THE DUTY OP TI1R SOUTH. X few mon, whose character and position .i..., ...flnenca. onrnlr declare that PIVS to.1 -.- 1 r r jjncolu is elected President of the Uoi I.d Staies, tbe only course af tbe Soutb is uuiediate preparation iur inn. uj resistance is weans iiiuir ee-esaiun iroui ll,6 Uuion 01 one rsaio or more, auu . ,t,.r.auco of the authority of tha Federal Government within ita territory, or the nisiohitig upon Washington with Lody of Southern troops, to prevent tbe ilia jura tion of a sectional reaiucus uy igree ui "iliis idea of resistance, though it finds but few up00 '"m tn0 Bllegianee to the couutry sets so lightly, as to adopt fully either nioiie oy . crnu iu- to prsotioal aiec-Hon, is luuireouy couuie nsuoed by mauy wbo meet the present eri lit not by earnest efforts to crush out the ipi'rit of eeetinnalism, but by the expressed de ire now to nieet the impending issue faoe U face, thst tiny pretend to believe is in evitable between the inhabitants of the .North and the South. Such men claim to De union men, but .t, nuslifv their poaitiou by the assertion . . .lift, nf Ilia ntalkSa la twit m. nnndl. i i tiiat ."lu . .". : , ," tiou on tvl ich Union is possible virtually j.iutiiing this ini quality, if it does not now eii.t, i the certaiu result of an admiui.tra- tl0B of the government, by the Hepublic.n pitty ' " ' , ttures of what is te bsppen as well aaeer luitieJ facts that tbey aid by 'Leir action i,u making that a reality which is uow but :itit'lou conjeoture. Tbey weaken that (jibilO S.'DtimeUI, which, ll upeuijr Bjiprov. 1 1, Ly all men with whose interest and pa- kr oii.m it accords, would forever forbid the ; ir i.miL'ttKT 01 a seciiouai auunuistraiion. I U ii time for this elsss of our citneos, ui iudeed far all good men, lo understand i i. iv what the issue is lh.t is ludiitctly ,ii doi oe tu owus.-uuciiun ui - iiBiinm. Davable at the riortu a uer cite at murvuis, t bae taurn two ,n of nower in tbe bands of that over- ink ,. l..n..,.a n Xurtl.rrn ' 1 hrsun to realize lla venial " faaiisa. Hut 1 1.:, I f. . ji ...... J..w u..;. lv ; be.ines, il s exireo.ely r:. taring - "n o""'""" "'"J" " J,,, a. a b. rerase, which is s ,rror is eommiiwu ut ... -uv. .UUu. vuu- ,.. . B,v.t, a al'er liml dale, for tbe ra- . .. i i ,.r I f srieJ. It is the election of the blef of,b,aoB euro euougb in tbe tiulf Elates k.t l(.rublicsn party, believing mat tbia ; wider Ibe jeuil oi separation oeiween J 1C iso seotioos of Ibe nation j aud ersales k a K-ca-ion. oav the necessity, for a bos nrj4iiiuiion at tin South nl that . e' If LitiColu is sucoestful in the ci"til college which can acaroely be e will he not be vlreled President li ib voice of the people constitutionally ii-'eiis-'l ciects'i too accoruiog io tue or ery modea of ptrty actiou and popular ticf f sacefully, rsgularly boooied with ji -oAire which Wa.bmgtou, Jefferson, aud ( f it Unt linp of s jcecssors have honored in fr t!.i. reason that any man at the i' P' "?-" to resist . Are we prepar- : '.-owe alieanca to a iiova'i.ui. at f ii.ii.mraiioii' have hitherto here I..I : k"d ou'y by a series of euiuterroptcd -sail.;, because at i( future time au set i;be commuted hostile to the spirit of . oii.t.tution ! Will such to issue be tti tcaus.eur. for any movement we in rowmmee, not the favorable utorai in- ,.B,-r of the world, bat what is far more i s ailaut, tbo uni"i) of the oulh lleif! lb-re is a pal.iie swninnrwl a the tiouth i.t aiil f irbld tureesa to suv w.ovtiaeul of 4 cbsrscier for this causo, ao aiattvr by f a it be originated aud favored. Ike f re ii isat sueb s movem. nt may be lbe fat r would il ro-ive. Il would have ' M '.atdalio- in law, it would at peel to no ft i; wine of necessity, it would have ' us io Ihe public feeling of positive I t done, or Mi the sense by luJivmuals, distress infl etJ. :', ! I 't's thst tlis n.en of the 5jut Le n . t-i .peak plainly 00 tLls subjvet. Tbe If .I .ro masses sr not yt rtaiy l iini IU M iu-o. aor i,'l tlier. like that diatrse- t r .,U, bs fut in b.'i.!ity to th. legal H -meu. ljlh.proounci.u.el.10. ol.n, W a ir iea ler. .