. " Let me Kiss Him for His Mother." " ' r. maun. A young man wh.t I. no lift 1. 1 home in Maine, ruddy and Tigornui, was seised with ihr yellow It-wr W. New OrVan. ; and. Humph nursed with ch Voted care by friend! jr alrnngcre, hi. died. When th cuff an being cl.i.rd. atop ."' imil an rd w.mnw who waa present " let mt kin km for sjvsfaW .'" Let me a.1, hirn for bis mother ! Era lay hurt wilh the otiil, Far aw y from home, another Sur may kita luin in hrr Mend. How that mother' lip would km tmn Till hrr heart ahould nearly break ! - Hw in day to e.mie she'll mis. luin ! t Let nie kisa bin: for her take. !- me ki. him for hia mother ! Let me kiK the wandering bey ! Jt limy he, tiiere is no other Ielt behind tf give her joy VYIxn tbe nrw oi w.-v Iti- morrow Burn her bonm like a col. She may feel t .l k.sr of sorrow Fall a balm upon hir soul. Let me k.aa him fi r bin nmlher ! Her ye. who t ) hiaaiue W -iled i him . a l.r.rtlur Till the Northern .linger died, I!.:e.;ing Mot the ful iti.ret.on. Breathing in the ftier breaih, It me, rl my ow n rleetmn. U.te the mother' kna in cealh. fet me kia him for hia mrther!" Lotlug thoucht and lefing deec! 5ek nor ear ror aich to aii.ailn r, lirntle mjlrona, while ye read 1 hank the God w ho n.aflr y in human, (" J P'tyi"1 teara to'ahtu ; HK..r y the t hrrMiin woman Bndn.go'er anoltier'a aead. aureus. THR HICAVK INDIAN BV J tl. C. CARTER. will relate an intane of Indian hero- . that will somewhat alone for the cruel- ty of whieb there are so m,tiy record in 0".r Aa-.tnean at.ual. It occurred in what i tow the peaceful riilse of Arkansas , T, . . . , i . , p.i caa stiouiuerea their nnes t-elore tbe r.smg sun, and filed out to tL.ir buutin2 troit.d . leaving tbeirfarr,iiie atder tie pro Uciiuo of a frienJIy natives. A rumsr was afloat that a party of hos tile savages wire ' towcJ '" up tbe rirtr. and u-ii-h' I eipected at the ett!enjerjt be- ' B.,!.t and this maae tbe absence of .... . ., , , tb bot.ters awkwardly felt by tne women J J a we.l as Ly tseir temporary protectors. A'j'jut son set tbe f'let stationed a'.OBg tbe river trooglt in a report that the savages baJ arrived and were pitching tb'ir tcrits on ihe Leach, a little below tbe settlement a statement that w a soon substantiated by 1! 'moke of their ein.p .res. TLe cslony waa soon agitated. To be in wlal uiihl be Called an unprotected situa tion, in thi wtcinity of a savage foe, with a wiijtj ttlgll tom upon them, called for res?!uti-JO. But before steps could be taken f3r .auty, four men from the savage tarty . ,. , were sets entering ire Til. age earning bs c ' J r iet, evidently fur the purpose of piocuring . proMeioti fro the i:. habitants. 1 :. ited all tbe hcu-e, taking away 1. ,;..er waa teuipiiog in the way of food or other wise, till they reached the residence of Mrs And here tbey were biiEed. The prndect 1 ady kept her property under lock and key, and tbe so. id log wail of those early days resinta ail sunups at nurg ary. 1 lc sav ; were in despair nd while meditation ,. , venge, a nu.e son of bow to achieT tbeir revenge, a little son of Mr. A "s, who bad been out with his Liow-gtin, was seenreturning, guided by tbe gestures of bis mother, from a suaail window at tbe back of the house, throub which she thiu'bt to take bim up uisceo by the In d aus. Bat on seeing the lad, tbey alio d Jted the asaault upon the houe ; and rusb 1' S i-pop the chill, just as be would have matched hia arm to bis mJluer, they bore hiiu '-ff, d e -jai ve tleacrtams of bis horror struck parent. In wain she tailed upon tbcm Ij railore ber boy, and take ail beside- ; in vaiu sue pursued them with threats and SalicitatiotiS. Revenge is sweet, and savage auow ' i maae 11 urea-nut. She eiied to her aid tr.e friendly natives of tbe pla- e. but. Laving a uread of th- ir .l j , tnrm.e, they wou.d not pursue wnnto reach or ineencsmpuieni It was now dark ; frantic and eg'r.au'ted tiie bereaved mother wai tako h -tue by the women. Il was thought that iLc. hun ters would soon return ; lat ao boor pass esi aud they diJ not come, f-areiy they won! i not stay out on such a Lij.i,t w;;bo jt, at i.a.t, deepatcbiug a tueaseuer lo appri.e lb. ir famines of it Meanwhile, the friendly Indians Lad be takvu themselves to tbeir oo ijartera, snd w re - peculating in their own way, when a wc.i known wnoop rang liyt.g aud clear through the nijjbt They kneir th voice of j thwir ct.ief who had goneout witb the hunters, and tbey thought the men were all return in; But tee chief asm alone. ; tbe Loo ter, bad enjoyed frrai success, and bad resolvod to eunt.nue the hunt ou the mor ms, drpaiching bim to communicate their intention lo the village. 1 he chief was renowned fur hi- bravery : while helping; hiiu to a bal of lituiisy, hi people) narrate! the arrival of the hostile savage, aud how tL.-y had earned away liil'e Willi ui. The Indian' brow wriu kied ; lay mj; dowu hi food, he bouL led out. The tiiht fr-jred bitn. He was qtiiie elio to tbe enrsu oiecf, and s'uf pei f) await an -p.jrtui.ity wb.o he ut reseu the littla boy. Tht fatner of tbe lad had i a ..indue., wbiob b. ... rewired . to repay. ulf(j M spare bedroom. An be opened I II saw no leas than a dotes men seated ,,e oor his light went out with the current around the fire, and among them he saw of air, aud he was in total darkness. )?rcs ' little William. At last be saw the s.rage ! J. howeter, as be turned to grope his , j ii- .v ii way back, the room crew light as a oellar l.T.w.j.b,.rp1pes..Ddrolllngthr.rLlan.jony rBin'y ,flerll001f; ,Broufcgh , rourjd let around them drop down to sleep. A i ,. 