.V r ' V- if' I . 0CftX The Union Wagon. TUM " WAIT r TMX WAOo." There's a right ami wrung iu politic, Ana) right ia on our sine ; So wt'f harnessed up the wagon boys, Irl Ilia nit on ride. The Union it our wagon. And it la'm an; l II, For it'i crowded w.lh llir people, And its driver ia Jolin Bell, ("n.ai'a Wail for Ilia wagon. Wait for the wagon. Wall for he Wagon, For the driver ia John Fell. This wagon ia a miNTe one, 'Twaa made in vei.ly.au, 'Twae uriern by Gcurge VA ashington. Through at rmy politics ; With Bnrihern oak and eastern pinr, And Western ash 'tia bwund Palmetto, cypres, cotton wood, Jn arary wheel are luund. T"t mill boy bfthe alalc, lyi keatacky'a Henry flay, Onre eat upon Una wacoii Aa we're aitting hi re to. day i lie drove the road of t'oniproniirc By Continuum! c.in, And held thr rettia of Tnion All Vuund the people 'a tiearla. Ih thio our fainone aapm, U'nh the people at H hack, Thrnui;li all the troubioua elcmenla Our own l!l kepa lle track ; Ai.d wh-n tin hand of Wt b-ter hook Tbe hi. nd of pioua Culhoun, Taai lure upon Ihia Wiig-nn Ua I'hcy et in i-ioac eoniimina. So jump into the wf nn, boya. The people are ita aprinpa. ne re raniiii r on tiie I m And Juiin Poll ho'de llie atrii j The L'uion ia oor wafn, And it le'nl any atu il. For it' croaded with tiw neple, And the driver i John B li. lisctllanccus. TOUCUIXG INCIDKNT. There is an old saying that the friendship vild never, never forget ber, and before of a dog ia letter than hi ill-will, and for b "idow left tbe train ebe was presented many years, in my capacity as a rail road j i'b P"e of four hundred and suty del conductor, I have found the above true to ,'!. e voluntary offering of a while train tbe letter but mind, I am not saying that ;f grateful paeBgers. :he refused the I have do enemies, I undoubtedly have a 'preffered gift for some time, and said she few, and I don't think there is a man that , bad only done her duty, and the knowledge lives but bas wore or le.s. A little kindness .of bating done so, was all tbe reward she Dow and then to tbe many needy onea, a ! ed. However, she finally accepted the conductor will find almost every trip over ' money at,d said it should go to educate ber Lis road, will not be lost ; and be will, in children. many eases, find, from bis ' bread ea-t on i The railroad company built ber a new the water,' a return fourfold. Yet be must house, gave her and ber children a Iifrpass use a great deal of judgment iu bestowing ' over the road, and ordered all trains to bis :Lav iy even upon those be thinks en- j lir.ly worthy of sucb bestowal. I will, in connection, relate a little incident by which j little kiuJness saved my life and tbe lirts of ail oo board my train. Iho V. eHern portion of our road runs through a very monntaiaous part of Virgin-' ia, and tbe stations were few and far be- tween. About three miies from one of these I stations tbe road runs througn a deep gorge ; ef tbe Kiue ridge, and near the centre is a j small valley, and tber hemmed in by the ; verlasting bills, stood a small one aud a- j balf story cabin. Tbe few aerts that sur- I , .- , roondeiu were as well cultivated as a gar- . sen, ana npon me iroin mcrtoi uvea a wi- j daw and hr thr ehiMren r.i lha turns of ' n..r Tl... :nJJ vau. it; -tic, iucu, uncivil, iu uc old charitiea of an ouUide worid. I doubt . much if they ever saw the sunshine beyond their native bills. Ia the maimer time they ; brougfet berries to tue near. si station to sell, and with tbe money thus earned they bought j few Of the necessities of outside retine- ruent. The oldest of the children I should 1 judge to be about 12 yean, and the youngest ' about seven. They were all girl., ecd locked ! nice and clean, ami the.r be.ltbful annear- ! anee and natural delicacy gave them a ready , welcome. I hey appeared as if ti.ey tad been brought up to fear Ood and love their j bowse and uiothtr. I had oftentd slopped ... . . , 1 my train and let them get off at toeir home, : bsemg found tlew at the station, some three, n..ifa from home, after deposing of tbtir berries. I bad children at home, and I knew their little feet would bw tired in walking three uu'iea, aai therefore felt that it wwuid be the tau.c wi'h thesa faiherrjss little ones. Tbey seemed so pleased to ride, and tbsi.k- ' ed rac with sucb hearty thanks, after let- j l.r.g ihetii off near borne. They fre'jently offered me uice teiopi'iLg baskets cf fruit i for tuy kiidness, yet I never accepted ai.j witbout paying tbe full value. r js'ow if you remeaibc-r, the wiLter of 1 was ; viry sold in that part of the .State, ai.d the now was nearly three fttt deep upon the , OlOUDtsicS. Oo tbe bight of the VGtb of December of tbat year it turned around warm, and tbe ; rain fell in torrent. A terrible itorm swipt ; the luouotaia lops, aad almost h.ied the valley witfc water. I'pon that night the tram was winding ita way, at ila usual speed, around tbe bills and through tbe valleys, and as the road was all so. id rock, I had D'i fesr of tbe banks giving way. Tbe bight was ititeiiaeiv dark, and tbe wind moaned . , , , , , piteous.y llrougb tbe deep gorges of the iiioutiUins. Some of