isrue to God, to Vioui, 6cun1)r m, qd foijotir Dqfjj." VOXjUME'9. C23lA.aEiXjiOTBI'E:f 1ST. C, AU&UST 14, I860, i II. T 1I0B1AS J. HOLTON, .. Editor 4 Proprietor. T Kit MS : Th.Nurth.Carolins r. ! .- ib i ei t tW 'J IH)1,LAUS in aurunee ; TW O '."V? n AND FIFTY t'ENTrl if payment be k ......i d'iHibr,iKiLi.yiiii '''n"'"ulHKfcIH,1rA,18l ,, IM eud ' T..IlU7ui.Tto. I Bull." i the Editor uptl ....... n. . I .i One Dollar per aquare V'U Z. I1' '' typrjfor r.tln.r. '"' 1'nt re'i. lo.rtad '"r't, . ll."ir,al .barfed 'Sm'". unce. Jor ...ver,,., r. by '''Viu-lV ."! per ' Mchtin.. rrl.M,,h.o rnrfinc tn ll.r-r adverl.-en.ef.ts ., ru-rk the ' Z,i b ',,, tU"tr,i " c..rd I'K I X trra are aulb.niK' f ' An J.G. WllaKIXMItf AzC t)., crnrm ih WATCHES, JfiWEI RY, ULIU ni PHTtD ttUlL.tL'. KB 3 WlMiU&oo&&Kz 3 Ur.oil' B.r.;.tM..iU-llH Maimo. niAULOTTK. N 0. . ., U ...I... Jt I3tf ii. w. i',i:(;K wiiii " fiiTKB UIIL It, m at aau ran:! nnwintii. ( Ml .J ll.nliM I" twf'. woliaailif 1. .Mecklenburg I lott'l. .X.U tO tkf I'lJtt ' fnlV. .ofilHf ml'.rff, tt.r amWlM! i'l J I ,a airr.ird tk h.iWii'f k .. raln.aKr ll-Ul. He halriiniil ..w M.e,fsl U .e-.wa k...r.ra , I M la anW etfi'-ienl )-4Vfa i .il kw k. i.t sv in SH- i-ta ' . or fur. ilk a a,nU heal. .-s"f e Imie JOHN ! IK AN. a.Y. ! aa 1 e!IK .u'.senlief l-ar. Bi,.i '. anlMMHirllif I i. I,.. f,i. .."a. t ' b'icf;e.,. r tlt.ll t i n " . , ., .., Ihia tt SalsailiaheO . well kttuatn 1 .u4 a. a m.w era" .ailil rit.ti.i. li , .Jja..l l liavi-, I'-Vi "ht.j el fitilf , i i4p pnii .c, ii. Ilia moat l,...ei"i y l . t rw ar alletllcan aa .ant U Ilia J i j ...a. o't v .i-ided In Ina H T slIl.t-H .re .huwrt-a.iy uej.hed and at -. i. r. , a-li.r. .J ! all iw..rlmtal i ;t Bf,.t.., (,o. I,,. i- fa..i,.l aluntioa. K ,i..ii.b.rilMMIir, rur.arfulrl In II" .i n u,e arr v.l i.t ll.e r.ia i ' rf.. la llh. ral alrtie .1 (.a' p.lrii.(( ia e.fnli.lly a..lwiifd. WM ROWZKK. .a,Ur IS. 9. 3hU "THE UNION' A Ht II HI It KIT AIM It i: I II lit l. 1 FHILABELPHIA. j I rruM ft. SKWt llMKK. 1'iopritfr. j Jft t Sill K .mlrr.,iiil h..u( piireh. j Jmi3 "'" '""real nf hia tinnier j JH'.PJ Kv.n Kvjria, ill Ih. aho JuAfcuL ll .lvl, wouU rail II.. attention ..f ll.e -is r I., ti. ,,,mlinrs for thoaw Vlailmg I'll. I. E'if riliirr on l.w.ina .-r (.u-.aare. I. .in, l,.,ri b.m but law al. a frimi Hi. I atie.l .ari.ueaol Ir.ile, t.flera inn ucewrnla Io t ... kiiainr..; while I., ii.,a in ae.rrh nf I ".Hi., l. rieiataiitly p..inf snd repaaalin I. i a.y r.r .n.l Ino.a in eloae iimam-ilf aft ,r,l Jk t lo-il nita lor u,a in. r n.,ii.i,,al an hi ol half f f out to .11 pi, era ol Li ler. al III or .h-ml toe I I " rr,.!Hirl..r ra tli.t ae f ' " .lull I.r i. pi Mill, auell cli.raeler .a will oierl J "le .P,,Hl. anil Would rwapaetlollf aolieil 'ut .,..,. , , .,,.. I r.r,. a AO ,h, ,y. j I' I' It N 8 NEWCOMER. S, lisj'J. tlJ-ly I'aoraiaroa. i ' Mir lir f i .UK ..I loo-r 1 1 lit i Si ; lil lli-ail. : ber ia manefcerani and keep. i I I f on h.'id, etua). lor I . tier, he. 1,1 rwnrm.and rood In wan with lor; It. I f nil,,., aklH W, l ilnini aiaiea , In of ., kl (( t ,,,,ine. f ,ny raon dc. 1 ' in I, il In N ..gam, it c.u be had al a re. roie,. The H-.-p baa been tried by reepon. ' prra-ma anil ia a ui l be a eerlniii cure. Ti.a ""-.i Uw h.d at Or. K. . Ituicliianii it t'u.'s I ; Kl,... iii from lhe auh.rnhct. j t CUAS. T. EBKRH ARD. i "'I HI. Ir7.9. I III' I J. S, PHILLIPS I sWr H.i.YT T.lll iUt, j HA V I N O located in I 4...ri..ils respsiiul ly aolieiie a ah.ra ol oabhe aHlronigs. A emnpletii namrtraent of I 'I. . II.., t 'sawiiiteiea and V..liri(. alwny. on li.i.d, whian .ill I. nimie to or der at lha iHii.rtr.i notice, alter th I. leal f alonn . Mli... three nie.ra tiu.lh of ll. M.u.o.o ll,,uae. RAT VATMV S JM- ulantio, ,m.inonity will ..ka mil ice lhat , . ' "oai rnp will b. pureli.aed at Ilia 8,n Klnnring klill, .1 market i.ts. ni.j v,e.l f. ..n nuy find H lu ihiir "lljja loe.ll a) th, M.ll before rloamc a asl.. e. fi4aijlL kl a JUII'J WILKXS ft CO. A L.VIKJKliUPrLY Of (:nst;il.e Warrants JUST HUNTED. 4 liiuliille Mutual l irc'liikiir. nt-t v ( 4i tn pan y. hlllS COMPANY ciiliimea to lake risks .. av i;jtint loa. by fire, uu lli.u.u. Good., Jfa. ouee, Ac ut uauul ralta. 1 1 flnW al Ilic Drug More of fc. Nye Hutchl. mo A. Co.. OFFICERS. A. C. 8TKKLK. 