0Terhe.d, and Mr. V dini'ty saw bound brought bltn IDto their midst ; bis ba.che, gleaming above bis head, a. he gave the war-cry! The satages were panic ....... , struck i thinking their enemies were npon them in hundreds they darted for their .t, leaving their guns, little William, and , be In lid. mr ur.Ttciuc. ui uul u.ny.uui maiug the boy on bis back, be stopped not till be laid bin down beside the hearth of bis nio:hcr. i Such is the tale. I hare tried to tell with as few words a poseil.le j it is au humble memorial to the brove Indian. I The Buffalo Commercial Adrertisar of the 17th has full rrticulars of the perform- snce of Wondin on .ttja. bef.re the I'rince, sj( lrtf. ,jf from which tbe following is an extract : j OH K I O'l TK. C ! All were now waiting snd looking eaier- ' L'RUK Al, OVVMA HONS, .uch ly for the last snd grentest set of tbe day s fcLsjfitL (9 l.r'H' I'Al.ATE, IIAliE nerformance the stilt-walkinL'. We think 'XTIJJ i.u. Tl'.MriKS ol mouth and J .w that all who itnessed tLia feat will agree wi'h ut in pronouncing it one of the most terrible and darinc ever attempted by mor tal man. Many who were there to see wauld frequently turu tbeir eyes from hitn during his passage, fearful iesi, as tbey gated, the intrepid man micht miss his precarious foot ling snd be precipitated into the seethiug abyss. Tbe stilt are about two feet higb. tbe bottoms baring three iron prongs reseiu blinf trident in shape, the wooden por tion being covered with silter leaf. An in cident occurred whan lilondin was a short di-tsnee from the American shore which produced a thrill of horror in the breasts of all who witnessed it. It was not generally under-toed that in tbe passage oter he was to make three leaps on his stilts. Tbe first time be attempted it, the centre and louger prong in tbe bottom of the stiit caught a cainst one of tbe guys, tripping him slight ly. All bf!d tbeir fcrea:h in horror for an infant, thiuking he Lad fallen. 1'ut tbe darine, self-possessed perfoi mer lighted safe J ",ri(ie of 'b''. nd lokd ords Irj c,nicg suddeu!j ,I)diolentiy upon tbe rr.pe bin balaBcinir pole as before listed a very heary ene was cracked and strained ; o tLat he dared net kttempt a repetition of 1 the leap, lest il should be broken. The task of regaining bis standing po-ition on tbe T0t wi!h lU ,;, 0B ..seemingly a most u.Scult cat, and many ezpresed doubt as to I lie success of the atteu.pt. But with him, as with tht eunning old Cardinal, there i e Ui.s to be no iueb word as fall ; and, af- ler (no cr three trials, the difficulty was overcome As h" proeeeaed, step by step, the spectators giMued cotibaeoce, and those "ho bad fipres.ed doubt and apprehewsioo, breathed freer as be approached tbe teruii- , , tr nation of his toy age. ie fey 00 trrr, fir0Jt , lu0ut ef eiult.tior went up, followed by cheers and clarpmg of bands, and again was be greet ed ry the Prince the Duke of Newcastle and others of the party, tbe former expressing to Mr. blcndiu in French bis astonishment sml ueiife-Lt at tbe unparalleled feat. The i'r.bce, tbe Duke and others took tie stilts in tbeir band and examined them, repeat 11 1; at the same time their encoiiuuis upon i:i professor' skill and darin. Mr. Bion din Mt.ifie'l to his Koyai 11 gtineis bis lie- .re lo vie.t hngiand and pertorm beloru tbe '"ouit. when tne Hrittce told bim that should h! fBcluae do . te (the I'rince) would lend hi countenance and support '1 be fact .. . ., 1, . . ' . ... that the I rince and attendants sat dorm ,he ntir exhibition, something over two ti-jurs in djration, is a high compliment to Mr. 15: on din. (Iq taking tbeir leave, the w iio.e party shook bauds with bito, aud batie Linj good-bye. Prai Tif AL Joking A great many years v.f. . : ... 1 .- r . J. oc.vto iue iuimiui;iioii U' Bieaui oav. gallon into the water uf Long Inland found, Captain Thayer whose nam will bs remembered by many of our readers as otf f be pioneer captains in steamboat travel, eummanded a s.oop in tbe waters of Taunton river, tine auorniu, hci .1 il,- iandit-g in Iirkley, and having occasion ta cr.-ss to the other side, be entered a bsrn or shed, where tbe boat's oars were kept Kb wniub be was to cross While there a hen came cackling off her st, naving laid ao egg. Being a practi- i joker, it occurred to hisu to operate a iiti.e upon the supcrstitioui fears of the in habitants of thai beniohted town, ile ac cordingly picked up tbe warm ecg, and wrote 00 it su-ceptible shell with hi pen cil, " Woe to tbe town of Iiorkiy,'' and, re piscine the egg, left tbe barn. In dje lime tbe cest was cleared of Its eggs, snd tbe on? bearing the inscription di-cotered. The wobde.rl.jl news was at I once " telegraphed " from I ouse to h'xire turougb the town, and before night, bun- I drtda bad journeyed to tbe spot to ee it for (t" t"-'i,e' Consteruation was depicted on j every countenance iu view of the in.t)udiui ' , . , , , , '"'Pu "" calamity which thes were sure the ntienom- ' enon denoted. Ii tonally occurred to then, ' to a-k counsel of tuetr pastor in this tbeir : hour of terror. Parson A. was accordingly j seui 1 or, anu arriving, ihe caujo 01 alarm , was made known to bim, Lacked by au ex- ' Libuioia of tow ;'g I Ihe parson examined it attentively, after ' which he laid it down, and f jr many min utes seemed lost in reflection. His Lariah- ' louts thought lUey saw in tL ia fretu causa j for alarm, and one and aa -tber wouid ejac- i uiate in hoars wbi-pers, " l b Lord wrot it 1 the Lord wrote it!" At length the old i mau lust a if to address them, and, stret-.b-1 I..