A StAVi'a Ynw op thi Gbiat Quits- I0N The LouUtilU Courier it responsible J0r the following j .. . (July ' d a jr or two finee, we chinond to hoar darkey delivering bimeel ionewbat after tbo manner of ou of bie race in Old yjr(jjuia, aa notified by tL IMemburg Ex creta, of date, in this viae: la frout of the Cntrl Warcbeuaa, a pbiloao pbioal darkey leaning Uailjr agaiuat tba ttbeele of dray, tbus delivered himaelf to t brother Jebu, who wae disposing of biua elf imilrly t- " All Diggtre ought to feel da dignity of loin' H'fc'ge", 'eep, fra nig jjora, what dunno wbat dignity am. lia piinuit I'm wuff about fifteen hundred Jul I,., " igd b eave a demonstrative ireature with bia 11 forelinjter, " aad a beap o'; white folk cant aay for deyaelvea. Now dar" aud ha peioied to 'gentlemanly vagrant,' " is white man ; be couldn't turn biaiolf iuto money to aave bia life. Mor'n dat, be aio't wuff nuflirj, and be won't do uuffm. I do dignity of de faet and dat a wbmt makaa nie aay wbat I do lay !'' I'I.ATIM.ino I'vifl.M A correspondent f the Loudon Mecbauica' Mti'aiiue eifei lk following reeeitt for preventing riflea I runtiog m tba tnteiior oi ioe earrtia : u niiro luurriato of platiua be mixed with one- four lb ol' tta bulk of eibur, and tbe mixture . lUn allowtd to aettlv, tbe platiua solution ill fall to the botton, when tbe lighter 11 q,,; J eill be poured off. Tbe platio aolu lion in then poured ia a, well cleaned rifle lirrel, ubul) (.'alvanio actiou quiuklf takea place, and a thiu coat of planus ia deposi ted upoo the aurfaee of tbe barrel, and pre vents il from ruliug." - I r u it mruinn-N (llllJ.l 1 -M -Jail II JjO I ,,r V fa Is A X I) W I i : it jrsT it i: I-. iv i: i) ruoji m. O bv siv GOODMAN & ElGENDHUNj T R A I li 8TRLET, OliTaH A WILLI 1.1IN. 1 ' V. rene Ifulry .n tifio Ike ei turns of I I sr. ft l"i'e. sd surrounding countiy that c irf preured to tifftf oni; mil t i:ni:Tti ijt !. as ttmm saao, esVaWkta l)l!V d'OODS, llatn, 4 tip, HoolMj Ihmk, At. Att a i.akgk ass .amssT ir i,nii.uii.v i ii iHtii.; i.ihuis. AlJt'l, A lir:s sls,rk of f,,ilu-. tnd Cei.tleiom's MIA H'l.s AM) rUIAKS, irl'tnif cM atn1 tiaifiMP nur (tuutis brtr? pumuM. i firnii'-n'. UtMiUMAN A Kli.KMWL'N. ) 2 ehii. Jen r unrdl iiiiii i KuiiNi i uFE i i nAViv. r r i; i n a s e k thk km ice all k OF FURNITURE Mies Ca.. snd assoc. atrd with rat ;, rt si. I.&e I'svinsok, we teUnil t" car ' i ui4r htm ol t: 0'- trr"r- , st las old stand ul J. M. ll i nil. rut imrir iim ut stir, 'a ai esel to o,n saa o ma. aa m - I Sta-e o, L'aviD Psass, t.-q , nw orcup.ee r.HANCII BANK OF THE STATE, i A Full StoeK of Furniture i OF ALL KINDS, j M . tni be A.und at Una L'la hashnieit, end : V .urs.fe. to j S'.:i ai Ivow at the aamo orticlca enn bo b jtiglit ui CUAHLKSTON.cr any o!h-1 ir Sou'l.ira City, Kin. rnfiHKLin iiunnii u i ne c e gt ut Hie Vartuarfur lajr iraailmtsl, 1 Sork avi.r.J w.ii U ui.ioplij sttsn.'.rd ' : I'yunng e am bind neat.y dune. UOli'T. Y DATHt)N, : " B -ll.tmg t.,, , Agency of " I ISK S ' l-Ul.li- 111 i)AL CAK," t ey iil slsajs "'"""I"".!. K.F. D. J-.ii r--.uTii:K:!-2ai I I A IM, 1ul ouf rBlltc atvck uf Furni. i.irr, 4c. i Uoant r K. lUvio. a who, lo s.lohi.e, r, W. I ts U.vil.aua.sjpect ' 'nae the .oo,c bu.me.s st nr '-, i lie finn of DAVIDSON & BROIHER. , ' r'"'l"-lf cwn.inrnd them to our Irien.ls and ' ''""' arho nisy wish any ining iu Hist way, ut li.ry .,n t,i.B1a nie, s patronage aa " Wm ve borulniore recaivad al their J. M. SANPER8 k Co. itpif "rsl, Harlolle 1 S. L'. I. hi! 0?d f,V "" d,y uf October next, . ,,, , UKh lsa Froigbl Traina mil run m . ., "'" ' """""a and t liMloston, without , 'I ensbling Freights lu make ' i w..Y" '"" ',," lr" '""n lt,m Voik, At i ' ' ''srlisl..,!, ae.l Vice versa . """ time Tiirouaii Tu Lei. . ,ll l.. ...i., "loll, lofhsrlraion al IS.'itl. and la New 1 hr,"'B'1 ft-sn.sra lor l'l,s.,d vice ".rensiita and I'ublin ara invited to eipcuilioua mule for Freight 'sinscra. f . A II. MARTIN, iaJI,)",j'Tlcl" . Tbarlolte, N f. as ' "il.. 'Ha. AV I?,.-, THsaroan H R . J nii.stou. N.t;,, Sept. i, Ihlill. I.S will L- .J .1.- ;:,"'WLs, h.M '"" Engineer .f Ihit Como.nv until I'...,,.. ""' weal, for Ihe Graduation. ""t,k," , f "'!( unlet) ' ,'!""!' 18 " of Kichiiiond.io ta,, "llnrlotle. and . , "'il Slata clrsrlaand Tr.l. ,11. ...... tbarl.st tuns W'lhii, sv-liirh li.. ..II fi,.' Ti, '"."slaclorily lo Ihe Company. ' my .! p l."",', complete. uiu ior lurnithiug hills and ... ' '""unt snd I'lsnaeif the work he, ,,' " lh nBic' f th' 'hicf Kiigmear, on Pr tile bth day of October. II. Y. GITION, a.. .. , Pn't W. 0. 