THE END OF THE FILLlBUSTERS. WALKKU CONDEMNED TO BK SHOT I Important newe reaohea ne from Ilondu , The Spaniah war elcmer Pranci.oo n.iii, arrived et Havana trom Orooa, re rts thit the Brimb war ttoamer Ierun, "iih treorport eud Iroopi utidcr eoraiuaitd f AlvereE, hid proceeded to Kio egro, here Walker neemped with hie uieo. The boat of the loelrui aorjveyed . party up the river, who eaptored Wtlker and ill ki, commend. The, cre taken to Truiillo ,gd delivered over to the Hondurian an t'horiiie", who bed determined to abool Wal ker od oce of hie I'o'.ooele. Walker'a men were in very destitute condition, end eouie of them bed boon fent home, alVr prolm joe never again to engage in any eipeditioo ,,,int Central America. St. Joeefas, Sept, 17. Arrival or tdi California Pony Ex-IBgrt.-lbe pony cipreae hae arrived, briDifiuiS San Franoieoo adviooj of the 6th. Tbe Doaflee end Bell eonventioae met at Sjorauieuto on (he came d ay. Effort, were Bilking for the aulection of a fuaioa ticket I, two delegate, from each party. !on Kong dte to July 4 bad been T,f.ied. The Kugtieh and French expe dition rem.ined at tho moutb ofthe Pnho, sod the troopi "ere encamped on shore, aipeeting to re-embark oq the lOtb of Jn . The T.ko forte were to be'ired be fore otermree for peaee were to bo made. ft,. Ore ah a city aud D.over eity wail baa ,! arrived with datee to the Itb. The ijoix Iodiau. attacked a Fnee 1 the Hth- Liot. Berry, wi:b a .mail " . L.J I... A .1.. ...r.. f force of cav.irT, ua" !' - i ii....;. si. I.. .Ill, olIOB, auq t-apva.. ... - ...g. whment of troop., wee eipected -1 n i.n iba i:iforoiaut left the fijjlit . pro .ruling. The aioux were two hundred and i.'ty "rong- Tllf. FL"TD Ov. A correapoadent of tU Vork Tint write, from Old i'Jut Co''ort (Va ) tb.t on Tue.d.y lat tae great "Floyd Gnu" aa fired for the -ttiae. 'Tbe 6rt abnll, Weighing; 300 pounds, ' it tbrows fifteen kuadred and forty yard it in .n,le of ive degre-.. end .triktug ttifiiiid. boaoced eevetl hundred end fifty jiriia further. The charge of powder wae latnn tumid. lheaeouJ ehell, weighing 3." OMundi, wei thrown eoincthing opw.nia ' cf fvar mile, on the water, at an angle of j ( dejrree. and with a charge of twenty-! i t pnanda of powdtr. '1 be powier with eeifo tine gun H nreo l in grain, or anomj lit ilifh efe. The report i. not I0 loud ; U that Mad by '.he ten inch gun. 00 the ' r.n. lot ihe wliial'iiiir nf tbe eheil if'.h the air i terrific. I be .hell thrown i givs li. water wa. forty two.ecod. io the .r L-fore alilkil.if Tha " Flod fji, .aei-ed a aueoo" nd there aeein. to be do.DI II wi.i - '! ' .uc .. fin. l.lnen and M .ranlle. fhi(a. Coll.,.. rijbt Si'.. It w.ijhi 49,01y Ibl end eoat; v,rii,, cv.e.te, Kw., H.nekerclKe-. ac :i earning $10, Ht''. A-ao. I nuer (ruienta and Tin Ni Silver Mimw in Utau Thcj r onrniderahla ai.ipmi-iil of ailver ore) frrg the W.ho rjiiuep wa. received at thi. fit mi Sunday, by the Northern Light ,(i. r .11 buadred bag of thi ore, .. a.. I ml livmr i,ia kn-Hrnii thauaai.d do! i .t,- msde.t euro when enmpared ib f tr ten larga etone. which been told j .Vsot.ho new mine, but .till enough V. that there l .nrwelbiBg in them. , .. , , . 1 1 t ti.rMof mver from ihe Ana-na ent I' .betid eq-t.I the .-.'. Iie iuM.Sod by preliminary tiiotn, we aaali bavej anotnrr revo.e.. c,,.t, lb. relative .alee, of tbe pr.eioan The CHfnrni.n and Anil; r 1 Jrpniu evoie scar tiv making ailver ' ti. sire valuable cf the t) lurta!, be ; rrnt of iu rarity j hot the newly iiovr- ; H ti'tr d-oiia will brin? value, back to 1 f rmr eon-lilion. the dtecovry of I'tab and Angina tnin. hi teen moat ntte, . i: e.m directly at the tiaae t '9 1 xitp'f (if ailxcr w needed f it the , I'm li.Ji.n aud Chioa trade .V J. Ur , A N Ci.asor Live Hto-k at : i.Tl.AL FaUK It i. state 1 that a man 1 1'i lia-B'ton, Ma., ha. a large 'ol of ' 'i ifiojt fattened 'or a fret;n market 'tt '. iheoj have been fed for aeeral year., 1 1 'a of enormogi .u, weighing ahoul "it po'in-S ; Althmigh 00 aremiem i. of ' '" a tht .toek, hi intcn I. to exhibit; at (in Hooae Valley Fair. A Twi Headed 'sake While id Mgr. ' ,i, i-l week, w .aw on eihibition a two- ' Mei Itmle.ruke. It wa. a yoaag one,' ' iy' 1 fi long, bavin j two distinct head, if'tn and two tuoulhl. Thi ia B1 Dak e mw it with oar own eve FALL TRADE!! 1860! h CM aD..l Long Establlihcd House of iTO'KLIikVIIEILnilCX : 4 1 .w rannvmg and will tntiln..' to re. "l' il.. ,...., ki,..,,,, .,.,' nriiiiaiil of OHY GOODS, ! ' r iu , -u f a i TS , i r s i "'OTN, MIO I'aS I f 'ifkt to ti. tkel. I I (aeilil-ee fur the puchane i """i th0 very flrht duns 1B1"'l)P,Tmw.irtng ,. Manuftctatlng s. - 7 "y r lima enabled Iu tUMI'KTITIOaX "''. in tl..r liriw. ! "'' I rrrn. f h,thig .1- Hill "" 'pecal .Kent on i and in the .;JC3KUVLLNK " . 