1 tnH harmony in ber delibertiTO ouooilg, . cfncrom spirit o emulation by til ber 10 : x f. : - .!".!. jepl-IAMH w t.v tf r-- alf"i hippine iil indepndeuc ef ber pccple. ' " " Wlmt orourity, Tor their licoa, oin the penn! of tho South rtpct t lb bnd of , ,oetioi)luiij'riiy,niHd.tid by religlout f,lioiiii. who. jut upon tha lied of the Julni Hrowu rif, nd in ,c6anceof recent olcrnn decision f( the Supreme Court of th Vniied StiHef tribunal erected by the Constitution to drtclre t'u ji.t riohtn tnd (q,,ity of all tho Stle and all section' whi. h etHVlihcd the equal riptito of the cit j,es of all ibe State in the enjoyment of their property in the common territories, hvo elected a Preaidentof tha United Sutee, for tlio purpose of enurinij the adininitra- tmn oj i ............. ...... v in the common Oof ertinient of all the State. I ihiTU anybody eraty enough to believe that ibe Southern Stitea would have etiter fr loto tha Ui ioo, if their delegate to the 1 'invention, which adopted the Cojstitu ,,, enuld bate forea-.cn .oeh a uVplor ,t c iiititiKoy to tba future at the e .oii'iii of a l're-ideut by one acotion of ,i,e t'ouf 'deracy, upon principle of avowed in-liliij 10 'he other I If not, then the fpir n of llie compact in already broken by (be -impl eleeliou of Linoolu, without waiting ;,r 111 overt act of hit administration, which mht al one blow forever paialyEe. our pow ,r ti n'tiat. Our tnti'jtul D olaration of I ,ij.'p iideiioe proclaims to the world that 1 1 .eci'o tli bte-ing of life, liberty and p imuit of happiness, governing ntt were , . nui. d anions 10 n, fi'i-ivig th'ir juU ,j,t (r im tha content al '". Ihe gavrrueU.'' ', 1 my on preteud that the acta of Lin ail derive auy jul power from the , ,.n,t i.f iht rou-hero people! . Surely , t It it if there tiil linger mi North Car , :-i any pfpla who )et advocate the oh- , ! ic (I ictrine of uon rewtaiice, and paw-! . n'.rdn iiee to the divine ribt of Kincs 1 Ki'. t-, let lh' 01 be admonished by the , 1, 0' tha Tori, a of iHe UevolutioB, and aiiniig by the fate of ilia follower t'uarles the Kif-I and Jsinea the Second, 11... of Kiv'laud. I. -I ail those who atill atirkU f r the .ji,' uiii the dt.tiuvtion buiwrvn ibe ill of state -ee.tou and lint of revolu a hy the pfp e, re mr tuber that in ad 10 n the latter, as the only out to eorreel cii of iroverniiilal opirer.toii, they sur- d-r all the re-er.rd aoverei,.t, of the alii openly avow the ebsolullru of t i;.-reral ttoeernruenl. ! hs ov rc uu t.t of the I'niled ?iats, .'ik sli ofner piverntnente that ever ei '. 4 iu the aorl.l, wis ellt. red into by tbe itinl e'.naeiit of tndr-petidenl sovereign bl ind together by written COOalitll ' :. I iiinited power, and it priniaueiiey ,. .,- ! upoa a o lutinuation of tbeir mu j . r .1 'j Irnce, aff -ction and pi-rf.-ot eijual j , ': plitical li.-'ita, aa xt qwi nn-t con. !,, who. il.fr.cli )B would, IMO Ji-icla, rt a Hi.n!ution of the ctnpart It i proper to state, in eoorlnsion, that Ki tor ia not rpotiible for tho aenti . I 1 bf artic.C, bit tha writer honcat ' . .i. .e that they will meet the approha - it a lare nxjinly of the patrons ol - 'A't.ijf, as . 1 j.inion on tbe iul jeel n( 1' I' l-ral UolatiiMia, the writer baa good i")ti ti '.lelieve, have recently anderjtone ("it change; otherwtae the sentimeuts s'atici'd wojld Hit Laic b-e u offered II.. n. I Hbi' in t ntuifl ! The following ire it. of not in the county of Hanover, rd N .ro Fot. H.'li Town. l.uiivrJ Hoot, I.",!, Pug Towu, Free Negro Town 1 P.i.e Cat .I'r jtumht tlnrW. 1 a.-tril tiam.-t k be anre, but wo bear nainss of f ice to county io North ;'rrit Coat. Trn Shirt, I)uy Level,' 1 l.it.r.l, n ,i,,h li. I'mcl) l.ut. Hull 1 '! i Delight and l'ursljrj HVmi ''..ion. w. H- fy oortipK'.ition n-t simr,.y drfiriet t in tlii pl iaa i.e. f .r lorduira. ',V hive ltard of r. Ilr.,.(, -iiii-,,) fJ.Jti Ijiisrtowa, atiil h. 11-,!, I I Must Have Mimey. H" l-aooa .odrMeH T II. II. e in ,V Cn. T" '' 'I" me -in d Ih.otsrtvis hyp.yn.g hy ' J .i.u .r i in xt ..r I will na eiouuvlh d lu re. f 1 .in,.. waa t luraiia lu e.iliret Ihr smne. j T. II Kit KM. , j ' ' '"ip M Hiittfi', r tnf authorii4 fexrnla T. II Hit KM t IJ i 'J7. Kf.0. Kijuily Land Sale. Cuurl of Eii-lilv i . . mnty. I will sell .i the Corns r. In I liar hilti'. nn y ol DEt'EMUEIi. I6 I. ' "r, at I'W.n "IHV.i:... i ji,, d ' t ..I -.1 smlh ir. f,iB(( h i,t and sreurity, Inn I v .1 j 1 KM OF LAN 11, within 3 miU-s .HI... I ' " s' Ir.V.II. Plank It iad. on Which K r.etnlly lived soil Uirtl, coiilan.i ! "' -' I'-.r II I.', , ,,,. l lic lwer liili r-t r,niidiiiiiMjf loiul l.M seria, will also i 1 "I .m (..ur t,, (.Ur. Hi- p .rr hp 1,1 tT.)Hiltnf nn nf gimd " -'Ul 115 -atrt- vl rf turn idn l-nil,. hmII . .1,1.