'JIisfcI!anfou5. From the Souther Fluid and Fueaide. THE SKELETON TO TFTE r'TJISUT;', : a .k ea.ra JVtf.im FROM APPEARANl ES. . . btuuuaunhiia. s wo oi.es t al iu a ronin torn ner enc.n- . e e r u iu Bowing, .no ltnluli;lt ai in ima, ia tbr uom-iult, prop.B-.itT of - e - ainnlnrr detc.niino- nnnn the virtu.s and . i , i j .o.010. i meir .neoa. qB-.u..uvc-. " ii n jou c ter fee rlt on. o vu.Hg.u , a. Alice Leigbtonf .ked Un Cawrod ; of Mr.. Birrv, with wbeoi h waa fpendiog ' ' - - taa daj. I tba day. " I ever did," was tbe rtnpbatie rpon.. before her m.rria .be wai o lovely and fond .f .ociety. and .een.ingly, a. b.pp, a. it a poihIe for a huaian being to be j ISori .be rtatetlj gov oat, and looks) faded and miserable " " Atwood Leighton, too ; be ia bo longer v:. r.... v....ia. .w k. i . . .. fc ' atund.d a Ur.-Diateh their future would be a bright one. But, for my part, I am tat aa acacb surprised a. aome, for I alwaya knew tbat Alice bad a temper of ber own, vbieb if no rL-btly curbed, would prove the r ' ' r- ban of berself and husband. I bear tbat t .2.1.. i :. n . i.:. e... .. .v..ug ... .ma. .at ,u .... i-ro.ea. Bajl ,ltj(fiH 0ujT ,0 ,heir wr(,tflhed aion, and that be ha. lost almost every e.e ; hou!eho,di . thit ,ou deatroylng b.bit ntra.ted to bim for th last two years. I kuowa By lhc worlJ the Leigblons were . ,Jr.t.rd, too, that bis wife i. endeavor ;on, ,poktD of cccfBtrio ,iBi,. ing to persuade him to give op bis prof- j A,W00(J iDbrited this unhappy propen aion', and live on bi plantation. Tbat is, Bnd cftcn both a, eolife eUe. lo me, me most a:ngu.ar circumstat.ee oi all. She whom I have beard declare tbat be had as soon be buried alive as live in tb country, ard abrn a girl, wouldn't let ber father rest ontil the induced him to lev. to town." V You don't say so !" exclaimed Mrs. Barry. Well, I'll nil William to exert a!i bi. influence to prevent bis friend from tbnt turytug til. talents. liy Atwooa Larirbtoo i. one of our ruins' vounz men ' , , ... .. lU nic oru.uie.ua U.r poa- ae IB our State, and I thick it absme ' id., .an inmm, iroiu souic aciuu luo.ive up doabt, wiab bi.u to give up lie law." " lOU and numil both might as well - ap.re your breath." returned her eompan- t M . , . , , . ' 'o"". J - ol aiavoi a. eaMiy iuru mu run iruau iia eoart. aa ber from a purpose a ben abe bas ; , i j :. 'i . I Wiire .u. j ur - Aai ao lb conrer.aiion eootinu.d for : aisne time longer each lady offeriur her' 6 ' " , aaggwiions as to Mr. J-.shtou motive., , without either being able to arnve at any j aairai.eusry r'juciumou. Tbat nigbi '.:. Barry told her hasband wLt be heard, and blaaued Mrs. Leightiu in aa sueasuret terms. WL iam Larry was aiao a lawyer, and bad beca istiua.i. witb A: ood Lei-btcn muc. bo bood. Ha grate Ij check. d bis wife', tir.de, sjin : k.iHr, you are l3iog tight of lb.t ebality abieb joar Bible enjoins. Alice 1 L. : .J.J ..... . j Leij-hloo is a good and true woman, and reel assured boaevtr barably tbe world may . . , , . vvadg ber, wbilever she does, is ;ol and . . v t J i .l i . r.gtt- I .beuid be tb. last person to en- de.ro: to eoanteraet btr inSuence over her kuibaad." Tbu ftlenced, Mra. Barry said co more, bat .be f'.'"', and expressed ber opinion to others wbrnever an oecaaioa offered Mr. and Mrs. Leighton sild their town residence and settled permanently its tbe oaatry. They came, bat seldom to tbe city, and then remained but a few hours to trans act atvcasiary buatnets. Aa Mr. Barry bad been intimate for so B any yeara ilk Atwood, be frequently vis- . , , Ilea aim lor recreation auriogt&e long mer days, or perhaps for a day a shooting in a. fau. n sotntuui.. took bia wife wu. ' .i sue w.. .urpnww, auo.iug Tjt. tQ irj(iuc9 ber bu,b,ud to sellout ID tb. gay, social temperamtbta of both, at to.0, sud devote bimscif to bi. planting io aeeiog tbem looking bappi.r tbao .iuce th ,rrt.,. Thl, ..dtbirablw and wise jud.-ing rrt HaODtiie of ti.ir married life. Tb. , oulln gt,e p ,L, ,Qci).t io mui.h u face, of iMrth bovbaod and wife expressed tooi . lUcb pitMor,t ,od wLieb ,b, Ba, enteotmeat and peac. ! iQ wtj. fiUiJ lo .jofBf tBa eeU;eQ btrteif Conjecture as to tbeir stracg course a- mong tb cireie of acquaintance seemed to tbe winter moLtbs, she scarcely saw a white hate died away, abd tbey pursued lb site ' lac .xcenl ber buaband s, and even in sum tenor of tbeir way, bsppy in their child ren, mtr ber visitors were 'few and far be an each other. I bus yesr passed by, aaul Mrs. Barry was one dsy atartied by her buaband a ulling ter tbat Atwood Leigbtoo had purchased a handsome resi- dti.ee , and a, about lo remove back to tbe aity, forth twofold purpose ei placiug Li. children at school, and resuming again tb practice of law After tbey became .tilled their epecious man.