Presidential Candidates. Fear yenrt ago tbt peopU of this country acre tailed upoa to make a sclrotion front threa Presidential etndidatea, esch oae of bom Lad a history peculiarly his own. Mr Fremont, the nominee of Northern Ab olitiooi.ts, w u by birtb a Southern msn, aud but for bit nomination would have beeu generally coa-iderrd i ha inrrmt oppo.ite of a sectional partisan A United States effjcer, aad cue bo had turn in active aer stew fur wig; years io a fi-ld where a man would be apt to acqiire Urge and compre hensive views, oti woul 1 bare expected Col Fremont to be ultra only in con-ervatim. i iNooea bad a better opportunity affirded to j rwcagnii; ibe power and glory of our preat ' ftVpoWite aa a United Confederacy uni'sd j ia heart ani purpose, a well a confederate : iapolit.eal bands-aud jet fjr the aake of a barren aemiaation lie consented to be f.ndard bearer la a faction Tie part a repre-ent.-d still exista, and 1 lu IbU Utter day baa engrafted upon it old root eoati apparently national p-iuciple tbeadccey of protective tar. if tuea-ure.. for example but it is still the same iutoler aot, sreuooal and utterly baleful to every State South of tb lit.. A for Colonel ycaoot, be ba on y earned the fate of ail , aareesefel candidates, and wulbe avail i b.e far anom.aaiioa nevermore, j M.llard Fi;!iaore the eaoJiJate of tbe ; oiaer wing of the Opposition, a s a ma a a aj.tant aw word could be -poken. ; eiitiaistrauon bad been a complete success, ) ad be joes to tbii day by tie lute of tbe ode! President. The party be represent-, d. wbateter its fault and mi-take, air cuettiiaiiy a National party. I" f-iadamen- ' tal principle a at devotion to tbe I oion. and there was no oae word ia its platfjrm that . aaigat aot be cordia'.ly adapted a well at. oue extremity af the eoantry at at the oth tt Tie right of tba in k, aa a 'aiust the N"irtb. and tbe intcra-t cf the one section ia eppo4iioa to tbe iuiere.t of the other, erc totally repudiated and one of it war cnes we Ojr country, ear whole country, aad Botaiag bat oar eouolry Pcrhap, i: ia Lad been eootect with this one cry, lie party would bare lived c lonjer and a ro-re o-efe! life; bat whatenr mty be it. fi :be reputation of iu candidate is a tfM'ert to day a eier Tat ait,urr of the ree of lc5S i aj-jt retire from tbe fird rrcbably fjre-ver The aely thin- tbat Mr I!ichnu ha real ly dose ia bis f:-ur jeifg of aertice, ha Veei to eiro? the una who eeurej bi osaiaatioi A'i the eneri ?f hi- nit jr bare beta (ien ta the airanip.i-h'ueiit of la CD rrpo-e. aad be ba ajrceeleJ T' oiurfa Le intended to d9, and be hi djr.e it. Hit h'te Vokr-d tbe Dane, hv- Hew ap tho io wb;ch ba:h Li etieruy and i..ia-rtf ar J. and ia i,'liD Mr. Ijuglae k' baa 4en,iihr3 t!n D. wjcracy. All tbe poaer olae Aimiu..-;'-t. -n i en-ijed a (t'rt tbe t;j it " L ituio-e. a id the re ti-iof Pre-ideul nja; c:ajra!u:a:e himself fc - rea'ter op -n yainiej hi- rerenje. He bt kided the nne rat taal trout led ti.m. but be kit a'.r a berM Dp bu barn ia doin it. Wbateter tbe ee-i" may ia rir eab tbat it m- aaa di-uijoa ud wr rertaio roinTi-Dcies. Mr BreekiLri ife t lie eatlidale of a party a optuiy are f.aai a tae Kepull ean-ihetn-eirea. The a .1 et . ax y ladraBfaiar. It if Bell and lw L . 130 on an.' aide, aio! to leparate diaaoa e d.daiea. Urtct.on ige aud L u e.a. taHfe a;re:ia( abai Dotniu el-e,' area ia their cotitetzipt of tbe eouipro;ui-e cf tte JuU'u:i a anJ io their hatred of the Li-i'". W are far fram benettn that th e'.ec'joa ri aoy one of tbe deuii ge i bate a arid to ailb our k'r::i;f, wi ! bate tu ef.-ct W wreat that britaj from aa The L oioa i the property of ths peo p,a. aad eaooot ba de-troyed By the pijiuie- hi fancy tL-ta!" j:au:a But abater r damage may be dooe by lha eiee ijti nf Mr I&enfn, tha reupm-fiiliiy it clearly itb the I)aiociacr Twj bare t) total ly aaarn at e efiidte and the ..ioet dtecatea of reaoa bjuld eoiufel fiim to drop rotb ani eoita apa Iv ll and Evcmt C ilmurt Jwkuii, Aug 3. CnARI-OTTE: Alexander, Alamanae, Alleghany, Anon, It aden, lieaufort, BiTtio, Krunnwick, Uirke, lieorotnbe, Chatham, Ccluuibua, Cuniherlarja, Cabarriia, Caldwell, Catawba, Craren, Chowan, Carteret, ('niden, Caaaell, Currituck, Cleveland, FOR Virt PREStPEXT, r r' Hon. EMYAKD EVERETT. nw.--. hdeconibe, Kratiklin, THrsdiiy, August 1 1. 1860. irR. R. Wakefield, r ,nf l.enoir. hue con rntf.t to net. and ia nur anlh-irjxi'ii acent. He will recede oniera tor the W hj. r drer irmenl, mrf raeeipt fnr tlietiine. Amt pe aona suteritunf ahu wtv to him w.tlim three tnuniha K ill rtcut li V his lor two dolUra. TOR PRSSIPENT, Hon. JOHN HELL, OF TENNESSEE. Vote for Governor. Wt bar given below to-day oar table of tha tota for Governor. It ia irlj com plete, and our readers can compare the vote io tbe different counties : I860. 