my passengers were , , ... trying to sleep, others were talking in a ! low Voir, to relieve the nionotnay of the scene. Mothers bad their children upon their knees, as if ti bi!d them from some Utikuown danger without. Il was near midnight, when a sharp whis tle from the tugu brotijiht me to my feet. I kuew tbat there was danger by tbat wbis tie, SuJ sprang t) tbe breaks at ouce, but t:.e break-men were all at tueir p;-ls, and , S'joo Lrou;ht the traia to a stand. I eiies) . utf Isntem, aud fuuud my way forward as suju as ali a what siht turt y 'gia! A bright fire of p!u log. illumin - ted the track for lane distance-, and not !over fort rods ahead of our train hor - ribl. gulf bad opened it. maw to receive i ... I The idow, together wilh tbe riu, Lad ! torn the whole side of tbe niouutain out; 'eternity itself teemed spread out before us. Tbe widow Graff and ber children bad found it out, and bad brought light brush ! from their hrme lelow and built large fires ,0 warn u. of our d.,.,.r. The, bad been j there more than two hours, watching be- j ide that beacon of Safety. A I went up! me urn uchuo j. "f- where that old ladj and children Mood,! , drenched throuh by the raiu and elect, f bo 1 grasped rue hj the arm, and cried J Thauk God I Mr. fherbourn, we stopped jou in time. I would Lave lost my life i before one hair of your bead should have been hurt, t'h, I prated to Heaven that we might (top the train; and my God, I that.k Thee !' The children were crying for I eon i Teas I don't ery oftrD pray, but I did then : and there. I kneeled down by tbe side of that good old woman, aud cifcred up thanks lo an All Wise l?eing for our aafe dcliver 1 a nee from a moit ternbla death, and call ed iuwo blessings without number upon, 'that good old woman aud ber children 1 Near by flood the enjpueer, fireman and breakmen, the tears streaming down tuetr brobied cheeks. ! 1 immediately prevailed npon Mrs. Graff . aud tbe children to go back into tbe cars out of the storm and cold. After reaching i tbe cars I related our hair breadth eicape I aud to whom wo were indebted for our j livej, aud begged tbe men paseugors to ! po forward aud see for themselves. They needed go further urgiog, and a great many ladies went also, regardless of tbe storm. They soon returned, and their pale faces gar full evidence of tbe frightful death ' we bad escaped. The ladies and gentle 'men vied wilb each other in their thanks and heartfelt gratitude towards Mrs. Graff ; and ber children, and assured ber that they sjtop and let ber off at boms wheo she wished. But the employers needed no such orders ; they can appreciate all such kind- ness more so tlau tie directors them The old lady frequently visits c-y borne at II , and she is at all tiiEM u el- eorne visitor at my fireaide. Two of the' children are attending school at tu same: i P'ace. So J !ee that a little kiaduesa eo;t ni nnbifcS and saved my life. . THE NOMH CAROLINA .,.,, ,. , , , ..,,,,.. J J 1 blLrHLU PKlNdi aa ILL EE OPENED FOR VislioKS BY tiie I si ot J I .N L next. Tlaey are situated ! . .......... , be a b 1 1 : u i 1. Al .1 " li.i li 1 r.n, wiinin lesa iiian " '"'u,r "r "' ,Xu' r"" terminus of ti.e Eft IL K.N -N.C. RAIL IIOAD. with ahich c.i- , ; i,hetol omnibu.ea .nc stage foachea connect sprimia. add.e lioiacs will he ,t tllf ,,j tUraia. t0 .1 llf V w .lllil ll.lli.ll .l !;. Iijirtiw neatly Et't 1 up. A 111. lltIor ?llItlH euj - .geo far ti.e ae-eon. and VlMlil kll 10I1LL10S PaU.IZS tJC" c,e01" iREE Ot EX'IRA L'liAUtaE. I HE Ul 11 DIM. Jre at9 ,j,r,uil '1 1. 1; l'I.EAl Iff: GROI NDS extei.s ve; and in fine, every Unt.g sushco for at tne b al walcrilig pli' e-, will be l iund here Ui re- , Uie llilltr ,. . lo tl,etf ,t ii(r,u. T,. I;f,,r,la,.rt It. ,.iili. i .un 1(1 (il Mi:DI inaL P.o,t.r water. f almost in.-ceesaole tne iiliti in of the Western N. tJ. fia.iroadj nuw ti.n the s ea sua sffliuu-'' wi'.ii tiort.ia! w:ic Hoe. '1 l.e ei.fieiice oi ti.e Ptoprielor juslitii a loe seeker ot health or pleaaure id antic, pating a "goijd tuioe coming. " 'I be Proprieior haa aeea al very g'cl expense lb fitting up a Walcring Place ciinneliaurale weth tiie siu.nl ti.e t Alt' 'I.INAS and conltdcnt.y re lies on tbeir jemlueilj I it tuci, ur ag cue i t. II. L. R0RAKD3. Mat I, IT', 1. ill F'ta w i:k v v iii i L ouli iitin ai niriuS, Oaldwfcil ccanty, u, u, MIL Pi pul.nc pnetor ol 1 1 . e a Spririgi 'en. rally, tt.at he is rr. .f rm ti.e 1. g 11 re - ceive and er.ltr'sir. loose Who are eesiroua ol tes ting tiw -utalive qua. ilits ul 1. 11s Water, lor li.e var.DU diseases tu wl.icn human nature is liable. He is musing large additions to ti.a building, and w.il be ready lor tne ree ptioti of company tse. lateen tue 1st st.d mid.:i- of June, and al. wi.o Co come may r-st assured that Iney will be a...e..n.nio. 0il (" every eicruoii useo 10 r'.nder li.eir stay n.; c .miorl.b e. coining to lliese Springs by R.il Road, w ill lee 11. e caia at ilicaoiy 'lav. rn D. pot, cn llie West, rn Ei n.:..i., w.iere a eoir.ejai.ee. wi.l be lb rcadilltse lo . nnii-f ll.rlll to ll.e Spu-iga. ELKANNA1I ELOSihiiri. My 1;. l-.G). ti I Tne vlumma ' a'omiiari w.il in.irt once in dai.y and lane in Ihe banner, and tne Kakiiji ktgi.ier will ,r,s. rt loree. ee. .gv,N ,c. t"u"1' 10 '"'" 1 " iii p.esae tad attei. lio to Hie siiveruaemtnt. ; JOILN .S. WILEV, ' MAti fAi ti. Rsik asu iMfo rk or iIAVA?c SEGAKS, IttkLt IV Tobacco, Snuff. Hatches, Paper, kc, TLkMhAl I MI LS, at., cijiuuiill) uu ii.inil. JV i. Int.'i. WII.NE.vS J I'.KE'I 5, for the ij " nor (',urt, f ir .ale County and liTre. 