L 11 1 It I. or toillll CK SEN A IE M ON DAT, N.T. 19, 160. The member elect of this branch f ihe '.egis.atuie of Nor.b Carolina for the v non of 1 r-Otl6 1 , ,,, 4he Senai Cham bar lo day at 1 1 o'clock. On being celled to order bf J. W i r'uvh, K-q , the Heading Clerk of ll.e Is Senate, the roll a. ih.t. called, when a ae-rt.ui. d that ih.' Bieml.t r. el. ct from i fyny an S.ualoiial Districts, out of fifty,! w re present - ! Jh. four district "i.e. irprc.cn.ed were j aaaf0ert.in.-d that ihe member-el. ct from the Mb. 9th. 2th and 49ir. who, mem ir fiect proDatile have been tJelamed ai t i - i i .... . ... I ha aoKniii' and impo-in ceremony of' adniinit. rinKtbeoatb of oifiee to each aod bo:b branche. of the Lei.-Uture, and to proro-ii1)? to raise a joiut feieri commmee , rejected, aud the bill Iben pa.,ed it !lofthe6ei..torpreMni -a. neii perform-'express to him their r.-adine-a to receive on I'ederal Helat.ons, to cou-it of five on j ,lirJ re.d.uK-. ed ; and a asane of our readci m.j not1 ny coiim.uiiici'ion be maj ih lo .ubunt. the part of tie House and tbreu on the prrt . () moiion of Mr. Arondall the Senate ad know the precis, import of ihe-eoaih. per- Agreed to. 1 of the S, ,te, to be c illed the " (omanttfe jounie,l until II o'clock to mjrrow. bp it will not be out of place here to pre ..i :.. .n. ed for tbe government thereof, aud that I will endeavor to auppwrt, maintain and de fend tbe Consrttniioo of said State, tmt in consistent with the Cwnriiiutinn of the L ulled States, to the best of my kuoaledge aud ability, so he!p rue God. I, A. B, do solemnly saear (or affirm) that I at ill fUppori the t'onstitut ion ot the Uiiiled Slues, . he p me God. Tbe Senate theu proceeded to the elee . lion of Speaker. Mr. Avery put in no.-ni nation Hci.rv T. Clark, K-q . of Kdseeoiitbe Mr. M. Arendeil i.ou.inaied Victor C Bainnger, of ('absrru iuciii m inn i - I vui...u...r. -! r -- --- , , . j , I. A B , do aoWwrnl, and Mneerel, swear regul.tlo. for the government of the tl.oo.bt .be S. n.te rntght to have an equa. (or affirm) that I .,11 be f.,.bfi.l and bear """ . . , . ! ''P""-' ' "h ' U ' , " trn. alle,.i.B.e to the State of North C.ro- A message was reeved from the House fore moved to amend by air.k.ng out three Una. and to the en.-.i.,ion.l Poers .td "ii.e to the Prrpo.,o to r.te a jo.nt and fiie t,,.t.n,end au.hortt e, ahich are. o, m.v be, eM.Uish- ' couiu.H.ee to ...t upoc .he Gover- Mr Bled,oe mov.d to amend that amend ' ' .( 'mi.nl he mere.-lliir tie D Jill tie r to eiclit . n tc r M-..r. t...rv ...1 Arl,de conducted the Speaker el.'tt to the chair, who spok. as . i , ' r i , ' wr,t.,-j , ..r mruiiiL 01 ,rl"c ru. : t.ves of a I.ep.jV.lieau ..overnment e.-'o-t. , tut.s a B,)-t important e.tnt iu their hi-to , TJ. jhey e.ii-e diiect fiom thetr eons.ttu.; e..t. fuib .m,.rts-. il mill, their p.ii.e.p!.-. ; lb ir wsei- slid their a i-be, and charged with their drarttt aud hihe-l inure.ts. It is jour duty, and will be your pleasure, to j res aod carry out i beir interest- aith I'al and the UiOsi jealou- vigilance. Hut eipe ri nee teaehe. us that party stri'e i the I tuc of lejji-lati n. and ihe sure-t way to e us ire aixiom and soee in our cour.-el-i by ea'ni e -i'l. ra'ico an I mut'ial lor bta'aure, ami n.ai 'iur r. -p. rt for all d f feretiees at-ie ina-t a!a- nfrmi in Heh berative bodies It is e-sri,,'.al. not only to the barmony of this t odv. but the despatch of b'astues. No rulei- are nqiird for ihr . ' . i , r, . , . . . in- but for n,e reulartts aud de-patcn of b'i-i i .... ' , ' . i ue.sii .... r.e necea.ary .or y o io p-e-e. i : e proper rules and reu'suon- tf..ir r:gid 1 f.iilifel cnforeeuaei.t on u y srt is the best go.rant.t I can c ff.-r to gsin your approba ' tion and support 1 must eudr ou mv sincere acki o ledgu.ebt firth'1 distinguished Lonor yoa Lave just eonferrtd en u. , aud' iu return 1 i i pruitie )ou a Utig. i,t and in parli.l di-cbaite ol lue uutie. in.posed ou sue by your paitlanly lot Senate liirii proeeedrd 10 baliot for two t'ier.s, Hi ii.i ifj -i and A.si-tiLC J. W. A. spaath. fcl-q , ol Fur.iihe, as made Pi ine. pal V. lei., and U ... 1 Ssundnf. of li jan, A-i-i..I, 11 A liu.trd, of K tih, rri-eivinj . e uit'iimculary vote of ii ter h th clerkships. Mr J. r. Page was tiit re citcted l iiieip.. Doorkeeper, and C. C Tal-y, As a. slant the loiu.tr nliO',i Lppu-inon Uu eiouoa, L was agretd to adopt tue lla.ts of the last aeaaiou for tbe gover nine lit Of 11. 