- if ti e Administration falls into tec lit hn, l, and rueasurss hostile lo tne 91 i!i tind oiiiitensncc iu the Congress sod 4 . tl.e Kx-eu'ie Uaeasures winch, tbo' t i alioa cf the letter, are detrnctit f 'pirit of the eoulituiion measures '-"-.'ii; union dialiuuarabU auJ impossi afc li,. n th Soatb may be relied oo as one as to B fi t tbe enemies nf rqasiity and nit out of Ibe I b.ou, but so long N .tth holds any considerable naui j ! i in, ib the I'mon, end far lbe faiib- iTutiuu of a I coustitutioual jusran . y ev?ry f mthera man aeei that wb-n socb a crisis sr. It's, if the Souib maintains tbe dignity of al jii (o iiion, the 6ral battle must be fe 'l siid ua or woo io the free Ststri j.s;?es. Tbe Soutb ia its bsods : f-sir tn control ibii North uiixbtier than t .word tbe faaer of wealth the si P 'He products of domnstie industry ' !k. bowesar itanii,..nTf atsisnt to '! Ufor the publie lbe true position of, llOII.a.l. an fr.i,,- n asii-ks I T tbe elcclnn of Lincoln, to speak of ihe siouth will pursue io case of n stent. It is in lbe power of the ' 'rtative ma of tbe fuion to prefclit' 5 c Ltiu-ucy. We of tbe Soulb bate " importaut part to aet to gio strength nitliuiam lo tbe patriotism of all seo- 1 f the L'uioo. Tba North begins to 13 tsruest. JShe has al.undaul reason 1 l and if .LI!. I'ra.i.Lnaa sv.rt 'V -t bt a failure, there will be these in f 'H'uts, iue as base tietrer before axis "? tbo union of eery true man, frjtn t the IlieGrauJe, to make tbe "J s barren one to tba polilico-rnligi- snatie, of the Union. "" ------- H'ummb Invention. i I'ansiau genius just invented a petticoat I 15y tbe ai'l of scientiGo Ul 9 in tha e!rin,.l,., I. pi, I nf .11 a-r.noa ' Wots, kw , aud i. iuflateJ Uk. , preser-or, the Sir luroishlllg any 11,1 ,Jf disleotiiin reii iireil lo a givetc - tenco of say a riuartcr of a mile., ' u e , ., , . -i isaiura at tue loreuiiou is iuis. , - lij;atit wearer need only touch a J -i 'rraoged to eurnmuBicale with tbe - ' of Ur jrc,(i ln j ,i,e ,jr j i,kira o motion a musical attachment, not j '''''fl orati, playiuj a variety of) 'ui tl.o perils of the operas to a ur- j "suy. j ue mventer aooQiletillv ue- I , '' "11 room ..... h. .ultrelv J.;""' With i tha futur. lh. ladies y "J Ins "musical petticoat" can pro- i s II, ,,,.,,.1 . , ', . ... , . wun walises, riuaurillea auu , TM to tbeis ..ri'. . tbeir krarl'i content ""'Tun r,m i0,S0N,,N( Tiii-vm A 10 Merosr Couuty. Dliio, wbo put his watermelons, aud thus c. , I Darsans ska aara ilnrad atiuir on I . lias l eeu itiriioled for mamlaugli- BEAUTIES OF DISUNION. I If it ware not too serious matter for ruirth, on would smile at tha light and iwn,klant roomier in wbich certain par ties talk of destroying the Uniou of tuM States. - They- talk of tbe work breaking to niunatt ihia fliianliiiia r.f nnirrinht aa rial. idata aud c.u.ulex it. its structure, ttd!,1,,'"'S,':",w,, f"""' wbicb cot its ureal architects sa niucu la-j l.,,r ..,,1 an n.ont. of th. snlrit f : concession aud compromise, aa if it was as easy a work as the destruction of li is luirn io card bouse Ij a cbild. 'J lie fiddling of Nero while Home was in flames was Dot more brutal, stupid aud nicked than is tbe conduct of tbe men wbo talk tbus flippaut Ijr of tbe most moiueutous event that the human miud can coucciv. Already bas this talk worked its mischief, aa will be suuu bjr tbe following artiola : Hal. lieg. , Disunion and its Glouiiw An Alaba- t.a correspondent, of lb. AlUut. American thus sets forth tbo results of Disunion in Striking colors. He says : . ,. , 1st. 1 he bare prospect of u bas now re- duced tbe price of COtlOU S10 per bale be- low its value, aud as over 5l)(l,U0U bales , will be sold bejore the iith ol Soviwber, the ii i or ii . i nu .1 c i r I . mi l or. ...... ,.n.. .... o i. - liosswill oe iue ouu.g "-; i e4Uae loue. This is below tbo figure j ' every toifun buyer knou f U, 1 aj All tbe southern liunkt hove cosed l(jun but up 8nopi and uow rtfuie t0 put out their bills to pnyjor Cdlon on bills 01 sod that disunion unU war, would cauoul and auoul the debts of belligereuts. Hence I typ.--" y '" to le.t your Oigei.teii . .. - li.lisra. aa I Un eali'ein them llivalujble. a money is on us. Cotton is go.og v , .. Miss M. KIOfKINfJ. down bare, whilst it is rising in Europe, and I i rcircd by Kl ll W . Fuw I.K 4. t v.. Bos ruin is ahead ! Heason wilt ? '1 ha I'rvsi- ! tun. and lor sule by K. Ntc llutclusor. & Co . dtntij cecti0n comes off thtt Gth of Nuveiu- i kr Mi dnuuion u threatened. ! ij uiniiuoa mouiu t onu oscod, now ixteeu Bent( moaii lbci UfJ 50 , p,r pouuj . eorlJ ,ben a , g.j fltr b cents ner bushel. aoj ,l0 moey to r,t, for i,, -j ,tre DOt 0 feed our 0j, Ulltl tilt u, 0, liuh. yse bare to buy from Illinois, Ohio, Indi- uj otl)r orthsrn States, or staive .' 