'Zdi-Ei informing tue Seokte of lhe passage ol i Dill ih ..,,edu,.u,. ,,v u.e House to incorpo- r.te to ...rdn.r Y.i'ey M.n.og Company, Option of Mr MoUe.d.'.he .nJ. ..... .,r, c.ncaMr.1 in .ltd the b..l en- r. Ud I he Speaker ked leave of absence on ir- ti..Tiow nn ...count ol ni p .riant busiues 'quiiing his p.e.vi.c.- si home y Mi moiioii ol Got M tel.rud, it w.s grau I'd, ''d the- Speaker dcigiiait d Mr V. fe et of M ck:. i t i:it', i set io !nnme ki-r !urit!i: Li- hi n i re On motion, tbe N-ni.lt adjourned toll cluck Sstur. av. J HOUSE. Hoii ca'led to order bj the Speaker t 11 o'clock A. M P.ayer bv lia-. Mr W.Wbell. Journal of yosteriay ruad and of order. He tbouebl tbe Hou-e bad noib- log lo do villi tbia couiu.unicatioii in the present pia.n of tbe q .ciiou. He there fore moved to lay tl.e conmiuuteitiou ou the t.le. Mr. Mebaoe eff rd au injeuduient refer ibg it 16 tbe special ceu.miitee on the or pa.ia.tion ot I':e llrue, el.irb vaw .reed ta. and the c-. ..m'.t-A .i.ia " reterr. d ae-0-,r,,lv. IU Mr M- it'i:-- o, resolution intrue- t;i g tl.e (on-n.ittre on (be Judic'ary to in q-.-iie ii.to tl.e proprieiy of erecting an at reding an .1- tne election ol r i!.i r J ud -e of tbe Supreme t. ourt ; to re- port r-y .1.. or oiecra.se. a,r..c- - eomm.lt. e or. tbe Judiciary. . hylr Va.l.,.re...ut:on proposing . -e a eon.n i:tee of five, lo be cal.ed lhe C.-.:: ;u 11 lee ou corporations Adapted l!y Mr Djvia of Meekienbii'g. bill to I'm- hi the el.aiter of the ton ot ('btrlotte, in tbe ou-t-f M ck-nbiir. Referred to tl r-.i. n,; t-e 1,' private bills I M' U -oijr.l.a b !l (0 iiifrea-e tbe M -n s -f j. !:.. of lhe sup id tl.. He. 'el Trd lo CJ ,4; 1 j; Mr. livuum, bill to repeal chapter 41) ol tbe tcvised Code, so far as Lhatliam ceuu.y i. concernod lo jui.eiary com i'tle. by Mr. .Merrill on, a Hi! 1 incorporate a company to bund iu.i-p.le road from M tct.eJ .- V the Black tnoantaivi to at. e one o! the public roid- in Ibiucombe c JUBt . mittt e ot. ii.ierna. improve- Mr Fo'k inneeJ to adjourn ui.ii! t- mor row II o i iot a. Agref'i ti, eo tuc Hju-c f'jouroed. San. l .v., I c 1, l68i Tbe S.r.ate was calni t order at 11 o'clock by Mr '.S.ter, r-pi ak. r pro Itui. Pr. jer t iUv Mr T. a.eta.d, of the Kf,i.f. r t . u ci. i r,r Mr C.nt.ell n.ijue ou .be Judiciary. Car.i. d. with certain amendment an.t reeo.nuienea , lrrrltr, ,r lht ,, bl,,.',., ,m,. i inCi f0,- vian.ple, if tbe price of their to prevent the eiiensioii oi " ? " .. g,mll (rt noibii.i leaa tlinn". rif , ' A commu n.ca.ion form Mr. tan well, ruri,er introduced a bill to incorpo I ii pa-sat''-. Aleo, resolution in favor of ; .mrn , H for ,,,,,,,. Ah ; nc' . , . I 'Perritoriea, to oppoe it prot. cMoo ah.l omit to . otmni ..a than a r.,f,,, H. rk of th- llou of reininon- m relation 1" ' Volu.ueer ! t'oopcr Pn.xe and J.l.u II lltr.ood, .iib , ,. P;. him ...I... .h,e- ..,. PP P" uam'"i 0,rjr( ! there, and to oppU the admi.-ion of ..j -m .be Union and to t f.-e. ,l.olj t. , lb. rt-olniion of Mr Ferrel.e, tff.r.d raw if, ,0 ae Comu.i.l.e on j amend m.n.a. and r. commended it passage. rc.v th. Wh,. for two doll,.,.. n, Pelerann at 8-1 rcduo.i.g tbe j Uv(j Tll.e , certa.nly b.ve been and Mill a,e .lh,,, ki ( ot. Wednesday las., lor a commit tee to ,n- f ) ,e folio. int resolution, v. ere then intro-; i... 0flc. of the two seventy five centa, and ! ,0 bf july complained of by ib.ery .aciinoo, and u.e .very ,,,. q.ir. imoibe l.garorniz.-ton of .be i motnu of Mr J"barpe,tbo Senate ad- duced and appropriately lefeired. j , r , ofJuritt then, tbe full p.ice of their paper. ; S-Ut h J thy are evil", .oo, which oupht lo I bieh patiiotism aud honor . II j,,,!,,, . !..e, ... presenleJ ai d ordered to be IU Mr. Fvru-on, a resolution ii.struclin); i J "I 1 a " " t .1 oO.ring mtiu in. I r ! bf ,nj lnu, lie redr-ssed. Hut bo ia tl.t , failing in tln. and vithout eq , ,!, mad. After tbe readir.,? bad projrnsed Jrui- I , be judieiarv Ootnu.ittee to inquire into the WAN TKD IMMEDIATKLY, at thi of- .obedoue? t'ertainly not by eeeesaion. I Union, e hall rtetnaiid ind. ps,,diw , for a time. Mr. Mendei.Lall aiose to a point . i , '.. ,... , ... t ... rmnnnlitan Art Journal. .... .. , ....!.. Uf il mil f.r (li. vindication Jo.rual 0 ye-terday was real aud ap- fioui taxation, on OiOtiu ol Mr. Taylor, iu proved . definitely postponed. Mr. TIkiui. of bsvi-i-on, i liii to auth (Ju ii.ot.ou ef Mr. Pope, the House ad er 12 ii. I I'.u.o'.oi., ite Sbetiff of D.vid- jiurne l to 10 o'e.ock to tujrr. ro. e.ir.lT. Iu c-j.iect arrears of tale. , P.,-s, d iia firt rcaIii.a. aud referred to the SENA IE. tc ei: t ;.i'Mcii circ.iu I'assed iu fir.r r I t j. or.; -ie 1 to be printed, and refer re 1 to tbs con.u.,re oa tile Judiciary. Mr TnriH4. o! JsetsM., a k i.i t amend tbe et of IT:!, in r. i. r.i.ce lo tt.e Cnen kee Iiidiana PisseO. tu lir-t tis'lin.', una rf rred to tbe eommittee on the J jdirnry , mr Arenaei. . l.... . ...co, ,,e . u , K.n of Morebe.d. P.ed ,.. 