroaalers are a llmritrd liarlaa arnt, j. (;. u 1 laK 1 x s x iV ro., DCaLXKf IV WACTHES, JEWELRI, Z&Uim .ai'PUTEDWiSE, Nu.i Uf.iiiU B-nrr,o;rf)oaitf ll" Manaioii ll.ioa, OHAKLOTI K, N. (!. - UKrpa.riii( W.tchesrV Jrarelry. Jtmt 1. Irtii). . 13lf I!. W. BECK WITH S COMaTSVTLV IIH (1111 TST ". X, I'LITEU U1KE, It, or tks i'it imliis ma lar.icn a.itricrut, C.ll aad rtanuae biw stos4 bCure pafchaainf 31cckleiiljurg Uutel. Xrtl to thr 'osf ' "fire ' t rilllK awbwribfr li.(.n.a the pwklie ' I J m. ' bi pareliaMTrf huiul.nf k. Mri'Wlei.bii'. Mill-1, . baa rer pi.l.ed " II in.i ia A"W (.retari ta ercou!!..!.! . .... . n! . p h.Mfarra. II. hi. f 1 li 'ble and rffitwiil t..!rra aiilbr kipl by lh ui .i.1.1 ut ..l Iwr. 1 mi i MS, wi-aw r.ia i. iiu" ' John mkan. i.tr n 1. 119. ILUSIOSilfcllOTEL. IM . -OCX- II K aharrihr, Utn pl.aiwr. in sniioonnnr In h i a. and .he piih'irg-m.-.lty.il.at j .nd writ aim It .. I, .nS hi. wiaiaa rvary a.ihia Bfrpr.ti-n In ..MMiid.li the bu.ln.a. Ir.V.tlil f aim nulmf y ,t ul ilia pub. io, l a Iha moal f4lis..eluiy ll'nlni ,1 1.1 III. ii.J mry run. lull .a ,r...drd in In. UOD..IS. II a STAIll.l.l.r. abwwn.nlly auputied and al Imf. a sy r-r. lui o.ilrra ; an.l all Sfparlm. nt t.. .f .ri. l.f rm-a hi wl.al a....itinn. A riimMLairllMMIII'S ,u..a l.jul-r.'y to l..r Mnt Mt arrival al th ' V. .th il.r., .tr..,i. to lib. rl Ka,e o lh paMK p.lrua.fa ia cuifi'r..lly a.diriU'd. Wl KUWZKK. AnW IS, lo 9. 3w'' "THE UNION," ari ii winr.iT Aiim i: i imki. PHILALEl PHIA. ITTo.N 8. N r.vt t DM Kit. I'ffiuti. I- fl lilK nndrra.('ied ti.n p.irrba JflTTjl M. ard .! .i.l.f'al ut' hie ...rinet JJJJBNJ ps.li.cr. I'.v.n Ka.i.., in Ihe iMi "ri III. Ili.al, woald rail tlio atlentxn. f th 1'iit.ii.. 1. 1 n r,.in.iniiirr lor ll...a nailing I'niU. ! iitiia. nllier on t'uainraa or ptiaaurr. I i niu.lion orn.r but . ft -m .1. p, friM.i Ihe prini-1,,,1 ! ol iradr, I'llera initureii.rnla tu l'rr on bvaiuraa; -l.- lu l...iar in a.rcli nl 'i.i. an-, II, con.iantiy pain( aod rrpaaatl'l f.il.aj ,y cr. an,i in.,., ,n rluaa pri.iin.i.y, art .rd a p''..nl rulr fr th nirra nmiiinal auni nl half loiir In all plana of mlrreal in or alNiul lli nly . 'I ll, I'l'.orir.nr ftVr. mur.M'r II. al" 7' l'l- " ahill or k. il ih aucl. rlnf arlar aa will uurl I"' '- e iiprnliaUnn, and would ceapi-CIIUily aul.Cil N -I'. I ... li.ia p.l,.,n.(. Term. $ All r rt .v. m-TON'S NKWOMEIt, lufail IS, ni'j. 33-lf I'aar.i.roa. i tire 1 , Hi t- k t :i.l lli iul. ' III K .uW.erilrrr la man' (arrar.i'f and krrp. 1 t. n.i.ntly on b.'i.l, S...p for I . tier. Srald "'I "1 R i,f wnrnt, and fnil to wn.siiwi.il lor "? ollor akin diar.ar., ll Will "lao lall alalia. aoliif any In ml in lotliinr;. If ny parauw Or. lo !.... ,. Rain,il en w li.il al a re. .I'i'r.l prira. ' hr S....p ha. ne. W Incd by rrppow. "Mr HT..ma and ia . ud t b a rrrUin eurr. 'I"i "'n Ira hid al lr. K. N. Iliilrliiann aV Co.'. "'"I Hiur. and from Hi. auhM-riarr. CIIAS. T. KUKRIIARD. Ji. is..r. I hi J. S PHILLIPS wi;ki ii.i.yt v.i not:, II AVI NU l.ir.lrd iw ly ki.li.'ila a ahara i'l puhl.e paaonagn. A ci.i.ipleln aaanrlnirnt of I'l.illia, l.aaaiiiinr. and Vratinaa always nn band, whim will be m site lour drr .1 tii. plHirleal nulicr, a llrrlh. I a leal l.iahHin j HIhih Ihria ooora SaiUtll I' the Mana.i.. II'.UM-. I .U If I WHKAT WAXTIil). I U"r. planting emniniinily will take not ic. thai tlin, When! f,p will be pl.rcl.aard al th. 'rlo.te 8ia.m Fliinnng Mill, al n.arkrt .irtrra. ll.lll.g V at f,.r m,y 6d a ,0 thelf "lautaga to call al tha Mill h-f'.n nlo.mg a eal. JOHN WILKhS A CO. I '"', I8.',3.- juif Wn A LAIUJK SlTPPLr OF Nonstable M'ar rants JUST PRINTED. liillv ,11 11 1 11:1 1 Tire. IiiMir ni-re 'aiiiii.iitv. git HIS COMPANY cooling., io take rieke a. .J. gains! loss by fire, on ijuu.ee. Good, fro dure, Ac. al Uallul ralea. fj XHflre at rw Irug Flore of K. Nye Ilutcl.i. 4, c. orricmg. A. C. STKKLE, i'reudrnt. C. OVKUMAN, Fice I'rrtuknt. E.NYK HUTCH ISpN.ier y.f rreaiV A. C. 8TKKLK, J. L. KROWN, M. 11. TAYLUU, 8. T. VVIIIS'ION, C. OVEUWAN. y. SfAKH, WM. JOHNSTON. John L Uuown, K. 8tAm aid S Wkistun, Errtulitt Committee. Apiitie.lWJ. . 7lf T MRS. WINSLOW piiet.ri'tl Nur una Fein It- !';itri An ,.!.. Nurae a.,o r'e.mk -..jainn pr. sooTHDiG svuur, i t.it nia 1111. .1 1 1.1.1 isi . ti. vrbicli f realty U ciliiwlra the arot-taa ol triltiii'f, by aullN..( te uim, reior.(if all M.fl.iirtiu.M.u will Jiy Al.l. 1'AlN aim tpuatuuoie aclien. aiitr: io ill t.t i.a 1 1; 1 111 1 to 11 hi. P'l - l.U Mnm H, n.utl,tf, .1 wilif a rtal Ik j vur. !..... - , Hrllff I till Jlialih U CBf lu.'dlllft. W'e lute pul up aii.i K.I.I lln a'lirle lot rr If i Vesta, add I A, nA.I. Ji r I U trti . AI U 1 ft C , IU WHICH 1.C rncia. 1 uo Lsmuii.i; I I. (.'Ill of it, wh .1 wr li-vi 01 .f i-m aala lu : Urtd 0 puiue tbemaelvrs upon beiuj: ht'ltt "'"! ''"'" I rfa"ar. i''.,kJi 'TT 'couaiructiouiMs. '1 hry cem to have thrown A M.s" U ;' A-M t ('id tba, cb.r.e.er , and this Addres. t.ves 'IU 1.11 U.I a ! IiIAU L tl.t.w.