pscw Watches & Jewelry, j, a. WILKINSON & CO. ' RE receiving ',r" we" ,eleoted ,loc"5 ofGOOL)Sooniling of WATCHES, CHAINS, BHACELETS, t?REAST-PINS, EAB-RINOS, FIN- nER-BlNGS. SPECTACLES, THIM- BLES, &o, &o. Aso iuo aMoai-eixiiT or Pure Silver Wire, Plated Ware, AID generally. r.ll mil eimin our Stock, judge for our. We. . w. intend t "It LOW !, .,SI1. "Attention givm to Rep.iring W.tche. and J,w. , . ss t f ie t'r" Mi.f.cllon. ery' J. G. WILKINSON & CO., No. 5. GXITK IIaKOX, Opptuita tht Munsio Hotter. P f) Old Bilw taken in .xchang for Good. (Vl.6ff9.IB60- t-irl'KKP AND DRF.88CILK8. I ilS AND FIGlRKD FKFNCH MERI- snllD AND PRINTKW ALL WOOL DE. H( I KKD. H.AIN AND PRINTED RF.PrS, N .'l lsH MF.RINOES. Af I, CCUHIS, ri JvrXLINO DRKSHG.HJDH, KVERY VA. IKA RIF.TY. v'flill KRKSCH AND AMERICAN r " PRINTS. ,Vi VRIL hTYM NOT ENUMERA. ,. KLIAS & COIIKN'S. Bonnets and Flats, A Beautiful Supply, Juat Opened. AiJto, fEATUERS, FLOWERS, WREATHS, HEAD NETS AND DRESSES, KLIAS & COHEN' S. Shawls and Cloaks ,l .n,i,adei..oiors and kind.. Th hrgc.t - , ,iT red ti mar kv-t. (.ijiV i:s am nosiriiY. k I.AD1 OMIUMIt Af CHII.PRIN, IM.l:Mll BTOCK. Hm Trimmin, Press Button;, Velvet Uibbons, Gimp, etc., tic, etc. KLIAS A COHKN. (iI 9. I-.J. 3' NOW OPENING. WIINTTER GOODS. KLIAS & COHKN 1 UK n w preparrd to to their cuainm . t-e and fnsrvds. Bud III. ptt.liC generally,1 -..I I .rtrnsirr nud best Seleetrd MOCK OK GOODS, i y ear Vas l lt'era .IWri Car. ,a ' lare is ea humBug abaul ill. mta and I f uur Stock l Go-Is. Twjr will epa ' k. J department I. lull and 1-KY GOOIWt f'.ir.if n and !j,mrsi'r, i lOTHIMG AND FIRNT'IIING GirOD", iIAKIIW AKt: AND ClTI.KKY, HOOT AND MIoM, HAT-' A NO CAP, I NSKTS AND MILl.lNFRY GOOD. I a.Nc Y GOOIw AND NOTION. GHOi LRIE-v, Ae , 4c. A t !l and ri.ininatiu f nut Slack ta rrspa-ct. ''. j MiriUM iit UK KM S OLD STAND. Trad ritrcet, CnarMte, N. C. a, at a. a. , I til K .tten tin. af Ladies and Ga.'itlemea, rouu. ! ifjm and luvrra, tngetber with th rratui .u. a, ;U fi ra icrpted,) la respretlu ly eolici ' t li" many attractions now baing otfirrd by STOXtHIUNTKl!,! 1 -f ibttirn h ttinj jutt rrturnrd ftm hp j ' Mm, wiirr-f' Iv trtf in m (tod humor iUi him. ' -n.i 4il ihe WMriif, Wsi in n ctilin l t t "f the (tne i and UrkU the la-le of etrrj one '; i: r iMiit I'll i it, j TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, j riiklis, .'reserves, Sauces t abnps, iltrmHkdcg, Toilet Fumlshingi, fee , j laiiiih llroferit'H & Cifiieral Bakery. I ' In wnb In give a tiocul Parly air prepare to inu us ,uur order and w. will prepare things "ur, tiu matter bow; faatiuioaa vuor 1 "in. t0 t i i a- fnuntain.hrad enj buy t . w.ary am (ck suuls coma here : nay VV Mle ,,( t ,,, w, w Uy J it g,Ml a scriptural fare J Aim only alijhtly tu ad vane. pries upon qr prsvioas cast. ii. to our well filled store, your .ham e '''wiiere is slim, or money lust. a, come ami II maton will provul. Ana tr,. uu w,, .uh.isuli,! id, il he tlio Niiaslanda by, '"' lUmttr, asiti ysa war(,i.g gl. we door tat of the Inurt Hnu.f. J NICK IMINTKR. , , S. FRANK HOUSTON. '''', tktthr 9, Ihtill. 89(f ""'u ( M BrmuMs I R , f Wiliiuujiou , tS .:.,s,ui ,-j6, IStiU. JI!l'l'(WAIt will b. received at the OfEia of 1 -fi i 1 r-nIloe-r of this Company until '' -i'H dtyortHuhtr next, for Ilia Graduali st, f-!," "I'7 '' B"dgmg . f tha Ru.d (now unlet) 1,'" h'K 'glmn, in tii. county of Richmond, to ' '" eft hailmt. "'''era will .t.i. r..i. .1..... . horteat lima williik which they will fin is Mfktatialatort. to the Company. ""7 mar k,j r.- .ui .L J.ii. .-j ''hi I' '"""r','- k ru,,,e. Amount and Plana of tha work urn .n " ,l" mr of th ( Utef Engineer, on "''heoth.a.lWIwnJ. II. W. GUIONJ, final PM,' W- C- " "r'-6r 8. lt60. Ul Y1 ACTl R KR of, and dealer ia Plain and ' 'panned Tinw.r., Hlovoa, Wooden W.ra, ,,'"''Ru Id"'""' d In Soulh wing of Spring.' J',l,W'k..uch as roofing, Gnttering, ao. dona -rvattlj Sprriol Stiiirf,.. the oxci:nati:i hittiirs. Th. qualitiea of this mndicin have pin cad It npon (ii impnrifhnbl. foundatio-i. In deitrnf Ing diaaata, and inducing health, it Ima no parallel. For Ilia following Complaiiita theau Bitter a are apecifie n i Dynprptia, or Migmlion, Hurt. Smth. Acidity, Cottiernrif, Lntef Appttilt, Head melu, and O'rnrral VtbUity. Il many aeclioiia of uur country this prepara