4tb Vnunum itciviluar. Wt aresplcn- diiiiy prepared for it unimts ojiibitstue pitrati. Let ui see. We have Do muskets, ' no rtflei, no caution, r.o wheel carriages for ' eaauoD, no powder, no balls, no bacuu aud flour to feed an army. Smmvltuitiits nor Munitions ol uar ' Is not this iruu ? Let ert touesl wan answer the ij'ie.lioii. r)ln s ke-n disunion ami cu il uar comes, Mbll Wllj ,be ,boU0d, do who have do L0 ejrD. and no mom v lo buv them llb j Wl tbev starve, or form briL-aud cul), lu,i tobf tui bi-fcr ,tsr- nu Who couid blame them! Would lbe t,ttiU-r,i ,ol)u UJ baCon and corn to op ,urviiuri h re, w bile at trur u ith us ? y u -j-j j, b,u,d. Ctb Aj bt. r ju faTof 0f civi wiri starvation, run., dc.oiation, robbery, arson, Inur(j(.r luj lbfJ uller de-tr jotiou of the oulb( ,boud g0 fur uisuniou if Lincoln it tJrcia(j, - A Lt KV ' Ju a " I'ltlMtB. George w, .,...,,. . . . n,ln..r ,n ... ,u j, f fal 00 ,ub " cw ao, and went lo tbe Meadviile oil district, w)t.r, b, u oil claim ou time, atruck 0;f kD( b,, b0 offered f.n.nuil Ii- bis ebaueo ibli ,,, bo e.Ud a " Ut like." , T- (),itjBliT I',n,TMATCR The oldest Jfttr , ,u9 LulU Stales, wbo bs nsver beeu out of oliio- since the date of hia appoiuluKOt, la Jaliu lSii.ii.g, at 'lreutou, t liieida Couuty, New Vurk. His aj.. .itit uicnt was made on J juc iti, 1 -." - ..,.. ,, . .Mt'tklt'Ii 1)11 IIMi.N W UrKS, " ... .... 1 ii.iiti 'tTt :, r. ALI.X .MK!! fllllK uihU fri.vj tn-j It c to tV. rni tut r li- ( I. icn ot t . ... ... :iilv -t o (hp putt ' lie f eiwratt. t t t Mtrjr luti- opened liie lUtf K. i I -bi-I.nieni t ttm Im-t of Tr .' tr rt, .."j-.n.irg i li.e tr..o4 ut th Ni Mi 1 ..r, It i. K .-i -nd op. piiii J't.m Wdr' tvaint 1 nla, .nl -re prcp.r. ' til to lurids-h kitid- u(' MACHINERY rt short nstica and on ressoa,ib!e Urn i ii. l m Hi n u ,t n l a From f is "D llnrw Fowtr. AND III. l li.1 I li s. UOIIK nr six ht.iu. K i: I A I u .s l,,e,f l'ie p.ompily stirnd.j to. InnrFoLN Cast Regularly twice a Wetk, Wednesdars snd 8aturdats. 'l'hy are prepared to furnish sil tnm uf A IS 1 I a f 1 I 1 11. lilt tf sct-oai.ixb to csuas. SAW AND GRIST fflll.L GEARING, GIN WHEELS, SAW IM ST lil K.NKKS, AN I I I.tlCTIoN I'l.ATFS AND IIAI.I.S COTTON rR:ssF.s. CAST lKUaN Jt A lis IN (I, For t-arrfen Knelvaurea, Pwelitnf Hon-rt. Public ButiOiiige, rurlicuva, Cemelrj Lota, aVc. 'I'ueir Miri.Il.llllM'S Fur carrying nu lha knaiusss in sll its branches, have been SKI.Fl TFi W Mil O li FA T CAKF, and are provided with all too ijii'kov (r,UI,-j . l nr ir work hi a riusr iicri; ntucu, Agents, for Dr K. U. Fi.liott, for Wmisr's P it. enl Alulsj Saw Mill, wnu h n.a the asvai.tage, a'ong Willi msiiy olheis.ol uumg al least twice as LblZ'il'Z WtloU urM Pwsr. The Mulay may be seen at the hop at any time. HENRY AI.EXANPER. NAIit-UL.'l .Ul I'UbVJ Alala. N. B Old lieu, Brass, Cupper, Aic, liougi.t sr taken in trade. Ort.her ;ia 181,0. 3-lf (.mi uiid liUck kSjuitli, SB I R. ( IIAI.I.FS HAKIM AN, lorinvrly of Sal- XI M. isburr. N. I ., takes tne linens to iniona the ueopls ol Mecklenbuig lounly, that he "" f uarl-IU, with the ...l.ulioi. to earry , , . . . . . . i' ii C in I ll I a I- kJ III I I ll f j jj m , , j. u y t, O III 1 I lla 1 AM) lll.l.l.-ll 4aa"4 III Ml:lM. tr All UKPAllUNli promptly atlci.dsd to, and arrul.te.l. WorKsnop opposite mo I r.'sair isnsn i nurcii, in - ....... .... IJIIAKI.KS IIARTMAN. It. labe 31, TiMr.n.l-l. Sprciul Nulice... THE OXY;i'.XATEI IIITTr.KS. The qualities of lh is medicine hsv placed it upon an imperishable foundation. In destroying disease, aud inducing health, it lias no parallel. For iiie following Complaints these Uittere arc ' J re tsf-nersl aV.o.Wy, It many sections of uur country this prepara tion is cilensivcl y used hy physicians in their practice, and it scams to have restored many to health who were apparently beyond the resell ol Iht healing art. Vo.a, Living ton Co., N. V.,Ocl. 1, 18-S. Messrs 8. W. Fowls 4 Co., Sirs : Dytpepeia, with lis numberless asaoci. ates, look kti iU sbode with me, in opposition to Skill et 'm..ii of the most celebrated physi cians, until the spirit was willing (il no relief could be luuud) to surrender slid bid adieu to it. af.nJ. , ,r-TIIF. OX Y-F.NATFD UlTTKIIS, little dreaming that (he Gilead was in ",: buumlless sea patent nieificnics, as it w is the riral drauphl I was ever induced to qiiaft'. Uut UI,k, , ,;0d, ,-, ,. balm, and . mn.t elheient and grateful on.;, Ino. The most aggra. vsting sympunns in my case were imnioclerdta 4nu lrri'guur "g t ' " ai. te r taking lood, slUnsed with great proatration, ,d tJ, ,r.qu,y ,luei.t stucks of p.lp.ution, lut,t from iwels to twenty. four hi.urs, leafing Um stumach perfectly puwrrl-:s nut t en a f-niul ..l milk or n.e water