0de,MJ. Country Merchants.1 patlieul .r police u .ailed L. .or l,.,m.r """1 Will ,. none u lallni to our immenae lul't at a yvry small advance, ( ami m: raitK, ' Vri'i-T''' ben""'d li lh of ' KrniainlMir Ihe ionaa of tJ. "UlCKEIt ft HKILBItCN. t nbar 25, IPSO. 1 7 If . . ,11 H f.'RHAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM. - PKALER3 IN AI.Ii KIM)) Of READY-. MAIM CLOTHING, Ftrimsffixri-Koons.' rr n, 1 1 H IS. t 31)8, 1 1'llllKS, ',--,'t I V.I la I CI., (Vc, l"if 1 1 i.a Sriuu; X i n. VJ VOL'I.D cull the t-apei'iul atlention of their ,T w Iriende and patrona to I heir ) XKW stock or clotiiixc;.! now upciimif. Thuy think thry can nffr greater j iiiduceuieiile to buyi : than they hate r. r done, I meir good Deing nnii;iii at reiiuced ralra and at I auch privee aa they frtl cunRdinl no lluuaein the Ktalo C4n cnnipele with. The y are tffenr.g try hip. -aM7ii:Hi: M ir from tl!i tn tJo. All iDinn-r ot C A.-slMKRE PANTS, CArtSIMEBK. PIf.K, MATALASSE AND VK1.VET VESTS, OVK-lt fOATS, Of all gradoe and fir Ira. The U'mda cannot he aiirpaaeed in atyle and innke, hnving tociii ininnfi-tured aniiur the conatant aurperviaion of une of the tirin. FULUNT.S, PPHIN(J8 4 CO. Srptrmlirr US, ItMW. K7tf - t ll.llll.OTTi: CLOTHING HALLIJ ONK fF THE LAItUEST AND FINEST STiM'KS "K a.l a a... mm- a re' B.' j, Jm tJt4 w t m lif nfr eer otT-rl in line or yr.jr Sonthrrn Markat, ran UK. SEEN NOW, AT THE MEW AM) FINE H f Olt K KOUM, opposite the Manaion llouo. Ttie uodf-reif n-d rr(,ertfulle calie the atUn li.wi of the Prople of Chit ltte aad aurroundine; j ri.uniijr to Ihr uct that they hue opened a ) Ure atork of j tirtttn Wearing tpitai rl, S enme of wlnrh la of Ihr Pnnl qualii and injnu- ferlured iprraaly for ihia rket, at their Mim. 1 (bluh.inrfct li U'llimort lltitr reci. cii Mich a large aufiplr. we tvm ooi:fi.nt 111 afur. Wf lh(ke who are in hd nf m-'.tnvoi.ioi: i.oTiiivf.'. that we are en.h.ed. and will tell LOW Kit than liiry ean Ui bought for ciarwbere.eouaiatjiig ' . . Fjn0 B,(.k CIoth jeuUjlt . r, ,nnrt,nt , ,. , ,c, !,.., HI O up to IO. !,, r ,iir h,,, frnoh ana ITarrison Ca- mmero Hu;ta priee 97 u 'VU. All ' "t l.le.l Myle ana P. UrMl.. I CaMsimire Pant of all oeaenpliona and eiire, tir ehoicrat .t.a, and at all pncee. A Wo, A 00(l HTtn K or ltO' t 1 Vol .Til's I.OTIUX. AND CKNl'S Fn.MSUlNd GOODS, II 1 1 1 C fcrvil Hals and taps. Ma 1 I M In thi hai we eirl any'hlnf !Krifofe eii iu thi. place. Oentlemen'i Shawls and EUrikets. IT) 7j Trunk, fttlircs, n till -y VT ij 'ltll'.T Rber & SfclVaiit I Clothing. ,. , . . , .. A 1! lo. above nientoHii-u hawn can tic had at the , CharlOttC ClOthlUg Ililll, . ... ... . , u 11 rr!, ,;i v.ld at tin. e.t.bii.h. J lit'THClllLI) A LUO. V n C.nnlrv M-rtlnnia will do f-11 lo g;v 0,1a al Ihe I .1 Gi I, .weal N rtlhi Not ice. f ed ty I rge at ri o" p4awI.ridte'!i, rii.nos k rien's r.ooi's & SHOES, at a.l. n iliing lw llr . alotir o'u etar.d, '. dot.r fir I hirlollr H lei. J K'U HCiUU) A IT(. Srptrmler 2" IHi h. 27if merciiantYailoring I I I.I.IXaO, ail'ltlX.4 A '. nAVI; a!o aiiaed to Hieir K- .,! made Cloth, ing Slock, a Tailoring lh-parl. mmt, to wbh they call Ihi eMierial attention ol Ibeir many lileno.amf eualomera. Ttiev intend makiog thi uea(tmellt aeeond tn none in tor Slate, eiioer in 'yle and quality ol Ctoo.l., or in lit- mi .nu'arlure ol ti iltoeola. Al all tniiea will - l..ui,.J a food ti k of Black an ) Color ed 1 loth, Engl. ah, French nd American j Caainiefe., i 1 aairtilient 1 I.I Va 1 ty ol Vealir.g ItOI K IM.tM) tii:ui;i. Thev leel C foient nf their a till I Ir to under.ell ant oilier h. I tin y have li Their go o' the Firm ! which givea tag ol the lea. I use iii Ihe Slate, from Hie advantngea gelling their I. are b-.ughl by ihe fjunitity, by one who reaniea in tlie Noilliern market., bun Ihe optoirlunily ol taking advaii prtee. ol g.H.ds, toerel.y paving at S" Twenty -Five Per Cent. r.tZS To the consumer. JJf),mee .uved re Dollar mad !jj So try u. K FCLLl s'CS, JNO. M. H'lUNi., Sr,-lenKri 2.i, Ibri'l. V7tf $$ lifltiOfcd. 'M TREI.OAR h. removed WW to No. B. (iranilc Row S ore. formerly nceupint by Eliaa t -hen, one door below A. A N. M. Taylor', corner. W.M. TRELOAR'S tlead fU'rri for BunUaiiii Sliom, . W.M TRELOAR'S ISnoty Shorn nntl leenlher. Juat come in. W.M. TKFLOAR'S mini mi hiii:k iii:lti. . Jut come in. WM TRELOAR'S Hats & Caps, Just coma in. WM TRKLOAR Itctilairl jr riiolJi tt Publits lo JtlBt Ct.lil? in and rn4inirifl fnf lomnrlife lim aplintlid ntw Monk ol . - " Eall mid W inter IJools and Shoes, Just com ie a I ' NO. , VIUilTIi KOW. WM THKI.OAR. Vaa.'iuieri Ui, let'.". t'ld Sprcial Nolirn. 