i f TIIE TAST. SV 4M . . .1 UVyT. Ol in w mr quit I nmtii.c bum Til p. ! w ill comr t "111, V'iili :l .:,j f v,ni,hed joy, Il h!f f nrnltcli Ait.l wh. n . ihiiik ..f Irit-nrs li.e trad. Or love hy tune iVranfrd ; O llrU nticr a-ariii grnvlli Cold nr ft'" We wrap that im j are changed. W r wrrp in iliinli that mt. r euniee To clud iifr' .unin n k t ; Wa i in know that tairrrt flower Can only lilnnm In eVe One jcir l. t,r e n hr.ng nrh change A ktraba cur heart 10 er ; Aim! Oh ! when nil we luted are jane, How and t memory. IHisccIIaiicmis. From I lie ,', Orliana I). Iia MAN WITH THE BLUE UMBRELLA. ,. , i. , p , , k , Hue umbrella. Tall, finely firun-d, with a p'raaDt e,e, and hair fed back from a fon head browned by ardent aims and shad ed b, some sorrow, he auddenly appeared owe da, iu o ir vill ige, when a auminer bower bad come up and waa deluging the treeta. The expression of bis couuwnaoce waa anriont ; and there tu a q ietinuirg lift about the eyelid, with alibt dei-poud- init Plirvv at ilia Mrnori rtf ti .nA..lk A I. . . ... , tO;.'-tlrr, be retninnrd one someway of one i , . , ,. , ... : or tluM advertisements which appear in dai- i , , , , , , ... I, paper, headed "Lost. I here was i nieh a fuirgestiveneas in Lie appearance of aomeibing to be aearched for nouie treas ure gone. The Kay Lrn windows wih their prints ft ' ! ml rorgeous DaniiiN the tall church spire " . ' i it finished, and in'euded to " point a nior , ., . , , at lor rvrry eye tint 0'jht it auniii.it . the pretty cottages with tbtir white cUp , , . , , , . . . l ojr.ls, Lud e"ol, gretn bunds Lad no at- , , , . , tractions whatever fjr the nian with the t.lue uni'.relli. I)inUra, street and up IS. own, through Yeliow avenue and so ou ILrjgh Green Latin, be made bia wa, tiil be disappeared among the cl i-ter of hum bie tenements to lei, don near the river. A strainer in a country ton i public pr perly a. ways. The vi Xiliontxperieiiced at knowing" the truth, the wholi truth, and nothing but the trj'b," conevruing biiu, is rca'iiiv cou.rerisated Iv ia.3tiuiu? ere at i , .i .l . ... . j I d'al more than the Iruin ever contained. I , . 4 . j ; I. -i ry uru.i-e was tre:!y aggravated and .A, .i f k - ' exazgeraied, from ti e fact that the a'ranger Lad not hem k::on to exehan.a a avH.ble w.th any per-oo sinee his sudden advent j tpln ourMreet; aod be might bave drop p. d from the cloud, with the fir-t great crop, of th .t bear, shower, bringing a aam i p.ecf Hue sky ..org for an umbrella, fr ! a.,h( anybody posiiivel, knew to the eon trary. And what could be want dona among t'oOse U-ue menu to Ut ? Nobody lived there likely to intereat a man of his appcarauce , , i ne ouly person wita any eiaini to re.pec taLi'.ity, and hers w is doubtful, was a young, j a.. i. . J i,n an... ti,.,. . I earn quietly anion-- u, and sa.iciied aocb lita of embroidery as the Udics might bave j to pu out. Tnere was a mystery about ( ber, and a mystery about a w.m.o is ,l. j ways a rehuke Her wotk alw.ys came t pjnctual.v home, and not a fault could be found with it. If any one wondered wbeth er she broiglt aigiis or tears iib her de'.i- ti-t vines and lendrills. their curio-it aa. Lever uti-fied ; for hsr sad gray e;e. t jid ti , talc, aoi btr comprea.eJ iips guarded ber gen ets well. She s,t at borne all tbi.sammer day, ply . iiw a. v ... . oc. -, r J log her trrdie and thread, until the rain, jattering upon the w.nu f -ten indow sili, drew ber attention from ber work. She glanced op at the c'.oode then, and after wstchinz thrui aLile, leaned ber bead up j "or noticed tbe keen look witb wbicb the on her band, dreamed over a day dream 1 other regarded him nor the thoughtful ex which jam to her ofi-n eo ; and which ahe pre-.ion of his count. auce as be attended eould wak" from witlr.ut annotancc. f jr she i lji,u t0 ,t,e ,t "ti!e dividing him from bis wa. very sure it would come to her .gam. j Hhe herstif a g'ad hearted girl the ' ruide of an Hid j'.-ent faiber a bo-ise ; her aole rival iuth-jt father's love, on only brother, ! yoai.jf.r il.au l.cr-eif. but whom ahe loved a- fir as ah dull see bun, with that din i:h a de'o'i'iti wbch ail bis folnes and -a and umiefind presentiment of evil which eve of evil ti n.per f-et doan by the father at I ry woman who has lived and love I, has e i ibe sowing of wild oat- couid not alienate. . p'rieneed at tome time. The night waa They Lad been left ri.otherlera at an age cloudy aud dark, a hi,-b wind ri-iug, and when chiidrt u Ut. a in-iL' r U-.al and iiecJ tho agitation of the ojt world nut served ber guidance moat. IVft to hired nurM-s, to iucreaae thut in Ciaie's ou breast She who in t j'O left th" n 0 ti.erijse! re, tbe boy ' toa-td re-tlra-ly upon hor pillow, and day and girl rrm up wi.tul ani head -troi g . bad not yet dawned when ane hurried ou their only inut il ground th-ir jnutual love, l.er cloll.es, and thinking to meet l.eorge re- oif). (' utr atia r.irn ar.d il.-ani.fl turnilia-. Wi lit out ihrou.-h the odim irate. will, ".r. ham tuft-jre-d with that sei6.hLe.. whiebeUn.'