wculd s.em buro. u. t ,er until I had tak-n three bolllrs ; .nice IBen, more. etfects immediate tcful and rtfrt charm llul bu t few uld, sirs, most htar. I li'y and trnttiiy bg are afflicted with'o' 1 narl.ntr, anu by all Adms i Giuy, H'f""n'l c- f"1'""- '' It! 1.11.1 IN TKN mi TIJ. BhYAlM'S I lT L y O N 1 V XV A F I . It S . Tms O.ioii.i. Mruicit Kstasuhukd is lda7,.rnif irsl litiete oj tht kind rrer iwrnUucrd undrr thm ' nsuif i 'SPti.MOMC W arras, " ii l.u or any ol'i et touiilty; atl ulttrr t'utmomt W'ujett. art Cuun ' l'frli, 'Hit Keuutnt can Or by the name Hll VAN tciK Humped on each VS A f Llf. HIIVA.Nf I'l I.MOMI' WAKLKrl K' lu vs Cougi.a, I olus, .v. re Throat, narw UKYA.N'.1 I'l I W.Mt VVAf tUH Aathma, bronchitis, lMli.:ull Urealhing : IIKVAN'ra I'l LH'iMI' tV A I I.Kr1 l;i.iete rf.i t.r. of lllood. Pains in li.e Chest. IIKVt.Vl! I'l I.MuMC iV.IKI.M llt-lievc Innpient Cmisumpliun, I.unjt Disesses. IIRVA I'l I.M'l.N II" ll.litvi Irr.l.l.on ol I vula ami Tuns. Is, IIIIYAVS PLt.Mu.Mi: WArt'Kd Kcl tve tl.e sbove CninpUinta in ten Minutes. Ilk V A VH PLIMii.MI' WAKLKi1 Are a Hi. asn g to all ( laar. s and Ci.ustitutior.s llllVN'l Kl I.MnMI' VV UKHS Ats od..picd Iur uc-iist. and Public Shakers. liRYAN'H 1'I I.Mo.MC WAI'KltS Are in a simple Imii aud ptraaant In the taste. BKYA.N ft I.MK.NH' WAr'KUS Not only rel.eva, bui erlecl rapid ana iasting Curea. H It V A ! I'l I.MiMI' V.lFRil A re d In (ive aatiaraciion to every one. No Family aiiouid bo without a Bui of Uryuu'e Pulmonic YYal. r. in the l.uu.i . No 1.1 ai.t.uid Ul without B S .1 ' , ! y of Utym'a Piilinmne Wafers in his packet. No p Kill ever object to for Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers 0 ccnla. JllU MOSKS, sole Proprietor, Itochesfrr, N. Y. For sale tn I'ha. lolte, oy Dr. Scarr, auu ail res- prCtab.C I)riJ;'slp. I exper.enetd uur,. and f. male physieisn, h is s ' .thing yrup tvt eh.idren t. elh.i.g. Inch great. 1 e.lllalea II, I ul te-lhui, by oliei.irif reducing ii nu Kiit !)' Sll palll. p. nd ui. fture to rrjjuiule the buwdt. Ut j , fi.iillit r, il M ttl gi rm( lu jour- ( j ir I" and tielltt to vnur itifanls ircfiy $mi iu all Castes. See au vertineiiitiit in Utc culumn. If Sea the overtiaement of Sndloio'i Invigo. rlor, in anotlu-r colnuit.. X r See lite advcrlmt-inenl of WoutTi flair Dy t ii another uluiun. I 7" fee Or. Ay er's sdvertisrinrnt in luinn. otico. Ms nri-ftui.a iii.,ebted U tba eRlate f Andrew pruia, cte'd t iimke uin.icti)te pj uinit ; and all ;icriini having ciaima .iamst auid mtalc, will piftttiit litem amy uutrn iiiicairu, n iUe tune pttvubed I.t . ut Ham notice w,; be pusjti in ut oi lueir ficuvcfT. T. II. HIIK.M, IU r. thtohei .10, 18U0. 3Jtf Tor Sale, sOKTII CAliOl.INA .'U Ll.l.Tf, ( V-oRTII ( AKOl-IN A ltl.l I I'lOII, ! -. At the sien nf Ihe BED FI.AU oopnsile, the Presbyterian Church at Win tluuter's olu slanu. K. LAN I'KKIEl). October. 30, lFLO S.'-lj.n 1st. T 111 K stlentiou of Ladies snd (Jenliemen.couu. d lovers, together with ths rest of nisnkiud, (lo.fers eicepted.) is respectfully sol Ud lo the many attractions now being offered by lioisroN & iiumj;i.; one uf ths firm hsviug just returned frum the N-'rtli, where, being in a good humor with him aei,' auo all the world, was in gjod condition lo pirase Ihe is.try snd Uckle the taaie of every one in ins way of U I1 I l I A t it I I I S, TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, llfklt'S, I'rfSfrVCS, aNIUfl'S, Ulsiips marmalades, Toilet Furnishings, tie., . IN CUNMIITIOM WITH Family (.Iroceiics iV (.cncral IJakery. troi ,n double harness lor life, .11 you base to do 1 ,. scnu u. your oruer snd we will prepare thin,. . . ,.'.,. ,,,,., k.. iJ.. ........ .?., 1 t.sls. Come lu Ihe fountain-head and buy Ye wesry sin sick souls come here : Buy Wine and Cuke and we will trv To make it good aa scriptural fare ; And only slightly to advance The pricu upon uur previous cost. Coma to our well tilled store, your chance Kisewhere is slim, or muiicy lost. Yes, come and Houston will provide And Ivtd you with aubalautial food, And tl hv tails lli o Nua stsnds by, Tbat't Hunter, sri.l kurit sou attmefting ged. all one dour rant f the ( mirl House. J. NICK IH'NTKR. S. FK AN K HOl'STDM, C.i, ,sri., One '.I, IfiiD. -Hit NOW OPENING. FAT iT i WinNTTBR. uuuw KLIAS & COIIKN RB now prepared l display lo their custom m rrs snd friends, and the public generally, the nml , '. f HHivr a nil best St'lcctetl U 1 J J IV J L VJ J J J, ped b e firm in AWlA Co. , .,.,,, nu ,luMlbllf ,,,, , ,. ,nd "f " italVia .l7.s"fl,Tr.5 