1 Le Senate then eojjurued to uie-.t at 10 O CiotX us Tuexl.y. HuL'St OF COMMONS. Is eeeerdanee with tbe leq nr. iiients of the constitution of the Slate, tbe L- i. la tere of NortK Carolina assembled this day Al 12 o clock, M , ihe Houe of t. ouim r.ae.Ied to order by K iw.rd Cantwell, K-a . Driae.Dal Clerk of the la-t House II theu lotr-vdieed tbe llev. Mr Ata.nsou. of toe Pies 'eriao Cuureb of th; eit, who oiffrcd to the '1 liroiie of Grce au eiqeutit' prater. A'lr which tbe aseoibers presented I heir credential and were q laiiticd theoatBsol effiesj bi" admiu!sicrd by the t'lerk I be west be-iness m order being tne rlee-1 t"n ef Speaker. Mr lijiloek. of tjranviile, B-irv n.leJ W. T. Dorich, K-q . of Wayne ir. Heurv, of U-rtie, put io u mi. nation IJ L Ferrbec. of Camden whereupon ihe Hons proceeded 10 vote, with the following reauli : Mr D rtch reccired SU votes, and Mr. Fe.eh.c h Mr. Dr:rb ved for Mr. Ba'.iock, aod Mr Ferehee for Mr. Henry M'. Iortcl. being deel.red du'y elected, wa facetted li tbe Chair by Messrs Henry a. e I'ulluik. and rnuri.td bis tnanks f.r tbe honor ciLferred ID au pp: tip: lale ad die-. Th. Sp aktr annoer crd th next buaieess in o-sier to Le lh. eiecliou of a Priu..-ipal C.eis, ak.rebpja Mr Bj.i cil put io nonu lotion Kdvisrd Cant. el'., ef V a. . Nootu rr ajaase be.n; id nouiiiisiion. the votu . a takeu viva voce, aod Mr. Citeli was de eiarsd elecled, aud proceed, i at onee ij lake the oaths of tffice, iud e. Ur upou the al.-ebarf el h.. dune. W. M U.rOy, K q, ef Buncombe, vits then pit in k'm.i.a.iou (or a t-.tai.i e eik ol tbe llo- by Mr Bui oeK. I u jie t.ei.i.' lakeo a above, Mr tiai iy a ueeiareu ua auiaaou.i) en .n d 1 Oe Spes.er ani.vSHi.ce l th- tl ju-c duly rg.a ieal stjd ready tor boMUtes. L pon iioauina'iw". W' tj eb-'er. of Chat batn, w. uuali woo .J eieCied prineipa. Li'Jvr keeper, and vt 1. Ijeli aa in iiae wuanavr elected aitaut Lki'jr kn-per to the lleuae. Mr Uiil. of (asaell, inived tbat a M s cage be sent to the Senate, iBtorming that body tbai l hi ll'iusss w. tu.iy orgnn'Xed, a,ai re.dy for Lw-tues. CoueuT. d in On ui.it.i'U of Mr Nrwhy, ii,e rules gar crnui the ia-t Hou-e ale io he tbe ru:e of tL.-. until oth.i. are r!..p;rd Mr H k d thai a e.iitt. e of 6,,- b. ' api-oii.i.i l. pi. pai. iu..;- f.r t:.e gji C ouieut et ll.a ii u e Cnr aired l i ul t . lul.uaing a; nl Ui'U wrre appo.n'.. .1 Ly lbe eiieir to cu- nut- Lie com i .itte. : M...r. iJoac. F. i. l.rt, Hi i, J'.i-eu aid j i 1 a tt A M.asae waarecel.ed fio'ntiw Snat. (i.iiiiiug Ihe Hju-eofit.orgaMi iiiou, sul tk m... J lis i-fl.. j .. in mi i on of M r M (i in. lie HouaeaJ a.d II air Z.Z f i; vVilaup andhVm A. Jenk nd K. 1'. Battle, Kqs , ! it r l f . M k ! Had leeo put in tiomiuation for iLmI office. I MT lltrl Or .'I. ATfrf. r ... SttNATE Tuesday, Not. 20, 1800. Th Senile met this morning according to adjournment. :' " lbe Journal of yesterday baring neon , rea l tod approved, Pr. M. F. Areodclltno ' a ., .1 fi.:.. W... or ! elect from Beaufort, be pe.'uiitted lo qu.!i- j fy and t.ke his seat, which ws agreed to. ; .Mr vimpon, of KoekuiKhaui, then moveu - t 1 that a !;;. be sent to the House, pro- ilipo-ing ' j"'11' ",1,c eommiilee, I cmposed ot two on the pari of Ihe Senate o. n.poM'd of two on llic part oi tne oruaie "id iwo for the Houe, to n port trgula lion 10 gr.v. in the intcrcouise between both Houses. Adopted. t, W.lL.r ...rd that a menace be . . .1 II A set" 'o ie nuue, p"'1""'i' , J ; ..I.... ....... m i.m i in (.over. nor, and i..lrm biin of the ortfaniiitiou of : . . ... .nnnii.i, i in r.tt rrrm. Another message was theu rro-Med from 'the Senate refusing to do so by a vote of the House frupo-ifg to e'n ci a I'riiiter lor 'SI to li). the Slate, and aunounciii that Mr. J-hn, Mr. Walkup moved to amend by striking Spalm .u and .Mer. S j me Jt II il had lee u ' out ae and lii.-erting sil was lort iiominsted. ! 'J'he question then recurring on the adop- Tbe Senate agreed to the proposition, and ' tiou of Mr. Avery's resolution, it was pass Me-.r Thomas, of Paudson, and Jilidsoe, ;ed of H'ske, acre appcii ted to supeiintend ihe j Mr Turner, of Drange, introduced aome elect. on The Senate proceeded to ballot resolutions oppwed to seceiiou. 1'or Mr. Speluiau, '.'7 ; for Messrs Sjme A j Mr. Axry moved to lay the resolution Hail. I S. , on the tbe. A messa -e then came from the House, j The re-olutioos were tabled and ordered proposing to go into the election of Altor- net tirtieral. aiinouneiuir II. al I lie n nines oi . 1 e pronoriiinu mec.i" -..u ...o r,,"ce r! tue Barrinifer wre appoin .Messrn. Jijrlon and ingcr w-re appointed t.y tbe .peaer to eetiduct the election 'I he t'lerk proceeded to call the roll. rHic . JrlikiuJ .j . tituU ,7- Jf fr0H, e eomtulUt, l0 fU nuuijii bc i!rftjoi iiiiDouteri, lh liulb,.r of t0Ie. c.,t .ere iei . no , . . Mr Joi.n Spelman, of Sa.isbu-y, having : received b- votes, waa declared lo be duly ! .. . .... . ,. . ' Messrs tsy,e i Hail, these gent.e.neo get- , . ,. ' nunuii, iiuiu me mm hi u jc. intend the election cf Attorney Or ner.l, j rrDjrti-d as loliows : hole duiui er of rotes i ca-t. 101 ; nicessary to a choice JI. Of these Mr Jenkius reerited ?U vote.; Mr. . JSjilieT'J Mr Situgbier introduced a Bill to call a ' e u convru'.lou on lue redi-ral nasi., inoiisli cai.ii.tiou lax ou s.aves, aud provide tor . , . . . their laxauou acconling to value, aa other property, ur.i. reo io oe priuitu. , rirrirti. , , . . vH r,r:..tJ. Mr Mre. lcff. red a l.iil lo amend au act enlit.ed au act 10 estah.isn ine nana ot , Cuui.mrce. Head aud ordeied lo Le ptiu i led. Mr. Kr iu, Senator elect from Buncombe, . appeared and q ulifi-d. Ou motion ot Mr. Avery, the Senate ad jouined ui.lii to morroa morLliig at 1(J o HOUSE OF COMMON.