1 K. K. Koad. ' "' I'll I I I " Special Reticcs. ' - Til I! OXYGENATKI) HITTIOItS. Tba quuliiiea of thia medicine have placed It Upon an iiuperiiiiable luundatini. In dcelrnvinjf diaenee, and Inducing health, it hat ho parallel. -Fur the following Ccimpluinle these Bit tore ara a epeoilio via: Ditprptia, or Indtgeutian, Heart. Hum: Acidity, Caetiveneat, Imu uf Appetite, Head ache, and General Debility. H many tcclione uf our country thia prrpara. tiun ia extensively used by pliyaieiane in their practice, and it eeenie tn liuve restored runny to health who ware apparently bcyuud the reach ul the healing art. Y'oaar, I.ivinpton Co., N. Y., Oct. I, 18i9. Messrs S. W. f'owi.E Jr. Co., Sirs : Dyipepeia, with ila iiuniberlete aituei. tea, took ;ip Ila abuda with me, in opposition to the skill at' many at ilia niuat ccleunued physi cians, until the epirit wae wtlltnjr (it' no relief could be fouuu) to surrender und bid adieu to ila earthly tabarnucle, when 1 was induced, by the iirijeitcy ol a friend, to try Tllfc UX VUrJNATKI' MT'ITJIvS, luile dreaming that the liilesd was in the boundless sea nl' putant ineCiciiies, as it was the fi rot lira ug III I was ever induced to quail. Hut lliai.ka be tu (tod, it uiut a balm, and a most ellicient and gralelul one, too. 'J lie moat ugra. valtng symptoms in my ease were niiiiiuu. rule and irregular Lasting ul the heart immediately af. l"aing lood. alt. nded with (jreal pmatratiun, nd rury Ireai ntljr violent ult..tl.s of palpilutiuu, lasting Irani twelve to tweitly.lour hours, leaving the Stoliiaefo so iileelly powurieas llmt eren t spnouiul I milk rice waler would som burden- i by l.iku,giill a leuspoonlul the exlegl wae s tull one. I was very perse, ver.ttg until I had taken Ihree bullies ; since tnvn, at micrvale, 1 have taken two aiurs. 1 oejHa iu rcaliae ila guinal efteote iinotediale' ly : betides, it is extremely grateful sod rslrevh lug as a brieruge, :,x'i i a chum llul but K w medicines Cau boaat of. I would, sire, mud bear. t li'y and m randy b g all who era ailliolau With I i Lpe sis in any Imni to teat your Oi)rgsiialed iiiliers, as 1 do esteem Uo-.ni invatunb Very rrsiiccUuiiy. Aim 11 olu, klMi. h-ijeiiiiH iohuikuiu. ton, and lor sale by K. Nye lloKlu.on it Co t harlutte, end by ail iiurpili Addis V Cia kichmuue, M. A. at t . A. aiiis, .Norlnlt Whole all, iJc-l.fs. Itj.i.ii.) in u .iiim i;.js. fcl.Yiviu'S 11' la.MO.N It' Y A i' KHS. 'I us IlianitL M uicisa UuiMotb ia IeJ7,si fittt aiiieic a kind etei iwiuuuced undtr tbe Metric mj " i tLHo.MC W iii.ii," tn ffis ar eay frf. cr tovntiy ; ait etltet I'utmvnu Heeis, art coea t'tlfitt. 'i'he genuine can er inuicfi ty the name lilt i AN being Humped urn rack V, A r tit. UKYA.VH fl I.MD.Ml- tVlll.as ICriit-vo Cobgna, Coioa, ftnirv Tnioai, uarscnese. UK VAN ! ri I. Ml. Ml III.I..1 hcl.os Aali.iii. Kiouciiilia, tiiibvuit Breathing. UKi A.N n M l.MUMl tVAll.UM steiicve Spiti.ng ul BmaiO, J'ams iu toe Cbisl. BU V AN H 'l I.MO.NK W.OtHl llelieve l.icipivnl t uiiauinuliun, l.uug Liiteftses. UU A. H I I I.MuMl Al I.KH lieiievi Irriiaiiou ul tlieltula and lunsils, UK i A.VC l l l.JlnMI U AII I.H Iteiievti tne au. ( 0uihmIiiIs hi Uu Aliuules. mt.iii ri i.mu.sk' v.kri.He Are a Buaa.l'g Wall ( ,a-e altu t tiliatllullora. IIKA. II I.M'U IXAI't-IIM Ale adapUu lul . Hals aoO i'uo.ic ipeakera. tihlANKl'l laoMl' s . I I he Are in a sunis turui and ptiaaaot lw tl. lasle. ,Kt AMI II 1 siu.Sil Ml.ltB Nut Only re."eks,UUIltleclfaMU aou Unlll g Curt-a. II. Of I I l.xl Ml .t.R.- A-e S)rinicu lo gtm a. iiaiaei.e-it lu every one. No Ean.ny ...oui- b. ..i..uul.uu. Hi,...'. fuiiuuliic M .itrs in Hie l.uuae. No 'J isieilar sliuuld l will, out a supply uf Bryan's 1'uni.onic SSal. rs in his pvael. No uvraon will ecr sbjvM lu t.va lu( Bry ruliuMiuc VS sltra c ols. i JelH llK.S. sole I luori. luf. Koehestrr. N. Y. I Kur sals in l.naiiuiu, uj Ui. aearr, isu ail res- i,cu" uiujijj.sis. - .qii, nnM.ow, t An rxrri( im-o nun iy . r.nl tt.-. (it ytv , lit gUlAtr, ridUl lllf I ceUm, uilii ft g, uy ..inn Jt pain, nd i ure m r g tc Hit. btwela. upon uilirrs, ii git rrt lo yuur. ), 4 rr.it f Mini litotiLlt li your UtUi.tn i'tf uAif aJt4 It lt Call, .N C rlla.lDl.l.l III s4uiuc ctiumn. sdverlist n.eat of I ii.rr eoiusat.. I T S-s ll. e siUirlis.il in sosll.er culuuiu. ml ul W oju'a Hair Dye, f Tries Dr. Acer's sdvert.se mc ut ia MERCHANT TAILORING I I M IMA M'llIM & t. H K siso added lu tneir K'dy made Cloth, ing St.Mk, a .Me.it, taut Taiiuriog Depart ; i... til, tu lu. Il H er Call ll.l SsptCiSi alleutiun ul . the.r msi.y Iri nop ihi e.itoniea. 