Complete. UliY t.OOUS, Foreign and lionirslic, ! CUirillNO AND FUltNlsillMJ (;OODS, IIAUDWAKE AND CT'TI.KKY, j KOOI S AND SIIOI.K, I HATS AND CAPS. I BONNETS AND MlLl.UNr.kY (.OOD.S, Fancy cdods and mj-j ions, i OKOCKKIFrf, An, 4Cl A and fS.iniuution of our is respect. fully solicited at lilt EM'S OLD STAND, Trade Btreel, li.irlotle. N. C. ! Ocr. 9, If-CO. SlMf Meilicj;Xiee. ns. M. B. TAYLOR. AND J M. .MM.f.KII, assocutcd tliriuscives, for the purpose Fraeticmtr MtDICINK, in all of Us brauciies. Odice near the State Bmk. Oelot,tr 23, iBbl). t3.) (frp Notice. T lllK Board of Common Schools for Mrcklei.. I burg county will meet al the I School i.ltic e in t harloiU on Saturday tri j 2Tth for I the purpose of appointing dt.-legstea lo Ihe Educational A i . 1 1 ... . which wiii inoel at YV il.j linngtoii on the I3lh ol November. .1. P. ItOSS, Ci'm. j Qttolrt 23, I 60. It I mauki;t iiousi:, " ! t 'HEsuh.criber resprctiully In forms his former JL i 'ualmiirrs and the puolio generally, liiul he has opened a HOUSE, unu,:r Ihe above nnun', I nearly opposite .Means. Dales A. Williams, two1 noois u.-,w Messrs. J. Y liryee A. Co.. where a. ways may be found a full assortment of Family Groceries, Vegetable, Butler and I'pgs, Chickens, I'iS, Candies, Raisins, Xuts, I'ickl's, JJicsfives, M'ififs, ij-c. tiM'rioi Tobacco ;uii rtf.ii'K, rockery untt Ulnhxicai e, tlalw and ( Laities A' i'tnlhiiif it's Shofs, ( ali'ot's, Dt'l.niiM'M, liiiliiiu n, I'itiil-sltif. t icking, Af , and i.uutrrous Fancy Articles, sll of which will be sold nt the very lowest price fur Cssh or B.irltr. F. W. AHKKNS. N. B. In addition to tne, I intend In fil up bv the 1st of Nuvember, s large and coml'.rt. ahie liot.n. fur my Customer', where s Lunch may alto be had at soy tune. It will be my siro lo merit a snsre of public patronage. F. W. A1IRKXS. N B. The h gliest price, p. id for Bulter, Kjfgs, Chickens, Cabbage P'.iiiw s and oilier PruOuce. IJ I'.ii; at the M.utt r. Vf. AIIRENS. OcttUi 16, !SC0. 3ui r JUH.N T. bUTLEK. 1 KA(. Ill AL WATCH and CLOCK 3IAKI-II. (Ssir ' ''je ' Vj. .Lj&SPwt i:ai :ita c. I PI'OSITi KERR'S IIOTRL, i ii iKi.ii rn;. . c, (I, ate Willi R. W. Ueckwitll.) Fine W; senpi.nn. r ().( i Clocks and Jewelry, of every de. 'paired snd wsrranted for 12 months. G. l -i:u. 30tl Notice. II I AVI Vi; obtained tellers "f adminis Iratinl! on - estate of F. Harnell.dec'd. I will sell al his ale rraiseiice, 3 miles n.-rlti of Chirlotle, ! on the 9th ol November next, tne f'.llowipg pro. i m:gko MAX, houses, con s and hogs, 3 Wagons, 1 Carriage, 1 Buggy, Cot n and H heat, Furmiig Tools, Household and Kitchen Furniture and oltier articles loo tedious to narnlron. m.iiic known on day uf sale. 1 N. B All oersons indebted to said estsle will plr .se coine forward and sellle, and Ih.ise having clsuns will present them authentic.!, d according I to law tins notice will ba plead in bar ol their recovery MARY T. HARNETT, Admx. If,, leliO. t33 Oriobe 4 PP1 .A in PPI.Ii'ATION will be oisde t. ths i.rxl I.. lure o' Ncntli ( arolin.i. In' a charter to j construct a Kail Koad irom I Iiarloits lo tna touin ( rlia line, to e.onnr.-l with the rea.,1 via l..n. Bishopsille, Smnter, Manning, N". K. Rail Rosd to I'harleatnn. Octolr , IfbO. t-12 I. .'mil lr alr. Wil l, scil al I. ner A (.a. I nn'. Store, on tin M. 3,lui Ueocmber iifxi, the Iraclol l.snd known as the L..ll,cart p;aee, Del.ii.ging io me esiaie ol Jonathan Keid, dec'a., coiil.iiumg about ,21b -teres 7b sens t winch is subject lo the life. time es- Ule of Mrs Freeman. Tne I ind adjoins the of Herbert Smwe, James ?. Collins, C5. S Hoover snd others. Terms be a oredllof one and o.o y.ars with interest. Note with approved securi. lv will be re.iuired. ti W REID, llt r. Oefber 16, 1P6D. I3.T cases. Jtt-y- tharlolle i fc'. 1'. iiail Koad CJ'Tbruush Eapreas Fre.ihl Train, will ru..' ' u,!l""'n l'""l,jUe C n'"'. """' trans-shipment. I hue en .Wing freight, lu reach 1 astlolle iu Ins Uays, or less Irom New or. Also Tbrougli Tiekels will us sold Irom Chur lolte to Cliarleston si SO, and tu New Vora, via Chariestun lt-a for $111, and vice vt-r. Tne Merchants and Punlie are .nvilcd tu try this cheap and eipediti.u. roul. fur Freight I lud Passengers. A iI..UAlili., liensral Freight and Ticket Agent, Clisrlolie. N. C. Orlofisr 3, lr6U. 13.1 CP otiec. tPPl.ICAI'ION will be mads lo tha neat I.e. giaialnre, for tha paaaars of a Art lo In- jorpor .ie ths " Hornet's Nesi Kiilemea " ol I liar loll., N.C. ! Ve-lT t!, I Ml. ',' I I N K V SUPPLY OF ;Vitclies,Jcwclr,Suli(lSiIvcr ! - AMI