1VlNTAIt'KH4.LNAM OF M IIP CHFIVKY CiiHwhn.Culdt, Bronchiuo.Aelima. Croup. Whoop. ng Cough, (flinty, and tun uuipernua ua wi ll ae li ingerou dmeaae.of the Throat Cl.iU -nit Lou?', prevail . in our Cliuiii'eulo climate, at "M cione ofthe year ! few lire fortunnle dough to eecn pe their binelul influunce How important then tn have at ham) a curtain antidote to all tlieae coin. plaint. Experience prove, that I ii exist in nimarl iiuikoi lo an extent not looou in any other remtur however eeVer. the sutTerine. the ! liiilieation of thia aoothing, hrulinr and wobder fill Bulaum at once eantjoiehee the diaeaae.nd rea. lorre the aufTurea to wonted health. Letter from A. M. Gorman, Esq.; Editor ' or thO Spirit Of tbO ago. In reooinnienoation of Ihut rcuarkable Eung Ili'iiit-i.j , . j UK. Wiatar'a fijlaam of Wild ClierTT. ' ' li ai.kioii, S. (.'., M .y IS, ldl',0. Mraara. Skth W. Kowl Si. Co., Uontlenmn i for the good of the .mictrd I taltej thia method of recomnieitdiiiir I)ft. V imtar'. fUr. mm or W ii.o ( '(r;iir liaring ued it in my fami ly, and in one inalunce nivrd Ikt life of one of ita inriiibi ra, who aeinrd rapnlly mikinjr into a de. eline. Your, reprcti'ully , A. M fiORMAN. Testimony from South CwoliDa Lai, S. C, April SO, 1HC0. Meaara 8. W. Fowls it Co., Oenllcinen : fieaee .end me per nrat atrmer ait (Jorrn of Da . W itar' HaLiAHnr ll.u C'llr.a- r. I find thai the Hulanin ia laet growing in lopula'ity, .i d by thoae who have uetd it ia ri. oeedingly valued. Indeed, pornhaacra generally are hind in pritiae nf Ha virtuea in aieedily curing I 'ougba, Culde, and Pulmonary Affciiona. Iti-apeetfully, J. II. ENRY. Uf the many reepcctable gent'rmen in Laurt-ne. eille Diatrirl who hare ucd ard helieur in the great value of the liulwm ia William iHrao.n, Eaq., Clerk of the t'ourta, to whoin we .re per muted to refer Prepared by PETI W. KOWI.E & CO.. Hoe. ton, and for eale by E. Nye k (To, f'harlntlr, and by i.ll drupuiata Adilie 4 I . ay, Richmond, M. A. A ('. A. fanioa. M or folk Whole, aal Dealrra. IS THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. hilt JAM EN CI.AUkF.'S ccij:nit iTi:DPi:.ntLE pin.! I'rrpartd frm m pmeription of Sir J. Clarke, M. U , I'kyiiciait t.rtratndtnat la the Queen. Thia inta'nable uiedirme la nn ailing in the rnr. of all tl nat nu in t'ul and d:uiireriiu. riiaeaeea to whirh the female conalitution if aohjert. It inoderatea all exeeaa am remove, all otiatrurlioni j and . epreciy cure nitiy be relied on. j Tn tfnrrlrfl l.tidia-a It i. preuharly .oited. It will in abort time ! brinr on the mnnlhlv period ith regularity. J Each bottle, pnee One I) .liar, beara the Got- . eminent nanip 01 t.reai ihtmip, 10 prucm i.u.i ' I. rfeila. ' 7V TlIa fhllild nil he fit-en hy femn'.rt dur. ine Ike FIRST THHHE MO y TIM of I'regnanry. a they are ame l bring on Mitearnage, hut ml any .,r r,,n nrt Muff. I In all ce oi Nervou. and Spinal A ffVction., ' Pain in the B.rk and l.nrba, Faiirue on aiiglit i Palpitation of the llearl, Hyaterica, nd w hitra,'thee Pilla will rfftit a cur when all other n.eana have failed, and allhoujh powerful remedy, do nol conlain iron, calomel, antimony. m tbina hurtful lo the conatilutinn. Full direction, in Ihe pamphlet arunnd earn package, which ehould be carefully prearrved. SoV Apent for tue Cnited Stale and Canada, JOB 51 OSES, (Late I. C. Baldwin & Co..) Kocheater. N Y. V B 11,00 and 6 pnetage .tamp ennlotd to any .uthuniea Agent, will inaure a Dome, con. a,,ng over 50 pill., by return r.,,1. ! Fur aal in Charlotte by F. Scan und .11 drug. ,n'1 bj Von ie""ek Gr,c,,,"'i "". ttiiuie.ale dealer. M lt. Vi HkMHT, An experienced nut and female phyeieian, ha a Soothing Syrup lor rhiiorcn teetiiing, which grca:. ly incihtaU. Ihe procea of teething, by .oiieinng the guu.a, reituemg all iofl inunalran will ailay II pain, ana l acre to regulute tbe bowel, ike pend upon it. mcHuera, 11 will give re.t t your. i h,i, nd relief an.t iiralih lo your infant. -PcrlrctJy ale in all caeca. Ktre auverlienient in anoihe ooinioo. J rree ti e advertiemen ef Sandford'. In Ktnr, ia anothvr eolumr.. go. 1 7" "ee the anvertiaa 1 11 anaiher coiuuio. rnl of Wood'. Hair Pjc, If See Dr. Ayer'a dvrtiaement in anoiln A AUD. ciiritrn lai tTi'iti', T HIE cour.e ol ieclurea tor the benehl of ine new Mvthouiet Church ouiiomg wnl begin , on Monday evening Oriona-r 11. i On thai evening F. 8. Hoinie. Profeaaor of Pa. 'I.oiiliihgy in tlie Cn Cvibge anJ ura. 1 l-.r ot Ihe MuM-uin of Natural lli.t. ry ol ihe eily of I harleaiott w .ll igin a eerie of not ie. Ihan I tSree ecientifi- lecture on the I. ..lowing auhjict. ( " Th cru.t 01 Ihe I' irlti aa related to Hie animala j ana plant lound upon it." Prni. Hoinie. will I lliu.lrale hi. Ire I ore a with complete map.. Oia. i gram, and 'ippan.ln including a fpirndid magic ' lantern I The coiirwi ol Lcelnrea numbering nol Ie. than 'ten will be delivered by .on.c ol the met acientific land elnijiltlit gen''iinen of the Carolina. Ihe loiinwinu are the rate, of adim'in. i laoividual l-cket for ainglo lecture 9 50 I Individual tickele f r whole couree, 2 (IU ! T ckel lor riy and gen llemen lor the cour.e, .1 0(1 I Family ticket (live p. ron.) for the coiir. ...5 I'O I Individual litkil to Pro. Iljlmea e.