Irjarloa. result, which he believed would folia, th adoption of the opposite policy. Tbe results turned ool to be whit bt thought and avid they would ; aad hi course was tion kill If well taken, they u11t justify the eottoji StaUi (and it ia only in ibera : eepting anlyjMsh in the South that are wil-1 hit rmrka, made as of most oloqijentLn-1 "Jrieoom of Speech in Philadelphia. TIIK ESCAPE OB TUB ARABIt Mr. Bella course. Who at thia day will that we can hope for any effeolire move-! liug to be governed by them, g"g. which was received with hearty ap- Attempt to lireo.k up a Belt mnd Everett, Dr. Smith, of Spriniiflild, ( Mass say hii mey were noi wen iid 1 --., -...-...----.-..v-.., .v, ,vuv ..... . ....... r- . - .... Meelie. The Fbilaielpbia Ledge awe nomo ma following grapnic aoguunt of What ' meet,) we shall fire the southern heart, and I A few venal dresses, that hope to fatten ; plause a the fpoiU of a government as corrupt an disuuii reuiont would establish, and a few traitors mrke jby one organixed, concerted action, we : to their leot-rwITnd race, would attempt to 1 tfh'i could stand b-Jdly forth and exclaim a' . , jen precipitate tlis cotton States into a : producs a divsrm'on in favor of our etirmiea, ' 1 am a disunionis'.!' " 11 ITt f h ( H'flliftJ ff ft I lit IT rcTO'u,'0U- j but tbey wih receive ,ut'irvoi from It wa then moved by Gin. Y .IUmU VtHviWlfl VLilJ' j Another part of Mr. Yaney's plan for ' our committees of vigilance until the State I seootnle-1, tbt tho Club return th S3 . &m m 1 king up lb!; Union, is foreshadowed by gove""nDt could take the nectary steps anJ sincere thanks to tho honor. ble penile ,, ., ,. , , to insure traeVTuility. A proper feeling is lueo who had tins evening so ably defended Montgomery Mail. Mr. ancy a organ lre(lj p(.rving the nia.,,,'0f ,) South. I the c.u-e we advocate. candid man will eensnra Mr. Bell for actio instruct the southern mind, riv courage ' on the- spoils- of a sovernuaent as oorrunt as diumrnHt in unmeasured terms, ana re- .... . . ' . un Brihiin,l,i t..i ' umniaieiy Tinrticsted in the fullest mannr, i as he did upon those ground! T to eseh ctner, and at the proper moment, ! reuiont would etnliili, and a few traitora t msrseJ, " jw-y nave jniy-on Vie man ! 1 " ---" - - - - i(tj,rn ,rrj,, wrcolc.on Ka-n.-t Ko -., "-tii DI idb twenty orst tme. ('-. itucB 01 lour yesrs oy House of Representatives numbering t . democrats to oue Whic I 2- To his opposition to the repesl of the Misvsori eoniproioi.s. which he h.eH We. upon whs he foresaw atd prcdirtrd would ' le the "trt'tftt." He could find no warrsot j in the Constitution for the elsue in the set! of IPtfO, restrictinp slsrery by the line of j Jt'V-Sil He regarded such retriction as un just t the South and iu violation of the treaty by which tho territory was acquired ) from Frsnce. He bsd voted in le3( to re- j ft'sl the Meiiean laws prohibiting slavery I in New Meiico, which weie in fores at the j . tins of the acquisition. But ben it came j .to voting for the repeal of the Missouri compromise, which bad beeai pf acefully ac- s)iiecd in far thirty years, he apprehended oung, and iir hearty ,lrcak the in the following extract : Th, jdca thrown out in some q iarters, ho- I Moved and sroiuled, that the Club ad- " Tin V'av to Pissor.VR TH C Umox. ' ever, lint wehotilH niatiifest our resistance ' journ til m-xt Fridsy everinir, the V'Hih iost. I. L. II YM KM AN, , iec. Jt, f E Vluh. CHIRLOTTE: cy.vj 5fw Bun three Presidential tickets against Lin-j only by reforftig to hold office uuder the 3 iT-f-J?" I00'", thereby giving Lincoln the best chance ' tiew adtuiuisTTstion, is an abnrility. We jrra 7 04 . forelcction. A fter Lincoln is elected, some ; shall tberch not only deprive ourselves of Southern communities mot of them, per- the benefits of a government, which we were hups will refuse to let a postmaster ap- I taxed to support, but we shall assume the I 1 ' .S'ime njii' j poiuted uuder his Administration take pos- contemptible esstitude of the Asiatic, r'R Tin n. c. wma. trg'lrs went In Hie t'hi.rlelnn Con. )r. vuhl a nominalinn, and to .liaaolv ridd,.Hv. When they diuu.iinata. Tl.t t'i i- 1111.10 ul' Hayurd lis ece.teia l work sess-ion of the office. Tbeutlte United Ststcs uuresistingly jnd a sullen silenoe submits 1 ll,i"" M was h,..(.y ndu. authorities will be interposed to "enforce to oppression and torture. Kqually pirpo., j "p,,0''" b "thi'nsn the law." Then the United States authori-; terous is the idea referred to in the North, ,. , Ut.m.ert went ..ft" tn the jtles will either be shot down or thsy wi.l , "st we are threatening lorevo't against toe ! the poiiticjl wiics fur p.ra.tiMl frirnos. 1 hpr .kn.....l.J.J... Tl ... .!, f ,-ovemment I'm., nt m. !. I,... inirnr In ri Ihr.r ird lk.,iL..r,.l.