1 JOII. Illicit Y WAVT, Sitrgron MPeiltlst, 1 (Gdbati in MmciN and Dkktitt.) jOPFKu ia Brawlfy Building, l p Stuir. (Ippo- I sue crr s iiwci, cn .4iti.o i TU. n. c. t. i CRUICAl. OPERATIONS, such i aa CLEFT FALATE, HARK. IP Tl MllliSnl mnuili and Jiw 1 R ACTCRESand DISLOCATION'S performed. of the Jnwa treated. Teeth filled with (.OLD. SILVER, TIN r AMAI-UAM. AH I ItlllAt u-VL"l-u ......tts-.l in tile beat manner. Li A verv s-iperior Tt'OTH POWDER and jj-pidCES MODERATE and all work done saiislurlnrv In the patient. FA VI.IES waited on at their houea. 4 A UlC u)- Dt nliat'e Materiala alwaya on 1 1 (.OI D S,LVER PI. fineneaa yotten cut. ate and Wire of any J ( Orot ra irmn a diatonce attended to promptly Vferaara SI. I&6U. Stf GUAM) OPENING or AM) IS XT ISX. E iJFL OX TU1IAY Till: 3lOF ELIAS & GOilLX WILL OFFaX AT THE STORE FOEMEELY 01TIPIED IV T. II. Brem & Co,, ONE OF TUK FINEST JND LARGEST STOCKS OP 11VER offered to the public in thiavieinity. A i mong our Lauiee 1'reaa Uoooa will be luund Flounced Silk Robes, f rape MareU, ao. Barege do. Plain and fig'd Darrgea, do. French Orgamiira, Ileal F rencii Organuiea, do. Uo. Jwekoni'l do. Oaiiuiilua, R'ibea Oe Eugenia Jt Lea- Hcluiae Urenadiuea, Imperatrice. Black andfoI'dPilka, Tamarltlite, iacuuet OigHOdiea end Bareges, Kobea in every variety, F'rencll Jaconela, Etielh, Freneh ami do (renadinr Poplina, Silk rp f halliea, i.alie liKll.l.lA.M a S..,id French (.IMjIIAHs 4t L.vW.NS, I,iSiil) Frt'm h :inl Aiiit ricaii ruixi's n every variety and alyle. White Goods. Mull. Swim. Book, Naneook and Jan.net Mus lins, Biehop, Victoria and Linen Lavas, Linen ,kd ijotion Diapere, Linen 1 ante I lotiia and Da ,". "" ". ; Shawls and Mantles. Chantiliy Lice Mantles, Lace Faints & Shaw's Lace Sheila Sliawis, Embroidered lice Points, Embroidered Lace Poinle. ' Burnoia, Sulunua and Pftcoloinoiint do Silk and Laua .V ,nties and Mantill.ia of every deacnplion, '"IL"' bleeeS) LOluirS Cfc OetlS. Vaicnceiuea Uee, Book, Jc.net. Mourning Lmen ana Pique will a aeautilui slock ot Embroidered Iiioil.ticn.ua, Imaois Wane ami Koi.es, Floun. cmg.. Edging., loscimga a, d Dree. I BollIlCtS. n our trimmed Bonnets uur taste is 'a'iv0 LveD 1 ,ku,""i '"y- I-ranch t lowers. Ruches and Ribbons. FHKNCH IMPORTED raruols Fans tV Head Iircsse, w.m an unusuatiy wrga a.oa-a ui IOKI IU.Y and itO.U IISTH III!) lilllill.V ci.oTHt.va, ii.tittt nn:t:, II(MI1, i:OI :sinl IIA'l , and a general assortment uf Merchandise, which we lliieiiti otf:ring to Our friends and cualoinera at price, which defy competition. NO lUAtufc lt SHOWING MDS ! Utmccilier Ladies, Tue.-ila)- April yd, ELIAS k CHOEN, Al T. JI. JJrent d- Co.'m QUI Mumi. WE IIAVK A LARGE STOCK OF GROCERIES in tli Store House formerly occupied by H. B. V Hllalns Sl I Uuilolte. Mi Dissolution. f 'HE lir mi of T. 11 Brcm ot (Jo. is Una day dis JL solved by mutual cn.i i.t. 'J tie Booas sm a per. are in the h I . II. brem, at llie laruwarc More ol ( 01 ( ocl.rai.e 4. Sample. All per. ,u Urn, will c. .B0 .., j i ai.d all persona h4ini' tiaio.s 1 ,1.. inuebted to line witu mui ; and all per in present Itietu to him tor payioen T. 11 Jilt KM J. A. SADLER. Ja. 1. L. ALEXANDER. Murck UC, l-jn. '.. II. JOHN. L'DittDttwn, Ptrry ( cunlj, ilabnma, ""B ' ILL attend promptly to the col.ee lion 01 W w Claims pluccu in I..S bands. E.I ite ( it. ma looked aller, Libd ( iiiinis ferr l.u out, and absconding deb tola looked up at rea. aonablt tl.argea. TEXAS CLAIM. 1 1 Collei liona wade in Texas, a rougn my atlorneya in tl.atSUte. ay be aatety flepodtd on. heretofore I'roii.piness I l,o,o , i8.0. 1 Wm J Kerr, 1 A T TO IIS K i A T LA If, ;n Ait 1.0 1 1 1;, c., m rll.Lpractire in the ourta ofMeeklenburg, VV I uion and Cabarrus counties. s'Othce iu the Brawljr Buildmir ouooaita h'err'a Hotel. Jan. Ui. lei.O 44tf 0- Uciuoval. Y f-rien.ja snd Customer, are res afal inforiiiac that I have removed Bit ' ifiilly J o .-e.rii.ge' lii.ca Builoing, 3d al.a.r from Ine cut ier.on 'Iryoa atreel, n tiers he will be pleased ta . T. WRIflTON. 