end a message to tbe Senate proposinc that both Irsnrhes of tht Leirslaturt triitt in tnkmittii e tn th Supremt Court, now io icsaion. t lir quesiion a t.ithe constitutional rf tin- I.-. i-.atnre io cll a convention for .- put ip p. ty !,. thsa a two thirds vote cf l..-,th h'-i- A ! n t: tls v debute piqued oo thi. rcaolu- i n, after which Mr P.uinrll moved to a- im-nd 1 adding a icq le-t to the Attorney iit1 to give the Legislature Lis opinion I Mr. P.T.nn moved In lay the resolution! f B ItlO iHl.le. I The nntin win then taken. There wis. tie, 'ami ibe Sf.e k. r vr ted against the mo- j I1..11. 'I he amendment was ruled out of cr- i d. r. The. qnp;inn tb-n reuned op.:M lbpaa- ! i! tii.' resoluii-ia. mid it s al . ji i i ,j Vr 11,vi, of MeeklenburL', prcsentfd Kniemei t fiom the Hank of Charlotte. j S"it io I iie Senate. Th- ft, I. w i.j Li!1- ere then introduced, r-il 1-t imif and n ferred to aprropriaie ; -trrej to t,e (.'cuiniinee on Corporation, e i rui'i. i: jr Krnio, a bill to eMb:i.-b a new eoun- B Mr Kiii-sk. a Hill ai'-owixs; the Ra-1 ty by the oam of Tnnylaoia, out ofpor Klth fcno ti.n.tnn Kailroad ctnrar.y to in ! linn of Henderou and Jacki-on eountirs -re tir (ttitnl Mock ; .irj. ii. ;rom inn rnniiu.i va , n fi lfTSJiiui, r7tiort-d lack ntro-!'e'i i hi I Inn tie n..i for ht nli.f of tbo lunka , ami ti c lVcf.li'. reconini.'tidiiij it piap Hou-e bill to atiiind the charier of the j jf-rw STiU I B3 E' 'l!l lllil'M yrr second reading. Tin nmendmenta recent Hif tided by the ennvnittee to wlotn it waa rrferred were agrer l to A di-cuioD roi' between Mers Per- V'in.in.r MIM Ylllfl dJ Olhrf. hen. on motion of Mr. Latham, tba bill i ! ii mdffiuilelv noatponcu. Mr. Cowle. i.lled for tie aye, and n.ya. On ttotion of Mr. S.ide. the Ilou.e ad- i jaurned. SKNATK. TViDrsDAY, Pea 12, l"'1 The Fenate was called to order by the Fo-nker at 1 1 o"'oek. 'Pr.ver by Rev. Mr Wa'ihail Tbe CVt read t -e .Touruai of tcterday, wbieb wasafproved. Mr. Siowe, a erie of rraolutioni from a portion of the citix n of ( aiawha county 'n pub.ie meeting. IV a'l snl rettrreo to me Committee on Federal Relation. Mr. H'ju f iery, from tbe Committee en Corporations, to whom wa referred tbe lill to urten.i an act entitled an act tj inoorpo-r-te the town of Cmrlclte, reported the mme hack ta tbe Sena'v;, and recomeoded i:- j M-.i-e A In. t j prevent the eaianc'p ttion of ila vis t V wi.l, reeomending it page. A bill ta 'liinini'-h co-U of nuit at law, re ; c ''ii'nendinj it" pai-afe j Mr Browu. from the Comn tttee on Fed el K.'iii oD-, reported to the Senate a bill nuiriot' the fiovcrnor to call a Conven tion of lie propie. j The I i 1 f roide far tbe election of one bun-lred and tenty delegate in tb. same xi at tier as rut m l,Ict of the House of I oru- Bum r f.ecno i ne i ro m riuvmtj nii I tii? time rec.inmtnded for the as- scu. ,t.g oi me touui .nun, suu mo cirtt.uu of .It-legsc-a to be hol Jm on the "tb, of Jinuarv. Tbe t'omruit'ee ai-o reported in favor of 5.n ninie!a;e and thf.rouh te-orgau'latioB of tie mi.itia of ike State. i 'u inotdt of Hr. Brown, a masear aa or ier..d to i f sect to the House of Ootn-b.-mj., rrofing to print the reparl of tbe Committee toifether with tbe minority re part, whiea wo ji I be prenviied in tbe House of Ceuioione to-day. The lour of 12 o'clock bavin? arrived, t' i ?nate t.toceded to the eon-idtrmcn cl tbe p ciul order, vit: Mr. Broao'a rs aoution. Mr. Avery off-red the fol'ow-ng aa aa addition to Mr. Bre en s reolution, vii : Rtovfi, That in the judgment cf the Geurra! Asemtily. the F' dtrai Government b uo rigeit to .oeree a aecsdmi; Sis'e. and if Sauth Caroiina or any other ti:t-, sc-tirg l-j l-r sovereMti e .racir tnroujh a I' .B Tet.-ion, see ie frr.m ine pre-ent I n")i, Itic Fcdersl a Jl'.ori'i. s have ro p5' r. un di tbe Con tiiuiion. to mait-; war upon and ui., j 'ai toe popie of tue Cuto so wi'.b aiiaic?. Mr Turor offered tbe fi'.oa'ne as an a ir u ln.er.t io t be re-o! ution of Mr. Avery : A md lie a-nenderuent by adding that i state shall, wiibojt tlie eou-entofCon te snail, siia" i "e cvm wl . .!.., f ...... k, e, ironn.' E' "J -- -1 - r -- r , &f ,a.p. of .r id ii.-.o.pe.ee, enter tnw areet.teni or coupici wnu muti .. -i, aiib a forein pjwer, or engag; io war uu iea. actual. y invaded or in such imminent dar.r as i.l not admit of detay : and that it ia the du-y of ths Geueral Govern- merit to eiiiect, peaceably if it can, forcibly if ;t mu-t, tbe duties due at eacb and every e.tabii.hed port ia tbe.o L'aited Stste.. Mr. Erein moved to lay tu. aaol mat- ter on tht tli- Oo motion of Mr, Moorebead, tbe further. toj-udvraiion of lot resolutions was postpo ned uuii.l to morrow, 1' oc!'ck Im motion of Mr. S.oea, tbe Senate ad journed. HOU-E. Wtiist-DAr, Dee 12, 1'fiO. Tie ?f taer called th. House to order at l"4 ocluck. Prayer l.y the Rev. Mr. Walthall. Mr. Fiemiag, from tie Committee on la teroal lUTprovemeriis, reporteu oaca a uiu la aaien'1 the Charter 01 ma r iern v-. Rsi'road Company, "i'b a substitute, as an 1 IVZ..:. 