1858. Pool. Ellii. M'Rae. Ellis. OF MASSACHUSETTS. i:i.i:t: runs. Tor the State at large : TTo" OKO K BAPOKR. of Wake. Itt U K SPKEU, of Paq JOlatk. For the Districts : Forsyth, j Granville, j tiuilford, i Galea, j Gaston, Greene, ! Halifax, 1t Dietrict, J W. BIN ION, of Pi'quotank. Ilarnelt, 2 1 da "O C CLAKK. of Craven. , Haywood, Hi do l H. IX M'KKKV, of K;cboiond Hend. reoo, 4!h do. L C KLtWAUD, of (irauvili. Hertford, 5ih d. A i) . F S I KK. of Randolph. Iredell, fi h dj. II V . WAI.SKK. of D.vid.on. 7-h do. W.M. P KVNUM. of Lineolo. -:b do. T. K CALDAKLL, of Burke. J ickon, Jonea, John-ton, i Liucoln, Lenoir, rrriii.K m ihsoiatiox Aar'd ire'omatma. tl.t , .limit Cvneeatiaa Macon, of Ike t ilulwuiii liia i any, a' UaUimaie, Madixon, 10. I'-S't. i Martin, Uiirra. Ki;erirnee h demon. Ir ted that Meek lenbnrg, .jiNrtn j.i'ipini ill- t,inTenli'in of Jore, ' '-"'y 1""J " ' fl" cl " "e Montgomery, .,e in ) n,l .t tlx eame t...e l witien . 6 .. :m- c.l u -. ..I t'u- rountrr. hj ttic ere. .IcUoviell, .t' n ei" iiurfeiiieitl ot gt-nraptucai anti N'a.-b, if. t on. i .-rtn., ! New Hanover, R iAnd. TtiJt it m tvuli the p.rt cf ntrinlim Northatnptoa, m ..i rfj-.r, lo rc.irf.nii.- i.o F,it:cl princjiiea ((l0 Wf Orani;, ra-quotauk, I'er.-on, Perq limODi, Pttt, I'andolph, Icilr, tlieae rrejl p'mciplta .uh!ie liberty ana Uockiugbaai, mil .n. I eaietr . ac'in't all eiiennr, ut home and Kutberlora, abfat ttlu'nr lueretiy pece nuy once more a Kobeaon r!fl'irei to tr.c cnunlrj. the jiipt iijjhta ..f the ieo. ( !.. Uichtnood, Stanly, Saiapaoo, Sarry, StokeS, I, and ercure the Tyrrell, 500 m. 51)4 7U3 13 d 887 fit 1110 570 42 6S4 91U H555 43) 861 877 54D 415 83 061 44. m 24 Vlt) 419 690 107 13S8 17 406 102S 0- 3 2137 30 o Siltl 345 593 203 829 399 1715 21 1- 64 250 349 luOut 693 350 610 429 771 373 299 670 6j8 53 410 6 3 918 1245 718 1(123 49 370 (0 800 27 m. 194 481 201 809 430 825 325 6S3 58j 439 336 525 OHO 1077 699 Elections in other States. On Monday, tba Oth inst. elections took plnoe ia Missouri for Oovei-nor tn 1 mem bers of Congres, in Kentucky far Clerk of the Court of AppssU, and in Arkaoias for Governor and two members of Congress. Returns from Kentucky show that Gen. Leslie Coombs, the Union candidate, is elec ted by from 5,00n to 10,0 K) majority over bis Breckinridge opponent. Tbi looks like Kentucky would go for Bn'ckinride. Returns from Minnouri conn in very s.low- FOR TIIiN. C. WIIIO. You ere now prepared, I auppoaa, to taTte i . ...i i. ...,t .mi t.lua oi. ave a .. ii nreiorinoii umu -- - t... ri.o.K.u PaxDiDATa. u me a r-. ... number of the Southern TUK LATE JOSEPH GALE3. Iu the hurry of business omitted p ' . r- Hpecies of property you possets. . It may announce bufor the death of Joepb Gain rr " " . i 1 1. ion ia h'e vour n ii.ri and Lane not only n..k no ai-oret ri,i(., th(1 MX ,jif ,t name K'q . Seuior K litor of ibe National Intolli! inridpe and Lane not only uix no at-oret B fr,.c ,r,lt,. oll ti. MS ii-t. v..tore. it, ill KM0,.r. He died on Satnrday night, tha of their ho-tility to the Union, but .p.-nly fof ,fl(,r ,,,,. ben off it for uit,t ,h renidnnce near Wa,hin ,lon etnte their chief rea.-on for a.lvoC.ihirf that ; ( ut ullu,.rru, p,y , ,brt 7J5 Ar. o.lca' ls.-ftltb h Secession nominees to be that they helteve j know, at lon a you live, jmt j,e0 deciiuin.' for some lime, but bis death Mien s course oei nw.n. - -di-Hohnion of tbe Coi.fedcraoy. Thu. one of their organs iu Alabama, the Cutndcn Uftfi-t-r, a)- : ,.,.. We run up our dm to day for Breckiu ridt.e and Lane, the ).uiocr.iio uoinitieea for Preideol and Vioi I're-i ient of the We have uiiavrriii)(ly con- lijjbtwood knot wlnssia pt bi ear. 774 329 7oO 321 435 51 7nl 1113 291 652 6-2 500 191 990 5.)9 759 jonty aver . .. .. t:i d-j i.)..l,i. - 'of the Nilional Convention sf tin Damo 423 Tne outa t-aronna uni , in.n I ., i.,ice, to V. I,... r.e.i..J . I. titer from the Fresl- ' "'"'" i'ei-r, -u-, v....w - ... .. , . eill ill I tux, I anu, j 4 " " - ma uc4(, for the nke of h 1VH14 be ilea the il'-uiooi oy. WJ n jt iiiiniuillatoly atitinipaud. No ir e 1 I won't Y01 and J hn Pool Mr. Gales n born in She Bt Id, Eni!anl aud a I valorem are a .-t of bumb 11 but in father, a min of lihural priunippH, edit' yau cun t cine "'r mo. 1 II vote for eij paper c illed the U-ci-tur. His .y,D. Gov. Kllia aud the D. m jorucy, arc! kotp my pmiiy with the Ftuoeti lUvlulion involved name off the t ic lin. him io difficulty with the Kugli.b (iorern. Exit ad valorem t il jrathercr, with a mmit. sud in 1 7l)d he sold bi paper to Jiu,,, If. uarret, aemocrat, i eieciwn iriu nm, ...i,t ' . . i I-.I fnr 1 ha a.t ten vear that it W I'llu St. LouU Di.trict. for the horl term, and . M c,)11Uoruttd) tn mke lw0 1 - F. P. Blair, republican, for the lonjc term. ,,,,, Gvr,.mr,.ts n! iV trrrtlo prom the R .le(h Stuid-rd. ... . ... ....... I .... ..... .'