.e.erto boy onder such a y. t.r,. of lul:!... than tvr.s At.d thi was all ia the borne of rich J , ha Hiyd, iu luer ry. merry (''ujdand, many year. ago. Kut the ple cheeked worn a u day dream, I Jrcaiue-d iu one of 'Lose scorned tenement to lot, while the aumt.-ier ram came duwn, ws not broken yet She remembered ber manly cou-i n, 0 ucrge, w n j eau.e liawn frum - bife one pleant rpiing '0 vi-it her la:i.tr tj. jt -e Mever, who aTt. r ti e fir-t w vk, gf e up the excitiug ehaae, the Ui.ny !' jus laid out by Jlaiiiu fur him to abare. aud devoted b'mself who ly to hi. t'ou-lu (te. till he wn mer 'ed ia the lover, aud hi appeal to her fa' her aa met wi-h 1 bur..' ofturiay iateeute. How tindiy reiu.'ifcbered the moourise on the ereni-ig uf 1 i.a' a a me d sy , when h stole ool to the para 1 1 hid farewell forever to the nun ber strong nature woull eliog to al t ith anu-jiy-nis love. Tbe iutended parting ended a ri'.uy aooib-r bt Lxe sal nuee baa ebdod. " Why," tjeotjf urge.l. n'A tbe, yield wo their lifelong bapt id tb tibial 0 ,n old man who had outlived hi youth and Jll l!lj"V.tY WAV!', 'iti passion, and it hopes?' Why .houldj Surgeon truttt I they in springtime bring to their breK the I (G-.iw.ti. . Mso.cna .sr. Ust..t.t.) blight of autumn. Why .h.utd the, P.rt,imtK in Oiu n lrj Building, I' p Slain, Upp.. since exilcice henceforth could be nothing I ilt Krrr U rrl, i -. . k T I. ...not CII tt I.O It. Si.C without one another ! True, be wa. not fffrm t ,RUI,.A, oPKIUTIONS. uch rich : but what man wan poor with youth 10 ijr. f$ if EKT PALATE, II AUK. i l.i j ...J tW.h in hi. vein ? No. no : they would live, they would love, they would j . Ero the moon went don that nijjht man, a .uile la, between Cl.r. and the bou.e of . lu-r filher. ' The mnrliioe. aaw ber George' Meyeraw.fe. The, did not bra,, the .tor 1 hev anew was racinu ill joiid iwtn uciii. but the, felt it, fur, wherever the, turned their wooderine net. The Tounir hatband f....J l,.t rnu.h in 1,U I.P.rt anJ health in 4 : hi reins were fragile weapons to foil aucb I j influence as John lioti) could eieroise, aiJ ; dinappoiuitucnt met bitu at ever, turn ; and the Errs of anger lejiin to kindle in l.i" ,Lrea-l towards the father who could thus; !u''jct to privation au 1 misery the Clare ! "uo ,l,s S" "' "corK Mejer-e wife. The onl, gleam iu their clouJI, sky was the adherence of Graham through all ihings. He veiled them wber ever the, waudrred ; but he never failed to bring accounts of his father continued an ger and threat of uuniitiinted vengeance. , From tiia conversation, Clare learurd that her brother' eoire ii wil.ler than ever before, and that his companions wore auch as wouid, one of these diyt, bring a deeper aorrow to ber father' foul than be had evar done, la vain he warned bun in , , .. vain hc expostulated. What wras it to bitu , , .L u that he was the sole link Uft in the old . , , , , , lie tmjt so bis wild oats, be said, and the itime was not yet corns for Li tu to dh a I v th pun of nleasura from his lios. NaV. ' . , ,., . ., he woulJ dnuk the wine of life while it ' , , . , ,,. , lasted- it lcea would reach him aoon enough, ' After repeated strnjijlea to aastain bis ; 1 - iwife in a mauncr suited to her former eta- tion, Geor-e, at last de-puinng and di-ciur- r . . ed, accrpted the position of lodge-keeper r ... ..... on an estate adjiiuing that ol Lis ondurate I father in laar. If he dreamed of reaching hii heart through hia pri le, he failed ly, for John Hoy 'is nature waa all ;t.l- n -l . 1, IUI aTJia.l 11 a u..u.c ... ; his brsrt only a neceasar, machine to the I tiisin'enance of that characteristio. '. Ciare foand on. comfort ia ber position. ' I . . .. i be could rosin in ber tatber a park, rcviait , ihe haunts of ber free and gladsome girl , Imod and here, often j ined b, her brother, could Lav forgotten, bad ah chosen to for- ' jret, the fep which exiled her from the un- k r trammeled eijyiheot of the-e scenes. From I" '.rop , .jr. ,. am rre-aHJ,v,,.re Krt" f"rf": ter U,h"r h tn in his allowance of funds ; ,ud kno.ing htr t"ber'e desperate nature, dreaded lr-t he "b'ulJ "ort ,u erdl or oxhT U";1U, of k;;Piu? ff i'n ""7- Tb ""u "'F0' B,r l"" preserves n.a hinted to tjeorge that urauam wa leaning a headlong course, and threw out ininua tiona that should be detect and take into custody the oowcher or noachers who bad ' ' ' r.Kal.lIt al.ntMl hia ma. tar an ro ,.h j -i r,iiig oif his pheasants aod other gamr, that tdc !d eentlemeo would reirret be bad n,t let l"e rogue ecape. At this, tl;re turned dead!y p.!-. and exchanged a glance hrr hu,b.hd-a glance ahisb the bead keeper remembered well aft.rward. ' A few eveoiogi after this Georg wis re- turning irom a neighbors estate, where be kad beeu to reeU-ui a gun lent sotae time before, and in order to shorten the diitaoce. leaned the paling which insloied bis father- ' in law'a ground, and wa hurrying on.thro' ; the harrow pith, when the bead keepersud- jdrn'y stepped from bebiod a tree and con- 'fronted bitn. George recoiled at first, for e- I be bad thought it was John U-ijd, aud b. had no de-ire to meet him any inhere, mich lc upon hi n grouod. He held out his haud to the keeper with a sen-e of relief ; borne and saw biin a.f-ly eei it j S.