-. ; This .oai , Nov. 1 ; The House cf Commons in it pur.uaui te ' adjiur ii tiit ut. f Prayer by the lUv. Ur Mason of tbe Ftl-e'ipal t hurch. Jjuriia! read On t Vi 'jgges;ion of Mr. If an ii. "-r, a corrected, aa as to Lave bis' Dame appear a- present and votiug. I he arrival ol Messrs. Batchelor, Slade, A'.fr. d and Ward acre auuouneed where- ayou tuey were eerall q aa.iaeJ aud look their scats. By direction of Mr. Speaker Dortcn, the Clerk read tne rules ul orci. r. Mr. FUunug moved that a message be sett lo the Si-Dale, propo-iug to ram a j Aul committee of 10 wail upou His Kluel- iency, the tjjvertior, ibloi ining Liiu ot ihe organ-i.tioa of loll, il ouse, and tl.ey jld be piea-ed lo reCeite auy co.umunicatlou L -Uou.d Ueeiu prjp-.-r lo uia.e Coucur re.' III. A mmssge was received from tbe Senate cf iike import lo stove. Concurred in. Mr Hoae ruovtd a uie.-ags be eul to the Senile, proposing to go lortb with into au election of Public 1'r.i.i. r, aud uouiiua led Mr Jonu Sp'-iman for tbe same. Mr. Feiebee added toe names of Messrs. Sjme Hall to tbe nomination tor Public Printer. 1 be Clerk announced Messrs. Katisom, Ferebee and Merriiuoii a. the Committee lo aaait r.u the Governor. A message a a received from the Senate concurring iu the proposition of the House to go foi in Willi luto an election of PriuUr. Mes-rs Foik and Hoke cou.tllutcd the Counbittee on the part of llae House, to au perii.leud the eieetuu. Mr fercLee, Iroua lbe joint cenimiuce ap pointed io wait upou Hia Ks'J.llcncy, the Goveruor, i? reported ilal the Governor would eud in his uie.aage at Is! oclock 1 ne jjouse proceeded 10 vole for Primer with lbe foiio iii ream: Spel.nau O'l; Syuie A. Iia.l -ol .Mr lii.icu moved that a m-saga be sent to lbe heiiale, prupo-i.ig to go . ujiue oiau-.y into at. election for Attorney Geu eral. and thai W. A. Jenkins, K-q , of War reii. a, m uouaiust.au. Coucuucd iu. Mr Davis, ut Kutnarford, nouiinsled K 1' itaiii', K-q , of i ake. A uirsitagc now tne S'liate was received c mcurriug t'i the propositi au to go at once iuio an election tor Allorr.ey tieueral. -Mrasra lJuilocK aii'l Fousi House commit lee lo superintend Ine election 1 ue iiuuse nroeeeieu to vote lor .A. tor- r uey tjeneral, sil'j lue follow. ug re.ull lor .Mr Jnkmsoi; for Mr Battle 0.1 Mr. FoiX fruuj th-; Comiuitlee appointed 10 aupert.uud the lkCHuu bf Public Prib t r, rep-jrled Hi-: whoi. number of vote cat l'il Nen. sary lo a choice Ol. Mr. Mr )jieimsB received H Mes.r. aym.A, lisil Li ftpeliaiau d ul) elected Mr BailoeX reported the result of the rule for Attorney General. 'tVboie Lu.u b. r ot voteaeasl itil. Vecasary to a choice i. Mr J :iilius received S'd, aud Mr. Bai lie I vote.. Ueporl concurred in, aud Mr. .J.-bkms declared elided. J he Hour of I i having armed, a me.sage I" ii lit. Kxceiienj, Ihe (jOeruor, was received, aud as read Ly ine C'erk. "u m itiou of r Mot"eese, Ihe Houie .lj 'urucd lo Id e clock to-anirro. fsK.IK. i Ws-tj .UCAT, Njv 2 l.t. The H. natt u,et tin, uioriiing and a a opened with prayer by the Ree. Mr. Wal lhall of Iho Baptist Church - , The Joutnl of Yesterday we then read and approved The Hit.. Pid Outlaw, Senator elect from Bertie, appeared, qualified and took hi. seat. A messenger was announced from the House, bearing the Governors Message, wun propnmu i( , . currtng. "-,.,! Mr Bledsoe moved to di.-p nse with ihe rraimig ui '-i do so : It wan suggested by Wr. I ur ' P"ct for the Governor should rca.m.g 01 111c .'les-agc, oemg uu, i urner that res- uld induce the Senate tn hate it read, and there brio' no r.irlhir . .l-ellOll I lli llL'ai'U fll 1CCON , , , inil ri-ail to too heuate. ( A me,.ge a a. received from the House I .vi r Averv ot'iected to ine nunioer. no ,10 be printed a the House propo-iu, to r.Ue ! i joint t-etvet conuitttr , to eon-i?.t ot rihl , . . 