.' I roll fie a Rfita Cinvontion. Sample Urr, the Umoo caanuate tor uov- ricvnpt isim- ine 1 nurti i'rsoj n,r,V:, -v.. . - - - i,n,ientl movad to R.l-:..t, v n ernor, ba. a -ajority of over 2,,00 i th. and that .Ul ultimately be don, there Tot f of m, .0 -.1,d ,ho lU.eiMh li St. Louis District. A there is four candi- I T' "' " I :.... . . ,e,..her of the ' National "P1' Jri '" "W"' ' notice. I iiiouiuaiiiery, him p un, ni eiiiiratuu to t It i a : country. .Settling in Philadelpbis, then tin teat of the Federal Government, be couduct. eu the Independent Kasetteer ' dates be is probably elected. Al Io Arksosas, Johnsoq, rj(;uUr demoerst, p.,rlj ,0 wnich we bnlonjj n the only rrli-t. Prty " fir the Stale of North Carolina and uLi ' elected Go.ernor by probably 10,000 m. ! Ur out to any out this tnrasiirt. and ae- j at the eaiu. ul solieitaiion of a lare iiumlx r 915 701 D'Ji 4-1 13)9 972 1095 810 1015 1114 457 860 41 7-8 7 ii 270 590 3.V) 392 4')4 184 14 207 697 132 1064 109 372 634 7-3 1919 393 99 151 401 2iil . 215 67 35 1258 llv done r.irnc.a anu ..ce P.--. -- - " ' " a(.QOIII p H tl .d his f.ther 10 thia countr. tionofthe Uuiou; sna relieving mat wi trwi-i u.h.h.. v. ...... - j . lh IJ..:-...:,. . ' . droliua. lie studied ihe art o printing i0 Pnilade'.pbis, and in 1907 be settled m VVa.hiin'loii. where in 10 be nnn.l,... .1 its prim-iples lo tbe fullest extent of our . i.o.......r. lor I'rea.aeo, sna co .re., . . - r " the N uioinl Inii'llietioer, and dreamt iu proprietor. In fl. his brother-iii law, M,, V. VV, Seaiou, bi cmi" a joint proprietor Rector, iud,peoden, democr... cure ... b,r a. intend ,0 ba.tK, for l;;, 900 dentoftb.N.E. Hoad which states f1" . . .1 .. . ' 1 " ' Z n" . . - ... s i.. f Hal, 6M ih.tiha eora. of Knineers aopointei to j: .... ..... ... . ...... u, ,..,. h ,. Thi.rad.v the 3l)tb of the of -'b bin I ill 191 3 the paper a. el..,,,, 11114 .1 . 1 j I ... ... . . . ' :. L: .: ... 1'.. i,. ,n, f oeai.ia.uL. for ed.froiu a in weekly to a daily. I he 6i has rriiiaiut'd uuch unjel until its p-evni di oluiiou by death. Thene cenilerucn i0. riil'iod the piactiua ufekura ttauj irpru 'g commence the eurvry of the above road,!, Di-ui.ionit, sud that be ia wi,lin to go (Aucuit) lor the purple of orgauii.Uj; for , I would b iu Charlotte, on tbe 15lh infant. 1 into the Kichmond Convention il there be the I're-.donti.l Ca.tipaijjo. , ' I , .J-, a ,q a 0 ,, i any chaoco 10 di-ol.e the Union and the 'I h- excited pol.tioal eonte.t 10 which 9. j to attend to that July u..3cr S 3 Solomon., ao .. ;vwf 1 llie peopl1 0f lhe a,.u have been eng,,,d, 871 85 88 1083 409 4il2 Kta . chief et-ioeer of tbe N K. Rail Road' ... .... o.i iha adioaramect of the oalioual Con of touj-.we.ioo. or0,, . . . . . n ha. ..,d Ihenoaioouenielitoflhia reported the debate, per-onally. lhel,ti pare.. q . .os -,-r, ... - -. .... ; . . linrer f.ffi : 11 j ! o. m. L" 1 ..n..k. 1 n ni.i I mn ma. ailhout "h Foa thx n. c. wu ri,1. ::x: r. : tz:t :i,.;our.l.caieiec, ... Jlr.Elitor: I take pleasure in k'nj; i , ' , hemlcr and the II n'rrn to the fiiei.d- of Du,fla. au I J ilinaoti the the aanouneemenl to the public, tbat a c ' ries of scientific and popular lecture will 401m 275 1044 53J 550 TH. CiTITrTlol or Tnc COCNTST, tmi t ioa .r Tin aT4Tj 1 axo tan sroacaMtTov Tin Liwi " i'l th it, . ttie repre-ctiUlirea of the ( onfttitQ. n 1 Lii'i'fi ul the counlrr, in N-U-inil t un. nli-.u .rm).i'i!, we here pleJe our.elveR tn laUtii, urtilei t nd dilenil, Rep..rtrl and unl- re.etUbliahefl, and Ine t.i.v. -c-iH p!ced in tint condition of justice, fr .ler nit anu 1 qu.l lv, which, uuovr tba ex .hi. pie nd I in. Koa t' iur t'.ihera. h.a aulcm .ly n.nnu tvrtf c;iiea of ine L'...t'-d St4tei lo n..iQ tui a uiH'e perirct UU10.1, et-blit, j u.tiee. lli.ure li.jniratio lr- r.q ji ' pfirme for th. enmrnon de. ince, prone e ine biSrAga u' liberty la oufMilirca ana uur pnalcruy The Election the Result. Now that we can see our way clear, we hare to ack ".iw'.e 1 1. atioiber defeat. Tbe ruijority of Gov. will not reach more than " 5'0, wiiicb U a decreaae acoordio to tbe Bra.'i aa 1 liilner vote of 7.D00 sod Yancey. ac-ord n; to tbe E iis and McRas vote of 1 1, ;)t. S icb aiDth r victory to the Dwno-1 L nion, Wayne, Wake, Wa-biotftoa, Warrca, Wilaon, Wiikes, Yadkin. 757 r-43 83 555 122 713 614 135 1239 561 299 413 779 1567 441 801 691 ll79 3.5 11.65 690 579 471 290 42-1 3l9 15: 3 4-1 136 133 1419 899 474 99 193 729 222 2!4 357 119 231 375 m. 150 1274 455 749 668 175 581 I) inner,, t Yauc y aul the North droll nominee of the .auon irniocraey .. . 1. 1 .1. t. k i ..i" ;u ih ihrrtiulmui the Slate to aroue tbem-elve. I be delivered iu eur town, for tbe benefit of n . 1, 11.1 Kr. fh. ' m .mmn-to rallv to lhi s looort of tho-e 'I ih. M.thnili.t plmreh liu.ldinir. which il , ., ' 1 .. C,,..,.. nt . h.. ('ni,i,lnlinn ami I'uioii .... t'lno lyart.ima i.'iea'ii..i, icuDMunx v i - thru met rrjio'l ul lh' m liifi i Ch-irotlr, to otatid fi-mly ani l.oMly by the aw 01 t.i-d to ixeip off the P.atfortu for a 'the Natiou.l P irt j -unacd by dictation dale, or Ihe candidate for a Pisiform, but from the at W'a.hii.gtou failed, m put, ut te nt, i) m ike City on the one band, or ih Yai.e-y See.- tnt'lr, for wh. n they came borne they were ioni-H 011 the other W hatever polnj- ...,,. 