.JRIFIC PERFORM ACBF BLONDIN.t QB VodoiJy lt, Hloadiq,' tin Reck-I nnthf-r terriua nerformanca on rop bridj over the chasm of Niagara. l() j verlistr iuy t After to internl of bout twenty ntinutoa .imin in a d li appearance on (lie rope, linid r it b a pioturo taking apparetua n hi back. Adraiioiog o me two hundred .,.( from tit more, lie aioppeo, liianea on JUB P0' fr0Ut ' l00', ' liken" of the p'opia ana iua snore at !,t we uppoe u'a no "a'1' " wi ,'mg t arid he squared li'nuelf, leveled , uiaouiiie, and too"! aim through it, ttiHe ,lite generally dotwo cirouniatanoea Ibid! would go 10 ahow that the "pioturo t took." Having stridently completed i; j, to hit aatiefaction, he ihouldered his i'.achinc, onlahd hi balance pole, and Lpnt ahead backward to the place whence I, came. Il wybe well to remark, that in the oul; time we ever kuew liloudiu I,, hick out. In B few miniltea, the little roan waa aeen. m V.ming oarJ America anacnea io a Lvy, luaiberinji chair. WheB about a iir.l of the way out, be placed the chair L,on t e rope, and Mated liimelf thereon, trj-ed hie ley.. around with ep- V.reni unconcern He thto adjuMed two Lv of the ehair on the cable, aud agaiu L.., liim-elf. Comin nearer to the A- wricao ahore, he again alopped and net .loll e" , fclialr 1 heo w i coiinuer mat mi i a one L a single "'' alTeie.i.w ai nnjni oi ur than two hunorro icei over ode oi iiir 0,l fearful eba-ru and torrent io the jriii it eecm altolutely miraculous. Tn Utio or tt Skibt Ovr --A e Vork eorre-poodent wrilea : " The io il eitiaua are uomietakahle that the r-i)n l lio ip kirw i aoon to eeae, ao far aa the !,dei of ton are concerned. However aen a " new fa-hioo " may be, bowetrer ei (,.D.ive i ailopiioo, boter bieouiiiig Ha ,!e. aad hoeter deairable it perpetuity, t .'cre i one poiut beyond whieh it may not The uionent it price reachea that low .l drth htcb briua the new atyle aithiu ,(,,eio.pM of every oBe'a pure, that mo mciit iU kaell ia aoanded, and ita doom i niid Fifth Avenue ncloaiveneaa, and I', liar greaii iunea, may never adj'i-t ilii-i' d S reaer and harmonif i their 0i fi-ilihy tb paituer.htp of Fhion and I'jterty Tbe po-aeaora of wealth will D . ter eiiejf lo that wbieb they eannot ap ynprnU and eautred. And when the ten t.t IbJdy fan ao cheaply di-tend her pro pr'im a toerowd out of door her own ,i.ire, it i afe to infer ibU the fabric of r-bia which tempt oh indirimiuite f. lot. Iiip laepeedily deatiued to lopple over J be 'kin mau a ha finally reeh'd H potut . change in form, no variation ia curt; or length, or breadih, can now atert lb e ti-iroph Our bu-inraa ateuues are ekirt ed and lined ith apc'meo of pended di-ir nd.-ra of every orl and at ridKulou-ly rdaerd priec Twenty 6e cent will buy I lea hoop arlic'e, and tan rhitlmy will M cj'e the oeoerabip of one of thirty two U'f. Aa compared wiib fornier ratra, t prleea aieui to promi-e a ood lime t m alien bo-ip akirta ehail be given aiih no very et'itin demand at tail The flock on hand i inimen-aj Not i ncp cf th li ft pretence ia without it The rootaeturra hat glut . a - J t ' ted the niaraet, aoo are iv io ....c. oi .i.r pub ie deauaoil. The lwet level b aa ; l-io revch'd, and now w nay look for the; I l . f , k - i ..I l n.aMta J i l.iuila'i io Ot to lcel tioop mania ' ' . , . lut ejpn-iv ra no longer .jnonynioua with tie eipen-ive, aad Fa-hio will not frter- rh Killj !n eoatainmg ant aijie ulicb j i: coil t ext to niliica to upport. hn sraiia. K liior of the New York U ji.d : In a n-il to Maravihea, a liltU in citeatraiue withias my ob-ertaiioo which any prove aervieeabie to man of your , l.recla-a of read-re. In the " re ' . I'.mptrrurtl where I wai reaidin;, an ink J i j . . ii j . ' naiiu wa acoioeniaiiy overiuioeu opvu a j b'autiful table anread J lhoo pre.eol thot' c ed in to remove tbe article from the lil', all were aurprid when be aaaared u. tli il no barm bad been done, and more ur- i pru- d till l wit nee og tb auecea.fal tueatia ' r..,,...J t... i..k .i.ia i T. . , , .ii i be .trtani.p.iukled over Ihe elotb a q lan i Iny of pepper and rail, and rubbed them oer tta aurftee. Th tutftu'e oon abaorb ti cv-rj partion of the ink, ami the table ipreail a ia . goo I a ciuduion a before tl.e a;ci lent. The apread wai of woolen fttirie. bite neter hat! any oeca.ioa for l"iing ihe merit of thia aiuiple mtgture rin apphe.l to other rlol'tea, but it err taiuly would not be attended with any bad "'!( A ItfADBB Rd (Jut. Fr.nk I Wil.on, F.i , wa. firrniily read out of tb I)-nmeratio party I7 Hon V. W. Aterj, at Hynuin'. atoreiu McDierll eountjr, a fuw day ago We liatu bad tbe pie. ure of intctiag Fret k I. .itice " eicommuaieation," and be authoriaed u to .r 10 to-e public, that he i now ' goo i 1 U.-nmerat a he ever waa, and that b kn.vcr been a good a tboae bo are oe ilenipiing to read him out of the par ly lintierord l'.fjHinr. Wabingtoa de.palehr mrnlion a ramor hit there ia a welt organised moveuient in ""r.1 of ihe Souihera Slate, looking lo a dt"olniton of the I'niou, on t'.ie plan pro ulgated by Mr. Keitl. It i alleged that k'nia have already gone abroad to aeer ''n hl eourae Knglaud and Frano will fir-u. jn in. 0f c,t,bli.l,iu,'iit of Southern Confederacy. .0l. Mrs. M.ll, Carson Yt ILL ravapen hr M'HtMlL. nn ? V Moi.da.B -piNibar 3 I, OtliO. dughU 14, I SOU. UJ Negroes W anted. 