-.,.'.... f..H U..;..L. . ..J .ile I llif tO 1, full beii'ht exclaimed, "If lue n t ktlOW bow to snei! i Lord te that, he di Jeik'sy !" and, bidding them good day. he '"'7 '''l'' a' . L . a -ti 6 Tl t'liru ry it, I v .k..d on I heir eyes ware opened, and they saw in it at once the trick of some tnia chierou waj ; but it was not till some time afterwards mat tbey fouud out tbe author, lo whom tbey ever afterwarda owed a grudge. Xrtrp'jrt jV'K J. A Fi Mil lab PiEjiETiMrvT The Hche neci.dy News touches fur the truth of the foi.omnz ; " A ry remarkable case of preaentiusent, j bordering on the supernatural, basjuat been I toid u. by a j-eniiemau neatly rented i ! the per. ',1. a Concerned. ' Mr W , who reside in ricbenrta- I dy county m ib town 0 NysitayuBa, about three week, urj W(a ,. i- 1 al.p ny au uati.ua! l-.is which be thought i proceeded from the .joined room. More , 'U-priaea tnan -.i.rn.eu, oe ..gu.i-. ... II IDU WCIlt III HIO umillll.'lii, niiivu nmrnt bin eldest too OD tbe Led clad in tbe batult- ' men., of death and the coffin beside him, : "'"I? en '" " .om foot end. " In a nion-.eiit the illusion Tanisbed, and Mr w raurued t0 his own rooIU Briu another match, and a pain entered tbe spare bed-room, but ererj thing seemed natural as , usual. U!it e,de8t gjQ of r w wts ukeB Mf ,n(1 b, djed ,t Fri - day. He was a bright boy of some ten summers. Me ILiuic tbe ease wortny ot a place iu Robert Dale Oweu's bootfalis ou .1.. l! I... r.t 4. Wnrl.l " jo ha hi:m:v wait, burgeon Itaitist, (tiaanuaTB in MtniriNt tsu Dfntistrv.) flrr'HK in Bra If t't Bnildins. I o Slairn. (Inno performed. hKAri IKp.nd PIM-tK A MOWS SII.VKk! TIN "r AMAI.UA M. AhTIHMAl! 'I I- K 1 II in..ittd in the bet in:.iiner. Li A a. rv superior TtlOIli ro DLK and TiHiTII WASH constantly on hand. ( 1 ," T. elh Kltrneled. i U "PRICKS MODKUATE and all work done) aalialnelorT to the patient. IT FAMILIES waited on at their hnusea. 1' A alock of Dentiat'a Mattnala alwaya on hand. LTCOI.D ond SILVER Plate and W'ir of any fineness gotten out. j IJ Orocrs Ironi a distance attended In proti.pt!y . ' tr il, IbhO. 43tt' THE TWOhM CAROLINA wiiiik wSUL.ru u u riuxcs t ILL r.E OPENED FOR VIMIOKS DV f I tne tat ol JUNK nut. Tliey are lualed ni'st lie.. ithy iiiouniai irv near the umul CA'lAWliA iilVKIt, witnui leaa titan an hour's ri.e of the preirnt terii.u.ua of the W ESI Elt.N N.C. RAIL KOAD, with which dai. ly In. .sol Owiiiuueee etui Stage I uachca Connect lue Springs. Pleasure vehicles aud auperior aaddie iioiscs w ill be at the call ot guests. ' Iton liuK nuti Itilliartl .alii neatly fitted up. a mi; HAAU r 711 Mil A.N 'S-S and III 4 DRILL 1D IOTILLIUi PARTIES ch ttcu.i.g FREE Oh LXIiiA t HAKl.E I lit Ul 11.IM.X.S are new and spurious II F. IM.KAM'BE GICOrND eitensne j and in hnc, everything wim.tit lor beal w aternir ula. e.-., wii i be t.-und here to re Iresu the inner mau aliu to cheer the spirita. 'I lie i:il-iiili-it Ki-nliiliii and t ne MEDllIN'AL properlie of the watera (ain.ost incceaaib.e t!ore lite cou):'leli..n ol luc VV eaieru N. C. Kai.roau) now 1....1 Hie aica and atil.cleu wan a coruia. we.cou.e. "1 ne eipenewc ul lue Proprietor justifies the ceker ol lieailh or plea.ure in art tic. paling "goou tune coming." The Proprietor haa been at very great eipense in biting up a W atermg Pia:c coo.o.ei.aurute w at. ttic waioaol li.c l AUOl.tNAS and eontiuchtiy re. In on tneir generoaily l..r er.C'.uraj.iii nl. 11. L. liUUAKDS. .V, 1. 1.-.I.O. in FLOWKKV Twiii!E liULriiun SiniriGS, Calawfcil county, la. u. FB'IIE Propr.clor ol Itieao Spr.ng. JL public genera. ly, that he ta prvj I'.rm the g to re. ccme 1 1 entertain lioaie w ho are oeairoUa ol les. I. fig till- CUial.le qualltit 01 lhi Water, lor li.e various diaeaae lo wl.icn huinau nature is iiau.e. He 1 maaiiig large auditions to h.a bu.l.l.nga and will he reaoy ..i the reception of cuuyaoy be twren the lat and middle ol June, anu ail wi.u 00 come Uiay rrt assure., trial they win oe iccniiimu. djleu and every eicrtion used 10 rct.oer Ineir t..y p.eaaai.l and t'.iuiorubir. Persons ce.u.ing to these Springs by Kail Road, ul leave the Cars at Jt.ci.oiy 1 avert. Dtpol. . n l!'e w"-rru Eneu.. be in r.auineaa to c.i jn, where a 1 onveyante wui .vev u.etii to lue .-prinira. fcLK A .N A 11 FLO W KUrf. May 15, 1BC0. oil is '1 he Columbia Carolinian will innert once m daily and twic 111 Ihe .tanner, and the K.Uigli lieg.ster will insert three, weeks an coUi.u t ihi oriice. 