'resident 0- OVERM AN, Vire l-rrsidenl. K.'NVH HUTCHlSUN,:y.f Trecu'r. '- blKKlTuHlt. A.C. 81EELK. J. L. HROWN, . M. It. TA YIOR, 6. T WKLSTON, C. U ERMAN. F. SPA Kit, WM. JOHNSTON.' John L liuown, F. 8carb ind S. Wbihtoh, Errtutivr (Jommitiee. ApiiliU, 7tf MAS.WINSLOW ri)H-'iri,rei Nurat aim K'.nalr Pnyairlan pre. at nts the ailrnlinn of iti'.tl.cro. her SOOTHING SYKUP, roit ciiii iiti;n 1 1 i:i it i o, ml.irli grrall f..cilil.tlr the prorraa ot tevllmtf . by autlming He rflti.. f. Hiring nil ji.fl .imiiaiiiin .ill alUj ALL fAlN and ,p.iiHHji action, wi Kl UK 'I II M.I I. VI I. I UK IKIWII.S. Irirnt Ujx.a II, li.ulln i, it .,11 i ft l la jour, avitra, biia lirliif and Ural'.h Io Ter Iu.'jiiIi. We hatr .ui U n" : Ihia aili' l li t irr rti .4 A.S MY, I Ji ONHlKNtt AM) I I. II II ut it, ! ' ir hrt" all to .a sas. Wlfsi.iv '! Il I U I it il l et,,, N I V K K II A I.N A hl.M.I.K It) Kl H,i T A 1 1 i , ) u a au. know an it'al-'ii1 h.i ! it. U vnh na ip r.n ITFaII.KI) I.N.- I AM K i tbk.. wltru rvr tiiu we 1 til I' ol ,rit..eiM.b l.y an one il.r c'iiir,r, ail atw iicocIiUe a. ai.u sts m ti-m.a il enin. iaa ic-il . ff- Ms anS n.ertiftal vir. ao-.k in II,,. i.i,ll. r nilAT UK M) KNOW.' alt.r lm yrsra' r I ft n. lire. A Ml II IM.Kt'l It l:H I' I AI KN r'UI lilt HI.. II. MINI III' WHAT tt K IIKKE UWI.AHK. In bIkkwI i x rv in.l .1 Cf alitfr tint mtai.l M aul. I.r ii, f 1 1 ii. ii:t sli.l . Il,,. rail f will br f. uiiu i, Curi a . i.,,nuua ailrt Hie atrup u a.intiuul.f rd. TIm Iui Ic .rra.t.liim ia the (.react ir.tien of ..I u.e m .i IXI M II -Kf... .Km. l- U.n uacu.illi NtvK; a-A..u rlHl HUH MMi (if (AMX , It -mil rrli. a.a tlx eliikl to n, p.m. hut in. ,(..-. tie at. in id -iKi ! l. tl rnl. tT. an f v.a Kanr .ii.i ,i.H(f to a. .,! .y.leni It wiil aliiHS.1 in-1si.llji rrtirsa bnpief in the Mk are Wind die and .ivrrroiii. , ' " . it v u I a Inn.. k..lll ,1 M l't l.,eoliV r as. M ,4 IHII ..,h. 'vv, k, I.e.rlKI.e, MKIHINt;. IdKSTANL KthT iii'.vKi.V is H.TTvtoM.n. in .ii ..f liY.-K.N1 r.KY AM) I'l AKMl.tKA IN ii Ir-xw w. I !...(. -r itnu. ai.y ..iher e.u.e. . m.Mil.1 aay lu rwry ii, oil, . r w ho a . a a eini.i ufl. ri. B w.-rn ol tl-e i..To.nt r...oi.l..iiii. H) NOT I.KT YH K kfji nit i:s. Mut 'i in: rnu I H M t Kill. al-H.I b. Iwern ynu .ml V"r aurl'i -ril.f i, ,. a. rt in.- rr'i. I lUt will rw M I.e. y a. A I. -.J.ITH.Y l l;t-lo 1.11. w ll.e w.ri llnai. lu... I- U.-.I. lull .lif.rt.ol.. I'T WUf rl. I... fei, fae a n l he le '( I Kl is h I KI.KIN!. N York, S..I.I hy lni((i.i. ll.tnujhout Ibe wl. I'.im iPAi.Oiri. r. I 'A Cti'A a Si a art, N Y rtc uv -' ""' lr Jiotl't. Kr ..le in I li.iloll. ty K N t llulrtiai At Cu K ,.,,. IS ly if j aNOtice. t.i.l. l..r !".'. are now in myhanda L le.uv I" .,rlo.n, and I urinal 'l irr. ... .i,y T.i.oli. wine), m.y ,.e l.'W and p . a ur T S'-.. K C. tilllKH, the,.. ik1 be d. .lntil, lff.0. Su Dr. 11. sM. rritclmrd lNti tothr aolieitatirrinf ma. irlrtme, reaenoiiy announ 3 ce, hia uei. rimnaln'ii Inriauu.e Ilia i ita ! .'l'ali-M.. be eon.ull.rl al hia nt!). . I rT..e i.r pre.rnbe.1 for w.tlioul cl.arje, .l.f.(31. r..e ?jtf LIVER INVIGORATOI?! HKvr.K utiiii.rrATK.. ITIaenmpnwoded f mnt f. ww,.. an Ml,s w, .i,..i.J lea. 1 1 1- liM ' n w. . sntu.K. -J il ' hl, .!-. ou,,a (-j m aof i -S. ie,..s Ti ox a.rao s ar H J'" awaorikaLIVKM I.-, V ..drmrir!.. j" im i a...t. a .llt an N ul.w-a l.le.r Cm-1 w pi la. ka. V.ipt..l.,;U H wul.wa I.l.r W pl.l.,1., Sl Iwna al ia, kl. Irsi.aa. U I hrwolc Klsnrinea, wmar t aM'M . .,., Iras.. rf, Urwp.f. ar f, jci-ln rwal I hale u..h. t i.m.r. S. i. r.. lam. r i.i lanra, JaraSlf., H I'rmale W.ak...aa-uaMlta-ela.' !aea..Vlf aa Oldl.. rr I'Mly M..1pJ, IIKIUSIUK, taa J saS Sir I l ..,.ir mlowtea. If rj 'laa.wr lew" a,a..lwla aia Iaa.-' K " .MM llaraP Kl.lwe Uwe lasulaoa "TlE'wTtH I. Tll MorTII WITH Itlki ItVlLUHIIUII, Aa a Aia.otv irril 1IH.11 IIKIl. Fa a. ' r,r a.,s.v CATHARTIC PILLS, .'. tir.,t: nan i a ' p.ra Veel.fcl.'s, a. el ett Br In .!.- t .., Ale llfchl. ...4 IU k.. In now r.lai.te. ,... 4 sr..: . e4, eho.ff.wMllb.a'll.l, im w. a khm rmfftloi sjawi ttii" f j 4 flWvr Cubftrtto ft Hs Hti rtf,s.k v (tsjhetdr-r-l. rr. rW il. pawl of ! H t n ft r H l ""Til''! i -icJ K l-wo'' ...l e... a. ! . . J d Sorer, e-a . r the 'laWoJ. yr. sq tTmTJ'. SVi Ia7"VaiV. r"V,7T.t'. M lit.ritH'.'st a. a.llao (t nl-l o.r P. fl.e b-ftr, Heai.ew- lle... h-. ee L hi I .! . h' .d. .11 li.ltnxtt.rri: lls. .ae-. arms W rt.l'ilrett Iila'i., kli' p..rlllerwftka Hio.m( . J .,.l...rl"W.I. sa it H-ir a., as,ro..a: ai a..,u, n m .it ataal. Stoj.Mhl T,r. nttS", ' - Tka l.te.r l..l-..- Kawl'T ti. tharlle Villa ... r-,.i"l l" Kri.i.'M. a-w.ll. ajrf waa .ael.aftl. St w I rl. I. .11 iSe l.i a" t..afc a. T. w. sAvrmi i. n,. F. PC ARR & CO., Charlotte, A' C Mr. EeUClaSmiion the South Brilliant, Ieftcr fronTllbn. Jere Clumeris. Reei)tJy Mf. J. Hooper of the AUb-' .ddea.aj.rl Utter to bin friend I i ma Mail, addressed truer io un i.icuu., Jere C emeu, complaining of strictures ol the latter, npo. coure. of th. for,er, .od eonrludiu,, U folio., ; . , '. !' K . . . 