Ifartb Carolina idling. lib i CHARLOTTE: Tuesday, Uelober 16, I860. KTR. R. Wakefield. Ks ,nf Lenoir, k. ,. mtrrf lo act, and i our aothnrised agent, lie lit rereise orders lor the R mc, blanks or .ever tiMmrftti, and receipt for thesmne. Ana persons beerihinr (, p. y i Aim within three wtonih. H reeeiv tne H aia for two dolUra. KIR TRKSIP.T, Hon. JOHN BELL, or TrxxtssEE. through this eastern portion of th town to Geo. Harrison, a pro-lavery man, anil a tbau we can do of the other, an it wa eer ; man, e?e tmong the Demooraey of Meok the squaro again, where bait was Made, ! warm friend and adt oeate of the Compro- tainly the speeoh of the ooBssioo. j lenburg, dared owu Mr. Yane.y aa a party , . I ,t , i it. ,t n , i i i Header. On the oontrary, polite Democrat- and repeated calls were made for speaker., mis. Gen. Jo. Lane, (cousin Jo .) one After Uor. Graham oonoluded, an invi. . .,. L,.d . .xnUi j it,, nblic Mr. Hoyden was the Srst to address the said : " The Democratic party are famous tation wag given to the crowd to parteke of prjMi the personal eourtesioa they had x-tc-owd. All acquainted with this frentlerujfu for dodging the truth." a barbecue that had been provided. We icuded him, and thus disown hiru and his know that he alwaya nukes s powerful! Gov. Graham also referred to the fact tbat went to the table, and w bav never aeon 1 doctrine. Eveu th " W ostern Democrat, speech. He ... particularly bard on the ' ,be Democracy in M.-.ehu?t..)oin.d with mor, ubr., .. f fc .ocommoda- j ha '""'"'j!' K' ' ... , , the freesoil party ID defeating the Y bigs, . r . ' leaders, ts totg as tfieu keep tit the track , Brerkieridge-lauoey Diauoionists, snd ridi- .hereby the Democrats obtaiued the Go. t,0D r the Pe0PU thin w" t0 Le ru"d and generous in its exfoliations of their fir ewled their pnny efforts to disrupt this gov-!ernor and the freesoilers two U. S. Seua- there. The length of the table was said to ; tuea, " damned him with faint praise." ert-ment. Mr. Bovden was repeatedly cheer- J tort. Kantoul and Sumner. It occurred be about 3,000 feet, and they were crowded ' Whatever may be the sentiments of Mr. ed. After he Concluded, Mr. Nash, Mr. 1 iu W1J- There was BO election b.for. on bolB .jj,.,,, , Breckinridge, and his follower. i generally, tt , . . ... , j the people of Governor, as it required a ma-1 , us r il.-,i . .. t, ; Mr. Yancey, in bis haired of Mr. Douglas Mcarcs and Mr. Turner ad irsssed the crowd. . . . . ' , ' .,. i After pnkin of the dinner, toe apeak-: , . J , ,4 ,. ..7 ""k,w ! lonty of the whole vote to elect. 1 he Lg- , r . and the Iouglaa UBUiooracy, (in the mam It being late, wt left, the fople still calling ,ist,ure u,d ,0 eect and by a union of the '"8 Rt the ,Und li0 oommeoncd. tUeuy Union) U playing very suoeesaful for speakers, and we are uuable to say how j freesoilert and Democrats, the Democrats were away short time, and when we re-; y spon their hopt s or fears, (or both alter late the opeaking was continued. got the Governor and the freeaoilers the turned Judge Badger was speakiug. Al-' uatelj ) ud is inuking theiu eay victims to ,, . . . , . . j two Senators thus tho freesoilers got two .,ou.,h the Judun'a iDeeeh was a r in. ' lb" demand? aud designs of extreme faction Fr.d.y morning v., nbered tn b, a na-1 for 0( Tbii WM ,nothor efidcle thnt 1,outh aidg.t .p.eeb wM a very u- p,op,hwl, ROon read them a tienal salwte, and although the day bf fore ! ,ie democrats aided to build up the aboli- I erest,u one. uve not "om to refer bf b,.8 B was rather nnprophious, the sun rose in un- j tton party. t0 n,ore th 009 tw0 ""Frtaut points. el.ud.d splendor. As the da, wore away, ne Legislatore of Mine passed In referring to Mr.Bull record, he admit- . d wh hmg fc ,r,TaHing few clouds oversTred the hcaTens and r..:...i B 8 8 thromrh the Stato. sends us the followina rendered it fivorable to fuoh au occa-ion. as i blight and a mildew upon our political ,.e Kansas-Nebraska bill, while he bad ider- ' on "rouS- This admission on the part of IIIKlltUllOUS. information : There is on the rnuare a Hreckinridge pole ' candidate for the Vise Presidency. New! ,. , ... .... ,, i , i i . i , dies, telling them lo see I I aud alio a Hell pole and transparency, some- .Hampshire also passed Resolutions similar j thing like our L, with .mail Bag. at the ,: '? 'V 1 I n W !'"! !7 ' Hon. EDWA1.D EVEHETTa T8"8' Tbfl-inleir"'igh bered- p.lh the Demor.ti,s..tc.',ia,,niipiMtogif,.niortttDaeJllo. mul iiu u I uuij ii, fc t hf ,treiIucr ,tcbed l0 ,Be Breckiu- of th8 Ullion The object I bare had in of th h L4TRII FOM I l it oi lit i;KiunAi.B i" hvivk. Sf feT Joii.nb, Oct. 1 1. lhesleainsr Vf. ist politicians, he is a dodger and fr.om Liverpool on the w'Oth and KiwtniQ' it of the 6rst water. In our issue of I on the .'tOtb, passed Cape Haoe yesirrda"' y, we asked him to state frankly and The city of Aoooua had oapiiuUte(j Wa had thouirht that Yaneev waa ra markable frank and oandid man. But his j CAPI'ITI.ATION OF ANfONA-UMou, R studious retieenoe in regard to hii course UK A I'KlsONKIt THE I'OPK ADvisn, and the course of his friends, in the event of Lincoln's eleotion, lias sa'ifid us that, like most trickster Monday, we asked him to state tranltiy ana j be city oi noona bad oapiiuUt.,i , -.i ,l i. ,t v.. -t, .. i.. .1.