'Il.ef intend ll....llg 'Ilia ut pa r 1 ll.e lit second u , n. l. a in Hie Stale, elloir III l) I- and .j laal ty ul - tn-His, or in lb" i.iaiiui-.etiire oi O-iriotoia. j At all tiuiea a ill be loi,,,,l a g.wd s..C ul Black j snd I ulorcd I lotlis, Ki;..i,, I ii im i, and American Casiineres, snd a fanely ul Vtsluigs A.su, an assur tineitt uf not u hMMx ini urs Tiit-y led ton 5'trnl I tin tr atiihl vlt. unf rfff-ll mnj oilier Iiuum in liir Mule, from tli advent i thrr have in prttuig Hit ir ( ixim. '1 toe ir CJuti r 6U lit Ny thr quantity, br one uf thr t UU wUu rviuit-a in thr ,Nof (dein umricl, iin;h tp In... thr tijMtrluntly ul tkin -ovan-iRfl ol ttic prirr ut futxip, tu rciij atnif at leant Sr Twenty-Five fer Cent. ;2 i Ta the consumer. Il Dimes saved are Dollars nisile bo try us. K KL'LLl.MiS, JNO. M. Sl'Rl.NtJS, Srptemhet 23, I8l'.0. j)7lf ilvmovvd. m m .M. TUKLOAH hue removed at ? f to No. V Carnmte K ..,. ....... -- ... - .one door be'uw A. A. N. .M. Tylr' corner WM TRELOAR'S Head quarlrre for Hoots snd Shoee. WM TRELOAR'S Hoot, SIhh u ami I,t alln r, Just cume in. WM. TKKLOARS iiia iti itiuiu inn J uil come i n. W.M.TKELOARS ri(s Hats & Caps, j rl. J u' t coma in. WM. TRKLOAR Particularly requests the Public to J usl come in examine fur Ihsn. selves Ins splendid new slock of Fall and Winter Huuls and Shoes, Just eume in at no. 2, sic vim: jkoiv. WM, TRKLOAR. Septeiubei 55, I SCO. I .hi WIINICSS TICKKTS, for the Count; ut Superior Court, far eele here. Married, In lllie pli,r. on the S7lh ul!., hv the Ret Mr. Griffith, Mr. EDWARD II. BKITTt'N. Kditoi 1. 1' the Charlotte Bulletin, to M;ia IvEBKC. CA 8 . MEKTZE, all of C'hurlulto.. In tins county, on the Ulh ult . Mrs. Pt I! ME LA ANN KIKKPATKICK, in the S4tli year of her age, cunaurl r.f Thoniua A. Kirlipa, rick, and daughter el Hauipson and Mury Wolf. .. .i. KT.i. ..i. mvm BAX'Ji:RHJIFKJ.adS3ye.ra. In early hie Uiiaw Buattr auughl ui.d nbt.iintd "lhepiri ol'j ot git a price," joined the M. K. I'hurch end con- linued an accrpluble member until Bumiiiuiiid way by duutli. Com. ' -Notice. 4ri'I.lt'A'l ION will be made to the next Lrg. . isUture for an f t to incorporate in the (own ol ( I. arli. He a bavinga Bunk. Oci. il, lbU. 131 'JIIU i.UKAT CLOTIIiiXGEAlPOKIUM; 1ULL1MJS, Si'KINdS k CO, DJCALEKB IN ALL kl.MIS or READY MADE CLOTHING, I I UMSN; (iOIIDS, Hals. ('SHIS. TlllllU.ajTax 1'iilliiiKo, Ariiist A. Co. Ol'I.O call the eapei ial stteution of their Irn.nds and patrons to their Si:V STOCK OF CLOTHING, now opening. They think they can offer groalcr lUducenicnie to buyers Ihsn they have evi-r doau, tlieir gornis being buugtit st redui.ed rnlea ai.u at such prices as tuey licl confidiul uu llouac iu the elale c,n compete witii. 'ihiy ar (.fleiu.g very nice : t j. ni.it i: m i i s from $i2 to 9ii. All manner of CAKhIM EK E PANTS, CA.Sril M Kit E. SI I.K, MaTAI.ASSE AND VELVET VESIS, OVER I OATS, Of all grades snd styles. The sbove Goods c-tnnnt he surp.isaeH in lvie snd make, baling been nun u li tured un-rr liie eouslanl surpcrviaioli ufOneoI the brui. FULLIXGS, 81'KINGS & CO. S'ptember Ui, lobU. iiTtf FALL TRADE!! 1860! The Old and Long Lstablibhcd House tf DRLTKEH & IIEILDilUN I. K row feci it mi( sod will ooolutue to re. present Season, Uie luosl i A retire, during Hi c assorloi. ot i ( i.onii (. ti.iTs, .i.s, BOOTS, MI Oils ,r brought to this market, Po.svasu.g unu-u.l tseihl es for the purt?h.ise of O .da from the VCry first Cla8 Commlbiiop.Importlng & Hduufdctuting HOLSKS, a I he North, they thu etiablrd to j UEFV COMPFTITIOX id say Oouds in their l.ne. In ISooIh ij- .sW. t lothing j- lints they call apeeial silent. on ; snd in the I (iltdCllHVl.IM: I'.ev will nut be undersold. To (ountrv Merchants. 1 our particular notice IS csl led tu e stoik wlnrh will La suld al a very small icv.iut, and to c ash hi vj:ks, every iiHucment will be offered in the way of l.VW I'l lCl S. Kemenilu r Ihe lnilr of lUllCKhll ULILlillUN. l-dte, Septem'i IfcO. I 7 if A C tKI). ( iiria ii lai.t i i iti:. T 1HK course ol lectures lor me t..-n, fit of the Methodist Church buiiuinir will brain on Mondsy evening Oct. .Iht 1st. On Ihsleveniag K. S. Hoimes. Professor of Ps. homology in ihe thane. ton tol.ge snd Cu.a. tor l tne Muacumuf Nstural II .totv nl the citv ul Charhslon will Ik gin a series ol not less ?ss than I tree scitntinc liclnrion the lollowinir oni,,i " 1 lie crust el the l -rth as relstid lo ihe annuals Slid pistils loaou llfiun It." I'lol. Ho llos will illustrate his hc.ures with complete maps, dia. grams and rppsratus including a splendid magic UnU-rn '1 he cuurse ot Lectures numlring not les Ihsn ten will be d liver.d h) tull.e ol III- teieulilic snd eloquenl -ntieioeii vf the Caru.'inaa. 'I be IoUuwiiik are (lie ralea of admission. Inuivnual Cckel for single lecture SO individual tick. Is for whole cuurse Sl.Ul) Ticket tor lady and gentlemen lur the course, .1 HU Fami.y ticket (rive persons) i..r the e..uis-....; i 0 Individual ticket la Pro. Ilulmct aeries .....till Tickets may be had of Ihe follow ing gentlemen, lies. P. A Mood, Col. W. It. Mvers. l.in. J. A. Young, F.. A. Yales, Fsq , K. IL linllnn, L.