1 a I . . - a . M . Ad' .sir. oiuinsuu wiu icwmiiug w " r a copy ot meae resolution couia uoi oi; on- iiameu, tney caouo. ue reporieu iron, uie- orj, for fear of mistakes Bey were pa ed. , 0o ,no,ion of Mr Outlaw, tbe Senate ad 'jou.d until tomorrow. ( I UOVSK OF COMMONS. i .... The JU,C nie' 1;, o clock j,rJer hy Uey Mf Walthall of tbe Bp tiat Church. Mf movtd thl, , nieMtg, be ieut o l"e S iute, propoMug t rai- a joint 30iuiiiitlee of elhl three ou the pait cf je iud fie from (btf ou.cou Fed. ral Relations, aod tbat the portion of tbe Governor Meage ralating to Fider al matters he referred to .aid ''oinmittee which inut ou was concurred io Mr Fcretce, Chairmau of the Commit tee to pr pare rules fr the government of the House, reported the rules of the laed by Mr. Water to day waa ordered lobe Mouse, with certain anu-u inients. in , ju,e sJ j be fl ))r Wati.'h moved that message be sent to the S nate, proposing to go forth a i tt into an election lor oue Kugrossiug elerk t.oiniuaiiug ilr. Joyner. Mr. Folk moved that the motion be laid ' upou the table, which aaa coucurred in ; On motion of Mr. Woolen, the House ad jourued uani II o clock to morrow. sknaii:. TniBsDAV, Nov. 22, 11 o'clock, A. M '1 he Seualu met auJ was opened with prayer by lies. Ur. MasOD. of lue Prote.l ail Kpiacopal Cuarcti. The Journal was tl.. -. read and approved. ir Moithuaii od.-ied a bill lo r. p'al tbe b stcl.ou ol the -ii-l euapler of the He vised Code This hi" provi.l.-s for " the election of Judges oj tue Stale al large.'' Head and laid Ob tt.e table. Peuding ihe reading of ibe bill a message was reeelted fr-i m the Hou-e of loiuuiout Mr. Street introduced a bill lo bind out cerisiu free per-ons of color Bead aud laid ou I he table. The uies.age frcm tbe Hou'e was then read. It ai sehl lo the S.-nale with a lei ler from iLe Treasurer of the State, aith certain a'.alements, aud propoaiu to print. Ibe Senate concurred On motion of Mr Humphrey, tbe SeoaL ordered Mr. Street Li.l e juceriiiuir Free Per.sous of Color lo be printef. Mr. Huuiphrey, from the Committee oa Hu es, submitted a r.-potl. The Clerk then read (he rules reported. Mr. Kure off. red the following amend oieul lo the 12th Kuie, coucermng the in troduction of petition aud iiaemorials. Amend the I 2ib Kule by adding ''er the word " place," tbe following: And bo me morial, or paper, or petition, shall be receiv ed if it be abusive of any Senator, or Ccm ic.il.e of the Senate, lor the performance of' a public duly enjoined by tbe Senate Mr. Avery would bav likcl a recos-id-traliou 01 the vole adopting Mr. Kure amendment, but having Voted iu tbe begs live could make no motion to that tff-.-cl Mr. Biedaoe moved lo reconsider. Ou tbi. uiotiou M r Turner demanded tbe ay.-s and bays. .Mr. J5.on tbeugLt :h amendment inter fered with the right of pettl.ou. Messrs Wc-rtb. L'ure, Turner aod Bam ay advocated il. adoption. lu the debate which ensued, the course pur.ued by tne Senate io investigating the atfurs ot ll.e V C. Bailroad waa freely Cau Mr. Turner witbdrsw b .e.ll for the aye. and nay., and the Senate voted to reeoos.d- er the amendment Mr. Ootlaw moved lo emsind the amud- ii..ni h, .irimn i tt,,. .r.nls ".kiii h. received, ' and lu,erltu .ball be present- ed AduMed .... . , a ne .j'li.'aiioii reeurriu ou me passaee oi me amsnoment, .'ir. Avery caueo wr ins . 0 ayes and In) i ne aiueu'imeuv waa ioi , aj es 1 9, nays 2 t The rol.-a aere then adopted A message fro... lbe House proposing to -lect al ud a in. iciior lor the -lib tristr.el,! i.ie.n u.o nomination of Mr. Thos Senle, or Kockiubem, wa. real aud cou- curred in Mr. Humphrey uiored tbat the ru'es te Pnilr Acer, ...e.ted a Dostpooement of .'ir iivtry s.ijgestca a postponement ot iim.,,i .;-,.,1irl..i:..n,i.,l A i- -- r.... ..h c.tor. Mr. 8ettU' vote was unanimous in the i Serial. ! i lr Avry introd'ic l a " Bill for the re i !ief of th lianas aud the P-ople " Passed ' I -t readin ' Ui port of lbe Slate L.branao w.lU the pro i committee on J rJ.ci.ry : feci thei'r solvency, ought not to affect their ! Saturday in our Coort House. Il had beeu00 lb, 5lh f December next, will b f" po.K.on to print. Cou.-urred ,., J Mr . Perso,, off-red the following : I credit They must eominu. su.pended, I if,n M ,or , fe. j b , th. r... of ; for 0,,.,r ,o a.d fro on the AO-'' Jl.sart Slaughter and .".tnipsoti were ap- Uewlveil, In at all resolutions upon Fed-1 until the new Government, the houtbernl . , ,, . . , . . u- ii. ibt V n.ii.d in .i,.,.,in..i,H lh UJt ..... nf t,, 1 .r. R jli.ina I,. ..rn.fil and rfrr..t I,. , r,.,.,. I. nrni.i.u tn ..l.hh.h fn. tk. " issa laa. . 1 . in. VVIIiniPEso. r . .1, r - --i The eooiuiittcd to superintend the election of Solioitor reported as follow t Whole lumber of oie cast 167. neoe.. a.rv to a choice 71). Of th.e. Mr. Settle received 151. SeattLrinif 6. ; ,.JJr. Hrow poke Wn)th oppojlllf the , hill. I la reirar.l.il .11 It.i.k inn. ... pcruicious ami il mor a I i i ik Su-pension j rte lireaehi-a of ooutract. and antagonistic , to me oei interest 01 me community Mr- his bill did t.ol oouleui f,ute hlixing Bank upensi.i,s, but mt-re ( ly tt.e rrpe.l ol peualllea tliurrto appended, mat I lie oaiias uiar Pe uroiecieu noin ueavr ,,, br broker. . Jjr. Aretideil offered an auieuduieut pro Liljiiiiii; liuuka from vueitiif while iu a Main i .r ....naii.i.m I hw ul i.iliiii . iii.Kii..tnn K. . .... v... -. .... 