4',f 3, lkol-1. A. XV. A LKX AN 1)13 It . a una f ; o a n m: ,vm s t, FFERS liia aervices to the cili. neof this aud sdjnimng coun tiw in Ilia treatment l irrrgiilurt j lira or ino serin, xieeasca oi tne mouin- i itui i filled in a skillful and bin tin! uctnr y manner. Ar. j tifio ul twill inarrtrd nn (iold or Si ver plnle, al , India Rubber vulcanised bane. J lua style ol work baa many adviinlaircaovcr lliewnired work. 1 It can he adapted to the mouth Witt, less irritatiuii than the Swaged work it la aire c lieu per II li Ore fruin any unplraaanl odnr or tualc. Having become aenl ltr me Aim-ricim Hard Rubber company he w ill supply Dentists itli of j A.! Trio:", A,;.:.. "IlTteri". He will alao give inatructiona in the art on mod. j erale terma. ''.. Aa he i xpecta to do a travelling buair.e.a per. mm dcainnj woik done, can be attended to al Ini'ir rc4tueiioca, ov auurrfrainf; mm mi i ucai. i aeeire P. O.. Mecklenbure Co., . C ir All work warrmteii. April 3. mo. sir The Corner DRUG Store, c iiAiti.oi ri:, c. K. Y K 1 1 Lit II I SOX & O. " r UL'I.U reaped fully call the a lien lion of the f public lo their hupi ana complete SU.cli now being opened for the Spring Trade, confuting ol Diut. Mi -dicinea, f'l.i niicjla, Prrl'uniery, Fancy Arlicha, Oils, Turpi iiline, Burning Hind, Alcn. hoi. Pure Medical Wince and Branuira, I'anlon Tena, Field and Garden Seeda, 4c, Ac Jonuur 17. .B60. IIOWAIM) ASSO IATIOX. IMIII.ADEI.riHA. A Brxtrolrnt natiliifioit tttahhthrd by np'dal En Uairment.f r V Kflirf of Hit Sick onj UutirBteU. ajfiittrd icilA Virulent a ad EfnJrmie lMr$,and fptciaily fur the Cure of Uitrtuee of Ike S'ual Urgone. ED1CAL ADVICE given gralia.hy lha Art. Surpeon.toallwlioai.ply hy liller.with a description ol their condition, (age, occupation, habits of lite, Ac .) and in eaaea of eilrenie pov. ertv, Mfdirinre fnrniahed I'reu of charge. VAI.I AULK REPORTS on Sjierniatorrlnio, and other Diaeaaea of the Sexual Organe, and on the NEW REMEDIES employed in the Diapen. aary sent to the atflicted in sealed letter envoi, opca, free of charge. Two or three tanpa fur poa. taire will be aceeptaklo. Addre... DR. J. SK1LL1N IIOI GIITON. Ae. ting Surreon. Howard Aaaociatinn, No. 3 Soulli Ninth Street, tMnUdeluhia, Pa. By order of the Dlaeflora. t.EO. FAIlif IIILD. S'rreforv E'llA I). HEARTWELL. I'rrtidrnt. Feb. 7. IbtiO. 46-1 V AN VNFAILINC CT RE FOR CoBOrrhrfa 4 all DiSfSiM Of tut I riDUrj OryjBI. B' n t..n 1. 1' "ni an o.oe, y,y.. JL rations tail. It is entirely unlike every olh. pound ; eontainimng MoMiaaasi. Poiso.a or Nxsioia Daiu; as it ia prepared solely from Rocrra, Bxaas and Lxxvaa, and 1 as been handed cown, In.in one generation to another, ny Hie I'lirauktr lnisns It is offered to llie palilic on its own intrinsic Dierita. It perlonns its duty quickly and thoroughly. The I sroaTt'.UTt, ot eitlier sex will be repaid by nainf this fcrneuv, instead f.f niacme tdtmselvea at the mvrcv ol some Quack of Pol ssor. This RlMtDV strikes at Ihe very RrjoT of tha disease ; it tenaeney is not aim piy to euapend tiie jaiison, but lo Rbmovk ths i'scst on which it tie iende, - Full direction in pampiilel f..rm,aecoieti3ny each lioiile 'I he epee iy snd pt rnianent reii. f atTorded by this Remi uy, in ail eases ul Iokush mra, (si.xrT. .a avails raic. T' as, l- l.i'.k Al.ac.. ' W mrra iv Fawai.xsJ.and all Diaei'ea of tna Lnnirj Organs, haa aaiomshed tiie "noal aciaiilinc no'0 of tl.e aj;e. Thia Heni'-dy not only eradicules aii I'oieo from Ihe SrsTaw bill MlGoasTRS Itie no-at delicate conslltulwjri. 3 It does o-r ArrrrT tna Hat aril or lvrxa rrac with any La ot lltiiKiM, or require any drv:ation from the uui! diet. lLrlt requires uu a-nsunce from oilier medt- I rAnd what Emi. TIRE Assc-acK of all Pi xaaasT and Drum l a it i i rita borri.a rra itaVairr, ia thr Em araEota 1 aaTX, being a ii .a Svauf oa I nan IVi-rri.rs roe t ". P. I I ER A. .Vf.kV IN, Mile Proprietor., Sl. Louia, I i. Sold in Charlotte, by Dr. F. irr. " E. Nye Hutchison & o. ' ri!unibia, ' Fisher sV Hetnitsii. nd all Drugrist. in ti.e country. Van Sehaaca oV Orierson, Charleston, April 4, 1B(.U.-Iy Wnoloaaie Dealers. vs:.s VOU MAY L'SK OK RECOMMEND lleimstreet's iLimi Itle IIAIK ( Ol.OlilX.! tlU Sl.u IT TO SK A PERFECT HAIR RESTORATIVE, ;om('.in? the trcnIjtit growui of Uc U r, r ll all tlm beauty ul youlli. Do yuu douiil its ICckI! i:;ni! lie-aid ! fc-CBXOb.N I.4E, FseX Co., tehruaif C, li a ' I W. E. liaoa.v, Troy, Ji. Y., I'tar Air: ILvmg used your Hair (.e.lorii.g or Restorative, and being inuco aleiaed witli it, 1 laaa pleaeurv in makitiir tne following- statement; r tne el. 1 lecu ot very severe hi ol aieaness, a bin about Id years of,age, my hair couiu.eiiced turning gr. y. . j J .... . . .. ... f . '. and so continued t'i e'uw until it became ptijecuu ; ami coarse, j.aal siiiiiiiret Ihirdyear, wi.eo 1 waa 111. du'.ed by a Iriend to pureliaae tao oolliea ol lleiiu. treet. Hair Restorative prcp..ri.d by yuu. 1 Com meiieeu using il seceding to direclioiis, and in a lew daya waa surprised lu hud thai uiy hair from tne roots outward was turning baca to ila original color, Jt ao continued to grow until it waa aa Ira. ly brown and g. .ay aa it waa in my youthful daya. And is nine Juity itetaied to tie original culor. Mi l.A bEAM A.N'. titers f'e..sa. M via Seaman came before uie and sworn, and aaya lliat Ihe auove atateinenl ia true, una bin day ol reoroary, 1000. JtJEL t . I'O l 'l ER, Juetiee j the I'tare. PiT-rsfoao, Vt., Aug. I, ifi.'i7. I her. by cerlify, that my hair hiving become quite gray, 1 uai g Ileiuislrcet's Hair R storative, 'prepare by W. K. llaaain, ol 1 roy, i. 1 .,) lor s , and my hair was in 11. at tune re- lour weeks, stored to ita gmsl color. I can fully recom mend the artiuiu tu ba all it claims. W.M. kl.NOSLEY, I'attur of the liaphet I hurCH, I'MeJuia, If. Mr. W. E. IIaOas: I have need !! 