- . ..I..,;... r cu w CipilCHIJ IO UK irojuo IM Molina n u i.o ; iu. ........ .. .....j. would proposo should be done by the Soulh Gen. Lamoi iciere, with tho entire p,, in case Linooln vas ek'oled whether he j son, were taken prisoners of war. ' would advise aad ure immediate secession, The staamship Palestine, beloiiiii,, . ,, .i...i... i.. i.i a . .u i . r n . l.... . .i ? "ii" O....L . t.. ..- .. .... ! U' 1, I.... .. :.L..,I . "'t noma fcowaifc lur an oven ic,. , w uuw wcn, um ww iiuimm wuo Dut ali I, .1... .:l I,. .... 1 ,.. ......,.., i !).,.,.. "l , U....I HI oniric- ... ..-... be was an open and avowed Diaunioiimt for causes already existing, and without even waiting for Lincoln's eleotion. We asked him to tell us whother he still adheres to that position, liut not a word does be ut damage. Victor Emmanuel would start for t" enoe aud liologne on the 27th ult A majority of the Cardinals bad rep,r,e(i recoiunieuding tha i'ope to leave Rora( Adihticnal 1'iench troops bad be to VICE mtCSIDEST. OF MASSACHUSETTS. I'LI.CTOKS. For the Stato tut large : Ho. GKO K BAlHiKK. of Wake. 3s. R. K. SPKKD, of Paqnotiik. Tor the Districts : 1t Drstr'prt, J. V. HINT! X, of PaqnotaDk. -'d dm U.O. CLARK, of Craven. j 3d do. () II. DnCKKRY, of Richmond; 4th- do. L C KDWAKDS, of (Sranviltt.j u'b- da. A U. Fl'STKR. of Randolph. fh do. II Y . VA1KR, of Davidson. ! 7th do. YM. P RYM M. of Lincoln. ! Mh da. Gen. U. M. HK.NRY, of Macoa And yet llsmlin, I A little incident occurred on Fridav mor- !cted those Resolutions, was then couider- . CoNCORn. Oot. 9, 100. ning, wbicb, if we were living in ;cieDt 1 J good a National Den.ocra, as any man Judge mnger was certain,, gr.titymg.o, . Sfrf j ,.,., frDpj , ri lb h I Rome would I- ero.no.tic of our succe.s h" ""j "PJ w",, J P " PP """the middle and eastern prU of the Stafe. nome, wouia i. prognomc oi our sucoeas. a nominated as the Rlack Republican mar II .Ua ..... ,!;..- i ,,.. I. . -i.. that their husband-4, recent fall in the price of negroes South, carts voted for 1$. 11 and ,u tiKhtn.i of money there, ch.arly . . alio that the pople of Alabama aud tbe we have not more ., ' r f - ,i , ; . . j: ,., i j existing, solemn and terrible fact peepb. I look upon Disunion as aluioat inevittile. - , , , r . j. ,-.ul.u . .L- i ... Alter juagewjer ooneiuueu, me lion, t n onir oonn lor cmiuiuir too passnins ot , , .. ... , bont a cood dpal It finali r parrind it ori-r1 ed to you, 1 is Jo sbowthat the destructive ! 6 t i m f Now, wbi e Yasoav ramaina " mum here poai a gooa aeai. ii onjny carrieu ii ovtr j o,.,;.B nt f1A rl rm.ri.sinial TY, all men, parties and sections is to go for . ... '. . . . ,. . .! v... a . i . e .i couT'f oi poucv wuieu iiiu Lremucriuc pir- , - b " ,, ,, , , . . . in i irrioia on ineae lujponsiii ana jividit tie little flaz on the eastern corner of tbe , . , . . , r . ' . , , , . ,,. , . 'Hill ami hvereti Ibis the treat mas of ., . r . j . t m hav T.i.riit.wl til fAt.rnfi anil filln VI. Inn, a.l if r4pl1 tliA mpH inn M14 nrtn-.h 14 . p. ; nilAiliniii h liaa I k r tt.A Irt Spnnnnn. ter on the subject. He answers neither yea : dered to aid a French output, placed t,, uiiit-a unjiwuii Aiuuia. Tt.M nnutsa of (i Aribatii'a . .1 ---"'" aaja ii0 u, 400 killed and wounded, and lion ii K--.....1.-I... 1.. ... .! . . . u, maintained B. position, and tha attack was rabwe(j , Lis full foroe. 1 ne teai oi liora nusseu s warning o.ru.n. nut iv. ..i. v.. ICUCHI,U publubej I OMMKHCIAI,. LlVBliPooi., Sept. 29. Rread.tuir mlr, nor nay. yow the conclusion is irresisti bl that he is as .nuob an out and out Dis unionist now as he aver waa it waa only not politic to avow his sentiments and de signs before a Virginia audience I And thus he is going about tbe country, endeavoring to humbug and deceive the people with bis idle talk about a Constitutional Union then he, at this very moment, ttiaintaiua that the Union is already practically dis- : ridge pole, which was very long, flying a- i view in the remarks which I have address-i . , j " -"h" v ith, of tb ty have pursued, has fostered and given vi- trict, adJre.ved tbe meeting. solved, and needs only a formal declara- .: . 