-ioa was tbroaged with old fnebd. and aequsintaaees, rejjicibg one as or to welcome tbem amongst tbem. Tbey appeared lo enjoy society a much a. is tbeir youth, bul with more eba.ieutd Lv.lioea. a. became ibtir matuiir years Eacu and all ob;r..d tbe mixture cf love . aa4 raver.uee iu tbe mauu.r. ot Jar. i.;igti- tua tow.ra. iii. .tin .ovety wi:., and tts proud aud gratlli.d expre.sioa witli which iter eyea lolloeett bim, aou.picuoua ia ivs- ry crowd by hi oobl eounteusnee, and gracious deportment. Al.oud went in part- aersmp w.,Q .,. .rry, anu .none, a. bi. irienu oaa peruicten in eariy maubood, ' . ..ga. si.ev. .v.. ,u ,u. , e uueoay, some iwo years atur IL ton return io in. city, m tv.rmerou and p.n any human being nitbout du .cuani Mr.. li.rry were ae.led, a io tbe opening UuC() .i ,b, eireum.t.nce. ; as tome mc of our sketch, and the conversation again 'lry ti . lbe,e j, , (ke;etu0 jo tfer, tamed upon tb Leigbtoo. s.jjti.' '"' ".Ihe Strang conduct of tb Leighton ia U.li inexplicable to n..," rnarked Mr.. A eertaiu i-.iou. old lady was once ar 'Ris.eroo. " That they were under a cloud ruj,Jjt strou.-ly wouiaasri-Lt to preach,, ot uu.e sort I am f u.ly eubrtneed, that it when ftu.e oue ailewpied to put h?r down' waa i. jl a pecuniary uu ! am aiao assured, ' ai-.h a text from fci. I'.ui. Ab.'aaid .be ny husband aay Vuod Leighton there is br I'sJ aud I J.U.r. ' b alwaya been as sound as any niao iu JOII. IIE.'UY 1V.1YT, tu Stat.'.' "I - " surgeon Btiittht. ' . Just tbon William Barry entered, and bi 1 ' G" " Mioiemi and Ot.mi.TRT.) if. turu.d to bi and ..id- . ,FN ln H""1"" f P ". "PI1 w ar di.cussinir that freak of that lilt, Irrr i Holtl, , . mibww "" " " Jrj without rot apparent cause, ua wneo I w ,K. hothnr.. i .t i iii.t)m but inDireDi mubb. om uu lf rfcJ t0WDi,nj 00Bd .mplj afford to re .. , . , .., j .id. abcrever inclination prompted You ie , . -. 1 , niiclit to know the cause of It. if anybody! i doe for J0U ,iwlJ, been Atwood i . . . ., ,. , , . l.eitDtB a ooiu ineuo. come, now, oe e. , ouf curio8itJ .. I am glad tba 1 am at liberty to do ao, d j koow tblt- mfl, botfa be t8toni,U. , . , , i trGOLD.ndSl d J revelation, and feeUorrj that, oaifin,n ,,. oul . , ,, , .... rviiJ eter in. puled .elfish or wilful motitei to! Mrr. Lrihlou for ber conduct," replied Mr. I , hi, iobjcol' to me, tbat 1 told you Alice Lcigbton was ' :a good and true woman f I meaut it from i tbe bottom of my beart, for I alone, as tbe coi.fidential friend of her buiband, nn- deratood ber seeoiiuirly icoonaiatebt beknvt- our. Drunkennecs i bercditary ia Loij-h-lou'i family. Not tbe drinking in pubiio placet and at all times, wbiob leads toj braling and scandal. The Leighton. bava i .twit Lad too much pride for that. V hen i , , r . , ... . . ,u i tbey felt the fatal thirst ceuiiug upon tbcm, v . , . .. , .. . thi-v wnmd ahut themselves no and mdu ra 1 where, hare 1 sat up all night, at bis e.ry est request, to prevent pryiug eyes from seeing bim in bis degraded .late. He saw atid loved Alice Merton, and for a long time determined to live a lonely andsun!ov ed life rather than unite tbe destiny of the swtirl gill with bia. But be accidentally dir-covertd that she loved bim. and hcpm:. h hh Lji . 10 , in fcef forefer bj , . . , , , j ...ri,J... ,v. demon .ilhin I , . V , . I ae uiarrieu oer. j for Miga m Iufeee(1 ; do. '. . ... , , inf so. and Alice was Derfectiv bsrDV Aias ! at a party, which they both attended, I I ... , , ; ' R uieuu uuauurriug uia ncanueaa, jjicbscu . , .... ,r, , .. I cu.uip.giic upou uim. lie v.o.e u. ikiuui , , , . . ... i . aroused tbe slumbering thirst within biui, arid iavimr imw.di.t.Iv for horne h. aent aving tmmediat.ly for home be sent brandy, and then abutting Uim,elf up 1 r in hi. loom be drank himae!f into a j , ..... ,T .,..,.f,,i A d... I.i.e K. , . i,- . , a- went forth as naual, and kia plea of mdi- . . . .. Locution aroued no au-ricion amoLC bis ,c JiliuUDC(;, .. Aliee, lb.t time, bad a very ,uick Itcnmer. but to ber credit be it snoken. aa ber bafbscd bas since, told me, oeyer did; , . .m.. n- H. L: t .-A Tl . I I v. oi v.. - ricij bia periodical attacks, if I may 0 . I j j k ' k- t.riii tb.ai.) no .oe .Mended biu. save bi. . , , , , , . dtf oiea ft lie, woo M a aunous tie oouia be to Lid. tbemorttfyingaecre, from tb. Duliie. fciie lost all relish for SOClttV. for ' she dieaded tb br tbe blasting; wbllper ' jt . . , , , JT ' Atwood Leighton t. a drunkard.' St. ,s w tbat tbe peroioiou. habit was exertion ' . . '...,.. . .... . , highminded husband, and looking adown lbe tistl f fu.ora years, and viewing witb nronhctic eve the denih of degradation ta' abieb be muu eventuaiiy fall, abould be; eootioue bia present course, ber heart mia- gave ber, and she felt that ber burden waa heavier lLaii she could bear. " One day when on .bo stool of repeo tacce, after a night of drinking, Atwood exciaimed, 1 1 da believe that if 1 was eut ul the way of temptatioD, and ai tbe ifjis timi. ,c.iTel. employed fur a fw vear., I cou,i eo&qiler ,bis d.reful habit, wbicb aum-,geeni, ,0 le f4,t enslaving me body and ,ou' t m.o tbt Alice formed a reao- I utl0Bt which be .oon put into practice, j couteutedly in tbe prairies, where, duribg iween. Fur aigbt years she never spent Light from onder btr own roof, bbe an ured into ail ber husbands plans, went witb Liu. into tbe fields herself, sccompa- tned bim wbetiever be was obliged to come l0 town.aud without .etmiDg to uoao.exer- ci..ea an uncnn.iog aud tender watchful- 0Ttr UUM. Faithfully and unreuiitting- , dl(1 ,n, dtfole her.cf to lb task of .lrbgibtn - .ng and foeterii.g all tbe good iu Leighto a naturally noble nature, and, aa be ilmtK( humbly abd rtvtr.atly expreaa- ed it. -j blkM, be l0 GoJi ,be iutCMdt j .. y bcr Ul)0r of if ber yt ,ic,u mtt witl jti fiuioi fe.ard. Atood Le,bwu UJ B0, . geuileman but a Cbria.wn, asc.d no consideration, I am couG t?er iBduc9 bim lo place the poi t0ned cup to bi. lip.. And now, ladiea, do JOu not tbink that 1 waa right in defending such a womau?'' .. ludtt4 ,og ere ... eM , . , j u . . 