-vcral night aft;r this, Giorje was sent j for to sit op with a eo'p.s, aril ('iare re-' tuained alone She watciied br husband climbed the li, and .:r uk tttto that pat b , ou her father', e.t.le which ahe fancied Georte would take iu rel-jruiu i to ber. ! Si' had gone but a few step., when lb J cncsii .g of twis, aa il crushed by a bu- 1 man loot, attracted h-r attention , their fol- t toed a abut, in-tamly auceeerlvd by a dull 'clump, as a pheasanlf.il to the ground. Th- o arftther ffiju iii-c'ir-r.l, and still .uother, and a fail which tllare knee was not the fall of a p ie i-aijt, was aec unps- tin d hy a un' deep prosit, t.'lare ru-hed furuard in the dir. oiiou of I ho Bring, and came audd. nly 111 vie of a atatk and bleed ing for us exte'udad 0:1 tbe ground, and re c v'm-ed it s- Ii. r faih.-r'.. O er bim, nb pair; and ft. n-:ed feature, bent a face she kne too Wjil ; a faje marked bere anJ ihr witb his vi' tim' biood, and tbe hand li" Wa. !g!y wif l,.l ra ing fruiu tin dead mans heart w a g,jry ! The m jrlrrer lift ted hi. ry., -tn.-j ,rl those of Care; but the i,tit i.i-t.i.t .be wasgriti.t without a Wjrd, .n l !. a. . pr.ue to h'lief il wa b jt a rifion of her x -ite-l fsiicy LO ' I.L UltJ t l v, tlia ' -miA- III". I I'MOU miiutli ..I J -w iiii.'l ruts,...! nist.iM' ATltlNM parroriitn gj- j(U"r MODKRATE and all work done .-sJ,'". r.lle-'n. . .heir h-... i r .,.,u i iKiiiiai'a .Valeria a aiwava on GOf D savKk n.le .nd Wif..f., .i.n.n nut. IT Or.trrf from a di.t.net attended lo promptly ttbrvmrt 31. ItCd. 4Htf GUAM) OP EM AG or caTTIVTTKTTT. T? C3 tt-J XVJLXVXXmri. OX TUKSDAY '1 II K 311 OF ELIAS & COHEN WILL OLM'.X IT THE STORE FOBSERLV OCCIPIEO IV T. II. Brem k Co,, OE OP TDM RUST i.D LARGEST STOCIS OF CI VER utTcrc.itothrpoblie iu thiaviemity. A- our LaUiea Lrea la.iwde will b luuod K.ojnes-d Silk U..b, frape M.rtta, . H.l.fB do. Plaltt aud flif'd 0 'refP, d.i. I iautli O. n-.n.lira, lit al r'l.i.cli Urgau.ica, d.i. oj. J .eaui.i-t U. UaUlaMiiea, It .txaut- Eujema St Lta Hi-Ion Grenadines, do. d. luiperatnoe, IlUck anu I in J riiaa J ,,,,, (r , ndlr I 'l.tujruut a. R.ibca te try v .riety. Grenadine P.ilms. i FVi-i.ek J .c.ncla. Ml" VV ..ru fhallia-a. Ei.gl.-h. Fre. .. n i d...... .uc BRILI.I A.M i Sna F.rncii I.IM.l! A l i L . ! i:ti jiliwh, I " ' h nitl Aitit-ricnii I mm .ir:,i( t.r, .in tTcr S lr" I " J ' II ' I. ! . ,. I n J- Wl'lti1 liflilfl. I1.UL UUtUSs MuM. Swi.. ftok, N. .. auo J.rtel Mwa. . Vicu.n. au.i L.neo L.w.w. Linen ii.il C..IM Uiaf'f, Lilian I e!e l.-otna aod 11. llkaak, D .l-, At .rellle 4Ju.ll. Ac. Shawls and .Mantles. Chantiot L.ee M .nliea.Laee I mnU i Shaw'. L.ce JSheh. So. w I. En.broid. L-ce I-oiiiU. Bjr,,..... s.,:i t,a -n.i P.c-..o... ,io S.lk I... .l .titles and M.ntilUa ol efery deacriptiun, Linen, B.rege a. .d t'olton D ial-r. a i rt II o C .41 , kOl"tlel V.(Illlro OL 0.lll V .lenceuo- lace, rhiok, Jaeonet Mourning Lin. a sad P.qu Willi be.uinul atoca t K.ni.-oi... red II ..-i.etei...i., louni. Wai.i. .no R .w., Fo.ua. t- i . . r .-r. , cl "'S'"t 1 " ""I " " g Bonnets. 1 .ur trimmed Ii.i.. f our U.le ia aeknowl. have tiftll PUyij. Aiu ia i-recb Flowers, Rueliea and Kihte.oa FKKNCU IMPORTKD P; ra'ols. Fall! 3k llfaj DrCSSCS, . n,iU,a',,r Uige k of g'Q f J fj ' (nut MKhlll'STit DRY OOOOS, 'B.OTBBB. CV, .I It DIV.B I! ., KOO I', a';OLwt tt aa si MAT, nd a general assortment of Merchand ae, which " ,nu",d 1 ?""" u "u' -" price winch dely eoiupel.llou. o i HAlit.E F'lK SHOWING GOOD! IJ oiiipm(ie. I.u(je8 Tlll'SiluV ADIlluJ ELIAS &. COHEN. At T. II. lirrm tj- Cu t OU .llund. WE HaVK A L.VlWE Sl'OL'K. OF GROCERIES ' J,?"'"' ClMi""1 CAorfwie. Alair il. leGO. hf iJiJissoIution. IT int. mm., ui r. 11. u l is tin day di- lalt't itf lllU'U'l r 4l tlsC ItatktU 1 1. H. brew, all !. ah. OlltpiC. Alt pvt. Ill Catll mat! -ttle ittr iifrUU'U l mtu Ur w 1 1 ntU UiM ; IlltU ail aef U tlslflliy CisftllWt 1 to mm t 1 T. II iiKk,.!. J. A. SAULKR. Jr. T. it AlaLXAaNULK. .V-j res SC. If CO. z. u. joii.v, M ' ' olteelllig .lff, UidUUWU, Ptrry luUIII,, AldkaUU, ft ' 'LL -u.ud pr pi.y o. ih coii.ciion oi all ui.'cu'irf l." 01 teu oat, ..u ..cj..n.g l llwl.lj. r. L.11O CUim frr I Lf ,uu.kU fcta 1 rtta vi.a.g 1 KX Ad CLAIMS. IJ" Colir eiioiia to.ue iu Tela, as heret"fre, lotoUh mf all..tu.a If. lo.(aUU). Protopmcaa iM.y OS a. I. i 10 pci.utd 011. J-Vate rj in, lonu. 49-1 g V7m J Kerr, A T T O It A J Y AT LA IV , 4 11 lltl.lt T I Ii, C.a wj r I LLpr selirr 111 lor I our it ol Mecklenburg, f) V Lxi-.t. aod I'aoarrua C.JIIloa. 1 1 Odiee K rr'a H. trl : B.swl) Bdiiuiog oppoail. 44tf 0- J feni ova I. and t. .tal., Mint are respectfully ttmtc. tli .1 I 11. v rxuovrd my 1 ,0 tSlo.a pa Burs Bull. .1 t.g. 3j d.air froin the ea.r 'I'ry.io troel, wor lot Will aplaed t- S. T. WHI.