1 ;;n.m..d.d ..,.. ""' . r . - , Mr Peron. from tne Joint Select Lorn- ; u,i"-f ou Federal K -lattor,., rnvde a repjrt wi.a a biil t ' cail a couventiou, to meet on tt.i l'-b of Fit nary text the election fori Ibe oV.eirates to ba beld 00 tbe 7ib. j Mr M.b.ne. from the same Committee. ; tu: witf d a minority r. port i Mr Per-n moved that loth reporta I ai:b tbe bill. b printed, y,i made tbe .pe , e-i-1 order of tb. day for lue-day t,.xt Mr. Koe-r. mov.i 10 aiuem o, maxiog, It I apectat oraer ,ui .u.r. ; ! withdrew bi amendment, . .-b wa carried with it Mr Mrrnmou'. '.Ir M ,r-u th'ti r-iiraj Mr Mrrnmoa'a 1 .limenl a subetitute for the Oiig uai a a. y.r. 'eron rai-'d a jf,mt of order, wkicl 9 . ntt .u-t.tr d bv the Chair Tie q.. rtion wa then put, atd Mr Mirths ptvu-tiion prevailed Ayea SC. a.... :jZ lis ii.etiwu uf ur M Clenae, tit House urei A l.n.bt, d,.U..ion soiloaed, between -lio 4 by tL, Ugi.l.lar. of T.X.a,1 inc. of bd p.sla. ti .... sod . t,.,ed pVb I V "tWf": . . , T '"P-olUonle-.r,e,. Mv.r.l of th. member, after . bich ,Mr Hf ,;P , eoBTQtioa ofS . lb, 8o.,tru Mr ' Jk"' n .tHl...fcl..U...f..- furtberane. at tbi. de fror,-ed an a .... ad m-nt, fixing Mod- g 0 .j,, lb, difficulti.. tb.t no-' bel.ev.d pubii. iL.l eould L ' ? I'"" '.I'."Ui .hVm ".;". 'e dury ,h. Lta.al.tar. of thi. d.v a tie day to consider -.. j.h.- 1 ,V eattmeui could he , aUo ,bl jloeen ,.Mtlo0 ,. d.ree,tly irtee- 1 Slate at aa earl y day to authorise tbe till Mr M.r.tLpropo.ed. .... 'n'no' AftVr beo"reI, on motio. tf Mr. Hayes, f'oui a laVk-e t'm'l'er'of mru i '''e n ''" i"".' ' '0n". b" f ,, 0, to ,,e amendm.,, the 3d da, of Jan I it ... ttbt geMtt witb . pr0po.,Ln including M.s.r. Fillmore anS Bronl and " """"' " TznZl 1 " .H""1 7 t SENATE. I A bill to inttud tht charter of the town Thursday1, D.t. 13tb., I860. ( f a' foi'ibe protection of tb count j of Tbe Senate asactnbled t 11 o'clock, and GulforAt , proviso, was celled to order by tho Speaker. I A bill to incorporate tbc Greenaboro'Ges Prayer by Re Mr. Stradley. ! jj h, Company. Journal of yesterday read and approved, j A bj o ,,,) ,ho chrter 0f Thomas The Committed oo Federal Relation n i jn i)viJ,0 co.iuty. dieharged from the conaidaralioo of tbe j M(. Hrid , ltil. (nd with it a me suljeot aubmittci to thetn. Jlr. tram mirnaocea a rroiwnuu p0.rin? thi Military Committee to r-um- uion a gentli-uian, pcs.en.ing n.ilitiry (kill mj fcnonlede, to attend and advie them their iltlih.tstioii. anil allowing bun ojiieafc-e and tirrr.;un in un... u.n - cn ,ie C-iuiuittee. Paused its , ),,. Mr. Krain mlroluee a Iml rclatife to trading with alare Ta'Sfd its firt fad ir.g and referred to tie Cciuu ittce ou the Judiciary. Mr Barrincer, a bill to icjorporate the town of Iavidon, in the coutty of Mi ek-l.-i.bur. l'?sed it fir.t ri-aHirc and re- !'--( d it firt reartni).' ana reierre-i ioiuc . toililuuiee on i rujmui"n ' (.to motion, the .Sonata djourneo until ; t0 morrow si 1 lovelock, KOUSE. TulrxDaY, D. o 13, IStJO. ,-nl Prayer by 1. t Skinner. Journafrrad and apemred. The fo!'oiDg bill were introduced, paa td their first reading, aud appropriately re fc",',, , ., , ,. . Bv Mr. Marab, a bill to provide for lirut t -1 ,.' r ted Cop.rlaer.b.pa. nj .-ir. . m , of tbi etate to itaue biiU of any auni not I By Mr. Davi. of Mecklenburg, a bill to 1 danl. Let every bale of tbe cotton be sent 'darter tht iodu.trial Savtogs Bank ofltolbt Europaan market-.. It may be ob lera than 1. Crarloite Kv Mr. W right, a bill to incorporate tbe I.a'aetta Light Infantry Company of Fay- etteville. . By Mr. Barringer, a lill for tbe relief of the several Sheriffs of North Carolina. Af- terwards on Mr. Barricsft r'. motion, tbU ! waJ orJcrtd to be printed. It. Mr Smsll a bill to orevent S avea nd'free Negroea from b.in present at po- litical meetmga. By Mr. Waugb, a bill to n quirt tb. reg-1 i.tr.tioo of free r.egroe.. By Mr. Gaihrie, a bill to abolish tha free ie!d qualific.tien of Juror.. Hout bill for tbe relief of the people was i.t-n nr. Tba bill rztenda tbc time for .i,r n. rrrrntians Mr Ctaaunlrr tirenosed two amend menta 1 which were adopted, and be defended tbe ; gambling tables, and betake theiueves to bill in a speech of eoLsidcrable length. j "' honorable ond uetul oceupHtion Mr. Fagg aiotad to lay tba bill on the ta I'uch as setting tjpe, turning Hie printing klc. preM, pui-hing the carpenter plane., aim,. Ilia motion prevailed ayes and noes be-! ng tbe sledge hammer, bandim the grub iug earricd by Mr. Crumplcr 54 to 4J. jbiugboe, tbe plow, tbc weeding hoe. ie , A message as reeeived from tbe Seoato. j Ac , Ac coiieorriag in the proposition to print tbe from tha liovernor. and tbe ac eonjp,n,i0tj documents from Literary Board i fit9 s message transL.ilting tne r port ot U e Commissioners cf tbe unking. Fund, j with propoi-itiooa to print. Concurred in. , After one or two ineffectual attempts to a.iisurn. Tba House did finally adjourn on Mr. Gorrehs muliou. SENATE. FkiDAV, D-C 14, 1-60. 1 Tbe Speaker ea led tbe Senate ta order at 1 1 o clock and 20 minute. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr Thou at, of 1'aviJ.ou, int.otiuci'l a bi;l to incorp irate the S,,ver Valley Com .:.; -u t.'.c c.u.y ol Li-..iri!.oo. l.eid an) rred to cou.u.,lUe on Lo:piril-ns. Mr Avery introduced a till to r peal an actJ,a.e(l at the U.I.U.... o I .,-u, granting the Superior Loul t o! tiiXe ecu,. : ty original and tic u-ive juri.-dictiou of ail criniiuat ciu'r! and OtaLa profCUtlon. ; wlrre tic Ir.t- rvf utiou of a jiry may be Beccs-ary. Read In I. me ai d pn.-td. A mesae f.om the Ilou.e transmitted a coa.ajumetGh fiom Gov. Kills io connee tioa with a communication from Gov. Sam. HounloD, of Texss aceompanylag re-olu- tion. piiicil by the Legislature of that Slate. Lrooo.iiie to eail a convention of the soulbcru jjt.tea, with a proposition to print ..iu.. LuneyrtHd iu. . , - .... ,11 . .1.. A hill toameou iiQ aeciioo 01 1111 ouap- ,tr 0f tu, Havlsed Code, wa. read tb. Uud U""- ,ir. .looreoeaa aavocatea tue passage 01 ((ie ju m fell fe!lltrk. Mr. Brown moved to lay the bill on the table far the present. Af(er e0Dderable debate, Mr. Bledsoe Icoted ,0 tJ jt en the table at tbe augges- t;go o yif ur0WD Oo 0f ;r Simontcn, tb. Senate adjourned. j HOUSE- FxihA. Dee. 14, 1660. ; Houae met at IO o'clock Jniirml mf i.il.rjif rpsd snd in.tnJ.il 1 j Mr Uonoell presented a series of reaolu-J ' tion., adopted by a meeting beld ia Long Acre Diatrtct ia B-aufort county, again.l precipitating tbe State iutt secession. j Tbe following report, were made from ' Standing Committee. : H Mr Baiter, from tbe committee on rropo.itiona aua ijrievabce., a hill to lay on aud e.tahlun a aew county by the name of Milicbell. recommendtnif ita p.ae a lT.:'.! .Mi .J:.. Vs :.u. .... - '-"V J 1 sshis of Trao.vlvaoia. reeommendinir iu!.,. :.. j o ' pa-iage The following were introduced and re ferred : By Mf Simooton, a lill to .mend the ebilter of tlje town of State.vil!e in Iredell county. bj Mf Merrimon, a bill to iuearporate ,lje baue0Bjbe S,Dg. Balk. A mertj9 ... rt,v.d from the Gover- trln,mittir,g a tommuotcation from print After tbe di.cusaioa and tranaaclie. of iobii other uuimportant bn.ioesa, oa motioo 1 cf Hr. Clark, tbc IIju.c adjourned. IJUlK. ; HATtKDAir, Ueo. 15, lfc0. j In nause met at the hour tdjoarned to. Journal read and approved. 1 Mr. W risht, from the t'omnittee on Pri. ; fate Bilia, reported baec the loStoaiue bills, : j raeemmcnd'.ng tbeir paseage Gov Hou.loo, of lexas, with a joint rest lie attributed the re-ult to tha vm.t.d r.,.1. ! . . , . . . .. 1 . . .. """"" niorial from B F. Moore, Esq., Hon. Tbo. r.uffti and Gov. Manly.) to amend and act incorporating the North Carolina Agricul tural Soi-iety. U( ferred to cutnuiittee on Acricultnre. On uiotiori, leave of abe uce was granted to Mr. Wooteo tiinil the firt of January i Mr. Yeatra gave notice that he ebould call up lii rolulion rrlativa to eroding aj mp.ofi to the South Carolina Convention rn M mci a v next. Ou Mr. Lilca" motion, th't Uouo adjour- i tied. 1 Are there no Remedies for our Section al Troubles? At the p't-iei ! iiiiin, 'in'l n?..r w atn! peouiiMr r: !.:e. III!-. QM.-il v i ;n 1 '" lull' I or 1 1 -. i i- r U; ii.e p .-.-(,'. ot "il..-.- I'imi. a Plea-e alio i'W uhuJuig, I'mon tatm orj ,IOU4h an humble rn.tul.er of thi glorintia Rrputlio, to mgaet a few tbouhta at tti time of grcl p ril I. Let the pre-eut L.-ni-'litore of iSe old North state, and the Leg i!ature of the dif ferent Southern Siten, impose such heavy j taxes upon all articles wl.i.-n are usually' ,(lve u0 doullt) r,,,, t0 lr,rn ih.t the brought South from the Northern Slate-. I ... .. f . . . . ., . . i coiiuilioii of tbo Editor of tl.i journal, in aa i.l amount to an entire proinniiioti. ' II 11 the Cotton Planter retulvt, that ! point of h. aiih. baa not improved mat. nl for two tft'irs tbey will cultivate in cotton ( U since bis mtKfottuii. occurred, lie in 'till only about one hl the lan I uuaily euili -I vateJ the other half to be plant, din grain ftf varinna nrt an that tv lh fiivor of Providence the me. ti of Itunu may bn abun jjcctcO that they ire A .iiiioni-i . ry true. But tb broad Atlantic i- b. teeo u- I nd tbem, and tbey do not -teal our -la.e I "et ''lor McKitmi-cj. and her j numerous sisters and cou-in-. he eoi.tri.t j to r the many dre-s. a wbieb they have already obtained from tho-e who bave pro ved themselves to be their bitter enemie. utn.i saia areata ana, i nave o. come inreaa j bare then 1st tbem take their eai d. a heels !"" loon'; "d if tbey will imitate many of th. fair wives and daughters in Robe-ou county, by manufacturing an abundant up i p'j of orsted and oiton thread, aud in i dyeing u-t tbt various eolors of the rain- bow, they eau prepare dres-e which would i be no disgrace to (Jjeeu Victoria here.