-a a praciical iilusirstiou of what they liii.c.y uaw , ' tinu ae j taraa when iu their I'laitorni at Kaleih tM.4 iM.ti.nt hUrti-jiiijwii,!,,. applauded Mr. liuth.aan lor bis who oacd .1. On b u.lilt.r r, at. arv ueual.teti ' . , 11 1 - - " . ..... . , ti oiid courtitutiou. policy. J hia is a iaiu- wi.U .ia oif.f-lH.Ia, sua apa .W teiw.a ol cfi- , I una...... u ul Ha ua(.e-l . U aud unmul nr. ' plf Ot 6cmw Couslilullo.ial toii-tl UCIIOtl. lu,.. V a-r.k in ue iikIUi - V lA 1 fc rsprrwnee, AAI la auM 1 litil t,M) CP AM. ' Ji or. owly nliivra me ehilu f.ni p..n, but ia. ilnsiiri ti ati-wi-eliai.il bu i la. csurt eu al io.. y,.j iv.- t. au e..ny to tlw wnula yaleo. It Wl.l alniual lualatitly ralu.1. bripitig in Iht Btrlt, mil Wind folic and ovrrc.fii. Infli. ii no i SnM, end .1 i ll III I I I III I let ona. ily re mi- I tut iui.iiii; ... . iIiimi. J i tsT A N I) Kl'lllT Kr Vll.l.i I.N" I lit viOM.D. e. a ol liVsl.MI.KV AM HI A ll l l.lKA I.N I II I I.I 'It K.N. w i eiln r n mi IP.ni l. ni.n , or iram aay mlirr c.a. V woulu aay lu ..ry ioIIi. r w l.o I.. a a child ..fl.ini Ir..... .iy ol Ilia ,L al.-IMi .N I.I I. r. I Inlll .;t mK I III. I MJI I'll hJs III l I'll Mi n, n y..u a.in yi-ur un ring chll.l. a... Il.r rn.. I Hi-I will Iw M U K y .'tii.ni.i.v m i.b I.. ....i..w in. ut i en, I.e. II lui.. 1 1 e.d. I oil .lll.l Luna IM ...Ha. ail .rr.n i.-i. i . .i. b..liir. II.. f.e .aiuule ..I I I 11 1 l da I ra a. Ihr i.nl.a IV. IO l.y l.iuefi-la llm of houl Ibr .ld. I'mi.v-ipai. I rru l CiI'AK Simr, N. T. tier oii'.y U'i irnll ;.rr lio'ti. F..r a. la i. I u.ri. llr, h) K N c llu'.l.n. n A C. .ml r. earr. Aj.rcl. 13 ly frj Notice. r III F. TI l.i.la fc.r H.i9 are auw iw my lia'... Jg rrai:y hi! l.ia'rt..n, and I .rf)Ui-al a I r. ...na t" in I'm ... " ' "I any T.i.Mi. wl.'el. ni.y i.ul be I lit. d. tomrni.waon p.. vur 1 .I.a e c. u nihil, ihtfjf. ,lpnl3. 11-60. -.1 Dr. I!. .M. rrittliard I Ff.TMM: t' t'ir ..lien;i.,rnr.n.. Iririi.ta, rrapret lolly iiitt iUN- jp.ai era In. ilr iirirrnnalii In raa.nir the nclls-v sal Tl ill. !...-. lie ii.. be irni.u'tiitil In. . in.r. IT'l iir poor prrarribci! for w ilhou I charge. i.-..l31, Ibit 3j'f OAI-TOIID'O LIVER INVBGORAIO. KKVF.U WKIIII.ITATIr.W. Tlarwmriwl"la-illr'' r.om f.nma a-nai-ii. a a. a io aa .-..unaaaca aai .a . aaaana-t C ! OVwaaMa V? iaah'n Iha l-al la aa hail ai.aa aw H a-sira a a,.li.rto l.... a. a.4 rta .oca a.a-yuaa aa aa ls Ha. .wnalaa -af ,aai i fa? Ij'ii.lir.an. fV. aaa a rxa a.a.l.ivr rt IV-; J? I VI I -:m. a.. .. aJlaura l.ll.r tia-V plall la, I'l loll.!' la. ba. Irearr.a.i.. 13 ' hran.lr in a. lima, W m . a , OM -I Wat I'l I. I-, !.!... I. - -I m .lal. ... I'l lt.li. SI I 13 ' arai,.l IM.i ...m a, -I M Ol I..I-, Iv.i...,r-I- L Mi.ai.rb.il.lllnil ry. Ilrwpay. a.iar J - nil .1 liolr.a, liwlra J (a I, fa. I S- laln- ,W f. .nalr i.k.i.1.' r JlorUn.. t hoi era i Iri.ra. a.r.ill", a, aa. Ivaf raj aal rw 'r.-aa-any aa aa "'"" rr Vmrnt y M.rll- R ..liw.ii.ar.witK II K t A (. II K, 0a J .l.".a.aJa an lautr) I 1.1 tarroly nl..wlia. If ma.r ihrra Tin aixvoofwla win tmh- P ru ai ae..mi. a "T artiawaw It art' M 45'f a) ualanar. 1 I MIX WATKH II TIIK PIIH Til U tTII tii ti ivvinouiiiiii, a.i avvAl.t.ovv BO-lll TSN.telllKH. I", lea U.i. Ool'ar ar Ball la. Alai. PA UII. V CATHARTIC PILLS, I-. ui'i.i'M'rp nii ran Vrerlable F.l.arl., ami r Wl I'l OI,.s I A.SI.S.r 'll.l.., a..d Mill a.a.l In m.w r'l.iiailr. Tha rnr.'1'r ."ini'i- a,-, l-al .a In .ll.' .. rain hr Mb.i.a bolv. I.o.a of pr- l.lr.al ..el.l. M la. Hoi. on nlil am JI ll.li".ly, ....lira. ,a, llral.ni-hr, W U a. r .,, I l.r tlrn.l. Vhl'r).rai. .1 n f a , ttj II haw .i. la ... , rr. al anfl.riKiKl Hloi... -J iii .,. (..aii..'i'-l a-4 w hnr. loo niiinaruua, J Ut wantaai an elua aa.aioaa- ar a V.l.rr av.4 wauaaaaas b Ura lr.ua aa all Uaa tar,, a . T. W.Bar,Hl ai. S3 Brae1rr, In! KMIVt ' ii. r Im mn II. Mi. Mil K wri u.a... on f,u i nr. tin. o( , uliou , j,p.. lo ,be j.te ,,,J ntwuni.) . w.. .u a. s.oi. , men see mem jiiace tiiiu prominent , The preaest sy.teta of taxation id ?.ortu ,u Uv0r of tne nauve pr doei. ol il.a ll..,e.A l I Vlr "J.i'- jloJL. r C'omawa... .o eoB.ow H p:'tioi. ol the euodua cr u.eu wha iu a c.u.p.iD w here more blow, that, glory ; Carolina ia Q anomaly. In no State iu this Su, ll4a the iudust.iai pu, so,,, ol her cK- , ".tluot the t-.u..i.ut..US 'hat I,, a, the 1",J" . Ul r"iri":0- i-f tuuul& ..lb, UBioniith,poorwUu.w.D-1be.d put up U,uH"...t...reuf i.eo.i w..uuu...i,i....v,ou!s..1..,. ,er.r.nt. n,o,,tv. and th. i.,,.', uow propo.e to strike i. out. thu, some ol the party pre.ses are doing M , Blliela ,0 preVent tbe slaves from bear- r p,in .... .,.. jr. ,j0T. """""- ' '. item aectiou 61th. fti.te. ibey sppe.l to the I" U is a lmle singular that Col. nirr,nSer, their utmost to set Mr. Ladder Kpou him it. j jng thejr eq,ls, proportion of taxation. It is Ei d u , K ,,, te. hr.V.'Hrifcl7Mu hitiberD of r...Lii.g fas to the doi.a hi, per.iubuiat.ou of tbe 6t.te-(some, 1 iu tome ot lije Sutei the Legi-l.tures Deu.oJi.tte Convent.ou, a.i.ie tLe.e ..I in, iih r i t-i tm in , PMLrti. r r ' . . ... ., . .... ol that Couveutiou of hich be was a men., underataud. propose lo ptiu Mr. Haditer if' j .., ... .J ..Inrvn. i l.ut there is . .. i MKstiuiiata.ii.ut,.i,iiMWM aMtsiui ii.i Mil 10 gin aucw consent. ,iuiiniiiig . , , . ,, , . . -. . , - waa no p. rou io .euij , uuu m.Nr.. e, 1 1 u v. it i vn tii. t xsi i n 1. 