-i..,. dsnjeroas contfq'itwei to'the South snd to T II f H (1 il V, IS P D I e III b P T '2-5 1 8 (i 0. ! the couimanity will rise up agsinst the I'ui-; by the Constitution, re entitled to hold the i e'" from Hon. M' tpetck.deUterrd the wholeeountryfrom the adoption of the ' ; ... j ted States (joveruuient, and will besustained I critsniistion of the government. It tis de- i " A'"'"' X V" measure, lie looktd at the probable result t . ILTIt. It. W akefield. Fi-o .,f l.rn.iir. haa cnn. I bv neiirhborinitconimuuitics, until civil war, ! oided by the Parlismi'Dt that James the See- "r- iMttor : lor the purpose f eolight- f tbe measure, and guided, as he expressly J seniej to act, and n our sntl.oriied seent. He ' u itt all its horrible butrltertes, envelopes the ood, by violating tho Constitution, lad ab- I euing the good people of North Carolina, I declared entirely by the conclusions which lould he, he voted airaitiu the repeal, and ia o vo'in;, a the reults proved, be voted 1 sgsinl the creation of the Beputlican par- j ty ! It would b a gros libel on tbe rnsjori ty wh repealed the Missouri Compromise, to uppoc they would have done it bad : tley teen gifvd with tbe fore.igbt cf Mr.' Hell, and seen, at his far-racling ssgscity rnsbled him to do, the dcplorblo conM-q'icn-1 ers wl ich 8ow from it. I No Ligber tribute could be rendered to spy n,so tbsn that which ia nnwittingly( paid to Mr BTi hy li e entire array, vsst ss it i, of I'etnocrstic Usders, speakers and ; writer, throughout tbe South, wbeu they; all nprn the people of the South, as they ', are every day doing, by uniting under the TVmoerstie flag, to interpose a barrier to Ahe oaward nisreb of Kepubliesniim when till recene orders tor tile mo. bidllKa or (vcr- I l,,,..4 n Lrnw, nl l,ln,J i,ml nimnvr I 1 ti'rc- ntr.nltk jdicstod the government, and left the tbrons j hand you tho above extract from (iov. El- bis mind esme to, as to what those results ,uhr!bTnB wtiu"' r tol himw!"l''' ti, ""J1 I " Yes if yon wish to bring this delightful , vacant. So these States that refuse to obey lis' speech delivered at Kiosfon, after the ill Mini! tun Whig for two dollu FOK PRKHDE.NT, Hon. JOJLN HELL, OF TENN&SSKK. 9 ''state of sffairs about, run three ticktis in i llie Constitution, are to ba held as bavins j few Southern States had seceded from the .the South against Lincoln." gone oit of the I'nion. Let Mssiachusetti, i Convention at Chsrleston. Will you please This will reveal to onr friends the whole ! 'Sew York, anjthers, atay eut of it, and j compare them with the Governor's position at tbe saino-tin.a, lost the use of Southern Dow. i he very party be theu demounted freights to tfai1 hips and Southern pur-1 o bitterly he is now lauding to the ikiua -i e.. y" . - r . . ' . I . j . n: . L . . ' vu.rcra lur 1 . anuiaot,ures ana imports. ; lemug sue pnopi ia support 10 save i.-rheme of the disuoionist. Appoint Yigi j lance t. ouiinitteea, are the publio miiid, and : chasers for I. attempt to precipitate a Bevolutiou by pre- When their intercourse with 11s ia placed on ! the Union venting the offices from being filled until 1 11 footing common between foreign or hos-j How in the name of honesty or eonsisten- linn Lllll'IDH Ll'PIJ IlfrrP : with all its horrible tutcheries, en-I . - uu , ; ' v - -v.(J..6.. r- u . J lUila JuDWahi' ijrjllijl Ir 1 ,1 1 j 1 j f M . . : cient cousolsfoo in the idea that they are ' K. chanite bis pol Heal creed so q-nck I Is r 1 freed in tueir consciences froia all responsi-1 riot 1 sncey, tbe heed, front of the seeders, j carnsse. Are the people of Metkleuburg , hility for the sin and turpitude of Southern ! the same now that he was tliei 1 Did ha not 'ready for this? Are you willing to aid slavery, then let theu, by force of arms, ! act the same part Id Baltimore that be did Kernlution. ff not c. ' el dsx into Ike U moo. t the u can. in Charleston ! I hen, wbv uoss tjov. r.ill FUR VK'K PR ESIPENT, OF MASSACIIUSKTTS. 11.11 IO Ksi. of th. Union Splitting Black B-pblio,r,, ()pe 01fi of which , Bri;f HCo,;uln of that city to interrupt a U.ll su.l Everett bocu given: meeting! . " ) SteAMttiP AaAwiA, 11, jj , A ms tneeting of the friend of IMP Friday, .AnKt &l 1 si' and Kverett was hold last eveuing at thai . In tbe midst of life we are in death J, erter of Biosd and South streets. Soon half an hour ajo, while sUn.lim- on, after the organisation the K. publiean In- bows, tho ehtp running fourteeu ktioti , vincinies pan-(i in prooc!ioii, toiiowe'i uy hour un'ler stesni and sail", in a thick fi an immcn-e crowd. While it wis moving I hear ! a Toud4 ehnut - land tiioiH ! by, ohcers were given fjr Linoolii and turned towards the osptainf or rather hi Hamlin on ouoside, ami for B.ll itid Kver- 'my ay on hi in at that moment If., f. ett 00 the other, but there was not any could not have expressed more horror if 1. fighting. In a- fee - rdas:a s?"n ?!' Lii seen hell's gates opened. He sprang thrown from crowd that bad on the engine bell, at the same time shout,, the south west corner ot nrosd ana SoutO " bsrd a port your helm." Aooouterori, streets, and this was kept np until tbe Bell of "starboard " was viven. The nam. and Everett men ralicd in sufficient force 'leaped from his footing, shouting so that h to drive them back. voice was heard above tbe escaping steS, The speaking wst then resumed, but it " bard a port, in God's nsms I ' Hi ordt was not long before it was again interrupt- j was obeyed. Then turning forward arnoi cd in a similar manner. I ha speaker was 1 a hubbub of voices, sboutin? " we are lo,i atoned, and most of tbosa oa tbe stage were '(Sod base merer on us," Ae . I taw 11 truck and injured, among whom wera re-, rocks not twenty feet from the ship's bow, ponea 10 pe sue lion, auwara iving anu uu their mp was a light tioue. Aisna,, David Paul Brown, Kq Tha assailants j around il seemed as if we should every n,, Bell and Kvereit men. and did to for a ooa-1 swell of the Atlantio was reverberating t siderable distance up Broad alreet. Orders j tbe sprsy Cjing all around a. The were men sent to the ueii ana avereu aeaa- took abaok, keeling us ever to that the i nn.,1... t. ..I.!......!. l,ink nnn r. I.L. .L. t . . I ,.