6r.t re.d.ng an l referred t. the committee ou Corpora u. nni.tu r 'f' .... , . 1 . 1 e luoruaa. of Jackson, a resolution to . , , r.f- r . mcb'l the act of in ref.reuir to tl.e .Westers l'uropiite J iu-truet.ui tbe eutnn.it tf ot. luternai luiproveinfi.t to report a Lii. providing for such aaieu i :w. tb as they ol r deem iireeuary. hi motin of Mr. Walkup, tb. Senate adjourned. ho''se. Sa.IVhtxr, Iee. 1, lfcGd. iho Hoc. met at II o'clock pTiyerkyR-v Mr Fi -t.-erald. Journal of yesterday wai re.'l. Tbe f-jllowitif bills were introduced, read r.t ti.n. tnd referred to appropriate com ae, i ee : JJ- Mr Joerjan a ! -o ereste a new C 'Uti'v t y tb ; i. t.-r ts'-ynanta out of ps,.. f .JarK-oT :.i. Hendef-oi. counties f; tr. p'oeist. a hill to amend the charter of iL Farmers' Bank of North Carolina !',, Mr l.otc, of Haywood, a bul to lay fl the S-aie into Jad eiai Circuit Tl.i ' bi.l waa ordered to be pr.nteJ bt Mr. Mendeouall, a bill to amend R. tiaed Code relative to corpotatiuus V.j Mr tiorrel, a bill requiring coroners' I bon is to be r. jrialer.d Mr. r gdt. irom lb. committee ou Pri vate Ii . . r p . rtd back to l be House bul Sa '.I to a.t.ei.d an act incorp-.rat inj ti.e town ot i ';.! -t ita a recoiMweodaiion tlsl ! be (.as- l. Mr. V. ...:au.s. of N-!,, it.iro'!:j'--d a re I3 ui. ii t x;l.i; t me for ii eel.i.got the !li j tt half pa. I lo o'c'.otk in the morning e! ace day. Laid over under lbs luie Mr. VV.il. am. of Nash, moved to lake up tb. resolution tu.rod.jced by Mr Jogan, fixing upou certain hour, for meeting ai. I adiournmeut w bteb motiou was negaiived tirtiost unaoiojouaiy. (B mot oo of Mr. Wiiliam, of Nash, leave of absenee wa yr.uted un'il Wedt.es- da next f ir. ttoooaru. .ir Martm. t resolution graunn? ine ue of le Common Ha l tb evening . t'ie lri. i.d.ot me Union for m purpose ol hold ing a public U'on uieelinr Cot.eurrad in tn Mr Fe-.k nsoti-in in. Hou-e .'j i-rn d until Monday wioromsf at l'i oe,JC. rKS Kir.. JJoStiAf, D C 1, lfc'itl Tbe Settle waa nailed to order at II 'clock, a ui Prayer by Il v J M A'kition The Joum.l .1 "s'jrii) was read lytbe r.k Mr I5led e pr..st.i.-1 the f.'.lowing r. to u'l jti, whi. b was an pt.d : fl. Ilia. l,e c'.rUilti.e on F'de ral H - ai.o.s t.e and .bey are hereby re u isted to rrMH Upon the Qle.l.ui.s refer r. d ta Ibein oo our federal relations, tnd th tip-n the loll p.-opos.ag to pat .be Stt e iu ol conditio, of d l.uce at tbe earii.-'t mo pi a. it praet.aabla Mr filrklord lutrtdueed oertaio re. ,L -. ::::e"''"'";c"" ty, wdicii were reau. ir. Pileuford ..id b. w.. present tt thi j meeting-it .. Urge and .utbttsi.stio ; that W.rr.o count, tvl. full, .eu.tbSe of the .1. plorable cond.tioo of the couu.r,, .t he : iliil not believe ready for alight cause. di.eevt-r her eouucction with the Union. Tbe resolution were referred to the coui u.ittcc ou Federal Relations. I lie bill to amend . c;;on 9, chapter li'l. Kvi-ed Code, exempting person under the ago ot '.'1 Irom wotkiig tbe road, .nd to n.;.ke lb man who sends tbn t- hands e .islly liable to work the roads itb tbe non mii no. dor, u si-put on Us stcoud reading. k., Ri.,,1.,,.. si,' iliul I he intention of the bill to lemovc all cause of complain of! one class of our cinavi.a agaiu-t the other, thereby to promote unity adioug ail tbe cit ilei.s of the Slale. Mr. lohon moved to refer it to the com Monday, I'eo 3, 1S60. The Hou-e aa eailed to order at 1 o'clock, I l'rayej' t,y Hev. .Mr. Atk,n- eon : Tbe Journal of Saturday waa read ted auiei.ded . A mesa;e waa received from the Senate transmitting; - nieasage lr ui tbe Governor, on tbe sum y of a railroad l ot:i the French liroad iiiver to the Tennessee line. A communication from the Superintend ltit f lhe A.ylum lor the deaf and dumb Laud reud, traosiijiitiiig the bien- bia report from (hat in-niutlou. Unlered to De , ,0 Ine oeua.e. Mr. Bullock t ffered a resolution to allow , Jo.r,.D oooch loruier t.erin 01 ran-; K'-ft rred to committee at. claim .'ir l ucea L?reei.ivu tut i'n'vcctu- v. at. . .. ...J .1 . - ...1 of a pub ic meeting rcoel.tly held in Warren- ,ou. " eouu.j, -.vu -e.B . re', trcd to the committee on iederal Kela- , . 