wr CRITTKNDIW ONTHK PRKSIDEN. W TIALELKOTION. jjoB J. J. Critteodea mad appeali at -jred tli candidate, a folio, : AHK LINCOLN. Mr. Lincoln may le A ry worthy, up. ic'ht ul honukt mail, lie married a Ken tucky ijirl, aud that ia wbolcaooie iuflu. encef Laughter and applaud I am told . j, a Kcntuckian biiuaelf, which ii auolb .rialutary fact. Mr. Llneolu may be a ,,ry bouott, worthy tnQ but in poiiti 0, point of view, b moat la regarded aa t,e rrpreMBtalir of the party that baa 01U him iw IJ,r- 11 ,b Republi tau leader, and, like all politioal leaden, bt tnut obey tht) party that brought bim jtlloex!itcno or be put down and crushed out by it. , . , , . HI, election would rate and oonttuue au alarm ibat would keep the eountry agi t,d iud unhappy, if ot create an oppo.i- iijd au renmauvo t j, greily to be dte.red that be should 0Jt be fleeted. It ia hardly oeoeaaary to ,,y that wei-boold be forced to apprehend 't.im Mr. Lineoln'a election that the impul.e .Inch tha Autt Slavery ieeiiug wouiu re tive therefrom would go further than it .,c. gone, and create mill ,reater dan r t0 ,b.i pteee and aecurity of the South liiii rorvadiBi! apprehension would necea jily iaak hi aUotion ((teat calamity. Ma. DOCULAa. I know Mr. Poujlm very well, ledie and ntl.rtien. From Mr, Douglae, peraooally, i tho9!d apprehend no danger I have nee 1 . v... n Ihuucral, aa rot all know. Ap- j ue I n !", - " V r ; l,at ollhe Democrat! paity, I have ever fft-ra acting upon Wbig priaeiplee from the ! V-.t ta the 'at Ioereaed applauae p Lite kuown lr. IouKlaa in lb pablie ,cil. and have aetr-d with bun. i i.b feuerally oppoaed, and eepeially , u j ,rty (ueiioua, we bare at timet aot- Li isjeiher. and particularly upon one mo- .,:1Ja.ocef..in when w anted toother j 4 ,rr..!tu to that iafamou. Icouipton , ..utioB. (Deafi.ir applauae Mr. ; I a; at at there mittbg a great racnBce enre oT fluty, l-ippieuaej 110 w.i ri. (( bia cortriection ou that ocean 00 r.tny old political friend", he uaaaae- flatierni' proapeott lit the l.igbtat n the (joTei.n.cnl aa aoy man in the i bt-i i lu;iy Ce'iete no uia inn 4-- yoeired to be bit dutT; and, in deS I -- .f a!! rHo.ilio., the rick of the Fret- rr.ten.led fri.ude, end open foe,, be , ,,. a rr.rwdr..n..ri.Cl n.i-1.1 haee beeu mietakeo in what ke I jtthtl I'llie Ulianncnee. ti. , act. He tbottitbt ke waa n-lil, and be I . i .k.. . ..enfia. and l.a waa 1 - . ... - . - , I ; i,, of mak.n; it when he belieeni tbej rtt of bit eotiriiry umtiioed it. I acrrr I Can hare no ijtarrel wnn i.iin , I 1. I mon man (Cheer. ) And a Loion 1 I can alwar. iro.t, whet, s relieve niw . ii... ,.l i. ......1 a. f relieve !I - aatole Continued applaute i U. .' A. A , ...n. Ik. I lh. R II 1 I Kvereit b.alf.rru tonieient, aad tj I that 1 great dra.1 mare wat laid a- ! M .1 lie Territ riai .Slavery iiueation lb to 1 g ..,..tt4 lie i.iuairaira lue tiaic ui vua a, - t t. f ,Hoa.in,' ttory : I la, f 1 1 :!ai. were waikiog out loethr . . . 1 n.i l .ja.ni a.kLl Una l-ivk ,? ti t:.v betveu,, tbiek with tnunniera. tura and excititntd : " Ob. Ibat I bad :tm aa .cacioaa at the btavtua; that I . I , . ',o aa e.ta'.e werlh bating . ma : ,D txoi aimed : " till, that I I. aJ a I . a. r.uiaerout a the eltrt above '. ' tid ibe oiber, "iu the uau.e nf W'. bt feld jnt io with tacb an u w herd!" "Why," laid be, "1 a ; t in. il.am on U your f.ru." Laugh W " Yju would, aye ?'' Lp-n that they . 1 and f .ul.l for an br-ur. Ureal it : "..r j Now, il d iet ecein to ta tbat 1 i Ciut to an ike oat jul tuch a moon. , tl . i ,,t i of cte. Continued laughter J i Iv. t.;i tL... ia b.,1 the nutation Mr. ! ,i ' , . I . .. rM,reBl, ... o.d party at f-ud. id t j it u,!enee, with the Repub.icao par f ct :hg forth itt littertat Opp ..illon, and .tfeulw.lb the Feutneru mg of bit I arty , that baa rejected, bim for t Dot ti ll., er, iM fc an A Jnain'ttration of con '.cjt.fl.ci. The aouutry could b pe !ii rrt .ration of paec and good givorn- ' lie, there fort, ought not lo be pre ' I. in mjr jiidgineul, to Re and Kv ' !''heraj I have r-pokeil not ti ; mint Mr Diujlaa merely ; I bate '. 'ij.. I de.trtd to give my te.ti ' j l bia irjtb I bclievo Mr. Iljugla" , t ttriot, and I know bi:n to be a Lie.:, ly all the eviiiencM tbat one: i u.ri can give another of hit aciili- ( -;" Applauae j )a ie a getior.tia,! I at an. rakirn what ha thir.ke nod do- I a'l.t he kno.a I t,. r',.h ll.in.erl' lijt I am otnted tg iluuglaa ! . . t .. lor l;e;i md Kftrell. Iuitai-nie ap t-. Ji'tcv r, iiitr.' mi!iidi. ''"i bate aaiti, at In reaped lo Mr -. 1-. IIIV n i. i liof. i. n... la Ik. nali.li i au ID.Iividu.l I .li,..,l hr,a ibat! ' 'lr' e.iuridg ie nnl a diaumon i n n. , 1 t i?fV.. i.. i ii u. a.. ii r i?t-Yea he it II onjhl t ' ' -a.