- arriving, tacceeded in beating Dsok ine ri- were screaming, seamr-n runutn to ami fl0 and abeve ail, tha oaptsii and lieuteoin looming so as 10 v ntsra anove tbe aim escaping steam, " ba.d a-port, bard, bard For the State at large : Hon liKO. E. BAlKlKK, of Wake. Da. 11. K. M'KKD, ot Paaquotsnk. J in precipitating ' to it, that you an sot drawn into it before i you are aware. otera. A running Bgbt followed, la wbieu brick beta and atonea were thrown and pis tola were 6red. A few policemen were on tbe grouod wben tbe attack waa made, but " liraoe around the toreyard I" " 1-t (j, they did not remain. Finally, after more tbe halyards and sheets fore and aft?'' than an bour'a bard 6gbtin, the Bail and stepped abaft the foreman, to be out of tb- k'.varatt nan w..r. ilriian nff an I tha meC. i a, . nf il. f.ll ...A .1 I... .1. , lug broken up. I be occa and speakers j but For the Districts they expatiate upon the danger to Southern 1st District, J. W. HINTl'N, of 1' C. C. CLAKK. of Craven. rJtb do. do. do. do. do. uo. da. l'KKA.llKLK AM) Kl .sou 1 IOV rjuotauk. 'lustitntions of the governmeut's failing into 2d the of the Republican-. sbm tbej gj ye-rlsiin that danger to be so great, that ti e jth J.:ih o.ifjhl never to submit to the inauga- 5th n:io of the Pi-publican cindidste. if lert 6th eil. Had Mr B-l'"s prodent ceuncila bis te aerjioriiions ms earnest remonstran k It en heeded, there would this day have t-e. n no Republicsn psrty, and tbe country old now be in the ei jotnenl of that re "ie and freedont frcx siavery agitation a bit h I'resident Fierce eonratu!sted it op en peeir at the date of his installation tut Ike Presidential effice. U. To hit vote against the Lecoinpton C'f'iu;en YVA. He voted, bis aeeers ssy. tgainst adtoitting Kansas into tbe I nt ea as a slave Slate. "A blave State!' Tl IVswrrsts ef Tenreee krow. and aill 'i ready rrcdecce to(!en U bi'fieid, their fflTmer feiiow cttiicn and sclie co laborer in the csue of Drmoersry. "bo n moved to Kans at ac rarly day. In bis speech a-gsir-t ll.e J.ecowif-toii bill. Mr. B-.l q'joted the fo-loeieg ex'ract of a letter, sritteu by C.en. Lii5c; to tbe editor of the Wa- hing to I '.frsw, dstid abiogton City, Septtm Vev -Jd. If .',7 : "I lse seen the letter addressed by Dr. lit It 'o a g-M.. a-JU iu th la City. Ula let- pie tnc of Ine States rceuiltie.l. and the t.uv. ter f'W snd fairly represent-, '.be condition eruceot afm ia thai eoiidittun ol jmt, The Mecklenburg Fair. It is to le hoped tbnt the political exc'its- With respect to those persons who are for seek to work with tbe party ho to bitterly resistance, but who tay that we ought to j denounced. Indeed, we have fallen upon wait for an otftt act, and in the meantime, j atrange times ! " It was a happy riddance " allow our sneniel to tske possession ef the ' to get clesr of the sectders iu Charleston ; government, and obtain the control ef tbe' but in Baltimore he bugs tbe vsaomed poi- army, navy and treasury, they manifest the ! "on ana it to his lips, tastes and . : . .l- ..i.i:. I ' uuv. n ora oir eoemv. alter i uan.ia iu ma uummji incuua luuuau ine 0. II. IHK KLKi .of Kicbmond . , .,, . , ,. . i an open declaration of war, and brsstbinr 1 nameous dose. 1. L C KDWABDS, of Granville. ! mw' not "fre with this unport.nt , nmlliag bu, ,hl.lti d d.nunci.tions.m.r I A G. l'uSTKK, of Kandolpb. I exhibition. It comes off on the -Hit Ocio- j on us with arms displayed aid banners ' rrB tub n c whio II Y. WALSKlt, of Davidson. Iter sod 1st auu 2nd of November, occupy-1 flying, is it the part of wisdom ta allow Lira j j-B ,,.,,. ,y ( kartmi Builrhm: WM,I BVNLM.of Lir.eoln. ; ig three days. I to take of the eouutry, and wait i Dkah fin ; Under your u.a.l head you Oca. R. M. HLMtY.of Macoa. ' We .,, informed that the Executive Com- ,'et ,f L"1" 'VT'7 ' ro.d.r. the f.l.o.u.g as from . I J aui confident that, at the nmner tim : i. i . mitteeia building Urge additions to their f a line of policy ssad action can be indica-l , ' 'fp . ice, wiilirr daifirnu., ana I am rtjoter.l that the true both so- ! Urmuc.ucy lui e,-n tit to a firm it .,n the AdrptrJ fc acr.umtiM, 1 y O" jitotiui L tmtniion ; stalls, improving the ground, and eularg-I ted which, without any real sacrifice, "L ':':f 1 t a:',J- " lf",'r, in., th. accommoJation. .renersllv. From ' Pr0" 5h ititations, bot M,r. Kxper.enee ha. riern. -n.lrntr-d tn.lialroad we