-i) or st Mok Store or Drug stores. .STATU OK .NOUTJl-C'AKOin.N A, UNION COUNTV. In luity'lt Lmll 7rm, 1HU0. Wm. J. Curelnii and wife Chsrlottc, Elu.beth, w.le ot . M. Duranl, Nareissa Curtl.m. Tsvh.r Curelun snd I liomis I un ion, (children and heirs law ul Jen l uretun, Jr . d, c'd..l .Marrsrel Kliiabeth, wile of James Al. .Morrow, (cliiid und ,,ri nn lour, u, c d.,) Iienj. II. Masaiv, (son of Fverard Alassey.) Henry Keese .Mas.ev , S .in'l. u. .wa.si. sua who .viary. tclulurcii ol tlcnrt Midh v, ucu'd.) j Againat, j Rarah Kimbroll, James K. Curclen, Thomas K. Curelon, jr., Samuel J. Cureton, Virginia, wile of F. D. Green, .no F.iiaa Jane, (ehiluicn ol T. K. Cur. toa, sr., dee'd.,) Hubert Miller and wife Ann, (heirs ..f John Cun-lon, dee'd..) Rebecca, w He of J. K. Ilrattuii, Jane K. M y, Sarah A. Miner and Wm. II. Massif, (children and hcira of Win. Mussev, dee'd., L.'ll. Masaey. it. 'P M.issey'a heira, I.. I.. M.issey'a child, "(children of Char, lolte Masaey,) J.iseph C. Hale, Catharine, wile of C. Mstiieaoli, Kl.labelh Knox, Ihlij. Hale, j ., dec'd.'s chiliiren, the hnirtof Susan Lanier, James I uretoii and the other childien ol Kvcrard K ureton, ihe d. Petition for Pule of Land for Partition. N thia case, it appearing lo the satisfaction of 1 M. ihe I our I, lha t Ihe neli udanls in this cause Uruw n, a cliilu ul l.uej, w He ol j.n-1 Hruw n, re are not residents ul this .Stale, to thai process ; aide beyond Uie Louise! N Till t arolnou, It it cannot be personally served upon them, ( it there. : tnerefaie Ui dried by the uuil, thai publication Im Jaie Oi dried by the Cum I, That pubhealiun be made mane for six weeks in the N 'rib 1 arollns Whig, a lot eix weeka successively io the North Carolina i newspaper published in llie town af Charlotte., Whig, and Ihe Lancaster Ledger, oomiiiauding ' Butilying eaid 'eieuuants to be and apfiear al the them and each el ihem, to be aud appear at the ' neil term of tint court, lo be held tor tne county next term of thia Court, lu be held at the Court. ! of Caldwell, at the Court lloiiae iu Leuuir.on the oust in Msnrr.e, ou Ihe lUlh Monday alter the ' bill Monday after the 4th Monday in (September 4th Mor.day in Align I next, aud anawsr. An.,' next, lo allow cause if any Ihey caa, why Uu ar judgment pre cunlir o will be entered against i prover uf said petition shall not he granted, them. I viiinesa, S. P. Dula. clera ol our ssid court, al Witness, Thnmts D. Winchester, Clerk and ' office, in lnoir, the bih Mondsy alter the 4th Moo. Matter af ssid court, at otliee in .Monroe, Una the j day in June, and la the 64th year of American i list day uf August, A. I lurid. j Independence. I T. P. WINCH tSTKR,c. m m. S. V. I'ULA, c. c. i". Frinter-e l',e. epl. ItS, IHrill. UIJ I Sept 4 IS9. Prs. Ice l. iv! Vii.1K1.OTT I) . ' ONK OF THE LA.KGKST AND FINEST 8Ttx;K8 OF FAIL & 'WIXTKll ever ntfered in this or any Southern Mnrket. enn UK Sr.EN fnOVV, AT J HE NEW AM I) FINK D""lr' opP' .ne,on i.ouee. The undersigned repectfiiMy calls the alien tin of the I'cople of Clmilotle and nurrounnui); a. couniry to cite iuci inn iik y nue openeu a very large sloek of some nl which is of the 6nest quality end menu, laviiirru ezjircssiy ii tins Mi .rKti. m nieir I'Xien :.rkel. al tlx aire cstublieh.nirnt Ii a Baltimors lliriiii; i ed riinh :i large supply, we I. el coiifiiieiit in assur ing ihme wlio are iu need ol H I ). 1) Y 31 A li: ( LOTI 1 1 C, that we are enabled, and will sell I.OU IK than they can be bought for elsewhere, cousialing as follows: Pine Black Cloth Suits, of a very superior maac, ranging mi price irom $10 up to U JO. Some of tie best French and Harrison Cas simcre Suits price tui r to ri'-iu. All ol the latest Style aud 1'iiuriis. , IXi' ""d ALSO, A OOOL 8TOCK Ot HOI'S U HU TU'S ( MITIEHV (ii-:M'.s ruiiiiriJL'( (;ooiis, such as 6ne Linen and Ma rarities Shuts, Collars,! .Neckties, Cravats, filova, HanSM-rcluct'., 4c Also, I'noer Oarinenls and j&? Hals and Caps, In this line we cxlcI anlliiiig heretofore ssrn in tins piacu. j Gentlemen's Shawls and Blankets, A L.S0 I TTTi I i-HttLs, lilias, ami i AKI'liT Ui.i. India lubber & fcetvant's Clothing, kc. I All tlic above iiienlioiied liurnia can be had altiic ' Charlotte Clothing Hall No. J, liriinitc Kuv., Iipuiie me Slaiision IIuunc. j If Hein-r.iber mi Goofs sold at this establish ment, uu; br Klil'inoKll. ' J. K"TUCIIILD i LRO. ! N. B. Country Merchants will o well to g vb us s call, - we are enab.ed tu sell Gouus at the lowest N orlhern prices. iNot ice. LSJ' rcceivid atui op' .9 :ry large slock of ffr.H . t-L dies, mioses 8t lien's BOUTS & SHOES, ,t axoiushing l illl'r, at our o.U slant:, I doors above li e t n r ...ie Hotel. J R'JlllCHlLD k liRO. Septrmei 25. lou. L'7if Notice. W W ILL St pose I p Cotnt- Ml liou-e il. I.enu lot 5li. day of N.. Culuwell Court)' a ing tracts ol Lain m b.-r in xl, bcirg tli fi-k of u utn'tinr C ourli, I tic Iu..j N.r 1 ' x, lu wil : 1 Tract coriteitiii.g itt acr. s, more or Itss, ly ing on U:e witcraol Sni.