Jorl Carolina ling. ' -- .7 ... -- . lician of tbe rtt day. Mr. Morehead I Stabbing AflVnys. proved beyoud nj doubt who the mew or ; ln Saturday mm, an aaray sooa piaoe m tbat would raio tbif country. Ho showed Charlotte, when a Mr. Wbittingten waa se moat clearly lb dangers resulting from the rjou,j .tabbed by a men named Dardan. course of the present political factious, and , , fa on Sund aflerooon tbat in all probability it would bave tbe f- I ' fret tb.y most desired , tbat tbe result would anotber iuub was stabbed by a boy named be tbe accomplishment of torn darling John Cephas. Truly Charlotte is getting schemes, tot t7i..-,said the old man, should , ,e t f1Rt pse9l when sucb things art ba the Union be dissolved ! 1'bere was bo hap pirr country under heaven thaa America ; the seme Uuion, the ssme Constitution, the same laws, were protecting as tbat protect ed tlii n for u bat should this I Lion be dis- ing perpetrated by boys. CHARLOTTE: Tuesday,, October i. I860. S.TR. R. Wakefield, Fsq.,..f l.i noir, con. ruled lo acl, and it our authoriied agent. He will receive order for the hio. blinks i.r cr-tiH-mrnta, and receipt for llicime. Any person ubacr.binf who pay to him w.llun three nioniha will receive the VVnia for two dollar. New AdvertiseuientB. Attention is called lo the New Advertise- solved ? for mere differences of opiuioa of ments in this issue. Pome important mat- one particular psnj ! Why, tint has i ter, ir pBblislied, espeeially the arrange trays bero so. Opmieus of parties as well, . R . f n.arlntt lo Charlestou, of having through freights, aud Tbis is as individuals will differ. Mr. Morehead liAMait el-tarl what stvesion 1MI. what tbe inevitable results wouid be ; and I tell ; through ticke'i, to New Yoiit ' the good people of this county, as be did as, i important to our merchants, beware! beware I 1 Y ou are atauuiiig on a j eraler. A single step iu tbe wrong otrte- lion, ace nil ts lest. Tba horror of a civil ; war is that which inskrs the patriot sbud Her FOR THI N, C. WHIe. MR. YANCEY'S SPEECH AT CHAR LOTTE. . Tho Breckinridge men aay, tbat Mr. Yan cey, tbe great founder of (but party, is no l'if unionist. This is really astonishing specially iu the men about Charlotte, w ho any mora of tbern milting irmi-Union spee ches and then argue in favor of Disunion all ever the street aud bye-plaoes, wherever they can get a man to listen to tfaem. X. run PHESIPI.iT, Hon. JOHN BCLL OF TKMSESSEK. TuU. VICt PKKslDE.ST, Hon. EDWARD EVERETT, Of MA8i.Arullt.XTTS. (KT Tbe Secretary of the Union Agricul tural, Mechsmcsl aud Couimercial Society, The venersble old man felt this, slid of Xcwbern, wiil please accept our thanks 1 hope the warning ftoui one wboec head is 'f li.-kat. v. iih the euliiDlinieuts of the Ex- silvered o er with the iron of age will l' ecuti,. Coi.uitt, admitting us to all the free States, in erder to crush ber out, and taken, aud not to be luted to destruction by . thus derflrov the institution of slavery. He 'the of a Southern lepuUu; but privileges ot tne o.c.cty, it wuuiu gn. u. , - .'.irdline a tree." These to tie warned cy .i past ntstory, tnal mis pleasure to avail our.eive oi mtso .i. ! confederacy, once broken, is broken Jortvcr, ' oit wl regret that it will be entirely ana tnal those aarnng new nepuuues uSl . (9 VOK TH K N. C. WHIG. Mr. Eihtnr : Providence has again beard his speech at tbat place during ho ' thrown her hell snd Everett lamer to tbe last year. breeze. The announcement bad gone forth That MH Yancey bates the General Gov- J,,, at 2 o'clock this alteinoon tie frienela ernmeat tLst be abbors tho Federal Con I 0f , .. (,0nlilution the Union ami the En slitution and' detests tbe 'atioual 1'niou : f0r,.4iue0t of the Laws" would assemble at no sane Hon can doubt who Lard that ,he j,, v,bire aotne imp of darkness, op speech, Tbe writer listened to the whole p0Sed to the free niauilesistiotis ef aenti of it. .. v ! aieuts by tbe free people, of tbe coantry, He did not openly declare for tbe re-jj,,j cut Uo n ,,,, p0le raiaed a week ago, opening of the African ilave trade aud die- ; (or tu, purp0se of creeling auother; and uuion, (public seutimeut in North Carolina , punctttt t0 t our, a team drove up with not justifying it;) but be argued tbat thel, magnificent Pole, beautifully pealed, and ComtitHUon was grossly typreisire to tbe tue t 4Uj EfrsU mtli 0f tbe ncigb- 8outh in prohibiting tbat trade; that tb : borbaod cstue pouring iu from tbe lour prohibition was unjust and degrading to ,0juU 0f tte eompsss to tbe cross rosda. tbe Southern States; and tbat they oufibt , j tie ,,,, mblage seemei! to be spontaneous, never to submit to it. He denounced, in i atlj ,(,, cr0wd a largeune for such au occa raot vehement terma, the whole policy of H0U Hieh ,0uld have made a processieu tbe Government as tending and designing conl,arj, ,fc, fUIOrably with that which form- 1.) esiamisn arouna tue ooutu a coruou ui ,d .. ,roll, 0r . . 1 ,ar otte oli ou the tbis glorious cenfedcraoy. HuckU on yeur armor and do battle for oonatry. TRUTH. - be b. ptized is blood, is as true as that there is a party rsady to ere that Hood Jluf. And now I apical to vou, my counliymtn. 