1 Hy Mr. Padgett a re.o.ution for theelec J" . " , ,. ' ' ' Ke.V.rcd to committee on tl.e ju'Heiary Hv Mr Hayte, a n.enioriut from ihoee concerned praying for the est.bli.btrfeBt of a new county out of a part of Cherokee. Helerred to tbe commiitee on proposition and grievance. li) Mr. Cheek, biil to prevent free ne- ros from hirint or hem. 2 control ol sia.es " IU Mr. Pad ;t, a bill to au.eud the 3d e,,0I, ot the l'h article of the Conslitu- t.on. K- ferrea to lhe cominiltee on eouilttu lional r.fjrru. '' be reo.ution filin; tbe time of meeting of tbe House at 1.1 0 clock, was lasuu up ard adopted. House bill No 1-5, concerning banks in ttiis Slate, not acted on 111 con-equ-.-iiee of having b.-tu superseded by Senate Li.i pass ed lajl week. lioue to.i, No. 3, exemplinj walciiea and time Ll, era of tmpiojee. on rauroaila Tie Senate assembled at II o'clock, and ia opened by prayer f. oui tbe Kv. Dr. 'a 10 J o-.ru-.il 1 f yesterday wai read and appro Mr J.t., !rrn. the committee on proposi- -rs and liti(ut8 reported tack the fil- loa ing t lili A bj;l ,o unAoriu A fJ L,lh(ID gbtriff of i:r,fti C0UIl lo eolre, ,rrtM, of , recomu.er.a.i.g its passage. A bill to prevent tbe cuitins of timber iu - ' , , ., . eertatn portions of Ircd.il. Kecommeudiu ... . A Bill to eatbon p. f). Hampton, late Sheriff o! l.i.vidsou county, to collec' arrears ot taxt-, reeouin.eu ding tnat it 01 not pass A u.e-age was recei.ed from lhe nor transmitting a memorial from Jobu IJ Hsugblon and others, reeommending the (avj.abie consideration of the same. : Ju rr.oiiou of Mr. Piteblord, s;i-.' memo I rail w as r ferred to tbe committee on cuius i A lueae was received from the Hoj-e; of I'ju.u ii.- ( ropo-'r.g to rai e a j-jiut cjiu mitite (A three on ti.e part of ne'u House to .uperit.ied lhe Stale Printing. Mr Avery mo. el to lay the message tbe ta Mr. i'lt.Tay e-'led for the yea and r.ay 1 be iue-saje was lui-J ou tLe tioic. yjas 14, Ly, 1- Mr Uau.-y iutrodured the fo'.iwir. rcso- ion in : liifj rnt T.t tb. Treasurer of the State be req. vd'ed to report to this bouy, at as early a day as piaelicable, bis opinion as to - toe policy ol 'Ui- State tusking an increase of its present indenieoness t-itbur by appro priatioin to works of Internal Improvement. ,or apprpri.ori. oi money , or tue purpose placing the mat on t war footing. ; Ar r", tnat tn. Treasurer aio tout rauneate t-j this liouy bis opinion a. I re as orrr. and one preuui-.-d to know the niesu olibe State, wuat amount of money oat. be sis. u by it, at ibis lima, either for lueeiiug its p-esent and prosptcuv obligations, or for war. lac purpose Mr. Aver, moviil to lay tbe resolutions on ibe table. Mr Kaiusay called for the yeas and nay Mr Avery a motion prevailed Veas iV, naya l-i Mr. J.tui introduced a bill relative lo the j hire ol S.ana. Ordered l.j be printed aud ' reierred lo ll.e eon.iu.ttve on tbe J id.ciary 1 j .'i. ...... a u..i io ameno oru oee. ol Ine -ini.nap oi i i.c ise'l iole, concern. ng ri.its. V " ifs I-lre.d.ug and relerr. U to tbe cou.uiiitee ou J'rop-j-.iious aud '.tie vance. Mr. S.a'igbier, a 1 1 1 to prevent the fell lug ol tit.-oer in ccriain stream, in Hertford count, i'.etrreo to me eou.inhiee ou Pro pun'.l i.s and 'ttevai.ces. On ti.ui.oii o! Mr. lJoisou the Sedate ad j urtcd. HOU.-r;. Ttt.siiAv, Dee A, IsjO'I. he H ,u.e met pui.j.ni to adjournment Ibe jou.nal of yesterday was read and I .rnroved I ' Alr Uaxter presented a memorial from j poi.iun ot me cit. ten of Currituck count,, I relatyc io tbe removal cf free negroes fioti.j ou H.O..U1. VM..iait,a, of Nash, ordered to belat Clerk-nlle, in Halifax count, "Moth I teu.ien.en were feaceabl. ei.izen. of Clare,- Mr lne.it presented tb prnceedinga and I rco.uuou a.opud by a wae.nuj be. j At-SJa; - - . .. tee on l-edr.l , Mr (.reel, of b r.nk'.io, Pr;'"'' ninrial Iron, Kilo-. Kunsom. .free '' color -ku.g t be allowed to go into volun- tarv slaverv. A message received from tbe Gov- i ernor in response to a resolution of inquiry . relative to anna belonging 10 tbe Stiito. ; Mr Person, from tbe committee, reported back o tbe Hou-e the l..lkiug bills! j A bill filing the time for opening the poll j in ti e town Salisbury rt commending it passage, with certain amendments. I A bill to prevent emancipation of Blares . bv ill, with amendments. Also, another j upon the same, .object, asking to be di chareed from ita fui ther consi, It-ration Mi. Sailer, from tbe (.'onuuitte on Chero kr lands and WeMern Tumpikt, repqrled buck a resolu'ion in favor of JLean Loleman, ty as n now tor Mate purpi-e Hv Mr Leuiinoud, a .eol.nion instruct- . -. .ill. inLi I be l oiiui.iltee on the J udicary t-i in () in, HjIJ b(. ..pc,1iel)0J 0f tlIit,g Mining Lon.p The followirvc bills were introduced, read first tune and appropriately referred. liv Mr. Hill, a I i.I to incoperate the Cav wcil Rjiiroad Company. ( The road la run from Mihon to Company Shops,..,, N .rth Caro'i.ia Kuilro id ) In Mr Cheek, a bill to .mend section 1, fc " CoJ concerllillie Lunat . ' liy Mr Love of J.cksoo. a bill rel..,.. to the distribution cf tbe Ccmwon Scbooi j( eo of J4ck,01l ., M ,;rrtl 'of Kr.nk.in. f.r the relief f.'l,.tr..nio aii.a-ter.ua go into . .. r . bill to tntr. effeetu- ying of fire .rmc. &c , (A'lowa her o ae'.eet , . peri?u,,')ni in ,nt fbe . ,' Itl,lo., Mr. Merrin.on introduced a resolution! il)(,lrllc(inj, ,1)e C011.11.it t.