Li:ofSLA1l'lti: or MOICTII G'.Wt- wa. anuounccd as follows : Messrs. Henry, H.t A. Can.dy, JJcMillon, Kelly aud Paiter.on. SKNATK Rmoluvion. Mosdat, Jan. 7th. 1861. I Ry Mr. Folk, resolution instructing the The Seuate was called to order at 11 committee oo tbo judiciary to enquire luto 'clock, A. M propriety of requiring the Chairman of Prayer by Rev, Mr. Aikinnn. ' Common Schools iu lh counties to take au The Speaker stated that the Senaie had f office before entering on their office, t rgularly leave of absence had d ,0 "Port lJ blliir otherwise, been granted to S.natora. bill that do quo- I Tl' rosolut.uU was adopted, rum bavin been present al any time, no : Frocetding-. of public meeting. .0 va busiuese had been ir.n.acud. riouK introduced, read, aud MkUOKlAL Al I'KTITIO.SS. 1 Uld 0,,.,1,e l.Me " ,ollows : . Mr. W eBl!h. a memorial from citix.-n. of ! Alleghany county, relative to the location of a eounly sent. Referred to the commit- lr on proportions and grievances. Mr. Wbilaker, a memorial from the Scot land Neck. Mounted H fl-meo. Referred to committee ou military sffiirs. Mr llorl.r, . manmri.l (V-.m Phunpl H.nd'riok ...H ,W. nf n..,l,nJ couo-'er ty. Referred to committee on proposition and grievance. Mr. Dickson, a memorial from, and pro ceeding, of a public meeting in the couuty of Dupiin. Referred to the committee ou roilit.t y affairs. Mr. Burtou, a memorial from citiiens of Cieaveland county, favoring the call of a Convention of the peopie of u.o S(u. Lies ou the table Vr. Harris, of Ch.thsui, . memorisl mm n,.V,l,n ,.,; :n v eouI1i, of "fc.J r r Jutiv W federal .Lirs L.s in iLe taMe " from Ci. on the table. " On motion of Mr. Humphrey, the Ilou.e ..f,.,l l,..L-. of Vnnli I'.rn. lina certain mouejs eb cted from them by the State, was refennd to the committee on tank, aud currency. u.irfc.rt.f cf ih.' 27 'vctlL' tianv ! The following bills Imeufore intr.dueed forces the positio. that . Convention, com witting . letter from lion. Jacob Thomp- ; " ,kn UP. rtad filft "mfi' ud d"P"d posed of delegate, representing .11 tho son, Commissioner from tho State of Missis-of" iudlcal.ed- . , slavo States, la lsy down an ultimatum of ippi, ith proposition lo print and to con-j smer him tho g-u-t of the Slate during bis . i .. K B-s..s'. rr-ired from the lloue I vrnnoai.... f rai-e a ioint s,lect committee ! ,f6 ..J th. n.,t f .ah I hi..... on slaves i .nd free negroes. Concurred in i : f 11 - II u .11 v;il. ouceruiuit and free negroes were re- trrrt-d to ibis e uniuittee Vo moiion of Mr. ii.edaoe, the bill repor ted by the cominitteo on federal relatiouo iu regard to tbe cad of . convention, was made the ord jr of the day for edoesdaj 12 o'clock Th. snesker announced the foilo.ins con, uiittse on enrolled hills for the present week, via: Messrs Bicunt, Kure, and Lane. ; - " j , IransmntiHi; the lolloaing engrossed bil.s nd resolutions, asking the concurrence of the Senate in their passs!;.. A resolution authorizing J. 11. tioocb , Ute sher.ff eo.oty, and t.le, ' Mj.ey late ghenff of Vt Ke- couoty, to col- ; lect arrearagea of taxes. K- (erred to the : coniwittteon propositions and rievanets. , A bill to allow lc that, a majority of. magistrates to transact bu-iness in the eouu- ; ty of Iredell, Referred to the Juaictary .-.,., A bill to extend the corporate limit, of tbe to n of Ststesvibe in Iredell county. j iverjrrea to wu v,orp..... , tee, reported all bill, referred U the eom - slaves and free negroes, .ski.g to be discharged from their lurther cousid cr.tion. j rcfort i adopted, an. the bills were reterren to tne joiui seitci iOUiuiiwe. ( OB these sul icta ,' Imhokcctmn OK BILLS. 1 Mr. aiker. at bill to incornorate tbe . State Kduoational Association. Read and Tt erred to tbe Cnmmiltee on Kdueation nd tbe Library Fund Hr. Wa;ktr, a bili for the relief of David sou Coi:fe. Read and referred. to tbe Ccmmittee on propositions and grievances.' Hr. Street, .bill to amend tbe ebarter of .be town of Ne-letn. Referred to th. ! eommiiUe on propositions and grievances. ' Tbe bill introduced by Mr. B.ed.oe du-' rn.; ne rcceas, o .eioroiai. . i Wooe. t'.valry, was, on bis motion, read .na pat n tbe calendar. Jlr. aurh, a bill to amcc4 an act enti- tied "an act to cstsb'iisb the County of Al leghany." Referred to the committee on Propositions aud grievances. Mr. Brown, . bill to incorporate the Mil too, Va.ceytill. .ad Junction R. R Com pany. Referred to tho eommillee o. inter- ual iu.provrn.enta. 1 lie Speaker submitted . communication from tbe Slat. Treasarer in r.gard to tbe ' ale of coupon hoods, in to a reso- lution of tne Senaie asking for information ontbi.,et. P.e.d, a-d ou motion of Mr. Avery, rent to the House, witb propo-: it.en to print. ' Mr. Tuousa., of Jackson, present.1 aerie, of resolution, in regard to fetiarsl re lations. Mr. Thoma. made remarks at length, de claring that Lineoln was . usurper, and that Lis inauguration should not