11 l one 01 m reir.-v. n u.j fitifiicLM. to bud ton now tm aiiocate of Hell and Everett. ... .. .. t 1 .l 4iuiii Mt aau.ire io personal character of lbo-s (triiil. mn, I !!"nf .'h. fat. OWU.OU. of lb. UU cannot kui regard u as I ly protect. " We have long been frienda let us re main so. How il saddens me to see your ereat lowered 1 .ill not ay ; but I .ill eon liuue to believe that at the lat we shall, if (live, besiii. by aide in the fighl " To I Ins Mr. Cli'iii' h replied as follows: Huntsvillk, July 6, 1-61. My Drn llnoPKit : Your letier of the 19ib ull, .as only reoeived to day, having reached Mriupbia after I left tln-rc. I do not recollect the eiscl laut'iii;o of the let I Never for one moment allowing mjvt to, o. n ileal ion the l.urll Ol VOur UlOlltes. 1 nave )i t thought, for more than two years paat, .bicbyour atlachment, I am sure, is aa I hlroug as mine j and ot r.orutujf out niaoruer ...j ;...i..i.. .t. loiari .hint. I .l.i... !to be as resdy to defend as lha ruost un- icomproiuisior: 6re eater to defend in the i. ..j I flu Mi... th.t rl,a .a. Lt.ri.liou of those opiuiona (by you and Ii..... . .a .k. nf Tom Judie in I . It...;.. I... 1 ....I 'ID. .'loutgoniery in""'". ...r.1 rl.ii.l,,.,. I I.... doubtless relerred to your course in terms of deep and serious r. ,rret. Ii i. tbi. to which I suppos, you alluded in referring to my readiness lo give you a nimrh whenever tbe opporiuiiny Vou mu-l pardon me, n.y dear occurs I air, for sugee.ting that there ia a ide dif. , bet.een pumM a man . political principles and unthg him. You are, I ai.d have beet, doing my psny in (be Slate 'of Alabama mora barm than all ll.e Demo cratic editors within it' limits, nd it would " ? 'have been utires-ouable to expect me stand by snd .imeas ali this i bout mi : some effort to palliate or correct : Vou have led thousands of aud tried opponents of a corrupt stu corrupting j Democracy into a poeiitoe which compels, i ih.n, to become th. allies of spoilsmen, and ; ! forces them lo sunpres. the ripre.-iou of their hons.1 inrli.n.iion at the fraud., br.b- i,,e. interference wilL State eleotiot... specu- be whieb .Lia AdmimMratiot, b.s been dis- 1 1 1., ui-h. d. 1 ou are jour-elf 10 a .tale ot n..i.lalva..alag.. I ou ha, iiven up every lb.. t, tbe one idea of slavery, and .be publi, intere.l and ,he M.-.onal spied by Bi'med at Halluiiore: ' Krtred. Thai il ia Ih. Hutv nf the KerVal , iviaim nl in alt its depsrtinent l asiiry. lhe rig ita Terrilorn a. n .he.ever el., it. cona.iiu- da." ...i ii. n.l authority ritenda." Now, this is precisely the position taken jby Mr. B. ll more tb.u ten years ijin. It was rest ted by me in a letter to Mr Inge, jof F.utaw, AU., in language too plaiu to J admit of doubt er nii-contrueiioii, which b iter was publi-hed e. ks belore the t,.har- 11...... t. .....n.l. led. U diJ not I lliru aviravt J ou. " - of any peculiar sauctiiy w liich not aware baa been throu around it by lhe endorse- ;hrou around it by the endorse- meot o( the Cbarle-ton Seceders, and I Hud n.v.elf wholly unable to understand what e ic ii- it can furnish to you for dc-ertiu jour own party, by whose chief it was first euuncialed. and ratmiui! yourself under the banner of a man who baa never approven it iu the pat, and whn gives 18 it now only that qualified approval which is to be im plied from its aeucpiauce by tbe Baltimore Convention Mr. Breekinrid.;. was the advocate of Squ .tier Sovcreigi ty in its moat offjnsive shape, in 'M and '5tf Iu the latter year, he eid iu a speech at Tippecanoe : ' Toe people nf the Territoriea under lb. K in. ... N hra.ka act, hv th. full rlghl to ralihh.h or prohibit al.very.ju-t as a Sl.te would, wmoli prioeiple is as old as Kepubiicaw niiienl it. aeli" You will eonccde that thi. langnage i capable of but one conatrudiuti ; and if Mr. Breckinridge has ever repented its uiter- noc, h. has oeter eonfe-stfd it. lu sever.l other speeches d lettera be used words ef the ssme import. It is also staled upon authority 1 do not q lesiion, that be w.s ao emancipationist a bee that q le.liou was agi.atrd iu Kentucky, and tb.l last winter he signed a petuiou for the pardon of eld John Brown. This ia a eurioua reeord for the candidate of ao extreme fiouthorn Rights party, and place, you in a po-iiion for which your beat friend (and I claim lo be one of them) can offer no apology, except that under the influence of high pilitiotl exoiteiuent you hate refu-ed lo look the tr.tb iu Ih. fsee, and blindly followed the load of Ihos. who have arrogantly assumed lhe cuardiaaship ef .out hero honor. You reerel that I should He found among the adtoeat.sof Bell and! Where " ,' ' : of hih office .a placed before bim. Such And the Mercury. itb tho,. tor .Horn it the tjon.titu.iona l ...... n,M .r , u,r s,.,..g r .i,d education find in thtn the .le.t le- rje?oui .. be pt to find , a certain con-1 .'coud" I he srd.r. friends cf pisilr, t un vtS a ynLemun po-ilan.i of the ril.U of the 8outli U.jt . ; . fid nol,,; tUt whjc, , linney that there it a government, of the Breckinridge and Lane, of Douglas and T I no not question your o.oii.r, ...a .a COIlPUd. Mr to i.r Vhitft States, as there waa ia OeQ. Jck- Johnson, cf l.iucoln and lU.uiin, in aei.un , .. Ur ix-Uney. the nfero g-ntieman ai- prreuely br.-e yoa aometimea i..n.. ' '.; , ' ..nVday . ' - 1 of .eeurimr the electio. oftheir political f j iuded'to by Lord Brougliam.-.W-'t tbart .. to I We ? . ' 0 :. " ' . t T. ,KlfWTh. ,Inion tf .vB Pon,tita. Norite,, look .ith .ompl.cer.c, upon tb.j,0M, lu, Lord Drouth., eery much for . bo do not Know me, to rrgsra me as eien . - - n. o,i. auccess of Bell sod Everett. 1 be lact ii not , lf, j u.,otl JOu have uia'le to me, aud , . .l.i. . .,t;.f,i..J ltien, fair abi ity, and toh-rahle education, lion, we presume near y a II nieu in the South succeas oi ucu o , . r . Io niritfue, that 1 now write you this friend ... . .' K. . , .. u . j aitiiout t, ea-v em anution. auU conatituies 1 , j lue 0,, ,.uiei, i,re-nt tTiat I, too, am a Ui ol which jou make con. plaint, but I am eollrvative i and aliouid hail his election never intended, by the CouMitution, to be ' T0lce ' their country men a ti.e ' sure il was .ntiei. iu a spirit of personal tle AA9U 0f , better aud a brighter day embraced in its operations The General ger of repose, if only repose be aeeni kiudne.s, although it may have eprea-ed j for ,hB Hepul lic. Government, under the sectional predonii- ""alter ot the 6rst liecesniy. A r.o p but ai.ii. ij and regret at the c." rse .l.ich yeu ,re rifht in supposing that if ihr. nanee and policy of the North, has become ' miereats of cither section, according jou and others of my friends thought pro- wor eolutt I b found on the aide of omnipotent in the Itjitie and appropriation . l,e admission of thoae who re.-pectue y p I.. -t.. ......t;.... P,..S.I....i.l .1... Li. a. i. i ... .l i i.t . ..... ..j . ;...u: i fess themselves the peculiar chsmpious of ier iw aaaa iu 1Mb a-suw.i. una nouiq. I Bin muie. i im nugnnr rjr oi trie taxes : auu no w aireieuirs ias u wi i ! Ibat jou .ere jtraduaiiy inopting political ,,,(0 a resolution, 1 wish it distinct- sattsfactTOT) in the South, aud the connicl. "" r""" " e- I 3 . ., 1 , . 1 j . t v 'opigion. which could be productive of noib . tinder-tood that I am not a non-coiubat between the North and the South, .biehSber tbought .hicb piop.tutesj If Mr D,,Us bad said this, ind took b.s inbut evil to the part, in whose r.t.k- you .,, ,d pb.tever privations we are o.ll.d must end. either io the Union of the Consli- ' cf political opponents in behalf lllt slid left the II all, be would have re- bad battled ao long aud so faithfully i of upon to undergo, whatever peril we are re- tution bein restored, or in tbe South being poliej "l.0ee triumph it u . recoenixed by ( t,.ved the pl.udii. of every Ameneaa As . i.. n..t l(..,.l.i,e m r. r .u. ii 7l.. r....Lt J j . - .i.. i ,i r all would secure the cuds, moder-1 lt j Ue pocketed an insult .i.iuh wnl as- 7 7 , ' " ...j ' :. tbi. address, perfectly ..If possessed, and ern peop.e irora ,,,,... .r, . . lh(ir r,p,lt ,n ,,r(,, . sff. cled by Ibis useles., aenseies. aud mis u V ' . VB, in any of the Terr lory of the tinted fetstes. ") arouuu wi.iu, iu M y name is Count Louis N ipoleon Bo- j ii' .:n ;. u .. . r.. .o'uet incs cheered. When be waa uoue, .,,, o ranks ou v the select few, and weaken MD- " . , , . r . , , e ...e.ou. dogma. U or.. ...11. '' ' ; Mt . ,u, C01(m.cled mi,b lhe collrge . fl. It is a Union wi.h the Norther,, ,,ki 1 "eC0IU , p.MT lL,m. D.pane. Prince of Segovia. Ka,-ch. ak. blinded your res.on th.t you sccep a. ho , coner..uI.tio., or encour- k- organized their sect.ou.l power, part... Dec g P oi obfr dl.peIldellel , .0 , lle bill," ,ru.b. .hen roming from ,b, S.