Plated Vare, fBllIK subacribcr tins lately returned from the M. North where he hns p-jrchased a very es. tensive supply of ihe above articles. His pnrcha sra being maiiv directly from the msnufjeturer, he is ll.errlore enabled to sell at a very sm i.l ad on cost una persons may real sasured that all hia articles are warranted to be what he rep resents thin, lo be. Watches and Clocks carefully repaired and will receive my personsl atirntion. K. VV. BECK WITH. Of('.6er 0, 1660. aytf (iiiEAT SACHIFICES r.iiaf. A. I) VI. i : is .1 1; S T It Fa 1! Fa I V I : I F K O M aomv "m" mm. 9 BY (JOODMsX&ElGEXBRUi, TKADE STREET, GI'I'UfilTI OATI-.N V W I I.I.I 1IS. M rF reapectfuley inform the citizens nf Char WW lutle, sad suirounding country ihnl we are prepared lo oiler j a it kit i i i i: mkits IN I J)UV GOODS, Hals, t a its. Itools, .shots, Ac. AND A I.ASOC ASS'iaTHIMT Of I.KMI.i;.llK'!i I I HMMIIMJ t.OODS. A I. BO, A large stsck nf Ladies and Gentlemen's SHAW LS AM) CLOAKS, 3j liese call and ejuiuitie uur Goutii before LtUrcliatiiijr GOODMAN & ElGENliltt'N. Ortoher 2. InfiO. 2btf fall oim:;mng. iew Store, rew Goods! AT Loowensttin & JJro. F.AIH.Y opiHjsitc the Court House, where they uve an extensive ilock of 1)111 lilllll!. C L O T If J A a , it o o t , w it o i: il i r , AND and a large variety of D03IHST1C GOODaS AND i: o t i: it 1 1: s . PLTatonn will (io wef. to give ua a Ceiii be fur e pur. chasing eUcH here. LOKWENSTEIN k BKO. October 9, ISbO. SUlf 1 I I Fa '..-FAT CL0T1ILGEMP0RIUM. TKALKI'S IN ALL KIMI8 Of READY MADE CLOTHING, FFU-V KSIIINCJ GOODS, TTT5 Hats. fans. Trunks. A l, Ac. l i Mini -Spring A. ( n, OI'I.H call the especial attention of the ir Iriends and patrons to their m:v stock of cloth ixc. now opening. They think they esn offer greater inducements to buyers than Ihey have ever done, tlieir goooe being bought si reduced ratrs and at such prices ss iney feel confident no House in the Male can compete with. 'I hi y arc'erir.g very nice ' ts-liii.iti: Mils from $.2 to tr-'.'). Ail wunner of CASSl.MEKE PANTS, CAfSI MERE. SILK, MATALASSE AND VELVET VESTS, OVER COATS, Of ail grades and styles. The sbove (.aoua cannot be surpssse f in style and make, t".ving beeu manufactured under the constsnl surpervisinn of one nf the hriu. FILLINGS, SPRINGS & CO. SeptemUt 'ii, letid. STtf" 1860! Fall Trade! I860!! The Old and Long Established House of DKUkTEK & HKILHRUiN A RE now rect , a ceiTe. during g aud will continue to re-1 e present casou. most ! eempieta artaortiDent ul DRY GOODS, ft VIAITU .VtV, 11. ITS, .if., HOOTS, MIOIS AND a. m - - as. -a ever brought to thia market. IVfaeHai'iif unuaUsM tartht for the purchase class 0f (;d, (om the very first class Coramisjlor.Importins&Ildnufactuting IIOISKS, in th North, tnej are tiiua enabled Id DEFY COMPETITION ia say Goods in their line. In Itools shot s, t lolhing .J- Hula they call special j and in the uo( lai.v lim: be ni.ders.ld. To Country Merchants. Y'our parliculsr notice is called lu our immense I sluca which will be sold at a very small advance, ' and lo J C AMI III 1 l.lii i fyr. induc,nlrn, ,,;, h. offrr.d in ,h. w, , ' l.uw I'rirOa. Uvineniher iht 'luuse oi PRl.'CKKK i HEILBKl'N. Ckarlotte, SejJemiitr 45, lft,0. I7tf S. T. 'ritou, nA M FAl i t K FK of, and dealer m Fla.a and Japanned Tinware, tiiov.s. Wooden Ware, lirooms, Hru.hss, Ate., in S.uln wmg of Springs' Csrner Building Jnh W h Won, such as roonng. Rniieriiig, ate. dona HI, e-,,.l. h FUltMTUltE! AT ii.iiti,i:sro.v vn nr. s . ctv -v r-Tfi siTarrr.' fn surrrnif trMrr 1 AVI(i PURCHASKO THE LNTIRK tT K OF FURNITURE of J. M. Sankiss At ('., and associated with ma my brother, M m. DAVii.snn, we intend I. car. ry n Ihe business under the firm nf DAVIDSOI? & rr.0i: cier.A. Co., t'STIl. THK riKST Of JA.Nt'ASV NIIT, when we expect lo open j .sws m. ' M t In the Store ol IHviu Pasks, Fsq., now occupied oy the BKANII BANK OF THE STATE. A Full StocK of Furniture OF ALL KINDS, Mi.y alwsvs be found al tins Katabliehiuenl, and we pledge ourselves to Sell as Low as the same articles can be bought in CHARLESTON, or any oth er Southern City. r.m. FnnnKLiH iiunnii Will have charge of the .Woiiuuffuiiiifi- Urparlment. where work desired will be promptly attendee to, and repairing of uny kind neuiiy done. l'.OlJ T. F. DAVIDSON. N. II H ivinj taken the Agency of ' KISK'S V ETA LIC liL'KIAl. CASE-V Ley willa!