-JION. t-tf Jnary 31, l!C'l. ,re.i,.d. T.nh filled with l.OI.0.than the Swaged work it 1a l.o cheaper, li i. j SILVER, TIN or AMA1.UAM. Ak 1 1 I CH AL j ti.e fnirn any unplraaanl nov.r or lale. 1 KK'Hl'intMlid in ih utet luauner. llavinf become ari.t lor the Amrrican Hard . r A fvty ui.r TCOTH POWDER and Ruidipf cmnpany he will aopply Urntiala nh of , TTl WASH cwwaui.t., u.. h.d. . fie. .rMZ.. a. w. ali:xm)i:ij, V It U t: O A BJ 12, Y TM S T, pW73p aTVFFERS hi. service In h eiti. ftifii ,i" r l-niul'tmi nKdi.iiJuM.inf ruuii sL. I I I i-Jti in tli treatment t.t" irre jMiluri. Hi - of thu teeth, Dnnmi ol Ilia mouth. TVeth fiih-d in K llltul and aah.f.ictnry manner. Ar. titicisl teeth inserted on Uuld of 81 vtf phite, !' India Itutiher vulcJl.il. d be. Thin atyle ol'1 work lia many atlvi.nl,igra..vrf Hit Ranged work. It pan he ad. mud In lt mouth will) re irrit .Inn He will alao five inatmctiuiia in the ari uii mud. A. heT.t. . d. a tr...in bu-irca. per., ana wiirmr wwa m r tlit-ir reai'leiinre, by addieaamt "im at Tucla. aeere P t.. Meek lenbu'r t-o,, ti. U. IT All work warraiileil. Ajrii 3. J8I.U. Stf The Corner DRUG Store, en 4 1: mm Tt:, c. V.. X V R 1 1 U TCI 1 1 SOX & ( (. " DL'I.D rearll'ully call the alteiilmn ul'lha V public 'a llii ir laigr ane roinpli tc Mock nnw hrmj orned fur the spring Trade, cunaisl.nn ul Hruga, Mrdieiiira, t'l.cmicjl, Perfumary, Fsm y Ariirler, Oil. Turniinr, Buniinn Kiu d. Ale. inl. Pure Medical Winca and Bramiiea, Canton Teas. K'e'd and Garden Seeda, 4c, A.c. January 17. 160. s3lf i;OWAff ASSOC IATIOX. 1'IIII.AUtI.lMIIA. A Bertflmt ntitie rttnkli$heJ v tp'eiml Em dnrmtnl. far the Ktliif Iht Siel mud IHtlinntd. mfflirtrd ri( I'ii ulrnltmd t ptd-mit ifwe.rf ttprcimllf jn A ! Vitemitt J ihr Snuat Urrmnl r.lMCAl. ADVICE liven .rallp.hy the Art gisurteon.loaltwlHiapply by Ii llrr.wilh i a itescriptinh ut t!;rir eonditmn. (-fe, croiw.ti-.n habits nf hie. die .) and in case nl extreme, pu. ertv. Mp.tiemea fiirniahad free ot elutrge. VAll'AHLK BEPORTS t.n Swrn.t.rl.rea, and i.ihir Hiaeaa.-a nl' the Sexual O'ff .ne. and n Ilia NEW RKMF.I'IKS pmi h.vnl in 11m- n aarv sent In th anl rlid in airalrd lell-r envei. niiri. I'reeof charre. Tw.i or "ir SU-nua f.ar pu. tare will be aeeri...hl I Adilreaa. IB. J. rKILf.l.V HOUGHTON. Ae. tin, Sarfeon. Howard A...-i-t No. a Hacll. rsintn iireei, riinaaaipiiia, ra. o iun vi Diaeetnr. OKU. FAIRCHILD. Srerafr EZRA U. IIEAK'I t ELI.. Traai.ewf. Fat. 7, UhO. ah-iV c in;koki;i: ki:.mi:iv. MA -T '-vi - AS f.NFAILIXG t lltE FOR Conorrbira 4 ill Ditraar of Iht triaary Or;nv T nlllS REMELlY care, when all other prepw. ratio. tail. It m ent.rtU as -1 . efery oth. tr reniv-unt; rs.nl. mining NoAliaratL rol-o of .S. lit of Daiw; aa H l. prepared ..le.y trom Hoot, Basis . D.I Leave, and l.aa been handed down, l.-.to .oi geMr.titot In anotir, hy fi.a rNKBoits laotasa It i ..(T ted W the puhlie n ii own intt.n.ie wter it. It priorii. n duty ..tieh y nd ilMtroughiy. The I'nru.nwan. l eit.ier ex will tie repaid n, naing Una h.aaov, .lead f id.ntng ln.a. Iv. at no loe'ejr t Q cl at rwdnani. Tm Kfarov airia.' at lha vety Koo-V of th diaaae ; tt I.ioir pj, w auaprnd the poiaon, hot u. ftmnT. thx . Cai-si: on which it rlin-od.. F'HI dire.-ti-.n in ' piopirel f.rf.n. ce"li.pai.y e.tli Is. III. Tor e '.i.anll.rfoi.neotre.ot.g'..lhf lM.Krl.H.IT, : H ew taot.os.tKB. tat-err. I.aavt t, Kr.ie. ", r loo. jst-aia. i mraa is r.uj,ano , Uio.w ol tn urinary u-g.n., t. Uia. of the L' tn. -noal acts olifi men of th awe. Ton. K not only eraoicate all Powon Irm the fsTta bnt laviooaaTV. ihe tr.oU dvl.catr cona;tuit.n. rtli Nm l.nn tla. n.i.ra I araa. I mI w(, nj LM , Ub,IUMi , ,c.0u.f. .oy deviation from ttie u-u.l met. tT II rtqmr asaialaliee ff 1 other edi cine. If And what K.Mi.sru ii Vaier. t the f'.n Ti.a Aaacaca i. .N.c.a e I st, being a I'l ts.T and I'ai.Kiui; Pvvr P.ica ti rta U-rri.e.ua 'laaaa Bo-rri f r..a fi. Pu l TKIt dt .MtllW IM, soi Proprietor., til. Louia, Mi. .ld in Cnsrlolle. bv 1r. F. crr. " - E. ?y lluichi.on A. ( o. Colombia. Fi.lirr At Heinilati. s.nd all Uruggi.ta in the rnuutry. V.11 Srhaack A. Uneraon, Charle.ton, April 4, l8tU.-lf Whotusale Dealer.. YKS YOU 31 A V L'uii OR It ECO M MUNI) lleimstreet's Illimitable 11 A IK ( lH-OKINC! aSu rise it To as A PERFECT HAIR RESTORATIVE, promoting lit otfenglh and growth of Ihe Ha r, ai.d g.vn.g it all li.e beauty ul youth. L- you uouhi it I i:c;il! I.'f.ul! llrnii! bcna.Mia !.., FarX o . N. I ttOifif h, 100. W. E He., Troy.V.r-iV..rtr il.viiig ued your ilair Canormg or Ueatoralivr, .ou b.mg ... ,le.d -non, I t... p..a.or. ia ina.ing to luilooiog tniiaitm: Irani tie el. icioi very .rfiie ki ui' ao au. aa, worn about la y.r ul age, u.y ii.ir c.xnu.eiicrd turning grey, and o cm, auau t- grutt u..ut it ttf jar.y.euy atntlf, Oatog t.ry nai.n .no ounra. l-.al umm 1 I..4 teacli.d o.y hfiy thiruyrar, woe.i I wa iu. ao oo ty . Iriaod to purest. a ia... iioiuaa ol llwioi. irart. fl.ir Iteauaraiiv prep r. d by you. I cut ioor.cd uit,g it ccvfdiug to tfir.si .,un,i in a law day w. surpriaed Mi ni.J IU-.I my ootr Iro.o to root outward wa luriin.g l.t. I.. Ila Vflgloal color. Il aa coo tit wed to grow until it so a tru. ly brow. and gi-.a-y a ll . o o.y y..uili.u ..;, ind ij new ;uilv r fluid It. l .nyia.1 rotVi-. At i... sc.aM AN. Eatri Cm ,ss Myla rteani.n eau.e In-h.re tne and w.a duty .Oofti. anu aaya tf.al thtfaoofi. a..u-aol la true, una I. . o .y ol Feor,. y , I'id JOr.L V. I'll 1' 1 .I4, d.uv ia. I'mct. Pirrarono. Vi , jtug. i, ,n.,1. I kerrby eerlify, l"a toy hair it. fine ori.on. quite gray, I sr. II' loirtteel' Hsir tia. i' Troy Y 1 l-.r a l. Ho.1 not. f. (rrp.ico by W . Had i .or wreka, and my n.i ired to ita 0 ig.n.l color. I aat lul.y r.cn. ,t.ii tit article lo no all ll el a. W.H. hINtiSI.EY, I'tHtr iht ttaplimt t kurtk. I tti.Jmd, Vt. Mr W. E ll.su; I hat. sd ltiut.ia.t'i II ir Il. alor.livo lor litre ycara, .01 l. .,am it to lot a Mn.t rai:ellrnt arliclv. ll In. I .oily la. I fed li.e color ol my hair, giving it ia. die sid , .trrriKtn, but it cur. wiyaeii a..u wile ol a o.oal j I tO-lili.l. ertio'ioli on III acalp, WOleU aerfttof .... sram'rf fa lturil. 