Froiii lite Philadelphia Monitor. THE CHANCES. . , fhe cotubioition of th Union Pouglai mer, with tlie Union party, will probably arr, the fallowing States ; Boll. Uouj;lai. 7 Maoiacliutette, Itbode Wand, Connecticut, New York, New JtTHjr, Pcansylvania, Iowa, Wincon.itJ, . llliiioU, Indiana, n o 33 7 27 a a u 13 as 6 2 3 10 3 10 1 1 3 4 4 3 50 113 163 2 3 25 4 17 2 4 8 0 20 4 Ohio, California and Oregon 7 1U4 Soutbtrn State", 104 V'a believe Bell t,il be eleotcd by tie .1 .1... .k. r..,,lt .ill h.l n;e, aim " " f-.h from the abofe Hat failing in lbi, let ui look" at tie chan ces in lee House and in tbe Senate. In 1". Nf" Yr" KT lclia- ,,, m J Fillmore, , 3 0,1H2 17 l,i 03 Fremeut, Popular majority ever Fremont, 45,777 Tbia year tbe defeotion of tbe Seward mtn will nmre than counterbalance the flV fs.tioo of tbe Administration men, and tbe Union Ticket will be aure to win by 50,000 majority. Tbia reaulr, dsfoata Liucolu.evco jf be should carrjf every oiber free Slate io CeH'iiion. Pennsylvania, in 100, (are liieLanao and Fillmore, Fremont, M ijarity ageioil Fremont. V aill euppose Lincoln gaina iH.U-'a! and tbe Rucbenan hko will throw away . ; i)00 votea 10 61), 953 , I )WI and Itoaslea are aure to earry ' Jf.t.fcy ,000 majority, ami Lincoln can IjI r iit.V 0 encieq wunoui rrK, r rt e't'er fre c5(te in tbe V"'9" ne PJt ti'-ry olbi-r. be would juit bare a majority of (Mir votea. Hit Jerav aloae will defeat b m Jry ia where aba waa io I'v'itf. II w waa il tbeu ? lUrkaeaa aad Fillmore got, T I . 5 m Fietuont. I!", .'I.jI Majority agaiuat Fremohl, 4J,7o7; If tba Huchan.i .e.ahoi.ld all go for j a. the lii-'oa ticket will carrv tba j M.te by not leaa than 2u,00u majority I tad l.iucolo ia defeated. . 1 1 Aiil boo ia it wiiti liiinoia and Iudiaua? 1 In l-.'fi in Iiliaoia Iijcbauaa 3 and Fiiluiore bad, 1 rrciuoi.1 111.730! "W; Majority arainat Fremont 4-".S 10 i The BjcLanau men tw eat only! ' 01 votei in favor of Lincoln and ea do 0 u hi iu ISliO an'l the Cowtiueal I'nioo : 1.-..1 ill hava 4(,init majority. j lu l-'.'l, Indiania gave Kuehanan. J ih i fi.lui r, 1 I2,t-i8 : 1 -,'. IU,6! M.jO'ily agaiaa-l 1', 47 !i4'J 1...r heii..' aet mora than SOiit) tlucb .n aim iu" in thia iSiaia, the Union lick 1 carry it by 4 - ,Mt aiajerity ! i. -nnal aula of liiinoia, II " " Indiania, 13 " " New Jaray 7 " California, wbicb In h'i'1 gave a majority of 51,0.(1 iaiu.t Fremont, 4 3- Tbe u'.b l'i5 I A r.l'aia defeated, even if be were j 1. crr? New York and ranneylvaiuia I 1 ne I t.ioo turn and tbe Pouglaa men are tot laatiig tbe air. 1 hey are righting fjr i 1 1 nuir, ana iney mean 10 eel ll M "a Lave ealcuIataJ tbe ebanen " So I', ..,,!.... 1. 1 ..J a, .'t n.ide a material error ; aud wt con 6 i ebra. ah.. in to procure tne moat frishioii dtnt v nr. 1 h.i if A. l'... I... .1. . ; ablo anu th uiowt dttrablo GiXidH tit the jM by tl,a peopla, J0, Ball wiil be .bat ' " '0 If it eoea into tbe llouae. Hell and 1 buret will bt tne firat on tbe liat If it j t into the Senate, lCdward Kveratl will; t tba neit I're.iJeflt of tbe United iMettea i j KF.KI' IT 15KFOKK Tilt I'KOTLK, 3 Hat lha Taneav ltr.ek... rid a. it.w. : . . . ,. ..... j are iriaot..i.teBt aad hypoe ritieal in their 1 1 pr,-.teiooa of frieadehip for Coagreaaional . i ' ; " ,u aiav property in me 1 crruo- llera la loaa uma n.if of tl, rli.r.i A In, a Mr Davie' re noluiinne were uu.ler ,aM,i in tae I'nitad Slatca Senate, Wr. 'i'nan, of North Carolina, offered tl.e fol- 'g aioeuJruent : A'., Tb,, ,b, tIinjt oan,ji,iuB 0f. h Territories af tbe I'uitaJ Statrs dura Dot r .'ire tbe inlerveution of Cenicreaa fur tbe V "-"eetion of nrnti.n in .1 . ... I Gov ItrABR r ii link.. ... . "IP". " j Me out the word not. and tbe auontiou taken sn tbe moiion to strike out. bat! j"a iiieiuher voted io favor of striking out! 1 , ''"" "'. Clay, Iveraon, Jjbnaow , i" ' Arkansas., Bd Tulee all the real, inclil- ;1 be Soutb.ri IWeratie Senator.,' l''1 ('laitii; thus declaring Ibat sla i ,,r doev Ni.t i..;.. ........ .1 . T.. j't-irie.:: "1"-P - j, r"''ote is aigniScant; for if alavery ,. t'Tl"1t r' v" ' Coogreaaioual protection in '" lerritori,, new, wbeu tbe Leui.lature I ,L h" 0tUn' PM,eJ ' j '"X 'lery, ban ia it ever likely to re l"eauab prutettiotj HuUmonU fi htg 1UV N C BAU.MAU.-Tb.i .nouel I '"'S of W,.ro N. 0. R.,1 Road V'J k.ld at 8t.te.vill. 0. lb. 1 . .Ull"no Th attend. nee .ecu.. t baan ....... liu. 1 f""J g00- wae eery J aa , U be .n.,tif)(v open eloa.d in one d.y. The Report, ef jtirj ... ' ,Breiary aea treasurer, !,, "r "S'ue.r, were eererally read -dion ' ' 1 fcoJe ,bo, fatorabl. ouo- uT j'u" K,li"-of i'd.on i R. A. C.ld- ' J' Kawam 1 1.1,. s 1 . 