-ys be kept on hand. K F. D. October 3, ItliU. "tf rAOTiL'E::-a II AVIMi sold out our entire stork of rami. lure. Ate. lo lioBlST F. Iavii.S"S who, lo. getlur with Ins brtillier, W. LIaviuson, expect to continue the uhovo buaint-a at I. i r the fii in of DAVIDbON k BR01IIER. We cordislly ceinlneild limn to our friends and customers who may wih unylhing in that way, and hone tliev will extend t-. I hem a p-.lren.ige is ,benil ss we have liuriluiore received si Uirir hands. J. M. SANDERS k Co. Oclohe, 3, I8I.U. -etc MERCHANT TAILORING li'I.LIs,Mllls'S X O. fc AVE also auded to ll.cir Iteudy-madr t JIB ing Stock, a Merchant lailur went, lo which II ey call llit especial Uenarl. UcnilLn nf their many Irieuds aud customers. They intend making llns oepartuirnl second to none in Hie Slate, either in elyle and qoality of Guilds, or in lh- manufacture ol torments. At ail tunes will be found a good atnek of Black and Colore- Cloths, English, French una A Casimeres, and a variety of Veilings 1 sssortmcnt of Kill k ll..l : ISSIMIIKIJN, They feci innfident of their ubiilty to undersell an- niher huuse in Ihe Stale, l roll, llio uuv.uiloes Ihev have in gelling liieir g'ous. Their good, are bought l.y tne quantity, by one of the Firm who resides in the Northern markets, whicti gives turn the opportunity of taking advan tage of tl.e prices of goode, tliereby saving t least j-. Twenty-Five Per Cent. afJJB To the consumer. IJ" Dimes saved are Dollars made !jj So try us. E FULLING 5, JNU. M. SPRINGS, September 25. I SCI). -lf VALUABLE PLANTAR OFFER for sale, my PI. Illation, situated in t abarrus county, lying on the North side'ot Kucky kive-r. b utiles South-west of Cuncurd, a o-e and a hall miles from Harris' Depot, on the North C 1 rutins Kail Koad, adjoining lr. Cyrus Alexander and oliitsa. The trsct contains aoout '2 t!b acres ' aoaaul lOO acres cleared and in cull.vatioii. There is a hue Mill site on the premise., alao a good swelling house anu oilier necessary "Ut-buil. uings, new gu: house and press, .so Deiicr land ' can be found in the county lu produce Cotlun, Corn, Wheal, Tobacco, Oai, Ate. Any person being desirous of purchasing s placo pleasantly situates amongst an intelligent commu nity, will please call on tne subscriber, on the pre mises, or sadrcss him at H-nris IK-pot P. tl., N.C. THUS. L. Ma RUN. September 4, 1SGU. 2i-3,n ST A T K OF NOHTU-CAKOIal.NA, UNION COUNTY. In Equity 'lo l ull Term, l-liO. Wm. J. Cureluo snd wile Cnsrlutte, Llirtbclii, wile ol S. M. Duranl, Narcissa t. union, Tavtor Cuieton and Thomas t urt ton, (.children and heirs at l.w ol Jtriiniah Curt lun, Jr., dee'd.,) Marjaret Elizabeth, wile of James M -Murruw, (.cniu and . inn uee'd.,) Urnl. II. .Maast j. 'sou of Fverurd Masscy,) Henry I.tese -Masse j,f am I. b. -Ma.avy aud oilc Mary, (children ul llcury Masscy, dec'o.) .ninsl. Sarah Kintbr.ll. J .mes F. Curelon, TuuBiae K. Curelon. jr., haii.u.1 J. Cu.eton, Vuginta, wile ol F. 1). lireen, auo Fnia Jane, ,thiluitn ol T. k. Curetun, sr., dec -.,) KoOerl .Vl.iler and w.le Auu, (l.clrsot John I union, dec'u.,J Ki Urcca. v. us ol J. It. Bratton, Jane F. Ma.sry. s.rau A. M.s.ey Slid Wm. 11- Massey. iciiuorcn aud heirs ol V in. Mtisi-ev, dre'd.. I. 'tl. Ma.sey. It. I' Masaey's heirs, t. L. Masscy s clulu, tchnuren I Char lolte Massev ,) J.isepll t . Hate, t .tU.sline, wile ol C. M.iliieaon, tl.aOeln k, llenj. Hale, j ., dec'd.'s clmuren, the hu.rsol us..n I.. titer, Jtues B. Curelon anu the other ciuidreu ol I.v.raru Cuieton, dec'o. I'ct.tioii lor als of I-tnd lor PartilH'n. IN llns case, ll appearing lo li e satis :a. In n ! the l ourl. ths unuia.ul in tins cu .re uol lesi.ieuls ol litis Male, su lual prucc. be personally atred upon litem, tl is mete tote Uiaered by Hie t suit, Tnai puulicsiiou uc made ioi sia stem iu Ine Norm t. aioii.-.a l ln, slid tne Lalicasitr l.c,lker, eui...ual.uil.g Ilieu. and each ol iheui, lu oc and appear .i lite n-st ten. i of llns Court, to he l.tld al Hie Court- ou.e in Alunne, on ins lull, llo 4lh in August lull, and wcr. Ate, or juugu.rut pro cuuitsso will be culcrcu , ag.tll.l ll.eui. V lines", Tmmcs l. Wiuche.Ver, t in. M.sttr ! said court, at utiicr in Monroe, Inn 31st day ol August. A. 1. 1 rtilS. X. U. V l.SCh Ir.u.r. M Fruiter's I -a U. u. IB. . enu. id- Chambers?, Barnes & Co., a f t f S auJ (itvjjeral (.OlUIUis S j 0 0 ..J.'iiCJIAM.S II A It I. KS TO . S. V. Notice. PPI ICA 1 ION will bs mans Is the next I sl.latnrc of Norm l aroitua, lor an Aet t incurpora - .t me una Mil.lliJ t 0,11. 'in V, '1 he IflarkrN. CORRE TfcD BY OA IBS & WILLIAMS. CliAnLOTTB X TIMIKK '.:, I "bO. BACON, Hams ...ib., 14 f-. I IJ ; Sides lb i3 r,r U j Hot; mono It 13 (u 14 I Shoulders, lb IJ fj. (kj I Bsgiij,tiuimy, yB .