-eedin, ..booeJ to rule snd govern the bouthern State. ,M;- to hm tly mltAiM th. respended the spri, of nobility at Mo.rle.ton. the ry doctrine ' .,..,, bo ,vmD.tbii their ntereat, ainbittoD or fanaticisio shall lucent eveuis u.v. g. , .. i not make out a third bill," said which you rejected with scorn when coming " " snds except a few who sjmpathix seeming force of th. only allete ''o here . i at i un led, bet tot deuiou-tratirely. I lie 1 rustees require 1 breu.'ht forward n eicose for withholding ,D r. .,, . , . ., ,. -Ue could I go! Yon would not have mej lo support Lincoln? I repudiate Squatter Sovereignty .s advocated both by Dougl.s ami Breckinridge. If I could he induced . io vom .or chut it "urery u. touj(. j He . lea, is .tr.,.. .ho,, f.m. erd. heyond .he emuiueni. It U coD. ' eied on .1 h.nd.i lh. the South o.e him , . j r, ...l. .,.A . ff , , arririre in the nant : sti'i the on v tin not . , r . ' . ... ... . ... ... f" hS BreckiiMi'lue; or if be has u h rf(d m ?wb. (ib ,e) jon piwi:..iiu ut tu'warius ui tho.e who never dreamed of the I'resi.'ency. It ia doin hiin no ii.ju.iiee to say that bo baa rendered no enr.ordioary service to the nation. II. has originated no measure, nor bas be been identified with an, riiiept as an advocate ia the tbird de- r . i.- :-t i . teem . suffie ent cause for disunion. I do t ot ajtree ith Mr. Bell in .11 things, but 1 do agree with bi.o upon tho-e q ies- lions whieb I esteem of viul importance, 1 know Imu to rm sound. af. ah r. and . . . ... i. r , ner inirraia am a xea a'liio .s iervtni mn ouron, and, aa I think belter direeted. . If hoaxer I fail ami ton and Ihnaa whn ar( eiiii)( .ith you. " precipitate tbe cotton ..LI. , i,e boldest smonit jou. 1 bnra are ether topics surgested by your i i i. i l.,.i.i i i.j . : t J h,t, nol ,be leisure to do so, and I 'eon cuded by assuring jou that your ext-res r ' i .. .'a ... ...i.. ...A i. reeinroeated i to lake little . :.. .i.;. ....... I ,m . .,..,. . l:- .L.. x.n.seeaillj noming, wauung uoiuii.k, a P.i,l.. . -,.ri,e. an .... but ..en if it wer, 0,herwise, I .hould be very fsr from .lUwing any present diff.-rencee to obliler- ita ,,e memory of tl.o-e kitidnes-es which h. aeeuiniiiaitd throu.'U ao uianv bvffoue -P,r,. . ; Very truly and sincerely yonr friend, JERE CLEMENS. ! Dirirfvanv Cot.LtOt AMI SLAVERY. c . r . . r p j c0fT,,. E.q.ofPiUde!Phi,,n,i.ence. ,..".. ef D.ckinao;, Collet, upon .he Be- . , ,, ... ' i.j: .j (. " lation tiei.eeti iuoiio i;pii,iou auu innivi.. i..... i ........... i..i.i; iw. , , . . ..-!.... j r, . . , ' , i no v, riasini nejjio iijes.iuu, sou writes thus : ' ' A "0"" of fi' rce ln'j f-rMonjod grieiiiui ...hi . ' 1 . uumher o. ...uignau, pro .... iv.i j ..s -p . 'eULeivea off. Arr on the se- , Fpi-P1 Church, the p...or of the Second . , ' ' ! " - " ;P"k" ""d have stupefied the p.op e b, boldness lu .peaking a plain oru lor uoeriy. imeinoii in mrnLuvi not transpired, but which ia ubstauc. re j .... ai ; , k. ...(,.) i, lust the Al .mni addresaes should no. trench Lr Sut.-lhal is, should not bo at all auli- .t..r. ' imnn anil oi tua " inf-inutioin oi LQuron lalaverv P D ckinsou College, tliough a Tennsylva- j iu-'ii uuou, is, and aUajs has been, 1 ri,ev .upporied from Maryland and Yir- yinin. lu Faculty aud Tru-tees, with some eia'-piion, have beeu either pro alavery or .. conservative. Tuk Ocean CEMirEar The ses, the great world of walars. U lhe of ceme unes, aud its tlumberers sleep without a uries, aud its tluuiberers sleep without a monument. All graveyards, io all other uJ-, .bow symbols of di-tiuction between tbe great and th. small, ilia rich aud the poor but in lhat ocean cemetery the kiuit and the cio vn, the prince aud the peasant, are j t,ke undisiiiiuitiea. ine siier j roll over all ; tne same r. qnein song, by jibe miuistrel-y of lb. oeesu, sung lo their honor. their remaiusthd same storm beats snd the sauio sua shines; and there numarked tbe weak and the powerful, and plumed and unbouored, .ill sleep ou till a akened together when the sea shall yield its dead. Death or a Bov ra"M Standixo on his " ' ' " . . . . HU Ou Kriday la-t. several oojs wure pUying in a freight car trying wbioh eould stand longest on his hesd. A littl. sou of i iii pu full I rljiii Tbomaa Liodsey alood thus near five mm , or., in the JUIll .an w or .verve-.... t..c ut.s, when he was prevented from standing Union -s it ezuts, but one who is at beart longer by one of ll.e other boys. Afiergsia !au AboliiiouUt Many m.y tolerate it, un i his feM he immediatoly ran der tbe b.p. of reforming it. Many may plaining thai bis head hurt him, and in a I remember and love it, as .t was pa.t days fow hour, after expired, me blood rushing talii. brain e.usiog apq.l'Xy. Let the III- tlobovsbe e.r.ful how tbey pl.,. - i - . - coin 111 ) Ihiuld. .