-4, ti, twry ,g,hi ilri for buiM- ti'rrrH, the pmitmrt.y ii frjr He tty nmliinj lo be eominrtutity ny fa, t t't'irf inr(rinntir,n run be . 1 ' w. a si...! r t. n.r.... Mtrned by eon. , on tin pifftftor. a- t; W ILIalAMstiN, 0. M. K. '"iiher an, r-b0. 3J tUa. ! IC t MSI.lt IC 1 1. V T It Ei EIVEU a h.r ...Is by 1 OA I E1 Sl WILLI A. M.i. ar ll 'Cor,Ti to lotolvr let. I BCD. aredue. '' lo t ALL A Ml. Sl'. I' I LE, ur Uieir via. "I ha eh.ppe a ur huusc. N 0ATK3 it WILLIAMS. ""'SO. MOO. 3,Ml "NKSS TICKKTS, for tie Couut; uJ I , UDHc&&lm j- In this town, on Sundajr morning lot, Mr. John I liarly L'ed 36 leera. .. . ' la this town, on the Nih Inst, of diplheria. In. font aim of Win. A. and Louiaa Cook, aged three liiuiillia. Notice- iflKRE WILL DK API I.ICATIOV made to the iiiit L t il..tiira of North t'ai.lina for a new et.unljr li- he tuki n I'oui Irenoll Itnwao and I'vliarrua end a mull portion ol Mecklenburg. I)III i'.T I TII'OIM Ai IOA llSHEa & BUMOIJCEI, Are now 111 r. ci-ipl ol' larye .r lo.ent of IUi(llkli l.iill lliii ra l bHiK, . of tliinr own importation. AIo, UltitJMTlOLTKH, KKyED Sl MUD BOX VICES, ANVILS, SMITH HAMMERS, i;ilr H I II II. k. NAII.S, ! CHAINS ol all deaerip. I to-m, t"ffllier with complete eloek of Kliell II ru ware. VVe invite an exaimiiatioa ol the above (iuoJa. FISH ICR L KUHROUGU8. Nov. 13, IHI.U. i ijaul. IlltV alUIV KEW FALL STOCK. I.AMES CLOAKS A IHt.NNETrt, HUMS UOD1H tc. EVIIIKOIDEItlES, i Ai;ft m and ui:i; A very large s oca ol I'l.A.N I A I ION tiX)US. i Tne abjve will be lunod to comp.re 111 style and pricea to ny in tir citv. FIS1JKK iBURliOUGHS. Nov. 13, Ibbtl. 34 ijnl. '1 KI. torill.lt'h Ol 1 it 1:, A. T. 6l Ohio It. K. t o., i Ciuai.t.TTK. N. Nov. IU, letill. ( T a mi cling ot lot l)ireclrs of Hie Allan, tie, Icollctace A. (Join Kali Koad Colnpa. ny it was rrSbiprflf, 1'liat tht Trraaurer be inalrucled to hi i"t ami dgjiual ull di liiiqui nl fciockl-iiuna ol tin 1 ompny, and Ih it mluivat be charged on all inaulineula lirrct'loic ejilii-d h-r, and oow 111 ar r, If. .01 and albr I lie VUih in.t., and that on all iiirtjlnirnta titrt-etler Culled lor, inierat be 'urged, if not pud within twenty duya alter e-.r li i mt.i! oue anil p.i.ible. j Sl L V'K(.'rtlV TrraiuttT. I Notru.hrr 13. le,u 3t it. iNotiee. II1 E will sell al the late rt-aidmce of Cyrua II J. W liu.u. utc'o, 00 lltl.lhoi b.ciui. In - r lenn, tns h. II. wing proiefty : Ou llorsn, two Mults, lame, one nami and i.o.r, l.:- Crn.., U or 14 bga uf I 0.1..11, K. lt.Miea,anu otht-r artnjis too leoious to eliU. m.r.te. Lima o.s ..wan on uay 01 ..,e. Al to. 1 until to h.... 00 day me and ptaer, will le: Inn 0 out ul lt uarmtH-r, iMil, 4 ur j Ntjrii 'I erioa ot hiring Miane knoftlij A LUKUT WILSON, j J 6. M W ILsuN. ; Ai.o.ioi.lrors. .. IJ, 31 3t. iwl 4a 11 f 11 .Niii ftt-i ir. ;)()();)() Sl'llM't F lilt TlTCS I ok s, h i:. eaneWK i HE lie enixms of the S.nithern aA m.u. .. to. 1 ins i. plu ..1 'tV in. N .rih. rn and N in w sit 1 n uu s tre ioas.g try. lout "I tuair it-onir aitii,.i Ir,iiv, ami O'al lo a I inn le n u sail I. a xrral esi.nl 'y unpiopitiou lur Iruit cut. turo T I hen shy should not Ilia cililn a ul the Siuinrni St-m aukt huil, otoa i.ii icra,uiie oiay K.ittlh. ro aun ii-.u-d lor liirir sisr, tins H-iVuf, nn hn- Bi eoh. The ab-iva sl-iiiiio nts sre lully suaUioed hy prioiawis tstu o r oiii. in ttu.ia, and me (rl .111..111.I fl 'i. and untj trail sent North .M .N .r Hiatal Of Ins .xraliniu UnU'i uurni; I n l,.t Ira ('. Il.il. II Ihr stn,s alali un ma . r lo ll SM.l-iiot'l. aud 11 il ia no ..1., according it. Un-b-.bie, to ni.ss o.oory by r.i.n Froil, torn arad lolftulU )our ur.lrfl anil Call 'J V ti'l hiHu. and M. neeoh li au J Inry will lurmali you WHh g.io.1 o..r. ;.!. i.rr'.4r.... KIHUr"K MEN DEN HALL. tlreriiaier.,', V.v iron. J.l II. .Mt'dlt'iibur- IHU.N Works, ii.si:.o T 1 1:, .v r. Al.i;AliKliTMcI)Ul'(iAI.L. 1 VIIL under" fin-" hrg have to nf.rio the e.li- 1. us nl t I .-rl'.ltr and tn imty anil lha puh z ft o-r ally, that lory ha vr opeltro Hit- al.nvr 1. hit-nuKiii al n.e l.-.l o Tr.o. .inrt, ai-j.,.iiin e Ira. k ul Ihe .N..itn t (.una Itail IC.aU and ot. p.. -in- .,'t-s pti, am .tl.ila, and arc ,.r. p.r lo Uf,,i, .11 MACHINERY, trriiit . ii i ul n ti HiMuiniiju Jroiu 10 0 II 'KM Cuwrr. AMI III. 1 4 la 'I I I II' M Ollli ur ti l aisoa. it 1: i a 1 n s in H'ri; h'M piomplly all. lidcd to. I Heir I 'III N IIKY i in lull u,h rain in. .nd hit htguinly twice a Week. VVednestlaya and fialurdaya. 