-lf. 1 L-l ail the fast youug American iU continue their iit to the grog shops, and V. Let all the Mates which are a yet true and ova to our irlonou I on-ntuiioii. such a Maryland, Virsfiuia. North Caroii ) na, I enne-see. rveuturxy, Ii-oun, and oto ; era, at t themselves as an aubakrn rock -1 gainst tbe diorganners, both North and South Some argue that tbe Abolitionists have vioialsd the n quirementsof the nation- t al Coniitution, and eoneq i.ntly the eoo- i 'stitulioo is r.o lon.'er lin ling. Wa admit J tte premise, out uiieny oeny tre ciocia , eiou. Acccording to tuch sl-urn aud dan gerous lofio, the livine Law i- of no fjrcej beciu-e it la been trai.-jrt... J b? en ry one to wkotn it h heeu ;ivn. 'I Aid U-t though not l-a-t ; 1m a! who love cur Lord J u- t'hri-, in inct-nt slid in truth, in the Ki t and Wm, in tu South and North, go in the hour of rxtrem p-ril and danger to t j- Throne of I).v:n Graee, and earnestly bei-eecb The Mot n D. that lie ou,J rule u. ine heart, ol ! our rui. rs kint lesu all our ,edvr, and be the Kvtriai-tiug rrtend ol our hioed country. P. S. Si. number of ro io the d ff r. one w r l en Fuller, ot )i . t;e the abc iflM 'p- t paper-, i b th- . ce aa written, a . bvvc appeared nd auiotir-t tin in ' r -.- I H . ir l't,pj;,i;c ,( ... ti,M r ,,i. . . ... ... . ,.r.i puiu ii -c : e-iUiiiitn n iMi,i.;, but ,,., hilttjl We r not . i ... . i . . 1 - e " ,ue f "" Pro prCt rl.lu tetore t..a prop)- 01 thi l.u I - 1 he imanatb,, i. filled a ,th horror,,! besrt of eeery patriot n.ut be aftlc d at lb, rv thought ot tb- de.irudtiou of tt.i- gljricus lioeer uini iit, of the 0i-r.ipii ,u ol our na.iotial ties, and the " 1 -in.'in Ij.-r m. nt of such a Union, into Stv-v or t'onfedera cte, bating each oil-,i. 411 I arrajed in in , terminaolu warfare Yet I hi d.piorale Catastrophe now threiten u "In view of the clouds now loamiii in tie ky, of toe gl.oiu banging ov,:r u-, and ' tbe stoito wbieb -eriu- to l.c f ,-t j;.(.io.. l, ing, we hececb you hr.:hr.n, Nortn. Sj.hi . i fcaat, Wit, lh.it o,r hesit., u,. pr.ji. our aims, our cffjri. u.sy b' C Jiiihn,. 1. th&t ma if it be ta.-ihl i,.i. t-.r, tJ ......... al grief aud bittern., may p,.. aeay, au l J this great people through the mercy of God, ' may be aaved fro.u the untold mi-env into wbieb, from toe summit of unexampUd prosperity, tbey seem about to be plung I td " I P(,mt'"aL Mxxtino l.u New York v... YHK ti., 1 , s 1 . l' 1 7"""" " 1 pr"u",eu "..,. .., poi.t,c,.. . th, eitv ana Slate ass h .1 h.r to A a t I. U Connor pre-,UeO Speechea were. m.H hy lion. John A u.x and .lr Mo,,.- The latter expre.sed the opinion th . I the Union wa already di..oled, and tbst there would be eivil war .Iter the fourth ol Meh Speetbe. were .Uo n.sde o a mo,..,o 10 sena eommi,ouers to nouth trouna to ex bort to temperate action and delay. Wbeu Mr McK'-oii coi luded, Mr Dick- not Luton, e.ei- no, as pete-ly 1'ji lit Hawk, and athera. Me. -.r.. Kill more, Bronson and Richard Latherna were appointed a eosmitt.- to vi.it ibe noutb. Tbe people should c!oely watch tbe mem k... -r .l. I . ...1 :.. .t u. v. ...r ... im- . .-...,. st ; tjn,,, U se. m a State Convention is to be ' eshed, and Cliniart re elected la tl.e See-I ate. Tbe peopl of West, -a North Caroli- ' na aew no eaa.r for a 'onvention. oriiher ' do they wib Clincmau eleeted t tbe ben- , ate A'llrm ?Ttt. Luton, evei- no. s huDalra. v li. .H ..... .. ul r.i. j 1 ........ j . . . pro (Lanutna flcuotg. ?J& tion ot Col. J. M Long. Dr. K K. it)on t&'& HV was appointed PreHidhnt, and Wm Joht VSt-T'9 -on and Jonepb O. Pb.rr w.r. appointed Jfi-iSpJSrH mJ7 .Seerrtariea. WlWfiP PPf"P" remark, ciplanatory of 'yJl-fe, ih. ohieet of tha meetinf. Whereupon tba CHABIOTTE: T n is il v llpf I'mhfr 9 1 S fi 0 iiiesUdy, peri-raoer i-J, isou- U K. K. Waliefield. l.t-a .of Lenoir. Ima eon. eiiied In not, nil ta our uthnriird tent. H' I will receive nrrirra l" ''C w Hiq. bl m nr miver j tini-im-nt. nail recnpl lr thraime. Any wr"ti j u (- rilimg win. pav hi in within llirrr monUia i wi'l rt . iv- the Waj'io t..ll..r : '- iiii i:ii un ;t ttl'iil. . WAN i ED li VKS'lATKLY, at tbU of- - , i.riutem. of so- ber and indu-tr tt, babits, to horn con.taut eui( lj) uieDl and good wa-es Dill lie uiveo I ... . To our Readers. The fiii-ud ami patrons of the Whig rill. (j up0I1 )ac ; . totally helpless lu(( h,rtf()re 1(tf rlt0 I "- all rea.onable allowances for.b.i ever of deBaieney may appear iu the man ) .,,(llirnt of the paper ; epreial!y a- hi-cou ili:oo rt q lire the con-Wut, clo-.e anil un- rt initiin aiientiou of a portion of hie offic ii and and household. Christmas. Arain has this annual holiday arrived, and again do wa sea smiling face and hap- pv forms atnetuhlcd together l euiiy tht return of this aoniversarv of eeoeral festivit v- We beg leave to make our very beat bow to all our friend, aod patrous, and to . x- press the hope that they may enjoy thi fee tive occasion to ita fullest extent ; aud thai n. m in fjlli-a riirut: and thai I the New Year may be happy and prosper ibUs oua to all tbt world " aud tbo real of insnkiud. The past year bas beeu frauiht with dioacn.iiof!., strife and party wrangling. The future lock d.rk aod threatening ; but , , . - , u ict u, oopo . s, overrule pssi uimouiiics lorium.w uu f. matient good. This name awakens in tbe miud of the hi-toriral ehritian a elueter of association, wore comprehensive in their relation, tuore sacred aul eonaoling to tneir caaracter ami m0Tt bleared in their result., tban til other words of all the language, ever formed by th. hu,,.n mmd. But a-id. from th. wau- der of it pant hi-tory, and aparl from the gloomy urroundia.' of its preaent advrot jit ( country, it i a leason of tbe yeir in iteif of refit ction and sober contempts arraT? jn tbe elory of material exeelb-ner ,. tMttf9ee uvitt, , tB there will bet But upHftenec tc reurrection of lbee, and at tbe .ansa time bid youth to drink the inspirations ol hope, the tn'd'ile-aged to r i'hef nidom, and old pare for d" i'ue of 1 1. - IV Jn, .. if If U -v . i-iit. hi ti that le i-b.