111. street's I Hair Reaioislive for three years, and hive luund j il to be a 1 ioa cxcelleal article. Il not only re. alored the culor ol my hair, giving it new liie and atrengtii, but 1! cured myeeit ano wite of a most obstinate eruqlion on the acalp, termed la briirit. I luily be 1 10 Ii wdhmg elee lo lie tne best arlii.le in use. Yours Respectfully, KNOW LTO.N HOVSLAN'iy. Ti.e above are but s few of tha many letters ol recommendation which have been tendered to the proprietors ol lleimstreet's Hair Coloring 01 Res. torative. It has been used by thousands of people, and it never I .its to restore the color and growth ol the hair. 'I his singular etfe I ia nul produced aa it in 1. dj.i n u.i d ; for it sets upon the usiu ral sl crati'.f.a of fulor.ug llliiller al Uic ronta, and lhaa cllects tni tiianze, 'J he color iiradueed i nut counterfeit, hut the natural ehade of youth, it dives not co.or the akin. Price ife and 1.00 per bo' lie hold every where. W. fc. HAtiA.V I- Co.. Proprietors, 'Jroy.N. Y. S(d in Charlotte, by lit. . Mcarr.antl all Drug, g isla m the fi.ite.j hlaies, Van Hcliaack aud t.iiei son, '. Iiarlesion. Hi.cleu.e Agents. Aprti i, 11,11. 41 Y O it n t i n s II I n . o. M it i itZ 1 iC Id; 3 m-ziti "i t. a. a ! , r t'liMIUS II II 1.1 16 I7!l.1 ItlJI1"!! I t3'I.Maiul,7:ss I Jul) 91i ll'H 114 16i 17 lalui'u'ii IB -Ml24l2ia6,J7i4 5 .il.JluHI... ... ...I... I ' ill 7 Hi l"'H 1!'JUIIH i " 'S "tI 9 U' 1 1 ulnlii'iiiifliiT'i S a.j.. .J. 'ib'I'al'Y 8 m Sl.C.SK.SO.JIl... lar. IIImiIS 141 1.1 Il''l7 M Id SV'Jl a 21 21 15 M S ,. 1JI Jl 11 il i,'2;i ...I "i 'irsJ''("ii ' 7l " li 11:11 n II I.1:1C'I7!I1;I in JI '.'J .1 .'I 21. 17 Iprl 'i "i "ftl "if r ' s s'wiii i; i.i ti 1.1 1 17'IS U 3' il .St.S.S.S,aa w.ju-ao ji ... ...i... 4 si 6' 7 n " 11.1213 li il ie i: !5) ziiri'ii.si its ai.27 ;j,M'... 'il i 'at 7' lO'll it IS'llMS l IS! 19 .1) 11 21 23 ,21 VU J.--.2I 20 :i ;i as u r, u sn !STJ ivlisa: 353 "JEl. i i n n T '1 PubfeiiW-r ht-a rccoivcri Urge and n. i tttRor(uif nt uf 5 . Mi 1aa Hw ta.' '''a' a for Spring and Hunimar, whieh for cheapness and neaiiieea,caunol tie aur taaaed, conataung in pari ui II lack and colored ( LOTUS, Black DOESKINS, Plum, Black and Fanry ASS1M l".n F.S, Frenib Drab D E l E. Plain BUck and Figured Silk VF-STJM'!, Fancy Linen DRILLS, and all oilier (annua nau illy found in a firat claaa Tailoring Ealabhahinenl. A lol which w ill be made I" order or suid by the yuru on accommoda. ling larms. j. s. rniLLKi's. In rrlurmng my thanks to tl.e ciluena of C har, lolle. lor the aery kind ana liberal palronuge they have beatowcJ on me, I would requeat a continu ance ol the ame, with the imkiihc that all or. drra enlrualed to nic will La ntaliy a..il promptly exeented. J - P. April 17, I BSC 4 if ciiAiiLora: mm, BT t llltl.OITI, t. fPlllE Proprietor of thia Hotel ia ; jSL at'll at hia puat nady to till, j fil llieduticsof "mine boat" tothe i Irattilinir public and others who! may Call uu hint, and liarlatl. fa l.io.aill that aa ) comfortable quarters can be fuuuu wi'h him as i any where iu lois v.cinity. Being utii.l'u near. ly IU the centre o.' I .'I. a rlotle, Buainisa .Mill win find tins Hotel a nioal convenient sr.u uea.rabie ; location. He has Wen llg.ged in llie buaintes al this stand neariy eig;iUen yeara,anu in that time he has made several admtiubs lo ins former lioue. snd il has been greslly er.largeo and nn- ! oroved. present inr ia from a two story VERANDA i O lea I in tengtii by lat feat in wmth. bandsomely shaded by trees on tne sioc-waik, aflordirig a pica, ssnt promeasde at ail huors of the nay. i The Huuae has been thoroughly fun. .sin d thro'. 1 out, and in every part of it creature eoo.i'orla are 1 ahui duiit and tangible, eapeenlly in the DI.MNU ', KtHJ.M.wLera the "inner mat." ia "renewed": dsy by day. I Connected with this il.-tal are Stableaaff. rding j ruotu lor Dm horses, abundantly lurniahid will, grain and provender, attended by failbtal and o. bliriag brrftlera. The Proprietor fes!se..niienl Ihstwith his'ong ! experience s mi msny new an van tag .-a added to hi a deatrs to tilt-.se, he is nre-part a t oft' r his f.ienrfs and llie " reel a? in silk ill-l," as many Co in to r ts and as miieti eo..,J crierr sa will be fuuriil aiiy where, perinns a litile oiorc ao j If Al any rate tsv the ( bsrlotte llolrl i. li KERR I Ortaoer 19. 1.'6. 3iilf ' 'I "hi,ui wid art! cUi.j kiij' in (he prm-n: f ! Dr. Katon's Infantile Cordial, : ' and whj ? tvef! it m-f ft.!n to kir-rn u.Uft. ( Unriiut ruifl whtti f : n Uu r !( f I. it bf niNgTir., mid one trtai stlonc wn i: itin.c yuu tu- t ! w lit I a ia r i tr up. j Il cn Unit i o v un.oincouorr ti:, ; of suy kind, and ttierefore relieves hy removing ; I llie suti.-rmge ol your ehil.i, inafru ol by oeaden. ! in g it. sensibilities. F'.r tins rrao.n, ilconum n,:a ilae-ll aa the only r. lial.Ie preji.ratn.n tn.w know a ' , l.r ( HII.DREN I E 1. 1 II I St., Dl A R H 1 1 ill E A, ! DVSI-.N rhll V l.l.'llivr. m the IKlWILS. A. ' IIHIV ii l the MOM M II. M IND, (OLD I.N ' I 'I ii E HEAD, and I !(((. I', also, lor aolleliil'r the 1 ! gume. ruuuorg ii.Haiiiiii..i...ii.r. gmating llie ll... i e.a, an.l r. ii.t.i g pun, .1 has no i quae ta-n.g an 'lull case, ol ( ONVl IXO.NS OR O'l I II III, you va'ue Ihe liie sod i.ealih nf it.ur rhtl:ren, I wish lo sate til. In Iroin Ih mms sad and t.''i;lil. irsof Wii.ehall oilier f lilt il.