3Irs. C.auerou ruq Mr, iiarry witb emotion .bi.e lb. l.iur continued; " Aud I judged so harahly ibis self sacrificing, angelic wo itb-.mtal Hlu wlJ l p.., judgm.i,t I CH.IKI.OTTE. B.C. aWW--!"V aw rjt'RlJICAL 0PFIIATION3, unci. . . ..is t t l.KFT PALATE, HARK, ,X0 Ir, I U.VIOKa ot monih und J.iw ! performed i-KACT'l'Klunil HISLt.K"A'nON8 lofthe ' treuttd. Teeth filled with UOI.D, ' SILVER, TIN or AMALGAM. AHTTt'CIIAL I I.e. in lllltntu in un i nnmnr. . tmiviii n. ntD ! TooTH Wash constantly hand, f ITTteih Kilraclrd. tJ'riiH'KS MODKRATE and ill work dune Mtiafactorv to III. palieBt. ' IT FAMILIES waited on .1 their hull-... j h.rt ITA a lock of Dentiat'. Material. .Iwav. on trGOLD and SILVER Pint. nd Wire of any ILTOnicr. from a diatance attended to promptly. JVernur,- 31. leiti. GU AiSD OPEN 1JNG AND GIIIIILV -- -I OX TUESDAY 3D OF JIIAS & C01ILX WILL OPEN AT TUB STORE FPRSERLY OCrCPlED ST T, H. Brem & Co., OiK OP THK FINEST iSD UBGEST STOrFS OF I1VER otfered to tbe public in this vicinity. A. J mong our Ladie. Urea. Good, will be found Eiounced Siik Robea, Crape Ma ret.. no. B.rege do. Ph.io nd f,g'd B.regea, do. Erench Organ.fica, Beat r rencr. Org ,!. do. jJeknet do. Omi.-iI,... R , be.de Eugenia 4. U-Hcioi.e Greu.dinc, w.. ! lmperatr.ee, BUtk and I ol d S.ik. Jaconet Orgaadic and 1 auiarliDe., Barege., rrta m v.irietv. Grenadine Ponlin. , - a - . irrencUJaconcia, bilk w arp t halloa, Ehj1i.Ii, French and domeatic BRILLIANT s " i.wu.iJia KliSli-ll, Frrucll ainl Alll-1 it .111 llllNilb S".u i-rencl. tal.-SUUAUS ot i" t4'"'J "d lJ'' ... , . ll ItlfP l.finfK IvliilC UvlUoi Mull Swie., Bok. iN.OMo and J.concl Mu- '1 .VZIU 'mmi. Dola. M.rtc.ilea Uuiiia, ic. SIl.lUlS II Mil Millltlt'a I Chantilly Lace Mmt:ea, L.ace tou.la a. Mi,i, Lace Sl.elia Shawle, Knibroidercd Lace Poinu. Burn.ia, SulUnn. and Picrommim do Silk and Uct M.Dt(e, .Dd V.wulU of every de.cr.pUon, I g i .- ii,..,... i -in-"t "i w.a ..... JSiCeVCS , CljlRS & Sett?. V.lenceiocalace. Book. JaconetMournmr Linen and Piqae WUU 1 beautiful atock of Embroicereu Handr.crci.iefa. Infanta W.iaia and R.iIh-., Pioun. "n.. E-ig,nr-, Inserting, a.d Drea, Tr,.u.mng.. l.,ic. - 1 5011 ill I . in cur trinimea Dunnei. our .aaie i. ecenowi. edgeu. w. . te.ut.tol supply. A.. in Bcb iluwera, RucUa aud R.bb..n. FRENCH IMI'ORTKD Parasols, Fans k Head Dresses, wait an uwuau.Ty large stock of iOltl'.MIi.Y and ItO.JI ILSTl t 1 DRY. GOODS, visOTiii.ru, it. inn ii .!::, nou I ISOi: anil II I I , gral ...orUnent of Mercband xe, which we inUod tfth ring to our Irienua -and cualomcr. at pce. which dety compet.tiou. No. CHARGE EOK SHOW I.NG GOODS! Ktnieniber Ladies, Tucsduy JVpril ei(l, ELIAS k COUEN, Ac T. 11. lirem - Co.'t OU .Stand. WE HAVE A LARGE SlOtK UF GROCERIES tin the Store liuuae formerly occupied by II. B. VViiiiama 6l o, opoaile. lAuriede. .Ware. 47. 1S60. Itf r 111 K Iirm ol 1 . li. Brett. 4l Co. la Una day dia. JL aoivcd by niulualconae.it. The Booka and papers are in the h.no. of T. H. Brem, at li.e Hardware ISlore ot Cochrane A. ttan.ple. Alt per aoi.a iiiucbloO lo said firm will call and aetlie the eaioc wit., iiiui ; and all peraona having claima aviii prt-e:nt Intau to Uiin for payment. T. U BithM. J. A. SADLER. Jr. T. L. ALEXANDER. .M.n liC. IflCO. Itf Z. li. JOIIX. General i ollttltng .Mgent, tuiouluwa, Perry Ctiuulj, il.buaia, YY T ILL attend promptly lo ihe collection ol all ia placed in lua baitda. L.uta t'lan.ia looked after, Land Claima ferret, led out, and abacuud.iig Ueulore looked up at rea. sonbte thargae. TEXAS CLAIMS. 1;" Collections mad. ia Tela., .. heretofore, liirougu my eUnraeya in Hiatotale. ProBipiaeea may ot aalrly deieuued on. from ;y UD, 49-lf Wm J Kerr, A T T U It S E Y A T L A ft', ui iKLorri:, . c, MS 'ILL practice in ine t ourtsutMecklenbarg, W w Loinn and t.'abarrua eountit. IT Oriice io the Brawly Building oppoaite Kerr'a Hotel. a, leeo. tttf Removal. IVY rrirrw:- inH CamWtuvt$ are r"prrlfulij i.f m. iHi'.fiiro I it si I hnwc rfiioed tnij m Jitopt i- -priff laii tck Hitiumg, 3d ttit trtun Vm cm "r.ufi i;juu iretl, wuexc f. WiiJ t ksjeuutl lo ttie-ttt, S. T WRrSTON. Jal.aary ul, DiC'J. A.W.ALF,XAXI)i:n, s vi: G t: o n ;.v 11 s r, vVFFF.RS hi. services to tbeeiti T i j P '.!. of this ."d " iJjoi i il" c coun VU I T Ut,,, tn h treatment of irreguhiri. lice of III teeth, Piaeaaes of the mouth. Teeth filled in . skillful mil eiiliafactiiry manner. . Ar. tili.-lul teeth inserted on Gold or Si ver pi . t-. 1 1. . f India Kubber vulcanised bnee Thin lvlc of I work h. iM.NT.iJvaRtaa-r.omt wared work. ' It eon he adupicd to the mouth with lesa irntuti. n limn the Swaged work it ia alto cheaper. It l free from auv uiipjeuaaot "dur or tuale. Ilaviny become ajuit fur the American llnril Rubber eompan? lieViil aupply Oenlinii. wiili of lice right, to matiufaclure 1'iulra mill Unnia lor Art.ficial Teeth and the Apparalu. ami Maleiial He will al..n gi iottructiooa in th. art on mod- J erate term. Aa tie iect. to jo a tr .T.