1 loily uelo fe il to urn lt. ueal trix: la uaa. Y'.ura Kapreilmi v, KNO-M. IUN lli.VLANi. Th abof are kjt a few ol ike ai .ny I tier ol rrc.onwi..i.uatioii which b4.a lo-en I. woareo to Ih. . I pf.rptlclora o llollllalrert'a II .if ijolornig o. Ka- o,flife. It ha area Baod by lltHBanua ol prop., ad ti nefcr fail U re. lor e. ll.a eol-.r sou grown. .it Iht hair. I In aing ular tlnii. not pr.oiuced .a when d c ar ued h.r it aela upon Hut i ni accratiiia of rohtrrutf itMlUtr al lite f.a.la, 'hua ffeta lh eitango, a .dr prml 4 IJ not I e mmrrfnl, but fa aalardi s.id youlk. It dors not color Ii. akin. Pric i Site an t ' (J(l,xir a-atlr Rilrl errr l,. ro W. F;. HA 'a A.t II Co.. Proorief.r., Tioy.N Y. Mold in Charlolid I.y lr V. ntr.arr, anu all Ih g imlt in tho Coil a Hu.-.a, V-.a feuaaca .no tatier ...n. I harlraton. Wh.Jr.ile Af.nH. Ayiti IK, Iltr. i I Y fmm 4j43leiiii I s I 1 1'4 Si l T , U, s s in'illlill.vil iJ 11 IS ir Hl1;'!JI .Tit Ji a Min.a . uij..j jag iijIiriiliSi? 1liJi l tt'il MiO.JI.M ii iiIij u!isu:ir J isi is'au m "i ''i'S'4 'il'ii '? ,0rl s ioIiiiiiiijIu islnlitiis i;' ji U . H fl JI U.M.ffiXI II ai,j..... .. ... ... it ... ... i t il 41 ;'- t s : in. 1 1 is li'1"- l.VU It lM7!l!l Ji JI .-7 11 JI U J, X.Up.M.Sl ....... !l ihl'si".!-?!'-- i i ii i; n ii'is.is I I7MS HM !l -1 1 2l.23jJ0 ii a .MU, l-.lsiliiiiia2.-iV. JJ,l,Sl I...I..J. i s r s sjw.ii J.;7iullill! W,3jil,l.W ... H iaJ ii ijIijiu,h isliTUa'lu'jn'ti r; a S4.a,ati; ti I M a : , a." ll;ltllS H'IS ia I ts isi'ai siir:in ii '''j 'a'"rd'l f :j ;i i. s..C;;-,i) SPHprG- . . i n i. ii 'I1F. suhaeiihrr I'aa neeived a large and Vari. JL d aaaurtM'rht of for fprinf and 8uii.nar, wl.ieli f. r cl'eapi.paa and iH-aint aa, canni.l h aurpaas d, ronaialiiig in part of Black ai.d a. I.... d I I.U1 IIS, Uiaea DuK-KI.Nsl. PUm, Hi ck .d F.nry AS5 IMERE. Kfrweh tr .o U' HI F. Plain Hi ck a ...i p.enrrd Silk V l INGS, Fai.ry l..i.eii Dhll.l.S, and .Il uiui-r ti...ua m-u lly f. onH in a Ural rlaae Tsilrin K-iaSI.-liM.n.l AH which wiH h niade tn i.rutr ur ao.u by th y-.ru accwnwda. I:nn Uru.a. , J. s ruiLLnrs. In re-taming my llnnka lo th cit.xrn of Char. ..ue, la.i the tii kn (t It., y , hate hesliiweii utr. I (jjiiett rs.iiii. i.aitr th. I nil ir. , i.ie ol arr. fhtruaUtf la a. tti.1 t ..ti fr-H-i-tly .prii 17, .860. 4't C11A11L0TTE lion;!,, BT lata HaV HjJ UK.) t IIAltMll ll . V. f m Ml E Proprietor of tin Hotel i JL anil at hi poal rt-dy lo lul. ail th .Julie of ttainc nol loth Ir. falling publie and niocra who! lay eaM 0 htm, alio II Dallrr lllo.aell thai a. , coiulorUbh- quarter c.s be Iiiomw will, kiwi a any where in Ihia vicinity, kh i. g aila.u.i noaf. I If in th ra.ilfe of t Oat lolle . Ciwin. Men will Sou ihi Hotel a ntol e..otnet.l ano ...airshl; loe.ln.n. He haa been engaged in lite bwaine- al Ihia aland nearly rightren ye.ra.and it. Ii.at tune Ho It ntad. aev.ral admlion. to hi former ' i."a. b sreatiy ..urre .,o i.... :uUiee'linh eth bt 11 ft-el in width.haw.toinrlf , .h.e,d hf tree on the .id, walk. afT..rdini a pica. ' nt promenad l all hntara nl Ihe day. Th Hnaar haa ksaii lh..roUhly rorniahrd Ibro. ' , and III every pari ul it ere.'lut rotol.-fU ar ,' ,bu.uianl and tangible. eacially in th. IiIMNU HixjM. where th "moer atan" t "renewed " . anV Dy day. I -w.,cl. c' with thu Hotel r 8tablealT..fdirf ,ltnm fw km) Imraea. abend. nlly futniahad wnh grain and pr.fenor. atieodeo hy fatthttsl and o. a,;,,, ng h.iler. ha Pronfielor rVele endent thai with h.a '.( iperirnei-and nta'.v new ativantag.aaoded t.. his deaira to iilraa, he t nrep.r.d l orT'r hie trimo ; and Ihe - real nl ot.nl.,. .1." a la.nl coolorl and a ntaeh good cheer aa will be found any. lo r. perhao liltle mote V A t .ny f.le T.v ih. Charlotte Hfl. J. B KEHK Otitkrr 19. 1 USB. 3it( I Tlnind are duly prtkiif; in Ih Kiuf Dr. I'J.iton's int'i ut ile TurdLil, nd why I ka-eanar 11 n. far la. la to uf .rd 1. atan. j ham, telirl n.o.i n in tio r. I Let... it by ; tn.gte, anu tr.ai alooo wol cunf luce y..u tnl I wh.t w jy i tru. lie .ntain j Mi I'aui:(;oi:icoh on tt. I of any kin.J, .10I tharr!-f reins. I.y reioof.ng li.e and rit.fa nl your rl.ihi, .n.le d ol hy .lea. In., leg tu a. n-1t.1l1l.ea. F-t Una re.M.o, 11 co.oo.eotia lt.ell a Ihe onlv r In.blr prrpsrato.n tn.w II.., f.r (IIILI'NKN I Kr.l Hl.;. tl IJH 1:, h E A. lY"t- N I f.h V tih'IPINta .1. ti. I.uvst lja. A : lll IV ol ti.e MUM si II WIN It, . Ul.U IN j'l II fc Hf Al) an 1 l.llLK,.i... 1. u ... 10. gilna. redocrg nf) .,.oii.l,.....r. K t 1 ..( e B-ar. an.) . fo g . it h I" .nil paallUNIir II ia n. II Caara ol lN V( I A y.lil falor the lile 1.0 . OH lo aafe thi ll llig l.l,a qtl.ocva on .1 w t'h on I lU.Ns .'