i, Campaign Song. Ilerc'a to our flag ll.f t'lllali flag, TJir rt.. ur fathers bore; . Ic 11 final I'min Atlantic' grsnite era To Pscific's bidden sbofe. I.. I (lie sum . er breere. Tram the old pine wuoiia, Kri'in ruMH till 'lis Kl, Jtwskc Ihe ntnnnfetn solitudes With Boll and Everett. 1'r.ane te the gathering ! Bchnld Oor elan, erd far and wide , N'i alar eclipsed n" wrinkled fold ; Otn glory and our ptice. !May iia coming future ever be W hat all lir pust has l-eei, i Lrt il ralr Irt-eo'er the Thirty . three " J. over the " Old Tliirlceu." Tt'roojh chill November's dreary storm ( As tlir nnrkv hlncs cloane liny. Shall kv.rn lha i n.on' stately form, Anud the alert and drift. A bore ibc it m prat rack and rout 1 'lie arrh enemy we've niri. And t c thrilling, patriotic shout la fi.r Rill ana Everett. Come, g t!".cr 'nesth the I'nion'e flig The fl .g nor father's bore; Let it float front Atlantic's grsnite crap To P.ipi tie's gninen shore. V ' Oil it by the rnind oi.t sen ; Plant it on vtlhtfe green J I. I it wave a fr.-e n'.r the Thirty-three," As over the "Old Thirteen." The Merry augh. I hve tn hear merry laueh. Out ri"irnf wild and free, A tli.atN the music of the winrie Arrnas the aunny are. Tiie merry l;h gnra hjnr! In hnnd, Willi l.apr'ineaa and tnirth ; And at ita ailvrry ttiiirn C'nimand J. y noeU(. round each hearm. The aroTry laoe h Vvpeata a heart - With mbir leelirs 4rni, One lhat will bravely do lU part . In euuwiinr ur in atoua. ; The niuHMr f a Wierry laar;b J. la ajrd licarta Nginw, . T"r emilra fleam fver the wrinkled bro Like sunlight on toe acow. Toen let tiir merry laug'.t ring iut I'ikoi the r-Uiiv r. Aii-i lei t'.a el-dncF put t'i rout Tie b-ild inlru.ier l"re. anrmis. - - -'-- r-r I Him- l.i.t lolnoliho fl.1,1 Polliti-fi j o o si I.AJ ..I'lll' u 111' uuu a e iion.. Very well Mr. Jecks, jou know my o jjii.ioD of secret societiej." ' Perfectly, my dear, . perfeesly,' said oar frieud, thrjitiijg his bauds into his pec'acls ii la all the energy he coaid sus tain. ' Ati'l w!'.l you j?io ?' " Ikjii't yoa thiuk it het ?' ' No, sir, oDce for all, I do not,' ' t.'onai U-r, my dear, if yoa should be lUt aw.oow, w.;o notC1r,g;os.apport. .aow, .bt a r.a.eu.0 arjument vo . jou suppose Mr. Jetks-' . My dear!' 'Mr. JeLkT' ' Will you listen for a moment !' Cer'ainly.' Wei', then, however much 1 1: spct yo'ir wi-hes, and you know I love jou dearly, it wilt be impossible for me to oblige you in this instance. I have statin my document tad to-night am to be initiated.' Mra. Jaoka opened ber hanJcrnt ejen in amat-.-uieut aud for a moment io-t n. wonder.' ' ht so yoa are actuary going to be in itiated I' 4 Yee, try dear.' 'Well, will yoa tell me all about it w'jen you eouae home ?' Prbaps o.' Jotnfrrted with this asuranee tbe ladj n J r.. . i a.- :. i i took hi. departure! About' the bo,r of i , eievtb be returned a wiser if now a better 4 Well, my dear,' exclaimed Mrs. Jei.ks ' what di'l they do to you what U it like were you much frightened? cctne teli u.e all ah out it i , . , j ' k n:e,' gravely tep'ned our friend, ' 6 , ', woo t aek me. IWt ak 1 1 lie', von ..... ,. , i 'uhv not. I ui vour wife. ou know. and wife and husband arc one. Wly not?' 4 Hark '.' said Jenks, did you Lear any i . , ' , 1 S i 4 No, rjatlin.' - - JiitoM, toy dear. IlememLer what nhaKespeare save about aerieon. lu stones. book, in running brocks. If I il.ou.ii ci vule, Le uiiht bear it.' Wbo, my dear ?' 4 The patriarch of the lost tribea. Even low be may be at the window.' M' rey on 0, i'eulttd Mr Jet.ks, ' how you terrify a body. I I I 1 - hi . eLiv er all ever. 4 If you don t want to be killed outright ask no more questions.' 4 6jr yoa eould tell me eome'.hir,.' about It aa ia or two mat. wouiau i ne ui- Tu'.jiug, you know.' Wbal if yow ehould, in an unguarded mciit 4 let tbe secret out ' . , ' . ' 4 lb, tr Jl IU, it will be af in toy keep- Ing.' ' Yo-j v..!'. never tell ?' 4 Never.' 'Not even to your mother ! You know Low rons'ppy some old ladies sre.' 'I A never pj.eu luy i'ps to her on the subject.' Jlaik !' exclaimed Jcnk', with s theatri cal start, hear you ncrhi'ig ? Noiii.i,,' rtp' tUd nis wife wuL so un fviv'.cd aiaiiu.' ' lis only the wind, uiuscd our fiiend, ' I iL ijl.l it u.i,l.t be the patriarch or his grand iaahaw, armed wuu bis eircutnveu tr,coud wuu tl.e curious deuce of tbe lorder. Now listen, If jou lo m for jtbe sacrifice I am about to make is great j and jou must seal jour lipa forever on this ' Subject.' j 1 Will, my dear,' said the lady, with a long drawn if;b. ) You have often beard about the eat ba ling lot out of the tag T i Yes.' ' Well, I raw tint cat to night. ' A real, live cat I' lee' aud an iuintenw cat at that, a , monstrous cat. lut you shall bear, lou shall know all. Let me begin at the be ginning. j ' That's right,' exclaimed Mra. Jeuks, ; breathlse with excitemeut. I On my arrival at the hall, I was iuime jdiately seized bj four doicn smart fellows, land taken upon the roof of the buildiug. ' Here I vi. tongue tied aud compelled to answer about a Lundred quet-tions, all hav- , ing a direct beating ou the science ol ua- , trouemj. ! 