rrARFff' PINTER OH LAKE MICHIGAN. OVER THREE HUNDRED LIVES MWT. -j -'' CmcAno, 8ept.' V ' ' 1 ' ' j" HI.!. T t. The Steamer laeay r.iginvin me urn 1 . i i-l.k l.f. I..-, kl.kl Superior - :..irv 1. tha aahonncr Amrusta etlf was ' u i , - - j t Wtukaegf'ti, hlfp"t three a clock (hi oriiiuH- ne ateamer "u in n tuij min "'mi, in hrr hundred feet of water. Only fjlteru perecma are reported to b eaved. Kroiu tliroa hundred end Oft jr lo fatir huJr't piTtoni are aaid to haee been, on tord, and among mem were me iiiae 7 the (ireen Zageri end-Riflei. end c,tal fire' eompatiiee fit Milwaukee, bo -,r on a iit l tbu ctJ- Lumaden, ,f the New OrleaD Picayune, and family, wre pn board, and are eupposed to be the lout.- At tlie time of the acci dent tba schoonar w culling at the rate of f;,t,H milve au hour tatxvbmt of tub clerk of thi boat. The Lady Elgin left the port of Chicago . 1 1 1 o'clock, for Lake Superior. Among ie pnscrigera were the Union Guard, of lilUklC, OOBipoaing a pais ui uiu two liundrcd aud fifty eiour.louiata from that city- At about 2 J o clock tula niortitiig Hie with the Lady KIgtn, whea about ten I ic, from hore. The Tei atruek the '.foier at toe tinuarjipe gangway on me irboard tide. The two vessels, eeparatea utautly, and the Augusta drifted by iu tbe aispeia At the moment f thts eollisioa ,1(.r4 mn music aud daneing going oa Id ., forward cabin. In an Instant after tbe 'i'h (II ' 'till, ,nc' u" ,D o0ur nwft iunk. ' I pad through the cab , The ladica were pate, tut eilent. i ,er aa uot a fry or a abriek no eouad ut the. reb of tbe atram and the aurpe of i-avy a. - Whethar they were lot ful mre of the dapper, or, abelber tLeir i nhitijr aituation made tkrut aperehleie I ...m.H Cfll. A boat wae lowered at once, id the deaien of going reuod upon the lar- aide to (-famine the leak. .There .it to oara belongio to the boat, but1 ,t it that inouif ol aoene prrsea poaaeeaed fv of one of tben, and we were power- I .i to uiaaafie the boat. We a ocreeedod ! if in raeluii tbe wheel, but wrre q iick- p, iniiK - - - -K- " I a U .rmila ttniy two kuate were left on t i ''rin t r. One of turin eontaineo lb ir ! ; n tiKone, all of whon; wcri aaved. The ' urr tcre e'j' t pertona, nut only four el 1 -m rrarhre tUe ahore alix, trie lour oth f l'i,n drnwnea at (be tacn IK-Iore j r'l the trenttr the engine bad eeaed to ! k.the6re. baetn-beeBefi.sut.bd k ' . , ii I h. f,ree end H.recnon of tbe wind waa i I 'd tii 4t the boata and franienU of the i wirrt ere driven up the lake, and would! I Kulhaahore in the eiiiuny of Winelka. l. i .,.t .1.. k-.-i, i. i... i. t & " IL the grey of the morning objerle I aiii.f upon the water, and eoinottmet I i e.'ol human being atruiiag with tbe II d. CLAVYL, Clcili of Lady Klgiu. fill' A0i, Hepl. 0. I No accurate il or number of the per I hi loard tab Lvfivru; hut tbe fdlo)-- ; it raiunated aa Dearly correct I I vioe pariy 3(ttl .' i r p-eiia:re o0 I -ire. i crew 3.5 J 1 ' iUe but ninety eiLl are aived. U'l 4 t l.)t are of Milwaukee. I Manx (KT or tub cirnin or tuc AC'iVaTA. 1 1 ip1 Mal'tt, of tbe acbooner AtlgUt, i :-'t t at when be firat diaenvered tbe atea t-ii ii;!ita, loth rJ and bright, he tup I "i hr le aa from a quarter to half. a. a Juiant; and ateering N . K ; it waa rain- j I : rrtj k,lrd at the ttuie j we kpl our tea-' . ber eoure, eat by aouth, until we ! i-: ...ii. L. . .' , .. ... P, - - "- - .V. 1 f niitti atrerwaro jH4t to alt tbe pad T.ntiist attf r ware 1 jml a bait toe pad -1 t. cn rhe port aide ; tne stealer kept t i.' r rur, bor engine in fall motion;, k i'itj to Ao'ita around north, along-' a e t u i(.r, but tbey got separated ia t it a minute, when the Augusta fell ia I 8l'oighof the aea ; all thr kad gear, I .3 ii, and ttaeorbeii were carried aeay - 1 ok in sail and cleared awas anchor, ' ', mj tbe T....I wold 8:1. After clear- j a); t', a-rek and gt up the foresail, we 1 fr'e.t.,j IQ getting before the wind, and, t for land. We lout eight of the sua j I -r io br annutea aftsr tba ollitoo. lr. ! I i.n. second mate, stale that albalf-past y "t'iiill ttrack us; fire utiuulea more! a 'U lighta of the eeoael one coiot of I bow I sung oat bard a port ; lb tea- turetne.. jr., iiiiiI J t urrton. Vug. ma, wile of e MiTi.fd j pi R0 siiention, aud alruck : E D Ureen, and Khti Jane, (chtluieu ol T. K j0t f irwsrd r,f ih psJ.lle bog, larboard Curttoo, ar., dee'd .) Ilobirl MiU. r and wile Ann. lit learn. T il. 1 l j ... '(inlraof John I uri t"n, dic'il ..) Ri b-cca, w 1 le ot V , e VU "teel, and eu ting y ILbt.lu.. Jane E. M...ry, S.rah A. .Wy the g iaids into tha calm and huil.,d Wm. u. 4..,v. lci..(or.u ed h.ns of W, f 'te iitemg north west by wjsl, a i M , mc'n . Lit. M.s.ey. II. T M iey' t t.1 lo windward. Oar course at that ' i, . I.. M 's elnld, (ciiildnu ol Ch.r ' w nnitawcst After etrikinr ,.i .!...,.) J.rPtt V. Male, t .ih.,,..e w.i. .f ! ... .1 1 g , e, it. Matnrson, El.s.tnin hnol, Beni. Hal.-, J ., I ! Y fM " n". J '-';de.-'o.'.cl,'h!ren.ll.rl,r.of!u.L.n,er.Jam.. f 1 c rr. I srnt bslosr ( see what dam-! M. Cae.