-a ti tribe of faithful. devoted , J a iuii th tribe of Kentuckiant 1 - a; p!ua Ha u.aat bar bttu e- j "" tj fr0111 ,it r,, .f J,i, aty, lar aih.p.tb in wbioh all Ibe impui.ea of :: l ' J , . . : - ou,;!.! t. carry Inrn, if he hat ba j - ' ' "i.unioM.t. But Mr Isreckiundg f "-a-i hunaelf th. bead of a party, lie J ,rt a t.,1 p,rcel of the prtaoul purpot " pfti and, aa in tbf eaaa of Lin I " '"et jud,( of hit pul.lic eoure by "'y 'bat he eon.eDlt to rtprctciit. i "' '"thyl There ia nrt a ditunion I " I'of M ,0 ,4 Ihgon a line that I ''f h.) lo. ni)l. bolonr, to that cart. . ' j We have for a loiag time bard , 'ina of ditunion in the South mor ' "'"'tet.Bga more ihaa wbi.perinj of I' "otitueuta. We hate teen them pro- J --J hj bij-h u.en in high plare. j ' v IATIIIN or KOtlTIKRN MaUMUNItfT I "entiinenta pervade tho South, aud j ' u? the body nnd toul of the parly 1 "' kat tiomin.i.a o... r..iu...;,;... M, ;rniP, i' ctndidaU for the Prea- 4 h? ll"re no ,,,Bne'r l01 by ''eel 1 1 ; would give new energy to tbat I ""t iiiipul.e, aud new power to tin g)" '-ntiin.il', and to the eauto or dia ; ' Mr. lfreclitiridga biiuaeif followt ( '' Ileia part aud paroel of the 'rty- You aae thii by hit noiniue, l'1 r"ptanoe of It, aud ean bene j" w''h eleartmi the diatlera thai 4 r"'lw bia tuceeta. Poatibly it may Hioy of tb,,, !i3 oomimted h'e "Id Kentucky to thia new Confed "Id Kentucky ia tjuiu n important ' "' Haiew. I Ai.pUutB I She ie it -abo ia tht bear, of it. ( lanenae antbuiianM. ' To obtain her eon ourreneo ia of the greateat poaaible oonse qaence to tboee who faucy that they eaa make a Republic in th Houth'rubro glori. ou and mora proaperouii than the great Re public of whioh we now form a part.: 8uoh have bcrn their pluna for a long time. Keo- tucky and Tenuetae wbioh old General Gah.ee called lb two'militarv Statea of the ! l UlOD. JODg and lOUU applauae J il.ey ; are two Statea not eaaily orereonie, and ! thouifb 1 would UOt diniibiah the honor of i Mr Itrnlr;r;l.n'a nnn.i ,. a (inn aa h. hi in. ! aelf eonceivea it, yet I iiuagme there) arc thouHanda in the South who would go for Mr. Jsreckiuride tuaiuly in the bope that it ruigbt U tho o.ua of anting Kentucky ! aa a aort of frontier provinc ta thi South era Uenublid of Cotton Stalei that ia to Lv made. Cbeera and laughter If tlif j aan ! bring about tbat anion, if Ibef can bnoel over Old Kentucky and make bar ao ally ! of their aohnno for tho dianu-tuberuont of '. tt.!. rn.,f.J-..,u ..J Ih. .r.-tio.. of . 1 rate Ite'lbllO, It would be a Matter of very little couaequeuce whether Mr. lirockinride wa ek'eted or not. IC'outinued ebecrinff ' J NO fJlrisuLUfJO Of TUK UMION If 1.INCOI..1 in BLKLTtu. . j If a man ie cornititutionally elected Prea- j idui.l of tha United Statoa. abiill a minorilt ' of the people atari up and lay, " We will 1 (. make a revolution, ihie man ahall not be Lt force of aruia resist it, aud drire biui out!" Ia not that a dettraolion of all goveriiueit? Tha majority wiunl of ueoeanity rule ill alt republic, and if you do not like lb? law of the majority, act atide all free orerntnont, a,J ai tn intnA r.laAA aLfm OU will have no electiona, where aoreutlary raiera auaii k pjce 0f 0r eect,,9 ovoruiueut. ,VhJ w;, tJ xUt jf Mf Jj0C0Ui or ,D,. bdy el.e, ie eoi.atilulioiially ei.ctcd to the 'i,,,f MapUtracy, heahall not take hitieat? re we come to thit T If to, lot o change ,h ho, goVfrDmeot, ,U,J lt tie mioority thongn tT,n lhcn veulJ ,lot tbe ma- jnflty m,Q oilel tVKl;0U ef . nj.y hj lh. ,jn,jrl,. 1 Th polli,.,ion provided that the term ef tU pri.(i,)eBt tB,uj i, eon ,PratielT b 1)Ut fu(r , tl,l(ing ,Lt uof aud then a d tour-roue man inicht be circled, but tbat he oould not, with ail the ruar.lt that Congreae aet up around bim, in lb abort j pace of four yeara, do much t un Jerrume 1Htj je.,ry ,j,t ),bcrtu-a ef toe people j iSu.:i ... i,.,rnJ,. the Brincinle ofl anarchy, end aey the man wko doea net ., . lh . . l i pieaae o (mi minority; auaii uoi iaio ma , Would not there l.a time, nbeo be' mi,gofernS) ytm ,0 Meo,nt. .accord- lo ... .nn,,i,u,ia.l furmt nrovidtd for ,uc, cat ! i, .,.. ,... rmeinlat tint Govern . '. ... T uit.na uei.eB'1, anu ine,o uira pi iuv.l.... Bja bc4r , r.,t;on,,ip ,0,0a '1 bey Uia.t j,e rtcognM'd, or you have no gotertiBienl , lt fct uoluj,JE J)Ut marohy. ' ' ' "! " " "''"" ill t.ke ptaee at Mallard C r, ra t ha M. I. W,trn..e.y. thr 5(1. in. Itev- P. NiehJ.oi and : puo hL are in.i. f to at. S. ptru.her 4. t; j. J' .' J : j 1 M'U. ; , are IIUOV.TATK .V i !. 1KT HK if'nvMr lli- .r Fall -ml Winter f,n Stork trtU rftw Utgt. fury rrpard l..flrr tint lJ I a It au l ere them- I hry I viav u- ran ta. ERttWN, TATE i CO CU-.Vlr, .VrJeui'..i t, If'd. Iw VAIA'AIILK nut PLANTATKIN s.i i.t:., 1 0 ngjon . ay K.v. r. b m.iia SjuIIi we.l l oncul.1, anu .nd M( (ilt( UM.lf s,ini ri,.,, (,, !.,,l, . j.,,n,,.j l)r I ru Ai. l.nu.r .n.t .li.ie Tke lr. t coi.l. n. about 'J 15 acrea "i iww.er.e eie.rea ana in cutuv.uoi. g xwl dwelling bouae and ull.er nccra.ary eut hat i. uinga, ntw gir hvL.r ai. l pre.a. No l.rii, r Und cjii I (..und in the rumy t prutu-e Coltni, l orn, W heal. 1 .b-cee, 11,1., Ve Any neraon tiring drairoua n purehaainf a plar-e plre.anlly .lliiatr.l amuogel an inleliifi III roinu.u. l.l t , Will : Je e.i' on the u ha. r .1 1, on t lie pie. ui.aec.w tddreat him at Maine I'rp.t I' II, N.C. TIP'S, l martin. S;,trmk't 4. ISf.ll. Vt-3..l ta ti. or .Nuirni-CAi:i.iA, ril.uall.l, inl'MV, Coin I of iVeu a nd (Jim Irr Sotiuns, .Im. guit J'r i in, 1 -t.O. Tb - m.a K V l. ..I.uiii.lr.t i. 1 v.l Wu,. U.