1 ,.1 ri.rii "ih..." he. n it e el an - in 1 n 1 ve al I or a me no we it- .11. uJ9'. .ill I,. Thi... leeture. will he com -7 ' m,n..i! in S n tan. bee. and he a.iniii.ued tor eeveral sueei.-aaive aionlha. The course a ill 526 , consist of srvtn lecture at leat. Tbe aer vices of the followiu di-iinj'ii-hed gentle I men have beca enirajed : Rav. Albert 5-S7! 457 1050 15(9 779 8U 1109 300 60 299 711 449 1127 701 844 1100 251 89 1042 933 813 213 931 1201 1491 212 874 919 614 724 774 368 321 407 365 141 1036 430 196 320 723 1230 332 t;9 632 r-52 525 821 4X5 404 396 141 304 164 779 2t);l 109 K.8 11.81 757 199 Sl.ipp. D. P., President W off .rd ColIeV"-. Canned for the Di-umou Yancey movement in and ra ly a..n 1 of them may have been Prof. Carlisle, of tha same lntitalion. Prof 1 M- uJ )0- we hffl lll()l,jn, aoii....itour Kood old Slate to tbe purpoae. "' ! Frsacis Holmes, of th Cfcarle.toa Ciilee. h)( cUjij( of (he li-ec it, ri ! and L.t.e ' and fortune, of ibe eee-ion ticket, the B- i Dr. Charles Taylor, formerly 10 ' r;.,,,, Sl) mucll Ur the j,or.e j)ckeyion ' prof'e l'0.e.cratic party never sua ChiB ,nd R,T N F ll"""br. principle, of ll.e-e di.oryaiiiling di-uuion ' yielded their wiilinr a-.eut or spprof.l. N. 0. It is intended that the number of trjtr- int,y icceeid iu the but have been w,i.ii. anxiou-ly the oppor ..nj 1 'lre mereaiew, pr.ji -a U0.( of )ie jj011,n , ul0MIPtl and lunity lo pelX o it no. ny in v-ei.u 01 ... ""itain tbe consent ol several genl.emen, wnom -:,,, ,1,, V.,t,ru U,iiiocrat en.lor.ed 1 Naiional nnmiuaes of th. ir party we have la view, end wbo will be able lo ; . . , ff lcaarJilll? lo , orevioua ueh I appeal, t ome toother- .Nation u.ocrit Irienl'O" I'lu-'ia ami jjnu .l.:-.. ... . ,..u..n,.n r., .an an iiir oniinii"oi'i there ni-ver ha. b en an prove tbe coutrary. SAM. d at y an I p .irioti-., l ih. Cm 659 -J-jaffwd us entertainment aud iuatr.ict.oo, to j H.c,r,,l01(4( . bien pr0,4 tb.t tbe whole' D-a.o, ,facr as with their presence. We re-irel j hj w preconcerted uiovrment. for : -on i tost we have been uo.ucneaalul in obtain. nK ' more lecturers fron North Carolina, and ce waa destroyed by the limi-k 12, and its publication an Irniporail'y -u-peicU'l. Illi in-ily, tbe lutelliei.cer favored ,. policy ol J.ff rnon Iu the Bank .r aim Jackon, the Intelliireueer joined the nrp, union, and ever after sutaii.. iho 1, . paity. Tbi.psrty had never an abler, m-.r. m-i-'ei.t, or more courteo'M d. fender ttA advooato than Mr. Galea He wa eter(r. rru and hxh toned, a model of ed i m, di.'.i.ty, 6r.u in his cotivictiobs, but aeitt vindicive in eri'ici-iu. lie waa a er.cfi Slid dijfUiSed writer. pOeed ofsprof ,j.i k.ioalede of our bi-tory and polme... tni pemonally f40.Mi.1r ailh, aud r.p-f.j bv, liiat lee Im men of all partte.. He e 1 , few or ni inimies, and bad a bo.totattio. rd friend.. Since the diruption of Ihe W'hij p.r't To all Ihteliieencer ba. lo-t no npp irtutnty J. , a 1 i.i lie iiniif and the fmh fr a which It ba not departed, while It bl irt perately but firmly prote.ted aahi tth ;wou d invite tba aid ofoitix:na io eotblinj ' 77 j at to do so. 11,1:2 As far a. possible, tha tastes of all class 3 ' es iu tbe community will be (ratified. The admiiision fee for tbe eoorw, whether it eon sist of seven or mom, will be $2 for a ainjie individual. For a geu'leman and two la dies, . For a family of not more tbao 1 '7 ! five persons, $1 it bein under.tood th.t 6:10 thet all belon to the same family, injl.t 759 Lectures 50 cents. Prof II? will it Mr re..ou. riven, 10! and In u . ak-tnn. and determine -hat ol th. P-moerai.e par.,, intued-,.. ..i-.Mo.i ai.l ihu L' demand from us. ' bon-.raMe man, ami M,e country , Fun Tilt 1 C W lia. I in th- oretrut tbrrau-un. a-peat of polili- THE RESULT. ; B"r IZIilur: Ihe election i over and sen of rare punty of cbaracU: pe.chable patrioli.ji. sml Gov. Ki.ii i eb-cted by a .mall m-jiriiy, which re-ult show, th.t tl;- L'inn pa'ty prO(?rea. ionward and upaarj We have re duced I he majority in the L-ia'ature from 54 down tj about 25, and K.its' vole from 10 0-3 mj my tlowu 10 a.o it 5 2 iv), wh eh. RMHT. P. DICK. f)f the Nat El Cum of th. Do.u Party. Greeu-boro' Auj;. lt, 193). BELL AND EVERETT'S PROSPECT. Eerlhn.2 lonk well ill A'abama Pa per- there r coming out lor It'll and F. , Am'TIIIS PtfALi ATlol HTA7I nr THI I raaaKLnv Ii 1. .aid that Ib.ra is I'--.: 1 . a'O ii th aeeceunta of Jacob Kornui 11 .9 iperiulendent of Indian fjr tut II was aa appmutee of Mr. 1! jcbaom, 1 'haa latelv been removed. Ilia ate 19 ft c,ur -" " ' . . taking iuto eiu-idrratioM tbo in ...y ob-ta- errtt in all direction., and the Butler of Na- t, are been bu.f up for a lone time .1 Ui 2,9 ,bre" le0t",e'; . , ' eo,""e"0" ,le. bad locomend ai.l. in the way of iion.l fni .., fl i. he.r.U,k. lb. flutt.r of ij,, Kare.u. . tier, the, ar. in cm,- bl lectures wt I exhibit bis superior manic . , 1. . .. . . ,. , . ' , la . . . .. . , . u.i-reprt-eiiialiio and diiua.'Tk"i. i-in,ou;hf