-t.ia and the uiiicr ciniunn ol Everard " done, and a hen 1 got back the ves- i gins I1 M-Tiit.t nr Tilt MtvYg IM MILWAl'Ktt. intelligcaea of tbe lose of the j "n-r wad the eacursion party reached I 'use ye.terday.it apread like wild !" ' ""Khout tha city. . The telegraph, -e es. ii,,.j .,1 j :.u ill.: 1 ' "y " raianvss ,. nioa on aoaru. 1 '"t v who presented divpatehra were in ir. ' d the mast iot.n'e anxiety aud i I "l."it a mauifested in the counteoao ? of all, f j ,L. !.:. ta-..J -e .1... J '1, there is scarcely a borne or tilaoe 1 fcU'iDes whiel. t... r.nl l.. ... ... . sis 01 mil nny, t tlnplova. I ; " o'vivore aaiu ia ircording Capt. . Wilson, eommapder, praise for hia f f ' ",J dr'D3 '"uohoat. He . """"it In eoofrontiug the danger, I., for ,0 fe-ty or tbe p.ss.n. t . aa drowned within a buudrad 1 of shr i ,,r,J on hundred persorti arrived with I ,k I Jtr'U 8f bcaeh, but were awent ,( 7 '-he rrturning wavca and lost. Up t.,Vl0CkU n'fU ,ol wenly-ODe bodies j 'tea recovered, moat of which bare " Mtlaaukaa. rH Aj,CIg.NT iSgAM'.IIT llR -1 JI'T'"SiKuar Viacotitl. assist (lUUIIT TO iscoiiti, assisted by bia '''toriug to th light of day the an-1 J 4 J; of Rome, tbe famoua tlstia, aud U iinAovar. t k . J..L---J- 1 . ' ., ' 1 where alili arc to ha lee 0 the Dot. a.1.1. 1. . ,1 ...... . 1 wttb wa.gbta, theatre, a '"'u! tami.lo W..I.. . . 1 C'e of tha eity, and, above all.i J"l tiller..,..- i, n - .k.l ,R iiiineu, rum ui m rrfect which Italy, or p'erhapa thai t"ss..s.,a Kb The: length bf service of lome if our toore I prominent public met, hai be.. eoiu-J puted aa filiate ( ; .... . .. ' 'Johu Quiaey Adama nrlnilcr .to the Nelheilanrte, under Wa.'hingtoh, two yeara; ruiniater to Portugal, one year; minuter to l'raaaia,' under bla father, ait years ; utiiia ter to Haania foor yeara ninifter to Eng- tauo, wo yeara J cecretary ot Otate. teeeO yeara PreMilctit, four joara, and member i v-uujicua niiorD yeara, ioibi luriy iwe yeara.-" , , . . ' Genera Ca governor of' a terrltor. Indian Superintendent, Secretary of War, iioiater to France, U. a. Senator, and nee retart of titan ; in ail, about aixtt veara. larti Tan Karen attorney general, of new lork, U -e. Senator, gorerhor, mime ter to KnUnd, Secretary of State, 1'reei dent and Vice l'reid. nt ; in all, about tbir ty three yeara. Ilrnry Clay U. S. Senator from 1807 to 18fi, forty fire year, excepting aervioe a Secretary of Htate from lN'f to 1 8vH. Tboa. II. 3.aton U. S. Penator from 8-2l to 1851, thirty yeara. He never held any other office. Joliu C Calhoun member of Oongreas frooi 1 S 1 1 to 1M1, eix yeara Secretary of War under Monroe four yeara; Vice 1'reai dcot two terma, eight yeara; U. 8. Staator from IMjOto If 6D, when he died, la all thirty-nine yeara, Uatiiel WfcLnler tnerjiliar tit Pnticrraaa from New ll.mp,bira in 1M4, abd from i V . i 1..,, ! a u I i Boeion lo lt-0; L. H. Senator from 1828 to lefl, thirteen yeara ; Secretary of Ftute 1 io ; L'. 8. Scnatir from to 100, five yeara ; Secretary of State from l&fto to bia dcoeaae. Ilia political career lasted about thirty-aii yeara. iV. '. M W. jfvliVoticc. 1 II E cilixiiia in the ni iehberhond of Ramah intrfa.t in the eubjrel, are rrqueated to meat at lhf k'a hch-ol llou.r, on Thuraday the iflllli in atait, to take in to eonaid rtion the uhj cl of a. dnptiMg iiiewaurea lor tha protection of llieir bvaa unti f.rwrfiTly. BVjtl.'lft, 1(00. MASV rir'.tNs. i i;ai:i. c niriit ii li.ctuim:. f m 1 1 K r.iur ol Mlurta for tlx: Uncht of the M tl.oill.l l liuicli building Will begin ! VV K.unaijy rnn g UiMolr Jrd. Ua thalivriiiiig f. llolmca. Proleaaor of Pa. M.l..icty in Hie th.rUaioM I'hft a no lura. t.r ol ue .tluxuuiul .lurl M..I..I ol me cuy f r'l..rl...lnn Lrvtn a arru of not ieaa tllan i,r.e :ieuliti' locluna on tile lolluwing aubjicl " I 'ui 'be K.riu. rel.t.e u Uic anunaia 'd pi.ot. iv.i.u D)-,n a." f.t. Uo w.il il.uiata hia reciur.a wall coioi'lete iiipo, die- hni tvf,,mlu, incuaing . ,p dltt ...agio lni,, 'I h-cour- of f . ""'" i -q"'t g. i-turea nnniliering not lra than V anme ut lUu uioal acieniifiu M il of Hie ( aroljn.a. lie iiig ar tlie rl a of adntiaatun. .iuil f-ck-l f. amgle Irc'l-irr t 50 IiKlividotl In krl. for wtiole eoiirr 2. (! Tirkri lor Lily and ifrntlnio n for the eourar, IK Kunl.'y llrarf (hi' Hf.i,.) tor tha eerc.....b0 Inoiviuual lick' I to Pro. II ilmra .rrita... 