-ini auff ritii iu wa lit'jtio:., and in utter the -e .sou admon 1 rounded a. lb fellow- l ,11 jji.erv iu de- arvati in If be ha never . xperi-Bccd t, trtal af p .r.-rt ... and ie.ire. to realize the d.ff renee bete. n bi. jonditiou and that of the suff-riug poor, let i.iui i.u 1 both hi. sock, aul both In hoots on one leg, and travel 0,1 foot through the no j i-t for one day aithnut foo l and uii'.ui prnny in lis pocket. Thi "ill teaen t.iru what to do with bis rviundsi.t .th ben he relum. fiom hi-d4) r j tur ny. It it dees not, then ne 1 not in 11 ti .11 b'Jt a Iiyporrite. Acc r iing 10 our cutoui, and a r si-ti s riiorl re-piia I ton. tbe tjil and care of " Mr' " "'" '"u" u PPef next week. After that time we will endesv- or to appear regularly at the prp. r iiiUr, D(j o0 our bcl to g;. general s.ti.fseu.i.. , , , , BK.KU D iSfa.xaa. m.y o. aouo ted if the eouutry will for many yar f,el the l-t ol the a.il. reaultnii from th. at- lack of lirooli upon fluiun.r lu me aeuate OM (lf ,b0..rff.eM.0f . no,.bi , coaracter, ,a stateo 10 a ism. j .. 1 . 11 ....'. .. ,,, ,bilt . bl lo rep..,! the M 1 .,.. . 0.on.l l.nertf bill.'1 was beloru j , 1 . .....ult ,..t state aud bad paet j QUr hraneh by a majority of 15 votea. when ! lb, , of )Jr,ok-g ,ult arrive.1 aud . ( MrA ,ucb ldj ,(too tbal the bill to i ,. r...i u. 1,1 lt,,t f,,r that sitsek Ma-achutett aoeld bave repealed lha of K.I.K'Tlo-v r,r a GtiVtasoa or South- Ci.lA. : I.LIBIA, ! t Ift lion. F. W P. I... i;,.,l sit. 1. a U f in i M...... I,.. k..n .!..., J k. - - ( j - " " - ------ -j a vote of Hi to f4 for Mr Johnson. Tbe utmost eonndence I fell and expressed In the ability and will of the Governor ta di ( tilt tbe affairs of tbe Stat ia tbetrviatf' trii abtcb 1 now at band Iiuiuediate easeion i eeriaia. Every one i for it. tton at ure ne re. r i a reseu iu ice s'nu- foregoing proceed ings be sent to cacbuf' out the I'bion. It eompli.ne. -itb the.r , "-' ' ' kre h .b,l,-.,enl. of mourning, and droop, to j ouf mth,r 1B h. Legi.I.t,,,, .nd al.e to! reque.l, aod my own .en., of duty. I d..ig ! u a Ua.mu oy me .n. y a., -orrcw for the memory of Ler departed !lht p.pers ia Charlotte and S.li.bury for n.U hty '. '", ' )"'" " ehi.'lret, Sprin dre..c lio ber robe, of! publication. I'ti'iay, tht 4A oj Jtnwiry, HOI , ; o this eresiu. 1 h, ne.'s tU T , r .o.rk.in, in thai B & GIP.SON, rrttuitnt. for this purpe... aod reeomm.nd that t-;.-b, decl.nng ,..., ,, .ernai beauty ; S .mmer. .pari tng iu tb. .Lmbl. on tb.t day, ...ordmg to ; r' '"f ' . .1 . I , .! AuiuuiB. .. . i Scciellrirt. r. T . . . '. " a i ata an s of tha m ....mn.. . u.u. u. ttat.JuHseTo.il. V llneiraaveralforniaolwor.il! ' I. 1, . 1 v.i aud ui.-nniitiitional la, fas she their l.uiu.t intrr.t in i.L. ik.;. .1...: 1 thai Hi- ; oua,t .0 hare dui.a iu sntle of it.) and pro- : nw uuder their awn aautrnl and ..r.n.F. l'"Jf wmwvrr. ,CA- Concord. Dto. 17. I fiO. At a mcetinit of the oititen of Cbarru. bi-ld at tbo Court llouae in (Vocord, on tin I frtb iut. without rexpect of party, on mo- ilia ol ii'et of tha BeetiBf following jentlemon were appe'nted by tba Ch:.ir to orenare Renolutioiia for ilia action ot tha meelini. to wit : Col. J- M. Long, 11. B.rringer, Kfq.. Hogb 8. Pbarr, Tbomaa Whita, R W. Alli'on, Joaepb Miaanbeimer, Jtnie, Wuiiford. w. g w.ddigton. ci. Wru A. Wedditigtan, John Fiaber and Sol omon Fibr, Muring ihr aWnoe of tha eoromiitea tba meeting wan ery appropriately addreaaed l.y lr C. A Alt indar and Col. D. Cola- iim n ,K. following 1 h conimittea " Ir.:. I " .1 i ,.d Koolution rutiiotic reruatk I t R Barriuger, h-q rmstka It R B.rriueer. K-q and Col. Lomr -ert unanimously adopted I. littolvrd, Ttat tha people ot latiarrua -biva ever cbermhed a strong attaebment ',..... k . .1 .p .1 I nntl llfHAfl mtia ITIIIBDIi " - - Union .a the maiu pnlow of our extraoroi public 'nary proi-p-ruy and bappineaa a a nation, vur peopia u i... . .... i ;.L u .lib. o.M..r.irae ea airaioat their lira and pro ' alii It ine unit rnuicoi iau cn the spirit ia which it waa formed, we would Mill cling to it at the best security of our praee nt home and aafety abroad. V! lirtiJc-il,fiirl,rr That it is now pain fully niauife-l trial a lohif striea of an;ry poii'ietl urifea botwe. n extreme seolinna of i)fl,r,.,ioni ,,( u,,eoitutional acta en the theLuion, and a number ot unautDontea part of th North towards tbe South, bave unalterably alienated the two peopia front each other, and rendered a diaaolutiou of thr Union almost ioevitabla. 