1 1 appear but seldom to you, ffn through 'this mruihtn. 1 a 01 a private citizeu, have .war or Wfi rimrnt ; but 1 appeal to you 'J slt. ! by all yu bold sacred aud desr uader tbe j - . .-m. - j vines and Eg trees of tlis lovely eountiy, statc Educational Association of North jly the legacy of jour fathers, tbe hearth-j Carolina. I stones ot jour tine-clad cottages, by the T, r , , . . ,. 1st Pi.rrict.J.VV.tHNTttN.of P.fquotauk.!Pce.wbi.riDg. of sgeod cot.-cencc, and ; Wilminiton. the Session i;i.i;t ."' k. For the State at large : Hon CiKO. E. BAPGER, of Wake. Dx. K. K. SPEEl, of Pauotnnk. For the Districts : W 'J be Ezecttive Committee of tbe Meek leabarg Agricultural Society is requested to auett at tbe Revk Islnd cilice, eu ilou- are bis exact wolds, twice ued. lie tin n argued the ability of the South to mniutaiu FOR TH N. C. Wlllrt. v RU FEIN ISM VS. COMMUN 1ECESCY. The di-union democracy had a torh light stand still demonstration in the Public .quare on Thursday lijibt last, s a fin It te their day'a work and a dirty concern it was, bat they had a man equal to tbe job and emergincy by lie name of Ituffin, who ia a regular balloon inflated wiibywW . self manufactured from low btliiaggate and dirty demagogueif at which could not be beat by any five point New York orator, and as we cannot put any of his filthy tuUs in print we will give some of his pelitical itleaa as a sample of bis speech. Among other thing be touched on disanisn and threw out a Jttler Jar public sentiment by saying that " If Lincoln sit elected bedid. not know what ought to be done in North Caro lina but that if ha wore a Texan be would be the Jirst to secede, aud if any party in North Carolina were to attempt to coerce any Stale, llieie would be another party lo reatsl I lit 111 before they erossed tbe borders ofthcSiste." (Applause) He complimen ted the JSIeck Kepublicaus tor taeir oppo her iu:ependnc, and support a govern-, coun,rt: hiend da ihtaxs. nrativ formidable nieut vut of the L'nien j aud drew a vivid , -j jlt!te ,u, llbl, ,Utll (ui lfu juel)e, iD and glowing picture of our prosperity, jrlo- dime-u-r at the grouud, aud M feet long. ry anu power, ouee iree.i irom u poim- . j ,1,,, B0 tltck and tackle , no wiud " 7 1 ti instant. itb per'eel quist and order as tho' eve rv luau knew the I art I. e was to set. tbry 1 prvj-ated for their work. It looked to one j sition te usttcr sovereignty said be gave uimcq uaiti'vd nli ihe mode Ly which our thi iu credit for it gave iSucbanan a met housed lick for not " enlorcing tne laws in Texas, and leaving the State 10 take eare A a An nftt ilnnk vaur lima tt.. w -- j - - -"-r taking care of yoc own "family tuan peuiiiiiK y against 0t,e carea little for either t It nan f purpose et iniermriug wnu uaiiij I, tbut " Harmony " peuncd that artid simply to state a few facts, which the " t ter biuirell' hss taken no eiuiptn,, i,, why " Hudibraa " has seeu lit to brin, poetical talents to bear upon it, "b(' be (I) is a pluiu uiau," and Ppa, row," I am unable to uudcrsinni done, Mr. Editor. Hudibrus '' ina ibe game all hi own way se far j ooneerued, and will only add in cocdg "Ere we part, I linn would w'liaier 1,1 tI Pouglaa and Johnson have nut I lie jhl.M vli nee ' . . II AHMoNy id do. C. C. CLARK, of Craven. 3d do. O. II LDCKEKY, of Richmond 4th do. L C. KbVYAHl'f, of lirauvtil. 5ib do. A G. EASIER, of Randolph. (itb do. H Y. WAITER, of David?on. 7th do. VM. P BYNL'M, of Lincoln, j Sth- io. Gcn.R. M HE.NRY, of Macca.i 1 PHK1.HBLK A.MHtl)LLTl)" AUitUed kf mer'.u ma101, tyiht Adin74 Cot.tfntite- . f Ikr ( 'on.fiiu.'iurii I nmn ienj, l Amlimcr, I M1 10. l"bt). j, Kiperience ha d mnnttrated that piattt.rma aipti-ij tr the p.-:rtian ' .1, vr ntion s ,ti , tne ctiuntry tuve hud Ita- t-tltei In nnUad iaa or ; trive In .-t;ile, and at (tie an.e tin.e tu w tv.ei. Ilc jKtlilicji tiiviioiia ot'tMc t-.-ijiitry. ly v..v err- and euriur.rem;nt of g, ru pineal at.u j atetional .irtie, tli-rrliire t K'llnd, That II ia both !Mr p-rt of putrmtiaili ( Sin. . t ilulr, to rt urg nize no pt.iil,i.H, " v.. 1, I m .. 'I .. ...,1 i -man, end the Lowj. to plant yeur b.cks . ; ' ' L ' 1 ; half fare, aud be hospitably entertained at .gemsi iue w..., u,e.m ju-. w.,..., -. u usuti the d, f b() 5se)J &eil our lives to her eneiaivs at a ttrttbte . .. .. c , , , . r . .ci vcuiu.i. i over the various Rail roads of tbe State for 1 m i-.... v n c. on 1 vi.aiiuiiu, .1. 1.., t.Fv. --, ; . nl.