-t, j t ree k , stliut.-iiiig tlic Lands ut Kibt-rt Sintt'i, John K. I uraenmg and olt.efa, e:?r.sei lu ItlCw tu David Uiccuieu ol' UurKc eountr. I ..X due'lhereon, ii ('J I 'Ira. t coiiiaiiiing 75 aerra, more or less, ly ii.g on Ihe waters ol Lower : pen, adjoining tlic Lands ul liooerl I'reslwi. .... Miner and loners, ' suppo..,i lo be.ui.g l. Join. .i:,i rlh. J lines Lr m'. h.ies.onu Junes Murp..,y's Imm. I. i one thereon, HI Si 1 '1 ra. l c.o.Uii.iiig 640 aen s, more er less. ly. ing on ihe waters ol l.wer I ,iek sod Mulberry Crei k, sej .ii.ii'g toe Lanes u: James lloou, Arch- ll.a'.o II i. I.esneer lluuk ui.o ..then", supposed lu belot'g tu I ouin s r-udderth'f la irs all I elliers. T-i i u. t erioii, 7j b!i 1 '1 iari ei.iilair.iiig 50 seres, ii. ore or less, !y. , ing ou the waters ol Lower l re.K.anu rail branch, g:ini-: to. L.mosufJ (.. ..i,.-. , Itol.ert ti si soot and uil.eis, suppuseu to oe.ul.g 10 John iud drrlti snd others. j 'lax our tnereoii, $5 12 it ti. i u r i lk, Siierij' of Ciiiiiuel county. Srplr IS, l"bU. Pr. lie J. fi .Miisic Jatisoiis. Y'lr.I.I'ING l llie tolicital on of many fririKl a sen a. uaiiitarces .M iss .-.tab p. Davivsou has coi.senleij lo give lessoua in Hie science and practi-c o inuMC. tieptimhrr. 1-, 1-tii). ti! ... ... , A 1 1 f l Ii ' Il hlll'iT OP O mi ... ii.Mi.oTi i:, ..'. ALLXANCLR & HcDOUaALL. T WW. uiiiicrsignro beg leave to inform thcciti. -ns ot Charlotte and vi. i ml y and the pub lic generally, that they have opened the above Ks labnsiiuienl al Ihe luol of Trade street, adjoining the Irai k ol the No,l,i Carulina Kail Koa.i and , p. poite John nKes' Steam .MiiK.and are prepar ed to tdriush nil sinus uf .Va. Z Mam aX. - K. at ahort notice and on rcusunatile terms. Strain Eujinrs Irum l llursc rower. Their SOP contain, tools selected with greai care, und arc prnviueii w.ln all the iinpruvemenla : rccjUireu lo du their work in tilst rale liiaiilier. j Casilngs, in Iron or Hr,ts f,.)or I,, urder. H,)K.-r..SilOt.lNi; and BI.Al KM I I'llS work i of all kiuds. KLPAlKl.Nli in Ihe r liae ullcu. j ded to. Agents, for Dr. L. O. Ki.i.iorT, lor W mier Pat- , rt iVlulayfiaw ,lnl, Whi.n baa the ativautagu, g w.th many utiiers, ol doing at least twice a.-' : h work, and doing it belter, than any oilier M, i use it )ur pwer. run bv run tiy Meain, Tlic Muuy uiaijr be seen t s. ni ,.. HENRY Al.KXANDKR. MALCOLM MilKILUALL. Old lion. Brass, Copper, Ice, bought t B ii in trade ..st 2s IS: 0 23tf STATK OK Ml TH-CAKOLIN A, CAI.liw KLL roUNTV, Court of J'le-is and Quartrr Sessions, Alt- glut Term, 1 0t. I'hoinsa Roberta, atiiininsirator ul VV in. Kolxrls, dee'u., Petition for sale cs. I ol Land. Braxl.m Kub. rlt and uli.i rs. J T apnea ring lo thu s.iti-l t ion f Ihe Court. I hat eirs ol Math.-w Koinrta snu W 11,1am ). ; F a c I o r s and Dvnml Commis g j o JIKKCllANTS, (.11 A It MIS TOX, S. C. Tetm Orricit, A. T. 4. 0.R.R.Co., Charlotte AVor la, IhliO. ij hereby ordered bi the Board of Directors Ft. that the fourth iimtullinenl due to this I'urfma. ny in Me.cklenliurv County, ami the third niMnll. j nicnt due at Ml. .Mmirnc, in Ircoell Coui.ly, be j dui s, as the work MUST g brwurd, and we - mum naYC iLI.t. 1 M L. WIUS TON. T,eas. September 18, lG0. i30 II 1 T 1 Ii I I1 Pi rP A'PIOV i .iiJiniJiiii j jiiii 1,1 1 IVyAl lost v ,;. OF EE II lor sale, my PlaliLil.inii. aitu ileil in f . ".. , barrui. coniily , I Vine on f jthe North aide of Kocky Ilivt r. b inilea houti -weal ol Concord, unu one und a hall miles from ll .rris' Uril,on the Norm Ca. rolina Kail Koad, adjoining lr ( yrus Ah lander and niiies. 1 tie tract contains aliout aooul JOUiierrs cledred and in tulli Th-ro ia a line .Mill site preillli.es, ilio lln.g house and oilier necesiryout.buil. uing ( . ..uu. ..... pr. s. .,o oeiitrianu can be found in tli coimtv to pro.loce Cotton, i, O .le'. Ac. Slroua of purchasing a pl.ico ongat an intelligent coniluu. ntiie surscr:ber, on the pre. at llm Uep .t I'. O , N.C. iuus. l. martin. U I-.Iiji . I or", W'htnt, Tob.icc Any person being di pica a am ly hiluated am inly, will ple.i.e c.ll n iuiscs,or address him September i, IHbil. . - .4 Xfc i I Will) WW E, 1L HI) W'A H E! A, A. N. M, TAYLOR B KSI'ECTFl'LLY informs his frieniia and the Jib publ.c geuernliy, that he has added to his extensive stock of globes Iniitrc, s large and complete a lock ot HAKDWAUK, con. silting in part as lullows: Carpenters' Toole. Circular, mill, cmss' ut, h .nil, ripper, pannel, pru. ii ing, gr. I Wig, l-n nun, back, ccnipaes, Webb and but- ncr SAW S. Urates na bits, Drawing Knives, ( Insula, Augers, (. unlets, llainrii. lb, (latrhi Is and Axrs, Urick, plastering and pnmiing TH W fclS, Saw setter. Sen w plates, Slocas and dies, i Hanes uf ail kinds, Spoke. shaves, I Steel. h'ade bevel and try Squares, Spirit Lcrcls, P icket L.