1 .1)0 Ticket! may W I.Ju of the following gruKenieo. fl.v. t.A. Md,t..!. W.K. Myera. Uvu. J. A. .,iif. P.. A. V.ira, Eaq., t. II. BritUio, K.q or at B Mora o Plug MUtree. ftt? ti&is 'l aataeaaa a Uraica, A. I . ac u.K U.Cu it fT herebv ordered by the Hoard of lltrretora lhat th laurlti luatalinienl duo lo Una Coin pa . ay in Mtea.eaitiurg Coanty, auo u. third inalail. uirnt eu al Ml. M'larn, in Ireeell Couuty, b Mvabi ou i".h ol (ebrr nai Ki.h. bol,n-r will pi uit noiif-e, and inert tiieir ua. a, aa Ilia ami Ml fT g-i lovwrd, and we u.u.l hat MOM Y. j M L. WRISTON. Treas. SrptrmUt 18, IrXU. 1 3J - - - OHllltoil 4 llool AttlitT. I AN tllTK" for the rfll of IV.thrr ia the 1 '" " teh..l. of M-eklrnUurg canty. iwiHiiiraaeaiiriiuaiiiiei aiKMiih rv. iioai iimri. in tar t'-jrt H on Sat.ir iy. llw aTltii ii.ataol, . he y i via lit J V R )S, ) K NVK lU'TCHl.MJN, M U JOU.Nsld.N, y Com. Charlotte, Sept. 11, If-CO. S TATU OF .V)UTiI-(!;oLI.A, I'M' IN COUNTY. .I fyii'y i'nll 'J'trm, 1-00. Wm. J I orel.. n and wife Cnarlotte, Elinbeth, W'l ot . M Durant, Nareia t'ur.ion, Tavlor I uitlua anit I'homaa t urelott, clnlcrrn and hens al Uw l Ji-ri n.i.h t union. Jr , uee'd.,) Mirgarrt Klil.h. Ih, wile of JaoivB M Mrr.iw. (chiid and I rir ol Ann Polta, di r'd..) Ilrnj . Maiaev. (.oa f Earrard Mn jr.) Henry R...e Maey,'s..m'l. R. May and wile Mary, (citilnriu ol Henry Maaaef . Oec'd.) . t .- 1 t- ...... n c- Cuieton. dee'd r. tiiiuii lor Snlr nf Land for ftrl li N thi rase, it appesring to Ihe salisra on Jf the Court, thit Ihe defendants in tin. w...-e aie 11 .1 risiilenl. ol tin flair, so that prorsas oannot be purminally avrved upon them. It islkttt. fmrt Urdned a 'as Caarl, Thai pubhe.ilitHi b made tor SIX wees uee.aivety in 111 North Carolina hig, and tha laincasier l-iiger, commanding them snd seii ef ihcm, to b and sppear at the aril term f tin Court, tu he held at llie Court, fouee lis M'.lil.c, ou Ihe lllltl Monday alter Ilia 4ih Mor.dsy in August next, and answc. cac, nr juilgnieiil pro conlessu will be entered agsinsl II. SOI. Witness. Thome D. Winchester. Clerk s nd M '" ' eoorl, st office in Monroe, tin 311 uay of August. A. I) IHM. T. D. WINCHESTER, cm. t. Primer's fee . Sept. IH, IriiiU. U'i jJf-Aotice. iWlt.l, SnM to Public Mala, ut Ihe Comt. House in Lenoir, for ready money, un Monuay, 6111 day of Novi ruber nrxl, being th - week of Caldwell count ami nupcriur Conns, Ih follow, mg tract ef Land lor Taxes, to wil : 1 Tract coiiUinihg It) acrrs, more or lias, ly. ing an the waters ut Smoky Creek, adjoining th Lands of Kilxrt Smith, John K. Curpruing and other, apMid to belong to IWvid Urecitlre of Burke county. j Tji due Ihere.n, ti 05 : I tract cunutiiting Ts acrra, mure or leva. ty. mg cm tree waters ot Iiwer t.'re. k, edjoining tlio I. mils of R.ilM-rl Prolwuod, Miller and others, supposeH tu baiong to Johu Suddrrth, Jamra Er. win's In ire, mid J iuisa Murphey' heirs. Taa due thereuit, $11 h5 I Tract containing 6 10 si res, more or less, ly. uig on the wator al l.awer Cieik and Mulberry Creek, adjoining th Laud uf Janie Hood, Arch ibald Hoeo, Lcauder llouk nd olnara. suiinoaeu tu belopj 't'ltoiii a Auihtertti'a hetr an I olhera. I - oue lliereou. "iti:t I Tract uuulaiamg 80 scree, more or leas, !y. ing 00 the w.lersol liwar Creek. aad Fall braueli, .,i;ml , i.,nd. .f J. . b..iiw, Robert iw. . ...1 .! ..n.e... ...,......eu .0 h.i.... , J..h.. s,... T4, Uu.. ti.er...n. $i 13 ii soil... . u. n. tuilLli, Sheriff' if VuLlveU tMiiy. s,t,t,ml,ei lo, loi. fr . J. I'JeJ . ... ' Sptelul Rtticci. '"".-. ,vISTAn,ll.8ArtF WIMICIIKBRV. J Cm,,.fiM,. Broni,MMthm.Cr0,.mm. ' i-g Mg, iiimy, aim' lue nuiiinroui aa writ aa dniro!. ii.-eu.ca of the Tkieat t ktrt and Limp; trerail( in our olieiifble clunnte, at all evaeone rtheyrari few ere fortunate enuofh to eaeape llietr baiMilul infiucnee It Inipurtunt then t have at hand a c.ilain antidote to all tlieae emit, vu,m,, Eip-riene prte that thia eaiat in MMlm' Balmm lo an eitent net found in any other remedi ) howeter aaeere the aufiVrmg. tlit application of thia aoolliing, beoling and wonder, ful rinlaatn at once eanquialiea the diaeaae and ra. turea tla auftvree to wonted liealth. Lett!" from A. M.' Gorman, Esq., Editor t the Spirit of the age. In reevniKicni.ii tiun ot that cmarkable Lun Rctmedy, Dl. Wiatar'e liulaam of Wild Cherry. Ralciuh, M. C, May 16, 8f-0. Mrara. Rrra W. tuwi.i 6l to., Orntlcfiian : Fur Ilia g of tlie afflicted I take tlni method of rvcuinm ndiiif Da. H iitiI'i Bel. aaa ot Wil.ot;-liaT liatmi n-ed it ih my lonii. ly, and in one maunce mptd the life ol one of ila member, wlie aoemed rapully ainHing into a do. elf ne. Yunra rcapectiully , A. M GORMAff. Testimony from South Carolina I.at anNjviLi.e, 8. C, April 20, ItjOO. Meaara 8. W. row l.I 6V. Co,,- Ocatlefnen I flcae etau we per ft rat ateimer en dozen ut U. Virr i bluianr Wii.oC hcr a. 1 find liiut the Bil.ani tail f owing in ptipum.iiy, a; a Dy iimte. wno nave uatU it la ex """'" " . r-roUaaera generally era loud lo praiae of Ha Virluea iu apeeouy curing CoU)(ha, Colde.and F.imouary Afci Ryapevtlully, ;. II. WUNRT. 4)1 ll.e many repectubl gentlemen in I. villa liialrict who have ucd ard l.clieve in the great value of the itofeuf. ia WiLLiaM Sinraoa, r.aq., Clerk ol tha Cvarta, tu whom we are per. muted to refir Prepared by SET W. KOWLE At CO,. Boa. Ion, anu for aal by L. Nye ulchi.on it Co., Cnarlotte, and by all druiata Addie It. til ay Richmond, M. A. (V. C. A. H-in'of. Nor lolk Whole aale lv.li r. lU'i itixucK it Ti:t iimti:. BRYAW'S I V L 31 OMl! V A F K li . Tae OaieiKH. MrniciNi K.TnaunHru i lt37,aW iral mttvlr tj Iht knd rrrr in'trdwrrd onY.r A M 8 " Pi i.mo.mc Warta," in Mia si ay Mh. rr fmunlry tl othtr fairieiiic Wmffri, ra C'um t-rlnn. 24 grnuixt can lit anu ten I thr Ham I) IC V A N eel njr ilumprd rock WAFER. Ulli,.H Pt I.MO.Mi: WAKKBe R lieve ( oiilia, Culoa, rire Throat, yonrecnea. mtVAN's m i.wumi- h ui:kk Relieve Allium, lironciiitie, Huiieuil llreathing. till V A.N H !