'I .M.y m pie. l'u ,u l"1 auveiu-eiuent. d lo'Ward ac. eaae call . . " J U 11 il Ol I I, f. 1 auxoracTiRsa mroaTra or i V A S A S E G A R S , a.uoi.Ri Tobacco, Snuff. Hatches, Paper, fee, OEai&EOIIS, ', C, JlCRSl HiLH ntt., kt-. etidsuini) ou hand. uriuury J, ltih. 4 11 Dissolution. "" V.HE linn of I. II. Br. 01 i Co. .. tins o.ril,.. by mutual tailiseiit. '1 he IJoo.a and Kcra are .;. tne nami. ot 1.11. lire m, a I toe n.l fell. re ul t otl r.i.i at ft.rooie. All u,-r. son. indebted lo ""' "'" u"" aid tiril. Will Call anu aettle ll.r and all pcraom having claim lo b.ni for payment. T. 11 Lit KM. J. A. 8ADLKK. Jr. T. L ALP.XA.NDtlK. .Vlart4 og ,.Q0. Ill '.. It. .JOII., Ventral 4 ollertin g .leut, luiauluvvn, I'trry louiily, llubama, I'lLI. atund promptly to ih collection ot ail W f cia.in. p.ac-o in o.a n.n.la. 1 ferret, al ja. E.ataie Claims looked after, L. lr0 oul' ""d bsconun.g deubm ''"',l": "arges. ' TKXAd CLAIMS. I f Collections made in Texas, a through my alUiu.eya in tiiatriUle, . her.t..fr P rumpiMci tely depended on. 49-1 r Wm J Kerr, A T TO USE 1 A T LA W, en Aiti.o i i v ., 'ILL pre r tire in the I our la ol Mecklenburg, W W I. uiun and Cabarrus countiea. r f ifhce in the Kerr'. Hotel. Ji. H. HM. a Jteiiiuvai. id I uatoineru re rea.iecifull. to:,'.- ::c!: - j H. T. WRI.STON. A, W Alil'XANDIiK, , VR G J; ff f j.v rj Tj FFERS hi service to the uili- sen of this sud adjoining cnun tiaa in tlic treatment ul' irrcgiihiri. tirp of the teelh, Diseases of tw iiiiiuiIi. T.elh til 1.(1 in a skillful hd sutisfnctnry manner. Ar. tilii-tiil teelh imurlrd on Gold or Si ver plate, also India Kubber vulcanised bare. Ttia style ol' work haa many ndvsnlagc irr the Swngcd work. it can be adapted la the mouth with less irritation ) than the Swi.ged work it in aim rticupci It i aZ, Hard I Rubbt,r ,,, hwil, ,u,,piy Dcnti.t wuh nl ; ficf r nU 1o n,annluclurr j'i,,f, 0,,,i i;,,ni, 0r , AnSwlul Teeth and Die Apnaratu. m.d iUtenal lie will alao give iinirutiu.ua in the nrl i. mud. ( a he . zpeuta t do . tnvrlling busier,, per. :$nn dcniring wmk dciir.run be uttrndrri lo at j ,tftt p, ()., Mcrklrnbure I'm, N. C 1 Y A" "'k April 3, 1SI.U. 9if The Corner DRUG Store, C II tit MM Ti:, IV. C. K. XYK HUTCJIISOX &(). -yi -tll'l l) reapeelfiilly call the attention of the I public to their huge and Complete Stork now being opened fur the Spring Trade, consisting nt Drugs, siedieinee, ( hrimrula. Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Oils, Turpi mine, Fuming Fiuid, Alco hol, Pure Medical Wines and Biandiea, Canton Teas. Fie'u and Garden Seeds, 4.C., A.e. January 11. !C0. 43tf IE()U'AltI ASSOCIATION. l llll.ADI I.IMIIA. ' A Bentra'.rnt ln'lilulion ntnblislirj hy awfiuf V.n ionmei l. I'oi llelirf of ttit Xici and LHttrrttrd ajjltctrii wilh lii ultitt ami l.nltmu Diitottt.ond ttpttiaily for tht I tti t of IHtmttt oj Ihe S-ztinl Vrgmna. 31 EDICAL AlH It E turn gralis.hy the A. I lug Surgeon, to all who .ppiy by ii Iter, w ilh a .lescr pti. I their coiidili.m, (..ge, oceupiition, habita of lite. lr .) and in eases of eiirrum pov erty. Medicines furnished free of charge. V.I l AW K REPORTS on S,.eriiiatorrho, and other Disease of Die Sexual Org .na. ..nil o the NEW REMEDIES employed in the l) pen. aary sent to the ntllicted in sealed letter envoi, opes, free of ehnrge. Twoorlbri-e Sumps fur pos. l.iee will be ae. ept .hie. Address, DR. J. SKILI.1N IIOlCHTON. Ac ting Surgeon. Howard Assignation, No. !l Siulli Ninth Street, Phil .delpbia, P. By order of the Di,.eo!..ra. t.EO. FA IIJt'lUI.D. AVrrefsrv EZRA D. IIEAKTW ELL. 'rs.oeat. F6. 7, IBM.'. -ifi-l V ( ni'iioivi.i: iii:mi:i)V p .. S C Ar' '-" ' - ; j r " " ; ,; '. AtV-t' st'"'"1 m wi; ' 'CTSjii ST at v. .t: f. '?yM -vi ,, ' m 'wvflH y'-''s' V f 4 m . "sV" VJa m " lMC, '.: ? a tTr r 'iSa- l.:?'8 Z AN t'NFAII.lNfi Cl'RE FOR Cod r r L u d k all DUrjsrsof ihe I rinnry nr:nm. T 'HIS REMEDY curea when II o'h.-r prep4. 'ions .,il. 1' is entire! ni tr eemi.u.id ; c-...i..imn.iig soMiniial PoiciSi or N l l.,. l' 1, , ,, ,,., a.u..v tro in Koot, P.aas and I isvsa, and I as len hanu.d i:,vtn, jn.nt one g.i.r.lion lo anoli.er, oy lor : Haumi; Imh.m 1 1 i of), reu to ihe pui.uc n na own ;e .r.i.f ic 111. fit. It p. rtorM. 11 eulv quiekly and thoroughly. The CsrosTlMTt, ol eil ier . x w.ii t rep.nd by ii-'i g tins hsHii.r, in..'eSd ,. 11 g ll.eniselves al the mercy ol s. o.e Cluaek or Psoi'isanr. This lirwrnr sir. an at the very fi .Tol the di.ease its len.ieii.-v .s m.l sim ply to si.soeil.i the poiaon, but tr. Union Til Csrtc nn winch it dei nds, r ull direet.oii in p-.tnpnl. t h'rm, aeeoiiH. n.y each oolllt 'I he sM-e e.v an-i pt-rmsi.enl rrli.-t ..rforoeii kv In. Kent. ly, in ili e.ii r! toxoa in , i.rT. If as v n.. St ic. T L r e , I i.rn Alsi . ' V HITSS II p r MS I.C ),a nd nil h.ea. 1.1 the I r.ni.r 'Organs, h.. aalo.ii.lt.d the nn-t aeienlilic m-n ot I..l- age. Tin lienndy not ot.if eradicate ail I'oisom tronr the SvrN hut I ire.R ATCS llir n.i t ..eneale colls t:t u. ton. I. It .,, Not Aunt thr La lex 11 or LsTia rial wan any i.s ot Pi aiximi, or require any drvialion Iron, lit tu! cel. Ij It requires no a'sistance from olh'r in'. 11 cite. lrAi,d what Ksiiiv ri it Vai 1 1, 1 the Es ti rk Asassca nl all .Ni i..ii i ri:f being a I i.r4Svr and Dai.iciort Svacr Fai'R ti rta borri.a. . 'I uara Botti .r i. FITTER Jt MEKW IN, o.e Pr..pr.ei..r., St. Us, Mj. S..M in Charlotte, bv D- ' E " Co amh.a, I . And ail Drugiai in t... Van Sehiaek i tirter.ot April a t, MtiU.