1'hry are prrpared to furnish all km. is uf t It'l l II llttll, llll.llaa,, Sil'., accaninu To..m. jAeV AND a.liif .(IJ.L in. ARING, GIN W11KKLS, SAW Dl.'ST tyl K.nKIJS, 1 AMI -F.IK HON FLAWS AND HALLS fi.a COTTON YU ESSES. CAST 1KU.N KAILI.NU, j Kr ii inlrn Kncltrurm, lwoiiiu lltiuatm. Public KutluiitK, furiiuiH-a, Ct-Mivir) l.ii, A-C. Tmir l.Url.lsHla.M.N I For carrying mi the business 111 a'l ila hrani hra, have 0r. ULLEL TED V I I II L.KKAF Uilh, aud are prutidrd Willi ail Ins nii'Kovi-.Jii-.vrs KeiUirad k du tiieir work 111 a 1 iitti it i i t: 'i .ki:h a....... I... II, k. II Ki ijiitt. lur M Hiler's I' .l. 1 , ' - sj..i .... .1.. .....ui .... ny olio ra.ol UomK al least tw iiMitn wi.rk, aim uutng it ui iler, loan any ulnar Mill in ua it can I run hv .liain, W.lsr ur H ires Power. The Malay may be aeeii at the ehou at anv ti henry alkxanpkr. j II 1 I 1 'i ll ll tl. ll, ll!il 1 I 1 1.IAIH.OU.'! I'lll'UVOItUU. N B Old lion, BraaS, l opjicr, A.C., h.iujul ur taki u IH trade Uilutier M IdbU. 3-'lf (inn und Luck Sniitli. HH. I IIAKI.ES IIAK IM AN.Iorui.rly of Sal 1. bury, ft. I'., lakes tha liberty tu uilorrn 111a reupla ul M.cklaitburf t-ounty, that ha haa roiissd lu t liar .utle, Witu lue liilin.tioii to carry 011 tun GunSmitli, Locksmith, AND lli:I,la-IIAMUl U1ra.i:. ir All REP AlKINli promptly attended to, and ararranWd. VVa.rkah.tp appoaite the Preshytcriaw Chwreh, in Win. Iluutw'a hl almtl. CHARLES HA HTM AN. 0tVW ?H, IH'.ll. Jr-tijH I t. Sprcial Nolieti. . DR. W I STAR'S I1A1 SAM OF WII.lJ CIJFK In the whole hintory of Medical Diaeoverira ko ataaor hat perforined to many or euch remark a. Me cure of the naioerouaarTcetiunaof theTxaojiT, I.Vatl and iit of (' njom.C oim, Baom-mtia, i iMM.i'usr.i, Witoi riNo C' uuh ('Ricr, AaiMMA, or ol t oNaUMrTli.R ilatll, aa tint far-fumed, long tneu, and juatljr Celebrated Bmlitim. 80 generully as knuwleuged la the auierir excellence of lh remeny Ilia I but ft ol the many who have leateu ita vului a by experience fail to kep it at naoo aa a epredy and cerium cure for audilen alUckt of CW fully believing thutile remeoiil pt.Wura are coin pre lienaive enough to einbinee every lonn of diKaa fmni the tliglieet cold "o the nioat ilau. geroua aymptoin of puliroiiarj coiiipUint. DR. VS laTAIt'8 I) A US AM UF W ILUt'HERRY. Virginia Testimony. Celtifioait from Mr. NoaaoaNK N. a ron, of the Examiner Otuce, Kiehoiond : Kichh .no, Va, Feb. 23, I KbO. Meaara 8. W. Fuwlk Jl C o., Uuaton. Ccnlle. men : I with pleuaure Uatlly to Hie great mrril 01 yooi irivaluuble inng no dieioe, Ul . tV'rtltfr't Uatittm of Wild Chtrry, whieii in likewiae highly valueU by many ol our ealeeined cil zcna, who have tested its virtuea by trul. I tirat uiadt uae ol this i)jaain aome three yeara aiocc tiir a violent dielreamiig couli, vthicli b-Hlt-J the a k 1 II ol poytiena, and to my joy, ex. perienoeu euch grii!yig reiiel aa lo inuucu on 1 fei:w, in iiv ubv. 1 IIW4) li oy llic '" fi,,,J " l" unllliog in it. "icuiein. lli.l I have ever uacd I.-. eiven bih aueeny rehel. luurt truly NUItiJOIiNE Null ro.V. IT" Caution le Vmtcluiei&. I'ne ooiv gtunint M'ltiar'a ItHioaiH has the wrtillrn atitiuii: ul - 1 hurra " uno Ine priiiu-'i one 01 lw I'i.,im-1.. i.i Inc ouier w ri,-! cr ; ul nihi-r la vile alio wortlneo I'repared by BETH W. FtJW LE 4. t (,. H... ton, and lor aale by E. N)e lluu-luaoii Sl Co tharlottr, and by nil uruggila Auiiie ,V. (.lay Uiehioono, M. A. 6l C, A. Ctaniua, Nortulk Wooia Sdlc lleMltra. J6 K EI. I LI IS 1 F.N 31I .M1I. BhYiu'S I'l'L 31 OM(J W A V 1. K S . Tmx taiiL Mr.oicm Estaslisiho is If3?,nd' '"" ""e" 'J " wiaaucnt uuii't Ihr us qi licit ul trie kind siams W ' r ti.aioMC W Aaas," 10 tus or any utn ir cvunhxf ; mli other i'uimunxc Hutrs, art can trtjtiti. 'iht geHumt can Ot knttwa 69 iht tuiirit Hu VAN 6eing ilumptd un each Vv Al- Lit. IIIU .WM PI I.Mo.NK WAt t.Krt Relieve Coughs, t oloa, tHre Torol, uarsenus. tlkV.AN l't l.li.M IVAtKKH Relieve Asthma, lirmiciutia, t'lfliomt Hrcall.ii.g IIHV We PI I.MOMI, WAtl.Kn Keltets .-..lilij ol IIiixm., I' . in. 1., tin- i.t .l. IIUVA. l PI I.MuMC WAKLtUI Relieve Iileipienl Coiiuiiit.'.o, l.ui. l.at-asi-s. HUVA. II I.I10.VK IV.ll l.lln Relitve lrr.lul.ou ol l .t I uU Ioi.mIs, HK .S . 