! l'l Lit FI Pi. 0.1 bralll ol tool enio-rrtl, Iront tll'Mr urt ao.t hotl Mi ll ar, et .1 ,.n to tfa.nl i-..ni Ihr oar ,t toareolic .f wo-el, .1 I oil, r r HwriH i for i.H .iitiie l 0.1. ,.l ,.. (. ,.r e. n.i.i t-k. n..n lo.l UK. KA IONs ISKaVi II.Ki O illl AL. tin y.o c.n r-ly ijhoo. . .. o- .M.l . n.ro.l..., ... ea t i, jur.- Ihr o,..-l il. hr. i iiii .ut r'ric... '4 i r M(J r Sold b CII U IIC 1 1 k DUI'ON T, Dro .'gi.ts, I iNo. 3ti, M nd. t, Lomt, N.o Vara, I and by E. Ny Hulohiauu at Co. . lol I . JSe.rr, j , I i.arlolle. rt. I ilhy hun sn Blood upon being AAI.V'.I.O. alw iy prearnta u Willi lh . inr raarnlial el. .1X1.1., ami g.tr t.l eoorae tho 'IkltK f l'AN. iJAkil. Aalar II,. Bi-aol ol a prraot .all ring iroot ta.tialllp.., LlVef tMMplsiMt. )y-p.l.. S. iolul.. Ar.. and wr And in every in.lai.na cer. t oo or riex i.i-.r., iii li, a ,rl) ri.Aolea ot' B o d. I a',p 1 "" ' leiroe. .. and ..u at ma.ir will, 1 ur ,'J i HI I lounded upon 111,. TlM.o-y oLoee tis .aioiua'.ing surce. Inerear Tive lVep.irallnns (d.plr.l h, ll,r 11. f.uo l.o... ol the Blood in d ff--f. rni .H.r... F..r I Jil.'UtlM, OLIM, BftuNfll. IT n.. f any .if. elo.n o.l . to. tin- 'I M.O t f or LL'M.it iwdueii.g t w.NatlMI' I luM. oar ,N.. I, whiell I alao to .So. I .r 1 nrraaion ol Kioril.. I AiMn-litr, and h.r all t l.fo -ie , ,,1 .int.. uriaink Irom (', r.u-r.O. n. r. U Sihty..tid Nor. ..ua Pr.ta ratios. No 4. lor Lit. r Cootpiamta, No. 3. ..r )) jjtpaia. Ih ing alremly prrp red h.r alwrpnon it i Taken hy llropa and carried mini, di.iely into the eirvulaii'-n .. that what y.,a gnu r. iain. The No. 4 i tor K. n.l 1't.guUn. Iir, llyati-rii, tn eakneaa, Jie. H-r aneial dire. I on tor tin. For !S.,lt Iti.au.o, Empt ..n tf.-r., lul us, I. icln, y and Bl ..l.ler oo.l .ml, t..k No. S. I . all e-arlhr direetioii oia-t he Klrsctly I. II, wed. Pi e. ol' Ihe VIAHW FOOD, tl per hotii. dold b, CIIUKCII 4 DITONT. Drnggiai .N... 3ti. VI .H U L.oe. New V... anil ...1.1 by E. .Ny lluiehiaoit Al i o. anu F.iScarr, t'h.rloi,., S. C. Aj IIj . KXKriTnONS for tb. S. Court for sal. SL'lIJ'tiNAS for tar at ibis UUiea. Ilea Improtaiit to Mill Owners. (I'f'I TUB OI T.y (: J X t. A- 1 r 31 . N I-. S . Celtbrattd trout fc tcieet.l ITlRCliine MANLFAt TUHEDai6..utUlj wII.N.t'.ni .hipped to all pstrit. ol the I inleii Hull. 1My M .ehl'ia and wi-h II" w eh. nueii. The Pub. l.aa.e..fli. neAini.t mio and immuivi( I ......kI a. .m.'tHilia II. MOV tn lll.irc N..nc,..,u.i.ro..t....e..i.. h, oaid.aiHl aold hy my linull, mhi.f..d i ,....... """V -JNO.AM.MANNKN, ' euulh Lowell. N. I". .HarettSn. isno. ' ' wasiMgton iiotel7 (CIIAM)or PllOPHITtH) , IlltOAUhl Ut. T M-.Ur.U.N,S.t'n J0vM F. J3iES, Pioprielor. r'HK. tlhrieraiglied fHarrH'ully nnnounrr to & the tr..vtllihg puhlie, thai he ha lukeo charge of this old an. I popular Kal.blishiiiriit, and a lioW preparifl I" aeeoll.llio.ll. e umairi..... .... 1 vala lainihea with Doar.i by the day of month, un 'the mal aeenmuiooaling t. !. 4 i Ilia TA Ul L will alwava be lurniah.d with the Weal prviaiii. that home .lid loreigl. uiarktlaean afford. . , The UllllilVtis lifts I ha large r.Miiim, i natter the dep- t, Ihe court hnuae, tun the hu.u.eaa atrreta than any other in Iht ci'y. An Owtrikn will alwaja be at the oel and tunning, on the arrival ol Ihe ears aod ttawihoal, H. convey p-f. nr r the Hotel Ire nl e hafg. By atoppn.g at Ihia ll.a. l, puaaengera will havi an. ola liloe to obtain It.eaU. Ilavii g also a l -rge and e. pmioclioua 8h.ble, and an rxeell. ni titlier. .e la lunypnpai.n hoard hota. ay the oy, waek or oo-t.ll at atul raaaonabl rate. . .. JOHN. F. JDNKS, Nat tit I. P'.9. l" lVSAUUS, Art liilt t I iintl llniltlsT, WJfJ ' II. I. fiiri.lah le.in, Plane and Utawii lof Puhlin Builoinga, Privalv Ititmeites i and Villa. Particular all.nii'.H a til be paid Is buil'.int Flouring Will. t orn Mill. Ae. Derita in 3d slot v ol Alexander' Jluili.u a , Ito I ;uou. . n. r lm. ll. II. OrAf , IK.H 331 f Wanted J i,m.o: ('UN I'M Vf TAN flA Tt k . ' I.. eh Ii t e...l a if he pa. I. M . TAVU'K. .Way .11.1 K.1H Cash I'ald !r llidi?, IV & M. HOW I'LL, J door tomb ,.r M9 II. f ra.. April . 1. Slf S::'orula, or King's Evil, ia a rou.ti tittonal d.,-, a corruption of lite b.o.U, bf iuh tin tiiud bet um- vitutud, .. anJ ior. lhinj; in I)h- t ir.-tilittnm, it pet end. a the whoi.- b nlv. and may burst out ui dia.ata on any -art ul ll. No oipirn i. frr Co,, i it, at: a. a ., . .r i. th.fe one ' uh it aiy hvj: d atroy. The .-rofuluu tamt i vam.u ly cat, d by m-f.urml diaar, lo liv.n;, di utd r. J or uii'x-illl.r f.od, iinptue .r, hl h mid hhl.y l.u.ou, tlor i.-ttrr-utttT vtoc-s. n,l, abiivj U. br the tr.itcTvnl inf.. Hon. W hat tv r b- t: bi.4.11, i: I. bin-ditatr in the rn .t.tuti.di, il.- sr. nd.ii'4 - ftmit (au.nit. lo tldl.lt. n unt . tin.- U.tfd and umr hn. ration ; " hnietd. il tvtto. to b - ll: lo.l u4 llnu t,i aat -, I will v.. it tire uiujuiu tf tu lib-r. ujhhi tli.ir eoik'r. n." I' ffc.r. con menre by d- i.'lm from the b.jo.l of corrupt of u.c. toua ni.lt. r, nl... h, in tJi.- 1011 l.v.-r, anJ ittt null or-iris i It irrtid tu.r I..-.; ut tlw g'.iiol-, .wtjin ; and uii t.',.' ui fscr, emotion or .orr. '1 l.i . foul 101. ru;fion, whi.