( LllH.Ml W AFKKrl Relieve hpilling ol Bl'K'il, I' una hi the ( heal. HKVA.VS PI I.Mri.Ml' H.tlllM Relieve lucipient Conaumptioa, Lung Iiaaaea. HKVAN S m.UoMC IVAFIiHa Relieve Irrilatioa ol the Cvula and Tnuaila, ItlYAN'M ril.MiiMC WAKKBrl Relieve tlie above Cuiiiplainta in leu Minolta. HKYA.Vtt ft-LaloMl' WAKKKM Are e Bleaeing to all Cliaeca and t onalilulior. rlHVA.N l PI I.MO.SU' HMU9 Are adapted lor V . ,c 1 1 a I and Public Kpeakera. KMYAN-H ffl.Mu.MI' WAtKUd Are in a eimple form and pieaaant to the t.ale. HKVAN t rTLNtiMC WAr'CKM Not only relieve, bul eBeal rapid and lasting Curea. bkYas- pfi.Jn.Nir WAFr.a Are warrar led lo give aatiai'aclioti to every one. No Family ahouid be witiiout a liol of liry an Pulmonic Waler in the houae. .vo iraveiier aiiouid oe wiinout a aoppiy ol Bryan'a Pulmonic Water in hia pocket. No person will ever object to g.vs lor liryan'a Pulmonic Wslers a.r cents JOB MOKpj sole Proprietor, Rochester, N, Y. to, .t.,w t k.rlo.w.a. Dr. .. ana all iea- peclabic Uruggiata. . Mil. I t1I.OV, Aa capeneacsd aarse and female phiaieian, has a aotuiiig fjiaf lor ciuliircn lee'tning, winch great ly lacililaUa Ins process ol teething, by southing U,e g uma. reaaciDg all inflammation a ill all. all p.m. eod i aure 10 riguiau lbs bow ma. De BKnd aon it, iiiutuer, it will give real lo your. a.tva, isS renal and beallb tu your intanla rerteccl aala in all casea, bee auvertisemenl in ,,,,,. colwiaii. IrSee the advertisement of Pa ed ford' rator, in auoihcr coluair.. Invigo. IT fe th advertisement of Wood's Hair Dye sDotncf coiuwn. 1 T t lr. Aysr's advertiariwent ia another eo. lutn. Mumc Lessons. Y" I ELDINui to the solicitation .f many fnrnda n.r acquaint. aid. M ibs. K.rab K. DaHvaon Iu. ci.. i. . 10 give lessons in Ih science aud practice 01 niasic. AVpreml--. . is, e60. t28 jV2a I lLvfilllll'in LlNUlUllUIll T IIE firm of S. M. H ithers 6l Co.. st Pavid. l oilege, i Ibi day diaaolved hy m . tual Th Nolo, and Accounts will he loiind in the hands ol S. M. Wiiiiera, wuo will be at the lair alalia, anu will b glad to meet any wishing to settle the business must be cloaed. Wshopo our lricr.il will atieud to it. S. M. WITHERS?. p. 4) rJb j4ug 10, IMiO. Negroes anted. iWILL paygood prices for IS or "otO Yl'l NU NEOkOES. ROUT. F. DAVIDSON. ( hailllc, Aug. 14, CU0. U'l C. & C. liiiii lYoiidlloirdsr rwMlfc booils of tins Company due January JL next, will he redeemed at Ins oilier when st. r presented, with thu interest accumulated to the uate ef payment. A. II. MARTIN, Assent. Julu 31, IHBO. nib Alccklcnburg m Works, A-U-a i li.mi.oT 1 1:, v. ALEXANDER & HTcDOUGALL. f B11IE uudersigned beg leave to 111 fur m tho cili. . the eili.l i Ih puh. ! above Fia. JL sen ot Charlotte and vinnily he g rally, thai they have open the above E.s. Ijuusiiineni at ins 1001 bi 1 rad ire. t, auioinuni track ! tlie Noitu Csrolin i . ill Road pa.il. Johu W, Ike1 Stcaa, Mill., and are prepar- md to turniah all kinaa uf - ! t ahurl nelioe ad o reaaonabl terms. Strain EHfisn from S lo Ml Mvrnc fowtr. Their SOP cuulama toola solccled with great ears, and are proviueu witn all I he improvenieula ri.quired to do thuir work Iu firat rale manner. I asiinga, in Iron or Brass, made lo order. HORStu StltJEINU and hl.Ai KSMl 1 US work ol all kind. REPAIRING ul lh r l,ao alteu. drd to. Amenta, for Ir. F.. I). En loi-r, fvt Wim.r's PaU ant Mulsy Saw .Mill, which Has the advantage, along with many others, nf doing al least tw m. lie n work, and doing it better, than any other Mill ia use it eaa be run by Mean, Water oe llera Power. The Mulay sway bo sera at th .-l.p al any tun. HKNRY ALEXANDER. MALCOLM k DOUG ALL. N. B. Old Iran, Bras, Capper, s,c, bought or taken in trade A-il -Jr) I Foil. 23m Marrierl. in R'whiiuiiI,ii ll.f ill, in.ianl y the Uvi.W i W. i'narr, Mr. A. P. 'I'ORR KNt'K." ni' Mcrkicnt.m ruontr, tu Mi. MAHY ANN. HiueiU d((l.t t of 1. t'.h mium, K q In llia eniinly.on the 16th iaa-t tlie l?r. J. B. WATT, afiera aeircru illneaeof icvcral neuka of 1 yphom fever. jfcf Notice Ot R cnxtomera and friend urn iiilViriurH that our Sture will be cloned on .V udayttd Tutt dtiy, vhe 1 7 III and 18th, and on W euneaday, the SiSth of tliia innntli, on ueconntol HohrlHva. DUUCKKH & 1IKIL13KUN. C'tptembtr II, I Pen. Wfi """ " fft 'Rllilnprq AU JJUllUClOt fJRflFOSALS will be received by the unrlor- pigded Ix-twecr. the an.i Uoth S-'iU ii. ber inatant, for the erection el a DAN h IMli IftJUK in thia town. Tha gafieral liiinriiaii'ii of 'be building Will be 60 feet front bv tf'J fret ueep or an aiorv, nnu ou leet aeep mr Vil and .til a to. rie. Iront front to firat "tor J , buieomea to 1 Th Plana and ftpceincatimia can hi twecn the. oat above. uitnliohrd al th. Imrli.lle. J. J. BLACKWOOD, i aeen be. Ba ,k of Com. 1. U liKKM, ( Stptemhrr II, lc6'J. i26 