'What a queer rrcceedirtj;,' exclaimed Mr,j,,k, I ' How 1 ausnered thr questiou.: must ever, i rcniaiu, 1 suppose, a nijstery to myself ! certain it is, howeur, 1 did answer evervj vtie although 1 did tot know it till to night,; there 'a a dipper, and a chair, and a four :hore team, and don't know what elt-e in; the sky. Is it not a pitj that this bcauulul , science is so sadlj neglected !' j Well, what then!' 4 W by the next question is too absurd to !' be repeats i.' ' Wbal waj it!' ' Thtj wanted to know whether I lock a newspaper, aud if so how much I oed the .printer. Fortunately, I had jut then paid ' in w sutrciiptiou, olLer wire 1 must have been reji c'f d, as no man can becrme an Odd l'el ; low wLo oaes a rent to the printer.' I Weil, I never !' fxclaimed Mrs. Jeokt ) what au it.fiuiLte lLose newspapers do ex- Lrt Ir. t.. .,,r ' 1 J-.XaCIIJ. J.ut fcareeii uau i urreu ; tLoe queries Eatlsucioruj, wieo m iui- i . , vi.i mens flame shot up, and we as qu.ckly SOOtaoWB. I ' What through the roof V ! ' Ob no ! I auppose we took the stairs ; , bat I was so securely bound and tongue- itied, I hardly kuow how we got down. 'The apattmetil into which I was uabered ' was pitch dark, aud a strong odor of briui- 'atone pervaded lie ronu.' I - Biiuietone, my dear!' ' Yes, it uuust have been brimstone, for 'nothing else could have produced such a , striking stusatiou.' Wei!, of all things.' Then began the roar cf artillerv, with I ' , , an occasional vo:!ey of email arms. In tne ; the midst of the tumult I hrrd a low sweet j voice, chanting a hymn of peace 'Man shall love his fellow,' sang this angel , ' Cruel war shall reign, Jeaipoti.-ui .bail per indo,tr. Dieel lts rewsra, ebarity till I tfce LcarU cf . Whcn ,u hipp. sm . , . , . f . tt'c rent tne air. i How vtrj odd.' j Yes, but ju!-t like thoe Odd Fellows' they are real refoiaiers,' replied our frieud. ' 4 Wtll, nij dear i 4 Weil. then, lit his were rtOCtired. I sii-n- led the constitutiou.' ; j 4 Well, what of thecal of wLich you were 1 Fpeaking .'' : 4 Oh, nothing, my dear, enly they let ber o.t, and tor a minute or two the appeared ij ,i:e bewildered. It was ti.o fir.it tune I had ever teen the eat out of tbe haj. Hit ; what itruck me wiih the greatest ae, wis i the apearance of the patiiaich of the lost , tribes and his doub.c jointed bashaw, who in a loud voice, said ' Life is short pre . pare for that ffhich is to come. Let ail men have charity, snd love their neighbors themselvoV whereupon tbe grand ft,i. arcti, armea wuu l lie tail enl ol bis preii ,, , , , grandfatLer a authority arose and impres- siveiy adjourned the meeting.' i ' Wiil, 1 declare ejaculated .Vr. Jtnki i ' and this is joining the Udd Fellows !' ! 4 Fes, but reu.eu.Ler to keep all I have told jou a profound secret,' aaid Jenks. with . , ' , a baif smothered chuckle, as Le buried hi, ' . head in tne bed clothes to keep from lau.-h- I ' 1 "o" beaa in l lie I ing outright , . ,. A i CKioLs 1'iiAitK. 1 he Syracuse (S. V ) .Vr. r it rviapotieitiie, for tue louowiu : In tne 3tate of Onio, there re.idid a laio- i'J co;jeiting ot an old uiau by the name of J"-"'c,i u" mreu sous, ail I wnou. were r.ard nut-," who l.a'i olten laughed, ! to acoru the entreaties of a pioua though j very eccentric aiiusler who iiili.d iu lot aame toMU. ll happened one nl ILo boys hif.eu by a ratno.baae and was eip'-cl- j eJ to oie, when the miuiatcr was sent .jr iu jjreat hi.te. On Lia arriral he lound th joung uita very penitent anxious to Le , piajer wuu. 'J be unuiaier, caning on the I tu.i:y, kneeled dvwo and prayea iu this' wise : .... v , . . I kj jaor a, aC iuna nee lor raitlernakes ; ; we (bana thee bteaue a raiileanake haa bit Jiuj. We Mv thee aend a ratiicoalia to nue aiol.n ; aenri one to Lite Jii.i ; send '. one to bile Baui j and O Lord, send tbe big- fe ' "Ult,ll"llt to bite the old T'"' hol''t"i but ratln-euake will yer bring the Lleaver lain, ij w rvpeutance." , Private Surgical Hospital: U' E. lite uiiueraigoed. living opeueel . pri. vale, rurg,cal li.lirmarv in U.e lowo ui I ti-riottt;, r prepi.rej lo lurin.li coiolorl. ine l'.il.e..ta iro.o s d, stance ' ur pr .1. psioiml services iu tne h'j amy i.re tri..j(ntfi' ut tir 'J" mitts litri it, q...lp,r uiio,, is located or, .Main slrea. , j, . . .., mi. laau. 1 lit bUllulngs srs i 'II VeOl'lialeii. Willi i.e.d i.i.l.r.i. Jii.g 4na nl . coulag.uus character will be ,s tiironeh tin .1 &. , vu.,,, P.asi OrT. oroiiioi ' 1" V. CALDWKLL, M V Luiii.Kl tjllilii.N, )) 1. W.CALlJtt ELI. ,M U J Oil IT II i:i:v WAYT, Surgeon MPrntist, (Gdadoat m MrDicmi ano Dk.ntictit,) OFFICE in Bra wiry Building, I'p Main, Uiie site Ktrr'i lintel, ni it i. its;. ft. c. I'RUICAL OPF.KA'ITONS. auch aa I LKr T I'ALA'I E, HARE - I II , I IMUKS ot niiiutn and Jw prrfnrineil. RAC'I'L KKltand 1)1SLLK'ATINS of tlir J:ivra treulrd. Treth lillid with (il)l,l), j r-ILVEK, TIN r AMAI.UAM. AKTIR'llALj Tb:K'l'H uiaeltcd in the oval maniirr. If- A very vupvnur HO III H)N Ul.K and j TTH W ASH constantly uu hsnd U'Tirlli KxtrarUd. 