-h ir fl rs In the tl.axj. 1 pr.-ar. tl e est -i jjie. uf Uc, o that stjofulou conati'u-t-.on. T 4 only toff r dont ..lolulou. com piainf hut Ih. y V.ve fUr t oVKiMrf to aith. and l!j ta.k. nf o'rur itsas.; ron-e-;-! n:'.r tit nuriia r peri h by diordr. wbi h, a !:i 'i i.ot w-rof,ilo,. in th. 14 naiur-, an anil 111J r -1 CtUtl by Iht. taint ui ild y-f m. Xf-. of tl e cm iiotptioti whnhd-. cms . h riuti.n family hss .1. origin dir r'ly In tli. tcrofol.iti. con'aniiiiAtMir. ; and tii.ny il .-mr t- d Tt of th livrr, ki.l-i- y. hi .01., 1 I. in.l d. t,f all th- or.m.. arise fiom or ..en rravaird hy the aa-n? use. n.' rinarsr of a'.! our psio- fc arrofiilowa ; tS-ir p,r-ofi. r,: invs.l he tl.i. lurking in f r-inn, an. rte.f b-stlih i nn l-nnined l-v it. T t. l in U froo) f',- ...t.tn tr n n t f i ...a- ts Iu.nkI hf sn ll f.-ivs n..lirin. and in- ;ir.i. i I.y h.V'hr t"l an 1 j i-jrf. ih a mcd.11, we .u;e,oy in forrp 'ir,d Kxtrrrl r f irsnpnrilln, t1- ! t eff -mini r nv'lv whi fi the mrdxal s.:l i f o .r tunr ran d sn for this cvfj. . hrr- pr vsoingand f.t.-il nutlaslr. It ts rnro h n l fnrn the actiti ram-dul that b h -.n il-onff I fur the espargatinn of this foul di nnl-f f-o-n lh blood, and the ritriie of ihe ae vm f;,,-n it. d-atrnrttfe rtm .-quenres. II nec it .1 1 I Ir- m lo. 'l for ih cure id Imt r!i!y Sa-rofu'a. Usit ! tho- other atTat lions w!nh an from i .11 ha- pMirri.. and ittt Mimi, hr. AsTiiosi. fian, I'-t.p. rr F'f .irr ut. Pmeira. Ii ti i r , Pi or. nr.. Pi itvsm.d lion 1, .,..TfTn a and l r Kliri y, St St. 11 lletn, Itisoaouw, I. 11 1 UAii-a. Mv enit.iTir and Mi m 1 tti.tt Ins it..., IlKOI'.f, llT.rf.f-al., ItflllLiTf, ami, in i.vj, ai 1. t osrl-isi a iiiiu Ih.-w Vina Tin o Imti lie llioor.. The popular Uluf in " import! m ufll.r btnA" . f.iind. .J iu truth, f.r -rtofi.U i.d iinathi of ihr Ii1o.mI. 'lb sii:i ul.ir niipoo. and virtue of thi K.r.a. II. ! 1. to fit"'? and reg. iterate this vir.l ITuid, :ll out 1 I ll ...mid hi allh U UnlKtaalbi Ul ion jio .uuUd ioii,.tituuons. Ayer'a Cathartic Pills, rc:i a.l ti ru:.rcsE3 cf r amilt futsio, 4V " t ( 'Ml(HaM al lllril Uiril4' 0lU flit r lll (f (i.t-.r 'ti"ii ran r.ti iiii4Mtl r rwl li.rm. i:ir fii li t 1 ft -ri rriik-ej t r b, anii i if-ndpt si) hit irnf-u-1 ry tNirdiifl i4 Hit (Miiiiau ftr n int, r.rrri liiitf !( uiM-wMtJ ifli h, ni rrwtining ile hraliliy tiUtttia A a 'WiwitH-tirf' of thwt .rt.M.rtsc, Hit olid ha t lio4 flufi villi jmii ur 1 ti) m nl fJiu.117 i ftiiiiiirivh'il l AikJ Kit turpi tfitJ in. iiinK. N..I Miily do Uicy -.it Ihr fvrry-H.ir tini..!iilt of rf-TrUv, Lul t.w nivy turiniMulit and cijiisi'riui diwvB'wp. '1 h tftrttt IHnw ttimfti it plr-attcd 10 funiiwli (trmitf m Amrnran Attnantr, itit .Mining cr-rtifintiajof hrt knirfi anti dirrrtmrtt t: tliMf ll-f .n P fnili.li)t rt.n.plftthla . t vttttf tit s$, Jittrtnurn, lmiiat hturtttmi Jnttn d,nrrtrt4 t-ttmmh, X;u$r$, inttt ttU on, I'uh tannd kttufnd i,. actum .. i,o,r,t,, i ittxkMry, aJ Ap. fW, J .'Wi.c, ni( ol'icr kimln-di n-ittikiiiitt naint fia n a Iu-? tUt Ol lb Urtl or otuutUt bt it lulMbout. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, row vua ajti-iu ctnl er ' Coughs, (olds, InAaeucaj, llotvraeae, t lonp rjroiirhltl, lilt ipli-nt ( siiniea t on, aud fur Ilia relief of onanwiplivw Piitlint iu advanced singe of the tjiorase. ho aitif ia th. Irld of l. -.tfi.lnew and an rn fl rtoii rrr ihr fi-o of . run a, that almiait eeiv ar.t on of eimmri ala.md in K-taon. ub hlf kootin. a bn I av ltsi restort d fiom altirn.ing , d renn d. aprrjile diaeoae. of the kunati ly its p.r. Xt'hm onrf Iri. d, I' aofirrtotitv o..f rt. ry oi h.s-nirdn inr of il. kh.d la Km u.n.rriil lorarapa o Mcrtalion, .nd ohi re Ita firtoe. wr knot., II. polili. n.. lone'-r hr.ilate nhut Hnti-lnle to etii.!..y for the diaire.aing i d dai.ptvtHi all rli.m. ot the toiiintoiary orttai that ate m.tdrt.t lunar rlim.ie. while niaoy utft-nor rrtoedi thrt niato ine e'linni'inilf hair f.,1. ,1 and hr.ii ilia. ar.lril, tin hi. pnlniil frit-ri la hy evert iri.l, roiitt rred Inutile on the .rlli.rd they ran lirf.-r n'ij.'rt, ami yro-due-d enres loo nant.-ron and loo reinarkal... to be foi gotten. rgKI'AHr.ll PIT i::. j. avtk a o. l.tiWKLL. HAS. For sU hy K NTK Hf)Tf'MISf)N k CO ,., ' T flMHU k f harlnft, IIAVILAND.STkVKN'ON k '. t'h-tflftton, S. C. '. KLAXK UKKUJi fo .le t tki one. iionT. ii. cow,!:, aSTNEWERAL t'OMMlSflON MF.RflAi IT , ...''--. .-. Wlt.MlNUToa ll'n J O(ricr,?.ulh Corwer Market aa V'aU;, Sll Oel6r II. 1859. " J 3ilf - 'I'll la !0NLY rPHEPABATlOA t .. J rsr I C,,.,! i,,.lr(. .,nil P:,p...... - - -HUH, Fcr f taletmtr, Juttet, CUigymeD I.ailir u'Mi (ienllenien, m all pail, of tn, ' InaiU, "fflcai-y nl Prol. O. J. Woou-, Uialorali e,mu geiu,.ni. n ol U.e be here given ; s eiieular lor more, and i''' OC inin.aa.i.r .r jw ... n.ui. 47 V.tll. Hum Yuik, Die. Jdih, C.hVLS-MKN I . Vur lu.le ol I lie l.