's.f..?s.,',;.!ftf :;lrue to. doc. iovwour Gounliu, sd 10 uour-Dqtii.''- THOMAS. J. HOLTOW, ' EDITOH &r P0PR1IT0R.- j haiiolle iTluliial l ire JiiMir. . (JHHIS OOMPANY continues to like riska a- Kin.i miw by nr., on House.. Good., fro- .. I aClvftllUa.Vfi ? .Yli:.MI.. . itroiu the very uatur- of hi .,rT,e, nd its i execuiion in every contested case sine, theture end extent of the powers conferred by Felluw-Uttiztm of the S'.ttale , i '' repoiisioiliis ""'t hi -eessai ily be I commencement of the present Ad mini trt Hie Constitution oo the federal Government. and llou$ of lrprtmtutivt$ t ' oM-'HriVe. Tbe .tern duty of admmis-1 tion ; though often, it is to be re-reitvd, Thee powers embrace the eery highest at- Throughout tho car since our last meet- 7. ' ""l u "'p'ie ited concerns, of; wita gieut loss tud inconvenience to tl.e tribires of national sovereignty. 1 tie) it may Dot he a ju.tiliabiu k still ic 1.4 revolution. Wfaat, in the ui.a.i tin, , i, i bility uu! true p'l-Mioii ol in- Tllesftii.'l-r..rioiWhij willbuaffurdedto.i.bJ ILr' Ollica at the Drug Store of E Nye IJulehi ' ioS ,u Country has becu eminently pros. "" ov".'"-'' aHord. tii it-elf a guaran- master, ami with considerable expense to p ace bjth the fwoid and the purse under j He is bout... by sMet.n, 0.1U1 .,. J-,i,e; it TWO POM.AliS in auvanca; TWO (m 1 to. - ' perom iu all its material interests. The "ot ,Ul"Pl ". violation of the Government. Let ui tm-t tint tl.e its coi.nol. Congress has pow.r to make t, country -v. la.t 1 , ,1 ImiM.ARH ANU riKTV 1-KNT8 if payment bat ' 1 OFFICKUH. ' gcueral health baa bceu excellent our bar- ie"lr CoaMi,ul10"1 r',r Arr ' U.'aW L-laiurca will r..-pejl then .11 ar, .n l to nuke peace ; to raise end .up- be Ui11.t-.1v cxeiwi.-.i, Ua ;!...,. d,!.,v.tf"f ,;.,r17,,'''n'J'";:n''' A. C. STEELE'Wl7'r. e.U have been abundant, and plenty ' m?ro "'" lht !',rt ' "'-eutive othcer 1 .itutional ami obuexious e.r.cmH,.w. L'., rr.. nrmiea and navies and to coueiuae i ,, be cac.ot be .,v . " Tei-Valt .rre'ra,.. are p.W.-Pthi 1 " . C OVERMAN, Vice 1'rniJent. 1 tn.lea throughout the land. Our eomtueroe ' of be ''' ' prov.uce ,IUt to lea. tbU -I..U be u. itba..t uu,c,-,. .r,,ii, for. i;M, KoeruiUu. It i..u ,,,oer. I,ut .u- pe. i.., .. f.J....- I V VVL IIITM'f'liICMV 1)1 till' f.UUMi . 1 jy.lliJillUilllUlUJ I o .11 ill l, I)i ILJInr ,.r..,i..r. MC ;inm r ', thi eiaed '"r ,'lu A r timer, t on j nil i'i rrtin I'nr rnrh ffmi lniiianee. Court ad. j riii. mn! Hid Hhrrifl'' Hu lr eharired Ui cr 1 etui Ins"' ""' '1' iliioiioii l pi r cent, will I h . M ,, the iriiuljr riru,nr uilvertiw rahy .,r i-jr ytilvertii'i 'inrnla inavrt'ri monthly r i i,,rt'-riv, Per 1u,,re f,,r '"'h ' ' .. .i.ililiii renin prr Hiirr t'nr eweh liiiie. ) p, r--n whi-n x uilmy in their aiiviTlm nienli inii-t in" ll1" linn our tit' :r.--Mi'"i iicirj4l or wtH inverted anlil t.n bid aUi ebaigcd ae. .r.Mv-lj. j -'.,iin.niI' re utln.dn it li m l ((riit J.i. W 1 1. K I! "ON Vi . rr aif.Iii iK Vi AT0HV.6, J;-.W"F.l.R7, . 5 tir.n it- K e .!-'ie tt'i M il -101. Hook fllAULOTlK, N C D1KKCTORB. A.C. STEELK, J. L. JIItOWN, M. 1J. TAYLUK, S. T. WJtlSTUN, C. UVEKMAN. K. SCAKK, WW. JOHNSTON. John L Buomn, IT.. Scakb and S. S lb to, I'.xttuUvc Cotiimillte. Aj,,U Wb, IB63. 7tf aiith euerey and industry, and bare vield-! re.""' " fact iu our '"lory. hat, not- j poacr to e Hie Uumn. re-ul-uc tin: v.ue ib. r-ot, and U rculnle ' cd fair aud ample returns. Id t,hort 00 1 "llu,(Uulll"g tba- repeated 1 fl.irta on the The Soutnuru Mate, atandim; on ibe b-: coo.n.eree with .fortiuu uaiiuuc, aud amoii iiation iu the tide of time has ever LiRS. WINSLOW An rxpeni iuu ttarav nu Itouiiimi fnyaiciuu pre tula ly II e i. villi Hun ul uu.IIii.ib, !..r .a, ttit. il.i.tiiiAU, hiell lfli.ll) UnliUUa the ptiicii. ul luctlili,);, 0) illl.llllg 111 UI,-k. ft utll lll Mil lliliuHillidllult Kill ll-j At. I, i l.N m.ii juu,uulu ucliun, I I It I ' Ih p. 11.1 -m, 1. -IO I.M.I I. A I !. 1 1ll lH,y I I !. ,h,u II, Uiull.l I, It H .1. lt flht 10 uur- ii., U ulir & J. w.li) ( mi a ha 1: eacrci-t u 110 ci n,,t..nl ' f-- - J 1,-lM, IIU PIIIUIU ;k US J 1UB jU ll t i I Ull O U . ILkT li I LL 1,1 III. Ill, l-O VlTiil , ill teB. l IB WW in .rrm j tUr III l'lr 111 III ' 111 V li I . ed a spectacle of greater material prosperi- I f7eT P'ei t.otnfren, uoloaa we may maud ibis act ofju-tice (' the taie- of . iniinei aie tne olln-r tiijili powers w b'Ch ! t,. time ot i'o.nii tr:iu. ty than we have done until withiu a ver ' P0"''.'''' ,ceP' 'ourt Com promise, the North. Miouid it be rtlu-ed ; theu tin-, have been conierred upon the Federal Jov- U ol ti.e L intnl : it.- reeent period. , i"'Pf")f.in tbe aligbteat decree, the rights Hon-tiiulioii, iu hitib ail ttm btai.- jre yr- cnniient. In order to carry the enumera-; gHmiii'ntraiion ci ju-tu o, i Why ia it, then, tbnt dincontcnt now o ! of tl"! 