-l t F. Scsrr, Sjt Hulchiaon A. t o. .er dt HellilUh. eo'intry- n irle.t.in. Dealers. Vi:s KHJ 3IAV L'iK Oil J'.K(;u:iMLM lleimstreet's Inimitable 1IAIU i'OLOItl.NC.! isu risu it To aa A PERFECT HAIR RESTORATIVE, promoting me s'rer.gtl. and growth of Ihe liar, and giv.ng it all lb beauty ul ; oolli. D.. you (iuuiii it ICc.iil! i:ail! Ktntl! bcsiws Lake, K.. i Co., N. Y., I f tin uaiy ti, I8..0. W. E Hao, Troy, N. Y r-Veor Air; Having uaed your Hmr Coloring or Restorative being muco plea.eo Willi it, 1 bike pleasure in n.aaing Ine lollown.g alalemeul: rrum the el- led. ! , very .e.ere hi of when al,ul lyr.ol age. my hair couiiiieneed turning grey, a.,.. ,Coi,t,..e.i to grow until .1 Ur.,n. re.jrtuy irr.ue, tie. ..g very haiaii aim coarae. huiinu.nuicr i. oil my tiliy-tt.iroy nil en by a Iriend lo purchase Is.. Imlllea ol lle.ui. lieet' Hair ileal. .rai.ve prepared by yuu. 1 com. rtieoceo un j .1 r.- -ar ui u g lo uirtcliun., and ill a lew daya w.a turpriaed Iw hud lhai my hair Irum the root, outward waa turning ba. a lo lis original color. It ao continued l gro unlllilwaaaaUu. ty hrown ami gioa-y aa II Was II. my y.iull.'ul daya, hud it note JuUy restored to It . Igmat roMir. ,V1 i i.a SEAMAN. iVafejj Co , VI yla He-a man came be lore me and waa ouiy aworn, anu ay a lual the a note al le-menl ia true, ti.ia bin day ..I February, Ir-.'.l. JOEL F. Pol l LlliAilut IA V-tre. Pi-rmroRu, Vl., Aug. I, iHSl. I hereby certify, that my hair biv.ng be'on.e quite gray, 1 u...o If nuslrtel' Hair Ke.tnraliv.-, (prepareu hy VV . K. IUos, Ol Troy, N. V .) lor tour weeks, and my n.ir was in liiai l.me re. loreu lo it. rix.r,..i color. 1 cn lully rise. in. mend the arl.t.e t.j Ot all It claim.. WM. KI.M.sl.KY, l'attot nl in, Itatttol hurch, I'ltuord, It. Mr, VV. K lla.ua: I hav used llcim.tr. el'. Hair liesbirative lor three year, and I. e lound 11 lo be a ni.i.l eiee.l. nl rticl. It Bol only re. y hair, giving it new lue Irel.gth, but .1 cured nyaeil lie ol i Lo U(! II, a acaip, Wli "i! ritr termed to trmrfit. 1 lully believe it In be the best article in uae. Y-.ur. Ile.per tinny, i KNOvVLION llimLANiJ. I The above are but a lew ol the ... .i.y letiera ol ree,,,,,,,,,.,,,,.,! 0 mineh hate hi en I. m.er. u to the ol iieimelrcait'. Hair t ..luring in l(.... It h... heen used by ti.ous-.n.i. ol m-ouie and it never la... to restore the color ami growth ot tne hair. 'I hi a.iigular . tl.:. t i. nol pruuu.uoi ft. when d e. are uaed ; bir It act. upon the ualll. ral . ration-ol loloriuv mulier .1 Ihe root., anil ll.uattf. ct. the ciiarge. JJ, JWf ,OT J , Cuuntffjmt, tul th tttlurml mffiUt J . JM d'ir4t sut eotof tne nil c-su. ;nr;:i?,.',;y--,:;T's::arV. here. Y. Ihlia. I gists in Ui Eh. ted Suits, Van We In. eg and Oner. win, i Ii3rlifli.ii, Wholesale Agent. I .li-nla-l, I-U. i 1 Y i ("Mintl" jr-lloiii' A liiimmr. f i It'll I J a? 1 C 2 1 ii"als'"5i Hi V ' pi I J ll,li II II is in ir J.. 3i .... ii.t!t..ti n m 1 I.JI,...j... .-(. ii'ij'hIis'u I7 is is a i: u.ij '...I... ... ... t i s 4 7 I' 10 uliM3 iiln if. tr is: it m ii'n:i in ti 17 t tr i it 'i'!' jl'sl'i rs'"'"T; .itc'lllll I.VII IS.I0.I7.IWOV il ! J 4 S' 11 is 1J U 111 i IS' IT l:l 1 .'S 1' 2. tVM si .n .J. i rj .a 2i ii -I...UI I I: ' J, s 1 110 H f."l1 U H l it; i tj ju ai - ii Ul 33 X 17 J- ."3 ) 1 1 i n ii HE suhenber las rec.-i ed ersorimei.1 i.f red a l.irgi n tad vari. for Spring and Summar, which for el. e. per. a and iieiiness.eannol be siir(..iiis..rl, consisting in part of n:, k ai..i eoioreu t Lotus, lliack DoK.klNs, Plain, lllaek and K..nry AJSI.MERF.S, Kreiuh Drb D' ET Es. Plain Mark and F.gor.d Silk VESTINCS, Fancy I.iuen DRILLS, nil ail other t.ooua usually found in a first rluia Tailoring Esiabli.hii.ent. Allot which will be made In or.itr or ...u by the yaru on accoinmuda. ting terms. J. S. PU1LLK.PS. In returning my thanks to Ihe citisena of Char la. lie, l..r Ihe ter kind ei.o lilxral piroi.age they havo l.eati.wed oil me, 1 would rtqiic.l a eont.nu. at.ee ut ti.e asm.-, with ti Mssuinee that ait nr. iter entrusiru to n.s will ue i.oliy a.xi pr.'ii ntiy ti" ul. . J S. p. Ai.nl 17, ItjfiO. 4it 1'llAKI.OTTi; 110T1I, UT B4av mm.m II AHl.OI I I , . . f IHE Proprietor of tin Hotel is i svU'Si. 'i"lh" ijirr; f lii tiie.iul.es of "ii.ine owl" loin. Afiiitmt'mt il,t; public anil olnera who may rail on him, ana he duller hiu.aell that aa cr in h.rt .hie qn.rter em b tounu with hiui a i y whe-t in u i en.ily. lle.ng s.tuau .1 ..ear- lt " "" "' "-. tii.d li.i. II .1.1 . n ...t ron.er.1. nl ana o.a.r.bi lie ha. b.en erieugeu in ll.C boaiuee -ml nearly eiv.1. lieu year., ar.d in that s ri.i.iie .eeral auui tin. In i... iorn.er it baa heel, greatly enlarerl and tin- ' at i.l.i! ( 11, front a two -lory V Eli AN DA I. r-gt., hy It! fret in width, handsomely treea on II f -i.ie.walk, a tformn J a le. n.de a! all I. ura of the ii y. .el. a. tK-enthorn.jgl.ly ii.ri.ist-ed thro, rvere part ..f it ere . lor eoltih-rt are I.ni'.i.le.r.i.te...: 'v in li.r DIM. Mi "l "" i,f,u..- . .ant pr-.m. Tne II-. 11 out, and in ah.lo.i let . koM. . i,y by .i. re Stao.es afTorHmg i.y I ur in .leu will, hy !-..l..iui and o. lull horsi i. prov.-noer. l.eer es w 1 , ( harh I'e Hotel i. B KKRU 3-it Dr. KiUnn's Inl'aniile Cm' and why T bectnar it never fn; 1,1 offitr: i tanenns rein t wf.en r t. n in t... . i i a. I. ( by that ainJ otin tr. ail. I cotisinc- yn wh .t c t.i v It Cmitasins r v!ii;.oi:i( on oimati:. i.y kind, ami Iherelors irlr.v.a hy reit,.Vi.g .ur) .. o' I'm. eh, to, .i.vte.d ot ef ueeile -y ueeitaio i.g 11. Ihililie. r eaaon, lie ..ly w knoon I HM.DKEN 1 El l III.Vi;. DIAKIilK.ltEA. I'VslMMlV I.KII'IMi ... 