f.,n t in a -ironj win I litre. ligation It 1. charged upon kna 1 1 ' ,"n,T ",',,r", to .aii-fy u.. an I e.ery candi I man. lost. Sm Ifi.uarim r I'KLt. U KvtatTT ih, ) panmeel of the lnter.or th.t hi- r. 1 41 character. It is lo be hopd thattbe-elec ,, , . I ... . . . T " . . , -un .,, . ,., ,, 1 1-1 1 Nonh I oroiina wll c- rtainl) ea.t her vole ; Me bare r. ceived mlormanon. a.y lb e. IrU. firewnted aa voucher, for ftu.f 7'' hope it will be proved by a large audience, fH" tbat ihe community appreciate literature 562 DJ religion. "37; -Cbe followinr fentlemen have enenteJ t0 ,cl a Connuillreof Arraneiae:it..vix: Ke F A Mood. Gen. J. A. Youna Col 47,411 52,865 3,6l 54,780 y. R. Myers, K. II. H ilton and E. A. ! v.... V..nm Tielt-u eia ba crocurrd at erats will deiu .t-.t tb-.r miprity eatirely.' , aa error occurred last week in tbe the Boek Store ol Mr P J Lowrie, or the lutbel.t Lv'iiatur tbs Uetuocrsts had m.jrity of Cabarrus county for Mr. Pool, Druj Stores of Meurs llutehi-on snd Scsrr. on j .-at ballot 5-1 mtjority aasj tbey will w ;T, tb, ,ol, ,t ,b different preeineU : i Jx, W- ,,.IL!,U . libtrallr pairiun TMH ..... . ill .1 A,, """' "P' . ""' reck 1B, L Vancey U .un.-.o F.c a friend in Tex.-, th.t ihe hero of Sin J I , . qlM dm'."ion fee, while a , t ot the il.-iu uok' iei-n. re- eimo h d.-cl r--d fnr the only Natiooal lick 0M "'P'" ",ei- ! .orted to h, th. D-moer..,. p!,.-. ,t. 1UU and E.e.e.l Jn-Jo .lbe-.ereollem.a(ooe oftb.m conn ecte i fil- di.,n.u, ff,B ,h, We-lem, Tbe It im- (G a) Courier, which ha- hitV 299 anoroer oenoinina.i.... ""'a- ),,ll1cr lt pa!,li-bd two day. before thi erto been a IVmoeraiio jMirnal, snnoamees be aero for tbe B il and Erer.-u ticket, and a. ain.t A'."i-la ;Ga JCbronicle. eomiiij d.reol from purcba-rd .y bini, do pot abow the re. p. il; liul, on lhe eoi.irary, aeem i.rr exee-a of aeulal di-bur.ecuent.. Ib-rc other irregular. ilea, but wbelh.r the'. be a di fault to Ihe government mii. iii el-cion In it you will have a fair -ample thai ii ill ipport the nominee, of the Coo of lhe .1. ui t').' i a- pmeuceJ iu tbe I -to , nmiionsl U n Parly coni.-l bv that D art v p.p.r : j 'Ibn ll.vne-vill. (Ma) U'a'ebmsn, a Tha draft paid by tbe Treasury il.e week antoutit' d to 8 1 5". 3.ll--l, Ua. r i -CI lo drafl $:t.r'i70 IMil llr.fl. in lu. Dialogue between the a'i ralo-em Tax lmneratie j urnl publ,-hed in the rie!. f,r 8i,0.",o on tbe Po.t :S-- an'l pop'lio i. ooo.iiv 01 uawnue., an 1 nera count bate lieen lUe'I. .lll U1 tof.ire -upporiinf B' eekn.riile and Lane, ain on hand is emuparalixly sm ', IT'.I J M. BlRttXI AT II ' Et-WAPD EvasfTT In I ""45, nea the charge of aB-oa4eM a tbe .latery qie-non n saade aain-l Mr Kv.rrtt, Sei.atjr lierriea bt; eal.ed on t) defend Lis vote for biiu a Mini.ier to England, vindicated triumph aatly both fcnu-a-lf and Mr. Everett. In bi edlre.e to Uie people of Georgia, 00 thai oe ea.ioi), be mH af Mr Everett : '- lie w. aa eariy, I be'iere tbs earliext, aad tvrta nlv one of tbe m-t decided advo ea'ea ea tbe fl or of (.'oDifren, of the South, ef tb-ir exclusive ri-ht to determine the qit-atiea fjr tbenmelve., abea lo tbe a.ton lau.Bent of the niore timid or to or. pradent of bi. fltro brrtbreo. bs declared bi. readira t- -houider bi roi-ket ia d.feoe of the. C-"s' UutiwU Litton. Pool's msjorily, VOTE I5iv Pi;fLr Pixitis-. A mutual sjree bhui waa entered iuto a few day. s-, be tween J B. Wb.taker, E-f . Mayor io thi. city, and E. 3 Parker, E) , a proaii-io lawyer, to tbe following eff ct : Mr Parker agreed to roll Mr. Whita'cer n a whseit arrow from the store of tbe lat ter to Mr. I) C. 0arri82toa s store, provi ded Mr Pod pot I'M votes st GId-bor'; aad ia the evrtit of a contrary result, Mr Wbiister was ta roll Mr. Psrxer ibe asm talatiea Mr Pool bavine received 105 vot, Mr Wbitak.r k app-Mtjt-'i b. ri It for II ci ck thi m'riiirir. Mr P wi'l have a good load of a- j-jod a f. il a. evratou a wbee'ta-rjw, barr.r.jr I i. p-nt c. liv saember the r. iir.j and tb- ro ilii eom- off at 11 o cix:, A. 1 (JJJfJ'M-O U-tuh not bars 25. With ucb a result, we thick our frieu l bar ni ea-i.e to eoiuplaiu. Concord, Willi a clear majority of from 12 to 16,01.0 Mount Pleasant, aeairtst u, and a new issue before tbe peo H,rr,"')Br' . . .. , . j B'arke, re, it it really a won-ler that we have done rjewe,'j a. well as we have, inasmuch as every ad- Jntx . vantage sit takes of us. j HarUall's, We have every reivon to believe if tbe j qte.tioa of Kq tal Tsxitioa hid been fairly disejs-ed in every ciinty, Mr. PjoI would have been triu'nphaatly elected ; but it being a new ia.ue aad many of the people, not understanding the q'ie-tion, tbey per mitted themselves to be led away by tb-ir oppooenta. Iu tbs eviiity of Kirke, where we e-;pcte 1 a gsio, Col Gaitber made aa arranrmeut we learn, with W. W. Avery, E-q , cot to canvass tbe county. This was a iiii.t urjfirtunate srrangemeot for tbe Colonel, sod to thi be may attribute bis defeat, akbouh it aa. reports'! be ha 1 10 eontend again. tth- IS auk at Morgaolpn sol j,t, tbe Kail Road iufiuence, ai.d so apparent is the corruption that was ued to defeat tbe Ciloii.l, that bi. friends will eudeaver to induce biio, if po.aible, to contot tbe s,ec(, jij. Pool. 430 151 69 6 69 49 17 877 429 449 preemeU ; Ellis. 