-vel, Spirit Level Vials, B.iny .M aehlhes, tinuge, sad in lact everything a mechanic wsnt., in great variety and at very I. w price", at TAYLOH'S .rdwsre Suirsto.: Tun VVr Orpol, mum..i tl, lansion . e, Charlotte, N". C. June A. 1Sj9. l!lf Blacksmith Tools, It II as tti liuwa. Anvils, Dund and slide jVniiiiiers, Vices, buttresses. mLe3K arners' kniv Screw. pl.t.-s Slocks sou cies, HIj pers and Fii clinch N.uls, liierri atv.i c. tcr and sprir. ksnntli's Pi: chcrs snd Tongs, lias, s of cv. ry kind, cut horse shue and ltirax, Iron of all s.zs, both el'm.r. mtry minuf. ctiirc. cast, plow, blis- Steel 6l.C, for sale Very cheap ct TAYLOR'S, Oppanie the Mantiun Haute. Carriage Materials, Bib would call special attention to Mm. his stock ol the above good nsislii.g nf Sorines. Axles, ubi B-,s, Spokes, Shafts, Curtain Frames, knuhs, Hanos, Lining Nails, Dainusk, Suttinet, Cloths, La. cet, Fringes, Fnaincled and Patent Leather, Kn- allied.; Cloth, Oil Carpel, Paint uf all kinds, dry i ano in on , Varnish, Turpentine, Linseed Oil, Tyre Iron, Bolts, and everything in the way und Oi.i ol I .image I runmings, al pnci s thai c-nnot fall to please, ul the Hardware Depot of ( A. A. N. M. TAYLOR, OjpoeUr the ATJiMion House. aigrieutr.ral Inipleinciits OF ALL KINDS. IhAW Cutlers, Com Shel. l??5 l-r. Plows. Hoes, Shovels. Su.iucs, Forks, Axes, Picks, Mat tocks, Grubbing Hoes, Trace i Chums, Log Chains, Prum ig and . Pruning and lluuding Knives, liar. nd K.ikcs n, grass nil handles ; Oroin Cra.. , I brier Scythes, Hush rooks, ngon Imixc evens and li.., skill. ; H.ilow ware, audi at pott, ' piders, slew . pans and Kel. ; lies. ! 'av.;,irui. 'rom aid lo I'JII gallons Iron Aic., , and bras Preserving Keltits, Sheep Sue al TAYLOR'S Depot, iiotite the Mansion fouse. fat! DI.OVVS t EI.KbKATKD SELF.SEAl INli CANS, of all the dillerent sir. s. at TAYLORS H tea re Store, eppotite the Mansion fhute. Ha M Taylor's Y'Ol' ran rind the laigci assortment of Cut Icry, liuneand Pistols, of all the celehrateil makes, Ol. SS, of al and Ainen. an. lilies both Frenc.i he keg or pnnnd. WOODEN W Alii-,, B IIOO MS, c ..of all kmct I Jiope ! Hope!! Mb "'u"uu, niilla, Juto and Cot. aF fAP V w ton Kope, from J inch to 3 in. i cues, at I TAYLORS iiiittltcnre Storr,oppotir thr Mmtsum ilfiinf, Tifl and Japanned Ware. A large assortment ; Block Tin, Block Zinc, Till Plate, Hillli l metal, &c, Villi fc'S, 'lie largest Mock, ol ail si.es, at TAYLORS Hjidtearr, Stare and 'tin Ware Depot, Vpjwsite ihe Ma nun n liouae. Kooiiiiliiaieing Job Work, l al. kinds, promptly alien. :.d to at TAVLOU'S Haiduyara Stm t Negroes Wanted. W ILL py gaod prices tor H a M-X.KUt . ROUT. V. DAVIDSON. ( barlelle. Aug. 14, lb0. t.a fl'UI'ENAS for aale at tbia Office. ! V n e 1 n r mill .(inor-il ('ninntiw c i n I mm t v 1 fS-tofeZti' , Chains. Wage Hedge Shears deu lloes dies: cr n ! n dealkri in. DKALKRS IS. Hardware. Guas. Cutlery, &c , be, ul the Sign of the Golden fad-Lock, ia oi.i.11 respucuuiiy invuo me puiuie ceasing elncwhrre. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. Call and ft us. COCIillANK & SAMPLE. July 10, I8UII. Tools! Tools! Tools! at the Sign of the Golden fad-Loch, 4 good supply of To, U.r Sm. ingof circular, unll.crfi la. cut. Itinon, huiiil, rip)ier, h.ick and rnm piss S.iwa ; briieh and iuouldiitr l l.incs ; I-thing, shingling, and broad H itchcla : liiuunera j birr I snd steel Squares j Drnmng Knives ; Biaces i 'l Supers ; Ci in lets ; Chivsels; brick and piss. I tering I rnwels ; Scrcw-l i : Saw Set : Siioke. Files; IUsp; Focket-Rules; Ou.'ec. It od a j apirit and pocket Levels ; lionng Ma chines, OLC, COCHRANK i SAMPLE. lilacksinith's Tools, at the Sin of the Golden Y ad Lock, Al. lander, j-p A good supply, Co, '2 15 oeres fOPf3 a. Vila ; IJeMows ; S, llivuliun. BESLfciWl lisnd -no sledsre Il.ii good supply, consisting of lolid Box Vices; edge Hammers; Slocks a i .,! ,ea : 'I'or.va. Ru llr..ea. Ii ,.o Files, ami a i ff0d ,pplyof Morse Nails, Horse and Mule Shoes, at low aricrs. COCHRANE k SAMPLH. Ariciillnral Implemeiits at tht Sign of the Goden I'ad Ijick. m large supply of thi above, . ft. consisting of Thompaun's celebniteii Ploughs; :.Uo, Corn ijt-3ftaias Sliell.rs; Slrus. I utters ; SlioV. els; Spadee; Hay and iiinnure Forks; beat cast, sirel Axes ; Fieks, M , Hocks, Grubbing Hoes, Weeding Hoes, Trace Cliains, Lng t'huina, Wagon Cha (.urden Hoes, liakes, H'dge Slie.irs, I'ru- iin g and Uuading Knives, ie , Ate. COCHRANE & SAMPLE. Carriage .Materials, at lite Sign of the Gulden Vad- Lock, r er-x- " rgc eloea ol Hie above, consist. jJL ing of Springs, Axles, Oval Iron, lluua, hows. Hum, Huggy Poles, Buggy Shifts, Spokes, Patent and fcuainelied Leather, Kiism. elled Cloth, Oil Carpet, Carnage U-ilts, Brass and Silver Biiuis. Silver Moulding