1. . f . -r .1.. , L..i .i,..M.. i'..,t... ... , I era States in order to make it an aetual, 1 We tor lbs crops. Flour firm. IU, Aud he 1 slighly advaoeed. Provisions qiiet t steady. Consols 03 a 93J. X , , . . "J , IV 10 'he ' ' , UePub,,cs" P1' Un"'' oW"- b tbo'e h0 M gjJ PPr- I trap of Itickor, poles, political platform.. I U lM for n'' 00 ,ukn! W' until ,t drew the little flag out. 1 he stream- by frequent amalgamation, they bavo tm- ,uui f hetri exeeIU.nt speech, 1 Jte Doug,,, .i not get a large vof in fors or, rBlsrbU and d.agu.ting ,.b.tr.,. er was then wrapped arouud the flag on the parted a strength and consistency to that J . " ' ' . ,, ; iv,,;,. ,, tn j by docs not Mr 1 ancey deal fair- northern corner S , be tra.psrencv where ' W, which make, it formidable for evil , special J after b. ground a been gone he e.; x ? u r . n a n Jo . fa, mJ frkj tll. ppe f Virginia ! ., . . , '.' . , only, and that continually. The Democrat- over b; Gov, Graham and Judge H.-tdger. ! ' "fce- rV'KV. " lteo-iu be wants to blindlold ibm, and It remained unti it drew that out. I he wind ' . , .4 r ..: . . ! . , . , , , , , , .. , . . Jictittmnerv, Dnidion and torsvlbe, he - . , . ,. ... , .' . ,io party, instead of opposing, as was for- Afur Mr. bmitb bd concluded, " theold , , . , ,f . f f n... ,.t. l, ' harness them in bis Disunion ear ! lhatis (hen wrapped the streamer around the south-; merly tbe case, internal improvements by . ...... 0 Morehed .as e.lled 'or ! , M .1 M V J fc J ' ' ). and hi, only oM.ct -, snd the hon- ern Hag, here it remained wbeu we Ictt, tae ijenerai uovernmi-ni, are now, every and aill have to remain until it breaks tbe ,' 01111 of them advocating the construction! flag off, which it as ill be unable to do. (Ie made a warm appeal for the Union, and ' Rockingham he will get large, if not over- 01 tne great I acme Hsilroail, to the tune oi 11 1110 L ":t':M"i . ' . . ., . ,, council! 30f) nillimia of dollars. That nsrtv thr. C.rnU. ,At th natinnrl flaj hr n... . weecsiiirnigo pin; r an About 1 0 o'clock, a procession was form- j fore, would not now have to incur any sac- j toi thouM ,bi, Union ba sundered, may tbe : "I". I at the squire, composed of delegations ! r.Boe of pr.nople by uniting w,.h us i,n at- .q fau ,M di)g ttT0 itb one t it'-. est and patriotic people of Virginia should repudiate bitn and his infamous disunion with utter abhorrence and eon- I'll, l-nd-r. f.iri.i.h mnnnv eai, "-T- give barbecues aod make speeebes, ' .go. Ibe;o.e won t attend ; y.B.p. ria!ei.h. I sittiuoed a Kreckinridsre au,. .1....... nf p.ilri.itisi pr;nciaii strtionai tmitit.-, ih-rriore K.tuit.J, Tli.l 11 1. boin ii an i mF ijotr, uj rtorg iniit- i.u olier tnso " THE CriSTtTCTIOl or Till COfSTST THI UNION nr THt T1I1 CSW THI EKmaCEMS.ST or TDK !. And Hat, as the rcpreetillie ul the (.'..nsttm tutWl I hub uu d ul Itic couutri , 111 4tiuoal I un. veair.a as.t tiiiirff, e i.rre pl.cr ur In.iBtafn. pritr-rt B1 JrlrnH, p. par-JlrU ahd unt tcilf , these g n-al p-inciple. ol ubnc liberty cud nthmJ satrtv, agsiriat all eniniirs, at home sue aftftNid. Bsllcvin tlierchj pe.rr ma. mice mora be rratufeti lo the .on trjf, ilic just l H' his Ille peo. M'r and t,f li.r siaten rv-cik.isbed, and t t.v. eromutt agin j-incf-d m tiiat conditum of justice, imemt. and iquul:tv, which, un.Jir the ti.iin. pic CmistilulMin of nor Inlhrrs. hs aoletnulv bottflj very c.tizrs of liie Lii'trd Suli- lo mat l.iii a ttore pi-rii cl untox, rstoliah j ustice. insure Qiuestie ir.feml.ty, prnvtce for int comfi on ae frbee, pmsiiile the g euarsl areili.re. anit secure tht kkssitigso' ti&er! t ogreelvti ana our putteriiv. TiumIhv 6lh Ao ember, i rnr..i.nuLr. 1; rx 'i.i 1 H'.-s jrom .uecsienrjorg, lar.arrus, irede I ana r"-n r- r- t . u- it.rn,,U ,!!..,;. ...u- j,k t J,.;,,(u..,Ai(,...H,,',, ... ' ; down to our posterity, throughout their U- , ' throttle tlimon t tbe ?ourh and w.tti . At mf ikt unafitBiivneJ I mil 'sub, at ISuutmtte. ' ' ' ' ; test gener jtinns, our eiorious Lni..nin its the other strangle aciOiition at the North. ' , ' . ''- FfeJt d the Lra" B"d. "d I priM.no purity. Then will our children and r.ov Morehc.d ha. the power to move the i y"' V'Tl V lulZ ". tumeric. 1,-. ti. n.nn.tr.ted thai msrebed through the aeslern portion of the I our children's children, throughout all fa- ! . fn,B..,e,i,,.h., . i.j ... i . , . 'lor' (lo'Uroi. o( cour.eHe. pUtiMfiu. . ..pi.-.: t.T ihe .rt,..,, tVi.f.iii . ns ui , r i. ii, r j i ... masses, for no speaker that we heard seem- c lmPI 0r,a and bud, and t ie Jitamiard , ,i... j. r ..ic town to the stand lure tune, rise up and call us blessed. I will , , , , , : , ,, . . . . .. the ,m-!