221 86 18 22 5) It 31 Pa-tor Melkodisl Church. Ottujicr and tae Wjrkuij id a a II many eo.s do you 0.11 '. Two CO and t'o e.ive II in. 11 y botf b e you ! Teo aow, eleven pis and thirteen hoel. Ho niiiiy bedalead. iu your bou..? Only two. How many axss, hoe., sps-le, .hotel., plough, r.kes and other faming iuiple went-, has you ? I base two weeding hoe., one prubl.inj boe, one (jood ax-, one .pidrf. on- -ho.t-l, two plough, oae ra';, on.- otrt. one et of ai.l finO.r ra .n.eiil 10 lt ireaaury 14 a..i ; ted. Tba receipt, duill tbe III were, from ea-loiu. at N- w Yoit B'i Slill. 1.11 i; It,, .ion SI'Jl.l'-iO; Hiia 8" I,IN 1; I'.i.lsJelphia $H,t N-e 1 lean , 22,11110 ; and Charlv-ton SI ''.'" The Trea.ury I)-p. I'meal ban -t (-.i'1 FOB Till S. C. WBI1. Dissolution of tho Union. One of two thin.', must eertaiulr be true of tbe advocates of tba di.solution of our plou i rear, one set of eirt bira ., Federal Uoioo - either that tbey have not aome old plunder, thai I em't coasted tbe cost of their projects, or tbey; Ho v many loom., wheel., eoiton earl . k. trn.i-l . wia. and true Da- bohhiiir. slat, and harncx. have sou ' triote and frieod. cf our eommoo country ! Well, my old ao.n.n ha. one loom, one mil it uppiri tne cauuuaies This may seem to be occupying bi,;h jrouud I pair of 1 itt..n card-. 00- wh-ei for f ,h Con-t.t nion l Union psrry. Bit let os notice a few feet., which go to he-srlf and oti for little .S.ilie, twenty-6v , "'" Alhert Pike, of Arkai-as. h.. ex ; m. no-.tion to be true. 1 bol.l.i... three .lit . and two ,..-t. of h ari.e. ; P'-" ii in lavor 01 ira.i i i ba- shamlon.l them to advocate tbe .Ire ; lion of Hell and Kvereit. Th. Houthrra Herald, pnhli.h.d at Kill ! ton, Mi.-i ippi, and hitherto neutral in p li ' ti!-, ha annou'ieed that il will advocate tbe claim, of It II and Everett ! The Courier of th Teeh. hitbrio a n.u Iral p. per. tviV.i-ks I st St M a'tm-nlie, ' ,0 lhe a,, IK cartm-ot""1 I,o,ii.iane. ba. placed lhe names of IKH and ,n- balance due under Po-I I lil.-e hi-- K.e.etl at it. na.t head rf bill. 11 eip. et to be Ua .ir.i' "' The L.ily New., of'on. Mi-a, I. rer..i-.:e l it. antraltty, and will .upporl ca.lolI repre.culed a q ule gi. Ifc ll and Everett The M rehou (L-uiana) Advocate, heretofore a I) niocr.lio jmroaf, h.. sn ok rri7Ft t mi MTV I The question ha. been frequently s.ked. ' indeed, we h.v. a ribl .mart of the. I.t-le e't a-the only n ..i W. e.nd -I .tea f ,r the CALL)evt.LL CULrli T. j wb, i0,0, jo Korope and lUe free States ibin. tbsl my wife need iu ep.t.un.4 aud P l-ne, r f the H,,,,, U sup .nv-rn..r. le. Cnmans . j,, . h , ,,u cloth for the f-m ly ported B ichat. in ill 50. rasciscTa. ... IT.e ih. anKi-et nf Afriiutrt tltvery to i VS ell. I ace a number of I'jwl. about vi .wallow p every other T while it is an un- ysrd ? ftavrt) HlM UlU IT We p-rceiv- that - deniable fact, tbat tbeir whif slives are in O. ye. j we have ri.'ht .mart of d uck. and J O'llrjan, e.uvietel b-fr Jil.e mant in.taaeee more ervilly treated, and ' chickens, but my wile baa bad bad luck Monroe, of Charie.toti. on two in I1.1111 1.1. are made muen more uutiappy. man rao-a 01 wn-i uer gee.e un year tut ua. now ouiy - ---"g - - -' - Le'iir Precinct, vM " irnm. r', 74 D.I'. II Kit'. Creek, 97 tleri -n ., Tt Kiv.r, Vi i'G 71 Ml) 3i6 119 52 47 31 31 76 213 6-1 II 9J 71) (3 5V1 3.1 L " K AT Til FllUH The li d " K-i'ii rrr thu. uui. up the fe-ail el ' Pre-idi-nti.' cUttiou ; l.ii.colu, It. II. " Berkinridge, 6 D-wla.. e' I hu- it will be seeo that lh aC"''"' eiC"le that the ooutenl i b'l" ami Ui.or.ln The duty of every L'nioa . ini( pafrint.ri i..' an i. arp. relit. in 50 lb-! DimocraU Called tip W to vol for liualianan, a the cn'r- " lie the colored slaves o( the .Uve CSCtes. ,-w.. ...e..ol . v. . .... M.u-. . ,ilu .. Kremont .and ih-v " St is -till more Strang, ta vie of the fact.; Hal here are some goats sod sheep, wbo mmtii. impr.aoumcui, au. to p.y a Due 01 between Ihe Wni: M jj-irities, Mr. Ksitt, of 8. C , cries out for a South ern Confederacy, and bi. aorJs are echoed by others ia 3ootb Caroima. and in om of the iioxtoa htaus " wl u.t VViu Lloyd Garri.on, in M ...seboeetts, tskes up the burthea of tbeir aonif, and shuts "Nj tii.i.jB with .1 ave-boiders " ao-l demand, "a Nortbera Governmeut '' Aal ih-i- the c uytry is relit in twaiu by uiira facuoui-ts. Nurtb aad 9ouia. There ti a eomwiou. .afe, e -h-liiutiooal jfiouud to staad uu. To reach 11 aud secure it, we believe, IS il and E'er tit ougbl to be eieeud. AUjnUriu O'u irllt. Ais OlI Pafta Tueaday was tbe nine lietb birthday of the Wo re. star (ia.) iupy, wbicb was eommrnced iu Bo. ton by Isaiah, 00 tbe I7tb of July. 177 1. under the title of the " Ma-uaebuil. -Spy." it was so active io behalf 'it (Le eau-a of tiuerty tbat it was obKxiou to the Toriea. auat denac tha i of Ktoo iu pubiica lion was.a'peadvd. After a a.ienee of about vr week.. Ibe Spy wa pre-euted lo the public ia Worce.wr wito tne oiiUo "Lib , i'v ur death " Il la ui. 