-e on Military Af- , fairs to enquire iuto the eipedieiicy of .stab i.sui.iif a iouii.rv iyr lue .uau.iu.u.e vi b. . 1 ,, p . arms at some point ou Deep river. Lead .. r a .!. . v ;,...- Affair. l .e following bill, were taken up and 1 put on their second reading; 1 Hou-e bill, No 1M, t prevent the email- ! n, .1.... t. -ill ",. .. ' - . ........ . ... i.c.Mj '"' jv. ..- Ui -tt. Mr Fleming said that under tbe rsistin , law !ave were f: eq .Een.iy left aunti. u who-e 11 3 lerce vi peruieiocs wotij the , slave population ; and, in addition te thi. ill of tl.iv kind were generally contested, wf.ieli led x tiratrected I tiaiioo. 11. ttit-jj;ht if persons wauled to fre-- th ir nj groea tl.ey nubt lo do o in fl.eir hfe.t ine and see t ti -at tt.ey a:e sent off Mr. Newt.) tsatd tM i very itnpirtatit bill and be waa very much in hopes u wou.d pa.. Hi county bad very much o3- red Irom tbe inconvetiieiice of having lve lib er.led bv will One nun. in hi. county, bad liberated a great many .lave. .1 out time, whirl, bad been a e'reat liurce of OT- r....l.ol ...o.l.er ib.H ot lhe eo,.l and aa ueeu n.4 . gainst tho-e having toeui iu COarge for not ending ibem cff. Mr. Itatia. of Widen, called for tbe tea and mil- on Mr Henry motion, which wa. lost. Ine tt.l tneu pscd it second reading. tJu n.oiion of Mr. Davis, of Kutherford, tbe bill wa put upou it. third reaJi-.g Mr. Wins. ow Cil.it.g for tbe yeas and nay, upon it passage, tbe bill pas.ej by yea In."), nay 5. liiil No H4. to amend the Rivenue law, wa put upon its second reading ; and. after being read. Mr. dumpier moved its itideti i.ite postponement Mr Fa.siou explained tl. otj-ct be had in viw iu m tr o1 uci u-' u ; wherejpiu Mr Cruupler withdrew nis iiudou and moved tbe rth recce to the Con.miltes on Fit.ai.c Ou motion of Mr. liu.iock, tl.e House adjourned to 1 0$ o'clock to morrow rooming A PL AN F SKCKSSION. The Columbus ('ia ) S in v. 1 - I in- fal lowing p a. mil . iliu C---I ... a i.-s lion : 1 The eiyht C'jf.on St'tt.-t So'Uti Caro iii.a, l .eorgia, I- i jii la, Alabama, Mi-p.s.ippi, Looi-iaua, l'txs and Atkan-as ,ai co. suit to.olher, and their ile,iu,j ( ij isi atial; be tli-jsaine; a. I -ball act lv .1. - r ; all shall ntti- r reiiiuiu together iu the l.'u.oii, or ii together .i.aii go out of the Clou. It sl.a.l b understood tli .l n. .joi ity of the people in tlie-v S;ate. .ball eol.tr ol tbe in siler (or ll.eiu all and in order to carry out tin programme 3. 11 a Convention cf the people be eall- . . . , . . ' ' ?o(e V ' J f delegate, thai the first t.ue.,,,,, , ,. ,.,.. ,.,.:,' : " Union or shall be, frlber go out ! 4 Let th.r. l.e . ',i.,i,... r.. iv . . . , w,.. .... . c . 01 tue.e eight States : let each appoint a delegation .qual to its p-e-ei.l repre-euta- tion in Congress Oeorg.a bein ' entitled to tel. deleg-.te T. Let ibe l.loi. tuition iu each S'ate del egate to ils III preselilativc lo this Souther n (yongress all tin- power that the Convention ilse.i liii. which will he aovereign and su preme over this q le-iiou fi Winn this .-o-.tbvrii Congress roeeu, i ha.e f'j.i power to ettlu mis q.e-vion tho-e eigt.t States, and let a m.j niiy of de.egnte- iu ibis C.iugres. btvc power lo bind all by their a.-tl .u. 7. Iv- tt..: br-l n-.ii iu b. Jore this C in gre-s U, .t.a'l tho-e eigi.t States remain in the Lino.., i r -ha. I the, go out together and lorin a Soi.l.ii rn t.'onl. deraey T !. In the ev. t.t they go o-jt of lh" Union, tt.l Congre.s w. I t.ave power to r.r.'ati.x.- at lea-t a leu.porary c ii.ieil.