-a .(.1... I- ate e. ioi."-. -I t.kr none S S ANTII.EI OHUI AL. 11. s 11. Il is prl. cl y h .ril.l' ss, and , 11 ost da'u ale II, I .1.1 Price, Ii . i.lloli accolnp.ny g.' h bo;llc. for lnf.nl. ie I'.... but DR. EA'I ON all r. ly u,,. tits. Full mr " " .olQ by till 1.1 II iV I'l. 1 0J4 I . Drurpials, No. Mi. Maid. 11 Lane. New i am. ln,l hv V. Nv Uulchis ir. ; ml h . c-utr. Charlolle, N. t thy human Blood iipun I.Mi.g , AAlaVZKI. i alway. pre n la ua Willi ihe aanie essential ele. I menta, and give, f . rae the I K I K S TAN. I'AKD. Analyze llie i.,ihI of. person sutlring from t'onaiimplion, Liv.-r ( ..mpUml, llyspepsta, K.r.iluia, Ac., and we find in every inst..oee err- I lain ilefi.-iem lea, in II, a red gjobuice of II o id. Supp'y th. se ,, fi... ces, and you are made well. 1 t he Ill.tMlll POy) ,, fo,n upon in. I heory hence ila aaiomaiong luruii. There sre Five .'reparations j adapted lo lha drt.cn nrms of the Blo d in dilf- r. ent disease.. E.,rl Ol (;S, COI. s, lllillN! (I. I'l As, or any atf. ctioii whalearrnf the TllltllA J" ur LL NI.S inrtiieii.g I UNaUMPTIoN, ase No I, , which ia also lha No. ..r Depression ol Spinta, I.as nf Appetite, and lor all Chronic I .11001.111. la. sriaing Iroin Over-use, G. neral D kilily.and Ner- , Voile Pros, ration, No. 1 . fur Liver ('mnpuilite. 1 . No. 3, lor Dyspepaia. Being already prep. red . j for akaorplion it ia Taken by Drops and carried ' I tnimediaiely into the circulation so that whnl you 1 gi.in retain. The No. 4) ia for Female Irregularis I lies, Hysteria, Weakness, Ac. See spi.isl .;i.ei--I I liona lor Una. For Sail Rheum, Eruptions Sim. lllloua, Ll.lney and Bladder (niiiplal, ila, take No.' : i. Iii all eases the direedona inu-t he slrsctly ' 1 followed. Pr.ee of the BLOOD FOtJD, tl per! I boll 1st. old by CHURCH . DTPONT, VrttggUt, J in. ,t,, .yi.imI.j, l.ill.e, iHi York, 1 and a-.ld by F. Nye Hutchison V. Co. and F. Scarr, ( Charlotte, N. C, AW. 1.'. ly EXECUTIONS for the H Court for sale. SL'lil'EN'AS for sale at this Oflic. He.! Private Surgical Hospital: mfE, the undersigned, having opened a pri. II veto Surgieal Infirmary jn llie town of Charlotte, are now prepared to furnish comfort, able quarters In Ihoae Piilienta from a lUlunce who ma' require nur profeasionul servicoa in Ilia treulineiil ol Surgical diae.iaea. The above Institution ia located on Mumalrrct. ill a nuiel part of llie town. The builmnga are few and well ventillntcil, with good oat nuilding nor llie aceoiiiiimdn lion nfiiegrm'S. All diaeaars uf a contagious character w ill be atriclly excluded. fnmmuniculiona lliniifh the Poal Ofliue, ad drcaeo loCiildwill eV U.bbon, will receive prcmpt ntU-utiur,. P. C. CAI-DWKLL, M. D. KOBKKT (ilHHON, M I. J. W. CALDWELL, M. D. April n, I860. "WASHINGTON HOTEL, (CHANGI Of rROPRIHORS ) ItltOAl) SI KELT ft KWHEKS, N. C, JOHN F. JOWES, Proprietor : rm IllIK Uniierr-igncd n aptetfully ar.oounces JL ihe travilling public, thiit he hue taken charge of thia old and popular ealabliaiimeut, and I i now prepared to accoiiiiiimiaie iravi leraaua pri- I vale I'ainilirs with board by the day or month, on I the nioal accommodating H rma. I His TABLE will elwya be furnished with tha ! beat pmviaions that home and foreign marktlacan afford. Ihe ti 11 a II I It j I ai il linill " .i"K' rooiua, t'a neircr Ihe depot, the court houae, and the buaineaa atrecla than any other in the city. An Oeawime will slwaya be at the depot and Isnniug, on Ihe arrival ol the ears and aleamboat, ! tu eonvev nuaaeneeia to tha Hold free of charge. II y slopping at thia Hotel, paaaengera will have , aniple time to obi Having alao a large and commodious Stable, and an eicelli nt Oaller, he is fully prepared lo board boraea by the day, week or month at the most reasunabie rates. JOHN. F. JONF.S. March 1. 1P50. 4Uf SALIIS, " Ariliilt i l nml lluililcr, V V ' ILL furnish Iesigiie, Plana ana Drawing fl lor Public Builomga, Plnale Keaidenoes and Villas, rarliculur etuntiLH will be paid to building Flouring Mille.Corn Milla, &e. Ureica iu 3d atnry nf Aluandtr'a BuiUing , Iron I room, ovir ( hina Hall. October 8S, HJ6 33lf Wanted J CORDS OF TAN-BARK. i which tbe easb will lie pa.J. M. li. TAYLOR. I-Jtf fa3I.IH.r.8 Cash Paid for Hides, M. HOWELL. 3 doors Kuth .if the Mansion II. liar l iar l,n,. Aprti 6, li'SH 5lf Aver sSarsnnarilla in win. h wo h..v la- ii-.M eJ-. tiul alt rativa . aeon- ' i.'rat.-4 evtlaa t en,',.il w.tii oilu-r ma U. I: .tos jrtcat i a'.:-,ntive pjw.i a, 1 .1.1 .. fi in1 hu'jI.'j Ur & l! ajos -a .r..'.a .. r I ta cur-. It w h i. . v. ii it a v.u.-lf is ws.it .1 ly ll.ov wito en S-i b-no'ia r.ini',.1 luita, anj thai oji ai'.l a. . a i. ,ii.ki i.'r-ir cure mini jn..va n. .-rrt to tins Lit.'- claua. of our 1 1 " v e-hei n. II iw rmupln-ly this i.i-l aiil lo.t hits U a-n p-ovrtft hr exp- r- i in my of the or A usn lo be und '.