9JT I'KH 1-S MOUKRATK and all work done aaiialuclurv to the patient. 13 t'A.MlI.ll'S wailed nn at tbeir huce. 1" A atuck of D. nlial'a Mjlcriala ulwaye on ,nnH. UUOI.D and SILVER Plate and Wire of any fineneva gotten out. (LTOrrirre Irom a distance attended to promptly. February 31. I860. M .... lrp V I V 40 AaTllAiMi Ul llj.ltr j or d ' r ""a ! 9 fl ! K- ' xjiv:v:E-- o. tl i:si)A v Tin: ov III 1 KLIAS & COIIKX will oim:x at the st ii r e forserlv oiupied iv T.II.Brem & Co,, ONE OF Till: FINEST AND LARGEST STOfRS OF ' .J A A .1 J l V i jj muuf our L0ie, i,rc Guo.ia will be louud ). luunced Atlk Koiks, i rape ...rex, so Bire.e uo. Plain and lig'd Ihircges, j -.ndi,. Ih-.t Frene.f UrnJU ! do. do. J4iunt oo. unnjiiiii'i, ( Kubesue Eugt iiikA. Lea lliloiae thread, nee. cn. do. Iinfcrutricc J .contOrgmi.e. sod R.,bcs w. erery variety, J."".' ''Krenen'sndcln Diack nnd Coi'd Siika, Tauiarllbes, Grenadine Puplins, 2,IK W arp i liallns, ... sl.c Ilkll.l.l A.S 7 j b ..io French OloilAMS i. L.W Ns, In I'rflit ll ;iul .W Hit litaii mm every variety and style, White Goods. Mull, Pwirs. B-k, Nsnsiuk ami Jaeunet M.is- lin.. Bi.uop, Victoria and E.nen f..w and Cotton Ihujirra, Linen Cable Ciolln Uojlaa, Marseille, gailis, 4-c. L.inen olhs and L'a- Shawls and Mantles. nt.l.y LaH: Man ilea. Lace lomts Sl Si.aw'a. Mo tin Shawls, En.nro.dercd Lace Fointa, Burno.a. f ultariu. and Piculoinimn, do Silk snu .intlea aiiir Mantilla. ! avery OuaaripVior., men, liarege ano e. oliou uiaiere. Sleeves, Collars k Setts, Va.Liiecim b U- r, B;k'U, Jconl.Miniroing Lin-n anil Fique Willi 3 btr.uttiu! Ktock ot Kiuuraait rtd h iuoKcrcfiie'ji, ltit'iitil V.it ni Kobe, f .oun augt K.Jgngs, lncrling and !rt- I riiuaikt l)i unlets, In our trimmed B-ii.nel our taste is c'n ei'geu. "V e have a Ceaulitui rut'ji'y.. French F'luners, Kucl.es anu kiiitr..! FIltN'Jll IMToKTED Piirasol, Fillls k Ht'ad Jlrt'SSCS, with an unusually large Block of g otCLIV.Y and itO.llLSTH DRY GOODS, n.o rut. a, ms. i nit iii : ItOOl w, !k.OI .in (I CIAT, and jf.nvTil attorti.n ul of .Mcrcli.iixi.ie, winch : l.Tt -..(; ' llt:ftfi lo our trit-iiOti and euhU.ii.tra 1 jiriee-a witf.h lictjr couipetilioti. NO ( H A KCi K FUk SHOVM.Nti GOODS! KciJIflllbcr Ludit'S. Tui'Ml.iy April .Jll, ELLS & COHEN J At T. II. Litem d- Co.'t UOL .-tan-i WK IIAVK A LAIUJK dlOCK OF GROCERIES the Store fluuw lormeriy upicd by II. B. lif Wioiam. J ! , , u""4" t Iturtoltt. Ma,lh Ul. 100. -a it: f . . a ; I t R VllE linn Ol 'I . II. B..1I, OL t o. l Una day dla. ' .uiteO by oiulual eooaenl. '1 ne iiouaa aim pajr are in tne l.tim. ol T. H. Br. in, at toe ti .row arc Store ol ( oci.rane A. h .mpie. All per. aoua i. .denied to amo iirui w,U cait uno aetile toe Ban.e. will, mm ; and a.J persons huvinjr ciaims i will preseol tliem n hun for puy.ncnt. , T. il UHfc.M. i J. A. SAbLKil. Jr. T. L. ALKXAM-KR. rt aG, H-ljO. Ji, a. It. JOHN. ir rtve woiii ciiitg tig" a , .... n , , , , i IBIUIll'JWIl, IlltJ III'JUIJ, llUUilUlil, ' II. I. attend promptly to Ihe collection K.ute teo o-jt, an s.,no,eo.. r.aed afler. La lining d.oloia d Claims ferret. iMke.l up sl rta. '1 EX As CLAIMS. I Collections ,ad in Tease, s. heret..f .re, ' loruugii my attomeya ,n m.l.iua. ,V-..pn,e.B i may ne sal. .y u. p.-io.o uu. I i'-'oe i lr;'U. alS-lr j Wm J Kerr, A 'ITU USE Y A T LA fl lUULiii i i;, c. ractiee in Ho" ( our tr ul Meckielibu n aud Culaarr 11. Count It a. ,n me Brawly liaiMing oppoi ILL In, t- J. ll' .'i 44lf r3- Removal. W' '"'"d. and Customera sre respa-ert Cully o.I mloriMee In. I I l.ave removed my I in M,op i .-p.-iog. rtrica tiuiloing, dd door Iron, tlie cor 'r.aii Tryon street, Where lie will fee pteaecd to S. T. WTlMTdN. 4atl r, 31. MOi). if It U I ; O.l it iWTM & Ty a-3f"T ifVFFF.RS ln ecrvicea to the eiti- inaof this aud adjoininc Ouun tiea in Ilia treatment "f irrrr ulnri. lire of the terlh. Pineaaia ol the ni'.-ulll. 1YMh nllrd in a akillftil ami auliafuclnry munnrr. Ar. tifieihl to th inverted nn 'old or 81 ver nlute. alan 1 India Rubber vulcjnicvd fe.iae. Thia atvle of work nai many atlvnnlurraovi-r tne Barnrcd work. It can lie aduplrri to the mouth with lca irritdtii.n than the Swufi-d work it la alao then per. ll ia free frnm any unpltaaanl odor or tuate. Having become aent for the Antcriean Hard Rubber company he wU aupply IttntMlt illi ol tice ricbli to initnuiaciure I lutra ana inripa lot I Art.fiei.il 1 Belli and ilia Apparatua and IMult-rinl He will alau give inalrucliona in tbe art ou mod ! erate U-rma. Aa he tapecla to do a travellinf hu-iroa per. j anna oerinna; woik done, can be attrnded to at i their reaidanrce, bv ddieain( him at Tucka. ! a.rue P O.. Mecklenkurt Vih, N. C. HT AH wora warruuled. .ii3. lHliO. 