11. e IK 1 VI M-, A. t IHI i y 01 the MUVIM II. W INU, I OLD IS 'IHE Ii EAD. ami llul P, ai,, I. r suitemng the gU'lia. r. dlicir g ll.tl I..., r. ula ting the Urn- ' e., anil r. Iievu g pun, it lta no eq.n I.. .-. an anil sp..;.ln..!ie It 1 nsed with u . I a . I . .-L' a.ierr.a 111 all caac. ol t ON VI I.SlO.Ns) I lit ( .K Fl'l .-. Aa )o.l Value Ihr lilt and InaMh ol your 1 hli.irru, rid wi-h to Hit them fr.m th-.-e ..d and bhghl. mg eon.. q.i. i r. . w :.:. !. .1, (.ih,,, I.. r anil I ih use ol narcotics of wii eh all ollu r r im oies for lllf-llitilr o.o.l... I. ,,e e-.o.i.l t.e nte , but DK.EA'ION'S i Nlll.Ki OK Dl A f Una you can fly upon. Ii ia o.n. i l.y Ii.irml. a. and cannot injure in. 1 1 .... t ,te!..nio infant. Price, av rent. Full i.ireriion aec..nii.iny ei.-h bitt'c , 1 r--parro anu i Sold by CIJUHCII t BUI'OM, lru-n i"t N. 36 M.id.nLaoe N. V.rk ri h f Ne , , & ( .,,, j- earr Cl.arh.lte N 'c an.an 111. , oil upon b- A A lal 7. 1 111, atwoya presents ua wiln the a-.ii.e eaai-ntisl n.enta, ana gives ol rr.urae Hie I l! I V. f 'PAN. i DAK D. Analyse the Wood of a person suffering ' from I on.ij. -.lion. Liver Complaint, Dy.pep.ia, S. roful... A and we rin.l in every instance e.r. i tail, uelieirl.r.ea. . ,. ,e0 fl,,Lules.l lj.o.141. Sui.p T l ' Uelie.ri.cea. and voll ar nia.le well., 'I h. liLiinl) I in Hi ,, .,,,; ,.,, ,, -i heor. up. -hence it. asUtr I.g auereaa. There ar 'itc JVrpanilions adapt. . I to lene.e. of in. lilooo i d.m-r. , nl l.ll-i.l OLIm, t(.,Si II. , ... wloit. ser . the TI1KOAT : ONM MPI ION. aw M , N... t-,r IJ. pr.. -ion oi Spirit.,, id h.r I ,,,e I ...nnli.nl., -.i;-n.,l U.:V.I,ly,r,d .Nf. , No !. lor Liver ompiaim., ia. Iletlig air. nily prep, red 1 laken hy Drops .ml earned i nil i,i... ... I 1'ASV or a or I I. Nt.i Wbll.'ll la I .y I II. el i.l Ai- ar.ain lioui Ove No. 'I. for Dya bsnrption it e.liulrly M.lo toe r.-l. m. The N llv.l.na. He, Ul... inn ao u. ul Whal you . lor Female I rreg ulari. j . h.r II. ... For S III, ,.(),, I:,i Liiiney nn III unlet I oo,,.,ii,l., all eiaealh dir. . Inula mu l b. ake No. I i. I, Irselly ) ('..lioweil. Pr.c of Ih. Ill.OOD FOOD, i per Sold b V C II I ,' lt ! ' 1 1 A DC I'f ) NT. I ) r II n Ll a I -so. .b. M.iiurn l.nnr.. ,M w York, i and ..ld hy t. .Nye I Intel,,. on A- Co. and F.Kearr. tvoariotir, jv Aw Ii !y '7,1, . i si n!1!1 1 1 . 1 S! I I2.lt.ll 1- III 17. is I'Jp'.l ; f , l,.l All ' lag. ... ... ... l s! j! 1 H sill lllll in.1llllS I!l7.ls ; Iti'juUiIja W 3ih!S I atllllllllTIIVH u H'lTils'iv.ta.'ji-!'.1 i ti'tS'SS'tt:!'!" "rii-ji-jl-J--gl-, rl a1 iliolini: n I 14 l lev I7l,l'. ai as j i n v JI s j, I... II JSl..WSI...t...l... sr.. 1...I...I...I... II 2: J 4i ! 71 II in I IllllilU K IHIS 17 , lis is :ii n i I ' 11 2r.!27 ssim'se .. IL, i l I I I I w- 12 S- . S fi 7 f I I 9 111 II I! IS'lt IS ,1.1 17.1 l il i ''.'1 ii li 57 1 'A houn.iid .irf iitj ,.,. fig in the nri?vf !ia! Healthy human flloo.l uta.n b-.n- , WITNKS3 TI' KKTS, for the County and Superior Court, for rale here. ( 1 Private Surgical Hospital: " ,' E, the mderaigued. having opened pri uln Surgical Infirmary in the town of (:h,.rlntlr, nr now prepnrej to furnish comfort ulilo nuurter to li.use Pntienla 'mm d.atunee whu may reiimre uur pr.ilesaiona' airvmea in the treatment nl Surgiral dise..ea. The a bom Instilulimi ia h.ente.l oil Main street, in a nuiel purl of the town. The building ' few and well entilhiled, with cotMl nut uuilding. nor the aeooiiinioiiaiuiii ol negioe. All diseosea uf a coiilagioua character will be alrietly rieluiled. Ce.nimuiiie.utinns thron-'h ihe Post OrTic. ad. drea.eo ii.fi.iuw.il &. Uihbon.wili tew ive pri.ii.pt altcfitior.. . P. C. CALDWELL, M. 1. KUUKKTGUiliCuV, M. D. J. W.CALDWKLL, M. U. rill?, I860. tl' WASHINGTON HOTEL, (CUANllI OF PB0PRUT0K8.) ItKOADKlltEl.T NMVIIKItN, .V JOaif F. JONS, Proprietor. f B1I1K tiiuer.iglird rtspeclfully anniiuncea to B. the traaelliua- uublic. that he b taken cbarg ol Una old and popular eatubliahmeut, and ia now prepared to accommodate Iraveleisaiid pri. 1 vale luiuilu-a with boaid by the day or month, on Ilia nioai e. . ...... .oua. ... j a. . Ilia I AUIX will aiwaye oe iuni..n. w. ... I heal provioiuiis that home and foreign markets can ; ufl'ot.i. The M llkllllltillill Il4il4 I hua large r.in, ia neier tl.u tiep.-t, Ihe court house, buaii.ras sirieis li.au any nun r in u.e ...j. An tw. will alwaya be at Ihe depot ii. on ... rrii ui i.e lo rouvry p.sa. nrirs to the Hotel tree ol charge. My aloppn.g nl thia Hotel, p.saerg. ia will liasc an.pl lime to obtain meala. JldVll.g aiao a large ana eoniinouieua c-tao.c, and an eieelieiit Ostler, he ia lully prepared lo hoard horaea hv the uav. week or n.onlh al Ih moat reasonable rates. JOHN. F. JONKS. itf.rr I. IfSB. illl r, "kSAUHs, A i liili t I niti liiill-r, " ' I I.I. furiiiah Deaig ha, Plana and Dra w ing TV lor Public Ituildiiies, Private Rrsidei.c.s mil Villas. Particular alt. nl. en w.llbepaid to buil.iing p louring Mills. Corn .Mills, It c. Orrica iu 3d slory ol AUaanoer'a liuiluing, Ironl ruvin, over China H.itl. 0-.Jlirr t!li. IS.'