1 1 :.. .v....i.. n "'I J vjiiiiepi, 01 11 vu 11, 'ctorV' ' ' C","b' wer tl ""'''"i""' "'t'ii of the Hoard of lr. A.M. I'ow.ll.ef Catawba, "sllCltd l'eo.,.1 .. - (' 1. ""ittui 01 lue VjOllipauy, viar --"ii, ui. loriuer ' l ulchmun. i Editorial Accession. Our reapeeted eonteuiporary, tba National Intelligencer, announre thrtKyh tlie surviving editor, Mr. wni. tv. Aeatou, tliat Nr. Jau.ea U. Well- ia will hereafter be eiaoci.t,.,! ' with Mr. Beaton, in tbe editorial conduct of tbe jour- nal. Mr. Stilton aayei In making this aa nouuecment it li proper to slate that Mr Welling it tio atranger in the eoluimia of the Intelligencer, baving been, iu capaoilie, connected wifb it for the last ten year., during tbe first five of wl.iob, alter tbe retirement of tbe accom-' plialied Kdward William JobnhtoD from tbe litcrarjr department of the paper. Mr. Well ing bad charge of it, and tin the author of those " Note, on new liooka wbicb by tba acboolarabip and ability evinced iu tbeir couipoaitiou, rould, of lliemaelvea, be a anf Scieut evirianceof the qualifications l bring! to tbe taeke of j Juruali.m. lint ii i.jual to add that during tbe last fire yeara be baa participated in ail tbe dutiea iuoid.nt to tbe editoraiiip of tbia Journal, and had thus aer ved a tiovioiate quite long anotigh to give full proof of bi vocation to tbe exacting ca reer upon wbicb he baa entered. Enjoying daring tliia period, in the fullest di'gree, tbe confidence of my late lamented colleague, Mr. Galea, be baa equally, by bit bijjb mor al and conicientiona character, no Uaa than I "J fare attainment., merited toy own j ana i avail wyeii oi nia temporary abaenoe from Washington to make tliia announce ment to the patrona wboru it ia tbe honor of the Intelligencer to addreat. Be The politieal excitement baa riieo ao bigb in the town of Seltua, Alabama, that eotne of tbe politicians, unwilling toaaait the result ol tbe rlteiiou in October next, have eauvaasf d tbe votera of that place or der to aaeertaiu tbeir prel'itenci-a einuiig the Ibire tickets competing for popular aup port. Tbe rcHult wan aj followa : bail 224, iiuuglaa 1 43, Lrckimidge 77, IuWA 1'ol.lTH V Tbe frindof and Kverell held a Slate ('onvehliuu at Iowa Ci- ty a few daya ago. A tell electoral ticket waa nouiiuaU-d. IhM ft . iifpit Ut)n lth(r II C lj 1 1 I ll L JlU'll Jll t llll-jt Ml K Inrnua of ln- I'oiou, tlie ul.atituliun Knlorrcn.atit ul II. lv, are re qutsled lo UK-l at tin i:-url-ttuuae, ue UctJfic. iiy cvanini' nra!t lor iim purooae of lorining i llrll nn4 t-.f.rtti (I ii l.. i-rntiuaol iliu I mull H-l'f to tour a.andard brarma and Id intra lie a I full UK-rli A ! t W M (ill IS UN la Y J 'I' lllio IUI L I.Alt UHLi r. ill (it tlireeor prlwin.a.xt a ial llAKI.Ui'i t- iaaiauM MONDAY Mil II T, feLT'l'DKII 10. Tlx Performance will of . .Y A.M l'oriLAK (OVIEDIES. 1R A M tS, F.vIU T.4. r-O.Nt;-. DAMi F., .NEt.RO MFI.ODIE, and a f r.ntl oiply of divsoi.mnc; n:vs. ITTioaataof aurni... ,.n HrTV I E.N 1 : ; mil ... .n.i fiv.r.ia TWL.N'IY HVL. .S femur 1 1, ll"f.J. Iw EAirOJIiniFASIilO.N!; 11 ' K AUK IN HIE NIXEIITOF Ol'R f t M ui k OF I (100 DS, ! which .a the UrRoat that wo huve ever of-. fureti, en. g, in great Variety, tvtry Uui.g int... way of I AX V AND STAlM.i: t llritn. Mior s. tlfirttit iti r. Ac. Ac. .11... '7 (f-V'.u"li WK A lib IN II A UN- ia iif.f 1 at muil be .' ill and aca ua f I mi cannul Utt ! oe ptraara ! HKtlWN, TAT 10 A CO. Chli '!(, September II, ."l,i. 3w To Builders. I JKOI l).-Al.S will he reetn d by the uminr nd l"lh S. iilrin. 1 a HA.ShlNt. ti:i.ed betwert. the r.ih H"l r. lu tli a man. Tne gam ral kn,g Wlu o irei i.m.1 b tit) one atnrv. and 50 nrt ue. n 1 . , r 'aM and -t-i alo. - nea. Iron tiont lo h:t l.,ri,.nu b'ieol.iei to vtionnwa . j Toe Plana and can h aern be. tween ll.e uaya above. al lite Ita .k ol t I l.rh tie. J J. 15LACKWUOD, ,. T. 11 UllJOM, Um September 11, Ira'J. lain af V I K cilaluiners anst frisnda are in It. -n. I hat -r our Mure will be closed on .V iaii i .nd Tuto sJa, tlia IMi and Inth.and on VV.dotaoay, jh.a.r u,.i.. h e... are...,..i .,i lt..iia. .. "" biiLVblKR i ilKILURL'N September 1 1 , lr60. i-'ii it - 1.1 ,, 3 ll C Kit'U UU I , ir 1IH. V'niL l jy IIIU.I VVVIllt-J 1i.iiti.0 i i i:, 1 . ALLXANLER k DJcDCUGALL. T 11111 beg leave lo.nlurni the c.ti. Sena of Ctarlotts an. I vi. inily and the pun. he generally, that they l.aveopenrd Ihe above L labii.lin.enl al ll.e l...,t ul Trade alnrt, aiijoiinng Ihe track al Ihe N.nln I arolina Rail Koad and up. posits John VV'.laes' Meant Mills, and are prcp.r. sd to furuisll all muds of .-1aV at ."W O M taV at short notice and on realunuble terme. Mm in tiifiBft Ircui f lo SO II ur jc rower- Thvir bllOV contama setaulrd Willi great rare, aud are provided w.m all Ihe improvement, required t. du ineir wora m liral rate manner. l'aa-int;a, in Iron or Hr.iaa, matte to order. HURSf,.M10FI.Mi ami bl.ACKrtMl PUS work all kinds RFI'AIRl.Nls in tne r line .Iten. dod lo. Agent., for Dr. K. O. Elliott, for Winter. Pat. .ul MulaySaw Mill, which h.s Ihs .