-.of -,.,:. mo v. viuu.iucc auuitrizeu 10 iieiernnne the tune aud place of ucsting have felt bsuud to call the next c-siot, aa fur South The members of tbe Cicb are expeeted to be prt!eat on Friday sight. All ought to be paaelual. of itself. He called Edward hvcretl a born pun flint, wooden nutmetz vankee deaouo- tion, sbunift aid shackles of Federal tyran- I or aDJ otVivr. sort of machinery to give cd John Hell aa aiding ibe abolitieuiata ny! Fiai7,-ing warm "and bold, he ' :, . Berneadicular altitude. How it was to aud eall.d bim an abolitionist, aud that openly de!ared pointing to tho public ; B, gotten up certainly no Ureckiuridge man j when tbe Kansas and Nebraska bill was rq'iare, sbere independence was proclaimed 1 j, tbsilollc could have conjectured, or tbey under consideration John Hell was pulled, that be general government, teu tided in j ouia have known enough net lo have epent hauled and pushed about like a diunken opprcwion aud wrong, snd clothed with in- ; the long and weary Lour of list Wednea loafer, then be had tbe laeauness to make famy ind disgrace, never should rnjont the 1 j,. tl),.lt l.touni.g te pUut thuirs at the ! it appear that liell wasa pro slavery dis-It.u-s (tgni'it the African slave trade intht Coutt House, and lliiu.j'j.t before, uniout bu drswiog a contrast bstweeu IJell Sti.'t 0 Al ibuma ! iler citizens, said be, ! (lje epproacbiug sun rolled bick the cur- ' and Edward Everett. Hie attack on the are aor indicted ; but "let a Federal JuJge ; tains of daikne, were compelled to arouKe ' Ilouglae Party waa supieely ridiculoua uadrtake punish a single uiau aud Lltuxi , t Uuu,,, man frou, Lis quiet .lamlcra. to aud in giving bis account of their nomina- shrill le shrU. 6tl4Fii1Per their iub through for then. Rut. 1 tions said tbat llerscbell V Johnson reeeiv lidu't Mr. Yancey utter these sentiments , BlgrT0j as it may seeu to them, it did from the steps of tbe ManMon House iu I bar-i t,0 up j,t, ease audgtace. lott. I I defy any resectable man to de- I wt8 B0, tvieDtv miuutu alter tre word was ed appointment as a candidate for Vice t'rcHdeut of tbe Lulled Malt's in a liar Ri-.oin iu Wa-aiugtoe City from a committee jgirtn, "all realy !" up, he ()!" before it of 7 or tt seated on wbirkey barrel aa the faculties fa". Rail road travel wouid permit ; and t L i consideration, and the ex citement preceding tbe presidential election are the reasons lot fixing the nine so late iu tbe year. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. uy it. It is true. Mr. ! aucey madesome eloquei.. . coj p,.rp,.Dilicular, securely planted in the and ;ust remark again.-t tbe Kansas Ne it,rtB. ,jIB t,, ,.J Suitee aud the' aud run 1:11 n. c. wuia. WESTERN 1'EMOCRAT AND TIJK UNIUN FLAG. The Editor wants the Opposition to, rect a 1aU report about its Flag i& square. Poor fellow, why dou't tie p,. a United States' Flag in place of the i L soiipl now erected ! For the bei.tfit 0, Western Desnocrat. we will tall him i',., V. S. Flag consists of 13 stripe, vm,, stars on a blue ground, one thus! 0f length of tbe Flag. The Uisuuiuu hik : erected bas 'i bloody red star. ku stripes. If it is not a Disunion I'i... j, tell as what it isT There is one tl,iii; , taiu, it is not a National Flag, nor aa Breckinridge party rented any n m the count y, every one are aiu,i,,i this. Ibe 13 stars, we suppose, it,,,, the number of (States tbe ljisiiinoui,-. , pect 10 build their hope, of grt ah,t , I Marylaii'l aud Delaware being tou f,r S to be of service. The 6 stripes re in cate tbe t.ulf or origiual seceiMou w bo are now supposed to be under I , , trol of Yancey Co, and when the t:. of tbe people beooute inflamed ami , . ;i for Lisuuiou, aud the first act p.r:', j ihe other aeven are to be ilrivm in ; 1 dills- to Yaucrt s l roiTaiiiine. I'M ILJII Hi, L'.STSV, titu " THC COfc-TlTt'THI Of THf lilt IMMiT llli milt Ttia eroicfcaiNTir tiir usi Ar I that, Hit rtpre-tnUiiK s 1,1 tne lt. mi L'liixu n.t-n 01 the countr v. in .it.,,r Ventl'in 4.SM He iit-rt- (j.rCgr curse .ly'ii. gri Uvl"t 7'c'i;o,j ae j 1 hce "ceived jour primed v.rcular, t..tiuns s.uv,,si all eii. noe., at lioiue si.d ' signed by your eou.miitee, and a private abiJtl, be 1 let in luerev srw Iu. v one more be i letter fruUi OUfrCif, lUMI.Iii; SL'i Urging UlC jii.i 1 tii la . f 1 lie !.. ' to cou.e to tour city tue 2, th, to "' teuni Mr. Breckinridge at Ilome. Mr. Leslie Couubs bavin: t een iuvited lo attend a Mass Meeting at Kuoxviile, Tcnn , ou tbe 2'n'a u'.t., writes a letter to ibe Rev. W. G. lirowulow, iu which he state that1 "Mr. Rreckitiridg. bad a. well toNAlL TUE LIAR TO THE COUNTER, peak the knots of of a -u-tree, aa to .peak j J Le '""Ofd '"Ji"r atatea that Mr. his disuuieu eartv into lavor in Kentucky." I L t" uaSa luf lor abolition ot th. Ueau the letter : braeka bill, Squatter Sovereignty aud S'.e pben A. ltousles, and in favor of slavery, which the writer and otbeis arplauded. It names of two of the greatest statesmen and patriots of America floating iu the breeie salt s.cks Mr. Editor, to go through with his speech and render np a full account of the amount of f tby putrid gas tbat escaped iroui mu. o.iioon woum .1. , lluno,1d.j .A ,..,.,! ... ,k. ,Dl...i u... ...... L , Chxrkkxx Htwier Who I.,, heard of it ! that great ludiaa u..u.c ,- ! I.rxi.MiTuN, Ky , Sept. 1st, ISCj. L'lt. W. G. Lin w.suiw : I MiflJcr 0;U Corner-Tree of the I'mvn . reiored lo tde .-oorttrv, .lit iul 1 ,riit. . ( lite i- eibitienl ajrm i iiceii in liiat coi.jiticin 01 justiee, ; ' ' , , , . '"' Ir.teruit.v snd, wioii., uacer n.e .x.uci : ,0 suJ 1 'te tOLnuelit 1 eau, for n.y heart ' (ilt no i siiti'Uon in our uti ers, n- toirmnW 1 akd u.iud arc ic ibe ,ial cause, anU ''-1J bnuuu everj c:t i.;ii of Hie L'.t. d State Iu maiu J eU ,0 (i tuieresta. 