81 f The Corner DRUG Store, II tKMlTTi:, X. C. v.. vi: iiutchisox & co. i -an H'l I.D reaprctfully call the stterilic.n ol the j g f public 'ii their In if "nd couipletr bUick now I being opened for the Spring Trade, conainting ( ( Druga, Meuicinea, t'hemiciila, Perfumery, Fancy Arlich-a, Oils, turpentine, Burnin(t r luid, Aleo. i'nl. Pure Medical Winea and Rrandit-e, Canton Teaa, FtcM and Gnrdeu St-cda, Oi.c, Vc. Junuar, 17. 1ft 60. (' 43lf I IOW A It l AOC I ATIOX. I'llll.ADII.rillA. A Brntntlrnt frittil ul ie titnbluhtd hq nycial Un urwrl, fm Of Krlitf a tht ISttk and OialieiseJ, ijjlicltd vUl t ii uimi and l.ytiitm( ''eeeeee.imu' .yec.,..;aT . r. , ,'.. -J Oman. KIUCAI. ADVICE given gratia, hy Ihe Act ifil ingSurgeon.liiaMwImappljby letter. will) a BrecriplKin ol their condition, (age, riccupation, habit nl lile, eVc) and in caae ol extreuie pv. erl v. .Memi'ii ea fiirn.ahe.1 free of charge. VAl.lAltl.K RfcltlRTS on S.wrniatnrrho-a, and oilier D'.aeaae. of tbe tkiual Organ., aud on Ihe NEW REM F.I 'I ES employed in the Unpen, sary sent to the atllicted in staled Utter cnrel opes, Ireeof churge. Two or three Sumps for po. I.. will be aceeot..hle. I Address. UR. J SK1LMN HOIGHTON. Ac. ting Srgeon. Howard Asmtm,., Nj. i South i Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the . l,. eiipi iiiin v..r.i.r. FZKA D. IIEAKTW ELI., rrrtidtnt. Ftb. 7,1 6iO- , 46-1 V niii'mii i'l' iil'iil'ltV I IlLltlMil ili IC I'j.vI I al r-''iu.: 5 - . . t . t. r.- .y,rsB,i AN I N FAILING Cl'RE FOR Coiorrhoa 1 all D:wafl Of ttlC I'riliarj Orjani. 1 1HIS REMEDY cures when .11 oilier prep. rale . I. It is enl.rel v ueiiie ever v olh. i r ce,n'U'i ; NaCKsot s I's Roots, BaSks own, I Contain. l.lt'g NO.MlMML PolcoN "F j ; ss it is prepared soU-.y ir..m .nd Lesv.s, sod I ss been banii. u te generation to arjotlieT, by the : I'liriutil IsinisM II is offered lo ihe public on 'its own it Ir.nsic merits. It p. r lor. in .la duly i quickly and thoroughly. Tl.e loTeTa, ol 'eil.'.er will tf repaid by using this IIhim, ins I end -,f p' .ci rig Inemaelv. s st the mercy of ao.ne Quick or I'rol. or. 1 ;.is hiMrnv strikes at the very RroT of tlie d.ra ; itt. tendency ,s nt sue,, ply lo S'jsj.rnd tlie peisoat. but to Besiove tiik ("af-aK nn which it depends, Fall drreettons In j pamplilet form, s ccompany eseh bottle Tl.e .pee i dy ani permanent relief afforded by this Kenn-dy, ' in all rase ol t.ovosa.or , Ui.rrT. tiavr.i., Stbic. ,-rrsr. Flcos Ai.ar,Wiiirr i. F:sjiJi),ainl all , Diaeasrs of tne trmar v Organ., has aaionisl.ed toe i.o.l scientific men of Ihe sge. T"l Heniiov I not only eradicates sll Puiso Irniw llil Sluts I but lviooaT ihe m at ,). Iicate eoiist;tii'o.n. I li It does Not Arvrrr ine hsetTii or l.rv. vraa with any li .l I'i ujoh, or require eny loev.ation from Ihe D.u.l diet. Irlt riijn.res no s..alanee fnn other medi. J'"And sli.it Kihimu ill Viici, ii the E. nm A aa cms of al! .Nce;.c Taara, bving a I'iraaasT and Iirlicioi's Svaur Pan a i"J era B I w. oa 'I Har.a Botti.vs s..a a)j, P.J l TElt MEkM I.N, "sole ProprieWr, St. Louis, Mo. -.ld is Churlotto.iy Dr. F. Kcarr. ' E Nye Hutchison ( o. " Co'uinbis, " F.aner Hemitsb. ind all I)rniis .0 t,,e eountry. Vat, S.-hajck A. f .rter..u, Cl.arle.ton, Apr., at, lo60.-ly WbuluMlw Deslers. yi:s VOU 31 AY L'SK OK UHCoMMtM) Heimstreet's Inimitable JIAlIt (dl.OIMX;: snu risii IT TO .1 A PERFE T HAIR RESTORATIVE, pron.i-niig the s'rengtli and growib of tbe Ha r, ai.'U ginw.g it all toe beauty ol you Hi. Do you o..uui iU i:r:ii! t.'col! Kr.nl! hcusooa L.si, rsaea Co., N. Y.t I J-'tbmarf b, 100. 4, W. E H.oan, Troy, N. V., aOeor &r; II ..nig uaeii your Hair ( olormg or Heatorifivr, lioiil ili. it, 1 take ptiaaure i a very fc-vere l.i of siokmss, wheu aboul in ye my h.ir commeneeo torning grey i ami a Ciiii.itueU to grow until it secomr ttjt ' IT'lie, Ociltg VLry harsh ami coi ' I I. a.J r. aei.eii my lil y thiruy I.aat .stuiiiuier I an iu. I i cu- eel ty a friend to purchase two hollies u Iteiiu. jlteefs Hair Ke.loraiive prepr-d br you. 1 cm I ,i.eui:ed using ,1 secor'lm to uireeliotts, and in a I lew days was surprised to And that my nsir from the roots outwanj was luruii.g baca lo Its original color. It ao continued to grow until il was aa Iru i ly hrown . nil gioa y as it was III n.y yotllhlul Bays, and is mvir ally rttlured le ' eniCK."' .'slsr. i ' Ms LA SEAMAN. .'in fa ,s.. Myla Heanian came before me and ys tout tiiusitove statement "u'y ia true. II. tiv of jrebro.iry, lJO. Joel F. poi 'i ek, .- 1'. 'e-e. Pirrsronu, Vt., ring-. I, .Bj7. I Itcrthv eerlifv. that my hair bav.i.g become iuiU gray, I u.i.0 Heimslreel'e Hair KcaU.rsiive, I pares by W . E. Hao.M. of Troy, M. V .,) lor' I tl" i.l color. I iui.y reeotu to b all it elai WM. KINU.M.EV, I'ntiur ul tkt liiylitl ( ut, I'ttujtird, l. Mr W.K llauas; I have used li..iinalreot's Hair Restorative, for three year., and h e found it to lw a u.i.l .irellenl article, ll not only re. j so red Uo color ol n.s i.iir. eirme it new lilt and alrengtll, hill It tUreU my.ell Wile of a llioal ol.linaiaero'(iion on the scalp, woicft nothing tt Seemed lo lirsr.!, f fully believe It to be lilt best siin.le iu use. Yure Hrspectloliy, K.VOAL i O.N How LAN . The shove sre but a few of the many letters ol rreoinm--i.ii.it;.. n which have be. a tvnnered to the proprietors of lienn.lrcel's Hair tailoring 01 lies, lorative. It h is been used hy ihonsands ol people, snd it never I .. I at n. .eatore lbs color and growth ol lite hair. This singular eflert IS Itol produced ss wbend.es are oed ; lor it sets Upon the u. lu rul sccrstions of eoioriug malia.r at tlie root., iml thus ett'e-ta Inc. eiiangs. 