-ivantag .long wills many others, of doing al leaat twios as inucll work, and doing il belter, litsn any other Mill ia use it .a ho run hy Meam, VYatur or ll .rsa Power The Mulay n.ey bs .ecu al the .tli.ip al any lima. I1KNRY ALKXANDKR. . MALCOLM MclHUUALL ,. B. Old Iron, at as, Copper, Ave., buugiii or t...n m trade ajug.sf as. 18b0 Vdif -, Sprelal 8.irei. WlSTAK'S HAl.tiAtl OF M II.D rilKRRYi Cought.Caldt, liouchiii,.4nlima, Ciotip. Whoop. . "K Coush, Quinoy, an ti.e n.i.inrniie .a well deer" disease, of the Throat Chtet and Lung; , I fre jil, in our chiiugcble climate, at nil au... i "r ' few ,,e """8" "C"P hove at hand a curtuin antidote to all tlit.e con;. pliiinta. Kiptririue pruvea that fiia exiat in Viinlur'g Balaam to an extent not found iu any oiber runtdij however aevcre tl.a aufl'cring, the application of tliia aootliing;, healing and wonder ful Ho Lam at onco ranquialica the diaeaae and rea. tofi-a tlia lullaK to ponied .'.cullli. Letter from A. M. Gorman, Esq., Editor of the Spirit of tho age. In reeoniinennulion of that remarkable Lung uwmeiiy, VU. Wiatar'a Il .laam of Wild Chrrry. Hai.uuii, .V. C , May 15, IdGO. Mn.ara. Scth W. howi.a ,V Co-, Uinllrnicu : r'or Hie vooa ;Ulie atlliclc d I take Una method of t---ri.iiiri.din2 la. Wi-Tia'a Bi. Bill r W u.u C'naa v l.ntiue u-i d it in my taii.i ly, ii nd in onu uiai.iiice mvtd the life ol one of ita men. here, who aeuiiii-d r.ipiaiy euikinf lutn a de cline, if oura reap'-ctinlly, A. M GOHMAJf. Testimony from South Carolina l.ijRtsaviLi.e, S. V; April VU, 100 Menu 8. W. rowi.e f'o., t.tfiliciiieri : I'lu-iar. aeno me per firat ateirner aix doxen of V. WuiTaa'a Bjmnur Wii.d( ihr av. 1 rimj that the jtlaam la f;iat growill-r III popularity, ..ri by thoae who have uatd it la ex ceedingly valued. Indeed, purclinaara g aurally are loil in priae of ita virtute in api-rouy curilig Coughe, Coitla. and fuliuoiMry Atl'diuna. Kvapertiully, 1. II. KNRY. Ol thr many rt apt-ctalile gcntleiiii.-ii in f.iur( na viile Uialricl who have Upc2 al-d iMria-Te in the real value of the Bjlwm it William Smrs-.n. , C It r k, ul the L'ourU, to nhoiu a aru per muted to rrl'rr Prepared by SKTI W. FOWI.K A. CO,. Boa. ton, and tor a-ila by K. Nye utt lu.on It Co , C'liarlolte, and by all uruuli Audit- it Uiay, ftichmoiid, M. A. A. C, A. noa, .Norloik Whole aale Uolrra. Ui TUB GREAT KNULISH KEMEDY. HIK J t.WIJi IKAIlKt.'S ci:i.i itK.i i i.i) ri.i ti.i. vtt.Ls t i'rrpuTtd frtm m pincnpliuu 4r J. tiaiita, M. D.. i'kbtteuim t.struoittituiy to Ac Quern. Tina inviu-tble medicine la un-ailing the cure ol ail ll.oaa pauitul and (laiiieio to hicli the teuirtle conatitution li auOjccl. Il uioJral-a ait exctaa an. rtntovta jII obatructiunv and a epcedy cure may bereiitu on. To .Huriit d l.iiUit a it ia prciili.ii ly auiled. It will in a alii.rt time briny on Hie luonlhiy N-riou witn ri-yularity. .avti hotlJc, prire Uoe LM:ar, bcara Hie Uov. eriin t bump ol Ureal twiUin, Iu pievcfit cuun- lerl 7V.aae 7'iua tkoulU mot t txira by rnaa-'ra dur. ! im . HKST 'JtlHLK MEATUS J i'ttgnancy,' aa tkey mre tuie tit Irrtng an Mtttui iiufe, but ml aay 9thr time thry ai mje. Iu an cara ol Acrvoua anu Spinal Aft'eclioua, Pain in tn Bck and on aught : net tioo, Paipit.tioii ul tl.e 1 1 ml, tly.t.-iica, ana IV hure, tlif.a pnla will fllicl a cure all uiler aiciai Uiico nd although a powerful reauody, do out contain iron, calomel, aiiimivny. ny hurllul to tl.e cut. .111011011 Full otroctiooa in the pamphlet around each, package, wt.icli ahoUid t.e care;uily preaerved. i Iole Agent lor tne Coiled Male a and Canada,! JOB MO.--IES, (Late 1. C. Baldwin at Co..) j Hoc neater, N. Y.. ; N. B. tl.CO and 6 poatago aumpa rucwaad to any aulhorit'd Agenl. will 11. aure a le-U c, c.,11. . over 50 pma, by return u.l. t F'or aale in Charlotte by P Jcarr and all drug. , g.ata and by Von ci.aaca A. Uriaraon,! l.anealon ) A a rapricncc(i nuric no l n.mlt pity ieinnt bit i : aSvitliiii Svrup Juf t-hilurrn tea thing, wiiu ii gfct ' ly icilitte Ut procrM o( teething, bj oiictur.g H.c guina, rcauc.hg n ihtl jmii.tioit will anU ll ffii, nJ w Bur lo ri gaiftfc the Iroweft, le fM.iiU UKi) it, iiiuiucfi, it girt real lu ).ur. , tM lvr. d intrl nu tiutiu tu yvur 111U11U f'rr it lljr mi in ail t.a. See iu vcr tiiK-mmt to imm coluiuu. I the adveri.aemriit of ralor. .1. another Lo.uuil.. IT See Ihe aeverliveineut of Wc . aathar cetuutti. i a lla.r Dye IT Sra Dr. Ayer'a adrrrliarmcDt ia 1 tf - Dissolutiou, T HIE firm ol K M ithrra V (.').. at Divid. aoai l oitrff, ia ttiia dett maaulvetl tr mutual cu. afcul. Tne INotra in. Accuunta will he luund lu lua hanca vi S. M- Wiihera, w.i.t wut be at tuc late atand, any will be lu mttt in) wiaiung to a llif the huaiaeaa muat be eiuactJ. V e Ituue ' win aiund to u a. pi. n 1 1 11 cue (.Vi.4) tut Juguet 0, Iritl). Negroes Wanted, I I.I. pa? good pricea lor 1 A or !it Vt ll'.VU M-:UkUr. HOllT, Af. II, 1 fbU. F. DAVIDSON. l;S ( A..'a(c, C.