tion is cxienaivU; used by phnrians in tlieir practice, and it seem m have reatnred miinr to health who ware apparently beyond the resell of th. healing art. Yoait, Liinton Co., N. Y.,Oct. 1, 1859. Messrs . W. Fowle i Co., 8ira j Dyiprplia, with ita numberleas aaaoci atea, timk up ita abulia with nie, n opposition to the skill of many of the most celebrated physi cians, until the apirit was willing (if no relief could be found) to aurrender and biu adieu to ita earthly tabernacle, when I waa induved, by the urir.ncy of a friend, to try THE OXYUENATbD BITTKKh, little dreaming taat the Uilead was in the buundlvaa era nf patent Miedicui.a, aa il waa th. brat draught I wua eerr luaureJ tu (Uuff. But tin l. k a be tu Uml, ( wua 6afm, and v moat clticient and grateful oni1, too. Th iiioal aggra. fating symptoms in my case were iminodrrata and irregular beating of th heart immediately af ter taking fuod, alUnded with great pruatration, andtri ry frequently emlent satucks of palpitation, laaling iVoin twelve to twenty. four houra, leaving the stuniack m perftctly powerlnee that e.en a apoonlul .if milk or rice water would aem burden, nine. I commenced by Ukingflulf a teaipooiilul the eileal waa a full ane. I waa fery perae fer ng until I had Uikrn three bullies ; aiuca then, at intervale, I have taken two mure. I beg., lu realise ita gutiial edecte tmmediatiu ty ; biurlra, il is extremely grateluf ai d rrlreih nig aa a beverage, wtiicn la a charm that but ft-w tntdicmee can b'Hial uf. ! would, sir, moal aiw Itfy and earnestly brg all who are a til ic led with Dyape aia ill any furiu to teat your Oijpgenalcd bitiera, aa 1 do eaUrm tlirm invaluable. Very reepecllully. Miss M 81 iM KING. Prepared by hK III W FuW I.E 4 lO Boa. ton, and for aal. by E, Nye llutrhiaon At to, ( harlnlte, and by all druggivla Adiu. 6l Uiay, Kichii.ond, M. A. A. (', A. banioa, .Norlulk Wnole. aale Dvlera. It l.l.l I I' IS TEN MIM I lJi. BRTAlM'S 1 V la .1 O .N I V Y A V K It S . Tux Oii.tsaL Mioicim EaTii.iHro in 1837, af Arrt tilictr a) tht kind rxtt tmiuducrd undrr tit - I'm. atonic Viatxas," lalns ai a (. it rtunliy; alt ol,n t'ulmvnit ItaVrs, lun trrfnt$. Tht gtmutne can or kaotan 6y tUt auau liK Y AN cring atamptd en tack VV A FfcR. BIlAN'll Pt'LMuMl' WAH.KH Kelitv. (7uu,iia, toiua, Sor. Tnr"t, rncn. UkVAN'M PI'I.MIMI WArttSiS Relieve Asthma, bmnt i.itia, lhtiicult Breathing BRYAN rt I.MIlMC VAtK Relieve imputing nf lli..u. Pina m the fhest. BKVA.NC ft I.MU.Mt; WAKfcHIt Relieve Incip ent ( oiieuiiiilin. Lung Diaeaars. nit i AM 1-1 I.HoMC W'AKKate) Relieve Irritation ol t:e I .1.1. ua lonsils, IIU VANS I'LLMIIMi: WArtka Relieve tlie I'oinpiaiota in ltti Minute. BKVA"a I'l U'lMl. tV.MMIS Ata a Biiaan. tu .11 l'm.i and Cooatitutior.s KBlA.N tf I'l LKuMl All Uf Are o tut titami. ..u Pun.ic v.p k ifra. IIIIU.M ft l.Mii.Ml t AH.K.l Arc in a aini.le form anu piraaai l to llir Ijale. UKVAS H ft I WI..NH W A a) Not only relieve, bat fleet rapid ami Uatii.g ('urea. It X V A .N 'at Klkl NIC HAItntt Ar wvrtnl..d to gne aaliaUeiiuu to every one, No Fsiiiy enouid oc Mitiiout a U..X wl Bryan' Pulmonic Wain, in the houft. No Traveller ahould h. wiUiout a supply of Biyan'a Putu.onic Vatt-rs in in pocaat. No pcreon will evr ttbjt-tt lu give tor iiiyaa'a Pulniuiiie W altra y& cenia. JtJB MO.SE, aole l'ro,iri. lo(, Rnchealrr, N, Y. Fur aaht m i'oarlutte. oy Iff. fvcair, anu ail rca. Ieub'e Uruggiet. Mil.. IMLoH, Ann (fie t.i id iurc ai.u 1, oiaic pi t aician, hja a ra.. tiling 'up tul til.idrrll Urllm Winch (rral ij laCiiitatca toa pfuccaa ill tecUiing, tty aolfiilttg tne un, a, reducing ail inri .ill ailay alt pain, and la eurt tu n U l tc tile IW w t la. ih: p. nil Upon it, louiltere, ll ili ivr real to yoor aiivaa, and relit I anil litailb tu )uuf llilanta 1'rrlri.liy aale in ali Kaaca. stl auterllaelltent in anotliea uu.uuin. ti the advertiacioenl of eiaadtuars'a Ir ratur, in enotbrr cotuint.. I.T See the advrr tt'iTrul oi Woud'a Hair Dye, in au.tner ruluma. 17 rtc-a Dr. A yrr's sdvcrtiaemant in another Co lumr F.U M'l'I'LV OF WattiieSaJewelrj-jSolidilvcr AM) Plated Ware, t 111 E subset iber haa Inli iy rclurneil from the J N irth where he haa p iri?ha..d a veryei. trtiaive supply of the above srtieles. His purcha ses being made direC'r trem the nianutnrtnrer, he is llierelur rnali'ril to si ll at a very sun. I . vanrc on coat and ieraona tu.y real assured that all liia articles are warrantee! lo be w bat ha rep. reeenta th. na to be. Watelirs and Clocks carefully repaired and will receive my prrsunsl atienliun. U. W. HECK WITH. Or(Arr 9, I860. 