-ir 1.00 I To keta in v be had of the following genliemen. 1 R. . F. A. Mood, Co', w. R Myera. lien. J. A. j Young, E. A. YaM-e, Jjq , E. H. Brillon, Erq, or al Book Store or Drog 'OI-.. 4 iiiiimoii 'hoi 1ANDIDATES for the effie of Teacher in tie i IthH(I of Mecklenburg co It, will plrni-e altciiu at ll Cotninoti Schil Olfi'-e. m (he Court H'rUie, on SatiirHta?, the "Hh i.Uiit, for I o pur'pf tit In-ing ritiniiiL(l. J.P. KMSS, ) E NYE lirTCHISON, S Com. M I) JOHNSTON, ) Charlnlle. Sept. I ft, I Mill. U7 ST at.; of .(i'ni-c.noiJ., IINI1IN COUNTT. In Uquity'lo 1 'nil Term, ISCO. Wm. J. Cure l..n and wife Charlotte, Elixabcth, wile nf h. M. Durant, ( union, Taylor I 11. el.. n and Tlioin. I urelon. (ehiloren and heir al I .nr ol Ji n ninh ( un ion, Jr , dee'd.,) Mirgaiet Ehtibetii, wile of J une M. Morrow, (child and 1 ,.r ni Ann Poll, dee'd,,) Benj 11 Mey, ;on f Evirard Mo.. ;,) Il. nry Reese M i..ey.S.,m'i. B. Maaaey and wile Mary, (chili -n of Henry Mnsey, dec'il.) A'reiaaf , f iroh Kimbroll, J unes E. Curelon, Thomaa K. Curelon. ir.. Samurl J Curetow, Vireinia, wife of F. D. Green, and Elm Jane, (ehildreti nl T. K. CurrtoFi, r., dee'd.,) Robert Miller aud wife Ann,! (heir of J. Iin Curelon, dee'd.,) Ri liece, wife nfi J II. Dr. ill. .11. Jane E. Mary, Sarah A. Maey j and V m. II. .Vlae?. (children and heir of Win. I Mmil, dee'd.. L II. Miey. H. T M lHey'al heir., U. L. Maa.ey'e child, (children of Char. 1 I lotte M isaev.) Joseph I . Hale, Catharine, Wilis of C. M itheeon, Elitibelh hnox, Benj. Ila'e, j'.. dec'u.'e childian, Ihe heir ol Suaoii Lanier , Janie. 1 B. Curelon and Ih other children nf Eecrard I. Curelon, dee'd. Petition for Sale of Lind for r.rlition. . N Ihia case, it appearing to the aaliafaction of M. the Court, that Ihe defendant, in Una cause are nol residents nl thi. Stale, so that process I cannot be personally aerved Uin the'ii, u Mere. fort Orui-r'd ly the ( nun, 1 putincnuon ue inane for six week ucreivcly iii the North Carotin. Whig, and the l.ilicamer Ledger, cnniniar.dii.g them end each of .sum, tu be and appear at the nt term nf Ihia I . uit, to he held al the Court. House in Monroe, on th P'th Monday niter llie 4th Alor.dny in August next, and answer. Aa.,' or judgment pro eoitle will be entered against tbeoi., Thome D. Wiaeheler, Clerk nd Matter ef eaid eouil, at "ffia in Monro, thi the 311 day of Augut, A. D INriil. T. l. WINCHESTER, o. h . . Printer ' ft 9. Sept. 18, 1U. Hi . TBIIIVTK OF RESPECT. Br agreement the McrJtJcnburg Rangeia mt t Pintnlle, on Thur.dsy 80th int., Care. J. B. Id, bin ion took th. Chair, eml Dr. E. D William, on noted ua Secretary--. TTha lollowinj Reanlij lion ware Bniinimsu.ty .Copied s YVIiercaa, it haa pleaaodi.nri in hi. .11 wine Provi deor t-i remove from out eiidst the licv.J. B. W AT'l , it ip R'Mohrd, That whilt liumbljr anHmit Ip the of Almighty God. anri that in lha i ' um oi . pi..n . impium we .st iin a lw which no ttme nor circumstance a can remeny. Um.ylml, That ae pro-rfiiichi-al ealuem and reoi-t t, ti will Wear liie -ual hd.e of mourn- fc'onti" 0oW,,Tht we he.rtilv and aincerely ayin. patlnii- null hia brreaeed fuo.ily. rVreorri. further, 'I'll. t We rnjuest the aeversl Eilitora of Charlottr. to fi'r. Ilmg proceodinaa a plaoe in tho cnlomna nf lti;!r piptra, and that . eo;iy of the aaniu be aenl lo the laimly of the de. ee.ieeO. .7. U R03IJf?OV.Cwwt'n. K. D. WlM.IAMrioN, Xecrrlnri. Tr. ' Orrica, A T.iO.R H.Co., CkarlatU K-pl 14, 11-60. 8T ie hereby ordered by the I! i.ird of Director III -it Ihe fourth 1 1 1 a t . 1 1 1 ii nl uuc to Una ooioa . ny in .Mtcklenhurg County, ami the third innlull. nit 11 1 due at Ml. Muuriie, 11 Deoell (.'iiuoly, be ln;ifle puyahlenu the IMlii of -lober m I'. Cloek. holder will piciie ihe tiohue, and meet their, duia, the work ML8T lorward, and we I inuai love MONEY. . M. L.,j1I(,o.T0N:. Treas. 18, lMf,0. ' " 130 j Notice. WILL eajioae lo Huhiie S.ile, nt the Couit Jl House in Ei noir.for re ioy money, on Monday Hie 0111 Cay ut Piovrnilier n .'.I, being th ('ulilwrll county Courta, the loilow inj; tracta of Land lor Tav'n. to wit ; I Traet ontaining U acrra, more or Ir.e, ly. ing on toe water, of r-in .Lv f.ek, .djoinuig the i Lanna of Elbert Sm to, Jo'.. E. I orpening aud I othere, eupio.eil to belong to David Greenlee ofl Burke county. Tax due thereon, f'2 05 I I Trarl containing 75 acre, more or leae. ly. ' ing on Itie water ot Lower Treek, adjoining Hie Linda of Robert Pn-atw.e.ii, Miller and nthera. . auppo-d tn belong to John rjudderth, J iinea Er. , ooii J iiuea M urohey , icir.. ll 85 Tax due therion, 1 Tract con tu 1 11 1 11 g 6-ltr tcr' ing on the wtt-r nf Lower Cn niore or lees, ly . k "d Mnibrrry Creek. iiini:' I tier I.anua of J-iiic Hood, Arch. iba'ii lli.'i, Leiifier If ink and other, eupnuacu lo ,c(,,i;j t "j , Ko.iilertl:' heira an I olliera. 