-rat on, and in th't evet tloey detern.ii.e to remaiu in lhe Cl.l lfl, then we propose H '1 bat this Congress sbail agree upon oinc rffie't til pitui of retaliatory leg. U'.on, lo be rteotiiiiieiid. d to the ie. r! U gi.la lures of tlioe Males, aud (bat su.tb reial.a tor, legislation .hould b- the mo.t .trmgenl aud emei.ru that ean I. devised - A TtAOror I Ha Mr A I CbtTr h was reportri upon cur .treet yesterday lhat a Mr it.ddick wa shot and killed almost iimwuuj, en .'Jiuaij it, o, ... r riitn.tn tille VV ha.e not learned tb. psrtualsrs Tv, trough M-r:ry, j Jlortb Carolina Tuesday, !e c m be r II, lMif). ; " - u n.nnno, r., , .i , . .. . i, j , nt rtouM habit, to whom eonsUul , . employment mid j-ood w.j-ea mil be Lireu "t' J t o e In last week'a iue of tbe Wnig, wo sil ted that (tea. Youu waa tbe author of the Hid resolution of the eerie eour.mutiu (hi proceeding. uf the public meeting held in ibis town ou S.lurday, the 1st tn-t. Into, this error we were naturallf led bv what transpired at the meeting, aud we no cheer- lu.ly ..onor.me r. M. Miller 1 the autnor of it, as are; since informed. 1 The Hjllet n, aud oiher papers w hi.ti ihav.cop.edtb. error, w.ll piea-e make tn. , r 1 nece.aarv correetion. atct'"TJ coriee.iuu. j EdlU)p., IUness Th. editor of the Whig i .till confined to hi. bed, and i. not able to .Ueud 10 hi of- ' fice duties. ... 1 1 : . His position n more fully explained iu j " t an article ueio. ... 11.0 iuu. o. OUR I-OS1TION. Since lb. publication of an article in tl.e . H'hig, cntitied ' Watchu.an, what of the Nifjbt !" and of article, more recently iu- 1 s. rled under our editorial deparin.en!, tuere I iias been sine obj'Ctiou. ottered byourj fneud. 111 regard to tbe tcaor of those ar- tic.e. Without asking further i'ld 4iget.ee of our ," ,p'ru', "" ' r"" " 1 tioii.i.y iu a position wuicu we ueeu. .,...v-r?nlire eoiisisleM aud nmformlv j .1 w.....k... t. ...... in the alont" ' , , . ... :.l .1 .1 ....J - iik . .1 I. m r... rnalities of a legal i.ooeM. Tnia statiiuei.t is made to insure our Ir.ends that w. have not departed from lhe principles which t i'e heretofore guided u through a luibub i.t, ; but, nevertheless, a ctr-itul cater in tl. euterprmi e ere now i-i.gard in. j ' It has been our aim to lu-.iuum the r'glits of lb. South, iu ti.e fresei.l i-u, wilboat political partiality, or patty feeiitigs ; aud 1 ae faae endeavored lo hug lo our bosom ' the endearrng principle, of harmony, unau-1 imity, ( q n'.ity and ju-tiee to the Stat. , as a compact ; and the maintenance of those i princ.p es, provided lhat our C institutional KiiiLls are uol usurped and invaded by tbe oppressive cart v. Ueare not d.spos.d to .1 v.,r, titaty ae lion on the ptrt of X mh Carolina oo to count of tl.e in.'iiediat- action of some of me Southern St. le; but on the oth-r hand, we would advi-o a e'n. uor.aid. rule and ' . " ' j . , eqiuaUe course to be pursued by o.r leg i!ator, now assembled. We would refer them lo proceeding and principles adopted ai d sob.tintiated Lv our forefathers " in ay ...at tneu n.ti. u mils oui ; arm vi ine immediate K xt lo our ret t.l independence the Constitution of lue Ci.ited Sitilet, logeiber with tbe land-mark, of oor Nation tt l,ei .ratio,,, ,ubinitled and unauim uly 1 , . .. . , concurred in by tboee who dictated to tue people for the people a ,;ood. I We will endeavor .o adhere to the doe- I . - .... . . . , . ..... i j ,hd hl.:lf .,.. .Hvocated p thIP ftU m I ton, the idea which seem to be prev ' 1 "lent, in regard lo our advoeaey of thoe prinnip'es, is entirely incorrect : we do not wieh t, be understood a. favoring thai po- y ) C-irp.-e , v.,x, g., t..le .l.e bri.tne..." Hut without a disposition on th. part of : our Northern Confederate, to allow u tojers l,u Fdiinr, Hoideii, give. K lis aud ' ly our ore-eni institutions. are com Caulwel1, at. I Spelinan and Secession, .oro. p.-lled to look for redre-s in . pe .C able manner, if pos.ii.le, and if not peaceable within o ir own limit, let u uni'e with si, t. r States; and to regard separation from u.e Noim far in .te preferable than a L'ui.u of du voiJ, couii i.t.ou and iuoeiidiaririu. 1 1. cn-iieriiti,,.. have been brought., wh bI for oc(;eM forward a tvin'licati-itof our preaenteour and we desire a deliberate conni delation : ofthemb, ourf.i.nds. Wc believe th. ' , .,, . .i no-. lion we bave Ihqu will k. eorrobort- r ( live of former views ntertatnd b, u. j We wish to be understood at lavonng the tulltru lJtcri ; , cou.uhui on,' iu cohforiu. ty to t he reeom mend at lo of our , .eparat. KieeuM.ea, and the enaetmenU of ' our legislative bodie. Tke.e wc Consider a. purelj conservative principle., and would ,,-,,,, ... ,i...:. ,,n..i ...r. k. .11 -I.. m k , . b Kldd "" eoi.-lruot.on .f National Chart. Th. Governor l.a adv ted, it hi. uic.tag to lb legislature, t pro- - - of our BiKkl. in lb. Union, if po,Sl. ; rccmn'HMeu.lne. We bnve r.