3tftf CHEAT SACRIFICES IMIals A.M) WI.MIlll Siar -a. JUST UECEIVED PKOM m; a i 'm' mm. snsv BY (iOODMAN & KIGEXBRUN, TRADE STREET, OI'POIIITB OA I I S 4.V WILLI V1N. tk 1 ' K reaueotfuley int'urm the ciliu'iia of Char 1 f Imie. ani aurroununig country that we are prepared lo nfler V K i: AT I l l c i: yi HITS IM DRY GOODS, II a la, f i$m, Hoots, hot tVc. tail A I.AS1H ASNnSTaitlaT op i.i:nti.i:jien8 fi ummiix; taions. A LeO, A larga stork of I.ailirs and (ien tleuien's SHAWLS A.M ( LOA KS. IT Pleas call and exanitn. uur Goods before purchasing elsewhere, GOODMAN k EIGKNBRUN. Orfaeer 9, ItibO. WKtf J. V. lilt 1(1. A ( (., oaatKai ia COTTON and all KINDS of PRODUCE, rittDi; iTKt:t:r, i ttAKLOTTE, N. C, IV All order altnnd'd to with deapatcb. alari. 17, leti't. 4U' I I In thia cnunty, on the Uth inalant. ANDREW SPRINGS, Em. ' In thia cnunty, nn the 3il of S ptemiwr, CHA8. C. C. PHII LIPS, in hi. IcHh vrar. On the 10th same month, JAM K. PU I l.M PR. in his Ifilh year; and on th. I Ith ofOciober, JOHN W.I'HIL. LIPS, in hi 4lli, of typhoid fever, sous of Wesley G. and Lucinda Phillips. Al, on the liith itiatiint. of ty ph- id fever, Mr JOHN W. HILL, Did, in Caldwell countv.nn ill. 2fith S. pum. bi-r, of typhoid lever, Mr. MUSKS K. HAYE. m the S6lh year of hi. age, travmr a wifcnn.l eight children, of which th mnet of thrm ire small, to mourn their loa. It may in truth b smd, in the death of Mr. Hayea. that Cnlowell county hae lout one of it moat uaeful aitixena, the thu'eh a liberal supporter, the wife nn affi.ciit.iat. mini, pa n ion, the children a fond and Hind parent ud the poor a benefactor. W. G. Lf wis. FU It MTU HE ! AT vita i n 1. 1: s toa- nttt t: s. UAVI.NG PI'RCIIASED THE ENTIRE BTOt'K OF FURNITURE of J. M. famnras A Co.. and aaaoemted with nie my brother, W m. Lex Dmrnos, we intend to car. ry on the buainete under the firm nf DAVIDSOIT & BHOTHER, i in all its branches, st th uld stand of J. M. ban ders Sl Co., UNTIL THX riasT OF JAKJAK Y XT.Xt, when we expect to open naak nmC KaaTtXa-VH In the Sure of David Pasks, Eaq., now occupied by the BRANCH BANK OF THE STATE. A Full StocK of Furniture OF ALL KINDS, May always be found at tin E.Ubliehinent, and we pleii.e ouraetvea la Soil as Low as the same articles can be bought in CHARLESTON, or any oth er Southern City. ran. FimNKLiN nunAii Wilt hfete ehtye ul I lie Manufacturing lfep4rlment, wlir ft ork ieiri will be prMtft!y ultf-nat-J U, and rtpeiting 9 any kind net ft don lULt i. V. DAVIDSON. N B Having taken the Agency of - FISK'S Bt KlAl. CASE-, " t ey will always be kept tm hand. R F. D. Octaktr IftiU. S7lf AYINt; aolii nut uur entire stork of Fari. 11 ture, Ac. to ftoaxnr F. DAvma h grther with Ills brother, W. l.r.r DaVIIkio. tXje tu contiaae the above business at under the fi'm nf DVJI.CN & BftOH R . Wi wrdi'ljr rotttinnd tinm lo nor frt-m un cuki'MiirPB in mur wi.h lifilung tn m and h(- Uiry wiil nlcnd U On m j (Mtronne ft hUml we iue iitft rtreivd ul tin i handa, J. M. SANDERS Co. Ortflirr 2, I fit 0. aMU' 'I UK HI". AT CLOTlllxNirillUlAl. l UUalMkS M'KKNi2 k ( 0, dialers' is all kimis or READY MADE CLOTHING, Fl'UMMIIXs f.'OODS, iTTJ HaN. I'ans. Tnilikni. ofR? VI 1. 14 i:. Xr. l ulling, pi ingi A I o. il Ot'M) the rapctm! atirntmn of tittir T V fricnda and pLruiit to tlieir m:v sun k or ciaOTiiiXa'. now opening. Tiny think tiny can ofTvr greater indue. un l is I.. I.uvtr. li mi Ih. ) Inn tin nunc, their (roons being tulight at recue.d rate, ami at sueb price sv ttiey It.) coiibd. tit no House in the Slate Can compete Willi. I hey are oHcrirg very nice C.tfcfclHl.Iti; M l IS from IS to I'-'i. All mann-r of CASS1.M l.RL PANTS, CASSIMFRE. SILK, MATALASSE AND VF.LVET VliS'l'S, OV LK COATS, Of ail grade, and styles. The ab-jve Goods cannnl he surpassed in styie snd make, having been manufactured under the coustsut surpcrvistoii ofoncot tne firm. HILLINGS, SPRINGS & CO. Srpttmbtr 25, IC60. !7lf FALL TRADE!! 