be mount led to by tue peopie of tbe United States. Ou motion of Mr. T., tbe resolution, were laid on tbe tablr and ordored to ba printed Oo motion of .'lr. Avery, lbs resolutions , on federal ralatiobs, introductd by Mr. Kr- win, ana in amenumi-ni. inereio, ny .iessrs lisil nd Snar.e, were releired to 1-0 com- mittee.. Kuer.l relatione. Mr. I&tior r.resanleu a sent, of leso u- tion. fro... cituena of Columbus county on . f.deral aflairs. Bead and letcrrtd lo tbe eoinmitue c. federal relation.. BILL. Oh THklSt X-.U.MI HKADI A bill to amind cbapt Ul Rcti.eU Code, entitled " intarual luLiueuienl.'' Read and rejected. A bill to incorporate tbe City of More bead. Oo tbe passage of this Li, I, a debsto .rox between Measr.. Areudail and More head, .nd it wa. finally postponed until Saturday, that being prirate bi.l day xi r 1 urner vrese.'ed a resoiutiou, ask..; for ii.foriuatiou from tb. Governor as to lu motiM of M r. A.ery, tbe S-. nat tktu . ijour.ed NOIVF. OF .;oMM!jNj. The Jlou-e led to o..i S. aaer .1 I''i 0 ci ..-ii. No m.nn by the . jin ebL. 1 be jioii. a.1 of tbe House fiom 20th Deeeitihii to 6tn Jinejiy lust,, i n-ad aud adopt.-d C n.mnt it on t utoli. d bills fur the week briber be bad been a-ked for force, te , tbat are to be so You will puii . ,. , , J , k v. . a . . .1 lbs s.trss. . .L 1 1 V I i b. poor people, -i.n, women .nd 1 ""o'g to the o.ty exoept .om. OiHroiu t.L .1.4 d-fend any of th. fort, on the down tbe Conlederio v i-Vou wnl null down c""0u,i ,uPP'J10o "' of their slowly ; know hew I elcrson is appreciated, let them P4r0t of the school .nd others, children bowed them.el... lo the t.ody Columbia. Tbey are every hour expecting of North Cre.i.a ; if .0, by, ib. Americ.o Constitution npou the Le.d dv"ci"'g eivilustio., tbey bav. al length ! "k the first pretty girl they meet, and tbey ; w J ""'f" ib It! desert, where tb.y were found, .nd offered ' fibt. All tb. buoy, to mark the bsn- aud wbai bis reply t. this application ass of tbe American peop.e and you offer been expanded by the wisdom of this ' "ill be satisfied thai it i. the book. Long tMur, " r"0o"d Jl f ?" l' I U' ,ol,nul ud ferv.nt pr.y.r to God at . fe t.k.B up .nd tbo lights put out at Onmot.o. of Mr. Avery, tb.s resolution yourselves to me a. in. nien to build up a policy, , mil tb. influenc. of th. British may it wave! Three dollar, .nd tweuty- aiui.atio. wa. .ondu' t,dtHotlv Vi.h ss laid ou ihe table. iia.f u.xen .iitie .u.uties, and call ti.em , l . . - - - b..' . 11 , u . . 1.. .... V ..V;!; ' 0 yV " M"liog the .oldi.r. .wore against ,l',ou P''-'- Should th ng. .ontiniie m s; .v.. 1 - 1 .- , t nation ha. becom. the contro line spirit in five cent, will pay for Feter.on a.dlbe vi.w of exhibiting what pap;t bad 1 tb. .avavaa .kn I,... .k i j f, . I,... - .u 11 ...; th. Mr Simpson gave nonce that ha wo-.. I. Conaiitutious. (Applause) I sav to them, ,, h v ,, . ... ,, , l,..r,..t I.-.. l- j rv , loevags. wbo bav. reduced (hie baud of now for three month, it will rum tn. on to moiro. move .0 to amend the runs begone ! you bor trickster. .' you mise..- ,U euuucil. .f modern international f Whig one year. ho 11 b. tbe first t. .ub- J" "a" " "'"g d "vere, end to thi. condition. Sl.le. A blocked, would b. dreadful, for as to ua.u its hour for the of tbe b.e conceited sei ! You talk about puilir." vilixation where civil liberty i. .Hawed s .cribe ? Don't all spoak at .nee. V Pr lu ar branob of atudy the But tbe most horrible sight was yet to be they b.v. no provision.. Ber. ate, 10 instead of 1 1 0 cioek, A. M do. n li.e wo.k tDat tbe baud, of V.'a.b.ns:" voiee. their .h. ! I II .l "V'.lT' g"" lh' ilD"d- 1'b"7 w.rewilhoul fo.d or I J "J. 01 1 ,n ',,,or('- By Mr. I'oinuexter, of a meeting in : Winston, Forsyth county. Mr. Hsucs, by permission, accompauied j these by a few remarks. I Mr. Poiudexter said, in introducing the ! proceedings, 'ht the readinjof them would show thai in that section, theugh the South- ned bad bet!l1 w,fl1 instructed, the Southern heart had not been much fired By Mr. Martin, of a meeting iu SYi.kes. By Mr. While hurst, of a meeting iu Car teret. By Mr. Dickson, of a meeting iu Cald well. . By Mr. Patterson, of a mecing in Or- nr iil ilic.-e proceedings contain resolutions opposing dis-oluiiun for exiting causes; j 'f ibe-n iu f.tor of armn.g the Stale l nd. for re-ihtsnoe to any aggression by lu publican administration Mr. Davis, of Rutherford, offerod . re.o-1 luiion fixing the lime of the meeting aiiJ . iljourmng of tbe Ilou.e, provlaliig lor an ; ""' 'noon se;siou ; and Mr.Fi.mmg. . resolution on the .aw,.; . ' : suhj. ct , both of which lie over uuder tbe, ' id- ' Mr. Merriuiou's bill for the heuafit of nt- ensnics. i. me ...niuimre..; and ordered lo be limited. The Senaie resolution in favor of Johu J f- "-' ,0 eofor.lo I company ' , ' ' tbe juris-' Catherine and Cbari.tte Rnroad Mr. Wiiliamsou's till to alter ciu.n oi ice v.o.iris u. .... .u w, ; ou tne Juuitiary. By. Mr. IIoV'.', . bill to amend the char ter of the western plauk road company. By. Mr. tireen, of Suuley, a bill to pro tect owners of aiamsged stock in certain c.e. lo tbe coin.niltee on t.e judiciary. bills jMaonucsD and head rittST timk. JJ , ir- frumpkr. a hill lo incorporate r.u. tne committee ou internal improvements, aui ordered to be printed. j S. Msrehead and W in II. Arndcll. To committee ou propositions aud grisv- ,Mei. , . 