hear of many viaiters and ex- j f; .'',.. . u il i L 'IV t Mu.air t..r,r lo.eol .t. ...... .oo,.,.u by .he p.,l,.a. f ...uon. ot ; bibior, . . .bo,e DrtS(,neo 4 L, not ' CeM.M fr ?,nt, ,a h0M h""'elf i vgard f.., each Mfccf. ...lit. .,r e..u...rt ha.c n.u u dt to m.itaa .ad ue ! D,Dltor. wun ""o" prs"neo we Live not r,lfl- ,0 c, ihoa,d th eUt,r,fDC oecBr iur (Kupii, and at tue aame tune to w.ueu , before been lavored, wbo are making tbeir ! Uur enemies are only entiu'ed to know that c eiue uu (. "'- '(K-i j i i.ere a a sweel lima rhrrul who a.ta up t and after tbey w. re obliged to leave, tbe And louks ur the i; ,.i yr Jack." ttage waa demolished. j We appriaohsd, as all agree, within t0 Beporta were earrent that several men fetl of the rock, and then began to reeae were shot, and from the eumber of reports j Just realise that there was only teo feet I, of pistols, they were no doubt true, but the teeeu us and eternity. It is the apiaMB af names ot tbe injurea eeuiu ooi ne ascertain- sea taring tnsn on board tint the shin rd. I he driver or the east containing the i ska had struck, would have sunk ia ,c Urge bell generally uaed ia procesioa, was jaiiiiutss, for it ia a sharp lodge of rek 1 1 said to Le of tbe number. Una of tha mio-j or seven a.iles from suy shore, and dr ate men, nsrosd Smith, waa severely eat ia I water all around The boats ciulil not li., the hesd, and several were badly hurt with ! been got ready, and if could, thev ht atones. A poase of tbe Seventh ward police 'er oould have lived in tha heavy surf , msd their appearance when tbe riel was ! if ah bsd gose ten feet farther -(,,,, drawing to a close, and arrested nine of lb ' have beea atm-.ei in-tantly precipitated im aliened rioters, who were tkea ta th a raging sea, whet, six or seven int'ei fr Kitghth Ward atstion and bald for a bear- j land, in a due log, few of us would i. ,.. i an o,.j.rlm.. I tug 10 nay. in wooie aua.r war n ui,acapei. il nouiU base all p.-rih't u a It.i. mat j th moat dtocrsce.ul attempta to Interlera i mtaerablv a did lt.oe in tbe with the right of free dieuiioa that has j Three seeouds mor wouH have to.i-d tai ever taken place iu this city and tbe not- daalb-karll of nl if not til of us, f r And ' Tilt CONaTITliTIOJI OS THS COl'STST, Tits I'Mo.x ur 7hv aiairs d tii iLrucriirT or ti.k uwi " t:it. as tlir rt urervntt.Tca !' the (ontilu- t.i.nt I'nh-n iiit-n ut the country, tn N.liiniaj Con. vent."., at, ntbiert, we here picg-e ouraeives le matnti-m. .in-lccl ana uctend, aturutciv atd uni. trjij, u.r grcai ot fubiic l.u-rty and ( but if you lose you Can learn from the sue- !:aiionl awe a, z .iil ail eticn.iaa, at hoe and , , , ... abr,d, he.,.;.. d l.,ereb peace .,,., once more be ' eessful eompctitior how to improve. reati.rv le tl.e vooiitrt, .he inat iielila ..t the ueo. The Premium List is a rich and temrtin ; bis full share to give iutereit to the occa sion. Bring whatever you base, that is good ' of its kind, and place it on exhibition. If it 1 take a premium, you will have tbe gratifi cation of knowing that you hive excelled, that time. Yery truly yoors, Ac., T. L CLING MAN. i yiju authority. ?MUU. FOR TDK N. C Willi) Item oi) the Census. PlNKVIIXf, N C, Sept ltfth, 100. Mr lslitur : Pursuant Id a previous ns- rr i . , . . lice io mat eueci, uune m auuiuvr oi e.u- 1 h Census report, as mad out by J. , , 1 , ; r ' teua from tin surrounding country asam . Phtlaa, assi-taut I . S. Mar.hall, for the ; Ued to.di, Morro. s 1 (; . for lb par W estern dit'siaa of Xeckleuburg County, 1 po-e of forming a Viilauce lomtuitiee, with , injjry. A number of Biiaut men wr . to ttefs, hours before our fata cuid b. severely beat-o. a: fan. 'sin Kan-as, bo'hlelore atd after the advert of (iovcrcor Ws.ker, sud I bare l-eta ptr.'.ctlj aatubUteJ, upon my arrival heie. to r. d tut erutaee from tl.e South up on Oo'erecr V. a ker, cbsrjjir.g biai with so at.. ; t to sLc'.'.icc x Kansas ' It requir ed t:- s-'vt) friw, Governor Walker to uske avaaa a free State Its doni, if it i Ex e!, sa Jxcd loag before Xvberl J Walksr ever r,'r-J ti t Tcri ory. "I ttf.' at, s gain, sir,, keowing Dr. Tttba e'l, snd ibowiBf him to be tlior egh y pted ap on Km-i. affairs. I eadorae fu:ly his claws abd cctcla-iocs l" express ed in kn letter to yoi.'' . Fioai tbe letter ef Dr. Ttlbs, referred to ia Isea. Whitfield "t letter, Mr. He.l quoted tie follow irp ptrsgrapb : " That in Jar uart, l1-'?, fo'ir or fire tcorith- before !overoor Walter arrived :n tbe Territory, the pro-slavery part) Le;d a Convert!:, of all the if.euibert of the Le jris bture and d-legs'es from every e'-anty in tbe Territory to dico tbe cotidltiun cf par-1 ties, and leading pro slavery tyier, d-liher-a'e'y declared it at tbeir epiL'on that the pr alivery jar'y proper was in a bojtlepa slrjOry Tfe;s Detor TcVb w r f reeoed in the saa-e anuiber of tbe Unrm in whieb Lis l-t Irterntlk and, wltteit, uoiu-r the ylr a.:. L oi 1 1 1 li tH.n ut vul f'.lhrra. Ii.i auji b.imu every oi the I'uilrd r-iaiea to tuf.i a i.iurr p-rlect utj.on, eaUhi.ah j eatiee. i Uf.iital.c Iri.aqo.i.lJ, t Jr.,tc, pronto' li.a jrtf.iar-l welfare, ana aecu.