-berU, Urc'd,, Pel. lion lor , i,l Land. B .alon Roberta and i.lh.ie. J Tenor arn. g lo the . ,1,-1 ,, to... . ,,1'lhtC url. tiMl I.. in I). I thr ir. el M.th- w Ro-mtI. au,i W llrown, a child ol I. aey, wile ol Joel B-own, re. i.l lo-vond lh, I in. I, ol .S..I in ('.rnlii ia. u ttinrfart Oi ... ty r mn', H.t pi.l.linlion he made lor ail werka in the .Noith Care ina Whig, a new. paper puhii.hr J in tne lowo ol I h irlvtte, not fy.ng aaid uelendanta to Iw ami apr.r at Ihe neat term ef ll.ia court, lo be hel.i tor Ihe county of I .1.1 well, el Hie Court llouee in la-noir, on li.e Clh Month after the 4 1 ta Mol.oty in SepliHihar neat, lo .hew eau.e H any they ran, wi.y the p,,,',r r ..id p. t.l.on .h.ll not V itoe.a, S. P. Dola, tl- rk of kHt granted. our , nd court, ai emee.iul.euoir.thet ' " J"'-. ' I 4. OC rtH ft I' e. bin Monday alirr the 4th Mon. Hie ftn. yea. el Amencan 8. P. M'LA.c.r.c. Pra. fe G. i-'J . 4. 1SC0, Mecklenburg 1U0N Works, - 4 u.uti.o ... . ALEXANDER UlcDOUGALL. T VIL-unevre.gwe beg L-... f. nt..u ll.e.t.. w.l at I r.arlnll and virimiy ana in pun. he generally, that they have open.a lh above r... j laKll.l.m.al .1 lb lw.il of Trad atreet, adjoimnf lit track ai the Noill. l .roliua Rail Itoad and op. ; peaite Jotin Wilkrt' Steam Mill, and are pr. p.r ed lo lurni.h all kind of j at abort nalic and on rauaon.ble l.rni.. Mrum Kujiuft (ruin S la M) Hone Mcr. v Thvir Slh)t eunietn. toul .elected with greet eare, and are pravidetl with (II lb tntprnveanenl re.iuired ta do their work In tint rale manner. p.. in Iron or Briaa. made to order. I H()tSr..SIK'r:i Nf. and BI.At h.SMI PUS work ef all kind. KLPAlKlMa ia tiua-r l.a attco. gV j i'KK:U '01 flili' l",""c : tVe3J5Sii''' N rin t.o. ded lo. I paper publiehtd in In town of Charhstle, nolny. Ag- nla. for Dr. K. tX Kllmt, for Winter'a Pat. 1 lg)r the laid di fendant. lo be and appear al th nt Mulay Saw Mill, which ba lh advantag,1 , trnurt tif Plea and lju.rt.r Sea.ion., to be anng with many other., of doing at lea.l twice a. : held for lbs county of abarru, al the Court mu -ii .!, and doing.! aetttr, than any other 1 j,aM m (onrord, on the 3d Monday in t kclober Mill In ue il b. run by Ktaan. Water er , aali, then ad there In plead ar rt-drvy, ar judg. I .,r mi Power. . Th Malay may Ba aaen l lb , BMni ar annhiw will b enu-ted agam.t them, I bop at aoy time. j aad lh proper tf levied an eoa.limned lo tlm uee HKMIY ALKXANKCft. ,i i.,ai.t '. .1.... MALCOLM M( DOL'UALTa.' uue.a, Nel.oaSIgh,el.-ek afoure.td ean.M. A a . infill. . ' Wlf j rrtntBf'.freM.'. aiajf. 7. IMiO. t . . . Xpetiul Jlatitci. ' 1ST A ICS MAI-SAW or WILD rilKKIt Y. I'ouglit, Cttiit, f,ionr.hHi,Auhm9, Crtup, kwtli. Ug Coagh, Quintu, and tlio numernu. aa will aa . , , . . ,n .it. , i H""". " our cnniigenie cumaio. ui u ,u..,. fthe year! few are fortunute enuugli to e.capn eir baneful influence Ilw imp.rUi.t the., io " " ea.w.a nnuumo .o an plainla. Fipericiue uruea that thi, exiat in H iarar'e bidmrn ta an extent i.at found in uny nln.r r.n.H u ! tha ... H'.riniF ilia 1 6 application of tin, ,nUnn(, healing and wonder. ,er, u, .r dt-alh.bad, of her inter.,! in a S. ful fj.!iuin u I once finquiahee the diaeaee and rea. Tii.ur'a ..vo, und her aaaur.ii.ee ol a bliaaed 1111 lor. e Hie autreree to wonted health. . niurlnlity. .. u,om A. M. Q BditoP Of U.0 Spirit Of the age. ncim-dy"." In recMniniendalion of that remarkable I.unj ' UK. Wialar'e Ualaam of Wild Cherre. Hai.hoii, N. C, May 16, IduO. M"ere. Htm W rowi.a & Co., ''"'- ' tlH. l.wd of ll.c alH.etrd I lake ,iH or VVilo Citaar HaniK u-ed it .11 n.y faun, ly, nnd in one inalanve mceit tkt lift of one of ita Mien.bere, who aeemed rapidly ainkmi: into a de. el. 11c. y uura reepectiully , A M tJOIJMAN. Testimony from South Carolina I.At-aKNaviu.r.S. C, April ao, ifcOO. Mara S. W. Fowlr Ai Co., Blleinen : Pleaae nd me per firat iteimer vj.-n of Dh. Wiaraa'a Daijiam if VV11.0 I Hr.a- I fin. I that the llainam .a f.. t (rrowuig in ceedinifly valued. Indeed, purcliaarra jrmrally are lud in prai. r. of it, virluea in apeedily curing louche, Cold,, und Pu'monary Allectivn,. Keapoetfully, J. II. f.NUY. Of the rniny respectuole gentlruien in Laurena e.lle Dteiriel wtio have u.ed ai;d believe in the rnet value nf the llilium ia nii.i.iiu Mum.., Clerk of IheC'oarU, to whom we are per. j in milted to reler Preoarao by PETJ W. KoWI.E &. ( O,, B Inn, and lor aal by r.. Nye fuLcliison a. Co,iwaa one ol the moat cui.Mjicntioua men the ( barlutte, end by all druyi;ila Adilie At Oi ay , Idi hmond, M. A. A. C. A. fai.iov, NorlrU VS holt, aale Ueakre. ta' . HIE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. Mlt JAM t'H ll.AIIKI 'l CCI.I HKl l i.UI I :.I4I.