-i.o:nseun.pU r,'s: '"a 4 uri.ora ConrtAtiTa, Kit) Eh'-rtlia DlaSaaaa. I LI ana, . liuntsi.., IiM .aa, (044 Hurra, ilaii.. Mruui.1 u hrratLmc Ar ia. Mi ti i: it. D4.r 4.ar.. iia.irsT, N'ai -" I'n D ' i i'm i't. D'ait.tTV. Dvs i Ivtiioe.Triv, Ei-.vstrat.AS. Most Ath nr'i Ftitr, n l tst-S fd lha whol eo-n,i!auiU anuag fr im lariaitv or ..f r W Kl . '.! t,f In eni i-riii J will hr fo'inj a irreat pro r . f h-4r.h, when tak n n the- spnos;, to I h- f.'il h-imors whi'-h f.-vtiT in the 1 a. M,n ..(ih. y. ar. 54 in- time- ipir-fin of th-nt many rank '.ma: di.ord.-rs i .tv' I m 'h,' hu l. Multiiuil' can. by i' l of ti..a rrs..r, act.ara the-mae-lves toin -n lii'a-, of fi,.J r .i;i'i ins ami uii-cruias .. li r i laj'i whi. h Ui- -).:i . a'nse to - If rru; ti'ir... if not twstiil to do t' . ro..ii.tl i.'iomi. Is of t!m bwly it a.' r.r e in li tne. T snv out tlsa I !i I t i v. r . i'l fin I is-, ;Ti.;riril.. tl.i . i.'ll fU -k u'ni ;.i ii,. 1 ,i;,U..ns r-; i. iiik it wrv-n y m And it is o! I i an 1 -itx ri.'i in t!i" ni ; el ne II i-v r it is full, and ym, f ol.mfa w.il l-ll r - Kvn -a .- no paf.i ir d.-onl r ', ;e.,:i. er..v :,.'t.f I, i.th. ant Ira r'. stl i .j r..a K-p tha) I' r. so 1 nil . U ; l..t v.ih thia h ...id h P i'n ..( i,l U ,. I, ,i, n nn no h-ai-h. .i r ..r la J i w t'in-r, an I tS'- ifrnr ..-neth.r .itlierv I ha. ,. ll-r l-ll. h ili-l.n.4 1b- einla. But . -'.-:i'..i-h ili fitnl hr .4 b the 4.111 j rliA ta rl-ii-ne I '.y firararjori.. ir ir, si it m .r. r. I o.' .i h , -vtl I l I ' l r an, thinq 11.'.,..... ! .v Ui,-e b- -vie e.i , ti'ri4'. I . 4ter'a .,1 it, nf the virtu .' of Sur ai.iaiiiia. f1 l.avc b .-ti nit i.:;i'i ir -rtp..rul I for o h -ii Ira i I. ti;. h.. f. !l u-f of It.. hi. h H e, I r, i.U .1 tl. f la jn -My il -.:.i ma la itb invsu 1110: ai. 1 tub ... , il.l ha-u'. K ill we call rhia r,n;mmul tr'.i.u.'.n. ai. I inb-nd to sii,.t,ly su h 3 P nie.lv n. al a l tM th-niii.- t'loin ti.e haaej .f o .loqvy wiin h teats u;i.m It. A il 44 think, e- huv eniuiul r,,x Im li.-Miii; it h-14 virtte 1 4l. h ar" sire i.ti'il hy :!.- 'inhniii y rim of t!-.- ill taa. . it 1. mt 1 1 I -etl bi cure. In ot.l r t.i sa i uro tli ir cuiniilef era I. u'i'.n fi nn tli j .1 in, the renic.lv ahoulJ f j.i li. i .u-iy taa.cn a. . c.kI.ii to liueaioLS oil t!e b'Ktlc. iiiii-AHr 11 r Hit. J. . AViltt CO. i.ovi;i.i mas . Prl. e, (I per llottla , aia IJotil.a (or 9 . Aycr's Cherry Pectoral It ia e .t!'.'!v ii..',f.-l-ii-f f. e4i.l.'t.- e of its i.rtii.-a, 44h't pi. . .!. A It has lot K la t..i...'-.-ho .1 t-.-1 a. -non, e ne a-4'i..' Ifie ; !a it. qualitv I, it ev.-r I. I-., and ll, ,! it .er 11 ha d ..nt do do fit t;u-ir r..;. ! ...I it has 1 4ii ue.n fonud 10 do. Aycr's Cathartic Vilh roa Tae C3, r or rVfilrwej,, J.:,.,lc, lrj-r;-i". I '.'-''". ll.unlr u, v.,, S!,ml,, . , J(m.,(,e, 'lY-t, Hhruinn'itn, J., :lpl mnr u t s , , Vl,.eu,... li rr t;,rUl, ..;. felt,; Tin-w; an.l S,t nii,t, IC.,, (,-.., Ai. -01.1, ni si '.o.l,'.- ',', B.l,(,r rarity,,,., the l',l'ul. I hey are son tr,.. .!, so that tl s ml senai-li-..' em tak ilse-n pt-.iaan,te, ami I'.ee nr. th le .t s;.rirtit in tiie world for a.l Ihe .,..i'..e. of a family phyaie. Pi loo li cants par Box ; Five boxes far CI 00. (irest itumlseraof Clerm men, Plirsi. i-n4, Hi itea lnnn, an! eniim.it peraoniipea, hue hi.t th.tr nn ins. to eerlt ly the linpirn i leled n..ef.i Itie-s f 1 1,. , re.o. dtea, hut our sp i. e hern .ml 11. I p, i,it tl.r iliseitiuti of theta. I he Aei,ta beli..v o ... ,1 fi,,. nt -h irriittso.ir AMt-Ki. i A l.t 1 mi. iu .1 htMev are irUen ; Will, nlso full ili- rlt'tinita ..f the :.l ..e eooiplaints, and the tiealme.it 11. , I .houlil Im f... low. .1 for llietr eurf. I hi no he put off l.r unprincipled .h-nlrra 14, ill other pt. paratiotn they u.ulte. morn pioltl on. Demand Aykh's, and t.ika no o.I.era. Ihe si. k want ihe be.t sid there, ia th them, and tbe, should have it. All our reme.liea ire for aals l.y For sale hy K NI K HUTCHISON St CO ) ... V. K(!ARR U tVL. c C'ftai'jf'f. HAVILAM), HTEVENSON Si CO.. Chntlntnn. g. C. KOBT. II. CO WAX, Ci ENEI'AL COMMISSION MEUi IIant K ' ' Wn.mnoTna, N 'o gj OfliCe, South Corner Market and Waiergj' 31tf Om PllEPAKATIOX Haviro ranora ao btbono ami dirilt aa tu ICXl'KL TJIK DOUJJT.s Alalia For 8la teamen, Juilgra, Edilura, Phyaii:iani nf the oldeal aclimilaaa well aa ncw.gi.e il tl,rlt uil qualified aanctinn, and recommend it fur a:lc, of eruptions, and diaeaaea of the acalp and lir.ii, . but all who have uead it, mule, in teatily,,,,, ,a it will preaerve the hair from being truy,,H fruin lulling to any agc.ae well aa rualore. i(t44 llie following I Oak (.rove, S. C. June S4tli, 18'.a. Panr. O. J. Woou i Dear Sir! Your lln, Kf( tomtive ia rapidly gaining popularity in tun r, manitv. I have bud oecnaion In lav hniim,,. to ! ,.ldri ',d give your Hair Ueatorahte perlic! leal : j ltulsnt the year l5L I was so unforluiiMr to D4 ,rowa Iroin my auiky ag unat a toc ,ie ,0j,,,ei ftl), whieh my head receivtu JX I (rrrible blow ; cauaing a great deal of Irritai, i wlll., coinmuniialcd lo the brain ar.il nw,' ,urfci. 