-c the blri;j.j. a; linen w neraelves snd uur puattriij. one. Call at the Treasurer Lowrie'a Book Store, or at tb Comaiittee'i office, at the I'.jtk Inland store, and get one. Good Siom. Tha Aaguta (Geo ) Chron icle, on the 6th inst , tsys : " We are credibly informed that within the Ja-t few days twelve Ue long Utma- j when sip. cling th King of Terror. critts, in Spsldisf county, have deelartd J Two or three la liei took it hcroiea y. aod tor IWil ar,u r.vsre'i no ot suen isrn-ea K straw ia strengtii igm ll.e se ns baei kaowa. I knew tbere was as tlx ia run below fc lit'o preserver which a: haagapbyeaob berth and si ci tut- i sutielf eilb ;at alriuging up my nrri..a fur a buffet with th waves F ,r ibrea u, i, I ean assure voa, man al.oetd whai he omce, 1. J. ' r " , . -'.,,,,". f. . .,. , i ebanges every day men wao never aetor j roiu lbra it was a terrioie tnomt ot f r e Kxecutive I,rS'7 n" batir of the Coouty, which sums - i j eaal any but a demoeratie vote, MASS MEETING, Mr. Clingman's Letter in 1S3G. , Many of onr friends btve expressed a wish to see the letter written by the Hon. T. L. Cliogman, in I Sofi, a copy of which is given below. Tbe name of tho gentleman to whom it is addressed ia not eivec, and, w think that there mast have Kx Committee Rooms, Raleijfb, ;ept. 15th, !!,(. Tbere ail! be . rsTAl K MASS ,var.fnr. MUKTlNti of the friends nf HH1.I. Atl Ir0re,Or' hVkRKTT, and of tbe I'M UN, lt tb. keen two letters written at that titn, far, if Town of Ssiitbury, on tne 11th atid 12th we r bot greatly mistaken, oat was diree of Uetcber next, livery county iulhe State ted to three gentlemen of this County May W de-.,red and expend to aeoti dtlega. ' B. Morrow, V. Parkt and Win. F'l'hifer, wi .uc vau.riu. -,ipv ranoi ur S 11 clanng for the truly National Union ticket, I aroand, lbs m . tskiur sbsek aud h - promoted by honest pslrtotiain, and refusiag as over, everjbudy ipet4 to f. e I il, iovger fulio palitieal leader wke kv griadiog rsh beneath our feel. I 1 It f r got lhm ia the " f lough of Deapond." 1 nim, for ail his,-, aud glaJiv ut I And tber are tboasands who, without ma- I that to his decision iu our hour of nteJ s ; i: e ,- :n k. r..j k i .... i. ained. and the Chairman proc.led to ap- . ' , .. . , ... .... . - ' . n and be.rtv. ihla to eulliv.t. a water melon fc. Ilell. W. L. Mason. Mamuel Vaunts. J. rl. i ,UQ lB, "7 ..iwar ngni aj-e .ak-cp- patch aud ...end to other minor duties on Neely and J. L. tirier, to draft r..oiut,o0.! Aa ionliisnt g.ntl.msn, writing to th. , p P f" th. far, A' a .lit. h.ih. r.,m. 1 J report busiae.s. The fol.owing r.soU- I Ns-bvilie B.nner from .Somervill, Teuo , : ' , T. ," the larm. Aitt, a wLite wonaia by Ine name r , , , i:,. , brsassra ahead. I ahsll nv.r forw- ; i " ,mj day th fae, of lb. est-tai. wi.,. I heard this morning, from reliabi , hs hear t wild sbut. u? I u.euo tbe whole Lui.ty, including tbaj On motion of Mr N. N. Hsrt. the meet-1 town of Charlotte, ten years ajo, was ouiy ing was irui.;d by ealnu M. L. Wa.Iscel 13.'JI4. ss per census report. to th Chair, and rt-.iuestmj Jsa. T. Davis' Among other matters of infarmition ga- ' 'ul '"'yj thtreJ by Mr. Pbclas, be found a neero man 1 , . J , ., ,,. , ,, ' ' 6 plained, and the Chairman processed to sp at Dr. W. J. Hayes", 103 years old, stoat j10t , eamriite of five, eoa-istiag of C h'rsolved Is'. That the In John l)reo- .ke is blind, but ber memory ri4 en,0i,.d at Harper s Kerry, as well as The L'MUN ME.V of icwan. throueh the Fx Committee, extend a toroial invitation to LMU.N MK.N everywhere, to be with them on that occasion. SlU.N Il.KOiJF.n3, CLm'n. Public Speaking. We have been requested to state that the Eiecttrs for tie Seventh Congrtsional Di tr et, Mes-rs. MliRs, BvstM akd lox, will address the people at Ut followiog times snd placet, vix : a slaveholder, and one of tbe early teltiers of Kan""."" who bad been a member of ev ery Legi-latute sioce KsD'as bad le--jis a Terr .fry, ' td wbo- rsdicsl vis ou the !avery a' 'tlon had rendered Liiu peculi trly cbnoxiou to tbe Black Rrpublieaus of I'bsrlofe, lur 1 errfory. Mr. li i i reposition o the I.eeon pton bHI, therefore, to k plaea in new of the Llj!.-t DeroocraUe evidence in tbe Territo tv, li. at " tbe pro siavery party proper ia i Le Tttrttory was ia 1 bopeless minority!" Mr. I11, a'so, ly authtti'.ie facts snd Eg-; ts det.,in-traUd thht aa OTerehelti.iug1 Course of Lectures. SB;o.i!y of the jusliied voters of the T-r- faliie are i&fornjed that a course of r;tery were ppoeJ te the leeoinpt5D o- Lectures ail. be commenced ou MoDdav Monroe, Tuesday, Oct 2 Wadeaboro', 9 Albeu,arle, Thursday "11. Concord, Monday, " o. Newton, Tue-day, " Id Sahabury, Saturday, " 20 barlofe, Tue-daj, " 23. LibCoiLtoa, Saturday, " 27 L'l-, Monday, M'J. We underMar.d that r. Inuin cannot Eqs. but to wbora directed is tot materi al, as Mr. Cliogman entertains the tame f riocip'es now as be did in 1 -"). We ak the people to give this letter an attentive perusal, bearicg iu mind that Mij. Perry of South Carolina, says that the election Lincoln is no cause for a dissolution of the L'uion, and then say if, in tbe event of bis election, you are willing to bring on civ war with all its horrors. Now here is th letter : Ahheyille, Oct. ISth.lS'iG. r l' :,.i ..!. n 1. t : t t. 1 ' 1 .t.u , u.n .u ' J'U14 ! onaoiniou'ly adopted ana FvsiJicg 11 the town of Cusrloite, agd , li2 years ia good. Sb remembers distinctly tbe va rious iucidents of tho Revolution. Among the aeaths he beard, and gives it as a matter of inter?. t, that a negro child of I havi S'-en '1 aith Jtity, that iu Several neighborhoods of , sreaa au i paia ia all th. ir f.rina, but n r our eouutv. aula a stsinnod to lit! I and j . f,,0. III,, ibst. si f ill of h.irrr r..rf.