1 Ikohii J cun nrlK M.ireliaad M.ir- ,, Aver, and Arei.dell. The amendment 1IOUSK. TaCRSday, Not. T2, 11 o'clock. A. M. I'rayer by tbe Re. Mr. Tucker The Journal of the day before was read Mr Furrow, member elect from the c iuii ty of Hyde, appealed and q la.ihvd Mr Kerebee introduced resolutions aert : ing the doctrine Hint tbe Ounsti; ution of the United States is a government, and not I con pjet which oanib destroyed by seoes lsi)ii, denying the latter'ard asserting revo i lutiou att the ouly right reserved by tbe peo I pie lo redress Federal C prosion. I Mr. Hoke offered other reolutious, con tra, aa an amendment, asserting States' Hights, the right of separate State ecces ! aion, ke. Mr. Merrimoti ofTered resolutions as aa 'amendment to toe amendment, deplor i in ' the eleolion of Lincoln, but assertiug it i as our duty to oobttud for our rights iu tbe nioo. On motion of Mr. Person, tbo resolutions , aud atneiidiueuts were ordered to be laid , , . :,,,.i Mf A off.reJ bfl fol0.i rc,oI(J .,j0Di w hich, on motion of Mr. l'eron, was ndefitiitely po-tponed by a vole of 69 lo VI, to wit : y.eiVrr.. ThatintbeoDinionofthUGeo- 'eral Assembly, no person io f-vor of in-rt- sion, or a dissolution of the American t'ni jo, ou-ht lo be elected to any office iu tbe j gift of tbe people of Noitk Carolina. I . message was receivca irons ine oenaie aareein to the propo.itioe of the House to ptf , dBforth . ih ,V lh. fUe.ion of . Soli- , cllor for tb9 Fourla Dnuriot. I he llou.e proceeded to vote. Mr. Batehrior reported Ihe result of the election as follows: Whole number of votes cast 157. Necessary to a ehoice 79 Mr Senle received 151 ; Mr. PoiuJexler 5; Mr K'-rr 1. Neither of the last lo were e.odi dates Ou motion of Mr. Folk, the bill introdue- Pr",l'd Rrsulvrit, Tual . iihoul iutending any On tuition of Mr. McCle.se, tbe Hiue n,r,r, r ,(,,,. i. ,t i. tt.e xpre.-iou of this a(jo,irued till tomorrow morning al lll(jerr, A.. mby, that in ea.e any Stale 0 clock. I ihruugh ii. e voice of her people aittj. f ! draw from tha I'uioii, tbe General Govern SKNAlK j mini ought not to attempt eoateion, aud I-MIDAY, No. 2:11, 16I. (b,t ,he p.0(, of lhlt Sllle 00g!lj Bolouly I ue renaie menus iiioruing ai . o c.oea Mr Sneet moved that a mes.age be sml ' lo the House, proposiu lo go in'O tbe elec- ! ' t.on of Supreiiid Court Judge, and notn r.e- ting Hon M. K. Manly for that c-ffn. i On li. ot ion, Mr. llail, of Now llauorcr, was granted leave of at,se:iCe tor a few days 1 A message was received from the House; refosin to concur io the Seiiat' pronisi , , r . ,s tiou :o print 5 I cop.es of the Governor a ie,..ge fore.cb aieu.bcr. and 111, copte. f r i i. r.Xccutive, ao I propo-u.g ! ' ep '-s . . , , . r v B , " , ; in lieu thereof lbe .Viwte a.scntcd to tbe H ju-c proposUlOB. Mr Hail au'jinitte'I a memorial from publ.e meeting held in the nan of Winning ,,jn an n.. riu.i-. ........... ments in regard to Southern ruhn. and, sqjiuw towards immediate aeecasieo ) Mr 1.1..... I. . r ....I ...U.l .A .1- f n.rlall HIS Me-srs Brown aad Avery wisbioi lo hiv it rea l, Mr. Ootia a.thdrew bis motiou. and lh' memoiial read. Mr Hail said that this memorial em ma ted from highly respectable sourc The in e in jtiI ws theu referred to the Couirjji'lec 03 Federal Kelalious. j Mr Lino introduced a bill lo provide for , the appo.uimt.ut ot tax collector for the counties of Wayuo and Haywood Mr. Taylor, a bill lo author. te lbe Slier- j iff of Boucombe counly lo collect arre.r. of, lalut ! A message was received from the House in regard to tbe propoiuoo lo elect a Judge of th.' Suareme Court M, ..r. Siri .n.l U.m... ax.ro annoial. d 0,1 'he pirt of til.) bed ate lo conduct the eleolion " . .. , , ..' '. .... , ,, , result: ror Judi;s Manlf Jl : for Hon., a .i ..i .L fit..: i.l. it. i.. i. r.u l- t.. Ir. j bo. nas, of Jackson, paired oft with i .... i. j Mr Ihi.m.. of It.id.nn The Senate thee adjourned. JIOUsK. Fti.DAr.Nof 2..rd, The Speaker called the Houe to order at 11 oclock. Prayer by Bee Mr. Tucker Journal of yeale.da, read, and .glided I by Mr. Henry, io regard 10 bu resolution of yesterday. Mr Suuontoo introduced atrong Uu.on . . : , Mf- Wi"" f""ow1Dg re.o- lu,,"- rl,fd to be print..!, and referred , to committee on redcral Belatiot. IttvttwU, That the committee on Hel1'"' m-irucwd 10 inquire 1 expediency of nuking provision 'the appointment of commissioners . . t , u. ...... , . , States Intrrested in dn.iie.t.o a ave rytoa.ree upon some plan to protect their eoostitutioii I al rights aui preserve the Union of ihe Stalsa. and that the re nor t L bill or nth- erw, ,, Merri.nir, moved the a-ooointmont of' .!..... - . .r c ..... j reform Carried. j duce. W. . re in a revolution, which ren-j r ;0-.e, jLtrodueed a bill lo prohibit der. it impossible tbat our bauk can eon. I frec p,,.,, 01, 1U)1 , .b,ch ib Stat, j tinue specie payment. We arc in eri.i. ! ! !' int;rUd' Br"' l"- "", '';' .