1 1 tJin a inure ptr'eet uiiioti. eslitili-h iustit-e. tiisurt i 1 t .... .1 , , , , . v ,m ftit ai'inieslic iri,uui,uj, i,rra n.r tin cuiiiihoh de- ... " ,,'. i.,..,a( .euro, ana secure 11., , Uh, ID mouth one to Missouri, the Blss ngs o- liuertjr to tunelves and nur posteruy. ; first of Uctuber, and two weeks Nortd bw - . j fore the election. Air. Rrcckmridge Lad as well atteiiipt to ,-pek IL ktota eff of a gutu-tiee, a to , -.t.sif his I fiiiii; rurtf into favor tu Ken- tucav. lie ana hi. aur-noi Ufa are uovmed. Jour rkl, Ca.-s, D.ckiuson, Green and ae. iie-ceiav rrffivr I 1 .Lull ti vet to meet many of my cid frieaue of i:iU lll at Kncxuiie. Yviirs, truij, LE.'LIE lUuMbs. .MASS MEETING. nave trade in the District of Columbia, and ' laiKu to vote ou it. i lie small speakers ef 1 lUc lireekiuridge Y aucey Seeeoion party charge tnal Lu aid vule, but solid wita the At'Ji.lli l'l:ls. 'J he Ll.l viaa for the inn. ' ' ' presnou ol tbe siave trade 111 the Uitriut ol Columbia,' and Mr. Leil recoiiied his vote uguutsl it, aa the record shows : Sie l ong. Uiuhe, v.,i. .!, fJft lt.10 J i Vtss. Uiiuw.n, Hmtuii, I, l.,,, i.iuae. , t. .iv,l-0.(jer I'VI., ul M.,s Dickinson, .... D'...,r. 4.1 V. ,scoi.sia, D . e, f I.w., uu;j-.. t.w.Bg . re' eh, r reeni.Mil. t.i een , It inn, a .1 , li.jiniii, liinili,ii, Junes. ins, Seward, tie us, -. u nice, jl ur;, I m nsimu, V aic. jisir, V. iiacmo sud U, J. .Nrs A ten , .!;. r. Il-nme!!, Hell, lier. 1. t'Mtier, D-Vi, of .Mi.. , llen, D.'WM., miur. Kiwi;, .M-m-iu, Al 1.011 . M irlun, fro II. ut,tii, S. Uie, '1 wurru y anu I uice. I I I is further trse, that some few hot he. dad ihir friend., an.l the volleya of salute fired di-iiiitoti flsg that waved over tbe meeting, ete of M .'or.j tv I'' ' i' men, to be found in both tbe Ureckitiri-lge ; l,0ll0lir 0t tb i.. A short addres, ai de-! w Inch was brought to a close by " dou -j be .. p,je p-, . XUtt ' and Poulaa ranks, aiplaudsd bis disunion ,1t,rv lo l.lvrr ulir fr;ej, 0H ju ,b,jr ooa .telling tbe John Jack.ou SprigKin. t.le. ,.,.. ., ..,,, ,, , ? p sentiments. Hat so strong, so dangerous, so ork. , ,,.. tdi.or. they need no rally ) A LOOKER ON. J"" 1 J ' P'j C'"f " b ' " li" glaring and .o.ffcnsive were his disunion ln Vt0,,u, Keer.a. seem. V ' O . Vn4 TCZ doctrines st :he tinip, tbat uo c usiderate (eel ihe imeonsn-e of the arrroaebir elee-' . 1 ' .. 1, ... r t.. . iinp-jrieaie 01 tu apr roaeoiag nee WHHI. ry oreau. ; not 10 the forwi of Mixtm, ' man, even aaiong the lemocracy of ilrea- ( ori it wall n.- to do hisdutr Aa evi- r. ,.., . v i l i letiburg, dared wo Mr Yancey a. a party ,fUM, A.'J, A MOST I'lSGU Al EFIL ACT. ieacer. t'n luc coairsiv, iioina iihivi : sen ; bad to explain 111 public ground that en next evening liell and b'verett I. Iub wouid be formed pimts, the personal courtesies tbey Ha 1 ex- tiejr e(J quarur,, (;be tt,4rbee 0f Mr tend.d Inu. aud thus di-own him ami bis fiampie,) and arrancMnents are being wade dicniaes. Even tbe" Western I mocral," ; for r ..1 . , . l- fortunate that was raised at the I ro Koatf uesr Providence chun k, was cut down at mid night on last Tuesday, and the infamu fiends, alter perpetrating tbe damnable deed, j proceeded at once to the house ot Mr. J f. always indulgent to the faults of its party- j., the (,,.,,,1.... I, leaders, us long as they keej m the lra ', ' COiucid. nee that the appointment of our Sample, about a mile below, and tried to aud generous tu its extoliatious ot tbeir vir- 1 elcttori y. p., occurred there on puil down one be bad raised in Iron or bis :ue., " datuueti him with faint praise." ' the san.a dv th'ev bad .eUet.d for the own house. Ho heco.'.iinif aroukec", by the Whatever easy be Ibe sentiments ot .Mr. pr0TiJetc rally " of the friead of Hell noi.e, arose from bed with his gun, Rrerkit.ri-'i.P and hi followers g' ucra'ly, ' ...i Kv.reii to wLieh th.e meiiw all wha r. rovidco'ialif. b lb barrel fa-..eJ lo j'ir. 1 orcv, in 111- nam., -1 "i--' desire to anl 111 ln-ii.'iii,!i tin I iinin. auil the Hoiil is Hetnoeracr, (in the main ,,, ('Ontilutioa anJ the ekftiicem.nt of the unusual. Thus tbe inidoiglit betide were I aciieu, aa, if by tuagie, g,i't nut u. mediate and pobilive relief from . , t. and .urT.ring, but spscdily anl pun,,, , ly cures tbe most inveterate ease, ;u troable wnboat ie.a of lime, or diet, than aay other pteparalioo iu... man. Planters, this ia a valuable mcdiriut ' j r your iirjniri, it a.vea .neir avatia ait'i c gf( . stttuttan, savt yeu iu.s of bau li, 1, wiiieh Mr. Sample aejs is soiiietiimg very : t " ' " '"." " Thus, you lying ra.-cais, the records prove lieu to bave been aiuon; Ibe units: but ! strongly Uuioti) is placing vary sucee.-f il j ly nf on their hajes or fear, ( t Oo:h aer j natkly) and is tusking them ea-y ict';ni to' i the demands and designs of extreme faction- j j its. Bjt the people will tooa read Law.." tcpt. li Si E. '.0, 1800. Ic."cn at the p.ibl.c polls. l; YX O.MWtTTBB P.O'-iJIS. P.aleta, Sept. loib, 1 ? GU. BT TLere wiil be a STATE MA.