1.... I... i... (Vi K.,. P1. her, had net read aouewhat naore ol Jud. he will utidtrlske this castration ; and, nothi,, . iu the constitution ot auy of the ., I 1 trr.'rZl tJI .'.'e'w.'.-O.V'i.a. w. k...l..,.,. l'k-l,ll.l. aj " aa.-a.ar ! a all afpira. iu rrra'-.l li"l.rli I ua. t.l itaiia .0 M a aua 1 aa Pr.-n..n aril aBx-r. ' Udt rt.fn.ram fatharOaa aS m!r '?" 'iii1!. ' "l 'l il'll'T'r Pill, ku alltl il l- l-l.-.a a '. ' U.. """ '' 'Hal.-.ll. s. Uhla "a!a'rla'.1alii'"l."arl JJ ai k. nn a a, . -.i nl Iha a iaaritlara aaui.l. il l ai M B ,,,. ,j .a IV la all ra- a. .1,... a .'aUJ.rua W Cat '- 'ra. a rii aa r- l...t.m-.H. Hamaia, lr... -a,..a I Hie tj llwili l l"' l a.) rrur... P I .. H n.-al oi..r-. w.r ' F. SOARRAOO., Charlotte, ,Y C Prom the t'ayetteville Observer, THE DEMOCRATIC ADDRESS ,, ., ,, . . .. GWrn;-Muebth fir.r.r p.r wo.,...,. ... .. ...e. .p. ho -o prove mat me present restriction upon me ... - f ,.; 1 1 . .History undo up of tn memory, and t.jeiiou of a ves 1 a compromise betwixt Ju . r ........ .1 . . .. , . ... . , . -. . wit oUtvton i I auppo.e that no luan tbe hart a lid I li West, tneb it wcie a' .. 1 . , .1 . ,. . , , ,. , . . , , .. . who eon-ideratelT leaaa the first psi;es of " l.riacb of pliiibud fuiib ' to rtujova. As . . . , ' ... ... ,l 'l:. .1. I. - . i. .... .nr.. '.I.Lor... or.iou of 1 1, at Address. To P"IP,!lc! ''d briU Bd speeches to tins and b. p.tr.ot...u-and will not a.llin.-ly tilffereJ ,0 wiaelv, s tbat of equal t.t- D,.kr ii out. it. authors bad reconr.a to the lepsrtuieiit ot poimc.l Instory sutfer tl.,t xcmMe to ba .....r,presc,,ua. I . , tioll , w Lieb cvery eillIcn (Jf U.Busc. oT defeated biil. of old le-Ula- " poltucal i'osj uot history; and regret that ihe tbairmao of tbe lA-tuocr.tic iue Sute as it.iett Bled, and vbitb demand- e " fnrpiti v. ttl flal.itu rtluiuda Ulie of tba . ('ninlinlt.-i. l;nin I in.ili.r.l iul In ha arm ... , 1 : 1 .e ...,., ,,n turea, elretlobcerui pampblets, aud auouy- . " r. . ', , ., I . .. , 7 " - " CO tr.e careiui coDaiueiaiion ui ". r L.o... ...n.i.i,. to ....,,.r. tnlri v lo"j! to"' 'lcl, l'1V,TJrom of either , ol Mr. Haywood, and a you..;; luan of parts &P0,, WOnld soon be tailed upcu to I 1 itmrm muv. -... - -i .- . plain aiau would think tbat if one pa.t of ' ' . ' aou'ld abow as much. Mr. Kerr aj.d Mr. 1;... ...ii ... .1... .;. .... ..L. . i eontrart certain old Dat.ibbleU 1 , ,, . luuuiciitiuin to newi-Diueis tiate Ihe vulue ofelevslii-K pari, uf gur t'o.i.iitu.ioi. above . it.-w- - T .-or u..nu u.. villi jo, auuuiu mi UCCII IIUHIUHI .itl..r Inr fir a nil lisflt . IlebSIU.lU other parts. I bad thouvhl that the Con- "ueu" "c J "os ! fnixeci to that Aiur.a j. i,. own iotc.p.eter, aud that all ""1 '"; Mnile, ll pply tbe , had ,o,M band in 1;. fcucb a ju.p..-,on bs eiidet... of contract or other .natter affect- , ''"' o"'' "" colored all my arguinrnt. I would hoi i.,g M. eu... ruction is to be looked for upoul 1 lih,.H " 1 Le f"1"1 10 "I10; ""' UP ''e dV;""n f lhi'l ?Cn,'C' i.J Tl.ce, or reckoned not lo exU; but Col.-r"'? Judp. O-.10..1. reply to Dr. b.uiib ... w.eu 10 the modera Dewoer.ey, - tbe liv.n.. liar.. Hirer saia not He ssys iliat much of the airaniuf of tlicl Conatitutiol (which is Ibt aattie as to sat, much of tbit Constitu tion) is to be found in tbe old pamphlets, to which Le refers. JDul there la aUollier liiarvclloiis oil Coin ,tiLce about 1 1,1 Tne In. uJ 1 1 ij. Lt 1.1 t. aiming lor ll.ise Old tins and pamphlets toe power of affeCMiii' the Con- ... .... ......,...,.,.. . I.. j . 1,,.,,,. .1,,.,... ,,aiir(, cannot be made without the con.tul of tne East ; slid .ply for ih.t consent ; lo ah ch C01. lrrinher replies, Vou have no liut to it, wbieaa that eousriit can be ohiaiurd. V hat is the uae ol trying to produce su impies- a.ou upon tbe p.ople that tha Idlaiv Ciauati lutiou depend, lo. it. uieaniur upon anony tuosa couimutiicstions lo newspaper, in or di r to eai.bltsb a proposition wlncli we ad a. it, and a.e sciiU(t upon? ll is a civtl tut 1nibtlit ii . tu ao.ind our CoLalilutlou with- out the ton-ttt of the East, and the cousent I ol th. piupeily holder ; and it is as clear uXi.sd.t that the advocalea of cha iic """' ?iTi?i'"" u."":" f pr.licily well infoi med upon, and ad l l.l.kl.Nf, . . "fk,mitlll ,0 fjr, VL1 l0uM the upr.aie Court tbiiik of a lawyer wbo aboulu .spend most of ll. time, and the wbol.ol bi. strength m proviu-by copious cu. ioL. I.oiu l.l..,iilie,Coko a.d the Vear lioka, that the plkinliff iu the suit brfo.e th. Court ba. no nbi to recover, uutns the tribunal before which the luxation is pOinij ou shall give judgment iu In. favor ! ucb kowrier la tbe position upou which a ucb diMiiikiui-bed ceulleiuin a.dobu Kerr and Hauiil M Uai.uirr make their eland iu Ibr qua. liou now l eioi. the people. Ap- pareu.il. they aumtt th.i iber. i. no other r.sou lorcpponu,; ihe auieud meut. No b- lug c... be tuore ui pleasabt tnau lo are a couiu.iuee, oouipuran iu ereal mea-ure oi U.ye.s, .mploy.,,K all their cbs.scver for leaiuilii anu lor loveol atticim tt- lu.io.ial couairactioa, to loil upru our CMaie ",'s,to invent auother to.