--feosion whiob cq,all, render.! t, eoiiiuiittee on lo.erual Improvemenu. I it impossible Ih.t they can eotit.uu. specie! i .i. i.. . . ., ... I r . ' . .. r , . .sir rieii.ii.iiij; mil in prevent tne emau-' I ihe eoiniuiuee on Federal Ke.'aiiou, utiles otherw.ta ordered. A eonsiderabla d.acussiori took niae. on e ----- this resolution beiweeii Messrs. Ferehee, . Batchelur, Person, Clark, Mcbanc aud oli-1 j Mr. Donoel called for the jcm and naya, j for the reason thai he objected to the word- '"8 f lh P"n'ed Tb - rollio ' " dopted : .a 73, .-- V - , - A ti.ew.age was received from the 3.-nete Vri ,,J lht lnily r' ' Hel 01 tile lU..a, an-. ... reiice of t l o House.. The bill wan read the first time, and Mr. Bsmniii moved that the rules besuspeuded aud the bill, put on it e.coud and third reaH.n.-a Mr Doiii-i ll called for the yea and uay The rule "ere suspended : eas 93, ; "")' 10 The bill w v. lue aetoud ' , , , , ',, ui ii- n, the rule were sufpen 1eu, auu ordered to be enrolled tut' I'M) On Mr Metre' motion, the House d- jiurn.d til! II oolock to morrow SKNATK. Saiuhday, Nov. 21. 18f;0. The Senalo U'et thia mottling, aud was opened with prayer by the Ke. Mr. FlU g. rabl. of the F. F.piaoopal ohureh. I he .Journal of yc-terday waa read and eiir ect. d. The Speaker nnnouneed the Committee on Mi itary Affairs. Mr Thomas off red a "bill to tncorpo rate me S i em and Thoruasille Turnpike t'onii any "' I'as.rd firt reading. Mr lluirphiey introduced " bill eon oefu.!!,' Free Per-ous of Color." Passed 1st reading. The object of this bill is to prevent tbe emitfrstion of Free Negroes to tbi State, aud tbe removal of resident Frea Negroes within two year beyond it limit. Ordered to be printed and referred to the Conimiili e on the Juliciary. The Speaker auuouneed Mara. Worth and Humphrey as the Senate liiaueboflhe Committee ou Kuroiled Bills for the work Mr.Thomss, of Jackaan, addreased the Senate on ihe condition of the country Mr Docker) from tha Committee oh Joint Resolution submitted a report, which was read and coucurred in. Mr. Thomas offered a reaolution eoneera 102 the Gorernora Message, whieh was adopted. Ou motion of Mr. Mori brad, the bill to iooorporatc the Garden Valley Mining Com j pny was taken up and paaed its sreond j and third reading I The Senate then adjourned till Monday M o slock. Ho' SK. Satuhoay, Nov, 21, II o'clock, A M. The House met pursuant to adjournment Prayer by the Ke Frederick Fitlerald, cf the Episcopal church. The .loom. I of Friday was read. Mr. Waters introduced a r.silution thai the House hereafter meet at li o'c ock, A M . and adjourn at 2 o clock, P. hi. Mr Sladu introlucel the f nloaing reso lution, which waa read and referred la th, Committee on Krd ral Kela'ioos , ,eru,e p,rt , ,j ueb att. mpt but to resisl lbe same by all means io their poaer Tbe following bills were then introduced : M' Dv., of Merkieuburg, a bill to eX ii.l ff ui taxation lb watches aud timepiece- of llsilroad Knjioeer.. Laid ou the tabio to Le referred 10 Committee on Pi ' nance , Wi!kinson, bill to alter the Con.titu , of ( W(i ,fr,4 la t!je , ,. . Co 'biti it- ou t oi.-tiioil ii.ai iulonu j ,. , ,.b. V y ltm? j f (ii ( ir-i8 o lu,)Jou e0 jIll .oeo!. a,. ' Lvl.h.. i.oved lo aiiuro to II i - . ... l .,... ; " ' . C,..;ltet oa va ed Bit's, begged bvi) to rep rt It' lor-i-riV'" '" (" Iiii the Banks to usi.eud peCi-: pi.m ul Mr F-r. Le r 1 hi n.oiii.i to a l j-i.n, and at 2 miadtes psl 12 ociock tne H iue a.ij -uriie l. KKS"NS A 1 1 Y I'll K SOU Til SHOULD li't;NU. I The Cf.arie.toti M.reary,of ihe 2"ib, af - t.r.a.ini that tbe Ne. York bank. " v.nuaiiy su-prn..cu, g.ves iik- .us.w.nig r.. " "J u.u.s ,ou. also do so : Under these eireurnitanca, why should the hank of Charleston hesitaU 10 ausbeud 1 specie payments T All lbe bank iu the , States, South of New York, uase auspend j ad specie payments ; and iu New York tbey bare prictieally done ao, be giving credit ' I r. .l.: . . i... I..L. . ...! ' for their notes. Our banks, we know, are . ; under no present necessity lor suspending 1 . i . -.. .1 . i : .n,si nav.i.eLt: Lul a 11 u the ausneusion of the Northern banks from political oauaes, f l.;..k si h l.li. i. .h. ..r.t.. Le.. ie it po..blc for oar bank, to cootiutt. p., - jiogspecmT Aud if tbey mast ahorily .u - . peud, what eau be ga.ucd by postponing j.u.pei.aio.,? .Nothing wh.lever. But will noliung be gained Ly yielding .1 once , ,o lb. necessiiy of .u-peusion ! We think a j great deal will be g.med. O.r co.n.uer c.al com.i.uui.y will be r.lieved from tbe, i presaute wbicb how harasses and euilau - ger. them. Oar egricul.ur.l pr.oduc.n will ell at their natural prices : tbe notes ou tbe nl.n.era. The purchaser of ibeir prod notions eives the price only which the money market at the tun ju t, ties if mo I . is a. a tin ua nurehaaa freelv. If j ,bJ dllIi9ul, , be 0hi,j,d. ke mar Durehas not al all. or will nurrhaso al tbe f. , i . .: .. ... ... pavmeoi. to sosprnauiir. the