-lling bu.ir.en per. 1 n deaini.e wmkdoHC, can Be otlended to at their resilience., b addieaamt hiia at T.ckii ! aeeca P. U., Meckleiibunr I'oi, N. C. - 1' All work warrunle-l. April 3. 181,0. The Corner DRUG Store, CII4.KI.OTTi:, N, C. v s v j: i i uTfl 1 1 iso x & co. B'(ltl.U reapectfullveall the a (ten lion of the , ) public to tlirir large and complete Slock now ; being- opened for the Spring Trade, conaialinr ol Oruea, Medii-inra, CI., in tea la, Perfumery, Fancy i Arliclea, l)ii.. Turpi nunc, Burning rluid, Alco hoi, Pnro Medical V niea and B.andiea, t an ton Tea a. Field and Gardtii Seeoa, tie., tie. January 17. It60. 43tf ttJ- j ; 1 1 0 W A li DHA rSCCI ATI 0. I'llll.ADKLrillA. .4 Bfntralmt Inttitulhm nlmtliiked hp tpreinl En aotrmenl.ur the Ktlitf of tkt Sick tnd OtHrtt$td, afflictrd vi l imieRi and Efidrmie Dutnttt.and ttpfriaUy fur tin ' r. of Uwtattt . I Snuat Organ. FDirAL APVICE given gralla.hy the Act. Ill ioc Surreon.lo all whoapptv bv letter, with a description ot tl.r ,r condition, (age, occupation, habits of lite. Ac , and in case, of extreme pov. I ertv. Medicine formal. ed free of charge. VALLAHLK REPORTS on Spermatorrhea, ' and other Diaeaara nf th. Sexual Org.liia, and on the NEW KEMEI'IES employed in the Pum-n. sarv sent to the arl cted ia at aled letter envel. opee, free nf charge. Two or ibrce Sltsopa for poe - tagc will be ac.cpt.,ble. i.u.... tin J sKlt.t.IN Hllt'GHTOV. Ac. ; ting Surgeon. Howard A.aociat.oi.. No. a south I Nmlh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Br order of the Diacctiva. GEO. FAIRCIIII.P. Seer,! E.KA D. HEART W ELL, Pretidtnt Ftk. 7. ltH.0. S6-IY ' v 1 1 1 :it o ii v. i : it K3i i : i v. r AN IWFAILI.M. C t RE FOR ConorrhiTi i nil Divusrs of lhc I'riiinrr ()r;ani, f BJTH1S REMEDY .ore. when .11 other prepa- ja. ratio.,, ran. ii i. ni.riv ani.se every o.n- nkr.l roiaoii or l",E"i: Uvo; " " " Pr"rred wieiy lrm ...,r. on. g,.r.t,i. lo ...otli.r. by llui aa 1i.du. ll .. off. red lo lb publico. HK.OKKR it cwb li t.. oie oieril. it periufui. Ha duty j quickly and tnorooghly Te IVfortiisatr, ol cuer w..i o rep..a py uaiog .uia naaior, .( ol.cine li.emeclvre at Ine mere v ot Qa,c or p,0iM, Tr. RtH.uv .triae. at the R, of Ilia diaeaae i it. lenuenevia nM .n. ,an ttt- p,., bul ,., K..o vr T. . .... iiauii on wiucn u ur rmat r at. .i-ifcit.R in ? ' all caea ol iiow.Hiw a.l.Lr.T, Gravil, rvrsic . Tia, KluoR Ala. s.iVV HiTta iv Fr.aiaLta).and all D.-caw. of the L rinary Urg.oa, a. a a.im.isi.ed 1 1 -nn.t .e..i,c .n of tb. .g.. Tt... R...d, i not ....Ir er.dic.e. .! Toiwn from lb. r-ravRR Ibot Ivi.o.ATr ihe m.,t dt hcaie eonliluiiii.. irll doe. oT Arriurr toe B.raTM or I area. ; rrac with any lam "I Bi i.ia, or require any ; deviation from that gso-ti diet. I li' It require, oo la.iaUnce from other mcdi ' cine. t t"And what F.slUNrva its Vai CR. is the En. ' ner Akii nf al! .VauiR f. 'Iastv, being s I'l.r.iANT i d DiLici'n a rai r t Pai.-r frR B..ttl, r.R Ti.as Borrr.ra R-a '. Po l l LU A. MfchW LN, Ml. Propneu.r.. ht. Lu..... Mu. SiM i n Charlotte, hy Dr. V. carr. . " ' E. .N je Hulehiaon A, Co. " (.'oiuinbia. " F.aiirr cV tleioitau. And al? Druggist, in tn. country. Van iScria.ick tc GricrMiti. t'harleaton. April ii, IfcHO.-ly Whokml. Peter.. YKS YOU 31 AY L'SE OR RECOMMEND ileimstet's taimitabe haii: ( oi.oiiix.: ARB IINO IT To SB A PERFECT HAIR RESTORATIVE, pro ting the strength and growth of the f la r. and giving .1 all tl.e beauty ul y,uli. uu you doubt it I i:.ii! I.'e.-ul! lar.iil! kk.-H.ooll LaKK, Eaeel Co., N. Y., I t'ttiiuary 6, ifld. I, W. E Haoas, Troy, K. I- , Otmr Str : Hiving uaed yuur Hair Ciiioriog or Reatorative, and tfeiiig nidcn pieaaed with ll, I taae pleasure in n.akiov trie futlowiotr aUtemcHl: rrom the ef. lecu el a very eiteie til of ai ki.raa, when annul 1 In rear, of my bair commenced turning grey .nd ao continued lu grow until it became perfectly art, lie, being very baral. and coarae. iiat nu.ou.er I bad r.i.tiid my hfiy-thirnyear, wneu I i, mi.; do co -leud to purchaae lea Ootlie. ul HeiP . ' Ireei; look at rfr?atise piep.rtd by y.,u. 1 cum atenccd uain? It flrJs-.-'-'ii.itu.ulri.eliiiiie, and i. a f. w day a w.a aurpriaed to find th.t my oair from lo. rooia outward ail turning ba. a w it. original color. It ao continued lo grow until ll was aa tru ly brow o and gn.e.y a. ll waa in M.y youlhiul daya, A.d I. niiw 7Uy Ttfiortd 1. l'a eriafteol ruior. MV LA MwlMAN. Eifrx f'o , as. Myl. Seaman came bet'-ire me and waa duly loom, and say s Inal the atxne atatemeRt ia true, line t,m d .r uf February, IH.r). jDr.L r. i'btTkM,Ju$nctt Ine 'race. Pirrsroso, Vt., Aug. I, i6i7. I hereby certify, that my Inur having become outte rrav. 1 ua.d Heiilistreera Hair ftatrirative (prepared by W. K. Haoar, of Troy, . Y.,) lor j I..... ...a. .. a... ,.. lu.t l,,,.. ,.. I h.ur wecka, and r.,y hair was in lual tune ra etured lo ita uriginal color. J can luiiy reuom mead th. article tu be .11 it .Uime. WM. sUNUrtLLY, FmUar rrf tkt Baptitt Ckurek, fuiifmd, Vt. Mr. W. F. Haqak: I have uaed Hei.ii.lreet'i Hair Restorative lor three year., and bive lounu it to ba a u.oat encilent article. It not only re ali red the color ol my hair, giving it new lite and atrengUi, but ll eured myaeil and wilo of a lioat ohatiiiateeruifiioii en the acalp, win. ii notlitng eltt ttmid le brnrfil. fully believe ll tn be the tieal arlirle iu aae, Yoora Keapa-eiloilf , K.NOWL'IC'N H i IN LAN i). The above are but a few of ihe many letttre of recomnimuetion which ha., been tendured to the pr.iprielora of Hcimalreel'e It nr f'nlurmg w Bee. U.r.livr. ll haa been uaed by Ihouaauda uf people, and it never l.ila to reatorc lb. color and growih ol the hair. This sioguiar fff. i t ia not produced ' .. vihen dies are uaed ; fur it acta upon the uatn ral aecratn.ria of lolor.ug m.tler at the r,iot, and lliua effectH ne charge. 'Ik eoer urmluftd ia net . cmtntrrjnl, hvt the mmftrml hn4e mj ywk. ll doea not color Ine akin. Pnei She .nrl 1 .0(1 1 r bottle Hold every where. W. K. HAI.A.N l Ca... Pmprietora. Troy, N. V. Sn.d in h irlotie by Dr. F. KcArr, 4. all Di og giala in tin I mini Mlalea, Van Xel.aai:. and l.rler. mo. f -barbaii.il, Vl iM.le.le itj.uta. At.rl -I. l-h i. v '' 9 1 :j ii 6 l( Tra'! at V 7 Jill ll ? llvllllJilVH i 4" n ii, i;ii " is -" .-i i KIIX.UIK-Iiilj r s! .I s i f I: tn II!JU II ,1 17 UIMIVJII'JI i ii m!; , l' I . I 'll i s 4 ' 4av.l..'.l...l... t ' s r M w,!"-it t 'i i w 7 hi -Hi" ii iiln il'is-rf'iT'i-' h!i.vntiitiT't" stir'S .r!iT! 'I Kisijiiio' ... IA1 I I 1 1, 13 "If. 17 , i uiai ."-ill 3,1 51 IK ii T4 .,7,!R1 .1t j m IT'la'la hi ;i,ii a I i .i; 4. a, t Ill" IS IS. 17 51 !l i n w a -a i iiirjhvi.'iviG i; . ., f, ; it -w.sa,j"Ji... J, I 7 i a if. ) t,- 11 '...I ... ' , r i; t j I', 1 1 1 13 1.1 .11, IS IS I Iii b Ja n't i' '' 13 4. 9' i i.ii i :1 II I &FLT3SrGr aCiTPT T T "T. W TT TJ & tJ AAJL JLfj ST- eu aaaortioent of $ $ n Vr a." w W ti for Spring and Sommar. which for cheapneaa and n alneaa, can nut be anrpaaed,eoiiaiati.ig in part ot Black ai,d e,.lired I LOTUS, niack POFKIXS," I FUin, f,..ek and F.ncy ASSIVFI.'K?, French l)f..b l' L l h. Plain llhick an,t Earned Silk VESTING". Fancy Linen DRILLS, and all other lii.mia uaunlly fnund in . firal elaa. Tailonnr Kiull,alin,ent. Allot which ill be If. ..r.iar ar aiilft hv the varo on accnn.moua. ling teruia. J. 8. rillLLKPS. In relurmi f my thonka to ttir nt-iri niof ( hnr. loile, foi Ihe er j kind aoc liberal p.,tronage Ih.y I ,av1 bcalowed on me. I wouM r.nueat a eontinu 1 ancc of the aan.e, Willi the .o.r.Mt lint all or. i rlera animated lo me will be neal.y d prn.'plly ! JK P. Apnl 7, ibco. .ii ; 1 " " -; "" " , CIIAIILOITJ; HOTM ( 1IAKLU1 IU . (. , rS,r!E Proprietor of tin. II. 1. 1 i. J ! i i R 61 the dutiea of "mine boat " to Ihe ' travelling pnbl.e and oil. who' , way eall on huo, ana he H.tie.a bin tell that aa coiniorta ble quarter, can be found with huo aa I any whore tn Una viCioity . Being eitu.Lti mar. j ly in lb eeutre ot (. iui,,.lU, Uu,ii, a Mm a.H , find Una lfull a mo.t conven.i nl and urairablc , localmn. He ha. been engaged in Hie buaineea at ihia aland nearly eig tileen ym.ra.and in that lime be haa made several ado.tion. to hia former houae, and tl ha. been great! f enlarged and mi p.ved. praaenling iu fronl.two.Uiry VERANDA lull leel in ii-i.gtl" by Ii f. I in width, tin"""i,, ly tha(.rll b ,he de .,ik, ,iTding a , , ,,",.-.,( ., .m r ii. day. Thellnu-.eh..anlh..rougl.lT fii'r...Reil tl.r.'. ,.d Uo(,bl..e.pc.ally in lb. DIN I.NG Ri HiM. where the "inner m.a" I. "r.u.w.d"1 d.y by day. l oiinerter. wdh Ihia l..tel are SuHtea alfordipg , r,wm lor I nf hnrara, ahandaiitly lulnialieo ails . "' 11 1 " Pro',, r 1 prrtrt.ee 1 provender, aliaooed oy U.lhiul ..orticra. i roorielar f eleie 1,1. n I thai with hia '.ing rxracrtencc and n.any new advantage. Buoeu in ni deaira to oleiae, he is nrrptr.-d t" cfT' r b:a trienc and Ihe - rest el e.ankind,' as many enntorte and , .a nincli good ciiiar ae wnl be f.j.od aoy i" r, ! perhapa a little .,nre ao ( ir Al ill raia Tat th. Cbarlolle II,. tel. I j. li. KEHR I Ocloktr l. HSi. 3.11 I - i Ttiouaand are daily ept-ak.r g ;n the praiof Dr. Katun's liilaiitiie Cordial, nd whjr ? brrftt. it iirf Cmlaj tu fT-rd tr.ln. t-araaa relief mhttt f ivrn in tifur. f lirt. if k ni-2ir, sua one trial iu(. CwuvmCtt jou ltit mtt Bf f true. ll CwbUiiii j i XO l'AUIU.OKK OWOI'I vri i of .ny kind, ard theref.ire Teh.i.-a by rrni..v,iif. ; the aorlVrii.ga of y.,ur ctuot, iti.ied of iy iie.rlcn. ( j ing ita acn.inililiea. Fur Una ri , it c. inmri'r'v ; ila. ll aa li.. only rel.jhle prrp.r..fi..n i.w fci,wn i for CHILDREN -l EE I II I.NU, DlARRIH lt EA. : D VSE.N I t. II V (IRIPINi; m tt, Hovv ELS, A . ' W IDITV of to. MOMM II, HIND, I OLD IN I I'lHK HEAD, and t Mil ', ai.n, lor aniirn.uf tli. ' ' gums, reuuere g inlliiiim. Ik,u. regulating II, How. ; 1 e.a, and relief ing pun. it ,- no eqaai being an 1 I ai.li.aaanio,iic if ia ua. if with unlailieg .oec.-.a in ! all a;..