-ceivd th l. c mb,r number I of this en.ertaiuin,! liter .rj periodical, and fi,.,l it filled .i.l. it. usual vari. ly of choice I I, : ,, f...U0U.l,le ' ..' ... . . P.Ur.ou promise, to euin.r. ..... ... foraard bis ma-. line for every SI :. .ent hv an editor Tbi. gjarterly Jjuro.l b a. been Ye ir table by the publisb.r.. They addressed at box 32 I, New York upon our can Lo City. . ,. fully caloul.l.d The number before u. to please the l.ale. 01 in. tamiiy c.rcie, auu eoutaio ore of th. most beautifully uij;u- I . , . . .. .t u j engraving., a ape , " b .v,r.w.tuo,.ed 1 " l'J '"? " prom.-e. . .... t'o.mopo.itan Art A,.oci.iou - 1 Be ta.or 01 o.r e-..-rr,,e. BU"" poiid. nt - H.M..N " baa beet, utnvold ably ' delayed till this week issue. We give to day, und a-k for .1 tl.e e.r.ful perui.l of . all our conservative and L moo loving pa . ,r0Us A Survribo " cm to h,..d too l.te for this issue, but we will endeavor to give it a place in our tint. President's- Message. Tbe fourth annual Mceg of Pretidenl W . asa a.iroium .0 uu.iw, m . 1. . - . .n. other column, of a public I'uion M-eting lo be bald at Waiii.' Steatu Mill, iu tbi. coun ty, on the .lsi iaat. ri'K Tilt M C. WHKI HaLVI.jM, N C. Nov. 23rd, 1-CH. E'httr ui the X. C. hig : lAtt Slit, i write you Horn ll. t.ap.toi oi 1... jti.ie. .0 !vive )o, .o.ut.ine o! our proceeding, tiere (lb. Uemoer.cyh.veelecl.,1 all in. (.nt.er. if'Otn Hour keeper up .0 Supreme Court Ju.ig-, except an A... -taut Hoor keeper for the Viou-uo. Commons. JudeManie, ... :..c.ed toSmrem. Cou.t w-ti... aud ,e- I'l. . I. .... ......ut... . i irt. hdi-n I CteCted K SjptelUC Co.llt lO-li ' .bi.ci i.aa. . . ail iu. to'es iroui uwui nep. Mr Wm. Linder wa al-o re elected Soli eiiir for tlie f.'h J vJ.eial li-triel. Jud O't. jrne ta 111 i.oii..u:ihi, and will be elid ed J udc of tn. S .pert .r C i.irl. Tin: el.c 'iou fr L S. LJl r lias i, ut je( co.ne 0... in .ui. It is u.i'i. r-io .d ttiat l uu 1 'Inn m.ii I..- r.veived tbe caucus i.on.iMstioi. bt ll.e lleim erala. It is furlh-r rumored, I be lo te Inn, that l.e made a .ietid. I'ni '.:' " U before lit e ...id receive the noui.uaiKi.., a. I it.ut b-i declared b. .ltd t, think tbeelictiin of Ii.eoln and lltn.l.n a omcie'.l cause for ""ece'eion and IHsun'nii If these tbi:.(r are tru- , he is rather b .eeing down from the tone l.e used during tbe eu tii tfore the laie election a also fr v tbe position he reenniiie.. fed in hi Cbtr . ,)lle l.tter four ye.ra ajo, upon the twit of Fr.-moi.t'a eb etion ; wb.n he w.t f upon the C.p.t .1 to prevent ht j pfeo:rlJf-. , t0 .. ril with ...ft ..ten tij.ln.ce committee, all w ho 1 ,,r d to rai-e Ih.ir voices again-t ueh high handed la..tie... I ha. r.o doubt i 1 ,t0" la. will accommodate himself to the I c.reuiitsla.ics. aud ninat'. if pos.ible, to M (( (f( hf D0. , he.io, Up0I, l,,,,, ,he oftee of IJ H Senator 1 Some think be i i'lcoi.-istent, but I verily ' believe he I. as consistent all the tune at wt , ... , - ... , ,n,gJ,erf , t Coi,.il.-M enough lo he on i lime. mg aim totm-time I orv, ) I ai ways : the popular si, l and hold on to the o!fi.-a of; be Vicarage nf K.ay. So l.e can be Whig and Democrat, Disunion. t and strong for the Union; but amidst ail the ebane be m:.k--, he will not cl.tn,;! bit love of the Ibee .. I'mt-d Stale Senator, un'ess, in d.-ed, it be lor ou more elevated station, Hon. liolford Brown made first rale speech to day in th Senile, on tbe .eeet - aion r"olutious sent here from Wilmington. He declared in favor of lh. Union, saying 1 en.phaticaliy that there ex.st.:d .10 came ' pre-i,t that would j istify .eee.sjon, though ' ." ' tb.trtn right ol .eee.,n in ce of intolerable oppression byago - ernmeut claiming ut.lin.ite. I power. Th St.uuhrH is cut in a t-ong article I against Uov K.u li.es-agt, al.il agaiust the election of S. lu,a., A Co a tiubnc t.rint u.l) lii.n- .... .er the ribs, wl.ieh be I a to give, and which, I bare no doubt, are well d.-.erved. K lis, Cantwell Speiman A II. ...... t .1... M.. 1 ..... Ui.niiAn lo exerciH It. nmitij w, mat i, ... nci'ui utv.. '-n an .1 mavifcisiu -( . ,-. . ur.-.i- Co will of conr.e sink. b.ck. Very w.ll,!00 8tUrd.,, December Ut, l?6i, for the "hit bim again, Parker," La, on, Mo-1 .r..u,.. ; ,,. Duff," Ae Holden ha. odd. aeainst him AA. 1. 1 ... but he can fight the crowd, and he ha. the smnathw and h.t ...I,,,. tl,.. : I also forward lo you a eop, of Gov. Kilt.' message, which ha. been and wil be ''el, cireulaitd, a a tort of disunion document, all over the .State, 3 ) conic, be- ,, . . . . . .... , ing allowed to each member, and lUl) for tb, Fxeutive, making over SniiO copie. to be paid lor b, the public, beside all that h -.11 be circulated in th. v.riou. newspaper, of the Stat. I am rejoiced to know that it. , . ' . . or an, other disunion sentiment, t remo- d, for existing vil., doec not meet the .p- probation of t nisjorh, of the member, of the General A.