EMIWUU)1FAI()M rV. ASK I.V- have W'ir a OLI! t 8TOCK OK f' GOODS, whw-Ii it the largest thai we have ever of-, fefed, eiMbracing, in great variety, every ll.ing i in tlie way of FANCY AMI fST A PL id W Bin 'w i.., V an i llalit, Shorn, llanhrnre. Sc. At, to all ol whieh wo invite t'ne attention of all pu-. ehaaer. wlio wiah lo procure tlie moat fashion able ami the moat durable Goods at the lowest Dricen. WE ARE IN EARN EST ! O .r ..... k i. L.avy ,B mart he del, .' j t all and are 111! V. II r.ii.n.it tail to he ill. '..Mo ! ' BROWN, TATE k CO. Ckailutlr,Sri,hml.rr ll.lHi.d. 3w $3 iNotice. IN conarqin iice nf lloliny, our J!orra "l!l he ebatu mi Mm, duy and Tunday, the 17m and ieiti, am! tiao uu Wtona.nr, liie Wr.th ol Una month. KLIA3 k COHEN. Srplnnher Jl, Sf,0. Vi6 j MTA'JT.OK .NOKTIl-CAfiOLI.NA, CALDWK1.I. rOL'.STY, I Court of J'leit and (Quarter Sestion$l Au j gust 'J'rrm, Wit). 1 I'homafl Rolirrla aumiiiialratur I j of Win. RolxrU, Oec'u,, Petition for sale re. j ol Laud. Rrailnn Rob. rta and other. J j Jl ti teir of Mulhew ltoberu and Willmm U. j Urow n, a child ol I.uey, wile of Joe! Krown, re. aide heyoiiu tlie lniiiia of .N.,rlli-l'aroliiua, It i IAererr Ordered liy Ike I mill, that pubhcaiion be uiane for an weeka in tlie N irtn Carolina W hig, a ntwapafier pnhlialie.i in the town nf t harlolir. notifying aaid ot ti no-inta tn be and appear al th nrit term of this court, lo be helu for the county ' c:liwell, at the ly.urt Houae in Lenoir, 00 Hie ,h"' "' J " Wmhvr "I!' .U.r"?"T "."" ".'7 J n itoeaa. r. O11I1, clerk ol uur ..id court, at ! offn.i', in Inoir, the 6iti Mondav alter Ihe 4th lon. dy in Juii, and 111 the t$4lh year uf American 1 adepcniiener. S. P. IH'LA.c.c.c. S,pt 4 1K60. Prs. ft. o. Ii9 COCiiliAXETSAlil'LE TlCALEBB It. Hardware, Guns. Cutlery, Ac , &c, ml the Si'rt f Cou'en Vai'-Lock, OLT.il r. n ctfully invite the public to V V sill .n I ei-aonii their iMoca before pur. ceasing r:eWHire. IS Orotrs solicited and promptly attended lo. C'd.V and ft us. COCUKANK k SAMPLE. July 10. I960. Tunis! Tools! Tunis! at the Fign ot the (ioldeu ?uJ Lo:k, tgood supply of Tools, consist. , log of circular, mili, croas.cut, tenon, hand, ripo..'r, nd com. ! pass Saws f bench and r Pl.iiies 1 l-lhing, shingli uldiug , - "nd I B"' bro"1 "'-hel) ll.mmer.i bev.l 'and steel Souares ; Drawing Knives; Brsees inn Bits i Au.-ers ; O. inlets ; Cluss, Is ; brick and plaa- termg Tiowrls I Si-n w Plates; Saw Sets 1 Spoke. Sli.tea; Flies; Rasns; Pocket-1. ules ; Guigc. Rons; spirit and pucka Levels; boring .Ma. chines. 4c, COCHRANE & SAMPLE, ' ' 1 1 l's Tools V.lllllll Ci 1 OVI- I at the Si;n of the GoUfn Yml-Lock, A f'""1 eufl'ly. cons.aiing of An. ja6 a' vils ; Bel'ows ; Solm Box Vices ; CflL-jwaJ liard .-ii.i sledge II immers ; Slock and Dies j longs, Rultresea, K .pa. File, and a good Uipiy of floras Nails, Horse and Mule Shoes, ul h,w pri'-ea. COCHRANE k SAMPLE. Agricultural Implements, at thr Msn of the Gohten 1W Hair .te. the Drii! at . Irge . "ft r." a . lVt l cou.itting Ot"?! ""It n1. crlehrsled I'lmglla ; ii" ''orn Shellira; Straw Cullers ; Sliov. els;Spad(s; Uay and manure Forks ; heal cast, sia.l Ans; Picks, MiUocsa, Liruboiug 1 1 .us, S ceding II.iea.Tr.ice I itiiiiis, Log Chains, Wagon Chains, I. ir.i. :i Hoes, H ikes, llaogc Shears, Pru. Iili.g and Buod:ng Knives, A: e , dec. COCHRANE k SAMPLE. Carriage .Material? at tin StJ ef the (Jolden Vad-Lotk, . .ar-vx jr. s lrfe Stock of the above, consist. v Urge Stock of Ih above, consist. J ;V;.?-1-. ,ng nf Spiings, Axle. Oval lion, ! t, u ia i'..i. tl .. o........ ! n .... l ..,.:..i..., i . ,, . . f , Bt'a s,,r 'm,,,.',,,. Lace'., Pass Turned Slicks, Sadole and Lining Nail., c..ii.e. COCHRANE i SAMPLE. TiVJ ? - . A T the Sign of Hi. GOLDEN - ni55 A FAii.tAK II be found II times a large and well se. leuled Slock of Guns, Pistols, Powder horn. Powder flasks, Powaer, Shot, Lead; French and Aincricsn window. Glass ; Pul. ly ; a large stock ul r.nglisli and American I Ki.,.,1 i:....n .1.1 lihster steel. Pi. steel. SoriL steel: Nails of sll k inda hemp ,,,u 1 manilla Ko- j Anchor Brand Honing loiha ; Mill Svrews ; .Mill Picks ; Spike Hammers, M ine II lViuble and Single B'oeka; also, a Ingi Slack of Cornices, Curtain Bands, Curtain Pius Picture Cord and 'I'aasels, A e. COCHRANE k SAMPLE. Superior Smut Machines, at' th Stgn of the tinl.len Purl Lork COCHRANE i SAMPLE. I I 7N i Chambers, Barnes & Co., T . I (' in a C I I 8 811(1 I J 'I1C FiJ I (,011111718 8101) JIKliClIANTS, f!l A It L KSTOX, S. C. VALUABLE I'LAiNTATIO.X: . M'Ott S.I I, II. (t TEH fr eale, my .5. PliiiUtion. situuted ill a ''iiii' Cubarrua county , lyingjon the Norlh side of Rocky River. C unite fouth.wual of Cone. .fit. and one and a half mile from Ihirria" Depot, on the North Ca. rolina Rail Road, adjoining D I ' vrua Alexander and olliee.. Tha Iraet contaiiia abnnt 3 ft i auoul lOO aerea cleared and iu cultivation. I There i a line Mill aile on the prciniaea, alan a g o welling houae and ullior neci-our y .ul.buil. Oin(a, new fit: hoiire and