3 Thnrtort. Hftolved, That while wa tiu-t iu tbe Piovidvnct of (iod, that hi" hand may stay the progreaa of events aad sara the Government, t nevertheless re gard il a our bi.'ht duly for our own de fiaco aud protrttion to our people and our selves to meet the dangers that now threat en as, at every aacnfics of bloed and treaa , Ur ' AeWprW, Tbst to tbia an J tba Leie latjre uo ia srssion, and the peop.e gen rrallv. bv voientsrv action, rbould proeerd a onc"e l(J pol ,B, g,,,. , po,u-1oa 0f Je f, BOe rrg(rds it. military, financial anc od eommereisl arrangements, sod tbsl th Lryiature should eall a Convention of the p- ople in on), r that North Carolina may lift her warnfl.g voire to the North, aad at i ,! ,,,,. ,jlie trr,t the precipitate aetioo , ot the outb. l.rovl, Jitaly, That if tbe Pla'ea of tbe North do not perdily manifest a soe of returt.,0i. j.tive to those of the Souli.. and all the untold evils of disunion iul coma, on them be the rcponaibiiity. We of the South must stand justified before tbs world and at tbe bar of lind, for fihtuif in defence of our rights. A eotamou inters! ; a generous sjmpalhy ; tbe honor of our name ; irouL' eliaohments ' to Ibe land of out bi'rik. nod tba hornet of anr choice. ! all fix our destiny ; aad aa one mao the I " , (rr,e1 lie hotror, f ei,j ot tbreat I eilr j riU,oeip,t,0n, attempted insurrectiou, I aion to wasioisiD ner ma.prnucyfv im 10 or other tawleaa interfrejee with our do run tui a. c. wniu. MEEriNU Al' .MORROWS TURN-OUT. A meeting of the eitit.-os of Mirroas i urn Uut, aud lh surrounding country, ! wa. held iu the Aea'lemy at tbat place ou mesne totitutioat. ii. -. . n,.t.,.,l .1... . .... .. ! ,v too, which furm;I'lurat ,M" r,B "". 'r1- P-'P9" i, -t ,..pre-e tae ' "u'"",ui l" p'e.eul on.i. in our na- "l" . 11 jusI affair.. v -e-ns-: u ta mn. ; j Ue uieeur)j . ,, organiied ly c'Jling I J0i. lllft. K.,, . un e-lds. Wil.tsia Ku. ! K-q , to act a Vice i're.ident, an I in ap poiutment of J. T. Uoaua aad F. Le Er- a iu aa Secretaries. Oo motion of V. S U'.lt... . ( :. J .r,ooiu.e4 to draft IU! ; UoD, fof eon.td-'atiou of tha meeting, ttuniating of T. N. Aisxandi-r, Wm Rca, 1 3- Smith, J. a. Ko, .M. .V Marl Yi , S Praiher and Dr. E 1'. VVi.iism.ou. During tne sh-tneo of lie Commite, U It. lies, E-q., was oau. d oo, aud mads au ii.ieie.i'i, ui p.tii.jtie spueeb. followed hy Ja Arurry, who 1. fj is. ltd the many, , is.r Lsitie that bad giscsd lb. meeting with to. ir presence, tbsl they a.ould not be j' itu. ol the ii. a iue the. n.rai.. I fnt iu feo'i ul llicil ui.try, aud appealing to ins .uiw ol '.irckieuburg to know if they bwd uegeuc rated -luce the days of '74. The Commillee 00 Resolution, then came in and reported throub W. 8 Pr.lber tbe folio. ,ng Kcsoiutiuu.t ,,... . . , ' -""- "- 1 are in their nature reciprocal, ao I ibe oue abould of right be refused abeo the other 1. withdrawn. Rriosr'f, That tbe General Government ha tailed lo enforce a ciear provr-ion of the Federal 1,'oii.liluliuu lor tbe rrclauiatieo of lugitive alavea that it has failed iu many re.prct to promote the wtllsre of tbe ij.jutb era Stte, aud thai tbe result of tbe recent T deral el, tious leaves tbem without aav reaaooable bope for the future maintenance of their Cou.lituli jii.l rigbu. ; llrW, That l,urf tbua unproUcted .ml ,l.l..l.. i.i.. .c. aud duty of the Southern Stales, ta it is befor. their respective bodiea. Alter the reading of the Resalatioas, aod before bring put, J. M. Ilutebi.oo, Kq , at tbe requmi of the Coumittee, ad eoeated ik. nr nl.. annl.L.J it. t.k.., A . . B,... l r. R. ...... .... . u.iii.in wn - federaey. Tbey aere the. tarried without a otsaenling voice. Tbt meeting tbe. adjourned. JU11N il ART. Ch'n. J. T. IJowm, F. L. Kkwin S0crtfrii. IIIQHLY IMPORTANT. nr. j: iiniinn ta tha annex ,d from tha Qoldaboro' (N C ) of tha 17lb ioataut iDily B't l'tin. A Contemplated lii ti Pf rovHD No prudent man ferl a d.-.ire ... . t i J -r We hav coma to tba knowledge of what m.T almo-lb. denominated a f.e, that ,oal b. denon.io.ted a f.ei. that u ..rtling. It baa .Muincd the form i y o far a to ju.i.y a high State rVto quit bi.bLc. and tba .c.,,, indeed ata of a reality fuaetionarf of bia offioial duiiea, in order to inva.iigaia . . . it. I ia notbinr lea. than an insurrection, in h cb 100 negro., and .... 