-n . . the more recent disclosures that hsve b.en K.eretl is now going oa from the rsnka oflony, aod crushing re.pons.h.lily. lb err made in Ttxas end in sevsral otb. r of our, t.jth Douglas aod Breckinridge. Thsy giv breakers ahsad," the stopping of the n si.ter State, warraf. us 10 tbe conclusion i as a iea.00 tbat tbey are for the uuioo gi0,a, the eesp of the stoam. an I th .lift that w hart arrived upon "evil time," Tb.t they cannot f.iiow tbeir lea lers any ing of tbe helm, all oee rre4 in one s.e o I. and that it b'comes the indiineniabie dulv in.,, , . h.i k ... J.ariintas) tha nrt I I. a .1... .... Mr. W. M. Stiason waa poisoned by eating of ever good citiieo to be 00 his guard so fr which they stiil profs. uu yisg sfTeetion, , , to stop lb ahip'i way tn i-tr,. po'k root the ehiil was five years old he to proteet himself aga.ul tbe murderou tj thal either for tb waat uf party or the 1, aave us but O ld rules. II put firth roasted the root, tLioking it waa a potato, ! ne" 01 cut nrl. laaauci irom abroan.j wl0, 0f ,eBs, they may end anjer, if al l,s band, and the vessel, trembling a. and iivtd 10 hoan after eating it. I . I, . v 'L. otaaoiva tn. v mow, i.v -y -w witu . aboliuoniata at borne. In bis journeying through the Coonty, b j hesolxed'ind. That we will ae every ex I found a atone bouse, now occupied aid for- ertioo in our power to prevent a aervne iu profess so moan attacboiant.' Aod to it is all over th country. mortal fear, yield.! to ber perfu! . i gioss, teoeded front tbe rock, aud we v I saved. 1 t,. Mr. p,.i, v tr.ii.Vii nr. ' surrectioa ia our midt and ia order tbat1 iv, mcr y owned by Mrs. Esther i.!u.cb,,on, wi I.iTTxa rituM Mihhismpfi -Th. S.h,-! A Dkeai.l A . idint A ., i t. -.4 t. which was bu 10 tin year 1 10. Also, a , , .r.fM . ..,,. i...i. 1 borv Watabman has bso nermiited to I aM THE Tup or a StrtlLE At Tr . log house, now awoed and occupied by Mr. 1 t0 iufesiigata tb character of every mtB I mste aa extract of a letter reetvd io that i N. If, on the 7th iut , to paiBters, cu ITia. I'igham, and situated near tbe Cattw- , upon whose actions reats the at sapii-iot, My I'EAR Sib: When i n last in vour b river, below the TuekHsecee ford, the lojjs ' be ao entire stranger or a cit'i.u of our town, I stated ta yoa and your friends that,' of wbieu were nertiv cut before the Rcvolu- comm'"',,7 t fin nvru , iiisii wj reroiB7l'n lion, tb owner was orattefl, servea bis time Chltif .,, ,. of ,w,oiDlin though I might not b. able to ace pt ao io vitation to meet tbe citiz-ns of jrir conn place from a gsstlemoa writing froiu- CaaAD, Miit , Sept. 2d, HOD named John Fitbbtrk, who had been dui.t l tag, aacndd 19 th dotno of 81. Patrick 1 oni ty before the Presidential election, yet t "J relurned, got the balaoca and i,n, ci,.,,,,,,,,,,. lea... ., w, i(llt(i k, emrTJ '; church, to d.a a j-sb af painting. Sixty ad to tb.', he Stat, by from ,00. to 10,000 a.sjent. j f",, t0' ,bo igi for Udl and Kverett i. Nov.mber mark it i tmmet' frl' " " would certainly endeavor to do 10 after that event, provided Fremont should carry a ma jority of the voles. Though I do a t regard tbat contingency as probsble, it is still tbe e'eeted tht boue. I and si BlSijiatrSt ao iad-flaiM number,! .. s-a?.,l gentiemen in this pl.c, of the ' V011 ,0 ol a- 1 ' 0 r six that I know " 'ru " comntitt. u, coiKi.tin of three den.oeratia nartt f6ve or rho-B b-isineaa it (ball be to an- : of.l have returned from tb North whither ' ' .'.oncje anu vnarioite j ana .Ur. Jrox part 01 wisaou to be prepared or it. 1 now cannot be at Albemarle. preparations made, and still would precede, by a few laws was continued for tome tim, having prevtnuly fhmh" 1 point stiother eon.mitto to nominate pi.trols! ,hey hsd gon to purchas good., thorough : P,,),'n' ""o" J """ lid.iers r P,,il and men. Tb.y have ,-pous- " ''" - etetiing ntxt, tb first of October, by Prof, davs, the assembling of our Legislature foa THE s. c. Willi. I or ,acli particular section io tha beat or MKETINO UP THK HULL AND KV Ell- districts. i e(J our eause with teal, aod it is baring it rite to you, therefore, to say that, if all J'-I 1 l.LU. I In accor-ianec with the la-t of lb forgo-, infljsnc oa oihrt. tbingt suit, I will be with you 00 Thursday,; A re ilar meoting of the Hell and Kver- : ing resolutions, the Chairman appointed asj the 1 litb of November. 1 hat is is early a ett Ciub was held at th Court lloue on a Vigilance Comiiiilte the fjliin2 aen l ... .11 1.1... -1 l , . . , . 