8out,) 10 'h"" property iu alavra. tii; bam beeu i lully violated by one ted poaur into tflV'nt, Congrens po.i.etaea I Fedeial Judiemry. ait cm generally prevaila, and the Union of the il mrpl'10 l,e ob"crvo(1' 'u,,-'i,' 'roiu P"'10" of tbeiu in a pio. 1-1011 i-acuital to ibu exclusive right to lay aud collect duties 'Federal ctftcers iiiuiius btalta, abH-b ia tbeaoar'ee of ill these ble.-. ' Prrvl''i "'"'fcatidiiM, thai no probability ex- tne dumeatia eucurity an 1 happiues. of the 'on iuiport", and in eoiiimoii with tbe States I -Aho-..: a, m-y aione th. 1. 1 I 1,0 ,i uie ne,i into We no Ion- l-umuii, have mii:,t ,j r. tii.-iric:. .Inu j- i!. w. i;i:ck with m y hii li nu wnt if, i- ttr t I'll a x.t r: 4A Mkirrnir, f ' rt(! i i.imn. lok ktutm orrtiiti u M('ekli:i.lui,i; Hotel. iiil-s. ia thremened iih tin, imxnnn 1 'Vk ' 01 l,JU P"!1'".'" ol auvli au ct, by a ma reuiauider. In mat eent. ihu ini:ired Sia : to lav and coi cct all oib. r taxes loUL'-eoutinocd inifiiinemin ii,nrf..r..nff. ,.r Jor"i' ot both llouaea, enher iu the pri-nenl, tea. aft,r bin in hr.-t used uU r.-ae..ul and Hut tbe ConlUutiou has not only confer- the Northern people with the quealion 0f . Cujea. tjuiily, under these cir- coiiMiiutiunal means to obtain redress.would ; red theae bigh powers upon Coiifrcas, but iricl Attorney, or M .ratt.1.1, iu .. ,.i. t'. slavery ill the bout hern States has at length 1 cu"lll"lt--lH. oujjht to he realrmiied Irom be ju:ilied iu revolutionary resUlauce to,it bas adoplcd ttlcctual means to restrain i,!t. 1 f,n-t. tne ;,u,e m icl.iue, y o produced iu natural eHeeta. Tbe different ' P''cut by the precept of Him bo tbe Uovtriimuit of the Union. the otate.1 Irom interi'erini; ilii their exer- Fedei nl tiovcrnm, i,t. i c .-u j i il,. aeoiiou of tbe Union are now arrayed a ; pake aa ueVi-r man fp.ko, tliat " Millicietit 1 bav purposely conliued my remarks to fi-e. For that purpose il has in stronj; pro- tnbution of reme'H justice auidii' th-. gainst each other, and the time has arrived, I uul d"Jr tlie ev,i tUereol'.'' The day revolutionary resistance, because it bus ; hibilury Utiituage cxpre.-sly declared that pie has been ueiuonv.-l : and it u,i o much dreaded by the Father of hlsCouo-' 1 ol TI' "" cotun, unless we really beeu ciauin d witbiu the last low years, that," no Stale ahull enter into any treaty, a'.U- d.Dicult, il uol imp..s.-iuie le n .i ,ee ii. try, when hostile geographical partita have ' '"'"K 'l uPou ouiaelvea. any rttate, vvhei. ever this shall be its aove- , auce, or confed-rati on ; (.rant letters of The only acts of Ooicr o.i iin beeu formed. I have lomr f,.re..,n ,! 1 It is aliened, as one cause, for immediato reinu will aud uie.-ure. mv seced.. irnm . uiaiuue and reurisal i coin money ; emit bills .,..,r'u , ,..,,, ti.,. , , ,., a, .. , olten loreWaroed my country men of the now ' ";CCM,0" t,iil ll,e sutherii Slates are d- the" Union, iu aecordance with the Cousti j of credit j make anything but gold and ail- of ,ie , , , rij:,,Vi i; impending danger. Ibis does not proceed i 1 r!Ul" '"- oiutr .-unit iu lutiou, and turnout any violation of thejVcrcoiu a tender ju a payment oi tu, .M ircii, I"1:", i lely Irom tbe claim on tbe part of t.'ou-' ' 1 errnoi ies, nut uy aliut au- vouelitulioiial riixbts of the other uiembeia pass any bill ol attainder, ex p-jsi i-e.J ia, ,1,, alter l.e flu, I e.s or the K-rritoriul li,i.l.ir t., .....i,.d- i t'1011') are these denied ! Not by (Jonereas. ot the Conlederacv. That aa rii I, . -,... . or law im nail iuj the obiiiiatiou ol con- .!,,. i .,. tt II' I una l.tul.11 iu uur In.ullU. Uuverv trom tbe terrnoin a. nor from in- ; UH "-'v,;r pa-sed, aud 1 believe nev- par iiea to the Union bv the vote of Us own tracts." .Moreover, " without tne cotiseui W i... fui u(. .,.. u.i--.ii. ti. mi "ei leu 1 1 Hurt of different States to def.-at the ex- ,er T,'' '" "Kl lo t'c,,"1! slavery people a-seiubled iu toiivention, so any cue ot Cougreaa, no State Snail iay any imports i., n.o t A A !A . IS . ti.M IDt.M K AM't,j0, c the fugiliva slave law. All or f'ul" tlje Tciriiurie ; aud certainly uot by ol tueiii may relire Irom Hie L'uiou iu a si- , or duiies on any imports or export.-, eXJ.pt ' ''',',','. '"u .".'im..- I ,uy ot e"h'migbt ba.e been endured ' M,e ''Otrt, which has .uieuiiiiy lie- lunar manucr 1 y the vole ol aueb a couveu- j what may be absolutely neetary for exe- StVl.l i.a.n, . 11 iAiLtlf- the CoutU itlioul danjer to tha L'uioii ! "ll property, anu, nice tiou. culiny its in.-peclion lav. ; aim, u u y e- ....... l.'--t .i;it !(aa other, have been) iu the bone that lime 1 ' er Pr Pl'fty, their oouur. nave a right : In order to justify aecessioti .s a consli I tut I'. I 1 i and rcHeetion n.ight apply the remedy. w kuiuiii me jibe Immediate peril arisen not eo much 'Jem imie f.O- l. A M.GU IU t.HI.1 1 A lin.c.y .... it. On il... e.l I H) h MIA . ' . r w : I i.l.l.cr. il It hU t , . I I L 111 A I Hi li. k I ot I lie Lon.