2.1 white m." ar. ..id to L aoncerned. Tb.t plot U laid in New H.nov.r oouu.y, and that h 22d inat-next S..rd.,-.h. da, Bxed for the eonimencementofih.ir bloody wori. .... . , ... i, it.. of he ,..lit, of iuJei..e.ea. It ba. bean Providentially di.eovered io tint, to avert I h. eontemnl.l.d ..r.aae : and men, high , in .u.hofity, are already on the track of - the cot.,p.r.ior.. lod gr.Bl mat an .on ernedin thi., and all auch k.lll-b plot., ,., b. detected .nd brought to tb.t auu. ..ry and exemplary d.atb afcicfc Jai- at decreed againat tbvni. " Our peopl. do not realise tb. extcU of r .' . .i i eerue ; may i ... j I .i... "V " .1 . ..... . - r. . . " , ttia ooniipiraeiea againanueir uvea wu jim- pert, wbieb tr.itora are alotiinf . and hence ibe, do not exerei.a th. proper degree ,f Tigil.nc. O.r.uuntr, fried 1. eaunot ra. ahxe th. depth of tb. hated and th dark- ... .1 - ne.a of the to nroduoo a arm in the puliliB nnna ; nut , . .r ulu no Mend of man ought to be willing to n.g h" U.i.oii i,l n !, ,,,',, ,,, III old f,c . -hereon mab.ng the .ran ,Nf,h o f, ." . . i f : :,.hiiiiiii. I'lindiy Souili Latoima and t l.a i qmhty and th. very life of tnnooetit Pco- .... . ,h,lSorlll U ..i... .1.;..). . . n.,iitinr. ikairi'1" In every corner of our laud linr aow.rd'v traitor may bu detraction lone prowling eowsrdly fu.d r.sd. to enter ibto lha plot, .ud .h.r. ,1.. nlundsr of tbe Abolillonials. The., mu.t be w.teb.d Incendiary l.u guage must be stopped, and be who utters il must be bung to the nearest tree. 9'i-p-eted persons of every rank, ebaraeler aod eoodition. mut be expelled fruin among us ! The poor .Uvea ma.l be protected against lio, : and a most rigid sytem of pol-ce, i town and c.untry, mu-t be e.t.bh.h. d and enfoiead Extreme measures of vigilance -k.;... .k of .sir.su. mess- urea of puni-bmri.t. Wt regret tbat pradencs forb'd a to be mora explicit co tins tartliug sjI ) el at present, bol if pvrwtited to disclose the whole matter before going to prias, at will do io. HUMILIATION. FASriNiJ ANI PRAYEK Wt pabliab below a highly important re eommendatioo from the Prtaideut of the bsatoasd on us iu tin. our "glmi. j i United States If aver there was a lime iu tuliot.il 1'i.iio," bave argued sal tbe history of lbi Republic for bumiliation. tt nt defence on every orcaaioa itti faatiof and prayer, that lime is now Tbe red itself I thought lan dom g raeommendatioo of the President, if oarri-. siee i,j ojy Stale and ft.loa-ciiu;i ed out as it should be, will solt-mnixe the tuougbt tbst tbe men who frsiuca d,i minds of tb. peopl. of the whole eoentry, suljuoo were ai-e, hoos.t and iueri u and may be eminently useful, under Provi bsve caruesl.y supported this U ir deaee, in reprnasiug tbe fsuatiuim of the But now, I at loU, I must U-pri a. a North and ia arreattot tbe uudue rxeile- Coa.titulion aod nwXhrr L'biju, (K . meat wbieb prev.jle in the South : Jtrtnt jium iht Ji'tl.) which i- t t,( . From Ihs W.liinft.. fnB-iii uM-.w J ( tad to u by thw "gnat lUjiuUt.un y. TOTIIEPKtlPI.KttF THE I'.N I TKUS I' a I'L" at tht .orlk .'" sLd if 1 dou I .,-rca X OMWSsDSTIul Couatituliou that I am a dtauiiiuuM ! Il Numerous appeals bave b-.a made to me 1 ,t,' lh ldwra of tbia grs.t Dp: by pioaa aod paltiotie a.sooistion. aud cut "u V"'J '" l -leus, in view of the pre.ent duraeted aud ; ",ch 0ur ku.w nothing ant dangerous condition of our eouotry. m re- 'be day of tue.r death I that it,,..,,:,!, .k.i .A,. ,. .,i .n.,t fQ, lln. i "el a ol slavery J ' Ihsl as mu-t Us t. el u.. !.... F..t-iv.i ... I'..... ik,....h p, to keep a a?!emn Fast. Tbe Union of tbe States ia at the present moment threatened with alarming aud im mined danger pauie and tli-tre. of a fearful cbiraeter prevail ibronho'il tke laud oar laboring population are aithout emp.oTmrn.. .no eo,, q .e, ,,y orpns.w the mean, tf earning tUrir bread -indeed. ' nop. ,,. b,M ds.ert.d the mind, of j meB All classes are in a state of eonfe.iooj ! aud dtmsy j and the wi...t eoeuuls of our : tbe means tf earning their bread -indeed. aea.inapu e. me. are - n, ,, u,.reg.roeu In Ibis, th. hour of eur e.l.muy and per- il. to -boo. .h.ll a. resort for rel.ef but to tha God of our rathersl III. Omninotrnl arm only tan aava ua from the aafu! effect of our own Crimea and follies our own in ,r.tilad and gutlt toaard. our Heavenly Let ns, tbea, with deep contrition and peeitcnl sorrow, unite io humbling ourselve. before the Mol High, io oonf-'iig our in dividual and national aiu, and in acknoal eigtng ine ju.tioe 01 our p iin-tnu-ui ijt w. impiort Him to remove fr?m oir b.rts ' that false pride of opinion w bieh would im pel n to persevere ia wrong for Ibe .ak. .oosistenCT. r.ther tb.a tteia a iutt (Uli. nji"ioo 10 toe nntoreteen ex'geoetea ny "biob we are now surrounded. Let u. aitb I deep revreooe, beseech him to restore ibe friendship and good will which prevailed io ! former ''J tntoa P'P' of ,Bi M, j r' State tnd, abort ail. to lave a. from 1 the horrors of civil w.r and ''blood cuilii- , n... Let our fervent Dravera a.cend .... tl ., .. 