.rt 33l Wantid 1 1,0U) ORDs OF TAN PARK. 1 winch li e cah w n hi pa. J. I. 11 TAVI.OK. i -in .MV 31. ISAM Cash Paid Ibr llidts M. HOW F.I I i door. M Moi a. oa House. ( arlrr. .4ru I,. Scrofula, or King's Evil, mipttoii of the eonies Vi'iateel, ol u II- -.is in the .11. ulation, it len!,, an 1 n.av hurt o.tt wi of lt. N i nr;in hfr,f .r 1. Ilw-r? on whi--h 11 n.vv SLrofuhjiu f.iint K varuius.y lal dl-.-a,-, iow livilix, el a- thy f . ..I, impure air, fil'h Ihe .1, pre...i.i; ,ie.-. an 1. -in it ar-.-. ...I d .tr .,. I ..i- .1 by f. 1 -.Vhi'i.'y hi'' I.. It . I,er, ,l.. , tl,. trora ..arei.ts to . i.i't.lr n 'ii p fi. rati..:i , " md.e.1, J i t H.MI Sa;., -1 of the f.-!.e,.' ,,,,.,0 I.T depo in. m fiom tit i- i.a n.att.r, wnieh, in r : il ..-n.. ,. I. r-r., J .!. .i:.t..; .:! on .r.r.-.. lhi.f...,!e..r. 1 m ti.e bi.... ilevinws tl.at . of ,:.. ,o,,.i...,. I: e-n'l.Ta ir nature, nit in tl, I 1. h il ,:.!.r , ! r .1 f.Ml h. t!., .11. I T ... ar m. and r'.r.r h 1 itisc it fn.n. t .i-xxl I r an a v- it h, ) a rr.r.t.ine v 1 I.v !' ,, ..,k.g ,. . ol tm n.-l hy It. -m W e l.tl f- SATt.f nia-hriru. aod 111. to ,.i Si. 1 e ' reiM-. AY! '.ITS (V.iiip Hind Lxlrcct of Sarsapiirilla. t .-H -. r11.1I r -n-lr who h th. .ll'lll i f u-.r t.-i an u v.Ne fur llus .verv. r t,e i ,,,.,, I f.,1.,1 n.il. Ir. 1. ,. rm- I ti 1 tr'.m t! most wt;ve rtiimh iW ih .t hare .It- ..veff I f.irt!-eIr iiir-t,.,nof tl... f ul d. i rd -r from the 1.1 nal, and inv riacue of l), -.--n ff-ni its (I eni- live Crisequeneea. II r .e it should ! erripi.iya.l f.,r tl rtire ,,f r -..t oti'v S. r.ifi.i, hut al.i th'iae othrr a c t. wheh wns from it, lu hi. I n. rnv a- 1 Smi Iiirn, St. Astmow's piar, V "t, .r Keisii-M.As, I'mrt r, 1'i.rtis.. P.i or, r. I' i rn ai'.I Hon a,Tl W.H-, 'I'miR fl- Iit It it 1 1 k. S.mii Hraii, KixriWuRM, ( -1 i . ti i t;-M, SvrMii.iriL- and Mi i kiai. Ii i., 1'uieaT, Dtser.ean, I ' e m i r i r t , ami, in I--. .1. Al l. C.iuri AtTtTS AHISIMU TI.. W VttlA- Ti-ti " Irt sm Union, 'llir t.'.tnilnr t lief II " li'..or.fy nf thr bioiM" 11 foil. if. 'I in truth, f t .rofilii i. 'a,l.g ne,-;,.nof tl.ehh od. The f -" r f ular iurr.- and virtue of this Sarsapa. ri.lfi ia to purify ami r ft.- rare tins vital Hui.l, wui,. .ut win. I. ....in. I health i iniejaible in ton .animated t.iiiatitutions. Aycr's Cathartic Pills, FCfl ALL THE PSjr.POSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, aie ao ei...,p,..t1 iti ail dneise within the ruiea of ll .ir :.. r ,,i ral. lt H haUn.l or rt a.le tl,.-.n. Ihe.r i. i,.-ti .t.rg proper u. arareh, ane" rleansr, and tin. i ...alr . ry pi.rlion at In bun i orr.in ia.u. -.ire.ili;(r lis di.eased eti n, anu reatortna; its heaiint itlitie. Asa cons.-q.ien. e of tiirs propertie., li.e l.nslid who IS bowed down w.th j a.ii or pk.shal de'.ili'y ia ionished to And hi h s'.h oi enere-T reiioied hy a reine-lv al rme ao S,.e uly do lliey cure th erery-day emnplsint V laidv, hot also w.ar.y foi mi'lal e snd The si. Rrai.s i. ii.l.-anf th. I.d Hi. - iuiiowi..( roiiiilsn.is t 'uttitr !,,., !,, ,.. , ,., ,, d y4,.,H, i'mn in nd l,a ia( 'Sf eb. -jViroeV... V, .OI4 ut Afl uA oll-r kln.lr.-.l eomplaii.ta. late of the Isniy oi nhairu' (ton ttlr, J -ar smz I Of ItS hi Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, row i ua men. . ui. or tmiirli, Co I .Is, lnflijrun, llonrseneas, ( loiip, Drum hills, Incipirnl ( oniiinp t inn, Hurl l.ir tbe relief ol Coiisuniplit f) I'mirnl iiiltniurd aluge of Ih dirn.r. Ho M,,le a the field of ft. n fulness m,A so n. r.ero.n ar I lie ea.es of it ri.res, I hat sir... Hit . .. ry s. ition of country abounds in p r.ni.s pub. h it known, who huebevn i. t .rl from nl.ru.it.; and rt... deaM.rnte d.aeaara of Ihr luna I.y ita uc. When nn.e tried, it. .upenoritv ow-r etrry olhi-r me.l.cme of it. kl.i.l is t'H. apparent lo earnas ol... rsalioo, nd nhere tta vrrlue ar known, tl. I. il.Ue no lo Hirer hr.irate whal snriilote lo employ for Ihe dii're. air.; nd il.inn.Tn.n nlieelumf of II, r piiii .ol.i.ry orirao. thai si. in' ident lo n.lr ehniste. tl'bile man) inferior retnedios thrust upon the roii.tuuuitv hsr f ulrd and la en ihs.i.id d. tl.,a ha. uain, -1 fri.-nrla hj eerry rrnil, ronferr Jin the allln ted they can' never furirrl b l.irp.lttt.s. riiupvttiiD nv I. in Hi. n.l pro knlilr to in:, j. :. i i i: a. i o. I.HM7 LI., II Ass. For sale hy E jNVK HIITCHLSOX ,V (,'(). i , , , p W'ARIl ( ltrhe. ' VILANL, HTKVENHfiN A CO C WeVoi S. C . , KOIIT. II. COWaIv, C GENERAL COMMISSION MKItt IIN'p H . . ' Wliino-roa, N.'f j v.l.oe,,..... sy.... .n..re. ana aler8 up st nrs. ' Vetotntr II. 1859. - 3tr OXLY'l'RKl'AIiATIOX iisvtsa rsoors so stboku aso uisrc-r ah to For Stutesmen, Judges, Edltua, I'hyairiam 0f -.--- "-,.e nine,, U qualified sanction, and recommend It for oilcj,,,' oi ,ru,. ....... ...... . ,c .vaip ami bra,,, DUl ail wild .. u.M ... unite. Ill lFlllyihf it will preserve the hair from being gr..y, ,,,, ....... -v,.. rc.ior,, lil4d the lolh.WHlg I Oak Grwve, 8. C. Jun S4th, Igvj P... O. J. Wood i lr Sirs Your llr (,., tnrative is rapidly gaining popularity in tin. c ' .....nilw I l.ava hull Beeaimn I.. I.- ; ,de, 'and give your Hair Iteatutativa a p,.(l'!'' .... . r " I During the year thSI. I was so Ui.f..rliin,, , , De thrown Ifom my sulky againat a flK. : (),. loadaide, from which my head received ,'! ' UTIIIll oiow , Bu-'I p(rei uea. ol llril.t,,,,, communicated to lha brain ar.d itnn.l surface of lha head, from Ihe erTeela nl wm. , ha'r waa niiiiiiv u..j.m w.er ii.eei.il troyed over the entn, lha lime I fir.t diiw,,Itl) f the head, r and j umppnig, In. we r. up lo til lime ul lis tmn t I appextanee, I m.pioye.i everyllnl g I eon:.! il,, and (i i,eii.g a piol.aaion.il man inyaeli, and,,, mougni, ut.orrsiaiiuil.g inr naiur 01 ui but was finally dekaied in every (-r. . 