prraa. .i better land can he lijund in the county to pruiim:u Cotton, I Corn, Wheal, Tobicco, O..I, ie. I Any peraoii bvifif deatroua of purchninp a place ' filea.inily aitudteii amungat an intelligent c liiinu. win pieaar c.ui on iiii' .umitj.t, nn iiir pre or addrcea him al ll.uria Depot P. (t , N.C. THUS. L, MARTIN. September 4, 18fill. S4-3m Ttvi;i,i r in yiii;i. JB8-2 jx.2l -Jtu I oi.uaiaia, June a6, IhUi). ( Tiinauake'a Orricn.t:. Sl S.C. K. It. Co. ffjiUI--. Uord of Director have declared a dm. M. fiend ot HI R UUl.I.ARS per ahare, payahc on the firt-toi July dent. Churlenton Block holder will he pmd at the bank of the Slate. rHoekhold. era in Pun field lii.lnci will he pud at the hank in Wmnaboro. Tiioae in Chenter and WeeU-rn North Carolina and K.nti rn York Block hohlera will he paid by the Company Atjent at Chiirlnlte, North Carolina j and all olhcra at tin office. 'Iraiiffer hooka cloaed Ironi UUlh mutant tu JUth July. C. EOUKNIGUT, Treasurer. June 9 lf6U 4,f. H A B I) WA B lH A J . 1) VA B E! A. A. II mTtAYLOR KSPECTEI'LI.Y infnrma hi friends und Ihn Jl puhhe generally, th.it he haa added lo hie ritenrive Block of , a large and complete atock ol HARDWARE, enn Uiatii.g in part aa follow a i ,. . . . . . lirculur, mill, crosseut, bond, t ipper. psnnel, pro. lung, gratling.tennuii, back, compass, Webb ai.d butcher SAWri, Braces and hits, Druwing Knives, Chissi Is, Augers, Uiiulels, Hanini. rs. Hatchets and Axes, Brick, plastering snd pointing TROVt ELS, Saw setters, Screw. plate, Stocka and dies, Planet nf ail kinds, Spokc shasea, Steel biodc bevel and try Squares, Spirit Levis, Pocket l. vei, Spirit Level Yiais, B'j mg Mschiaes, Gouges, ad in fact everything a mechanic wants, in great variety and at very low prices, at TAYLOR'd, Hardware Store and Tin Ware Depot, opposite the , Mansion .use, Charlotte, N. C. I 5. 1859. Hf ! Blacksmith Tools I IO LI H it a Bellows, Anvils, hand and ainlc immera. Vices, Bultreshes, Farriers' Knives, Screw-plates. Slocks snd on, Hi icknn. (Ii's Pinchers mid Tongs, Ras. pt rs and Files of erery kind, rut horse shoe and clinch Nails Borsx, Iron of all t:t-s, both cf nor thern ami country manufacture, c.'St, plow, bit, tt-r and spring Su-cl &.C., for aale v ry cheap at TAYLOR'S, Oppotile Iht Maniitn House. Carriage Materials, j UL would call efiecia! sltention to his Block of ths above goods, : consisting of Springs, Axles, ubs. I -pca, foan., ui.ain iiaoiv., nn..., j Bands, Lining Nails, Oa mask. Sat line t. Cloth a. La. , crs. Fringes, Eiiaiueleu and Patent leather, Kn. amcied Cloth, Oil Carpel, Paint of all kin. 1, dry snd in oil. Varnish, Turpentine, Linseed Oil, Tyre I and Oval Iron, Bolts, and everything in the way I ef Carriage Trimmings, at price b that cannot fail to please, at the .rowsre !Vpol of a. A. N. M. TAYLOR. Vppoeilt Ike Wumioa House. Agriciitural Implements OE ALL KINDS. a-jTRAW Cutters, Cum Slid K3 iers, Plows, Hoes, Shovels Soades. Forks, Axes, Picks. M.l locks, tirubtiing Hoes, 1'race Cli.ius, V agon t tiains, Leg Chains, Pruning and Hedge Shears, Pruning and Building Knivts, l.-ir. den Hoes and Hakes, with handles; Grain Cra. dies; gram, grass nnd brier Scytiies, 3ush ! 'f.'. W.igon boxes ; 'II.. w ware, such ss pots, j ovens a mi I ids, skii lets, spiders, slew. pans and kel. auldrona 'rum In IviU gallons each ; Iron and brass Preserving Kettles, Sheep Shears, itc, al TAYLORS Hitnlieare Vfpvt.oppttite tke Mansian House, I t'DLOW'S t EI.EBR.ATED SELF SEAL. Lot ING CANS, ol ah llie different sixes, at TAYLOR'S Uidmare Store, oppotile Ikr M intiui House. j At Taylor's Y'Ol! can find tiic I a -gesl a.anrtmenl of Cot lery, Guns and Pistols, of all Ihe celebrated makes. liLASS, of all sires and qualitirfr-bnth French and American. Aio, Puliy by the keg or ponnd. VXOODEN WARE, BROOMS, Acc.ef all kmda. Bone! Bone!! poaniisiif Ma ii ill i, Juto and Col. -T)rF'r "l P t.WWr ton Rope, from J inch to 3 in- cues, at TAYLOR'S n, ,,(,. .., . .-;i. rna tf,....,. H,... Tin and Japanned Ware. I irgc assortment ; Block Tie Binck Zinc, , Tin Plate, flihtrt loclal, era... Ht iS, Hie largest Slock, ot all sues, at TAYLORS HutJirmre, Store and Tin Ware Depot, Vplositt the Mansion House, Booting (.utteing i Job Work, O "IkF all kinda, promptly atlc.ded to at TAYLOR'S Hardtture Store, oppotile the Mnmtien Awn. j. v. iii:v i: .V t o., muitit ia COTTON and all KINDS of PRODUCE, TRtUI. "i I IC I.I. r, 1 CHARLOTTE, X C. TT All order stranded I An-',' i 7. Ia. wnh drtpateh. Fine Silver Plated Ware, E 'S r opened a )trre and aplcnent aaaorlmeat nf Silver Plated Ware, liirh la offered to tiie pulilie. Call and anpply your eel ea while you en n grl a ffMid rtieleobe4ip. K. W. UEUKVTITU. w-'5 ,PS0 Private Surgical Hospital: ..'K, the underaiencil, hating opened a pri. WW vale Surgical Infirmary in the town of who n.av retuire our vrafi-asional aervice in the j treutmeiil of Surgical dieec. i The above Inatittition ia located on Main alreef. In a qun t purl of the town. 1 ho buildinga are few and well ventillated, with good oat-huildinga bcr the accommodntion of negroe. All diaeaaea of a cintagmue character will be atrictly eai-lulrd. CoiiunuHiciitiona throngh Ihe Poat Office, ad. dre..a-il loCaidwell & Oilihim, will receive prompt atl:iition, P. C.CALDWELL, M. D. KOBKKTtilRRON, M. D. J. W.CALDWKLL, 1. V. April 17, IPfiO. Atl" THE WOBTH CAROLINA in a 0101 healthy mounUinoua country near the beautiful CATAWBA RIVER, within Ieaa llinn an hoiir'a rule of the nn-aent leniiinus of the WESTERN N. t.'