&aS.C.J.aillioadliuiids. ifRlllK bonna nl tt.ia i'oinpny due January JL 1. ell, will be redeemed kt Ina ntliee wl.en ev.r prewlllt d, w (III the In lerral are u n. Ula ted to e Cat' C-! fVM lit. A. II. MARTIN, Ageut. July 31, lbO. tii s r a t k if m ir r m-c a 1 ; 1. 1 a , I'AHABlll a CUti.M Y. Con it of I Uu tr.U (quarter srntvns, Ju iy Term, 1 r6J. Robert M iMcrJacl.rrn " a. j Attachment lev cd VV.iii.ib A. Aiken and 11. C. ( 011 I. auu. Mr.Cull.ick. J fT appearing lo the satisfaction of the Court, lust Ilia delradaula. VV .... A Aiken and 1. I ,V1 - t'ullock. are not reanienla o! tins Stale, ( i. theietort Ci dried by th ( ourt, 1 Hal publication be in .do lor six weeks in the North Carolina VV lug, paper published in the lowu of Charlaiile, lug the said deteudaiils to be and appear at the nt it l oan of Pleas and Uuurier Seaainua. to he heid lor tlie Couuiy of Cae-nrrua, at the Court- r-.tiro in I onct.rtl the jd Monday ii. thtnber next, men aua mere iu pieao or rrpirvv, wr joog. iiirnt pro roiitesao will be entered -.gainst thrm, end tho properly Icticd on cundt naitd lo Ihe u.e ol itlainiirl' claim. W itueas, Nelsun Siongh, elrrk of our said court al oilice in t one rd, thr 3.1 Monday in July I Ni l. NELSON S5LOUG1I, Clerk. rrfnter'a fee to. Aug. 7, iSIJi). u5 aSTATK OF iNOUTil-CAliOLI.VA, t ABAKKt-t COUNTY. Court of I'Ua.s ami Qtntner Sessions, A- jntl Term, ltJ0. j U. L. Moody ) I r. I Attachment levied Willi. in A. Aikca and F-. ('. f ua Land. McCuilock. J tT apiH-aring to the .at.. (action of lb. Court, that the Ueiendanta, W in. A. Aiken and E. C. M.Culbirk, are not resi.lents ot llns Sl.iU, It it the, ef on Ordered by the Court. be IUUde for sia weeks in the North W hig, pajier puulialied iu lue town ot C narlotle, nutiiy 10( Mld frnj,llU tu 4I .j.p,,, at llw . nasi Court of Pioa. and Quarter Seaaiona, lo be held l,.r the county of t ahsrrus, sl the Court, . use iu C.Mioor.1. on Ihe 3d .M..rtdaT in October neit, then mid there to plead or replevy, or jucg. meilt pro confess wil' hu entered againat tuejii, tlie property levied oil cundcinued tu tlio uih: ef plainlitfa elaiin. VV in. ess, Nelson Slsush, clerk of our said et.urt. atoaH Ill Concord, the 3d Monday tn July IftoU, KKLisON tiLOlk.ll. lerk. I'nnl.r'a fes b. Aug. ?, 1 )!). Ui HYMENEAL:- Marrfi'd, in this place, m the C.'h inst.. by Ibc Rev. Al.-a Sinclair, Mr. Z I.. M )lil(IS t.iMisa VIKC1NU C. ALF.XANDKH.all ,,f Meckiciiburs- eounty In this place, in tho 3rd, of parulys Caul. V,.A I.I CAK n ll.. i.iih .,.. r l.;. , g8, , Wf n. utnrrrt will, military hi.. ;ura on the 4tli, bv the llorni l'a .N at It.rlrinf-n. A ', fill Mir Jrt. r AI." I ,11'lul.l (III ll Ii ti-r ot tlie fli-v. W, Joni a, njed U yema t mi.nilia and ti dayo. Ari.und the tbrune of God in heaven, 'I l.iiunind. of cltilren aiann Cliildrf-n vlime aine are all turiv. n, A holy, happy hand, Sinking, (ilory. (lory, flory." jJjNotice. Pf conarnurnce of llnlidava, our Sli.rra will be cioa,.l t.n Muudiiy and TuttiUy. ihe I7ln and let i, anil alao on Wednraiy, l;,u 1. II. ol thia in. mill. ELIA3 k COHEN. Stptemhtr 11,1 Bfil). VALUABLE U6 PLAaNTATIO.N It ' - l.viJllftcabarru. county, lyii.(riu &VJfi W'SSESa ,,c Norlh aide m liorky .1 K.v.r. ti le.S.uil..w.-lol f,ncord,a,,toT.nd a hull n.ilra Iron, llama' Dtp I, on the .'..rlli Ca. roiina Rail Koud, aujomiuK lc t yroa Ai. xaimcr an.l olheaa. The tract Da aiiout !l IA jcrc. bduui ii)0 acrea clt-ar-iund in cullivaimn. 'i' ii a line Mill aitc o.i'lne prein.tra, ulao a g.. id .iwellmj home and oihtr necra.nry oul-bu.l. umya, new (it: Im.-ae and preaa. . . belier lanu found in' the count v to pronncc i'utl Com, Wheat, T rbitco, o.,i.. Ac. Ariy iK-ran beine dt airoua t.t purcluairif a place plenandy aituutt;u .iniiii-Ht an ii.ti'llit.'i iii ooininu. oily, will piraae e-.ll on lit.- aubacr.ocr, on tl.a pre. Illlaea, or aodrcaa hi III al lluria I'. I) . C. THUS. L. MaRMN. S-plemker 4, I 6'l. Sl-3iu STATE OF' NOJiTIl-CAUOLINA, CALDWELL COUMf, Court Of J'leii and (Juurler Vision, Alt- iiUil Term, ISijO. Tliomna ftoberia uuniimairalor I ul IV in. U.ibrrta, Uec'u.; I Petition forajle j ' of Ljud. C axloii II .b- ria itnd oli.eri. J i'i" a pot:, ring I., liiu .jli.f .ctiou of tho Court, lliat tlx ira ol .M.lln w HoBt-rla anu ''vl.iii.iii l. Jtrowu, a cbiiu o I. in y, -wiub oi Joel Brown, re -aide hryoiol the l.inila ol M irth i arolllua, ll If tktrrjatt Uidettd by trie ( cur,"lliut publictitiou he uioa lor aix veeka i. Lnc A-tftli joa VV ni, qewapiper ptibliah.d in the town nf ll J r.,lt. , liotit vinr. auid CL-leiHicula to he ann .r al Uil- next term of thia court, to be b-l.l for the county ol t'..l,;w. ll, at ti.c Court House in Leuoir.on tne blh Monday aitt r liit- 4tli Mvnay in eptcrnhrr In Xl, to aitow caue ll any llit-y can, why tha prjyrr of aaid p.