(. ril.L! I'npartd fim m firt4Ci iiun uj Air J. Cuj.ire, M. j ii,, 'Aynriva in ui uuiu y lu Iht (Jurm. j Thia invaluable iiieoieine i- un ailliif; in the j cure of all tho.e paiulul and o.n,i;eroue dne.aea ' In w.iirn the female roi.ainutioi, i, .ubjei t. Il uojcraua all excea .. . ten tu.iia and a apeeuy cure may be rcliro ua. To .flan i d l.ixtif-a Uri - .j on the m-.nlhly period w.tu rejul ..I time ity. Keh boillc, prie. One U. bear, the Gor- ernmeni aiamp ui or.Bnwi,..r.,.,,lty.. Urleile. Tk" eW not kt Mien by enir ef. ' ..... ,i. 1. ., . r k. ...... s..,...i nr..i,ui. P.m in th. back and I ba. ratine on ,l...t eint.on, P.U.il.no.. m ol trie 1',-arl llraiy-rica and m 01 ne ...an, iiy.i-riea, ana . . ...... iy.i'. .n ,r. ii ,,, .;, h. ta.lc... .ao eith..uB a rwerlul rweuy, ao not contain iron, calomel, antimony. I"' ,uf "urllul to the cori.inut.on. J-ull direct. una in the pamphlet around each' package, which .hould he care uily prt-.eiveo. So;a Agent tur tuc I n.lrd KlaU. and CinaOa, Jott .MO.-KS, (l.ate I. C. Baldwin 4. Co..) K.x t.e.t. r N. V. ti. B ll.tKI and 6 pul,(ge au.niH. cnioeed la any eoltioriied Agent, will inure a boillc, C..11 laioii.g over 'JO pule, by return mail. K". iie in Charlotte bv K. Searr and all drug- (tt aati ba V01, Sch-ck & Cr:i rroii,( harlenton, lira. As rgpcricnred nunr ana fcinulc plijaician, ha a KH.tbiBa frrup ltr obilorcn Ut liitng, which (retail. 1 laitit.ieiUa (tin arucra ul toiiinuj, by twiu umg ("mt CCuiiit al iiitluiiiuikttui. will aiUjr ml. in purchaaera. " "Q ' e erela (.til at lK', "("' ll. Mioll.era, It w.li give real to Jour r ' . I?... ad rei.rl and hi ailli lo your inl.nla I'rrleell y Bala IU til Caeca, dee all Ver liaemelil lu anolhce ce.u.wn. I rSe. th, advrrtiaenirnl ef Ha reior, in aeollirr ewluens.. rd't 1 1 I r Sea the ailvertiteinent of Wood', (lair Dye, 1 . Blether column. 1 1" See Dr. Ayrr't advr.t.arnunt ib another luine. firs Dis-oiiitioii. T IHE firm of R. M. Wiihera 4 Co., m IKvid us i 0.)ff;, is Una dat iiaeaolfid by anutual eatti:Dl. I lt .NoUa anal Aci-uunU will he luund in tha liaatia ol 8, M. Wtlticia. wlxi Miil U at th late atand, aitj will ba ;Utl In mrct iy wr flung la fie huamrfl niu-t be cl-tptj We hope out ifictaiJa will alUnu lo it. S. M. WITHERS. .4egaa 10, ISC'). (-Vrx. -I) I'JS Negroes Wanted. W ILL pi good price fcir t or 40 YoCNG NKI.KOKS. RilHT. F. DAVlISO.V. f Aui'errr, .tog. I i, I M,0. t."J C.&S.C.riail Koad Honds. ; fBllll-. Bun. ia ol Hut Company due January JL lira I, will b red.cnied al hi. ellii r when- 1 aver preat-ntcd, with the inlcreat aecumuluted to ll.r Uat ol p. v n.rnt. A. II. MARTIN, .-Uri. Ji 31, lebO. IWti STATKOF .N()i; i'll-t'.i:tl.lA, CAHARItlH CI.UNTV. Court f I'leat ttui luartrr itsiuns, Ju ly Term, IbtiO. Robert M. Mi K.cl.ern 1 . 1 Atlaehliient levied William A. Aikra and t. C. J ou Land. .Mdullack. j il' appearing to the atlefactlon of the Court, that the defendant, Win. A Aiken and I". C. M-'Cullock, are not re.nlenl nl tin State, ir 1 IArirr Oidtrtd At; thr (, Thai publication be ni.de lor ix week, in the N'orlh Carolina Whig, a pap.-r publiakrd in Ihe town of I h.rleitr, nat.ly. ing the aaid deleud.rit. In be end npfHr.r kt lite put Courtef I'lei. aud (Quarter S. ...on., to lot d h.r trie county f ().b.rriie, .1 the Court. u.e in Conccra, 011 lh 3d Monday iv. Ot-iob-r nril, then and there l- plead sr rip t ry, or tiidg. I iiiuiti pr cool. .0 will be entered Hgainat ti.em, i end ihe properly levitd ta t-ondetnneu tu the u.e ! ol oljiiilitl 'a claim. j iluea. Ni'laou Slough, clerk ef nut .a irl rnnrl ' at olhce m t'oneord, tt. 3d Monday in July IhliU. 1 K'b'I.KtlN S I t II 1 : 1 1 CrfL f A 7- mitt . li5 ST ATI; OF NOUTII-CAliOI.IN A, I'ABAUHUS CUt'M'V. Court of Pkas ami Qiiuiier Srisions, A put Trim, ltill. G. I.. Moody 1 rt. I Attachment levied William A. Aik.-e and P.. C j o Land. MnCulh-k. J T appearing loth htirlion nl th I ourl that ll. delendant, Wi A. Aiken and lv C. M.t'ulhiek. are not reitlnla ol thi S1.1U), It . Ae, e'are Otdrrrd bu tht C.eil, Th.l publirnlinn be nitd. fcr eix week in the North Carolina W lug, a I . h Wierf.tt tl of lief brother, Pol. Wm. W, WalUan, n I' n ion county. IX. I,., on the morning of lne UllU ull.. of chmu.o brwirl.il,,, afli-r an illne.a ul at-veral mouth. Mr,. ANN I, wife on A. IJclk, of l.n.cBtrr Mmiriui. s. C uud I toUHI,, ,,fcd 34 yean. : . The iituruneii w..a lir many jrtar and until her I I w-rn.. a ii.eii.lx-r .f Six Mile Creek f.-.byte. j .r,. n,, Aaoc.l Komruie.) church at Hmluli, ami ..rterwurda tu Gili'a crik, S. C. Sl.c edurned the doctrine of hrr faith Ly a pn.ua and """'l'"" '"'"' UOU17 eun.cr.a u..n , a nil f.i the ;..uat t llinf-iittf evulunee. tuail aruuntf ! klnT..:," ZrZ. conaolnte huaband, two orphan children, lw, full . . ' ...... . . , .. aarurcd tlmt tiieir loa la her elern.il gam Com. Mr. J.,KAriiAN 3 acks'iH Sena .. bom the loth of January, lf."J. in tti.it p rl .l .. cUenbuitf count r n.iw rmbraecd in Union county, N. C, wlit-re he hvrd unlil titiut & yc.ie ,j.d, whea he moved tu i'taueiiiiitgo county, M.a., where he .n irrad ..11 111c llltii of May, loi.l), u.,,l ,u only , 'iij.iyuil tin: ,lei-iirea of the uurrue 1 1 to until the Jiiln July li.llovi nig, when death, tl.ol great rue. my of mankind approached anu (.Uuncu him aa hi, victin. ; und purlinir with ail hn liv.