-tllulloll. So far, tinn, as Congress ia concerned iiili. ,,.r ,l,. , the ohj, cll)ll I- nut lo.auMliiug they hat e in ' D.irile Iwi.'il.iis.rt.AMll"" I" ' " ' " ermuiy, i, iio. I'd. l lib LL- . duceu Its niuiign influence ou i. i.i.iit. Uia l.AHt.. in-piied them wilb vugue uoiiona ot free-1 amount, tbe excess iLull I. tutiona, leti.tuy, ll uiu.-t be ou the piinci-.to tbe United Slates unoer Hie protection pie that tlie Federal Government is a inure : And " no State all in peri, -I'll. ii Fr.ioininili ., i.d, 1 1, at tin- Coinmuii J'erriloi lea. , without the cons from these cauaea as from the Isct that tbe inecs-aiii and violent agitation of the a,.v ri Question tinouii.nul luc Noilu ior tl lias at last pro uu, uui iu u tney may uo is a rope ol .at, I, to he penetrated aud dis- anoliier State, or wita a lorein jiowLi , u the slaves, and t,e,v'u" It mil surely be admitted that solved by tbe hi at adverse wave of public .engage in war, unlesi actually invaded, uin iiii.sifL.uiviiriisiLiii Ul fueuie UIUL'.ir IS liO otillilnli in anv r,t tt... S,ruu I,, i voluntary ar-sociaiiou of states, to be liissoi- , of Congress, lay any duty ol tonuagu ; keep d at pica-uie bv auv one of ibu uontraet- Iroop-. or anils ot war, in Uuia ol peace, li tins be so, the Uoufu.icracy . enter into any agreciueut or compact, wuii b- Irl i I ill 1,1 lur uie arup ot ..corny no longer 1 1400,1 .re"ou for "" "'""l'diate diasoiulioH of iie-r our a.) Slates may resolve the l , fMK (I Ili.t Iijsii r .,irt-nn- ihi Hilil.linv ' ea, liliii'l tlnll, h" h"S fl uf uiaHiJ i. , - I 1, iii.LIc trai.ain.l ,f.t Jt ht inrf 1 (fl.-irnf tWlIrts I ,1 Iw. I, l ll M ., Ih Hr ,T.trf (IU 1 ' l lu4S. UfHli-rst tl rm ll in . : 11, 1. 1 J M l-l.il .v 1.1, . ,. .-Iw.l I I. M l;-Ks 11, .N. Ki,. ..in , ..1..1 n.a U.i. u.i. a 1I11 .NhVUt r AII.IM. ft I N 'llitns.tMis t.r t Asl.s. ll hi.' ullU ICilri. ti.e t'llllu In.m liaii., but III. duiu. Hence a oi ii exi.-is aiouna l lie- l,ui,iiy aiur. 'Ibis feeling of peace al home lifis given piace lo kj pit liim.-e.n-. tf eervile iu-uiree tiou. Many a matron liiroijguuui the South reiires at hlgbt in dread of may bi I j .11 ll., I'.llikCll the Uuiou. it 1- true that the territorial into m m,.-v natn- i.rr 1 i..,;i,. u... L gi.-lature of Kansas, ou the 23r4 Febru- publics, each on.- retiring from the Union ary, I Slid, pa-sed in great haste au aol, without respoiislbllily , believer any slid ovei I ne .elo of lii- Ooveruor, declaring den exeileuieiit might" impel theiu to such a ih.it aiaiery ' 1. aud shall be forever pro- cruise By this proee-s a Union mii-lit be her-eil and her children before m iiniiiJ. 1"'"UU lu '"'tory. ftucil au act, entirely biok.11 11110 tra-iuetits iu a lew Miomd tbta ai-tiubeiiMou of uoat.-stio dau- "' p''i vio.atiu-j 1 bo right, ol prop- week-, whicli cost our forefathers uiauv gel, whether real or imaginary, extend eud ' -1 v -"Jusiiiuiiou, win .uieiy years ol ton, pru aliuu aud blood to estah ol the U lilted Olales, anau ue mi aupicme uch iiiiiiiinent dauber as wi.l not admit of delay. " In order sliii further to" secure the unio terrupied exercise of the ec high powers against State interpo;itiou, it is provided " ibar ibis Consiiiuliou and the laws ot the United S.ates which sbail be made iu pur suance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the auiliorily ii.iiv 1,1,1.1V Mi, .im 1 li,nt i.u ti., ( i ii. 1,1,11 m mi inteiiMiy Itneil until it shall pervade the - " ' j------1 1...... .uw m .u i.uu , j-- - - . JUU l"'UA- ! ( ...j ,., !., ,..i.c 'ma-re. of the Souib.ru people, il.eu dt-u I r " 'u" o- pieaei.te.l in leg.! loriu. Such a principle is wholly iucousiatent ' State .bail be bound thereby, anything H ' "" f Criplnj! ill lilt li.Wi ls l.d U ind l ellt iuu ll: become ihev.labie. te.f pre.-er.a i On.y ihne .i.1s a!:, r my luauia.tiou, w uh tlie 1,1-iory a- well as t ne ell araeier of lU Constitution or iawa ot Jiny Mate t . - .;,, :,dor,..M, oi.ul 'luU first law of nature, aud has been i ""! P"""1 -"" ol Uk- Uuiled Suies soi tne Federal Oom-tituilou Alter it as Irani 1 1." com rnry l.ol ilhstand ,ng." II I 1 i I f 1 1- Ja IllllLI iwWh.il r-u. tuU ' ,ci-.,l, ..,.. lu,,;auted III tbe heart of man b. his tJre- ."'"'i anjunged llial s.ieli a puwei uiiinot ed, will, the great.! deliberation and eare, Ibe soietim sanction ot religion has bed II I I Mil 1 Mil I Ml "'"I- ll-l4l.5i.M,M. H nt- '.tor for the wisest purposes : and no pohti- lu ,-r,,,0"i lev'siature. Vet aucil It wa .ub'iuitted t-j conventions of tl.e peo auperadded lo th" obligations of oflicial dd .I1.1.IU1U.I J&tiA i,W 1 ''.V 1 ,,4-,1,'-M" ' A'J'eal uuiou, however fraught with blcL-mg. ' U,M 1k:u ,lie . p'e of tlie acveial at.ite- for rat.ficaiioii. Its y. and a:l senator, and lepreaebtatives o ,, c.m'.VV s'l L. V A'l. )Vai!'i.I A IN -t.4 ben. lit. in all other reacts, can long ,U cor",','" "'"" P'O-i-ions m re dl-eu.