1860! he Old tnd Long Established House of DRLTKKR & HEILBRUiN j VRE now rtetiviug and will contmyo to re-j ceive, daring Iho prcatnt Seaeuii, lh iiiost eemplet6 aaaortmeot uf Vt.OTttl.YV, il.lTS, t.lPS, hoots, siior.s AND amiall 'Waal Xaa. ever brought to this market. Possessing unususl facilities for the purchase of Goods from the very first class Commlsslop.Importlng k rianufactut ing HOUSES, in the North, they are thus enabled to DEFY COMPETITION in any Goods in their line. In I toots f shoes, lothitig 4' tints they cull special attention ; and in the ;unci:i:v i,im: they will not be undersold. To Country Merchants, Your particular nonce is called to our immense stuck which wilt be (old at a very email advance, and to CMS ii iilyi:ics svsry iiiduosinsnt will be ottered in th. vay of l.W Prlct'i. Remember the louae ol DRUCKKR& IlEILBBCN. i ctebfte, fe, .'cii,T as, mm. I7tf i ! rr .. (-Notice. A rPLICATION will be ninde lthe nrxt h-g. ilA leialura for an a t to inonrKirate the lnwii nl i:harllle n Havings Bunk. Vet. 3, lobu. 131 H.MI.OTTV. ks-CL()TIILG NALL! nr of the largest and finest STOf KS OF I V' 'la wt1 'in 'al II ever otfert-il in this or any Southern Mnrket. enn I HE SEEN NOW, AT THE NKW AND FINE 8'IUllK IrOUM, nppuaite the M.iM.nin llou.e. ! The iiniieraienrd reanectfiilly calls the alien. .ion of the Pi ople nf t liarlotte a;id aurroundirg cnuniry 10 1 In- loci that they have upened a Very large aloek of I V runt IV firing .rppavcl, some nf which is of th. finest qu.iliiy and niann. j fnclurrd expreaaly tor this market, at their ixlin. j sive 1 stiiblisli.inent in Baltimore (l iving receiv. ed audi a lari;e supply, we feel confident in vsaur. ' nig those who are in need of j UKADV-JIADK fl.OTHINC, j that we are enabled, and will nil I.OWIJC than lliey can be bought for elsewhere, emulating aa follows : . Ftne Black Cloth Suits, f very superior j mike, rung mv in price trom MO up to to IO. ; Some of the best French nd Harrison Cas-1 SlDlore Suits price from 7 to '20. All; o! me l itest !i)lu anu Patterns. I CuHRimcre Fantaj of all oe-.i.ntvnns and siies.j the clouct at .Uk, and at usl prim t. ALRO, A GOOD HTtit K Ok" ItOV t.M V I I ll'! CI.OTIlI.Mii I AND CKNi'S FUilMMilNfi GOODS, I such aa fine I. men ami M iraeillea hiila, CoMara, Neck'ieu, Cruviiln, Glnvea, liaildkcrchiefa, Ac AIo, I Oder Garment" and " Hats and Caps. In this line we excel anything heretofore this place. Gentlemen's Shawh and Blankets. A1..-0 j V7TTT Trunk, ftlirts, antl 3lK5j ( tltl'fT imgs ! Iitdid htbber & bervint'd Clothing, fee. All tht abote mentioned tJnods can be had at the Charlotte Clothing Hall, So. 4, Graii itc Bow, (lipoMic Hie autnlim Ilout. . ,. . J.T 1-cmer.iber ul ti i.ia .old at tins establish, limit, ill he M il I I ii n t ll. J. Kf'THCHILD i liRO. 11 Cnunirr Merchants wi.l s wi.l do well to g, d to aeli Goods ul tl lust fit N irlhern pliers. sKf -Notice . , l ST re. tf e i a v. i lid opt-it. atCsi o f ra, . araau J. dies FiKses & Plen's HOOTS & SIIOKS, at astoni.hing t i li-a . at our did stan at doors above tne t Imr n'tt- tl' lel. J. li'jlIlClllLI- i KKO. Sepumi-rr 25 li-nO. S7ll MERCHANT TAILORING; i n I I 1. 1.1 t.!. i'lil4iS A . AVE alao aooLO to tneir U. ally Clolli. ; tng M k. a Meicl.u.,1 T. Depart. II ri , ali Ih al atlelltiun ol llli. atld CUSlnllit . makii Una i.i i..i r to en t ae nnd te M'r, eitlitr in . Vie rod quality ol I., nulaeluri ii. t. rmiiila ,, lie Inuoil .i g-H.. ab.ek ill Black ..i,.,l;i,gli.-l.,r . i in and Aui.ncan a variety ul Voting AUu, an At a snil t ..; Caaltll it ti u 11. yu 4 tmi:ui:, Tm v i. ii eniifiiieiit of their iibil.iy lo underseil e in the Stale, irn .11 ng their g are t . 11 ti t hy tin ;u.,ntity, by one mucin iiiar'heL, , I taking auvaii- ! rcoy saving at i Tne-r ol tne I te opjK.riunH ol guuO.. I lage least tne prien f-. Twenty-Five Per Cent, '.suS i To the ei.i sumer. Li Planes saved arc Dollars , mane !j-J So try u.. i E. FULLING?, ; JNO. M. SPRINGS, PLANTAT I0i S.I LI.. Stpttmhei'Sj. Itf. ULUAHIiE ion OFFF.R for sale, PlauUtinil.sllllalt' ib irru. , lv in, ,,e North tide ul ku kiver. t) S, utlt-wcsi ot Concord, ai a hall miles Irotii H .rria' Depot, on the Norm La. rnlins Nail lin.ii). adioinine lr t rus Alexander and nl In . The tract contains aimut 'J ii acres - about l(lt aer.s cleared and in cultivation There a tine Mill site on the premises, also a good owe. ling hou-e and ulhrr ncus.ary out-buil-titngs, ticw gu: house and pnss. No better land can be found ill the county to pruuuee Cotton, Com, VV hcut, Tobacco, Oat., ie. Any per.on being d sirous nl purchasing a place pleasant v situ lieu among at a tl illgcllt COI1IIIIU- hity, til "pira.e Callonll.B subscriber, un Ihe pre., or address him at Hairla Depot P.O .N.C. Tiioti. l. martin. li'pttmbtr 4, ISfiO- a4-3m iNotice to Debtors, li AVTNG sold nut our ent re slock of turni. lure and tumeu our sllv'-ilnm xi'lulveiy to the maiiiitaclurc nl lobaeeo, we respecllully notily all those tnocbicd to us lor lurinture, by j note or account, tllat me nine are resoy lor sei- i llement. Tho onui-rsignco will bs li.und, with the notes and nauy lor settlement, at the 1 TOBACCO FAI'IOKV i.r lliirly uajs. niter i which all outre and account will be put uut for j collection. Those indcbled to ua will pleas, no- I tire, anu be governed accordingly . J. M. SANDERS & CO. ! Ortetrr 2, lSbO. . l3l j Fine Chewing Tobacco, j f. a L are inantilai luring and keeping cunstant fl ly ou hand a SUrialilOU AKT1CL.E. which we ofl'ar to the trade upon KIAS(l AHIai; TKIS31.S. All who are fond of the u i:ri IX ITS will please call at our Establiahroeiit, TWO DOOIts LAST OF TH K BANK OF CHAR LO TI K, W e put it up m lioxea of all ante, fioin 4 Uj-7Slbs. J. O. KINO, J. M. SANDERS. October 8, IS60. "31 Chambers, Rimes & Co., Factors and (ItMicral (oiumistiion .MI-liCIlAM'S, TII A II L L'STUX, S. V. SI? I seen in I . i aM I i I at A .J ! I ij ItvmoueiL W M. TKFLOAR has removed 5 1 to No. 9. Gr.mili' Row 8 ore. formerly nccopnd hy Elms at t'o. hen one do..r below A. A. N. M. Taylor's corner. WM. TRELOAR'S Hcsd qu.tT.t-rn for HiHt(iid 8lioe. - WM TUKLOAR'8 ItootH, Mutt ttnd Vttlhrr, Jual come in. WM. TRELOAR'S 11.1 A in niti:ic ici;iriG, Just come iu. WM.TUKLOAR'S Hats & Caps, $t J ut fonn in, WM. TRKLOAR rorliculiirly reijueals the Public to Juat come in and examine for themselves his splendid new stock of Fall and Winter Boots and Shoes, Juxt come in at 3 O. 2, ' It . 1 1 T i: It o u WM. TRKLOAR. Stfttmbtr 55, ICO. l.ld HA II D lv A )X R K! A.A.N. MTtAYLOR 11 ESPECTFl'LLY in forma his fricnda mid the public generally, that he has added to his j linsive stnes of iebts u$ Jkkvc, large and complele slncx ol IIAI(I) Al.h.,C(in. ; "' P-rt ' ('.riii nlera' T . tul 11 c,, nll (.', null, crtii'ul, hnmi, ripper, pnnnel, pru ""'iit If r" 11 ten non, back , contptik., ebb and hul'-Uer SAWS, Br;tcen iiiid bit?, I'rawmg K'nivrn, rhtani It, A ugt-rt, G i io lei y, II i num-rn, M.i trln t ir ud Axes, Hnck, pl iitlenng i.n.l poititin TROWKFaS. S i w at-ttcrh. Sen w pUtr, Sidckb and diifn. Hit ips of uli kiiidc, kSpoke-shstvcii, Stt-frl l,Ufis tie vi-1 and try Sg .r- g, Spirit I.eveia, PuCrtet I, o. Spirit Ia-vcI Viala, 1 It i uiy Mac(Mne-v,Cttnge6, ! tn tcl tery Hung a mechanic wants, in grsat f.rirtv and ol verv t'W p:i I TAYLOR'S f i.rnarr Store una Tin War M K'noi, imi.-.( lnuit. . N Depot, opHiiic ihc ! June A, JP5f. 1 !tf i Blacksmith Tools, Trfw- Aw I'l II aa B, Ih ws. Anvils, hand shoe Wiiiimin, Vices, Buttresses, arrm -r -' knives. Screw-plates Slock nica. Blacksmith's Pinchers and Tongs, Ras. and Files of' every kind, cut horse .iioe and ch Nails, Borax, Iron of all site, both of nor. n and country manufacture, enst, plow, blis. nid spring Steel 4c, for sale very cheap at TAYLOR'S, Oppoiitt the Muntion H um. Carriage Materials, Oaii K would caii Kpt'Cial attctit.on 1 kloCeS ol the abuvb goodn, ! cuitrtirvtmr (,t Springs, Atlri. Hubn, K'tws, Spo fere, Simitu, ( urt-nn Kramea, Knba, . If m nit-, Ltnmg NjiU, i..niiiek, Sattinrt, Cloths, I.n- ( ir n, t'ringef, Ku.iint led and Tjtt nt I.eatncr, Sn-antt-lr-d t'i.. tli. Oil Oirntl, Paint of all kinds, dry and in oil, Vor iht Turppi. tine, Linseed Oil, Tyre Bt'tlK, ind everything in the wiy mntn, at pneca that cannot i'-tt iiuwjrr Or pot of A. A. N. M. TAYLOR, Opp'tUt the Mansion Haute. and Oval Iron J' Carriage Tr to plca.c, at 111 Agricultural Implements OF ALL KINDS. jThAW Cullers, Com Sliel. -CS ?5 I rs. Plows, floes, Shovels, Spades. Fork. Axes, Picks, Mat tocks, Grubbing lines. Trace t hams, Lof Chains, Pruning and iledge Shear?, Pruning and Hudcing Knives, Gar. den iiocs snd kakrs, with handles; Grain Cra. dies; grain, grass and brier Srytiiea, Bush ..ok.. Wagon boxes ; Wolh.w wsre,such as pots, ovens