1 be Senate bill bid in favor of the sure - tie, 0f George V. Glars, Ute sheriff of Mo- county. Goes cn the csleudar. 'jba Senate bill to incorporate the Buu- CCUJbe Riflrmeu Volanncr Company. 0o on ,ue csleuuar. m i i I. . i.:. j .'.j. cbap. 31, sea 1 , cjuceruiug Superior Courts gnd Courts of hqaity iu Wase couuty. 0oeil 0D tn cal.bu.r. uu . Rogers' bill to incorporate tho Clu-i r ., , Railroad Company. Uoe. ou the I ltbam calendar By ilr. Jordan, a bill to amend an act , entitled an act to incorporate the Oree.- i rlje tJ 1 rencn uroaa ia:iroaa company. . j-0 tn committee ou luternal improvements H Mr. Bribes. . bill to prevent suu.u- By Mr. Bribes, . bill to prevent eumu-' , l..ifi di-a'jiiitie. aud to erant land uties. j T .n,.,.iu nn il. n.din.rv By tb. .ame, . bill to encourage the im j provem -nt of land. To same committee. By Mr B.rrm,:er, a bill to prevent horse ; stealing. To the emmitiee on the judieiary . Br Mr. Wright, bill to incorporate tbe Fayetteville M'lll Company. To the oom-, miitae on corporations. bj Mr. j iaoBi . bill t charter tb. . Ashviile Bank. To tbe eotnuiiUee 0. bauks ; toJ baking. ! tfj jjr. augn, . biil to re eurvey .no eitablish tbe Una between the eountiu. of Surry and Wi.kes. To tbe eommitteo en t proL-s.liiw aud grievances By Mr. .Love, ot liaywoort, . bill to in corporate the Riculand Iustilute in Hay wood county, lo tl.e committee ou eduea tion. By Mr. White, . bill to amend the re- ?jM(i cjdSi ebilp, ia, set 1, eulitled "Ba. tardy " To the eommitle. on tbe judiciary. By Mr. Martin, . bill, accompanied by a petmo., to .ulhorixe Courts of Fuas and uu.rtrr Sesaion to abkomt three eommis- ,0ljerg l0 each county, lo lay off public ; roads. To the coaimillee on tne judiciary. By Mr. Hill, bi.l to aulhoriie th. hold- in, a Court of Oyer and Terminer in the trinnlt sf n trt slain nn in .l ..; . m. . j... in that county charged wi.b rape aud olb.r felonies. ,.,. , ' Onuiotien ofMr. H.l, tne rui.-as.u.- peudsd and tee bill read tbe second and tnird lixe, passed and or-rtd to bs en-gro-sed and sent to the Senate. ilr. hear. on moved to tans up the rs ports of the committee on feuerai relations, for tb, purpose cf making tLo sam. the .paoil order .or Veduday, 1 o clock m. Agreed lo Mr. Green, of Fra.klin. eave Botioe lbt be .bould move, to morrow, I J 0 clock m , . .. ,1.. i.. 1 1,:... propr,ali,;M fo, ttunh lL. jjt.t.. A messa.-.- .as requites frum tb. Saaate ' transmitting the rrport ef too Slate 1 re- urer, witb the p-opo.iiiou lo prim ; wbiot. CB niotion ot r. lb.,., .as concurred 10 Oa sno'.ieo of MaitL.r, journ.d. tbe liousa ad- Hos. John J. CmiTfc.sbk.v. Hon John J. CmU-udeii, I. bu lat. speech at lu.e pt-udebCe, Kentucsy, was very cavera on tbe ui.ubiobiai.. He .aid in "Dout br.ak my country into frag-, M.U. .uu t... ot little Confederation. menu, auo ia. oi me little Confederatioue ton laid tbe eomsr stone ol ; you talk ol pu.ling do. u the graat gortruuienl made by tbe bands of ravo.utr.uary patriots made r.y ibe bands of .Msdi.'on, Monroe and fiaia.lton, and a I the ieat na' u'ii e iu our early ari'i virtuous'.'" .ou eiu our early and virtuous .ou r i - ' - " ' i..'(5 u neiur g i.uui.-il. (--rr liniii tL.ra u no am 1 ilieil l:,l tt s,f fwiu be it tfa'.iO I usl- 1 U. .,. u.-.iof .join witb -ib- !..... ,1 10 en fmm CHARLOTTE: Tuesday, January 15, 1861. ITK. R. Wakefield, Ksq , of l-rnuir, has cnn. eenteil to set, sad is eur aull.nriaed agent. He; will receise orilrrs for llie Whio, blnnks.r saver- ;, and receipt fur tlie .n.e. Any persons will receive tlie Whio for two dollars. The Weathor. Monday was tbe most disagreeable day of the seaseu. Hail, rain and snow, were tj t,lendBd together. Fedestrians have . (J . periu,bui,tiDg th, Moppy street., , , . . 6 . , feminine, are compelled to keep within doors j .hard fate, but we suppose it's lair it's the ''fate of war." Our Federal Relations. ," " . ,,, . . - ' thickens dailr, and everv new event rein- our T'y''ts and intentious, to be submitted ; to tl.e people of the North for their ratifi- cation or rejection, i. the ouly one likely to ,lCUre ,he barmDy M "P"""00 f border .nd middle States. It is bopefull, believed by the advocates of this position, 6 cover Ircin the delusive spell oi lanaticism, into which it bas been so shamefully and 'sinfully betrsyed by the political dema ' gogues and pulpit infidels, whom the peo- : pic of tb.t exoiiabU .ection have of l.te years, reeoguixed as their leaders in politic, 3 , ,. . 