-sed at length iu these the United Slates, all tt-e tuber, of State leg . tsmtmmm, mm W ' IHI.IM: I..N. . ,.et.r n ur,.. i, ta.u..n.w continue if the necessary cnseouei.Cia be ,''' 'm'.gi..d beioie the people, bodies, composed ot the fj.. i.,eu f t. i-.atdie-, a.,,1 a 1 tXec-itive and judicial ol. " m D liM.,1 ..y.nlirr ... W. ula a.,y 10 ..ry o render tbe bu.es and the u.esidta ol ! ,b l1''""" '-as guru 11-0 to .ngry country. Its opponent, contended that it heer.-, i o'.li ol the L mted Mates and oi "CjCZj"" . olMr w Ku Imi a endii .uttrtH.i ir.Hi. .i ul Hie ,...'. ,.lf e. :, 1.. ;,... 1 .. 4 1 political cul.tjicts throueliout tl.e country. Conterf d no ers uoon I he f eil.r.-ii ( . .,rn liieseverai Slate.-, a'uail be boiud by Oath be de uid ly i.iejddiciary, wnenev- I1.-I1. law of the laud ; aud the judges in every Suite si. ail be bound thereby, anything in f J 1 11 1. . 1,1 -ef 1. rr Ur. ... s.urr in snn.uiK i.l 1 in. -uil III, pvti'iK ;a ,a I, ( ..1.-I..I- .: .,,,1 w a.it-rfri jvi.-m'a pti'p rim -a, ll.V.ll.l.f .11 ,lb, lb l Ji tba aitt.i wti.iclMy i hi. i,4 t -...p'-iui l'i Mj l Lli ioLK I Kl-JL t'lv tw, MU Mil. I klJl fit L.s HI iiiu.ii O I'll l.l.l. .1,11,1 o. mi 11 )-u ).ur aell.ru k ...n to el. ,1.1. lur ri-iiii 11 I w.il x M Hl y., Al. ,il,i, aOl.l'l IL) .1 UK' lu Hiiiww lit um ui tin. me- aicmr, 11 l(M'tt) uhi, I uli uiULiivi,. lur uaiug ABLiB, nearly half the parties to H habitually and ' fj0""' fui.H.cls ll.roogi.out tl.e couutry L.pele-aly iu-ecuie. Sooner or l.ur the buuda of such a L'uiou mu-t be seveied. it is my comiclion that this fatal period bas nut yet armed ; and uiv prayer to God is that lie would preserve the Consiiiuliou aud tbe L'1.1 u ibroughout ail generations. hut let us l.ku ay. run,.. In li ...,t r. tno. e tbe cause ol daueer. Il cannot bu de. ' r J-'"""" "'e I' ' form ueu vy 11 ov. u cuumhuii U cniiuol he cXficHfJ ui I! STft IN .ra . hurt, UH 'ty il..lied and f , , .f. ii,l imti r. ; an,! t. all itaisr Inn n Is af ,'ul a (ir. I... farra,itl atlrntin. ...1 .,1 t,,r 1 M HI 'S taut irgularljr lo Ilia , ,1 , 11 n, arc it 1 1 ui ilir r.i. i li 1','m i ll. it. lu pla.M , a 1,1,. rl line of - v t p..ir,,ii ..- it r--n(i'' i'ily ...iTiinl. VM KOWZKK. Va-air ,f 3. 3hM "THE UNION," a ui ii -nil i r a iuim: iiiinti. PHILADELPHIA, i rrtiN M-;wt tivii:n. r.o-riarf. -tV rillli: umb'r.,i;i.r.l i.t..pui .1 in. i.. I.ir I. ... mill, il I I li I 1 4 I 1 KKI.Vs, S Y ; i on in i.ui.n a fiiwr. fwlil by li.otf.ai. ii.it.ugii. at the wor'd : I hlM 1PAL Uirn I. 14 l Mjak el Ml aT, is . I . nied that, for hve and twenty yeari the ag rue imhi Ui trwi ; tr lioiie. ; iiation al the North against slavery iu tb J aaia m n.fiotit, by t..)e iibieui.-ui a. v. , t.uutu bas beeu Incessant. Iu lf -io aiiur.isi.air. .il-Hi, u if iboac who hale appealed Iroi.i tills I ml idem ot uur higlic-l con-lit iiiviul tribunal to pnpuiar asMinhliea, u il, ll lh eodid. invest a leirnor.al ieisi.,luie 'iiib poweriu annul u.e sacred right, ol piopeiiy. t his power t'uiigira. the K-d.:ral Col, ixpr.s-,v lo.bidJeu by or auy other country, it I notion to , x-Kl.-e H,iu- Conterf d powers upon the fed-rait. uient dau-eiyu, to the lights of the Mates, w niist its ad vocates maintained tuat uud-r w lair count, uction th le is uo l-j-m-1 atnn fur sueb appit ne jsuus. In that miguty struggle between tr.e first intellects ot this ver Oceurr'd . ill , in ilion to I i ha jJNotice. fllf:T.i l.i.i. h.r J -n now in i,,yl..i,,l. JL IcuCy tor nisi rll,.i. ami I leuial all per. a ,ns l iIiIimiii n e ul any I-i.u,l. wIh.I. liuy hot ba nana. I uu.e now -i,u ,ii y,iui l.iea. h C. tjLlth, Afitii. ,-bd. .t Dr. II. Al. rritcliard to extici-e it. y Stale no. pt by the people iu iheir Inhe-i -o.ereij.n ca pacity .hen tiauiiiig nr niiieiiding their Mule constitution. It like manner, it can pictorl I al band bills an J inflammatory appeals ere I Clleulhted allrusivi lv ll,rn,iirl,..ul il,.. S.,,,,!, ol a c ha lacier to excite tbe pas.ious of the 1 .... -. i- i-- alaves; aud, in tho language of General ' ri Pr'"'d " Convention of Uele- the ngms o, tne Male, wou.u be end, Jackson, " to stimulate tl.eiu to insurrte fe',l"J lor "' f,urPe o"'"""" " by tue Cou.tnunou. 1 ue rruin is lion, and produce all the horrors of a senile V p'a""j """"' iu- it was not uuui many year- nil, r tne on i.l tl . i., l...r fn I. , il.r .i... li I, .uula call III .tiaiill..tt f Ilia ', l. ,1. S'iivrj,ti ii-r l-ir Ulnar Vi.il.lig I'l.lia ,. r ,.n luitiraa of pl aaatt. I ' a ttl .li.iri In ,i,( hiit a fi w at. pa fr..in Ih. '-.u.i ...Mi.- nf lr.4a, ,ff.-ra liilnc-l.. nla In e. tinaii..;M i wl.ila lit IIhm- in Mi.feto u( .