11 I. Mo i IV Al t ub Rci.tvc li. e uu c (oinpt..,il 111 Uu Miuutes. IklA.NS I I l.l.u.SH IV .1 I I ';. Are s likuu.g lo all t !. um. I . .1, - li I u I...I. a IIK A. al I' I i.UO.MC tl.lti.KS Are supliti lor Vuc.iula mi.u t'unnc .piancrii. I1KA d PI l.MU.MC lAtt.l.n Aiv lb s sun, ot- lon.i uiid .n i. I., liii; l..lc. BllV l.NH I I LMii.MC WAI Ike Not ouly rauevv, out t tlnei ri'iu im.i. 1 w. bill AX e. M l,lii..Ml UAUUc Are wariauuu 10 giva suliuciion 1.. cvwiy i.e. No t-uiliy atiuuiu be williuut a ttx ul lfiyd.i's 1'uiiiiouic Waicrs IU Ihe huui-. No Traveller suouid ov williuut up,-!y ul llryan's PuliKomc Vatt:ra 111 his ocki-t. No person will ever object to give tor llryan's pgiuioi.ic Maieraj eenla. JUU MOES, aula fiorn tor, Rocln-.tcr, N, V. For aale 10 1 iiariolltr. oy iri . 2(.4ir, aou all fie wivUliif lruggiala. Aa MpvrtLUv tiurM iiua t.-u'sii y, y mm, nt uM buuiinuK ytuy H i t.ii4iurtu Uli.tt., it.ca tt-1. iy ucnutc in .riiti ucniii,t, ou..iii4g tilt g UUit, r4UCtllg !l (ttaUlli(isL.ui, lila ) it at fed l Uf Ui f gU.utr Hit. ti-'Wci. Itv JKUU UuU II UloMltr, !t W ill list lu )uUf- cdjf nts tn fel. Caj.. bvm .us A'Stre ttiv dvertkcmeiit uf Sudn, O'i riur, iji feuuiiivr voluuiu. IX See the adveitiseiiicul ol VV'i in auolhcr column. i a Hair Dy t T Sea Dr. Ayrr's advertisement in another co. t--Notice. Lt. itiebted U. Ihe estate of Andrew .Cm. pringa, uee'd., w,ll muse iit.meoiait- pay in..l; and ail persons having Claims ag uusl a.ii'l ralalr, will present tot-Ill uuiy autn n t n.i Ir 11, 111 thr liuie pre.enued by law. ui tin. ooi.te Mill l. plead III Uar cl tneir rrtotcry . 1 11. liliE.H lc r Ottohtt 3d, If-CO. j... i'ur JSiilc. OUTII CAUULINA .11 41 itl.lti:!., IN OK I'll CAltOl.INA 111 l.l.lrl , 3 )K I II L AKoLIN A III. I U lll, Al l?n KKI KLAi opponitc, t!,i Prt-ftby tvniu l liiircl. hi Win. II utiit-r 'k Ki i.inu K. LA.NL'FUIKU. OrluUr. M. iBfil) 3 tat. ill K 4i IU -ut um ul' I, die .t nil taenia itien.cnu ii JL Irymrn iu lnvt-ru, luj: tin r wnii iht r t ui iii-i'kniti, (Ut It r XL'elt.Ml.) i rmitctlu -'lifi-trtJ lu Hi iiiatiiy UrtcUuni now tting ultcnu ty Houston & ii ua'tj-;i: one t.r thn hr ti hivui juat ret u tit N 'fHi, Miicrv, tx tni! ui ii tf uU tiuuii :t S4IHI Nil tllV Wt'Ml', W .R III H '(., C'Hli.llKMI ttl pitftllV tilt' UllCy 1 ltd llCkltt tllU ltU Ul 1VITJ 1II in ln wy ut' Ul. I I MUt l lal I TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, Tickles, i'rt'st'ivcs, Ivuces, Uisupv iUdrmtlade8, Toilet i'uriiiahi.ita, isc , ttl CnNNBCTIOft WITH j.'amjy iJroceiifs k (..fiifial iJaken. 1 t. II li'C wilu n.iii- li nn s If yud wish to give a Hocial Party or pu-p.ira trol ill double liarueas li.r llie, all you have In 1. eelltl Ul )nur orue auU we will pr. pare tint tu your notion, no mutter how Usiion.us yi lisle. Came to tha founlaiu head and buy Ve wsary am iek souls come licit, : Uuy Wins awtl Lake and wo will try Tu make it good aa aenplur-.! tare j Aim only elig-rilly to a.ivance Tne pnea upon our previous coat, (aims 10 our well tillcu store, your chance Ei at w Here ia slim, ur money lost. Va, oone and Hoiislon will provma And It'tal you Willi SUO.tai.lial luual. Anil il hs laile Old ftii x alau.ls by. Thai' Hunter, arill ai asj mumttSmg food. rill tne door citit uf the luurl llja.t. J NU-K HIINTKR. B. FRANK IIUl'iUON. C'lAle. Oeli ' ?. I ?ft- '-'-' THIHl'TE OF nrsPEtT. 1 At a meeting ul tne noraete- neat lotlcmen, .tA un ,h 0k. d.v of Novtmbrr. 11-60. the fid.. At it meeting of the HoraU' Nest Riflemen, 1 . . .. . . , , . ' 1 lownir rreaniiiie aa neiMjiuiion) wt-re paiuied 1 ' Wiir.XFAa, It baa pleseeri luivin I'rnvidtnre to send di.. Ih in our ranks, and take sway from mr inidkl one ol our enmraoes in arms, I ZEKIKLC. ELMS, lo whom, hut s short lime ago, hie iffc-red ita ehniceal pli ..anrrs. Il has gone in 111 smi nr u,and Ins sarlhly ri main a n-sl in the r'n ve. II y hm upi ijrM cooouct ano kiniineas low.-ird all with w 11.111 hu became iiqiiHinled he gamed Iheir IrMnnalupunil ealn iii, .nil Ins memory will long be cheriahed in the i 'ompaiiy. vvinie we deeply leri me mas nn lumny, as well as 01. r CnmpuM', hove susluineu t L r.xi e his early i-eth, we, lhrod;h respect lor the deoaaerl, I publish the full .w,nj reaolulions Int. Ilttalrrd, Tint tlin ui'h Ihe ite.ith of our; comrade 111 unlit, r. L. r.l the l oiiiptny has lauslsined a limvy loss. j 2nd. Htiolrrd, That a blank put in our Mm. utc hook he dedicated to his mem-.ry. j 3rd. Hrmlord Tha'. we wear tie niiil bailge of mourn 111 lor the spuce of thirty do n. 41I1. Krtrilird, I hut we deeply sympathize with his liimily end Irii-iuls in this their ureal loas, and that a eopy of Una I'reumhle and Itisoiiiimns be senl to his bi.