-embl, of our good eld law 'nl oraer lovnij; Mate. It t. doubtful whe- tl.er there i. not a majority of .ten tb. Democrat, in tbe present Legislature, who cxialmg Causes ; and very few, Dot exceed ,,,, . In mi nach hWMjJ ItZtjlVll, fe r ot s ,.lth. fg Uf ni ,h( ,re ,...P,ion I't.i. ih ease. o lar n me liit ic . VttMtnX ,J Vice Preside..', .coordirijc ,0 ,1C Constitution ...d I.. are eoneernen ' Mu, it U mW there are many o.h. r .... iof diasatisfaetion a2.in.t lUe iaortn-.u. .iy) nulp:fie, the fiigilive Uve l, , ,,poU,., thl Con&rtt h. th. per, . Iliat woutrl e;iie uoi-. ... .e. o( ,, on,. cou.uunou, g,,,tr,,trr, lor .. Hie r,B,li,ion cf furtive -lav,., and f " tl. other ..lvan.a-e. and ..e.inj! of a power ful uov-rument We would b.ve M incur I ,es toinpport thenr-w Koveriiuietn, anu ueiiry v,a...,er, b.ch ,., , ,,,,,, ltj ' , ,rai,f L.atil'1 up and m.u .! pernnent nmaik., approved !,,., 0lfj , pif e(f ofhee LotUer, to nulla 1 or ; nficationa, and guarl our wnote line i.' m" I . n.ar1 mn aeab on ac di-runtion. and who would ! ...V nnno.iunitv to annot us and ; ff prperl. The effect would d depreeU.e the value of .la. . properly. j ,., -0,d ine..,. I.,, Wi )W .0(jl(1 Llv, , ,ulUeY .0 arra, ih- j i,e, older ajrait.-t the alaveholde', and I D0 toe Oiost .ure nd p.rdy nieana of ab .1 j ,.,.,n al.veiy in the South ai.cber - 1 he are l.ut a f.ml out hue. 111 n. v opinion. . I tiese are tui u, " of some of the coliseq iene uf aeee.sion I h lU rrm.(1 0 bul muU i. tenfold ; uJ b ,h, ffaufu pirc, o( . ,.n.J other, more n.ue,u.....u, ... Then our proper remedy h 10 remain . I, l',.,.,n ta bold onlaojr l erri.orie. ami our eonMi.ut.on., gU.r...y. ... - I. ......... n,t ldlll.llL-,1 Ol I II. laliate n . 1 a.l.ea airall.s. ineir " " upon them, until iney eome to u.eir aud repent of tb.ir inju.iice and lo !y, , r . ... , ' . . 1 . pea their nullifying law. aud aarreuder , , 1 .i. . .1,1 :j"liive tia.ea. ni.i..c.u , . . . 1 a , . . . . , .. if th. anna h. l a'e. c lh- .1011,11 , be much more eff-ctive, much cbt .per, more . . 11. , w.t the mercury will .ii k i degree (if-. politic, aud far more aenol-I.. tbao to By . . no lh. be.t eover0.t.r..t C'"' 1 11, l 1 ... I . . I. . ...w aver frame J for iiiankiud, and run in. risk I of eonsir u 'iiu.' another Lei u be p.ti-..l. 1 ' u I... .i.. - , .y i.ue , ' I " , cooiuowu a..u uui-o. s.. . H. .- . - 4 . And fcj I add tnai a. menu when the feven-h pbret.y .f th.t P , hour ba paa.ed ...y. and ...e, ..11 turn P 1 ! . iti, bor ror and au, ..-meM from . " f-; 00.." I gulf before lb.m, into which t..e, earn. .0 uear ben..' " pr.cipilaUJ, eii-l lliey ... an -Ib.nk .o,l that Ibry d, 1 not ..lake lhe k-b.lu.: Cob anl h.at.ene.,, 'dreadful le.p I feel conSde.,1 lb .1 the "'"'". entirely 1 per....... North wi.i do usjus.i,, yel. when tl.e f.. I1"'"1 l ""'t -"? ' ver.sbele.trmentoftb. hour has pa.aed otf. j "" . Kv.ry observing and V and thev are restored ..nn lo ite;r rigt.l; mini They bate a mighty h-vt ol con-er .'i.e ma", among lbi.ui. aud they are a fur 0. in Jed and list cuiniiienity. llein. ui'.er ii : Hiey e are I M .ni.tHIJ c msr . alive t .te., at. 1 on I; J .s-ilil.ii.iO aga.ust us, iu the late e liou. 1 hr. i. llterefor only one uiau io K ...or. fc'-aiu-l u. than tK.re I- m u Kro i l.-et, txi, that Oiey ha bad causes of ex ctein-nt against u a well as we b.ve bad is trunfciy in favor ef neea.oou, n I ag.iiisttbeiii, vivltnl spreebe and news I lbrouki. a lad . f r to ad, la . spry .'- paper edit .'it. ha.e been ma le on our as atil a. Irtvir 1 hi Kausat feuds and l.etoa.ptou Iraud. and me rrpwal of lhe .'l.ssourl t oinpiomise, a id mutual IUm ats. htve xeited t. -lb seci.'.us We should con- m.oy thing, und-r exo .. meni. ,..o ..ng to ' tneir beiuc judgmnt. in their wln i i mcnt, and lor which the, would gladly make atooem-ni in toe n.eanun.e, w i.a.e 1 th. constituiiawal powtr of fnak.ag their gnef more puogeui. aud their ten, of ju ce more .peedy, by touching the.r pock eu--lh. most sensitive n'rv a Yanke po. ess. by retaliatory naau:e and eoun ler-l.g.i anon Wc I'ni jn lo.in;; men of North Carolina , , ... .ar,.j l .... ...... a.iu .i"" u .y ...... the editor of ibe .laiid.tr.l says, " watch and wai:," like prudent aud .euibl uien, until the atortu blow off Wc can att ird to loot with cntritauic .ympamy upon me, excited nltraist on boiii ide of us, and! keep them apart until the, coot down, aud ' j ee what in the world they ar. raising ...cb t onivrl hubbub