-pel lor IU. East; eonaiiiutiou a c.uou of itiurpretaiiou winch whether a well conatdmd one or uot re must end iu it. utter ruiu. I he. e is no one ni. na to be aeeu. .dvatit.e which we pos-ess u. our written Consiilutiou thai would not di-sppear le- foi. Ihe method it bas pleased Mi . Kerr to employ tu the se.ious mailer upou wLici. recently be baa bceu eugard. And thru, consider w hat oceariou he had for il ! ihe . . . , , , ,t.y ,,. .. ,u. ...eu .. - i.u au .u . . """J" I"-" -J Jt OJ auosw agaiust auuni oe- w as aiuni, aa c.ery step ot lu.ir proceeding. tiou auother whi e, "i.ttu ol the i-.asiero Nor eaa Col. llartingrr a.y that this ar- Members wbo were parties 19 tha coiupio pume.it is so far anevasiou as that what is mise." Mr. Hay wood believed iu mslruc i,t.nt inj lor us, is to obtaiu the voles of turn (see his Addieaa upou retiring lioiu only a Muall unuotity of Kasteru iiieutbi rs tne Senate, iu 1 s 1 5 ; ho could be, il he of the Lejfi-lsture (tne ere.t ... j .ritv meau , Minna mat n us eoimi ur m, . - . - - while opposing.) .nereis his po-itioi, in Ih. suet, a po meal orgamxaiion a. that Us ludicrously illustrates the be-.id tnai.t might be s.id ol a hundred other artie.e. Add,... e.idtutly r. quire. t.,.t the East vie.., .part from any consideration ot ... to wb.cu th. Pi.a.deut.al nouu...on has hut our Democratic Iran Is ...1 no ... t.t shall b, a u.,j..r,.y out. uie.nl.er. consent uuiusrie.l proportion or proportion iu pro- thrown tbe democracy. Hbeu the new. ol to leave uui.X--d at. lb. lauds u the e to the p.oposed cbane., or wood faith to- per.)) lo ll.e rest of th, State ouLt lo be the nom.n.l.ou ot Douglas Hashed over the except what yields tmiueuiate probl to the i . .11 ...I t. .11. . .. .....,-. I i.. Ir.iuin.. .na Caiiaiiuiiou vote wins, a villaju poslmaalcr summoued ' IU. owuer; why luci. teluse to lax the jouug us I. .in ill uiDlvu, lui iiuu:i-fl . i.-k,-.'.- o. sir. all that. It is there .aid that (..story .how. th.ltli.Easl consented to the amend uieutof co.,s4r,a,00 the re.tr.c- uu now .ought io I. lemoved. There- lor. tbe We.t, having p.,.1 that p.ice tor suebcou.eu.,1. bound 'to le.v. L pr.e. where It was paid. The amumeut ev i li ut- ly ia. tb.t tb. Vst is bouud because the fe.a.1,,. .ud tinder d.ffer...t cireomstance. w. might expect these gentlemen io urue tb.t tbu E.st baling g.veu us consent to the chaug. tu the ba-i, ol rrprose.ilat.ot. a, the price of tbi. reslnciiou upon lb. laxt- liou ol .lave, is boi.ud uot id attempt au al.nr.tmu of .ueh ha.ia. Now the hurdeu ofu-ood laub .oue-bt to be united ut.oi. ih. tV..i iu ti,!. iu.ti.ir .r. iron, a co... .rut .-lien l,v tu.eeit Eastern erutli'iiien. (Address p. 11.) .oine huiniiti voiing . I i r.i!.. -ii. ,.n i rose Iu this way, can it not be iu tho same wa. ra-U.aa.dT l0l Hrriii 'er recollects th. barbarous law maxuu "Lnumquolq ..k...,,,. .. ai.inii Inumnua lain: liguiiien," A.0 o.fl. Sucb is the result of all ibis " strict con struetiou ;" line flourishing about " pitlited faith;" this p.r.de of " politiosl history" iu old pamphlets, Sie., wb'cb this ooiumitiee witb great pleasantry assures us ouht to b. a. " familiar as household words lo tbe youo UieU ol our day." It all reminds on u.oat forcibly of iha kind of historical writ .fig which Mr. Csrlyls attributes to bis friend the bi-lorian, Vrtntilutt. In bi work., il s.ems there wa. tie di.tmctiou (between what of past times "does .strll reach to the surface, atid if still alive auJ .jronilrut for est end wbat resches bo Ion- of, - ' fioo b, uiou,Jer u ; der );rouud, to seud foraii leaves or fruit for iBll)lilM anymore!" Mr. Carlyl. thinks mi. vU. . ..j vuu.igu .ucn, oue ut iue Duiio.iiiuic, iuuui iue uoni'a 01 1 .1t ii. i. ..i i . certain rrest people, "uue of abom they ere ahichl' Alaa ! Alas, what misery i'A not such persona iiJicl wbeu uader au 'P-ion that what th-y have to say "'m l' " is".'.r uqu-euoiu " 10 tl',ir u,lilor'1 They give it then lur lho.-e bo have it tale as M rs. tii. let rs ... V" ' T . , , 3 V. part of this Address wa, sufgenea by one p.rtof thatieply. JuJje liastou went over very ...ucb tho same ground to supply bin.- am -.m ..i ..- ...... n r. wiiti wnicu oecxMii.ii.ai.iu ..is opponent. 11 was as pritiir lor Judjt (.asiuua purno-e, t. l-.r I. .. ll.'., w,.i.,. ,.1 vji. in in i. ji.iith replied to Ju(l--e 'Jaston ,y c, aiming tbe piivnt-ije of ciianing his luiud. 