Laces, T.tssrls, Turned Sticks, Saddle and Lining Na:l, JLc, A.c. COCHRANE & SAMPLE. a r Sign of the OOLDLN PAD Loi'K ill be found II times a lurge and well se. cted Slock uf Ouns, Pistols, Powder II .sks, I'owoer, Shot, I Towuer bor Lead ; French and Aiiieiicn window Glass ; Put ty ;a large stock of Luglish anu American Iron; Cast Steel, German steel, Hhster steel. Plough steel. Spring steel ; Nails of sll kinds hemp and m.milla Hope ; Alienor Brand llollmg Ch.tiis ; Mill Screws; Miil Picks; Spike llanmitrs. Stone Ham. mcrs, Daudle slid Single Blocks; aim, a lj'i;e Slock of la.r. uces. Curtain Hands, C urlaiti Pins, Picture Cord and Tassels. Ac. COCUKANK et SAMl'LK. Superior Snait Machines, at the tfii 0 the Golden Vud Lo k COCHRANE i SAMPLE Fine Silver Plated Ware. JlVl' upene : a I irge und apiendid assortment of Silver Plated Ware, whiih is ofl'ered to the public. Cull anJ supply yuur selves inlc tuu can gel n good article c lit up. r. w. ueckwith. ' May 15, IP60. Hlf THE WOiiTil CAROLINA WHITE SULl'UUU SPKLNGS ILL HE OPKNED Fol! VISl'lOKS LY tne Ut ol JL'NKnexi. They are situuie-d in a most healthy mountainous country near tuc beautiful CATAWBA KIVr.K, witliin less than an hour's ride of the present terminus of the WKSTtii.N N.C. KAIL KOAD, with which d.n. Iv lines of Omnibuses auu Stage Coaches connect tne Spriii;. Pleasure vehicles and superior saddle liaises w ill be at the call ol Itoulin UU.. ami Itilliaii .S.'lloililW llcatlv fitteil up. t rii: im.i f ?niri.i5ii euguged for the season, and ,,, nil ffl N M.lflX PARTIES He . .... each evening FKKE OF LXTIIA CilAKOK. THK Ul ILDIM.5 are new and specious TI.K I'LllAM ItK tiUDlMW extcntive ; and in hue, evcrylimig wished for ut the best watering places, will be loui d here lo re fresh the inner man and lo cheer tin. spirits. 'I'lit I;IfiiI-I It iiil;ilion and the MEDICINAL propcrtica of the watcra (utmost inaccessible before the complelioii uf Ihe Western N. V. K ulrouu) now hull tne sick ana atllicted with a curdial welcome. The experience ul the Proprietor just in. s the aecker ul health or pleasure in antic. p-ting a "goou lime cuming." The Pruprieior has been at very great expense in nt'.ing up a vv sienng riace commensurate trim the w am a ol the t Al.e'i,t. as ana coiiiiuriit.y re. licaun Iheir gencrosily lur eiicourajeiiiint. II. L. ROBARDS. May I, IShO. 5lt FLOWI-altS wiiii S SULFiiuii SiRiivGS, Cdldwell county, iv. u. rfXHK Proprietor ut llue(r form tin JL public ffei.fraily, that he ) preptiTinir lo ceivc and entcrtmn tuoe who are ues u uf tei KZ the cm -live quUlup ui' tlu w.trr, tor the vriuU diseawti tu wliicli iium-in nature m habia. tie im nmhiuc Urge tiiUoii tu hi buililiiiga und will be rtstov Ur the reutpUuii ot' Cuuip-uv be tween the i?t and middle ut June, ana uli wiui lo come may rest aoiiureutri.il they will be accuiiuno Uulcu und everjf exertion uaed tu rcnurr tUeir lUjr pkntiuiit and .ii.brttiMe. Prrann coining to thrpe Spring by Kill lloud, will . jve Ific cr at Hicmh y 1 -vrru ih -jhU, un llie Wtntern tstroffion, where a lonvey-ttue will be in ri'udme-e to cney Uicm to uc tt in. ELKANN All irLuUKUaj. May 15, lttfiu. uu Jj 'i'he Columbia rarnliimin will iiiMTloute 111 timly Miid twite in the liui utr. jiiu the K il.tn Kg inter will inmrl three etk and toiwaru uc CDiinlf to llu otlire. 'l'hrjr will M'Ot call utiea tiun to lue advertisement. JOILN S. WILEV, M WtFAt'Vl'RKR AND IWruRTRR Of HAVANA SGARS, .M uKAi-aa i. Tobacco, Snuff, Matches, Paper, kc, j E i. 2J is 0 21 T S, 3f. tJ, Xfc'K$t NU.U i'll'tS, lit., tmiauiilij oii bud. Jmnuuru 3, lf'.ll. 4'-'tl j. v. in: vi i: .v 4 o., COTTCN and all KINDS of PRODUCE, ' tkiiii: vhii li, CHAHLOTl E, .V. ('. Ill A:l orders attended to with deap.lt i Apitt IT, .46tl. 411 The itlarUflfj. COBRICTED BT OATK8 t WILLI A Mi. I CHARLOTTE OCTOBEK 1, l6l. BACON. Hanie,. !3 fef 13, .... I2i (, 00 ....I8 (a- 134 IU & IU 16 (, 9U 4 (r. 0 lfj (a, 15 ( 28 33 hi; 30 7s (.' 0U iU t; IU0 ( 111 lb , 18 H Oh till ...ia (. 31) to to ou --'i) to ai 75 85 iiio, (a. 15 ii to 16 ii (ii, 3u IH to 3 ,....61 U 1u0 .... 3 (. 36' 3D (- 5 6 (u, 6t 13 m 14 (u. (, j (a. b ...."0 (. 110 ....$.IIMl (o, .,,0 .... iU ( 71 40 (,, i n :j ('., mo ....4K Cd j ( uu 5 (- 6 ii (a- 50 . (a 7, bU (u 70 5U 75 Ml ia 55 ft i- 00 15 (o till i" n IU I; 1)0 inn u- ma ".; 0(1 137 ( 145 IJil ( 135 .... 'i b.' ....51 (u 5H ....r, ( us ....it 1 23 ..lull 00 ....!b ,....lb lb -1a ....lb ....lb ....lb ..bushel, . ....g.l.... ....ib Ib , Ib ib Ib Ib to Hog rouno. f ( Shouluere, .. Bugging, Gunny Beef, Butler Beeswax, Beans Branuy, Apple, , 1'each Cotton Cnllee, Kiu, " Java, (".Indies , Atlam.intilie bperill., " Tallow Corn I'hiekeint ;iotli,l.'oipcri each.., yarn .. yard.. dozen . bbl... bags.. lb...., lb and I Liousey , Feathers Hide, Oretn i lry, Lard, M ut tun I Mekerel, ..