1 ,Fi dVal.eid. 'J'liesu and no other eireumatanrre inHi,,-r,j , tn reaort lo your worthy Hair Realarat.vr, ,, I has eery reason to believe, pr...luee.t a ,rr, happy result 1 two month after the lira! ., lion, I had aa beautiful I. end ol young I,,,, ,, ever saw, I. r which 1 certainly owe you einreie lhaiik. Rest aaaor.d.dr.r an, , racoinnielxl Ji 111 remidv lo alt in.jn:reri; i,.,, over, I l.-ll 4ia any n.rluencr, wlucii J,,,,, nil.. II I.. ay. i not a little. Ku cm publish this if you think pr.,(.. .. Vours, very resprcttullt , M. J. V Kit. at, .M Ii Oll'ic of lh y.lTera.r.in, Ph.i,,, , V. Iee. I VU.. I Dear Sir i I feel il n.y duty aa wen , , , nkanulo, til ll t" you Ihe lil Wil.ii : sui.ee, w hie I. y v,u c.n use a a y. u think (.:, . I A gentleman ul n-i place, (. I. i,,, i,,, j b-.ld ever i nr. h.a early youth ao n.uen w. t. 4 . he wa cai-i-pi lied to wtar a w.g. Mr wax 1. ; red I.. u a bottle of y ur IUr Ite.i.. ,, I which b liked very ton. b ; ano i:i-i u. , 1 to or lh' b- 111. I. la hair g.ew out I iv,,, , I anu i.e now ha a handsome bead of . . 1 , ' gentl. null's lia.oe is Hra.Itor.l, anl he 1 I writ known HI our aSfwatug eoyntna, m,: , ;. , a.. ., can li .lily to l.e tr u 11. ol at j 1. ... 1.1 . I .., il to you al llir t-aa.M III Mr. II..-;'..,,. , 1 ran a. .1 a grt .t .1. i ol your hair !tr.t..r 1 . - 'Una ....I toe aoj'.in.ug to... In il I, 1. i , prop. r agent. -.ura, Ae,, . , "I HO VI I'M i. M Id. UN .u t. W.srt: ll.arS.ft Pero.-ln.elo.! ,.,.,., obi.g.i.oi.a I am u.o.rr tor lue tr.nr r.t-ri' t ol u.y ha.r to il orik in.l eoior ; h. -ot the 1 . n.y .r.iv.l ,n Ihe I miol St. tea 11 ..,,,, , . 1010. or gr.y. but upon 'h j p.ic-iio,. .: ' II a. r Si' al'lf a l.e Il ail reeorrr4 ,1. . 1 B . hue I (Ci.aiuer your Kral.-lal e as a t.i. a , derlul lli. lalo.O. qulU. ll.eae.oua .,n... .Hie. S. Til M.iil hi. I he ReBioralitc i put up in bi.iii.a 01 3 . .- .. Vlf: large. 11. r..nisi and small; U.e BF.t.i I,.. , pint, .nd ttlai.a t'lf one tia.laf per b..u.t, : , me .... hoid al Ivaal twenty per oil 11. . p.-, p. .Hon II.. n Ihe am .'t. trial! h.ria 1 . a i tt e ; isi irg i.o u a quart, l..riy t r 10 .r. 11, :.r.., rli.,.. anil I. Ian. l..r I I . .-.-.t . n JVVOOU A I U.. Iropr fl..r,.44l La Vw Yoca.aiul III MaraclSl.Sl .u..V,. aoid by ail good Dr U giat and t'.n. 1 ...... i- e.a an.! in Charlotte bv S A K R A I O July J. I mi. I A 3. E. R. STOKES' Honk Dimlini; I-'stablWinii I ll.iora uholt Bun. Il Bank IS , i.:: Inr in ttit e( W . B. Mimrj 1 Inns II n. 4 Oi l Mill !,.. . ut ah .-its Eal .bn.l. me il I , o. sing, and aim r c. i 0..1 lu.ANk I Al LK . ..1 blM'Li a f al.) I t nw. I LI. VI - 1 am .1 .il I.u.. ra ... my in.., i,u al l... ...re o, plr.ii.ae, .Vy pvrao... .ten lo all ...uira w.i.i win. u J h. la..t h.U L og p... I.C.I rapel.n... ... lor it.rtiiri-ol fll.ANK 111 SIJK , a.O lie Hi i. w ao.i old PttIN I r.U VVUiih---, I H u.r . .- I.a I I aa n, .la ail eaaea. give full tea. I.a -il HI, A N K litM.hS, llii.k Ih.,.., C Ii las' In-.sa, l..f U.str.e. Hfi.- .r Ha", IlUlti.ry'a ano I on ... i-.m -r I. I i y tlo.,a. u it l I. LI' u UuLiMi to . ; i . m, in lit. very le al it. aetTier, ol aopti.-i i . od Page anO lliosai'l W..4.W fcuifsu. H.IM tl) Hoiiks, Mu.tlli.,1., Peri.o.t. !, P.B.pl Mi's. ' I ' nd II .ks ol etery .It.i r.pln n, oui.u m i'ti i. ev.-ry VJr.r'yot sly... Ii A., or.'ira Will lac es'tklid Will. I..I aa l .w as lal. be Uol.i where t. It. ai'iKK' Joyt 17. iKf.U. It'll I ll- V liOl.l V MutUwl LU ltsaUftlUCeJ Lu... ,d,., t'f f i t.. hh.i:i(.Ii A , f jMUS I ou.p.l.y insole tl e i I n ' . JL a. a t-.r one year, a term ol y e 1 ., . t .1-1 ll. .btuluai 1 llhCipil , Co. Iltaf.u 1- 'i.l ti. .patll g in the pl' llla ol II policiea granted lor the w. the pr. . lot ..ti err l..r ot f hall tin .. i.g interest alb per pri u.ium, hi miliar, my- 'Ihe prompl manner in which all Iw,. pal.l by tin. company, logcllie. w.ii rate, ol plemium, praecl.t Kfeai iuuu n .uch a. .re (llapi.seu to m.uir. SUV. a ale ll..lleo lot a term ot ,r ! five y.-ara, lot Iwu-lhuu. ll.eit value All loeat. at paid St I Hi i u 'JO oats ail I. .cl..ry prool is pr. atnl.o. Ill U Li liihH. I harle. E. John. loll, Wli .ll. Jok.s, II. ...HI.. VV. D I ooke, J. I,, Vl,,li...... II ust. n, Wo. nnnr I. ...l.e, p. p. I.-. II M. he. , h. I' h-.ll.e, I l arie. I. I E..i. . I... n'd H Haiiie OPHI EltS. Dr. I baric s E. John. on, pre s men t. VV . VV II. .I.ieu, t m- Pii nl K. II llaltir, Secretary . VV .Hi. in. II. June, I'reaeurer. II. VV . llu.l. ii, Attorney. Dr. M l... II. Vlek.e,. Medical Hush sierulirr t otnmi.lef y. lul-e, W K.e, t l.,.r.e. II. limit. Mtdtrai Hnaid af Consuloftn - ' J.,ht....n, M. D. Will, am II. .M-ltc. Hi. n'd H. Haywood, M D., For further informstn.n, the put'hc red to the pamphlets, anil IV. 'n.s ol pf"!"' inny he obtained at Ihr Ut'irf l-l Ih ' or any nf it. Agencies. C..inlnuiiic..l.ons eholilil he .1, (I" paid) to. R. II. U.VTTLK, Srrrrt't"! Stptrmhtr e. IH.',. 'J" ''!':' '--; IV V'aOV,I'',V. ;" . . 1 job vhiin fM: I'RI.N I INCt nf alt f'O IMrniMiilllHl tfl eTAiXtu x'v-.;j