-reuvtfd fumity. Slh. ktmlrrd. That the above hp published in the pupers of tins t'.wn. J.MJ. IIKNKY WAV I , Sec'y. Lieut. N M. A. IIW I NS, En ul. V. F. HILL, Cotiiniiltre. M)W OPENING. li i-lias & conn i.lity to tin ir ruftnni I iic public: tfiitfitM v, r on i .i-jt'iKiii, 1 the in' L 1 i:.rffHirr aiifi brut Seltrtetl 1 STOCK OF GOODS, I. r't of n rd l,y one 11m H'rsie.n Aoria t'uia. I alu-ul Inc- aizi- and . They will speak u.irtini nl is lull und lim .' 1 lo re la mi num priers of our S,..ck ol 1 fur thriiiHclvrs. Every ei.n.ph-l.'. DRY liUODS, r,r.-,o and Ih.Mostic, U.OIIHM; AMI H ll.M-IIINti (iUtJll.", II All I IV ARE AM) I I Ti.EK Y, U;oi A Mi Mloi.s, Ha is AM) t a ps, I:oni::s a n it Mil LK.Nt.iiY t;iH)s, J-'AN. V til Mill- AM lUHIUNS, OI.MT.:IK. A.I-, Ac, A Gill aim 1 I .11.111 .11. 11 ..! our Mm k is rerpecl. folly Bi.llLlli 1! at Jil'.KM S OLD STAND, I M.K l.. i I, I har.ulle, .. C. Prl 9 IPfd. i9il Medical .Notice. lis. M. II. I A Y I.Uit, A.N 1) J. M. MILLER, M.oi't.tli-.l t'.. iiiKelvt-s, for tot purpot- l'i .i t.i ii.2 .M LI) I INK, 111 sli ol Us var.' ua .ilieh.-s. O.fi-.-i; Merlin Sl.li- BillK. Uttmrr aS, irvin. tJj .MA1IKCT HOUSE Jt fMIEsubfccriber rem hu n,l,ed a HOUSE.' ulty inforina hi former i.iie jjn.i rally, ln-1 lit ml.r tin- uhov namt, .lis Sl iinuin., t ao li tie ic Co.. where sl iof tmt-nl ot roors bsh.w Mt-sis. J. V ways n.ay be h.uiiu a ;u Family C-rcceries, Veiflub!'!, liuUti ami 1', (.'Indent, 1 (.'an'.'tit, A'otsi", .'ils, J'IckI'S, J rii'i !'s, II tins, $ c. Illl 'lll- 1 llt, 4 .lltll .-tria, ( rothiry ami (itisstrari , llal ;i, I. ml its aV ' htU tin h'k Shoe, I ilu it, lit l.iiiiit . "liti l:n, fHitt-st.tit. ritkmz, ar, uu. iiuM.i-rous Fancy Arliclt., an ..! which will 01 s.iii. al iht very lowtst priii- n.r Cash or ll.irlcr. F. U . AUUKNS. N. K. In aiiihtinn to the ab .tr, I intend to fit up by tin- lut of' Ni.von.ht-r, a I.1-1; and coiuh.ri. iihli n n.r tny Cuftnniera, u i.i ir a Lunch may also l.t- 1. ad at any lime. It lie n.y aim lo rui-ril a allure ol public patron... F. W All HENS. ir liuiu r, jtlitr I'rotjucc. N II. T"C 1 at ;irice p . to 1 fh I a ni.j re Potaloi s r.c ut 1. 11 Market ilousi . F. V Ifi, ItiiO. A II HENS. St'if JUHsN T. M'TLEti, I'rlA( I'll A I. WAI Oil iii.d vLOCK Ottw lOIICIta a-Wa. c. tr I'USITE KKHK'tf H0TI.L, II lltl.OI I i:, . (Lite with R. W. Bicith. Fine Vein Wale'. and J arrant nf rverv dr. It.. Ici'.l. ami HOU-S, I'i'r, I Uiii I (ti n u mi IteitC, Tons, II '.Msr'toit and Kitchen I'm nt'i.re ic-lrs i.m. i. il,.. 11a to mention. mi ntiirr nr:n; Trrnm iimi N. II All u ItrtsH' ttl.. If lO. km. aid . stile- t e list co mis Will or, sent Uu in ul in n lic.i u U itcci on , to ,a, or Ihis ni.lK t Mill he plead 111 bar ol III, ' " " M A K Y T. H A UN KIT, A-imz. O, :Jct ili, I "ti 1. I'M iij-iNotice j . ri'LL A llON will he uiaiie lo Ihe i.ext Le. alk I'lM iturs oi N .rtn I r.. una, lo' a charter to ' r.i.ist'Ud .i K til It. . nl Iri ni I na.-h.tte to Ihe Nmlh . t'arolioa line, to eunneetw In the roan via I.u ctsier, lltaitt.pt. lie, jM.inttr, .VI inning, ,N. E. Hall. It I l i I h tileston. 1 Ui-loi.-r !, I Pull. I3 I l lor iilf. j IVVTI.r. sell at tirirr & ti;i Hani's Store, on the ; 3.1 ol IKconhcr next, ihe Iractol I.aiu known, aa Ihr C.. 1 nr. rl place, bi longing lo the estate ull J.,liatllill Kin), U.c'u ,cc la 1 111 11 abul Ulti acres! iu ai r.s t.t which is su ijicl 1-. llie lile-lime es tale "I Mrs I riemaii. Tin luliu Siljtnlia the lan.isj of Hrrnt rl Mowe, Jaiiu-a S. l ollins, jt. S Hoover I ai.u oilier., l et ma will be a crcuiloi one ami two ; yeara wiih intorest. .Sole wiin approved aeouri-1 i ilj (...:. Oitoi.rr 'A. 'si-' tF Al IM. oM nn-f VKirat.i a, niiins tri t loll nn i W ct ive. nu.inf In U in.- estate til K.F H irni t:,..i c'.i. I w ill sell empiric e.n tin. nl ., nt lu I it rri'li ui,', il mil, n .rll, ol' Charlotte, 1 1 t k ' no thr'ltniil NoVrilitM-r next, tn- (illownn! pin. J " W I - liii I i m:c;ho 31 an, a at JIO .L. ( U.i a Ui .$. 1 ( 'f, I 'f. I ii-V. evr, l,r..ll,.,t t.. .. ' . , i I S. W It KID, -tor. Octooer 16, lntiO. erHl't'NAS for axle t tLis Offioe. NKH SL'P1LY OF Tar ,1 ,, V JllClieS.jCWfMrV.SO K Si TF I 7 j ; Plated Ware f BiHE subseiiber has lately returned from the 1 North where he has p-irchisirl a v- ryei termive supply of the above articles. Iliapurcha. sea b in( muue directly from the manalueturer, he is Iherelore enabled to sell at a vcty sun. I ad viince Coat sno peraona Hue teat aaaureii thai 1. II hia arlit-lea are warranted lo be what be rep n aelita tin III 1. 