'Jhat was c.tain;y a complete explauaiioo of his ortw (I uieau hi, votej in the Couveutiou, ahhouli a very poor apology for htstpmU. n .a i.wv ea-j .o - ny euauj.cu. nuu.. ("FP0:'" ",tir """d 10 u"e boi u trace ttuui. a upou p. IJ ol tbe JJtO.iirt, whence he borrows a eimilr I'toiu the Jude, (Ad- dies, p J I ,) and aalii upon p. W O, w hence upon p wueuce .oiitical htsiory" to fi",'c be foe; ltd iu that Ad'ireis j bow is it that at Judge I a a si c ll aai bpou p. 7 1 as to imtrtiction e-carid his attenliou ! Judi;.) I. a. ton had but a u.odirat. belief iu any tort ol ihSti uitiuii ; hit eieo when admit- tiu that there tnii;titPo such a thin;', be protestid that the people: cf no one County ould m.'tiuJ memb-is of that Con vent lou. " When eenteiiieli' said he, " talk of in- , f 1 uvalent lor the grant of a change in the ground, all pay btty cents ou the fli'U val ttiuci ons Irom iheiiicaii-iituents other tbat. haais of representation; because baviuj; iiu- ution, while tbe negro only p)s l'i u the '" 'uii C""J'"'"''o trucuona liou, the co! ctive h ly ol the people w Lo gave this C'liivetiliou b.inl, , il is but a pivot" t tin y do not elevite t t i r lumdi shave ordinary r aii''e ot eiei y day le.-islaliou. Oars aie not local no i..pjraiy provision, et ,jr t,,e rfilueu. ol the i.y,or "tri",C "J 1'"" :l"r J i iC','r l'ul "U'"'"1 Coiislitutioual Or- diuances, w hich once adopted are incapable ot cbaurc, save by rtcsuiae lo the louulaiu of oiitaai ro. ereinty," That eiuiuei.t Easiirn lawyer, Gxiton, did not b.l.ie that eaunti.-.. or .ections could lay in. ir dileates under instructions udmenls ul tuo Coustituiion, or .s to si that tbey could cuter tato coniracia or com p.omise. with e.eU ollar in auch matter.- lor be regarded them as mere geographical fractious ut a political unity, exisiiug Iron. lor couveuieuee in uiuconni . .r.v.(Ui s.ke.-.ud by no u.e.ns poli.ie.l Letups. It Hssresened lor li. l.arnuger, yj ea- How olhet w is. than Ipon J udge 0 sston's theory cau the poaillot ol the late William . hay wood, Jr., tu tVspecl to ibis Cou- leuiion, as d.laiied lu this Address, beat all vindicated ! The Addiras at much length, aud again an4 aaiu show, that V , l it, .. iIJr. Illj.llia -J'' r, - a v Uliai. .uirau.i.M i.v s-, t'US Willie. Ue IS auauvocaieoi me vu.icu- lor a Convelil-ou w u.cb was pel lecl.y ouious to that county and that seci.ou I Oeriainiy be cou.d uol, wuu iue smallest regard to Ul. iu.eg.uy! C.e.rly be as well Judge Ubmou n. l ...opted .dr Ha. ke . po,,..ou b .pe.eb ..ter U.e elecuou a, li.istot iu , 1 4. I be ou. tu tu. ue.ier.i rt.semo.y, ihe other iu in. Couveutiou considered ui.u ' self ...ember of a body - wbe.e not local ! purposes, not loccal prejudices ought to guide, but the geneial good re.ultiug troiu the general re.sou ot lb. wliul.." Elected for 'uke, or lor Craven, be eouidered 'him.ell a member lo. Nortb Caroliua, auJ this is th. ouiv position wnicu a eoasiderale man ot ' iutegi uy aud ability will ever Cou- ! sent to occupy. I think there Is aomeiuiiig n ,ite ui.pleas.ut about Ibis Democratic Ad- uiea. tu couuecnou wuh me memory ot that ! ..iiiineiit eiL.ieu. tlie laie Mr. Haywood. ! Every u.Usci. . sti.iueJ by It. authors to ' place bliu lu a poaiuou wuicu uo niiu ougu. lOOCe.PV. I. iv oa . ' " - v. a........ failtt " IU the frics.ds ol eq.al taxatiou 10 oblaio, ag .iu.t lb. wilt ot a large majority of Kasteru men, a cbauge lu lb. method ol taxing .lave.: bal was II iu Mr. Hay wood, a representative ot the East, lo .ur reudcr the old basis of representation, cou tr.ry lo what be kuew to o. the wi of bis eoustituci.isr It Mr. llay wood, without breaking faith, eould .uneuder that basis, ... the lace ol Ihe wish., of bia .eciiou, why may l-v t we, uud. r tne same cucamslauc.s, etfct any other ebauge wb.uh we tie.ir. ' I think tbat Mr. Haywood'. Integrity and our is embarked upon Itia nmu vessel ami that to all wbo credit tbe po.itians of ,Vmoi)ratio AddrMi ' lh. of pligbled faitb, Mr. Ilsyaoad a cbaraster i, in dai-aer of ruio. Aaii.st thus. as ooe ' 1 , . wbo entertains treat respect for '.h . 1 1 1 . 1 ne.it mac I soiu.nly proteatl I L . . . .-. tbat Lis cour.e upon the Couventio . , , 1. 11 . t- hat emi believe ventioo O.es nUU ..mc.hc,,,.,; trcuiiainc 10 1.1a aumj i., . ... ..... ir at 10 ti acc 11 in tt 'nature to t ins au.i rris. j W'e kuow however, I10 ucll tbinjr are done. oiuu oilier member of tho coiun.ittee liar- writtrii tl, Address felt hiiniclf au ' thori.ud without ecosultinjj young Mr. II. y- . wooJ, to twt till uaiilo thereto. 