-.S MEETING of the frier da of HELL AM' EVERETT, and ef the UNION, at the Town ef Ss'ii. Lury, on ibe llib and l-;i of Oeicber lext. Every county in the St.te is de-ired and expeeted to send titUgatee ; The I'I." ION MEN of Rowan.tbrocib the ' Ex Ct aituiitti, extcna a cordial is vi'.atioo j to UNION MEN everywbue, to be wiib j tbiui on that occasion. SION H ROGEHS, Ci.m'D. ' Public ptking. We have beta requesleu to state that the ' Electors for tbe Seventh Congressional Di- j trlct, Messrs. Mtxiih, Kimm aud Fox, wiil address ibe people at tbe fuiioeicg tiu e. and places, viz : ror. ik n. c. whio. saved from beinif brought before tbe pub u v. y ha and lhir deeds to light. Can It be jks- ' sible ihst the Imocrcy bas bacoiue so Ua GBZKvl i OXYuEl4TXi P.ITTti -, low, so degraded ! Io the sober, thinking Y. are aul iu the habit, a ear rtJ.i I people eiidorse tbis a.'! of the Deiuocfatic are aware, of teojrrm.adiDg or nuiic.ej ., narlv T No doei.t nianv laush and ehncxl various ne.trume that are -srcod, Mr. 1-jJitor : I have iu my p..inn a over it iu their fancied dreams of riitht, aad , oubiie atbrnnoa. but tbere are eee.'K".. euyy of a campaign d leuo-eat, which the would repeat tbe infamnus act Metnocr ts. , c4,c, where a departure fr jia tan t. rt.n Til X C. WHIO. M-UNiDN PARTY. Owmn, bri-bt aud sbiuing lights tu the ' STATE I'EMOCP. ATIC M ASS MEiiTINU " tHeeainride 1 aneey ec-sion ii,unton do you eauor.e it 7 ho your InuJs and aeeme proper, and tbe article abe.e i.w licaiuriug liisunion Crusade, voted a. )ou lalsely charge Ret! wita voting. If you' uoulil our veracity, turn to the tlctigre-.iun IN CliARLOl IE. The !as Meitit,.; rf tbe lisunion wing jf tr.e Deworraiic pa:ly " are now brin tue perpetrators lo light. Tbey are preseots a eae o( Ibi kind. This a.t. To our I'riccda. The fcilewiug ia ct-puu from tbe Lnieu G jard, a p'per pnntco al W astimgion City. Monroe, Tuesday, Oct 2 Wade. bore, " " 0. Albemarle, Thursday " 11. Conrord, Mond.y, " 15 Newton, Tuesday, " 16 Saiubnry. Saturday, " .0. (.barjoti'.-,, " Li neolt.vU, Saturday, " VJ7 Lailas, Monday, " vi'J SlNATtR TlitiJli (,N 1 UK Ft E TIGS fl LlM OL.N. Hon. Robert Tuomb re-ii:iv Is it true, as the Etiiter rtxatlis, that the made au able spe-eh at Columbus, (jeorgia, ball and Everett men aie Lot as active at ia whieb, spsaxiag ot tbe eueroacuiriebts ot they oujibt to be? Lit ersry Hell and Ev- tbe Norm upon tbe rigbts of the Sjuth, be .am : "ihat tit people mii.Lt ttaiin it it they cbose," he bad brne it astil another " Lair wouid break the camel back ;" ami wlieu, said the speaker, ri.sing up to bis full height, and wiib aneiiqiecce that siiook tbe house with app!;.u.e, " w lien th? last di-grace and degradation shall he eonsuni maieU by the uectioa ef a chief laaitrale over the people wbo-e influence and posers will be wielded agattist ibe dearest right., ol my section, and tbe sacred guarantees of the Coostitutioc . when he shall stand at one end ot tbe eapitol to take the oath of cfiice, tbea my commission aa your representative iu tne Senate is at aud end ; then will I ro turn it to l none who honored rue with it; ineu i will come to tbe col amuem ami a-k ni-B ace to it that he t. duic( kit whole duty. We regret to learn tbat tne friends cf Bcli and Eveiett iu Nxim 'r.,iia are by no inesss so sclive tSey euj;bt lo be. Having recently emerged Iroui an exciting eanv a-s a iih huuor, tbey baveevery iiiduce B.ei.1 to ehter the --i i agaiu wuu tLe as e energy wbtcb caaracteriitsd tbern en tbat octasuiU. Ihe Uhaiiujan of their Statu l.'o -,uit:ce, Ike Hon. Sion II. Rogtrs, hai just ul lor'.b a spirited niiitcM lo tne L a I ju men of the Stale, at.d we (ervently hope bis wise counsels wiil n-.t fail upon uuwiu. tug ears. Norm Carolina Lis teea ever true to the I. uion, aud lis S a.bitigton, ber V,'e nndei.lacd tbat Mr. Eynum caoait le at Monroe and Charlotte; and Mr. Fox canaot be at Albemarle. ' modesty La. been equal to ber warm.' 0u:y one oBice within their gilt ; then I shall Ca m and uboiored, si. a has pursued tbe eveu tenor ol ber way, white, tne turuee , and the wavet ol abstr.cuun lashed ber j uorlhtru frontier. For lea years, from Bill and Eeverett Club. 1610 to 1 s-ju, sae never waverea in tue good At tbe meeting of the Club oa Friday cause, ejecting in thai period live V. uig B gblla.t, we bad quit, a treat. Ex Gv . Governors, aud setdiug the Senate sucb M...t...l .1.1 d . fi... aridr.,. to those ' ,teri,rJ PVr,uM M H" oisuuiou roared upon ber sou iioia tiauk, i,cu 0i iUtt ,paker was fouowed by load cusers. appiauao and waving of bauds, present. Any one who eould li.ten to the' b, . .Uo;, CttUntr- j, ,rou.ed ,or u warning givea by this veteran unmoved, aust bare a soul fit only for ' stratagems and spoils." He clearly skewed that the sseeders f'om tbe I'emoTatie Cjnrention auJ r., snU sits tne wuo.e siu'itu is wbc-e..ig into iiue for tl.e t titoa, the Consti lutiou. suu ibe knfvicemeai of tue Laws ? Woke up! old Hip Vau V inst , up 1 aud make leady to L-ive Jicil and Lv- tomlt. bave uemiaaled a candidate, but tbey trett lU.t'UJ majority ,u .Suvctuker. would not do it, their object eeemiag to be to bring tbe country into its pre. eat situa tion, aud by aid. o; in the eleeilon of Lio eiin. to pre"i-itate a revo'a'i-. He read extract f.ow letters frera Msrs. Ij.yce and I'rr, of S. C, who favored immediate secession on tue eleotiun of Llae iu. He de picted in vivid color the 