6 . , i .L , , and religion. And, ou the other hand, if w(re t od d btiooh . ' tion on our part, that our esue woold be strengthbned by tbe .auction of . just God, I ind approving world, aud conducted with the aisdom of united council, at bom.. ; . , lbre however, one reflation which j j is calculated to operate ks .drawback to j tu, bope that ia founded o this theory. It! i4 lbal ,Le bi,tory of the world does not I i, . , . .... ,, . ! furuuh an instance in which tbe well-fixed! fan.tieiana of. people was ever convinced of its errors, or softened by paliativvs. On tuo contrary, it i , , , dam, and regard the contrary, it rejects with scorn and die a a. itnpudcuc and arre- g.n.e every attempt to reaso. with it cr to inoiiify it. It. highest victory and great tit ulorv ia t .uffer martvrdoui for its ,..-.,: Starvation is, perhaps, tho only j Pri !" ,0 .ubdu. the rancour of it. fury, But let us indulge in th. hope that experi ,unt r,... rn.. nr nr .i, v, ..u au eletpUoD l0 lb, ru;e thus established bJ b,,torJ lf Bot-,el them have a .ufut of starvation, of war, of, aud of all tbe ills of civil discord and intestine dis- ordtr( ,nd b ,be guilt and eonsequouctl . , . uP,n 'b'ronsered consciences. ' ' Political Consistency. The pride of s.if-cousieteney, when it ia circumscribed within the limit, of reason, good taste, and coruuiOi sense, and based upon a well re -ulstei lov. of truth .nd initio., i. oertainlv a baautifnl virtue in the human understanding. Rut whenever it goes beyond this paint and arrogate, t. it self a supernatural degree of infalibilty, sacrificing truth, iastica. batriotism. and refllsitli 'l .ompromise with th. exigencies of the, times, applvin these principles to the ethics the. becomes the MeIoea of party spirit, and ou-kt to be .. r, 3 , e "I""1' oudea'd "b rabid form. of religion, fabati.ism. He i, .! moral eoward, who, for th. sake of ring his indi vidual consistency , and feariug ,hM l u deaounoed V, W Dd ... ' palitioal mountebauk. as . turncoat and : trimmer, will .uffer his pride of opinion I to imprison his liberty of conaeieuee, and I with folded arms will witness with stolid: i.iuiuareuue iae a jwnian 01 bis country ; The wise and politic statesman, aud the aen- ; sible eilixen will alwav. mould and adar.i their political principle, and opinions to tb. i r f b impending crisis in hi. 1 .ounlry s hi.-tory. Comparing the course I nd policy of nations witb tbe character and du'ie. of individuals, tho bappie.l and most forcible illustration of tbat practical' would have brought pea, lo our distracted sisudard of political cousistency, which an ' country. They may still be won back, and age of utilitarianism demands, may be sup- j we bop. they will be, .nd that all our d if -plied by th. perfect analogy which the his- ferenoes may be healed. lory of the British Constitution furniskea , ,, ! ir thi. purpose. A few rude maxims of j commou sense, suited to the government of a rustic people, by tbe gr.d ual spplic.tion , . : ..a . , interests of peaee or war. It i. this feature .f gradually mo.ldiog aud adapting the of tbe British Constitution 10 tb. progressive expansion of the nation's wauls B J necsssitie. that rives to it .dv.otaees which written coatitutions c.n never pos ' ' " .... n. i -i, ... "K-'"u- - -"oi'.y dav tarrori... wron.s l. lha Israd circumstances of to morrow. It is there j . ' fore the duty of every man, when his pa ' triotisn and bii self oansi-teooy oouie into ' antagonism, to rise above all former parti tan considerations and prejudice, and to leacrifioe the latter upon tbo common altar of the former. These reflections aro thrown out for the beuctit of all parties and persons in a crisis 1 whiob demands saori6oea of ail. "The B9iga of Terror." As has been all along predioted, seces sion has brought revolution. The first gun has been fired, and though no blood bas 'been spilled, the act is fraught with omi nous forebodings. No man oan tell bow long it will be before tbe Atncrioan people i are iuvolved in a war that most releutlesa iB(j remorseless of all wars civil war. The tnion loving people of tba country, or l . darUivel termed, the Union tavers," have strained every nerve to ward off the blow, bat tbey have not beeu heeded. In vain bas the clariou voice 0f tuo illustrious Crittenden been raised it . behalf of peace his entreaties and suppli oations .11 passed nnuotic.d aud his 1 oouasei9 been set at naught. The popular 1 v r niilld of . portioD of lh. South ba. become ; 10 heated and excited that no amount of i.t "n rpint, ihum. Th have shut their eyes and closed their ears, Tbe following gentlemen were then ap , . . ' . . . , . , i pointed . committee t draft resolutions : 1 " re uoimug suori ci lue arourameoi oi iu swoiu. Thcv have "sown to tbe wind," aud we fear that they " will reap the wbirlwind." We hope not, still il .cum. aluioit hoping against hope. Though the cloud, which