and iids.skillris. spiders, stew-pans and kel. ties, 'Jauloroi.s 'nun -.'0 to 1'JIJ gallons each ; Iron u nil brass Preserving Ki ttles, Sheep Shears, Ac, TAYLOR'S artwere Depot, apposite the .Uinxion Houie. j Xi IDLOVV'S CLLKBI1 A i'KD SKLF SEAL 1G CANS, 01 ail the mrierent .izes. at TAYLOR'S jitMie Store opposite the Mansion Haute. At Taylor's rOl' can find the In gest u.sortinent of Cut lery, Guns and Pistols, of ali the celebrated makes. GLASS, of all aucs and qualities both French alto American. Also, puliv by Hie kejur pound. WOODF.N W'AllK, llltOO.VIS, ic.ol all kinds. Uope! Hope!! sW imtk pouhdsut Manilla, Juto and Cot 99y"r"rF ton Hope, irum luch to 3 in. ct,f 4l TAYLOR'S Hmdtra' t Slot e. oppoiitt tht .Imutton llnusr. Tin and Japanned Ware. V Urge assortment; Biock I'm, Biuck Zinc. Tin Plate, Babbit metal, ic, 'Ol t'S, the UrgealSloca, of all sizes, at TAYLORS Hardware, Stove and 7'in It airs Depot, Opposite the Afeajiim House, liootiiigGutteing I Job Work, g VF all kinds, promptly attended to at TAYLOR'S rdu-aie Store, optioeUt the Muniiest Houee. Charlotte hi tS. C. Kail l.oad 0h nd slier the 1st day of October nut, k i. p. -,., ht Train will run ,uug.. .r...- - - --- - daily between Clmrluti. and t harkston, without ,ra. ....prncnt. Thu. an. blmg to reach an. ... Charleston, snd vice v.r...! Al- Through rwMtjMm I bar. loll to Charleston .1 ASM, and to New k. . C- vrie.lon Stumer, (or !. and vie. vtr. i..,hi. ... .ii.iied lo ... i mi rco-oi. .. . try this"'' - "d rasarnje... sh-piv 1 A. II. MARTIN, General Fieight and Ticket Agent, Charlotte. N. C. TxEAStixxt's Oxncc. A. T. A. O R R.C'u., t Charltttr Sept 14, 1-G0. ( ST ia hereby ordered hy the Board of Directors that the fourth inatallinrnt due to thia t 'oinpa. ny in Mecklenburg County, and the third inatall. ment due at Ml. Mourue, in Iredell loui ly, be made oayable on the lath of Oetober nrx' Stock, holders will please take untice, and meet their dues, as the vrn.k MI ST go forward, and we mast have MONEY. M. L. W1UST0N. Trent. Seplemlitr IS, IbtiO. t.10 COt'IIKAXKiSAJH'LKS DEALERS IN. Hardware. Gnns. Cutlery, Arc , fee, ; the in of the Golilen Pad l-ork, 'OL'LD respectfully invte tho public to W call an) examine their Block be lor pur- en.ine elaewherc. if Or lera aolirited and promptly altended to. Cull uml see us. COCHRANK i SAMPLE. July io. i8t;o. T(iols!Tol)ls! Tools! at the Sign of the. Clohlen Vad Lock, A good supply of Tonla. consinl CpytiS ' mt! ol circular, mill. cro-cut, ( V tenon, h d, ripper, bucH and com. pais S.iws; banch and moulding Planes J l-tliin?, shingling, and broad H 'ti:liel; Hammer ; bevel and ateel Squares ; Drawing h'mvra; Brucea and Biu ; Auger ; (innlets ; ( hiaaela; hnck and plaa. toriog Trowels; Screw Plate,; S..w Seta; Spoke. Shave.; Filra; limi'Sj Ponket.R ule ; b'urr. Rods ) spirit and pocket Ivclr ; Boring chines, ore, COCHRANE i SAMPLE. lllacksiiiilli's Tools at the Si'pt of the GoJen Vad-Lock, aaMwaa, a rood sdpolT, conaiating of An. T3r i v,is;iici'o, tSsLuaQ hand and eledg anil Dies ; Tonga, Buttrusae. gmid supply of' Horse Nail Silid Box Vices ; Halliniera ; Stocks liapa, Files, and a . llnrae and Mule Miocs, at low prieea. COCHRANE k SAMPLE. Agrieull;iral Iniplcnieiits, at tht Sig" of the Golden Pa- Lttck. IHtge supply or i". u..u, ol Thoilipauii's ceiebratcu Ploughs; uUo, Corn. Shellers; Struw Cullers ; Snov. Hay and manure hirm; oe.t ca.t. Puks, Matlocas, Grubbing Hoes, Chants, lg Chains, VV auoii en lines. Rakes, Heuge Shear., l'ru- nine and Budding knives, 4lc , 4c. COCHRANE k SAMPLE. Carrisige Alaterial, at the Sign of the Golden Vud-Lw k, rW-aevL i large Stock of the above, consist. f ing of Springs. Axles. )val Iron, liuoa, bows, Rims, Buegy Poles, Baggy Si.att.. Spokes, Patrnt and Enamelled I.eallier, Eiiam .11. n l Iml. II. I l arnrt t arriavc Bull.. Brass and u.'rf. s.l.rr Mniiloi.Hf Laces. T.sse.a, 'I'umeu sUci,s, Saddle and Lining Nail". Vc.4u CUCHUANE i sAMPLh A T the Sign of the GOLDEN PADLOCK will be (mind at tun. a a large and well se. leeted Stork of (Jons. Pialnl". owo(.r horns. Powder flasks, Powner, Shot, Lead ; French and Anicrm n n indnw Olas. ; lul., ty ; a large stock of English and American Iron ; ( Ca.t Slcol, German steel, Blislcr .teel. Plough! sleel. Spring steel; Nails of all kinds hemp and; maniila