-...17- it,. n i Heel, -lb i ( 0 I Uutler, lb 2u f CO Heeawsx, lb 3o i ou I lleans, busliel, -o (a 3G I Branny. Apple !. U i f i S'tacli -t tfli -i .,(( ' Cotton, lb lay lo Jit . Collce, Kio, -!b lb I., 8 Java lb 17 I: Candles, Auumunline lb J5 n. 3t " riperni., lb 10 i I II Tallow lb 0 (i Vi Corn, .bushel 7,'i f, 7f diickcns, each 2i in li Cloth.Copperns yiru Ij I" It. 11 Linnsey yard 3d tu. 37 Kres meii I2J t I.'. tiour bbl 64 ID d4 (u, 3 Feathers, lh dtl ft 2.S lime., (ireen 11. C '" fc) Ury lo 12 lu I,;.rd, lb 14 io . Multon, lb 5 (-,. o Mackerel, bi.l..N,.'J 14 . U'j Kilta 4.V) nu 1 Molnssos.N.O fill 7U It "S W.I 4b M tO . biimei ril u. on Mui!ets( Wilmington; ... lib i V la. i'o Nails. Northern lb i 'a ilU " Soullirrn lh j n. fi , t)ula, busl.e, t.'i (. i5 j Pork lb ; n.' 74 Peas bti (u 7ll : I'otstue., Irish busliel ftu (" 7i ' SSweel bushel -t I" Kir.e hiishel 4 I' UU Sugar, l.ual lb I.i ... On i " Hrov.ii lb IU f" IU i. ntons.Ware gal Ill '- Ott 1 Suit, ack I1M1 I !. ?U0 Tea, !b I Oil Wheat, white I.unl.e. M'1 i" 160 " red ,.b.ihi-l Mi '" l l'l Whiskey , Norlhvri gal '.'j bj " N. Carolina ,...g: 'JO Wool, (beat (Jeoriii ) wsshe.1 7 i". VS nniv.,: -U in. W Vnrn hi Ir I"U (y t'O tOI.CM CIA M A I! K FT. Cnl.lliBla, Octet rr COTT'l.V. Thcro lus t.nn a g.n inc prices h.ivc .ivajieeil c. Ti. amounted t.. l,or4 bai 11c. IJ A. ON. hi IIIU.N, .. Fl-.AS, OA'i 1-I.OL l(. .. ground, I-' 4 y . luo 15 tl If J1 !, Cl'AKI.KsToN M A H K ET. cssi.ssro-, Oct. .ii, iea. t OTION. The active demon.! wmcn prsvaii. ed Iur e-.tluii yeaterd.iy c -nlin' ed to. cay. inn ihe sales reaciieu upwards of o.iltO uaies, at very Is. I prices, viz : b.i'Jc. Musn.e Oclober 2b Tne aU. of c ttr.n wi Te 'J,.l)Ulj u.,n- .VI .ildllliga 1 ' s. Ihe sues si li.e wees reach i4.7oO baiea, slid the receipts It,, lio, against H,VUU ,l. Ihe C',rrearKMn:n,g fsrirS luslyear. The oecreave in the rc:ii-ti al IS 1 post op to aaie are 33,6 U bs.ea. I i.s stacs su hand .s I'J-'.'JTU N'xw Yiirs, Oct. V firm sa'ea v ,l 4 W ere aoio. al a nerii If.O'HI bus.lela wnra Ihe cotton market 1 I. II I,.. I. s V6.ui:? i'l. Is fl .11 red l..Ki 1. He H bu per b ol Cl,ihil busnei .1 M.,n a are auil. he. v... ;butl N. Valuable Town Property, 1 I1KTUI STLK-S wiliurt (,f r ly bLtoie) ul tl I'UOH tue iti. ol wvcnibcr lie Jsupenor l r.url week.) mi locale, in a very plcsani , l I.., tnt I u-.oay 0' (.irtua FAK.-l'.NAlst: pari ill L-llar Un the ,s a siring lu pureiia well to ea.inint sale. Terms es sale. The pro,., s l. in lu view i r ii, stable, Perauiiae lau.e loWll propal IV, SS Ul C properly ociere Lie uay , iriu. anuA ll on ; i, e nay i tit e ,ivin lo any ens d aim 1:1 Ihe nig 1 li li IRl'SlEliS. in. A fuet dl, 1,-bO. Cj--Notice. 11 AVING learncn fiom a utiitulic tmirse rSa I. ir- as trust orouer'f. have not beers . eumpiird witu iu several ir.peets. luv lew ol us sa io and alienation troll. Hie purposes of ssid trust. Il ls is io iKl.iv all concerned lit-. I 1. .s the gran tor of .aid trust, lorbid tne siie aud wu. use ,.U Uvtlul mean, lo preservt the lern-s e! si-ti evd of t, aa titles cauoul os ,, wiil.e.ul coiiip.y l0ce wn . terms of said ikcii, J. R. PICKETT. Grantor. 01.2,11:0. tdJ r I'll A It LOTTF. LSI E AM KE FINED tANHV MAXlFACTOliV, iwci;iii ami t iKi: u iki in, a-- T lHE uudersijn.-u rcspeetiuily informs tiis ci- llleus of I n-rl'.llB ind surroui.iug uu. lr, l:i,tt In; l..t ju.l coinimned loe ,ii.j.e busi. nes in lite Louse i-t l lie i'Xmi of Trade and Col lege streets, tur the purooeoi '.nriiig CAM)li;S,l'AKI iV Uli t: IK witscii articles he wil! sell Wholesale nd Uetail. As he dis ..II lire o.k hilli.ell, Hetali M .rs keepcis i uid co well lo purchase lueir t'atli. ami 1 .kes from linn, as lie wilt give eutirs satis. 'acltuu b.ilh in price and iiuaitlv. li 'Ail IIKPFKS from l.l4liee.fe,os.'J tne ( x.n, win ot puiutuai.y a i.tles carefully pacsed and ed and turwareen according I to uunscti.,u. Hire JtJiJN G. C LKIK'R, n.l i'nUim str eel, ( ssi", N. C- 5, Icbn. llii Ctr met or Tiade liU. AL 1IAYAN.A LOTTtUl. The neit ,.r..i.i na l-.ll. ry cuiinui under tl.e smm-s Cult., Will take .! v drawing of the d by IhcSy-inisii un of ths Capta e at Havana on Ii ,, l! lla, a. Tl!LHAY, aN'orcmhci' 7 iNin. S360,000. KTF-lt NL'MF.I.U t IS Hi MN AH 1 ', A I'l I V I. I'KIZI. !"IOO,Ol.o: lou.Oi :ti.tii 111 ,IM1 I.OI'll ,.Ul 4t. . ..Ot i 4 At. I lo In lot I'll) to . 4110 to 'a-U,lJliU . 4 o Wl...i.Ticet.'."J ve.slii; kl 1 5 per ceul. Pr.f. Bills e A dr.i .ult kst, he,: .i . all ahri l.g .1,1 i, i in i. lli'I'KI M'K S f T -