1 wili tbcra bad beeu more con.ideralion, or per 1 Lipe tbat it lias becii ' doue inadvcrlcDtl v : but ' " SUTHCIOII Hill 'D '"",lJ ' 1,19 ( all this is quit cunsi-tent with a retention of political ill will to such a friend of Jack son aud Van ljjrtn, as tbe lats Mr. Hay nDn. .,.,op lens us a S'ory or a cat w :io was manned ...to a youri-lady. 1 he p-nif of; wai rhanyed into a. vouri'' !ad r. 1 he P"fif of: the fable is. that alter her chau re she lioiilil ...... ' -,.., ., n- " - , t mi'.r. 111. w 110 e ana r re uiuos us. moreover, that youn Mr. Ii. la not, no more than his father before Lini, a favorite uh bis parly. Look, for example, at th.' j manner iu which they bustled bim out of! ' the Legislature las year, whil't Mr. Settle.l w no was p reciafiy iu lite sarin; dox, retai nea hi, feat and his honors to the close of tho lastly, they si,-u his name to aa Address, ihe only plausible purpose ia the main ar - fumeiil of w hich is, to injure th. just rcpu isiiou u. ois tamer, luoit sucn circuin stances cf lufidelity to a Jouiii( brother in tstlou ol bis lather. L udiT ami', let us hive no naore bowiiuj over breache of plibted faiib ' in prosprclu ! To returu, however, to this armament about a eontract i it is evident, upou a pe- ruaal ol the Maluto which detiued Ihe bust- ucss of the Convention of 1 93.", that East eru men at that time did not regard this reslnciiou upou the taxation of slaves as au posed it as au imperative duty ou the lon- ventioti to make a cliauo lu the latter, it lelt the former matter to be deult with or iol as the Convention might choose. these points, therefore, seem clearly to be made out iu oppo.iliou to w bat is said by Col. llarri.er : 1 1 hat the East and est w.tb.n North Csrolius (tasioo being judj-e.) t re Dot such political cutities as cau contract with each other; tsuppoi ing they are, there is no com- peteut evidence offe.ed u show that io th. ea.-e belore us ibey did euter iuto a con- ;J- Supposing tbe evidence tc le coupe. i- - - - UP; "or '" x-JT coBtract ol auy sort ; 4. iSupposiii.', lastly, tbat it does prove tbe coutract alleged, the couduct of the 'uda of retorui is entirely cousistent with . . tU most .tr.ugent obh.attons to observe .1 , , J ..ca.... ...u .iii... i think that it must be admitted that an elaborate serious argument never bad less iu it than the oue put forth by the Demo cratiu Committee upou this matter of a com promi-e tit the sens oj contract; which is the only seuse put upou it iu the Address. Tbri matter is aioued very luach as we have beard iiesiious of law argued by lealous Bdvoo.ie. before cojnty court juries, i jjub( wbt..ler , ,( ,b l.w.gr. .U,. , L, .. i,. ppenJed to luat AddreaS would oojseul to produce ajch au argum.ut belor. any tribunal presided over by a Jud KKFOU.U. 1 IT.M'ER Willi 11 Kimi '. Au occurrence in uu.e.i.ueu w ui.og , 6- - salute, ibey had got .boat bail tbrougt, the allotted number ot U.-Charges, when a messenger Iron, the leiegr.pb od.ee inlorm- ed thorn tbat ih. r-ecvu... had nouiiuat.d b-scXiuudgo. " 1 Ue dt they have ........ ak.. ... . i a broau atudy, L. shouted " Doys '. lucre', no Xuoa.ug ...io whose bauds we may lall Load lor Ikccuuridgs . ( CCrTbe rauior tbat Mr. Alex. ll. bit pheus ol U.orgi., had declared lor Hreokiu ridu, I. prouowuo.d, by lu. lieorgi. Cou.li tutioi.aim by authority to be wituout fauu datiou. Th Wa.tuug.oo aSt.le. says thai Mr. Stephens bas about as much sympathy mil, tbe Secedcrs 1'io.u lb. Cuarle.tou auu lialii.nora Conveotious, "as he has with ! Caleb Cuahiii2 a ukra speech auaiust ibo admission ! Arkausas as a slai. aState, oi m. la I aucey a uaruug ecu. ma io ui..,i m. .i,.i ,, .. --, aud strike dawn lb naiuual ti i ' lorcrar. iyTh Augusta (G. ) Chronicle say. that so far as it hears, all lb iSiaie is go lug lof U.-ll and Everett; tbat Douglas stock is " rapidly ri.n.g in tieorgia aud ibe rfouit) -," tbalUtfvernor Johnson bas clearli de.uouatraied l all uuprrjud.eed miud. tbat Mr. lireokioridge aud vseneral Laoe are as muob latter Sovereigns as Djugia-t ; aud that two of the luo-t aol.v. Dougla. d. leg. tea are goiug for H.-ll. Aa ... tha n,l.ri..r r.itiilia il a VnrL l.,i. I.n.l IlnikL l.tlt Lri lllZt'd. J'tlt' SMlllO Discussion between Gov. Ellisaud John rQ AtCaitUae, Moore .County, Juhj JMh, Mr. Pool opened the dfbt iu fcw cha-ita and ariDroDriata re.uarks, aud pro ceeded to tbe difCussioD of the ipieatwu ot Duat 'J'ujration io a maimer uususwertd l ., .1.1.. n and that the treat 1 ,..: UDOn wMe, ut ,d (,m eoilipetllor 1 1 ;. ,..,,r. m to move that restriction iu the otisiiiutioii which prohibited tbe Legislature from tax ing elavc property a otlitr property ill the Stale i taxed. '1 be Ooilitulj'n s adopt ed in 17To had no mi-'Ii probibi'ioii iu it I''iom that lime down o 11 )ear l!:i no .ueh retrii;ti.)n wan placi d upon the Ls-ii-utive will. The rc.nricti.ju of whicb he .polta waa that clause iu the Coii.-titution which exempted from taxation, all slaves under twelve aud over filty, aud prohibited the Legislature from taxing the hlsek poll higher "than the while poll. At the time the Constitution was ameuded, and this restrio tiou inserted, very little alleuttou was yiveu ia it.. ...I.;. 