-v navr h.u tt.. ff. ci lo niilnd .na ec, " u , .f..,, k l ..... . v.; u ed tj have such a eontrol ovar thcui, and and Pre punished it as enthusialie :;:::z:'i:i::z IXC. ZtTulT X ; repeated,, cheered. i ; .,no.,k enough .he ten.ent oi g. i.g ra j-inca. nu coursea sweet music. Deu tbrougb, tjen. ty, many of tbe members of which are a-I After Gov. Morebead ooncluded, Judce ! -vw' - Deckery, as President, remarked, this vast ' mong my moat intimate personal friends, RJirpf rctuarktd to the crowd to toil it to astt.6iage from all parts of the "Good Uld r' J. " "-". luaiu.mai, tbejf fr;en js tbat the election is to be v i w .... . . . . , iu my opinion, they are adopting and pursu i . .North State, furnishes tb. moat sutisf.cto- jng q( Bbfcb(Bif u sou. j on Tuesday, the 6th of November, nd to ry evidence tbat the people are moving ; uot be ultimately subversive of th. fair fab- , be certain tbst the ticket was right his name and ben that is tbe case, there is always ric of our glorious Union of States, which would be first on tbe ticket. " such a getting up stairs 1 among the of-! w cemented by the life blood of many of, A, nigbt there was a most beautiful dis 1 kl.l . , a-,. . i our revolutionary anceiors, win prove I- ' , , - , - ,. iu Bee-holders and onicc-seckers, as is never i . . . ... ' , r play of fireworks, superior to anything we seen on other occasions. I take great pleas I dangerous, ft has been siid that no South- h "eQ for mJ 'Uy Among the ore in, I w.U not say introducing Gov. Gra- ; ern politician ought to hold office under Lin- pieces were tbe uamea of Bell and Everett, asm to vou, ior you a;i xoow niui ; nut we i cum, anoum ue us eiecieu r rBeiueoi. i un uiCh were set on fire at the close lJm.TINil and Rl'NNIMi AwaV. The are keeping up aracter. 1 ee news from O'.k'oo shows that ll.ey bare eauk'bl the step even in that far off reeion. I be Yan How will MuMPitit Go? V. ( t ouwiug i resiueiniai eieeuon. I he iir , d in the city, iucludiug of eour.s ihej, nrbs, will, according to our present fl. mate, reach aa blgb as MQ Out ( Ul uumucr, juriugias win poll about lillii, jj, 5.'ill, and lireekmndge .1f ' (i UT A young man oam-.d JrUmuel L13 der, from Lineolo county, N. 0, was , tiled out of SltiO at Kiiuinnr 00 SVe,0f, day last, by on of tb eonS-lenoe pinf ar.uounce to you the fact, that be will now ' Fry u,acr. wu"'u ' 1 ,u another beautiful piece with 1775 on it. address you on tbe political affairs of our ; ' . j , i .i , Durir you beloved country and j their government j and would therefore be I,jrin? ,h ' Vance was loud A Word fi'om Tennuseo. The following is aa cxtraet of a letter from a gentleman in Memphis, I'enn , to a friend is Charlotte. It gives a amail idea of how things are going in Tennessee : "Political exeitrtneut is running prHty high in this region many of the eonserva-i tive men of both wings of tho Deiaoeralio also, f party are uuinug on Mr lie II as the bust chano lo Hit our eonnuuo ei.rnii.-i. My own preference is fur Mr. Kreokinridge, but: IflHLK MM'IK I Y The Min.frraui I tt- Mri-klen -i.i ly re lion. , ed t.. mxliii ilw lm eey lireekinridge Stat. Senators of l)regoo ! TuS iV't'' ' " ran away truro their srats, and took to tbe bnj-b to prevent the election of to United Stales Senators. Tbat is ain.ply foliowiug the preee.lenl art at Charleston Joe Lane telegraphed from W ashingtoo to tbe Oregon Delegation at Charleston to "an OUT "- .ee.de from the Convention. Tbe Di-uiiioDisu. headed bv Yatirev. ran . " )" HOUSE, sJrt th n..i u . av , Ii ale J t.1 lllxllll lltV IflH I. I .l l, (1'ursiijt nt' I M. K. -N V K lll'Ii Hl50N.'j , ti-Wr 16, S, I. AIAHKETJIOIJSE. ' I II K .oK-cnbei rraiecifuily .i-,,,,,, (, , M t u.li.mrr. an.. Ihe putilic g, nrr liy, n., ih..o ,. a.rs. J. V. Brycr A l , i m.y be luuiid a lull imwIiMM v, Family Groceries aay from the Charleston Convention, and ; got up a new organisation in opposition to1 , the reu'iar Democratic party. 1 hey cs'.lrd ! mated Kreeamridg. and Lane. j YttrtaL!, liutirr and Jkai Chuk- Tbe same cias of men bolted the ( onvo- j i is, iUtmtut, littttt, l itkift tiou at lialtimore, get up anew Conve olion, : 'reserves It'iire ,(r snd Dominated a ticket to break down tbe I tirrio- .'oil t '' a Mil strgii-., regular nominees of the I ern irr.lio party 1 . , . ... John C tirrekiuridg. rues awav frxm tbe ' .r. I am ..-.i.fied that neither he or Mr. Doug. NfwU q.i.tiou.t "d th- ld unju.Mfiabie. Such a policy might suit M.x ly called for, and oo appearing ! I gi,. !.. b.ae of aio leeiioa threaten to boll th tiuion if bu; llnl and I a, I fnUrn 4 V nlh m n Atf, Gov. Graham then rose and said, Ladies j ico. wl)fr ,ch f'"1 chieftain publishes his mounted on ome boxes amid th. cheer, of fore th. people, bene I shall saennde my e,tt 1 biv th" tir" " A"'1 ", I11 isst-w, liu tiii-.. d Gentiemen : I am trulv pratified to ge l-rjDUDC',Den'0 daily ; but would be far ' ,b ,b ,,e m,d() , humoroai per,0nal w,.b for tbe good of tbe S.atb.- '' "ho w.m to m.k. tbe fmtl.1 HfC. Tifkims, J'f, any thousand, assembled on thi, eec. ! X, tiV tth dc' : P-b, wb,h kept the immense crowd in a I always, bow.ver, h.eo very moder.t. Vnd'.tu tee'kltl fi ! 1"J '" ''7 " ' J : federicy. o, my eoui.trymen, this doc- r ... . , ia mv politieal views ai d bee rou wul x- . P"'J' ltlJ "'" lreeai .ri.ig ana ,4 ,,i,ij i. .,ry lom.t P,,0. 1.,, 1..,, t . It gives, indeed, as my triend bas j trine of secession, like tbe ilmot proviso, , constant uproar. 