(.) What will Please Everybody. It rise ins th.t tbe southern ultras,, repr. ,n.ed hy tbe tlharle-ton M'rnuru say that if Bell and Everett ara .lected, they will cheerfully " aq liesce." C.rt.iuly lhay will. St will everybody. There would be . general jubilee throughout the country Kverybody. but the rauk aboliiiomts .ad determined Wisuniouis.a, would b. pleawd wbivrs. demoor.ts, state rights un and , Alexandria Gazette. PAVING TFIB WAY FOR DISUNION. The lust Charleston Mercury contans the fo.OBjng UeI 0D lhfl Union of the States. ..... We publish it, not to approve it lu any eeuse, ,',,,. ., , b ' 'b-w b, ..tur. of the fl,n .0 hou th C.rol..,. jrint the Luton. V ede- y l'.t the Pre-n. Union not the L.non .ccordini to the Conatilution. 1 he Mates ...i 1.. a;..,. ,,uw "i"-.ij j, .11 .!. t.llr nf lat ihniit " the 'V'J of the 8t.t- Tj vUl exists ami birs the I , The Const ilul-iun uesire io ue perpemu. ii, is mc yu'. our fathers, and as their children, we will maintain it. But do the dancers and aj-i- tations which now shake the United States, arise from th. Union of the Constitution ? Hit doe., then the work of our fathers U mo-t inadrauate to our times We tuairitain .u.. .i j -j .r. , I.. ,.. suit, not of the Constitution they ted to os. but of its overthrow. The Union it established does not eiit. Usurpation aud encroebt..ent have drawn into the Tor- tci of Fed. ml nowar interests which were .... .i -L. a. .l ti - n .: iv oer eiaverv in me outn. i mv vhm.i tutioo, under such usurpations of power, it nrlni a ho i.hed the 1 nion it e tt ab- li-bud, in virtually dissolved. Hence the dia J.... I 1 . .1.. :.,..! North, under the au-picei ot auother Union established by power on the one side and ..v.: ...: . .. . ..i. v.. .... f tbe true cood.tion of the South, ery far off Tbe election next fall, mut settle the q'les- rv...i ...J-...: r . nlete sectional desnoiism over the South or f . . ...,i... t. ...... r. dlier. s..l: .u. u.v.:u.. ante. .-s inings now rr, iuo uiuu.uiiuj i. that i h.. K!aelr Kennhlieana wiil users the North, snd con.tnaud the Kleetorsl Col- lege iu the Presidedtial election. Now, in such a condition of thtng, is it truthful is it do inc. In the South to det in oroleestons in lucuu.i.ii o.a. .i. .im...,.,,. 0f devotio. to the Union! Will they pre- pare the people of the South to resist the sectional despotism of the Black Republican publi the fi party ? With a full knowledge of lb. fatal ''"i , " conirot or toe reaerai noveinnien. oj in. til py tne 1H..1, n..,ki;-.. ... iu i n "epubiie.n, an Aho,.i.on.s,s o .ne North d0 00, such profession. ...ev, ably tend to a submission to their rule I l)U!'nt mission to their rule I llU!'ht .... i op., or me ooutn r.iner ,o . ) a full sense perils which them, and be prepared to meet aroued to hn over them, snd be prep them, and to control their o.u deiliuies ? h Ujjon . 1. It is a Union with the Northern States. 2. Tt is a Union with th Nottheru States, riio have nullified tbe Couolitutiou iu the ' , ,,.., who, for t.euty years, have kept up iu Con - cree an aciistion e-ain-t Southern slavery, gre an ep. J. o. a - ' 31 Ji' " - .i... . ,k.' r' lDe a l, nion hsvme their ae-pouo powe " criterion o, us rui- ..m ..u,.....o.... , v .u 7. It is aUmon wiib the Northern states, v ''i,h P'rty predominates, whose vital principle is hostility to African slavery in the Soi ntirorinn mi nav aur.stiTuten in na ,uth; and nbese policy l. to ""'.,', ,0 iotr tVe standard gui-h it. 8. It is a Union with Tariff plunderers, who. ny the uniMQ..n.i.a.. y ernment. appropriate the property of the ho. by the Tariff Laws of the bedoral Oof- nouiner.. pro,,,w w .u... - their tributaries. 9 It is a Union with Treasury plunder er,who. by unconstitutional appropriation, urain tne I reaurj oi iutr e c.i onin im iirt-u.j . v..,,,. .... . their s.ctiooal enngutiieut auu aj,. .ou... went. Kb Bnefl y. it is a lj nion or, na pa ot the Sou:b wiib oppressors and i. ii uc. .....v.-, ------i o, inn inj nun iu allies the truth of the above positions, can or reveieuce the Uuion os tt exists is an utter impossibility. Ljiog lips may ut ter praise and a eowardly heart may re- fraiu its murmurs but the mesnest cal slave luusl hate a despotism which acourges and threatens to destroy him love and hale are noi ntiuer our co.inoi I Ood has so consii.uted the buiuau heart that we ctsj love on! is lovely and we we an love only . t.. ..e.. tmo a,., I de. nifinni" " - test.M-. We do not wish to judge others harshly bat it does appear to us, in " 'nf usefulness and Klory, when it was io tbe j Union of lhe Constitution. Ult aw-. it j i c u uho.U ih. Coos.,tut.on-tr its furious sectionalism, and it. anl. s.avery la ns.ioisin snd policy al th. North the only feelings in the South whieb it eaa rationally inspire, are those of dis.rast, fear, and con tempt or hate. If you has. still hopes of roforeaing il. and of asie reinstating the Union of lhe Constitution say so; but to accomplish your object, you must condemn the Vmon us it M If it i. worthy of your i. -l. raform it 7 hal ara all -.. j i .t.t. k. h.nn '"T PPT,OD"'' !" "V ,,.:,Alonde ,oic. at.Ubax.rd. aud to the Lt eritieal ravinija ur lacuuu. u-.a . SuW. THE "NO CIIANCB" ARGUMENT. We are sure that our reader. hao mark ed with nuti.