-, ol CONV I Ino.Ss OK j i.U FIT?., j Aa yo.. valtie ii,c I r and healin ol your children, I , an. i ,.!, !,,.,, Ii,..n, frmii lii,ae and and bl.ftit- j ing ri.ii.aqqei.ree winch are ceitnn loreull Irmi. J , flit- uac ol narcnt.cA of ii li all otio r remcili. . j for Inlantiie t'ompliiKla .r c..o,p.rf .i l.ke nnne b.,t lilt EA 'ION'S l.NEA.NTILEl OKDIAL, thi. yi ii u ,n r. ly u.i.n. Ii .a p. rite I y l,.r n,l, .a, and , ca,., ...jure Ibt n ml delicate Mi i. 1,1. Price, I ce.ita. roil d.rcelion acctii.ip.oy cacl. bottle. , Prepared aud Sold by CHURCH A IH.'I'ONT, Drufrgista, , No. 311, Maiden I.i,r. New York. 1 and hy E. Nye Hutcbiaon A. t Cl.arlolt., N. C. " ' " ' i. and F. Starr, ,' Ileal ll. human filood upon being A N A 1.1 .i :d, alwaya presents u. with l bo a, me eaacnti.l elc. Intnl.. anc gives f c.urae Ihe Tkl K UTAN- IJAKIJ. Aiuiyite the Blood of a peraoin suH- ring from Uniaoinplinn, Liv.r Complaint, Dy.pepala.j otroiuia, etc., .nil we Und III every .nl nine Cer tain deficiencies, in the red etnbule. of Blood. Jjupp.y Iheae d.-ficiei.ea, and you .r nia.la well. ll.alll.U1l U)D FlMlD ti founded npon ihia Thmiry hence lie aaioiMai.ing aucceaa. 1 her. .re Five Freparalions adapted to ihe deflmce,ce of Die Bl.wd its differ- Foi t Ul.i;HH,l.4jLU.4, llli'tM - H IT.cli.in what, v.rui the Til BOAT or I.LNt.ri ind.ieiog I ONSDMP'I DiN. use No I which .a alao ina No. .,r Di pn a..n ol fpinia, L iaaof Apprhu, and for all ( I. ionic CunipUinla, ariaini,- from tlver.u'e, Uenetal Debility, and Nr- v.iue rroa raiior. no V, Tor Liver Comptaiute, No. 3, for Dyeifp,. Ilnng alr'sdy prep, red e...rpti.,h it ia Taken by Drop and curried immedieiely into Ine cireulalmn s. that what you '" T he No. 4 i. for Female Irregul.iri. Hy.leru, leai.ca.. Ac. tVe .pem! dine. t.ona Inr Una. For Suit Kheuni, Eruption. Hern- f"l"U. Loim y and Dtadder I ajniplainta, tak. No. '' " " eieoe to. dirertinne mu tlv l.ill.iV. bottle d. Pr.c. of the UI.IIO D FCKH), It p-r riold by CHURCH k IiUI'ONT, DrnrglHta ' .No. lib. .M .Micr. Lao.. N, York. i Charlolw, N. ('. '., """.ik Aae l.il. KXKCUTJONsI for the S Court for sal. , dL'lil'K.VAS fcr aale at ibis Omc. j j . ta. 1 t--thtir .1.1 l. nflll n..rnAa.n mnrnTJini m Mm uwucios "Vr . -...". .,. -v;, (VMJT.1 MllS Ul M . Celeted stufl Screelg machine ANl'FACTbREUai rWuth IabsII.N.C. .no l.,tr,.l r. uucllo. a-e . .n " w. , .,C , l.careeauh. nedgi.intmilultnns.i ii Miwiatfcu.. Ad,1'V JNO. A. McMANNKfs ' South Low all. N. C. Hank S. IfCO.' WAiElNGl ON HOTEL,4 ,(CHANUOr I'UUPBUTOUb ) . . BROAD hi ltL.LT M.M 'HF.ll., JOHN F. JONES, Proprietor. . raivIIK (Jnrleri;i,ed reapeclfully ai.nonno. to Jl the travelling public, that h. lu. I.K.n eh.irg. of tbi. old and popular eerabliahuiriit, and ia now oreoar. d lo accoii.moilate travtrura anil ori. vale faiinliea with bi.ard by the day or month, on I tl.e meal accommodating l rill., lh. TABLE will alwaya b. furoi.hed with the he.tpnm.io,,. that hum. and for.ign n.aikel.c.u ,.il..,. The Wlialllntjlon llotll baa large rooma, ia nearer the dep.it, the court houae, and the bnaineaa etreeta than any other l the ci'y. An Orria will alwaya be at the dopol and laniiiiig, ou the arrival ol the carl and ateaniboat, lo conaey paaaenger. lo I lie Hotel free of charge. By .Lipping at thia Hotel, piaaenger. will have ample time to obt.itu Rieala. " IUvig alao . large anil comrnodtou. Static, and an eicell. nl O.li.r, he ia fully piepar.a to b. arri koiaea by the day, week or month at the I moat reaaonabie rati a. j JOHN. F. JONKS. I fore I. m9. SI If r. SAIHS Arrliilrt 1 mid Ilitililcr, 8 -m m i ILL furmah De.irna.riain and Drawm. ! mas c... It..,,.. i ... U..... .......... 'and Villa.. Particular ailen'tion ill be paid ; XZjZ y1L M,u..t Mill.. A c .., I.. 3.1.7a,. ol Ar.xa..o-a Builoirr. Iron! room. . over l bma Hall, Oclwr 26, 18.'.8 33if Wanted i,xo CORDS OF TA.N BARK. ' Which the eaah will t pa. i M. B. TAYI.IlH. fjif Cash Pald lfr liidcs. J 9 .M.,n..na Huaa. I S.raart. .Ian! k, rP Stf Scrof ula, or King's Evil, l. a ,-,in-f,,u.,.n.il tltv, a corruption of tlte L.l.,'i 1. hr ai.a li tliu fluid iwcr.. viuatrd, . wK. sod pour, ll -". io U curu'iil. Hi, it pcrvnilm the l,ol : bo.lv, anrl m.y bu.t oiit la a? on any p.i of iu No orjrn u free trri.i it. o'. a.., nl I. ti. -re oil whieb It may n.,t l.rr.iv. The aciofuluu. torn! is varwu.ly c.iu- ,1 I ) r r. iiri.il di iae, low l.vjiir,, dm i.nl r. .1 or i; iH.uU !.y fo.oJ, iniiu a.i, tilth as.J hi.' y V. i iiia, tl o 5i pteauij( vice, anj, ev-f V is on-r.M. i' . li.rditary m the e..n aWut'...n. d -i-n lii g from par-ti"s ri ihildn-n Ohio inn rhirJ and fnnrh t'-n-raimn j" in,b4. li ,m. to b. the r l nf Hun who itrs "I 11 vhj tl, inwiuiiiea .rf the fctthcra upoa thtir clrhfrt-M." l'.t elfe i cort.menre hy dcpoition frum the hl.juj of corrupt or ulceiu rr.attrr, which, in t.'w lun. Iivt, n- ml r.l or:.nma, la b rml ti, i In; iu Oi gl.nid., seciiitn; ; ,nl on tin au.niiT, eruai x or a-irr. 1 !ua f..al cor roiiiioii. w ..u h g oiler, in tbe MmkL d i.i.-i'S t io fc.i.-ri 1 l.le. ao li.al ae rofuorua coi..u. U -1H hi jy ai. if. r U.jtn n rufi.loua co;.' pM.rtta, 1ml tbiy l.a- far l-t poatv to with a Art'l t,.e a'ta. i, of ..titer tatKc.; cone q s ly v.. t s.Lr..t r jn-f i U by ili..r l. r. U, at . a :i it a. r fili.ua in their tMtur!, .