'li-tie.s a tiisrup lion of tbie government weald bring up'.n tie people. Aud for what. ie a-ked. He ad.ised every person present, before retir ing lo s. sep every cijrtt, to put this qaes I'ju to himself, and far a bat? A better netiee ef the remarks of Ex Gev. Mar. bead will be found btlow : Mr JUUt'ir : NotwiiL.tin'lini; I w as very unwi il last i-isrbt. I was luJuce'l ij attend the meeting f the 1JT1 and Kverttt Cib, en bearing tbat the lloa J M. V ruai was expected to adrss tbe taeelin Ibis w th- fir-l lime I had ever au opportuoi tv of listei.ig to this old patriot, and, believe sac. I was well repaid fir ray atten dance Mr 5! rt'ke 1 i- a i t... bit , sound, rsor, a m-in ot clear a-id prhtnsiie lien, on WiiO ri-e- auui a i p.ilry p irl'tan cutxidt rations ; one in mlio.n uiau y b'ssotw tl.e love of bis eouu:ry g! hi a. fl. fi'. of -K a. His wboii-demeanor and ristks were eharaeteri.'ic of it.t't'i of b) gone days, t.ot tbe but blole.l p.. I A Tjitbtai cily Act. lr.e He 11 and Everett u..a In Providence eiteut, put up, a few itji so, a Qtspiaying a National Fiag, a. in tlie aauiet o! i-ss.i aud Lversti upuu it. Ou luesday night l-l, acme one cut it du. Alter perforuiltig this dirty job, tbey then weut to tbe bouse of .Sr J. K. Sample, aud aiteiBple'i lo tiil uuwo a po.a n ba'i put up Hearing ice a.iae, aud aeeing wnal tbey were up to, (tor tuere were twoj he snsj.p '! hi. guu twioe attneia, btii barru, Hissing tire tnal tue gun i . J not off, for one or tota n. gut uarc pa:i dear lur lueir dastard, y act. al Ij.uhe, and see the record. Liotcdow s ef the Hen.oerscy coin, i ff, according lo ap knixiute il Uig. 1 pointiuetit, on Thursday last. Vice Presi- i dent F'rsi.klin Pea ce u is not here, but I'.eaforJ Rrown and Mr. Scalps and Jv Hsywond, were. Tbe latter gentleman, up to the time of cur f r-,,nt writm..', had aot gratified tbe curio-ity of the " Unwashed littoocraey" wiib a sij;ht of b's "cup," which he received for service rendered in , tl.e State campaign. The show coiumenred 1 by Chief Mar.ball Sam A. Harris, with a U-gc force of assi-'.sBti, all en horseback, fermiaj a tine, with the " Rig Sprii'g Drass Hjiiu ' si iti bes t, aud taking ap iit.e of march .owareU I'aitfuruia (tu Meekh n burg) 'fiej started with 79 men, but by th? time they reac'-.ed the last corner of the jtrect', by dint of pi-rseveranee of the Mar ehslls, tbey drove ail their uien "in," and they nambi-red I'i, boys, orators snd ail. i T hi " Hand " (who, ty the way, are e,uite a well behaved anJ .-eutlemaaly setof youa.' rnei) exercised verj good judgment in the my tie It was of th S'Aimn order, q-jite slow n l impressive, aad sounded like thsy w-re p eying the lot tribute of rr.p"t to tne Until p'litij, the followers iu the proces ion eo'.rinir into tr, spirit ef the tain ; but when tbey arrived opposite the Court House and Rreck and Lane pole, some tbem tried to shake off tbe dead feeling, and , cheers for their pole, &e , but it I si no go, tne proposition died out without any response. Probably tbey were over awed by the immea-e I'ouplas Flag oppo ! site. But on they went with slow and msas 1 urd pare, until they reached the stand, i where p'enty ef see: were prepared The firt speaker put up was tbe lion, li-dford j Hri wn, a sort ef galvanized man of broiii' d I met-il, and no giant in intellect. Tbe crowd 1 showed weariness ptetty soon, and your cor I respondent ai.o, but stid lo.ig eab to I hear bim dervoeoe Srphen A UougUa and . ll,e iJotiglas National Exscutise Committee, for asserting that the seeaders at Charles l ton were Jnsum'tn ", and were trying ' to break up the party in eriir to carry out their designs against tbe eonutry.Ae. nn- Vtmo- flooeing the country with, ta which the) at- member or voor parly, fighting your bat lo make Ihe e lu of tin. elenous lie, snd no doubt think toey gained a great country of our. neiuve that that great and good man, John Bell, is a liieuoiouisi. To what n'ent wiil ims p.ny fl la Iry sod Uuekeu tue enalaeirf ol i,r whe Irgh sense of boner .: entirely above the in ' i bry may try, but tbe eiiol box iu No f mitt will brand every i ITjiI ,tl. the lie Hhat! John Bill a disuniobisl, when evei-y breath is a praier lor the preservation of the I Iran ' Lei as see what Mr H-mI ha. anJ glorious victory, when tbey eut down that Rt'll and Everett pole. ou with your law. itiJui -ht, dirty act. Kaep a record! of t beta in your midnight eoun-els ; hut Dev il as arqutred a ptrmaaent rep-ititi-. the reiief i'f dyspepsia, liver heart bwrn and aii d.ilicu in 01111. .., proceeding from ibe diga.iire or.'.t,. eeiiiaintug no aloutiol, no minrt, ar pj . uon. drug, it is one of the .:.'. er, never lt Ihem be seeu or reaJ by th i rwedtal pre-eiipnoa.. For a fuller rc-pectibl portion ol ibe eominuniiy . ir. Editor, I eaunot allow myself to ihluk for one moment that any respectable H-mnrrat in Mecklenburg County was a pe'ty to this Cerjiit-h act. and vet, when some one ml the reaeer i referred le ibe a Irert.--1. of tue article. W d; t s . Puxmivw re Tim Bc-sr Hkimkii V to say iu bis ou dcieLce of tuts libclou. Brti-ilar when si.okt-n lo about il, replied 1 TARV CwwPAir.