-faction the daily increasing e- iJences of the popular faror which every here attend the nominations of the Con- ttitutionn I nion prty. It is one of the j peculiarities of the pcuding eanvaMi, that, hile each of the organntions cotnptting 1 .... , . ,. .,., I ith this party nas na pecuur ! and especial patrons, they all alike i unite in , . i . i I "' ""ell mer.tea irn.uie no ui.ijr personal .or.h of the ea,'a,aa7 J di..iniimr.hed by the prclrrences ot ir.eiin I ' opponents, but alao teats a ' "ro"e ! testimony to the pre -emmet, ly n.aioD.I a ." seiiiacwrjr Kuu,,u " " J . . preaeut. 1L exponents oi . puucj -u,v.m j l-ok ,,e V"""00 f 'h,e " I long srrsyed a.taft esch other id J taponiera as unnatural in 1,4 f""""'"' ', j necultes lu Its conlinusnce. then! : ",D - J r i purii. are ausiienocn upou m mcicwv, . i ; feat of either the Republican or the n.o , be seen : t-r' a " - . hetber the delusive force of party namesi ' and peace Tbe only opposition which the Constitu tional Union party seems eullea to encouu- " Nonheru States ii based on the sllegcd paucity of Its supporters in I is Quarter. It would thus appear that ton . sertative Hepublieans at the North, in com nion on wi.b Union loving Democrats at the, S . - . . , nr. i and Everett which they cannot remove ty g"'nrJ 10 'Dcie ""-' , j and united support which they are aomiit.a 10 deserve at the hands ot uieu in an aee-, ... -i 1 One ot the roost inte i.igent, .a ,D0"S tu CB 1 . , journals we allude to the .New l ot K t,oui "T" ,7 r I ,.ri, adopts "tbe standard which sUouUl repre- r , j . e n Le ,ru8 " r r m M ' ur ,u ...... i . "r ""v , , . . . . nresent thn aelua atate 01 the lrriiaien see- r - u r f , n.l recently remarked asfollo-s,,u .peak - nf .1,. r,n w. hate named : r(v...-;,h it .e. nnives.ion.blr soma of our countrv's best men ahd sincere ... , pairiots, una mcj oa.c ..... of supposing that ibey can make a party be- eause of their peraoual cu tracters anu puei- ' ,ions in ll.e country. For their platform . , . ., .i ..a i , 'cj Iook m..n main. '""' " H.,,JarJ tbe popular miiiu. ..o that shljtlU represent lb. popular T.:.L..u .......... .hi ,ni,r midtf iu- urvitable coosi ouence la that, insteau oi rai. titled on crrouode of moral obligation, if only .. . e. ., I : I ii;..r-.t wilh mat moral oungauou v-.u w...,. -- the practical wisdom hieh their '"e . ... j .... . ..u-,.a-tin iixa IiipIsj at tniv are. e tn jn the ,h. in th. lo- iuiu oi cuui.,twi which should represent the popular n.iudin order to way for that wbioh Joes. ea,ui!,try which dem.nds that tbe right tIp.lUenl belor . . . , ,. .. . of wvn it insy justly olialL-og. the homage of men, has long sinc beeu driveu iu disgrace from . the schools, though, from th. attektiou ra i,en bv some of our contemporaries ,.,-,:.,., f 0litical chances aud rro- to calculations babjljlje jt wouill ein ,i,t iur. is atill domain iu which il is not deemed safe t0 f,,riitB braivelv for ibe right utiles aur- . , k..,,.iiin ara aUo ar- 'i.ycd on its side. For tbe benefit of such She then eot out of the window upon a bulk the South, who re- bahi f riu bave only to cite the Vir- bead, aud jumped. She wav caught in tba ; CU luai inn r.nnijs.-. v."-" - umnu w hioh poiota lhe in-piriug foiee reolve in the pro-pect of a prixe held up as tbe iucen.ive sud the rewara ui manly aud persevering efforts: is ut autu posse riJei.tur. For if it were true tbat any considerable weight should bave been ius.l? given al any time lo the " no chance 3 3 . . . I bJ conce(le(j ,bal lu ii,u has no " ,., fr.,.11J, of B.ll aud Kv- It Las been satiric-ti.y o.i'.-i " ' . . , .. ... ... ;crfii mi; vreryalitn nuor wr mr J tt,r obosen eandi laU'S under auspices wbich ,ffjrd ,he reasonable hope of succe-s in the hue of patriotic duty Suttoaui J'S- j ln.e!i"Ctice of telUcen:er . Misstss.rri for Hell- ,;. kl.h.e.eter corroborates the opinion alreauy Py k , , J ter, that either V l)eiu ,0. can possibly carry f - 109 to spare before, J lb. del -niv in ,k. . -a " win ... to cru-n eacn o.ue. flmebing aud .nchangeab e. A resident ol Mississippi, well acq lamted wuS the state of parties, states th it in soma districts there ia acarot!y a Breckiuridge man, whilw in other, there is scarcely a sinol. Dou-las man: and " Barnes of both ptrts " affiitn. it t hev do nol swear, mat u.