now overhang our beloved Union seem dark and lowering, wo still trust that the bright sunlight may ! break through .nd disperse them. upoD , , rf je , Surely the sun nd the , ho of U)illioili now jiyin , n of 40UPt. I , tirely blotted out. uoaven in mercy tor - bid, V desire as b.artily .. .oy ouo living, that tbe South .hould have ber rights all her rights aud in ordsr to assure i , , . ... I them, we invoke her, by tne memory of tbat illustrious throng of beroea wboae may ari.e, to maintain tbe constitution as it blood wa. poured out .0 freely to establish' ben banded to us by .ur immortal thi. th..aored a.m. of bin. j f,beri ,r0B,L ,b toeh of f.n.Ho.l aboli , , ... , , , .1 tiomsin an the one band and the interpre- at ernon, to bold on to the in lUreof of h, ,e,e..ioo boo 00 Union as th. only rk of .afety, tba only' the other baud ; and with the issue. b.fore ure brpo. of ber people. Other Coofedar- us, " Union or Disunion," we do declare aoies may be formed; but shall not they, B'1 re,oUe. ... ,, , ,, ,v, . 1st. That we sadly deplore the event too, crumble and fall I What, then, can , . . , , , .- r. . -, ' which bas placed a aectional man to prewe w. hop. for, and whither shall we turn for . ovef our countr far four Jciri fr0IU the safety ? But we hope .till to pas. through ' 4th of March next. But we feel that be this night of gloom, and that tbe sua will t been elected according lo the forms of shin, all the brighter for the clouds which ,b" -'d lH citi- lens, we shoulil acruiece, so long as be b.v vbscired it. ( re.i.ains couiV.onoM'resi'lent. B it if t ie worst must come, if the Union 2d. That we have entire faith in tho mud be b' oken into fragments, m tbe name . q rclJ0U 4nd coalll0n lel ,he whole South go together; let ber be unite 1 Faiul as tnaj be the hope, she might then, possibly, hope to westber tbe storm ; oih j rwiMi bjt wreck and ruin. We hope for th. best, we i "u ' , Flring into the Star of the West The steamer Star of the West, which was dispateh.d by order of Fresident Uuoh- . . , . . , .Din with traons aud Drovision. lor the . ' ' , ' . a a,u o: ,ujcr Anuer.on, -F ". reaciieu uer ucm.ui.iqd, bum vu . -. st in .(tempting to effect, landing, was . fired into by the fotce. at Charleston, and so disabled that sbe was compelled to with- draw. Abe wa. struck by two nans, one ' on tho bow tbe other on the starboard ' marler. between th. .moke stack and the . engine beam. Nobody wa. hurt. Ingoing out, she .true on lie bar twic. ..n leaving tne narnor soe reoeirau .tin., parting shot from Morris Island, butall,for umor, of sculiment. "Behold bowiwen, women .nd children, who bav. been fell short. i Tbe latest despatches from VV.rhington ' y that the ..earner Brooklyn had left Nor- ; folk for Charleston. She was Iter. , . ., . , k, n , by ihc government. She will undoubtedly fall in with th. Star of tbe West, .nd both . I vessels will immediately return to Charles- : ton. Warm work is anticipated if be people of Charleston fire into the Brooklyn r . . , . There are breakers ahead. Secoding States. Within the last week three State, of this boiou ive sceu proper 10 ..... ..ou. the Confederacy, to wit : Mississippi, Ala bam. and Florid. We make this an - nojncemeut with unfeig.ed regret. If they 0 ' had seen proper I. ..til th. whole of lh. Soulhern Slate, could have beeu con- suited, w. have but little doubt that ao adjustment might have been effeotcd which Petorsoa'8 Magazine. Fefer.on.the ioiinitable aud unapproacb-1 ble, is .gain on hand, as fresh and vivsciou. If .... r ' ...A . North Carolina Planter. Thi. valuable publiuation bas appeared. in . new aud enlarged form, and i. its pres ent shape, is worthy the support of our agricultural fii.nd. It ia devoted to Ari culture, Horticulture, Pomology .nd Fiori- eui.ure, .uu .out...,, ,o ..rg p.gas. 1 un-- .......,, ,, , hd in Ki h A M !!.. "" cents. Seu.I 00 y.ur names. ' 1 t.,.wm Man-a-in. Tho Jar, number" of ibis sterling msesiinn of foreigu literature baa been re oeived. It. contents ar. varied, and of . deeply iuteresliug oh.raoter. In addition to tho roading matter, it contain, a couple of very beautiful eiubelli!uuenta : King Henry tbe VIII. Anne Boleyu; and the Divorce of the Empresa Josephine. Eaob number of the Kcleotio coutalna 144 large octavo Dsies. with one or more beautiful, engraviog. Fiice Address W. Bidwell, 5 Keekmao street. New York. II. rR TH K N. C. WHIil. UNION MKKTINO IN MKCKLKNBURU. According to previous notice, . large and respectable number of the citiiens of Mocklenhurg county, assembled at Wallis' Stesui Mills on Friday, the 21st Deember, for the purpose of oouferring upon the great questiou which is now destroying th peaoe ot our country .no tureateuiug .uo ry ezistciiea ui our uieiiuau uwivw. On motion of J. R. Gillespie, the meet ing was organisad by cslliug R. L DeAr uion to the Chair and appointing T. A. Wilson and 1). F. Dixon as Secretaries. By