--Tbe Executive t on : Cbaige ; " it .Mr. r;:'.- Coi.-tl.U-i II, Jk.l 1 "'i'i, luat gta speech on the Leeompt n rred on tne 1 i f M .rcli 1.. ..!.! .. ...... l.,li.. . t.ll ...lllee ol tue lynelitiure Mi Aj Everett man had cut it down a. a Democrat j Society have determine'! tii.lT-r a yt V. rfifr. e it er .,,,.;. Wm a irra no ! f ' the " b-sl drilled imiltirv be a caua.uatu tor Ibe W bit House of the eotereign atatv of Georgia ''hi dtclara- thai couiiuued for touie time. ELk'. IluMi. EilutX N0vt.M1.ll Elec tions are to be held in the foliu wii g .Stale at the time earned : California, first TVeJne-day in Sept. F.o.ida, farst Monday iu (let. Georgia, first Monday iu Oct. Indiana, aecjud Tesoay lutlct. lows, s.csuii Tuesday iu Oct. Minuesola, second Tuesday iu Oct. Mississippi, tiiat Meniay iu Oi;i Ohio, S-couJ Tuesday 111 (Jet. l'eansyivania, second Tuesday in Oct. Soatu Caroiiua, second Moniiay iu (Jet. of the designs of Mr Seward, and appealing 'to the teller Ke, inr. and the bett. r jid. tueiil of bis fkti !wei . to arrest h :n iu bis mad career,' aaid, ' Let power go into wh.: . ever baud. 11 may, let. u. tho I'linn.' Tills constiluLs au answer lo oue of the Norfolk q ie-:i"U. aad it twa an answer a.-t eterv !riead ii M r . 5', ;i wou d givo " IIs J thu C B(ckuiid,'e ever aatwrnd this i ii 'ioii . Ith.istiru a-,.d Imu h don l lie come out aud snow his ban J ' Again : " Mr. Bell, in his speech of .Em- I -MJ 'U" 1 . . , . , . ; upeu the tar n questn.n, wlneli taen oatkly inreatencu in iiisruption 01 tn- v nion, sani, ' 1 am ue alarmist, bnt whu 1 refl-cl upon all I ae aud bear e lane-i J with ibis j'.ct, when I look lo the ;r ini Hi-tri lion. , ol the couatry, I teul myself justified iwde-l signaling tbe sum of what I sliall aay upon1 tbis question a a pl-a or the t'mon ' In ' tbe same .(.tech he ail, -that ia .he. first care of au American statcamao? To pre serve our free institution. I will not n in- to au argument to show tbat the only effeo- ate.Mian. sirer speekmc t.n i only one of many dirty act know n j ' "J have selected a oumber c!. to haee been couimitled by th lalss-Iy alyl l"e"u luur-euij cnvarsaoi wnu is. . -ed Jj'-nmrratic raiti. Oo on, we are on,c,",,t "ecide upon the menu ol your tracks, and aooner or later justice will j arioue crr ps which may cluose to e . -vei'ake vou. PRO. IUfci t. u" '" V " Jet-rsluig i t iui n. t. vviiia. WES TEEN UKMOCRATON S I II ENG Til The Western Democrat sajs Douglsa b. ao stii-niu, and iheu en, tne elaction. in Mam and ermont aa exmpl -t ill she l.cin' crat tell its roader how man votes his paity received in Ihos election, f I'm not tbe Hougiaa party receive luU lo It. one T Again, In Mis.ouri tbe vol stood, Douglas, fi7,i(l i ' Bell, 81,110(1 " " Br kio'ge 11,001 Where are you then, Mr, Editor ? But ho waa il in Kentucky T Letiia Coomb bccaiu a candidate for Cjeik of the ( ourl of Appeals, a valuable olbce. The It.eiJs. risen had a r-o d v olio!. . uomina'.ed -...I .1... Jl M.l'l (,- -no. ' Wot. ....eriMlsn ,. .,, , l "'"-" ..... ..j, . : lOIIAlll. ti liijiv I,., ihiriy d.ti test to win, s ua tnri) u ouia, but gut neat i,h all i,..t. a sod t.suiiii will te put - Where l. e.illettli.n. I li,r indrbled lo uawillu!'' ExTKr re Tin L4.1.V Kuns I m-as. 1 r . Acording to the best authonty, lh liw ber el parsons on boaid lb Ldy K ; v when .he Ufl her port, was Jit, ; the ere. Of these 114 ere reports! 11 saved This wuid leave t!7 ! lost, of wli:' ihv b idie of on' v sixty aeven bus be.u covered up te this time. .Notice to Debtors, e a vim; ...! 1 1 our rillire sl.ics lure anil ttiriit-U nur atlentmn i M.-r. lil-r-luri- nf 'lubsern, w If all II, os.- i.-ttlrt.l-ii lo lis i,i lur eute or aee.,iini, that i e .airte are r. i tlamenl. 'I hsi uiMJersijtiied Will ha 1' lo tne m.tilj Stromoes er Herofdlous afTeclioDS are tbe ens, the blight, tbe potatoe rot of man kind. They are vi and filthy as well as fatal, 'i hey art.e Irom contamination aud impurity ef tbe blood, aud are to be sceo ill around us everywhere, line quarter of ail we meet ar tainted with tiivn, aud ona tijiirl.r nf .lie il,.,n - r . l-.r.f ishly too.bieause tbi:y are earabla Ats.Ks all be c.s to break down the Demo- ; cmjio.., omiprnmisr d i:t,n;lition.' tive mod ol dickarin this great triiet is 23.01)11 votes by the liell party to firnnte and cherish the. I'mon' Ureck;oridEe iu Kentucky, hi. home ? Ala., i 'ne,l "'"(.;-. 1 poor Yorie! Tl.e f.ot ia, Ibe idea ef toiiag - n- BAJl"'H ' lor J.n ckiniioge laoD.oiuia. ah pariie. ,ur that be eaunot even reach the House, nor poor old Joe the Senate. Tbe fight i be ing carried eu, and is note, at this inemenl, between Beil on the one side aud tbe Black Republicans en tbe other. All eeusible men 1 Bui tbey eauaoi close tbeir eyes to th dan gera which star them in lh lace, and they invoke, through me, brethree everywhere of every quarter of the rtTuntry, of every patty and of eveiy pur.uit to ctneede Romelliitig te this iireati-st eoaunon iu'erest, the snjety ot the f.'nion.' " fi Fine Chi: wiiii; Tub.icco. .1.. L. .U. L ...... -f .1.. VV. eratlikeditr Here ie what ht aaid ia his' as ever purer se.t:mnts altered ror our see that tncre wnere tne ngni nes. i oe usser of Juee 5tb country than these ! But again : j Elicit Repubiicaus are attacking the Us II ..ii : 'u- V v ... .I. iili--,ii t. p.