'U; oldest e- j p r ia M a..acbu-etl. Drummed Out. A man by the Lame of Story, purporting to be a drummer from a re-pectaM house in Philadelphia, wa. escorted out of Green. -b-'ro by about one hundred of it. citizens, s-iiid tbe Rirlody of tin horns, bells, drums, yell, and proo to tb train west. He prdeuJ 1 t ba a grrat friend to temper auce, morality an J religion, but bis general oo luct not justifying such preteusioo, be had tbe "saift attention " of tbe citixen. visited on bito. A. be has coua ws.t our c.;it.-tiS woil'l io well to keep aa eye out for tbe gentleman. II is after bo good we may he oertaiu of ibat, suJ of course needs watching. DouUi CiDventiou. By a nonce 111 to day paper, by R. P., E-1 , a call is made 00 tbe of .Stephen A. DjuIs., to meat ia Convention st Kileih.oo tbe 30:b in-laot, fjr ike pur pj.e of furmin a Diulas Klectoral Ticket fr North CaDiina. Although it is believed by uiaoy iu tbi. vicinity, tbat J 1 le L)jula pj.-e.-es no streiitb iu Nortb Caroima. e diff r fruu them, and tbe result will 'hi. tU it m tj.rmua ilIj-iii.-j th-t Jjl.-e wiil be fouud ui je i tr iu-r til u Mr. Breckmrid,;. A Secret let Out. ' thsl neuro .laves were brought to thi. eouo 1 do iliy h-Uhj to J j(1 try by European, principally Enli-li, a-j Weil. I believa they are mine those 19 7D vsin.t tbe will, tbe earue-l proterl, of the old oal. wern tiveu to biMe .Siliie, a. a ' colon:. Is. pre.i in, by ht-r uncle IS -b, and he has got 3o3 10 reference to tbe origin of tbi. ino-t on- a ruht .mart chance nf Vn. j rea.ouable nnrigbteou. inoveineiit of Di- Well, wj dear .ir, ynu !ie pr ity well 1 unionists, permit me to a-.ur you, mat inere nere 1 a ciunr miu. aii'i an ol I nuj.'y i. reliable testimony to tbe fact, that a Gov , (, yea. thai cileriuid i I ernor General of Canada, some 30 or 4 I grind up my apples an I 8 '.iMtll. Tha p-np'e of 801th Csrolina, .aye tb S.v.nan It ipublican, rightly u.tnnaie tin. nff nee, an I we 111 G.irii., would act wi.e- . ly to follow their ex amp a Tb pracun white 111-11 ir .111 .I'll lava i. tbe source of i.iiiKtenths of th t.ieft tb 11 occur iu u.rfnl 1 ever oo-nmunitf t while the tram J ike i-il.r .ml Qlir both dehaucli a the mora), and in Ii- ...r. nn an hi. bed. said that tha .ell it at ennrl. .il l n ui.r. .1 l.;,n.. tro V. tb Value of ibe .1 a V p ip il aliou II TO W 1 IP- . L - U- -f. a ... . ... . . 1.. . ., 11.- 11. 11. n.nj, , u o.o.w. uulled states government wouM be subvert-' ana tt Help, nht smart in bsyii. eolr-w, 1 ' .iav 1.1. own. from the 40tb Senttorial -District, was at ed ; thsl tbe crowned head, of E trope be-' suj.r and molsse, and. aoin-iioie.. a call Lenoir 00 the day of tbe election, and ex- m annoyed and endangered by uch a eon eo drc f r my wife and little .9 illie. erted biaaaelf very hard to secure bis elec- li0B o( xh"W 10 u,,r lb',r !broue(' Jhd ! 1 ,0',: n, 1t '" "ic" r ,roi ' , I bad a eonsultatioa upon tbe aubject, aul re- lure here 1. ix new apiit bottomed ch.irs, lion. After the vote was counted out, and M,fd M, 0(J fjf) iome pU by mhlch , fj(jr m)i.n tm0 fhm tbe majority being xaueb larger than bis wa would become divided among ourselves, pot, one oven, one spider, one k;ttlt six friends expected, they imsgined be wasbsat.! aud do wbst they eoold not by eonq ie.t ( eupa and live eaocers, on- eufT-e-pot, eix eo. when some one of them Ut out tbe fol- onP. r own mm. I tte northern sn 1 tes-poons, fmr knives snd five fork., ei lowing secret bis defeat, because if he was elected bis psrtj intended to .end him to 'be U 4 Hen hat the penally a lin.l tb- .e utl -lice, alio 1 1 j bi very -evere, ani S'liuiui.lered ilb lhe u'.in ).l ri'or by th courts. AW111 ,n, snd we esil up" ' )). inoersry lo rally to the support of only ticket that has any ehauc of ar'-'1 A . Lincoln. Notaitb.tatidmir, and in the tic r- 00 figure, wlilch eh .w ihit the ci'' 1 betaeru B-ll an i Lincoln, the .'-y" '' S .iiirlar, indulge, in lhe ridicului' tion, wittiou proof or rean, that lb e. 1. between Br ec k 1 Brul e and li'" Now, if lb" V. i'i'iirrr won I believe i' ' fijiirea, or aoc.-pt itself a sntlmt iv. 11 lion of our bu.iuess. Hu-hmwiJ ' As ExT"Anni)iiAHr Fr-T Thv N' ,rniu, r. I nU av that for Urn'T S"." P.III. tDCl. P. 1 1 1 Bl.KHUPr Phil a del phi . i 111 a b a-l way Siu 11 1. an exirava- Kant oily u ivero U.111I an I II ) iu ine 14 pay -lll.-e ttia d.l s of lieu J ack-oii-"1"' th bids with, and tr.a.uey warrants are inter. cy hav bad but One alarri "Thet re retted r much ' oulDerl1 States differing in their interest on dinner piei, t wo tnhlecloth-, one he I, one aotu ily hak J all . it tne strcjl at ibrae canhd.te lor the Pre-idency J lin" ey regre e vsry tnuo tn aubject of African slavery, il semed ' ma'tra.