111s comparison 01 tae : e(( for weIltjnjng tb8 t,ect. What htu '""' '-gu'ar o mnneea or toat par . F. W. AliKK. said, utimiatak.alle testimoov that the ! is inipoliiic, and, besides ail this, it is un- ' breakioz op of tbe Democratic partv to the ... .Une bk). 1 'J ' ! A'"- '"i'- I M. ft U sdi.imn u the a..... I .!,. 1 t Public Speaking. We have been requested to state that the Eieetes. for tbe Seventh Congressional Dis trict, teetrf. Mruns, Btnum aud FoX, will address tbe people at tbe follow icg tituts and places, viz : Wadeaboro', alisbury, Cbarlotta, I.ineolntoo, Dallas, Tuesday, Saturday, Tuesd ay, Saturday, Monday, Oct. 16. 20. sion. " iust :- people ar. movieg. There is, I fear, a dark ( eoo""J,Bt,OD1- onouid a Kiack Kepublican confounding of lanuagea at tbe tow.r of ba , ... ,. , I President commit an overt act, rise, as did ; . . , ..... . . ,. , and tr gbtful ... impeuai.g over u. ; aud Jw foref.,berf f iI)d fi.ht it out. ; bel wa. funny td tne ealreme. II. ...J that we have met tcgrther from our aeashore to ! Wj accession friends, if w secede, where when one called Out fir squatter sovcreign- our blue mountains, to endeavor, as much : will b. our army and oar navy ? hall we. ' ty they toak him initrveciion ; and when in- as we eao, to av.rt the awful catastrophe, i bJ .eeedioj, gif. then up! tiriali we ior- tervention waa walled for they took him ii-. . . 1 11 . ... t render the most pljrious heritaze that bas . , . ........1 ..,1 . t. Autr e patriots of all parties oosut to far- , ., , . T latter sovereignty. i.e. r . ' ever falien to the lot of an v people, tba birth- ; ... , , . , get th.ir porty d.ffer.oees and unite in one j ritfb of true AalerieiD iibertJi ta ,be 1J;jek Nr e attended a meeting where strong, preconeerted, tffjrt to prevent tbe Republicans ! ; such order and decorum was preserved; election of a L'Uck Republican Preai- Our secession friends say, that if Lincoln aud we shall long reaiember th. Mats Meet dent. Tte Democratic parly are divi- ' ,il0ul1 b elected, they ar exp-ing aid je ,t rialisbury as one of our pleasant re ded, and ar. therefore .etiol, e.eb, : J6"" 'f'" d. 'f "' "7 T -"i'ense.. A gentleman from New York 1 ' their fciie'ues of secession. In order to however, claiming, par excellence, to b tbe ( ,bow bow little reliance they ought to hav estimated the oarnber of persons at the Natiobai Democratic Party. You are all in their prospect of aid or sympathy from stand on Friday, to b about 7,000. awar. tbat in ord.r that w might if possi- tni?lDj. I rellt th following r.ceut ble, avaid the danger whieh then tbreaUo- f . . A( ' I IV Tb foil. win communication was occurrence : At the meeting of the Congress of all nations, whiflh unnvf-ned f ,r alsliMtisal d our Southern horn, and firesides, the1 parpo,e, Lord Brougham pointed to a ne 'rtKi a week or two ago io th. Whig ; d4 ftom lb, ij Mass Meeting at Salisbury, bt j I - f IISITIO I'I A l"IO.. eoo.prou.ise measures of 1550, were agreed gro who was a member of the Congress, and we have inserted it again at th. request of to by true patriots of ali parties, as eompo- called tb attention of our American Mm tDe writer : ureal xpeern oif i.tir. tmranum. ei , ,4Crt4 botld of UnioB betwMB them.iw,er lt- present to tbe ) etToi CrittkIiK ad Titat Paul llo Bight to SeceJo. IiKhtiai. Cotht. Tbe Louisnli. L'ulle The Editor of the Raleigh Register says " publishes a lett.r of Hon. Jihn J. Cm , . . , , , , tenden, 10 bis admirers ia New-AIbany, be attended a meeting of the ureck.nrid ,, , 1.1c 11 n Indiana, akfi a speecs denning their du aod Lane Club in Raleigh, at wb.rh lb as In lisnnns iu the present crisis Mr iaditoi' of the Statiiiard staled 10 a speeen which be mid.-, tbst a Stale bsd a right to secede. We iuvne atien'i.o to tbe f.liow ing extract ftoui a speech of tb lion. W. R. King as follows : " I hav ever been a Stat Right man of his Jefferson school, an I can tearlesnly appeal to my while public life in proof of tha assertion. I am not, however, pr-par-d to admit that th. States posse. s either tbe Constitutional, or reserved right to ae I110D. Lritt.Duen deciinea apaaking, but write ; " If I were a voter io th Sute of In 1. ana, and helisved there was no probability that IWil eould carry the rotate by it fopu lar vote, then I would unbe.'tiiinp'!y gia, nj vole lo Mr. Doug'at, and I .Ii -ni l ilo Ibis thinking tbat thereby I per'aruisd my ; duty a a true Union man, and remit,' ' to, my eouutry and to lt-il and Ktcrtti. esndidate of my ch-iice. lb best service 1 tbst circumstances pwrtnittsd mi to J )." a ay lli 1st ..I M.av.uibir, a lire ante Itiimn fr 01 y I'a.kuiuir., where a I .c h l.u b- h.d .1 any tune. It ,!( f 4 m merit a ervare ut' public p.t.nnire. F. W. AHKKNs N H T'i ,i.lct nce, i irj lor B .t. t '''..'', ' b.'i Tutiii. e jnd irtnrr Pr . , 11 at tn M itsrt II. m... f. r, Aiir.KNs 0-l"r l, lei). Ju l rri.i' A I ItiV will be nude I., ti .. . ei. .lur, ih 1 erslina, r ,,. nri.rf,lr liie -t iialiuMi Miutiig t 0111 i. (rl..r It,. I"fc'. ,J1 l J Notice. 