'i'nt ctdw m'wluttd I not m emnirrfrtl, km tht natural ihidt uj itiuk. It 'does not color lite a. pric..5lcsii.l f I.ODper bottl Mirtd every w he re W. E. II A( A.N At Co., I ropricl .ra. l i.,.N. V . Hold iu harlotle by Dr. F. Mc .rr , a on a II Jlr.ig g.sla in tne l.nil. n Mates, Van ni-haack and l.ner ,, t lurl. l..n. Wluilt a .le Agenls. Afti tl. Itr,. mlY 0ii'C-ll,',! Aim"""'. H ! i J ;R'i:.? -l 1', Jl") l U llPlI 14 m i i7 1- i" ." -i hi an .2i Jb, -i, ll 1 1, r ni o'ioIii iri.rii 7 S. o.ioiihj n I lll.Vlil7!l'l ll" 2i'ii ;i,:52i isl US' IT.tli 111 ;il 21 :; .1 ji.u 27; Jai!...r...l"i "i!"fi;"4 U' 7 s! 9.1" II llS.u'lMK'l? I ' ji rx ti.zt jj i; i ji,... W -J-il-ii-.l -jl III II 12 II l IT'l.t.la M JI.JJ I I. ..I.J ..I. .1 .!... ...'... I I .1 4 71 ", I" ll'llilS'14'ISlK'i; 1 211: lav ir.in 2uju,... ..!...( I I i 4 ' ; I m ii i: iilu.ts IC !7 f is 'J"'2I a Im ii .. ..' .,'... ... SUPJELXlSTGr i fc LJ XVJL -LV- -tl -!". . II ll II I' f I ' UK MiWiiUT I n. rrcrivv. l-.rgi: tttiri mri. JL td UfKurlji'tnl uf for 8piing and Pumn.ar, which fer cheepne.e and seaineas, cannot be urpA.pcd(eonsialing Hi pari ol llluck and colored ( LOTUS, ltiack IHJK.-KINS, a Plain, ItUcs. and Fancy Af-SIMFliK. Frt nih l.rab ll' F. , Plan, Hl.,ck and F'gi.r..d Silk VKSTINtJS, , DKII.I.S. ard all oilier Umioa usually found in Aral rinae Tailoring EaiaMiaUi.tnl. Ail nl which will be' made tn order or sold by the yard on accon.moila. t In; lellus. f J. S. l'lIlLLKl'S. In reluming my th-inka to the clisrna of Char, lone, lor Hie very kni.i ano liberal pi.t,oojg they have bestowed u me , I wouhl nijueat a CM. in. u ante of li.e aunie, will' lha .lumm that all r. dera elilruaUU to nie will be uent.y .il prmnplly eaeculert. J ri- April 17. lei.0. t ciiAiii.oni': iioi'j:iy II lltl.Ol'l I , 1 a I f Bill E Proprietor of this Hotel is ' fl. ull .1 Ins post ri-e I" I ul. fn the duties of" mine h.t " to me IraVelltlig puhiic .fi.l ulliirs who: s aTTk . may call on him. ano lie fl..lt r l.in.aell I'.al as vuinfnrtnblr qn.riers can be loam' with him aa any where in tins vie.ii.iy. I r j aitoai',1 near, ly in Hie cei.Ua of Charlotte, Bu.,o Men will lines Una Hotel a i,iot convenient aim . ..irable. location. He ha. bees tngarjed in tne lu.i.n" at thia aland aearly eig ! lern years, and in that tune lie has mane antral aUo.io.m lo ma lormer . hnoae. and .I haa heeu greatly e..lartrd and ,.11. , nrovvcl. oro.roliite in iron a iwo aiory.r r.r 1011 leet in length bv IW fret m widlli. hanilaoin. iy li.iceil by Ire. , on il.eaiiie.w.it, all. r.niig s pica, aanl prn.nei.aoe sl all hours of tl.e . y. The House has keen thoroughly fornisbed thro. ' out. and in every part ot it creature e.Hnf..rts are sbil'toant and tsngible.esperi.lly IB tbe I'l.MM. ' KUO.H. where tl.e "inner O'aii" is "reneweo" U.. v "V d.i . . I i.ii'nr, I, with this Hotel sre Sta blea a ff.rrt .ng rivini tor .U horses, abonuanl'.y luin.sheo wul grain snd protenoer, slici.oeo by la.lliiul ano o. b.iff.np l.oatlera. Toe Proprietor f elseonfjiient tbat with his'org eape-riecei am' many b W ants nlageaaoded u b.s aes.re to plraae, he is re..ir il lo orTi r his Irien.is nd ths rest ol man. md," as many e..ii.t..ri .w.d i as morh gnnn cheer as will be found snywiorr, perha... a tittle more so ; ILT At any r ile Til the Char'oite Il. tel J. B. KKKIl Otii.,r IS. I"58. 3o-ll 1 1'ou-.in l art J Dr. Katon's liilaiitile Cordial,; and why T b-cauat: il atvrr fi! to off'i ii.-t..it. 1 ' t .neuua rclitrf lif n f n )n iinv. ll .-t : tr uiffic aud ou trial aluu i! eontittcc yov l.i-l wh il hi my ta true. . It CsintklfiS M) lA K laf.Olt If Oil Ol'I AT IU of any kind, and lnerei'.rs reii.-ves by reinov ng ' tl.e sull ru.rs ol y. wr child, mateau ol by deaden, il.g It Bens. Ialilt.es. F.aJ IriiB reas.,1., it e.mil.enils il-ell as ll.e oniy r-I .Lie piep.r .lion m.sv knows lor (IIII.l'hl.N I KK'I HI.NI, I'l Ah Kill ( E.I, HVSKMEUV l.lill'INi; in tne :im.,!t, A. I DPI V ot tne MOM .l H. WISH, I Ol.U I.N 'I HE HEAI'. .mi I l.i 'I P. also, forsoiwnn r ' guois, relll.c.-g llillarniiialloo. regulating tbe B"W e.a, a ml r. ... III. g pun, ,1 has no eqwa. lllig an ail c.le. ol 4 II.NV1 l.slO.N.S OK ll l-.U Fl I -. As you value li e Ine snu heni'ii ol y..or rhilnren, , anil wi.b In ,i.i lh. in Irmu tl.oae ai.l and l.l.t..l. il.g col... qui not. e. I. .eii are cr,tJ.n to re. tall Ir'.ni i i u.e u.e ul nar uli. a ol wo.cn ail . -1 . r n niton. for tiilanlile ( oio,l.n..a ate c..r.iMMe.l taHe lions but lilt. EA I O.N IMAM II. Et OKDI Al.. Una j y..u c..n ri ly uion, Ii is p. r edy bar ml. ... .