-i;liou rhail not be granted. VVitneaa, S. P. Lula, clerk ol our a. id court, at office, in I.eno r, ilia Monu y alter Ihe 4 In Mo;,. d.y in Juoa.aud jii the C4tli year of Ainerirau In.iepeiiueucc. S. P. DL LA.c.c.c. p 4 1 ncn. Pra. fee So. Bored Wells!! II AYINt been mli,rined tl.nt ct rtain unprinei vltii men are inini ru g 011 ' .Mellaril.: a Patent Aitiui) VVci.l Ai t," and aa I am me only perm. 1, in whom Ine Patent ia veated lor .N. w York, V.rgiai.. .North and ewuth Carolina and (ienrgia, una ia lo 6ir .' ire, l.ul any pruun or peitone n.fririeii.g on auid I'aient, or any perron or perai in. kkcivinu mht Ironi auch israiMie CNT. will be h-;u prreot.tilly rraMi.a.hle tome lor d'ltntifffg ariain? fro:., lot uti or benefit ul aiicn in riugt ... t,ta. Parl-ea . u-i-lni u.g perrona vim are 111a km g in I'r: ripe in. nl. tin thia I'a it i.i w it. fe due nil ire th Mr roj und puvrrn tbemeeitee ucroi diugiu M .f! nil 1 l.'l. 'il. lor ..lie on atcjioiuo. Vatii.g tiri.ia. For lunner parin ulara, a.iaieaa c'UAS. F. IIAHllIii, But ib. on.-oid. .V. C. AuLu,t 14. lp;n. t-4 COl'IllLiXEAiJI'LE i HALkKS IN. Hardware. Guns, Cutlery, A c , tc, ; l lite tin Iht (Joint 11 I' ad-Lock, UULI.D rei-pecltuily llivle the public to aii 1 examine then flock be tore pur ceasing eiaew;.rre. IT Ortl.ra auhritcd and promptly altended to. Cull ai.rl ft US. COCUKANK i SAMPLE. I July 10, I cud. Tools! Tools! Tin at Iht tgn of the (lolurn Vail Lock, ptffc A good supply ol 1 ools, conaiat. lei. on. hand, ripp. r, back and roni- b .1 nmultling a ; I-linn shinglii-g, and ll.tcnelr: 11 bevel Drawing kmvi . tie ! I lii.aei.; hr tv Plate ; S-w spa; PoCKt I liu Braces and L'k aril plas. ;f ta ; Spo ke- hU (-'"- ng Ma. nl and ocltet j.evti COCI1UANK i SAMPLE. riaeksinilirs Tunis, at the t't q! the GoldtH Vxl Loi, ST- A k""1 I'l'l'lv. .ting of An. v"'i Belfow. i Solid li-.x Vic-a; 1h1 l.anti -'lit! sledge liau.iuera; Storka . ; 'I . .nt". Itutlre.a.-a, li..-p. Files, und a HM'lr of Horae Naila, lhiac and Mule I low prut COCHRANE .v; SAMPLE. ;grieul(iinil Implements, at tht Sign of the Uelum Pu I Lack. A atippiy of tl.s above, tins of Tltuii'psnu's eeli lira lid Ploughs ; also, t orn Sin Here; Sir., w Cutlrra ; Sims. Hay and man uru F'r k a ; beat cawt. I'uks, M.llock., tirubmiig, , Trace Chains, Log Chaiua, W i.fjoii Wrcdine II. ha.;. a, tiarde llo. s, Rak. a, Hedge Shears. Pru- mt and Budding Knives, .V , &c. COCHRANE L SAMPLE. Carriage .Materials, at iht Sr el the Conien Vart-Lock, Mo. k nf the above, consist. !nr. Axles, Oval lnui. Ilo..., liowa, Riiua. H.ijfV I'u.ra, ll.iert S',.,'1., Spskes, Patent slid Funnelled I.ealli.r, Luaiu. riled Cloth, Oil Carpet, t arnarc Bolt-., Brass and Silver K.nds, Si-vrr Mnululi.g LsCes, Tasst Is, 'l orned licks. Saddle aim Lining .Sails, Ac. Ac. COCHRANE k SAMPLE. i T the Sign of the t.OLDF.N j. PADI-Ui K will be found at all turns a large and well ae. lected Slock of ti.ina, Piftola, owder ht.rna, I owner llaaaa, 1 owner. Sunt, ead : French and American window Gla nc'fnD.:::; ty i a large stock of Knglish and American Cuet Steel, (rrman .led, Hhaler steel, Plougli Isel Sonne steel: N'a.isof all kinds hrilio aud manilla Hop ; Anchor B and bolting Clnil.s ; M.ll Screwai Mill Picks ; Spike II .nutters. Si .ne Ham. i nirra, D.iuhle and Sn.gie H ks; also, l .rge' Slock of l orn, ces, Cutluin Bands, t urtain Pins, ' Picture Cord and '1 Is, Ac. COCHRA.NK A SA.MPLK. ' Superior Smut Machines, sW the &ign of tht UoUen Pad-Lock COCIIRANK A SAMPLE. and aleel Square ; !il.; Aucera ; Cm. I trrn.g T.-ow. laiS-r Shavea: File.: li' ; a,,. enmta. it Chambers; Ihrncs & Co,, Fa c tors and (Jcneral roiiimission 3ii:ilCIIANTS, Selling Oit at Cosli MllE aukacribera call the attention of the Pub. m lie of t harlotie and the aiirrnunding cuun. iry, tl.. t v are off, ;m b., ol their tn. lire Ntw Hioik ol t-'i.ruit; and Summer Hrady. Made Clnthinir AT t OST, to make rwm bv the Wiaier Gooda J. ROTHCIIILD Sl I'.RO. Onr llnor below llrutker aV ilt-ilbrun. July 17 I eM. fn wjy?77.T- N. B. Aa Ihia.firm inU;nda to 'a iiiereare lli.-ir huinea in Char, yiry lolte, aud not finding tiit-ir pre. j ..M'iSaM aenl locution lareernougb, they i hi thin ilar rrntori ll.i. r.,. St... V v.. A ! J Granite Row, now occupn d by Mr. Trulnir, which ueneu by Ilia let ol St-piemiHtr nut, with an enlire new uppy rf Iji-ady-niade liotiur.y', ; Twhiiauin bro. I A"gt 7. 1R60. ao, I t wiXFri! ii viii:i. j ' '-T J?-Z Cbi umiu. June U6. ISGU. j ! Te.aeve', Orcr.,t:. At H. V. R. R. Co. ( FEIH- Uourd of I)ir.