request, J. R. Gille-pio explained the I 0'wjMl ' meeting in . fe.v very a priate remarks. Oen. J. A. lonng j J.ed f re,poudt(1 iu . ry ,0 j and patriotic .ddresj, which was listel oojeet ot the meeting in . Itw very appro being nuent listened to with marked atlemiuu "jJ. R. Uillespie, Jno. MoAuley, Jas. (Juery, , j0jn yvi,t Thomas Kerns, John K . W al- lace and YVm Barrett. Sr. During tho 'e.ce of the Committee, Col. H. VV. Alex audcr addressed the meetiug iu his usual seusjhle and appropriate l)lo. J. R. tiillospie, cliairmsn of tbe commit- tee, reported the following preamble and resolutions, which wre uoauim u.ily adopt ed : Whereas, S'omo of our 8tatoa LeiiiL.' disaffected towards the (ieueral Gov- urnmeut, in consequence of the persistent bosiility of the .North against our p.-eulur ; rignts ana m.titutions, ana tne election oi a,ul ,uu ice rresiuem ; buu wnrreas, a ; tur) of Qur ,oriou4 eiJytruuseat U in- j evitahlc. unless the conservative spirit whiob we hops is iu every State more or less, be arouseu to its proper positioo to animate , . ' " . . dutie., to rebuke with . brm .nd Ueliberaie band. .11 faction, from whatever source it ability of tbe constitution to correct present evils or prevent any future aggreion that may arise, if its injunctions are strictly obayed. But in this dirk hour of our fo litical trouble, we kiow other an chor that will moor us int4 . psaceful harbor. If the Executive arm should prove reereaot to its trust, we appeal to tbe legis lative; if this fails, we appeal in atronger terms to the judicial powers, (the grand palladium of our institution ;) and if this becomes sectional in dissensions, we juvoke lb. spirit of our revolutionary fathers to "uu ' ur revolution with delav. .,,.,. . O0- our duty as patriots and not a. p.rtixsns to look into this matt.r "u au ... uurvju.iccj eye Tkat we do feel that the perpetuity of the "V .-1.,. 17. . i . ; . wnoae jutri),uc 4re l00 notoriou, l0 bo Ullt taken. 4tb. That we as North Carolinians, do 001 diout8 ,0 ' 0,b""- bul fraternally er.licn(1 from lUve Sute ts-liewir that we have a ooiuiiion iuti rest, and be .u lue.r oesiiuy la ours, we ask guou a.. j uow i.eanaiii n is ior brethren to dwell together in uuily." On notiou of Gen. Young, the following' resoiuliou WM adol,tB(j . Ke.o!ved ThattheSt ,- . . Una cannot bu an ind, ate of North Carti indifferent spectator to vent., .nd that the same Frovi - Hmo. wbirh i... ae.r .lis... 1. . .- r " " " ie e II b . , 'V , ,uost prudent ouncl'llors Tn .'..7.? . ' j p'or. the lth 0 M.y ) iu order that she I I . . .. mas he 1 k.. j b.r right. .0 any t-mcrgeney, and that .be may afford to her citu-ns that protection anu secerny wni -.ti eventually may not be found under the sejis of a tarmral ..r.,. men: 01 me .-lates The proceedings were ordered to be nub- ! '""e-1 l"e i.narioite papers, and all pa- 1 . pera favorable to tbe Lui ,0, and also that I .copy bs lent to our member) of the Leu- R L DKARMoN, Ch'n F. Dixon, T. A. VYimon, S.-o '.. FOB TIIK N. C. WIIM. STEELK CkEEK ACADEMY. This literary institution was .onme.ced in September last, by Mr. J. Thoi nmn.nn feaoher, . graduate of Davidson Collez..! 1 win, th. mt.ntioa of making it a first class .u, (. ,, I"""' lwu 01 young men to A. ex.min.tio. of th. nnril. ... t.j ' ..!?-', ' ,b.PP' WM bd Friuciple. were const. ally .ought through out the examination, and tbe .u.ila sera ready to produce tb.m as soon .. required, claarl. .....i.. .k.. .k. t .... ' . ; ."""-" upon.nousiy, and ou. lady ate two of ber own The leal and anilaiiar! tb. h..rf,.l ! fkL'IILV. .'f...'. ??. " ." "d ...J: r .. . . ".. . 01 ins .urn a 11 l.tius th.r .... 8 t,ro,r.u . -?. . .'. . . r- . Z " "V , aa.. enure ire.uom Irom that dsjr.i 1 I baetwardn... .nd timidity which 1. the ( I ban. of .imil.r exhibition, in .o many ..-..-and lb. boUncs. ....... ... ,i, evidence that, of borr.blo brutality. When w,n the preparation for that duty was thorou gh ,.rnment lake aome .on t. g,r,i and eom.lete. Iu short, ibis Academy is tect our emigrant roads to the FoiBc,,u I eomnlet. success, and broau-e of Ih.t, A ruur has a so re.ehud here tl1lt' an ' fact Zt it is loc.ted in on. of the J Flathead Indians in the Jii.tor Uoo, healthiest region, an whre in North Caro had risen, and were g.v.n,. grCat lloubl lin. and in", community which yield, to Fort ( wen. hvcry thiug bus he, ,J0( none in Us el.ims to moral and religious Colonel W right, e .uder 0f i:,U it eommends itself to the favor-, that . human, and noble coa .bl. consideration and patronage of all mandcr could do, and much c,e,l,t U c ho desire to bar. their .on. and ward. lb. nffi; era ... troops under Calltlill u educated just a. they . for their eflic.eut .id ud k.nduu, ,0 Tbe session for the curreni opened the first Monday in January. PUKSoi w n i ivTliV taiuo wr a ti.s v-vv.. YABINOTon, u a, Tho President eut in to Congresi to-d.y his tuessSL'e on tbe affairs of the country. II. saya : He regret, to say that mat-j i;ou cj bo were appointed as bis in ters, instead of bcooming belter, .re still aers by th. bovereign Coustiiuiiuo , n ... BHIl knsa ii diminished. idaea sine.. Tba l'ollowiii.r i.IT, '.. .:. . r: .7.. ' ...J:.:..,.f sn.,.h rti.u'.iug ,iuo vu...