Rope ; Anchor Brand Bolting Cloths ; Miii I Screws; Mill Picks,-Spike Hammers. Sf nc Ham-I mere. Double and Single Works; also, a large' Slock of Cornices, Curtain B uius, (. urtain Pins, Picture Cord snd Tassels, A c. 1 COCHRANE A: SAMPLE. Superior Smut Machines, ; at the Sign of the Gulden Vud-Lork COCHRANE & SAMPLE. ! i Mecklenburg IRON Works,; Ml'ilas -avVZl t ti.iititOTTt:, .v v. ALEXANDER & EIcDOUGALL- f JtHK unders gncd beg lenve to inform the cili. JL xe n a of Charlotte aim vicinity and the pub lie generally, tnat lliey In .e opened the above Es tablishment al the tool of Trade street, enjoining the track of the Noi Ih Carolina Kail Road and op. po.ite John Wilkes' Steam M. Us, ana are prepar ed to furnish ail kind, uf iWBL-rm. mLZirn aLm : mz m" at short notice and un reasonable terma. Sleaiii Engines from & lo SO Hore fovver. Tlietr SflOP contains tool selected with great care, and are prnvuied wiln nil ihc imprhvcinenta I required lu do their work in lirst rale manner, i Us mgs, in Iron or Brass, msec to order. HORSt.-SiiOKlNG and BLACKSMITHS work loi'all kinds. Kr-PAIKING in tlieT line allcu. ded to. i Agents, for Dr. L". O. F.i.liott, for W .nler . Pat. ent Mulay Saw Mill, which lias the advantage, I along with many others, of doing l least twico ss ' in n en work, ano doing it better, thau any utucr Mill in use it can be run by Mcain, ivau r or Horse Power. Th Mulay muy be seen at the r-hup at any tune. HENRY ALEXANDER. MALCOLM Mi DOUG ALL. N. B f)ld iron. Brass, Copper, tc, bought ar taken in trade. . Aug"' 166- " 1 iSTATFa OF N I ) I 'J ' f I - C A 1 O L I -N A , UNION COUNT1T. 71 Equity "I o t'ull Term, 1-tiO. Wni. J. Carett.B and wife Charlotte, F.lixibeth, wile of S. M. Durant, Cure ton, Taylor Cuieton and Thomae t uretou, (children and hcira al law of Jeremiah Curelon. J r., dee'd.,) Margaret Khiabtlh, wife of James M. Morrow, (Cum and i eir ot Ann Fotts, dec'd.,) Ben) li. Massey, (son of Fvcrard Massev.) Henry Reese Mas.ey.Sam I. ii. Mnasoy and wile .Mary, (cmiuren oi nonij Massey, uce'd.) A f.nut Sarah Kimhrull. James E. Curelon, Thonus K. Ctireton, jr., Samuel J. Curelon, Virginia, "He ef F. D. Green, ami F.ltxa Jane, (children ol T. K. Curelon. er.,dcc-d., Koorrl Miller and wife Ann, (hetra nf John Cureton, dee d..) Rebecca, wilt ol J.R. Br.tton, Jane F. Maasey. S-rah A. Maa.ey and Wm. H. Maaaev, (cnudr.B and heira ot W m. Maasev, dec-d.. L H. M.asey. H. T Maasey a heirs i. L. Massev'a child, (cltiidrtn ot t bar lotto Ma.sev.) Joseph C. Hale. w.le ot C. Mitheaon, F.l.aabclt, Knox, Belij. Haie. J .. .'ee'e "s ch'l'irei, tna heirsuf Susan Lanier, J unea B. Cureton and Ihe other ciutdren ol Lver.rj Cureton, dee'd. Petition for Sal. of Land ti.r Partition. v .1.:. .1 .nneanne lo the satis'actmu of M. lb. Court, tn. h. a.i.ndanti in Una causa are not resmeuu, - j, . oannoi be p-rsinaiiy crveo uoo.. . ; . . -. , 'p.,a, nuhiicalion or niauu ore vioeraa , , ' JB Sutin t .roj.n. to, ...a.ue.sive,, .laar. eutliuiaudilig than, and ch af theni to he appear -. , .1 twr .M h ,ml Mw ..tor .b. ' .u a won . BOB ,.wer. ic. , 4th M J . .. ,aurtd ,.,,., , ad appear ai vu. or r. couiesso a b - I ..,., Thome. D. Wincbesler. th M.airr nf eaid court, at oBic. in Monroe, una in ; Jlst da of August. A. D IM60. , T. V. WINCUKSTER,c. !-.. elp ; Spj.dr p ; alet-I Axt u ; Weeding Hrf ( hutna. (jitrd '1 he .tlarketfi. CORRECTED BY OATKb & WILLIAM. CHARLOTTE OlTOBER 8, loiin BACON. Hinn Sidea " Hog round, " Shoulders, . Bugging, Gunny Beet', Butter, Beeswax, Beana ,'traiidy , Apple, ID lb lb !a lb ..bushel, .... gl. gl- lb !"""ib!"H!!!. ib io lb ...buahal .14 fa 13 H Hi 14 14 .13 (a, 0.1 .17 ..20 Uij ..3d (; ,..75 (Z, ..iou (,i In ..17 (,L 100 l.iO reach , niton .it! i'l', Kio Jnva r ,,nlr a . A l i in.ut 1 1 in j " "w;';; Corn, ' ChicKcna ('lotk.l'oppera. 1 " Lm.ii.ey KgR ....40 fa. ....0 ai 7u U, ...Vl (o, (, ,...S" ...tii (, ... 34 (a; ....30 in 6 (. n I (a ....14 f.i. .yarn, ..yard. Hour M 3 , w4 t, lb II In lb , Ih bhl.Nui. Kills : Feat I 1 Hide. Dry,- I.e. 1 Mutton,.... I Mackerel,, - 1 vliil .N.O gin W I gal Meal b U -III 1 ... M uileta ( W I i in I li v ton I .. .bhl i rla, Northern,. ...Ib , Souther i lul Pork Pt I'olu loea, I rial Swee Sugar. lAiai',.... ' Ilrov.,,.. otoue . W are,. S-ll Tea Whea I, white, Ib ...bttehcl..., Ih ...bushel... ...bualiel... .. bushel... ...biisliel.... It Ib -! ...sac, lb ...bushel.... . .bujiiti.... ,...I'U I: ..J.U t'l ,U Oi ...4 t.. ...15 (a ...10 (.i ...10 lu ....ll'l f (, ...140 t.. ...Mi (..'