1 'I jX due ti nt (1,) 1 Tract coot.. in. ne 50, more or ie, !v. ing 011 the wali-ranf Low.-r t rpek. a ml Pall branch, ijomir.g the L.od.of J G. I.!,w, Itohert Pr. al. wood alio other, mopneu to b.-looi; 10 J .hn Suil dertll I M -1 ..I'n. ia. '1 85 i a G. TLTTLK, Slirritf'of CnlJurU county. Sffitrmher IS, rt,u Fr. lee i. t:.'r Music Lessons. 1 1 inn of many fr ini . Kral. F, JiAiv.vann tn the Mric atitl 13 ntqueitittdr ci ha O'tiiBniit-d to ifi?f if pncitcc ol iiiypic. , . ,. . Mlnt- 1 . Qf K 1 C II U 11 fflT 1 H 0 aS W OrkS, , 1 ists3 ' - i . ' ALrXAWDCRTmcnOtMALL. T UMtltrMgnct. lr lt l'-ae to.nturm llie citi. ( t l.afi- ttc laiiu i- 1 it it? und tltc uud- llC (ft-11 f4lijf, that :u y mvf rp.MM J tiic abevt: h-l,1t.ulim'-)il at Jhf lift . Tr u ftrtrt, ao.iiniii lite intern o I ihr .Nofth - Bfuiint Rati KmO and np. ftriftle John W ikr' Sie-n. Miia, iiu are rLpr cl lo turoikii etil kiiicia of at abort notice and on reeeoin6:e term.. Strum Ln?iDft Irum 8 lo H lljrw Pimrr. Their SI P coniaina IrKila eir-t led wt'i great care, ami are provided wito ail tlte improvement required ti. Co their work iu firat rale manner. t:a unfa, in Iron or Bra. a. in..:e to order. HO'tsr-MH.iKINi; and BI..V K iMITHS work of all a.iiwi. REPAIRING in tne-r line alien, led lo. Ag- ntr. 'or IV F. O. Elliott, for Winter' Pat ent M ul-y Saw M ill, whieli ha the advantage, a'ong vi ittl iioiiij olhela,of doing al least twice a. ni ii c ii work, am: doing it bv".r, than any other Mill in ue it r ni be run by .-fam, Wnu-r or llorc Power. 'J' lie Muiay may be secii at the Miop al any time. I1KNRY ALEXANDER. MALCOLM MDoUvJALL. N. B Old Iron, Bra., Coop, r, Ate, bougnl or take bgi : IStiil. 23lf To Builders, SJiKort'SAlS .irlirii h, in ill be recei-rd 11. the 12th and 1 the nil,),, jlh S. iteii ber instant, tor the erection "f a HANhl.N IHH'i-Ein I li s town. The irne-al diioeunon . Ihe tiuil.lii g nil be CO feet front be HI feel deep tor one iorj , and 50 leel deep for 2d and 3d stu. rica. Iron front to fi'i-t atory, md become to The Plan and Specificaliona can be een be. twecn IU mil above nienlioiiec at the Ba .k ol Charlotte. J J. BLACKWOOD, i tit T. II lilUvM, Co"1- II. I -CI. 126 .mlllu , I, I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I lit' I' A 1 1 1 1 J. I E AUE IN THE M'lK K t F RECEIPT OF OCR i n n n o which 1. the largest that wo have ever of fered, embracing, in grel variety, every thing III tl way of FA M Y AMI STAT 1.1. '-. u ,1 j ... aa u 'i I lints. Shoes, llnrttirnre. A'e. A'r, tn all ol which we invite tne attention of all pu' ehaser. who wish to nr. .cure the most fashion ablo ne the most ciurablo Goods al tli lowest prices. VK ARE IN EARN- '. EST I Our si, k is heav j and be notJ : L all and aee Ua ', Yoll e annul tail to ne plearru . HUOWN, TA1E k CO. CktrUlle,Srllrmlel 11,1 roll. 3w STATE ()!' N0I:TII-CAU0I,1.., CAI.ltVl 'EI.I, I'Ot NTV, Court of I'lris and Quarter Nfss'4, .-Im tut Term, H(0. Thorns Rnlicrl. auiiiiniatrator "I l IV D..I....I. M....M Petition for aale J of Land. n- Robert, and otl i H T ipoearing to llie ai. '.faction oftheConrt, that & thr H-ira of Milhew Roberta end WiMi.m D. Brown, a child of Lucy, ne of Joe! Brown, re- snie bevond the liuiila of North. Carolnn-, ll ii therefoi'e Ordered ky the Court, that publication be I mi... for a,x week, in th. N..h Oirn. t W h,g . newsnaiier pnblished in Ihe to., of I harlotte, olifying and oelendanta In be nd appear at lb t next term of llua court, to be held for the county of Chiwll, at the Court H.mae in Lemur, on too j 6lh Monday after the 4th Monday in September j next, lo ahnw cui if any Ihey can, why Ihe J praver of aid Belition hail not be granted. WilrKie, S. P. Dula, clerk of our aid court, at J fTie. in Lwiear. Ibe6tli Monday aiterlh 4th Mon. day in June, and lb C4lh year oT American, InduaauOenee. I S. P. DULA, r. f. r. X.p i 160. Pr ti e 0. i f J Chambers, Barnes & Co., Factersand Cpncral ('omniission MERCIIAXTS, C II A It li V. S TO -V.S.C. VALUABLE PLANTATION rot v. ilii) 1nti"'''."'lotl,din 4X 'St 1 abarrua cnonly, Ivinir'oii the North aide of" llke JL Kivcr. K unlet South. wot of Concord, and one and a half mile. Iron) tUrna' Dipot.nn Ihe North t'a. roiina Ril Road, .djoining )t 1 yru. Alexander ant rrthrae. The tract euntaina a hoot 'J IA ucree atiuut IOO arrea cleared and in cultivation. There i. a live Mill aitc on the prcinieea, alan a good dwelling boue and other necvaary otit-buil-mnga, new gir liooai- and irea. K., bi tli r land 1:411 lie found in the couolv tn prmiure i'ollon. Urn, Wheal, Tob iceo, O .la" ie. j Any pereon being ueairnua of purrhaaing a place ' plraaanlly ailuated ainoogot an intellii;entconiiiiu. I nit y, will pleaae cill on tin- ulenbi:r, on the pre imaea.or addrcav hnu at limine Depot P.O.N.C THUS. L. AlAllTIN. S'plmher 4, 1BA0. S4-3m Ttvrrrrii iiviih;i rrSi VP. Coi.usbi. June tifi, Ififid. Tar.Aseara'a Urncc.C. A. S. C. It . K. C-o. fg , II E Hoard of llirielora have derlarcd a divi. jB t end ol l- DI It Dl.I.LAltS pei ehare, piyabe on tin firtoi J uly i.e.t. Charloton atoekl.oldera will be 1 ii lit the bank ofthe ."tale. -Stock hohl. era 111 Kairiii-ld fliairici will be pid at the hank in Winr.ahiirn. Thomc in t;iM.ti-r and Weatern North ( arolinii and Eaelern York toekhnldera ' , North Carolina j unil ail olliers at thia i.R :e 1'rnn.fir bookaclnetd from 'J'llli malunt tu llith July. C. B0UKNIGHT, Treasurer. June JC !C0 Itif. HARDWAREARDWARE! A, A. N, M. TAYLOR KSPF.1 1 FCLI.Y inform hi friend, and tbe public generally, that he has added tu hia xteneive etock ot . large and complete atork of HARDWARE, con. r in part aa fol.ow. : nlera' Toole. Circular, mill, cr-iscut, hand, riprwr, pnnel, prn. ning, gra flmg, lennon, bac k , corn pa, wtbb and butcher SAW.S, Brace, and bile, Drawing Knivea, Chieel., Atirrr, (iimiete, Hammer, H itehet and Axe, Brick, pl.fttring and reoniing TROWELS, Siw aeltir. Screw plutc, Htocka and die, lime ol all kinds, Spoke.. have, Steel blade bevel and Iry Square, Spirit Level, Pocket Level, Spirit l evel Vial., B i ...g Machine, Gua and in fuel everTthiiiF a mechanic wanta. in prcat variety and al very low price, at TAYLOR'S .run are Store and Tin Ware Depot, opposite the Mm. -mi yf.n.e.Charloite, N. C. June 5, 185a. lltf aMlU.UIa.k. JtAlIalA AUUiOj k. v ua fci CCH aa Bellow., Anvil, h jTif ff lide imni-ra. Vice. Butti KSiLaakl Farriers' Knivea, Screw-plalea Stock and die, Blacksmith' Pinchers and Tongs, R.t. nera and File of every kind, cut horse slioe and clinch N uis, B irax, Iron of all ix'-s, both of nor. Ihern and country manufacture, cast, plow, blis. ter and apring Steel etc., for eale very cheap at TAYLOR'S, Opponitt the Mangion llouf. Carriage Materials. -if 17 E would call siccial attention fo - . "rl "' 1 , '' uli Howa, Spokea. Snalta, Curtain Frame, Knobs, K Hid.. Lining Nails, Damask, Sattinet, Cloth, La. era. Fringes, Enameled and Patent leather, Kn. ...,..i.,l I Ull. 11,1 -,F. f.lhl nl'.ll l.n.. drv and in oil, Va'ri.i.h, Turpentine, Linseed Oil. Tyre and Oval Iron. Bolts, und everything in the way ef Carriage Trii-iininn, at prtcea thul cannot fail '. to pirate, al till aruwure Depot of A. A. N. M. TAYLOR, Opputile Ike Vunmna Hiu$e. Agricutural Implements OF ALL KINDS. "V. kjTKAW Cutlers, Corn Shel. "sN, -rs. Plow. Hoe. Shoveia, 'T" -Sua dea. Forks, Axes, Pick, Mat. e?Lt5siiy iock, i.ruiihmg lloea. Trace ( hams. W .ion t 'ham. Log Cham, Pruning and llenp..-Shears, Pruning and Budding Knives, Gar. den Hoe and Rake, with handle.; Grain Cra. die ; grain, grass ami brier Scythe, Bu.h Hiks, W'ajron boxes ; nilow ware, auch aa pot, oven, and lids.akillel. spiders, stew pan and kel. tie, Cauldrons from 2d lo I2u g-illuii each ; Iron and br Preserving Kettle, Sheep Shear, A-c., TAYLOR'S thrdtrure Prpnt, opposite the Mtnsion Ifnutr. IDLOW'S CFLEBRATEP SELF. SEAL- iaIING CANS, of II Ihe different sixes, at TAYLORS ItFftre Stttre, mppofite (he Mansion lfu$e. At Tavlor's YeOL- can find the laigeat asa.irtnient nf Cut lery, Guna and Pistol, of all the celebrated ' make. GLAS, of all eixep and qualities both French and American. AIo, Puttv by i he keg ur pound. WOODEN WARE, BROOMS, &c , of all kind. Hope! Hope!! y 6Aim. poumlsuf M inill-i, Juto and Cot. f9tp'v9r tun Rupr, from inch lo 3 in TAYLOR'S Hardware Stire,oppttr the Mansion Mou. Tin and Japanned Ware. A large assortment ) Block Tin. Block Zim j. Tin PUte, Babbit metal, Ate., J WI'f.'S, the largest Slock, of all aire, at TAYLORS Hardwire, Slope tnd Tin Hour Depot, Oppoette the Mansion Itoueo, , t"l 11 1 ' J0ol)(r (, J (.(f J0) Ol'K, 1 o O J. d f ail kind., promptly attended to at TAYLOR'S , oppoeitc the Monon I hue: Negroes Wanted. rWllX paygrwd price, for IU or 59 YOL'NCJ .NEGROES. ROBT. F. PWIDi'ON. C.i.'a.V, Ja,-. 1 I. 0l. lJ COCIIKANE i SAMPLE DEALERS I!. . Hardware. Guns. Cutlery. &c, be, nl the Sign of tli e Golden Tad-Lock, n'GL'LD reapectfully invito Ihe public lo call and examine their Slock before pur. ceaaing elaewhere. I.r Order, .elicited and promptly attended to. Call and ft v$. COCIIRANR 4 SAMPLE. July 10, I860. Tools ITsllLT"' at the Sign of the Golden Tad-Lock, tgood aupply of Tnnla, conaiat ing ol circular, mill, cro. cut, tenon, hand, ripper, back and com. pip Saw ( bench and moulding Plane ; I" thing, phingling. and broad Hatchet ; Hammer; bevel and ateel Square; Drawing Knivea; Brace and bite ; Atigera ; Giuilele ; (,'hie.ela ; brick and plaa. Uriog Trowel; Screw Plate; S..w Seta ; Spoke. Shave.; File.; liiapa j Poc ki t. li u Ie. ; ( Kod ; pint and pocket Level. ; Boring Ma. cUinea, olc, COCHRANE k SAMPLE. Blacksmith's Tools, at the Sin of the Golden Prf-yti, aLpaBi. a good aupply, coneialing of An. Jygy' x ,,. lii0wa ; Solid B.ix Vice.; tTKj.