-..lb... ....lb... ....lb.. hbl.N, " Kills M'.iases, h . O gal... W I g,... Mi al bllsile M ullctr ( Wilmington) ...bbl... Nails, Northern Ib... An. " Southern,..., Oals Pork Pc ''otnlnes, lrlslt,.... " Sweet Ib . bushel.., ... II .bushel... ..busliel.. bushel... .Iiusliel... ....lb ....lb. ... Kl .sack ....lb ..busliel... .bushi I... Sl J Iti.e, , .Sugar, i, " Brown... otune.Wars,. . Suit, lVs Wheal, while, . Whiskey , Northern,.. " N. Ciirolin. Wool, (beat Georgia) washed,. , ' Ulivvaalic.i Vrn bait... COI.C.MH1A .MAKKKT. j t oil si si a. S. ptena..i -13. IHtiO. I COT! 'X. At tne coiiinieiireuieiil ol llie week, our market ui.eneo at a decline nl jc. Irom I ,si quotations. On Tuesday, the market Had lully ueclined Jc, iro n .Monday, und coolinued so uu. til r-riday, when a hi tier leeling pro. ,ned, aod an Jo. auVance was ubtailieil on llie rtucr ((Uali ties. 'I ne s.ilcssuiounleu li'JOl bsics. r.iliemcs e liic. ) bAi 4 iN.hoground ...IVJ (5. ...IUU (,i . l IU 13 it 'S I'm UU.S. PLAS,.. OA'I'S, .. H.OLK, ... m ti 4 Cl'AKLKSToN MAltKKT. MsRi.asroN, Sept. -iX, Iffitl. t O'l'l O.N. 'I he trunsucl s in cotton lor Uie week u'lioiiiitcd lu 1U,"I 1 bales, w ,n. sa.es in tne same Pine, o j,IIUU bales al prices ranging lr in 7 to i 1 cents. M .an.c. September 2ti. The anlet to-day have been I.Ou bales. .Miduiings are duuled at!' a li)':, Tlic sales ol tne week hate reached 4,kU bales in i tlic corresponding period last year. J he aioca uu baud IS Bi.Jlj Uales. ' Niw 1)ki.(.4ns. S pteiuhsr id Tim cotton nur. j act is quiet triiu sales to.usr of ,1,.iiiu biles, at H'i a i t jjc. Tne sales ol till week luol up J3,ytU Ualca, ..nd tne receipts 4.o!-jll Bales, agsieet 4t,. Hill in tne same period la.t year. Tlie eii".ru l..r the week amount t C,'J.Vl b..;. ; tne total n. ports this s.a.eii, 44,jUU uaics. The stock on li.nu is lJe, UU baits. Nw Y.aa, Sept. ie The cllon market ie linn, with sales ol V,0L,t b..hs. riour has oe. clin. u j Per with sales oi 1U,5LD Ll.l.; Soulherii uiiUi.nujeu. V Leal, w ith s.l.s ot I i.t Uj bush els, has dccliuio a! a 4c. per liuslu l.l uru it ad ral.cilM', with sshs ul boi.tlllll Lutiiclt. Valuable Town Property, I lllK TKL'STKKS will, . tf r for sale (if net told privately m-loir) al Uie l ubiio Mj nar, on the JJtn l November next, (being lite 'I ucsday of (Superior Court Week.) ihe Circuit PAKj-O.NAGF., located iu a very pleasant part of Charlotte. On , the preiiu.es ia a kitchen, stable, ic. Pcr.utitaa- tiring lo purchase valuable town properly, will do well to examine lint property be lore tne day of tale. Terms easy and uiaoe known on the dav of s..le. The nroterty will be shown to an v one de siring tu view it, by callirg st the W hig ottire. I THK IRCSTJiliS. i a4',f ul Jl, IS.iO. Ilt j - CHARLOTTE 1ST E A il KEFliN El) C A 1 D Y ! ilAXL-FACIOItr, liKLiDuiKltlKU B fcKCIfi V, Ac. fllilK utidtrnignei. re(cttuliy in'orms theci. A t:zrim ul I t1.1r.11tU. and nurrouitdme cn-ii-Uy, iiiul lit- tiuit jut coinutL-nctd tle abuve bum. neM in t tie lsouc ut lite orntr ol' 'IVade nd t oj -Ugu Btrtels, lur the purpose ol' miiiiu.ctunrif CAnii;s. AKi:s iskf:ai. whicn nrtieitt. lie wii! vA Wholexsilr ami ReUil. lie d.xA all lh- wok ti i m-ei Kt'Uii Mure Kot-fierc would du Weil to purciuir their Ciiois aim; Idari irom ihiii, at lit w til give entire Bdtii '"eiction -Hit ti 111 price inu qulitv. D-TAIl UlilLKS Irum a utui'iee, enclosing the CASH, will be puiM tuall? aiitrnaeu to, anri the ir. ticito c.irL luhjt patticU and lurnurued accurdinj tu uirectioit. Iim t to JOHN G. C. LK1SER, tuner of 'Viade and College ttreet,Civti wile , A. C. I harlolle, June i, Icbd. 1 1 tf UO.AL UWANA L01TEKY. The neit ordinary drawing of the Rnral Ha.a- nj iaoitt r y conducted by tlic Sp.iiiislt -jovei iiniente under the u:verv.iuii oi" liie L'jptain OcPtral vt C'uoh, w ill Use puce at Hav.na on XIEMMV, Octubi-r lSG'J. SC8O,O00. SOKIKO NL.UKKtl CIJ OKMNARIO, t ri r iia ricii 1 prueui frIOO.OOO I ot) I .,Ov0 ml IOtl,OIM)!! I, OIK) Ol .I'iim'a . I ItU.WwU I I otU.UWU 13a I " IU,OtlU 4 Approii ti..iisti ti c : itl."l l ,;ilO ejc-l,, 4 ..I e'tini t.. j",i'oii: 4 ..I it hi t.. i.'lo.uth. : 4 ut 101! tu .M t. ; 4 ul lun la tlU.UHO. Wln.lt Tickets -l'i HaivcstlOi Quarter. J I'riits casheu at sight at 0 per cent, uiscowut Unison all ..!, Ill lianas lasen si par. A iiiawu.g w.tl be lurwarueu as soun the re sull brulllcs klluxn. ('oiniiiunic.tions a.iur..scu tu DOS k'OI'RI. it I I.., (care ul l av H. si. t'l.srfestuu, j. C.) vm. ul tn. 'J.l ol l. ll.tr, .il Ik- aru-i.ucd to. fertuus ordering l'ickels will please writs their names plain and give their p st urhec, cuen tjr and S. T. W rist ( , tl f tl "H'K t li of. a i.O .lealrr IO Flal Jann.ne.l Tinware. Sl,,v... W,metu Uruunis Brune, I'urner Utirdini.' Job W of,, such ill Nii.ii wii.j ul Dpi fin,;, Calt-.r.r.t;. Aa