Yield lo ne - ', aball become settled. Then, wilb the mean! afforded by our cotton, Ihey can fill tbeir i vault av at K .rt..a... and taauiaa anaaia auJ -r , -, r-j nie.its, as ih.y base heretofore always done, with ut tbe least shock te our e J.umero or charlotte: Tuesday, Pccember 1 I860. ',. . , rn. R. Wskefltld. K.so, .of l enmr. I.a. con. eniril in act.an.l is our .uthoriierl aKtnt. He till i.ctuv. uidrra lor tht W mo. bl-ns ur a Jvcr. l,.eiiirnt.. and ree.ipl for thr.inir. Any paraona .ttbaerihnir win. esv In him within three month, will neeivB the Whi fi.r two duiurs. '"Be'vlgUanr " K.ern.l vigilance is ,h. ptic. of peace a. ell as of liber,,. The approaching Christ- ms holidays, t.ken in eoun.xion with . present nervous condition of tht publio mind, prompts us to remind the ..utiu. I. on lb. watch to.er. of our peace to be v.g- il.nt at their po-t. and to keep down ui. nee.s.ar, apprehen.ion. in the publ.c mind, we would suggest to our C.ty Father. ,! propriety of increasing tbe lo.n poiiee, and of adopting such regulation a. -ill compel owner, and managers of al.ve.lo keep then. at home, well watched and gu.rd.d. rieept aurh a. a.e to be hired on hiring day. W. would aUo recommend lo our friend, in the country a similar line of poliey. Such a course we deeiu ueotss.ry lor the comfort .r( The) Federal Union. Nater, loathe, au ticre.cuoe almost I i . . L L . -...I if mucn a. sua aeavr. a v.. , . ) aun, .till careering in saseniial glory iu tbe biui.uieul of beaten, sb.il even eea.e lo impart light and beat and vitality .o the ao lar )U au, aud preserve iu order ; or if be shall violate the laws of tha latter, lo annoy, barraaa, or oppress thermal, er pau cts, lb Gad of Nature, id bis wrath, will atrike him down aod de.troy Liu forever, as a vicious drone and nexivu. lueambratice noon tbe work of Ciealioo. Cau human in.tiioiions, wreaebed from ' .... ,' And wkereaa, the election of Ltncoin A their leg. nutate rpbere by Ihe violence ol , ' , . , : lUmlin to lb tmce of Presidrbl sad t.c, psrty faction, to be used as engines of op- . . Fieidee of this greet Confcderaer. tt i pres.iori agaiu.l the w.aker parly, deserve " ' or expect a belter fat. ! loe. lb. Federal rg-e"-. pr.d.c.t.d up , L'ntou of .beae United Slate. Continue ,.,""-" "-d;.g h. doclriue o. , o . , " irrepressible eon Act," ' tbsl lh iijiufiii aitiga enuinerated a iu object io the Pre , , .. , it a amble to the Constitution ! If bot aud there is no hope tbat il av.r will sink, it aloav ahd de.lrov it fores. r ir ii ! il' -.ii.' . .1 . .L- If IJoiv urn did not a.aur. ut tbat Ibe, prsvera of tbe wicked avanetb nothmv. we , , , ., ,. .. ... , would numbly aupplieaie tbe luroue ol ,. . .. , .. , Graea lo permit Ihe Coiou and the hlgbt , .. j . i . .. ., r iv . . of tbe Aulas, tike the rather of WaUfs, ..... , ... . , . aod bts tri butane With.u their banksto . . , ... ,. Bow ou le baimony, forever, within the . , , .. ... . - i ,L channel of Ibe Cnusiitulion, biud.ug the c . . . .l .i. .. Slate, logether polilieal.y, a. ibry do am j.rity of tii.m i.atur.lly. until liuae .hall be no more far.v.r. And, if oeoa-iou.lly th cbanu.U auould beeveiSeacd Ly ihe ex ercise of at exes of Federal pow.r, vane. lb spirit of humiliiy, we would pray thai it might be onlf lo leave iu its (.-a. a a sedi- ukdI of virlue, which would p-i.g lorth in due sea-on, aith a more loxarianl .ruw.b of ci.. I aud political hieing, for lb pro pie. Bui when we arc taught by the uo erring evidence, of a fatal past, aad a..urd by the fearful forebodings a gloo-ey fu lure, tsat our coou.stious wilb ll.e F.Jei.1 Government are to be . el-led aga.n.l vu for the purpoe of deairoying our luosi hcr- ished iusl.tu.iona, aod ssppiug the found - ,,. of our M, ,0i pililll, (lli,lt,ll(lll , , , b, ajfciU(J w u, .... same A mubty l eeer, to vouca to us a aaln o retreat in the doctrine ol peaceable aecs ! ,,olli or cf triumph iu that ( a violent He- ,1i.i Tl, ruriu.r dr.id.raiuiu e.n Lr .O.oa,ni,.b.d ou.v bv lb. united ao oner. j tln0 the Southern Stale., io ae actual j arparst.on lUvolulion fallowed , pruba bly, by defeat, would Le tbe certain re.ull i i i i of separate State acMou by many Slates less w. ... ........ l.