1 he. W.iicina and Clocks carefully reoaired and will ! reeeiv.; my M-raonul i-lllloll. H. W. BKCKWITH. Orroo,r 9, IHf). Soil- tip FA li fa AM) AY I NTH If just it i:c 1: iv f : i imjo3i .-a - 9 '(iOODMAN &EICKXIJRUN, I TRADE STREET, 1 OP pt 18 IT It OATIIN 4.V WIIJ.IllIS. E ri-i.pertfuh.-y ini'nrin the cilizi-os of 1 bar li.lie. unit ur round iiih country thrit we b prepared lo oif r (un it 1 n r v 1: ?i 1: t s (""N f ,;r jy ytrr'fVf.y, J)i:v cood.s llttls, i .v. Hoots, Shot's, Vr. AMI A I.AKoK AMI .ItTMKMT or t.i:Ti.i.tiE'.-. i t kmmiim; ;oods. ALSO, A l-irge stock of L-.uit ami Gei.lh men's SUA VL: A .M 'LO IKS, 3 t Pif;itc ctil und ex .1 inine our tiui.dh bpt'ore purcttaiiip eim wlifre. GooD.MAX k KKjKNWtl'N. (Pl.l.rr I iltiti. o-t, FALL OPKM.NG. New Store, .New Gecds! Lnnvenstiiii & ro, ,'EAIM.Y : Court H . locli of whi re they 1 hive an lilt nut j atoeli 1 r la c l o 1 11 1 m a, II (Ml l , Id o 1: , I' ., AND AND a no v 1. n t ; s. Prrnn wifl do wfl. t't pive u call u-Ture pur- will do wt'l. to five 1 t Im-s. herr. LOKWKN STEIN k HRO. '!),lhf.J. lisnr Orroi,, 1 11 1: ii:AT CL0TJ1 LVGJK.M J0K I UA . i ri.LiMis. FFiTiNijs & co, rCALEKH IN A I.I. KINDS OF m:DV CLOTHING, IMIIMi a)OI)S. Jllius ( lips. Trunks. I Milium. iringsi t. ( o OIL!) call tile apt- Ial atlention of their to tlitrir Irn 1 m:v s'i'oi iv or t iaormx;. nnw ifH ittujf . Tht-y linnk llu v can offt-r gre.itt-r 1111 net it. tula t lu.r- ll. mi tin y liiive nir u.-nc, Int-ir g'HMt t it-thy bought ul ru ucto r.itts hiuI u( hurli irict t ii iiit'jr Itt i cjiititli 1. 1 no Douse in !hv M..it- c -n ct'inf-t ie .li. '1 in v arc iii rn.g very n ! e t imi iti; m i is from $'.'2 tu ij'Jj. A.! oiuiin.r :f CA.SSIMKKL PAaNTS, ( ASSIMKRK, SILK, M.vrAl.ASK AMI VLLVLT VKSlS, 0 tU I OA IS, M nil grit tie uiiO Hy led. T 'C nb'.vtt ("iMMit c.iitiiDt ue nurfniPPttl in Myie mill nhiKf, having Ih i ii in.iiMji'.iriurt'fl utiut-r llic CKhntunl surpervinhHi dl tine i t liw lirni. FI LLINGS, Sl'lllNGS & CO. j, leb'.i. S!7 it" Srpltmlir I860! Fall Trade! 1860! he Old and Long Established House of Ut, now rtctivii. and will cuiitinue to rc nl e.i4vi., Uc most .1 . I. OTISI.SU, H.ITS, 4.11', HOOTS. MIOIsS nii.ti-l la.-iitt ca fir the purchase of t;. ,.,,is in. in the very first class Ooinmibsiop.lmp jrling S-flauufiCturing iiousls in the INorth, Hit V are thus en.ilileil In DEFY COMPETITION in any lioods ill tiieir line. In Hoots tj- htxs. i lothhig tf- iiafs titty call sp. ci.ii .illcnt.on ; and iu the ;iioc.:i.Y i am: liu-y w nl ti-'I be uout-r.n.iii. Tu tuntry Mt-iviiants. Your particular nonce iscallcu lo our immense 'asii hi vi:us. in-luceintiit will biiotT red iu llie way of r I'l ll--. Itcinciiittr llie icuaa oi DRUCKKR A HKILURL'N. ilvttr. SeJrmtur i-, In'tiU. I S, T. Wrist n, A N CKAi "I'l K EK of, and dealer in Plain and ..? i Japaimed 1 luware, Mtovra, Wooden Ware, Hr-toon, Hrushea, .V-c, in South wing of Pprings' Corner Bunding. J.,b Wora, such aefucifing. Gulteruig, Ao. done arith Jaotpalrt. FUIIMTURE! AT . it t, 1: s to.y : f ; v i &yafe-w;itsxaa.-feBaM- AVINO PURCHASED THE ENTIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE of J. M. SuNnras ft. Co., and aatociated with m my brother, , Lac Davidsou, we intend ta car ry on iht business under the firm of in all Hs hrunches, at the old aUud of J. M. San ilera iSt Co., Milt rnr. rtasT 01 jancabt nixt, wlien we f xpi ct to open In ihe Store ol David I'amkb, Esq., now occupied hy the BRAN II BANK OF TIIE STATE. j A Full StocK of Furniture I OF ALL KINDS, ' M.i v always be found at this Establishment, and we pledge ourselves lo Sell as Low as tho same articles can be ; j bought in CHARLESTON, or any oth I i er Southern City. j mil h'mnKLiH iiunnii i Will h.ivr t-hargeof the Manuluctuting Dtparlment, ehere nr m .irnl will he iroii.pily iilli-noeo lo, 1 nd rrpainng uf uny kind neatly do nr. KOHT.F. DAVIDSON. N. f). ILiving taken the Agency of FISH'S 1 ETA Ml' BL'KIaL t;ASE," t ey will alw..ya be kt-pt on hand. K. F. D. Ocluhtr 2, IShi). iiitf 8 0 A l.M. M.id out our enure stuck ot ruroi M 1 lun , A-c. lo Itoai.Ki' F. Davidsosi who, to. UUIiur 1II1 lua nn.lhir, W . l.kit D.ividso.n, expect lo ei.ntioue Ihe above business al under the him of I DAVIDcQitf & bi 0 j Wt coniia ly coiometiil tlaiu lo our Incnua and cu.li.uitr who may wish anylhin 111 Ihat w.ty,; ami hoot- lln-V will 1XI1 lid to ihiln j patronage as liberal as wu have lin loiore rt-eeivcd at Uieir llallt:.!. J. M. SANDKKS & Co. I ! Or(u,tr 2, l'.O. fll j MRCHANTJ,AILGRIN(r