-d to love and chrrmri hre, hia ifiiniort.il huuI went I, jou. the euinp .1.' ol thoae who are a'l'gii.g the .raiee of tiod lllh 00 in the eternal Kg.1,1. U. Ill Mel. na. Ark .0. .., (hi, plane ,.f rt aidri.e. ) on th. ad July. lion. MAKK WAl.l.At K ALfcXA.N IIKIi. 0;aU 30 yeara. lie wa, ti.e only .,n i.t I lie late l,,w.,lt Hen.teraon Ah-TjlUer, who removed Irom North droliim to A.kfSi at.out r'M. He wae burn in Hu:ke coui.tv, "iri June, 1530. PK'l Kit WDl.K bum in Mecal, nhuifr Co., N. C, and ill. U in Henry c.).,(i.,., Aug -it U, IMio, ujie.l ', J jf..ra. He jo'iieil the M. E. C'l.ureh nt Vi hiirler a inteiio l."Ue ij or 4U ysra ago, vcu til O.oruu in Iflii. If. I.... men a u.eiul aji.orur lor the laat ten j Tr..n.f. r b-.uka ch.acd frc.n, amh inatant to lull, or twelve y.ara. II., hie waa malum., and bellulv ter ever knew, lu rrg.rd to tne obiervanca of the -.U.4ll. he had but few equal,. He wa, ae- ver- ly tnielel lor neany twelve month, but uev. er wja I.earu to c .inplairi. Ilia p.' ver Lord ; ',C,P l" "7"'-" "i k.iitl to hiaold friend anu brother Uev. J .i... U. 1 Turner, .Head my buri.,1, ,.,y at ll.e grva wn.C you Ihn.k ui.ht Ui he aai.l. I wnl no funeral ; pr, th. .l. ll.iry rue .way and Ciget me a. ao. n at po.a.l.le. 1 am tc unworthy to iw rcmeinbered. i It wa, literally l.ueilth.e eae that wiuu e il.ed I l" e''e he had ro.lhiui; to hut lod.e. I uny i truly in Ihf lai-jroige nl toe Pt.ilnii.it ' M irk the) .,-..ct III.... .11.1 VI t-t.d ol lh . I man it (tace. John S'riLr.M,. ! Blacksmithing! I n 1 1I K,v-uliBrr iirr having ret. t- i A tu Mr. Krv'i ill-cuniiili m ISfinjj, titlorina tne public fenvr al r, 1 lit t it "i'l ue C(.iiliiu( it wufk will dc atientird to as ei Tnoir wlio hart; Ix-cn in the lubii ul' cu....nf tin. fi.iop will p.e.ee continue t.ieir PHfil.vjT ' v . ... . . . . ; Bored Wells!! HAVING h-ri :nf'rn. (I th .1 crldin vnprinci f lid mm arc iniiiiigu an " M Mahkm'i 1'ai K.NT Aarri Wri.i. Alvi:k,m anti 1 -m tlc uniy pt-rsou Hi wvhum tuc i'atitbt is TtaLuO lur .V w Vorii, Virginia. 'urih am Stuutr C'arulma eUtii Ocurgia, 'hc is to Cir A ii, lual anjr peigvn r ptrtuiis titlringii i. utii otrnttjt ajijr pcrin or RECIIVI.no OKM.riT Iraili ftUl;h l.sflllMiC. mkxt, wui be Im itl p', Kviuii y rtJOrlatbte tu n.e tor I hr: nic or benefit ol aucii iu t iiij'H-vifttf pcraoua who aifc . U'jtruigfi ftruinjr irum ; 'nuLiiuiila. i'airl.t iimkiiif iiirriniitruicitu I'wUUl 111 tlKeUtit n$rtVf$ ucctH Utngiy nuttct theieoj und xui Suie .oil t unlj Kigl.i. .or ..I. ou .io.... .no dating U.iua. 1 or lunio r particular, aiinrma CliAi. 1". UAKKIs, iltx 18, LmcuiU. A. V. AugoU 14. loCll. r-'l I'oniKANKiSA.M I'll- Hardware. Gum, Cutlery, , &c, i ate UH M0r; or iht UOlilCn I'lid-l.c-.U, mn OUT.D re.ne. Dully invite Ihe public lo ' pe ; T . ,!l .11 I el.anae ll cen .iig e..t v. nrre. L li Dt loftj pur- , IT Or.:, ra .tiled ' Cult titid a-c irs. od jirompti aitcnotd to. CuCH RANK Jt AMTLE. Ju'u 1(1, I Mi') 4Y)uls !To(iis7iiT7!" at the Sign the UMtn ud Lfjck I .upply ofT. ul circular, mi I,, coriiist. ,cro.-cut, . hand, r'ppcr, b. k aud com- I aw.; Iwncli nd moulding . ; I'lhinp, .hmgling, and H .leht I, ; ll.ii.ine', ; I. vet ' ; and ,tc, 1 Scju .r. wing Knit. , ; !..it:ei ,r Pit.; Auger, ; llniili U-r,g Tiow. U; Son Sh.vte; K.ie.; K.i. ' KoHa ; ,:o-it anil ; t lu..cl; brie, and plaa. I'LL.; S..w Set. ; Spoke- ; I'oekrt.Kiili ; Ouage. j let Levels ; H ring Ma- I chinr. Ae, COCHRANE .t SAMPLE DladHiiiths Tunis. at liie .v: ,i n' the Cofilcn Vad l. a1"1.. A good aopply, coti.ting of WrJ x 'lt: Hel'ow. ; Solid Hn V M7 W j tl .. . t tml. band lla.uni, rv ; Stock I'ollpi . Itjllroea, Ka.p.., Pile, and a 1 1. T.e Nail. II. on- aua Mule g..d tupply 31.01,, a I lue CUC ll RANK 0. SAMPLE. Agricultural Implements, at the Sii'i of thi Co'itn Vwl Lack, Vl-irge uppiy of the above, 1 coli.ialing of TMnntpaon' I eelebratetl Plough.; .l.o, Corn bhrller; Straw Cutter ; Shov. el ; Snade j lluy and manure rorka; beat caat. let I A10 I Pick., M illiKka. Orubbing Hoe, Weeding lloea. Trace I n un., law Chain., Wagon Chan,., Hum llot-a, K.ikea, lle.ig Shear, Pru ning and Hudd.ng Kmvea, Ae , Ac. CUC 1 1 II AM-; & SAMPLE. Carriage Materials, ut the Sign of tht (,'oIu'ih Vati-Lock, t m tear. .V -s'"e nf lh- alKive, con. nt- , - At, JaJl mg of Spring" A alee. Oval iron. lino., II,. , linn. Kiiggy Pole, Boggy Shaft,, i Spake., P.ilenl and l.iiaoo lied Iealhtr, Knam-ell.-d Cloth, till Carpet, Carriage Holla, U.aaa end i Silver li.o.l.. Silver Moulolog l.aci 1, Tae.el,, i Turned Stick t, Snd.lle an.l L.n.ng Nail-, Ar., Ac. 1 CUCIlllANK i SAMPLE. TV-.V-y - I T lh.- Sign "f the WLPK. I AD 1.1). K will l.a found ' rr.ai -"7 I . Ir.,. .n.l . ll . t II tune. . rge and well e- l.una, Pistol., ' Pow.icr, Shot, I .low til. ; Put. ! Powder horn. Powder lla.k. Lead i rreneh nd Amcririii w ly t a Urge atrx-k ol .uglih iiO Ameriea.i Iron; Ca.t Meal, l.erni.B l.i, nn.ier .i, 1 it.ugti alasl. Spring trel Mail ol all kinile lit-mp and man ilia Kiip,-; Aacknr llrand tolling Clolh. J Mill Screw) Mill Pn k. ; Spike II iniiuer., Stone Ham. mar. Double nd "Single K'ork! la, a lirge Stook of Ctirnieea, Curiam Hand. Curtain Pine Picture Ceird and Ta.cl.. c. C0C1IKANK A SAMPLK. . Superior iSimit Maelimes, '. Sign of thr Coltli VuJ Lot k VUCfl RAN K A MA MILK . : ) CfcsiTiitaa. Chambers, Rimes & Co., , p , i ,t , ., . 