1H-I. 'Vg d price for 13 or !0 VOL'NG N E. KO Es. HOlir. F. DAVIDSON. a.le Ag .14 , tftiO. u fad" Notice. "-L tell at th lal. reai.lrnc of Jonathan ""'" eeo'n., oh Hi U3 i day of Annual nrxl. ap;k ..I Calll., Il .g,, Ac., on hand.ona lloua I iireahar, one N'.w D. w t Km, on .etnf Black, .nmh Pu.,1, farming T.k.1.. f waaimld .nd Kileh " run.iiure and other .rticl... Terms mad. "" on p dae nf al. AH p.-raon. iUiubld lu I he tat r requeaUd u iak p,ym, j , ,.., Iisvii.g claims I 'li.al lliiealats, w, , II pleaaa proaeot lliein wilh. kl P,r' rih. d bt law. oe thi aolie wi.l Pd in bar u I their reeotery. 8. W. KEID, Ex t. ''"'yJi, 1660. Wai Special Nolicti. ,. ' ' . Til P. OXYf.EXATWs niTTKH. Dyptptia, IndigtilUn, llemrl Burn, Water Bm-h, Suur Stimieh. J lundice, f'latultncu, Gentr oi Uthiiily, to., find a rajily relief and speedy cure in thia g real remedy 'I'll K OX Yti O A TF.D DITTEItS. Are believed by many who bat been cored i f Ih above complaint tn be the only medioitie which I he materia medic afford, lor llieir infallible curt. It i nut at) alcoholic preparation, which, while giving a momentary atinulua, redooe. the system in the aame ratio I but one distinct and different from any medical preparation aver etiinpnunded, ml will, in moat cases, rxtruet thediaeaae by the rool and reMr the patient la pristine health. In pr mf of which, testimony of the Very highest aad unexceptionable character ia presented. From IV. A. HARP, Esq., Editor of the " Covington (Oa.) Tiniea." C'oviNSTuN April 7, I860. M"ii . W. Fowlr A Co. lionlleinen : II vine derived benefit from the ne fit the Otyetaitltd Bitttrt. I am glad tn iln the pnMin a f.ivur by rCiiiifui'nitin; Ihem. For Vift. - pnn, and its alien .lant utile, I cnneiilrr il a rin. edyal inenliinnble vilue. W .A. HARP. nON. WILLIAM W. LAMB, Formerly M iynroi Norfulk, V . Iua jijel rendrr l I lie following Ualimioiy of Iti r-u'U pro riurail by ilia timr nf llie Oxigettd Di'lm i M'-ara. Stm VV Kowi.i &. ( o , tii"' llciiivn i 0'ia oi iny aerv4nta aufT.'red for several yetre Willi prolaptut vlr.ri, anil waa an nueh profttr4ltrd by the diara i tt be Con fined lo lor hrW. ifrtig to die. Hie thru took the Ojl'timttd UUItrt and leruveri-d ln-r lieulth. WM W. , A MB. Tiered by SF.TI! W FOW I.E A. ').. B .a. Ion, i..l fur m'e by K. Nye fuli-l n tc Co, ('ii.rli.lt. n hy all drnrei'l. A'lilie & 'imy, Kii liniond.M. A. k. C. A. Sanio., .Norfolk Wkole. e.le De.l.ri. U3 ft EM IK 1.1 TEN MIMITI'J. BRYhla'S r v L 3i o . i cy a v i: it s . Th faioi4i. VrDirisi EaTaauanro in l3T,iinil fint milirtt j tkt tiad reer twitdurrd unl-r Me name f ' Ft'l.MnHiv V arra, in tint or way t. er rfiy; li elaer i'ulmfnu U'arVr, era e un i-i'ia 7'' geaxinr r lit tauten tkt nam Ho VAN iring $lumprJ ear W A I ER. I1KVA.N l PLI.HOMl: WAt'tkr) Relieve Ci.i'h, olna, S-.re 'I'ur.-t, oaraenej. tUVA.V H ri l.Mr.iMl' WAFKIIB Itel.ev Aatimi i. Ilr.-uriiitia, iili u'l Breathing. HRVAN'H rt'l.Mll.MC IV a. F Kit 4 Relieve So .ii( of lli.exi, Pain m ihe Chcil. UHVAN M f! I.MOMi; WttKJ Relieve Lieifj.eot Co'iniiiiit.to.n. Lung O.aeaaea. KKVA.Nrt rt l.Mii.MC W4.Fr.llri Relieve Irnition of t.ia l.aol. .01 lonailt, UHVAMt rt mnvii' vr.trr.itr) Ralieve toe all . ( onipi .ii.lp hi I. n Minulea. '.Kr.'a Pt'l.Mli.SK.' tv A FF.Rri Are a U .a.i. g to .11 I'lo. ami ( ontitutiora. UKVAMI n I.Mn.NH' WAFKRri Ar adapted ! Vocanaia mil Fu'.hc Sicakera. tlRVA. ri'l-MUMf WAFLUS Ar in iinrle iMll ami pleaaaot ! Ill taate. liKVAM" ri LMO.Mi; WAFF.Rri I .Ht only reii.ee, bui.HVei rapid and la.iingCurea. tlVANH Fl IAti NIC IVAFFR Ar warreii-fi lo give aat.al'aciton to etery nne. N.. Family .hoald ka arm ,ut Bji of Bryan' Pulll e W.iera m iIm-houee. No Traveller ahnuld b without upply of Biyan'a Pulmnnic Wafer in hie pocket. No p. r..o will t'ft object to giv for Bryan Putin e W'afi ra 'JS eeil. JtiH MOSES. ole I'rornlor. Rncheater. N. Y. F'r aal lo Claarlwltr. uy Ui . t4cair, aau ail re prclab. DrvgglM. !l lt. ltkl.OW, 'iper.enerd rurae and femat phyiein. baa a htng yrnp I"! children trelltlng. Which gieal. leilill in iaucr t eleot., lay ttfaorg rt.gue.g llii d.i lo.., will allay p.m. and ia eure to n geUl the bowel, lit: pend u,.a it. n.ah. r., it will give real in your. Itta, and relit f and hi-allu la Vuiir infante ' l erfietl eat in all caeca. Scm adverllaea.ent lo ,llu,c. awm. rrV. .d,t,wment of Randf.wd Inngo. ralui, io awointr cidu i r re llie a'iverliea-mrnt a another cuJuiun. if Wimu' Hair live. (J Se Ir. Ayer' advrrtiaem. ot .airlher cm-' Bored Wells!! AVIMJ bearn informed liial certain ewpriaci. II PavekT Aa taa W 114. ,tova." and a I am u i .... i' .. . .. ,i.a r. N. v,w, v......... No.Hi and S..uth f.r..li. and "y P- (; - .,,., ,, mi. ia i (.ie- A. i.. mat any r.a nr ro lofnnirii.f on . n.( I'tirnl. or any i '."n nt i" - vaon ivimi rriT Ir eh iraiOK Wat W'll toi l.eol per... dimerf f , .' rrapvua.bie lo in It -r a itr oeNeil of ucb in. rinife P. 