t; AVE alo added to loeir Keady made Cloth. Jl fi ing Mock, .vi-icli.iiil 1 din .ring i'i ari. un nl, to which ll ey call Hit especial aileuiioii ol Ihrir niuny Irlt iitia and eusloinc. s. Ti.t-y inli i.i makii'i; tin. utpariinent second In n n.r 111 11. r Male, eniitr 10 s:;li- ai.u quality ol I. or in Hi- inaiiuliicliire 01 U.irii.ti.ta. At ail limes Wnl or lollnd a good slock ul Bi.ics ami I olor. u l lolli, English, Flrueh .mu Aiii. r.l:..n I aaimerea, lid a Vuntly ul eiHUigs Aiao, an aMM.rtinelil ol They nil confident of their abiiay to undersell any oiner house in the uu-.iroui the advantages tney have 111 gi tt.lig llieir g.ajdo. , 1 i.nr go..o. are Uoiighi ny Uie quantity, by one ol tin- F.i ill who rcsioea 111 tne INorllleill lliursela, which gives him the opportunity of taking advan tage ot the pricia ol goodr, liicreoy saving al least &C3 wenty-Five Per Cent. 'at,fi To the eoosuiuer. Ll Dimes saved are Dollars mace so Iry us. E FI LLINGS, J1U. M. sFKl.NGS, Srfttml.iT 25, l&h'O. i7u VALUABLE ri .N rATHLN ran s.ii:. tr r LU lor eale, my tSj Oirrus county, iying.ou a North aide ol Kocsy Ititei. b nines South-weal ul Cuncord, at.. u..e .lid i a hall milt s trom lUrris' Dipot, on the Norm Ca. i r.iiius h'ail Uii.ui, aojoimiig Dr i yrus Ait.aiider , mill ..ll. if-. Tin' trait contains aOnut 'at iH acres I aoi.ut 10O acres cleared and iii cuilivalion. '1 lure is a tine Mill site nil the premises, also a g.,..d dwelling house and other nectssary out-buil. ; dings, lira gir- house and press. No better lai.u , j cut he lound in the county to produce Cullon, J Corn, VS heat. Tobacco, 0..1." Aic. I Any person tieing desirous ot purchasing a place . pleasantly MtU'illtl ai..ungsl Ull llileillgcnlcoiumu i inly, w ill please cull on me suoscriuer, on the pre I mists, ur uudrcss him at tl.nris Depot I'. Lt., N.C. IliUS. L. iMaK'H.N. Srpttmlier i. Hti0. Xt-3m 1 .STATKOF NOliTll-CAlitiLI.NA, UMO.N I'UlMV. V in. 1. t iircton and wile Charlotte, Elitabrlii wile ul S. 1 . Uurunt, -arcissa t-unloii, lay lor i c uieton anu Thoni ta I ureluli, tcuiioreli anu licira ; at law ol Jcrtmiaii I urrioii, Jr.,aec'u.,) .VI irarct , Elixatirlh. wile ol James .VI. Morrow, tc.'iiiu anu i.eir ol Ann 1'oila, ucc'u.,) Iteiij. II. .M isa.y. '.son l Everard .Vlas.ey.) Henry Uccse .Vl....ey, ffaii.-i. li. .llaaaty end Mu), cii.iur..u ol llemy l.isty, o'ce'tl.) .tuinslf Sarah Kniihr II, J.miis L. I urclon. Thomas K t urt i. in, jr., J-aiuu. i J I urclon, Virginia, w He ol p. I). l..etn, anu Lint J .ue, cniluren ol 1. K. t 'urcli.ii, sr., uee'e.,) ItoOerl .tinier anu wile Aon, int Irs ol J .hn I ur. lull, dec Keuecca, wile ol J. It. liralloli. Jane E. Ala ssey , Iar.ill A. .Vlas.ey and Win. II. Massrv. i.ei feu ami ntirsol Win. .Hassrt, urt-.l.. 1. II M..i). H. 1 Vla.scy s litirs, Is. L. M is-.t s chi.u, icl.l.ureu ol I liar .oil. Alissiy.; J.iseoll .. Il.i.t . call, ..ru e, w.le ol I-. .VI illlCsoll, El.lauelll Ku. X, lit I.J. Hale, j ., uec'd.'s Children, llie lit .r ol Mlsall l.ai.lcr, J aitirs It. Curt ton anil tne omit c.ii.uieu ol L. r.ru t urclon, uee'd. ', tiiit.u inr Sale uf Lund n.r I'arntion. IN tins Case, ll appearing In the aatls'.acll.ill o! the Court. Inill the til l, luhinta in tins cause are not icsiuciila ol llns Male, so tl.ul .r .ctss eanliol oe pers-'llaliy Strvcd up ni l.ieli', il is line fure OldrirU by tht I ouil, 1 uat pu Hue. tun oe inauc ..! S.X HUM SUC.lsS.lCly IU UU .Nullll lafUlllia rt n.g, ..n.i too l..i.c..sur Ltdger, .t.ui.i.auuii.g nit m aliueae .i ol llieiii, lo ot aim appear al Lie in il term ol tin" l oin I, lo o nc.u at t. iv Ci'iirl ..il.t in At lirr, ol. llie ll'.h .llniJ.y -Her tne till .! i.oav til A.ljusl u.ll, an ai.sw.r. Jtc., .r joiikoiciii pro toi.iesso wi i be enured . eliesUr, I lei V .1.1 ., T .mm ul Aug, I, 1). w , 1, A. Ll I Mill. W iNCtU.Sl EU.C. M irj4. If, .3U0. IJ.' Chambers, JJanies cV Co., U f I 0 T S Ullll lit'Ut'ral (.01111111!) f I 0 0 Jli;J!CIIA.LS ii v it i.KiH. s. r. Notice. A FfLH Al llN will be made to the next l.e- gtstalure of N .nil i arolma, lor au Act lo j lucorp -rule the "Chatham Mining Company." j t'ee 10, IPfli II Kb I !( .UarUt u. CORRCCTED BY 0ATB8 & WILMAMR. CHARLOTTE NOVKMbKR I9 ,fSn IIAC:ON , llama " Sioea. ....... 0 Hog rouuo, ' Shnuiaers, . BaggLig,luiiiiy Uuvi Holler lieeawax, Iteans, irui.oy, Apple Fesch ollon, L'ollee, Rio ' Java, Similes, Aiintnuiitioc " Sue mi., Tallow '' (a, UJ ((, uu 13 (, 14 - I-' (. on ...6 ,s 17 - ("J 0 ...SU lu, i.u 3" l., 011 S to 3 , u, ,lt, ...Ull ,. j - 'VO I), ' " 10 ...J.i w HI I.J, Id - .7.1 In Ull -i ii ...I.. (, is ....li i-'S l.i ...t.j 7uO .. -4 to ;,t ....... j;, .... h (.7 ,,j ....1 ... m ...1 4 ,,, 11, ... a ( t, .14 u: . 