0f head, liom the eU'rcta of wl,,, , " i ha'r was finallv deal, yed over Ihe ei,ti, ,url l, of the head, film the lime 1 Brat diaeor,, ,., :lilllJllll however, up to lbs lima of ta l..ti Clt ,i,p,iir.0ce 1 employed everything I ci.uln n,,,. Lt p,,, . piofeaaional man myself, ai,d, ,(,ol,.iI, understanding Die nature ol the a!.H but was tu. ally dclealcd in every preairipi.uQ advanced. Theae and no other cireumatancea indurnt a,, to reaurl lo your worthy llaii Rt alarat,e, wi,m I have every reaaon to believe, produced a happy reaull : two monlha after the lir.i iM, . lion, 1 liau aa beantiiul a head of youni; i ever saw, for wl.irli 1 certainly owe you my n. ; aincere tnanaa. ileal aaaurru, uear air, I , recoioniend your remedy Iu all inquirer, ; f over, I shall uae my influence, wuicli 1 rhi;, invaell la say, ia not a little. Vou eau publish this if yeu Ihmk proper. Vuura, very rapret:ull r, M. J VV Rllall i , J ) Otiicaaf lha J. tTeraoman. Pbil V, I've. Ulii. Ii. ' Pear Sir: I feel it my duty as plaaauie, to slsla to you Ihe fallow atancr, which yeu eo use aa ynu tini.k pisp,. A grntieiiian ol una place, (a lawyer ' hi bald ever sn.ee bia early youlli ; so n.u.h i he waa eoi.pellcd li wear a w;g. He ,i ed hi ue a kettle nf your "Hair h.l.i two or three bottlia bis hair g'ew out hiurut. . and a.a now has a bandeoine head of i.,r. 1 . gentleman's name ia Bradlord, an I aa he n in wall known in nur ad;uining eouutiea, a.. . . eons can testify la lha Irnlh of elalen.mi , I , ,, il In you at Ilia renussl of Mr. Ur.... io i . 'est. sell agresldeal of your Hair Hrsio.at.i. t ! Hi. a and ti.e adjoining tosi i.fi il j..u hai. proper agents. Yours, Ac, I THOMPSON SI 'RUIVlR Da. Worn: D'ar S.r : Perniit mt lo en.-i. i , j obiigationa I am under lor tne sulire reii- u of n,y hair to lis ofigmal rolof i al ul lie i , -; my arrival in Ihe 1'n.led Sl. tea it w.. r.; i . csir.g gray, bul up..n the sppltri.ti.ii. e! ... "Halt ResloralVS II s.aon :e. osered Is : ' hue I icnsittrr yoor Rrsl..a-a.ve as s irn s ; 1 de.rul invention, quite eUicseious aa w.il .. able, 8. 'I II M. Ill 11 Tbe Reatoralna ia put up ia b.'ll .s of 3 . i . ' via i Urge, medium snd e.i.aU ; ti.e sin. i r ... . l 'a p.nt, sad rilaile for one dollar rr tail. i. i meui.uo bolua at least twenty per rent a...r i pmporlion than Ihe sin .1. m.i i lot !.. . . i t Uittie ; tbe la.ge ha da a quart, i..ny p. i i. ! more ta proportion and retails lor 1 1 a i . 1 1 , O. i VV04JD A l it, I'ropr etora tst lir .s.i New Vf k, and lit Maraet Sl .Hi Uu.s.M j sajfd by alt food Druggists an.. Fancy l.u..4li 1 are aad in f iiarlvlla ui St AKK dt i . ! Jnt3. IrbO. li 3,i4 E. R. STOKES' 'liook niiiiliii,;r Kstabli-liiiiir; Twti Duori ibevt Rr;i n, b Biuk. In k.i iti! In rrar ol B. Mablrj t bint L oi l nm i, s. r. Ti abuts E'i rnt Is t.l hall and Iu Hi. beat BLANK PAPER an.l HI. NO 1.1. I EK1AM. I am sl all limes ready I., ti llais in suy iim, aud at lies aauie tin. a-iar ol palitfi.ag. . .My eef sons . slo 1. 1 , ' I giteu lo all oruirs w.lu .lliel4 I may t,. Ilal.ii( h.d 1. ..g pra. Heal caper., nie n. i u I at lure ul til. AN k ix ih . a..d ii. i. X n. w auu oi.j 1 HIN I t il 44 IM.hS, I li uu inal I a .ii, iu all i ..... gi. i.li ' as i.a . 111. A.N h Iliil'hS, II... a !;.-ka, ( hrk.'li.- ks, for D.str . rlherifla', II. d. I. all 'a aud t on. II. i.a .1.1 ty'a B ,aa, all HI LED and III il Ml lo . urn, in me vary l. sl manner, ol ai.ri. and Paged and li.ua led Wl.cn itq i.rr,., I'KI.N I ED Wt'lihs, Music Book., Peii.-uic.is.r.uipiiM.. V a nu li.e.i.s ol is. ly oi aiiij In b, bvui.- . . i in every varo ly ul s.y. Jj Ail osona w.il l ex.euUd .. and as ia as tan tse uouc 4isev.ii.ii , E. li. S I I Junnmn 17, let.'l. ! O It I ll-t 'AltOl.l t riutuul Llie Insurance Coi.'i a J ut til I..H l.f.li.l, fSJ4llI t vsi faay msnres ihe lis JL als h.r one year, a term ol yc rs, r ui. Hie Mutual I 1 1 nc. pie, ll.e ass or .. H ' " l.elpal.l.g in ll.e prolils ol ti e I ol.i, -1 ; ' polie.ts gtaliUo lot ll.e who. 4 till.' -wliee the preimuiil tilt fi lor sn.t'til ts l' I note may be given lor one hall II.. ai... i-m pswutiuiu, bearing interval at b per si.i g uar .uiy . Ti.e prompt manner in which all i- -' tse eu paid i.y Una couipatiy, togeli.c win- 11 rales ol plellHUli., pri st 111 great uu; Ul' o ' ' audi aa are uispuacd to inaure. Wavia aie insured li.r a term of ir. ii ..' five yeara, tot lao-Hnma tin ir value. All loasea sic paid within U nays stlir Inclory prool is presenteu. Dili El J OI1.H. Clmrlre E. Johnston, Win. II. Jones. ' lloltlen, W. L. Cooke, J, la. Will . I llusted. Uuetllllte liusbic, P. I. I . s. U' . ' II .M. hee, h. P. Battle, l l.arli. B. h'" 1 ruwlc, Rich'd II. H.it.c ill I It EfiS. Dr. Charles E.Johnaon, President. W. W. Il .id-n, Vice Preaidii.l. R. II. Battle, SirteUry. Williams II. Jones, Treasurer. H. W. llusted. Attorney. Dr. Win. II. McKer, Medical F '"' "" , i'xffulies Commilrf . . Busl..t,w '1 Kee, Charles B. Root. Mrdual (oaiid of aaaa.'ali" - 1 Johnson, M. D., William II. M.R". Rich'd II. ILiywuotl, M. 1., For furthr information, ths pul l" ' ' ri d In the painuhlrla.aiid forms ul pr may ba obtained al Ilia Olhcc ur any of ila Agencies. Ci.iiiu.iintcit.one should ba al Ih' ad.il. P",n) tu. R. II, RATTLE, " ''j Srftmher 8, I H.7. ' V r se-. ' K 1". ) I OB I'RINTIN'i of all k'"' and elneo.liolis. J IISHH" '' ' - af-.vV.'

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