. RAIL IIOAD, wnh which d.n. ly In. i a of Oimiihueea and riluge Ciwehea eoniieel tlie Springs. PleaeOre vehicles and aoperior saddle Raises will be st the call of guevln. ItotiliiiK AIU-? Itillinrtl WillMtll neatly filled up. a i hk iiAn or mi mci.." eugnged for the season, and ll'.Hil!ILL ANU tUTIUIHS PARTIES each evening FREE OE EXTRA CHARGE. tiik m.ii.iiNt;s are new and spacious Tl.E PLKAM'RK GROUNDS citenaivt-i and in fine, everything wieiieu for t the beat watLriiig places, wiil Oc Ioiiiki here lo re. fresh the inner man ami to cheer the apirila. The i:l iiitrt HciiiUnlioit and Ihe MEDICINAL properties uf ths wolcrs (:ilnioil inuceesaiiiie before Ihe completion ol tne Wealern N. C. Railroad) now hail the aick and1 afflicted with a tc-ruul welcome. The eapirienee; ol the Proprietor jutitiia the aeeker of health or. pleasure in anlieipatnig a "good lime coming." The Proprieior haa been al very great eapeneei hi filling up a W aiering Place commcnsara'.e with j the wains of the CAROLINA!? and cunfidrntly re. lica on tm-ir ueucroBitv for rncouraEement. i H. L. K0BARD3. iWi I. I r00. Sit 1 FLOW KKS' j WiiiTS buLtiitin SFRiHGS, Caldwell county, W. u. T IHE Proprietor of Ihcae Springs infi rm the public gem rally, thai ne is preparing to re cc.ve ana entertain those who are uesiroua of tea. ; ting the cu.-ative quaiinea 01 this water, tor the ( vurioui. rtiaeases to which human nature is liable.. Ho is making large addition lo his tiumiings anu li lit reaiiv (or the reception of company be 1 tween the 1st ami middle nf June, and all who 00 ' come nn.y r.at aaeuredttiat tin-? will be accommo- datifl and every exertion Usui lo reinltr their slay pleasant end c. ml'ortable. 1 Peraons coming to these Springs by Rail Road, will lesve the csrs al Hickory Tavern Uepol, -n ! the Wentefn Kilension, where a conveyance Will be in readiness lo convey them to ihe Springs. tLKANNAll FLOWERS. .Wny 15, 1?0. 'f O The Columbia Cariliiln will insert once in daily and twice in the Sanncr, and the RaUigh Regialer will ineerl three weeka and !o.-ara ac counts to this tflice. They will please call atten tion to Ihe advertisement. AITKACTIO.N AT TUB Great Clothing EHFORIUII OF J FUI.LINCS, SPKINC3S k CO. fHEY are now opening at their large and ca. JL paciou Store Room, the Handsomest and Cheapest Meek ot HEAD'S ewajvy-sw wva a lABB ever offered in the State. Their slock comprises ; all the different kinds of Fancy Cut Linen and. Marseilles business suits, English and French ' Drap d'Ete and Alracti Froiaa and Sacka j a1 large variety of Cassnnere Pants Fancy and black ; also, Fancy and Black Pilk, Caasimcre and . Marseilles Vests i-j endless variety. i GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, ' Trunks. VaiiBess, Hals and Caps, fcc, ' ol the above goods xrt of Ihe latest slyh c- All nd pat. Manufacturing Department. FILLINGS, SPRINGS At CO. have alo added D tiieir Ready inmie Clothing Slock, a Merchant ady inmie t lotlnng Moee, Tailoninr Deuartment. to which they call llie ..nrcial aiu-n lion ol then many friends and cus. tomerB. They intend making this department second to none in Ihe Stale, either in .lyle and quality at Goods, or in the msnutacture ol Gsrnienl. Al all tune will be found good alock ol" Black and Colored Cloth. English, French and American Caainit res, and a variety ul vesting asaortmeiit of Also, KOCK ILnDfiMJIi:Ri:S They feel confident of their ability lo undersell any oilier house in the State, from Ihe advantages they have in gelling their goods. Their pooda are bo'ighl hy the quantity, by one of the Firm w ho reside in llie Northern markets, which gives him the opportunity of taking advan tage of Ihe prices ul good,, thereby aavmg at i least . 53 Twenty-Five Pr ent,'A- I3 : Tu the consumer. 1J" Dimes savrd are Dollars iuaiieljj So try us. i E. FL'LLl.MiS, 1 J NO. M. SPRINGS, Ap ii 17, I96i. At JOILN 8. W1LEV, M 4 Xr'f ACTI H KB d iMroftre.it or HAVANA S.EG AES, a.nu ucALxa in Tobacco, Snoff, Matches. Paper, fcc, )!ERSUI 11 1 NPtS, if., ruiisiaiilly ou hand. Juauur J, iPMiii. 4itl' Blacksmith m f m tHr.Sahsentier having ratnu i JL ad Mr. K iev's BlackBBjtith I Shop, inlbrins Ih. publie gener-1 ally, thai ll will be continued as I and II work will be alien. led to aa early I Those wno have been in the habit of1 a poibie. ancooraging Ihia Shop will pless. continue th.ir iwork. , J. II. PROP-XT. 1 A.UJr il. IS'! t.'4 Tl,e w"rkH CORBICTED BT OATES S WILLIAM!. i Di,.N H ' " , r,3, - ' - --. y Sidea. ..lb... ..lb... Hog roBiiu, Shoulders, ..lb. .. Illi fw I Bag'nfliunny, "" ya-' (a 9ti Heel, 5 ( 0 Butter, ,.....h..t... 13 ro 15 1 Betawax, lo ,4.i ( 'Jt I Beans,..