'tie- emolormr irron whc. ae maaiof m fr in menu tins raieni win- iitmrnt aarire Iktmf itj gacr (ei.ei- ae'diiiig't " SUIe .oil I', ui.lv Hi.lH lor aalv on aecoll.nio. dating term. For lurilier p-'tieulara. add'; CUAS F IIAHUIS. Bit 18, t itri. A C. 131 ROM ih. .uba-ribe'. f. imh no-lh. rl ea.l, ol LiU'-n.C H ,on Wedlir. lay toe ajlh of July, a negrj ma named 'I' II O It 'S O . Sun ngrn i. nrg "i muiaiio. wnn o. .IraiKhl, I. ab.ul aj vir. nld. 6 feel. I i.r i lOcoe. high, weigh, about I i5 p iund. no par li"Ular mark. .ul hi. person lememlarrrd. He ar .a ried bv nrv Tieoon-on. in toe npio-r p.rl of L'uret.a Diatriei, near En..ree River, wiioaold Willi. o. filuter, Nb-.u! a year Al.o.on Sunday n.l.l. Ce OTih nl J .ly, run,. I ,., .. .... the .a.,., pl.nlat, two olher n rg ro ' ' ' ' ,r 0n,, about 21 y:-.-a old. ia of d.rk mulatto eolor, ..(. al.ul 155 poomla, ia 5 I- el, Ii or 7 mell! I nifh.qu rk .ooken and vary inlelligeul. Tn o. ther i.y i nam. d DCffiD aa.DaDCr.D. and i. about the a -ne aife and height, though not ; n nle ao tall a. Jim. and ia nl dark brown or oop I larr color and ratoer alow epoken, Ihouifh very in- te'hienl. No pariiuul. mark, are remembered koui ihe nera-.u ol either ! them. I ney were ,4.gu.( 14. isr.n. S;)l)(irail). h "III b.iuht h the .uKenber, J .a O Hunter, in P..C imond, Va"., ab..ul the lll" Jun Uat, and nruiflil by railroad by the way of R.leifh an i Charlotte, N. C.end Columbia. S. V. to l.iuran D all i t, S. C, in company with ixlu or eigh teen other negro. Il i .iipH.ed Ibry are attempting to make their way Oae la V.rginia, either nlong Ih hue of the railroada, i.r by mor tlirrel course, aco.. Ihe c. uniry, atiei u i. very probable that the Ihre a. bovede.nrihed negroe.are in Company, either lurk iiiK about in the neighborhood of Tiiompaoi.', io Ihia Diatriei, or on tneir wav In Virginia. W will pay lh u m ul SEVENTY r IV K DlL LARS for the al' delivery of the three .bov ile. cribid nerrtar into lit J all of llu Diatriei. or any ! Iter Jul III tin Slate, Norlll l-ae..lina or V-rgioia, ao that we din t et them, or T W EN TV FIVE DOLLAR f.-r Uiefo d-livery in J .il of aithi r Jim or R herl. We will ..eo pay the .urn of FIVE III NPKED IlOI.I.AltS lu any perann who will furinah aurfi. aiem legal tsatiniuiiy lor the eonvtolion of any wilt p.-t on t.r N.t.M. for c.mnai'ling, or aidiua; aud avti.liug enher ntie nf .aid ueffroe, in run. nii.g away, or ot lure, no- Ihrtn winl runaway. WILLIAM IIUNIEU. jA.MKi O. HUN I Ell. alg.l S, lettO. IUA I aE. Near Pinetitle, nn Hie Sth i..atan, Mra. ELIZ. ABKTH WALLACE, wife nf Mr. M L. Wallace, leaving; ier husband anil five email children, to getlier with a laign eirele of aincerely di-toten friend to reilie her abaence. 'Jo thee ilia a fruitful eonre of eonaolalion to Know that ah died With eipreaainna on her lip of a aoul fell confidence tn an early paitieipntron in th j-ya n lleavrn hiving prepared herll for it by a ion talent rneinberaliip juf ecveral year in Hi Mi-tb oiliat cliurtli. TO" THE-MERCHANTS or tiii SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST, V UNDEIsk;NF,D. MKRf'H ANTS U OF THB CITY OF CHAKI.KSTUN. 8. C eneourafed oy the hicreaaed patrnnajfe reeeit. ed la at fi(.rinf. and by the aeanrance that hate reaclitd oa Inin all arctinne of the Finulh and Moo til went, lli.it our Gnndu bat enmpired ailtan. In nl y, and competed aoeceaaf'tlly, with llo.ae bought in New York, and other Iforihern citira. and belieting thut beii g found fntliiul tn the pl. dr.ea, made in nor former Card, we will reccite etill greater patronage, hit prepared ouieltee for a l.trifsly increaaed Fall buaineea. , Oar Importrra and Jobber of F.irrif Mrrcha.i. dixe hate all been repreaentcd in the market nf Kurniw, Ili a Spring and Hummer, either by m ni. brra of tln-ir reaneciive firni, or hr jtrnia fully rniiip"teiit tn ielert gomla for the floulhrrn Irarle They ha?e bonbt fr eaah, ne it rqmf4lenl. and heir eelecliona will 'nrni fuii and attrai tive aioV for Ilia inspection f tin interior merebanla. Our fieili tiea or oblaininff D -niealietf'ioda. Hi reel from ihe ntanufactoriea, are nnanru-iaiH-d ly Hie mer. clmnla nf any cily in th Union. W. Hirref..r, nonfi li-ol'v irait- a to innel nnr FM.I. KI1V K- Or" FOIIKIOS AND IHJ M ESTIt- (' D. f.-lio. a.Mirrd lhal all arlin m.-it do bo, torAe( pttjuht, will make Iheir pur. rhaee in Iln market. Our inck will be cam. plet early in Aufiial whin we will be pleiaed lo r.iceiee Ihe tiail nf our old and new mercantile friend. Dry Good. nif.I.lf.AND.IIOWEf.f. A. CO; JO'ITON. CKKWSAt O: I'HAMKKRI.AIN. MIM.F.H A CO.; J NO (i.MII.SO't O; N AYI.KR.xMITM A il; HYATT. McBl'RME A CO j (RANK, BOYMTON A CO; J 8 A t.. BOWIE A O ; ( AD.IW, MchKNZIK A ( O.j KtCRlso.N A LEIUINU. Hardwire. HYDE, r;nF.c. a ntY: wii.rnM a PBIt V.; Ot'KTNEY, TtN.N'ANT A CO ; J. E. ADGKR A CO. Boots find Allies, n. F. FI.EVtlvo A roj n. a. PRivnr.F. a CO j KIIM'E VIT' HM.f.i E B H TODD a, R D AMI; PI t II AM. TAFT A CO j IIASIXTINK A W A I.TOM . Clothing. ,'VR0. SMITH A Ml:' OHEV. W'ir.r.lS Al; WAI.HROV. Et.t;I.ETON A CO j Kl). WIN. ITES A CO.j .MATTIIIESKN,O IIA. R A A CO. GfCe'i. GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO. Crockery and Ghsawire. WEBB A PA(.E; GROWN A PALM A. Dttig i nnd "fpdtclaes. H A Vlf . A N f). STEVEN'OM A CO; FT.coN CAMTK3 i JOHN ASIIIIL'RST A IO; RIFF A DO'AIK. Sllka. nrd Fancy Gord. TOWEN. FOSTER A CO ; J. A W. K'VOX ; PKW INC. TIIAYH1 A0; ALBERT LENU- M K ; ivl AKfll AI.I., Ill III. t, at I IJ Hst$. C p srd Mr w Goods. HORSEY, AL I EN A CO; V D. FANNING A t O ; D II. V 1 I.I.I CMS A CO. frtarlnl le- n Mil ntl ! f lint dun rr, ! H4TIE. CaLHOI'N A IO; JENNINGS. THOMLI.NSON A lurpeli, oil 4 li lew and Hlnduw I riirlnina. 