--- - liua, he .aya llicre ean oe no oiurr auc. i . . ..... .... .......... r.rr.1.., live nut 10 ooneos sua r - - - - tb. public property, o far as practicable, uuder existing law.. ins ouiy is 10 cicvBH a.i . the law. - He .ay. .t th. opening of the session lie ..11.4 in l, il.nuura In tl.a IIitiNa. aud recommended such measure, of relief a. be believed would base the effect of tranq.iilixiiiir th. country, and save it hom lb. prils it had and uufortuu- alely been placed. It is not necessary to repeat this opinion and reoommennaiiou. His convictiou then expressed remains un changed. The right and duly to use the military and naval force acainst those who illegally asail the Federal Government, are clear ana inillsputanie lUI tuu presciu rtaie w. thinus .re bctoud Ks. outive control. We are in the midst of a great revolu iiou. anu ne recommeuua . i5n meet the present ctnerg. ucy. To it is re served tve power to declare war anu 10 re mQ,t grl,Dees that might lead to war, country. Us them rcta the respoRsiniiity. After eulogiiiog the blessings confeired by the Union, he sy : Should it perish, tbe calamity will b. fe'.t as severely iu the Southern as in the Northern Stales. Tbe seression movement was chiefly mad in a. appreheu-ion, as to the sentimsnls of . majority of the Northern stales I .1.. I l. .r.,..f-r,.d from lh. assomhly to the ballot box. 'lb., people will redress their gri.T.u... Iu 5, r i . .v . i i it i lleav.u name let tbe trial be made before . ,i ,i i . . v , vi'..M .k., M '..k r. .i;.,. i.., I Mi . (. . .. a at.neala la to sav in their iniwkl that lb. ... mut be nre served by all constitutional means. He recomoiends t Cougress to devoir themselves to prompt action with the visw to peace. Division, on the line of 3U 3.) is suggest ed at delated to produoe an adjaaimsnt. It is an imputation on members of Con gress to aay that tb.y will hesitate for one moment Tbe danger i. oo us. In aevcral S.ate. , fort, and arsenal, b.v. been, eiled by the forts and arsenals have been seiled by argr.saiea Cngra alstl4 audaAr to give tbe difficulties n pecc.ful aolution. He status his reasons why be had refrain ed from .ending troops to Charleston har bor ; believing that this would nave furnish ed . pretext, if not provocation .nth. part ..f South C.rolin. for acarciun. Ref.rrin2 Major Anderson, h. ..y. Moultrie, bav. held that Fort for more' in. i onicer ooaid no', be lore be leit rort . i . , , ... . , . - than 44 or 60 biur.. Ha bad warned his eonntry of the dsn he fell that bi. dutt had been faith ; fa, , ,b,ueh iniperfMil. performed, .nd Has Mn.m .K.l I.. ..II l..s 1., country. 1IURRIBLK INDIAN M A 3. S ACRE OV URhtjON KMltsRA.MS Fort Walla Walla, ) Washington Territory, Nov. 8, 1 'ditl. Tbe command of Captai. Dent, United S'.te. Arniv. bas iust reached thi. noim e. j rroin the scene or lb. I.te Indian m is.acrs, sk! near Fort Bjisn, bringing with him twelve near fori Ujisa. brinciOif : rescued irom mis massacre, which bas been on. of the saddest wbicb baa ever occ.rred emigrant route. i a uqso wre.tT.ia.. urea. urea wrro louno 'lm0,t uled. "d eating the dead bodies , "l"'"" u" D" "".-sereu, ana eating 1 " " ' " "J- wn uays. 1 do party uuru bcred lorlt lour 1 "( wbicb twenty ni.e were mas- 'cr,d bJ fifl,B ",eJ- They had moved 'ro,n. '',col,' P to Fort Hail where they ...,,,1 ,,..( j.,...( .... ' nuuis, uu. 01 wuica swen.y-ui.e were mas- received an eseort of dragoons, who fuarcl I f- t0 "'V SD"n F,1''v ot' River, when th. dragoons turned back; tb.y were leit alone for three hundred miles, rben tbev expeeted to reach Walla Walla, iv. 1. ISear 1'ort Uoise rhey were attacked ly from one hundred and fifty to two bun- dred 3uake ludians They fought for two : 'ulbd to bav. that though it should co.l day., when bnding iheir ni.n falling, they , ,b' ,n 1,,(M' De"- abandoned everything aud fled for their! It is awful to contemplate the Reign f lives. Th. next day they saw by the smoke Terror. If a Norther, man were to el tbat Iheir train had been destroyed. Tbey Pre" himaeif against them tbey wo. Id hang moved on for s.seral miles 00 loot, the biiu in n bour. Bui they argue the wot er mothers, many of them carrying their in-i""' Dd pleasantly with .Soulhern uiu. fauts at their breasts, until they esme to . I express myself freely against their coar. small creek lined with berries, where they . ' ll0J bop. North Carolina will .oan be wilh remained for five week., until the troop. them. found them. Two men bad made their es- I The leading object evidently i, to rusk, cape and rave the inform. tion. unon w hioh i Charleston a Southern New York, aud llicm- l'.n U'ri..k. .J I ' . relief. r j Tbe troop, moved rapidly, and when they eame p witb th. emigrants it is said the . J V J , V" m"1 ' lh' "dd..! spcetaoie that bum.uity ever wit. clothing, and bd mad. ahc'ler for tb-.a- seives out 01 willow ani grass, and the in- faut. tba-, bad been left after iheir mothun had bee. m.iosrJ -...... ' , . " -..