-..ii., tlie t..,:iUtt,y laianlif anil rp-aai..f I II. ... in ,,r,,iM.iy, ,1,.., : i " i,t n.l. l'..r ..r n.-rr n..n,ii,l uui.. ol n.if - 1" 1 1. .l l ,..ier, .1 in nf als.bt I ha ( ,(y. I lr,i:rii, j;,.. a aiwt.rM.ira llMt I nt. ' ar ,.l Mil.iau-li rii..,MCIer as Will meal ' ' 'i,i ,i,,ii',ii. .im wu.iiu rraiietlui.j Mititit ,: ' " i- I""'- Hi !tll p r rl.y. t HION X NF.WCOMKK. i'lgml IS, ln.,'1 Vl-lv I'aoraiitToa. " IHI IilMil. tM. re hia dairrininalion 1,1 n aum. ti. I, l.l'l ol li-llla. liau.i.n at In. "111. e. 1 1 I i, ifi.1 pr.-i rihio i.,r wiilioui cl.nr(o. Aur-tlH. If.'i. J.'tl 01 United Slates and of 'dall be bo'iud by Oath iiipport ttiis Coustiiutiou. In older to entry into effect thes.. pow ers, ti.e Coli-tifltioU lias i.tab'.t-heJ a pe--feet tioveibiuebt iu all ii. I mis, L-.'g..lt.te, Kxtcutive an-l Judicial j uuJ this Govern inetu, I i ti.e exteut of us powers, acts di- any luuividual, either among its opLCtunts rectiy up,,u tue luOividual eitizens ol every or advocaies, to assert or cveu to intiiuute Stale, and executes Ha own decrees by the tuat their efioils were ail vain Janor, be- agency uf iis owu ofEcets. Iu this re.-pect cause the mouient that any S.ate te,i her- i' "Kiel's entirely fro'ii tbe Goveruuicut un eil aggtie.eU .he ojiglit secede fiom tue er the old Confederation, which has cou Uuiou. tiuod to making requisitions ou li e States iVnat a crushing argument would ibis in their sovereign cbaractur. 'This left it iu have prove.' igaiust those who dreaded lhat lle discretion of each whetoer to obey or to l they ofteu dec.iued to couip.y war." Ibis agitation bas ever since been Then, aud nol till then, are giu ot tbe Federal tjoiei -uch iiMieiinfma. 'J1'1 i HIV ami continued by ti.e public pre.s. by the pro- ,U,'J ,uve'lea "itu power to decide me 4-js- preposition ceidii.es of Slate .ml .,, .m, ,i. . "Oil whether slavery .bail or .-hall not exist met ami r. and by abol.iiou seruious and lectures 1 ,l",u Umi " 1 bu " "u 101 01 sov'-, Tbe tune ol Congress baa been occupied in : relt"' "l"r'ty. ud not o! auboru.nale .er violent M.eeclie. on ibis ......r ...din., ink. I "tonal legi.utiou. Were itoiuerwise, tneii and appeals in naumblet and other uaa 0J", ,ue ' o.lua lo C Orst ad.'aneed. il lever mm HI VK.U I .1111.1 r.n v i. JTI. iii,in,Ii a. ll.rijl ,,m . no- in in .t -uen a I heii ru uie ul- ot tienerai Jackson, no iu hi. mes sage of the l.nn Jauo.ii'., I -..t.t, trauniit- tlug the Uuiiliyu.g uiuiiiuiiue ! ilu Out- u.-s, e.i,iuj, tue tj.lottiiig ,e u,ni o. a peop.e . j il-itiOiiS. It liius iicame ue l.ie purpose- of removing ibis ban . i , ui.-- " in o. ue. to loi ui a uioi e pi r Kct U.iIjii," lo e-iao.l-h a GoitriHucet .i.iie.i eojio act Jireeiiy upou tue people, and exicuie itao.iu laws without intermedi ate b.ji i.ev -;l the States. Ttiis has been r. aecoiiijni-lied by the ousiuutiou oi iuc ini ,, ted M.it. H. f. ii. short, the Government created by the , acKuovviedge tue io. p .1 Constitution, and deriving; its auinoruy trom j 1 Lis wou,d t. to tnve s, Irom the tioven.igii people of eacb ol be several , officer forma, cudorsed by d:.tinguiabed miu, ,7 'tl"!" U1, """" ' ,,m language: 1 have be, t, suit foith from Ihi- centra' point,' 01 ProPen m ouiu UT"--"U. "P" g.e Male to absolve ttieii.seUes at v and .pic.il broadcast over tbe Union. ! ou lUH l?uarutees ot the Cou.lilutlou, but mmout lue cou.-eui : l tic oiner ;-i..i 11, ia ....v .iniil 11 !, I,,, .!, n i upou the shilling lii .ioril.es of au urespou- their mosi soieuiu obiu,.lioiis. and people 10 antic tho alavcry question forev- "bl3 ltrr"or,f lgtlaluic. Sucu a doe- tue Itiierty aud happme.. 0; the minions ciso us power over tbe people ot urt lo restore peace aud haruioti-v to . .. "' vo.uj.osiu a..-; 1 -e an 1 retn- 1 .1 sp-clive abodes, wtii.iti .1 1 1 hi- duty ranuot by 1 ..--in; ed iu a Stale wheie uo j-nlicia. ia -HKies exi-ts to i-suc piocess, and w fi. r 'bare is no marshal to tXT'i'e 1'. and where, evea it there was sueli 1111 1 ,t)c. r, the n'tre pn. ui.uion would c'li.-iilUiC ouu so. id cni,l. ii.a tioti to ie-i.-t uiiu. ' The bare cniin.ei a'.iou ol tlie-e pr ..i-ior.-i proves 1,0.1 iuadniuite l,,e ,,le i.h-j:,l turlher ii-gisialiou lo ov ere iii.e a united Oppos-.lioii Ul a single Ma njl to -puK of olUii Slate, who may place tb. 11.se. le. 111 a aiu...ar attitude, Colm.-. a, one bas poser lo decide hilner u,e pn-iul laws can or cannot be aim-i.i;, d .-o ; to caiiy out u.oie i-tteclually li.c uij- ol tne Cou btituticu. 'I ne iauie in-up irable o':,-t..cies do Lot lie 111 ibe way ol i-i,i'ui,n. lue ...v.- lor me cji.ecllou ot me ea.-i, i ne revenue still continues to be Cj.ieete I. a- beleloiore, al lua cj-.olu I, J.--. 111 l:,a.,e-i u; and tdou.d lue e-j.!ic.r unto.Ui. i.ly ie-t,n, a sd-erssor may he .-pjiiiUd lo p-jlioim lui- duly. Thtii i.i regard to the prvp -ny !' ihe li- ntted Stales .ii fe.ii;. 