1 a ... . ... !. . .. t ur i ... I What Coihtv can heat it T A gen- ua j , ui ul mvi as cjiim i.e ecic.e'i aiier rri'iav nijui, 11. -i, 1 ""j , ncuieii. m ; who. 11. .-inrrow, . nairiuan, , . . ... . .: . . 1 1 1 .1 , 1 ,, " . ' ,, ' . 1 1 ur 1 t i ,. . t- ,, t iitisn of llanniton countv lenn., ssy the companion not to dj so ouii induoe the result was known anil r.rer.aratir.n. 1 he I r.n.m.ltee on I nn.t.tutmn and h.- " I. Mmmii (. K He .Sam 1 V 1,111. r. I'. " ' .. . ' V Mr,rn. I 1 f i r I S I f V ' l',,D01g 'laaene, ooru uuirr 1110 roijn " tu'i jjiaairr rvcmtMiic The Executive Committee reported and 'Campbell, M N Hart, F. D. VVii.iainaoo . Should tbe U.aca Kepublicans prevail,; recommended a Mass Meeting, which wss Mrong.Uob. 11. XcUowell, Jno. 'I rolls, ,Vl. !..,.,..,; ..n,,J.t.. lost hi. balance, and. f.llin. .t.ek first ik. VJ.,1 rA , there i no spot of ground I would so soon taken ap, consllerad) and voted for in th. J J Pi ice, M. Keid, J. W. nierling,; .; . ,, v u . . u u . ...;. . a. ... . 1 .i ..A in. Metbodiat ' , v 1 ir l , 11 . ., 1 t 1 ,-. 11 .1 I. 1 ti- 11 il 1 will if he lives till November vote for Hell upon a ooruic rjuile a at. ts.jne blow, sail of cot.t,ucion 1 . ri j 1 . . ' ' : 1 iu l-i ul ,.' 1.1 . t''-p 'I ' .'inid Everett, th ooinervative L'uion can- then npon the ground, falling onon the r . e 1 1 j , , . (. 1 J W Llm W. (i. I' hiiDt. J P. Downs .1. : " .' . ... ... . , . . .H. ' ;. , 1 u , , j ' , . , , ' , , ,, ,, , ... ., ,, . . . j ,, ... .,, , .. , ' , ,, ' dtdate. an I aeatast tb Uisuoiou tickeU rtjni iu. ot me 1 and siioul ler, mtai.i- il is to be buped that county which I.ord Cornwalli fa man iclor C. IJirnniier, Esq, upon luvita- II. Kln.a, l J t)rr, .N I). Orr, J. II. Inch-; " . ' . . ,, -. ... . . i. l.h;... 1 ...... 1. . . . ,. iied by tbje well fulifjed to eipre-a a correct opinion) tion of the Executiv. Cotutuittve, addresaed ardsr.n, J J. AlexatHer, J. A. Campbll, j ". or ,. ' ... , u . ii.j . . from k.e ears l I Ar. .I it ii f tee ad'.c-rti.e. proununced " the moat rebellious ceutitv ia the Club, and m a speech of on hour t Jos. Ilennuan, J A Porter, C. f Aiexan-; , . , ... j- i . li. ... .;. 1 ...1 j ... ... . . . " a .cruse-. r 1 r . ' take sides againat tbe candidate of r'-par-: bit head and fse into a horrid ahnpe. America. 1 length entertained it by tkowing up in ill der, J. . Harnett, W . P. Harnett, V. P.f " . irei that it is the du.y of ev-! ; Our aLcestors bad far greater difficulties its hideous defirmitt the ftt-mocrstia party Kobinon, fjeorire Prk, J. K. Daniels aod ! " rt .. '.' .. " ' ... . ta encounter than . are now compelled to and it. air,,,, and sl.iblr d.-moastratin. the ! i. A Davis. On motion the Chairman ... P,n.. l". f." .h" M,T i .. "? '..l.llotjat, L I. U. ATEI..-1 be nartv. rv uearu mm so use.sro, , - i liri-tian utii'-rver.' S3ek:nit ol the lra- mtclion. In view of these facts, Mr LMj the .i!:.r, -siori.r wf the weor.le.f K.n. i Tk fund, obtained at these Lee aaa larte a..d overs helming a it was ture r to aid in completing weald be in art f arbitrary poser 00 :he Church, boa iu the course fart ot t onre,i violation 01 a lunaameu- A tbe object is h gooJ oue, .I,.. '.'..J,., .ii .-(f.,t,,m...PL.rt. lU"ttJ i!l be liberally patron d w.t'b it,, eould be vf no sort of advantage CI"le,,, of ,Li eo"ui.iiy ta the K&u4h, while, tn the other bud, the mtbt in another column, lutvitabi effect of it woaid be further to excite th Isortb again! tb. .South, and to give liricafed strength ai.U vitality to the lpublicsn orgabixatiaus. Th. Ilep.blieant bad already twenty Sen ators. How long would it be, Mr. lit. I a-lied, before tbey would have a tocietit nuui- ter rone ii-uu f5"" i.iiii.iuu aUck in their reapect've lines, auJ those make governments de iwt, we bar organ- intervene in the Territories for slavery.'' mitiee lo nominate patrol-, iu each particu "J ul " t .," wiabitig to purchase bad betur call earlv sovereignties to a-t at once I " And now,' aaid Mr. B ," if the South be lar section. Ou motion, it was carried tbat peieisted is their course . 1 be , , 0 r , . . ' , honl. however th.i th. e,.,l,.i.,n r.f ,h;n... mn,iir,eH .nk. ..I l.ln,.ln .knM ......; r .i.t. ..... k. f .J. t rf.a r,r.l.t and ' '.usupttitiou ta tbe tile ol trade, aud enables ,- , ' ............ . .... v, ..... u. ... - iraull wa aa Mr. IJeil saw and fon-told :' purchasers to obtnio bargains, th Uetullica fee.atot have bee. itjeraas-1 - a to aioi. tuaa tre i-.ue liumnertoen - any fitt u lnu American might well refuse ... . ...j U1 . , a-: to be to irjael Did the a-.M'ates tbe ifCixptoa bin, j of 'isors ill., alio hat oat his vote at once his eonipnioti saw hi 111 g ' 1 at every Presidential election since h be- j no power of hi a could an, him the dome. On th-s narrow shaltiii-. "here ; the men were now at work, Pibte.ek w m i . freq ieinly let go all support from the d-in. I and sulk out en the very .dga, to slio b nerve and brivado. Tl.e enirt-ati.