1 rrr ii Aiiw.N wui : in n- 1 ... .1..11. tur us p i.rrl n A.. Now, young fulks think old folks fvli but old folks kue yojog folks lo be foMis In company with a large number of our Now, to .bo. you tbat ultra politicians, ; ra "roogo.m eia.i, 010 1111. w MR. YAN'.'EY'S SPKKCII AT CHAR Lu I'TK. citixena, ue left on Thursday n.orniug last, both at the North and the South, alwsys ; 0 diM,hcli0D f Coior 0, ou, : r)ai,!lf.al The Breckinridge men say, that Mr Yan to attend tha Mass Meeting at Salisbury meet on eoiuiuoa ground. I r.i.e the facts, i affairs, bat not even in statistical mattera. ey, tbe gi eat founder of that party, is no As the etiB2 was to continue two dats, tbat altboufb Seward oretei.ded to be in f. ' Dallas, notwilhitanding all this, retain Disunioni.t. This is really astoni.hing j asd Friday was to be tb principal d r-Aursji eerv iittlft was done on I'Lured ' e I ao know : 11 1, your tuoriiioe bit to mate preparations ana re- waen the v'.es werctaen; aud tbat tbe ' been there, in the place of Mr. Dallas, I ceive delegatiots, A. Lion A. Yeuabie, by birtb a Virginian,) would have risen, and, with ail tbe dignified Cabarrus county turned out a large dele- but for n.ary years, and now, a citizen 0f : '""'""P1 "bicb 1 could have exprened io ; my smuieuaoce, 1 wouia nave said ; iora svy Another I.xttxk phum !hm. L. M K tir r Th Charle.ton Mereory p.c ii-iir-. iiutiicr letter from II in Mr K,ntt, of d-juth Catulina. Tb gist of it iacSntiiod in sing declaraiion that " if lb li..f' li-pub ; In-in party succeeds in tb omin tlcetton, the issues between the Norib and fsautb will ..rif.i ,u In. ..u. N. . t(loir IB. II- 161. tl'e N.et Uid.wi days, that although Seward pretended to be in fa ir fsllas, notwithstanding all this, retain Disunioniet. iay, of vor of tb. compromise act while it was In ! ed bii "f- Now. I ka cot .bat are the f'PM,y . ,. , . , . , ,. , views of Mr. Dahas 00 thu subject ; but this nvara his s ar.u.y discu.sua, yet Le dodged nud did not vote,; 1 do know . jf ,ouf huajyeJ9ert)tf bld last year. navy Frost. On yesterday morning we bad wn.t .. ir ., ..ut e ueiiev. u very 1111.. b ,;cbdrawn from the Federal ar-na, W 10 tbe men about Charlclte, who! "')" l" - i on .uonaay uigui mutt ut ne-.titn by th' laltt t Htm fit'. peeeh at that place during the 't was so hard tbil e expect vegi.-talion of itrrigt. In ibis contingency tny eon ail kinds m, be entirely kuleJ. II Tbat Mr. Yaneey hates the General Gov ernment tbat be albors tbe Federal Con stitution aud detests th National Uniou no sace man can doubt who heard that The writer listened to th whole ration. Wbicn eneamveu ea lue grouuu. jb .v v., uh; 1 ues;re wj oriier epuapa opon ,, r 1 . j , .r,...h . ", . ,. r e r ; llrougjam, I will not remain, aod submit li.ur.ay morning, tney a.a.-euea lurougu my tomo, tuao. iier. lies a man wno op-t0 ,UB in4Uu off(.red beloved country 01 " ,h-t,ury, having a large be.i mouatea iu poseu tn compromise Pleasures 01 l"-r). through tbe person of her Miuister ; aud a wagon, beside. Other thing' to attract at-; The Democratic party was divided when tneD would have withdrawn from tb. tesUoR. They moftered bo strong, and we Gen. Taylor was elected. '1 be Democratic 1 M,,io ! , , . , -n , , 1 . . Speaking of mv secession friends, re- unoer.taao mat a wetatariuge man, wa. parte unit.a wtb tbe treoiir. and .lee- ; miu4, w, of , ,uecaote reiated to me by : ''"' " grows! j epjrr,-tv lo the took this demonatratioB for tb procession, ted Pierce. Io 1 ? i the Freesoilers of tht my friend Judge Duer of New York: Oo a South io prohibiting that trade; tbat the iL-iions of duty an policy are clear and wl settled. I ih'Ui aitrififituHiin primp'sif I n success of tbe Republican prty Mr K regards as ao imminent tbst eoniotin prudence requres that the p ilisy t b pur sut d in I hit eveut should bu decided, as far The Banks. We learn from our exchanges that th Ranks is this .State bsve stopped discount ing Sah i tbe esse here, and also, as we a practicable. II did not openly declare for the re- ..,r.,. A ,iuth of us. This will have a twa-1 opening of the African slave trade aud die- I , , W ahiiinotom, October 1 1. r- , 1 1 deuey to tuiiie ui ni'y scarce. 1 ... ,, , . , , . .. union, (public sentiment 10 North Caro.iun! ' I tu M Reward has declared that Liti not jutifying it ;) but he argued that tuej j coin wilt, if elected to lhi Presidential Chair Tan Elections. immedialelv issue an address 10 tha eeopl. jjily Notice. iVINt; .il.tsmerl 'r n sr. of .jmlr. If Ii. Hi, r.i.l' v H V Hirti,itc'u I w ... ir.nl.nee, 3 Bnl irl ul I hi Uth el N .nii.H( neat, toe fili 1 1 1 m:;ko 31 ax, UOUUK'i, TOW S an IHH. ' 3 il"itj;oii, I C'triiugt, 1 ' '.. Corn anil H heat, Farming lr,'st U ms'h'iU and KC liiimiiiit Rc'urns show to it Pennsylvania, Ohio of the United States, setting forth bis views reported tbat toer wer only 5'i men in line. North and the Democratic party amalgams-, """ occasion when Kossuth was speak proutouion was mu ni 11 JU,i Udisni have g in.) for the II a.