1. 4 M BERT A HOWELL; J S. G. B41LIE. lMwrl'r MMd Da-nle-r lit Wiaaa a, l.lqviiat. ii lid )-- ra. Cll tFFEE. CROFT A CH AFFEE ; RENNE. KER A GLOVER. Itoitia-r lii 111 per itud i:n v ln, JO' EPII WALKER. Ag 7. 1 C. & S . ( H ; i i 11 . .i d I n ds. M tiril, will hr rrH. pinfH at hio nffire wlm. rvrr prrarnU-d, with ihe intcret tccuu.ul-td to II. daitc f p-y mrnt. I A. II. MARTIN", Agent. Ju'l II, loO. VJ6 iflNotice. lit AVI (a taineri letter. of adininietratinn nu the eat. lenf Cyril. J. W ii.oii, dee'd. we will l at Iua re.itei.ee II mile, north nf Char, loile.on Ihe 24; h of Aogu.l bell the following prnperty. TTI--.CTV ft V HOUSES, MI LLS. CATTLE, HOGS, 3 JESSIES, 3 H'ooni, 1 C,jrrinf:e, 1 Duffy, 1 fit f mi'A Tool', VillEA T, I' ml l,o,id .t-t, JhuirholJ If Kitchen, Furniture, and varieua other rticlia too tedioua to enu merate. Term mad Itnnwn nn d.ynf.ale. P.-r.on indebted In eaid eat'.te will plen.e rami forward and settle ; and thoar bavin cl im wi'l pre.eni them for p.ymenl. within II. tunc pre. .cnhed by I w, or thia notice will oe plead in bar of their reeotery. ALHE11T WILSON, i . , , , JAS. M. WILSON, K J.Iy 31, I "61). ID 3t "T ATK OF .V)RTII-CAU()LINA," CABARRUS CHUNTY. Court of lieat wd Juarttr Sessions, Ju ly Term, 1M.J. E iiber l M. Me.Eicl.ern 1 Altai '.ment lev ed on Lane. . William A. Aiken and E.I Mi-i:ullH:k. ft T appearing lo the aati 'action of the Court, ' ef.nda.t., W.,,. A A.hea .and E f. M'iCiill'K'k, r niit reatilenla nt t .,. Male I, , le.efr Uidrltd tkt Cit, Tnt publication be n.aoo lor en week. ,n Ihe North Carolina Wliif. a Aiken nd E p.per publiahed in ihe town nf t'liarloile, nolily ing the aaid detenj .uta In be and apiaear at the neat Court kT PI. a and Q I .Me, S.-aainn. to he br.d for Ihe c.uniy nf Caharrua, at the Curt. .n.e in Cone rd, on Ihe 31 Monday n, O -lober next, ihen ami there to plead r rep'evy, or lung- nient pra eonleaan will be entired tn,i the proK-rty Irvnd on condemned to the tun B( olainurl''- claim. Wilneea, N.-laon Slough, clerk nf our id court ,i orT"-e in Concord, Ihe 3.1 M nda Jillt IHtiO. NELSON SLOUGH, Or it. Pr filter", fe lb'. aj.j, y, ). x!5 "j? T A T I : ( ) F NO 1 1 T 1 1 -C A I 6 L I N A 7 CADAUiiUS CUUMi. Court of i'leat and Quur er Hensiont, A pnl Term, 1R0J. G. L. M.mdy 1 r. 1 Atturhment levied William A. Aiken and E. C. oa Land. McCullock. J IT appearing lo th aalipl.rt.ort nf the Court, lhal Ihe delendanta, Wiu. A. Aiken and E C. M.-CulI'M-k, are not reaolent. nl line Slate, Jt i. tkntttrtOrdertd fcy Crl, That piihlicatmn be made lor an wctke in ihe N .rlh I srolina Wing. a paper published in In tow of Cnarlolte, iriiiy. lag th id difendaut to be ami appear at the m at Court of Pleaa anJ Quarter Se.an.n., to b lot Id for th county of Caharrua, l th t our I. fouae in C.mcnrd.un the 3d .Monday in October next, than and there to plead nr replevy, or jo ig meiil pro onnleaao will b entered againat tueui, and th proparly levied ai eondemned o the uae of plamliCa alaim. ' W linear., Nelaam Slough, clerk of our. ml court, atotboe in Coocoe.l, lha 3.1 Monday in Jiily ItjbM NICLSON 8L0UU11, Vleik. rrinter'e IV l. Aug. 7, lbU. Ui COCHRANE l SAMPLE v VtkUtUi IN. Hirdwara. Cms- Cutlery. c , fcc, th Sign of tin Gotten Vml Lock, VOtl D ruapectfully intite the public lo W W ell .ml exjinioe their Blutk belure pur-'eaaina- elaewhi re. ILT Order enlieited and promptly altcnded to. Cull and " vs. C'OOllRANK & SAMPLE. July 10, I8B0. Tools! Tools! Tools! at the Sign of the Golilen Vart Lock, good lliplt of Tool , eonaial. - ing of circular, mill.rroaa.cot, tenon, liaml, np r, birk and rum. piaa 8iwa; bench and moulding 1'lnnea ; I' thing, ahinglmg. unrf broad Hitcheta; Hnniiierij bevel end tteel Squarea ; Drawing Knm; Rrncea and I)ila; Augi-re ; Uinileta ; Chiaeela; hriek and plaa. ternif Trowel iMerew Plate; S.w Sot,; Spoke. Khatea; Filei; R.upa ; Pocket Rule ; Guifc. Kotla pint and picket Iec! j Bi.ring Ma. cliinea, A.c, COCII RANK &. SAMPLE. Hlacksniith's Tools, at the of the Golden V ml Lock, a good eiiniily, C'iiiiiting of An. a&af vile; B.