1.1 nl taiiunu. tils (boll tax ol :, tlie But jicl of t.xsuou, tba whole tax . yu, ,iu 1 exceed $70,000 per au j nuu. . y(..rL..H D0. the t.X is from six lo 1 M,vtu (rt;j thousand dollars per annum. ti, , ,.,,.... lo rAn this la. l- amount r,1B , ,leCcS.,arv to raise I his laiue amount : -r ...to. 1 v tu tin;' lotuaoorj up....M I'-- V ' " . r.nnr l,il li.i.ll h V did be StV POO T wh;t(, IIJ4U ? li;Cause if tbe tax fell heaw- . opon ,,e rjcij man ou)yi the baud ol Lejj- ilou woud bardly be atayed, for be neb ,Iian 0f ujs abuudauce ouybl to pay to ihe hUpp0rt of government, iu proportion to the ,,lllouIll 0f nroteelloD he a ud his prooe rty re- cejve( fr0IU ,he govcroment. ,0 ,ttT.ul tbe Lemslalure Iroin tax 1 i, t,t property as all other property is ' ti,led, avc iu North Carolina. Nou.eu.ber of the Legislature would dare to put the t.X upoo the poll bigo enougu io mase nia..5 bear tbeir equal share ol taxatiou. Accord , j , , he plc.3enl ey.tem of taxation, laud paja au cents on tbe SluO valuation, while lave properly only pay. about la cents ou , ti, Si.,i. valuatinu. J he mair mat aweet- ; eu, ,j,e ...flee .the salt that acascua the Ira ga u, 0( iie laboriui; man ; Jes, tbe irou out 0 M , i c , he makea bis plow to tnl t.io SiijO valuation. Is this eii isi : Isitjist: l)ut Le eaiU his opponent iusioted t bat aiaie.s 6UOUd Lave some proleoiiou, aud pray, w hat j, .ij8 proiectioii which they have uuder the i,rea.ut svsiem. which some of the deiuJ cr.la ,0 much admire ! It is the tax iupoi- cd upou the w hit. man s bead, that p. oleels ,b, u,,ro. Why ..ot protect laud ! Lit ot leM importance to ll.e citixeti than the ue- gro T lu the constitution, as amended 1:1 , ,j3jf th. laud was proiccte d. The landed iUttre3t in the State formed the basis ol re- preseutaliou iu the Si tiato, and no man as p,rmilied ia vote for a Senator, uulesa he was a freeholder, aud tbus it was liie prov- 1IjCe ol" tfast tfeuate to guard weil tha inter esis o. iue neeuuioeis, ... Uoiia Ht.re BOt Luril.et.ed with undue taxa- ..ori. Lut that rroteetiou was broken dou uv .ue rj,.,,,,,. ct m8 r'rte ijulTiaia Lill, tuj us U8 mj,tt.d iu the pasaa-c ot that bill, - , because be believed it H be just and he- c.us, ,u.u, - bcx, 80 ue aioou ueiore uo pcopio m im SUC. at this lime, the uuvieiaiu,; advocate 0f Equal Taxation, because be believed it to b. ju.l aud right, aud because il would make all uieu etoal at the tax box. Mr. Pool said, it was gravely argued by those wbo opposed equal taxaiuu, iual ne gioes uuder twelve years ot age oubl not to be taxed because they did uot yield any profit lo tneir owners. Wall, lei ui carry out the priueiple and see bow it wili operate. A gold waicu does uot yieid auy prottl to Its owuer, tberelore It must uol be laxea nui; c jrl i,,,, does uot j leld any proht to us owner, tne. e lore it uiu-t uot to. laxoi; thou- I sauds of acres ot wood lauds all over the Siate vield nothiuL' to the owuer, theiet.ire u.g.v., -u, o..ub.-6 i " " ' " everyday, by bis gto-f aud tucreased value. Mr. Pool aa,J be at... comment up n the I lattorms ; that h w, st. ue ,,g sq .re up- j ou his pl.tlorui, but Uov '; J "' little about it, aud scarcely ever read il lor r- , the edibcattoo of the people, and especially tuat part ot tbe Damocralic pialtoriu whicb avs "that it ia tbe duty ot th. Legislature wueu flaming u tax bill 10 l.iak. tu. tales bear. as tqa.tty as practicable (withiu the iiiinis ot to. Cousiilutiou) upou all ci..sas ol pioperty iu all sections ol the Jvate. Here Is uo di.-crtiuluating clause iu tavoi ot auyihiug except tho negro, uo scope giveu lo. the exercise of Ls0i -lati e wi.l; iue c-iu maud is imperative, aud Hie L giiaiure must obey. li is ttie duty of the Legi.la tare to make the lux hear iqla.ly utuu ait Classes ol property, dowu e.wu to liu rop ; thai I. Ihe pl.nu t'.ugilstl ot U.eli p:a;t,.ru. Mr l'ooi .aid, ine Oppwsinou p.ailorm. no a.i....u no stoo I. recTjaiaueii Jed tha caiii'ir ol a Couveutiou to aim ud the Cou.-iuu. io,. .,0 tt.wt slaves could bo taxed eq .ally will, other property iu tbe Stale, wuu power lo in. Legislate. e lo discriminate iu favor oi tbe uaiive products ot tba Slat t. 1 tho m dustnai pursuit, of ber cuix . 'its. Wh.tdoe- disoriujtuj'. mean . It lueaus to make a diri,.reuca : and th. irreatasl ditfere.ice to at .... i. .. , .... ...... .;,.,. ...j Imi, auotusr article uutaxs f. Tue ti,.j.iuou platform giu-.to tl.c Li l-ture :!-.e ro-,, r I to taS UiU"- ctoidli.,4 t j !; a lai.i ,3 now taxed, aud not to t.i ! t.e u t-:. .d oflbo inechaittc, the fJiii.n.g utin-ii, i.f ti.8 farmer, hi- household and Liu lu'ti : .,1 tiiture, his coin, bis wheat, ami bis attar products. He said there was notbitrj iu the 1 fo.U'aa pator;u to prtTciii ll i.J(ijM 1,0'iuic fjr 1n.l1 ii!:ir 0. ui i -oils or luii ve p: f. 11' l.., sii.-li i's, h.t -Biell, Cl!eij. 1 ,. ... .,. riders, tne Kti-pom 01 y-ien bii.Miu ri:;ts, tud ali other persons ot Hie ccs;ij .:;ju. wko will Le taXfU by the Levis' itur,-1 .r the pri viiege of carruiij; nu t'eir Ln-mesJ. '1 he re.seut Keni'.- hi t, pav-eu iya ivuio ratie Is- jisUtu'e, iu. lo m a Ul ef oi.e hun dred c'iit ou every b ilrvi d .'.lars the mechanic e:'ri:a I) bard lt" r, !.. re le 1 allowed to leed his wile .id e'ulJr.a c it if his h'jtiest tarmiis, is au ui.j'i.-t md ip-pi,!-ive law. Jijl " is objected, tl.it arj cording to ad valorem, tbe present fix will be taken off ol dnks auci p:.