- t..l r i.. ,J ,!! ' y tbi. ta i.t in li e : y . t , f tl e c.m.Viiitpiuin wl i. h d' r oi i ) lun.ii f.v-i.ly haa it. origin rlir ctly ui tl,t- ac, .f't.'yui cirf" im-fisie.n ; .n1 niir.y ! f iir:v ib 4 of thl hV"t, k-.drv y . br im, J;i , i -eil, of a 1 tle oraua, art- from or a. j.,.r.ie.U-'l bp I'-c U.U, i.'iae. . .iimr'. M a1'. mir npit-nre aer'.fiiloiia; t! ,r ;n i. M ii v uli-4 by tl i lurioi.g in. f ..n, ii 1 'leir It il'h i, uu.Urrr1.iict by it, P i 1 vi ii I'.otu i'ic -T 1, 'o wc fT)'st rerwrvate '- K'n-i l v m .jr. n-n' nudi.-iii-. ai,1. , -ti- ,. - hr,.-tr fwkl sn4 t. i f j li a isl..ttn wo sojipiy in AYr.IVS (Vsn; !ii.!! Ivxirufi of S;iraparilla. t .T,-i.,t r,.me.h-!,irh the n.eilual 'VI of ri.r tirrra con rb-rv.c f..r tin. every. r;i ri pn vaiiu.4 n,I Ural maia lv. It i rua li..il Ir.na tW m,.-t an. re reutn.l. tht h.ve !."ti itiv-ivrift fi the tprniun of tl..a f.,ul ill -.r, I t fVum the hl.vj.l. ami Ihe rca im of tias av .tfin fi.v.1 it d'-a'Tui live coi.a.t.cnro-. ll ii' tf it af'.rihl lie .eriployi'd for Ihe cure of ii-.t oi.lv Srrofnl hut .urt tlM other affec tuna wlicli ariw fmni it, Mi liaj Lnirriva an Sii ili.riara, M. AMlinal'i FiRR, l;,i... .r l-.iiTair.i.A. I'lMeira, Fiavvisa, i!i .i, lira, Hi. v. a and linn . Ti Miraa, Trrrra aii.ISsir Itnrt n. Si Aki. Hun, HiHownhii, Kjim wtiv, fly eu n. im and M ai.i hi vi. Di ..( ., IK,ii-av. Dtrsrri-.u, Dkmilitt, .ml, in I . t. Al t la.XH tISTI AHIalKR rilcW VTIA- n I, on Inn us I'.mii.ii. Th popular Muf i i ".njiirn.'v . r, MmA" i foiiTi.til in triitli, t,,r u roftiia la . ! (' iierafi.m of the blond. Th j nti, n'.ar pui-a .nd virtue of thl S.ra.ia. r- i i J' ii r fy ami r'itrn.Ttr this vitnl fluid, :,.'.;' n l.ti h muri, I hi alth ia irr.poaaiblc ia t uiitaniinuti d romti'utums. Ayer'3 Cathartic Pills, FCB ALL THE PUIiPOSES OF A FAMILT PHYSIC. k.c f-i) um)M;t4i tiiat d(A ftjtlnn t)i riir of f.tii At- i-pfi ca-i xt) wULtnn.l.r rvailr thm. Ifisr fH-hiitwiit f .r"j,trtn- ti U, anrl rlcatis?, n?1 iiiTi7raff rvrry portion of the hnmn orrin Urn. 4irrtifiK iu d!--rd rUun, And rmt'vriiia; hemitlijr nulitii. A ft fmtwnrm ot (Iim I i.in(t-, . thi ali i w)iq tt bowrd down with rash or pii.ur:,, tlrf-ilif ja atoinhrt1 lu find hw ' a.i i ui ihcTia'jr rioit- hy trtuwly ml ic u ur gutii iiivitn.n. Si tm'ty d iliry nir the wrry-Asy roiniiTAtnt of p?-tt hdy, bl Uf many ' ffimntlasbl and 1ariifria(T di . 'Ihe ri.t IHitw riamM m i rut.'tl in ftirtih pratt my Anirrwan Alinanac, tMf iniiiiiR rvruTliu iuf Uifif na mad d(rxuoii Vit tlii-ir ue in th lllfWniK CfwUinU . ( ojfira n$, Jlrtutiurn, klfindatfoartttnu JtomtlltitHrrtd Monui ft, A.tr-u, intltrfcftiun, i'am in and hiorn4 "fffimi af the iiovU, VittWi v. of Ayt. tttft J, runnier, and othrr kaulreU tmiiplainta, r x;t l; from a Utw U'e uf ttta bmly or obatruriiuri of if funclioua. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, ma TUB KAPIII CAR or ' C'otighft, (olds, InflueiiTii, Ilonracneaa, . f 'roup. Ilroiichilia, Inripicnt unaiimp. lion, and for Ihri relief of Coiiauniptive I'ntic.iM in advanced Mugea of Ihe disrn.e. S i wide ia (he field of ha Dnefulnea. and en nu merous are tbe ca.ea of iu circa, that aim, oil every a'etion of country abounds lu pr'reona pub. , In ty kiiovrn, who have lieeu re-treil from alarming ei el eien deapcrate diaeaai nf ftie hinga t,y ,ts u. When or, e lnl, iia aarintv mer eiery other niMlinne of it. kind Is too apparent to escape otnervainui, and where its virtura are kimwB, the public im Innu.er heailalc what aiitldnbo to empmy for the disire.amu and rlniiKTniit n.cmma id lli'e l,Mtii.,oaiy oritiM. that aie lucii n' tn our Innate. . w hile many Inferior remedies ttiruat Upon Ilia ennitrnniitv have failcil and been diarai,l. H, i,i h.is B.ined frienda U rverv Inal, ooiiferred lienHna oi, the aiMieteii they can never fnruet. and pio dunid corns too nomeroua and U ieu.arkai,e lo be fma;,ii.n. ritKIMNKI) By ik. .1. v. ii i;ie a o. t. tnVKLL. MAS?. For s.le by rs v. 11 1 1 en tsriv 1. fi . . If KP A tt Ir 1. iv. ' J ChiirtdUe. I II AVILAM), STEVENSON k CO , I ChttrlrntOH, S. ('. BLANK M.EI'ij f ..leak Ibis r fTie.. . , j ItOIIT. II. COWA, -heneral commission mlhi hant - " ". WlfUiaor... K.' '.: U- 6tCu, Hautli (We Market aim W.iw'b, "' ...... f j. ., '.; - : ' I I I I , I - T 1 1 I A 1 1 A I I I I uu. - - - " U1 t or Statesmen, Judges, Clurgymen, l.aoir. ext. G.l.tii lneb, in ti paiia ol n t H, t, tealll) to the ftiv,ey ul I'lol, U.J. Woou', tl. Iliiwi. ll V, alio gtoi.nmo ol the I lua. ,,r U1J imoua In i la praiae. A lew teat.uiohiulaonly Pj b br civvn rv circular lor mvrt , auc u be imut.Mibla Jor you to doubt. . 