-k Ilepub-i PU0,,B PJi,s"' 'rarc eP 01111 J ,n H missed seeitig the proeessioo by getting ted, and ,hu obtained a glorious triumph ' io " Vork- h "ld : hy aheuid not the ftouihern State. ; and that they ought : ! to th. institution, of lb. Siutb. In th ; ... . ,. , . . ., . .. .. your Congress intervebe and send fund, to nr to submit to it lie dcD5uncd, ut J J b ( waj Lincoln hopes to quiet the fear of the ; 6'"n"oa',- , . :0Tef JrD ie,U "4 tte hoa'U ,DdlTldu'1. my distressed, starving couutrym.o! I -ost .ebinnt term., tb wbol poliey of Br.ckiur.d... ud al Mississippi. South, and to prevent in. . cession of aio- Alout 1 o'c.ock, proci.w; tootr.RiBg who sow R-idressesyoti. D. mo?rsey prom- ht.e wa fc.- of w.r .a th. ...,,.. r tbe Guvrnmtnt r tfodin .nd do.siguirnr ! gl State. i and olHer Term N. U. All plf .ee turtle l l.iln tn 1 ml'. to ls, or th rrfiilif y to kii'iwn mi dsy of sslc. bs-ra-nis in.letel kt eiH i-.!ifr ward snd ei llle, a4 tlnw sent them m uliicnt.es y'i .i'rtf n..lice will lie plc.d in tf et ' aboitt l0J persons was formed under tbe ised to ive Freesoiiirui a reward for assis 1 such intervention. War i a smail word 11 establish around tn South a .urduii ol i Peternon for Nvembsr, direetioa of tbe Marshal and bis assist ants, tiu Ltr in the acblvem..iit of tbat victory hl but tbr letters ; War. A wag in free States, iu odf W rosh ber out, and j fbis popalar Migsitin is again befor ,bd procded t, the stand iu tb, F.ctor, but for thi. arran,. ment, would tbe "owd said: That is all true j but bell " '"J tb, tDstitutioo of slavery He , im?rti in Lvh' . . ,r a .1 r i" l , ! has only four letters : II I l. During the compared it to " girdling a tree. Those , ... rr... .we. bad oeeo lastefui.y CecwaU-d nave heeu worse than a forUrn hope. Ae- : term of'(f Mrf M jn (b- ,r, bi etact words, tw.c. used. II then VV ork TaUo Department, and o-r fr.-nd, kytbelaJi'. with festoons of flueer. and eordiog.y, Judge Ifroason was coaioianded j ted Stats'(aid Mr G ,) I enjiyed the so- "'gutd the ability of th South to maintain lre liug tu'u by uot h ivmg this puna li- evergreens, taswfuily i-.'.r.persed wito the by Pierce, to confer lucrative offices upon ; ciety of Hon Ilenrj Clay a much a a oer independence, and sapport a govern-. eal on lhir tables. likene.Ms of Bell and Kvtrttt, and over tbe Frcoilit. Rut Judge R. M eomposed Junt P'riocd politician can b p-' out f fc Uoioo ; and drew a vivid; , 1 j 1 j 1 . i . , . , , 1 posd to oiov that of an old and eineri ! 10,1 giowin? picture of oor propc-nty, glo I SBcaker staid was ais placed a baadsom- of metal loo unyielding to be fused and : ' . '")'J-" " " anj expert H , , , ; ' ' y,mn . p ,,.linMH VI, , , ,, . r. , , . . , . i.uced one. 1 recollect that b said to m. ry aod power, ooae freed from the poll u . ,,.,., , " c' ly formed b.l, Uid f evergreens and tran-formed mt whatever shap. migbt suit 0D 0De oce4fio0 . There are faur States up- tion, shame and aha.klea of Federal tyran-; GhNTLk A3 A 6L..KIM1 D'iVK. flowers. I the whim of the President ; he refused to on whieh I have ever Jepended, and abaii "J ' Finally, waxing warm and bold, b i Mr. Yancey roared it as gently a. any After tb procession wa seated, Mr. comply, and preferring tbe only alternative, always rely, ia every ease of critical etuer- ' Pf "'J declared piloting to tb public : sucking dove, in hi speech here, on tbe Skr,b..r of Sali.burv. delivered .ome hand- b. r.aigued, aod tber.bv reve.led lb. ... i Prvation and perpetuity ef !". -nere inuepenaence was prooiaiinci , quest, ,n or Ui.aniou. Although at heart , . . , , ,. r . our glorious Luion through ail future tun ln" 1,11 general government, lounded in th. mot rabid aud determined Disumom ,um. mtrodRctory rex.rXs. eret bargain ol lh U.oer.ey. J bis Dem- rb ' . Nortb Carolina. Virginia. Ten oppression and wrong, and clothed with in- io the land-aith ;u 'Ii having oil e 11 avowe On wwtioB, Gen. A. Doekery was appoin ocratie party send to tb. then Fr.esoil, now j Dess and Kentueky. I need not remind finy disgrace, never thuuld enforce the that sufficient cue. have long exi-ted for I WsX, mskine souiR pertinent remarks, introduced wherever, they reqiir trength. Thus w Virginia for many, very many benefits. Htitt uj Alabama t Her citizens, said he, though he is now roaming over the oouutry ,. , ,, i ,. . ... , ; ,ij U....L ii l . i ! What did Virginia do about R tear airo. du- "' iudioted : bat " let a Federal Jjd'e for th purpose of adiistiu2 tbinL's to a di- t the ROdiet.ee tb. lion. aiue, n ye- 114 .,vu.uciu ituiacnu, iust martin I .:, ,1.. r. . , uu . nndi.rt.kn tn .,,.;. ..;,.!. I A,JI, l.. 1 . .1 j . .1 I . ...g . uv ,vi.j . ourj mwi'i'i UIUS Willi - ..... ......... u,.,u .-n-.v, j m 11.