-1'nwa ; Shd B I Vicea ; fJBK-ir3 hand 'nn alede ll inimer" J Stock anil Uo; Tone". B'lUri -e, U-i-p., Fllea, and fxi lupply of llorae Nail. Ilorae and Mule Snoea, at low prieea. CUCHRAN & SAMPLE. iift'ricultural kpli'mcnti at tkt Sign of the Golden Va-l Luck large auppi'y nf the abiire. ting nt I hninpMHi a -"Vt . i celebrated eli br.ilrii Pluuifha ; alao, Corn VrftevvJ! Pliellera; Straw Cuttera ; SI el ; S(..,ili a ; flay and manure Fork; beat caat. Me. I An a ; 1'ieke, Malloma, Grubinng ll'. Wiscdliig llea,Tr.iee Chailo., Ii ( l.allia, Wneoll Cliaina, ii . roeii llo. , liakcu. Hi'iige Sliear, Pru nn g anil Uuad:nir Knin i, An , Ac. COCHRANE & SAMPLE. Carriage Materials, at ihe Sign of the Guillen Vad Lock, - , large tm.k nf the above, eonit. Jif-1 -A III of Sp-ll'fa. Alle. Oval Iron. Ilu.. U .w., Run. Buggy Pole.. Buggy Shaft, Spoaea, Patent and Eiiainrlled Leatlur, Euain elled t loth. Oil Ca'pct, Carriage Holla. Bra and Silver Banila, Silvr M.ilil'llne; Lncee, Taaaen, Tntueo tilicka. Saddle and I. mine Nail. Ac Ac. COCHRANE & SAMPLE. J, T the Sign of the t.OI.DK-v fL, PAD Loi K will lie found II liniei large and well ae. tar' lirted Stork of Gum, Fiatola, Powder horn. Powder fi ak. Howner, S'o.t, Leaii ; Krei.rh and Aiiicrie.n window Glaae ; Put ty ;a large atnek of Eugliali and Anirriean Iron ; Cat .Steel, C rili.n alee!. Bl.ter eteel. Plough teel, Spring en el; Naii. of all km.i hemp and mamlla R..ie; Anchor B-ainl B-iltinr t'lnlna ; Mill bireaa; .Mill Pick ; Spike II niiini ra. Stone Ham mera, lloonle and Single BWka; alan, large Slock of Cn-mcee, Curl .in B nd. Curtain Pma, Picture Cord and Tael. Ac. COCHRANE & SAMPLE. Superior Smut Machines', at the Sign of the Golden Pud Lork COCII KANE & SAMPLE. Tacamaa'! Orrut. A T. A (I II R.Co , ( ( ha i tut tr ju'.y 14. I r-60. 1)Y i.roer nfthe B atrd nf Director, of the At. MM l.'iilic, Tenneaaee A O io I! nlroad, held in I nclotie on the It) February. I ejfjU. il wa. order, ed thai a called merliog m ine Mock hnliier. be held in Sl.ilni.l f, N. nn Tliur.uay Jd day ol Aiignat neit at 1 1 o'elocK If ui neaa of nn por lance anil be traliaaclrd anil ll l neceaaary that lha .li.ca be reprca nted in ieranii or prniy. M. L. WKlcsroN. T,eas. Copsirtncrship Notice. fJ'HE undri.ignrd havu tin. day .eaoci.led J. liieuiseive., lor Ihe lran.actio:i of Ihe Fax to ro ge ard General om mission liUSLMISS, in the city of I harleelon, S C , under the tyle of i h .nii.c, Barne A Co , and "u!il moat rea pectiuilv solicit the patronage ol Iheir trienn. and tnc public, t una gnuienia ol I'mdui-e, Manufac tnr. a or M. rb:. amine maua lo t.cir liouae, will re. Cciro prolnpl alleoliou. JAMES S CHAMBERS. Of t hnltsfn. a. C, GEORGE VV. UAK.NEa, Of Ktrthaw Unmet. H. C JOHN W. CllA.MUb.US, Of t built Klin, X. C. ChaiUtttn. S. C, July lb, IBoU. Ul STATE OF .NOimi-CAItOLlXA, ,MKt Kl.gMJtKU CUb'.M'Y. IS EQUITY, ftxg Term, IbOO. J.o.i. Irwin, Pl.iutilt, 1 r.. Pair ck J.Wil.ou,sydni-yX John. j-Original Bill. U.u alio Hugh t . McKi.igi'l, j Deleliuanl. i I tllK olijiel of Iln Bill ia to .abject the cqui. jl lab .1.1. reel ol Ule uelellUalil, f . J. HaoO, iii a Ira. I ol lanu, hold in liual oy loe uelenuaul, Hugo F. .Mehniglit, loe hi. oenehl, Ij Ihe .all. taeliou ul llie bUllitirl'. ju.lgiinlll uekl ; anu ll piniaring lo .he ai.lia.aci.oii ol Uiu Courl, lhal tne eiuu-nl. Hugh t. ,t. -King hi. i nol a real. ueulul lo Slalo, ll It tlitirJOit Oldtltd by Iht Crl, liial iiuiiue, by puuiic.i.oii lor ix weeaa in the Norlli Carolina W nig, a iiipaper pui.liaheu in in town ul thaiiuHt, be given to me skiu Hugh F. AKkuighl, to.u;..ai.u.iig him per.oii.ny In on a no appear at Ihe III X I I "url ol Kqillty, lo be held tor Ihe county ol Alcca mbuig, i the Cuurlll'.uae in ihanol.e, on Hie IUh .Vlon.iay at ler lue 4in Monday in Auguel A. l. IBbJ, and Itieii sua mere lo piead, anawer ur demur lo the plaiiilitt 's Millul Coiiipiainl; oluerwi.c juiigniiiil pro con leaao will be .nlirwi ajj .i'.al linn, anu a Ueeree ulae accordle t 'J W itii.'sx, A-1-'. W iliiaiinun, clerk and maater ol aaidluiirl.at.'tlite ml har.uito. the I III. Monday alln the 4lli M ..nuay m Fiurury A. D. tw.H, auu u the b4ui year ol Am rie.n Independence. A. 0. W ILLIAMSON.C. m. . July 10, HI.0. IT. Fee $8. till STATU OF NOimi-CAUOLlNA, MSCKLSNBUKO COUNTY, IX EUL'lfY, W'g Term, lsOO. Ann K. .Mdl'uiloch, Piainuff, I r,. ' Pvtilmn for Di. Mila R. Mcl'ulloch, Helen, j vorce. dai.t. J iN thie caae, il appearing to tne .iitifaetionoflhe l.ourt. Illat ll.f del' ll.laMl Mill.. R. Mc lllfll, I, not an inhabit . lit ol Ih Slate ol N .rlll.Caroln. ua, Jl ia Maie.rc Oia'r"' "'. t"-' ",,tlce l'tli tiliuirol ini. pol.tioil b given lo.aid oe- tendaiil. ny publtcali..n lor ix week, in Ihe North .Carolina Wing, a new-puper pnbli.hed in llie town I nl lb r..lle.eoiiimaiiline ! pem.ally lob and appeir at 111 next Court of F.inty lo bo held tor llie county ol Mecklenburg. at in. Court Hou.e in 'Ciiarlollo.ou me I lib Monday alter th 4lli Mon. day in Augu-l ni xl. ad then and there lu plead, anawer, or teinor l Ine pl.mtitr'a .titioH ; or judgment pro c....le. will be entered .g.l".l him, an a decree mail accordingly. Wituesa A. C. W illianiann, clerk and nn.ter ol ,.,dC...irl.'al 'imVc, m Charlotte, the I III. M -nuay alter the 4th Mo..d' i lebru .ry, A. D. ln6U,..nd IB Ih 04th year ol Amerie.w Inrfnnemlenet'. A. 0. WILLI AM SON, c. M. Jul 10, 10. Pre. fee . t" . Chambers, Dimes & Co.", " Factor? and General Coin minion JIERCIIAX.TS, ! CJ I A It la KSTOX. S. C. i -Selling OiT at Cestui 4 MllE uhacriber Call the attention of Ihe Pub A lie of Charlotte and the aurrounding eoau. try, ll.al they are ofiVruif Ihe balance of Iheir en. lire New fctmk of Spring and Suiiiim r Ready. M ule C'lothinir AT COS 1', to nuke room by the l-t nf n .uti'inbur, fur a Urge aupply of rail and Winter Oooda. J. R'THCHILD k 15R0. One l)or below Urocker A lieilhrun. t'J5 N. B- Aa tliiafirm intenila to ini'reaie their huainea in (!har. lotte, und nat finding their pre. enl location large enough, they h ive thia itay rented the fine Klure Room, No. 4, Granite Row, now ocrunn d nv Mr. Treloar, whieh will be oiiened fy lha let nf September next, with an entire new aupp y of Ready made Cluluing, uilabl for the Full and Winter Trade. J. ROTHCIIILD k IlRO. Awl 7. I8C0. !iUf Tivrr.rni in viii;-i. ..i "ra Columbia. June iS. lffiO. ) Taeaatm' Orrica, C, A S. :. K K C. ' t wall V. rti.rd of lllreelnr. lo. derlared a divi. Jt nendol rOLK DOLLARS per ahare, pay.ibe ion the nraliil July next. I harle-ton .lock holder. will be omd at the bank nf th. Slate. Sloekhnld. I era I in in Finificld Di.tnci will be p.id at the bank Winnehoro. Tlioae in Chc.ler and Weatern North Carolina and Eaelern Y'.rk atockiioluera will be paid by the Company Agent at Charlotte, North Carolina; and all ot'iera at Una i.ffice. Tran.fer hooka closed from 20 III inalahl lu lull' July. C. BOUKNIGIIT, Treasnrer. June QG I860 I4if. IlAHDWARiyiAHDWAllE! A. A. N. mTTAYLOR ! XT EPE(.'1 FCLLY inform, hi. friend and the 1 J public generally, that he haa added lo hi extenetvc .lock of , large and complete a lock of HARDWARE, con. ai.ting in pari a. follow: Carpenter.' Tool. Circnlr, mil', cros.cut, Innd, ripper, pnnnel, pru ning, grafting, tennon, back, conipa.., webb and bulelier SAW S. Brace and bit., Drawing Kuivc, Chiaw I, Aug.-re, Gimlet., Ilaminera, Halehi la and Axe., i Brick, pi latering and protntng TROW ELS, I S i w aettera, Sen w platea. Stock, and die., I Manee of all kind.. Spoke . have., Sieel-blade bevel and Iry Square, Spirit Level., t Pocket L"ela, Spirit Level Vial., B i in? Machines, Gouge., aad in fact everything a mechanic wanta, in great variety and at very low price., at IAiLOKS rilv) are Store .nd Tin Ware Depot, oppoaile the Mai. .ion J.u.e, Charlotte, N. C. JuneZ.liyj. II If Blacfcmith ToolSj -wsam hLjL'l H a. Bellow., Anvila, hnnd and Trji .hue funnier., Vicea. Buttre...., taSiaKarriers' Kiiives, Screw-plate Stock nd oiea, BUcktnnth'. Pincher. and Tonga, II.... pera and File, nf every kind, cut liore .hoe and clinch Nail., B .r.x, Iron nf.ll if , both of nor lln tii and country manufacture, cast, plow, bin. ler and aprmg Steul Ac, fur .ale very cheap at TAYLOR'S, Oppoiite tht Mansion lloutt. Carriage Materials. 11 hi. .lock l the above good., consisting .-f Spr ng., Axle., Hub., Bows, Soke., Snaita, Curtain Frame., knob., Bands, L.mng N ul, Dama.k, Satlinet, Clothe, La. cs, Frinirea, Enameled and Patent Leather, lJn- mcied Cloth, Oil Carpet, Paint of all kind., dry and in nil. Varnish, Turpentine, Linseed Oil, Tyre and Oei.l Iron, Boll., and everything in the way of Carriage Trimmings, at price, thai cannot fail lo please, at the i.ruware Depot of A. A. N. M. TAYLOR, Opp$itt the .Wurman I fault. Agricultural Implements OF ALL KINDS. vTKAW l ulter.. Corn Shel. I ra. Plows, Hi"?s, Shovel. So'iiie.. F'ork., Axes, Pick.. Mal- (irubbing Hoe, I race Ciiains, Wagon Chain., L"g I bains, rrunmg and Hedge Shears, Pruning and Budding kuitea, liar, deu Ho., and Rikea, with handle; Grain Cra- Ilea: rraiu. ras aim Drier acvinn, uusn Wagon boxes ; ollow ware, audi aa pot.. ml lids,.killeia. spiders, slew pans and kel. lies, i'auldrona 'r..ni 'J'1 lo I'Jt) e'llun. each ; Iron and braaa Preserving Kclllea, Sheep Sheara, Ac, l TAYLORS llarduoie Drpat, opposite the .VinJioa Houte. I DLOW'S C ELEBRATED SELF SEAL. 41.NG CANS, ol'all the dirl. r. lit an. a, at TAYLORS HurJtnre Ster, tppotitt tht Manno Houit. At Taylor's rOlT c.n find the lug.-.l as...rtr.:enl of Cut lery, Guna and Pistols, of all the celebrated manes. GLASS, of all sue. and qualities both Frenci. snd American. Also, Tnti by ih kig or pound WOODEN WARE, BROOMS, Ac .ol all kiuda. Hope! Hope!! 5,000 fvotiiidtut' M-milU, Julo nnd dt lou l.o-, troiu inch to 3 m- TAYLORS Hardware Store, opponte the .Van.io Hon it. Tin and Japanned Ware. Vlarg. ..sortinent; Biock Tin, Block Zinc, 'I'm Plate, I) ihbit nieial, Ac. 6 7t)l'ES, the large.l St.K-k. of all .in-s, at TAYLORS .jrJirare, Slier and Tin It are Prpnt, Oppile the .tf'ia.iea lloutt. Hoofing Gutteingi Job Work, g . K all kinds, promptly alteniied to at TAYLOR'S u.iu-an Store, oppotite the Mansion Houte. j. v. iii:vm: .v o., VK1.III 1st 00T1CW and dl KINDS of PRODUCE, tu tiL rBi:E r, CHARLOTTE. X C. CTAJI rd-r. lteded to wilh despatch. Afil II. l60. ; July 17. IMtiO. sift!'" iV I I Fine Silver Plated Ware, j JUST opened a large and aplendid aorlinent of ' Silver Plated Ware, I which ia offered to the public. Call and aupply ysuraeltea while you cun get a food article cheap. u. w. BECKwrrii. May IS, IP60. Htf Private Surgical Hospital: E, the underaigned, Imving oened a pri. rate Surgical Infirmary in the town of te, ar now prepared to furnieh comfort. Ch able qtiirti-ra to thoec r-ttteiite iroin a riiatanaw tthn tony require nor profeiBional atrticea in the treatment nl Horiical diaeaaea. Too above Inatilulion ia located nn Mainatreet, in a quiet part of the tow... The builiiina are few and well tenlillated, with good uut-uuildinga n,r ih arrttmmmiation nf neirroea. All dia..aee of a cuol ii-i.iua character will ' atneCv exelnded , Communication Ihronrh the Pnal Office, ad. dre.aed to Caldwell A Gibbon, will rectivc prompt aitentiob. P. C. CALDWELL, M. D. IU)BKR I'C,I15H( .N, M. D. J. W. CALDWELL, M. 1. .4 17. 