- s;. .... i... I . . . ... . . ttis.i the ehole. to sccoiualuh our in.ls . t I. . .,,k.. 1 - - r-V - - - 1 eondiiion W. must 1 g t0 e't.e.n... of pur- pose, end eooeeotratedoeai of action tbat " mli eooflne, ,0d bumble oer enemies ,d for, ,b(nMlu( lb. fooUlool o( ouf P'"r. ",tb lb ol,, lr"eh ,n band, and a charter ol our right in th. 1 other. Tell ua not, when we have in the i Sjuth( of wpl(M productioe. for export, , ' . , r , . . , . ' " r end train a million of soldiers; aod i tell ot not Ibat such a force can bo wbipp- 'ed cud driven froia tbeir homes aud lire- . :j . . l . .l i J ' V Laat Saturday's FrOCMdiOK. Nccer b once before in tbe tl.lor of Meekleoborg, was there preteuted for the contemplation of patriots, pb.lo.oph.r. audi hj,ulh i . mor- r.lifitlg ia.BOe 1 . ' . . nf tha i.iatina af a aoiiDtr. a aauui than that ' ' " ,h people, of eecry party In the counly, . to consider of the alarming condition of oar F.d.r.l Klaiirtna and whan lh. hour of I . - i meeting arrived the Court Hoora was quick - i ly cre.ded by an anxious throng, eusbra- I wealthiest oitiaeos of etery el ass and ptr , j and neighborhood in the county. The meet. ing was organixed by the election of Capt,i( I J sines li Kbbeson, ofl rovidence, as(Jhir. ' man, and ihe appointment of Jno K liroau ' K-q , aod Mi . M L WalUoc, aa S. cretait(' i A eoumiittee of eleven grhtlcuieu aero ap. pointed, aa nearly I qual us could be beteeB tbe old attics, to nport business fur tj,, I consideration of ihe meeting. The couinjji. tee ri uiuined out for a eousiderabla ti,, 'j aud duiitig their absenee tha ineeiing , addressed happily, forcibly aud ptrioiioa. ly bj Ir. Strong aud Esq lires W.Kerr W lt. Myera, l U. Uea, A. 0. William. s 1 J. Loarie, Juo. K Brown and Laban Grier : sud Capt. J Y. Bryee. Major 1 1 ill ,J 1 l.icuu iiaiil Lee were o. lied upou forxifffl, ... r ' "P'ecUn, who reported themselves ready for anion, ' bul U(Jl fof i,, At two o'clock .1 J " euuituiltee made tbeir report, SccniiipttJlt(j with able, eloquent and patriotic spcetbti Iroru Gen. Young, and Joepb II. W.011 M '''" "' J heir report lM j "d n ,Ur" " Md. " H ... ; - u,cJ i 'ccl.u,.. ," lUu r'" ud 'noma,, , '0d- 1 " Port .hi. .doeument, and tuu.l make a deep i,ipru. I '" P PM" N C.ro i. Tu "Pnr r" of ,b, re.olunen, ab.eh w.sdr.fled l, j og. V'f"' N'. W.U. w, '.,,i.on of our read,,. ' J-bli.h.d in another column, aud Uf, ; our ""'" "l ' bj it ,,. ''J ' f" ,B lk "'' l 'Ur ! coualilueuej iu lb. mighty eri.i. which j, it bulb. PUBLIC MEETING. Al , ,,re, ,u ,uihu.iaaiio mettin, aa U tW : . . itJ Uti ,b- Mlo.H,g ,.,,i aad IU. lutiou acre adopud without a 4istaiii,( voice : Wbeieas, lb people ef tbe I'uilnl S i n in tbe luiaiaiiun aud adoption ef our Kv.t tal Cou.luuiinn, declared their purpose, i be, " lo e.labll.b jaalioe, iusura duBMaW tranquiiity, previda lor lb couimoe iltlisca, pruu.jie L. general welfare, auu area re tt ItleM.ug. of L. bcriy le tkeuiaelvra tuil ii,. r of ibis great country must Is dmstrd it whole bv frre labor or .lav. lahor, ' " itti ' a boa, divided agaiusl it.tif cannot .tisi A sentiment winch, if carried out, is n eriv ef lbe purposes Oer fallitN ti4 4 in lbe foria.aliuu ef our Frdtra! 0. ' vrniueei by d. eying to bfi.re Sia.ra of ii.a ' ' Uuiou ib.ir jusl riahta i ike Tcrntortt-t . belonging lo the Federal Uovi i nu.. i t A . sentiment doalructiv. of the rig-bis of fi lm Slat im their ae propa-rly a nutiais r r- i I be very ailation ef which is at s.r n J ) our doiwesne iraii'ittiulT, pe.co anu hi:; j I r rr , "" L "mulat.i.g our .lav., lo "0. insurr.eiioe aud reLe.lion, aid it.:. D -ftril,i '' " '' ' ! ',' "1 0,r "bildr.u. , Aud Leree. ae earal of eur si.t.i S. o-'h of as, is ur ef the ivecnt ... ' '" be seBiiment thereiai indicated.! i "" u a" iblcre.U.be.e been pfuirf.uj ' hir ngbu ibu. i.,r- r..ed, and ibeir g.neial wcf.re ibu. lo ra' Ceuveniiou. of Ihe.r Sist.tr.- ;apet.vciy, lo dei.iu.iue what eoer it'; " ,Lc,r fte'esU demand they shiJ t 1 iher.lerw lUaoiiee by lb t:i" ef Mecklenburg Couuly I , 1st. I b.l we do hereby raise our t-m lu solvit,. p,ol..i.l,ou aga.w.1 iLe ' wm.u ... proau.rw in. r...s in ... ... Li loved country .lid its tuslilutiooi t . , . ' . , volv.u bv the iiceiit aleelion. ( Ull lu , Ka 0( Ut totecw-l sideraiiow, it la our conviction mat I in ' ! isialure ol our, S;ale, new iu session, be J I V" r "'""S Al ll. S .1. In, li,. i,a,f,. lilllUinil oi...d.raie aad iwi counsel for tbe preaervsliou of our Lai" and our F.deral Government io iu o" . . . . . i and our r.deral Ooteiuuirnl m its orison . iuiei.1 if i,r.e.ntl.i and a. .oi.iliin). " i not ir.etie.b!e. la .duiil .ucb niea-sin - ' ' .,... mav be deemed mo.1 pr-iJcol for Hi f ' ' . , , 1 j tetiiou of lb lights, proniotioa of tb' r - .lara auu Tiuuiituau o. .e u j c.tix. n. of our Lelo.ed Si.te. j JJ. 1 bat ... th. evebl tb. Stale; of f f , SjulB ''oelil wiihd.aw irom the - i 'J1" pdrpose of securing their '' .. ::::ru.,;i U:.' ..is l Bona k reus. acviMi j course of action J .nd there being n , ' eoui.. r- , ....... ... ( vl . 1 ,, . . t i, n-a ' S W S ' '",r ' u, ''. i f ...... i... , i.. .ui.rs procJ " , .,,,, s lrs'' lug. j ... " - , end eharaeiencud by a nnaniun.y o. nicut which pr:.tcd aaiiafsctory ' i Cofrt' AT .SaL.sBUKY. Th" S,cr'' ' f h Noflb c.rolin. Conf."""4 .' m tki ..,. all !""' u.e... - - .. u i,,,ri Caroliua, the Haleigb, 4 ',i"a. j j Westca Fx.teusjou Kailrcsd. uu i .... i :.t. ..Jra tvkf l 9 luroiaueu wi. -- ,f a i (rj q) th. fuf n eepot, wbcC toej . ,r,. U lers currency. j ting tbe est CBlighlen.d, b.t ele1le qd i(t W " ,