- inn aun.uiljr , 111 (lie true, tbe very embodiment of Justioe, aud . I " pre-euca of an iutelligent Virginia audience. Short-' 110 R I .lr. Yancey utter tbese sentiments to declare that he i not a Di.unioiiiit ! This is a orettv declaiatioo to uiaka in the he of th notorious fact that his whoU life I "''F'.T- '.Ti'L'l""'' bas been devoted to t!i traitorous work of -, ., Accomplishing a dissolution of the Union! IT U A Ka T That John C. Ttreeltin j ridgR voted for Stephen A. Douglas in J the Cincinnati Convention, in opposition to j James Bucbsuan. Hreckinridge was a del- cjsti. to tbat Coorent.on, from the Mist of Kentucky, a.id ou tb 17th ballot the entire : Kentucky delegslioo voted for Stephen A I Douglas, he receiving upou that ba'lut I li votes. MARY T. UAUNETT, A '' 1 in. ihej. im jf otiec 4 m.l.'A'IION will I ,.,) uiib' '-"! . gi.lelure 11' Ninth I imlini, In cl'it. eiiMirui-t a K..I It.isd Inmi I inrloiw to uu ( ir,.iliis linr, In counnt With Hie ru-" 1,4 ei.ler, Bi.hwpvilie, Sninur, M'linmg. N (,i. I I.. I h.llr.1,.,1. tlrle.-r , 1 'gZ JOHN T. lii;TLEl, BUS. . unioni-t, f '.', WATCH and CLOCK avowed' xi. 1 ma -ted fori WsHjOB V A FsTI g .'lil 1 lilt, mm.'" MiZW , C t saU c. c 11 tui.on 1:, 1. f,, (Late with R. W. Bcekwilh ) Fine W.lches Clucks and Jewelry, nf erery de. ranted fur l niutitlia. 30tf I I.Mtitl for :!. clusiv. one Mr V anew is quite a young would owa L negro aiav. ; and tbat iiagh ia good aitougb for m. And hr I would , 1D'1 J'"' remarks against the Kansas Ne He ia a considerable Unionist now, while1 IVI,I, ..-II r.rier Jk U.IUntV Hi.ire.iH, the al vale. I ' 10 "urea, wham tbey cahed tb. " North (lor f oitioo wa such tbat we eou'd not ero man with Southern principles," must J repelled the invaders from ber soil bear eDticued h ear Mr Vane 10 det,tage, but from th ' b preferred to Hugh L. Whit ; and ibis ! 'y afterward when seceding delegates wr from thestepsoftb Mansion Hous iu Char- ttnued applause manifested by tbeer0Fd, too, nol.ub.t.ndmg they ko.w that M.r- ! ,n,Jta1 U" k.eT0" " "d. lotl,1 1 df' "-feclablo man to de- , rr ., , ,vp , . j . !h did not, in tb slightest degr yield to m speech was a most s.ii.factory and eon-; tin .0 Lureojever h.d owned, and Sever I (ber pr0p0,ilioll . k,t replied tbe Uuioo i !' true, Mr Yaneey -adesomc eloijuent 1 negro aiav ; anu tost nagD ! 1. good aoougb for D. And hr. I would , loa J 1,1 remarks against the Kansas then th leeal. rightful noa. I ask. wbf did not tb secessionist insert a aa. braska bill, hqustur Sovereignty and St than on hundred. Jo 1810 easion plank in iheir platform if tby intend P,1 A- Douglas, and in favor of slavery, 1 where tbe Union .entii j ( ,' 'jt secede? Th Hoo. gentleman then hith the writer and others applauded. Itso emphatic, but wait 1 jr. Cass, (who was P' jcioaad bio apeecb bj moat cJoqueatlr urgio " further true, tbat soma few hot headed absma and you will i Compromise measures, and j ,j Wu0 wtri p,e,ttli t0 .tand at.dfast for mtD 10 be f"ul' koth th Rreckinridge I as be bas long urged, locking unci, and hi ; ouibful siip.sranee L. White was then th. legal, rightful po- ask, why did not tb secessionist insert a se braska bill, h(iistter Sovereignty and St ; here in Virginia and in other herder Stales, a-tr.ct.d a!u,o.l aauiuen atleuilon as tbe .eeaor of more than one bubdred. I0I8IO e"""1 P'1B " platform if th.y mtnod soug..,, ana in lavor 01 slavery, where the lmon senti.natit 1. so strong and pdwer of hi rgumeul. j '""y noiuiuated sentiment. Rut sis .Irons- so .U.,T..rn.,. . ! ...A .k.. I., t. I year with interest. M.,1 with appruved aecuri. . I..;.. . A . r L I J- ' I , . ' , ' " ' will be required. J eha.ing elrewhere 8. W. UfcllD, Ex'r. t.tj I r''dW 9. Itf'Jtl. 3d nf li:eciuhr nrst, the trsctrH Ijnd lititiw s. the ('jiliie.rt plscr, tselniigiiig to tlie estate ut i I........... i. ..1 ... m until be return, to AI-1 . , ' .,,.. ... ,. bnd bim urging again,! Ul. ,,i Mr. Freeman. The land dju.ns the land. tbat Dl.UOlOU I til o' Herbert Stnsve, Junes H. Collin.. H. S ll.meer and Douglas rsnks, spplauded his disunion ! only rented for tb ills of th bod nolitin ndihr. Term will he endiiiif mie and i I Afir Mr Y.nee bad eonclud-d. ill H ' l to tbe dteoe dispersed, a it began to rain ! Raid be would refuss if eleecd President (', the glorious Union of tb State 11 . ..1..... ..! I...I 1 r,inr.uma in ll.u.u dates, to ri.rriiSj .. r.. .... , , ., ... . . . -r-.J .od -.reUdfromth. ..,.!.! !. Mt which be voteJj ,,;,! ! : ..... ' ? " ?U"0 ?M,,M. bu Tun,0D I meat ,0 P" -otlon State, into ... . , . . , e ,v,. .vjii.uvw.vi mui, .maim i-ic(cii (i!icirmti st trie urn, mat do consiucrst a revolution. Octolr JrJ, Ifif,'). FALL ()li;NI New Store, New Goods! AT Ii('weii.s(eiii & J'ro. V F. All I.Y ,.,-.t. the t uurl II..u."l" l" have an saleiis.se alm s of DRY (10(1, C I. O T If I iV iim i r, mum;" 4 1 ' ....I . I... eari.1V uf DOMESTIC aMH)f AND i o novum i.n- f Pciin. will do weli 1 (. " ktfu" ' ! LOF.Wv:NSTriN,S10, 1