1 ,1. .,1.,. 1 !,,- 1. is been purcna-ed ',r a l .i. i v'ji, t,', " i,y iue c-.ii--.-i. I ol tue 1. r.-. -Tu 1 ,-1 i'te M lie, " lur lue erecul. 01 lo..-. insg.iiin.-s, ar-e-uaU, cVe., and over these tne auil...iny 10 exercise exei-i-ive legi-i .:i-.u " iia- tm-ii ex pressly granted ny i.n-' oi.sii' 0:1 ,u u 1.011 gre.s. It Is not b iie.ed in .1 a,.v a',. -u.pt will be made to expiil ibo Luuui n.tes irom this property by lot ct ; ii-,i 11 in t.,is I ahouid prove to be 1111-iaui u, ; ue othcer lu couunaud of the loris lias received order to ucl stnciiy ou ine deii-u-iie. In .aeu a, contingency, ti.e re-pousibiiuy 01 c ,u-e. itu ues would 1,'gbily rest u;".'ti il.c bead, ol tu assaliauu. Apart I rum ti-ie cx'ei.iiou if the 1 is. 9 i'i i- as ibis may t-e prielicatde, the i-Jxeou-in e bas no authority ;o 1. ei ii-.r -n il, be tbe relations between I Ik lVd-u, 'i.mu lui'Ut and Soutu Caio.ii.i- lie his bei a mvesiid wi;h Uo sued ilisorenoi. Ho p ,s-,-es-es no power lo Chan-,: l:n- relati ns here tolore exi-ting bttweeu tbe-u. u. .eh le-s to ice in 1; S at., meie Li ojIivo 1 ti.' thu x..td Slates, has prcciacly the same right to exer-i di-soiuiioii of tne t onleueraey auung our It these thlrry three soverei.u j-tates. I' feats no ti,l Union, eaunot b aeknowl. Male., lu tile euutuerated case.-, that each reaeuiolauce ot tne lecogiimou 01 a urei.a g ihi! i-uce any considerable portion ot edged. Csoeu authority is believed to be ouc of them possesses over sulijecis uot dele- i de facto govei n 1! nt, in voi 1 I t-Hi I- At .-.- I.I II, .ul. ih.-r la manriirriiri.ie and karua r I.. ' h. ,111 i,v .,1. I, --.il, H...p lur 'IVIIrr, K.1.1 'l n ItiiiKWt.riii, and Ifu-n. t. waall wilt, li.r "'.f pin ilia, ,a-. ll will "IlKi I-. a. alai.t. 1 Vi-1,1 .if I . ilhing. ll any prra.,11 ilr. in I. ,v it in a. -II ,. ...in. il r ,n b h.,d ul a re. 1 miaa fi.- sWhih ha. k a IneS by ri..n. ''' pi,.. .mi ia a ml In r a .-rrt...ti rure. 'i'he 'I" -11 im Inil ul Ilr. K. N. Ilulel.i.un Jk t o.'a S """ mi. I lr-.ni l ie suWiih. r. 1 CIIAS T. ERKIUIARD. ""v H. I8.,. im ' J. S. PHILLIPS j -w 1 i.i rn tv- I.ltrr I in !" I''. 8.OWl.l.lta Mitt 1 . w lio nai- ll .r - r - ; 'V..-II VIM!.. ' V p. met., I'I I ' C"i In . I. I'I.,. . Iin. -M.I.I. I,-,.. I ,-:-.. 1, ' I '., ,(..l-l' I . . I....... 1 hoi, tf , :.. Wl , 11, la . ak . a I ba I.I.,. ,l..,r,...,..-l ...... .... I hey and th. v alone ran do it VII that our i'"!'"'. UJUt '" lesa au li a llndagood uiierly repugnaul botu 10 tbe ptiuciplea up- (i:"-,J to t'lilteu states out re.er.e.. m poo-., .m.j. . ..e ,.,). isuec.s'siy 10 accoii.i.ii-h the obi.-ct an,i ,' rcasou lor a dissolution of me Uuiou. I 011 wu.cb tne General Uoveruineut is cou- Slates, respectively, or to the people. 011 his pai t, be a u -Ked aet of u-1. ; --.-i .u. It i.l! f .r wli ch the slave Sta.es have'ever' The mo-t palpable violaiious ol couslitd- atituled aud 10 l..e oi-jeci, WnicU it was ex- To the extent of tue de.egated powers, ,s therefore, tnv duly l . sai inii to 1 .mit,-s I contended, ,, ,0 be let .lot.e, and permitted ' tiou., duty wb.ct. b., yet been commuted ' press.y formed to attain ' jUa Constitution of each Slate, and . the whole qdesi.ou tn ... . -ngv I he I to u.auage their domestic ,u,!ilulions in their ' ousl.t iu the acts of dili. reul State Legis- I ll Is not pretended tuat any clause iu the l""4lg upon Its people, as though It had couracol event, is so rapid.y t.a-t ..in.g lor- iowuway As .overeinu States ihev and ' 'atures to deteat U.e ex.cutiouof the luoj. Constitution ones oounleuauce 10 aucu a llieo- bceu textuaily inserted therrlu. , ward, mat the eujcrgeuc.v in iv soou ari-e, I they .1...... are rc-.o...u.l.. before Go l' ...j'tue ai.v. law. ll ought to be rei.iembcrJd, ry. il is altogether fouu led upon lotVreuce, T"' Government, therefore, is a great ben you ...a, , cai.ed up n. 10 decn-to. I ae'world for tl e 'slavery .mo K ' however, that for ,he,e acts nn.ber Cougrea, not from any'ianguage contained in ti.e ,u- po-erful Government, invested with all momentous question whether you po-ses, ' ui For hi- the 1 oL of li e s"rb ' or any Fres.de,,, can justly be held re.pou- - instrument .i.elf, but from the sovereign td' r,buies of sovereignty, over the ape- the power, by force ot arm,, to cup". .re no, w, re'po is.ble , ,4 b.ve oo more ! "'bin. ll.v.ug beeu pa..,ed in viol.l.oi, of character o. tbe several Slates by wn.oi. lt " M " uthor,t, extends. Mate to remain in the I u.ou. I stiou.d ! 1 I rltr'J P lb u wuh s nu.r u. itu! I the Fede.al Constitution, they are, .hero- was ratified. Uui ,t .. beyond lue power of 'rameis never intended .0 iu,p.a.it iu Us ,ee, ,..y,e,f .ecreaut .0 ,y u.i.y were I no , rigui m iii.eriire, tuui witti siiuii.r lusiitu- ' ' . . ... ' r a. ... ... i ... no,-., .i.ii uction : uor to ext,re.