1800. 4lf white sULHiuu sn;iN(;s:M,,!re',;:V.::;::::;: WILL BE OPENED FOR VISITORS BY ? Ihelatol JC.NEneit. Tney are eiliMied rnnal healthy inountiinoua country neur the I ueanuiui ni."u.-. " : an li"urN rule of ll.e pre.enl teriiiinu. of Ihe t-S I tit it .l . KAIU l.uiu win. which ...i ly Imeaof Oiuuihaaea aim SLate Coacliea connect j t"e Springe. ' I Pie ure vehicle, and aupcrior .acme noi ace win ; be at the call of gucat. UtM litis AH ys :t tt at liilli.ti tl .a;ilMiitta neatly 6ttcd up. 4 ri.K UtiD 4r nisici A ugvged for the aea.on, and Q11DK1LL AND COTILLION PARTIES each .venn.g FREE OF EXTRA CHARGE. I HE Ll ll DI.Nt.S ar new and .paemu. II E FLEAM KE GltOl NDS exten.ive; and in hne, everything wished for at llie heat watering pla e, will be t' Oitd I. ere lo re. frcali Ihe tuner man and tu cheer the apirita. The l ll iil l Ki iil;iliil and the MEDICINAL properlit-a of th water ( .linoat innici .ibie before the completion n the We. tern N. C. K iilroii.i) now hull the nn ard ftlicted wiih eoruial welcome. The experience ul the Proprietor ju.tifu the icekcr of health ur pleaaure in anlicipaling a "good lime coming." The Proprieior haa been at very grei.1 expenae in filling up a Watering Pi-ec coiiiiiicnaiiru'.e with the want, of the CA ROLI N AS a ml confidently re Ilea on tluyir (jeneroaily lor encouragement. II. L. UOUARD3. ;1f.v I. I8CD. S'.l FLO U'K ItS' rtTTTTin f Willi Hi dULlllUIl DlIUWUlJ. Caldwell county, hi. 0. rilllE Proprietor of ihe.e Springi inform the Jl public generally, thai be I. preparing to re Ceive and entertain llioae w no are neairoua in ira. ting Hie curative qualiuee 1.1 Una water, lor lli varmua dia.- '.ea lu which human nature .a I'able. He i. niahL. large addilmiia to hi. building. will ne ready i..r ine rrerpnun vt couip..., v- . I..' ...J ..a.ll. .1' June. a,l all lla an ... r r . . - twecn come m.y re.t a.iured that tl.ey ill be accom dated and every exertion uatd to render Iheir .lay plea.aiit and conitorlable. Per.on. coining to ihe.e Spring, by Fail Rood, will leave the era at Hickory Tavern Depot, ..n the Weatern Exten.ion, where a conveyance wnl be in reudinen tn cuvev them tn the Sprmga. ELKANNAU FLOWERS. 3fy 15. 1SC0. Bit" TThe Columbia C.rrlini.in will inert once in daily anu twice in the 3anner, and the Ral. inh Regialer will in.ert three weeka and Ine ward ac count, to tin. "'hie. Tney mil plea.e call atten tion lu the advertisement. 1 5131 KXSI-: ATTIt ACTION AT TIU Great Clothing SBIPORIUB1 or Fill. LINGS, SPKLNfiS & CO. ffj HEY ar now opening ot Iheir large and ca. paciou. Store Kooiu.the llatidaoiiital ana Cheape.l Sleek ol ii a;. eVcr offered in the State. Their .tnek compri.e ' , tb antereut kinds of Fancy Cut Lint n and Marseilles buaincM suits, English and French Drap o'Ete and Alpacea Frocks and Sacka ; a large variety of Cnnere Pont. r'ancv und e d GENT'S FURKISHIKQ GOOES, Tronka. Vali.es.. Hut nd Caps, Ac, Ac- All ol the ubuvs good ire of the late. I ty le aud pat tern.. Manufacturing Department, FELLINGS, SPRINGS A CO- have also added lo their l!e..dt niade Clothing Slock, a Merchant Tailoring Department, to wiiich they cull llit especial a Urn linn ol Iheir many Irituua and cua- Tney intend making this department .econd to Goods, or in th nianulaclure ol Garment. II nines will he found a food .lock nl B.acK and Colored I loth., English, F'rench and American Caaimcrea, and a variety of Vtetmga Also, an aaaorlmeiit nf Itddi II.4D C.tSSITIKHC. They feel confident of their ability to undersoil .ny olher house in the Slate, from the advantage they have in getting their g o.ia. Tneir good, ar bouuhl hy Ihe quantity, by one of the Finn who resuie in Ihe Northern n.araela, which give, him the opportunity ol taking aiivan. lag of Hi price ol good, thereby aaving at least rrs Twenty-Fiva Per Cent. I I n,ie. saved are Dollar To the con.nuier. JJ Dune, s.ved are D.llara maua !xj 80 UJ u- E. FULLINGS, JNO. M. SPRINGS, JNO. P. HEATH. vlriiM7, I8G0. 4' joiyj s7u ile v, stsuACTt'aia d turoaTia or HA VAX A SEGARS, ADD UIAl .a IN Tobacco, Snuff. Watches, Piper. &c, 1'ERSl II U H I'irtS. lc.,tuniuilya hand. Janumry J, ISH0. Cotton Saw Gins OF the beat quality wnh 10 inch 'gwa, mnva. ble chilled nbs, tinned brush an.l all necea aary improvement, uelivered 1 any Rail Koad Landing m Ih State, at tl per aaw. I'.ai.t.ra IlltendiilaT t" purehaae Iln,, i Ine .ubaenlwr, wi'l do wall let send the. ror dors early, as tuer la gsn crslly a crowd of wars laie in Ihe ss.son. J. M. ELLIOTT. WninaOoro. S. C. P-.mium. awarded at tbe Slate fair, Nuv.lo5S and IrM). Afr i, I8M. f,HlA The .Tlnrkrls. CORRICTCD BT 0ATB8 A WILLIAMS. CHARLOTTE AlbLXT 13, tr-,0. BACON, Hani a Side Hug rouim, . Ahnuldera, .., Buffing. Gunny licet. Hutier, Leenwax Ueana, Hrunuy, Apple, Peacn Cottm CotVec, Ki, Java, I'andlea, Aduiiiaiitiua o Sperm., .1 Tul low Corn ,...ib.... ...Ib.. ....lb... ...lb... .. to... ....S3 .. I2J f.,) IK fas i 01) (3 184 ( ! 