4)7 V ait ItKi'et, ew Vm, Die. KOili, IBf.s G.m i.iMka i. lour noic ul Ilia l.,ili lu ben. riceitud, aaymg tilkt you kail heaio ii,, , UuU been bench U,d by III. uaeoi Woou'a I, a., (l torativ. auo r.qu.liiig my reililicaie 0I iU (w ll I had tio objeclioii logivo it. 1 awuru it to yon cli.tllully. becauie I lh i r k it aui. My age I. atwul 6U y.ri u,0 cu;uf Oijr hair Ruburn, ai.il ii.clintO to curl. j," '" '' j lf '"' ' ,,,l. ll Begun iu lUIll gray, ,,,, h Clown of my held Iu loae iih . bility and .aaurulf tu loin. Upon it. t.. i, ,r tntaa a.aagcabiiilua luoi.aa.u Willi ln,t ,M about lour u.oulua amor a lou'll, j aturcij tlu-an, by hair falling url lb. Uy of my tui threati umg to make n.r bald. In Ihia unpleaaanl prudieanient, I was indritrt to try NWoO'a Hair Kealuratina mainly tu ., h lailiog ul ul iny Lair, lor I hau ll.ilj bg pcctatiou lhl gry b-ir tooiu ever be i.u,r,B iia original color tc.pt In, in liyra. I ., , ever, gi.atly aurpriae. to huo alter the u., ul i, bottlee only, that Rot only waa Ilia lailivj g af tialeu. Rul ll color viae realvrad lo U,a r.j li.ira and aruaibiuiy Iu Ii.. acalp, and u.,, tj Ceaatd to i,ira ou biaii, v.ry n,uc. u lu gratification of my wile, at w bu. .iiciiait ii tiiuucxu I. try it . l,,i (In., auiting H.a b.any obligatiun, ,s bee ms, 1 atioi giy itoii.oU ail i.u.i lailia l.if aulOllatn." ! H'CII Vlltl lo pah I, J "ample, nd uae till r,inj gray ur g... i tin.? bald. lo eiy reaptartfully. BEN. A . I.A V . Dhti T-1 J. . .. u n.o....y. s, . v ,fli 1 l I'"- i,u I kmeer at .No. II t urret PlaC. Hi. aion, Al., July Sbili, i.'9. 'J o lul II. al. Wswli i Deli u Y UeaUil.tiv." ba iloiie Hair an u ui, t ,s aia 1 coniuitneMl t.n tn ol ll, th.i I ,,., . , , make known lo the IT bl.lt ol na . H Hi on :-j ! hair, which an- g.ewl. A man or .nuiah ii.ai a, nearly ciunn l bail, ano by a iea..;i u j.u . "lla,r t at. i.Iiic," l. ban w.li laiura a., , ' bt.ol H.l liiao tin . t Ma !. lau.y ., t,,. , . - j Btlitta Ha J ! Vunra ir.ly. vt M. II. KF.M.1Y. P can puhliali Hit auota II yoe mi. i gel inure pain l c aouti.. I a. a a, .wait s Mtnvt I, ..eit.lieaUa ... to. .wnti e iirfriri I. a air..cf y ;.ia aiftt. VV k.h.,., ! . VMKJD'M HAIR PEs'lUNAIINf. j t'lriw,l ll. J MoSi Itsal Ml I ll.t.ag llw Hualutlunc to l.e ll,e I" al j-.rli. a ,.l n , i , 1 ileiA. llie rfliclaot tbe yellow lea, r, ,t I liana IR I'il. I a iniiiK.d lo rt,..i a 1,,.. 1 y.mr prepa a.M'to, ahd Snond ll to a.a.cr aa t, very Ib.og Ruao. inly hair .a ana u,.ra ' no Wui oa ol .lira, tt.f ob:. gate. aa l. u, giving to Inf. atti.l laai sue' a lro.ue. . rlM-KY JUllN'xiN j The Kealnratu i. put Bp Rutins ol 3 .it, vist ialgr. (iia.iuu. aouatoaiil .So aiuni i,. ;,a pmi. and rt.i a l..r ooa tinti.r p. i uu . , ,. ; m.,ui ha oa al aa.ai li..;y per i.i.i. ,.,. , Ipiupurlin 11. .o itla atolli, ralai.a ie la., c. V I a buine ( in la-ge aui da a i-rt. I...iy r -; more ... pru M.r ti.i.i and rtlaita lor tJ r..u 1 O J. iWkiD A. I U.,Pr..pruUira,44l B-.. a., N.w Y'rk. and IU M.rkei Si ,rit la.o.. M . aoid by ail g.aid DrugfialaeBa t a.t I t.aua l. ( ei. a.u in t-iiariuii bf AUK A : i j Jai 3. n,o. I J E. R. STOKES' Twa Dears abate lliau.u Baak, ll Niw . inf ib nr l . li. Msuit) ikifj I. , Cirl.l tllil I, . 4 . bot. f.aliblni.li'ehl iiitr, .U4 ai.ii i. e.,. i lu. Ilia beet IlLAiMl pAll.U ano bl it'll..- , I hKiAO 1 aw al ui 1. 1,,, a ....( I., b , tins iu u. j lu.,, aud al li.e eat l.i. . -n.ra ol p.liwii.e. p r.ooa. al.r..i. a a ' g.vsai lai ail or. era win. which I may K lieVlog bad IwMg pft,d.. .Spa liei'.e ill 'b. M. i-l lor. l BJ.AAK tllHihS, a..d lu l.ia II .... 1 a- w a.- oiu I ul.N i r.ll ui,k, I i. .... a . Ilia I i ..li, 'M ail l.a, g,,c rnl.r, ..li...n. lilA.SK I.CM K.n, Bank ll.ii.il a. I l.i a. -hu,.... I..r Di.il .Sii.r ll.', U.o,...r;-a J I w;........ ...l l ly'. Uuoa a, ail III L l.i' aa Hut ,t kv ai r tars, .a. lu. very b.Ua,.aa.i.wi ,upmv. y m pafcK ma A""' A1.0 1111 I.., ..it .. 1'UI.N I LD ,Ul.k! .Moaie U.,ka. Irroo,t...,l'.o.ri..tt.. i. i ' aim llaihiwl evtiiy nr.erir bi.i.ai. i-- , ; " 10 tv.ry v.ritiy .1 elyic, tl A.I oroera la e-atea will, c,.,1' ai.is aa i.h. aa ..a be none ttaew Uere. g. Jl. ol'"KK? Anene 17. IcbO. . .tot. I ll.t. t ttOR.l.t A riulual LIU iubuiabbt (uiuianj vi t c .. ll.i. n.,,. . t f I II l UU,r,j ll.tui.a ll.t hi. 1 1 .6 JL ." Im year, leril. ui ).!,. I ' -01. .... Mutual ft una .pie, li t aa.oiro h r , ,' lttipali..g 111 Uie pi.'Nta ul Ibe l oln'-ni ' p.itltita grULtu lul Ine wuoie lin.. wJ " aiita Ilia prtii.tuin Ijitlaiur a.iii.iin.. I1 I oule Uiay be given lor o..t--hall ll.t auini.1,1 0 1 pftanibiM. Dt.rilig l.ttrrest a. b pel ctil a." u...l. li.e pmiopl maiil.er ill Wlneh all ia ' .'tu valu lly tola eo.upal y,ti,gelj' 1 1 Hi ' ra'.ea ol prelnium, pram I.I gia.t iimul tl"i'''' aucb aa are .lepoe. u l-i litauit. aiavea a.t maurao lur alt-nuol Iri't.,.- five yrara, lor twu.thiiua Il.tir vaiue. An lua.ea are paid witmn U o. v a atlel " faelory proil .a preatntew. Dllll.l 'IOKS. hariea K Jul.n.l...., u . II. Jio.ra, Via lloiuen, Vl, si. lul., J. ta. V nii.o... li liualtu, Ciutnlilie Bnabac, I', r, I II Al.h.c, K. I . Il'll.i, I i.arl.i B. t, I' rowle, Kich'u II. It'iiut OKI-It LID. Dr. Charles K. Jul, uun , P rt aii'cn I. W. W. Hidden, Vic President. K. II. Baltic, Meeretary. VV illi. ma H. Jonca.'I'r.a.ur.r. II. W. Ilual.u. Ailorney . Dr. Win, II. Mckae,.V1edic.l F.iaautit AVrfiifira I ewaa.lfes. Q. li.abir, V H Ka, I hariea It hoot. Midteal Utmid f Cernaleli.a t Johnaou, M. D., Villliani tl. Mehl Jl. Kich'd B. Haywowi, M . D., For further information, the publir is red lo thi pan, phlela, and h i 11, a ol pi" may be ol, lamed at the tlfl.i ol lb r' or any of ita Aeneiea. ( niitiiuuieatione shnule t. ai urn"1 ' paid) to. II. II. BATTLE, i. :rrtai A'eplem.er M, Hj1. a JOB rRIIuIi;G. .1 H CNIMINt 1 all hif.! an iwtoiiMiisii it",,, Wri'MS TlCKETf. I'.r the ('"""'? ' . :..p,n., t'ourt, ft-t sslr h " .ry4'j eV4iiaHJ-, Jl