-c..r h.tvo declared a d eni ol '"'Jl'K l)t)l,L.l!S per abare, p..yj " rirl"'-'ulj "ext. Charlealon aU.rkl.olti wl" br f".ld "l ' "' State. Slock hold, ! i ' fi-Ia llmlnci will be at Ihe bank i ln Thoae in Chi tcr and Wi-att rn .North Carolina and Emtrrn York atoekholdrra will be puid by the Company Agent al Chnrlolte, Itorth I arohna j and all olhrre at thia t,ffif.e. Tranaler booke cloied from 20lh inatant tu lllth Juiy. 0 BtjL'KNIGIIT, Treanurcr. Jane 26 Hl.U 4if. -'I EM : . A. A, N. EI. TAYLOR 1 EPEC'I FI LI.Y informa hia friendaiind the 4 public i;e.ierilly, that he haa added to hia extenaiv atm-k of ! 1 a UrgR and cnn.p.etf ttork of II A It 1J VV AKK, ' rfM nter Tools L'ifcul-r, finli, croaut, ha nit1, ri'xT lunff, urn f line, ti n non, batctt, roiittj. . pru- ! butclirr SAVV S. fimct nfitiimn, Irawmy Knivrf, t'tuistls, Auyrr, GiuiU tr, ilHiniitprs, tn wild Axet, Urit k, pi .ttriitg and poiming Tftt 'WfcLS, Siw nt-tt( ra, Sort w pUlrz, Sitjcka i.nd diea, . f Unis of nil kiittia, Spoke.ah.ivra, Sie- bliiijf be. el aod try .Squirm, Sl - it Leve'i, Packet I.-vcl, Spirit LcvH ViaJa, U inj .Mcinacr, i(uge. aid m fact L-Ttf) thnig a mechanic wai.ta. great od al very i. w pricea, al TAYLOR'S re Tin Ware Depot, nppoa.te the Jf i; Charlotte, N. C. i, ISiS. lltf ' Blacksmith Tools a 'my ajll II aa ellowa. Auviia. hand and i fsf f5 liP 'mI11era, V.cea., COfer u -m Fa r r le ; a ' Kmvea, Srrew.pUtea, Stt cl.a auu oiea, Blackam. Hi's Pinche-ra and Tonga, Ra pt rs anil Filea of every kind, cut horae ahoe and clinch Nails, llorax. Iron ..I all aix-e, both of nor. them hr,.i rnui, try ni tnuf.elure, cast, plow, biie. ler aim apring Stiei Ac., tor aale very cheap at TAYLOR'S, Opposite the .Vu-.aten lhu$: ' Carriage .Materials, " B 1 F- would call apecial attention H fCVi. Il lua alork of the abve, Sj1 & consisting of Springs, Axles, uh, !.. Spokes, Shalta, Curl-nn Frames, Knoha, Bantia, LiMilir; N.nla, Dan.aak, Satliurt.Clutiia, La. c.a. Fringes, Enameled and Patent Leather, 0n. melea Cloth, IM Carpet, Paint nf all Mima, ary and in oil, Varniah, Turpeninic, I.inseed Oil, Tyre and iron. Holla, and evcrvtliinir in tne wav Af Carrtarte Triuiinilii;, al niic.:s that cannol tail to please, at the ijriiware Depot of A. A. N. M TAYLOR, Opposite Me Alatitien Houe. Agrieutural Implements OF ALL KINDS, JTIUW Cullers, Com Shel. 3 1 rs. Plows, Mora, Shovel., a n.. a, F'-rht,, An-.. Picks. Mat irL.i, t.rllhtoiig Hoes, 1'race 6g Cliaiua, Vv aoi. Cliains, Log Chi.ina, Pruning and Hedge Shears, Pruning and Ituddlog Knives, dcu Hoes and Rakea, with iiinoiea; Grain Cra. fll'-h ; gram, rra.ts and hr .r Scyttlea, .K.ka, VV.igon iK.xra : ill warc.aucii aa pole, ovena and li.U,ai.illela. epicera, stew-pans anj ket. lira. Cauldrons :'roni V-l to I'JO gillona ear and braa Prc-erving Keltic, Sncep Snea TAYLORS uttiraie Di pM , ophite tlie Mansion Uuue. J I'DI.OVVS K. FI.LBKATKD Sl-LF SbAL. al.all.Nti I A.NS, of a. I tlie oillerel.l silt a. at TAYLOR'S Jitxt dtrui e Stote ojrpoie ihe Mansion House At Taylor's Y "1)1" can find li-e In,. i.rinient of Cut 11 lilt- celenraled Maura. til.ASS, of ail siieaand qualities both Frencl and Ainrn.-an. Also. Pottv hy I he keg ur pound j VVOODLN VVARta, BROOMS, Ave., of all kinds Hope! Hope!! aw 4 S g L pout. lol'M-.nill, Julo and Cot. Vi"- tun Rope, from 1 inch to 3 m- TAYLOR'S Hardware Storetaitfi0ttfe the Muumon House. Tin and Japanned Ware. larce nun nt ; Block Ti Bio Plate, B.bti'i metal, Ac. fU I 'S, tlie largeal Slock, ol all aixea, at TAYLOR'S il.irilirarr. Store ond Tin Wore Perot, Vppo4ite the Minsion '.-ass. Jiooiinp; (iutteing i Job Work,; F .11 kinds, promptly attended to .1 TAYLOR'S , opposite the Munewm llouoe. iimidtcurt Uton v. itiiYi i: sV. ., CAI-CKS IU C0T1 ON and all KiWDS of PRODUCE, CIIAKI.OTTE, A'. C. V I orders attended to w ith despatch. Apni 17, llbO. 411" I Fine Silver Plated Ware, I "Mt'ST opened a large and eplendid aaaortmenl of Slilwor PlafoH MTora I i aivi i luiitu ux vj a liirh ia nflrred ft. tlttt public. Cull and aupply youraelvea whileyouei.n'fei a pood article cheap. K. W. iJKCKWITU. ' .Wov IS, I "BO. lf Private Surgical Hospital: E, the umleraivned, huvine opt-ned a pri- V T vate Surgical Infirmary in the town of who ni.ty reriuire nnr aervicea in the trt'iitmei.l of S.iri;irtttl diaeaae. 