-!)l-, and tLcy alii have to be taxed aceorillt.g to Value iiy no uii-aits ; a niau u.ay have cue Luu Urrd dirks slJ as in a uy pi..tols now by him, and Dot pay one cu.l Ui lr keeping lliem; but ai coon as he Bears oue auoal his per sou liable t'T the t .x ou tliat one; and why? liccause he is laned Jt the prni-b-e of weanu,; l b-s weapons iu . cim aud euri.-tian uoinuiuiiltv , to the tenor ot a, I J fc,0uj cuileus. ao, uudrr ad valorem I r . . . . 1 m iiiim. I lie l.f ijUlt kill tax oil ur tua till ,tion 1 bun ior the ixciusm privilege of weariu j .0,e ari,eies. Ad alor. m is 110 new 1 111 1:1 .Nor', a i.i,a 1. ,i,d i uied an vaiuieiu t'aroliua. Laud 1. taxed a time: co are' watches, Carnage.-, aui. many .-,! h .. r ll I I le , e ... .M I . IvjOl r e 1 1 1.C Colls 1 1 Ul'- :,,,, fc,,VKU t, the I ipposiuou p. all jr... h the ), u.eratie l'i ess, under t..e sanctiou of Guv. E.n-. to at.o that the J'u-s. .ltd not ' ull,;eratand that e.e. vlMiiL'. ev.u to a tin a, tl, bo lax.'d an" aloitin or ai.y 0. ,.r av ; but cu the couti .uy, that po,v veu to lb; Leji.s.atuie to lii-crnm- all over the .Sale, to Hie gi e at oi ti iiueul ut ( iu(jll(j Uj ''JJj,',' mail-, tr just afoul thai lime the aeiors rela-ell to eairv the luail f(0(u j, eVell oll Uiu Ujuroads. lu .,biei-h tne I'veinor vtiituied to pro phesv. He dec.aied tint Lleuiutrals uiljjht oi tier, hot wouiu i.tin uuide. Al (.iiaries tou the leading L'e tuic I ain met lu Conveu liou ; tin ' Uiti.ied i.uJ Very SOou divide!. At bailimure they Cl.ut.d again, aiid re main in br-seu ir . ,'tii' uis. lie u.'O propbe- slt(1 (u t( ie sjuie petcu, Hi ait t'elme toe sua stood ift IU ll.e luaVelis, tl.e opposition e scmpei ing troiu their p.atloru. like t als 1 1 oiu a I I'lliir hit secure his 1.000. !i.e:.u, tor nun, auu in it made aeeui .i'. t for til oi to sla.iil i;,-l, al lialesiill amine Ihe Goi.ri; Ot li utU j ttie ba tiniuj l a! u 1 he i.iov he was aui rounded by I ui ) 11 i i e 1 1 eled a t al U 1 1 J p.ac.d a pltillo.iu, ins iiiieeiiot iXpreasiy pvt.. Jijt uju iii the , I... I'J.a I -eC ial.Hl t J ll- i s piatloi ui t.y tne ioi cla U being ol ColllbJ-l.bic maleiial, look Lre, I SOOU tlie HaUJiS leaeiie.l tins tool' aod begat, to cdld.late to W al Os thu baaveus, wbel, J bl' I al was seen l'i U-np lioiu n.e I in lug lain, and ulttf H i tu a h ..si of si.ii.icr o-.-.s. '1 Ue leader ti' tiie h ast wa, my cjtu: c.f. jr. Mr. I'o.l sai l, tbat iu North Caro.ina, slaves aire taxed a. pors.'-.s, wuiid in a, I Hie other S.ates they '-re tax.-J a- pr .per ty. lu tills p.u -ticul ir we were e irrv tug out tlie liepatiteau li c.i.ne. lie said li was uiiied mat this itai au iiupi op.-r tunc to ag- : itale l his if.estion ; Hint tlt it u wo lid aro.i-e a i.o.a rs ar J the . uou ti.(l!ijl.i,u tuoar ui m, d at. ny s.io j id tUere be ai.y sueli pr.j idica '.' Ceitniiy it there he auj prcjulice, I! is becaj-e l.ia slave oauer is uol made to bear his t ial poitiou ol tho bardeus of goverutueut. In li ne ol p-aoe the while rw u pavs as mu -il tax ou n.s Head as Iue hi iOai man, aul pT toims uiueh more puuiic uuty by wotKing ou UoaUs, nijstenug. seriiUjt oajaiies, c, aud wheu war conies ihe wutte in ill is coin pelled to leave Ins home and his ueteu.-o-less laiuiiy, auu to litu ihe baiues ol Im country, while i tic oiai'. ni.u is at him. working lor auJ piouciiug hi. masters family. Tuu.s iu eierv point ol vie tiure Is li.q ...ill), aod tl Hi s liieqaa.ity sh '.o.d ptoJueo piejid.ee, -eriaiuly toe be-t liieth o.l io remote the prej.idue t- to remove its cause. In s.a.es as ail other property ts taxed, aud It win Utiii.ni.-li the laa upou thil wime po.l and up'ii lUe ULd aud otiKr pro pel ty. lieu tne poor luau ees mat ins lieu netghoir has lo pay as iu-.eli tai oil b.s uegioes according lo iiuo, lor Ihe eup p..rt oi govtrnuunt and tot cojuty parpja cs, mere wid oe no cause lor pi.jaii 'c Mr. l'ooi couoluded by pajin.1 llJ'' sotue lilhute to the aorth au.l uutits ol l. .1 aud L.ereU, and declined he w iu.d .up port li.e tieacl witb heart and naud. Governor E..t. e.u.i...eui-ed bts r.piy by t 'an the pc.'p.c e.1 .loore ioi ia.o.s Ul.e Juoge. and wneu a c.tnlllai. P-st, ' two .at tie siiJ lit caa.e oe.oi. tUeu. uol al n,s o h.Uuitig '-r to .ti uiiy luc lualioo ,t as ii ui, t.te of N ti. l al J- a disca-sioa Lie I. real .'. u.ooi una ; tuat u woaid n-i co ' 1 ol .Na.iooai 1'onitea, t- at u. I co lo Iue oiseussiou ol tuts gr-.-at uiou.y, .Uliout any aiumpl al lest I of or Ul piai. roi au.l ptp I o aoppel I J Olji s, J ill. iue l e.ee, wuue Uoi lilig tUal tne iraus.re.sjr m ' y aud Jj-l e.t iun oi J i-ne ol .-. uii) JiJisli ... ll.eU lakes w . 'e ll.Ces-ai .10 1 io be paid. ll a- lite p tee men I .-Bt I or eivmaai.o'i, I ji ...e ..; p". t l,l.:ut- Ills co iil'ellti'r u iu of It: w..uc man. pa,...g a t.X lor the pr,....et. aiinn, It, K ,r o! be... ii iif n.ea 0 J ii hi.' s 'me ol Hie III o"l t.e lla. -ay M 'ui..s;u. U , in i r Jem. I, an J ,- .jnkii i a u. tuei v Ii. may air ul lleJVeu Hi. b. aneo not J- .: bf day I" i tiuiiiui,; l 'i il i psio, r uc v ba.