-s an otiuiou ou th. minor ant lions iu lius-ia or lii ai.l I'pou tin ir 1? od ' lore, nu.l and void. All the courts, poth a csiaie, nae an ludiviuual, to yienl a por- - ' ' sense aud nalriolic foil.earanee I confess I ' Slate aud .National, before whom tlie ques- tiou ot lla sove. elgu rights 10 secure t he re- were they at Us cieaUon guilty ol tuo ab- su.J. cl. a. use aim pairiouc 101 i.iarance, I coutess 1. 1 . , vi i 1 surduv ol t.roi id"i" lor Us owu di-.-o utlou. ; llie O'le-tion fairly stated 1-: H is the .1.11 ....... .lo ...U Wi.i...... ...1 i. : tiou has arisen, have tio.u the beiiliiuiiiif uialuder. iu tbe 1,1 11 -oaiio ol Mr. .Uadiron, aurnuy 01 pro. iu ..H .0. ..-.owu . .. ' ueo.areu tne luiimvo sia.e . a it ii uo cou M K I -. It H I TIIK IN V.IO'I Mil IIOIII TIH.l I III 11 ',l,;t .1.1. il AVI Mi Incab-d in . ell'lil. wrv ti pol.be J ajr . is-v.a' ly i,lir,l a .h.r. ! L , i i - nf "t"tl'. I waal. i Va.lM.pa always . GAITJFOB.D'S ll'lll.V CATHARTIC PUIS, aw.rlni.Tit '.asini.rrs and on hsnrf. whirl will l.r Bella to nf. rf,-r at Ih. .Imflast finiicF, after the luteal faalunn. (sli.il lliran llmira hnulh of Ilia Mnnaiun IIoum, Villi hiikat w'axtkd. i'ttlll. pbtnltiij ronin. unity will Ink. node, that l U.nf Wlw.t ( fl,p wl uurebaaed al III.' rl"tt Sie,m Klniirinf Mill, al market ;inr.-. hia, Wh.l f..r .nlr insy find it lo tha.r '"'it-iL'a to call it th. Mill hafWa nlnamf a a.le. JOHN WILIXKS CO. '"'n 3, li.'. l. . Sot f V L.V1UJK SHITLY or' V onstahlt! Varriiits JUST 1'KINTKU- la.ir. VfCrlnhlr l'..l l,I.AS 1 l.M, A la in a . II.....K. ISa l-,...l.y -s- a1 In h. i-iirilr 1 a-..,"w,s',iJ.'ai(ia'i' ir "::::;,-:, h 1 1 ti it re 1. r - ' n-, a. II w-hM fS.-l H B.,.,1 .,,.- v , r, 1 - a,. mrt, a. lie. vn.e man, a l i- - -I, nmrl,, ..,- i Iidilf ..ri'., I'.lnM ...I ft... '.,..; ,H. whole .,!.-,( .3 lin. ai.a.lmt o.a.1. i.h,.a ar t,i.a nt A.. 'M Ilia. . C-.-a.-.l.K r. ..II,M,,II ,.I-I1, M h.llr, Ita.i:...- aii 1 .. n.iu , 3 .(. ,,... .....,o (lill.lraw ... t.ln'l.. J III. n.i,i.il.,-.,,.-ii , t.rlliaril'U.a III I -7? a, , ... .1- -. .. I, a S'-h a, l--i- I.., ,,,.1-iai.' U l,.ll..-,:ll'-, I,, ll. ...iK'IIU.- BfWV Ita-a. I.1. i-MK a: TimKri; lri. Th. I.M.-r Invlu.,, ... i.H.I I'.n.llr . tha.-tlr I'lll. a. a r.,-lh-1 ... t-r-ic t-.r.i-. uJ aul .baaawla lv tha 1r--J m, alt -lai a w... . . H. T, W.K.IM'OHI'. si. ll., M.,.,ir , , -rar .. . PwiaM ' 3:1 Hr.ml.iii. . ie.h. , " F. SCARK .1 CO., Chioftf, A. U beyond the power of any rresideiit, uo mat- ter what may be his owu political proclivi ! lies, to restore peace and harmony among the States. Wisely limited and rc-traiii-d as is hi. power, uuder our constitution and laws, hu aione can accouipli-h but little, lor good or for evil, ou audi a momentous question lion, tu.il Ihore can be no tuouty wuieU loaned the Stale Cuu.iluu- '" lUd jcaious painoia 01 ma. lliouigeu ic-ais turn a o . e . u.n . - who has been called the lather of tne Cuu- siildtioiial. The siuele eiceptiou is that of slitullou : ' It was lormed by tbe States a Main couit in l lacohMh ; aud this has thai is, by tl.e people iu eacu ot tho Slates, bal 11 uol on. y beeu re.erscJ by the proper ap- , acting iu meir nigue.t so.erelgu Capacuy relate tribunal, bat has uim w i lu .ucu u ul - : aud loriucu cju.-iu h-niij by tue sauie au ersal lepioi dauger fioui it as .pncedeul. 1 he validity llou ol tills law has been cii.iUli.-hed over aud I " Nor is the Govcr;iiniMit of tbe Uuiled Aud this brings mo ta observe that tllt. j over aeaiu by the Supiemu Court of the States created by tno Constitution, less a election of any one of our citix-ns ta the ! United Stale, wuii pn led .iiiatiiiniiy , It is t.o.eriiiiuut in ihc strict sense ot mo term, ottice of l'rv.idetil does not of itself aft'jrd j touuded upon an txpr.ss piovt.iou of tbe.wuhiu ibe sphere of its powers, than tne just cause for dissolving tbe Union. 1 his ! Oousllluiiuu, rcq.iuiug thai Ugiuvo slaves tiovernuient created by Uie Coustiluiious o! ia more especially true if bis election hus j ""0 escape from service iu ouu Slate lo au- i tue Mv.es are, within tnetr several spheres, beeu t dueled by mere plurality, -and not I other, shall be "deiiveied up" to their mas-j It M, like tbeiu, org .mx.