- i ,.:a u ... :r l I ineetiiii'i North, and tbe Disunion parly wants to areciDitate the eotion States into a eoui'i uiutatu me csuisc ol t.onjress lo tue ..., r " " - revolution, sri'l tnu. dissolve tbe Union he ' pendiag diflioeltie., I would ssy let the ad culls himself a Democrat, though he is now ! juslmetit be made in the real spirit of rat- In ml k siing .ael'AUII.l,A cleanses out tue Scrofujuus corruelioii iteu tee blood, render, it pure i bey crlaiuiy bave cause te rejoice sua besitny, Bu i elleclualiy expurrea the crane parlv. eoaaenin Ins course ana a letter written iu oi, iu relereuee lo tbe di-apprure of bis sehrwies now, a we did ' Presidential eanvass, he said, ' It may b U.t summer, when he made a fiery speech , asked, in what dees the aafly of the CTin feii coutaiuination ftem the svstem. No Ion- ,D ' "arlotte. Whenever ail me ooumcrn try coa.tsi : i, in t prwrtww, ter eroan undr your Scroluloua disorders, i t1"' fe ready and prepared lo aettogeih- . oj Iht I num. In every aspect in which I .inc. the irre.i.uble Arm b. provided bis r- w re witi' "'em besrt and band ; but a.teriy eoiabiuaiion of rtuc at be oai.a SABHAl'AUll.i.a Jjtm-Kral, ",,n '"'J ' noi; the only tenden cy of which is to distract ami Hindu tbe I Month, aid in the election of a Black Repub- i iissa President, aad dissolve the L'uiou." STJGo'iD. A lunatic enee informed a' Now, Mr Editor, ia not the Western Dent inal H ute,b. am to view tbe subject, I regard the diso lution of Ibe UniMi as the duett calamity which oan befall Ihe people the r of the Sou.h as well as of tbe Noith.' " i Well may Mr. Bell say tbat "tbe disao t lation of this Union is tbe direst calamity 1 tbat can befall lb people." He ba ex South. Tbe acts of both show that tbe Ball party is the great antagonist to Black. Re-publit-auiam North and Disunion in the South. TRUTH. Hare manut'aeluri ly on band a M'PEIIKM! AIM K M- whieb .ii .,tl'i:r lv In trail upa 1:1: vson vm.i: ti:imi All who ar f.nd of lb IK IT e'JSS.J ULi Ctf-i-3J , !'' " ( II Ml Il .ii", eW" We are rtq'ie.ted to give the fellow lag an in.ertion : We thank Mrs. M E. M., of be'lyvil!e, N. C, tor one du.iar sent to in fiutsh- physician who was eia.silyinf case, of in- j ocrat houud by the above declaration to op- atnined, he has weijibsd the matter iu tbe lug the M. E Church in Cbariotte, N. C. 'sanity, that be lost hi wits by watehing a pose Yancey and bis schemes in exciting scale of honor and of justice. Will the De Many hare contributed Iioerany fr tact ' pjiiticiaa, whose course wss so crooked that the public mind to scenes of blood, iu ease moersiie party still continue to spread their pip-e, bet, as our Lor 1 s.i'd of the poor n turned his brain. If, on th contrary, of the election of Lincoln, weea by Ihe very document, over tbe eouni ry to deceive the widow h ) ti.rew two mit-s iut'j the treasii he had been watobin? the effect ol 1 1 Kl n- ' act of tl.e I. isuniou nan v. thev aid the e- neoele ! Fricnrl of tbe Uuiei '.lit so our will pleaae -, 1 1 si our Kstslili'limen iMMMIfl KAMT OF TIIK BNK ir Llll'TK. V' out il uu in Uoe of fiom 4 lo 73! lis. J ( KING, J. M. SAM'I'I;S ( Wtsr 8, IHtlO. ,3' rou tiii n. r. wmo. " HUDI1.RA8." Mr. 1'slUnr : It waa not my purpose to be drawn into a newspaper dicusiun while j penning the article over the signature of " Harmony," iu your iuc of a lew weeks! since. Neither do 1 now, and should never ) bave referred to the matter again, was il bot tbat some ' Dour friend " bas deemed it ' advisable to give me a long lecture through the Column ol the " T rue Di mocral 'ii lb mat , over Ihe signature of " iladl- . ,i,..i. .. n,. ....r,,,.e nt aant ire"' bras." Aud now, " Dear friend," as thou ,i, ,. , ci,rf i concerned that I. " 1'"" bast been so kiud as lo rive me a kind word. ' tor of ,n trust, fuibul th lo jnd will ' . ry,' I h.s poor wosuaa bam j;iveu more sthxit H sir R. iterative, he would bave lec'ioo it a Buck Utpublic:in I'resi'lmit ? i caui The enemy if, i"at upon ua. Tee j wouid it Dot bo well that tby lecture should i '"wtul meaaa ... preserve the ((ul t,.,,.y than tbey an, " .0 would we . of our, sated hi wits sej learned a curleas triumph 'J hat i. the auction for the Wetem Hem-! Di-uaion party, headed at the South by W. begin at koine ! aad a yon seem lo take ''' "i.! .""..rj'JII'lV .!.!i"!h..' nbe ii a widaa indeed. M ay the Lord rich- 1 of Art over N'stare. Hee adrert'setaent 1 ocrat, and every other framer of public o- I L Yaneey k Co , and at the Norlh by Lin-1 such great exeeatious to a " John Bell man " j j pi;KET'T, tlri"1'' ly reward b'-r. Tue THtnjxr.e in another Column. pinion, le determine, aud do not let us hear . relit, Greely Si. Co , kre trying to break etpj article, for " interfering in a family broil," i o-t. B, IH. n. . .. '.'"'T II - I'trnei finm aulhenlie S ..... .. ... ... ..II. ,le, d s aa trust pr.ipvy ill. lo several resel. InvieW" ' AVIM. I.irneal fi..m Hie eiiail ti..i ol In ll'le de' d of :li. fuM V urofiltrl Willi lo several respe nd I irrt I I'm Irom His ihim1