'l'he above Inalitution in Inc ited on M iin atreet, in a quirt p.rt of the town. The buildmga are few and wi ll venlilhtted, with Rood oul-tiuililiiiga nor the atrcnminodntion of nrirroea. All ih. ul' a cuntaiiiua charucler will be alricl y en-lutU-d. t'niiiinuuiciiliona lhronrh the Puat t.lfUce, ad dnv.ifii InCuldwell 4 Gibbon, will rrcnve prompt attt ntiur.. p. 0. caldwell, m. d. i;ol!Krti;iil;n, m. u. j. w.caldwell, m. d. April 17, l?f.O. 4tf THE KOriTJ! CAROLL'IA WHITE kSULl'IIUIl aSi'UlNGS tLI. BE OPKNKIJ f'UK VISITORS KY tne lat nl JL.N(C next. Tnt-y are aituated nmat lieillhy country m ar the utilul CATAWBA RIV Kit, witiiin leaa th prt-acnt teruiinueof I j VVKSI KltN N. C. RAIL HOAl), with , l,r.f- of Uriinibuat a and Si ie Coacli j n,P Sprin"a. I pe,ure vehiclea and auperior e-ad.lia ith w Inch di connect at a ill be ul the call ul k-neilH IEum lias lll aiitl lliili.'ird .;t imiiM neatly fitted up. a i mi: iii or iii vKi tii engaged for the at-jaon, and QIAD8ILL AVI) ItlHUlO PAUTIES each evening FREE OF EXTRA CliAHGE. tin; ui ti iit.s are new and ap-.ri.iua TI.K Pl.KAsl'Ki: GKOllVltS exte.uaivi- j and in fine, everything wiahed for al tin- heat w.ilrring pUt ea, be Inuud here to re frcah tne inner man anil to cheer lite apirita. 1 li- I XK-iiticil It. 'intuition and the MEDICINAL propertu-a of the watara (:ilniot ni.ii it M-io.e hel'orr tne completion of the Wraiern N. U- R.ilroau) now iiail Hie aicK and alllicted Willi a cor.nal welcome. The experience oi the Proprietor iuatiri.a tne aeeker of Health or phaure in anticipating u "good tune Coiinug." j The rropri. ior ha been at very great exptnae in tillllu una Wa'ermg Place colliilicliaurato Willi t. A I.ULl.tAS auu conr.J II. L. RORARD3. .V. 1. 1 ecu. 5tt ruiUKiis' WIIiTE iuLiiiun SFiuHGS, Caluwoll county, ia. u. fpiHK Propritrttir nf ti.eae Springa inform tin M- puhlic generally, that he ia preparing lo re ceive am entertain thoae who are oenroua of lea. ting Hie curative qualitiea .1' thia water, lor 1 l.e variou- tiia. ,iara lu winch liu'1,,111 nature ia liabie. He ia u.naiiig large ad.iiliona to h.a buihlinga and will be reaoy lor the rect ption of company be tween the ll and nndcic ol June, and ail w no no come may real aaaureu that Hit v will lie accommo dated and every exertion uatd lo renuer their aUy , plenaont and c nilnrubie. Ptraona cnming to theae Springa by Rail Road, will leave the' cara at Hickory Tavern Depot, on the Weatern F.xieneion, where a lonveyanrr will be in rea.l.l.eaa to convey them to llnpri.ig KLKANNA1J FLOWKlid. May 15, iff,'). 8" I Jj"Thc Columbl' will insert once in daily ar.d twice in ihe 3-mner, and the R.iliih li.guier will maerl three weeks and lo.ward ac rounta to l In. ofticr. They will please call alien tiotl lu the advertisement. , I.131i;NSK A lTIiACTIO AT TUB ; Great Clothing EBXPCRIUXIZ rUi.LlNCS, :PBL(JS k CO. f a) xllEy are now ourning at their larrc and ca. JB paciiuis Store Room, the Ilandat.mcst and ieal Stcck of ever offered in the Stale. Their stock comprises all tlie. ui At. rent kn.tia of Fancy Cut Linen and Marseille, business suits, English and French Drap d'F.te and Aipacea F' roc as and Sacks; a Urge variety of Cussuncra Pants lancy and black ; also. Fancy aud Black Sila, LaMiii.iere aud .Mareeilite Vcl in enuleaa variety. GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, Trunks. Valise.., Hat. snd Cop, Ac, Ac- All ol the abwvc guous ire of the latest st it-s and pal terns. Maimldcturing Department. 1 1 LI.lNtiS, SPKI.N'i.S 4 CO. have a Ian aoded to tneir Ready niadr Clothing Slock, a Merchant Tmlorii-ir Drpartiuent, to w hich tut v rail Hit Don especial aiieiiiiuii oi their many aud cue Ac, toniers. liny intend making Una department aecolul to ' nous III Ine Slate, culler in sly le and qiianty ol, or i.i thr manufacture ol l.-irmenia. Al all liuiea wui be found a goo.! slock of l.i-irk and Colored Cloli.s, Kngliah, Freiit h and American I'aaimrres, and a variety of Vcstings Also, an .saorlmeiit of' hoi k ii. u v ahvi .'ii:ki:n. They feci confluent of 1'ie.r ability to tinih any elher houee in the St ite, from toe auv .n llirV have III gelling tnnr tola. Tneir goorie are tmughl ny tlie tjuantity, by one nl tne Finn who resiuea in ll.e No.tiutu inarKcts, which gives him the opportunity of taking advan tage of tne pnece of goodh, tin reby aaving at U.tal UrA Twenty-Five Per Cent. JJI To the roneuincr. LT Diuii's saved aro Dollars made So try ua. E. FULLlSt.5, JNO. M. SPRLViS, Apnl 17, ISi'.D. JOHN kS. WILEY, aM'racTt aia nd laroirn or H A VAX A S E G A R S , MSO OS.I.KH IM Tobacco, 5r.uiT. Hatches, Paper &.C., H ril'tS. it., fuiiNUnilyuu hand. Jmm.iry .1, Ifl ll. 4-'t:' Blacksmithing! its ny 1 1 'UK Subscrihcr havin Afbj'T " ed'Mr.'a BUe. "Vi J Shop, in lor. i. s the public &aaiJLiaV.l;.v, lhal It Will h Contll.l f VllKubscriher having r.ol- ith "ZZ.Z rurk will b adenuea to an raitv who bav U'en m the ha tut of, rill pleas, continue their j j ii props r, Aufuot 31, Itif.u. Hi? Marlarts. CORhSOTKD BY OA TBS & WILLIAMS. OHAfilAJTTE SEPT 10, 1860. j BACON, llama, la.... 13 ( 131 ' Sidea. lb )2J (; tHj " ling round, lb a Ui I it Sliouldera lb 10 (a i i Rueeing, Gunny yd 16 (aj 20 li. li, -lb 5 (y 0 I butter, ib 12J ( J5. I beeawax lb U.i jkj Ucai.a -buahel U0 (.u UO, Apple gal "5 fij 00 I " Teach, ful 7U (.y Uf Cotton, ib (e, JU Coffee, Rio, lb..... lt (m 18 " Java Ib 17 (,, 20 C'auHlea, Adamantine lb 25 fa, 30 rtprrm., Ib 10 Cy CO Tallow lb !) tn 25 Cora - buahel..'