-ih , been rteeised, waying thut y..n hud htaiu u1( ' had been hern li led by the uie i.f Wood's l' . ' ,l..riie and iiaaaliog .y ceilirleaie ol the i,' il 1 had u nl.jeciiou lo wive il. " lawanl it to )0U eh. i llully, brr.tue 1 il due. My g b.wt 30 yeara; Ihe e...,i ,' my hair aui.urn, ai.d inclined l ruil. tllw j or a yeia ainte H began lo lain t'y,ial' ac .lp mi llm cmwn ol wy hea u o,t , hinty nd i al.uri.BT In ! op. a u. tifk ', II. e uia. atabiliiM a loi icuatd Willi lmr .. about lour inomh nine . loutih . lllUfc f th. m, by h .ir tailing ofl' th tup of my ,c11 4 threatening In inakaiue taald. . In Ihia unpleasaot pfv.licallii nt, I Waa ,mw lo in Woou'a Hair Ki,t.faii u.aii.li l, ..... ll.e lalln g efl' ol my hair, lor I had ri-jllj ,,,, pectstiou inai gra) Hair tnuiu iter in i..i,.,t, .la original color ae.pt Ifln Uvea. I a.i., eter, gr. ally vuipnaeu U. huu alii r ti e uh bi t, u.iita ! . Ii.al i.ol ..ly Waa ll.tr la.l.a, , j (, iiliN. hui the color araa rrah iid lo ll (. nana ano trt.an.iuiy lo to aealp. and a.M,a. it.t.a lo l.in on u.y t.eatt, tly ii..,,, ki 1( Krl.heai.on ol loy wil'e.al i.o.t ai.iu,i,i w a.t ii... ue.i Id try l. F..r thi-. t. M.e w.ai7 obligationa , htf .. I at'oi giy fieou.oi.ro all i.aai.4ld , .aiua Hie auii.nalu.u ul lh.ira.ifia lo pi.i,, , my tunifh , and u llilgtowii.g ir, j ,., ( I. ng balu. Vety tea..Hul'y, ' KFN. A.'I.AVr:,N)r't To U 4. W.o.1 it l-,, 444 Uroaowy, ,S,. f( My l.-i'ily aha.a.1 ir. itt cii) , .i,u a longer at .No. II l -rioi Piat. " IM......I. I.. AU .Jul VIM.,, lo'.J. 1 o I tor It J. V una i Hear ir ; Y-ni i ftraltalita " not. toy hatf i,.a... ( a.atu I ovw.'urbCa'd t w t.a o ilt ,. 9hm m-aa .i-ooti tu l I I iii.lt; ol iu . g , , ,m l.-lt. W lit. h at gra-l. A M... ur . u, n n... 'nearly oe. r .teu ol half, and bj a rco.rl I, y i"IU.r l,r,m inr," li.e half oih rr'u n ba-bliiHi H'-.n . i ; al Kta tl l. iau.y tlt uin .tan : ..ta iroly. W.M II KKMiy P N V-u r.n pubit.h II.. ara.t. ,i lh;B rol.li.l..t.r in oar rv.aih.ta t.-i j 14 t't 1 Ui'M-ie -.ia. I - -.-. I 1.' I rrilif.--Ua Ik tut Ak-m Mtitvtf.m -if... .ire p--r. H k-.,. UM)!rtllAI rKT(r44inK I I i ritw'tt' J Iw.fh.rr tl.v r tli im ! to lVt liHf Im mi t. tt n i ; If" I1-" (d'-Ht 4.1 lie ).W. It I , If Icatbt lit J fJl- I ,ii')i''i tt u.difct Ir - y,ut p'p t , kitd tounif il In aisitrr . i-tf Oi.mj Meiurti. My twir U i.i K:,-, Ut wuto r-m rtfrM .J -hl(fwiH.i. u , citing to aalluU-a t4.c a IrtrpUfa. M.NU.Y JiMI.-' Tur lis atnrrtlitt tt put U im O.ltit 3 . Till inr gr, littsiiwiM a till tMtdjfl; Ihr iaf! h m p9ti, rt-t-al't Uf MlW d'rflar f W.U Ariiuiit liuiiit tl ljt tvacnljr r rui. ia (Mtrps-fn- n Hi D tdc tiua.il. ri iit tt, -m blt ; isitft kit tit t t,ti-r, f. f j rf mtv iu (f.iiasf ti.,n mud ntaila lur 1 t- t U J HtKlflsk I U , r-.rtrtf.dl,4 Bf r. N VMf.,t-a H4 W-ft.i Ht..m U ... V tulu by il y Piugf iIbiiiI l rtt) .-. i m, iM m I hiflt.ll bf AKK i. t 41 Jii 3. !.-. 3 E. R. STOKES' Uook liinding ltab.Nin.i' T4 Dsert kbetr Btaa.k Kjiia ll It iit ll f'lr al V) . L Mt kit) t litt h. II ai.l niil !,.-. Th. a bo. a l-at.btial.mrr.! . row wo. Oa.n.g, alol .till lav.if.au a I tor ueal III.A.SK rAPl.M an HI.NUr 'I LIU MJ. I ant .1 ail l.iur I..UI I., li dra ia toy no., end at III .ilie I...M . ...It ot p. Iroo.g. . My artaot.a. .Ilrt.li. a a. g.vro ao all oro.ta Wilrt wloca I M.r b- .i l.il.g a.d loo pi a. I. .1 .Spat l,r. a la. . Ul.clurc ol M... K I IN lks.... .o I s t ... w .l.o oio I'nl.S I ll lll.hs, r. i.r. ttial I tan, u all tHn, gl et.llr ..li.l.d - BLANK Lth'h.s, ' B.nk IhH.k., t t. faa' b...a, l..r Ih.lnr. I1 Ho, Id.', thoit.aty'a t.....M.i..-i,.t ia I' ly'r ll.n.., an kll.tU .M bi'lM'u, .' I hfli, in to Siy U. at w.aol.tt, ol .lion"! r aod f.g.d aa.t ..m.. w ,. i.uan. PnlN I LU Wul.h.s. Mu.ic ll..k., I . Itooltala.l'.i. ptoi !. M r-- nd rka.a. ol a.iry w.acf i.lt..t., ta.ua. f., I. tot; Vann, ol 1ylr. t a A.l ot.,. ia Will bo exrculrd a.lh .'if a.4 aa two a ... St Sub. ta W ,o r. , Jdaoi( 17. lBf.O. tllll I ll-C list I I . 1 fiutual Liu lusaiduct ttnii-f I ut f Ii I.. It I Lt. tt. Ii i If HI.' f..u.p. m.ur. Ih lit. "I '" I JL i. I'd oo. -l, a trlu. 1,1 yr.f.,,1 ' a I. too .la. tl.fcCpl, in .aaol.a lf '" I I tit.tp.tn.g in lo paont ol loe t.uo,-";. poliena gr- ukot lol to wo.n te li" l.aa Ih. pi.o.iuni Ihif.lul .uo ui ". ' ..utr I r.n.i ay la g. kali ll, . I t p l.,rli I lie piou pt n pan. U, ll ialil.fr IB VMtop.iiy .11 a. ol ,.l..n,,o, pi. aa ..I ,f ad.n aa afe u,ta.ta I... IPVUII iM.f.a at. Il.aofd.. lof a I live yaafa.tof lav-!l.tfO Hot Ao faava alt p. i kU oa. lacloly rool l ptaasat o. IMKM 'IOIIS. t l.arlt. K. John. Ion, Win. II J Hoioeli, W. II It.,, i. U. Williaia.. I llu.l.o. Vlll.l.1,1 L.t.., P. I. I.'i-a-II Al, K.a, K. P. Ih.lt, t harlt. b. k'1' rowi, Kiti.'o ll. li.ii.r. Ul-HI-KKa. Ir. t'h.ri. L. Johnaon, Preanlt al. W . W . Ilol.ien, Vice Prnid.nl. B. II. Baltic.-"strict. ry. William II. Jo I'reaatirtr H. W. Ilt.l.i. Ailt rn. y. Itr . Win. II M. h. Mrd.l Kst" A arr all er t mmmtfU4. k l:t"M Kee, la.iiit. B. K.H.I. M'Juul Ht.m,d mf ttlW ' "' Johi...n. M . II., William II. ib" Uirii'd H HaywiHd, M. !.. For furth-f ,nfnrn..lion,lhf r,w" )' , red to tli pamphlet. .an fnra-. l prop"" may b obtained t the twic ' r an f ol Us Agent it. t'ooiioanicat.t.n . I. no Id If ..'"" paid) to U. II. HATT1.K, atfll, IH .7. .Vaplr -a-:t.-r. (Ih PKINTIMt. .if ill l""1' "'''yr."' WirXKSS TltrKBTP. f"r the ' ' 'Superior Coaf I, fnr tsle hrr LttL:j ;fiis-4a j.-! -1 -