- - boshel .UU ifa mi Uraiiuy, Apple,,. .....gal.. 75 (, of I Peach,,,,,, ..gal -"U (a, in; Cotton,. .lb.. (e Ju Coffee, Rio,.. ...,.lb.. lb (.5 g Java, ,...lb 17 (,., on Candles, Adamantine, ..lb 2i f.. 30 " Sperm., ,...b W (a, Uff Tallow, lb i foj 2S Cora, huahel -.90 (w 95 Chickens caul .....IS (a, j Cloth,Copper yaru Ij (a gj Liniiaey,. yard i5 f i ' Ef 5a, , .dozen 10 (m, ;jj Hour ..bbl 6 f, 7110 " .....baga 3, (, 36JJ I Keathera,.. ,lb..........3U (m, as llidet Oreen -...lb.. 6 (o SJ i ' Dry,.-,..,.,.... lb ,.ia li I Lard,. lb -14 l ' Mutton,.....,.. "." '. lb - i fee, a tM.vcaerel,. bbl.Bo .,.n0 (5, 1)0 I ., Kitta, :i()U (,o 400 MoUses,N.O gul , 70 (., 7 , ' Vf.I gal 40 CO I Meal bnshel ,.Hu It, 100 I Mullet( Wilmington) .bbl ,!! (, Co Narls, Northern lb 5 (i 00 " Hoiilharn lb - 5 fa, $ Oats, .bushel, 45 (u, JA Pork h 7 (, 74 Peas,..,,, ..bushel., 6U (a 70 I'elatoca, Iriah,.. bushel 40 (a $1; " Sweet,. bushel -50 (a, ii Rice,...,,,, bushel 44 la, DO Sugar, Uaf, lb 15 (v 0(1 llrown lb 10 19 alone-Ware,. . gal .10 00 S.lt, sock 190 fa, J00 Tea , lb " ( 00 Wheat, while t)Uhel I.'M (' 149 red, .bushel ,l (rt, 13ft Whiskey , Northern, gal .....SJ (n S5 N. Ciiroliiin,.,.gu' 51 (tt, fill Wool, (beat Oe.irgia) waahed I'i (5. it) " ' unwaahed -'I 23 Yarn, bale 10 (5, Ua REMARKS. Oicon in demand. Com, good supply. Rye in ' demand at 1 a $1 I". Flour with good supply rith au active demand. COl.l MHIA MARKET. Coldmsis, Peplember 15, IH60. ( t'TTON. The aalia for th week ainuontcd s 400 bales, el pncea varying Iroin 10 10e. UAi ONioground, IVH., PfcAS OA l .H MAJL'R, ...Vi (i ..lOj (i uo (7, 3, (u, 13 1110 1 io OB CHARLESTON MARKET. f"MnTO!v, Sept. 7, IbGO, ( O'l"! ON. 'I'd traiiaacttoi.s 111 cotton for lh : week amounted lo .b.",3 bales, w.lli aalss in jh same time, ol Vil bait s si prices ranging In 1 ' lt to 1114 cents. y.a, sfpi. 14 'h, colton market is dull - i.iV i 7u bales miuulii.e upland n q,loll.u ,t Jus,.. f ,ur u , t.,1((, ,n. sales u ai.nou barre.s 1 Southern is quotru at S6.i0 a 4K a 0irre, -J'JC iraiiaacliona in wheal reach. .j uun , , , wiit tedl tl 37. a M b I ttr Uuaiiel ; reu al $1 34 a fl.Oi. but lit- tie uone :n cori.--salea oi 1.0UO uusneja ) BJixcd quoted at bti a f-'c. ?i,.ir.u ol lurpeinihe 1 dull, Rosin i linn. Rioe is firm. Freights un eollon lo Liverpool ia quoted al 3 IC s u. Valuable Town Property, I tllETUL'.-TEKs , (fir for aula (if not sold pri..leiy mi ) ..1 li.e Puhne rquiir, oa the IWthul .N.vctiiher ntxt, 1 : 11. a to 'I ueed.vof Bupir.or I . url w.ik,) .he ( inun I AI(l.,,N A(. I-., leealcil 111 a reri pio.ni part ol 0 Variolic. On Ihe premises is a hiieiit u, i,.tiU', Alc. Persons do. siriiig tu purc&se uiu .sic loa n prop. rty. will do well lo exaHiii,- this prop.rty hciore the day of sale, Terms eaay anu in.i-t kaown un the day of sale. Thr prujmriy will 3e shuwn io ny one os. suing lo 1111 it, by ciling sl the Ming office. THE lKL'STEKd. A'igutt t, 1850. alls 1 niu in lwarii t IIE BOOKS of T. H. BKEM & CO., mast JL be cloaed. T. H. BR KM. uy 3fl, I860. I Oil C11AKLOTTI- STEAM KKFliNEU CANDY URIi tUaud C ttsE BtKtRI, aV( fllHE uuderiigned reapeetlully informs the ei JL lizens of t barlotte snd surrounding eunn. j try, that he has ju.t commenced the above buei I neaa 111 Ihe In.u.e at Ihe corner of Trans and Col. j lege street, lor the purpose ol' inanulacturiug CAM) IKS. CAKES At UK EAI which articles be wil! sell W holesale and Retail, Aa he Cms all tne wuk himself. Retail More Keeper, would ao well lo purchase Iheir Candica and Cake from him, as he will give entire satis, 'action both in price and quality. ILCAIl ORDERS from a di. lance, enclosing the : CASH, will be uuucluah v alti nacd lo, snd Ih ar i..a c.reinllv uaeked and forwarded accordina- to airectioiia. Lire: t lo JOHN G. C. LEISER, C(rr 0f TraJe alul ;,.;, urtet.Lkarlotte. N. ff. j t7Jr(u,If junt j( ij,u. Utl JiOi.VL JIAVAiNA LOTXEKY. The neat ordinary drawing of tbe Royal Ha, a- , lottery eond acted by the Spennh Government, Ui,ucr llie supervision of the Captain General ol Cobs, will take place at Havana on TUEMUV, October 2, 1800. $360,000. SORTEO Nl'MERO 643 ORDINARIO. CA I'lTAI. ri.lZfc. f 100,000!! I oriieol ajlOO.OOtJ I ii) 1 fto.uao j bo ii ) Hw.'JtiO I 103 " 4UO I " tO.UOO I -altl Apr'xim's . lU.Wtiw) 4 Approxim.liona lo the f iriO.fl'O oH0 eeeh 4 ol l'Ml lo oil,l'Uti,- 4 of 40tl to 30,Wi : 4 ef t l0 to aU.UIIO; 4 ol 4'J la $111,000. Whole Ticket. JU Halves I0; Quarters ft j Priaes cashed al sight at S per cent, discoo'it Bills on all solvent Banka Uaen at par. A drawing will be forwarded as soon - tha r sun hccoiuts km-wa. 1 Couimanictte addressed lo DON ROPRI iGt'E,. (tars of ('Uy Poat. I'uarlealou, . I ) ua. , til ih Hd of Oclber, will b ailended to. ! Persons ordering Ticket will plea writ their uusnca plain and giss their poat orhc.eounly am late. S. T, Wriston. 1 1 Jaaaiiii.d lmw.re. Stove. Wooden Ware, Urooios. Brushes, Ac Building. Job Work. h ..ti. s-mirr -wiinde.fai.il. sg. r W.h