. 9U (a, 95 ChicKcna earn 12 15 Clotb.Coppenia, yarn j (.., l.indaey, yarc & (ay 3u ' Kgira '"xen 10 (, jaj Flour bbl 6 (a, Itkj 3i (, 3b ; Ft-.ilh.-ra lb 3u (, 2h ' Hide., Green II. 6 ( 6 i Dry lb.... 12 (, la j Lard, lb 14 l M allot Ib 5 (j; 6 Vtjciierel bbl.Nol ()U (u, U0 I Kill Vtiit) (... 4)8 I Mnlitaaea.N.O rrul 70 (,; 75 j ' W.l gal 40 (, 10 Meal bu-li. i ll.i tn, oa .! .MulletuVViliiuiigtori) ...bhi jt (a. Co i 'nrla.. Northern Ib .5 (. tiO " Southern Ib 5 (u, 6 O.ila buahel 45 W 55 Pork II. 7 fj 7 Peaa Im.Uc. tO (ij 'li ."ol .lo..., Irial buahel 10 .c 50 " Sweet buahel (.", 55 Rice buhi.el....B..?4 fa- 00 Sugar,', Ill 15 I".., 00 Brown lb. 10 (,i, 12 sloiia.VV are, gal 10 lie S,.lt, suck li0 (ii V00 Tea lb ."i1 (, 00 Wheal, while, buahel -i-IS (-', 140 " red b.ahel U-'l 135 Whiakoy, Northern gal k-'j ii S. Caroline,' 51 (; 5ft Wo..l,;b..i(J...,rKia) waahed Vi7 (if 2-i " " " nnwanh-n la- i3 Van. hala 100 i& tlO REMARKS. Bacnn in tlein.tnd. C'orn,ood aupply. deiUdltd at fi a H Tl). Flour W ll. gooi Willi an ac.ive duwiai.d. Rye in ''pc'y COI. I'M Ul A MARKET. Columbia, aeplemtter 0, tcbil. lOl'l'uN. Tl.e lor the wee an.uui.l.d to u.ili a. Extreu:ea it's a IU JU:. pr Hit,, " I aika n.a.K- lUjc. RAv UN, hogrouud, , 1 uii.N rb.1.1 O.Vi H.tlLK ,...U'i (S, ...i 10 i Ul) 1 13 1 no ud t3 tHARLtsTO.N MARhKT. I MALlai-ot, hept. " IfOO. I O i l OS. The traiiaactini.e 111 clioii :r the eea au.oiiuled tu C41I baiea, w,lh aa.aa 111 Ilia ...e liu.e, 01 fUJ Cana al pr.cea ranging ir. m I to 1 1 1 fl cel. la. '1 lie receipla li) oate ol new Col li are ..oil 0aie. x inch cim.p.iu l.fur.uiy wan ! lUe ,ri.oua auu.. .. M au.K. September T. Tne aalea reaeh. ed wu oalea ; lo.uulingN .uuied ai itij c. I Nkw Ori.iavs, Septeu liar 7 Tne cotton mar. ; kel i. In in, wiin .... l". 11.) ol I.jIiU b.ea , n:id- iu.ll.g quolejat ll J ll.j-. Niw V'-aa,Se Wfll. ll.o.J.lalt a ol Darre . i 1 oc i. F.ou rket ia qui. t .ting ; Valuable Town Property, 'I IIKTKO I T.CS willort'er foraala (il not told privately ucioit ) ul I'ubiic .-ijuara, ea the llilo ol .Neiiil'i-r lit It, nig tne 1 utauay ol Kuptnur i ourt wcea,) , no I ireuit t Akru.NAOb, locale., in a Very p,e..,aal.l part ul Ollarl, lie. On lie. pr uii'te ia a It nen, ti.uie, Ac. Peraulia as a. rut); tu puicoase i.-.ldau.e .v u plupei ly, will ua well lu examine Ihia properly oe.ure Ins day of aale. T.,i. cj uiu maul on the nay of aale. li.e properly will lis aliuwil le any one da airing lo view n, ty c.iui-g al tl.a VV tug cities. i i lib: mustkiia. .4-1,11 ji, ii..y. aas I Mill III Iaill'li'l reVQt: bUUKSot i. il. DKE.M dr. CO., muat JaL ha Clued. T. H. BRKM. lUlf Hay 2U, 160. CHARLOTTE STEAM KKrLNLl) tAiNDY MANUFACTORY, aiU. tUaudl'UiL UAUL.Uk, Ac. fvillbl undcra gned respcct:uily inform, the ci M tutus ut Cnarlotie and surrounding Coun try, lua I he has ju.l commenced the above ouai. ness in tne House .1 Hie curuer of Trade and Col lege atreela, lor I lie purpose of manufacturing CA.Mll.'AKI & DREAD, wuicn n r licit lie wiii sell VV nuiiaale and Retail. As lie Ian. .hi Inr ... k himself, Retail Stare hee, i Mouid do lo purel.ase tl.eir Caudles and i .mi iron him, as l.e will giveeulire satil 'aclion but I. in price and quality. lU All ORDLiiS from a oislance, enclosing th. CAZll, will lie pu.ulual.y attended to, and U. a ar. tides cart .u.iy pacaed and forwarded according tu Ui.ccl.uiiB. Duect to JOHN G. C. LEISER, Cunei of TiaJe an'l ''ui.fja tlreet, Charlotte, S. C. t Hai.otte. June i, lr?oo. I ill" KO.AL HA.LAiaUnLUV. Tl.e ordinary uftlie Royal Ha. a Ua Loll-. V c.-uducted by tlie AaUlali GoVet lllll.n t, ui.uci the .opervisiun of lue la plain iseurral nl Cuba, will laac place at Havana on IliLlDAV, Si'picmber 13, 150U $360,000, SORTLO NLMtlliO tJKDLN'ARIO, I A I'l l Ala I'lilZi; S1 uo,ooo . I priseul tltt,UiU j od " I.OO I iu.uue I 0 ' 1 1.I.UUU i j3 " 1 ' atl.ii I id Apf'xia.'. S.SO 1 Itl.Vutf I 4 lo tin JUtm,' en wu i 4 ul Ullu to u.ti.i'Oii; 4 el It'll I-' ju,vu. ., 4 ot lid loKu.mill; 4ol 10U la'll. lu TicK.ifJ-'Ui Halves lu i Vtuartcre ti Priaca cashed at aignt at J per eeat. diacoo'il Hi,, a uu all sulveul lianas U.l. al par. A draan g will ue forwarded aa ajon a tn. r suit or. on., a allow a. I oinii.unicaiions sudresseo lu DH.N RODRI 1. 1 1.. iiaie ol City Post, 1 nai.e.loii, S. C.) u tn tns lath ol September, will be attended w. Persona urdt-ruig iicaeta pia.n aod g,.e Ihcir post udice.couoly e state. S T. . rkton, AM FAIT I k-'K ,1. and dealer in I ia, a an. 7, Siovea, Wo.tie. VVaro, Japanned I luwai brooui in sk'uin wing of tfpnnge' ofing, Cotlvring, Ac. .on. Jut, V ura. .in cpalc