-md ' Cal t Hour.- til. tno-l Oeiie.., IliUnt. Price, U.t cents. Foil eirtiliou accoii.pany cat h bo:i.e. t Prepared and j Hold by Clllillf'II A IM ' P INT. l)rU'.'git, No. 3b, M nd. e, .N. ind hy E. N;c Hulcin.on Cliarlotte, ,N. Healthy human Blood upon being ' AAlaV.KIl), ' always prsenls ua Willi tlie sun.- eaaential ele. menla, and gnes of course the TBI E hTAN.) I'AilU. Analyze lbs Ul.aid of s person sort ring . Irom t oiisumpin.n, I.inr t oiiid .ii.t, lyaM paia, herolul i, A c. snd we find in every in.i .n. e e. r. ; lain ilclii.ieoe.es, in the red elohules of I) nod. ' "j, liciericcs, and y.u are titar'e well. (Xll) FOOli it iMnmicd 3!'": iriie Theory , beiiLe tl. tt.ioniaiiiiig success. 'J'hcr. are Five I 'remitti. ions s.laptcd tn tb. e. f,r,enc,e. of the lllond in ditl'.r. ' ent cl.eati s. ,r I ol (,ils, Ol.l'st. HIJON. II. ! ITAm, or any ailni,,,,, whan ver ol I in 1 H KOA I' or I.l ,N(.ii loiiu'.iug I O.N sil M PI l .N, use .No I. i whicit .No. I .r Lhnrca.i.in m hi.inla, i l.ss ol Ai tin d lor all ( drome i oiitplainta, l e.tienera! lies. I il f . an d Ner- arising tr. """ l r.sr .t on. "4U n (-r I,,,,., t ompiamts, l No. .1, for Dyspepsia. Ileing already pre,,rcdj for si,s.irplion it is 'taken by Drops and carried immediately into tl.e cir-ulaiin so tint what yuu gain retain. 1 he No. 4 is for P. rn.il.- Irregnian. ! lice, Hyateriu, V. eakm-ss, A c. H.e spcisl dine-' t ons tor Una. For fall Hbeum, F.'rupttoiis Hero j fulous, Lldney and HI olmr I lini I i. lit., I. ike No,, !. lo sll e ... a the dirveliotis mu-t b trartly hollowed. Price of Ihe I'.I.IX 1) FUOl). f)l w r ! I bottln sSld by Cni'lUM! 4 IiL'I'ONT, Druwistsj No. 3, M iiden l.aue, New Vora, I sndanldbyE Jty. Iluichi.on At. t o sndF.Mcarr, . us none, iv . i . , rtn. I.. Iv KXKCUTfONS for the S. Court for au!. fcTWEXAS for sale at this Office. li t! 4 "i n V.ld II 12 I I I 111 n l?'i in 3 Jl .1... ... 1 III iU. ... ... ... 4 is' i u is'io i7 ni '!'' '"'ii; Jjn ti'a a:i4i ! i ' nwj;i ; illl'iMislniiTl tWll'lsluliun ill 1121 j I-I7il 19,9' i;iW,.ai:3l 1 I34 t.J, S ft 41 i V RDsTakti f 111 .! or ! Improtant to Mill ' Owners, (VVT TIUS Ol'T.) JXO. A. J31AXI3X'$ Celebrated fcmut k fe'cietnlne Wechitie ANl'FA.-a'KEI)l South I.well.N.t.uiiu if I ahipprd to all pnrteif the I'lulcu Mutea l.iberi'l reductiona made to tboae win. have used my Machine and wih them changed. I hi- Pub. Iic ateeauli. iicdaguinal Jmiluluii$ nu .,..aiin. None genuine ule actr.inpi nieu by my bill, and caiil, and aold by my Iiy'il' "''""',u' '-k"l,''l Addr"" JXU.A M.MANNKN, , Ci.olll Lowell, N. C. Wurc SO, 1B60. ' WASHINGTON HOTEL, (CBANO 0 PBOPBUTOKB ) into AO rvi iti:i.T M-.w iti.u.N, N. ... JOHN F, JONES, Proprietor. fB11!K Undcrigiied reaped fully snnouiicea to i . . .. ,.. Ihe trave Img puhl,.-, thu he ha. taken t, of tin. uld .nd popular ..lubliahiiienl, and w prepared to .eco......o..'.l t,a I. r.and p, . ' b,'"ru b ,l,e ' " " JL charge la In. t vii le ' the llii'Kt ercninlitodetllig 4 I Ills i ,, ,.lll.K will .1.:.. be fmnislud with ; br;;;n:.h.thon.cd fore,en market, ean T e U 1.1 hs. U'g Tlie M ll all in jl oil rooms, is ne. rer the drool the depot. .... court . the bu.niea. streeta than any oilier in me cur. An Oiwsiee. w,ll always be at the depot sue h,..,,.p. on Ihe arrival olll,e...ra and. le.., noa,o Kl.,w.,. o,..,,l, ,.,., to convey pi...enger. Jo the Hot.1 In. ui el.arge. , . )f , u By sl..pp,,'g l th..llol.l, pa.a.l,gti. will ''", ""Ulluuil,.l .t.A eould e, be , Ju.hu u, ample ti.ne to ol-ta... n.e..la. B, , ,. a. orieinal coior apt lloii. dye.. I , l.. Ila.,.,g .!.. .Urge snd e. n'lnoo.ou. flab le. ' ' ' u ,rlU, , b.,d site, the u .., ,.a and a. e.eel lent O, . er. he ,. lull, !- .' L.ll.S ool Ib.l t only IU l.thng . . board ho-.e. by the day. weak or mohlb at Mj buf ,. r,of w .t,.,rd to t,,c t, most rea.cn.bl. rales. . ... Loire am, sensibility to the scalp, and d.. i.oru'if alCIIIN. r. JWr-". Ictaaed to loim ou my ImaU, ry inuco ,,, u , Narri I,18.r9. 511' ! gralilicalmu ol my wile, at w l.uae su,ieit.iiul. . I was inuutvu to try ll I S I KS. I xb """y ''r"''"" i ! II U.ltili. , 4,r I stioiigiy i' eoiiiim i d ail i.uab, i.i., , , Arrliift-ci uml Ititthlt r, .iu ti. .i,n,ni.ou i ih.r w,e t,. p ,,, , -.B II-Llurnrah He.igns. Plans and Dr. win, J --"' ' u 11 " '""' t u VI for Public Builumgs, Private IJiaiUniiCi. u.l Villa.. Particular att. litu.li w ill he Oa id lu buil. nit' Fhiurmi Mills, I - rn Milla, Ac. Orriol lit 3,1 aloiy n, AU lanuer's Uu, ibl i.g , front run , r ( Inn. 11.11. Or It r r fiti, iPiU 33lf Wanted 1,0(10 .lfaV 31.1 e.' COR 1,8 OF TAN TAR r . ' w h.th the eaak wil' be pa. I M. 11. TAT LOU. I VI r " CjisIi Paid lir Hidis, V H M. HOW EI. I., 3 doors S.,ulb .f th E t Manalou II. (i.e. i lmrlmilr, A srii 6. I CS lf Scrofula, or Kind's Evil, a i, a corruption of tlie tluul te.io.ns ili.i!(,l. 4 in tlie cllTtihtli.it!. it ..:i, .in.! tuny huist out ol it. No oijr.in is fire . t!, n. ue I... !, ,t may dui.nn t.iint ia variously 1.1 JH .1 .mi. Th 1 1 hv rnnri ii riil ilis.flsa.