-a of ln I, Ml until olr.g. wh'-u He had Kew Gooda! Kcw ClotiiiL,.., 4iO. . meet. Th. Southern Stati-s have a pop jla- Breckinridge parly to ba equally as great added lo the number. Attention is called to the advert.. taients tion four times as great as all tht colonies disuuioniats as the Linflotrii'et, the only dif- J The Commilte of Magistrates reomma of Measra. Fu. lings, t'pnns A Co , J Koth- t,ieD w'''e t'le Psrt f th North, ' fureuec hu-in-af that Lincoln', principles are ded under tbe same resolution eotiai-ted of cliiiJ Sl li") Wiu Treloar and D A ' ' njetn t' Uien of courage and honor, ae- " That Conrcs shall intervene in the Ter-' Jsa. U Hubinson, M N Hart and Sam't A. ' " knowledge lb justness of our cause, and are ' ritories ," aUvery," and tbe Breckia 1 Davis, who appointed M. L. Wallace, J. H lleiilruu. Jtey ail have hue aad large, ith us in feeita. Instead of having ta-' ride doctrine being " Tbat Congre. (bail Neely aud K. D. Williamson, as a com- Temnehhee Poi.itii.'b Msj. Carroll, Doaglas, Kleetor ia Tcnnese, arrived at speaking 1 ar of the Jo wish lUbbi Kapball ia Congr. aaya : " 1 he Habbi it tpoken of es a very sfft- wi.ivb may posa.biy occur would uot enly not the North be enrae'd it tl.e election of ad to tb. Bulletin for publioatiou. with j stify th. action of any single .State, but 1 Breckinridge ' Jlr. B wa freq ieutly ia- j rerj-iest that all the other Charlotte paper eveo auttiorizi;s individual resistance, for . terrnpted by great applause. , should copy hi and h ei.lnl aa a. a. ..TAi.lI II. a II Waahington en Mndy, aud report hi .' . " " 1 fet.te a. certain for B..ll. W,tor0 ' " ' , b J ih:"l T P' Ti aill vote, be s.ys, for Douglaa two to an. , "7 h1 " 10 ' over Breckinridge. I. M.mpbi. there arc ,A D iU' ?0'M'1 '".I..I.. ..;.... l...i.....i . . .1 aiiiiaii, awn oa n.v way 10 n.'e v-'----- Mr. lit II farther asked, want to strengthen the lirpublu'ib party ai.d give lb rem ol Government into their fcaad lt thru pass the bill. Did tbey de-ire t' Mr li .rriojer was followed by lien J. M to degraded a to become the time of 1 Leach, also by Invitation ol th Committee, 1 ! whote withering rbukea ef th Deuiocratis ' to party wer leeeired wil b tbe i-rtat.rai enthu-1 The formation of sueb Coaimitttes are "''aiaia ttieir equality tt men, and as eotn- aiijiu. II showed their it.eousinle.oiai, of the citixtb ef Pioeviiie. It wi.l be at en n ...,. i.,r.ia ,..,.. that tbey have foiiusd a Vigilabt Commit- Our for-fathtr made that revoiutio Tn meeting then adjourned sine die. M L WALLACE, CW man. JaH T. DavIis, Se rrl'irij. Great Mathematical Dihcovewt. Kng'ithman, .: r 1.. 1 .... Ilr.ekir,d.'ciuh. votin onlv l.e.te.i U 9"P"d lsy by . r . 1 "... .. .'. that we aik him 11 five bis opinion, .ve. IU 1 ipiun, a large taau.j, more ar u , , . , , . but sevente.0 Br.ckinriilg m.u. O.I Pre-1 "arl ', or law of Mo.. Wo struck with hi reply. He laid lh Scripture ssiirtline l J here sr inat in D.v.dso. Counts baa one toi.tarv '"7- aeierimaa.1 oy tn. it dlnUBIOUIst ID it. slivers aad thus a.Ued : A friend inform us that tho eoUrt in ,(,. ho do aot believe in tha liwfuln-i' 1:1 - n-L -. j.. r ... ',. ' .- ' T.,....!....' I I. 1 U .1.. I,... 1 .1 .1..... ),. .1,.. ... ....,. aim Iik'1' If tbey tild, I'f "r' r ' t"" """ -JUtcljr aecee- , . .,1..- a.. .... because it initio- '. iu nlain and unJeuiahla He metue.d I,.. . linl. Ke.b on the s.ihiaet' been eaavasaed and aseertainnd to stand aa ! not luiil! tsaaiafiotasl V tda-Jt."l " ary, but our friend., should recoil- ct that siuoo wa. an aa-ertion of th Br.tiab eov .thy effect of the di. union which the Breek- of untitled the ' Federal 1 fiin. . ae tui 11, iug of igilant Ctiuimiiu-es ia a part erniutntto rule them. That govcruuitut iuridge party were fast bringing upon u, ; J?lf Illustrating System of Computing Inter- j VVahhInoto.v, Sept. 17- f il r. labels projrau.nie fr accoinpiiuh- ctfol.ed by a tody of manly and ia tbe moil eloquent language. II ahowud est," which bahcited commendation from jJU 4 N'ciy I.raET DS"iVERil' ItY L'a'- tg a of the L'uioa. P.ead tL : "'i1"""1 oJ Jet our atietort re- their corruption in plain figures, and ll.r many diatttigiishod perso.i in Kentuc-y. ' Hklutiif vi MLY. Cominsiidsr Maury , r-i 1 ' ,,eu ' cu'y " mem ft master uown tna giuntiei l any Jeiu;ej-at wuo .ur. v . ts 111 Ibis city lor luc purpose ot gi- , ... . .,, tb diaeoverv of a new Planet, t " " . .x.r-ot um Lis slaughter ie''.r : . jJu, tijw le,Je in0D4 our t( .aM be bold or ra-h tuou.-b u step hr- ing our mercantile eommunhy ao oppportu- And .0 the Tote w;ll be f.und over the i( fan ,,thU,f. on Saturday nigl" - illt if e cou.d de IS our fathers did n, I r..l.,n t, n.....t .,..l;a.,J ..,1 .ll..t . i.fliU kl. ,!..,.. (,......;,....... X. ,.... whols South in Vne.mli.e II are. I, fe lt.,11 'v.? .: . I .. I I nutl'S ; .a tl.e p.s..t. ef tU i. ..,pn Cou.uta i orgatao " c run.ntte, s cf s,.ty " over 11111 cooteiupt.bie ere.tur.t apon earth, ex-( The honorable, io tb eour-e of Ji inner ' ."' aad Everett and the rniou..l.i. 117. 'iu dwiliuaiian, 3 ief, i: w.iinte. ?catb be Cuustitutioa baca ta tie people of Kali , ' ass for their rst.fieat.oL ur r-jacuoo. These; art the e-iound upon i. - h Mr. Bell I po 1

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