0 (a-j 20 (-9 15 (a. 2 (nj 00 . 95 ..IS .. & ...Vi .lb.. ...lb.. ...lb.. .bualiel mi -lf"- 75 ,..gai ..: b 'J lb 14 lb 17 lb lb 10 U0 HW 9, It.. !U 3 I a 85 95 IS if 3u 10 to 6 90 4)0 71 IU '00 fo llO s 50 7 70 51 55 00 on i-i 61 i ao u (J '.' fa. M (a, '(, IJ fa, " (a) 8 fj) 1 f. lb ...bllahtl.. .....cuell.. , ...yurti.. .....yan:.. doten . bhl..., b.'ga.. lb be,,; ., neiia Lindaey F-KU' Flour Ke.itl.er i Ilidta, Green 1 - U'J- I I. aril M ii l Ion I Mackerel,. .. ..ii) -.. 6 ....la" ...14 lb.. ih.. ....hlil.N. t"0 (., K.itl .l0 fa, gal TU (., mil. ..4H Meal M ulleta( W liming toil ) Natl. .Northern buliel......i fj ...hbl !) (a. H. -5 k !b (j .liinlicl... ..fl f ... lb... . 7 (a; ..hualial.. ft) fa ..buaJluL ,U) (Ji .beabal wua..JiU Q buiU.fi I ,ii la t U Jo f? ....lb. wlu (a, ,..g ,..l) 'o ..wick..,....' ,..175 h- Soutiie i n,... Oul., I'orit . IV. :-utliloea, ln.li " Sweet,... Rir Sugar, Loaf, " Brow ii r.t(ine.Ware Suit, Tin Wheal, while b..v. ....huaUel... ...b'..ki.!.. ..135 U) 140 ...Ml (n 135 ....45 fa. 55 ey. Northern, ?' a,...ga' I waaUd... unwaabeai . N. t'lirollli 51 (a, 5 It (a. Sir) ( W.ail.f Turn, .11 Imle U0 (a, 00 REMARKS. Our mr.rael li-.a la en pitliy well .unpliai wilh Wlie. t, t ni-n and li .n n; nuli.li.tr poorly aau- plied Willi Flour and Cotton. COL I' M HI A MARKET. Coi.um.ia, Auguat L, I S60 ( OTTON'. We have an .ale a lo feint. UAi O.VliiM'rounil I VI Ci' 13 I till N, Ho (il PEAS l (C O.CIs "5 KLOLU H (i- ISO . CHARLESTON MARKET. ' Haai iarox, Aug IB, leCO. i COTTON. The tr-heacii..i. in ei lion for Ihe ! week amounted to lUl'O bale, w.lh .ale. in the nine time, of I0JI) hale, at price, ranging Ir. ai ! 4 lo II cenla. principally lower gradea. ! Moan.a. Aug. ? Sale, of cotton ' r the p.t three flap, were 2511 bale.. Receipt., lb.'i.lie.. Qdolulioiia are nominal. Nrw York. Aug 9 I ne .ile. nf coil..n to.iiiy were ijou bait.. Fi. ur i. o...y. w.lli .ale. of I 15,.,iliP narrila. The markei rxnioit. an auvnue. 1 nit t. nuency, except lor .nulii rn. ai.d churd firm; ..ul o rn la nuoled ul Ii ' . JJ l'e ..ii... - . - - Wheat IS lllMVV. Hltll .'.Il f ',' lit t0 hu-hel. ; red N -rlii I aroliu.. t. quoted at l J t per bu.h. el. Tl.e ai.ea nl enn. leaelud n6 UDO ba.iiel. ; mixed quo'eil ill 62 a bll c l r buahel. Spirit, of lurpe line la null at J" a S.'c per gallon. lui.in am: l. quoted at l 3.1 a (1 'J. I ;iiii in lliirtifkl HE LOOKS of T. H. ri.EM A CO., mu.t 1 T. H. liREM. inn" Hoy 2!, Ir61. 83 Dissolution. tn vllE firm nl FEAT ER A McLEOD wa di. JL s.ovcu, by liiutii-.i consent, on the Slst in-l. Ine Nolea and A. cou.ila due III film will b found in lue hai.ns, ol L. Feaaler or E. A. Mc. Lend lor immediate setln nirnl. Claim, due by tne firm mu.t by presented lo E. A. McLeud lor pa lllelll. L FEASTER, E A. MtLEOD. The unrier.iened will rniitinue toe GlilK ERV A.N D I'KODll E BL'.-i.N ESS at llie. old aland. A .hire ot p.tn.n..ge ia re. pi elliilly .olicited. A good eluc ot Family Urocenea alway. en hand. E. A. McLEOD. May 2, 1661). U9 CTI All laOTT la .STEAM HiaFlNKD iJANDY MAXUFACTOUr, UIlEIDundt'lkt: UlkLltl.Ac. rilUE unders gncd reapectfuily inform, the ct. JL liiena nf I liarl.'lle und surruuudiug duo try, that he has jut coinineiicud the above busi. ueas in the lioue at Ihe comer of Trade and Col It ge streets, lor the purpose of iiianufucturiug CA N I) 1 1 :S. VA K KS & U It Fa A D. whicu article, lie will sell Wholesale and Retail. As he do. a all liie wo-k I self, Retail Mure Keepe-s woutd on well In purchase llieir Csndiea a .iu Cakes Iroin him, as he will give entire satis, 'aflion b'.ll. in price and quality. L"AII ORDERS from a distance, rnclosing the r.l.V will be ouneluallv atleniicl lo, and Ule ar. tide, careiully packed and forwarded according JOHN G. C LEISER, Ctrneref Tiodr and t id.e-e ttreet, Charlotte. C. ( hailoite, June o, ItoJ. IHf KOiAL HAVANA LOTTKKV. The ne t ordinry drawing of the Roy. I Han n. Lottery conducted by IheSpaniehGoveiiiuient, under the supervision ot lite I aptam Gei.eial t Cubs, will lake puce at Havana on SAT l'K DAY, Aupsl 25, IsfiO. P5Q6O.OCO. " tJ-Vsa-r v SORTEO Nl'.MEUO 41 OKI;.ARIO, v. 11 1 a ia n: I7.". i ory oao : i I prueol Ilt.t)l)iJ 1 JJ " l,tlO 1 40,til j mi " ja I " t,l)lt ( ApproxiuialKiii a ,1,, iiH.,ntn tutMl eaca, 4 ol 4tlU to 4 ul ,it,u I.. HJU.UIM. -. 4 o atuu lo a-Ju.unu . . ... ...... ... n .mil j WlioleTi. Kcl,iui UaincsU"; Vaatl,era4 Pmea 0.urtf tti at 5 pvr cv-s.1 discoo'il ail aiu.VUl banks UKen, . par. i.g lil UV ioi-w;a IOU I tn tc- ' all bet e. fcllusi 1 I Coliui.4a,;t.l,loue adoia.sal h hl'I'UI. j Gl EZ. tease ul City Post, I imriealoi., at. C.) aa. j til tut Vin "I Aau't, wi.l ue aUei.dud I feia.o. ordering liektla ul p.)a ni their j name p.aiu anu gne llicii post oihc,couiy and f alal. S T. riron, A.M'FAt' I I h ER of, aud.ioa.er in Plain and irM J. panned Jin Ware, Sn.v.a, Vt oooeu War, hi.'.ii-. Brusnrs, c, 10 Soulu wing of bprina Imnr; buiiuing. Jot. Warn, sucn a .roofing, Gulttsrinf , A . eeae with depteh,

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