1 U t I V T illlU tlflllTill 0111 IU IS I 0 II Ml-IiCIIAXTS, r 11 a 11 1, 1: s to , s. c. . Selling Oil' at Costs l UlIK eubanrilicra c.,11 tho iill. i.ti.ii. (,f the Pub. Jt lie ul' t'harloth' ui.d tl. atirroundnitr eoun. try, that tin y are nll'. rini; the balunee ol their eu. lire New Stuck of rug end ISii.i.nier Iteatly. M.ide Clothiiia; AT COST, to make room hv the I.t of tt.-pt.-inber, liir a lare tupply of full and W'iuier Guoda. J R"THCIIILD k URO. One Ihwr below lri.r;krr 4. Heill.run. July 17. leliO. vi! tyS2 lolte. and not Kiid:m Ih. ir ntr. tent locMtion larne .noii-'h, th Hive lit 1 nay renieo 111c tint M -re Kn.,111, 4, Uranite How, now occupied by .Mr. Treluir, which will be epenafl by the let of Srfitriiincr nrxl. with an entire new anpp'y of Itmily rniirie t loining, tuitabic lor the fall and Winter Tr: J. R'rUICIIlLD & 15RO. nlltf 7. ISliO. SO TWI IJ'lll lltllM:M ( oi.euBiA, Joi.c aii, IHhO. ) TatAJtam', (Jrrwr., C. Si. S. V. K.ii.Co. i f aa 1 1 K Hoard of Dirrctore have declared a din. U 11, nd ul I Ol U 1)1)1, LAKri ki aharr, p..y.ibe on the rirstot July next, t horle.ton etork holder. will b, oaid at the h.nk of II, fitp. ft.iekhuld. er, in ri iihi l Diatr.ci will he o.id at the hank in Wninahnro. Tho.e in Chester and Weati-ro .North Carolina anu Kirtern York alockh-ildrrt will be pud by the Company Agent ul t:h.rlotte. North Carolina: and all ,.l!..r ., I lh,. ir,. O. BJL'KNIGIIT, Treaaurcr. June Sfi I6i;i) i f. Si H;.;IIAKDV.4RE,IIAJDVAIiE! A A TJ M T A VT fiT3 Mi ik Xli AlAi lialUUJIl . ,jfln,i 1 r 1 1.1. y fi forma hn public g, ler.lly, lhal he nf exlensivc tlucA a large and complete i kol IIAKDWARL, con. ai.tmsr m pert a, tol.owa: Carperitera' Toole. ('irc'i'ar, ni'll, crosaeut, h.nd, rrt.n-'r . pannel, pru ning, gral'lmir, tennon, bach, eon'p.aa, Webb and bulriier SAIN S, Bracea and bit,. Drawing vnive., Chita Ie, A ilgera, ii imlele, lie miner a, 11 a leh. ta a lid Axee, P.nek, pi ..ti ring and punning '1 KuU f. IS, Saw aoitera, SereW ..'atea, Stoe-k. and die,, E'lanea of ail kinds, Snokc-.hai'ca, ti'rl-blane l,el aud try Squarea, Spin! Level,, Pocket Levels, Spirit Level Viai,, B. 111; .Machine-., tjouge., .ind in In t every I In ng .1 111 1 chan ic want., in great v.rn ty and at very h.w price., at TAYLOK'S .niware Store and Tin Ware Depot, oppoaile Ibe Maoaion .lint, l har.oHe, .N. C. Jonr 5. Icj9. 1 UC Blacksmith Tools, I t II an h- liowa. Anvil, hand and -Z ,h ir diinitra, icca, liuttrcnt;s. Kiiivt-a. Ki-rvw.ul&ti . flecks, ei it a, hl.ickam.t-i's Pmrlirm nnd ''aug, Kaf. and it ilea oi' ttrry kini, cut tinr?e ahiw and clinch N ii i, U-irax, lrun J all atzt s. h.-lii of n-r- t her ii a mi coui.tr y injiiulitiurts, c-wt, plow, blis ter end ajinrig Iccl 5lc., lur aa!; vciy uhcnp at TAYLl )K'S, Op!o$ttt tltt Miinsinn Itvux. Carriage Materials, t would call epecial attention In g-jjSl a., hi ttoek t.f tne above g-nrda, pring B'iwi, f loki',, Shalt., Curtain rriin.ee. Knob., Band., Llli.ng X-lle. Iljur.ak, Sutlinvt, Cloth, La. cei, Kringe, ho.ineleu and Patent Leather, Kn. j. - neled Clnlh, till Carpet, Paint of all kind., dry anfi m oil, Varmali, Tureiiinie, Linrrerl I'll, Tyre .md Kvul Iron, Holla, and everything in the way f t'.trri.-iire Triintiiini:,, at nrirte that cannot fall In pleate.al the iruware D, pot nf A. A. N M. TAYLOR, O.Buailr thr .Wuojiun mite. Agrieutiiral lnileineiits 'iSvLur., corn she.. I GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, J3 l-rt. Plow., .. Snovel. Ttnuke. V!.ta, Hat and Ci.p, 4tc, Vc All fti-Vi"""Soailn. Fork., Axe, Pick.. Mat. 01 the above good ire tif the latcl tj ie and pal eSCSSaaSrw.t.'.ck.. rub g Hoe., True.; tetM,. IwrSiXXi Maniitactiiriii2:I)i'Pat1iiieiit. den llur Heal g I Vooka, iin linn.ilt Uraiu raa ami brier S.liiea, lt.1-1. koxe 1 'll w war.'.au.'ll a. pol. o. na and hda,.killut., apideia, atevr pan. and kel tic.. Cauldron, rom !t) lo I JO gailona each ; Iroii and bra. Pre.crv.i. IvUle., Sheep Shears, ic, TAYLOR'S llui aVtire Prpol, opxuiti tht M in'iori Huutt. Ll DLOIV S CLLLHIi ATF.D StLP S INtoi CANS, t.l ail the diller. nl tiu. al TAYLUUS HjtJicait Slurr, e;.;..ii Iht MuasniH Hm At Taylor's Y"OL' can find li.e .,.g..l uiartmrnl of Cut ler , jun anil Pi.Uil., til all the ceioliraleu 111 ...'