about W. must bind ' over both parties to krep the peace, and if i neeeasary It. them, though I fear son., of . ' ta. Uadcra ou both aide, will have to be j went to the luuatic a.ylum for a while, an all when the, ar. restored tba, will thank u I for ocr kind otbc. in preventing iba.ti from inj iriog tnem-eive. o, anyooo, e .. ! UIO. Fli TH t N. C. Wlllu. VUBLM: MEETINO IN LiINf OLN, LimcuLnium, Lec 1, IIH). Aeeording to prcvio.i notioe, large and ropeeiabla number cf lb eitit.m of the i lttj of Lincoln without ro.p.cl of party, , assembled iu the (Jourt Honse in Lincolntou ! if-f s - pre lent dittractcd condition of our country j On motion of Gen. Daniel Seagle, C. C.j Hender.on wa called to tba Chair, aud A Costsor and V. A. Mcliec wore requested u to act as Seer. lane. . By request, W. Lander, E.q explained the object of the meetiLg, aud off .rud fur I th consideration th.reof lh. follow. ui Pra. I atnbl. atd Keso.ut.on., tit, Wb.rea., it i. apparent to the moat com- moo observer, tbat a crisis, tb. most alarm- ing te our couutry, i. bear at baud, and w he r.s. tb. present unhappy condition lb ee.utr, baf beeu brought about b, a' aeriea of injuries and insult, infl.elud opo.i ' tbe Soutl.eru State, of this Union (or a number of ,e.r, b, th. Abolitiuni.U of tb. North, end wherta lb. r.eent election of pur.l, tectional tu.n for th Presidency and D j V toe Pre. idenc, of lb Lolled States, upou t platform, iuiuUeal te tb. vital inter. si., pes ,( . y. in , .ubj.c, of .,ur H,,U,, 11..!.,,,,,,, tl j endorse eo.itiined therein " '" I -Mereqae.. .lie llalur. ofNrlbp I ouua, no, , , a .... ; .o carry 0.u ti,e I " " V"' ' ... -yy - - -....en.,,,1 , preei.iaiia iu inn uo-'y, to u-, : .. eier.i.i . tc. ...p:.- .mi oir. KinJrt'l further, That pled.- our lie.., our fortune. ..H 04, M j cred honor.. ' 1 Whereupon - A. McH.e, Juitt (',,,. - ai ...-v.u.ivu-, .f,.,u n.iiy ( ' "-1 - ..".. -s p51 ( - tbe l hair, ana unanimously alopM j And upon motion of H Can-lrr, ih. f W I fit pmeeediog. were ord...erl te , li-l.eu in It., lie spa per. ol t in, : ott.r pa' er iu the Sun r. ") i.-ie ! ; tb aane C. C. IIENDKIHUN, I A (ItTN.l, . , V.A.M.U., I j Cm1lv. " j A a l s a M N a K - A 1. bl ."" j r' J...'"."!, silllj.'U.t,,- I p. ainer, in ' at u inn.' 11,. 1, j e((y lbob.t) a ! been eani'd to the ceineli 1. s, a in! . . ' .... ' ik.d .... O.I.I v" " "" r prtc'.i Put tbe bo.b cf the msr,ifr re j , baby a couth the uereury r.s,. 1. , ourl. J . 1 . Now tarry the .iue bu.b to Ha ,.i- .rnia an. banoa In i.I fail frorn V 1 1 . I ' ... f"" Nerd I aay lint w be blood fij. k.ek iul the el. general titalii. mu.l b. more or I , p..r.a.au a. nai.j t vy the same siu.p'e run hi Ij A eorrc-soD Jrnt .end. a H. '. pi lusi.i in m, and ouai.es for iIk thereof : , N"r Hal. A b!o-iniln; tuc; . living in ou. of the S .u'i.rro S tni i.ly, h it who Is not in very health at prefo'. lhat " she i f-r I'-' l winch he i.p,i -d : .1't' " 1 4r i'-,i.i mii.t be had to tbe ' fio.i." V II r Jl iiliino' t ljSK). 3 1 ICI'j Y N ( u) H . !,.,, ,-,u Fr-..v '. j1',"" 1 "-.I ae a 1 i.e... M r. st M - s ri: i i mi i.i. - i.t. -m ru.d 1 .... i". ' JUt ll r, l,, at II fJ .jeiaacls tra tl.siks l Us ' MANY CITIZKN? ('iiiniDii Sfluiil l.xuiiinii IfsHts.sjt ,.i,,nl si M e. i t ...in t ut f'.t. nsg s I'll II..I.I.I, , l H.MM Hot . J V KOSS K. NYK K'lUr .TMS'.iN. M I.. JmHNSIO.s l)r,m' ID, Isfcu, 1 ' ' Fruit and Tree Store J . UK uh'ei.iier h 4 open.U iiwl ..t it" i- M 1 a.e 11,1-rlf'a T... fl.ji. irt ' II. .use Ha. I.I. ..jr. ...il w.ll k.ep'.n I.s lerlrtf ai..r ml K.lnl I rre. (ti .pe gri.i.s tli.l Ki.ru. . t ft. A. A s... K o.is k.nas Applet, U.'. IH" P.tis V ...s. aic. K W LYI.F.S flweeil.i. I, IHi.O. " Valuable Mills and Land " tt tWtjj.wa. SNiibi.i.eneatowdcv.faaal list l nwil ! '-"r ul' .M. A.cniiu eoui.ty. I w.il ' b f"''"" '" ' I .,:.i ."1. , I',' l. II... I iu.li l..r in aj.a e , in J.i.iisrv Mb I. , , i- , ll.lli, a Ifselfl isnu.s"" ' H J ) I C K 1 0 U r C T I H p' AND ")! V MM ls , . . ' w, t.-.m -" l t Inininf lh. lands of I b.mias vvoi',na .,..u. b. s..M I a. parnnm. iwiw..n ' Jt,a.in sa p.rn.w . i, ...! I wt' w ' l tw ol n. ii- Ja.. J..l.-t.n. ( f '.'.rm ... i. l'i biomIi.s cr-ml w.i iX LF .w ' b g.vea uj.oo .,.uj..v...v wiih ism., I Al." r.,n Anoil.rr irnel wdl U soi.1 at tb Pr"""'f4iB. 0f , isioing V7 -cits l la.iu, an.. "--- Saw Mil', ( Ihs hind vl pirt.ii.m (.etwevn .s..i W. V'",,,,. "''"" '" "f . " i i ''mt VI' - e.nl, insUa'l i f W ea.l. l.i l.sy '"' A (J. W ILLI AMSON, C i. 1 .nd aeatructivo ot. in I mure ho . Southern 8l.U. of tbU Coufedon nee oi mat inur pen'iei.c, IP i, . nkrr Ml, H.,ll.