11 Ti .... .1 ... Ibis hour cf extreme peril, but remember u aa II. did our f.lh.ra iu Ihs darkest dtv of lb evolution, and pr.. r our I'un.'i tution and our Uniwn, tbe nnrk .if tbeir hana, for age. yet to O nus. All Omnipo tent Providence may overrule exiting evils for permanent good. He tan make ibe wraih of mi to nraisa dim. and th. r. aaaioder of wrath be eaa restrain. Let me invok. .very individual, in whatever .phcr. of life be may be placed, lo feel a personal responsibility ta God aad bi country for keeping tbia day boly, and for contributing all In bia poaer lo remove oar actual aud : j- ...!.:.:.. impewwiug eai.uiu.". JAMKS nCCII A AN Wa.biagton, Dee. 14, lrtflrt. A MisrjNDxiiarANDiMM. Tbt lat Uijh Point Reporter baa tbe following : "It ia aoderelood here lhal the nier ebaots and cltiiun of Salrut, N. C, met a few day ag3, aid reaolved not lo take South Caroltaa money, ..... f .. ., - -.. , 1 no aoove ia anogetner a mistaxe. ivo- , Norlb-t'aroliua State boutia a. -thing of tbe kiud baa ooaurred, .od South ; j. tbe first lime, av belive, that ; l' ... Carolina mouey ia taken id our lSanit and j bound bave aold ta low a. Virgin" ior, a far a we klow, at par value. We i but we mu.t bear io mind th it th ' irf da not liks Snuth f'.rnl... nnliii.. k,.t l..r i , .w r-.. , ... money passea currently amoag u., coo.ti luting no imali portico af our circulating vtiium. Tbt Reporter, no doubt, will, ia justice It ibia eomtaanity, tor reel ita etalemsut. Sulft trtt. PREPARE, ANDTFIEN WATCU av , Ti.a more "" reflect upon it tl,e , are eo.fineod of lb aouinluc., of ,h, ,u ' - - "T","", " .t! ; eui,. h tfO OUV OI n u lliuil oei-nuit Hnuth i o uiu . e .i. IT. !.... l . i. P- " ' Hl.ht.,, '. -ill. 8tc,0,. r'ifi.iy. and M. t ..dep,lld(1CB. , H- .'. -. or "ro in.,.. bu, , ,S"I.O.rol,n. and North C.r.li,,,. . t:aarieaion iijcicn! iivi 1 1 .1 t. . - , J ,: .. j ,VP --a -r a --k. uu h, ". ;n be leel. ,b, N,r,hern ..f ' PPl" ". -HI 'I hi. ,. c.uien of h. e.pect entertam,.,, hr Carolina by th. di.un.on orj. io Cb " ' (, , ,,,e,ni ; rreaioni av iunn Carolina th. .aiuillia ih. .... PH? S ?'-: "1 ' '"' - fou,n Nok pne. uun. . rt gret, cn . .1.... Vn..krr. f.i: .... ....g K..v ... ........... .rc,iE. ,m ' eration, prudence atui firuinoi 9" M L.t r T'1' tui " u, ; Utjiot I hat sound and nl,gt,..d ,.- ,k Journal Vwim . , -r t7 di.p,.r " Bive uo the aliiD. while thi-ro .. . . f . " et ra by no mean, d;,r . - ( . ., t - , '? " "'P. " there i, , c. i - . c,ll( , ". ' U -J k' k-l at tl.e ,' ' t. pointed out b, Bi - jh. . .. . from iu f,fi; , . heMtB a. 1 liat t.nMlalfl fll-fltta lit iKal f,-.. tJ . the muit of ;,. of educaiioi, ,M t",bin.1' . ",UUO be cr,ii' ,', '" ."U.ea,,.-., """"" " to be - "P" Pfu " KW.tiv. . the tree plates our au.mn tn .,r that the aud is at band, that the dan 9 l uiuu are uumbered. Our bope, next 14 Provi lentiil ,-',.t lion, rests in tbe taodrraliou of ult in iba aclinu of tbc wise mu a 1, ,. iu P" " ib. .f'VM " ,n" ';" '- . ., , ' " ' 1 "" U avoided, sad if pu..,t,, 'tenrral Government and liirirtr: ahun that wir-l of all calamine, . ... .. arm Meanwhile let paiii'.iir r; i :,, bor to bring the aui j et fully public u.ind, iu a luelbod to avcurc f ... AM I A DI-rU.MOMST' I have bieu atrugliug for w. Mr. Editor, to pri-iriii aud four t,.t t-h - loon which o ir b atbrrs of tb 11 ! "i'k b, s,u as suou t o,..,, : tie aitb our propertv 1 Ihsl longer catcli our ruuaaay urg-toe. I those who aow own hergroes in il.e i 1 of Columbia, and in ail tbe puftue f aacb 1, Navy Yards aa 1 Ar.ru. i. M.er miud if il.ey are right iu tbj a of Ibe Stale, like Fsyetteeille, mist s o. ; ... d ....,, , bl(1.. L.rbortd .L.,. .L.u ... T, ,rrtJ m. f .''g Editor, this erm. to aU- s.es rtir7..r.riz ...r, uf tti... t f,,ra 1:. b, M-r .,bclI o( ,hl) KoVy ,., ., I tm tQ,j ,f , doa l b lU, , lt ; , 4l.MlonM ; .0ll lh t .h ..w ,u ,.,.. ... . . t a.. ... .,,. 1 ,. great aud food men of the ll'to ii i." u iWm,4 land Union, ae must tiriulc up fit ' Jtntt aud in thi. ease, tbo.e whoitnt l , (be tatallishmctjl of Ibis hew I'on U '' god those aho ' u ilut'i ie ut'tt lot- '' 1 tbe proper "diaunionisls ! ' Motrcver, il tt to bav a new Con.tilunon. I , 1K( (.j fc,Tt ( tul 1,1 mvkii 1 r ere the Biaek R-publicaus lbs peop.. of 1 t (be aorid, I would trUit to ("tit " i',,,,.,,,,,,.. I J,..', ii,i.,k 11 ho.t.i.ie tu new Constitution can b. auhuntie'1 to J Am Old d Nor A Nxw Um M" ,stir J ia'-' Fkom Txxah Our Trie, new-ptf show the exialenoe of strong popular le-' cl rt.btai.es 10 the tj:vniuir,it 'L : .hall ds.s into UenuLIicau band. Iu " '.' i of couutie grs.l aocord ..f f-e nu' " presented lo tint The Lone Slat 8 -K'" ; tiuui.. to be rata. d, and earne.t !"' ; made tu tbe Governor to ca l ail it" ion ol tbe L'gilatore. In aoui ee ' I mouatratiooa of a determination to ! p.udently of any other State n tnat'if"1 i.k. k .1.. ...... ... ..a oortio '" , tb w,r Statea-rigbl men .rem lo p 1 mlnl oommon tau.e wnn doin kiog raably, but not f.Hmil " J o oaroael for tha delci-oe ' ! ril.'b'- Any moment in H 1 " ntnogw 4 , lla..in .d I., a alsrw.inailoo I. " 1 - - - - ---- h Mn milk j.Ah.i.l.r.1.1 m aQsieth tf bit speech, ju.t at the close of the " vase be appeara to bt aver.e w tallm 1 1 .1 k kn..ld not b ..j , ,j k., .iin wr kef" ' alreoglb of popular demuu.iralioot ynl. " Stati St.k-kii.-Oo the M'--'" vk v.. l.nnd. sold el7fi. ". . . ...." , ,..1 IM ' t ., 1 1. ... :.. ...i.n,. and ' 1 jegiisturn IS B ' therefore, agitated by ieeeion rep f solution and speeches, ini'i. t j ero.r of Virginia i. opposed 10 di f : exitiug eeue, knd ao are Go 4ipit : Hunter, aad olbtr leading staUia. 1 Btate.