.. til. ASS, of all aiae, and qualities holla French and A11.111. an. Alan, Potty l v the keg or pound. WOUCL.N WAUL, !ilt )OM, Ac ...I all kind.. Hope! Hope!! nw g g a. g l (.oui.,l.ol M .mil ., J uto and Ct 92)wfr Ion UnH-, irom I inch lo S in. cnea. al TAYLORS llui die-are Sttre.tppoHle tlie .Uunanui linear. Tin and Japanned Ware. - ...ortiio nt ; llioek Ti Pl.t., II. hint metal, Ac lih.ck Z.i.c, X.) I ., the lrget Sim-k. nt all , at TAYLOR'S Hmliouie, -Siaar aJ 7'ia llerr lhpi, Oppvsite Iftr .Vf..! IhuM. l.ootlng (.atteing Job Work, g Y ail kind, pruiuplly alt. nd.d to at I TAYLOR'S Hm dim e Mere, eppnie the .V Haute. j. v. iiiivrn .v o., Kil.lta 1 OOTTON and all KINDS of PRODUCE, TKtui: rKi:i:r, cha Ki.01 i t:, .v. c. 9 r All order attt n .led to mil. tle.pileh. Afi il i 1, t ft-' Fine Silver Plated Ware, JUSTepened a Urgi end eplendrd aertmcul Silver Plated Ware, vliirti m uttered to Ihr uhlic. Cutl and suppi juu native W illie you can (f ni jriiciorhap. It. W. J5KCKW1TH. Mny 1.1, lf-60. otf Private Surgical Hospital: Vr, r E, the nnileraigm il, h...ii(r opened a pri. T vnte Fnritieal Infirmary m the town of Ch.irh.tlii, are now prep.ire.1 to furh coin furl, jhli: inrtpr, to tl'.i- ('..tiri.t, irum a ri.st.ince who may rerjuire nnr proloaional aervicea in the Ireatmenl ol rurgicj) dlae.aaca. Tim ulmve Inetitution ia Incited on M .in street, in a quiet p.rl of the town. The buihluige are few and Wfll eentillated, with good ouUtuildin nor the aec,.i.modation oi' n. ifrota. All di. of a caoU;iou, nl.ararter will be air.. ny ni Imled. 4 on. in u i . . ...liuna il.ronvh Hie P'.at Offi'-e, nd. drr.,. .i InCuhlwell A Cil.bon.v. ivt- prompt ; j. atu ntior,. I'. ('. CALDWKLL, M. D. Kor.KKTGIl.KC.X, M. I). J. W.CALDWELL, M. D. April 17, Inco. n' THE (MOhTH CAROLINA WIIITK SULl'HUR SPUIMJS W'll.I. !E OPENED full VISITORS By T ll.el.tol JC.NE ntit. Tin y are a.tuaied in a in'.t health v nioui noiia country near li.e beautiful CATAWBA lilVKK. within Ir., Ihi.11 an hnur'i nue of the nii.iut terniil.u of th 1 tVKSTEI.'N M.C. KAIL IKU. nh wl irl, del coel.ect nowill ly line, ul' Oninibueea 011.J Stage t i.uehe. the Spr.n;,. Ple.ivure vehicle, and auperior taddle ho he at the call of gueata. ltliiiS Ally iititl Ililliaril M;iltitt ireatly fitted up. A II Xi: UtlD Ol' JllI(IA1 vu"nged for the aeaeon, aud ' Ul illUlLL ,1.U II) riLLIDN I'AltTlES each evening FK OK EX'I'UA CIIAKCE. Till-: Ut ll.PIMiS are new and apaeiooa II i: IM.KAsL'ltl-: tilt(JLM)!t estensivr; ami in line, ev. rj thing w.alieu lor at: tor beat w .n r.n(( pl.11 -., w.ii h- loiiu.l Hero to re- Ireah the inner man and In cheer the npinle. 'I In- .xl-aaiii-i tt. iiliUiia , and the MEDICINAL proiertic of Ibe water. , (.linnet 1ll.nec.1b1c before tlm comjoeti-n ol Ihcj V.,lern N. C". Ii 'i 1 1 mud) now hail the tick and. altCctefl witu a eoitii.l weienino The cap. rience ' ol lne Proprietor jii.l.ri.a the nrker of health or plra-ure in anlicp.li.1; a '-good tune coiniiig." j The Proprietor ha ee.-n at very great expense I in lilting up a Wai.-rmg Piace cuniiucaaura'.e with I tho ,ni yf the CAR" L1XAS and cunf.Jei.tly re-i Ilea on their generoaily lor encurageuii Bl. 1 II. L. RUDARDS. M-iy 1, I HOD. ail FLOW VMS" 'wiiiTE ouLhiun SniiHGS, Caliiwell cuu.iiy, U. o. fBHK Proprietor nf thrae Springs inform tl JL public generally, lh"t he ..i.ng to re- nnler I a in lii...e who are lit r H.ll. ol It,. tihg the rumlive qu.'.llie of Hill Water, lor lhe;u,t, v .riou. alanine, lo whieh hu-ii..n nature ia liable. I a,;val.. lis l, n.aklh- large ddCiliona to 111, build. ngs and , Bi.rrt.1. Will he rradv f'T Ibe reception of company be- bu.liel twe.cn li.e Ut and iniddh l June, and ail W Iw 00 I wire a come in .y rret ae.urco that they will be acc.iii.n-. .bu hi. duted and cv.-ry rjertion uaed to render Uleir etay pie..ant and coinlort.ible. Person, coming lo them Spring, by Rail Poad, will leave the cura at li-ekury T v. rn Ihpnt, on the Wee tern Kneri.ion, wl.re a ronv. t ..n. c will be in read.Iie.a to eonvrv them to tin- Spri-iga. KLKA.NN All I'LUWKRd. My 15. IfC'J. " J rThe Cnlu nihil Carol inn will inert 01. re in d.ilvand twire in the limner, and ihe R.Kigh Keir'i.ii r will inaert three week, and lo'Ward ae count tu Una ' -ttiee. I hry lion to the advcrliaement. lit piea.e call alien. im.m i:ns attkactio Al Til J Great Clothing or FUl.LLMIS, SritlNTiiS k CO. fa IKY are now opening nt their large and ca. 1 uacioue Store llooni.lho ll.indoroct and t-h.a(Jt.9l Mcck of w.-v ii-'."-. n 11 'J. ' JLLi 'V II I V 11 I 11 ever n"e:d in Ihe Stule. Their etock coinpri" all il.cUifieri.it kind of FaneyCutL111.il .nd M.rseille. buMnea uit, Kngiiah and Krcmh Drap u'Ku- and A. pace Proek. and Sick ; .,rg variety ol (...sannerc P..nu P-..ty .no hi.ek ; a I.-. Fancy and Iii.ek Silk, 1 aa.-.u.ere a..d M .r.eilHi Vi.ta IU cndleaa var.ciy. Ft .LINUS. SPIil.N'.S A I'll, have a'o added thir Itr.dv made Clolhllif Slock, a Merchant Tailoring le'p..riinent, to which trey eaii Ihe eiecial allenlion ol Iheir many In. no, and cus tomer. They intend making till department accou.l to none in l ie Stat,, eiihtr in flyle airJ- qu.nty ol Uond, or tu the manufacture ot liartiienl. A. ail liuieawillhetuu.nl a good atoi'kol Biack and I olored Clou.., Lngiiah, French and Ann ric.u Caainicn-e, and a variety of Ve.l.ligs Also, an aftaorlmenl of I IC4I K 11. A I :.lMJIi;KI, Thev led conlide.it ol tour abilily lo uHUeracU 1 any other hou.e 111 the Slate, Iroin Hit advantage liny huvc in gt lung Hu.r g o.ia. Their good are bought l y iin qu.nitily, by one of tne Firm who rcaioe in the No. ih. :. .-i..rkel, whieh give Ii 1111 the opportunity of taking aiivan. luge of the price ul good., thereby eaviug al ic.nl Jti. Twenty-Five Per Ctnt. 