-3I hand eledge lluinmera; .Stock and Die ; Tone. Buttreae, Rap, Kile., and . good eupuly of llorae Nail., Horae aud Mule Shoe., ut low price. COCHRANE k SAMPLE. Agricultural Implements?, at tin Sign of th Golden Ya-I Lack. "V. at l:,r?e aupply of ths above, ?r i. of Thaiiiou'. rfi''t. ceiebrali-il Plough ; ulo. Corn-iv-ii' 8hrller; Straw Culler ; Shoe, el ; Spauea ; Hay and manure Fork. ; tie I oat- led Axea Pn-ka, Mattock, Grubbing Hoe, Weeding Hoea.Trace Chain, lig Chain, Wngnn I'h ilii. GarUeu Hoe, Kakc, Heiigt- Shear, I'ru. mug and liuuding Knives, Ar.e , Ar.c. COCHRANE k SAMPLE. Carriage Materials, at the Sign ofthe Golden Yiid-Lock, ryJt, , MrgeMoeaot the aUove, con.ii- demand ai VI a SI 10. Fh.ur witii good mpuly iJA mg of Spring". Axle., Oval Iron, . , , . a r. Hu.,.. k.w. It...... Buggy Pule. Buggy Shaft., ""1' an ':", Spiikea, Patent and Enamelled Leather, Eoani. j ellcd Clolh, Oil Carpet, Carriage BolU, Br.a. and COI.I'MBIA MARKET. Silver Bind. Silver Moulding Lace., Tmaei. ' Coliimsia , September 22, IbfiO. Turned SliLka.Sndule and Lining Nail. &e..&R.; COTTON. The .ale. for the wick amounted COCHRANE A SAMPLE. ! to :,;h ba. a. Towarda the clone, the market ap. " " i pturtil ean r, although we make no cnange in 1 ! i T the Sign of the l.ULDlvN PAD LUCK will be found at all time a large and well ae- -ted Stork of Guna, Pistol, rowut-r horn, Powner flaak, Powaer, Shot, la-aii ; French anil American window Glaaa ; Put. ty ; a large etock of Englieh and American iron ; Cal Steel, German eteel, Bliater ateel. Plough ateel. Spring ateel ; Naila of all kind, hemp and manilla Rope ; Anchor B-uud Bolting Cloth ; Mill Screw; Mill Pick ; Spike Hammer. Stone mere. Double and Single B'.nrka; aio, a luge Slock ol Cornice, CurUin Bind, Curtain Pm, Picture Cord und Ta.aela, 4c. COCHRANE A SAMPLE. Superior Smut Machines, nt the Sign of the Golden Yad-Lork COCHRANE k SAMPLE. Fine Silver Plated Ware. .1 1ST opened a large and apicndid aaaortment Silver Plated Ware, which is offered to the public. Call and .upply yuuraelvea while you can get . good article cheap. R. Y. BECK WITH. Afev 15. 1S60. Blf THE N0KTH CAROLINA SPlilNGS lyiLL BE OPENED FOR VISITORS BY T the 1st of JUNE nexl. Tney arc situated in a most health iiiountninnu. country near the beautiful CATAWBA RIVER, within les. than an hour' ride of the present lrnunui of tbe WESTERN N.C. RAIL ROAD, w"h which dm. tv line of Oiiiiiihueea anu Stage Coaclte connect the Spring. Pleasure vehicle and auperior afdle hoiaee will be at the call of guest. , lltm lin AlU y iiinl Itillinrd i S.llotlHW I neatly fitted up. J U -w M -ir m .' m .-. . m .w it aped fur lh ftp a con. and Ql l DRILL AND COTILLIfl' PARTIES each evening FREE OF EXTRA CHARGE, 'IHE Ulll.Ul.NGS re new .1.7 spaeiou 1 TI. E IM.EASt RE (iROI'MM etenive i and in hue, everything wiaheu for at the beat watering places, will be lound here lo re- lreli the inner man and to cheer the spirila. The i:xl-iid-il Ki'pntaliaii and the MEDICINAL propertie. of the water. (almost inacce.aibi Western N. C. Rai before the completion ot the d) now hail llie eick afflicted with a cordial welcome. Ihe experience ol tne Proprietor justifi-a the archer of health or pleasure in anticipating a "good time coming." The Proprieior ha hern ut very great expenae in fitting up a Watering Place coinmcnura-.e with 1 the want of the CAROLINA!? aud confidently re In uii their for encouragement. : ' H. L. R0HARD3. ! May I, 18(10. 5U PLOW !: US' Wliiiiii buLinun bininub, Caldwell county, IM. C. fv,IIK Proprietor of thee Spring inform the I. public generally, thut he ia preparing to re ceive and entertain lhoe w ho are aesirou of Ie. ting the curative qualitie. if Una water, for llie minus dieae to winch human nature ia liable. He is making hirge audition to hia buildings and will be ready for the reception of company be tween tlie 11 and middle of June, and all win. uo come m..y reel assured lhal tney will be accuuimo. dated nr.J every exertion uaed to render their alay pleasant and comfortable. Peraon coming to Ihese Spring, by Rail Road, will leave the car. al Hickory Tavern I c pot, on the Weatern Extension, where a conveyance will be in readme, to convev tliciu tn the Springs. ELKANNAH FLOWERS. .Va-v 15, 1S60. tftl 0"l'he Columbia Carolinian w ill insert once in daily and tw ice in the Banner, and the Kaliigb. Register will inerrt tiiree wetka and torwaru ac count to thi. office. Tin y will please call atten tion lu the advertisement. JOHN S. WILEY, mm f n-Tcai no ixeo.Tr or HAVAFtA SEGAKS, awn oaai xa In Tobacco, Snuff, matches, Paper, ftc, CSA3S0SSS. 3F. C liERSI H U' PirES. f-. tuuNtaiillyoii H,ind. Jmom i . 3, IStil). 4Jtf j. v. jiuvri: v t o., liXAi.ra in j COTTON and all KINDS of PRODUCE, ; TRADE SriltET, CHARLOTTE, .V. C. TrAII order atlenili'd to with despatch. April I", letnl 'i The Market. CORRECTED BT OATE8 A WILLIAMS. V, CHARLOTTE SEPT 2t. I860. BACON, Hama, 13 13. Side. lb 12 (aj On Hog roond, lb ..12 (y gi Shoulder. -lb 10 (u, n? Bagging, Gunny yd lb (a, jjq Uccf, -I 4 (a 0 Butter lb 19 jj lii:eW.X '0 -Jj fnl Jg j Hc.i., buehel 515 (.tJ 3; Hr.niiy, Apple, gel.