-..... .ouuu ui ns.a ro..siin unon tho I " ".oueu tuein. 1 n.y said it fi.. ,.,1 .1. , ..." . . . - . umil starvation diove them to it reduced lo l.v. upon ba.... flesh, and ib.l, - - .r- r'-"' "e. 1,1 -e THE SOUTH CAROLINA RKITulk . Tbu sovereignly of 8omb Caroli... -turning hi, fositiou as be.d of a i i.or i, poiideut Uullon ins, Governor Fiokcn. bas form id Kni net oy uiviuing tun uuues ot lliu Ktcc J administration among tbe members f t l ' . . :t ,n --v.. ... uiauo y,( - ( morning ; . I C- f 1 r i i"'j , yj -". u. Jlijjf, i.n Judge cf the United Stales Di.trj,. jCouil.. Hi. duties are to regulite imc course win. oiutr un.ii.uu rortfijjn i0l rs, to make treaties aud appoint Coiuuia, I Hicrtluty of W .. J.v F. Jjj. .1 U.....l " ( 1,,, charge of all the military ojersiiou . , proUal ud defud tb. Stale. ii,c!us "'cludiiu tbe necessary military operations Htcret iry of the Trtntmy fj ( Meunnper, w bo was the CommisHjMr G i r r.vMvr tftf by South Caruliua, last .inter, to ur, tl operatiou ou tue part oi tl.e jjiia;UIC irginia. I I'otm,titer Cnitml. V. H.r'I, I . ... l .. n . . " is.j.,ui.d (be duty of regulaiing o.ii; alr and .uperintelidlug ligi.lliou-r.. ; ziecirtuiu of Interior. A (! i: - l01)i , arg aitboMer from tbe up-.-r ,f uuq 0j tho M'. 1 lie duties i,. - ,iui gre t fl superxis.oo of - n., including the militia m.J , p0iiCei(jr ,be .JtU-nce of Cbarie.iun. i'be members of tbe Cabin, t l.a.e .,., eil ou their duties and are p.'spating lo oi gamto their several Uepartuieiils, LKT1 ICR FROM MR V AN. tY The Hon. W. L. Yancey is t-ut in a it; in which he rays : " 1 hope thai Georgia and Alaha.m- '" " agi.r .-...e. win n,l ,uud aeperats and i. ,.o,i....s n' f'a'" lt'" " ' Sj'Ji.crn Liberties A .Mini i . it , ., , as.uri.ily, aeeede first, and niska tfl .ri. eooreiatiou f-.r a ioutbcrn Co.f Jrr.f ' :'"lerw.rd. .So pr comprou. ! amend ii.eiits to tb eoiMlit.tiou. oo rruff t 1 I '" - f1"!1'"" g.r.oi..., em delay her .,, for iudiuuebee a ruomaut. I here i. del'aer in our fui.Jau.enUl law ; ti.rrr!.-. it needs no alieraiion. Th. great dtf.,i in tbe I linn is the puolio consji. ro education oi me .lormer. masses upon ti sls.ery eji.-.ti .n, which beget, an irreoi.e labie and irrepressible conlli.l betsr.s t lis in tad that iuatituiion, an 1 of tn belwe.n lli. ru aud all f onstilutioual p protect that iiMt.tution. Wn PS,U" T'r ''"' ciec.-c ana eraiie.te sucn educsti'.r .li can th.n propose new gaaranties, it n.:..t be wort, our l piie and ooi1i?r them but not till then. In the linai;. of my far-seeing, deep thinking anJ Uit Jdge UeuLiug. there a : J"1 .'" - U lb. b j I f the tout ' th S.-"lb. iuJ ,b' I.def.i.i- .Boa l The reader can s from the for to .hat lenxths some of our Southeiu nu. .. bor, ,ro dl,p,Mj w 0 ' ThinOS AT Til. .S'.UTII. W. base a l )r letter from. North Carolinian, a observer .ho baa been traveling ihreua ' ail lb. Southern St a tea except Texs., a... write, tb. result of hi. observation. ' fr, ; Charleston on the :id io-t Want of room , ohlit-es us t. eendcn.e bis statements : j ' I he aeerasion feeling is strong in !I tl , "''t exerpt Arkansas and Texas, wbicb I E bow. Lot will .land no j ..uuu.. in an tue oiaics tx-rp. ; Sou,b C.rolin. there is .0 tlrong a dim- I i,a lb" "tmost caution will bo oseci- f' ..wuo.w among inrmsciTn. ! ' bc t'rea,at exertion, have been made to j,'."U T'P inAlabarr., Misiiffi, 17 iiuw u - ' disuuieo that is aimed at Let only a : - - w ,tl "J"" , r""l"' . .u. a sues I, ao , terms that they know j 1" Charleston, bu.i , excitement ia hetond v.nissinej, mui iney win ueuisuu ill not be granted. usiness is at . stand ; tU excil.ment ia beyond description. Reflect ing men seem sad and desponding, but Young America fuil of lire .nd fight .Nx bumlied negroe. .re at work en tin fortifications, lf an attempt is made to re- j t'.t.rce .'laj. ad lerson . eoiifiiot I. certsin. ""7 b,T" every ihing bu'. FortSuinter, ai.d ...1....,.., I .I..'. .1 1. : ...... f 1 free trade, dir.ct 1.. ..J ' tbe .lav. trade, will ,uit the other Souther. . Stales. Many are inoviug tbeir families to i Su 'dr.d men .re ander drill, ..d tber. .r. 11)00 winut. men, l ! A Frkjhtful Fact. Starvation is tr- mg sixty thousand persons in the f.ce in New York city. The fund, at in 1 1 :n . . . . . ' . -.. u.uu win give 10 e.oU ol tbeai lor lt.e Wiu- t.r .Uvea dollar, and aixtv .even clothing, .nd shelter, until spring, or tb.y must suoromh .....Ur tl..;,;.. . . s darker hue is added to the terrible pietur. when w. consider the exceeding unlike'i- tbe wimer .. past.

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