'hl.2 To liic rotiJiiiuer. ITDiiiir r.veJ r D.llara ma le !.J So try 11.. K KILLINGS. JNU. M. SPRINGS, Apiil 17, 1 8.11). tf JOHN S. WILEY', aiM.u-n .. u ntroerta or HAVANA S E (1 A R S , A SO UKAl.l IH Tubacco, Snutf. Watches. Paper, S.c . KtRSI'H.11 H I'll'S, fc-c, runlJiil)y mm ii titi. j .A,...ruJ. 1.11). Cotton Saw Gins OF lne k.l to.lily Willi 10 1.1t h , mm. ble chilled rib, linnet) brii.li and ail n.eea. ary improvement., delivered al .ay Kail Knud , l.andiiir the Slate, at 4 per ttw. Planltr j llilelidiiig to purehaae U.li l the ul i-rih. r . will I do weli lo aen.l their order early, a. there ia gt u erally crowd of worn lute in the ee.eon. 1 J. M. KLLloTT, Wiuiiaiu.ro', S. C. I Preiniui.iaaward.dat ill Stale t .ir, . 15wb ant) If.SH. I .W,c -.. Iiri0. r.'vA i 1 ,,r CORkVtkD BY OATM k WIT.LtAyfS. CHAfil.Oi rf. KKT 3, I860. , BACON, (l ime. Sidca,. lb 13 r, 1:14 lb yj r. on" , 'b VI (.., lb I a (.,. 11 1 m lu r, nil "ih i .;' .1 lb 15 on Ih i.. (.,. UO ....bi.HlicI, !IJ (... I.I. u -r m gal ...IO (n, Inn lb 'J r.r, !b h 11 18 lb 17 f.i Hn e lb -.'J he, 30 lb U (. hi) Ih .'0 -ih ,...J.u.hrl ...37 1.1 tl e.ic I ili o. 15 yar I.. (.. Ibi var 5!.". C, :th loiell 'a, rr IiM bi ti, 7'0 b.ga f. lb 'M (.., a.i II, 6 1. fcj II. W (,- lb M ti IH II. - i (" 1, ....I.I.I .No 1 ou (.,, h8 Kills '") -. 4i) r-'i "u " TJ gal -to III . .. hn-h. ..... Jjj 'no 11... .1.1.1 i.t I'j ih j ri (id lb i v II ...bual.ei to (u. 51) lb - 3 - M ....IH!,el I'h 7' hllal.il 10 ' i: huanel ..h i .".." hllsl.el il t'i 00 Il, Ii ( on il. Ii 'I U f.l lo in, 01) ...:k ITj 1 i lb -i r'0 hll'hel LI' f-l ll'l' .....l.-..,hti I JO , 13,. 6'.-i 11, ...g' il '" i1 waahc.l '. a" ,,i...iu.,i -U , -it .... I...I. I-'O J. t UliK.S. el. p c LI V w.li BlU'jMK.i will. ...11 ; bui r.'.i., r p ..-.fj tup- l ntLO.I. I.I A MARKET. lmaia, Irpl. n.her 4. IMiOi .Ire tor the werk amonntxl i .. " Sliuuldera, j B iijMif.liiinnj, ., . lieei I l!i.tt,:r Ii. owl I,.u .. iSraiiuy, Appl' , ... 1', ach .'..'.Ion, CnlVee, It t J.ra :iiii'llea, Adun. iiili S-.-'rin., Tallow Cloth ,Copp I, Mills. K--. Ilry, .Million, Mackerel,. . sea, NO VV I t. ( V iluiii.gt' . J or 1 lirrr. Southern Meal M ulil .Nj.ii. (3t, Pork. Itire Sugar, Lo P.I alone. W. Si.lt, Tea Wheal, w COPTON. The loll) bi,t. Exliriuca j a 1 1c. ii of li.e above, (..m ci..p.j ficn. 11 1 a He. It A- (I.N.I.ogrouli.l IC'i q. 1.1 i ul;., I lo (.1 l2a P1.V-". tl H UA'1, mi (? fil riAJl K 3j iZj 3J CI'AliLDSTU.N M Ah K KT. 1 BAti.iarott, Aug 31, 1SS'). IOTIO.N. Tiie liai.aact.oi.a 111 cotton lor tha Wee uii.oiii.led lo .'.c7 bale., ,t:i niti lu the aaine time, ol 4r-u bale at prie.. ranging Ir. n b to l i 1 i centa. 1 he receipt, lo dale ol na w Cot. Ion are i!DU b .lr .g I n.l '41 at lh. .a me lime Uat year. W..ICI, ajid al j ru e. l. l.gil.g Iroin iDj a lie. Naw Yos, At 31 li.ee 01 I. Hon b- :.r..et I. fir,,. 1 buoy. ril ha 10 ,.r Gu.iii.iU i.t. lick a I iuc -.-n and Nat.1 , with a al bt,C per bual.el. ( ' ti.e U ti .1 13 1 1 alorea .re qdieL. Valuable Town Property, 1 -.IIKTRL'STF.KS mil. il.r f-iraale '.1' not aoid .) al li.e t u&iie ..juare, ua 111 xi, n.g l..e 1 utsday ot ) die ( .rcu.l lAl..V).AiE, a.l.i pari ol l l.arlollc. Un 11. n, .'..li.e, A.C. Periuuada. ii. :.,e iwv. I. .!J,K 1 ly , ill ao . property lilure li.e day of o ...au. .B-.V.1. uu li.e nay of the i'-iui ot Nv ealeu I the MTibg to purci.i we.l lo ex. niln a.e. The prop airing to view A .ust ii, 1- 1,1 g at the tV h.a oliire. 1 ilh wl. la wit: t uuhjoi 1. ii. bu t.si a. co., uii.t 1. 11. BRUM. .Way 2!, lC6). til A K LOT T 11 T E A M 11 J-. 1-1 . 1. ) cA.NUY 31A.NL rACTUllY, UllL tDuud t Ik 1; li t KtiJlk. Jk . f U 111 K un it r.'gi.td re.pect-ully inform the ci. Jft. t.x. u.l t tiariolle and .urrouhd.n court, try, that he naa jii-l comm. ik. j tne ai,.ve ou... nesit in lite hou.e al lne corner of Trane an.i C01. i jjc elrecla, l..r toe pui pure el niiiulactuniiJ CAM)li:S('AKI- A; lllii:AI, which uriieii. be will te.l Miiottaaie and K.-tail. As he U.oa ail the w.nk liinut i 1. Ilet.nl Mre keepel would da Weil 10 pur.''. a. e ll.etr Culidie, .nitre .al.a- liUi AL HAVANA LOTTEKV. The not nrdi.i: 1 Lottery condu. -awing of the lioval llav. bv th. ?j.ali.llljo.i , 'of the Captata I.. .1 Havana 011 under the euperv eral t I t una, w til lake .i TUUUMiAV, SfiUcinbiT 13, UiiO. $360,000. SOlU'hO MMtliU CU OKD1.NAKID, 11, r 1.11; ji 00,000 :! (A II 1 ,.rii. fl IWt,Hi 1 AO, OWl ill !. ni JOO tt. OOO 1.3 two .,ou iO.OOO I JO A.o 1 O.OOO .11.111 to th, l-,l t ol Vlo.i lo 4 ol eld" I 10 i 4 ol loo la I , ii.i-.Mi; 11 .,v..l" o al .ghl al j p. r y liar I. r. t 1.1 l.a Ue til'Kl . -j ... , Ll t i. te.re o ' til H.i- I.-l.l ol 1 t'tir.ona orut I ,.v P. S. T. W lUviu AM t At l ltliul J- ' ' liroowi.. Kruahe.. , ..r llmuoog. anu I akea r .. ... h.ui, at he v.10 g.ve 'uclion belli in price and .ljanlv. Ij'Aii UU DLiiS lioin a .11. tai.ee. 1 ncioaing the C.1A, wnl ue pui-etu4..y all. 111.. lo, aim lne ar. lit-le. curc.uliy pa.l.ed and tor warned according to OlfCCtlOl... l.lt. I to JulIN G. C. LEISER, Ccrnr -of ttnJ - t'"'j rir,l,tV.ai....,'r..N. C. t l.ino!tc, June i, l?e . 1 1 if