- "0 fo, ou I " Peach gl 70 (aj og Cotton, lb . S f ) CoHee, Kio -lb 16 f.i, g Java, lb 17 (oj 21 1 Candle., Adamantine lb -25 30 Iipcrin., lb -40 (a, (i() Tallow lb 2U (, ss Corn boahel fij (7. Chicken., eaeii 12 Qj. ij Oloth.t'oppera yarn li , gj ' Luidacy yard 25 (g 3o Egga, dozen 12 (g) 13 Kiiiur bbl 6 (0 7tin " b'g. 3 (V 3t2 Feather. lb 3U fo, 35 Hide, Green -lb - 6 (, 6 Dry.-... lb 12 ( Lard, lb 14 (n, ttt Vlutlou, lb - 5 (, b Vlackercl. bbl. No I 00 f. 00 " Kitta M0 (a, 4j0 VIolaa.ea.N.O gnl 70 (. s W.I gal 40 (,,. I'U Meal buahel !i.i (; 100 .Viulirl(VVilmiiigloii)...bbl !) (j Co Naila, Northern lb 5 (a U0 " Southern -lb 5 t 6 I -buahel 45 fV 50 Pork lb ? fr,.. 7 Pea buahel 60 f 70 ?ntUH!, Iriah buahel 5U la 75 " Sweety buahel 5(1 (1 55 Rica bnehcl 4 (o 00 Sugar, Loai, lb 15 00 " Brown lb IU fo, 12 ! stone. Ware,. gal -10 'a. 0f Skit, ack I!t0 (a, 100 Tea lb (, 00 Wheal, while buehel -137 fn; 145 " rc.1, banlitl U0 (i, 135 Whinkev.Nortliern, gal fc2 (4 S5 " ' N. Carolina,.....' 51 S Wool, (I.e. iGcurgiii) w.iaheii 2 n. 28 " " iinwaalie.i 22 f 23 Varn bale IhO 00 REMARK8. Bacon in demand. Corn, good aupply. Rve in quota 11011a. Extreme. 10 a lllje. BAitlN.bnground, , 1 OR N PEAS OATS FLOCK 12 r.i. ....105 (o .. i (V 13 1 1 0 fill : fo. 31 j CHARLESTON MARKET, i r'Hiai.raToa, Sept. 21, IP(iO. ; COTTON. The trnactior,a in cotton for th week mummied to ., I i bale, ala n jh . aauie time, nf 1,753 bale, at price, ranging tr. m !l lo 1 1 cent. ! Mm ii. a September 2 . The .ale of cotton to. : dv'.ed I,.'i00 biln. Miiliiling iinoled at 10 ' a lHjc. 'J'iir ...Ic. ol the wiek are 2 "'ill and the I receipt 13,500 bale. The. look on hand i 67.6-0 j bale Naw Yo.K.S pt. 01 The .ale. of cotton to day were 2.II0J bale. The market i. heavy. Mid. dling UMl-.ndnuoteil at i(T) a l'ic. The aale of flour were -'O.OHO barrel. The market i firm, j Southern ia quoted at ti, 7n a ti.HO per barrel: Ine .ale. ut wlieut readied only .D.nil" buahel.. with toe inarkel firm. W heal Ijool'il 1 tl 4U a El 42 per biianel t'orn i heavy, with Bale of 5H,ul"l buahel.. M.xed o,uottd at 6b a 67c. per buahel, in lo.e 6Mc. Coltee ia firm, with .ale. of 4.0IIU bag at I3jc. N j v . I iorca are u ull. Rica ia dull, al 4J i(;c. Valuable Town Property, ron vim.. rBMllETRl'STEES will off r fur aale (if not aold fi. privately bel'uic) at the Public Sijuare, on the 12th !' November next, (brim the Tueadayof j Superior Court week.) the Circuit PARSONAGE, t located in a very pleaaant part of Charlotte. On the premise is . kitchen, viable, &c. Persona de. spring to purchase valuable towu properly, will do well to examine tin property belore the day of vale. Term easy and tuaue known on the day of Ic. Tlie pronrty will be shown to any one de ring lo view ii, bv at the Whig office. THE TRUSTEES. A-igit( 21, 18.10. 21 u ClIAHIaOTTFa STEAM HI' FINED CANDY MANUFACTORY, IIKE l Hl IKE UIKEItl, Ac. 'VIE undersigned reaped fully inform, tbe ct. tizena of Charh i' and aurrnunding cuun try, that he ha jti-l commenced tlie above buai. nes in the house at Ihe curncr of Trade and Col. h ge strcels, for the purpose of manufacturing CA.NDIHSCAKF.S & IJUKAI). which article! he will ell Wholesale and Retail. A he d..e all tne wmk htmrlf, Retail Store Keeper would do well to pun-haae Hieir Candie. and t ake trmn him, as be will give entire eatn. 'action bolh in price and quality. J CAM ORDERS from a distance, encloaing the CASH, will be punctually attended to, aud the ar. tielea carefully packed and forwarded according lu direcliona. Direct to JOHN C. C. LK1SER, Ctmeror' 7We onrl ( Vrge (re(,CA'ieuiie, .V. C. Charlotte, June 5, Ic8i). lltf I()ALIlAVaNALOTTEUY. The next ordinary drawing ofthe Royal He. m Lottery conducted by the Spaniah Government, under the euoervision of the Captain General nl (;Bha, will take place t Ma TUESDAY, October 2, 1SGU $360,000. SOUTEO Nl'.MF.RO HM ORDIN'AKIO, I iriTAii ruizi: 100,000 t 1 priavol 1 00,000 I 50 " I.0"" AO.OOO I tin " " 30.000 I 153 " ao.OOO I Si) ApCxim' l 10,000 J 4 Ihe 1 Od.i'l'd -,;'Jn each 4 ol 4i to 5ilUt': 4 of 4U0 lo -')0,lKH. J 4 ol 400 lo $20.UUO; 4 of 4H0 t i 1 0,000. W iml.TicketaE'.'O; IUlveald; laaru.! i Pruea cashed at aighl at 5 per ceat. discount Bills ou all aolveiil Banka takeu al par. A drawing wilt be lorwarded aa aeon w lh r ull becoene knuwn. Communication. ddr...ed t- HON ROD I Gt'EZ, (ear. of Cily Po.t. l'iiai)(i( -) III the 2d ol Oelber, will tie aneou-w Peraoite ordering name plain and gn nine. . l... will oiae writ : their post olhae, county nd S. T. Wriston, Ifl Japanned T.nw.r., Stove.. Woode. Ware, Broou... Av.. Soutu wing of Spring. Corner Building- .fnd or. aii u simieh . ofntf. tinllering, A e. don 5