-u n im ii jexireuauy LORD BROUGHAM'S INSULT TO MR. DALLAS. The folio. in is said to have itnn tbt ex act languau'C that " Iird " Rrouybani used on a recent occfion to Mr. Dallas, lbs A- j mprican Miuitr to England : " Lord Uroujihani aided that hn n- cepdiii'.'lv k's'' 10 D"d 'bt not illint .nding; St S u'bin had bei-ri true to hN word io briitjfi"1.! a thorough wet day, it had in no y afT ctfd the attendance at the opening nf (he Comrrex". (lear! hoar!) Ami he man. 'jreai cnterirg nom an j,na ui iuo tooui ) A New York cotempornry eommunting upon the abota anion aud unprovoked in--ult to the American representatives, justly contends that Mr. Ll.lla de-ervea to be re called at oi ce for not reentiiij: this outrage ous in pertinence. If our ministers arc to be ineuiicd by Bi iti-'b " Lords '' because we (American) refu to become the social eqiiiils of negroes, ii is tiuia ire kuw it Mr Pallas, may hre pocketed this insult in silence, as he did. if lie chose to do ro But as tlio representative of thii Americsn people, le should have reto'ted : "You, L-inl Uriiujli.iii, if jou, hj deny eqiality to v. lute men, choose to inuke negroes your social equals may do so, but my country men rtj.ct .till ili.-gui au unumurai auiai- 1 as w reirard those wno ae- Kc-tid to a.-ocia.p with negroes n not fit fjr t(,p t.0 p,y (,f al.ite men, I re.-ptctfal- 'uredly lesseu biiu in the etnniioD of every true American, a'j'' vrhicli evoii Lord Broug imoj's sub-rqiient to pnlliut- will not be able tJ remove. B iktm'Ht Cbpftr. THE WHEEL OF FORI UNE. Only tsenty years aio, last November, - ; ' y; J live ot Novemlier 'Jinli. appeared, tbe foiloniut! account of the uoble Couul's de parture from that city : fv.,,.1 l.o.ns Nnnoen. ISonaDsrte. whona ' . r .BOU,,.d in .-ver- , f , P3rjl.r., baa led New Urleans in hieh y v t ' terda, n.orni- -nr-med bv .be pr.prie'.or, ot tne o ...o-...- ,T fjr jvntlemen travelling without bsg- ((he w p,,.0di,y provided , ,ililt Bmj f,r . ,n,n 0, dlmen- ,i..;. Kn.rd io .d...,. ,P fl.-ir Vinard in arl.anea sum.-.; .o yj . hereupon the, (, i . ni.iH i. .nffi-i 1 Cni- M ; n.uu .. a aula ogue eeued i lent guarantee ! for my bill. Publican-Your n-me, Count is arery 8' 3 t ouut Jills mi in 57 dim Public m It shall be done. The clerk'thcreupon presented tbe bill made out iu tbe name of Couui L. N. Bjus- parte. M. n.n,e," said the Count. is Louil Nspoleon Bco.pte. I wi.u it Hated iu fuli ,n t0 oeo"1'1 A second bill was in vie out, and the en- TnRiLM-a Scene at a Fire A fireoo- correo at r nnaoeipnia oo .Ue ..j u.u. No. 1714 .Market street, in a tbrea ivs Mnr. krjck bttidiBg. occupied by William u!d a a irroeerv store, the upper part be- iu,' used The fire comma. .-. ... ..... ...j . er .ii .. uicateu to u.e na.rca.-ca . m ... vu ... cape to the inmates Ibe Phii.delpbt. Evening thus describes toe sceu. : Th, ,eene Mt moment was a thrilling The females were at the trent win- 0ne dos ow, shrieking for hilp, while the cro.d beneath were awe stricken, uot knowing at what moment tbey would leap n the irround, uiu leap n inn ifruunu, flames. Miss McNeill, or be enveloped in the who was in the third story, rushed through the flames, and aucceaded in getting iuto the second story room, unharmed, although k.r i , it elnthea were entire T cooaumed . -..- . I !. ,rms of a couple of eallant fellows, named Robert Dcvitt and Thomas Cunniugham. u being rather uancerous to uitu eucu ,.,p from the third srory. bed was pro- cured from the dwelling of Mr D pming. This was held up, aud Mrs. Ma- g ut, her son and neiee jumped upou it l . . t Ik...... I 1. in ..1,1. hot .'irs. ..anu ner so.. ... j. - -- Mj.s Dillon struck upon the buikbetd, and was considerably ii.jired about tho bnad and .L..H... . k.A in th. ...... -, - - ,tf aniime, lhrou-h a .ecoud slory back win- u0Wi ,utothe yard i The National Inteixioesi-er .n In. , CIPVT The death of Mr. Gales revives a remii.i-cence of the ouiy lime bis paper, the : .N annual luien.geucrr. e.c. .u-j...... - r ii J able ad vootta of lha J .di.oo war p-'icy. seendini lb. .ffirts oi Cay and .... compters, and j ... iu i,,fl ,,. ibai -hen Gem- ,f. euteie I .he eapil.l fair of B :adensb irg, bis 6r-i inqury was not for the Cipil-d, the Presidents ou.w, or the departments, but for lbs Natioual lo lellik'encr orfi-', n I it w lhe fir.i estab lishinent demolished, e.usitii a ahoitees. lion iu its regular p r.lio i'ion. Wub this exiep'iou, th Inti'litencer ha been p ib-li-hed rejul.rly for sixty yaars .Uhmiy I Attn. Jim.

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