-d into legislative, a majority of tb. people, and has resulted I Wulioul this piovla.uii, It is a welt-; ckceulive and Judicial d. p .nu.euts. It from tra.isleu. aud leu.Dorarv causes, whteb miown histoiici lacl that tuo v-oustliuiiou , operates, u.e uiein, .urec-.iy ou peso... ..m. m ,'v probably never a2iu ooeur. In order ""'' 0ui " r "" hy the j tmugs ; aud to jiistity a resort to revolutionary resist- Convention. j a.iee, the Federal Government nni-t be guil lu one form or other under the acts of. ty of " a doliberate, palp. hie and danger- l.iid aud ISjil, bom beiug aubaiauuaily the ous exercise " of powera not granted by the j shiuo, the luguno aia.e law bas beeu tbe i Cou.utution. Tho late Presidential oiic 'u o; tue land fiom the days ol vA ashing-, tiou, however, has been held iu strict' eon- j ion uuui the present moment. Here, lln-n, , loruiity with US expresa provisions. Mow,!, eieai ease i-pre-i nted, in winch It w til bo j then, cau the result justify a revolution to ' tue duty oi tho uexil'iesidjiu, as il nas beeu ( It was uot lulended by the base.ea. fabric of a vi-iou H.io tuiu air, bslalilla. and mighty Unnc, capa ble ol restating tue alow Uecay ot lime aud ot deiying tuu aloru.s ot ages, 'iudeeii, Weil siou whit er to coerce a Mate Into su is attempting 10 withdraw .r ha- ac'u - V wittidiawii liom the V oniedei ac .' i; an swered ill the athiiuali.e, it inusi. he ou i;,d principle I ..at lue power has be. u conteired upou V ougi-s 10 declare and ma.e war a- blgu pjwer might violate tno re.-ervid g nn-t a Male. Alter inueii s. ri .a- rm, e llgutsot Ibe Stales, aud wisely did luey a tiou I uave armed al tue eoncia-u'ii fiat d.ipl the rule ol a all ict coti-t r .ictiou of no aucu j.oaer has beeu di.. gated to ton . ......... ..i' miser, to me- .',es of al.v oiur dil.art.n.ul ot the fed- vai.t ii.i Jai.e.;r 1 hut tbev did nol lear. ei .i Go . ei nuu HI. nor bad they auy reason to imagine, that iu-peciiou ol lac t ; tl.e -p i U 1 the Cou.titutiou wouid ever be so n.terp ted as to tuaO.o any S.ate, i' be. own act, and wiihoutltie consent ot tut sister . ..ilea, like tbeiu, it has al com in an d l" , ac r I f 1 a puysical force lor execaiiug tuo powers - -e- Coiiiu..lt.d to ll." It may be asked, lliel., are tbe people ol ll was luteudeJ lo be perpetual, and uot the Sla.es without redress agaiuat luc tyian U bo .unui.ed at toe pleasure of any one uy and oppression of tue tecerai Go.eru- ,.l 11. cnlrael,,, . nirli... Tha nl I am. unlit! ii. lu lllc ans the llilll 01 reals etc of coufedei aiioii were ciitili-d ' A I'll- j iai.ee ou iu: ( Cies ol toiilederaliou and peipelual Union the jppie.-aloii nelween tue Stales;'' and ! y the Hili rati- be ueuie i. It .Xisis ii.d.oud i,tiy Lot ed U .ill 1 destroy this verv Constitution t Keason justice, regard for tbe Coustiiutiou, all re quire that we shall wait for some overt and uangnrous act on lb. pari of the President elect before ic-ortiug to such a remedy. Il is said, however, that the antecedents of the President elect bavo been sufficient ta jn-tity Ibe fears of the South that be will attempt to lovaile their cooaliidtional rights, liul are such apprchfosioo of eontiugeot d.ngof Id the fuure auQieient to justify the immediate destruction of the noblest lysteui of government ever devised by mortals ? I'he i ol ibe jo.eii Ih.iir go.ti uui .., ii i. RMiiressli .i..,.:.r.-,l ii,..L - in,, am. eon -1 itut .jus. aud his peuu cxei elca of this, Cobl'tueratinu. shail li.vio... p.iu.lsot Hid w oi ll s u.alo.y . bly observed by every State, a id the l!uiiu o. i m . r ;,tu 'hts have beeu ue sna I be perpeiual." The in -nin'ile to the nev ' - a- 's u.iet.ac.i ri. ir p. iee Coustitduou of llie Lulted Staled, bai ing nod led lu sti..x aui h.i .riie'ea of lo lede- our o u I'rclai .i lou o. i fai cut that lis it -u-isc i- n-" ' a..d pi -per for e .rrv;.i. ' ex. any ot tuese po.. u. .s- I ... :r,'in t ei' nauu0 bi.u ..i.ij.iti -J t.' li wa.s ilpua.-.y re.a-e. C li- " wn.cu Ira.ued the Uu-'l.i.i '. ll appears lio n Me pno.eoi..- li,-.- dla; I . ii ut'OU aa , l i .1 101- li LlU'd power . ..ji... ap . - mci-saiy .aii ' F my o.ii, to act wub vigor iu executing tbi .upreaia law agaiu-t the CJiid.ctlng uuact meuis of Slate iacgiaiatuiea. Suouid be iaii in tbe puifurmauou of tuis high duty, be will Ibeu have luauitested ad.aiegard of llie Conatituuoti and laws, lo Uia great Injury of tho people of nearly uim lia-l of ibe sta tes of the Uuiou. Hat are w M presume iu advance lb.it be ai.l tuo violate b.s duty I . Tbia would bo at wwr wuu ery priucipl. of jdsrioe aud of Cnrisii.u ohari futtitiv. .lave law has been earned luio j perpetual appears oauciusivcly froul th ua n.-jj at Uu-ler 11, o 0 l y , oil " a itt.oi u 1 .hole a. i op lor CJi j ed It lu a ' abieu 1 --I. ' it ' ..,-.-! 1, ,-t li .rut. oil j h il ( express ictercuce O raiuii, ncite Ibal it was cstabil iiod " ill order to fuini a more perfect uutoa :" Au.' ye. It is o;uiteii!'-.l Mil ibis 'ino.e petb et uuiou ' doos'not include the eseiiual atirib-; ute of perpetuity. Bit that the I'ni'tl was d.-i the di ler I . -a lao-a t eliiii nee. Ooaer. d. try d to In iou, mo-t i 1 1, is is rcvjljlliill agal.i.-l ii oven, in- lit, aii-1 uot a vo.ii irom it by virtue of an ur.ien nt eda-in a . l , ai riht. In sborr. let us ion i.u dang lairly iu tlie lace: Sic.-saioii is ueiii. more nor less than revolution it u ay , r. I be.;. rival I-. 0 . rt. O I'so ; -.'id p.ny -in of