4j (.i, 111, .. -, 74 ...4" 'o. Id ...'0 ij, u ...! (J, 10 ... o lu WU ... j t.t 6 ..4. (rt, ia , 3 ... ;4 ...hU ij 7,1 ...M U 7i .....n (0 j.i ...4 10 DO ...IJ u uu ...IU W. 0 ...ID ; UU ...10 i.y -JUO ..' Ull ,.i4.i Ul) ..I Jo 1 ' Hit ' . hi 'JJ ' i -1 ..it ' a I no lb lb , ....ID . ...In ..bu.hrl..., - dull Li Egtf Y l.mr,... Eiallier Iliue., tint. Dry, I.uru Mulli Mackerel,. . Ih.. ..hl.10 ....Kills. Molass ,N.O . W . I.. Mi al M ullets ( W ilinn.gto .Vatls.iortherii,. ... " bouihern, Oals, fork fx. I'otaloes, Irish, fautiiel.... lb bushel... uusiicl... .... busnel... ....tiualie).... lb lb "aek lb Aweel,.. Hue uur.lji t.Wi COM MM A M KKET. l.'oi.i'Mi'is, N.--.eiM.r 84, COTTON During I!;. .-.k,..ur 1....1 ..-ii tuy uioeuiiii, ouytrs tiiowmg n.i on lb tif.i r. le, u 11. 1 c -nt-f a tiJd.U.y an. quince, I tit- I. 1. ii..vu hiBi: (juilc aula aitra .110, .out lu 1V4 bali-s; prnta lioii.uia UAiO.N.hujf round, U, n 1 OK.N inn . ," I' LA.- 1 iu ei OA on y FLOCK o, fjT ifitii. net lias di.-po.l. In con. 1. 'J tie 13 4 CHARLESTON MARKET. 1 litm.i.oN, N.,v. 3, letiU. COTTON. Tiie coiton uiarsel conliiiuea very irreg.ii.tr, .au llie transacliuiia ul Hie Uuy may (m coiiiucrt.-u un active b jMin-a, aiiii.uiiliiig 10 V,3i4 bit-s. at ver low figures, tir. : e a ilijc. Mi. ill. x, November 23 Tne aairs lo-duy were 3. .010 n iira. miuoiiin 0.1..1,,. ..1 Inc. I He , lhc lCli wcrt J.jliU Oai.s unu 1.1. Itceipls alllsl j iar. Ill e corrt'i-pomiii.g per. i- 111 the it-eeipls at III III 4.4oU UaiUS atr It.tliiit. 4,M,U ISJ, UU da lea. 3 Ines.l. aol Cot. p..rl op lo tins I lie date a Valuable Town Property, M Osfa' s.iLii,. 1 IIETKlfTEES in olfcr for sale (if not sold privately Lt li.nl at 11. c t'ua.ic uare, oa Km 1.1 Nuveini t next, (ocmg tne 1 otsuay ol Sup.r.or I nurl Wte.J llie 1 ill Ull PA It .-UN AOL, locleu in a very pieasaiii pari ul onariolte. Uu loe ,.n Hiliea ia a aileiieii, .urn. , t.c. Persona uu. siring tu uurciidse vaiuauie town prop, ri , will do well lo txaliiiut. Itna pruprrly uelore llie day of salt:. 1 i.'liis easy alio maul MtuV.li oil llie nay of sale. llie pl..,ielLy Will Ot s.iua.11 LU any one ue. suing lu vitw 11, by cum: al llie Vthif nin-c 1 H K IKL'SlEES A-igutt lotitl. in. H at AVIN sLJLL lOr lluau.llv ; lil.c i.. ,1 ,u fie (.ir. ..pir.y , iive nut oeen iu v its. ui iu purioacs ul said U'Usl, tu thai 1. as l;.i Lr.:i. i Iro II. l is IU III Illy ail L'Ull lor ul saiu trusl, loroid llic sale anu S.U. use ail law :ui means lu preae-rvi u.u leruioi anu ueeu of Uu-t, as I. lies caooul us m..de Wltlioul Cump.y mice Willi li.r lerllla ol kald deed, J. li. FlCKElT, Granlur. O't. -i, ISi.U. Idii r fliAKMIT 1 L. &T L M iilaHM.il tA.NUV JIA.NLIACIUKa', Hltlilllaudl Ikt! U tkl It I, Jke. T I HIE iinerm: .'lied respeclimly ini'orms tiie ci. lilells ul Cliarlutte slid surrouimilig Couil. I. .at lie nas ju-l commenced tne io. ve uusl. In tne House, al the Corner of I riti.e an,. Col. lr. jt-c streets, n.r Hie purpose ol inajiuiacturiiig CA Ul A K cV UK KA I, WI.ICIl arlieles I.K M.-isei It llfi. Sale aill Kclall. .A. i.e a. Int. m.. a hiin-til. It. ..,rl tii;ui., in he pi i.-i..ne, i hcios.i.j t'le Utliueu In, slid llic sr. turwarutd sccuruing lo olivet. uos. I'.itett.i JUH.N G. 0. LKlEK, irnet of Tiadeaml I uilfge ttrtrl,L huitutte. A". C t IisiiWK, .'ant , le-liU. ill' KU1AL lUV'AaNA LOntUV. Tut ncil ruiiiuf dr wini; ui tl.e Ruyul Ut. vil li t 1 sit' ; V fiiit. UV ltJ uy liit; Mlli(lli (jiUkVlUUiVUl, uiik!i r ii'v tviifatrrvisioii of litt) LapUiu Ueitefl ui (. Uuk, Atit (anv Hi liaall4.uii HLfii'Al, .NtiVi-mher 27, 1SC0. 3300,000. SiHtTEA NI UEKO til OKULNAUlO, , U ll VI. I'KII. 5.100,000 ! I ..rvteol llM.lc " !, I .VO.UtrO I on " " t J..Ol K'-l " i atU,tve I i'u Api 'xiut's .5l t W, Ot.lt 4. Ap,.rox, A ui loo it llH, It. ' Wllflel'l. I'nitseas tnli,.ii.-t. S-'l'll e.tclt luti t . iJn.Jin. - 4 ! J l i IU,. "0. tes Ili) , wuarli ra ti al W I, Hal .tlJ U al I .tl o per eeul. on "ll all ulteul tt.ii ihs tasuti al par. arded as sot,u s Ulf rW es.ru lu 1MM KCUJUa .1, l oai lea lull, Sy C) WSX will Ue aLleiidod so A ..rawing mil os ior aull oeeollitis KUfWII. lumlltdllicaliolis addr I. (.Lai, tears ul I uy fo. Ill llie as sill 'ti N' VftliDer, I" til plea.e write lire If piain sou give licir poat otuca, cuuuly ai.ei I taW. A LAR'iK SUi'VLi" Ut Ciinsiabie W arrants JL'St FHiJiVbU ruj,,'r,' OoMrt, for le cr.