-, lo.e hviiiir. d;- r 4 or ol.. l:i I.J haJ.lL f i a h I , impure air. nl'h ii pre ..itiac vn e. and, rv.il l;i!,. lion. What- ev r '. it. r . , ,.. i( i, l.er..l;'nr in ll.r c.f ''--:tii.:i, .1 s,.-,,.i.ii; j n , 1 t t-i i. i.lr ll ."a tln tl .rs', an I lour-h r iv la'ion ;" in.k-.I, i' s.-.nn to tie r-.. 1 1 mi in say. "I w.'l 'il tl.e iiii.pu'.i 4 of (lav h-ilx-ta ujm.ii tl. .r ile! Ir u." I's fie t- comm tier !.v il -jio itiim from tlve ).!.e. ! of corrupt or t.I. el' tl-.TtiT. will. ll. in tV I'm.; , 1 r, sr.l mi. n,l nii-itis, is h rm.,1 tuVtth s, iu ti,... i;ist.iU, sei:in-;s j ntwl on t'' ,1- . .r ii.-:..!is -..I -or . 1 l.i, f..ul .or- ro v;.h ml r . in th. I ha,,l. ,. -pr-sse. fir ei..-t.. -a of f:f. ..i tl- it .. e.)fu!... cnti.rilit. li .,is ,r.i i.i.ie -..ll.r fii.m roful ms com ;..i .i -a. I. nt tl, ) l .iri. f..r l. H.nrr to wilts. t i!,.. ata, Wi of ikIi.t .!.-..-: (onac t'i i'"y ' tint:. U re ari-li hv .IwinUn ! 1 'i'.'i -h ii .1 - i'..'i it tlietr n.riire. r .;! r-t. 1 r. ! f..i i! I,v tin. i.iint in tlw t l e-i. !.ilf tV , ..i,.o:..p :i whieh (lis. c.ii.,1'. rl, . hiirti&.i Ce-ilv ha. it oru-iti ihn-ctiy in ihi. ss . fulo'.s . xr -on, ri.it, mi ; so l nwiiv .1 Ji i. ii:-o-.t :h.. I.vrr, knit-nrsm, mi I. iml "U of i ties ur.'uts, st.su fium or . .1 : ;rVa'eti in ll sA.'ie.' CBuar. I it. .;iil'erol Si', our people srT- arrofnhms; t'. j. r-.n. s-- mu,., ! ... I,,,.,, .t ,. f . si. I ilu-tr Fa'.'h is uiiMV-nriiu-. bv it. 1 i . ' it.- if fro.st tlie h,.fem veronal renovate t!.- h,o l.rsa al; ,vne iri.-h. iti-. ami in v i ' ': i' by fcMi'hy f and eacrrtst. S.i h a in. me we aiy'.y ia ay r.r. 's f'cnp uml LvUrr.' t rf Saparilla, f) c ii,.,. ..' 'I of . 'S i toil r.-n ur ttin-a eJ" i.' no 1 f. n tiir m.wt sc ho! in. ilnal for this r . . la.f. It i. ,.. nn di lla tbat have I'" -l.a .,,r.S fit ll.-CM.iir.-iriouof !!.! frtll .1. r fi.'i tlie hlo-vt. ami r'.ie r. se-u- of li.e s. f-.as, jts th-armi'llV C.in')teu'aj, it at n.,,,1 la- rw;r-l'.yl for 'l e rum i f r r . ! v N . : .i i. b'lf lo those nthcr arfr-ca ! let, sji from it, .-h:ii I'.i'i'etivi Saiv ltiri... Sr. A'tTuta-.'s I'mi, '. r VRTstrri es. Putt-, r.a, I't an-i rs, r. ma. I'.uisa.t,! Ilm... Ti eni.. '1 Trr Sit P inw, S. mi. He. ii, ItiHoeonu, ! O.tl-M, , CHI ,M SUil Ml tl. . Ul ll. I.a. I'lioi-sT. lMai-il-siA, III ji. :rr, and, -1. at r foari us is 41111-0, man 'it,a ..: Net r Iii IF..- K,p,il.,r ts u.f i,.f.ii'v ui rAa,.a" is I... mil., I in trn'li. r..mU ;-a tt-i;. in ra'mi' of ll,.- M,l. TU t !!! p'.rfM.. ati.l viitto- of tins s..ir.nia i I" orilj iitnl n si-in ii'r this vital lioiil, wh- h s.,..n t Ik n!th is misuaailite ui iinjtu.l erm.ututioiis. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, fch all nt rumss of a f amy physic. s-.. . co... j.., d ll at iiis-te nrlbiii the ranne of r.'O Ii -i. cut i..iii withstand i.r evade tliem, t..rir tiew o .t.i.tc f.i..jrt;ea aaar.li, snd eh-snse, at -I ll.e .- a;te iotv portion ol Hie hi. man .-,1 nl I-.... . As s Mi. I nl tbe ed lie th i.l-;,i lleliiilT iaa . ..crye rat'irci be it ten lti.it. "I to end Ii edr at once of' e.e. ito thee cure Ihe eeorv day eoiupUint. 1.. ..iv. Iml .1-. I., roiii.Ml.l.le Slid i II. -eases. i lie su-lil i.r li.nr nami d IS fi.rlii.h trra'ia my American Aonslise, - eeftrfl- av a-if their cures ol.d dire, li.itl. M. a e ittllv Wlovrili,. I. ..I, plaints: l Ml,0. llt'inLiirn. liruti.u ,..., t,"id""-itr:.d .., , A leil. l.-.n, ,C...,I, I'M 1.1,,,,, l,d i.l li.r loeefa. I I'ltiiltn, f, lMf t Am. J nmttirr, ai.J i.tt.er kiiii.r.d i-omi blnta, - ri.i.n a lots at.ile of Ihe tealy or obalructooa Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ron riiv. Harm true or Concha, Colds. Infill. nn, Ilurtracnesa, l on p. ItrolK-hitis, Incipient ( i.nsiiinp. lion, nnd lor Ihe ri lirl til C finaiintplive 1'iili.iila iu iidvnni'i'd singes ol tbe ilisi lll'. So i,, t. the A. 'hi of ill us, fulness at,. I aft sums ,si the i .i.r, of it cores, licit alii ..t e. n e-1. mi i.f I ,s alK.ui.da in fi roni, f nils. no tin, irf-enrestur, rt i.im ul.im,i..g p. r ite i'i.- jm. of ihe Imi,k. I.y its lieu tr at-, lin sin i .aj Umty icier m. ry .of it. kino is loo a'oiareiit In rac.iie nd erlii,,- ,1a lirlne. are known, the er I., sili.tc nh it nntiilote lo cn. ainp and .t:.nerr.u afhi-lie.ii. n ll.e tons thill ate llntile.it tnnnr.liuiiile. I il . v..., s". Wh. ..r the ,l,.i W hile in lill.Kt lip. llv lone r.nh il fl lends bi i lil. 'I.d tin .1 and ...l .11. .1. Ilm ler iri.il. pit r.r aii i:ii hv Dir. . i i;it tV . LOH El.l., MASS, For sale by" K iyi II I : T( 1 1 ! Q( IV t r'li ,v ' ' fl. F. 80AHR U'.. I IIAVILAND, STKVKNSON A ('(., Clirtrlrimi, S. V. JvLANK UK EDS fo .al.at thia oAca. BOBT.II.COWrtJr,, F.NKUAL COMMISSION -MERt 'II ANT, vjjl WmuiNuTos, N. r, IL' OUicc, South Corner Market aim Water fct' op atultn. . tct-r (I- IM9-. ,3itr III la ONLY TnEl'AIlATlOA . ' .' worth v Or UiiivfifiJ (ulidfiifc iinil i'alrona, For tUaicinun, Judteej Utgymeu, I.aoita mmi Oii.ilin.il , fn all p.it. .,i i,t Wlid li amy lolUiHicnJ ol Plot. U.J. Woou'i Hu,t l.eaiorati e, Hiu (jini-.tiiiin ot 1 1, a Irtaaart. uiim,. imoua in ita praiao. A lew iMtiinoiiialr only Cull be here given scat cireular lor more, snu ll ,, be unpo.eible lor Jou to doubt.' 