-, one col, fire h"ei, one bol-ler, to tf e p-r e-nt, di.o junt. 1'no iuiure.t ac l'.:k. I'ni i extraordinary f,r P' mo-t likely to tbe object deire'l three pillo.r, f .r pilloe e t'C, ihrmi c i-i-i c '"'t "' t liiladrlpbia has boom- vury lor - , ly that pretends to bt lhe beat .9ouirrri i bytbaaeroyal masters of lhe old world; dre.-e. two hi,-p -kirt. fjir toel. three 1111 lahie, to d -m bein over 3 J I ,t) II, .0 J t, and a-.niui lo have in its peeil '' ale in tbe place of Mr. Cliagroao. 80 Mr 1 end they therefore determined to bend all p tir of atocklu., aud, by iheby, here are ' ap-.ropriaiion niadslo the Dipsriinent. i. thu b nior, an J iutefe.t aod ssfeijf ' Ciinemto will learn from this, that there is'' ik,'r "'.' this point, by eoiitribmion two tin H, !' j for Hd, amoiuted io 9 -.501,093 .1 1, ab out Sjulh. . .. . . . . . , of money, and eendioir miiousries anion.; I,wk h-re, fellq, took you t,r a e-n- ou-balfof winch ha beau expeaUd, but Au-.rt ! T. the Whi. and Amen'"1 aproepecior bis Senatorial career being (J tenth awl jirt.uh ng n.,U A,iru linn an, ah-n I fir-t -poke 10 you. bu. I find be warrant .or the while of it have un C.,n.iitul.,i.l U-.i-iu psrlie. havs b.J "' brought rather early 10 a eloe, for there is tUvtry. It i alo uuder-lood, in eouneo you ain't Wh ,1 hs v-you to do with my yet been pi. I. Tj psy Ihe rem un let to lare slave hol lers fir their V'" bo res. on to doubt tbat every opposition i lion with tbi subject, tbat, anould tbey uo- bed and my bed.tea I, in wife' dre.-, be exoendn.l, lOjjeiber with oer Jd 1.1,00.1 esn-lidate - Ciay, i'sylor ami B'"- Jf member in tbe Legislature will prefer Mr. ' erei dividiug a. as a oslioo, and array her p'ate. her neei. b-r f irnit iro and b.r of imure.l on tha fir-t of J mmry. and lbs -inoe that year, of tbe six oaudi-lste Avery to Mr Cliugman At least we hope 1 '0, U" ,n8 0,l""r' ln,"T "O"1'' tiueup. f You bad batter he off and save temporary loan of 1 I..HM. U.w uiiy ba have put np for th Pre.idency, fi' " tney wouta, lor ao man nat oooe ta muen . , ,,,1, it down . wliao m0il, be but a Ah, n.y dear sir, in your fricod as Mr. ClingmsB lo break down tbe Oppo aitiau party io North Caroliaa. Petaraon for September. This intcre.ting priodiesl is sgsia 00 oar table. Its regular monthly visit bs. j lo depeud sliuo.t entirely up in the roo int., beeu .Siu'h.iru boru men Harriaon, -I'm from lax , about 81 .0 I I., hi I of wll hi 11 1. .Hoou, ISdll snd T.vlor. Jlllt. lit Hl'ig, A ' small matter to give a government, laws and iu.t lakini a li.t of v . or thin in or ler I oaUtaudui cu-toms, such as they niigbl be plet.ed to that I may ascertain the amouut of Tour.OfA. i (I. ihiis N Masniita t i Tlllt dictsia, lo tbe eooq lemitf faction. j taxes. )tM m-h,i.y tJ,.0ro N tu.lrs b I am here reminded of an item io ihe bis Tat., you esy ? hsin't psid a cent of Baltivi .r. Au Mt 7 Tin iil of the Una letter ad to lb" U """" lory of England tbeaooduetofihe !ii.r.i tit.. he. inre year I wa f ri -fi4 ' Grest Ki-iriiio Hampton ltil. ha.crsa , K-um -k v. exhortiui ihd.n "not"1"'. aud Ajt'o$, about ihe o.iddU of ih- 5.U year, old the fi ieenth of Januir. Ii jOi ted a ureal .ou.aiion throughout the a ir th. r.ri.e.l of intere.l -nturv frou. which our Northern friend ani. thank llo I. 1 in nff th. t.e l.-a ih. h.l. r.i.m lin . V.,i...... ..I-.. I-,1 t.;.i... . r : . nation'1 : become q .ite a dttltrtm. Tbe work is ,iKht learn a oo.l l..oo. Tbey .l.ould of 1... days of. Erorvbolv 1. aniiu... to ir.-t a Imlr at !..,; .t..- tie all k . y county b-yond S u'b , ,1 iulere.tin ts u.u!, aud is at $2 bear in mind, that, by f.o.t.ea 111 )V. A I fneti I, you're rn'mak-n John P nl the bir shin." A lar re n umber of exs ir- ! and ...-red ii... n 't M-mlnd faouli'4' ' per year. menu, they ar cleniirf to the la.le of K 1- i. elwcted. Ad valorem is now Ihe la J .i inist hive tfone by rai.r ia i and sles n lorio f.,llow.hip. and ef sopial aomai'i "pesn, wbo intend te besoms ihiir ma- all .peeies of prop.ny " 1. now taxed in , boats to her She arrived ai Old Pitit to sacrifice Br.-ckiuri.lire and gi " . . ....... . .. xtt tni " er'"P,n eword put iuti prop sition lo its value, and von m m oti on Saturda m.r.iin r .h.-rn ... le.n. 1.1,.-. t i..,;,' tadra. by f'0' K-Aa w i......l to ,i. . Hat f sh. a.... Aiientioo is eaiieo to me aarerii. . - . . . . . , ' . ''.,.,... ' . ... . . - - 1 - - ... .,,, . , . 1 .j , ' . , 1 u--..- ...... ua- u-en .111111 a i.r.'D ma n ot irsr- inj llinl, l m Au'U.t rieu'"""- , , ber. .leeito i L-.n.l.tur. .-.t We I V Herns, ie .aother aolama. M ,.k. off their b.sde. ,0u .ill r-joion with J iha PjoI, and ih Up g-m that it i. fj jui impo.aibla lo aceitumo- ii.rid,, o.ndida.e. for r..k h.H j b.e n-.t giveu any firmer rlel,0B returoa. I Persaua iateraeted bad better look out. j H.EDRICL3. 1 pontioo, tbal f)iittourtc is dsfsated. data thew all. ' ' 1 onl tbe ' djsniog TcjtV "

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