. 150 1 40 Win skey , Nortlu ri " N . Caroiiiiu, beat CicorgiH) vi COM MIS I a MAliKKT. Cui.tstaiA, October fi. Ci i'l 'I ON. The to 94.'i b in r, al an qua 111 I. . I 1 in ... IIAi'ON.horoi uik.i, I'EAS OA I S i i; . inn u ii ted liie finer t tict of 3 1 Gt. i. 7,airSc. i i-jj ii io "'i ( 3j (u U0 m tt c4t.Al(I.KSTO.N MAIIKKT. fK.iin.Mra, Oct. 5, I Slit), t OT'lO.V The transactions in ci.tiou for tna wti K iiiiioiinleu to 11,4-1 imii , .ii s.iies in Hi same tiu.t. ! C,: t.) bans .1 prices ranging ir. in 7 to 1 1 i cents. Moail.K Ucloher 12. Tile aa, ,1 to. nay reached 3,iioii bans. Miiioiiiiga ate quoted al injc. Ihc aalts ul tne week luot up i&.buO bales, anu the re ceipta IU..UU, against V'J.'Jlj III the cuireapol.ding period last year a decrraae on last years ol 6.3ij bales. The atock hand is Ib.hih bales. Nxw York, Oi l. 5. I herotl. n readier market i. In in. v un iic In iiw ol 4, . US' bl s. Flour is linn, V. It I. sai o! 103,1 IJU bu adv-mird -'c. lee ft.'ll, ; ai Ibae., l.aOU b l... I." l.l,i. VV heal, with sales a. c. ennui If. p I u-lnl I orn el, and nui.t.u ai 7 1 7 4 , lot', uction o .1,1011 hags J-v at i ei MJaUjc. Spirit ol lor- pen line i. u bbl. lil tu hi. ICni, is Mtaiiy al ll.ltafM e I. film at 4 J . 4 J . Valuable Town Property, iOli S.I 1,1.. T'iy tuiurt) -t li.c FuDiic at;, un tne J'Jli.til aNnvriiiher mx', m u.g tne I m iu y ot Suptnor 1 ourt wttK, li.e Circuit luA!i.'UN.A-.E, tocdieil in ii very pte-tMnit p-til ! Cluriutte, On tht? prviiuc ia a iti-hen, t - b i -, if, IVr-one oe tt.ntig to purcnane va.utio town prop -r ly, will do wt.l t ti.tnanc thia jjtuptrty ueiure the day of -.e. Turin eimy juu uiai.e Known on itif day uf ?iiie. 'J'ne pruperiy win bt; s'iowii lo any ne de a irnig to Vi U, U Catiiii.t,' ul the W i ig ( tJU'C T 11 K TKU.S1EES. August -21, !.'u. yiu jf3 .Notice. MAVINti learned lioin a utnentic sources that tne cond ti. i s of lue tn.edc. d lor the Cir. cuit Parsonage aa trust property, have not been eumpiicd wan hi several I'ca peels, lnv lew of lis saie s".d all( liallun I'rolu the purposes ot said tru.l, li is l. ro in tity all cuni-erncil that 1. a. the gran, tor ol suid trust. Idrbid li.c a,. .e ai.a will use all tuw tul means tu preserve tne terms ol'snd deed uf Irii.t, ,s l.Ucs ciniiol bs inadr without curnpiy. ance w ill toe lenns of saul dic.i. J. R. PICK KIT, Grantor. Oct. f, lsi.0. UJ r CIIAItlaOTTI-: STEAM KLFLNED uANDY 3IANUrACT0KV: ' BRIltl) mid C Kla It Ikl lll, Xc. T HIE undersigned rerpectiully informs the cl- Ulcus of Charlotte and Btirroundtng coun- try, ti t he has JU-.1 coiilinencod toe above busi Ihe house at the corner ol t rade and Col- tree!., for the purpose of ;n uiulacturu g C.l.MJIIXC which articles he w KI & I5UEAI). I! sell Wholesale and Retail. Aa lie does ali the wo. k liim.clt. Ketail Store Keepers wuuid do weil lo purchase Uieir Candies and takes Irom hnu, he w.ll give entire 9at:e. action both in price and quality. iLTAli OK DOS from a uo-lancc, enclosing the t'ASH, will be puiictuaiiy atunded lo, and the ar licles careiuliy pucaed and forwarded accuiding tu dtiectioua. Diiect to JOHN tt. C. LEI5ER, Ctrner of Trade and Coiejs itrett,l'hvrivtte, S. C tfloriofte, June i, ls60. Hit 110 AL HAVANA LOTTEKV. Tiie next ordinary drawing of Hie Royal H.s. ua Lottery conducted by theSpanisn Government unucr the supervision of the Captain General i l Cuba, will Uaic -Ice at Havana on 'ITEzilUY, Oclobr-r l 1M. $360,000. SORTtO NI'MF.RO 61-i itRDIN'ARIO, c t r ita I. ritizi: i 00,000 : IprcofIOO.OiK! od I.OOf I Uu.itU i li'i " I " 0,OO J JO Apr'xiui's 1 - lO.OOvJ) 4 At.oroxim. lions lo tne llOO.OOO M0 . .,, ,,,i ,,. iiiiii. i ..I Slnl tu sJ.'M'l 4 of : "OT ' " , , ' . . no!. Iicaets i'0 ; iialvesfiu, i,ii. Pi ca.nro st sight at a per en- m u all ...IV. Il l Hank. laSeil sl par. I?i A drawing will be forwarded t-u,m.,uic.. r--- ' ' ) (ll ;Z. , ',ly r ..t. t h.rle. on, 4- . . .. .,. , ttoer, will be altenoe.i - KODKI in o -u - Person, orue, Ticaet. will ploa. wriie iwir e thoir post o.-lice. County and , - t. srhI.K.VAS for .sic t thi- Offie.

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