4'i Wa.l Street, Jcw Vena, Jho. UUtli, Itos. bimruars t Voiir note ol the lolh ln.l , Ik.ch niuivii, saying that you had hiuru Ih.i h.m been bcnefiled by the uaenl Wowi'.hir lit. ; sti.ralive aim nuuelii.g my certineaie ot llw un ,l,u., Ugi.e ll. , j J .,,lully, because I U,,,,, i M ' ' , , b r aulur... and .helmed l c.,1. bo,,,,. fi". storulive and rn)ueiing my certiHouic ot Hie ucl the'" ... J"" 'V.. "'. j Vt;, ZT V'"" J''''8'" ..' . Z.,: ; ,.,, u it. u., u. . ... n.uk ul , ,..,.-,,,. .r.u.cau.ent, J w ""a peeilully, BEN. A. I.AVt M,. k. I ,l'J 1,1) J, W.w; e. 1 o , 414 Ill.aa.iW.) , ft, ,, ( ily lin.lr ilietnl lloin llie cilj, i.u 1 ,.,u loririr at .N. 1 1 alioi I .' ,,i,.. ton. Ala., Jul WUih. IHMI. lo Po.. J. nm t llear bu Y'.u. " Ke.Uimtive" In-a o.i.a n. l.a.r su o.un. ..net. I ton.ii.i aerd toe a. ol it. tint I a: make anowl. to U.e I I ttl-K ul lis ll i Ik ,. nan, w i.icn an g,cal. A o.a n or w btoaii a., i.tar.y deir.ttu ol l. air, ano by a ir.rt la "Hair KolU'lKe," I'" " reui.e l.eauiri.l th-u eor, si least ll.i.lauiy ti)... , tii hi : It a, I ! ...er. truly. W M. II h EM UV I p H iou can publish tuc sbove ,1 tu lit -: By puo.iaii.bg iii our Nui.'eru p.pei. j. u . 'gel more paitoli-ge souln. I see ssr.i ... ii..,. i nl.heatis in tne MmOUt .Wttreiy, a .li .i.j ,s . irn P"osr. VI . H k'nu,. I WOOD'S 1 1 A I U HiMdIIAIIM. ' Pa. re-a- o. Vloob. Ixar .r : ilat.ni . .e lor n.isiuitu.te to lose tl.e b. .1 porlx t. Ul ... . Irou tl.e tklccis ol the sciiow kt.r, .'.. . hvalia IB) ii. I Wa. Hiau' Itf lo UwM a ll . : your pre pa.al.oli, aiiU loui.o ll lo stss.r.. 1 . iJ li , i.g iKiue.l. nly bait IS l lli a .. I uo woiua e eare.. my ool.ga.,.s u. . giving to toe altlletcd sum a treaaure . H.Ni.tV ioll.NstiN. Tlie Ueslorsliae is ul up iu U.ls,i s ot J . I I. VH: lafg, II.I...UIII slid SUialli lliCHm.i liui..a , a pint, "..0 fetalis for cue dollar per pollr; l a medium huios al tea.l lnlj t c-nl u.-.'i i pr.,,...r.i..n in. a li.e au.ali, reiai.s l .r i. ...... . a ootiis ; toe la ge bods s .iaH, loriy pit ..... mes I proortluii abe retails lor a fa.nl .e . i U. J. MOOH. I O., rropr:elors,44t Bro,. s. l j New Vora.snu 1 14 Marssi hi..M. 1mii.,M.., ; sold by sll goo lruggistaaa tsncy I... . sis snu in Lliat wjlla of f) , A I.U 4V. I VI. j 3. . ij ioi j E, R. STOKES' Huulv Dindin EstablWinnMif, Ik Dunn ikuie Utas.i J-si, la St ij , lag iu rural W.U- Mault) i hma li.l., I lll.l .villi , s. C. Tlw above Esublisoim it is now i lui. ia'.. .g. aim n. iv.ng ' lua: tsal hl.A.M t Al Est so-. 1)1., I'. I MtlAIWS. I au. .1 .1. I..I-S 1. , I., I.. Ueia l-i n.y .lot. Sow al loa Baas. l,o. i.. S..ae wi (.aUboa,.. SI n raoliea alU-olfOi an git.u lu a. i wros(a wuu l.eu I IMaj us Slaving I'UO to Srlaelieal .( . Iil.o li". isi ..,,., I.LA.lk noslhs, .mo in t... la...". I., w ai.u u.t, I. I. I r.l' SI UK K. 1 l. il-l Ilia I i San, .a. H l-aaes. glls rallla s-l. lll.A.Nk Bi'K.-. ' Bank I,.., I... -ss- M, Iw In. in. . on Siieritt.", U.on.ary '. ua I oii.u.ias.oo.1 i i ly'. h .....Ii K4.1.EII.I.U bol.NU It, .i ) ( urii,.t. los eery . sl aa.si.al, ol su(a..,.i , , -uil I'agsd ano lusstieil woeu r.qolieu. Phl.N i LU Wuhkn, .Moaie ll.a.ka, t ....ca.a.l ... p. iel.. M k auti s.as.as ol star aiivl .ptai ta, OVUUU ul I.r- ' I., tury Val.. l ol sl) .e. la .a... nftlll W..I o. llrculsd Willi o.-r' 1U as low as taS) 0 oolw ilaatfoilc. h. U. al'"Ma. Ja.lgiy IT, ft,i). sJ'i .( I Il.t A liar 1. 1 A riutudl Lilt luiuiitiict con., a-)' uttn n, .utihi. A v 1':.; ills, t L.t,.paU lid tl.r lite ul Ine t onn-nj. ' llali III. laid pi i .I.O.J I lie pro. rsiMes att Ue i-rs, lol lot I Ol II" .l.i l. I am Willi, o 'Ji mjl al isltliu. l.itloiy .rrol i 1. 1 Hl-.l OK!4. I liarl. s t. Jol.i.ai. i., Vv nt. II. Jio.es, llolUeu, W.- 1. tooSe, J. O. Wllll-.ni llosleu, Vue alll.e; ItuaOie. P. a . lis. It .Ihh.i. k. I . Hallls, I hall. a l. In r .,!, Kitll'd li. lialll j otFlrEKct. f Dr. Charles E. JohiiaontPresiont. i W . W . Ilolucii, V In I'r.sioeol. i It. II. battle, tvctclsrt . IW ilhaiiis ll. jonea, I re isarsr. II. W . Il.isted, Ail... i.a) . Dr. Wm H. Mckie.JM. o.eil I'.nn, ilerlte innmiile.. la). llu.Ui. W kee. Cnal le. II. Hoot. . Mtriir.il H-uiJ aj Cansiilie.- Johnson, M. !.. William 11. .M. k" K.ch'd li. Ilnjno-oil, M. I)., ' For further in loiiuatn.n, lha public j red lo the pamphlet., and li.iu,. ul pr"P" ' msy Ihi obnnned l the Othceol the I i or any of its Agencies. Ci. in in uiuc.it ml., should be suiirese. If Ms (I" paid) lo. , . K. Ff.BA'rTLK, i'"""- -i-' '!."''' iiiY rrll: f nil PK I N IT Nt SjP son eioeultll.aa il k, e v' law nier H '' S .I.e. Whig l,e. i WITNKHS TICKKT. for ih ' j , , iiptinr Coutt, fir sl ''f'1' J 'r , . aP'T-.Mw- ;.--e '!fr '. ''.'''I".';'. '"C'f-.a. '' ' , .-f.,-':r r: .' . ' S liis.. 11 as '- "' aw n il